Bedroom Design Mistakes (And How to Fix Them!)

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hi everyone it's Nick welcome welcome back to my channel okay in this video today we are going to be talking about bedroom design mistakes now I did a video last year where I did sort of a part one to this so if you you know if you're thinking like o that's a mistake in a bedroom and it's not on this list it probably means that it was in last year's video so I just had too many things to talk about in last year's video that were mistakes that y'all are doing in your bedroom so that's why we are going to be doing a part two and as always if you love these things then keep them they're only a mistake if they're and well some things are just mistakes and someone needed to say it and so so but some things are personal opinion and so some we're going to kind of we're going to do both in this video let's be honest let's get going okay so first of all my list is going to be the bed stuffed into the corner this is very common I see a lot of people do this where they take the bed and usually it's space reasons but sometimes it isn't sometimes it's just a choice the wrong choice but a choice nonetheless where it's sort of just like kind of shoved into the corner there and not actually Central to the room sometimes you know rooms are multi-functional and I understand that people maybe want to put the pellaton in the Corner maybe a bookcase maybe they have a desk maybe they have whatever and we're asking our bedrooms to do a lot rather than just you know having a bed and maybe a couple of nightstands so I understand that maybe a closet organizer a wardrobe whatever and space can be a really a big old Challenge and so people think that the right approach is to shove it in the corner I would reconsider that because I think it isn't good for two big reasons first of all I would say it's just practical it's it's a practical thing for me getting into a bed that's stuffed into a corner especially if there's more than one person there is really really irritating right because you're only going to ever access the bed practically speaking on one side which is super annoying if ever you're stayed at someone's house as like a guest or whatever and it's shoved into the corner and maybe you brought a partner or something like that and there's two of you and you're the one who shoved up against the wall right like it's just it's impractical it's stupid it just doesn't make sense now if it's a single bed or something like that or a queen size or whatever and it's just one person then maybe it's not that that big of a deal for a practicality point of view but I still think it's really really irritating to get in and out of and really really irritating to make the bed you know what I mean like have you ever tried to make one of those beds it's not fun you just got to like get on the bed and like pick up the edge of it and shimmy and like shove it down into the side of the bed there it's never fun that's not a it's not a fun way to make your bed so it really for those reasons feels like it's kind of a single teenage boy sort of style of how to do a bedroom when you shove it in the corner because he never makes his bed and probably the only one ever in it and that's kind of what that The Vibes that I'm sort of getting off this the second reason is that which is a little bit more getting into the design of it is that it lacks sort of creates sort of a lack of a focal point in the bedroom I think that it's really important that every room really have sort of a focal point that the room is sort of centered around and built around it could be a fireplace in a living room it could be a couch or something like that it could be the television right some sort of focal point in the center of the room and in the bedroom it is so often probably all the time going to be the bed and so if you've shoved it in the corner you don't really have any balance to the room because it's always going into never going to appear symmetrical because of course you can't and it's probably going to really struggle to be asymmetrical as well because it just doesn't fit because you've shoved the bed right in the corner so to me it always lacks a focal point I just think it's so important to sort of had that kind of bed right in the center of the room there I think it practically makes a lot of sense it also makes a lot of sense from an Aesthetics point of view CU it will always look balanced that way it will most likely be a lot easier to balance the room that way just a much better way to do it now I do understand that sometimes again multi-purpose rooms and whatever and you know we're asking our bedroom to do so much it might make sense to shove it in the corner I can understand that for some rooms really small rooms like if you live in a tiny little New York apartment and you're like but Nick I have no other option I get it you know obviously I'm giving very blanket advice for hundreds of thousands of people here in the internet so this might not apply to you but for nine times out of 10 for a bedroom don't shove it in the corner okay second up is going to be no rug or the wrong siiz rug I can't believe I missed this in my first one because I am constantly talking to you people about making sure that you have rug if I go into a room that like a living room that doesn't have a rug I've got a lot to say but even a bedroom I think it's just such a missed opportunity love a rug in a bedroom because I just think really it provides sort of kind of that tray if you will that everything sort of sits on it just creates that sort of that that boundry that just sort of sits in the center of that room and just really makes a room feel more grounded because everything sort of sits around that rug right it just Pro it just feels empty like everything's just sort of floating in space if it doesn't have a rug to really anchor to I also love the the practicality of getting and having something really cozy on the ground not only does it look good because you know you've got that extra texture play that's happening on the floor but also it's just nice to walk on right if you've got hardwood