HORIZON SIM B787-9 FIRST LOOK | Lufthansa Domestic Ops FRA-HAM-FRA

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hello everyone welcome to the channel I'm Emanuel I'm Anan pilot and today we are sitting in the Horizon siming 787-9 and we are going to fly it on a domestic route that's been flown in real life with a 789 by LT hanza when they introduced it into the service last year from Frankfurt to Hamburg and back towards Frankfurt both of them have exciting events going on with the Frankfurt overload and the hurg heavy traffic so I do expect that we are going to fly on probably the most highly frequented route that we have available on vatom today so loads of delays to be anticipated but I do expect that ultimately we are going to get there all right so I would say we jump about into the cockpit power the airplane up and when it's powered up we are going to go ahead with a little bit of um with a little bit of a walk around and then do all the systems set up all right and um BLK missile early access to free P product yeah it's still in development at the moment there are a couple things that are going to be refined but uh we are going to get [Music] there all right so cool let's go ahead and power the airplane up and then with the lights and everything running we can do the walk around and in the meantime we are going to have a little look into differences between the 787-8 9 and the 10 that comes by default with the simulator all right so most significant difference you will be able to see two straight away over here at least if you haven't um at least if you haven't flown the dash8 yet for the first one we have over here the um Rolls-Royce engines which come with a 10 as well but the General Electric engines are simulated as well on top of that have a look at the primary flat display over here and look how we have the V bar flat director type over here compared to the um crossbar type that is available on the um standard aircraft however we do have um however we do have that one as an option so we can change this around with the other flat director type as well by going down to the index settings and then in here you can see a little stuff that's changed for example we can go for um IRS alignment time that's standard simulat stuff but we can switch on and off an A satcom and we can change the um Fly director symbol over here now I'm going to use the Cross Point since that is what Luan is using in their aircraft but um that's pretty much the two new options we've got so satcom if we have a look on the outside that is mostly the outside model we can see it fitted right on the top over here at the moment and we can switch that one on or off so switching it off here it is gone now as you can see all right so that is what we have available over here so I do suppose we are going to um run our procedures in a few moments but what we're going to do at first is we'll take out the navigraph charts once again in order to get our operational fly plan decide on the amount of fuel that we want to take and I can give you a little spoiler already it is going to be quite a bit because um I do expect that we are going to fly at least a hold or two but that's going to give us a good opportunity today to check the um Holdings of the 787 as well which um certainly is going to be well quite interesting to see how well those are going to work all right then so that is our setup let's have a look into the operational fly plan the other thing we want to do today it is quite busy here in Frankfurt as they're running an event so getting our clearance early is again something we want to do and hello mats nice to see you as an economy class member for 7 month welcome and Ells gaming the plane will be available from Horizon simulations when it is released for public at the moment it's out for uh YouTubers and streamers but it I do suppose it is going to come shortly um for everyone else as well all right so um that's pretty much that part so just a quick word there about cockpit textures I do still have the um payware cockpit texture mod installed otherwise it would use the stut textures so that's just something to um have in your mind all right cool um then let's go ahead and make a quick fuel decision here before we run out of time for everything so most important things over here the weather in Hamburg is looking absolutely fine I do expect good weather all around with a slide chance for some broken for the cloud but that is not really going to impact us at all flying IFR same thing for our alternate hanova looking very good as well so no need to take any extra for that however due to the event they're running in Hamburg I do expect that we might go into some arrival delays so tell you what we're going to take uh half an hour of extra fuel so that's going to be as you can see here 30 minutes equals 2,000 kg so if we take the plant taker fuel plus the taxi fuel round that up we get 10 tons so let's make that 12 tons of fuel that we are going to load for today's flight all right then Sim Reef import to go user ID as always um you guys know that stuff already from the previous um 78 s videos so let's go ahead and run a very quick import over here so well first things first um switch on the IRS those things are going to take a little while to align anyway and then we can go down here GPS position is looking good and then route we're going to request it from from SIM