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radical enough is there anybody in this house that is radical for Jesus let me hear you lift your voice like a trumpet and give God a shout of praise in this house oh come on sighing let's change the atmosphere this ship some things in this place come on here somebody Bible say that shouts of joy and victory resounding the tabernacle in the tips of the righteous for the Lord has done great things it is marvelous in our eyes do I have some people in here that can attribute to the fact that God has done some great things in their lives let me hear you give God a shout well come on science shout out to God with a voice of prior shout unto God with a voice of triumph I can't hear you you know they say shout that shifts the atmosphere make a shelter from folks God lays a shop that brings the manifestation of the power there's a shop that causes that demonstration of God's power to be manifested in the midst of his people let me hear you open your mouth and give God a shout shout like you already have the victory shout like you already have your breakthrough shout like you already have your miracle shout like something has shifted in your life hallelujah hallelujah glory be to God God is good not all the time I said God is good at all the time I don't know about you but I just know that God is good no matter what I'm going through God is still good no money in my pocket but God is still good all hell is breaking loose but God is still hallelujah hey amen truly an honor and a privilege to be back in your wonderful City I am excited I feel something is getting ready to break out in this environment because the hand of God and the power of God is about to be manifested in our lives as never before we are living in an exciting times we are living in an incredible moment a moment whereby God is now bringing the kingdom of God into full manifestation and unto those that have endured those that have stood fast those that have persevered I just want to tell you this is your time and this is your season oh I didn't get a name man see please understand I came all the way from California California Polk are really hot and I know it's kind of cold out here but can we bring the fire of God into the house of God hallelujah glory to God amen amen I wanna honor amen first and foremost the Lord Jesus Christ who is the head of my life I tell people everywhere that I go that I do what I do simply because I love Jesus I love him because he first loved me he is the centerpiece of my heart the centerpiece of the table of my heart and I love him dangerously I love him passionately why did we put our hands together for my hero my champion Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God oh come on Zion I know you can do better than that he is my hero he is my champion and I love him more and more day by day to God be all the glory I do want to honor the great woman of God that has brought us together my sister my friend I met apostle dr. port a few years ago I don't even know how he connected but God knows how to connect folk and we we just knew that there was something there that was very kindred and I'll never forget we were kind of reminiscing and looking back when she was in Northern California and she drove all the way to Southern California didn't know where she was going kept calling me she said now look I'm over here do you know where I'm supposed to go I said look I don't know where I'm going the blind can't lead no blind just lied your way but she finally made it into Southern California and God has just done some great things since why don't you put your hands together for this awesome woman of God that God has raised up for such a timeless we love you woman of God we celebrate you we salute you thank you so much for honoring us and inviting us into this region once again I have some friends here but I do i do wanna honor the leadership the fivefold ascension gives that a present the Bible says we give honor unto whom honor is due I want to honor some of the leaders I don't know all of you but for some of you that I have names - pastor Theodore put your hands together for pastor theater bless your woman of God Pastor Steven bond oh come on Ziya hallelujah you know what I tell my church cuz I meant to people I love to mentor I love one on one I love to raise - a quick to empower people one of the things I tell them is that everything that you do is a seed and every seed that you plant will yield a harvest and so when you don't clap for somebody when your season comes nobody walks not for you I'm gonna ask you one more time can you clap for the man and the woman of God in the house hallelujah we want to honor pastor Willis Pastor Williams pastor Van Dyke the man of God that is oh come on this house should be raising the roof of you for the Honorable pastor Van Dyke amen glory to God hallelujah amen pastor nada nada nada amen and to my family I have a wonderful family here they men that that brought me into this region the very first one that brought me to this region so they're my house this is my family right there I see all my homies right there I think about you all the time amen they hit us up on Facebook Amen uniform you're the eighth unit hallelujah Amen glory to God but I want us to put our heads together as we recognize the Honorable Amen uh uh pastor uh yes ooh amen let's see about it god bless you thank you god bless you such so good to see you looking good as always looking good as always I tell you I tell you about the time that man a sharp dresser I tell you hey man he's right behind my bishop right behind my bishop and I kind of thought my bishop is they ate but I Amen but bless you so good to see you and the fireball of Minnesota first lady Joyce yes sir my sister my friend hallelujah thank you so much we love you so much I tell you we came out here and I tell you amen dynamite comes in small packages but I tell you she is dynamite hey man she's a dynamo glory to god she just swept me off my feet and to all the men and women of God in your various ascension give capacities to the Apostles to the prophets to they value this the pastors and the teachers we thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come and be a part of this kind of initiative God is going to meet us here if you believe that say amen amen I want to honor my own people that are traveled all the way from California with me they said we're coming where coming pastor we're right in the middle of getting our conference together so it's kind of a busy time it's a busy season but they said we're not gonna let you go by yourself we're still coming amen and I want to recognize one of our pastoral staff prophetess Masha graves right there bless you Oh Verna God thank you thank you for coming she gave me last night amen I have Lisa Fulton my my wonderful personal assistant glory to God amen I have Tony on the keys amen we have our five sons we have five sons and two daughters amen Tony in the sixth son praise the Lord David he's our sixth 30 men but thank you Tony for coming amen he travels often with us amen and his incredible musician I saw mrs. sin a minstrel amen I thank God for blessing our seed and blessing our family and blessing our sons there are all musicians there are some writers they are producers they's they play instruments and add to God be all the glory I call them the sons of Asaph amen thank you Lord and I have I Della back there in the book taking care of the products please make sure that you take a book back with you take a CD back with you take something home with you we don't want to leave the region Amen without leaving something for you in the region amen so that long after we have left the region the voice will remain in the region is that good amen and why you remain standing I want to make sure cuz I'm not sure if this is being recorded by video and I want to honor amen the sugar in my tea the cherry on my cake that I the ice cubes in my water the glaze on my donut the butter on my bread okay y'all don't need to celebrate me amen the Honorable Bishop Peter Morgan amen he is a bag he is all of that and a bag of chips and a coke on the side put your hands together for the man of God the love of my life amen I love him dangerous and I love you passionately amen and I tell you he's been missing me he's missing me so bad he's called me like 10 times today and I'm like look what's going on you know hey I just left you I said oh yeah you okay I'm good what's going on but anyway he is so so well he's praying for all of you he sends his love he sends his regards he's taking care of our wonderful awesome powerful anointed marvelous teenagers glory be to God hallelujah amen god is good and you know they have my card this weekend so that that's a little bit of a Amen yeah they'd rather you know I said dude they're driving my car live a yeah cuz his car is in the shop my son's cars in the shop so they drive in my car and I'm saying look you made it make sure that you're in the car every time they're driving and then he called me a minute ago they went over that McDonald as in are you in the car he said no I'm in the house I'm