After divorce, she moved into a tiny home & people couldn't believe it

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hi there welcome to my channel where I  take you on tours of unique homes have   you ever wanted to do more for yourself  but you weren't sure where to start well   in today's episode we're featuring Mandy  who chose to simplify her life by moving   into a tiny house after a life-changing event  by downsizing her home she made more room for   Financial Freedom and she's going to show  us how actually minimizing her space has   maximized her quality of life and if you  like videos like this one make sure that   you subscribe and hit that notification Bell so  that you know every single time we publish a new episode make this house our tiny home hi I'm Mandy and I want to welcome  you to my home Tiny Tina [Music] ballerina I've never been a big house person my house  prior to this was 900 square ft I got divorced   I got let go from my job and I took it as an  opportunity to travel and to explore and to   really decide what I wanted next in life  it felt like for the first time I got to   choose instead of doing what I should do or  what culture expects us to do I had stayed in   this tiny home Community as an airbn beer and I  saw this house for sale and it just felt like a   way for me to be financially free but have  my own space still be in the city not have   to have a roommate being in a tiny home it just  reminds me that things are different and I can   think differently and I can think creatively I  think there's a lot of lessons in doing things   that maybe we don't always want to do but but I  think there's a line that people push themselves   over and I think when you're in a tiny home  you don't have to push yourself over you can   really listen to what your body's telling you and  rest and pause because you don't have to pay some   ridiculous Bill time becomes worth a lot more  than just money welcome to the outside of Tiny   Tina she is on an 8x20 trailer and about  12T tall it's about 200 ft with the lofts before we continue with Mandy's tour I'm going to  take a minute to talk about this week's sponsor   better help as some of you know I'm a mom with two  young kids and I had my first child during covid   lockdown I know there are a lot of moms like me  that have struggled with postpartum anxiety and   even depression and having easy access to therapy  is a great way to seek support better help offers   a convenient way to access therapy from the  comfort of your own home making it easy for   anyone going going through the daily stresses of  life to get the help they need having someone to   talk to about the challenges of becoming a new  parent would have been extremely helpful and   would have made me feel a little less isolated so  whether you're going through parenting challenges   or just the everyday stresses of life better  help can match you with a licensed therapist   that is suited to your needs and now thanks to  better help sponsoring this video you can start   your journey towards a happier and healthier  life visit back/ tinyhouse giant   Journey and select tiny house giant Journey  at signup for a special discount off your   first month of therapy whether it be through  phone calls video calls or messaging therapy   can be tailored to fit your life giving  you the support you need when you need it now we're in the kitchen the kitchen I kept  pretty standard as to what was already here what   I added that I loved was this double oven air  fryer it's got two compartments I'm a big cook so   I didn't want to have to sacrifice that and I know  I'm not entertaining for like a crowd of people I   had to remind myself of that however I'd like the  option to cook dinner for at least you know four   people that was my cap for myself so this was a  really cool thing to find and it works great so   I'm a big fruit plant eater and obviously didn't  have the cabinet and counter space so magnetic on   the fridge the countertops are butcher block  they're a little worn but I love them I left   them here you can tell where somebody leaned and  cooked the most and hopefully I can add my own   marks and I wanted a pretty pot so that I could  leave them out instead of having to find storage   for them underneath and the same thing with my  dishes I obviously try to make it aesthetically   pleasing cuz it's also out and about for everyone  to see these are my grandma's plates I use them as   my everyday plates cuz they're special like I said  everything in this house brings me joy and every   single day I get to use something that makes me  smile so they're on the top and they actually get   used first the only thing that I've had to change  for myself or add that I have found maybe with my   flow that I needed to put in was I needed more  counter space so there used to be a wood burning   stove here that I took out because it really just  interrupted the flow of everything and I put this   table instead because I figure if I'm prepping  here I can just turn and throw things in the pot here so the overall feel of Tiny Tina ballerina  was Glam Opera Funk rock and roll I was like what   is this Decor scheme and really what I was doing  is I was describing myself so I hung all of my   favorite pieces I think that's something that I  love love the most about a tiny home is you have   limited space so everything you choose brings  you so much joy the couch used to be on the   other side but with the couch on the other side  I had a limited amount of width and I wanted the   feel this space to be really cozy and everything  that I love and to be this little cocoon that I   can come back to I try to put a normaliz couch  in here thinking cool my measurements were of   a normal size couch I couldn't get it through the  front door so I had to literally pivot pivot and   that got given away on Facebook Marketplace  and I was looking for build-in Place couches   and I came up with a day bed and it felt like  the most logical for me because it gave me the   width and the Cozy comfortableness I want the  carpet was also a really fun find out in Mount   Dora they have a big antique Extravaganza at  ringers every year a couple