brief and when that is in we going to do the um Fuel and payload and once that is done we can head out for the walk around all right then route up link is here thank you and you can load that up here we go thanks and then we are quickly going to go into the settings to load up the um payload and fuel so Weight and Balance we're going to set it from ofp Imports running and and imports done and then in terms of fuel we're going to increase that a little bit as we mentioned it's going to be 12 tons of fuel in the tanks all right perfect and that's our setup so with that we're pretty much good to go let's go ahead and um use our time well one thing I am going to do real quick before we are going to head out is I am going to go for um the IFR clearance because they are slotting and I want to be absolutely sure that we've got a slot that is going to suit our live stream right what's that uh one 121 decimal 905 oh come on here we go that's the one we're looking for deliv just confirm the to 25 right information Lima request clearance to [Music] [Applause] Hamburg number three okay I suppose we wait until we have the clearance then we we go out for the walk in the metime let's quickly go ahead with this information so it's a 787-9 and we've got the TR 1,000 engines current database and you can see down here it's the um Horizon simulations release candidate number one so it's not released yet in case anybody is watching this one in the replay afterwards we do not have the release version yet there are a couple things that are known about the plane that um need to be uh that we need to um think about and derq in the comments there is saying it's exactly I don't know if you've been warned yes I have be careful with the rotation maybe rotate a couple of knots after VR it's still somewhat work in progress and the developers are working to enhance that so they are working on it I did play around with it and yes it is easy to tail strike in the beta they are working on it so don't worry about Okay cool so L and we're going to be four Yankee Juliet today like that and for the departure it's two5 Center and most likely maroon what's that um six Fox shot for two engineed heavy aircraft and for the arrival we'll ultimately have to see about it but I am just going to plan the ILS 15 and that should be all we need all right so let's quickly grab that operational fly plan once more might have been a bad idea to close the nvra charts that early FL 7 1 all right so quick look at thep we're arriving via nulo so noo to Whiskey arrival with the Delta hotel transition right going to take that long so costx 30 and then Reserve fuel well we've got to calculate that one down here so Reserve fuel is um alternate plus final so that giv me a 4.8 tons of um Reserve fuel right zero fuel weight we'll take it straight from here 168.3 compared to what SIM brief has in here 68.8 so you can see there is no dedicated Sim Reef profile for the Horizon Sim 787-9 yet however as you can see if I'm using the standard Sim Reef profile and then importing my weights they match up perfectly and other words do we need a dedicated Sim profile well we are going to run a couple of fuel tracks in Flight in order to verify but at the moment it doesn't really look like we need one Okay cool so that is that part for the takeoff calculation we're going to run that a little bit later when we get towards the um when we get towards the later procedures but for now it will suff us to put in the transition altitude and that is it all right so we're going to insert Frankfurt down here as well with an extended Center Line 12 46 Yanke 4 Yan ready to copy hello information HG Mar departure FL 5000 1ul clear Mar Fox departure F clim 5,000 1,000 eobt at 30 all right so that e was quite important there because they are slotting and they basically plan the slots based on our estimated off block times so we are in the queue now for um getting that slot as requested But ultimately we'll have to see what they give us when we ask for the startup clearance I do certainly hope it's not going to be too long all right now that we've got our clearance we can safely head out for the walk around and once again I am using my um P once again I am using the um standard drone camera for those because I still keep keep getting questions how I do the walk around so I use the Drone we're going to put that down to like um 3° drone speed and then 45 rotation speed and that basically gives me a very nice um walk around experience in case you're wondering yes it is lagging a little bit at the moment that is mostly because of the um whole lot of vom traffic we have over here so it's not related to the aircraft I did try the aircraft offline and my performance was very good right now online it is a little bit laggy but then again I do put that down to V all right so starting walk around up here um quite a good lot of detail over there even though obviously they are making use of the standard um asobo as well but we're going to get to that in a few moments all right so that's all our probes and everything looking good and do have a quick look over here by the way on the PBR effects you can really see a couple of stratches and everything here where the sun is reflecting from the airplane that does look pretty cool if you ask me all right so with that disc C let's go a little bit further forward to the um catch the namian old part of the plane