Red Food VS Blue Food Challenge | Mukbang with Only 1 Color Food! Crazy War by RATATA BRILLIANT

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julie's at the vending machine dang one sugar rush please it's raining candy ah the storm caught the two ac's eyes jealous much i know i'd be hey okay yeah we'd like a turn no uh we want the candy oh what's the harm [Music] one two three go whoa tracy stacy is that you i smell a red blue challenge what'll it be omg gum wow my favorite flavors but first a quick switcheroo is in order ooh strawberry surprise let's dig in [Music] uh did we buy the extra stretchy flavors stacy must have used her fire powers i want to try [Music] here goes nothing wow [Music] yes it worked it worked what's this a blue oreo weird but i bet it's totally tasty what better treat to go with a blue oreo than some fresh blue milk where'd that come from a yeti an alien i need answers time to wash it down time for the next surprise what do we have here wow i'm betting there must be something else in there candy okay trusty chopsticks don't let me down what did i just say hopefully that didn't catch anyone's eye um whoopsie okay back to work again you better stop before someone gets hurt this is what it's come to truce please [Music] beak coolio red and blue nutella what could be better just a taste won't hurt what oh catapults yeah you know what that means tracy loads up fire tracy lands a perfect shot high five my turn i was a champion in my class get ready shoot oh yeah the shot of a champion one more try ready steady i don't know if you missed the memo [Music] no no no no more tries wait i'm innocent [Music] where's the next challenge i wonder what's taking so long wow i can't believe my eyes whoa wow yeah so cool a huge twix who knew they made them that big let's open it i think that's a great idea okay really i had no idea they made twix this big but now it's red and blue you girls are so lucky i don't think you're gonna be able to eat this in just one sitting i don't think that's even possible um and it smells so good looks like that blue lady has another idea let's fight okay look at you girls go where are you going red haired lady oh she has an idea charge watch out here comes the red vengeance it's like a medieval sword fight ah you okay val how about you amy well that was colorful wow so many sweet treats you have to get the toilet paper out from under the drink without breaking it it's pretty hard oh man you were so close trace well you still get to eat those pebble candies mmm they're tiny but delicious oh yeah ready to play oh man that didn't go well but it won us oda oh boy stacy was so thirsty hits the spot okay i think it's tracy's turn again all right tracy nice and steady dang flabbit [Music] whipped cream and it's not for eating do it nice look girl stacy laughs at trace's face you go now slow uh oh it broke at the wasabi this is much worse than the whip okay [Music] you look ridiculous wait it's hot hot hot have a drink girls you deserve it good morning girls what's on the agenda today like your red comb valve how did that happen your hair is literally red what you got amy love that blue hair beret wow your hair is blue now what's going on i didn't know they made edible combs and now you have red lipstick on um i honestly need to know where you girls buy your hair supplies wow i love donuts whoa now you have blue lipstick [Music] [Applause] whoa cool your dress is red your turn names it's magic look at that blue dress we got a red and blue challenge let's go open your treats yeah ah red sandwiches so delish [Music] blue burgers awesome idea melanie pulls out a mouth guard can you eat your food like this that'll be quite the challenge are you up for it rina dang mel you're good more more rock star okay okay watch this reena stacks up for sammies up to the sky and now squish the revenge of the blue birds coming soon the theater's near you fail oh reena you've got a little something everywhere you first blue girl is that a huge blue marshmallow on a stick wow you got a red one val yum hey what in the world live worms red m m's blue slime and jelly blue worms holy moly we have to dip our marshmallows in there okay both at the same time uh-oh blue girl good job redhead you scored val red m m's [Music] on the other hand aims not so much i wonder if that slime is even edible look at yours i think i won um not so fast what's this oh no more [Music] are those fake fingernails ketchup blue nutella and sprinkles we are not done yet second tip time yes sprinkles girl oh no val i think this challenge has gotten a bit harder those sprinkles sure look pretty girl yuck no thanks redhead well you have to taste it now let's get this over with val don't chip a tooth yeah you okay how are you amy oh no pringle time i think you guys need to switch though no much better so excited yeah