Living a Life of Faith, Hope and Love | Pastor Erika Dulin

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[Music] [Music] still [Music] i believe [Music] i will see your goodness [Music] i will see your goodness [Music] [Applause] [Music] i believe [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] to every generation look at what the lord has done [Music] generations [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] look out for the [Music] i will rise in confidence i will see your goodness lord the [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i see the evidence of your [Music] [Music] your goodness [Music] evidence of the [Music] goodness is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i will rise in confidence [Music] i will see your goodness [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] you're about to ride it [Music] sons and daughters [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] like [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] we want to see [Music] right now [Music] let your power [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's your mighty spirits [Music] you can do [Music] you can do [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sure [Music] [Music] spirits [Music] [Music] just lift your head [Music] [Applause] come here [Applause] [Music] i'll fix this one thing to know [Music] to know your presence [Music] [Music] is [Music] come and do what only you can do beautify my heart let me be as good and precious silver beautify my heart let me be as gold [Music] desire is to be holy set apart for you lord i choose to be holy set apart for you my master ready [Music] [Music] [Music] me from [Music] me from my [Music] my heart's one desire [Applause] [Music] it is for you i choose [Music] lord i trust [Music] ready [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] greece [Music] is [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh jesus [Music] the wonders [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all the earth [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] the wonders of yours [Music] [Applause] [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nothing in this world [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Music] faith in [Music] may change [Music] you're the center of it [Applause] [Music] you're the center of it all [Music] you're the center of it all forever [Music] oh jesus jesus hallelujah it's your name praises me to your name power honor glory to your name alone jesus jesus be the center of it oh lord be the center of this church be the center of each household lord be the center of our community be the center lord of this country jesus be the center of it all lord tinata you are the alpha and you are the omega you are the wonderful counselor you are the one living god you are our only hope oh god jesus will lift your name in this place from every household from every country that we are in from every place that we are in we left your name jesus [Music] jesus you are our satisfaction you are our all in all you are our ever-present help you are the one who sustains us the one who provides for us the one who loves us so much he loved us so much that you died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins for our salvation [Music] you are the resurrected one the eternal king we honor you lord we honor you we lift your name hallelujah well if your name jesus be lifted up be lifted up lord in every household from every home lord be lifted up and lift it up [Music] i pray for your mighty powerful presence to be upon every person that is listening with us right now i pray holy spirit that you just move mightily powerfully and effectively changing our hearts transforming our lives i pray father for healing paraposal nasa hospital store got hospital beds even those at home isolation i pray for your healing and i pray for your peace lord to come upon them the peace that transcends all under understanding i also pray lord for families who have lost their loved ones throughout this year and last year i pray lord for your comforting hope to be upon them father for each person that is listening right now i am believing god that your love is pouring out from the heavens heavens are opening and you're just pouring out your love embracing each one assuring them that you are with us that you will never leave us nor forsake us thank you jesus for this time yeah jesus christ we enthrone you you are our king our lord our savior to you all glory all praise in your name we pray amen amen amen hallelujah yes praise god it's sunday once again and it's the last sunday of october so before we go on with the word uh we you can take your seats now fedina i'd like to welcome everybody welcome to our sunday online celebration this is his live city church and today is october 31 at i want to appreciate and acknowledge all our pastors pastor anthony pastor william pastor rule hypno look my pastor is nathan from different locations i had one among life group leaders god has been sustaining us god has been providing for us and everything that we amen amen hallelujah okay since it's november one tomorrow uh they say that somehow in one statement or in a few statements uh people summarize their lives uh and write it on the tombstones so let's see i'm gonna show to you three famous tombstones at isaito ayan lapid gravity [Music] he is a mathematician and he was the first person to calculate the value of pi to 35 decimal places so 35 decimal places and another tombstone uh the owner of the tombstone uh the name is mel blanc at nathan busan young tombstone is that's all folks uh that's all folks it's actually a line that was used among uh is it disney or iba in a bugs bunny okay daffy duck porcupine again famous voice behind all those cartoons and he immortalized one of his well-known lines by putting it on his uh lapid and his tombstone uh martin luther king on the other hand this is the last tombstone um is free at last free at last thank god almighty i am free at last it is actually a famous line from one of his most famous speeches i have a dream and di tu palang por si martin luther king jr embodies his faith and his inspirational spirit yeah [Music] if long since we're talking about uh all the saints day and bangla [Laughter] so um it's it's just right for us to memorialize all these people