and if you're wondering yes that is the um nose cone of the plane I recently caught a lovely o in it and had a hole in the size of a football in my um in the nose of the plane but I suppose that's a story for a different day 855 so have a look at the notes of that 787 that shape over here is really beautiful isn't it probably one of the most aerodynamic you can get at the moment most certainly if you compare this with for example the a350 which is also latest generation but um compared with the A330 for example and you can easily see why this is more aerodynamic why this is and why this is such a fuel efficient aircraft so first moving on position we've got our um car do over here now you can see the level of detail over here could probably use a little bit of improvement and then again there are some um places which are really good as well so I suppose this is something that's hopefully still work in progress there maybe a couple of decals could do a good job and now we get to this now you will notice two of these lines on the airplane and I do assume that this is where they cut the plane and cut the parts of the 787-10 out in order to do the 787-9 all right so this is just have a have a look over here at how that section looks like as this is one of the um larger differences between the um 787-10 and the -9 so this is this little Border in between the parts of the fuse lar all right here we've got our air inlets very important notice on the 787 is that we get our air for the cabin entirely from Air inlets like this one so we don't get any bleed air from the engines anymore but we get it completely from out here all right quick look into the engine making sure that all the fan blad have no damages and no nothing the likes and then we can move on to the um then we can move on to the a plane and km 1613 asking in the comments is this 787 study level uh no it's not it is about the systems level of the Yobo 787 which is quite good for everyday flights but certainly not study level all right then look outside the wing and then we can move further inwards and once again here we've got that second uh little cut out in the um airframe where parts of the um- 10 have been taken out and where the um 787-9 is a little bit shortened compared to the 7 87-10 all right and that is pretty much what the side of the airplane looks like so I suppose from here we are just going to cut the um second part of the walk around short just making sure our airplane hasn't caught any damages and that everything is still all right and once again for those of you who just joined a little bit later yes the performance is a little bit laggy at the moment how however I do accustom that to um B them as we're in Frankfurt the airport is almost full with aircraft and um those really take their toll on the performance quick look into the main gear Bay over here however really nice level of detail and I do suppose that is pretty much everything we can have a look at over here okay so that's the um half part of the engine once again some very nice details in here and I do suppose that we are going to do a flight in the General Electric engines as well on another day this one is the Rolls-Royce engines so that we have seen both by the time they do come out all right so that's the look at the outside of the 787-9 now let's go ahead back to the inside that reduces our noise levels a little bit as well over here and Sky 173 morning wall is this available yet what are they asking for this um it's not available but it is going to be freeware that's the best part of all all right what is payware however that you're seeing in here is um the interior textures this is the Poli storm um 3D that we've got in here all right so quick look into the electronic flight back over here because there is some new stuff in here as well flight is initialized and have a look at that we've got the door menu available and we can control the doors right from this very menu for a quick look over here you go that's the one left opening and so on so you can see some nice stuff that is actually modeled on the airplane over here that is not in the stun not playing but I suppose we're going to continue exploring that on our turnaround since we've got our push back time in 10 minutes already so I dis suppose we don't want to lose our slot so let's quickly go ahead with our um let's go ahead with our pre-light procedures fueling is finished so the belts can come on and that is pretty much it okay that's the overhead done now let's go let's quickly set this one up now we're going to talk about the rotation on Taxi if we do get the time but we should have a little bit and most important thing over here um most important thing on the panel setup right now is just that we don't forget anything and um then we'll be there in a few moments so let's see this is this let's go ahead further down transponder can remain on standby for now we've already been assigned sork 1000 from from Air Traffic Control so let's set that one in and then we can continue with our takeoff performance the takeoff performance data in here has been custom developed from Horizon so it is accustomed to the Boeing 787-9 and is not just a m copy of the dash tan or something like all right so what we are going to do is let's head over to the init reference page and on here we can simply copy and paste this stuff in right from the simulator making our life a