One NIGHT With ZaneKC.EXE In Minecraft!

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Can u please stop posting just aph’s vids?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Flashy-Category-8069 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2022 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheUltimaWerewolf 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2022 🗫︎ replies
lurking inside this.exe is a curse unlike anything in minecraft and it finds a host in not just one of my friends but two and this combines them into the ultimate.exe [Music] just just calm down you're going too fast how many scenes do you know on the server uh i think noy has a dog named zayn right just come on we'll stop running for a second geez this locked it's locked that he's not answering the door oh don't worry i got this just gotta just gotta get some force ready [Music] oh my gosh i'll be fine it's just um that wasn't my fault by the way oh you're perfectly fine it looks like everything's good why are you acting all weird are you all right um look you see ian and i went into the woods and it's really that's your first problem what zane we accidentally found an exe disc what again the only difference is this disc in particular it has your name on it okay that's very funny you have okay good prank though but i mean just look at this it's so cute you made me a cd nice of you what what's a cd it's it's a crafting say this isn't a crafting device cd this is actually a dot exe disk and i want to show you because it's got your name and then it's got kc in the back where did you find this again it was in the forest well it was in a forest down this creepy tunnel that led to a longer tunnel we got lost in a bunch of tunnels because ian didn't want to stop to ask for directions hey you don't need to stop for direction it doesn't hurt to ask for help ian anyway it was in a room with the black pillars and it was and it just so happens to have my name on it okay i don't know what that means all right let's just wait up he's playing it nice trying to scare me out i mean really good effort but no cd stands for compact disc no we found it okay yeah uh zayn zayn i hate to bring it to you she's telling the truth and you know i normally like to make her look dumb but uh yeah it's true hi so what are you two getting at then you had to work together to prank me that's going slower i'm grabbing this uh yeah no i don't like it okay okay i get it you put a lot of effort into this nice prank come on i've got stuff i need to do um i don't know at all [Music] are you okay [Music] you saw that right what happened see what it was you and there was a thing and um oh great so you two really are working together to prank me okay i don't need this right now come on go get out out right now right now it is creepy you saw that right uh now you know we've we've seen exes before this time let's just uh leave it alone right wow i i never thought you'd be this smart ian well you know when there's no gold or anything involved uh i'm i'm just not interested i see but this doesn't make any sense why does it say zaynkc.exe exe dust we've seen before has ever had this so yeah we could just leave that alone right right oh hey casey uh you okay huh yeah of course what are you doing casey's here that that's just great yeah right you can leave now right casey hey uh what are you doing here i mean oh well you know casey we were just about to uh i think we're having a spark moment look at this oh let's see what happens look at them they're so why are they moving um hello zayn casey sparks right casey are you guys okay uh you wanna be with us uh-huh what no not really no uh guys hey guys this is uh about i don't i don't like the song like this there they go this uh that can't be good i'm gonna go home uh this is uh i don't think that's santa casey anymore uh what um oh my god uh you don't think they're serious right i i don't think that's any casey anymore i didn't think you look mean i don't know i i i feel like i need to hide now i don't know um [Music] because she's probably the one who would know what to do she has books she [Music] oh [Music] survival of the oh [Applause] it's so cute okay all right yeah we got it we got to figure out sheesh what's going on okay kim kim we found this right here exe disc okay well yes you need this and say yeah i'm saying casey and they're together and [Music] has their name on it and and it's just really not like the music i turned them into a monster look it's coming wow that must have been some really bad music it's not outside what are you talking about no no no no all right i may have overreacted just come on in here just look look there's an ex outside okay and it's it's really okay it's not it's spooky okay and it's just it's it's not oh okay hold on no no no no no no don't answer that dude from you and thank you for returning it on time i appreciate that yeah sorry about that i really got enthralled by the last one but uh hey guys look right this is where babies come from [Music] i was having a good night reading in peace and now you're okay doing this important because because we need to figure out how to get them back to normal okay we need to figure out how to get there okay okay all right let me take a look at that what does it do maybe i can find the pokemon let's see what why don't so i'll make sure they don't [Music] didn't work come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] but come on come on come on we gotta go figure this out come on oh what's happening oh it's turning more pink it's kind of an ugly color oh my gosh it's the least of our worries we got two babies here and i'm carrying them both my hands are full i can't even put like a sword in my hand to defend ourselves oh well you know what if i had a sword i would but oh that that's