Playing As The QUEEN ANT In Minecraft!

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inside this little minecraft animal lives the beautiful queen of ants it's her job to build up a mega ant colony and survive as an ant in minecraft look at my beautiful diamonds in my beautiful colony for i am the queen oh i'm so cute my babies oh i can hear them it's okay babies okay all right they're doing perfectly fine everyone's good okay all right they're gonna hatch at some point that's gonna be great dirty hatch i can't wait for them to go into big ants it's gonna be so nice let's see what else is on these oh look at this diamonds perfect all right put them where all the other diamonds are okay and what's that noise what's going on what are you saying something's wrong oh no that way [Music] okay away and protect the babies where the noise is coming from oh no oh this isn't good oh this isn't good at all what's happening don't worry don't worry i see what's going on oh no what was that oh that isn't good that isn't good okay come on follow me this way there's another time to see what's happening to the surface come on come on do you really need to do that yeah leave those poor ants alone never answer pests all they do is make ugly dirt hills and steal other people's food freeloaders funny sounds like someone i know yes like ants exactly just don't bother the ants okay they can live here if they want and there are no ants coming out of the hill maybe it's empty just leave it alone come on come here i know you're [Music] maybe i can uh uh stop this one a little bit [Music] i think i got something on my foot let me just scrape that off of it [Applause] he was two days away from retirement okay you know what that's what we're gonna do we're gonna get that human back it means war come on come on this way this one this one okay okay but what'd you do then oh well you know those tiny ants came to bite me and i smushed them all you got it oh i know i know ants don't stand a chance again you're going to show him all right there's some food over there look look come on yeah you know we got we got all that food in the kitchen but you know there's always room for muscle sweet that's what i always figure hey uh actually that food over there is really nice i uh it does it does oh you know what this is just my victory feast for uh um destroying all the ants so you know i got my favorite fruits here i got pizza i got a pan i got an hamburger and we got lots of what an ant burger [Applause] why are you on fire okay now those cheeseburgers and pizza and the ham fed all the babies we should be good guys you know what the human was really really mean to us how about this how about we teach that human lesson by turning him into an ant you're probably wondering man how are you going to do that you know how are you going to do that look come here come here i have a secret place where i've been very observant of potions i know right perfect it's great just follow me follow me alright so i'm gonna need an assistant to help me here in my secret potion room now here i've been experimenting with the human potions so if i go into this box i will see that there's an ant potion and this when thrown on human food and consumed by them will make it so that we can turn them into ants to work for us okay that's right we've got this now you guys can take care of the babies i'm going to go give this to the humans control my powers you gotta be around here somewhere where could they be yeah this is really nice to set up though you guys got here we celebrating some sort of occasion i mean it's just another day and casey does the best baking of any of us here so yes she does okay i'm okay can i can i have a cookie yeah i just get a grab butter beans hey hey no no cookies for you you can only have dessert once you have lunch but i want dessert okay i'm gonna go make you a cake okay from scratch wow okay i love you so that that's the launch you're talking about we're going to go eat lunch first but i thought no but it's a cookie i didn't want to be at this picnic anyway buy it but i i i still get cookies though right yeah yeah oh yeah you're in the clear don't mind if i don't be the one that got the cookies well you know what what he doesn't know doesn't hurt him right we just grab a little bit of this while they're gone and just uh and uh oh this is tastes like sorry you were trying to say something hey hey wait hold on wait what happened to you look at you oh you're so cute wait a minute how did you get stuck wait how did you get some same size as me hello welcome hi strange large ant person uh can you tell me where to be human again because this this is this is weird [Music] what's happening what's going on here right now this instant but i want the cookies okay yes uh yes uh why wait why am i saying yes ma'am who are you i feel like i need to obey her all of a sudden yes i am your queen and you're going to listen to me now you weren't my intended targets but you're going to help me get back at that human called ian so come on this way follow me i don't want him i'm gonna do a dance if you're gonna follow me [Music] yes your majesty he pounds my dad's boy we don't know why i don't like it it's inside of there yeah all this whole at the end colony we have nice water we have some ants who are busy working over there we don't have any ants though because uh you know we just got here not too long ago so yeah i thought ian squished y'all yeah he's been doing that a lot oh there's cece i got a diamond end right there i'll say pretty efficient for an empty anthill thank you thank you thank you we've been working very hard and over here we have the babies the baby ants that are going to eventually turn into big ants over here so we have many ants and i have worker ants that are working and you guys are going to be my soldier aunt so if you come over here yeah just watch the seat i have wings and you oh also have wings too let's give this a shot but i like being so adorable and uh but whatever okay so why rest up between now and the point yes i want that ian human to take account and ability anyway what she she really enjoys making those puns doesn't she what's a pun look look he's explaining to you when you're older i need you two to help me find what that ian human likes so i can take it away from him i can tell you that right now he just he likes gold that's it yeah yeah one track mine just give them some gold and you've got them in your trap okay yeah perfect then let's go come on this way follow me over this way follow me we're going to go guys and we're going to take all the gold that we possibly can let's go also um as a warning we are fire ants i i'm not sure if you knew that fire ants oh that explains the burning and the pain some of that to get back at ian yeah let's get into it let me let me oh this is where he lives yep this is the place oh this is the front of it wow your your your colonies are really big if you're considered yours are just really small well you know well no one's spying on me so i can look at my wonderful gold mine all about the gold don't worry precious we'll find you ever i see where he's keeping it okay so we gotta launch an attack okay