like whatever shunda about her amen glory to God amen you know you gotta keep praying in tongues when those teenagers are in your car ignore it amen but God is good all the time but all the time God is good we are so honored to be here I am so excited I do have a word for you God is getting ready to do something explosive in the body of Christ amen and guess what you're a part of it you are a part of it I'm a part of it turn around I say to your neighbor you too so come on talk to them like you're anointed say you to a menu to 8min praise God amen we just wanna let you know that we do have some products in the back before you take your seats and we're going straight to the Word of God I don't want to keep you too long but I'm gonna at the same time I want to make sure that God does everything he has we have some products back there prayers the master key amen one of my number one seller amen raising prophetic intercessors teaching us how to be snipers in the realm of the Spirit God is not looking for machine-gun Kelly's God is looking for spiritual snipers people that have the ability to be accurate in the realm of the Spirit and put their their focus on their target and be able to hit that target and not miss amen you shall decree a thing and the light shall shine upon your ways the Lord has given us the power to decree a thing and it will be established the prayer factor this is a manual as a matter of fact it is the comprehensive version of Prayer is the master key I often recommend this to a lot of pastors you can actually teach out of this for about a year or so and then without having to go and put your notes together and stuff like that you know how it is amen but everything is laid out for you whereby you can literally teach out of this whether it's a small house group or whether it's a Bible study amen but prayer the master key very exhaustive we want you to have that declaring the sums 150 declarations of faith according to the 150 Psalms for those of you that desire to pray you love to pray but you just don't have the language you don't have the vocabulary amen and you kind of need a jump start you need something to kick you off amen these books right here will assist you in doing that confessing the Proverbs the law of confession life and death is in the power of your tongue and there are 31 confessions of according to the book of Proverbs I use this one every single day of my life whereby I speak wisdom into my life into my home into my environment wisdom is the principal thing but I know you're getting get an understanding amen intercession by pattern one of my favorite little books amen that just speaks about the tabernacle and relating it to prayer close your prayers those of you that love to pray I don't know how many of you have visited our site but everyone that visits our site always says one thing we love to go there because it's nothing but prayer amen so for those of you that love to pray we have all those prayers up in here in packages for you you can pray along put them in your car put them in your CDs it players amen and it will it will activate your prayer life you will activate your prayer life it will teach you how to pray it will increase your vocabulary Amen prayer has a vocabulary you know prayer is extensive the latitudes of Prayer are very very extensive and so the more you pray the more you increase your vocabulary your verbage your ability to communicate with God so that you might have maximum impact amen and all these are just declaration binding the strongman the prayer declaration the blood nothing but the declarations on the blood brain cleansing from being defiled amen so go by the table amen and take something wrong with you turn around say to your neighbor take something home with you I'm gonna talk to them like you got some parts they take something home with you amen amen that turn around I said your neighbor neighbor I'm glad that you're sitting next to me cuz you're next on God's agenda and let never can't do nothing about it okay that neighbor didn't hear you turn around to your other name of their neighbor hey neighbor I am so glad that you are sitting next to me because you are next on God's agenda and the devil can't do nothing about it you can't do nothing about it if you believe that give God a shadow pray hallelujah hallelujah amen amen turn with me if you made to the word tonight to the Word of God and we will be going to the book of first chronicles chapter number four first chronicles chapter number four the young lady asked me what version I was using I normally use it the amplified version but you can go ahead and put up the King James and that's fine amen first chronicles chapter number four verse number nine and ten first chronicles first Quran Nichols chronicles amen first chronicles chapter number four verse number nine and ten if you've got the word please stand for the reading of God's Word we honor the word of God amen we reverence his word are you there do we all have the word amen first chronicles chapter number four verse number nine and 10 and jay-bez o Jabez was more honorable than his brethren and his mother called his name Jabez or jay-bez saying because I bear him with sorrow one translation says I bear him with painting and Jabez called or cried on the God of Israel saying all that thou wouldst bless me indeed I'll enlarge my coast and that thine hand might be with me and that thou would keep me from evil that it may not grieve me and God granted him that which he requested thus far the reading of God's Word s pray father I thank you for your word is already anointed I ask that you exalt my horn like the Horn of a wild ox annoying to me with fresh oil grant me agility of mind and precision of speech let me speak of the Oracles as an Oracle I ask that your word will go forth and not return empty but let it accomplish the purpose unto which it is set father we thank you Lord that the atmosphere is set for the impartation demonstration and manifestation of your power we thank you for miracles signs and wonders we thank you Lord God for the shiftings of Destiny and purpose we thank you for the alignment of the kingdom in the lives of your people let your kingdom come let your will be done I now declare that every spirit that is not of God is arrested it is rendered of none effect we thank you Father that your word will go forth and it will accomplish the purpose and the assignment that it sent to and we thought to give your praise and glory and honor and all those that believe God say Amen say Amen turn around I say to your neighbor say neighbor tonight we are breaking the curse of pain and releasing the blessing through prayer okay that labor didn't hear you so turn around to the other neighbor and say neighbor I don't know about you but I'm so tired of living in pain and tonight by the hand of God and by the authority of his work we are breaking the curse of pain and releasing the blessing through prayer for we are the toughest generation if you believe the shoddy yes hallelujah amen hallelujah praise the Lord amen I feel radical tonight I feel radically anointed something is getting ready to burst out and and and then literally explode in this building amen when you begin to look at this portion of Scripture you begin to question yourself about this young man called Jabez as I was waiting on God and I was just seeking his face concerning a word for Minnesota the Spirit of the Lord visited me on Wednesday night and literally began to preach into my spirit and I heard the Spirit of God say that tell my people that I am raising again that jay-bez generation that Gervaise generation that are sick and tired of being confined sick and tired of being restricted sick and tired of being limited by their circumstances the Bible teaches us in the book of first Chronicles in this whole genealogy of several people that were being talked about that they came up a name of a gentleman called Jabez and the Bible says that Jabez was more honorable than them all so then the question is what is it that made him more honorable than the rest of them there are people that have done great things in their times and in their generations there are people that have made impact they're people that have left legacies but it is absolutely important and imperative to take note when God says somebody has been named or deemed more honorable than all of them what is it that made jay-bez more honorable than everyone else that was mentioned the reason why Jabez was more honorable than everyone that was mentioned first chronicles chapter number four is because the Bears that opted to rise above his circumstances do I have anyone in here under the sound of my voice that has refused to allow their circumstances to dictate to their future somebody said yes when you desire to reach a life that is more honorable it is then imperative that you ask the reason why some men and women of faith rise above the rest is that they refuse to allow their present situation to determine their final destination they refuse to allow their history to determine their destiny they refuse to allow their yesterday to determine their tomorrow they refuse