floors in the bedroom then I would advise definitely to put a rug in because I just think it looks beautiful to have a rug there and it's nice to you know get out of your bed and have something nice and Squishy to put your feet on as opposed to a hard surface and again visually it is going to provide a gorgeous texture sitting on the bottom of your bed and just going to really kind of ground that space and add another textural opportunity that plus blankets plus drapery panels which we'll get to in a second right all those things really sort of help create a much more textural space which is going to look a lot more visually interesting especially since a lot of people are choosing more muted or neutral colors and sometimes they can feel really flat right so if you got white walls and white bedding and you're just like why does it feel so flat and boring like it's sort of like I don't know from an Ikea catalog or something cuz you just have everything white and gray then texture right adding a little bit of texture on the floor is going to really warm up a space and make it a lot Cozier it just makes sense also make sure to get the right size right so you're probably looking to have 18 in maybe 12 in possibly extended outside of the rug 18 is a good number to really shoot for there where you know you've got that little 18 in of rug sort of on either side or all sort of sides of the bed that's really nice that's kind of a good indication of the size of rug that you probably need for the space now if that carpets the entire room it might also mean that your bed is really too big for the space but that's a whole other conversation but I would say aim for that 18 in around to really give yourself that nice kind of visual space right there for a gorgeous queen-size bed or whatever you've got going on and you're in business okay next up on my list is going to be having lots and lots of plastic organizers so organizers could be great right we love to be organized don't we or least be like to think that we're organized and sometimes they could be super super helpful but I just think that plastic in like bathrooms and bedrooms are just really sort of out of control I feel like in living rooms people have sort of maybe kind of don't have as much of it but I just feel like because everybody wants to be really organized in bathrooms and bedrooms they add a lot of acrylic organizers and plastic organizers and plastic Hooks and plastic things and I personally this is now you know this is veing into the area of personal preference I just think that that really sort of hard cheap looking plastic everywhere in your room is just not really doing your bedroom any favors I think opting for uh wood as a natural material is a much better option metal obviously it depends on you know what we're talking about in terms of the Practical material choices and how that necessarily affects because obviously wood is going to be heavier so is metal blah blah blah probably also going to last you a lot longer to use a higher quality material than plastic I get it we buy these little hookie things at Dollar Tree and at Target and things like that and they're super super fun but you know they last a very long time or they should anyway and so I just think paying that little bit extra is just going to give you a much more beautiful uh aesthetic place that things that you're going to really enjoy using do you know what I mean and also you know on the topic of budget yes I understand you're like oh but okay but I like my Dollar Tree organizers because they're super cheap but like Ikea Target lots of these places do have organizers and all those little hooks and things they do have them in different materials than just using that same sort of hard white plastic that is all over people's bedrooms so consider that instead right there are still accessibly priced items that are using different materials something like plastic coat hangers right we have so many plastic coat hangers in the world and I get it they gave you the free metal ones or the free plastic ones over there at the dry cleaners and they have to have a nice day with the smiley face on it and you were like well this is great I want to use this forever I get it but just consider opting for wood hangers that little nice little upgrade to your bedroom is going to make a huge difference right so maybe think about just just little ways that you can you know buy less plastic and maybe some different materials that are going to last you a lot longer are a joy to use and um maybe you know just overall aesthetically better okay next up on my list is going to be um giant open w wardrobes or kind of wardrobe racks that people sort of have all over their room do people have a lot of these I feel like maybe like Tik Tok and Instagram and people's get ready with me sort of make me think that people have a lot more of these open racks sitting in their bedrooms than they probably actually do because maybe that these people are influencers right so maybe they just like whip out these racks all the time I have no idea maybe maybe real people that are not influencers don't have enough of these but I've seen a lot of these in people's rooms to make me put it on this list which is these open rack systems I find that they make a space feel a lot more cluttered than they actually are I have gone on record a lot on my feelings on using a lot of sort of open storage system systems and not having closed door Cabinetry I'm personally a big fan of the closed door Cabinetry because I think it hides all your ugly crap and you have a lot of it and although your clothing I'm sure is Chic and gorgeous it just always is going to make your space real really cluttered if you just have it sort of hung up on these metal racks all over your bedroom I think that closet systems are magical things because what they do is they have doors on them and those doors can shove all your stuff in there and close it up and you don't have to look at it all the time you only have to look at it when you open open the door and then you use it for the once or twice a day that you actually need to go in there the rest of the time that you're in