Recipient of Christ's Victory | Pastor Venus Armas

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Masaya poo but I own and eat I own my own amen can you tap on an aerialist : telega I'm syrup mug Church I'm a bouncer upon my church Nara NASA not in szilárd at cahit nine demon po natin kilala personally embodies a random night in Omaha animal my opinion bar what a sad ever Amen freedom party service at a Vemma I love you with the love of God amen amen singapore let us pray father you are so good salamat po Napa a bootie moose I mean banging on we just want to thank you for a church we just want to thank you for our spiritual family thank you for your presence in our lives and in this place Lord thank you for our spiritual leaders and thank you Lord for all the ministers that are here today Salam Mike popping in on Lord right now Lord God we appreciate you we glorify and love you Lord God I pray that you open our eyes Lord Lord open the eyes of your people open our spiritual eyes to see you clearly God to see your glory Lord you want to be fully alive you want to be fully awake Lord in the name of Jesus father help me Lord to preach to declare your word with courage and I pray that you show up God show up and confirm your word Mia give us a word that confronts the powers of darkness and releases Lord heaven here on earth let God and launches us into our god-given destiny Lord God strengthen us today be glorified in Jesus name we pray and everybody say and amen he's got to give up a lot funner than Szilard bageno Sabean mana man Messiah or Nandita ba amen see if Avakian tangling among a people ninjanomicon a Pattaya alright simulant kenapa gusto kong Baja and Romans 1:16 beside empanada no Romans 1:16 men body toll I first Moyer grabbing my number hey mo unlike first mo yeah for I am not ashamed of this good news about Christ Cena Pootie tonic Papa selamatkan a young good news natal I'm Ellen ik more young good news the Nakba Bhagu Cebu high more amen I a lot more I'm not ashamed I'm okay now Mejia a top on ballot on an ak-baba goes away nuttin for it is the power of God at work Amen this good news is the power of God at work saving everyone who believes lacunae nag mean wallah mock sobbing amen Oh eternal Angela had Pournami assurance on a long Puzo nasa la i leaked us mock sobbing amen sappy Bible alumna Alamo NAB big a on already and your confidence assurance Ala Moana lick Tosca amen and I like that part it is the power of God to dopo Kappa area now jaws nagamaki loud boom ah go ah satin Mabuhay I mean it open that lichte sat in a Papa gonna click the satin and I believe but this year no victorious year victorious 2020 this is the moneybag animal Papa victorious Passat and his capital element Pooh not a new truth amen because truth will set us free truth will strengthen us and truth means reality capital amman Maryam really that Kingdom realities boo boo Casa Mata more kawaii anime la la cascada say Alamo Amana truth Indiana babble a kite a nominee are in Depot and McGee ba amen and sin upon excited nirmalamma new manga truth or attitude Oh Hannah and Sam Massell eternal ornament Papa labas puta legacy attained amen I mean it says here it is the power of God the good news is the power of God at work saving you and me Delanie Allah ao mmm Arrington confidence right now an elitist bio at Gustavo pony explain you collect asanas nsab Magneton got more gustavo / me explain you eppley juan ignacio young collectors nsnsr mo i campeón zakat Segura da casa por su mo amen so the the salvation here saving salvation in greek word is sod so sorry PO arabic Sabina salvation denarian is salsa meaning you are saved you are healed and you are delivered amen Cena sabe mana settled me and suppose smokin piensa ha nomini wala has upon y'know natty to poi unipeg ammo you are saved you are forgiven you are healed and you are delivered amen the weight sold so PO was used over a hundred times in the New Testament pattern in the upon appreciate Pharaoh it is very clear that our salvation using as a vimana salvation more it includes more than just forgiveness of sin amen in the alum Panipat Howard you Marcus Alana nothing it's more than that if you believe in Christ Jesus if you believe that Jesus Christ saved you that means you are forgiven amen amen peena-pod Cana a topo Mohamed Ito here at man wala if you believe Christ Jesus if you believe in Christ Jesus you are healed if we believe in Christ Jesus you are delivered amen and salvation doesn't only mean forgiveness of sin it includes healing of the body amen Antonin kupuna ten kasama you healing Samantha Tawana ten being physically healed of diseases deliverance delivered from your enemies and even financial prosperity amen ksama Brienne and in Midian the modern church marami postmodern church have interpreted salvation only to be forgiveness of sins amen I don't want to minimize a pero centerpiece pouillon in the possibility Baku young AHA logano forgiveness no no Marcus Ilana nothing actually it starts it starts with that forgiveness next artpool had a pop pop allah special blessings bowing at and alpena Diamond Castle and at an email I'm saying sabi KO poorn hindi doneita tapas amen kaylynn LM not in the receive po natin salvation must mean more than simply being saved to go to heaven when you die I'm salvation po he give pass I want a pop antara langit Indian amen it means mirin pump a peg to it o sub arrow arrow nothing boo hey hey Owen I meant Poobah it's more than just um being safe from the judgment and wrath of God salvation is also the ability in a Katharine can ability