little bit easier it's going to be noise procedure number one acceleration height at a th000 and now if we go on copy FMC data you can see the thing has simply imported what we had there in the FMC so dry R thrust rating Optimum flap config Optimum anti eyes is going to be off so let's run a calculation see what we going to get here we go assume temperature take of 2 59° sounds good send output all right take off data and we're going to accept that here we go CG will take from here trim 2.25 and looking at the thrust this has been entered correctly as well all right very good on so that's our performance stuff completed over there and and this is the um this is not the standard one at DQ you need to initialize flight on the EB menu hm I tried that I hit that button but nothing happened see that so I did hit initialize here but it just comes back out again but I suppose everything's working is it at least as far as I can see so um one thing that is to notice I will request the push back through GSX however there is no custom GSX profile for this quite yet so don't expect it to run correctly in this very rare occasion we cannot blame GSX for an incorrect push back but we can only uh put it on the fact that we just don't have profile for it yet but don't worry I'm sure there is going to be one available very shortly after the release if not even one developed just through the release as well okay so I do suppose we are going to run a quick departure briefing and then we are going to request our startup according to our slot and talking about slots by the way how about we quickly go to the his weather menu and change the time to match the real Time That's better all right very good so threats for the departure I'm really don't see anything it's Frankfurt it's busy but we're used to that all right so quick route check making sure that the Uplink has actually worked correctly very important um in my new airline in the old one we just enter the fly plan manually all the time in my new one we do Uplink it from aast but we still need to carefully check that everything that's been Uplink is actually correct so let's look at that Maron F towards maroon so this is laa and then maroon that's um not how it's supposed to read but I suppose that's not part of the 787-9 code but that is part of the working title code of the working title 787 in behind there so then from Maron Yankee towards toi direct Z Papa 65o and this is what we have in here as well all right so ground distance we are supposed to have about 300 nautical miles versus 297 nautical miles good enough 8.3 tons remaining which is plenty of fuel remaining all right in the meantime wind let's do a quick wind Uplink as well so that we get the most accurate predictions all right and load on Route Data Page yep load up thank you your this should eliminate the execute right okay and the forecast is available as well so we're going to load the climb forecast and we are going to load the Descent forecast all right so last check on the fuel 8.5 now on arrival 8.6 that is all of that still good enough estimated time is all right cool so um then continuing with the briefing the time UTC is 14 24 altimeter 1,000 reading 370 flat director is on and the Stamper instruments are set Lefty take off rway 25 Center flaps five noise procedure number two and engine out we just go straight at and um pick up the whole 25 miles out MSA 4,300 so in 5,000 we are going to be safe emergencies as briefed in the crew room and on the way to the airplane so let's continue with our taxi brief now and we are parking up here on the alpha West apron push back to the left taxi out November 8 and then we can take either November 7 or November 8 and Lima and we are only able for Lima 3 or Lima one we are not able for any of those intersections over here okay maroon 6 Fox ar of departure we have that one in here so let's quickly bring that up over to the plan mode set up position cont okay so for the departure itself um contact lung radar V advised by the tower 120 dismal 155 Speed Max 250 at below flight level 100 and that is checked and um MSA as mentioned 4,300 the highest and do note they have somewhat changed the MSA in Frankfurt it's now around Frankenstein VR which is located down here in the South so this part all of that is actually in the 4,300 area right then for the routing of Maron 6 FOX off 255 Center that's going to be 800 ft and then Delta Fox 243 which we've got in here and then Delta fox. 233 3,500 ft or above Delta fox. 132 4,400 F above taboom lixie laa and maroon and that's it any questions I suppose that's a no so let's go ahead with the um pre-flight checklist pre-light checklist complete all right let's risk it let's call a GSX push back probably ain't going to go good but as I mentioned in this case we don't have profile for the aircraft a 12 85 okay then V2 was 155 let's quickly pre- select that as well here we [Applause] go jqu start up and [Music] to no try that's Yan jul request start up all right I suppose they're working on the background I do hope the fact that we told them our slot so early would eventually get us the startup when we actually wanted it and I do sincerely hope that they don't just put us into the line at the very end right now that we've requested start ail um and pilot can I share a link where to download it well if I do that then I'm probably never got never going to get something from