to allow their pain to dictate to their purpose they sink and they pray beyond their circumstances the bears his name was called pay pay now you know pain is not good I found out that it is difficult to focus let alone to what to live when one is in pain I found out that it is difficult to pray when you are in pain I found out that it is almost impossible to worship God when you are in pain do I have two people in here that can attest to the fact I just need the real folk I'm not talking about the phony folk I'm talking about the real folk coming here somebody that love Jesus but just find out that when you are in intense pain it is difficult for you to focus pain can change your behavior pain can change your attitude pain can change your disposition to reaction pain people that are in pain live in misery that focuses regularly on their injury or pain has making it difficult to receive healing from God I found out that when people are in pain there Alicia's shifts when people are in pain their influence amen begins to diminish when people are in pain they fluctuate up and down and alternate between victory and defeat when people are in pain their commitment begins to wane when people are in pain they become indifferent when people are in pain in a fixing it affects their giving of their resources their time their talents and their finances with anyone in here that can attest to what I'm saying if you believe that shoddy airs I found out that when people are in pain it affects their productivity and their participation when people are in pain they have a drawback spirit they are just not interested there used to be the first to come and the last to leave and now they're left to come and they're the first to leave when people are in pain they are pessimistic instead of optimistic when people are in pain they are negative instead of being positive when people are in pain they become spectators instead of participators when people are in pain they become judgmental and cynical when people are in pain they are unsub missive uncooperative and they are critical when people are in pain they are fault-finding see when you're in pain you find fault with everything you find fault with the temperature you find fault with the musician you find fault with the preacher you find for your quiet up in here why because you are in pain but Turner honest save your neighbor this is the last day that pain will have power and authority over me if you believe the shoddy yes I follow that when people are in pain they keep replaying and reversing their past when you are in pain you are entrapped and you are enslaved by the devil that you can't even pray effectively when you pray you pray out of your emotions so the prayers are ineffective why because you are in pain your heart is full of bitterness your heart is full of pain your heart is full of resentment your heart is full of unforgiveness your heart is full of hatred why because you are in pain but I came to break the curse of pain in Minnesota whether the devil likes it or not this is the last day that pain will have dominion over you if you believe that Jerry but that wasn't the case with tapas Jabez refused to be stagnated the path refused to be paralyzed the path refused to be restricted and stigmatized he refused to be marginalized and labeled by pay you have the power to rise above your circumstances you don't have to take everything that is pushed on you I didn't get an amen right there no one has the power to labor you the bass was named by his mother for whatever reason nobody really knows the pain that she suffered I'm not sure whether she suffered in her pregnancy I don't know whether she had a breach or whether she experienced I don't know whether the man abuse her or abandoned her I don't know the circumstances that caused her pain but as a result of her pain the Bears are named to bathe his mother named him according to her circumstances but the best said I refuse to take this and I wish I had some radical people in here that are getting ready to break the curse or pain up there Liza break the curse of sorrow of your life God gave you a destiny God gave you a purpose he knows the plans that he has to want you their plans of good and not of evil to bring it to an expected end and to give you a hope and a future therefore no weapon that is formed against shall prosper that will rise against me in judgment I have the power to contain it if you believe the Bible says that Jabez was more honorable than his brethren and his mother called him to bed saying because I bear him with sorrow but Jabez cried unto the God of Israel I don't know what I came to talk to but I came to talk to somebody that is getting ready to raise their voice like blind bartimaeus and call the God of Israel call of the Covenant Macon and a covenant-keeping pause the Lord God who changes not therefore the sons of Jacob are not consumed he said it cried unto God it's time to cry unto God I'm not cryin to me the trouble with us is we have a tendency to cry to everybody who doesn't have the power to deliver us instead of crying to God who has the power to deliver us the Bible says and the Bears called or cried unto the God of Israel and that and he said all that thou would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory that thine hand might be with me that doll was keep me from evil that that it may not grieve me and God granted him that return requested I came to tell somebody one body anybody under the sound of my voice in Minnesota tonight God is about to grant you your request everything you prayed for everything you petition everything you've gone to God for God sent me to tell you this is your power this is your moment he is a battle grant you your request somebody shoddy Oh God me so hard already now let me just teach a little bit and then we're gonna really pray the Bible says there were three things I noticed about this these two verses they contained number one a define designation a deep desire and a definite declaration the divine designation was found in verse nine Jabez was more honorable turn around say to your neighbor you are more honorable oh come on talk to them like you're anointed don't hate tell them you are more honorable you just don't know it yet but you are more honorable the best was more honorable than his brethren nothing much is said about everyone else that lived or that was mentioned in that particular portion of scripture about being honorable or powerful or anointed but Jabez stood out as one that was more honorable he was distinct he was separate from the rest of them Jabez was more honorable than his brethren and the reason why he was more honorable is number one Jabez called on the God of Israel saying all that thou would bless me there was a deep desire within him to change his circumstances circumstances can only shift and adjust when you purpose within your heart to change the circumstance I didn't get an amen right there you have to determine within yourself that this circumstance that I am in this circumstance that has confined me Limited me restricted me hindered me stagnated me marginalized to me and cause me to be ineffective in the kingdom I have the power to change the circumstance tender honest hate your neighbor you have the power I don't demands cried out to God when he sat down and began to realize that he had a destiny he had a purpose God had some great things for him and he said I've got to do something about this there's very little that I can do in the physical there's little that I can do financially to change the circumstance but there's one thing that I know that God has given me and God has given me the power to speak and as long as I can open my mouth I find out that life and death is in the power of the tongue and they that love it come on your somebody shall eat the fruit their all whatsoever you say is what you shall have what you say is what you see come on is somebody telling us say do you neighbor say something if you're not seeing anything change that means you're not saying anything if you're seeing the same situation not shifting that probably means you're saying something but you're saying the wrong thing and so now you have to change your words because your words are ambassadors your words go on assignment so shall my word be that has proceeded out of my mouth it cannot return empty but it must accomplish the purpose under which it is set so the best said I can open my mouth and the least I can do is talk to God I don't to the basement I wonder what would happen if I open your mouth and talk to God about my situation I wonder what would happen if I open my mouth and ask God for something that is seemingly extravagant already get an Amen right there see that's the religious spirit right there see you see where will will spill where we are today because we think that that the God isn't big enough to meet our requests but how many of you know that God is so much bigger than you know God owns the cattle on a Thousand Hills silver and gold belongs to him God desires to bless his children come on yet somebody and so the best said I wonder what would happen if I just went out and