LIVE: Sturgia Bannerlord Campaign Part 1

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yo hello what is up guys welcome welcome back to the live stream uh just doing an audio check here real quick how's it going guys welcome welcome so we're back at bannerlord so i um i wanted to um try it out again it's been a it's been a a little while since i played bannerlord and um i just wanted to give it a try again everybody's telling me it's better now so maybe it is maybe they've updated it but how's it going golden good to see you again man hello hello what is up guys let's uh let's go ahead and i guess we'll just chill here for a second um mike too loud okay i was worried about that i don't know why it's so loud oh you know why probably because i was in a zoom call oh let's see oh yeah okay that should be better test test yes yes yes much better much better sexy surgeon needs to return vandal one of the best games on steam i don't know about that [Music] it's okay i mean i i will i enjoy it don't get me wrong i just think and i'm just being honest you know i i really like the company tell you know tell worlds i really like the company i liked um i like all their games they've made but just watching the azerite streams love your content man got me through some rough times thank you deputy appreciate the five man thanks for joining the stream glad to have you man i do appreciate it um but yeah you know i i think bannerlord is good it's fun i personally found it a little disappointing now it's still technically in early access so it's not like fully done obviously uh but for how good and groundbreaking mountain blade uh warband was bannerlord just fell short you know where vaynerlord just felt like a re-skinned mountain blade uh instead of just i was hoping for more like battle controls and better ai and we didn't really get that so you better finish this one i mean what is finnish in vayner lord you know what i mean like what is finnish uh it's kind of just like like capture all the castles you know uh it's i guess all the settlements golden i'm so excited for banner lord hell yeah hell yeah man appreciate you man let's start a new campaign and have some fun here we're going to place uh sturgia is there any mods 500 years what is this the continent its armies scattered foes before them the strongholds of proud tribes crumbled beneath its engines of war hell yeah hell yeah from the forests of the north to the wastes of the south all was brought beneath the standard of their legions brutal as the conquest was the wise agreed that it brought peace the land now untroubled by armies grew rich like men grow old leaders lose a common cause corruption spreads old enemies learn the empire's tricks and devise new ones of their own until one day the bonds holding the empire snap then comes the civil war pitting all against all a time of hatred a time of suffering but also even in the worst hours a time of courage and defiance [Music] [Applause] as new leaders arise from new places and new people this is a good intro i'm impressed to turn back the tides of destruction and bring forth a new world from the ashes of the old let's go hell yeah hell yeah kevin asks uh pixie are you getting battlefield i am not but i do have halo battlefield just doesn't look good to me all right uh let's start with the stir so we're going sturgy and so not only we're gonna fight for sturgia we're also going to make our character sturgeon um armies lose 20 less daily cohesion recruiting and upgrading infantry troops are 25 cheaper wow uh 20 more relationship penalty from kingdom decisions ah that's pretty good perks though and thank you for the five euros in memory of tobias and all the others including mr head chopper glug you mean glug all right so okay some of these are pretty rough all right let's go with the beast of a man uh we don't want them fat but we want them built yes yes um he's gonna be north so we'll make him white as snow like snow white keep up the good work been watching your videos since your very first one thank you steven appreciate it man oh man i love glug yeah glug uh glug with something i'm not really gonna change his face gonna change his hair get into some nice viking hair you know let's give a little bit of receding hairline here and then yes yes let's give them should we go with the blonde viking there we go with the blonde viking how about that huh go with the whole scandinavian scandinavian vibe uh let's go with let's go with this beard nice bushy beard look at this beast of a man hell yeah all right and then yeah bushy bushy eyebrows okay uh will be a mercenary this time apollos uh will i be a mercenary i don't know i was thinking of making them loyal to sturgia you know hello from malaysia or yeah or i could try to form my own kingdom so okay um let's see what kind of um parents does he have here so he's gonna be a viking through and through so let's say his parents were artisans smithing and one-handed yeah let's make them let's we're going to go with the sword and shield let's see two-handed leadership skills let's give them some leadership skills holy look at the absolute unit absolute unit what's your favorite game right now honestly my favorite game that i'm enjoying at this moment is halo infinite i think that game's really good all right let's see repaired projects smithing and engineering and he's intelligent one small game um we can make it better at trading is this charm let's make them repaired projects our smithing's gonna be pretty good which is something we'll focus on good guard at the garrison uh something there we go so this improves his pole arm and one-handed we'll do that train with the infantry what this absolute mad lad look at this guy look at this guy uh you defeated an enemy in battle yes yes all right anything with leadership tactics um call of duty and mountain blade two clips thank you for the five pound or yeah pounds you got me hooked on this game hell yeah man appreciate the support brother uh let's make him just yeah endurance all right what's his name all right chad i need your help what's what's his name gonna be what is his name gonna be i wanna see that i'm gonna find the best name i need both his first name and surname eric i like that eric that's my dad's name but it's spelled with a c not a k ivor sven ulfric ivan we're gonna go with eric we're gonna go with eric how about that i like that i like that but the k all right difficulty presents warrior bannerlord yeah we want realistic realistic and auto enable remembers in your clan that would be convenient what's iron man mode limits you to a single save file and automatically saves when you quit the game this option cannot be changed later ooh ooh iron man mode what do you guys think enable birth and death choose if the heroes choose if the heroes are able to change and reproduce this option can um uh i don't like i don't really care about that thurmond eric thurman ragnak or the thumber the newt no iron man mode okay let's start uh vacant rockets i just want to say have an