Horizon again because it is still um a beta preview so it's not released yet [Applause] all right so how about our clearance in the meantime Lucas what does request startup actually mean 8 jul startup approved 855 negative that was for 4 Yan J 5 Charlie J please stay with L 4 Yankee Juliet startup approved 1 121 855 CH okay so let's see if that's going to work now look at that we cannot tune 12855 here it seems let's just try that one more time 1 to 1M 855 yeah now it works okay all right here we go then let's go ahead and request our push back clearance J join November 7 hold short of Link y heavy Alpha 62 request push back a I call you for push back Rog all right so probably somebody behind us yep there he is we got to wait for that a321 there at first even though he could just go over to the left and thaty I suppose ATC is onto it so we'll just wait over here in any case we do have start so let's go ahead and prepare the entire airplane for um our flights all right so before start Che passer s on mCP set take off speeds V1 140 VR 146 V2 155 CDU pre-light completed all right let's go ahead and set that 2.55 it should be and we're trimming and we're trimming and we're triming oh boy this goes too well with it I should stop okay so trim is set taxi and take off briefing completed before start checklist complete so quick recall we got a cabin temperature on there let's see what that is about probably just complaining that it cannot control it that's fine once we started the Apu it probably will be able to control it even though I'm wondering if the cabin temperature over here should be suppressed if the airan simply doesn't have an APU online to actually you know um temper at the cabin but well we're going to get there so Apu is coming up not now by the way the how many of time is this that I almost forgot the Apu on the 787 I really don't know what it is with this aircraft um well I suppose it's fine either way and rayar this is a freeway for Frankfurt this is some project from Google for that it's a really good freear scenery a little bit hard on the frame rate but then again this is a really large airport oh derq if I retract the speed break that temperature alert is going away that's interesting is that a feature is that a feature then via Lima hold short of November 5 Lima short of November 5 Yan all right potato potato for the frankt scenery you can simply Google it it's on flight.to and they've got their own website on um I believe it's virtual fr. or OPP join 8 that I thought it was talking to us all right so where is that in Mount that prevents us from push back now I got no idea where that guy is but our slot is about to run out in two minutes traff behind but then again we're just waiting for traffic now so I don't know how they do it on bat them in real life if they would tell me I'm missed my slot because of this then I would absolutely go havoc on them but I suppose we will find out when okay um so well question down there in the chat like uh from Lucas 20110 2004 um hey what was it with the request startup is that like a push back request no it's not a push back but startup basically means that air traffic control allows the flight to start their engines and that is like the F the first request you need to get before you can go for um push back so the push back at Frankfurt for example is handled completely by the apron control and only one at traffic control has released the flight 320 left right behind push approve face West all right that's the 320 back there all right so GSX continue push back um yeah facing west suppose I don't know which area that is five or seven H for y Juliet confirm push back into area five or area seven from the four Yanke juli um area area five face West appreci area five and I can't promise what GSX is going to do with that for in Juliet all right so release Park and break then let's see a is online the external power is disconnected well it's not disconnected but that's all we can do with it so we just got to hope that it's actually going going to face West now we'll see about it but that's why I told that traffic control that I can't guarantee it all right so off we go what all right we are going to wait a little bit for um we're going to wait a little bit with the engine start keep in mind it's a 787 so we can actually start both engines at the same time so we're just going to delay this a little bit and we can cancel all the alerts over here so that in case something new comes up during engine start it is going to show up automatically all right then bra so off block with just 6 minutes of delay that's what I call German efficiency and the no is going left that means we are facing west indeed so GSX is actually doing a good job as well I'm impressed look at that GSX attached to the correct Point GSX is pushing us back correctly I didn't expect that without a dedicated profile for the aircraft that is really good or did Horizon maybe do a little bit of magic with their 787-9 model maybe they included a profile somewhere where I couldn't see it okay so that looks pretty good over here only the ram agent right next to the engine that is a little bit disturbing down there as I've got a feeling that that might eventually end up in the need for well I'll not say it otherwise YouTube is going to demonetize the channel but this does not look like I should start my engine like that right so over here is release