Inside Tokyo's CRAZIEST TINY Apartment

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this is the craziest apartment I've been to in  Japan so far and it's expensive for what you get   and yes it's crazier than the triangle apartment  in several different ways but let me show you what   nearly $1000 gets you in one of the more expensive  areas of Tokyo Japan this is it 360° of this this   goes all the way around by the way and despite  having a lot of features that make it oddly   functional the entire thing is basically like a  giant in your balcony it's well it's a solarium   it's completely wild like look at this and that  that is a toilet but before we get into everything   that makes this place as crazy as it is I want to  show you the stairway... claustrophobics Beware   this is not going to be a pleasant experience for  you this Center column stairwell runs the entire   building from top to bottom but these staircases  are narrow smack my head off this in the morning   coming in that was a ton of fun at least there's  a handrail here but I take up basically the entire   width of this hallway tunnel we'll call it a  tunnel it's a very confining experience luckily   it's still not nearly as bad as that last one  and then opens up to a window here before going   into the apartment it feels a little weird to  even call it an apartment would you call this   in apartment also where where would you sleep  that's what I'm trying to figure out that will   be one of the Mysteries that we tried to solve  as I give you the full 360 Tour of this place so   starting right at the hallway in main entrance  this apartment changes completely when you put   down all the blinds there's a shoe rack here  with like three umbrellas for some reason and   that leads us right to the toilet area with the  bath does this just open this literally just is   a pane of glass that swings open I cannot be  the only person who feels like I would break   that in my first month living here above the  bath there's also this here space which is a   vent for all the steam with no cover and it looks  like you can actually open up the window next to   the bath yes you can so you can just have a bat  with a wide open window and as you can see this   is not the only tiny building in the area the  whole area is ripe with them we'll take a peek   of the street later on and I'm definitely spoiled  from living in Japan too long because this toilet   is far too low tech for a Japanese home there's  no washlet there's no bidet it is just toilet and   flush and this probably isn't supposed to be that  loose I'm breaking the place already this whole   Space by the way from window to edge is only 90  CM I can literally touch window and wall with my   elbows there's an emergency escape ladder here  which seems like it would likely just lead you   onto that person's rooftop and then around around  this corner is where we have our washer and what   is this control panel video interphone for the  front door gas controls a whole bunch of mystery   switches and then your washing machine now front  loading washing machines are not super common in   Japan top loaders are more commonly used but  Japanese washing machines will also sometimes   have a drier function in them but it can be  incredibly incredibly slow like 4 to 6 hours   for one load and I guess that brings us to what  you might call the well the kitchen area there is   a sink which is just slightly larger than my hand  and there's a vent for the two induction heater   stove elements here how do you even where's the  switches for them how do you control any oh it's   touch panel okay this here is actually the the  air conditioning unit for the I never seen this   particular air condition oh wow and it it's not  stable so I probably I should have didn't touch it   it says open here what happens when I okay I also  just noticed that these just barely fit together   they literally had to scrape off the bottom to  the sink just to get that in okay I just found   a really cool feature that I want to show you but  for anybody screaming in hatred of narrow spaces   thank you for watching this by the way good news  this is actually there's not even enough space to   open this this is actually 95 CM so it's 5 cm  wider than over there I can still still touch   both sides of my elbows though I've been baffled  my entire time in here at the complete and utter   lack of power outlets there's none there in the...  would that be the main room there's none by the   toilet which I know sounds crazy but it is a  heated toilet they've at least given us that   and then I noticed this the outlets are hidden  right here under the floor so there are three in   here but how many in the entire apartment also  does this not just make you feel like you were   were genuinely just standing on a Ledge hi person  seemingly none in the kitchen there got to be some   hidden back there that you can't see okay I found  two more in the main room with internet and TV   connection and then one hidden right here behind  the toilet and right beside the bath so it's the   perfect place for it assuming that I found them  all and that I've counted correctly that is five   power outlets for the entire unit and now we've  made it full circle and there's another sink just   three or four steps away from the the sink it's  also wild to me that every side of this apartment   has fully openable windows that run top to bottom  and there's nothing but this bar here keeping you   in like how safe do you think this is and you have  this tiny mirror which is placed oddly high up   considering the average height of Japanese people  being somewhere between like 5'2 and 5' 7 also   all of these windows have Shades that come down I  want to close them all up and see what this place   is like I kind of got to try the bath I love how  you can just go 360° around this entire apartment   also this shower curtain seems like it wraps all  the way around it does but do I fit into the bath? okay I guess the answer is kind of the Google  street view of this place though is terrifying   this building and the one next to it are very  creepily just blurred out somebody wants their   privacy for something this is a fairly expensive  area the address of this place is in HIROO and   there's a gorgeous view of Tokyo Tower over  there there are embassies and Beautiful Homes   all throughout this area and opening the  window makes me realize that even even if   you're sitting down in the bath you're people  will see you there are places where like look   at this even from a low angle there are going to  be people who are able to see into to your bath   it has gotten really bright I feel like putting  all feel like it's going to take a while to do   all of these [Music] there are so many [Music]  that definitely gives a different feel privacy   wise it's not bad you can't really see in or  out there are five of these on each side four   sides that's 20 of these that you would have  to open and close multiple times a day don't   think I would do it I think I personally would  just leave them all closed also I have not yet   checked the size of the would you call this the  entrance or the main room the floor plan for this   is equally as impressive as the apartment itself  you look at it and you have nothing but questions   and this is about a 170 cm wi me I'm pretty sure  that this is the area where you be setting up   your FUTON or Japanese style bedding you almost  certainly wouldn't have an actual bed just wear   where would you lay would I'm guessing probably  maybe somewhere around like it would pretty much   have to be in this area because this doesn't work  neither does this then I'm not even going to try   this there's also no space for storage so even  if you laid out your FUTON where would you pack   it up or put your clothing or or anything for  that matter it's amazing that this place is as   popular as it is I'm going to start getting these  open again but they're so long that I got to walk   halfway across the apartment my Japanese real  estate buddy who runs his own YouTube channel   hook me up with the keys for this place at 6:30  in the morning today okay these officially take   way longer to put back up than they took to let  down this apartment despite its 120,000 Yen price   tag is insanely popular people are booked to see  this apartment in the hopes of moving moving in   all day with the current exchange rate which  has been fluctuating a lot lately that would   make this place $800 to $900 American per month  for this like take a moment to actually imagine   yourself living here and how you would use it if  you remember AYAKA who's done so many of these   tiny apartment tours with us her building was  actually a lot like this one that's how I met   her I will link that video there she's actually  a full-time architect right now which is why   she hasn't been able to come along for so many  of the recent tours she will be making another   appearance very soon I will I will put that  in the description box and this is what the   building looks like from the outside as you  can see it's also surrounded by tiny homes and   apartments for some that is a dreamhouse filled  with endless possibilities and excitement for   others an absolute nightmare which category do  you fall into please let me know down below as   always I will link an entire playlist list of  crazy tiny Japanese apartment videos at the   end thank you so much for hanging out today and  you know I will see you again real soon [Music]
Channel: Tokyo Lens
Views: 1,418,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Tokyo, Tokyo Lens, Norm Nakamura, Norm Tokyo Lens, Japanese, apartment, tiniest apartment, tiny apartment tokyo lens, tiny apartment japan, tin apartment, small apartment, micro apartment, small apartment japan, japan apartment, weird apartment, crazy apartment, japans tiniest apartment, tokyo's craziest tiny apartment, smallest apartment, smallest apartment in japan, tiny apartment tour, japan apartment tour, tokyo apartment tour
Id: YEehwwTEJP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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