amazing day paul thank you for the five i appreciate it dude um skip the tutorial oh man this brings back memories just playing the sexinator all right family name family name sexinator eric erickson okay i love that's that's it eric erickson eric erickson all right uh i don't want to go like we need a good oh man that's some of these flags pretty based um let's see snake [Music] we do the ship even though there's no ship battles kind of lame just random dude this is his flag because these are the heads he hunts the stag yeah there's some more viking stuff here he's the head hunter go for the bear are you saying our guy is a big bear is that what you're saying carthage yeah i kind of like the bear idea i like the bear idea so we'll go with the bear is there any other bear no that looks like it okay um let's see [Music] what should be our colors all right let's put the bear i wish you could like he looks like the bears a little low on the flag it looks like it could go up [Music] oh i do like the black and gold orange [Music] maybe orange and white [Music] blue and white it's mormont black and white orange and yellow not really a fan of the orange and yellow i kind of like the orange and white i think that's pretty cool you know i know i yeah we'll go with that i've never really done look at that's pretty that's pretty cool that's pretty cool all right so uh what does this mean whoa whoa wee wow oh cool it's so convenient i guess they show like what the villagers produce that's nice all right so let's um let's just first start off and uh get some recruits for protection um just some empire guys okay uh let's see what do we got here one-handed and let's see um a basher shield bashers deal 50 more damage and stun your enemies for longer if any true uh call of duty thank you for the two pounds there's a bear skin helmet would be good that would be good that would be good shield bashes see infantry troops take four percent less melee damage will while shield wall formation that's pretty good let's get basher let's get basher uh and then this is the establish establish a clan not gonna worry about that all right oh let's watch out for looters it is pretty early here okay then we're gonna get some recruits so how's everyone doing guys i mean everybody doing well oh i gotta get used to the controls here it's been a while it might be a little rusty when i play this guy it's just a little heads up become a hermit that sounds pretty fun i'm already i'm kind of like that in real life it's three um we need to kind of go up so let's go through this mountain range here eating pizza dang that sounds pretty good i had chinese food yesterday that was pretty good i haven't had chinese food in a long time maybe we have a thousand gold that's pretty solid the start gotta be careful of bandits out here in the woods oh okay pretty high up there recruit nice we're getting some recruits here and there it's 3am in in my country well what are you doing up we miss you firewolf yeet thank you for the two yo man yo yo what's up firewolf appreciate the uh the tip hey look there's a viking [Music] all right let's go recruit some okay there's nothing there uh let's go hunt these guys down our first victim of this play through uh prepare to fight all right let's attack are you going to be posting this on your channel this is literally on my channel this is literally on my channel okay all my live streams are posted on my channel soldiers soldiers move all right everyone after me let's just charge in and give him a one two oh geez get them boys oh man they changed a lot in this game [Music] i lost one it's right yay huzzah [Music] all right tab all right well done bring back glug and sexy surgeon uh well sexy surgeon's done you know like he's blog i didn't finish i'll be fair i i just said he died from dysentery you know all right we need to go this way and now it's time to go recruit some real warriors the sturgeons whoa whoa whoa wee wow that's a lot of uh a lot of enemies oh yes sturgeons join me oh get some archers okay don't mind if i do uh let's keep traveling here can you become a butter lord on this on your next campaign um yes i don't even know what that means but yes all right and let's not forget a good way to make money is through tournaments so let's join the tournament here we go glug died from ligma oh huskarl plated boots all right now this is risky we gotta win here oh beautiful oh nice i'm the finest swordsman in the world and i get a bow i think we just lost dang it oh well oh well yeah they they see a big honking man they're like let's give them the bow come on come on man all right well we can't lose tournaments like that if we keep doing that then uh we're going to be broke here pretty soon rip indeed apollo from the slums of georgia do you mean the state or the country you need to get food oh you're right you are right oh shoot okay let's uh let's actually go back and buy some food all right hold on guys we're getting food okay just wait the country nice all right let's get some delicious food fish play um what's cheap brain ah yes green and we'll buy two hundred dollars worth that leaves us with two hundred dollars we gotta win a tournament here gotta win a tournament do jobs for people you do jobs for people you don't tell me what to do you could bought from the merchants that's true you can buy food for merchants you can also buy them from the city fish get fish ooh man looters scumbag looters reported up ahead up to him catching up to him come on you're not gonna you know really don't want to fight at night though oh my god dude get him i'm like i'm like 0.1 faster than them all right let's attack best way to earn cash is hunting bandits sell gear take food and ransom looters bro i played this game before i might be a little rusty but i i understand the basics archers all right let's hold their ground here how dare you block my attack [Music] charge i'm so slow on this stupid horse oh they're running already [Music] oh my god dude what is this he's unkillable this guy's determination to live is is pretty unbelievable there we go god oh dude you just took a sword to the throat there we go okay we'll end it there all right uh we got our first prisoner and all right we got our first upgrade here so this is the archer and cav class we want to focus on getting um some good infantry we already have i guess we'll get another archer mix it up between archers and infantry we got some loot here that we can sell that's good are you are you coming back for more uh let's just send in the troops we shouldn't lose any oh we lost a sturgeon warrior really give me a break dude give me a break uh capacity okay that's fine we didn't lose that soldier we wouldn't have this problem go back to the city here you want to kill me huh over my dead body uh you should do the thing hey paul you should do the thing what thing truly the heir to the dragon banner the countryside trying to poke people [Music] all right let's trade keep the beer we're going to trade all this gonna keep this for blacksmithing