your bedroom it is calm and Serene because it's got these doors that are magic and they hide all your stuff in there so you don't have to look at them all the time and I think that that is a magical wonderful thing and so I would consider hiding a lot of your clothing as gorgeous as I'm sure it is as I'm sure it's super Chic and amazing shove it in the old closet right like maybe don't have these open storage racks because you know you can design the rest of your beautiful bedroom with all the that I give you but if you've got your Chic clothing on display it's always going to look a little cluttered you know what I mean and I just think if you seal it away then that's going to really you know make a huge difference for you go with that okay and then next up on my list is going to be not considering window treatment so first of all I said not considering so that's always really important when I do these videos is not consider just consider just like an idea these are just ideas you don't have to listen to any of them you can just tune me out and whatever that's fine too I don't care I don't have to live there so it's no odds to me what if you take these tips and don't do anything with them them or not I I don't live there in fact if you don't and then put them on social media then I get to include them in future videos so you see how that's actually a good thing for me so feel free to not take these tips but if you are considering these tips I would consider maybe putting window treatments on now sometimes not considering them might make sense because it might be your style you might not want window treatments it might just fit the rest of your space and that is a aesthetic choice that might make sense for you but I would consider perhaps putting into some window treatments and the reason is really a couple I would say first of all it provides a wonderful practical benefit that makes sense I think especially so in the bedroom which is that at night you can close them which is great because of privacy and also to not have the light necessarily shining in your bedroom first thing in the morning because as we head into the summer months it starts getting sunny at 4 five 6:00 in the morning or something and that's really irritating because now you're awake way too early than you probably needed to be so there's an obvious practical benefit to being able to close them up also privacy depends on where you live I currently right now I'm living here in an apartment in downtown Vancouver so yeah there's buildings all over the place and so some privacy is a nice thing so having some shades in there because obviously you know the bedroom is a place where people want privacy and so that's a good thing so there's a practical obvious benefit there so that's a good start in addition to the privacy and the practicality of having them from an aesthetic perspective it also allows you to have another opportunity to add more texture into your space so you know having beautiful window treatments is a wonderful way to sort of again you know on one of the walls you know if you've got a sliding door you got a big window you got a big whatever it's an opportunity to put some texture on the wall as opposed to just necessarily always just having it on the bedding or of course that rug that I told you about earlier right so it's just an opportunity for texture and to have some fun with it and you don't necessarily have to have really big giant heavy curtains if that's not your style things like Roman Shades can be wonderful right there's different window treatment options that are out there that are absolutely great and fantastic and will provide you the Practical benefit as well as the aesthetic coziness that you're going to get by adding more texture into the space all about it okay next up we're going to say that nightstands that are the wrong height so nightstands are an important piece because obviously they provide a practical benefit for you to have one or hopefully two cuz you didn't shove it in the corner cuz you saw 0.1 now you've got a couple of nightstands fantastic okay so what height should they be aim for around mattress height this is assuming that you have a mattress that's the correct height we'll get to that in a second but putting the nightstand to be actually the correct height I think is a really great height to shoot for now sometimes you know people buy nightstands that are way too high and I think that that's functionally not fun cuz if you take your glasses off at the end of the night and you got to go like this in order to put them on that's probably or to put them back so if it's the end of the night and you're sitting there taking your glasses and you're putting them on to go to sleep you know if you're doing this that's probably a little bit too high from the bed so I would aim for round mattress height that is going to be roughly the most kind of practical sort of one that's going to make the most sense because again often times in interior design people forget that these numbers aren't just suggestions sometimes they are actually just built for human beings like they're built for the human form and so like if you're sitting in your bed that's roughly around going to be the height that you're going to need it in order to be able to functionally sort of use it um comfortably now depends on who you are if you're super tall if you're whatever it depends on the side of your bed whatever but like for the most part that's roughly going to be the measurement that you're going to shoot for if they're really low it's also going to be really um annoying and it's going to look really silly because you're going to have to go pick stuff up from off the floor in order to practically be able to use it aim for Mattress height that's the short answer okay next up on my list is going to be wrong lighting temperature I swear every single time I do one of these mistakes videos I have to talk about the lighting temperature because it's important in every room but you know here we are talking about the bedroom so let's talk about it there ideally ideally you don't just have the one boob light sitting in the center of the room and