Point number five so that is where the push back got approved to area five so I'm just about to wait until the um martial is actually uh stopping to run behind the engines and then we're going to commence engine [Music] start all right the Marshall has stopped over there I tend to say it's safe to commence engine start now par okay parking break set engine start both at the same time fully automatic really neat technically speaking we don't even need to watch it because it's going to alert us to anything that might go wrong which is quite nice and the Aeronautics Fanboy the ramp agent in GSX always makes me question EasyJet Ops we start ENT one first and the ramp agent basically in the as Walker GSX rampes have a short lifespan indeed oh well let's uh not turn this into another GSX live stream um I do have to say GSX is doing a very good job today so um it is actually all right I expect it much worse for an aircraft without a profile to be honest so it is actually working quite good two good starts clear disconnect clear left FL control track P down neutral full left full right neutral full left full right neutral okay then recall engines before taxi checklist an auto recall checked flight controls checked Dr equipment clear Apu shutting down before taxi checklist complete lza for Yankee Juliet request taxi for Yankee jul November 8 Li November November 8 Lima sh November 4 left turn for Yan Juliet all right that's out straight out left turn and then hold shot of November 4 lights on clear left side clear right side and look at that the plane is taxing on idle thrust but let's add just a tiny bit more so that we um don't take forever to reach that holding Point large aircraft here that we're attacking so we're going to keep things slow normally we say on Long Hall things can take a long time so don't rush the taxi but we'll see how it is eventually going to behave today 1 1 two other aircraft over there but we are on November 8 they are probably cleared by November 7 so we should be clear of them right on the left side everything is clear so over steering technique quite important look at that where the um Center Line is going but now look at it from the outside and you'll see the main wheels are actually quite spot on on the uh Center Line there all right we continue straight then a slight right turn left again and then left on Lima those guys there are clear hell now maximum wingspan on all of these is 65 M over here so we are fine with our 787 hello all right rer at the lift on the terminal wow all right so those guys are clear there's one standing on November 7 up there but he's clear as well okay so we got to go to the right now those of you who have been flying in Frankford a little bit longer we'll probably be aware that November 8 used to be straight ahead here but they have changed that about a year or two ago now November 8 is actually going slightly to the right and there are a couple of gates in the front there it's quite interesting when you're flying a vum occasionally and you're parking one of those Gates and then some guys just think oh November 8 is going right through that so let me just taex you through it and nope that is certainly not what you should do but that's happening way too often on Batson so always compare the charts if you're not familiar with the area I have on my part I'm quite familiar with this area of frankurt airport for now that's the reason why I don't have any charts open for you guys to see however I would still have them on my iPad lying right next to me in case I needed them okay so 10 knots that's the maximum is waiting over there and the guys over there clear as well very good L okay 10 minutes maximum for the T slow it down a little here we go when on join okay got to have a close look on that one where that is going cuz we are cleared all the way through to November 4 traff number be the company 320 all right so we are behind him7 Alpha on Lia looking good okay then looks like we are number three for the departure P November 4 that's in the middle of the next terminal so we can continue straight Ahad for a bit okay cool uniform company called the gate change now because 52 is occupied this is going to be Al 54 now all right so take a review let take off one one that's 55 the Y jul uniform company from the AL via November 8 Li Li Charlie correction for Yankee Juliet on Li short November 4 y j Li short Li y jul all right so we continue straight ah to the end and we go for a full length departure let's continue with the departure briefing lety take off on Runway 25 Center flaps five noise abatement procedure number two and maroon 6 FOX departure straight out with a right hand turn climb to 5,000 ft it is going to be a rather rapid climb so we are going to maximize the use of the automatics over here and um see how those are performing and we limit the vertical speed as required all right in case of anine failure we can proceed on the ROM heading climb to 5,000 ft and then we'll take vectors through the South back for a landing ROM 25 Center and Frankford certainly is the best option we have in the area all right any questions no very good four Yankee juli contact Tower 118 788 78 okay then B4 take off check list before take off checklist complete Tower low four Yanke Dred heavy ready for departure Okay cool so the km is lining up and I do believe there is one more in front of the hanza over here yes