asked God for something radical something extravagant something that is well that is in law or that there what bless me if I god bless me he said can you bless me in other words God I really believe that you can bless me because you're in the blessing business everything that God does is a blessing and the mercy can you bless me if I just reach out to you I really believe that you can bless me I'm not just to bless me but to bless me over and beyond my expectation I came to tell somebody in Minnesota that God is getting ready to bless you over and above and beyond your expectation if you can just lift your voice like a trumpet and bless me let me help the church Jabez wasn't out of line Jabez was right on point somebody says he was not the money why because God is a God of blessing so the first point I wanna make make a bet said God would you bless me this was not a greedy or selfish prayer because the religious folk who is that how could you ask God to bless you to bless you pray for other people pray for this pray for that when you pray for yourself there's nothing wrong with asking God to bless you oh I didn't get an amen right there for coming I didn't get an amen right there turn around and say to your neighbor I'm getting ready to ask God to bless me and God is getting ready to bless me big time I said he's getting ready to bless me big time there's nothing wrong with God blessing me there's nothing wrong with me walking into blessing there's nothing wrong with me oh oh I wish I had your people in here how do I know the Bible says that this is the confidence that we have that if we ask anything according to his will is it the will of God to bless you is it the will of God to bless you is it the will of God to bless you he said this is the confidence the assurance that I walk in if we ask anything according to his will I know that he hears me and if I know that he hears me I know that I what I have asked for there's nothing wrong with praying for God to bless you and the urgency of the matter with the bed is that god bless me but don't bless me small bless me big turn around I said your neighbor I'm getting ready to be blessed big oh come on you better talk to them like you're annoyed I said I'm getting ready to be blessed big okay I'm tired of small blessings I'm tired of my news blessing I'm tired of a little here I you know there I'm getting ready for the big one I said this is the big one the big one the big one the big one where everybody is gonna look at you and say look at what God has done this is the big one when you're going to have make room for God he said enlarge your tent stretch walk your daughter bodies fine your book uh buddy or somebody God miss me not just for me but bless me so that I can be a blessing to somebody a blessing to my generation a blessing to a boy to a girl god bless me indeed somebody Tatia now you know somebody say faster mothered I've never heard that you know I'm preacher woman of God I'm preaching you blessed me real good never heard that you don't have no reference no I'm glad that you asked Amen what he cometh asks Joshua calabash just what in the book of Joshua 14 and 12 and he says give me this mountain he said give me this mountain in other words he said god bless me with what you promised me Moses in Exodus 33 verse number 15 said if my presence does not go with me if it doesn't carry me I'm not going another Lord good God list me with your presence what does it mean to ask God to bless you they met what no we are not asking for more of what we can get for ourselves but we're asking for God to impart his supernatural favor upon us so that we can be a blessing to somebody else the Bible says that Judith that Jacob as he wrestled with God all night the Bible says all night he wrestled a man wrestled with him and Jacob held on to the man and he said I will not let you go until you bless me God is looking for radical people that are ready to go out for the blessing that are ready to grab ahold of him I'm not let go of him I say God I'm not gonna let you go until you bless me until you bless my family until you bless my ministry until you bless my business there you bless my children do I have some radical people there ready to grab ahold of God and say God I'm not going to stop pray I'm not gonna stop seeking your face until you bless me and bless me indeed bless me indeed if you believe that shoddy pick up said I'm not gonna let you go until you bless me I won't let you go and God now he's looking for radical people then I ready to grab ahold of him I thank God I'm not gonna let you go until you bless me my beginning was a blessing my entire makeup is a blessing God you called me to be a blessing I refuse to walk in pain I refuse to walk in sorrow I refuse to walk in shame I refuse to walk in reproach her this is the last day but the devil will laugh at me this is the last day that I'll be a shame and a reproach but upon God I'm not gonna let you go until you bless me bless me bless the works of my hands bless everything that I do God loves me who is in this house that knows that God is a God that won't bless you what about sundar Baba Sante something is getting ready to happen in here I came all the way from California to give you the word of the Lord under one of the Lord he's a God is raising up I take this generation a generation that I'm not afraid to go to God and ask God to bless them and bless everything that he is interested in them somebody shoddy yes the Bible says in the book of Matthew 7 and verse number 7 he says ask and it shall be given unto you seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you the book of James 4 verse number 2 say that you have not because you ask not prayer is much more than the sincere desire of the heart God is saying people of God it's time for you to talk to me huh stop murmuring huh stop complaining huh stop whining huh and just come and ask me to bless you and watch me open the heavens and pour out a blessing that you will not be able to container that will cause your enemies to be silenced somebody shoddy the very nature of God in a very nature of God is to bless God wants to bless you and he wants to bless me how do I know the book of Genesis 2 our verse number 2 says God told Abraham I will make thee a great nation and I will bless thee and make thy name great Genesis 27 and 38 and Esau said to his father has thou but one blessing one blessing my father bless me even me also my father Genesis 32 take up wrestled with God and said I will not let you go till you bless me proverbs 10:22 say the blessing of the Lord it maketh rich and adds no sorrow proverbs 11 and 11 by the blessing of the upright the city is exalted Hebrews 6:13 and 44 when the Lord made a promise to Abraham because he could swear but none greater he swore by himself saying surely with blessing our bless you and with multiplying I will multiply you the Bears was blessed because he refused to allow any person or opinion to get between him and God's nature and God's nature People of God is to bless it is not who you are or what your parents decided for you or what you are fated to be that matters what counts is knowing who you want to be and asking for it I dare you to break the cycle of pain praying like the best god bless me indeed bless my family bless my marriage bless my ministry bless my business bless my children bless my finances bless me indeed if you believe that shadi yes the next thing that he asked for was Lord that you would enlarge my coasts and large my borders and large my territory what the PES was asking God was Lord can you enlarge my territory and large my homestead and large my business my ministry and large my sphere of influence broaden my horizon increase my capacity because what you want to do for me is so much bigger than where I'm at sometimes you know within your spirit that way your ad is too small for you and you need to ask God to enlarge your territory God give me some more room because I'm loaded I'm loaded in the room that is not enough you need to stretch me stretch me make room for me extend my cord God enlarge my territory what job Thomas was saying and listen to me I have a warrant for this house but the Bears were saying is he wanted more influence more responsibility more opportunity to make a mark for God and for his generation lift your antenna say lord give me more influence give me more opportunities give me more responsibilities so that I can make a mark and I can leave a legacy in my generation amen Jabez was saying surely I was born for more than this anybody know what I'm talking about when you're walking around but your sense within your spirit that this is not what I'm supposed to do or this is not where I'm supposed to be anybody know what I'm talking about they say something bigger in me they there's something growing in the inside of me I feel something kicking I feel it shifted in a god I'm pregnant with something I'm pregnant with destiny and pregnant with purpose I'm pregnant with greatness I'm pregnant with an idea of concept I'm pregnant with a ministry of pray anybody know what I'm talking about and you says that something in you needs more