Living in Thailand 🏝 $250 Beach House Tour in the jungle during COVID 🏝Koh Samui 2020

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hi guys i'm on and welcome back to my channel i'm here in koisumoi it's one of my favorite places here in thailand in this video i'm going to give you a house tour of my friend's bungalow here on the island koisumui is in the south it's a relaxed city beach life with the tropical nature of the jungle as of now it's currently raining it's been raining on and off again since yesterday and with that being said it's also 80 degrees out so it's tropical rain it's still warm while it rains here on the island and with the rain it's very lush and green here there's a lot of coconuts and palm trees out before we get started with this house tour be sure to like comment down below and if you're new here do subscribe for more upcoming travel videos here in thailand let's get started with this house tour let me show you around [Music] i'm here at the front porch of the house it's raining quite hard right now once it stops raining later in the day i'm going to show you the outside of the house the surroundings but for now we're just going to go inside first here is the porch here's a seating area outside on the porch there's also this little wooden gate [Music] i heard some thunderstorms welcome to the life of tsumui it likes to rain here but there's nothing like tropical rain that's what i've experienced in thailand and the rain is getting really strong so let's go inside because it's starting to get misty on the course so here's the front door so to enter into this bungalows we have to open up the door and the key is actually really different this is an old style house where the key is a lot different than usual yeah when i first saw this i thought it was just a screwdriver but on here it says up this has to be pointing up when you insert the keys and now you know if you ever own these kind of houses so let's go enter so welcome to my friend's crib this is the living area as you can see there's also some nice decorating elbows volkswagen and a couple of canoes way to touch up the place in the living area there's a tv we like to watch netflix and youtube with our friends so here we have a lot of the comics i'm charging the gopro right now because we're going to a waterfall with our friends tomorrow and hopefully it doesn't rain tomorrow so we can actually go outside and get some cool shots in the waterfall stay tuned for that this place gets really good lighting as you can see there's big open windows all around this is the living area this is where we like to kick it right now it's also nice to look out the window and watch the rain in this room however there's no ac there's a couple of fans there's a floor fan down there and there's also a ceiling fan up here in thailand i keep saying that i must have an ac it's so damn hard in thailand but in korsa muay here it's definitely doable without an ac on this island over here we have the dining and kitchen area here's the dining table i like to work on my laptop here here's the kitchen it's a nice cozy kitchen there's a fridge sink microwave some snacks and a lovely view of the outdoors this rain won't go away but here is his view there's actually coconut trees all around surrounded by them and there's also other tropical fruits as well but really though this rain today is really intense it's been raining quite heavily today and look at the floors look at the ground it's flooding with rain something i want to show you guys that is definitely an essential on this island is having a mosquito repellent because mosquitoes are everywhere we use this spiral intense mosquito repellent where you just light the end and it burns smoke that repels mosquitoes it's pretty straightforward uh what else can i show you guys oh another thing i want to show you about this refrigerator is the ice maker it's very old school just like this house so with the ice maker here so you fill up these trays and then you put it in here and when it's finished you just go like that and it should drop out i think i need to like loosen these eyes up later and then i'll drop into here the fridge is pretty tiny but perfect for this place because it's a one bedroom what do you guys want to check out let's check out the bedroom so i have three doors behind me there's the bedroom bathroom and balcony yes that's about me okay so let's go check out the bedroom so here it is let's turn on the light a pretty big bed i think it's a king-size bed there's a chair a cabinet and a mirror oh look there's a little seashell light oh and it doesn't work look how cute that is and here is the closet area here is the window anyways let's just try to open one my friend usually keeps this glass window open to let the cool natural breeze in also the air quality in simile is fantastic and it's still raining this is the closet closed oh look there's a mirror hey guys there's these little hooks down here i'm not sure what you would put down here or would you guys hang here it's a nice sized closet the door handle has stores on them so one of the things i realized in the houses i've been to in koi semoy even though there's no ac out in the living area there is ac in the bedroom i don't understand why they just can't put ac in both rooms so that is the tour of the bedroom let's go check out the rest of the place here's the bathroom very straightforward for the bathroom you actually have to turn off the light on the outside here's the shower area and it's blocked off by this little wall so the water doesn't get to the rest of the bathroom here's the decorative tile art on the bathroom wall and that is the bathroom i realize i'm actually matching this bathroom because it's all blue so let's check out the balcony outside here is the lovely balcony look how pretty it is i'm gonna turn on the light so out here