But God...! | Pastor Anthony Martinez

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are you ready to praise god today's tax give god a mighty hand let's go [Music] um [Music] foreign hallelujah [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] baby [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] i is [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] father we believe that you are just pouring out your love and we are right here in your presence celebrating your grace [Music] you've been so good and you will always be come on clap your hands and give me praise oh we enter your case with thanksgiving and praise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] i [Music] [Music] a [Music] i am [Music] m [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh so [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i [Music] foreign [Music] how [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] okay [Applause] [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] now for keeping my lives [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] god [Music] [Applause] god [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes lord [Music] let our praises overflow with thanksgiving [Music] to the one who is worthy of all our praise one name above every name and his name is jesus christ come on church give him praise hallelujah oh yes lord ah yes lord oh yes lord indiana [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] amen and amen and amen hallelujah everybody shout grace grace grace come on you can do better than that grace grace grace [Music] graceful sunday to everyone welcome to our on-site worship celebration could you please tell your neighbor right now welcome back come on hallelujah welcome home welcome to our church online hallelujah and everybody said amen hallelujah and before you sit down could you please air vibe your neighbors good to see you again hallelujah come on come on shout it out good to see you again hallelujah i'm in a church online see you soon hallelujah praise god can we give the lord a big big hand of praise hallelujah [Music] are you filled with the presence of god today hallelujah are you glad that you are in the house of god today praise god praise god are you ready for the word come on are you excited for the word okay you can be seated comfortably right now hallelujah praise god it's good to be in the house of god hallelujah i miss you and it's great to be back for some of you who have been asking pastor anthony let me share a little bit of that you know i just want to make it short because i want to go straight to the word of god for the sake of some of you preach well a few months ago i had a bike accident hallelujah and i suffered multiple wounds so i suffered multiple wounds and i ended up with a broken wrist no uh so my thank god for uh my ortho doctor [Music] uh you know let's have time for uh naito emahil so i got a splinting in my hand in my arm so for for one month in in taipunam and after one month miracles god gave me a word in jeremiah 30 17 i will restore your health and i will heal your wounds [Applause] hallelujah praise god so but you know only to discover that immobilize it will atrophy so so i have to undergo physical therapy and i think uh you know i think rescue teams appoint a physical therapist shout out to you praise god and for the last one month he's taking care of my arm praise god he's still in the process of being [Applause] so it takes time for for your recovery i'm not getting any younger praise god i have to admit that age is catching up on me so i have to slow down praise god thank thank you lord now i'm putting microphone hallelujah i've been what i wanted to hold this microphone but praise god and this is my hope story a right shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord has written upon you everybody said amen are you ready for the word today let me start off with a question hallelujah hallelujah [Music] to the last centavo there are people who have been going through that today up to the last centavo for some of you nasa come okay you came to the point of feeling helpless feeling more nobody understands you by the way i want you to know the feeling hallelujah everybody said amen to that hallelujah and i want you to hear this today everybody shout amen [Applause] i believe that whatever you faced in the past whatever you are facing today and whatever you will be facing tomorrow god has a word for you god has a way for you god has a promise for you and everybody said amen and god has an answer for you and so today i want to speak to you on a message captured in two words everybody say two words i want to speak to you on this message captured in two words i rediscovered these two words in the bible recently and it has greatly blessed my spirit my soul my mind my emotions with these two words god you know spoke to me personally it has greatly blessed me and encouraged me big time so i want to share this message to you next week so let's close in prayer hallelujah are you ready for the word our message in two words but god but god let me repeat that but god how many of you here can testify with these words i was hopeless but god come on hallelujah i was helpless but god come on i was weak but god i was lost but god i had nowhere to go but god everybody shout but god hallelujah come on shout it out but god when we say it [Applause] god is the god of the second chance and third chance and everybody said amen hallelujah but god everybody say but god be nothing [Music] [Applause] you know why because god's word is a living word the bible says my words they are spirit and they are life spirit filled young word the lord like bbk buhay whenever we hear the word faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god why because his word is alive so let's get straight