room I need more room Jenna let us say to your neighbor excuse me I mean borrow I was born for this spell of God and some of your saying well where is my sphere of influence your business is the territory maybe God has entrusted to you but which you may have a significant opportunity to touch individualize for God maybe you're called to be effective in the marketplace and you're saying God I need you to enlarge my territory extend my courts give me more responsibilities so that I could reach more people coming here somebody increase my influence even in this sphere hello here's somebody asking God to enlarge that opportunity only God causes God to be happy and to be delightful it is very rare today listen to me to hear people pray God please bless me God please give me more ministry so that I can touch more lives and draw more to the kingdom but what you need to understand people of God is that the more your opportunities increase and as your opportunities expand your ability and resources will supernaturally increase I didn't get an amen right there say a lot of times we have this pseudo humility you know where we think amen I'm the Holy One of Israel Jesus first cousin God has blessed me in my little Toyota right here amen I'm just happy amen with what I got a man with my little eye a man with my little be a man I gotta say I know you miss it well I want to give you so much more so that you can bless more you can reach more coming in somebody why don't you ask me for more so that you can be a blessing to more somebody shiny yes never be afraid to ask God to enlarge your influence increase your capacity because the more he increases you the more people you're able to reach somebody Johnny yes nothing wrong with asking God for a magnimous building like this why because the more the building is a bigger the building the more people I'm gonna be able to read somebody shiny yes there's nothing wrong with asking God for a big guy you're quiet because the bigger the car the more people that can bring to church you're wired up in here there is nothing wrong with asking God for a bigger house because the bigger your house the more people you can accommodate the other it sounds I need more I'm never happy over here amen this is my little apartment amen I praise the Lord amen this what God has for me and God is saying turn around I said you never enlarged me oh come on say like you got some powers aids and watch me turn around I said I need some room you know there's some of you let me tell you your your little two-bedroom apartment is so packed with stuff you don't even know where to put the stuff your quiet you don't know where to find the shoe you don't know where you put your fault you don't know where you put your knife come on I'm gonna say it's time to enlarge your territory I want to give you a four bedroom I want to give you a five bedroom house you're quite up in here Who am I prophesying to I decree another class that this is your season of enlargement God is getting ready to enlarge your territory he's getting ready to move you into a bigger place if you believe that Shari you got so much stuff in the storage you don't even know what to do with it every time you're half steps up to take it to the storage every time you come in I'm glad to say look you're you're filling the storage why don't you ask for more room hallelujah glory to be gone maybe hurry up we're gonna really wonder what this word we tend to look at our abilities experience training personality appearance our past others opinions of us amen Bubba Bubba but we based God's ability amen to use us upon these things but listen to a goddess a God looks at your willingness and weaknesses plus his will and his supernatural power God bases his ability to use us upon his ability and availability all that you will enlarge my territory God is getting ready to enlarge you God is getting ready to increase your capacity God is getting ready to enlarge your responsibilities God is getting ready some of you are getting ready to blow up your business is about to blow up I wish I had two people in here in the midst of the recession your business is getting ready to be enlarged multiply we're gonna have multiple places where your business is going to operate I speak that prophetically but the hand of God I'm by the authority of God's I'm by the power of his works it is so and it cannot be otherwise if you believe that shotty and listen to the next thing that he said Amen praise glory to God amen enlarge them and like them God and love them and love them and like them and like them I decree the mantle of enlargement or of a sheikh under a Baha it is so and it cannot be otherwise everything your hand touches to do what prosper in the name of Jesus amen and listen to the next point the next point that the base may be said all that your hand will be with me now now that's a powerful that's a powerful statement he said Lord let your hand be on me let your hand be on me now now wait I want us to look at the scripture very quickly look at first chronicles 29 I want to show you why the hand of God is powerful 1st chronicles 29 1st chronicles 29 are you there first when it comes 29 verse number 9 and it reads then the people rejoice because these had given willingly for with a whole and blameless heart they had offered freely to the Lord King David also rejoiced greatly therefore god bless the lord before all the assembly and said be praised adored and thanked all Lord the God of Israel for father forever and ever yours O Lord is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty for all that is in the heavens and the earth is yours yours is the kingdom Oh Lord and yours it is to be exalted as head over all both riches verse number 12 and honor come from you and you reign over all in your hands power and might in your hands it is to make great and to give strength to all now that's powerful what the Bears were saying he the Lord let your hand be upon me because when your hand is upon me the power and the strength and the energy and the divine endowment that I need will be imparted upon me Lord let your hand be upon me but in your hand is the power to make great in other words when your hand is upon me I have no choice but to walk in greatness if your hand is a on me everything I do has got to succeed if your hand is upon me I will be an overcomer if your hand is upon me I can recruit troops and leap all the walls if your hand is upon me there is nothing that can oppose me resist me impede me stop me stop me from fulfilling destiny somebody shot me upon me you can't let your heart be upon me the hand of the Lord is the strength of God the hand of God is the light of God the hand of God is a supernatural endowment that comes upon you when the hand of God is upon you there is nothing that you do that will not succeed when the hand of God is upon you people can hate you but you'll still be able to rise up above your situation I don't care who comes against you God is still going to be able to lay a table before you in the presence of your enemies because the hand of God is upon you let the hand of God be upon you upon your ministry upon your business upon your family upon your children somebody shoddy you need the hand of God the best knew that when God increases his territory when God increases his opportunities when God increases and enlarges his capacity he would need the hand of God to be upon him because he would not be able to fulfill his assignment outside of the hand of God I need your hand to be upon me as you've increased me as you can large me as you have stretch me I need your hand to be upon me so that I can fulfill the destiny that you have for me Lord let your hand be upon me when God and light is your ministry you need the hand of God when God enlightens your business you need the hand of God when God increases your opportunities you need the hand of God to be upon you the ability more ability than you have ever had visitations back to back you're a novice you're living out of a suitcase the demand is increasing you need the hand of God you need the endowment of God you need the strength of God you need the empowerment of God you often feel afraid and you have misled abandoned weak out of control even a little angry that's when you need the hand of God you can't shake the feeling that you are in the rugged nature the wrong man for the job why because God is increasing you God is bringing more God is making you bigger are you saying God what do I do how do I do I need the hand of God to be upon me the strength of God the might of God the enablement of God the empowerment of God because we thought you I cannot do it let the mighty Oh God be upon you I didn't do see that he would exhort you somebody shot the hand of God see see when the hand of God is upon you it simply means yo you have you you your dependence is on God in other words God I can't do it by myself I need you I need you every step of the way I know exactly what I'm talking about and the Lord began to increase and the Lord began to add and the Lord began to reenlarge and there's a time in my life I became so overwhelmed and I said god I don't