so here here's your thanks as a queen i can read some fire okay but you have some special powers and i will tell you okay time to follow my laundry everything's looking good good shirt what do we do what do we do why don't we buy them in my pants [Music] hey what that's really handy okay let's what are we gonna do to [Applause] if you like [Music] all right or or you can just light it on fire whoa whoa don't worry about that i get that yeah yeah you gotta find more [Music] come on this way okay okay okay coming through oh that was close come on boy all right i gotta keep an eye out for this guy is he coming over here and setting my house on fire i just got there's more fire right here of course there is okay it's fine it's fine i got my own plans for the ants just gonna take a little bit of this a little bit of this a little bit of this and a little bit of [Music] oh this flooding my yard too but it's flooding the ants hope you like water oh no my colony this isn't good at all okay i gotta get out of here i gotta get in here guys i can't believe that you turned your uh your whole colony to a swimming pool that's pretty cool queen i don't even turn it into a shredding probably didn't do that herself oh oh that's bad oh no i can't believe everything's bad it's that worry they're still above water he's ruining my colony and the babies oh no we're not getting the babies start getting the babies out baby it's okay okay how do we how do we fix this human tell me how do we fix it i i don't know the water uh can we set it on fire oh hang on i know do you have any sponges no what is that no i don't have any of those a sponge it's something squishy you can use that absorbs a lot of water do you have any well yes i do but they're back at my house we got to go get them okay come on let's go we can fly let's go okay let's do it [Music] hang on let me just get out of this thing first come on coming i'm coming there we go look for the black house in the corner that's right led by [Music] it grab it let's see here oh it looks kind of heavy when you're this small is something in here come on just put some muscle into it you got a lot of them in here here you go here i'd like to make sure my place is nice and clean oh come on [Music] this is really my favorite show while eating my favorite food pizza and fire oh it's i'll have my revenge okay all right i gotta get rid of this water there we go okay it's not the perfect thing but let's just stop the flooding for now all right we're gonna make that guy pay so here's what's gonna happen if we give the baby ants more cake and more food they'll grow faster i didn't wanna have to do that because sometimes they lose their powers whenever that happens but if we find cake we should be fine and this place has lots of casey's house oh yeah this is the place yeah if you're gonna get cake you better come to kc this could be casey's diary up here what is it what is it let's take a look here uh it's something that only zane cares about right say we gotta focus man focus i could find out if she really likes me or not this could be my only chance we have a mission to do here oh there's the cake there's a cake all right i didn't want to show you guys this but i'm going to have to show you guys this okay now this this potion right here is actually really important to watch this watch as much as you can hey all right nailed it now yes if the humans try to get us while we're taking the cake that potion will turn them into ants that's what i did to you guys basically so oh here's the cookies yeah i thought you just like used the spell on us or something that makes sense now we just gotta get the cake without being seen so come on let's get going all right over here oh okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's go okay she can't see me like this wait oh she's big oh she's so big we're so small don't you call her back [Applause] [Music] extermination services [Applause] we'll stand back these are very toxic fumes getting rid of this gotta check every corner [Music] is oh [Applause] look at me oh oh you're great great now i'm a dumb aunt like you and hey pierce what are you calling don hi yeah welcome to a new life okay used to do it question before my new life go ahead cookies in your aunt hill no we don't go ahead transform back into your aunt yeah okay whoa oh look at those hey wait wait wait a minute yeah a nice night lame is he different hey brad's very in fashion right i'll have you know he's a carpenter what that means he loves carpet is pretty stubborn so it sounds about right hang on that you said that means i don't have to listen to you is that right if you want so come on let's go this way let's go oh no no no no i don't think so i'm gonna make my own ant colony and my own ant army and defeat you once and for all [Laughter] okay bye yeah cool story bro we must prepare for aunt ian that's really a bad idea let's go okay okay i can't believe i'm standing here with you humans but since one of your friends caused this we're going to fight together okay yeah yeah okay take some of this and take some of that be careful hello little auntlings you know since i've become an aunt i've learned so many things like how to become an ant king you see this crown see this khan i got it myself how do you do that because i have my own colony your own colony yeah right oh oh oh yeah my own colony of me cause that's all i need i don't need any underlings i don't need anyone working for me i can take that myself because i still have my secrets extermination that's right i think and i will use it to get my revenge on all that kind [Music] especially when i can exterminate and take over your colony wait a minute babies they're babies they're huge it's fine fine i can take care of these babies i wait a minute wait a minute why the cake works why do i feel weak oh no good explanation who knew my ass extermination tool would work on me looks like it's all of us against one of you oh my gosh we must have gotten into my potion with the cake that we took oh right that's what made them grow so big that is so cool help help [Music] okay all right listen listen baby maybe i took things a little too far oh you think firex i think we're all good thank you guys so much for helping me i'm gonna turn you back into your human form here soon you're welcome we get to be humans again oh my god this i'd be so happy for that please again okay all right you just got to give me a moment [Music] whoa boy well you know what i like this i'm just gonna dance it's my calling right now he's dancing out of my house no no i get your thorax out of my thorax i'm sorry but your thorax is on my thorax
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 8,530,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, aphmau queen ant, aphmau ant queen, aphmau bee queen, aphmau queen bee, aphmau ant, aphmau plays as an ant, aphmau playing as ant, aphmau ant minecraft, aphmau ant queen minecraft, aphmau plays as a mob, aphmau mob minecraft, aphmau bug, aphmau playing as a bug, aphmau bug minecraft, aphmau is an ant in minecraft, aphmau playing as
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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