to the word yes and i can show you you know all over the bible these two words is in the scripture verse are you ready can i hear an amen uh no overwhelmed hallelujah praise god bless we'll see them soon as well okay let's read first corinthians 10 13 let's this let this let's read this word we all experience times of testing we all experience times of testing which is normal for every human being tell your neighbor right now come on it's normal we all experience times of testing what's the word but come on but everybody say but god but god will be faithful to you come on give god praise to that we may go through times of testing which is normal to every human being but god everybody say but god am i doing first point nothing but god will be faithful to you tell your neighbor right now but god will be faithful to you i'm gonna shout it out to your neighbor hallelujah he will screen and filter [Applause] and filter the severity he will screen and filter the severity nature and timing of every test or trial you face so that you can bear [Applause] 10 am hallelujah next line look at this and each test is an opportunity to trust him more is speaking to you right now god is speaking to all of us here today it is [Applause] an opportunity to trust him more why for along with every trial god has provided for you a way of escape that will bring you out victoriously everybody shout victoriously hallelujah wow wow powerful powerful words we all experience times of testing but god will be faithful to you no matter what and everybody said amen hallelujah thank you lord amen two words but god we all experience times of testing but god will be faithful to you you want more let's read psalms 9 16-18 look at this the lord is known by his acts of justice the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands the wicked go down to the realm of the dead all the nations that forget god this verse is telling us you know hallelujah [Applause] but god will never forget the needy the hope of the afflicted will never perish and everybody said amen but god will never forget you give god praise to that hallelujah amen but god will be faithful to you but god will never be will never forget you god is a god of justice he cares deeply for the poor the widows and the orphans but god will never forget but god will never forget come on [Applause] everybody said amen but god will never forget [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] but god will never forget amma amen philippe 4 19 and 20. let's read this powerful verse and my god will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in christ jesus to our god and father be glory forever and ever and everybody shout [Applause] my god will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory sinu [Music] story miraculously provided supplied all your needs in christ jesus [Applause] never forget but god will be faithful to you but god will never forget you want more yeah thank you now our third point has something to do with a person who got so distracted in life that distracts you because he started looking at people instead of looking to his god who is so so good to him third point he got so jealous with people who seem to have it all in life people who are proud with their wealth indulging in whatever they wanted and going whatever they wanted they even boast that they don't need god they don't believe in god they think that they can do it on their own how as a result his perspective in life got so distorted not distort so he got so discouraged and disillusioned because he started looking at people instead of looking at this god who has been so so good to him m oh [Music] [Applause] when he went to church hallelujah something happened when he entered the presence of god let's hear it from this guy let me just read a portion of what he experienced psalm 73 verse 17 21 to 26th let's hear it from his own words then look at this i went into your sanctuary oh god and i finally understood you distorted the destiny of the wicked event [Music] and jump off to verse 21 just to just hammer in this point from understanding then i realized hallelujah i realized come on hallelujah then i realized that my heart was bitter and i was all torn up inside i was so foolish and ignorant i must have seemed like a senseless animal to you yet i still belong to you you hold my right hand [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah verse next verse you guide me with your counsel leading me to a come on come on everybody say glorious destiny and he said these words whom have i in heaven but you i desire you more than anything on earth and look at these words my health may fail and my spirit may grow weak come on shout the word come on shout it again but god remains god will never forget happy little but god remains the strength of my heart he is mine forever everybody shall allow loud amen to that amen [Applause] i look at the messenger station and [Music] gets brittle my spirit grows weak but god remains the strength of my heart come on give god praise to that hallelujah is this your but god's story this could be your story today [Applause] everybody say but god remains the strength of my heart give god praise hallelujah [Applause] amen want more okay thank you okay now the next person the problem is problem his dreams were bigger than his brothers all right you see when god gives you a big dream you will be tested testing [Music] until the time came to fulfill his dreams the lord tested joseph's character [Music] fulfilling his first test were his brothers they got jealous of him so they betrayed him second test he was tested and he passed the test and yet even with his integrity he was falsely accused of foreign were jealous of their brother joseph and they sold him to be a slave in egypt what's the word come on what's the word but god was