even know if I can do this I don't know how to do this and the Lord said my hand will be upon you my hand will be upon you the Bible says in the book of Nehemiah that nehemiah's said to the people when he went back to rebuild the broken walls of the Temple of Jerusalem and he said the good hand of God is upon me and when he said that the good hand of God was upon him the Bible says the people said let us arise and build when the hand of God is upon you you were arise and you were built you will build your vision you were built that what God has called you to do because the hand of God is upon you somebody shoddy yes the hand of God is the hand of power and the hand of might David said that in the hand there is power and there is might and in the hand it is to make great Azra when he was coming back from Babylon and he was ready Amen to take the children of God out of Babylon he was a scribe and he went to the king and he said Lord let your hand be upon me when the hand of God is upon you you will go before the great the powerful and the noble and you will make a request and it will be given to you somebody shoddy yes I don't know who I came to talk to tonight but somebody in here at the side of my voice is getting ready to receive a positive receive a positive report because the hand of God is upon you there's paperwork that has been held up for a long time and you're wondering god what is it that has held up my paperwork what is it that has stagnated the move and God sent me to tell you that the hand of God is coming upon you and everything that has been put in the backside is getting ready to be brought to the front and God is getting ready to visit you God is getting ready to give you your requests God is getting ready to give you an answer I wish I had two people in here that can hear the voice of God as I speak prophetically there are some things that have been held back and God is saying because the hand of God is coming upon you today I decree and declare that an approval is coming I said an approval is coming somebody take yes because the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord and he steers it like a watercourse there is no power there is no authority that is not subject to the hand of God when God says it is so and it cannot be otherwise I don't care whether it is government I don't care whether it is politic you're wired up in here all I know that when the hand of God is upon you God gives you favor before the authorities God gives you favor before the judges God give you favor before the ruler God will give you favor oh god I wish I had two people in here then hear the word of the Lord and agree that the hand of the Lord is coming upon you the hand of the Lord is coming upon your family the hand of the Lord is not coming your ministry the hand of the Lord is coming upon your business the hand of the Lord is resting the hand of the Lord is not sure it's not sure it's not sure it's finding you it doesn't matter what your predicament what's your issue what's your situation God sent me to tell you that the hand of the Lord is wrestling mightily upon you and because his hand is upon you you will grant you favor like mister you will go before the authorities and you will have to stand you don't have to say anything but as you stand because the hand of God is resting upon you all that you have to do is stand that inflates than trusting stand believe it and let let God begin to work on your behalf and God is gonna give you your requests somebody shout here and then finally he said and we're gonna pray and he said that you would keep me from evil and not grieve me the best didn't say keep me through evil he said keeping me from evil how many of you know that when God blesses you our guarding and likes you and when the hand of God is upon you the enemy will be looking for you how do you get a demon right there lift you right and I say Lord silence the haters oh come on you better say like you got about the Lord shut the haters down anytime God blesses you any time God begins to enlarge your coast and it's our God begins to increase your capacity any time God's hand is upon you I want to warn you that the haters are gonna show up and that's the reason why the best prayed ahead of time and he said God let me just pray ahead of time that is called an anticipatory prayer and he said I'm praying ahead of time but as you're getting ready to bless me and you're getting ready to increase me and I'm getting ready to drive my new car my new Lexus my new Mercedes you're caught up in here I'm getting ready to walk into my 4-bedroom house as I'm getting ready to wear my Louie at my Gucci your quiet up in here I'm getting ready to step up to the next level I know that the haters are going to show up and so god I'm crying out to you ahead of time oh god heavy deliver me for more evil protects me for more evil protect me from evil men and women as a matter of fact David said contend with them to contend with me fight them that fight me draw your sword closet to become like Jasper let the angel of the Lord God called me attack the cleaver to the achievement of their mouth if you believe that shiny somebody's shop shut shut the haters down shut up down Saturday as you're raising me shut them down as you're promoting me shut them down as you're elevating the Son of God as you take me to another level shut it down shut it down shut it down shut it down shut it down shut it down shut up shut up deliver me from evil these are not before evil even comes shut it down aw come on mr. Ranas they shut it down oh come and take like your night as they shut it down before that demon shows up shut it down before that week shows up shut er down before that wizard should have Saturday before the whole I was a high do people in here they go shut down anointing in here I wish I had two people that can lift their voice I begin to shut it down shut that down now in other words what the pigs were saying woman 'god when the pigs were say I've lived in pain for so long now I've got my breakthrough and some be money show you up on some way that Devin is alive I'm showing his mother-in-law I've included every spirit that is not a body shut down every which is shut down every demon is shut down every wizard everyone occur every saucer every agenda but no man can Casa what God has blessed by decree that you're blessed by the Queen ajob Lester your family is blessed your children are blessed blessed blessed by silence every power every spirit every entity shut down iterator thousand panic satellite somebody shout shut it down royal amiable chic under a baja Oconee River subtle I feel the hand of God I feel the power of God I feel the energy of God I feel the unction of God I feel a break of anointing huh God is getting ready to break through her makeup breaking an instrument huh God is breaking down every power every spirit every entity every war the enemy has raised up against you against your destiny of nature Papa sir somebody shoddy he's shut it down he said god I want to do this in advance another I'm not gonna wait for them to come but I'm gonna pray about it before they show up I've got haters you're quite up in here let me tell you something don't be deceived any time God exalts you getting ready for the haters oh I didn't get an amen not everyone that says loves you loves you not everyone that said there are with you out with you I wish I had two people in here the Bible say that with their lips they praise you but behind the scene they backstab you but I take authority over every backstabbing demon and take authority over every spirit or gossip every berry the Cubs of sin nature in the name of Jesus I bind every spirit of sabotager find every undermining spirit every underhanded spirit or tear down every spirit of the fire the authority by the finger of God by the authority of tear it down me that name achieve a degree that you're climbing out sir you're coming out of pain you're coming out of shame you're coming out a reproach oh you're coming out of every business the enemy and pay you in the name of Jesus if you but made that shadow this is the last date that honors a dinner but this is the last day that I'm dealing with the haters oh come on you better talk to them like y'all notice that this is the last day that I'm dealing with the haters you can talk all you want you can say what you want but if God has blessed me I'm blessed and eat oh you better shut up in here you know how you know the haters this how you know the haters lady Joyce you know you know when you show up with your blessed self turn on an egg to your neighbor in this America with my blessed self why not me when you show up with your blessed self in this America then the hater shows up and then when the hater shows up and you have your blessed hair you know what the hater says the hater says oh you change your hair again in this America with your bless the Lord oh yes show up and they say Oh resident ever I'm blessed and you can't do nothing about it oh come on you better talk to them with an attitude say I'm blessed and you can't do nothing about it Dubois SATA now listen and we're gonna pray we're gonna pray