Living inside an ANT FARM in Minecraft!

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this is the beautiful queen x but when she's kidnapped from her minecraft colony she's forced to live in a player's ant farm and there's no escape oh look at the baby larvae there oh oh wonderful we can turn this into sugar more sugar for the coffee for everybody oh baby okay i get you i'll pick you up okay all right i got the baby oh look at the baby larvae okay all right so we got lots of babies that we gotta take care of um all right let's see so we got the gold everything should be good everything what's happening oh what's going on what's happening oh no this isn't good guys did you pull something up from there oh no this isn't good at all what's happening oh my what is that [Music] [Music] i the ant her i can make my ants get more gold all right [Music] is she okay oh that's good i'm glad she's okay that wasn't very nice what's this gotcha you are gonna make me so much gold all right time to go to your new home in my ant farm there we go and just close that right up who's my new little queen ant finally i have a queen hand to my ant farm okay now listen here queen ant yeah you are going to make the other ants in there make me gold or else what is he talking about does he want sugar or something okay so uh now you get to work and i'll be back to see how things go have a good day don't let me down uh what's that human talking about this ant form what is this doesn't look like the outside what's up wait huh another ant wait a minute you look like a queen you smell like a queen you are a queen hey guys guys get up here a queen has arrived please wait yes come on are you like a queen there is a queen oh what a happy day i can't stop dancing what's going on you see that uh a human captured all of us hoping for us to make gold for for him reason he thought ants made gold yeah all we know is if we don't make him gold we're gonna get squashed this is bad this is really really bad come on we're all ants all right if we work together we can get out of this okay show me where your colony is i will lead you again yeah yeah sure um uh just right over this way oh this is so it is right here uh we've never had it majesty first okay i'll go here we are welcome to our colony this is your colony what do you think weird this isn't made of actual old dirt this is made of i don't even know what this is made of i mean i know it feels it's pretty odd as is but i mean we had to work with what we got you know i mean we pretty much spent all of our lives here so kind of hard to learn from other hand colonies this is pretty much all we've known really no no no no this won't do it all i'm going to show you how to make a real ant colony okay look at this what is she doing [Music] just got to be able to dig a little deeper okay yeah a little deeper like that oh so cool space she cleared out and you guys will learn how to do this too especially because you're with me so come on we're going to make you a big colony okay oh okay um well i guess we need to make ourselves look like the way you were before oh god we can do this okay here we go oh i'm so happy i can dance all right let's uh give it a shot then and there see oh wow look at this it's really place and to think it only took 30 minutes overall because when you work together as dance we can accomplish anything exactly guys guys guys over here you got gotta come see this what's happening okay come on what is this check it out you can see yeah keep an eye on him oh this is a good lookout point okay but this shows me that we cannot dig anywhere near that glass okay fine all right all right come on let's go back we gotta keep building our coloring let's go oh i gotta get out of here somehow there's gonna be a way out is everything all right your highness oh well you see this thing is that it's nice that i made an ant tunnel but i need to get back to my colony go back what don't you want to live here i mean you guys are really nice but i gotta get back home i'm the queen and i have other ants waiting and there's lots of babies they'll go take care of and well yeah but we get free food from the human yeah but you can get free food from nature besides aren't you guys scared he's gonna squish you i mean we were born in here so this is all we know yeah i mean look we can help you escape but we really don't know how to do any things we just learned how to dig tunnels today proper tunnels i mean you got your tunnels were okay [Music] let's see that was pretty nice okay all right here here i've been buying this so if you just fight really hard to try to get out of here this will be our secret there yeah we can get out come on come on you are so strong okay okay [Music] come on come on come on all right come on this way i have a plan i thought this place is massive it is huge and imagine you can just go outside and there's a whole world for you to explore the tunnels that you'll dig out there they're endless they're literally endless oh that sounds exciting you know can you really get food anywhere from nature anywhere you can find it or you know from any any other bugs but we're not gonna talk about that we're gonna talk about the cool food we can get these guys it's hitting my receptors wow what even is that oh okay oh you guys have no but it looks good you guys have never stolen food before have you well actually if it's out in the open it's everybody's food that's how this works here how about this you probably have an urge to go get that fuji you go get that food go we'll go and i will keep watch don't worry it'll be your first time getting food [Music] what is that over there something smells delectable i want to try i want to try this looks big and sugary and such i'm going to take this one [Music] that is the last time i try and get gold from a squirrel take care of these ants i'm grateful [Music] oh you're the queen are you you you're the one who did this you stop right there come here yeah yeah hey hey a little miss former queen and since you think you're so smart you stop that hey you see that out there you see take a good look that is your former ant colony and if you don't get your act together and be a good aunt i'm going to explode it now march your little ant butt up there and make