Come to Jesus | Pastor Gelo Sangalang

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[Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] know [Applause] [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] sounds oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] god [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] i [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] me [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] love [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] no [Music] god [Music] my [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] i my yes [Music] [Music] yes [Music] it [Applause] oh [Music] is [Music] come here [Music] my [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] am [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and we just want to welcome you to our church online i'm sinopo praise god thank you jesus at this moment but before we pray can i just ask um to get our bibles and let's go directly to scriptures right now let's open our bibles on matthew 22. i'm gonna read from verse one sabi punang word and jesus answered and spoke to them again by parables and said the kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding and look at this next line paul and they were not willing to come let's jump to verse 9 the word says therefore okay go into the highways and as many as you find invite them to the wedding so those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all whom they found both bad and good and the wedding hall was filled with guests but when the king came in to see the guests he saw a man there with who did not have a wedding garment so he said to him friend how did you come in here without a wedding garment and he was speechless last verse let's jump to verse 14 then this is what jesus says he said for many are called but few are chosen let's pray god we just want to thank you for this faithful sunday morning where we just gather lord god and feast in your word i pray in the next few moments open up our hearts let your word lord take root lord and speak to us today like never before god anoint your servant as i exert your word we honor you god we love you this we ask and pray in jesus name and everybody say amen and amen one more time give god a best clap offering today sikhi po wherever we are we can now take our seats and let's go to the word of god today amen praise god i just want to speak today in in in the subject i wanna um title come to jesus come on everybody say come to jesus how many of you loves weddings can i see a show of hands um you know weddings are really um enjoyable to a lot of us there's a but there's a wedding in matthew 22. then i want us to there's a parable here that talks about a wedding feast at gusto pon mas ma when he was telling this story you know what happened was there was a certain king arranged and sent out the servants to invite the people in invite but the bible says in verse 3 and they were not willing to come i want you to remember that because it plays a lot so and they were not willing to come can you imagine that in invite canada what happened was um if you go through the um if you go through the verse says sindhilangpu they were not willing to come they were not willing to come because they made light of it they went on their own ways the bible says and their response even was violence to those who invited them so there was a problem there was a big feast amen and so the king moved on and said to the servants okay if they don't want to come let's invite everybody else and so servants outside the highways and gather together all whom they have found but the bible tells us look at this in emphasize was a word both bad and good and then the wedding was filled with guests but there was another problem invite during this time i hindi ready they were not in wedding garments and scholars are interpreting it as they were not clothed in christ's righteousness this parable was actually talking about god's kingdom and his invitation first to the jews and then to the gentiles but aside from all of those things paul what i want us to see here is the king's willingness to invite you whether they were not willing or those who are not ready for that the king was really eager for people to come and everybody say amen and now even in our time today if we can just imagine it it is still the same the lord is in the business of inviting people like you and me there are times they're not willing their times are not ready and yet the invite is still here it is just to be invited by god is already a blessing and a lot of times let's be honest here sir what if the lord's not inviting you to a certain place but inviting you towards him all throughout jesus life here on earth one thing was noticeable there has always been an invitation to come in jesus it was already an invitation for people to come and see amen was jesus he was in the temple it was an invitation for people to hear what he has to say and even in the cross with his arms wide open it is an invitation to come and receive the grace that only jesus could give there is an invitation today church and it has always been there i don't know what you're going through today i don't know what um what probably humongous challenges small that are blocking you of that mindset and the thought and the thought today revelations 22 17 even in the last book of the bible it's still the same message sabi was a verse 17 come says the holy spirit and the bride in divine do it everybody say come back and come let everyone who hears this do it join them in saying come let everyone grip with spiritual thirst say come and let everyone who craves the gift of living water and drink it freely it is my gift to you come that our relationship with god is always about lord what do you want me to do lord and in next congo lord listen see there is an invitation not only for the new people but for all of us whether you are whether you are in a season the lord is inviting you to come here what does this invitation mean i want us to see right now you know what does the invitation mean when we say come anu p when we say come to jesus what is he what is he saying number one simply come home everybody