there is so for us it's going to be like six minutes waiting time or something the lik okay looks pretty good to me typical Frankfurt taxi out time by the way that is exactly what I'm used to over here okay that left hand is going to the intersection that one is going full length as far as I remember yeah Lima 4 here 3 is there one cross now Yankee 10 Yan so very important we are not going to stop the airplane in the turn over there otherwise we are not going to get it um rolling again instead we'll just stop on Lima over here and only then taxi in Lima 3 when we can make the complete turn without stopping in the turn before one hotel able expert crossing the departure sector and contact now apron on 12755 just got to make sure that guy over there is not going to our place all right break set departure frequency 12055 is set we can pre-select that one as well all right so takeoff rotation um this is probably just the thing of the beta pre-release version that we have here at the moment um the airplane is going to be quite prone to tail strike on the rotation um for that reason if that really happens then we are going to um continue the flight because we'll put it down to a flight simulator ISM however what we'll do to prevent the tail strike as good as we can is we are going to go um we're going to rotate very slowly and as soon as the nose starts coming up the ground we're going to relax the control column a bit again that might stop the um continuous rotation but nonetheless nth we are going to um y just see how it goes that's really the only thing we can say about that Alero is this freeware payware um it is freeware and lighter the um 787-9 is currently in development by Horizon simulations and this is a preview version that we have over here the scenery itself is from a virtual fra indeed except for GSX and um the Hamburg airport scenery today we are all the way using freear stuff on today's live stream which is quite nice um I honestly have to say the freear community in the max flight simulator world is the most amazing I've seen so far they they're doing such a great job developing so many of these things here can you please give us one second all right we'll go straight just a little bit just so that nobody can accidentally turn into here so that we secure our lock place in the line but as I mentioned we are not going to turn in if we need to stop the airplane on the turn that's just not good for heavy aircraft so everything is clear in front and I am going to stop straight over here what's going to be interesting here um if you have a look at our departure over here then you can see that we are basically going straight off to the right now most departures going towards Maron on in uh Frankfurt will go to the left and then fly Southbound on U-turn back Northbound basically doing noise abatement however heavy two engine aircraft basically don't do that we get a shortcut to the right because we cannot meet all those restrictions they have on the sly departures so let's see how they're going to handle it it means quite a challenge for our traffic control because it means that the standard instrument departure we fly is a lot shorter than that that for example the medium 2 engine aircraft like the A320 that you have just taking off and that you have just lining up over there so a traffic control needs to be quite on top of things when they do get it out here eventually and I am looking forward to how they're going to handle that or if we are just going to lose separation and then we'll do some fancy 90° of turns like we've seen some many times already but I do trust them they know what they're doing over here in Frankfurt indeed I've been controlling in Frankfurt and vum as well and I know that there's a lot of great guys in the um local Regional group so I am confident that we are going to have a very good departure here nonetheless just somewhere in the back of our minds we are prepared for watching out for other traffic and the possibility to lose separation 49 2 left 2 2s right the wind sock is slightly from the left at about 10 knots as we can see every single one of those markers on the Wind so here basically marks five knots so we've got two markers straight so we've got about 10 kns of wind speed over there get I'm taxing the Romeo but what is my I take left or right right Romeo please hold sah 23 to the right five all right oh lovely A380 coming in got to watch him come on don't vanish behind the other one here we go greased it nice very nice lineup 2 Center expect release in about 2 minutes for jul lineup R 25 Center cing TR prepare for departure okay before take off checklist is confirmed complete fre speed for you speed the 4 m m okay we clear on the left and since we have to wait anyway we might as well just take it slow so the preceding aircraft is probably departing towards the same Waypoint but on the longer s and that's basically what I just talked about so ATC is on top of it very good to have that in mind 0 short of 23 contact apron 121 ner 55 so the November wi 2 to0 de 135 left wow look at the amount of aircraft waiting over there I suppose we have been lucky 04 Tower contact a 121 ner 55 1 21 9 5 to 7 hotel 2 left 78 7 171 are you able four all right so we might as well take the lineup slow number one heavy aircraft number two we know that we are going to be a little later for our take off anyway here we go so beautiful