What Helps Us to Transform - teaching by Mingyur Rinpoche

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hello trashy delay and i would like to share with you about the general idea of the buddha buddha dharma and this is more focused with the practice aspect more with the meditation aspect so first in order to practice in order to transform ourselves so we the main one of the most important point of practice dharma is transform yourself and then you can help others you can influence others and then sometime what then you can help many others sometimes what i call transforming the world by transforming yourself so it's it's all about how to transform so in order to how to transform what do we need and traditional what we call view meditation and conduct we need three so without these three you cannot really transform complete you will never achieve your uh the goal the fruition so we need these three together so i have one short story that one of my friend he is like psychology so we had some kind of discussion with him and he said in in science like psychology science what they call is abc so very similar i thought it's very similar so a is affect b is behavior and c is cognition so it's very similar here view is beginning with the cognition and meditation is like affect it's dealing direct to the heart to the feeling so it's based on experience effect and conduct is behavior dealing with your day-to-day life behavior and how to bring this view and meditation into daily life so this is very very important so now what is the view the first one is view view is the the wisdom which is to see to understand the nature of phenomena natural phenomena clear in other words to see things as they are so normally we don't see the view meaning more like seeing to understand things clear and a lot of problems in our life this comes from not seeing the real nature of phenomena and the buddha said the suffering comes from not knowing the truth not knowing the nature of reality so for example normally what we have we have some kind of like fixation mind which is very solid very strong and we build our own present prison in a gel so we put ourselves into some kind of like box bubble so we we all have our own bubble and we have another one we all have some kind of like particular glass so if the glass is yellow when you look through that you see everything's yellow so so these kind of illusion delusion begin with not knowing the nature of reality so what we call there are three kind of like three um grasping the grasping of permanent or concept of permanent and concept of singularity and concept of independence so permanent means we're all feeling that some kind of a continuity and we were expecting that some kind of continuity not just now in the future should be like that so we are expecting tomorrows like that and we believe whatever in the past the past whatever things bring here and we taking from past to present present to future for example maybe i will give you some example so in day-to-day life we have many problems like problem with relationship problem with losing job problem with losing your power your title your [Music] idea of yourself or lost your direction don't know what to do so these things what we feel is negative because why because we have from beginning we have strong fixation of permanent so it should be like this and my my i'm now like this i'm this i like this from past and now like this in the future should be like this so strong expectation about the future so if you have heart broke if you have this grasping of fixation so strong then after you have broken heart you will suffer more strong sometimes it's quite subtle so not easy to understand right way but you can think of in in terms in terms of in daily life so whenever you encounter a lot of problems miscommunication not understanding and create a lot of negative emotions and a lot of clashes in our mind and that bring into our day-to-day life action and that also influence others others so will make you not happy others are not happy why because of this not knowing the nature of reality because of these three concepts based on these three concepts so the concept permanent and second is the concept of independent independent is like [Music] almost like you want to control in tibetan what we call means means like empower or control self-control so we want to control the future everyone so i should be like this in the future my ideal life is like that so sense of controlling future so that is so strong so normally we don't see it and it's not just in our thought it stay in our emotion and also stay in our body and it's kind of like habitual tendency stay in in every thought and emotion background of every thought and emotion very subtle level stay there and then third is the concept of singularity one so normally we have a lot of like all or non-thinking so you have everything have to be right if not not okay but we don't see there's a lot of possibility we cannot open our mind to see different aspect different possibilities different things but we just try to make simple pie simplify because our mind is lazy also we don't want to think so deep we don't want things so clear so that's why everything simplified and just assume it's like that and when you look at some people and you judge because of they behave because how they look because how um [Music] maybe we judge by their different nationalities and different races so we just look oh it's like that so we assume everything is kind of a one singularity so so these things are the concept so view is to see things more clear more clear what we have to see is not permanent is impermanent we have to see impermanent and also not um in tibetan independent so we took to liberate free from this these three concepts we should see opposite of permanent is impermanent and opposite of independent is independent and opposite of singularity is multiple so so seeing those things practice these things like view so view is getting close close to nature of our self nature of reality and then eventually even go beyond of permanent and not permanent singularity or multiple independent or interdependent so in the end go beyond all the concept so in that moment you're liberated what we call liberate and that is the real essence of the view
Channel: Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
Views: 109,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meditation, mindfulness, Tergar, Joy of Living, Mingyur Rinpoche, transformation, buddhism, tibetan buddism, vajrayana
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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