say come home how many of you believe no la lu napo when when life is hard when life is overwhelming kappa gandami daming challenges there is nothing like going home because home has that kind of effect on us and a lot of times no that the lord is inviting us to come home especially for the people who have never gotten into a relationship with him they remember the story of the prodigal son we all know the story there is this two sons and then at the lowest point of his life you know what he remembered you know what he remembered he remembered home that's what we say when we here in church when we say welcome home. there's a message there he says come amen look 15 20 let's read the verse so the young son set off for home realize there's nothing for me here i want to go home but at least in our home the servants are treated well so the young sun set off for home and thinking so [Music] but this is a moment where he's going to find out the invitation to come home is always there i know from a long distance away his father saw him coming dressed as a beggar and great compassion swelled up in his heart for his son while we're reading the skin just imagine this is how god feels about you on come on young his heart swelled up for his son who was returning home he was not counting how many wrong he did he was just overwhelmed he thought about coming home the father raced out to meet him swift swept him up in his arms hugged him dearly and kissed him over and over with tender love then the son said father i was wrong i have sinned against you i could never deserve to be called your son just let me be i wonder how many believers are feeling like this nowadays like worship we're reading our bibles and we're listening to preachings and all it's as if he's not his father anymore just let me be the father interrupted and said son you're home now stop with all of those things you are home now that's what matters we all know that feeling church and for somebody who's watching this for the first time you're gonna experience that today you're home now what can go wrong in the arms of the father turning to his servants the father said quick bring me the best robe my very own robe and i will place it on his shoulders bring the ring the seal of sonship and i will put it on his finger and bring out the best shoes you can find for my son there is an invitation sometimes an invitation not to do more but just to come home and everybody say amen enoch amen what is the purpose of this invitation to come even in the book of joel 223 232 and everyone who calls on the name of the lord and bible will be saved that is the heart of god that is the heart of jesus the invitation reveals god's heart for people to come back to him not to be a part of an organization or to be a certain person but to be saved scripture from covert to cover it shows a narrative of this all-powerful god pursuing free-willed people like you and me into a relationship with him not out of selfishness but out of his heart to save come home i don't know what that means for you right now maybe spiritually maybe this is a relationship just come home and the invitation here is not merely to liberate you of the consequences of what you've been through but to save us actually from what enslaved us there is a call to repent there is a call to turn away from all of those things and the calling to come home is a calling to receive forgiveness stop justifying just come home stop explaining how what you did or what we're doing is seemingly okay just come home and say i have sinned i was wrong you are right amen and everybody say amen foreign amen here's an invitation today so when we say in church welcome home we're actually telling you especially if you're a first timer we're actually telling you thank you jesus number two number two amen what is what does the invitation mean when we say come to jesus number one it's an invitation to come home number two as we go through scripture scriptures we find out that that invitation is also a meaning ponito is to come to jesus means to come follow me after you come home and after you receive the grace the salvation that has been made available you know god wants to show you purpose [Music] actually follow me mark chapter 1 16 as jesus was walking along the shore of lake galilee he noticed two brothers fishing simon and andrew he watched them as they were casting their nets into the sea and said to them first time my encounter and this is what he says come follow me and i will transform you into men who catch people instead of fish can you imagine that now that you have a relationship with jesus he's now calling you into a life following him obeying him believing in him let's see how they reacted at verse 18 and bible immediately they dropped their nets and left everything behind to what to follow jesus how many of us can say no we want a life like that capacity [Music] immediately lord amen immediately walking a little farther jesus found two other brothers sitting on a boat along with their father mending their nets their names were jacob and john and their father was called zebedee verse 20. jesus immediately walked up to them and what did he do invited them to become his followers that's the key words now anupa sabinen bible next at once amen i i'm not saying it's easy but but because it's jesus it's at once amen jacob and john dropped their nets stood up let their father in the boat with the hard man and then they followed jesus there is a call to come home but there is a call to come and follow it on jesus invitation to come to him as you as you are and then proceeds to his desire to show you purpose that there is a life beyond yourself ang tawadito followership everybody say followership you know followership no has been an underrated thing nowadays you know why because everybody wants to lead only a little portion wants to follow amen hindi popular young followership worship seminar leadership seminary and how to be a great leader but nobody really tells us how to be good followers with all the leadership tools available today i just wish we had more conferences on followership because a good follower will be a good disciple of jesus and everybody say amen and what