with him and rescued him from all his troubles can we give god praise to that and god look at this gave him favor before pharaoh king of egypt the next verse god also gave joseph unusual wisdom so that pharaoh appointed him governor over all of egypt and put him in charge of all the palace but god was with him because god was with him god rescued him god gave him favor god gave him wisdom and god promoted [Music] [Applause] part of about god's story is a genesis chapter 50 verse 20. joseph look at this genesis chapter 15 you intended it you intended to harm me but god intended it all for good he brought me to this position so i could save the lives of many people and but god turned it around sin open and that god can turn around your situation for your good for his glory and everybody said amen to that god can turn your situation around so he can use you to bless others as well your upset is a setup your setback is a miracle in the making where god can enter into your situation and he can turn things around you intended to harm me but god intended to do me good and everybody said amen what about you is this your but god's story [Applause] [Applause] come on church give god praise hallelujah everybody say but god will be faithful to you but god will never forget you everybody said amen but god remains the strength of your heart but god will be with you last but not the least this is the ultimate but god story can i hear an amen i've been reading this this passage you know i've read it over and over for maybe i don't know thousand many thousand times already but it jumped off the pages and and i saw these two words but god i call it the ultimate but god's story romans chapter five verse six to eight first lines when we foreign we were utterly helpless christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners this is the ultimate but god story now most people would not be willing to die for an upright person though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good verse 8 says but god everybody say but god but god showed his great love for us by sending christ to die for us while we were still sinners lost helpless hopeless but god showed his great love for you and for me when we were utterly helpless his show is not for you and me and everybody said amen and everybody said amen so now because of what christ has done for you this is now our standing with god the verse verse 9 to 11 declares and since you have been made right with god in god's side by the blood of christ he will certainly save us from god's condemnation could you please tell your neighbor no condemnation come on hallelujah now condemnation hallelujah because of what jesus christ has done next verse for since our friendship with god was restored by the death of his son while we were still his enemies we will certainly be saved to the life of his son and last verse so now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with god because our lord jesus christ has made us friends of god give god praise to that you know you're standing right now you are made right with god no condemnation you are restored you are saved and now you can rejoice everybody shall rejoice come on give god praise to that but god but god what about you today do you have a but god's story [Music] i think it was a thursday on a friday story on thursday [Music] you know i i i felt so challenged and i even felt rebuked by that the testimony of a young girl i felt that didn't know wrong reaction and i saw in the comment section and most of us you know it was a testimony of this young girl see ej and i was so blessed with their fortitude in pain and adversity such childlike faith that is so challenging and it rebukes [Music] i will give us the opportunity to watch again this very powerful testimony that really captures the very heart of this message would you want to watch it again let's watch together arrive shine for the light has come and the glory of the lord has risen upon you hi i'm ajay darwis from church slug tribe pampanga and this is my hope story [Music] when i was six months old they felt alone and sad my thumb is it's like a ping-pong ball i got an x-ray i'll shut down blood types and more it shows 13 and match in my life love liver doctors said possible cancer and needs and immediate medications open liver biopsies without an earth health pastor black doma or liver cancer let's hope my body will respond to this tumor with 21 days and turbo is no delays and rejected me or removal of the mass and thank god my brothers respond to chemo and god provided all the adventures for my medication and thank god for more than two years of fighting the concert we wanna it so yes back i got another buckle in my left shoulder another spirit of touch but first god is denied only sticks high grammar and god dated again to overflowing forbidden and supernatural healing my father faithfully flowed and told god is kept on acting god's miracle through prayers and fasting it comes on attending his life and sunday's celebration we will surprise and overwhelm with all the people who played and helped us in all areas our friends relatively short made even harder fun racing other balloons [Music] offered us a ride going back and forth from some panga to manila our simple fury request was like a wildfire everywhere we went someone approached us and said that they were brilliant for us and they even blessed us we are so blessed and grateful to our to all of our prayer warriors who earnestly worked with us truly that fire really worked i am now seven years old seven years of god's miracle and [Music] but you will not even need to fight [Music] do not be afraid of the current go out against them tomorrow for the lord is with you do not stop praying let us continue playing for one another god answers prayers to god be the glory everybody stand with