we have views of coconut trees lush palm trees and a lot of greenery it's quite a nice view i should say in thailand it's really common for people to hang dry their clothes there's not really dryers around maybe some laundry mats will have dryers but people will just hang dry their clothes from my experience from hang drying my clothes on this island it could take up to a few days to completely dry from hang drying because it is really humid here keep that in mind it depends on how humid it is outside and if it rained or not the stove top is out on the balcony so the smell of when you're cooking doesn't get inside which is perfect for me because i don't like the smell of food from cooking in my hair or my clothes i like that it's separate outdoors and the stovetop is powered by a propane tank and that is the tour of the inside of the house once it stops raining in 20 minutes to an hour to whenever we'll go outside it hasn't stopped raining for a while so in the meantime i'm just going to give you the details and the rundown of this place this is a five minute ride from the beach or if you want to walk through it's about 20 minutes for this one bedroom bungalow the original price is 10 000 baht but because of coronavirus the landlord was really nice enough to reduce the price as of now so currently it's 7 000 baht which is crazy because i never thought about how affordable it would be to live really close to the beach i always assumed that it would be really expensive to live in koi samoy the reason why i wanted to make this video and show you guys this place was because those of you who have always dreamt about living by the beach myself included it's definitely doable this place is unbelievable it's in the middle of the jungle and it's a five-minute bike ride to the beach and you have everything here on this island it's really accessible you also have some of the best oceans and beaches as well so this place is definitely for you if you don't mind the rain you like the sunshine and you like going to the beach also if you can ride a scooter that is definitely a plus you don't want to go walking around everywhere plus also grab isn't really that accessible here so the last time i was here there'd be times when i would order a grab and it would be unavailable because there weren't that many drivers around now that i know how to ride a bike it's definitely doable for me to live on this island hey guys it's me from the future a few days later it actually stopped raining back to where we were this place is 7 000 baht a month and water and electricity isn't included electricity is 7 baht a unit and it comes out to about 600 baht a month for electricity and water is about 75 baht a month so in total this place averages out to about 7 675 baht a month not too shabby like look at where i'm at so in total this place is about 250 dollars a month that is mind-blowing to me i just wanted to show you guys what the cost of living here would be we're here outside the houses they're raised off the ground they're raised up a level a bit because of the monsoon season when it rains heavily it floods this is to keep the rest of the house from keeping out of the flood and one of the key things to have on this island is a bike so here is my bike that i'm currently renting so that is the front of the house i just want to show you what the street looks like it's in a secluded street it's very quiet here which i really like but it's also really accessible to the city over here is where we throw our trash away and they come to collect as well so this is our trash bin i would say for the whole street and right next to the house you can see there are rows of banana trees right behind me you step out into the jungle here here is the backyard i guess this space is for everybody i've seen local people harvest the fruits off of the tree here sometimes i'll see a local cut down a coconut for himself which is really cool because you can just cut down a home-grown coconut right in your backyard so with this place it kind of also includes an unofficial stray dog here is one of the local street dog who likes to come and occasionally chill on the front porch when i first saw this dog i thought it was my friend's dog but it's just another street dog but she's really nice the door is wide open and she knows not to come in i got the goods in this household everybody eats today we didn't choose her she chose us so that is a wrap up of the house tour of this one bedroom bungalow here in koh samui it's in the middle of the jungle as you can see right behind me it's a five minute bike ride from the beach and it's only 250 a month and if you have ever dreamt about living by the beach i'm here to tell you that anything is possible you can definitely live here by the beach without breaking the bank it's definitely doable here in koi samui i'm still shocked by it but i'm just here to show you that it's realistic and doable i definitely recommend koi samoy for you if you enjoy the beach if you don't mind the rain the tropical rain that is and if you can ride a scooter to get around the island then definitely check out this island sometime and you might not ever leave anyways i hope you guys enjoyed this video of this house tour and i'll talk to you guys later take care
Channel: Skye Tran
Views: 34,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Life in Thailand, Thailand living, Thailand living 2020, cost of living in thailand, cost of living koh samui, cost of living thailand, ko samui, ko samui 2020, koh samui, koh samui 2020, koh samui cost of living, koh samui thailand, koh samui today, life in thailand, living in thailand 2020, living in thailand during covid, living in the jungle, thailand cost of living, thailand house tour, living in thailand
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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