there we go we making money oh let's see if there's a tournament here oh yeah let's go oh boy oh we gotta win this guys there's no there's no ifs ands or buts [Music] we gotta win this the good thing is i'm on horseback so i can escape most situations so what i'm gonna do is wait until my team's the last team standing yeah we're good we're good stop shooting oh my team's actually doing well okay now we can't let that happen we gotta make sure before we all right all right i'm just gonna roam around i just gotta kill the red team player or yellow does i'm playing it safe here i don't like team battles [Applause] oh i'm stuck i'm stuck i'm stuck i was stuck we just lost we just lost the tournament because my horse got stuck so um that's unfortunate okay that's bull golden thank you for the 45 dkk mary marry a girl and take her armor it's worth almost 100k most times just make sure that uh you marry someone with actual armor ah that's kind of cheese i don't i don't feel like doing that i don't feel like doing that you know like i'm just i don't know i don't like cheese and games you know i like to role-play honey i'm marrying you for your armor okay um honey um i love you so much now give me your armor and i'll never see you again oh hey let's um let's go help out here help the villagers hell yeah let's go attack infantry all right when i say attack all right well everyone follow me follow me archer archer's up here infantry here let's go what an what do you mean nothing says romance like marrying so oh yeah no infantry charge oh man i'm so rusty that's right we uh we saved the day we totally helped you guys out totally yeah okay plus we didn't get any renown you plundered one gold hell yeah boys we're living the dream we just plundered one whole gold yeah yeah oh looters why are we so slow all right we'll just keep keep going to the city there might be a tournament over there that we gotta lose one f2 f8 is testudo f1 yeah i know the controls guys i know the controls you act like this is my first time playing this game i played this game before you were even born okay napoleon is proud of you thank you thank you does this mean a tournament's going on here okay we're going to win in here we're going to win in here we're going to win in here damn it all right 2v2 we can we can do this and we'll get some sweet ass armor it's not amazing but it's something oh we're fighting the spears huh okay that's bull yep come on just die already there we go there we go all right we made it through the first round guys [Applause] let's go all right we made it the only bad thing is i spend more and more of my gold okay here we go god i'm a beast out here look at me i'm just an utter beast i finally get the weapon of my choice here the weapon of my skill set just crushing these little little men old f4 is an insane glitch totally insane all right i gotta try it after this oh geez 99 damage how about that gotta be careful there someone farts on me i'm dead oh my god okay i'm picking does someone have a bow or something i'm gonna shoot this guy you guys got him oh my god don't leave it don't leave it to me hold on okay oh my god 42 damage let me get on this horse this is scary if he farts on me i'm dead no don't kick the horse oh come on oh come on damn it all right well um let's sell our prisoners because uh financially we have no money financially we're in a bit of a situation i jinxed it guys apparently i jinxed it all right let's uh we got to kill some looters here to get some money all right i'm just gonna send in the troops okay uh oh peasants why not um improve these archers uh yeah welcome to the army peasants and we got more than we can handle right now the rest of you guys we can't sorry we got some loot okay yeah that was a that was a big time move i don't know why i always struggle with tournaments at the start of these playthroughs you know that's right i'm getting hot though so i'm gonna get some layers off here for you guys let's do some more skin maybe if you guys donate more money i'll do some squats and yoga pants because would you guys like that no no no no we don't we don't need any soldiers um oh it's night time um all right then we're just gonna chill here until daytime i don't think there's a tournament here though right because it would say yeah okay um so in the meantime what's up ruzak how's it going welcome their tournament over here let's go find out glad i could catch another stream good to see you dude i guess we could have sold some of our stuff oh are c raiders running away from me by the looks of it it is fight me if you dare it's attack uh it's based on sturgy is based on like the nords all right i gotta be careful here the bounce of powers pretty close move to the side here it is in our favor but the problem is i don't want to run up and then get hit with a bunch of like axes or whatever they throw at you i need to get a shield too whenever i get the money hey ruzak thank you for being a knight for 34 months love you man uh power out on base so i got like 10 minutes worth of battery gonna use it watch your epic con thank you brother i appreciate it man thank you thank you oh my god yeah keep them busy for a little bit let the archers do their thing oh yeah keep it up archers keep it up nice he's low all right infantry charge ah they got one of my archers are you running i think not see rater okay we don't mind you raiders like raiding the empire but once you raid sturgia you're crossing the line okay crossing the line hey get back over here oh yeah we're gonna get some major juicy loot not only to sell but like for my own personal use as well there we go good job guys we lost uh one person unfortunately it was a trained archer so but he was imperial you know and we can get these sea raiders to join the army nice we have enough money for this we do oh that's nice all right we got some looters we can get rid of ruzak thank you for the 15 shekels oh my goodness no shield but we got a scarf hey hey hey uh okay none of that i'll get the grain here uh yeah we'll um go ahead and add this to our inventory so that's nice we can throw some stuff um yeah but none of this is good as good as what i got so that loot kind of sucked i sucked ass surgeons are based everything's just based now uh let's trade and let's get rid of some of i'm going to keep all of the weapons and stuff but i'm just going to sell this there we go nice and then let's um get rid of no not the arena we want to go to the tavern and ransom prisoners very nice all right uh let's go to tile wherever you pronounce it uh oh luda come here looter come here you got nothing better to do huh can't contribute to society well you know what looter i'm glad you exist because you're giving me a yab uh it's okay is this guy going to show up as reinforcements doesn't look like it i wish that was true charging your phone by pure the pure will of it forward archers forward archers [Music] hurry boys there's battle to be met infantry all right um charge discharge them they're just looters they're not real