to resist temptations to sin amen and in pursuit of Christ's likeness and about to be set free from demonic attacks and oppression amen and to receive healing in our body scallion Amanpour Cygnus AB is a Psalm 103 2 to 4 bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgives all your iniquities who heals your diseases who redeems your life from the pit who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy if the poem una receive nothing Hindi Gala people on is a parasail Latvian amen isaiah 53:5 but he was pierced for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace that brought us peace in apetito nasa position cos Nambu Haman at Allegheny Appa Appa Phaeton amon-ra un peu Marie Sigma amen and with his wounds we are healed so Jesus the great Conqueror finished yet conquered it all so today his victory is complete final amen and in total and you are the recipient of that victory they appoint a gap and Sangha amen knock the company on this morning on exhort on a subject entitled recipients of Christ's victory Sabine manam an akuna a men a men say on tomorrow's eco anakena bang amen recipients of Christ's victory but we thank God for giving us the victory Amen as conquerors through our Lord Jesus The Anointed One perhaps Kapono you feel like you're not totally experiencing the victory today but Romero in param manah classic victory by own by empowering the commander are honest and in victory nyan right right now just be assured that you haven't been set aside I mean or banished or neglect neglected by the Lord but today you too can get to enter into this complete a man and total victory is given us I mean you explained a new classic victory but I talked in a person panino or non-nasa you've been again Sao Nikhil Amanpour I miss a boy not in a manoharan not a number one victory over sin Amen pastor on igano man senior goes up on a ten so Roman six savvy puts a Romans 6:4 by his sacrifice Jesus he died to sins power once and for all but he now lives continuously continuously for the father's pleasure so let it be the same way with you since you are now joined with him you must continually view yourselves as dead and unresponsive to sins appeal while living daily for God's pleasure in union with Jesus anointed one sin upon Nannini Valen atone victory NATO is the strength capillary hand para human basics Allanon I mean if it's the BnB Nyonya tine and tagging pie Parimal am poisson at mapa no gunfire Newcastle on and Samana Bohan attend sin appetito gusto mo mop si acelerate Cebu mo so then go young boy : o come Messiah bachelorettes boy anymore and then put the big a porno pleasure Gaylord don't you realize next verse that grace frees you to choose your own master but choose carefully for you surrender yourself to become a servant bound to the one you choose to obey if you choose to love sin it will become your master and it will own you and reward you with death but if you choose to love and obey God he will lead you into perfect righteousness and thanks be to God for in the past you were servants of sin but now your obedience is heart deep and your life is being molded by truth through the teaching teaching you are devoted to and now you celebrate your freedom from your former master sin you've you've left its bondage and now God's perfect righteousness holds power over you as his loving service but now as God's loving servants you live in show u s-- freedom from the power of sin where the cannon who bhindi aiming where they can a mug no puede Palestinians appoint malinovsky Solana Nyang so consider the benefits you now enjoy you are brought deeper into the experience of true holiness that ends with what eternal life our salvation poor soul so includes forgiveness of sin praise God victory or freedom from sin but also the ability to resist temptations to sin a man in a pursuit of Christ's likeness tell gusto Monica fellow sailors ammonia solution marijuana skank I am gonna eat a bee on satin Mabuhay amen a novel on popo mera mimicry Shawano on a boo-boo hi sir compromised so right now we've given God has given us the victory the stream amen to overcome sin but we need to get rid of compromise Sabine mana - owatta be more get rid of compromise Amen Pangolin upon Athena Molly Italy it mama Tina taco filling Halima nakaka alampi Roenicke keaton a mental agony Lord a Mensa sadly put there are many in the church Norma Rama puts a church they you live compromised life no this is how people want it today okay they want to go to church they want to go to heaven but they don't want to get rid a men I open Allah they still want to live in sin we superimpose Larnaca Kassala human Elliot Elliot napigsa cinema wing onion amen they want to party and it's insane and commit immorality lie when necessary [Music] still if it suits them if they have to in hate and revenge Deepu bar us when someone crosses them I'm not suggesting India Poochyena Sabina Patricia no indiana Mikasa no we have moments of sin but not lifestyle of sin not nature of sin women upon porn in manga Hina time ago attaining Hindi maganda pero hindi no nothing intentional apini pili it was at in Malibu hi amen I mean boo bah amen and there's a big difference my belonging to e behind posted some power and a Kassala telegin it's very sorry for it and who meaning empowered indica napoletan Titan ammonia reacts a somehow no willfully Amen habitually committing that sin and telling God Lord Casa la Poma pero como para maana Managua sorry amen amen so my mom gotta open on me ma sha Allah Allah Allah Allah Ameen ahaha kita he must messiah seguro de lui está