by celebrating their lives [Music] and i think for today it's also fitting for us to assess ourselves and also our hearts if ever man yeah if ever man uh the day will if man yes the day will come we don't know when or we don't know how soon but if we were to be with the lord today what would your story be what would your life be about two weeks ago pastor who preached on loving god seriously and last sunday pastor yam preached on the power of love on loving others basically making disciples and so for today i want to touch on something that is under impact our world make disciples impact our world i will be discussing a group of people in the bible they are not as highlighted as paul in the new testament or as david in the old testament but they actually made a great impact in the spreading of the gospel in the early church and they are the thessalonian church believers from the thessaloni from the thessalonian church [Music] thessalonian letters it's in the new testament it was believed to be written around 20 years after the crucifixion of jesus christ the crucifixion and resurrection of jesus christ it was uh believed to be the first of paul's letter so voila he stayed and preached there for about three sabbats that preached for three sabbaths and after three sabbaths maccago there were people who were against him preaching that jesus christ is the christ and so there was an uproar even saying pablo so after those three sabbaths of preaching uh the cryogenics and so after their premature exit paul silas and timothy continued on their journey for the thessalonians and then see paul anderson said timothy reports about what is happening is the thessalonian church now the heart of paul was actually he was very burdened and concerned for the church kasipo in just a short span of time and sha up and then persecution came so imagine that now very young in their faith and then after non-persecution are they still on their are they still standing firm on their faith [Music] however young good news however when timothy came from thessalonica alexa donat binalitable the thessalonians were actually doing better than good um repo was the thessalonian church were thriving in their faith they were indeed keeping the faith and uh misnamed nepal mr miss nanila and not only that they were also making an impact in the other provinces in the other cities or neighboring towns i hope you're following me here um now amazing the church was still thriving in their faith thessalonians chapter 1 verses two and three etopo this is our verse for today we give thanks to god above always for all of you constantly mentioning you in our prayers thessalonians remembering before our god and father your work of faith labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our lord jesus christ for the faith the love and the hope that was manifested in the thessalonian church they were known for this three things before faith hope and love it's very known verse in first corinthians 13 13 and somehow it upon una first thessalonians at ipinakita that this church was actually embodying that faith love and hope and what was amazing was that in spite of the persecution and in spite of the affliction and suffering they were going through the thessalonian church were thriving in those three areas very young church they were greatly persecuted pero nag manifest and works of faith labor of love and steadfast hope living a life of faith hope and love and i am praying just like this church just like the thessalonian church we would make an impact by living out these three things works of faith um for the duration and in pablo it is amazing that when he spoke it was not just mere words it was with power and with conviction angsabi was the first thessalonians chapter one verse four for we know brothers this is paul writing to the thessalonian church um i'm reading it further it says for we know brothers life loved by god that he has chosen you pinilica because our gospel came to you not only in word but also in power and in the holy spirit and with full conviction so it was not just mere words that they heard the holy spirit and further verse 6 you became the thessalonian church became imitators of paul and the lord for for you welcomed the message in the midst of of severe suffering with the joy given by the holy spirit imagine this they were receiving the word in spite of the persecution and in spite of the affliction meron parencilan basically just because they believed in the gospel they believed in the power of the gospel the holy spirit was with them and there was full conviction at panopoulos in akbar verse 7 you became a model to all believers in macedonia and ikea the lord's message rang out from you not only in macedonia macedonia and ikea your faith in god has become known everywhere therefore we do not need to say anything about it supposedly but what happened because of everything that has been happening in them and verse nine for they themselves report what kind of reception you gave us they tell you how you turn to god from idols to serve the living and true god god works of faith it was a transformation it was a change uh the work of the holy spirit that happened in them works of faith is not doing things so that you will be saved works of faith is doing things simply because you are saved simply because you received the gospel simply because you believe in jesus christ it is a response to the gospel some people some commentary salvation is not earned by works it produces a grateful response in action and the way you live is a response and in a way a proof of you turning away from sin and turning to god the thessalonian church experienced the power of the gospel changing their lives they were idolaters and then they become believers of the one true god because it don't change is a great place of trade and it was a center of commerce and industry very strategic for the spread of the gospel however just a few miles the malapatoma rapid is actually mount olympus and mount olympus is the hub of gods gods for everything they have a god for water they have a god for the clouds they have a god for heaven they have a god for a war of love of earth or flesh and young ancient greek religion uh which was adopted by the romans who were ruling at that time uh angina but when the thessalonians believers heard the gospel they rejected all other former