times a year and   this was my treasure this year and it's Circa  the late '70s and it just felt like the vibe   and it added that edge and it picks up the red of  the refrigerator now we're going to check out the bathroom I have to talk about my towel rack  first I used antlers and the great part about   it is they really spread your towel out and dry  it really well so I think it works better than   a hook and you get a Decor element everything has  to have dual purpose here this is a shower it's a   32x 32 pan it's as small as I would want to go  I really wouldn't want any smaller other than   that it's great the mirror was another really  big deal for me because I wanted a fulllength   mirror but had no idea where I was going to put  one and instead I got a tilting mirror it's on a   swivel so I can push it down and then stand all  the way back in the living room I didn't have   to sacrifice my outfits I have a tankless water  heater it's propane I have a good old fashioned   regular toilet this is where I keep all of my  jewelry to me jewelry is like artwork I hung   all my jewelry also keeps my drawers free my  dad used to make purses in the ' 50s and 60s   and this is one of his acrylic purses that I  keep my jewelry in so every treasure I also try   to have function ility to it and now I'm going  to take you upstairs above the bathroom to my [Music] bedroom the stairs were actually hard to  figure out when I moved in here there was like a   big metal pipe and they had just used an outdoor  ladder with hooks that hooked onto it so I looked   for an alternative ladder and they're really  expensive like thousands of dollars to get a   decent ladder I found this one online I put it  together myself I painted it I built it it's   meant for a library so I lock the wheels and then  we climb up come on we've made it to the master   bedroom this is my room it's a queen-sized bed I  might as well have a full honestly and have more   floor space because when I find myself over here  I do um wake up hitting the ceiling this is one   of my favorite Treasures in the whole house my  mom made this stained glass actually and the sun   shines through this way in the morning so I get  to wake up every morning and open my blackouts   behind it and have the sunshine through and it's  a great way to start my day and then of course my   ceiling is pink so this is where Tiny Tina gets  her ballerina is her pink ceiling like I said   I got divorced this is part of chapter 2 for me  and that's the one thing that your partner really   doesn't want is a bunch of pink in the house and  it felt like my opportunity to do something that   I've always wanted to do and I didn't have  to collaborate with anybody else so her pink [Music] ceiling so I bought Tina for $ 35,000 and  then I've spent about $5,000 which was a lot more   than I anticipated getting in and then for rent  for the lot itself it's 650 and that includes   the lot the electricity the internet cable  everything like that the exterior sighting   the maintenance has been really easy I wanted  really low maintenance so there's also a metal   roof and metal gutters the gutter have been  actually really helpful for me because it   keeps the water from running down the side of  the house which keeps a lot of that Grime and   and Moss from growing on it so it's been really  easy and I haven't had to do very much at all   it was painted black when I purchased it and  I decided to leave it black being in Florida   I've had some neighbors question my decision  however it's 200 ft if it gets that hot there's   a mini split inside it cools It Down super quick  this is my outdoor storage box which I honestly   didn't think I would use I thought it was kind  of random but I realized that there was a lot   that I needed to store actually come in handy  a lot more than I anticipated Tina's got a lot   going on in her front uh this here is the vent  for the tankless water heater and it operates   off of propane which just connects and lives  down here the propane lasts me about 6 months   I haven't had to refill it yet and that's the  length of time I've been here so I think it   might even last longer so this is the uh you  know the AC the mini split but what I didn't   realize I always wondered why my house had more  pipes than everybody else's house I was like   what are all these connections and then this  house was actually designed to go off grid so   I have gutters and these pipes connect to the  gutters and they would connect to a 500-gallon   Rain drum I don't use the rain drum I figure if  I can connect to Water and Power I should and I   will and I do however I left them there just in  case you never know where you're going to take it I had a bag for the last year and a  half so this felt huge and then I went   in my storage unit and I thought oh my God how  am I going to fit all these things that I love   and want in my home now but then I realized  there's not a lot there that I really loved   and wanted it was an old story it was old  stuff I didn't need it I didn't want it   all it does is take time away from me takes  money and effort and energy away from me and   so I went through the whole storage unit and  pulled out the pieces that to me just meant   the most and were the most joyful and brought  me the most love and those are the pieces that   I brought [Music] here thanks for watching  this week's episode I hope you guys enjoyed   it please make sure to like share and subscribe  and I will see you soon with another unique home tour
Channel: Tiny House Giant Journey
Views: 92,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house giant journey, tiny house, Tiny houses, tiny homes, tiny house tour, tiny house village, tiny house community, tiny house community tour, orlando lakefront tiny home community, rv life, tiny house movement, minimalism, divorce, solo tiny house, solo female tiny home, tiny house living, tiny house lifestyle, tiny house big living, tiny house design, cute tiny house, tiny houses, tiny house nation, tiny home tour, tiny home village, tiny home community, cute
Id: AYQeIM-M1c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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