bajo mahogany one device I mean I love a focus up when I enter I focus a six months now was a church no on six months now was a church I'm setting my church now say I put my church barren rocky top in Cyrillic oh na goo ba ba ba goo Olaf up on Life Group nonviolent o mo Teutonic the disciples Hokkien put in a lump on eternal camp at Salomon cup women ago of palasa Lenin so mean sin : exercise we sat in the Puna Tanaka salon any marine ago an attendee ba ma rumor a minimum for alumni lagina go upper end I mean right now tele Moulton hakuna opinion victorious victorious kundina Manhattan tottaly kuronuma castle on an 18 mm Kelly moved on abouna team victorious victorious Papa Union they were preparing a message say pass around attending a message tapas in Dina Manhattan capital occur on Umaga Solana not in first John 3 7 to 10 sabe petit oh dear children don't let anyone deceive you about this when people do what is right it shows that they are righteous even as Christ is righteous but when people keep on sinning it shows that they belong to the devil who has been sinning since the beginning by the son of God to destroy the works of the devil those who have been born into gods family do not make a practice of sinning because God's life is in them so they can keep on sinning because they are children of God amen so now we can tell you our children of God and who are children of the devil anyone who does not live righteously and does not love other believers does not belong to God amen next first Corinthians don't you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the kingdom of God don't fool yourselves also indulge in sexual sin or who worship idols are commit adultery or our male prostitutes or practice homosexuality or are thieves greedy people drunkards or abusive cheat people none of this will inherit the kingdom of God some of you were once like that but you were claims you were made holy you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the spirit of our God revelation 21:7 8 all who are victorious will inherit all these blessings and I will be their God and they will be my children but cowards unbelievers the corrupt murderers the emerald those who practice witchcraft idol worshippers and all Liars their faith is in the fiery lake of burning sulfur this is the second death let me Bob victorious nobuta Osaka Solomon amen kaien adding Billy in Hindi MCUs Allah amen and compromise begins don't be supreme compromise among a Buddhist I think ma Samaha Boyka Boyka Nannini wala Pappagallo may you teii lord de bas koppikar hindi kannada ilene s palagi una jana Kapooka awaken a fight indie comic pray amen a new Papa a new unknown mana peena-pod Makka pakka economic Sol animal cocina kaha keep a new bar I mean oh my gosh I know where I'm going nakamura operate the by class and be big number amen amen it will happen alarm tight Napa wrong I'm a craftsman sir adding foundations means not in a pop and Sena gigging shake in a young boy imma shaky put a leg up what make a salon and him boy not a no amen Perry in D comma Parma Ohio really MOOCs in Wellingborough and in Olongapo Goleta and I mean drinking smoking I'm an occasional nominee but my birthday Lana man do model assume birthday I mean that means I'm not in Ramona mammography but Madrid said they were I'm in Paris a beam across on Appa amen premarital sex sex outside marriage in America across a cyber sex casual sex come on no no no point in Italian and diamond and I ain't been to about sex de ba I'm in adultery cohabitation but they live in yeah amen our having sex or being in the relationship with someone of the same gender that is perversion meaning wrong version I'm in a bore Sean and I were by stealing suicide amen and for by Marcus Allen Anaya and Pune tena koe compromise' hindi bugpipes a bug is hip numbers a massive agua de Poobah go past yes it's just a matter of time I mean it will only take a map it will only take time counting sandali lang po counting counting sandali lang after Numa compromise compromise here compromise their next destruction amen amen singapore Heilong all day long you know koenig in hawaiian Salema cleanliness church amen saguru po po dandelion Matata go there's a total onion women Papa but sucks at any mom beginning Dean at Mizzou I mean don't go back to the things that we've been rescued from nearly does not put is among a bag in hand at mama bagging and bean again can accompany areas and panino and Parham up an accompaniment begin again amen in church you cannot defeat demons you enjoy playing with you cannot defeat demons you you enjoy playing with ki upon a possible on victorious victorious you among a bug in it or indian attend i mean ii poppin girl inciting Mabuhay but come puppet I'll overcome Papadakis opinion Alan and the Jesus Ian piracy or Amen pin and al-anon y para mop and a Goomba and my own castle on an imminent and if there is a breakdown in your relationship with God it's only a matter of time it's only a matter of time belong alone poem a son delay amen no matin thing but crash but for now bug bug suck a man so keep your guard up stay close to Jesus amen the fire of your first love burned brightly amen you have the power and resolve you need to live a life that pleases God amen Marama pulmonic that nakata ha now give me a monopoly Guinea Monaco's a church and that McConnell vs. Nile Amanda Macomb preachers nothing a fellow better back it to along Sagat subhanAllah in back a parent Whalum breakthrough Cebu heiko Nakula marina Kohanga my own hobby Poonam Salatin and paneer in Matthew 6:33 una Hinman Korean