you follow is actually very important because it will affect your future [Music] follower jesus thank you lord probably sometimes i blame the kind of generation that we're in followers um you can follow somebody in a click of a button and you feel like you're following and everybody say amen okay jesus twitter feel like following is as easy as a click many wants to follow only if there are no strings attached hey let me tell you there's no following jesus named following jesus is one of the best decisions you ever make in your life but get ready it's gonna change you it's gonna change your life for good everybody say amen that's why suppose you're not i want to become a good follower because that's how i want to take it seriously i'm not going to perfect it not not anywhere near but still i want to follow i want to learn learn no and if you want to follow god be ready because a lot of times it will usually ask everything out of us because you're not following yourself anymore you're following the one who loves you the most you're following the one who is able to provide for everything you're gonna need immediately they dropped their nets and left everything behind to follow jesus what are your nets today what are you willing to drop for you to follow amen so verse 20 at once are you ready to follow jesus at once amen those pictures it had a powerful effect we see how jesus affects people one encounter with the son of god invited this businessman to leave their trade and follow jesus we learn from the book of luke that the family of zebedee was in a business together with simon and andrew they owned a boat and they hired a crew among a businessman and so yes resources but one encounter with jesus i dropped my neck what's stopping you from following jesus today drop it follow that's the best life god has an invite today he's inviting you to follow him everybody say amen because fellowship if you dig deeper is actually a surrender issue amen when it comes to obedience delayed obedience is the disobedience about this distracted obedience is also disobedience drop it craig rochelle said if the enemy cannot destroy you he will try to distract you there is a call today don't close your ears your hearts to the lord he's telling us come follow me keep following there is an invitation to come home there is an invitation to come follow i want to end with this number three and this is number three an invitation this invitation actually means come to me there is an invitation that jesus is saying not only just to follow him not only just to come home but to come to him personally and if ever there are times in your life when it becomes more challenging your sin your sin seems unbearable and the toils of ministry too strong the invitation is still available come to me says jesus that's what he said in matthew 11 28 are you wary two years into the pandemic are you wary [Music] are you carrying a heavy burden [Music] there is an invitation then come to me says jesus i will refresh your life for i am your oasis simply join your life with mine learn my ways and you'll discover that i am gentle humble easy to please you will find refreshment and rest in me how many of you likes that today church um is [Music] simply join your life with mine you will find refreshment and rest in me direction when you feel like you're at your lowest most challenging most disconnected the lord is actually calling you come to me [Music] amen not come to pastor come to apostle paul [Music] come to this church displace this activity it is clear come to me says jesus for all that i require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear [Music] servant of god first timer it's all the same here there is an invitation many times in scriptures jesus said come after me or come follow me but during this religious gathering he does say come to me sucking [Music] because in other things it will not satisfy you [Music] in doing religious stuff it does not satisfy the soul it does not solve anything matthew 23 verse 4 said the passion they tie on your backs an oppressive burden of religious obligations and insist that you carry it but they will never lift a finger to help you ease your load in matthew 11 30 for on the other hand jesus makes it personal for all that i require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear amen come to me [Music] come to me says jesus i want to end with this as i invite everybody to stand up i want to end with this [Music] what spurgeon actually said i think echoes what we're talking about right now he said come he drives none away he calls them to himself his favorite word is come not go there go to moses he says come unto me to jesus himself we must come what do i call that by a personal trust not to doctrine to ordinance to ministry are we to come first but to the personal savior to jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yo there is an invitation to come to jesus today two years into the pandemic it has not been easy for you whether you're a business person a parent is or whatever background today there is a feast that you are invited to so come come freely come willingly come back to jesus thank you lord thank you lord say [Music] we just want to thank you lord and give you back all the glory all the praises in jesus mighty name we pray and everybody say amen and amen come on let's give god the best cup offering today thank you jesus thank you lord amen and amen let us now lift our hands i want to bless you with the word of prayer the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face to shine upon you the lord be gracious to you the lord bless you with peace the lord bless you with his presence the lord bless your families the lord bless you with supernatural miracle and provision the lord bless your disciples and the lord bless your life in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit and all god's people say amen god bless you all church see you again next week you
Channel: His Life TV
Views: 13,821
Rating: 4.8778625 out of 5
Id: q1zS39e7JdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 56sec (4316 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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