me too girl me too well how is it give us the rundown whoa not only were they good they were super hero good wow well that was not what captain america used his shield for but i'm sure he wouldn't mind that is amazing let me try no way no prob she's got her own bam take that stacy what powers did you get one sec more like one millisecond stacy is moving at the speed of light hey girl what one more thing try to keep up trace even our cameras can barely keep up with this chick hey cola hey thanks here have some [Music] what a super feast cheers enjoy heroes you go first oh a chunky kitkat yum those are so good enjoy val looks good you're calm let's see what you got amy oh my a giant kit kat it's so big you are really winning all these challenges girl val is red with envy too do you get it the girl has an idea oh cool a magic necklace or is this a tick-tock video construction blue-haired lady at your service this sure is getting messy look at all that blue chocolate flying through the air oh no poor val amy you did a great job it's a really normal candy bar size now perfect i'm sorry give me snacks chips yeah we lucked out well reyna did just a single can for mel oh it's minuscule reena knows a bowl will be perfect here pour in those chips it's party time so crunchy so delicious don't stop here keep them coming i think we're gonna need a bigger bowl and almost time to munch on hooray clear that table [Music] doesn't get much better than this does it nope don't be sad mel you've still got some yummies in here it'll just have to do [Music] so good reena makes fun of our girl how rude ugh not everyone is as fortunate that little can will be history soon [Music] a mini remote how peculiar what do we do here press oh man mel can control reno with that tiny thing amazing press press rina's moving every which way oh yeah idea watch this mel makes rina give her her chips oh that's harsh enjoy the crunch [Music] thank you for your generosity blueberries mmm yum sorry reena no [Music] what is it oh my gosh the drink looks like the freaking sky amazing taste it [Music] lava cola jeez that's gotta be fiery hot let's try it out stacy's still working on hers and it's real good shall we pour it in a fancy schmancy glass [Music] oh my gosh it's so hot it glows like magma i'm really scared for those taste buds of yours tracy a moment it set the straw on fire i have a feeling this is not fda approved plan b a metal spoon it can't melt metal right wrong dad wrong well now what do we do oh tracy grabs stacy's ice drink it will be the only thing that can cool it down oh man i don't think this is supposed to happen you might have triggered something it's getting hot in here check out that glow so freaking cool but i don't think it's a great idea to drink it sheesh tracy helps herself to some blue drink thanks stace [Applause] yum let's try them delish ooh blueberry even better this reminds me tracy is stuck choking down her greens while julie gobbles down candy uh do you think i could get some of those oh sure here they make everything taste better well maybe not everything [Music] it somehow got even worse idea these will do the trick on some non-broccoli looks good stacy wants to make it even better yes everyone knows the reds are better oh wow thanks stace well what are you waiting for dig in good eh mind if i try oh sure sure skittles coming right up nice plastic flavor it's ready for you one last touch so [Music] what whoops there it is thanks a lot tracy yeah hey what on earth is this just my special recipe [Music] lots of colorful boxes just waiting to be opened by our girls [Applause] kelly chooses a red box just like her colors and here we have best candies ever let's dig into that crunch shall we enjoy cows you got so lucky mary you go come on girl blue crispy chocolate the yummiest of all time enjoy missy she does not hold back what's next purple looks like kelly can't open ones that are her color red paint nice idea if we paint the boxes they're our color now all the boxes are red meaning all the treats are kelly's mary will not stand for this she can't open them but it's no problemo for kelp all the candies are hers hursers wowza enjoy [Music] cookie chocolates and yellow vanilla cookies too feels good doesn't it kel [Music] oh yeah dig in and savor these delicious sweets best day ever nom nom nom what is that kelly your nose is green as all these candies from different colored boxes are no good for you to listen to that warning kelly what we've got a rainbow emergency now what is this peculiar substance girls you thinking what i'm thinking oh yeah find these things in the jelly and get the yummy prize kelly found the first item a rainbow poppet anything else puppet number two found oh yes awesome sauce mary's still having trouble dang it got it gelatin special for kelly you're welcome kelly's stuck because of