Living With A Drake Fan

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In the description he writes Scorpion is good so that takes away a little bit of the merit. But he might just be doing it so Drake fans don't swarm his comments so idk

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Sergeantboingo 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
good go we're getting drunk tonight nope hey [ __ ] hello anybody home I said are we getting home tonight I said are we getting worse tonight the [ __ ] dude [ __ ] didn't what are you doing are we getting drunk tonight you want my listening party for that listening party why do you even know what today is the 29th aka my half month birthday aka why we're getting drunk tonight oh you [ __ ] it's June 29th aka the release of scorpion from Drake champagne papi Aubrey Graham October's very own Opie oxo your girl in my next show the light-skinned keith sweat six Scott heartbreak Drake wheelchair Jimmy champagne papi oh my god are you serious - just listen to it on Sunday I heard he doesn't even diss push a tee back I'm only three songs in why would you ruin it for me that's just what I heard on the internet what get out get out holy [ __ ] I've never met a Drake fan with the gun you know get the hell out imma leave I'm gonna just leave okay get out I'm gonna go get drunk at a bar by myself I'm sure he disses push a teabag he probably does he probably know he does he doesn't do it oh she's on the door he does oh [ __ ] [Applause]
Channel: Trevor Wallace
Views: 3,867,169
Rating: 4.9446478 out of 5
Keywords: Drake, Trevor Wallace, living with a drake fan, interview, tmz tv, Entertainment, TMZ, comedy, funny, xxxtentacion, music, Celebrity, live, Famous, more life, comedic, drake ovo, Nicki Minaj, Hollywood, rap, ovo chain, xxx, Fame, tmz 2017, hop, Country, ovo, fortnite, Toronto, hotline bling, tmz clips, hip hop, News, rappers, Hollywood News, kmt, look at me, ninja, scorpion, drake, drake type beat, sketch comedy, zumiez, comedian
Id: RkpPpmZ8ztU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 43sec (103 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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