you've probably got another couple of Lights in there and you do that because you've listened to me in previous videos which kudos to you for that so maybe you've got a floor lamp maybe you've got cute little lamps beside you on the nightstands there how fabulous is that maybe you've got why am I ey a g all of a sudden how fabulous is that anyway so you you know maybe you got some cute lights all over the place cuz I told you to or you just came to that wonderful logical conclusion yourself in which case great but let's make sure they're all the right temperature nothing grinds my gears more than incorrect lighting temperature in the same room oh I can't stand it if I've got a warm light and I've got a cool light and they're next to each other nothing is more headache inducing it's Nails on a chalkboard people just make sure that the same now I think you should choose a slightly warmer light than you probably have but that's my choice you know everybody has their own preference daylight bulbs typically are are better for energizing people waking people up right that's ideally what they're there for so you've got the daylight in the morning cuz that's the light that we get in the first thing in the morning and then you've got the kind of golden hour as you get kind of closer to the end of the day and then you got a nice warm glow kind of evening light perfect for the end of the day now ideally you have them on some sort of Philips hu situation and you've got them all like timed and your circadian rhythm and you've just you've got it all figured out which case that's great for most people they're probably not going to do that they're just going to pick one lighting temperature I personally think that it's nicer to have a nice Cozier light in the bedroom as opposed to something really jarring and energizing like those white lights that people are supposed to put in their garage or a medical clinic you know rather than those places I think that you should choose uh a warmer light it's going to be a lot Cozier a lot more comforting and it's going to make a lot more sense especially in the evening when you wind down in your gorgeous new bedroom so that is would be that would be my preference would be to select one light now again it is personal preference so it's up to you you know choose whatever lighting temperature makes sense for you just make sure they're the same okay that's all I ask of you so if you do go with the garage lighting commit to it you know don't just go in half measure choose the same lighting ideally warmer and use it throughout the room okay don't mismatch your lightning temperatures please I beg of you and if you do feel free to post it on social media tag me so that I can save it for future videos thank you okay and then next up here is the bed sitting on the ground not having any box spring or any sort of sort of you know bed frame or anything that just just the mattress the mattress on the ground remember that teenage boy we talked about earlier that that's that Vibes except he's moved out of his parents house and now he's in his own house but he hasn't figured it out yet and he just sort of throws the mattress on the ground and says why waste money on a bed frame no there's some practical reasons why you need to have some sort of bed frame and not just have a mattress sitting on a floor like sad bachelor pad you know what I mean I think upgrading your bed for a thousand reasons but let's start with Aesthetics it's obviously going to be hideously ugly for you just to put a mattress on the ground cuz mattresses on their own are just it's incomplete it's just not there right you need to have something a little bit more of substance to elevate it to bring it off the ground and to have an opportunity to provide more texture and color and just create a more interesting beautiful space than just that sad mattress okay next it needs to be up off the ground mattresses also need to sort of have some ventilation going on right we're not just sitting there on the floor it needs to be elevated off the ground so that the air and everything is all circulating around it so you don't have this dank sad mattress that's sitting there sitting on the ground like that you know what I mean like it needs to have air flow around it it doesn't just need to kind of like sit there sadden pathetic okay and next up building off that yes we got the circulation but we also got dirt and dust okay the ground is usually not very clean and so having this under there is is elevating it off the ground is a very good thing so having it in some sort of bed frame is going to be really really important and also at the same time getting it up off the ground is a good thing because practically speaking getting in and out of it should be the right height to be able to make it easy for you to get in and out of the bed so if the bed mattress is sitting on the ground do I have to tell you guys this like you're on my channel okay if you've got a mattress is sitting on the ground you have not listened to anything I've said ever and if maybe it's your first time here which case welcome thank you for making it this far into the video after all the sarcasm that has come before this I'm glad you're sticking around thanks for that but if you've met me before why are we still doing this get that mattress get it off the ground get it in a bed frame circulate that air get it off the dingy floor and start getting some G and then focus on some gorgeous bedding and that's really the next step here okay so that's it for me for today guys I hope you really enjoyed this video I'm going to link here to part one so if you liked bedroom design mistakes part two guess what you're going to really enjoy part one like that's obvious so go check out that video and I'm going to link it right here or here I I don't know where to point I never I think it's here I think it's I think I figur no I think I figured it out it's this way okay see you on the next video thanks bye
Channel: Nick Lewis
Views: 77,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D9bsDKod9w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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