people [Applause] let's work on my throwing skill here huh get a little a little bit of practice shall we oh really we missed that there we go [Applause] okay no no a tree ah got him let's go all right more renown i haven't left uk for ages all right um nice oh these boys are getting some great experience here grade a experience oh good loot good times when the looter has become deluded would love to be a part of the channel but duty calls and my pc is collecting dust at home well you'll be home soon you'll be home soon has anyone made my any overhaul mods for bannerlord yet uh i think like a lord of the rings mod is in the works i think it's a star wars mod as well so i'll definitely be playing that stuff is throwing an archery easier in this one than the first one i think it's about the same right oh they turning on me yes oh you fools you fools no we're we're gonna attack and destroy these guys pray for me apollo i certainly will man soldier archers but you'll be home soon move lord of the rings mod sounds dope yeah imagine like us as gondor you know defending against orcs what game version are you on uh the most recent version whatever version that is ready i think it went a little past him come on let's get some kills here oh infantry charge [Music] one more one more oh i whiffed it [Applause] oh you killed one of my guys [Music] there's no running [Music] nice well done okay so we lost uh a varyag i think that's actually pretty good unit right i think so oh hell yeah get some more archers yeah varyag is pretty good oh we got some good loot from that good loot all right we need to get to the city here okay stop chasing get to the city and sell some stuff long time no see welcome back man what is your is that your god what uh dang ko ali thank you for the 5 000 w's first time donating love your vids thank you man i appreciate it what currency is that let's see let's go to the arena there's nothing to fight there let's go trade so uh we want to sell everything that's not food basically clothing and armor oh did i just hold on what i think i accidentally sold some food that's okay everything else we're keeping because this is going to be for blacksmithing okay nice we need to increase our money uh let's start to head back now i don't think we yeah i think we went to that city did we uh it's korean it's called a wan or does it pronounce one or one uh thank you for the 5001 man i appreciate it a korean uh currency pretty cool squid game money yeah i've i i don't i i guess i'm uncultured but i i don't know what any of that is you look like jesus i've gotten that i've gotten that quite a lot i've gotten that quite a lot quite a lot [Music] okay see this game is probably like better to stream than if i did a um oh yeah we're playing in this how's my health i think i'm pretty much full uh let's okay first off let's sell our food or food we're not eating the prisoners we are selling the prisoners for money okay and then we're gonna go fight in the tournament and we are going to win it guys all right we are going to that looks like a new picture i need this armor i need it okay i need it all right i can't lose this losing is not acceptable oh my god he's trying to punch me oh no oh dude what that is good news spook that is good news thank you for the 20 anthony holy crap i appreciate it man we needed that we needed that after that defeat i'm so rusty rusty so do i need um i think i need uh yeah i need a charcoal right yeah i need to buy charcoal rip rip rip i know reload and save uh i might do that i yeah i'm curious i hopefully this isn't 14 how long ago is this though let's i was just loaded i guess i could i should have saved right here huh oh well has apollo ever won a tournament in this playthrough no get a shield we'll get a shield as soon as i can afford one okay cool so let's see where we're at okay we're this is a good spot this is a good spot so let's um head back to here go to the varn barn pool or whatever it's called oh we gained a level we gained a level um under the flags in the bottom right the arrow uh why so you could see the extra stuff get hardwood from albat and refine it in the smith the bias and he's bad dreams everyone remembers that's true that's true these are just bad dreams okay [Music] bad dreams that's all all right uh not trade we want to tell the prisoners okay and then we're gonna save call it eric one here we go he shall kill all of thy enemies and shall show shout show mercy well first off let's just win a tournament okay and then we can start talking about uh you know killing enemies they eat oh no all right i'm an archer oh good start good start oh not good [Applause] thank you thank you dude this guy is tanky oh no what team was i i was yellow right or red yeah dude thank god i saved it i don't even remember what team was i green i think it was green no it's yellow right yellow yes we won oh my god uh nick pierre thank you for the 149 all right let's help the teammate definitely want to kill the spear guy i see him as more of a threat yes there you go there we go there we go i'm just rusty there we go nice okay all right 2v2 let's do this these are these are critical these are critical we gotta dude stop throwing axes oh what oh my teammate is is clutch clutch dude you do okay all right now i gotta beat him though okay oh axon axe here we go okay that's that let's not try to get fancy i just need a swing how how did he let's be fair he deserved the victory it's all right we're gonna win this tournament we're gonna we're gonna reload it we need one tournament look just consider this save as like a um mulligan for not playing the game for many many uh weeks and thank you for the five euros enlighten us god of light um uh how not to fight in tournaments you know i'm gonna stand up for this time to stand up the pirate house savannah georgia i'm just a little rusty look i'm just a little rusty staley thanks for being a man of arms what's up man all right gotcha oh not good no come on when i'm an archer when i'm an archer like give me a break just let me be a swordsman how's the garden going well it's it's pretty much winter now not quite but it's pretty dead the pirate house in savannah is one of my favorite restaurants when i lived there yeah it was really good like when i first went to the pirate house i honestly thought like it was just a little gimmicky like cheap pirate themed restaurant you know but if you go it's like you look at the prices and it's like oh this better be good and it was amazing why why why stop missing bro [Music] what dude i've had enough with you people oh get wrecked dude you're getting wrecked from behind you keep trying to shoot at me god give me a break sit down and shut up okay all right big big team battle oh dude oh i thought it was the blue team well it's up to this horseman i've seen it before right i mean we've seen one horseman just save the day i can't believe thank you please don't get stuck please don't get stuck please don't get stuck please don't get stuck oh we gotta try it again you miss glug