gods they rejected all their idols without the power of the holy spirit only the holy spirit could show the people that the lord jesus is the one true living god one he is not just one deity among many other gods he alone shalom he is the way the truth and the life shalom he alone is the savior of the world he is the alpha el omega and in the same way is adenpo when we truly believed in the gospel that jesus came he died for our sins resurrected from the grave and is coming back as a response we make that decision this is [Music] jesus christ died for your sins resurrected from the grave to give you a brand new life our natural response would be lord i'm willing to surrender everything i'm willing to let go of all my idols my former gods and just like the thessalonians church i'm willing to let go all of this to follow the one true god to follow jesus christ i have decided to follow jesus no turning back no turning back the cross before me the world behind me no turning back no turning back now jesus is not some jesus is not some addition in your life in our lives he is not some addition in our lives he is supposed to be the lord of all he is the god of sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday he is the god of our hearts of our lives of our decisions of everything that we do amen and just like the thessalonian church church we are willing to give up all other gods idols in our lives we are willing to surrender our treasures because we have found the pearl of great price we have found him he is our satisfaction and he is our all in all [Music] and repentance is not just a one-time thing it's a daily thing you are turning away from your old life and it's an everyday decision you are doing that willfully and joyfully because you do this with joy because you have found what is really important and that is god you have found him so valuable that you are willing to surrender everything [Music] and this is what we learned um a pastor said it put it nice and gentle the church that makes an impact consists of people transformed by the gospel if we want a life of impact we go back to the gospel we go back to the good news the gospel and even romans it was it was doctrinal and it's all about the gospel we're we're not supposed to be looking for other things anymore supposedly it's a gospel we go back to the gospel hope stories and praise god for our hope stories we are truly blessed at what god is doing in your life miracles of healing uh of provision and we are also we are we are blessed sobra people that were sharing their stories of salvation how their lives were changed because they came to know the love of god uh they were involved in an ungodly relationship but because they came to know christ the grandson of peace in their hearts and they let go of this ungodly relationship yourself their hearts are overflowing with praise and thanksgiving to the lord for everything that he has done and the metabolic it was her sister it was her sister who first came to know jesus christ there are a lot of dysfunctional families today and imagine that simply simply what happened with this person is that they that person received the love of god experienced the power of the gospel started respecting the parents with the simple words of po opo even the affections words of affection like start now when when the power of the gospel it just overtakes you your life and isaiah changes the people around you [Music] [Music] and amazingly when god came into his life and the lord introduced himself he experienced the power of the gospel he was changed now now uh people from his school friends now they are uh sending messages to him asking him to pray for them young changed offending god in the lord so they are asking him now to pray for them they are asking him now to pray for them and he has prayed for his classmates his friends my healing hospitals he experienced the power of the gospel tayurinpo we somehow expect somehow we have experienced the power of the gospel and we have been changed and the reason why we are here is because somebody's life made an impact in us and somehow etop the things of the lord because you have constantly fed yourself with the lies of the enemy and the lies of this world and you have not been giving time to the truth of the gospel you have taken for granted already what god has done for you and and i pray that we would have this repentant heart that we that the wonder of his mercies would always be in our hearts that the joy of salvation will always be there hebrews 12 1 and 2 it says therefore since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith that the strip of every weight that slows us down especially the sin that so easily trips us up and let us run with endurance the race god has set before us we do this by keeping our eyes on jesus the author and perfecter the the champion who initiates and perfects our faith because of the joy awaiting him he endured the cross disregarding his shame now he's seated in the place of honor besides god's throne fix your eyes on jesus fix your eyes message translation go over that story again and again because he has redeemed you justified you and is sanctifying you because of the sacrifice because of his blood and just like the thessalonian church may we discover or rediscover the love of christ not just in words but in power in the holy spirit and with full conviction producing in us works of faith amen the second thing the thessalonian church was commended for was their labor of love most translations post a bible they use trans labor of love perez amplified versions amplified translation it was rendered as verse 3 service motivated by love the thessalonians love for christ resulted in serving even in the midst of persecution afflictions [Music] but in spite of all these afflictions and persecutions they were still serving god it was a service motivated by love matthew vandovic said in one commentary it was not easy to be a christian in this city great opposition arose against the believers and we can only imagine how exhausting and demanding it would be to persist in serving christ the persecution was so great that paul was afraid that they would give up their new life in jesus just to relieve the pressure um there are a lot of people now they are working in industries they don't believe in god in industries sometimes it's so difficult to stand