and Joe's at La Habana la la la apocalypse a Amidala spoon AHA Alamo tonight in America Sahaba Nollan see no poo Tito put me Pinnock data an economist a major mahira no Palma pooh-bah Paola malapit india company Canino la la mala Peter who Mohini noctilum kaio-sama Mata on heating and not in a panel on in the papillae Lumpur on the bow why because at the back of my mind a Lampoon Athenian may loom elaborate Buddha Amitabha Pina packing Gundam Jos epic Sabine mayor something happening and marathon in DC NASA God proverbs 15 29 the Lord is far from the wicked but he hears the prayer of the righteous there's power in righteousness there's power in holiness amen victorious life means holy life I mean booba we are recipients of Christ's victory over sin praise God we have received it as a gift freely given to us but victory is a choice victory is a choice amen Kayla and Billy in my on LM you puddin inna allaha packing up and a Goomba in my own castle on and a nobody to someone to mop up a nagging pion male amen and what I like about this is God is so good nap haha booty Poonam Pandey known to Tulum in the perinatal a gammak bag or tote illumine kappa yatta like a map an accompaniment bag an extra Galica and the secret is god's forgiveness amen you know for Natasha appreciates her forgiveness the Lord but Papa Todd Miller Santa Monica Selena but God's forgiveness is full of power that helps us change Muhammad upon the Aryan porno but Papa Tom Woodman pnina Owen Nutella gong it took we NAT pop Abajo Satine God's forgiveness in Greek is Ephesus Annie big Sabean pornographer giveness Lord AF is he's all release but peanut I would Canon Lord Thomas opinion Malaya autumn sake and an Emporium LM not in a perpetuity Papa but it's more than that box in our people release box in having offices it do you release from sin we are enslaved to sin so you know upon upon you and Papa Tiwari in Kenya emphasis is when those chains of sin are broken Pina toward Kenya attendant upon Arianna back without mpany no no voila you makamaka diamond oh ma a leap in satan it is smoothing out the rough places in your life in maha-baho you mama casbah a man must struggle not in Cebu hi it is cleaning out Ephesus is cleaning out those dirty closets in the back of your minds Lili missing yeah but a young designer nail image your vision center amen emphasis is not just forgiveness it is complete victory Ament I think our Iowan muna it is complete victory over sin and freedom from sin cane I'm an alumna Ala Moana Rinna's and my papa Potawatomi Lord galleon a mania addiction Galliano tehina anion sebou heimo amen and that's victory over sin ta'ala wopo the victory that we have received is victory over sickness amen at morano's marami monkeyshine hindi Matanga Peto hindi chaya an applet I&L on upon you o allah and it o first Peter 2:24 he himself carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we would be dead to sin and live for righteousness our instant healing seen upon Goosen an instant healing dito our instant healing flowed from his wounding as an aside we put he to by his wounds we are healed by His stripes dying NASA gotten a shadow mana undergo UN put on kina gulling Natan Jesus Christ died so that we could be free of sin of sickness and of sorrow amen his body suffered so that your body our bodies wouldn't have to NASA Pasha I'm in Shibuya su Milano Mila hat now circuit para human cat away nyan Hindi Puma harem damnum car on demand or socket satin boom Catalan did you get bad amen I mean Paraiba this is not just an idea a man this is the reality it's body suffered so that our bodies wouldn't have to he is the healer and we don't have to work in sickness what Jesus did on the cross changed everything and all we have to do who can in a poor get rid of those compromises Imam Ali little on an eye and all we have to do is agree with the word but the bhubanpally sabi sabi mo agree with the word amen sometimes we we say we believe the word Naniwa laho by his wounds we are healed but at in agreement with the circumstances Palamon around Amman Kanab missing I mean dr. Pinner up in Molalla and he could not die now we're not agreeing with the word do not agree with what you feel agree with the word the word says Weiss once you are healed do not agree with what you hear our report on dr. sinister be sayin about our agree with the word by his wounds you are healed do not agree with what you see but pinic be primo Metro Patito like to do da who gargling bottle again agree with the word if God says I am healed then I must be healed amen Maryland is similar lucky now may problemas Avignon Kalyan tanga my life was ringing sabba Ponyo but God said I'm completely healed the Almighty God said I'm healed so Who am I to say I'm not happy Pune I don't understand that I do not feel healed I do not look healed but I must be held for God says I am healed so he got healed go Malaysia amen amen let's agree with the word church a Kaylin majima inget in Pattaya Selita not a no because we want our words our thoughts amen our conversations to be consistent to be aligned not agreed with with the word and Pokeno Mustafa Sano Ilana Pope Allah Allah Allah Allah indica no harlem's another one sign up for ugly tight the like it's red alert I'm healed voila Nepal Aulani I'm a Gallic Nabu amen so let's make our words agree with the Word of God I mean let's force our words even our conversations to agree with the word of God amen because you can have what you say they'll see grandpa pool and Bing again again excessive be anymore I mean because our words are powerful I mean I know