dude me too me too um it's sad that he died from dysentery it's sad that he died from dysentery if you choose to reload until you win that's on you but it does annoy me when people play iron man and bet all their money on tournaments before they've ever won one yeah yeah that's true false getting carried i think he got stuck all right why am i always the bowman oh my guy won for once well he died to the archer though i'm getting shot at from two archers oh thank you archer i love i love the just never give up attitude from these archers like oh i'm getting swinged they're swinging out the back of my head but i'm gonna keep trying to kill this this guy over here pitch all right now see the rust is coming off guys you know what screw this guy [Music] i actually spit there a little bit okay oh good archer shot okay enough with the arrows dude enough with the arrows oh my team's got this in the bag dude i even i'm doing team damage there we go got him thread the needle okay oh perfect 1v1 1v1 so i don't rely on anybody sturgeon horse raider spit on his pathetic body all right the finale we've been here before though oh it's the same guy it's the same guy what is this oh it just axes oh this is oh that helps dude 104 damage one hit we're gonna win this tournament i'm not giving up until we win it's my bad i should have blocked it but it is what it is it is what it is bro he just knocked me into next week he didn't knock me back he knocked me forward oh sorry teammate all right we got this we got this we got this good job teammate all right skip around oh big team battle big team battle oh and i'm an archer again and i miss all the time all right center mass center mass baby yeah let them a little too much all right i'm just gonna go for the horse oh didn't lead them enough yeah i suck oh we got him oh nice there we go gotta weaken them for next round you know watch this guy's solo it's weaken you up a little bit let's weaken you up a little bit bro all right all right all right rematch i literally cannot let this guy hit me once he can't hit me once oh he attacks so fast he's my freaking rival man he attacks so fast dude it's all right i want to see rage moment dude you got to recruit his ass he would be op for your arm i'm telling you man we got to hna swordmaster thank you for the five who's eisman a dark soul boss that's what it feels like man that's what it feels like watch out behind you oh you got him where is he is he fighting you know he's not fighting here yet all right we've made it to the next round though so that's all right whatever i'm still gonna oh headshot how are you not dead okay whatever we're into the next round all right good job green team skip around all right well ivan is on my eyes bin or whatever he's on my team look at him he's on horseback just going in right now come on hit him dude thank you dude you can hit me in one shot when facing other people you suck look at him enough with the horse man thank you all right i wish i was taking on the surgeon why is a surgeon commit competing in arena you know all right you suck i suck okay all right you're dead all right so ah all right this is it this is gonna this is where it's gonna happen all right it's gonna happen oh damn dude oh one more hit yes god if i talk to alex and rambler not a long time good old tournament yes good tournament we made a thousand bucks i all right no more saving tournaments anymore no more saving before tournaments we have to um you know um we gotta do it fair and square now on just that was that was my one mulligan or many mulligans let's go yes come on chat get hype be lively all right uh let's go to our inventory and put this bad boy on oh yeah oh yeah oh we're looking pretty pretty cool let's see if they have they've got hardwood 38 gold how much is their charcoal i think they have any well we need to find hardwood for a good price say giggity giggity all right so um we can go up here let's go up here and buy some hardwood because they sell it we can turn it into charcoal because we have a lot of equipment to uh forge here all right i would love to see like an elder scrolls overhaul mod for this game where when you do smithing you can do like magical stuff like add like fire damage to a sword or something like that all right let's buy some products oh yeah super cheap i know i know i know this all right pay a hundred bucks we've got the money all right we're gonna be super slow but let's let's go to the city and do some forging recruit eisen i think he's a lord right i don't think i can recruit a lord uh ethan thank you for the five canadian hey apollo you should try oh someone spamming the wasp in here uh you should try out the eagle rising mod it makes the empire troops roman becca fish uses the mod quite a lot yeah i i don't know i just don't think it adds much value to it you know like i mean that's pretty cool the roman troops and everything but i don't know you know what i mean i kind of like the byzantine style that they have all right let's do some smithing and we're gonna smell baby smell uh orange refry oh yeah smell baby smell smell baby smell [Music] what i have to rest oh my god that's right all right let's wait here for some time don't refine using you can i refine using someone else what does that mean don't refine using you what's your favorite timeline in history it's certainly not this timeline no we did nevermind yeah it's not a reskin it's a complete overhaul um i don't know it looks like a reskin to me are you gonna do a part two of this yeah this is gonna be an ongoing series i'm gonna stream it monday wednesday friday monday wednesday friday and then in between that do like battles i love how simple it makes things yes hammer go bonk hammer go bonk smelt smelt it all all right wait have you tried the mmo mod for this game i have not i've seen gameplay and it just doesn't look fun to me do a full vassal campaign i'm not sure what that means get a different character that you hire to do the smelting for you um but my smelting skill is pretty good right i don't mind doing it uh smelt there we go [Music] you guys like that was that pretty good is that pretty good okay are we over encumbered still yes now should i keep this material or sell it wait oh did i what i thought i put that on um sell that oh it's majestic thank you so much smelting is arguably the easiest skill in the game to improve that is true you just click a button also put the armor on i thought i put the armor on it was a little weird to me that's fair that is fair keep it but i can't it's too heavy too heavy oh it's true i could buy some horses ooh they're really expensive the well they're not super expensive but dang price is ridiculous don't sell um let's see who has anybody got horses up here anybody selling horses oh over here it's gonna be a long journey but you know what we should do too is recruit that can help us since we're giving we're getting into the smithing side of things we should recruit and what is this what is this item are you selling oh iron okay i'm here for