the jelly powder this gives mary the chance to get her goods oh yes looks like mary's in the lead now winner enjoy your lunch but i'd recommend a good hand washing first oh oh no philly's jelly is all over mary sammy what a disaster sorry mayor karma's at work here darn it [Music] what's up next here we go wowza an empty baby bottle and little candy balls let's see what red has wow the same thing open one of them up val is that blue slime candy i think that's just blue slime yuck your turn bluesy [Music] cool skittles yum shake it up wow now it's a strawberry drink look val [Music] put it in here you're up again red yeah let's do two at a time shake [Music] wow you girls are making one tasty drink this is a lot of fun wait what is that tabasco what ew hey girl do you see this see i got a bad one too it's your turn just do it amy it's the rules shake it now pour okay looks like it's time to drink make sure to screw the tops on good cheers you first blue girl how is it ah hot let me have some of your drink to cool me down okay what are you up to red girl take a quick drink oh no somebody unscrew the top of their bottle oh val drink up at least it's easier to drink with a top off hey you two ready boxes i wonder what's inside these colorful things only one way to find out glistening cheesy pizza score reena a hug a tiny pizza and a big box is this some kind of cruel joke i am not laughing it's gone in a single bite now let's slice up this mega munter right on look at those giant slices yum yummy reena gets an idea dino form she begins making all shapes in that big pizza and look dino-licious keep it going so adorable [Music] wow the whole thing's been used to create this mini cheesy dino army pizza saurus rex on the skewer you go [Music] mal notices the mess how did she miss the making of the prehistoric kabob so sorry rina doesn't have time for excuses [Applause] next up kinder surprises wow ooh never seen them in those colors before nice one two three fight not bad at all stacy is going in for seconds thirds sports oh i know hey what are you planning to do with that carving a candle strange but all right oh now i get it she went for the bait wait that wasn't supposed to happen she finished it and liked it what this soap ought to do the trick yeah gross once again she is unfazed this has to do it nice paint job wait for the crunch ah there it is [Music] what is this i must have forgotten to cook it [Music] i'm excited to see what's next what what empty plates that's no fun oh my wait your plate's alive val i'm scared to look oh cool a blue cupcake cupcakes are the best and val you got a yummy looking red one too wow they both look so good wait what are you doing girl don't smush it oh my is that candy falling from the sky is your cupcake actually a prize button wow so cool it's raining blue candy blue oreos milky ways bounties m m's and more your turn girl let's see what you get pal oh your prize button seems a little off girl maybe your button is broken i'll tell you one thing it sure is messy oh no it's all over your face looks like the blue lady won this one i will say red definitely looks good on you princess can't wait for this treat gigantic red burger lucky ducky stays look at those red rubies on that thing [Music] deliciousness oh yes all right trace you oh me oh my beautiful aquamarines on this cake look flavors this is for you to decorate your foods with how amazing let's begin oh yeah baby tracy begins with two sweet sauces the more the merrier keep it coming those colors even look good with blue sweet stacey's got spicy flavors on deck oh yeah wait prank time stacy decides to spice up tracy's cake and of course ketchup doesn't do well with that stop you ruined my cake says tracy that looks nasty stacy you're devious but trace will not leave it at this watch out some blue sweet sauce straight to her face gotcha stacy's makeup is so ruined and she's coming back at ya watch your eyes wasabi does not agree with them i think this is a full-blown food fight get your popcorn everybody this is a total mess you two look absolutely ridiculous wearing every color over the rainbow glad you two are laughing ah good times all right let's go get cleaned up popsicle party yeah blueberry flavor for tracy then strawberry for stacey let's start last one to the center is a melted popsicle [Music] dang stacy sure is fast there's gotta be another way not sure i follow oh bingo bango bongo what [Music] that thing sure is melting good thinking trace you better hurry stacy at this point t is one gulp away from the wind done bottom's up and finished ah refreshing you know what they always say work smarter not harder [Music] here wow you each get to decorate your own wonderful cakes how exciting is this let your minds run wild okay where to start kelly begins to disassemble the cake here and on each layer put on that