you seen a savvy move you know Marie receive more because the power of God seen a sabayon Poonam Kappa Aryan and Jose I'm Sally panel Jose nelem Alabama be big Nathan amend the power of God follows the Word of God it executes the spoken word of God because life and death is in the power of the tongue I mean you can have what you say come on up windy Neda clarinet and you know Mary receive nothing miramanee some cuento American past or Galileo Maron pouchong Lola Muhammad and Anna at Maron push among auntie's Mira Mesa mama Peeta no bhumika kapatid nah bah bah so it's anger be tomorrow Sonia Indy Tanya Sabina your grandmother is dying 20% chance of making it through the night mama mitaina the hope oh she's getting worse so sabi no past or that's a lie she will live she's fine so Sabrina betta know her heart is weak and failing you have to come home that was for delicious hospital so pimenta Padang in pastor knows hospital bill it Mehta not anonymous at dr. Ilan Towanda Poobah tonight ignant Piniella boom Alana that Hill Majo mutton dining up or at Mahina mama hi Nana so Sabina it makes no difference how all the she the important to come along Tanisha I say she's not going to die you either agree with me or you do not but sabe poll numbers are I arrested the spirit of death and commanded it to get out of her room I spoke live to her and believe God for her so sabe Poonam did Anya her kidneys have been functioning a little bit but she's still going to die Alicia Mayan permament I didn't say Lola's Ave porno Sabina Buster and hypnotic in Indonesia Mohammed I savvy Poonam Catania Sega pedasi pastern along with my purchase a funeral navigate in a property funeral no sir no Palma be precious a funeral happiness an Iranian Oh mother you have live a long life and the Lord is taking you home never as you know when a guy agreed that words like that are killers it means an Indian when you start moving from a pot I say okay Ramona sell it on Athena panga botany declare Moses a question more ample map at I say Oh amen sabi boon & ttohi : patella companion Impala kyatto movin along tayo monoid canal on TV Sebago mankind along once again along Poonam Orlando gaining a young nanny Nell on oh so sappy pompous or do you want to die and go on to heaven to be with Jesus or do you if you do if you do help yourself if you don't then get into agreement with me savvy peninsula Lana get up out of that bed go home and cook me something to eat that's where you ought to be in the first place Oh Mia poem la la grand mom is crying I don't want to die savy puniya so say this prayer after me sappy poem past or Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law sugar diabetes is under the curse kidney problems are under the curse therefore I don't have any of that I'm healed in Jesus name she repeated it after me before I had her say hi adder said again and again all day and night I didn't pray for her I wanted her faith to get work so sabe ponen doctor indica moment Indian Eponine Lola no ascending upon Helana in salina tapas deep read for brand new kidneys 73 years old the Lord gave her brand new kidneys amen amen but after a year you see when you pour - Miguel p.m. Lowell any Santo and after a year the doctor told her that she had a history of heart trouble so she would die of heart trouble so the pastor visited her her again Gina Mustafa indica medalist in a tenuto I say is a good mnemonic that a mnemonic oh but how are you savvy poor hansel alanya I don't feel good my heart is hurting me sappy poem Lola my doctor said I would continue to have trouble cyberporn pass or why don't you just go ahead and die ha ha MIMO up oh why don't you just go ahead and die that's what you are working for you were totally fine and you believe that doctor so it so feed comes by hearing and told all your four daughters Segura denim and aluminum inhabit bahama savvy punya so the love of spiritual los tengo Miguel oh my own you can have whatever you say with your mouth and next if two of you agree on earth it shall be it shall be so so you have four daughters you and all of your neighbors agreeing with you since Ali Mohammed a gringa you and say oh that was savvy putting a pan of a good mulling daddy I'm reading from all the curses of the law I do not have any of that stuff so so what are we going to do about this situation sabi Puna I'm going to say that Christ has redeemed me from the curse heart trouble is under the careers and I'm going to have heart trouble her paints went away no Apple had no mom the - Agatha when I know I'm in and finally sabe Poonam upon ya if you want to go with the Lord there is nothing wrong with that but do not go sick I will not hold you here if you are tired and want to go but I don't want to go I don't want you to go sick if you go in pain it is of the devil not of God if you want to go then sit there in your easy chair and blast off grandmother stayed amen amen now I love report this week Norman pawn disciple numata and pushing on Lola Lola Anya believer in sabi Puna Zaffino Allen Koster I struggled omegle on poem Lolo along Pino along struggled in Olano couponer and Amana Misaki to me ghana and then peacefully po movie nasha hai lord amen alum me Paco sama Sabina Yarnell Urdu coddling on a protection not in sacrum diamond and if he said that we are healed who are we to say that we are not Amen if he said by his wounds we are healed we simply need to learn to take God's Word as it is amen agree with the word amen number three pour victory over solo en it's against the naboo sump onion olive Bini beginning sat in a class in and