some troops if you don't mind um okay we're all right we're good to go and we're gonna go to the cities and buy some horses at the village a horse a horse a kingdom for a horse all right we're not over encumbered now now that we've gained more basically i like i broke down all those weapons and i was like here guys put all this crude iron into your pockets okay you're gonna carry this for me um what are we doing here uh tournament uh but it's night time so we're gonna wait i don't think there's a tournament here though because it shows you up here i always forget about that yeah see we're just wasting our time we're doing good on food all right hold on we gotta there's a tournament here but we gotta wait uh or oh we can play okay it's it's morning enough no saving this time but we got well i was gonna say we got better armor but do we wear our armor yeah yeah you do you do which is kind of silly to me i'm used to kingdom come deliverance where you have to all wear the same armor but with better armor i should do a little bit better oh boy [Music] i like how this fight just broke out into a random brawl look at this just crazy it's wild i'm gonna go for the archer [Music] gotta go for the guys that look the most intimidating you know are you stuck i'm sorry i know easy there buddy you've got to be kidding me i just lost you gotta be kidding me did i lose i lost dude whatever whatever whatever whatever it's all part of the plan it's all part of the plan it's all part of the plan all part of the plan all part of the plan you got in case you didn't know i meant to do that oh i don't know how he dealt 110 damage i really don't but we got some mules here mules are really good at carrying weight um these horses are pretty cheap just we might as well oh we don't have that much money why because i lost a tournament let's uh let's just spend 300 there we go all right all right let's go to varchak oh um thank you oh okay i guess that's a dead end i probably should read what they're saying but all right to the to the city ruzak thank you for the sick shekels fist pump pound this pound all right so um we uh there's no tournament here um we trade we don't have anything to trade do we by the way we should lock all this up i guess while we're here we should just go to the smithy even though we have nothing to smithy and just refine [Music] you know just while we all we can [Music] so yeah we're just going to pinball around and just keep keep generating income and winning tournaments hopefully boo reading is boring that's what i'm saying speech 100 sheckles sounds like a legit current legit medieval currency um yeah and we're still tired so [Music] okay so um i guess we'll head back the other way just i don't know i mean i guess i could fight in tournaments in other um other regions [Music] yeah shekels might be really old co-op campaign dude i was so sad that they didn't have co-op campaign i honestly thought and that's again that's another feature where i was like you know kind of expecting that i would play this game non-stop if it was co-op non-stop dude non-stop even if i was just part of the party right like even if they made it so co-op is just you're in you're a special character right in the um in your friend's party in the campaign you know like i would be happy like i'm not saying like we need to have our separate parties go different i would be which you could do there was a modern war ban where you could do that oh hell yeah tournament time we've we have to win we have to oh the battle axe of justice all right i'm putting everything on the line okay that's not a good start nope all right yellow teams gotta win there you go yellow team no yellow team no god i do like no damage come on come on yellow yeah let's go yeah oh it's literally 1v1v1 at this point all right i'm just going to play play it safe i've done this before and it backfired there we go all right you guys got it come on [Music] we're in we're in baby team made it yeah let's go it's harvesting season uh we have no money oh my god we are [Music] all right this guy he's a peasant on a horse come on he doesn't have a sweet scarf like me all right let's help out my teammate that's not helping [Applause] dude what oh come on yes good job to me oh [Music] okay oh dude my teammates going oh i think we're good here though i think right i don't know i don't know there's a blue team i'm gonna try to win it just in case but i don't know for safe dude screw you screw you oh oh my horse dude die thank you okay can i get your oh no hold on hold on i want the spear give me this spear what button do i press f oh okay all right 2v2 i'm nervous dude i'm i'm oh i don't want the spear okay good good good oh if i didn't kill that guy quick i think i would have lost oh nice head shot why won't you die three damage ah dude it's the same guy i killed last time all right oh bovan who's my uh teammate all right bovan may the best warrior win i plan to oh that's a good start let's not get cocky oh what a tournament yeah simple raider battle axe oh hallelujah hallelujah all right we leveled up let's get our one hand swift strike two percent swing speed with one-handed weapons govern settlements have increased militia recruitment by 0.5 per day to be blunt no let's do swift strike i see myself using axes and swords and stuff okay where's my money i didn't make any money from that what the heck what the heck that was my first win where's the money let's sell this dude dude what i'm so confused i confused all right we need to go uh hunt down some sea raiders and stuff i got swindled i know stole my money where's my money i forgot the part where that's my problem you know a little spider-man reference when he doesn't get his money mare dude can't run forever attack you only got like 140 or something geez that's pathetic where's my army what why am i why okay archer not sure why they're way over there but okay all right boys you're talking to a tournament champion two-time two-time champion look at those look at those shields pretty pretty nice a history lover who thinks reading is boring the hell did i say that when did i say reading is boring unless you're talking to someone else hey spiderman you stole your your money and your army [Music] way to like oh yeah here they come arrows all right bowman got one kill good job [Music] all right infantry oh wait charge [Applause] all right let's practice how messed up is that huh practicing this [Applause] when people running away what okay i i all right yeah i can't outrun the battle axe huh oh i'm knocking him out battle axe is knocking him out oh tree oh what up what all right whatever you get away you can tell the story can you couch this spear i don't think so maybe i'm wrong oh [Music] we got have okay okay all right so let's head back over here and oh hold on hold on 13 looters let's go for it uh we need more we need more loot just to to break it down eric sounds like a dwarf from hobbit really the name eric and they not be lightning fast ooh into the battanian lands into the britannia