me right now hallelujah praise god praise god [Music] everybody say wow but god's story if he did that to aj he can do it to you because god will be faithful to you god will never forget you god will remain the strength of your heart god will be with you hallelujah and when even when we are utterly helpless god by god show this great love for us he loves you unconditionally hallelujah would you please bow your heads and close your eyes right now hallelujah father oh yes lord thank you lord for your word lord ah lord thank you thank you god lord oh rabbi lord even right now i believe you want to minister to us right now as an act of faith and i respectfully ask you to just lift your hands with me right now those of you are here and those of you are at home right now oh yes god [Music] lifting your hands is a prophetic gesture where you can say to god lord i'm ready these hands are hands of faith believing lord that you can intervene in my situation that you can enter into my life and do something miraculous oh god but today father god you are about to perform lord god a miracle in a in a person's life right now wherever they are they may be here they may be in the hospital bed oh god they may be somewhere lord god somewhere in the house oh god father right now in the name of jesus we can shout but god lord [Music] but s hallelujah will rescue but god will intervene hallelujah lord i pray right now come on just believe that right now in the name of jesus lord enter into every situation right now father god those who are feeling weak right now right now supernatural strength in jesus name but god remains the strength of your heart in jesus name [Music] lord right now [Music] father god right now release healing release restoration father god in jesus name in jesus name [Music] right now in jesus name restore the father god renew them refresh them in jesus name father we thank you all [Music] let freedom rise up right now hallelujah oh come on everybody shout freedom ah come on let's worship the lord everybody in the chair declare this right now hallelujah [Music] my [Applause] [Music] the [Music] yes [Music] i [Music] [Music] know [Music] the key [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] yourself [Music] oh god we look up to you to a god who is so so good who is faithful till the end hallelujah ah yes lord ah yes lord god hallelujah ah thank you jesus oh lord hallelujah even as they leave this place today even in those in their homes lord god god is giving you that excitement today come on just receive that in jesus name hallelujah yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord [Music] i believe that you're about to experience your but god's story but for some of you here today those of you are in our church online your god's your but god's story starts with an encounter with the savior in a manger his name is jesus christ he is emmanuel god with us [Music] the savior born in a manger it starts there your but god's story starts there when you are hopeless and helpless the savior was born so he can save you he can deliver you he can heal you would you buy your heads and close your eyes right now and for some of you are listening to this broadcast today on church online it is not an accident that you're tuned in with this sunday worship celebration god loves you [Music] and he wants to heal and deliver you today and maybe for some of you are here today all it takes [Music] is a prayer a prayer repentance a prayer of faith that believes that god is good that god is your savior would you pray this prayer with me say dear jesus dear jesus today today i come to you i come to you i realize i realize i am helpless hopeless i am a sinner i am a sinner and i need a savior i need a savior born in a manger [Music] i open my heart i open my heart and i receive you as my savior and lord i repent of all my sins forgive me forgive me cleanse me and change me today i believe in my heart i believe it you came you came you gave your life for me so i can have i could have an eternal life the day today i receive the gift the gift of a new life of a new life thank you jesus thank you jesus today today i stand i stand forgiven forgiven justified justifying no condemnation thank you jesus thank you jesus from this day forward i will love you i will love you i will honor you honor you and i will follow you in your name i pray i'm praying everybody said amen can we give the lord a big big hand for that if you just pray that prayer with faith in your heart the bible says if anyone is in christ he is now a new creation the old life is gone and the new life has begun welcome to your new life in jesus christ if there is one thing that never grows old it is our new life in jesus christ that's why welcome to your new life in jesus christ hallelujah it never grows old everybody said amen hallelujah prayed in a blessed are you blessed today are you in power today church hallelujah oh [Music] today and this week come on everybody shout but god hallelujah praise god leave your hands i want to bless you with a prayer hallelujah hallelujah the lord bless you the lord keep you the lord makes his face shine upon you the lord bless you with supernatural intervention the lord bless you with supernatural favor the lord bless you with healing the lord bless you with supernatural provision the lord bless your life the lord bless your family in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit and all god's people say amen and amen hallelujah god bless you see you next sunday and see you soon church online hallelujah praise god
Channel: His Life TV
Views: 1,273
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Id: esuM55jM3ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 44sec (5264 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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