tagging pie a victory over sorrow I say 53 3 he was despised and rejected a man of sorrows acquainted with deepest grief we turned our backs on him and look at the other way he was despised and we did not care the with grief poor child then deepest grief saying Hebrew word bunion is Kohli meaning sickness this is M sadness okay now pas UNIDO bhushanam nella hatun adding Caramba man Aetna punto Salmonella hot nematic Mahina bhisma ha ha ha sockets satting boo ha no and it comes from a root word that literally means to be worn down to be worn down see no piranhas kanima mama looked him as a socket not a like a mnemonic pop-up he gets up way more means animal a manga go in kaneohe own piece more element Allen a literal and some Hakata one mode i helpu stress anxiety trauma and i want you to understand that she is carried all of our sorrows our anxieties to the cross and died amen he took the sorrow of this world and to his shoulder so that we could be Sol Sol Sol Sol healed amen in spirit body and even soul amen because he took the punishment of our sin we don't have to live with sickness we don't have the limpid poverty we don't have to live with the relationships that's not of God we don't have to live with emotional pain amen victorious the Pattaya John we don't have to live with mental torment we don't have to live with drama we don't have to live with shattered emotions and damaged confidence amen and severe anxiety and loneliness all that was covered and rendered powerless by the blood of Jesus he has conquered death fear depression doubt everything that comes to trouble you King ongoing Epona everything that comes to shake you and settle you or steal your peace joy and inheritance has been destroyed by his power amen Diana - I have an opinion on John 14:1 don't let your hearts be troubled trust in God and Trust also in me Amina no no saben pnina and ito Okinawa bellezza economic illallah because undisturbed peace is possible amen undisturbed peace is for you when you go through deep waters I will be with you when you go through rivers of difficulty you will not drown when you walk through the fire of oppression you will not be burned up the flames will not consume you done cap you must make a subpoena cat the island moans I've been upon you know on bad bank Aparo you can handle it God can handle it amen I'm sorry I didn't put down in Omaha hi mo you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength in the Palio Calathes and ham panini on type Anupama puck the animal companion on Mohini Baba Atma giving support Paris is happily behind a dungeon Obama baileywick oh come on that dance appearing that the na na na mcpaul mattiyahu Alamosa Hassan Ali Monaco into my answer my master socket mnemonic Arneson Velma hey Zeus cannon we at Makaha yawn and we an I mean McCallum Salafist Nadal Lucio at SEMA Simon mpany known and disturb peace Makaha yin and more amen bleep oh and Copiah pants at nano miserable in separation means and my momma situation can be no denying go to Vienna man so Brando so total impose possibly on kappa APPA and sam o'cool on set was shown at maha hi mo yan amen Luke 10:19 savvy potato now you understand that I have imparted to you all my authority a man to trample over his kingdom referring to the enemy you will trample upon every demon before you and overcome every power seat and possesses absolutely nothing will be able to harm you as you walk in this Authority santa pola Hatano telegin makuhita at Allegan among my in teen behind my Sabu hate Allegan at any at all no aqua boy seven years old I open the geeky signal Omega your Nagi's sink I say my amazing son for subbu a cone on seven belong seven Polanco no but cookies in gonna hit the Poornima ha images now in the current boom a palawan ugh but pero LM coming mama Nikita or natal again and iPods Afghan Canyon so daily Ninomiya shine on family in deepen LLM you gotta go and listen now if power so behind me who knew yo I put in a lump or Elam arrowed anyone for nagisa nagisa go could not about seven years all this imagine that my spiritual torment and harassment so merry boom come on up in a prayer how instantly after that player noble app will happen be negated an and go you know and before Puma born again I was 18 Marin Pumbaa hey I own an ounce and said hey I gotta keep Selena Marin policies on weak spot elegant elegant panic attack week's awake on so bronchopulmonary raining the bosses seguro goodand inner ear ignominy depressed I like I'm a mama taken a Maga go and sovereignty would not put a leg a vowel in D Co LMU Goguen taken up a life group a Cunha and so they rid of a gap elegant African Pavelic a tailored era so I mean for my life group of Amanpour worsening team of Alamut and anna kiel sagging and tin aluminum overcome d to post torment and harassment at all there is no fear in love perfect love drives out fear and they receive pootle economy spirit or your ankle ankle boom went I wanna stop seen innocent Gaia there were perfect love drives out fear so Noel a pre-owned car would go a tear my boss its neon amen and right now hoppin on Puna a Tamiya and diming a BB gun Aloha diba and a me Puna Bob Alyssa and I'm eatin it out panel of severe ganito depression Agana a common opponent Iowa alumni pop in again a time Victorine and panning over that amen I mean it upon Allen Poe is some versed lung Nabokov in buhay KO panyi pop ignorant indian more come on a young tagging pie young victory in a pinnacle of sion and banging on amen absolutely nothing will be able to harm you amen as you walk in this authority last leap oh I'm gonna end