up for your faith it's so difficult and go against the flow but let let be inspired by the thessalonian church they were continuing in their service they were continuing in their in their faith despite of all these afflictions because basically they were changed by the gospel and they carried on in their labor because of their love for jesus their love for him uh it was motivated there it was what motivated their service same chapter verse nine as a people they themselves report what kind of perception they give you gave us those people who came in the name of jesus they really welcomed them and etos they tell how you turn to god from idols to serve the living and true god surrender but this time here it's not just surrender but they were serving the one the living and true god the thessalonian church exemplified this in the midst of affliction and persecution service or ministry is an overflow of your love relationship with the lord when you some bible teacher he said labor of love is love impelled their labor biblical love is more than sentiment love is not sweetness we confuse cultural love with true biblical love a gap in love is willing to sacrifice for others it is others oriented to love sacrificially is to labor until it hurts the word labor means labor to the point of exhaustion self-sacrificial love moves us to lay bore this love is willing to toil and pay a price love act activates arduous labor love prompts this tough grind and love reaches to the extent of self denial is a labor of love you will reach to a point of exhaustion but you will not stop you will reach to appoint and then you are experiencing the power of the lord and his strength empowering you to do what he asked you to do and serving others is difficult serving others but but if it is motivated by god's love it becomes a labor of love attending hindi it's the costliest of all it does not quit it does not give up it goes on and on and on it goes beyond self it goes beyond the expected and what is what was amazing about paul that he used the term labor of love jung labor amazingly is usually associated with hard physical work uh fatigue it does not stop an ordinary effort it goes the second mile it goes beyond your life uh that is a miracle to actually do that and to do to to experience that and then you would experience a baby in your arms that is truly a miracle to see and set up my witness dona setup but in our service to god we are also experiencing the same thing [Music] you have this intense burden to split to spread the gospel you are laboring in to all corporate ministers not everybody can not everybody can serve here some are serving in their in their corporate in the corporate ministry in their families in the communities god is working in you through you and he will do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think according to the power that is at work in us and god is not unjust he will not forget the work and labor of love which you have shown towards his name and first corinthians 15 58 have been my beloved brethren be steadfast and immovable always abounding in the work of the lord nothing knowing that your labor in the lord is never in vain work of faith labor of love and lastly laspo steadfastness of hope this church was known for their hope the steadfastness of hope um an archaeological excavation that person died thinking that there is no hope but in the midst of this city is a group a church wherein they have found the endurance it's based on hope they were looking for the second coming of the son of god and paul remembered their steadfastness of hope he used the word it means literally abiding under pressure it is also translated as endurance and perseverance it is the ability to stand up under adversity ability to progress in spite of affliction young to continue working in the face of strong opposition great obstacles it is a steady determination to keep going to continue even when everything you want every even everything in you wants to slow down or give up it's actually the hope that they have in christ jesus the hope that the the hope that the gospel has brought in their lives and paul commended them in verse 10 he said and they speak of how you are looking forward to the coming of god's son from heaven jesus whom god raised from the dead he is the one who has rescued us from the terrors of the coming judgment he was commending them because they were living lives of faith of love and hope in the second coming of jesus christ again tremendous problems in affliction but overall in this letter hope is the theme sabawa chapter chapter in the hope of the thessalonian church in the second coming of jesus christ we were born in this family and we were given a living hope hopeless [Music] disappointments discouragements and even heartbreaking circumstances and others somehow they started fearing death and when we look at all these things it is but natural for us to be filled with loss and no longer want to hope so we need hope not just hope for the sake of hope i mean there are optimistic people who always look for the silver lining they look around and try to see what was good and they look for the best in others it may be good for now but it will not last hand it will not last that is not the hope that would last in one magazine it was put in an article living hope is not based on founded optimism apart from divine intervention things will not turn out all right bad news without jesus christ everything else will end in death without jesus christ walang hope but good news because of jesus christ we have hope because of jesus christ we have eternal life because of jesus christ because of jesus christ that will not be the ending death is not the ending life eternal life is what awaits us when we have jesus christ um [Music] a funeral service brothers and sisters we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind who have no hope yes and we will be remembering the lives of our loved ones who have the unapologetic verse night do not grieve like the rest of mankind who do not have hope we have hope there is hope verse 14 for we believe jesus died and rose again and so we believe that god will bring with jesus those who have fallen asleep in him according to the lord's word we tell you that we who are still alive who are left until the coming of the lord will certainly not proceed those who have fallen