Living in Thailand - MY BANGKOK HOUSE TOUR | $601.69 Per Month in BKK + Cost of Living!

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I hope you're having an amazing day at smart Queens I'm in Bangkok Thailand and in this video I'm gonna give you a full walkthrough tour of the house that my family and I are renting right in Bangkok Thailand and at the end of this video I'll share with you all of the details about how much we pay for rent and some more details like that but first I'm gonna give you a full tour of our house let's go so you come on inside the gate and immediately this is the well it's the carpark but it's also the outdoor front yard courtyard area and so of course we park our car here and we try out hang out our clothes here as well and one of the coolest things about this house is the little garden because use mom loves to grow vegetables and herbs and so we always have fresh vegetables growing over there one thing I should just quickly share with you so everything makes sense is that I live here with my wife Ying and our baby son Micah and then we also live with beings parents seeing's parents live here her mother and her father and her sister also lives in this house so that makes two four five adults and one baby this is absolutely one of the best parts of the house is the outdoor garden right here and it's just actually I think before we moved into the house they were using this area as a as a pond but then Yang's mom is she's amazing at growing vegetables and so she we filled it up with dirt she's been growing all sorts of amazing thing if you you just walk around here you can just start eating things there's lemon basil there's holy basil there's sweet basil there's sawtooth herb there's cilantro we got some water morning glory I'd love to just come out here and start snacking on herbs all fantastic and over down the side of the house there's not a whole lot to see but I do want to show you our collection of holy basil which happens to be one of my favorite herbs in the entire world you can just come out here and snack there are also a few plants of sweet basil as well which is also delicious but I love love the holy basil okay so I think it's like this throughout most of Asia where you leave your slippers or you leave your shoes at the front of the door and you always go into the house barefoot and it's a little messy around here but let's take off our shoes and let's go inside welcome on into the house this is the main entrance living room actually this is an area of the house I don't really hang out in too much but the TV is here there are some sofas you can see the the mat and some of Micah's toys are here but this is especially where Ying's parents hang out and watch TV and relax this is a huge entrance room to the house and I'll tell you later okay this is the this is my my coffee bar which I will show you soon but the reason that this house is so big this is is this is this whole area this whole street this whole neighborhood are most of the places are duplexes but there are some houses where they've bought two duplexes and connected them together and this house is a double duplex that's been connected together so that's why the the layout is kind of strange and have some giant open spaces like this but it's actually kind of nice because yes it's so spacious and before showing you the rest of this room I hear that Mae my mother-in-law is cooking something so we better go we better go tour the kitchen real fast and Mae is cooking time I wake up oh it happens to be vegetarian festival in Thailand right now and and she's cooking stir fried eggplant with no meat all vegetarian and then we set up all of our dishes and all of our utensils over here on this metal rack and let me quickly show you our gas our our our stoves set up these are the gas bottles and they're set up over here and you can see they're connected to hoses and then the hoses run over to the to the stove here which are the burners and that's how we cook and of course you cannot be living in Thailand or cooking Thai food without a crook which is a stone mortar and pestle use for grinding curry paste or garlic and chilies everything good goes into that right now in the sink I see a fish I think that is for my lunch today yes one more room past the kitchen and this is sort of a storage pantry room slash the laundry room I don't really come in this room too often but we have some boxes stored back here there are some tables and one more interesting thing to show you is that we have a washer but dryers are not very common in Thailand so we wash our clothes here and then normally as you already saw in the front they are hung out in the Sun to dry and one more thing I want to tell you about living in Thailand is that normally you don't want to drink the water from the sink at least in large quantities over time so for our house we have a one of the reverse osmosis water filters and that's what we use connected to the water and that's how we drink fresh water you this is the dining room table I normally eat right here and then over on this side which is pretty cool is the whole bar oh hi you this was a built-in accessory that came with the house the built-in bar and actually I am in desperate need of a coffee so let's take a break let's have a cup of coffee oh my guys going to take a nap okay bye-bye buddy bye-bye buddy have a good nap know how it tired I don't know if you know this about me or not but I love coffee and I probably drink a little too much coffee got the Aeropress this is pretty cool but at the moment and for a while now I've been really addicted to just good drip light roast coffee that's my favorite and now that I have a cup of coffee in hand I feel much better about showing you my office oh okay let me tell you one quick thing about living in Bangkok if you do anything that requires any kind of movement such as making a cup of coffee you will you will just start sweating profusely Oh anyway welcome to my office this is where I hang out take a quick seat this is my desk this is where I edit all the videos at least and I'm not traveling I sit here at the desk I drink coffee and I sit here and don't talk to anyone for hours at a time and just edit videos non-stop right now I happen to be using a Dell laptop because it's faster and it gives me smooth playback because I'm editing and I'm filming in 4k so I've been using a still and then jumping up on this side of the office this is the stock of t-shirts so if anyone orders a t-shirt this is where we ship the t-shirts from stock is here and there's also another stock upstairs in another room and then over here is where it's yeah it's definitely pretty messy but this is where I keep all of the gear all the camera gear the lenses everything you need to to vlog is in this corner on these shelves and normally when we travel I just grab a backpack I put everything in the backpack and I'm ready to go oh yeah not forgetting the chilly hats there there are some chilly hats right there I love to just grab a hat and then you don't need to worry about combing your hair or anything and then this mat is because of mica like it comes here to play and hangout and sofas you might be wondering about this guy someone who watches