with this victory over poverty youngest onion Alamo Callaghan telegin Gino and his sous Indian pop up at our salmon castle on and po natin Miren putas Emily amy was a mindset as Christians no una assume motto on young Pooh samosa blessing Vincent McMullen and put us in he was an opinion now Alana put Thank You Bunyan huh burgundy purple a blessing to be breakin a lump and make a Lanka he wasn't for nothing better Marilyn thing in it was Andy Tokoyo marinum uncle Sean o any and join alengka here up and filling in Lamas the priest Chancellor kappa gasoline epoxy REO so naggy here up sabaha well Amica in talega parent Asuna telling me on my gun and caulk and both are not God's will for us amen this our religions in the church amen second Corinthians 8:9 for you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sake he became poor so that you through his poverty might become rich me mama familiar people made my prophecies write about the end times amen sacred among ER if we in Makiki tonight in la luna pattaya i in a boy at in the last days there are different prophecies along for long poem alam long nothing prophesies a human and negative prophecies right alarm Lana 10 yo I in the last days the love of many will grow cold alum Lampoon attend the last days there will be wars famines earthquakes etc Alamelu pero allan poe Bernadin that in the last days a busy Zakaria a.22 many people and mighty nations come to seek the Lord endtime prophecy plea on Java 222 sabado and I will pour out my spirit on all flesh endtime prophecy pooyan in my own Assange gustan gusto and Alleghany change my perspective my life no it's an endtime prophecy 'no epoch Sabean Nene are among a re Satan Jeremiah 33 verse 9 sappy potato then Mississippi referring to the church as God's people then the city will bring me joy glory and honor before all the nations of the earth the people of the world will see all the good I do for my people and they will tremble with awe at the peace and prosperity I provide for them amen for say a35 Bisaya no long poem and on latter parts Abidjan in the last days they referring to the people of the world they will tremble in awe of the Lord and of His goodness to all of us amen so the promise is clear not Pilar opponent pinnock Oh God's goodness will be sin upon his people Makiki Byam Makita boyacá booty hand on panino and semana buena ten others will see his goodness in our lives and will in turn fear the Lord the heli keeping him kabuki nu Papa Pallas Athene boy mcaren syllable in and taverts upon you no oil McCarran lean on design a sexy Lord I wonder how good that's that goodness have to be for people to see it and actually tremble unknown classing goodness your it has to be so clear it has to be so obvious and extreme Nutella gamma Poppins in Alenka booty hand upon you no one's about a society amen and that people will tremble with fear sabe burning is a man of God means son the most overlooked evangelistic tool of the church is the blessing of the Lord upon our lives means and open Ahava lichte and Nadine nada hellzapoppin an opinion on Cebu hey Nadine marami maledictis maramatanga win this is an evangelistic tool not a Logano over no overlap Oh Nadine that's why I stored your blessing well amen a la loco por no gusto Penina on tsubame given Amagi namibia Papa Paula Hobbie possible he prospered Abraham and people tremble in acknowledged God is with him delgo Superman park ellinon panino saladna mata or no he made Joseph what successful and influential and people were amazed by God Jacob was blessed and his uncle became afraid of him and trampled with his God amen Joshua and the Israelites telegin upon kunafa Tahu Tania and HIPAA galleons panic Papa south of Salmonella in acknowledged companion on Cebu Anila David's victories same Solomon's wealth I mean my distinction amen a Papa Keaton in Lourdes Nebraska constant pick among in DL come again boldly there I got a seaman grades more Maggie unite United in family know financially thriving kayo McGee governing increase promotion close deals and what caused him to see the heart of God in his nature and Napoleon Nabu - Elam abuso a Napoleonic Papa guna Anila Marku saw an opening Ballack knocked out Nellie's opinion on blessings amen blessings people will see that we are blessed and they will in turn they will return to the Lord so your favor has a purpose amen you put palace' blame or a man-made the hill and yen I'm guessing in the allah miyan paris a your candy bar my window monitor sapele get my way I envy him a son - Sabine mobile epic Paulo in maha param maha tan and Pamelia unjustness in a sandbox but fellahin move apart Makita non compos scope Lord Jung nabina for eco Nakata problema long quote i opposite Ayane Wyndham blessing amen there is a challenge with blessings no generation that we are aware of has been able to navigate the life well a pop or Nikita nourish own an advocate Nilayam vanilla full of blessing while still serving God sacrificially that's why you need to steward their blessing well amen victorious Kanna I mean Victor's gonna separately but Papa lion cannon pnina on alumni poner elas co hindi naman Callaghan ahaha bless you my Elka Elka Samara minimal Ghanaian diba in in Montana Boompa million in La Mirada per annum and pungen on Nina Milan aha a blessing increase now promote Nana and close deals alumna por una vaca bliss and Nevada in awe and upon on Bolotnaya hood mnemonic ow is kaput an Akita nila excellent casa studies no pero on fire copper in Sepang Nino on he family oriented gaffer committed Palenque is a church well of got your bare