lands come on both of you guys fight me come on let's get that 10 in here let's get the 10 involved you guys will outnumber me yeah come on we're trying to pair up there they go oh they didn't do it oh too bad too bad so sad wait this isn't total war oh my god shut up about total war god horsemen follow me all right you'll be my personal bodyguard archers up here forward and here we go actually oh man get a little closer that landed right in front of them right in front of them all right that was a little too far [Music] now we're doing damage here sucks to suck go oh god dude good job good job bodyguard here we go all right eat their crops oh we're gonna steal their crops all right we got some prisoners we need to get rid of um [Music] oh yeah some more loot okay where are we we need to go back go back to our home territory we chase those looters all the way at the ends of the earth huh georgia take their mutton wait apollo uh you can't kill them they have families uh looters have families well should it should have went to a different profession paula i've never seen such a holy man are you talking about me he's talking about me yeah come after me oh my god we have no money all right [Music] um i didn't mean to sell eric me go back we might have to sell some of my iron here it's worth a lot worth a lot and then let's all right the rest whatever time to acquire the land ragnar the thick ragnar the thick all right um let's smelt this down i was literally re-watching empire campaign i uh i just got to the episode 21. very nice man felt like yesterday when that came out um let's go to the smithy again now we could make a maze here all right we're just going to keep making maces and then sell them i guess eric is looking kind of thick no he's a big boy he's a big boy definitely uh definitely is the case here right okay let's go trade and we want to sell oh 600 gold not bad there we go there we go okay and i know uh we want to go to the tavern and sell all right just make sure it all adds up all adds up so we got a lot of money and or not a lot but more than we had we're gonna go to a city here and gamble this money on a tournament what's your real name trent trent is my real name eric the thick [Music] god he's so thick he's a thick boy huh okay um no tournament unfortunately um you know what let's go destroy this hideout i think we're ready for it we need the money uh honestly this army costs 111 gold per day oh we have no food oh crap here let's just buy some food i had that went by fast by product [Music] we'll buy a hundred gold worth of food let's go destroy this hideout shall we wait until nightfall trent the thick hell yeah hell yeah now you know what's up is it really trent yeah my name is really trent all right let's attack [Music] okay so we want to bring the archers that's for sure i want to bring the best of the best not these guys i mean i kind of like what they have default here we got some archers we've got um get rid of one of you guys add one of you guys all right all right this is not gonna be an easy task all right uh and then what is fire will f4 f2 all right everyone follow me okay i just realized i don't have a shield oh crap it's been fun pixie i've got to go to class now have fun all right h a swordmaster see ya thank you for the five brother hope you have a good day class i just realized i don't have a shield man this is not good this is i'm gonna have to hijack someone's shield here yep see right away right away he's throwing stuff all right give me the shield there we go ah we've lost a veteran the hell was that i don't know this is kind of easy get out of here what is it what is it boys you see something all right let's go clear out this hideout eat the benefits hey paulo uh how are you enjoying this campaign so far greetings from band ben hoover uh uh it's fun yeah it's fun um i don't really see i see a little like um i mean i don't know what they've updated the past year or so um but it's better right they've made some it seems like most of the improvements they've made are just like convenient stuff like uh making it easier to find cities with tournaments because of like the icons and stuff and so that that all that stuff is good all that stuff is promising love your channel thank you seth i appreciate it man thank you thank you total victory or nothing amen to that brother amen to that give me victory or give me death oh he's like you want death i'll give you death gotta be careful there give me victory forgive me geez god look at these javi's they look they look terrifying the tips on these things i mean clearly it's for like fishing or something but it'd be kind of cool if they had like dungeon crawling in this game like proper dungeon crawling you know give it a little a little bit of an elder scrolls vibe knock knock here to cleanse the lands of bandit scum do you care if someone's better than you i do not i don't i'm not even sure what you're saying there they've updated so you get a huge gift for becoming a vassal oh ah here they are look at they chilling on the table this would be a cool little hideout though this the batcave yeah viking batman come on boys oh oh it's not everyone look it i did this guys i did this oh is that a woman did i just kill a woman oops tribute is not enough tribute not enough hey bro who's your favorite youtuber uh favorite youtuber well this past week for obvious reasons i've been watching brokada law i think is how you pronounce it um he's like a lawyer and he was streaming a trial um there's a golfing youtuber i watch where he like does like golfing challenges that i've been watching i forgot his name something shields or something um rick i think it's rick shields he's like a golfer um see what else do i watch what else do i watch i don't really watch a ton of youtube you know yeah please don't spam i don't really watch i know this might be weird but maybe because i i do it all the time but i don't really watch any um gaming channels you know what where is he yeah i don't i don't really watch gaming channels at all probably because i am one where were they shooting at what i wish there was like a mini map or something pretty cool scene here though so you can destroy all that opposes um sometimes i'll watch the um buffet brothers or whatever they're the ones who made the oblivion memes so i guess that was they'll do like let's plays oh maybe he's up here oh yeah yeah he's on he's on that walkway we were watching the same channel with that trial i like that channel yeah i like the i think his name's chris right i think i like him because he's very um relatable you know even though he's like a lawyer and stuff like i mean they all kind of were not that like lawyers are like not relatable but yet he just had this persona or this kind of like oh here we go look at this guy do you know who i am do you know how many people i've actually my yeah let's just kill him guys [Music] oh well my guys got my [Music] back oh victory oh yeah all right we got some prisoners that i will add to the army eventually