oh I feel God up in here come to bed smoke up in here let me hear you give God a thunderous praise in here if your bless my favorite one emotion I'm missing what happened and the Lord granted him what he requested I don't know what came to talk to but I simply came to Minnesota to just tell you one thing that God is about to grant you your request or you didn't hear that I said God is about to grant you your request God granted him what he requested people of God listen God has opened the windows of heaven because someone prayed God will release his miraculous power in your life now and for all eternity if you pray he will lavish upon you his honor and delight if you pray God will break the cycle of pain if you pray God will break the cycle of frustration if you pray I came to provoke the best generation I came to provoke somebody that's tired of being confined restricted and limited by their pastor I came to provoke somebody that's tired of being stigmatized marginalized and ostracized my brothers and sisters I want you to know that there is great power and great deliverance through prayer you can check the record of that for yourself that Bible says that Moses prayed and God spared Israel from judgment Joshua prayed and God tell the son to stand still Hannah prayed and God gave her a baby boy Solomon pray and God gave him wisdom Hezekiah prayed and God added 15 years to his life Elijah prayed and God and said by player Jonah pray and God brought him out on the belly of the whale the thief on the cross pray and God may give eternal life I came to tell you in Minnesota that path in the place of power the place of power in the place of Prayer the Bears brain and there is nothing that you and I cannot get when we open our mouth and begin to pray there is no problem that cannot be sold there is no sickness that cannot be healed as there is no planet that cannot be listed there is no storm that cannot be counted in the power of prayer open your mouth and cry out to God cry L to make the best cried out and see God open the heaven not release your requests when you break the book of Matthew says all things whatsoever you ask in prayer believing you shall receive the bells prayed and God heard his prayer and granted him his request today we are going to cry out to God God said if we will cry out to him if we will pray if we will request petition and entreated him he will grant you your request tonight how many of you believe in the God who answers prayer how many of you believe in the God who answers breath I'm gonna ask everybody to come to the altar we're gonna pray and the power of God is gonna move we're gonna pray I believe in prayer those of you that know about me know that I have a personal prayer in my life everybody moves to the altar whatever your request is God is gonna grant you your request move to the altar close your eyes with your hands water Baba's chicken Dario Dario SATA my Ken Daurio second Arabic esata God is a God that answers prayer Jabez said all that you might bless me he adorable chic on Dario Dario SATA and bless me indeed God Air convertible citta I'm tired of living and playing I'm tired of living in shame and pride of being a reproach I'm tired of being at a bypass and a proverb God all that you might bless me everybody come over come down come down come down I want everybody on the altar whatever Bacchic under dia de Dios at top we are going to brave where is the master key prayers shifts things in the realm of the spirit not yet hora baba Sheikh on Dario Dario Santa Macondo da radio Cassata Oh God uh boss chick on Donna lift your hands with your hands and close your eyes for those of you that are filled with the Spirit of God I want you to begin to speak in the heavenly language or above us under unity of citta oak under unity or secondary Allah Baja prayer will shift the heavens prayer will do what God can do prayer makes you a co controller and a co-creator in the earth realm prayer causes the impossible to become possible prayer is the master key when you open your mouth of brave the best prayed and God changes situation the best prayed at Gordon largest territory diverse praetor condemnable Santa he cognitive over Santa come on I am crying out to God to God cry out to God when you cry the heavens are open when you cry God hears the Bible say that a cry of the righteous goes to God and cause ear is inclined to require the righteous cry out to God the most secretive of a Santa or Obama second interval Santa I can't hear you is there anybody that is desperate for God is there anybody that wants God to bless you is there anybody that is looking for God to enlighten territory anybody that is looking for God to increase their capacity open your mouth and pray open your mouth and prayer break and change your destiny we're calling the impossible to be made possible where we lift you where you belong to where we'll move heaven and earth Heavenly Father I did pray in the name of Jesus I'm atmosphere on open heaven I command every resistance in heaven to be removed I take authority over the priests of the power of the air I commend the power of the enemy over this territory over this region over this community over this charger over his people to be broken in the name of Jesus of undeclared open heaven I declare a free passage for your prayers to rise on Caesar I declare free passage for miracles I declare a breakthrough I declare a breakthrough in the heavens I declare that every generation every resistance of every impedimenta to be overthrown in the name of Jesus I apply the blood I plead the blood I'm saturate you with the blood I can't will every handwriting every ordinance technicalities and eternity by the blood of Jesus come on giant cry out cry out in the name of Jesus resolutely talkin to the lion's roar many fighters to be met for our sake respect the wiser call their wisdom typical foolishness in the name of Jesus our God the Council of the inner to come to naught and any vitals of man to be a benefactor father in the name of Jesus I break every curse I break every person I break the curse of poverty I break the curse of lacquer I break the cause of insufficiently I break it I break it I break it I break it up break it what about Michiko dorababu Santa all of America Radio secondary bevel SATA horrible barrio Basanta poor Ababa SATA now listen to me everybody put your hands on your head ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba chicken durable SATA the best braid Jabez great baba baba Sheikh under a Baba SATA we generate power by the power of prayer we accumulate power by praying Cora baba Sheikh and Arab esata for the father defect you pray on the richest generates power power for the supernatural powerful demonstration power for the manifestation of the hand of God we develop power to the power plan I want you not to repeat after me close your eyes don't look at me because as you praise the heavens are going to be open and the hand of God is going to rest upon you and you're going to receive your miracle everything that I've held you back every clutc let us technique that your progress he's going to be broken if you believe the survey that's very weak in my life business ministry my children break the authority of the enemy by the power plant and the power of God by the rim of God and agree no longer right right right right now right boy Unabomber gonna remember forever man unity of sing whatever mash a Canadian an Elsa the power of God is movie the part of God is movie the fire of God is movie you're coming out jump coming out sometime a notch up coming up you'll cut it out you're coming out no prob on the fire of God the fire of God the fire of Santa come out come out come out come out come out come out come out the father an amazing father in the name of Jesus I break through everyone I break through every demonic war every racial wall every judgmental wall everything ominous your wall every religious wall every stubborn wall in the name of Jesus I decree that change is coming changing my environment changing my home changing my city changing my mind nothing change in my health changing my marriage changing my ministry change in my circumstances change in my situation change in my home I declare change change change change change chase chase to tell your brothers call it up keep your hand on your head establish in the territory my stakes Jesus bless and bless bless I bless children up bless my marriages bless my property is blessed if you'll believe that show lift your hands we're still prey the declarations are saturating the atmosphere the power of God is moving all over this building your lives will never be the same again by the authority of the word of God the Word of God that stands forever open your mouth and say tonight I declare I'm free I'm liberated have emancipated by defining masturbation tonight i decree i'm acquitted i'm acquitted by the blood of jesus tonight i decree that a shift of stuff in the atmosphere a shift in my finances a shift in my businesses a shift in the marriages are shifted over my city i shifted in my region i shifted in my community tonight in the name of Jesus I decree every