me some gold i'll never be able to get back to my aunt colony um your majesty is this a bad time uh no it's not what is it uh well uh we're just trying to find a way to keep ourselves protected so you wouldn't happen to know how to make gold would you wait a minute i still don't know what he wants with gold we can make it but it's gonna take a lot of sugar it takes a long long long long time for us to make gold we just find it naturally but wait a minute i have an idea i think i know how we can get out of here we're gonna go on an expedition through the human house okay oh oh we're gonna go out again yeah come on come on come on come on come on oh okay exciting outside on the same day [Music] so i can fly because i'm a queen at right only queens and soldiers can fly sometimes and some other types of bands but look there's different types of ants okay so you guys like worker and sin but there's other ants like the ants can swim ants can do other things it can stop some ants can really find a lot of gold and diamonds a lot of different things ants can do seems like there's a ton of ants you have a ton of ants you don't even know about okay so let's see i think there's something in here follow me human oh asleep oh he likes to wear gold look at this he's got these human booties i think that's what they're called booties on their feet they look so useless i know right i may be an ant but they just look gaudy i know they're terrible anyway i think it's in here i think i smell it in here come on come on come on come on come on this way just gonna play wait wait look there's stuff in here there is stuff in here take the gold put it in your mouth okay all right come on come on come on be careful be careful be careful i'm gonna grab a little bit of that grab some lava we got some just in case and grab some of the gold got some oh there's a gold mug grab one of these i got it did you guys get oh you guys are already out nice you guys are really good oh goodness okay all right [Music] all right i got some gold i think this plan will work all right come on come on come on go we're gonna go look around even more yeah oh cool so cool all right this is the smell of water you know some ants can swim i know plenty of ants who are these guys [Music] yes these are my hands these these are my other ants and these are my new ants right original colony yes they live on an ant farm and and we um we're gonna we're gonna get them out okay so i need you guys to do a favor all right so look we can't leave here until that human is satisfied with the gold that we gotta have done some cold tears so here's what we're gonna do you guys go evacuate the colony and we're going to start a new colony somewhere because the colony is in danger there's tnt everywhere so go all right we'll take care of everything here don't worry go go go go go go go go wow that one went down the toilet it's okay that one can swim like i said some men can swim okay all right yeah i believe you this is not weird what is this huh this is not oh um i don't know but i feel like you should not be watching it wait a minute hey you all aren't going anywhere you stop right there yeah you know no you'd be a good little queen ant get back in there and oh what is that what is a little thing like that gonna do to me huh do you think that's gonna hurt me i think you're so smart do you oh no oh no you're not escaping today oh no this isn't good tell me about it all right back in the terrarium ah okay i've been thinking about this a lot and i think it's time that i the queen of this ant farm where you as soldiers okay we're getting promoted yes soldiers yes you are you're worker ants right now but i'm making you soldiers you know why because we need to prepare for the worst okay so noy soldier i dub the a soldier i'm i'm a soldier and you a soldier ant wow thank you so soldier as much queens good wings soldiers okay so we're we're soldiers now but what exactly is it do we need to prepare for you'll see soon especially if he comes back okay so he got the ants they wouldn't make you any gold so you got the queen ad to teach them how to make gold except they're not making any gold either so now you're left with a giant on farm no way to get gold and no nowhere to pay it off because it was so expensive oh okay you know what it's fine it's fine you know what they say if at first you don't succeed then flood it and start over what what did he say all right all right hughence it's time that we uh we uh talk about our little arrangement you know um uh um he said oh okay all right um hang on hang on you gotta go [Music] oh [Applause] my hand that hurt you [Music] i do not fly hang on hey all of you get out get down [Music] i mean drastic maybe he's putting on those smelly pants again [Laughter] oh that would be dangerous for it bug spray come on [Music] i know you all are out there i can't see you because you're so tiny and weak unlike me who is strong you're not big like i am i told you that if you disobeyed me i would blow up your ant hill and i will [Laughter] it's a growing potion ants i need you i think where did you come from there's so many of you it's okay you guys are just small little baby ants and i am a big strong human and what's up i did not expect this um giant motherboard we did it we managed to escape and we managed to save the colony everyone evacuated my workers told me see they're busy over there oh that's good yep and they also did something else watch this watch this all right do it what are they talking about [Music] wow [Music] [Music] okay ants i've thought about it and i'm coming to you with a new proposition we can work together where's my house we can join your colony yes you can let's go
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,492,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, aphmau queen ant, aphmau ant queen, aphmau bee queen, aphmau queen bee, aphmau ant, aphmau plays as an ant, aphmau playing as ant, aphmau ant minecraft, aphmau ant queen minecraft, aphmau plays as a mob, aphmau mob minecraft, aphmau bug, aphmau playing as a bug, aphmau bug minecraft, aphmau is an ant in minecraft, aphmau playing as, aphmau ant farm
Id: 5wnzy44TgKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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