um ooh a berserker give me the berserker all right got some good loot all right uh let's go to my character uh it's all going according to plan are you gonna have a wife in the game i think so eventually that's the plan um we gotta focus uh let's focus on leadership and let's go to my inventory and let's do it by value and this is the best shield we can have oops [Music] i just told my wife's armor i just sold my wife's armor and got 50k instead of 500k i am depressed now see you did it all for nothing you married her for nothing oh there's a tournament here but i'm very wounded [Music] i'm gonna skip it then i'm not gonna risk it i'm not gonna risk it for the biscuit wait i thought i equipped the shield stop doing that game we can sell it can we break down a shield whatever [Music] i mean that 400 gold really not that great really not that great [Music] all right risk it for the biscuit hey paula i would like you i'd like you to know you're my favorite youtuber out of all the genres thank you for giving me joy for the past three years thank you roman i appreciate it man thanks for the kind words glad you like the channel what's up tim how's it going doing well just trying to get by in this cruel world of calradia you know how it goes um hey we can forge more weapons but we're tired so let us wait here for some time what's up apollo hope you're doing well i'm doing good tim thank you i think i already read that same here you're my favorite thank you mr grape i appreciate that all right let's enter the smithy again and ah we have to refine some hardwood here smelt all right and then we can trade those oh yeah oh yes trade that stuff baby there we go we leveled up uh let's improve our smithing uh let's see efficient charcoal maker you can use more efficient methods of charcoal production that produces three three units of charcoal from two units of hardwood or efficient iron maker you can produce crude iron more efficiently by obtaining three units of crude iron from one unit of iron ore what do you think is more important i'll wait for you chad i'll wait for you let me know let me know what you think should i get the iron maker or should i get charcoal maker [Music] why do they call it smelting and just not melting yeah that's what i know right these are the these are the questions charcoal that's what i was thinking too okay charcoal it is all right you know what we're gonna risk it for the biscuit we're gonna we're gonna compete in the tournament with low health uh but we gotta wait which is good because we'll get more health all right let's get to 25 let's join the tournament we literally cannot get hit here we cannot get hit oh oh we need this we oh i want these boots i want these boots [Music] come on team there we go good job yellow team good job yellow team [Music] leave my archer my fellow archer alone gotta hate being an archer it's actually not bad when you're low on health because it keeps me away from the fight oh yellow team dominating right now all right congrats blue team you made it all right uh two versus two versus tubers two oh boy and we are green team looks like we got a pretty good person with us though my little guy no no no fight me ah we lost they're really the ai's really good at double teaming god dang it man i shouldn't have done it oh well you don't know unless you try right sorry i didn't mean to lower my desk damn dude damn damn damn was paired up with a woman you know what are you gonna what do you expect oh man that sucks all right all right we're doing good with food we got enough money for seven days let's keep riding looking for opportunities that stinks how tall am i i'm six seven six seven all right there's no tournament here so um c raider welcome to the army we lost some morale people don't like giving people second chances you know they don't like they don't like giving people second chances good to see your beard is growing back looking good at paul thank you ace of spades thank you i'm growing it back out throwing it back out getting it ready for the wedding all enough to party hell yeah you know what's up all right let's the tournament no i guess we gotta hunt down some bad people you know hunt them down up there they go get them get those looters gives me time to heal up my group up guys group up oh surrender die all right let's attack yes i have a shield see i have a shield oh who's this george don't take all the glory from me dang it i like how they even have that much on the bounce of power you know that little sliver like you really expect them to have any kind of chance against this so slow i need a better horse oh oh gotcha ow oh they're breaking already come on i want to kill all right we got one though we got one kill okay um i guess i'll just sell this warrior ransom army's full right we're maxed out and we got nothing from that that kind of sucked we chased them down for nothing they probably i have to go to work but i'm glad i could catch a stream and it's an honor and maybe one of these days i can get a pc and play total war with you hell yeah man appreciate it i hope you have a good day at work come on uh let me chase him thank you he's mine all right [Music] attack will you ever do any manor lord vids uh you say it as if like it's out or something yes absolutely as soon as that game comes out you know i'm that i literally will probably only play that for a good couple months you know i will play it for a long time will this be posted later yep as soon as it's done clean them up boys there you go [Music] been better all right good victory in that renown as your david it's been good man it's been great actually um level these guys up starting to get a little expensive though all right and then we'll head to the city and sell our goods oh is the prison persistent kingdom ever coming back in this game i don't know um let's trade all right and [Music] we'll get some of our money back there all right guys so i think i'm gonna call it a stream here uh i don't want to go too long i think two hours is good that way the people who miss the stream can kind of watch the replay and not you know not be like a four hour long stream um so i'm gonna wrap it up here and um i just want to say that i stream monday wednesday friday i usually start at 11 a.m but i started later because i had a meeting at one so i didn't want to start the stream and then have to end it but it would have been two hours but i would have had to like end it right before the meeting you get what i'm saying uh but thank you guys so much for watching hope you guys enjoyed um and we are going to keep on grinding keep growing wealth and hopefully uh get our character to be a vassal soon you know it's gonna be a lot of fun join the big wars
Channel: Pixelated Apollo
Views: 73,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord, playthrough, campaign, pixelated apollo
Id: J74d2ESktCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 54sec (7434 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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