blessing every miracle every breakthrough every opportunity with my name on it with my name on it in the name on it is released is released is released his release in the name of Jesus I command you by the hand of God by the authority of the world release my blessings release my finances release my order release my dignity release my respect in the name of Jesus I command it to be released I command my marriage P release my destiny Pyrenees my purpose Pyrenees my wealth he released them my opportunities be release my children be released my finest it be release my my prosperity my riches everything you have for me in the name of Jesus I command it to be so Jesus name if your hands in the presence of God wah bah-bah bah-bah bah da today oh boy she conned out of aha I can do Bobo chic and our Baba Cassata wobba wobba machinery rioseco dorababu son gaurav Avari radio secondary area secondo bah bahah by the authority of the word of God a cambiar el año pasado and by the hand of God they hire a ah I declare that God will answer you speedily I declare that every demonic determination over your life has backfired I said it has backfired I said it has backfired I said it has backfired every choice has backfired I said every class has backfired every ancestral Clauses backfires every generational curses but playing every prominent costly backfired I said it's backfired hey web client is back Wyatt is back Wyatt return to sender return to sender regard to send a big black fire I declare that you are released from satanic cycles I declare that you are released from cycles of failure cycle of defeat you are released tonight from seconds of shame thank you the reproach cycles of ignominy I declare that you are released from cycles of poverty cycles of lack cycles of insufficiency I declare that you are released sickness no more sickness no more disease in the name of Jesus I declare that you are released into cycles of defined supply divine supplies divine supply supernatural provision unlimited provision I declare that you release them in the cycle of miracles think of the size cycles of Wonders I declare that your times have changed your season has changed your time has changed you are seeing us change you're trying to change you'll see gonna change your time has changed your seasonal change your time has changed your seasonal change your time is your chain somebody shout Carabas shandaar Ababa Cassandra lift your hands in his presence au revoir chicken Dario Dario goes under ahaha Jabez cried out and said all that you will bless me indeed but you will enlarge my territory enlarge my capacity increase my opportunities increase my responsibilities that I may be a b c or Ababa la chica da da da or Santa horeb Amish and aridity of chicken or bakasana he said enlarge my territory I declare that tonight your territories enlarged I declare that tonight you your opportunities are increased I declare that God has extended your capacity you will do bigger things you will do greater things you will do exceeding abundantly above your expectation if you believe that say me horrible Chandra Baba hiya Korra Baba licked your hands and close your eyes I'm sensing the Holy Spirit II errababu Sikandar oven horrible chic and are you ready Yoko Santa I declare that the curse of pain is broken no more pain no more pain no more pain emotionally no more pain mentally no more pain physically no more pain in your in your marriages no more pain in your family no more pain in your relationships no more pain in ministry no more pain in your businesses I declare that your plane is broken I said the curse of pain is broken I said the console plane is broken in the name of Jesus God is elevating you God is promoting you God is raising you God is taking it to another level God is taking it to another dimension your enemies will see and they will know and they will understand and they will consider together that the hand of the Lord the authority of God the power of God the energy of God the anointing of God the unction of God the enablement of God the empowerment of God is resting upon you if you believe that say Amen horeb Amish and our unity asana it's a group of people here about ten of you and I've been in a lot of pain I want you to come here come to the front about ten of you that have been in a lot of pain it could be more but I had to be about welders gabite energy the pain has been so strong then it has come find you it has restricted you whatever shunned ability of Santa it has stagnated your progress you feel like you can't move forward it makes you feel like you don't want to go on you don't want to move on you don't wanna you don't want to continue but God said today I'm breaking that curse guys are today I'm breaking that curse I'm breaking that curse maybe it's not what you do I'm gonna pray for you before you leave woman oh God what about shunned are you ready you'll see an area where are you the people that wear these as it is it you right here right here bring me the oil woman the guy I don't know how we can do this and they come up you can they come up here can you come up here just come up here find your way the sidewalk how welcoming you come up here stay in the spirit don't leave if you don't have to go don't leave God is gonna do something here lift your hand stay in the place of Prayer what about XI Cambodia today ascenta there are some of you that have been experienced a lot of pain in ministry so much pain that you want to give up you wanna throw in the towel you can't take no more you've been ostracized you've in this key trade you've been lied on you've been talked about and God is saying I'm breaking the curse or pain off you tonight in the name of Jesus line them up line them up and them up staying the spirit please close your eyes and lift your hands in the presence of God the power of God is movie the power God is moving today the spirit guard was to touch you stay he'd stay in the spirit stay in the spirit or ababa she can Dario Dario boson de ba ba ba ba-ba shock and a reality or SATA all that you know is pain pain pain emotionally pain psychologically pain spiritually pain pain in your relationships pain in your marriage paid in your home to the point that you want to give up you don't want to go on paying that has caused you to to not even want to pray you don't even believe that God is there you think God has forgotten you you think God has betrayed you you think that God has left you our God sent me to tell you it's not over till God says it's over your present situation is not your final destination or a Baba shock and Rea today your boss andhe please give me five more minutes please do not leave please do not leave I want to pray for everybody I want to pray for everybody please do not leave unless you have to or have a shock and or the editor your son delete those hands in the presence of God or a Baba Sheikh and re-edited Oh SATA Monday da today - I have some all tourism Monday da radio shiquan Daria I'm gonna move very quickly lift your hands in the presence of God tonight in the name of Jesus I declare by the authority of the word and the anointing that is vested in me and the power of pain is broken boffo and come here come here bring them right here isn't right the power of pain is broken the curse of pain is broken the curse of sorrow is broken God wants you to know that from this day forward by the hand of God and by the authority of his word you will no longer be a shame and a reproach God says I take away your shame and I take away your reproach this is the last day that you will cry it can dorababu's chata this is the last day that you will week that says why weepest thou daughter am I not your God can I not heal can I not deliver can I not change your situation try they say nothing is impossible unto them that believe lift your hand and close your eye the name of Jesus father I decree and declare by the authority of the word that you release these ones right now from the power of pain eyebright the cost of pay I break it I break it I break it in the name of Jesus broken broken broken Broken Arrow anonymous Atta is broken is broken is broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken in the name of Jesus this one here come here ba ba ba da da da da oh boo Santa or a bhavish and iridium Oh Santa I'd break the curse of pain in the name of Jesus I command you to come out of the imprisonment of pain come out of the confinement of pain come out come on come on now in the name of Jesus come out in the name of Jesus or am i shudder irritable sandelion amatriciana whatever Baca says that merely a force under no more weeping Dora I release you in the name of Jesus you're coming out of pain in two days of joy days of gladness days are rejoicing in the name of Jesus that is I restore your honor I restore your honor I restore your butt
Channel: Miracle Redemption Christian Center Int.
Views: 8,282
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Id: NkzAuA9hYek
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Length: 109min 53sec (6593 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 04 2012
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