Living in a Tiny-House in a NYC Rooftop Garden…

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foreign this is the best roof tiny house anywhere in New York according to the owner are you ever gonna move [Music] here we are in the fur west side and look at this right there you got Central Park you can get the b in the sea a city bike and the bus but hey while you wait why don't you get a breakfast sandwich some Cheetos some muffins good morning [Music] thank you this trailer behind me is not a science experiment this is actually a rented boiler which is heating this building right here there must be something wrong with it wrong with their boiler which is down there don't say you don't learn anything from my videos [Music] this is Columbus Avenue one block west of where the apartment is and look right here we got a crepe place which has coffee and a sign in Spanish I don't know what this actually is about because I don't think there's one vegetable for sale in there then we got another coffee place right here these have been popping up all over in the city and they usually give out free coffee when they renovate and reopen we'll have to see Pizza local Bagels in the Upper West Side you have to eat a bagel once a day in order to live here it's the law space Market okay it looks like a little Deli slash Grocery and then we have a burrito bar and a sidewalk covered by flying Street rats get out of here I'm trying to walk [Music] good enough to eat that's what they told the health inspector looks like a Greek place okay and they have your typical breakfast that's a good thing and we have Joe coffee Moto Rhino Pizzeria you can tell it's a fancy place because they won't spell Pizza correctly and there's no buffalo chicken pizza on the menu hey a gristides where you can buy and make your own food look at this everything on this side of the street all restaurants this is like one of them brunch places that gets packed on the weekends look they have an absolutely massive outdoor dining plus there's the inside and booths oh but look at these amazing donuts man and they have raspberry Tarts see it's another bagel place you have to get one [Music] raise Pizza I don't know if they're telling the truth but the sign looks so old in fact look all the signs are old the prices are new though to reflect inflation still though you eat that you'll be full for a week then we got some clothing boutiques but in order to wear this stuff you're gonna have to be three years old and you're gonna have to do push-ups and sit-ups because I don't see any gyms around here and you're gonna have to run in Central Park Independent bookstore also one of you mailed me this and I had to buy the rest of them for my daughter so thank you for spending my money but please don't send me this one ew there's a Starbucks we'll look around for a hose squirting out water randomly on the street you could fill your cup up with that for free you can get the same sweater as Mr Rogers 50 off but his attitude was priceless and for reference that is the Museum of Natural History and look across the street you can get some real coffee this mirror is on sale for fifteen hundred dollars it's probably haunted and then we have a little shipping center if Amazon's five-star reviews trick you too and you get the product and you're like man one star send it back now over here we have a not so smart landlord and over here we have a Savvy landlord look the Park West Pharmacy was in there and up Boop it's over here and now this place is for rent building is like about to collapse this is also a better location on the corner [Music] then we have a little vegetable market where you can get five minutes of firewood potting mix and an apple that looks like a grapefruit Mediterranean Italian Mexican [Music] it's nice to see so many haunted thrift stores up in here would you live without a creepy candle dripping wax all over your living room look at that one some ancient Babylonian ruler and then we have Champions Martial Arts which will turn your three-year-old into a bloodthirsty Savage maybe they'll get mentioned on The Joe Rogan podcast oh thank you appreciate that thanks for watching [Music] I'm telling you the sheer magnitude of restaurants it's just completely overwhelming most people they want to live downtown because they think that that's where all the fun is but I mean clearly look every corner every business look it's getting so rowdy up here the police have to get involved isn't she gorgeous we're headed to the top floor which is special but look the other floors those look pretty cool too the person who we're about to meet rented this place through one of my videos a couple of years ago it's all furnished and set up but if you want to live here I'll put the agent's information in the video description in case you want to reach out to them directly foreign [Music] how are you Ben nice to meet you [Music] so this is roof deck one of three correct it's like a little house so lucky with this place yeah what did it cost when you moved in and what does it cost now when I first moved in a year and a half ago I paid 3 000 for this one even though rent has gone up 35 percent this past year it's still a deal for what I get so I'm very lucky how many rooms is it it's two rooms upstairs and downstairs plus again the three outdoor spaces which are so large I don't know what to do with them sometimes where do you make food I don't see the kitchen it's this tiny little area block over here oh you walk down yes it gets the job done a lot of good restaurants in the area though so don't have to always cook but you do cook here rarely yeah look at that it's a spotless stove let's see if Ben's telling the truth oh he oh no he doesn't even reheat delivery you eat everything in one sitting yes my man I will probably bother you for some coffee later and uh what do you do for work here in the city yes I'm a dentist so fixing people's teeth it's my job but I really love it that's what brought me to New York what is the number one thing somebody can do to have healthy teeth don't brush too hard you're sure you're a dentist not a bartender I love to entertain so it's always good to have enough Supply what I think is impressive is you've just fit so much like we've even got the bike it's all in this little area I mean you got to have a bike if you're living by Central Park it's a great place to ride [Music] oh this has two baths that's right are they both fulls they are really two full baths okay it's big enough for one person yeah it gets the job done medicine cabinet it's older but it's really really clean did you think it was weird kind of having the first bathroom so close to the kitchen or you just kind of chalked it up to it being like a quirky apartment I talked it up to that I mean your New York apartments you got to fit things where you got to fit them because it's not a lot of space so these are brand new couches yes just got them oh 10 minutes ago they feel great are these different than the old couches exactly the same really you wore out your couch you've been here for so long had a lot of guests so Ben I'm guessing that you don't use that under the stair Hobbit closet for anything no it's blocked off now how about this