our videos who was in Bangkok on vacation when Micah was born they bought this for Micah and then left it at the hotel for us to pick up in so this is a gift for my when he was born so that was very nice of them and that's why we have this giant green teddy bear sitting over here in the corner coffee was fantastic let's continue with the house tour this is kind of a like emptying deadish kind of space there's a room to this side which parent Yang's parents stay in and then there is a bathroom here and then the staircase that goes up to all of the bedrooms let's go upstairs to see all the rooms now upstairs there are a total of one two three four five rooms let's start over on this side the right hand side and we call it the twin room and we don't have twins but there really is the twins room because there are two maybe the people before us that lived here had twins there are two beds on either side it's sort of separated by a closet this is the perfect room for twins but we sort of use it as an extra room to focus things in and you can see there's a suitcase down below here this is the room you can I travel quite frequently and so we come back with our suitcase and this is the room where we throw the suitcase sometimes we don't even unpack we just leave the suitcase there and we'll be here for like a week and we'll just live out of the suitcase and then we'll grab the suitcase again and leave and travel again over on this side is our room come on inside our room is pretty nice and spacious the bed oh okay I bottomed out and again there is just an incredible amount of built-in cabinets and cable space a lot more than we even use these are all closets these are all cabinets and shelving there's a built-in desk here's Micah's crib we don't have a bathroom in our bedroom but the bathroom is right here to the right hand side come on in the bathroom sink is here shower is here it actually has normally thai-style bathrooms are just all wet but this has a built-in shower compartment so you can close this and you don't need a shower curtain toilet is over here and oh yeah I guess I guess I don't even I don't even notice it or there's a mosquito I guess I don't even really notice it anymore but you might be noticing these fish tiles it's one of those things that I I see all the time and then you sort of like forget it there are some nice fish tiles in this bathroom jeans sister's room is right over here and then she also has a bathroom within her room so there's three bathrooms in this house yeah three full bathrooms in this house and then there's two more bedrooms that I'll show you as well turn on the light there we go this is a pretty much empty room again we should probably clean up all of this random stuff but we do keep some extra t-shirts in here some extra boxes some extra baby supplies but then for the most part this is just a an empty room and we never come in this room the final room is all the way at the end of the hallway I actually really like this room because of all the natural light there are two windows both on the corner and it's right at the front of the house but this is the guest room and so when my parents have come to visit this is where they stay when we have guests again there's just an insane amount of closet space and look at this wall it's just filled with shelves like more shelves than you could possibly fill up let's have a quick look out on the balcony oh wow now that is on the bright side out here it's not really a great balcony to hang out on but you can come out here and stand if you like yeah I don't really I don't really spend too much time out here I mostly spend time downstairs outside rather than on this balcony [Music] and that brings us to the end of this living in Thailand Bangkok house tour you can I travel pretty frequently but I'm glad I finally got a chance to share with you where we actually live this is our home base this is the house that we rent and I hope it gives you an idea about living in Thailand so the most important thing that you're probably wondering is how much does this house cost how much do we rent this house for and we're getting a really really really good deal for the location for where this is at in Bangkok and that's because Ewing's mom knows the owner of this house and so we're paying 20,000 baht per month I'll check the conversion right now so I can tell you 20,000 baht is six hundred and one dollars and 69 cents US dollars so this it there's five rooms three bedrooms so much space that we don't know what to do with all this space it's a real blessing to have this this house now on to utilities and we pay Ying was telling me that we pay for electricity for power we pay about 3,000 to 4,000 thai baht per month 3,000 baht is 90 dollars and 25 cents at this exact time and we normally we normally don't use the a/c all that much in the daytime her parents do sometimes but then we have three rooms going at night for the AC and that's probably the biggest expense for the electricity and then another utility that we have is water but water in Thailand is very affordable so we I don't really know how much water we actually use but our total bill usually is about two hundred and fifty but two hundred and fifty baht is seven dollars and fifty two cents and that's for a whole family for all of us and last but not least Internet and I I have I had to I had to go with a very good internet plan which is very very fast for upload so I can upload 4k videos and I pay per month which is $36 and 10 cents and yet it's really really fast I think it's a supposed to be like a 90 megabyte download and a 50 megabyte upload I don't quite get those speeds but it's not too far off I can I can upload about a gigabyte in about 4 or 5 minutes that completes this house tour in Bangkok I hope it gives you some ideas about living in Bangkok and there are houses there Bangkok is having this like incredible surge of condos so condos are very very common and becoming more and more common and people are moving to condos but I I really prefer to be on ground not in a giant complex where we can eat fresh herbs and vegetables where we have space to do a little bit outside at least and exercise and so this is really a blessing and it's really an amazing place that we have to say that we are very grateful to have and thank you very much for watching this entire tour about house living in Bangkok and if you have any questions leave me a comment below remember to click like on this video and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe now I'm gonna be publishing more travel videos like this living abroad videos like this and lots more lots more content coming your way thanks again for watching and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Abroad
Views: 3,862,600
Rating: 4.9091778 out of 5
Keywords: living in Thailand, living in Bangkok, Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand expats, Bangkok expats, moving to Thailand, moving to Bangkok, cost of living in Bangkok, cost of living in Thailand, renting in Thailand, renting in Bangkok, Thailand house, Bangkok house tour, Bang Na, BKK, Mark Wiens
Id: 6blLVatMkTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2017
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