feet will burn gainax's serve promote the gonna increase Scarborough must not be increasing Patmos upon you no oil you move up in Ambala Cantt a vanilla so Lord creative cap reductive contributor capiro egg and an opossum Oh amen change gusto bug Paula in the Lord because I'm a poor monetary blessings Jenna I mean blessing that is extremely obvious amen and people will notice it and they will tremble in awe and will go back to God I mean I'm in Singapore let's all stand I believe he's putting something upon us that will help other people to see him amen Gong gam Edelen punar into so personal not a normal father straight nan khatai oh but if I can live with this favor and blessing in my life and use it for its intended purpose nations will turn to Christ amen and right now I want you to imagine this imagine a life free from sin Wow I live free from sickness a life free from sorrow a life free from poverty that's the kind of life God wants it to have saint-omer pose time Makiki na bong some people last verse look 174 we have been rescued we have been saved we have been so so from our enemies sin sickness sorrow and even poverty so we can serve God without fear - ivenn opinion on the now postponed Aparo ilaha ilallah Hannon pop on the mug Lincoln delong-amaya osakan amen magley Linkwood canal on magley lingcod can along and Christ's victory is a free gift given to us by God if you want to live in victory live victoriously in victory it's all in one name Amen Jesus Jesus Jesus I want to appreciate him right now his finished work is victory and want us to realized many kindness attenion amen a society and pouillon amen can we live our hands to the Lord Sagi put some behind la matanza victorious samba and masha the one who gave you the victory the one who caused it to be victorious and triumphant Shaka kerala bhajan day and I pray right now Lord open our eyes make us realize the word yeah katal Abu khattala bah the weight Lord Lord the value of what we've received from You Lord God Ben Klassen GU hai banging on Indian Army mabu boyacá Salonika similar jicama Sokka salon and they'll been again move a minute a la casa and you know the company Rehan panuba Milan person at my Santa bianca salon and NATO banging on and right now with repentant hearts Lord we surrender again we surrender again I open a meme Palma hand me my bag a moose and I licked a tsunami banging on guitar Allah bhajan de Alamo kapatid antenna gagawin alerts are you this year pero me Matalan Bedouin women who made in Otago Papa my own maybe mama Suho today it's the perfect time just look at Jesus right now it's telling you I've given you the strength to overcome that sin in de Korean indie kappa Rajan yeah Qatar olivine rain I want you to understand we are healed Church we are healed let's agree with the word you are healed if God said we are healed who are we to say that we are not lorena touch everybody Lord God touch everybody right now Lord I speak divine health I declare healing learn to stretch out your healing power and release healing right now we command healing the flow in our bodies in the name of Jesus and I know we come against oppression harassment corners in Jesus name we shut the mouth of the ndk right now and we declare at this third piece for your people Lord for you came to give us peace nothing we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength God and Reina Lord for our Lord the peace and prosperity for your people let them see all that goodness you do for us for you of cetera that you will never stop doing good to us we glorify Jesus [Music] Jesus says in the word if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be so soft you will be saved free from sin healed from sickness delivered from strongholds blessed beyond measure if you're that person accustomed onizuka my own boy most upon you no one Lord want to surrender everything to you and I received as my Lord my Savior sowed so me save me spread the simple prayer with us Sabina Lumpur dear Lord Jesus liudmila people who say no like Papa Humbaba homey Guinea Poonam tower saladna rocking castle on Milazzo aeropuerto like the decision polls they sue om doum buhay KO say in you last arrow Paquito eco I'm a king Jose at personal attack a public - Mahalo no Pocoyo Sam behind Coco so Sunday no Pocoyo ugly Lincoln cup Ohio huh bamboo hi Salameh kosabu he no longer an SAP analysis at La Jolla mock sobbing amen and amen he praised amen god is good Amen I thought I put upon the Lord Amen even civil up your hands I want to bless you with prayer Jesus you are beautiful and you are good and your kindness leads us to repentance Lord your kindness leads us Lord God to change our ways to change our lives for your glory salamat PO san anton Nevadan dumbu hi banging on finland almost about it's a sermon selamat Pollard got sat in a puss more Sistina creepy sharm oh sorry le monde boo hey lord varaha Mila Maya at menachem by Indian I mean sense a young innocent boy a metalloid Molina boy momento Nia Elena minseo Malala happy boy oh the Lord bless you the Lord keep you the Lord make his face to shine upon you the Lord bless your life the Lord bless your families and the Lord bless you with victorious here in the name of the Father and of the son of the Holy Spirit and everybody says amen and amen god bless you church we love you see next Sunday
Channel: His Life TV
Views: 4,401
Rating: 4.9285712 out of 5
Id: GkzmgWZxmjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 37sec (3157 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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