overhead here you can kind of reach this okay yeah oh wow that goes back really far and there's a light in there sometimes uh extra guests can sleep in there too really so you've got a comforter in there are you being serious no it's one of those switches look at that dude that's a bedroom man I am so intrigued by this look at that it fits a mattress Airbnb I think so I know you're killing it as a dentist but you know you should think about that this is the type of advice I give what's the story with this lamp got it from uh Raymore and Flanagan that's okay it looks dope Lighting in here is really good we got these two windows that face the first outdoor deck and you've got the track lighting I noticed so I used to have one of these Home Depot sells The Replacements this piece pops out right there there's a tricky space as far as what table to put here but this kind of bar Style just works so well to allow people to pass through to get outside I love the old wood color so this is the dining table [Music] have you seen him before never where is he going it's like walking through an alley did you know there was an alley down there yes but I have no access my neighbor here oh yeah I lived here for a year and a half I don't think he even lives here he looks like he's got a rather unused set of things his outdoor is pretty cool yes I might steal that dude you could totally take it and just move it over he wouldn't even know that one's bent we're gonna get up there in a second I love this table I'm guessing since it's winter time you don't do too many meals out here but you could I could yeah for now I got the Christmas tree uh might as well keep it out until it dies string lights does this turn on oh look at that you won't get lost in your own home there's other apartments here do you feel like this is private it looks private very private I met the neighbors here there is a bedroom there but we put this and I can't see them they can't see me naked it's great but everybody else everybody else [Music] this is where things get so cool this is the bedroom what size bed you have Queen it's classy I like Starfish at night gonna measure from your feet to the wall so this is 13 feet 8 inches by about 12 feet dresser over here I think I have the exact same lamp it's so handy with the little shelves off Amazon baby is this your uh self-defense exactly this is why you weren't afraid to let me tour your apartment just to keep the pigeons away a couple couple dingers that's it I don't think I'm holding it correctly what an amazing little bedroom and I shouldn't really call it little because look you've even got a desk good for getting work done AC's right there so I can dry my hair same time there's a closet up here okay it's full and the other two roof decks are up here as well so I guess this one here I barely go out ever but it's nice to have it look like I might awesome I like to Snoop around [Music] Ben when you moved in did you bring this furniture or was it here what do you think stops you from using this because to me it's kind of cool too much excess outdoor space that's true I mean do you really want two tables like you already have it down there more for show but sometimes friends come over and visit they sit out here do you want if you want to start gardening I guess yeah even so we've got that same really really cool unique New York view what's up with this ladder over here so this goes to technically the fourth it's sturdy you've tested this I have you're a doctor right I can help you you can help me okay oh oh my goodness oh man look at that you can see the whole city up here cool I'm gonna hand it back to you now I noticed there's a big steel gate here do you ever lock that no I don't it would take an intruder a lot of persistence looks pretty hefty there's also a full-size bathroom upstairs little sink we got another medicine cabinet here this is the shower so a little small but hey it works do you ever use the downstairs tub or no I do sometimes yeah it's also kind of neat we've got the hallway heater right here in the actual stairwell haven't seen that before look it has a little valve under there so you can lift this up and adjust it and even though this is an old building with Windows kind of everywhere it's built well it's not drafty there's no like weird Breeze I don't hear howling air you know maybe being sucked out behind this thing so I'm guessing these are a lot newer than the rest of this [Music] oh this is sick [Music] wow this is all yours look at that little tiny house right there amazing view of Manhattan right there so when you saw this place was this the moment where you realized I have to live here 100 I was gonna pay anything I guess this old school Skylight this goes into the building's hallway these Star Wars looking deals here these make any noise this is nice too in the summer I can have a projector out here this is painted on the wall oh you didn't paint that that was there and you set up your projector right over there I wish I had a friend like Ben when I was younger and unmarried lots of little lights got the tiki torches out Grill in the summer you can have a nice little luau out here one two three okay five person table you got the two lounge chairs and four additional seats this is 26 by 13. did you know what was that big is there any more room for furniture out here I don't think so I think you're right about the neighbor he's definitely not living here but he does have a hammock he has a hammock he's got Putt-Putt of course oh yeah I see that maybe I can pop over later the balls are still out there there's value in that now if you're afraid of heights you won't want to get too close to this barrier because you can kind of see the street down there but there is a falcon to protect you does it work to keep the pigeons away compartment oh it did good job I never thought about what a pain it would be to keep something this extensive clean if you had a pigeon problem but yeah I don't see any pigeons up here it's working I don't know what building that is those are some of the towers south of Central Park and then look you can see your neighbor's buildings look at that guy he's got a roof deck I don't think it's anywhere near as cool as this though we got the lounge chairs we got everything completely set up I would love to live in something that felt like this it just it feels so private and secluded because again you've got the one guy over there the building over here absolutely unbeatable what's also crazy is that this is 4100 I know that seems like an absolute metric ton of rent money but forty one hundred dollars is the average price of a one bedroom right now in New York City and this place is in a hot part of town with the two baths and all the outdoor space dude thank you so much man I really appreciate that thank you guys shout out to Ben for letting us check out his place I'll have the agents info in the description if you want to see if he ever moves out which sounds like it'll never happen see you in the next video
Channel: Cash Jordan
Views: 1,347,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uF4ACLGkKzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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