From HUMAN To VANNY Story in Minecraft!

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when a game goes wrong this little minecraft player finds herself going from human to ben now she finds herself in a new world of trouble man the tv isn't working oh mr bunny looks like we're not going to watch anything tonight well at least it's just you and me we can play and uh maybe we have a game well we can play some board games uh i think there's two player games that we have up why somebody at the door hello hello um a box it must be a delivery ah that must be for me okay all right um i think it's only one player you need to go to bed anyway okay so go back to your cage and i'll be there love you bye-bye oh this is bedtime anyway okay all right let's see all right there we go oh it's really dark man this is weird whoa whoa my hand looks so cool wow wow this is really cool okay so i'm playing this game let's see i come up to here hmm what do i do with all this stuff huh okay all right that should be about it oh this is really cool but i can't was that um it's gone oh that's good it's what's wrong with your eyes my eyes what do you mean um uh you know that doesn't look so good um you know what we should go get a doctor or something how about that that looks crazy uh i'm fine i'm fine i just need to rest my eyes to the vr just mess with me oh why are you here well i came back to give you the diamonds that i had borrowed but ian why are you here um but no no reason no reason of course uh yeah totally totally not anyway um [Music] so uh what was that and hey are you all right okay what are you looking at [Music] um um now are you okay i was protecting you guys from the from the spooky i did it i did it from from the from the what you did what um [Music] dancing is what she did like uh four out of a hundred no i was protecting you from the evil robots now there aren't any evil robots here it's just us oh come on now who's dumb even i know that there aren't any shout out seriously f we need to get you looked at your eyes and you're acting i'm fine i'm fine all fine okay i just i'm just gonna go to bed normal i'm just gonna we're just gonna get rid of all this stuff out here and you guys okay get out of here that's fine i mean uh that's totally not mine i have no idea where i came from go away [Music] all right do it or else or your pet gets it again i thought i took this thing off oh no this is super fun oh no this isn't good enough this is not good at all okay i gotta get out of here maybe maybe if i get out of here this way wait the exit that way i think right yes it should be oh um hi are you another one of those animatronic thingies [Music] you get away from here [Music] [Music] are you okay superstar who are you i am glam rock freddy are you gonna hurt me no not at all everyone is welcome here at the pizza plex but i do not recognize you have you been here before no and i don't even look like this i'm not supposed to look like this i don't know what's going on i had a vr set and then there was this bunny and the buddy the buddy took my buddy the buddy took the bunny from the house well i'm happy to help in any way that i can what do you know about this bunny uh the bunny it was a bunny and it had an open it looked kind of like me but different do you know anyone like that i know yes yes i know that bunny she is here and her name is fanny the bunny told me to bring my friends to the pizza plex why would they why'd the bunny want that for my bunny maybe she's just keeping her bunnies safe until more guests can come and have fun oh i see i'll help you find your bunny and you can help bring your friends here okay all right yeah i'll bring my friends i'll get my body back and they'll be fine right i mean i'll just tell them that i'm in the costume how do i get out of here oh right this way i'll show you the way out this is your first time here after all yeah it is i i don't i can't really come to the pizza place because it's so expensive wow it's so pretty here's the exit come back okay i don't know where i am now thank you so much mr freddy fazbear oh i'm amazing i'll come talk to you later bye i'll see you soon superstar okay i gotta get everybody come to pizza plants which means i gotta convince them to come to pizza flex well this is gonna be harder than that huh what big whiskers you have super cute thank you thank you i've been practicing and giving us this new costume that i'm wearing see isn't it nice it's so pretty yeah it sure is pretty you seem happy do you want to go to the pizza box um well i was kind of reading a book i don't know if i should really be going to the pizza plex at this time of night oh come on abuse you me doesn't look like a costume maybe that's just who you are why are you screaming geez you're gonna wake everyone up now what's all the screaming about oh hey what's i [Music] [Music] right i don't know if that's such a good idea no i think it's a good idea i have science [Music] um what is that it doesn't look friendly [Music] [Music] wow that's so cool laughs how did you do that i don't know um but you know what hey guys would you go to the pizza plex because uh that thing may come back and i totally defend this for so long so come on let's go oh i guess that's a good idea they're open late tonight damn late night pizza party yeah we have to skip like you though i can't believe this let this place open that's nice i'm excited for pizza this looks amazing you're gonna perform for us guys oh we got a private concert [Applause] is it starting welcome children thank you for coming wow you must be her biggest fan because you know you guys have the same outfit and everything oh wait a minute that that's not exactly that's not the bunny [Music] [Applause] [Applause] now your friends will be gone your destiny is here in the pizza place and together we'll take over [Music] you won't be able to save them in time okay all right i think we got away oh that was super scary oh mr money i'm sorry you got involved in this i don't even know what happened okay [Music] oh there you are superstar it's just me don't you hear me you funked your bunny friend yeah i found my buddy but my friends manny lied to me i thought we're gonna have fun in a party but we're not we're actually gonna i don't know what's gonna happen it's not too late to save them don't worry but you must first face vani there's something controlling her called if you can get rid of that you can reverse your transformation and save your friends what wait that's controlling me what if i go fully evil don't worry there's a machine that will help but you need your friends to help you here that remote will send a controlled shock which can help yeah that will help you keep glitch trap away oh i i realized i see the thing it popped up on the corner and okay all right i can do that if that gets to red use that to help keep him away okay got it got it it's coming that way i'm gonna get going be careful supersonic okay mr buddy how about this you stay with freddy okay you'll be perfectly fine do you have any place you could put mr bunny freddy i know the perfect place here bunny hop in thank you freddie i gotta go see my friends good luck okay all all right the screen came from this way nope someone helped me stay moving i am not able to be pepsi kim i'm [Music] [Music] oh [Music] what if i were to leave the child alone maybe it would be really good for her to take a ride with chica and uh [Music] okay good good [Music] oh ready ready activated oh yeah there's like a glitch effect or something broker but let's don't tell anybody oh yes come on let's go let's go let's go oh yeah that's true let's run i'm sorry i brought you guys here i didn't think that it would be [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't scientifically had so many teeth kim maybe you should wait up there okay uh okay good plan i can't find a gator anyway [Music] [Applause] what's happening why are they chasing us no okay i didn't mean for the sound i didn't know up here [Music] what do we do how do we stop them [Music] [Music] i'm stuck it's too late for zayn we gotta leave behind let's go [Applause] take this [Laughter] okay that tnt did come in handy this time i knew it it always does good thank you i think i think we need to fight for our lives here and i think i know how to do it quick grab some ammo any color or come on is [Applause] [Music] services where we can finally get you fixed [Applause] why are you talking like that yeah oh there's three buttons i think i see what you mean stand in the center there wait us what do we do yeah we're not weird all you need to do is stand in the center we'll need your friends to help us do you think you can do that oh sure the power of friendship not gonna hurt her right uh sure you know what and hey wait something's happening what's happening what are you going to do with that superstar [Music] where did she go did we feed it i don't know [Music] [Music] back please of course yes they've been hiding in my chest this whole time yeah i'm ready to go home buddy you're back here did your bunny always have eyes like that that money looks funny i think i remember that some bunnies have red eyes sometimes [Music] i'm sure it's fun i love them anyway mr buddy is fine come on let's go okay seems fine to me oh okay enjoy the rest of your evening at the pizza plex uh i think we're gonna go home come on mr buddy i want pizza yeah we're done here we'll see you again soon
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 8,214,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 18 2022
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