whip [Music] sweet fluffy deliciousness now the rainbow candies totally awesome oh yeah taste the rainbow great idea mary you go mary's turn to add a layer and her special taco icing so freaking good this thing is going to be perfection once these two are done lay it on almost done here after this we'll need a treat to go with it any ideas mary's on it strawberries what a great idea those will be great with chocolate my mouth is watering how soon will this masterpiece be ready i can't wait much longer pile on those toppings oh yeah delicious blue layer that should be it every single candy was used she tells mare to get some silverware and while she's not looking kelly takes the cake for herself hey so uncool fine mary bites out the bottom kelly's cake is shrinking again oh no cake to the face what a bummer gotcha good oh my open up bright red pasta gets a fork to pick up her food slurp slurp it's good tracy's mouth is burning hot hot idea super whipped cream and a fire extinguisher this sweet should cancel out the spice go go that looks good but it's a strange combo stacy smirks she likes the spice tracy isn't done with her sweet pasta she adds two more syrups my gosh girl this is starting to look like you went a little bit overboard yeesh almost done there's more syrup than pasta in there time to eat is it tracy approved looks like it is enjoy your foods girls and steve i'm impressed by your spice resistance tip tower say less we're going on a trip okay girls you can begin mary cracks up in the crunchy snack yum yum don't hold back kelly likes the sound of that dig in hip hip hooray what a blast of flavor best challenge ever you coming back for more absolutely and so the girls continue to make their way down the mountain [Music] whoa this is quite the surprise but who gets it i think we're going to run into some issues here both girls want to taste all to themselves oh no [Music] no all the rest of the chips are gone who is that you two so blew it and now big buddy over here gets the treat of a lifetime oh man [Music] sorry ladies they say just let him have his day open those trays a button how strange a blue one farina let's press mo goes first [Music] look fancy schmancy server is here to fill you up with sweet treats [Music] [Applause] yum those look delectable go on i know you wanna choco goodness and another rina press yours here you are miss reena cookie treat that sounds amazing enjoy pop this thing open yes best challenge ever so tasty can't stop bella's jealous she rings again and here comes another treat all for you missy enjoy those tacos heat em up take a bite rina decides to press again [Music] poor waiter is under a lot of pressure here these ladies are very high maintenance they just keep ringing these darn bells oh my color switch nell demands another color switch [Music] you're kidding chrissy i don't even think you'll need to hit the gym after this what a workout [Music] you're kidding me that last blue ring was the final straw he quit done right on dude here onion cakes [Music] enjoy you lunatics chris is out well it's a mix of blue and red technically you can both eat no thanks you blew it let's count this down one two three go red bubble tea and blue bubble tea what are you supposed to do with this girls i have no idea other than eat it why don't we try it okay i mean why not it's good try it what do you think redhead i still wonder what the challenge is here [Music] oh she has an idea a water gun what are you going to do with a water gun girl amy loves bubble tea oh girl you are so smart you sure have a lot of bubble tea i mean why not use it fill up the rest of your water gun all set [Music] oh this is definitely gonna get messy she got you right in the mouth bluesy and she doesn't even mind amy has a water gun too make sure to get a good amount in there girl cute girls are sure inventive all these colorful ideas you have open wide valve yeah how is it girl now what are you up to whatever it is i'm sure it's gonna be good oh hey dude watch out you girls [Music] chris you're soaked i spoke too soon i can't believe it look at me [Music] thank you so much for watching guys we'll see you next time on our awesome show of course be sure to sub and hit that bell alright bye-bye now
Views: 13,513,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food challenge, one color, one color food, one color food challenge, red vs blue food, red food, blue food, challenge 24 hours, taste test, eating one color, colored food, colored food for 24 hours, last to stop, fun, funny moment, funny situation, food, yummy food funny, crazy, challenge, challenges, prank, pranks, comedy video, funny video, awkward moment
Id: CMJI8VtFgm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 19sec (2059 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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