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okay oh hey guys it's Kimber and this is my apartment let's go [Music] so I've been living in this apartment for about a year and three months and um I have been dying to say this one line as a YouTuber and now that I'm finally ready to tour my apartment I can't wait to say it but here is the very beginning and this is the Gen Con as it is called in Japanese um it's special because there's a little stuff up here so traditionally Japanese people take their shoes off before entering the room I also do and then because my floor is hard I put on my house shoes and I leave my regular shoes in the Gen Con aside from the Gen Con there is the door for starters there's a couple of interesting things about the store first um my door has two locks one and two I never use this one I always feel like the one lock is enough protection there is a third step of protection so if you put this down um and you have this uh oh yeah out like this when somebody comes to the door and you open it it leaves just enough room to answer I never use it I always feel like pretty safe in Japan um thirdly my door is magnetic as you can see I have all of my magnets up here but it's really useful because then I can have like a board for reminders or positive messages in the morning and fourthly or lastly I have a mailbox I have a duster in my mailbox I don't know where to put this but yeah my mail comes fruit through the slot and gets deposited in here next to the door I have storage bag storage this didn't come with the apartment I just simply bought some hooks at Daiso to hang up my paper bags because living in Japan you have like a whole collection of paper bags for some reason but then on the left side I have my shoe rack and this thing is huge guys like I didn't have many shoes to start with but I somehow accumulated a bunch of shoes over time and I since I have like plenty of room as you can see I also use this area for like things that I want to grab on the go like scarves hats grocery bags and it's covered so I have my mascara over here as well so yes this is my entire Gen Con area it's very roomy I'm very pleased with this area um this to the left this is just a bunch of junk we're gonna ignore that but to the right is my coat hanger slash bathroom and I love this bathroom it's very spacious and if you're living in the U.S or maybe any Western Place you'll notice that my bathroom or my toilet is separate from my shower room which I'll show you guys more of later but yeah so this is my bathroom um I don't even know where to begin there's so many things that I love about just this toilet area I think for starters the toilet is amazing um not many Jet alts got this in my part of town in Osaka but I have the Toyota that plugs into the wall so as you can see I have a bunch of different features um the stop button the butt button the girl coochie button for lack of better words um I don't know what these do but I'm sure they're useful and I believe one of these Heats my toilet seat so in the winter my toilet seat is not cold it's very plasticky very thick um but also very clean I like this feature um this is the kanji for small and this is the kanji for big so if you want to flush just like a small amount of water you would flip the switch this way but if you have a bigger duty duty then you would flush for the big one more water comes out and as you guys probably know from watching a bunch of Japanese apartment videos most toilets come with this accessory water comes out so that not all of the water is being wasted you can wash your hands with this I don't that's the only thing about Japanese culture I haven't really adopted um I put in some extra storage um some bins for toilet paper and feminine products and just to make it like a little more lively in here because you know you want your toilet area to be calm and relaxing and yeah oh I forgot to mention but I love this about Japanese bathrooms the toilet paper is easy to take out and it's easy to assemble oops one more time okay so bathroom Gen Con let's go to the right so here is my kitchen space I actually have a much larger kitchen space than a lot of people I know usually the standard is like this maybe like this much cutting space and then like a sink that might be a little smaller than this so This is actually a really decent sized um Kitchen in Japan in order to like preserve the countertop space I decided to go to Daiso and buy these really like useful hooks so that everything that I'm not using I can just hang it up and then I have more counter space um an interesting thing about a lot of the sinks in Japan is they do not have a disposal so basically they have like this container you put a nut in it it's dirty right now but you put a nut in it and it catches everything that's not supposed to go down the drain you take it out and you throw it in the trash and yeah that's how we deal with disposal also I don't have a dish washer this is all storage underneath here but it's nice because I have a lot of storage unlike a lot of my co-workers also I have a lot of storage here two shelves of it it's really nice I'm not going to go into depth what I have in here I always found that very annoying about some videos so I'm just going to skip over that because I don't think anyone cares what's in my pantry um this is nice the light big fan small fan off very simple I have it on right now so you guys can see my kitchen uh my fridge is also huge compared to a lot of other people um I have the freezer and the like just cool like fridge but a lot of people I've seen they only have fridges that are this size like maybe like a college dorm fridge um yeah microwave just basic looking it's normal rice cooker I think everyone has a at least one rice cooker um a teapot and a blender more storage which is really nice and more storage here which let me tell you there's just not like a lot of room in Japanese Apartments so any amount of storage that they give you when you move in is a good thing so that's my kitchen area and a very very full trash can I need to change that but trash day is until Tuesday hey this is my how shall we call Laundry slash um bathroom area so I have a very very nice shower if you want to know more about my shower um I'll put a link to a video I made about some reasons why I love it but this shower is amazing I'll brush over some of the few things for example I have my laundry hanging in here right now that's because my shower room doubles as a dryer in this apartment not all apartments come with this so I'm very fortunate I turn it on and hot air goes through there and then when I close this the hot air stays in there and it helps to dry my clothes especially when it's difficult in the winter time I have the big shower tub it's very deep and two water preserving like lids I bought the seat but I recommend having one of those in Japan um usually the showers will come with this shower head you can like take it off and you can put it for a standing position or sitting position [Music] um and then yeah storage in the shower which is not common let me tell you some showers only come with like the one shelf I have three so I'm very fortunate and this one has the function of like you can use hot water or cold water and it can either be for the shower head or if you go down um it'll come out this faucet here so yeah I absolutely love and adore my shower room um coming to Japan I was actually really worried because if I got anything less in the shower I knew that my quality of life I know this is dramatic but my quality of life would be very very low if you want to know more the link is above um you can watch that video about my shower room then um I have the vanity for the stuff that I do outside of the shower like I said this apartment is great there's so much storage here so much storage here I have so much stuff like it's amazing how much storage that actually comes in this itty bitty apartment also here A bunch of different like storage I usually keep like toothpaste and deodorants and things like that down there um I love this shower nozzle you can choose it's all it's literally like a sink nozzle in the US you can choose between like spray or just like a flow of water um so this part of my bathroom I just love the lighting is great they came with the LED lights so it's always bright um one thing my apartment did not come with is this laundry machine this um has been really nice it's the first time I've ever owned like my own laundry machine um it's small it is only 4.5 kg so that's how much it holds so maybe um it can only hold like one of these laundry baskets at a time uh it's really nice though um like it's just really convenient I don't have to go to a laundromat um and it only uses cold water so I can never do a warm wash and then the last section in like my laundry sauce bath is this like hanger I just keep like toiletry laundry clothes that I'm like using but not at the moment and where I put my dirty clothes this along with like the rest of the apartment is very very very very spacious I love how this is just open and not feeling like it's closed off I've had friends over if you want space or you want privacy this will come out and it'll connect magnetically to the other side of the wall so that if you need the Privacy um you can have it in your bathroom area so this is really nice I've actually used this a couple of times in my apartment and I have a door this is not common in a lot of Apartments like I said I think I have a really really nice apartment but um usually they're just like straight through like the apartment is just one room luckily I have a door so now I'll show you my bedroom so this is like a regular sized bed it's not a twin I have a closet area it's very spacious I have an air con I have the double doors to the back which I absolutely hate um and then everything else I bought so I bought the mirror and the plant this is just kind of like my little calm space um and decorating oh yeah and I have a cool tattoo so if that kind of puts the room in perspective for you guys it's actually very very big I am one fortunate girl uh yeah so what can I say about this room there's a couple of things I like about this room and then there's a couple things I don't like about this room so I guess I'll start with what I do like I like that I have a door so when I come into this room I can close the door and be separate from the kitchen I think that this like having a door is nice because like in the winter time when it gets cold or in the summertime when it gets really really hot and I want to run my aircon um it takes a lot of like energy to run it so um in most cases where you can't like close the door the air con has to work twice as hard to make the whole entire space warm or the whole entire space cold whereas in my case I can simply shut the door and then I can preserve the warmth in just this room so I don't have to spend as much money heating or cooling my room um I also like the light system this is my switch and right now it's on Max I turn it off it'll go to like half Max I turn it off it'll go to like dim and then that's that's it there's a lot more features but for the basic features this is really really nice the number one thing which I don't like about this space is the walls and the floors the walls are super super super thin like the level the volume that I'm talking at right now my neighbors most likely can hear me this is why it's taken so long to take this video is because I've been waiting for a time when I'll be home and I won't be like disrupting my neighbors on both sides the second thing that I hate about this this apartment um are the floors they're like they're real wood and in the winter they get really really cold and I have to wear socks and these slippers or these shoes at all times indoors and also they're just really hard like I don't like to be stepping on this hard floor all the time which is why I got this padding for the floor is so that when I sit on the floor which as you've probably noticed I don't have any chairs so I I sit on the floor that's what I do and so it's really nice to have like this padding because the floor is just so like unbearably hard it's not like comfortable to sit on at all another thing that I like about this apartment um is my closet um a lot of my a lot of the people who came here with me their closets are very small my closet is actually very big in comparison I have like the top shelf the rack which goes all the way across and then a bunch of like floor space this is not the case for like a lot of people in my area Okay and then I will show you my patio area very briefly so it opens like this this is actually kind of interesting it opens like this this unlocks it and then you can open it from either this side or you can open it from this side um I'm not really sure the purpose of this I just think it's like randomly convenient for some reason okay and then outside this is my patio as you can see it's like super small I never sit out here I never spend time out here I actually never use this rock this rack is for hanging your laundry um but I dry my laundry inside so I never use that either so I'm just gonna give you one more uh like walk through just very quickly of my apartment so we have the Gen Con we have the toilets we have the kitchen we have the bathroom and the shower slash laundry area and then through here we have my bedroom [Music] okay and that is all for this video I hope you guys enjoyed seeing what apartments look like in Japan um I really like my apartment so let me know what's your thoughts or your comments are on my apartment uh but thank you for watching this video and if you liked it make sure to leave a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel there will be more videos like this in the future I hope to see you guys next time bye
Channel: Kimberdesu!
Views: 1,265,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EcyGwAq0_DU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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