ah that's match wait a minute wait wait wait look look huh i can use this i can use this oh let's just see if i do something like this now you can't hold a sword oh okay hey mac what's going on these things away from me [Applause] oh okay one more one more get in there [Music] that was me okay what is this oh you hold it i don't okay thank you so much for helping me i was just making dinner and then i don't know what happened the broccoli just got all weird once you're outside we'll have time for dinner a lot of things are going on long story short zayn and casey uh half and half and it's uh and they fuse and babies and look at these things [Music] yeah i think i'm coming around there i know i kind of want them to stay how do we save them how do we get rid of the monster look i think we need to take this exe disc back to where we found it ian that's how we've dealt with all the exes before remember ah yeah okay okay so let's start there the only thing is we gotta get out of here without getting zapped that's right that's how you become a baby so all we gotta do mac we're gonna we're gonna go up here this way all right just just be careful okay okay you got your sword to be careful yeah i'm sorry i'm just still reeling on uh learning where babies come from now okay yeah it's fine let's just keep going let's get out of here uh all right everything looks okay right here yeah i think i think we're sorry come on [Music] wait wait [Music] [Applause] [Applause] i don't want [Laughter] [Music] oh my gosh look at the hub it's so ugly oh no um look if we can survive this we'll be fine all right look i got the babies they're okay okay they're sleeping what are we gonna do about the babies baby i don't know look we gotta take this exe disc back okay and i think we're close i don't wanna go back there it's mean it's dark it's scary and i'm gonna stay right here [Music] [Applause] where'd it go is [Music] okay we're safe in here huh wait a second become a baby kim you're alive and you're well now are we on the same island right now yeah normally i could see right above your head but right now i'm looking at your eyes now i i i i think you're not you're not you're no really i think she's become part baby oh your legs have been babified she's got baby legs [Laughter] and were you saying that we're the same height well we are no we're not and we're not what no no no no we're not i'm definitely the tallest but we're the same all right i guess these are baby legs do you have baby legs too look okay how about this oh it's really dark in here oh we're back in here yes this is the place where we found it what is right here um we need to gather supplies oh look at this oh there's a gold nugget in there because okay so kim uh we found the dot exe disc here i didn't want to come back here but ah now over here is like oh we gotta take the disc back i don't like it wait is that a laser bed lame thrower that looks neat yeah ooh i like this one just grab this grip hang on what does this one do oh 100 ready for anything and everything guys guys there's a thing huh what is that a white why are these doors of um don't worry i'm gonna make sure no cats follow us okay okay great as long as no more mobs start spawning uh this is kind of exciting it's like an adventure yeah quite the adventure kim be careful yeah isn't this awesome kim yeah i've been training all my life don't worry i'm here to help get us out of here before the mods come over here okay okay okay don't worry i'll protect you okay so um i've been thinking about the babies yeah and uh you know what if this whole thing doesn't work i think we're gonna have to raise them ourselves no oh my gosh short responsibility with you oh no i don't want to change any diapers i don't like that [Music] heart of the house i made the babies cry okay here's no mac oh man that's a that's a lot of crime we'll talk about this later okay we're sharing responsibilities under the ground guys you know we're going on dinner dates at least over here hey kim how do you feel about babysitting i guess it could be fun don't worry i know how this this is actually work okay there we go all right let's keep going um okay man this is a big warehouse this is a huge warehouse uh which way was it again oh i think we're here [Music] here uh okay that way yeah yeah oh cats i'm so sorry i like dogs better anyways hey let's get rid of these torches i think everything's fine everything's gonna be great gotta make sure no one gets in and why are there two let's get out of here what's the plan you have to destroy the discs [Applause] [Music] how come they haven't changed back yeah what about our friends and uh you're still short oh yeah hey can we can we not come back this time leave this for good i hope not all right babies come on all right hopefully everything will get what [Music] lot like less comfortable with the world it's okay my son i mean hey hey hey pierce you want to go play catch uh i mean sure yeah okay i don't like being babies that it was fun honestly it wasn't bad look at that my boys oh so okay bye i haven't finished making dinner i'm gonna go home too which one is home yeah i you know what i saw i'm ready for a good buck okay so that was quite the adventure it helped my boss
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 4,951,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, aphmau.exe, aphmau creepypasta, aphmau.exe creepypasta, aphmau creepypasta story, aphmau spooky story, aphmau scary story, aphmau.exe story in minecraft, aphmau creepypasta minecraft, aphmaul.exe minecraft, minecraft.exe, minecraft creepypasta, minecraft.exe creepypasta, minecraft.exe story, minecraft.exe game, aphmau zane, aphmau kc, zane.exe, kc.exe
Id: xz7-NPV7ons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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