asleep jesus christ verse 16 for the lord himself will come down from heaven with loud command and with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of god and the dead in christ will rise first verse 17 after that we who are still alive and our left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so at the point and so we will be with the lord forever so therefore encourage one another with this words those who have lost hope those who are hopeful but have no reason to be and those who have received the living hope anthony it's about having the greater reality there is the reality of coronavirus and the government and the nation's response to it however we acknowledge a greater reality and that is our hope found in jesus christ having our hope in christ produces that steadfastness that is needed to live a life of impact if we want to make a change in this world resurrection and the hope of his second coming the thessalonian church were known and commended for their works of faith labor of love and steadfast hope they were changed by the gospel they lived lives in service to the true god they persevered and endured in time of great affliction it was noticed by their neighbors and in verse 7 it says they became an example to all believers in greece throughout both macedonia and ikea they became an example thessalonians they became an example to all the believers in greece throughout both macedonia and ikea i pray that iodinpo we would have this that our lives would manifest works of faith labor of love and steadfastness of hope rooted in the gospel rooted in jesus christ and it would make an impact in our world so today the lord is reminding us let's live a life of faith let's live a life of love and of hope works of faith labor of love and steadfastness of hope can you please bow your heads and close your eyes hallelujah lord jesus if you are new here and somehow you have a lot of questions in your mind and a lot of doubts about the lord jesus christ died for the forgiveness of our sins he offered his life as a living he offered his life as a sacrifice for us so that we may be forgiven and through his resurrection we may have a brand new life [Music] for your good everything that you have done he can all all those sins he he can make it white as snow his blood would change you cleanse you purify you [Music] just like the thessalonian church surrender all your idols surrender your life and turn to the lord surrender your heart to god turn away from your life and turn to god or maybe you have been a christian for quite some time mata galcanon christianity of salvation mo it's time for you to go back to the gospel it's time for you to it's time for us to go back to what jesus christ did for us jesus christ the king of all kings and the lord of all lords gave his life for us because he loved us he laid down his life for you and for me sins among idols and anjan slowl that slowly crept up in your heart it's time for you to surrender them once again it's [Music] [Music] surrender it to the lord the stubbornness the pride the lust the bitterness the unforgiveness surrender it to god the apathy complacency surrender it to the lord [Music] let his love fill you let his love fill you jesus christ we surrender our lives to you we go back to what you have done we go back to the truth of the gospel that you died you're restricted you resurrected from the grave and you are coming for coming back for us i pray god right now that you just fill your people with hope fill them with your hope fill them with your peace lord fill them with your love god god in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus you are our hope you are our living hope hallelujah let's praise god how great the castle that lay between us how high the mountain i could not climb in desperation i turned to heaven and spoke your name into the night [Music] then through the darkness your loving kindness tore through the shines of my soul the work is finished the end is written jesus christ [Music] [Music] step down from glory to [Music] is [Music] christ [Music] set me free [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus christ [Applause] [Music] is [Music] your buried body began to [Music] breathe the roaring lion declare the great has no claim on me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus christ jesus christ [Music] [Music] lord i speak freedom in every household that has been burdened with death lord i speak financial lord god breakthroughs in the name of jesus [Music] lord father i speak healing paraphore that has been battling with sicknesses and diseases for quite some time right now there is freedom in the name of jesus [Music] for every dysfunctional family for every broken family father god right now i speak the blood of christ i speak reconciliation i speak restoration or i speak spiritual breakthroughs in the name of jesus but there is hope in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus oh for those who have been slaves those who have been enslaved with sin for those who have been enslaved from lust and pornography from every devilish act i speak freedom in the name of jesus christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] right now fill them with your love fill them with your hope let the gospel be true lord in their lives thank you jesus for dying on the cross for our sins thank you for the resurrection and thank you for the promise of your second coming we honor you and we love you we praise you in your name we pray amen hallelujah praise god praise god tomorrow boy it's november last two months of the year and the reminder for all of us let's just let us continue loving god making disciples and in fact our world let us live a life of faith love and hope raise your hands i'm going to bless you with a prayer the lord bless you the lord keep you the lord make his face shine upon you the lord bless the works of your hands your families the lord bless you with protection provision favor strength answered prayers miracle breakthroughs in the name of the father of the son of the holy spirit amen amen god bless everybody
Channel: His Life TV
Views: 4,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: epU4hVxlDsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 56sec (5216 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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