just beautiful really looking forward to this fight I got to say all right so clearance should come any moment now oh nice A3 over there so we got the direct comparison between the two which one do you like more the a350 down there or our 787 do let me know in the comments Below guys do let me know I'll tell you my personal favorite after we airborne and I'll also tell you why so 4904 um expect Crossing be next to T I call you in a minute right turn off 747 behind that just lovely so many cool aircraft [Music] here take Heavy R 2 Center clear for takeoff all right then stabilized set take off thrust here we go crost set 80 knots checked all right careful on the rotation we are aware of the um tail strike issue rotate continue all right we made it without a tail we even got the tail strike warning how's that that was just 7 and a 12° positive climb gear up so as I mentioned earlier if that warning comes up we are going to disregard it so we are going to cancel that away to right continue now Mike Mike one Z hold holding rway C flaps one speed check flaps one checklist incomplete normal disregard 125 4 call7 heavy passing 21 climbing 5,000 CL flat 7 jul set 7,000 checked that's what I meant very high rated climb here let's see if we can somewhat limit that still let's make it a climb two okay checklist incomplete Norm yeah don't bother me with it after take of checklist oh interesting it it lost the before takeoff checklist we have that one completed on the ground and the after take of checklist is completed as well now very good okay vertical speed set stard standard cross check passing flight level 57 now checked and that's 1,000 to go here we go so they are getting us below there traffic in your 11:00 position Crossing left to right 1000 ft on top of clear level expect High 2 minutes high speed approved look on the should high speed approved Roger okay let's see if we can find the other guy and if he gives us high speed already then tell you what we're just going to do 300 knots here for continue on present present heading LIF Point K that's probably clearing us off the traffic a little bit earlier if we continue in the present heading but we don't have that guy on Tas yet does anybody of you know if the Tas is working in the 787 in the meantime let's just go outside for a moment see if we can find the other traffic and besides have a look at that wonderful 787 the four Yankees re CL Z set vertical speed approaching right 36 okay heading select 1,000 to go so quite a busy departure but he's vectoring us around the traffic that's quite nice so at least we can do a somewhat continuous climb over here all righty then so coyote the Tas does work on the 787 interesting then we just didn't see the jul CL flight level 130 direct Maron let's go level change so that vov doesn't pull our speed back then we can go direct 124 73 jul okay maroon elaf available elaf right then one 2 4 dismal 730 level clim 13 1 160 right set 160 checked and we're back in B all right passing 10,000 so the lights can go off seat belts yeah tell you what this seems to be smooth for the rest of the flight SE Auto and um we'll keep the climb de rate in so that we don't climb too far last those 3,000 ft a minute we're doing over here are just about fine we got to tame our aircraft somehow do we I mean this can do like 15 16 hours flights so we got to keep that a little bit under control have all right so approaching so 3,000 ft to go that means maximum 3,000 ft a minute 2,000 ft to go 2,000 ft a minute 1,000 1,000 and that prevents won's tasev climb flight level two 4 Z left for Yan Juliet set no now it's set 2 40 set or checked either way around works so you might have seen that I am constantly changing here between the auto position and the 1,000 position the reason we do this is because in the 1,000 position obviously it's just easier to change your flight level but if you keep it in 1,000 and then accidentally you touch it it goes to a full thousand so it might not be as easy to catch that you've done a mistake over there then if you keep this in the auto position and if you then accidentally touch it it might show you something like 24,100 and um well that is easy to catch on the instrument since that's not an altitude you would normally be cleared to so that is how we handle this switcher over there between hundreds and thousands very nice to use it for uh switching when you are clear to new flight level however very um recommendable to put it back into the 100 positions for your actual um flight yeah China KN horizontal stabilizer looks weird from the outside let's have a look at that so let's have a look at that stabilizer see what it looks like that looks all right to me but yeah I think I know what you mean it looks a little bit like it is tilted upwards or sorry like it is tilted down WS does it I think I know what you mean let's have a look from straight behind yeah I think I know what you mean this should be uh bent a little bit up or downwards should it upwards probably I know what I know what you mean yeah I mean in the end it will come down to um Horizon simulations to check for the model but yeah I get what you mean you know this should probably the tips would probably be a little bit higher that it's moved like that in a tiny vshape I believe that is what you probably mean it 1 33 655 so let's check on the optimum level quickly before we call him minutes please let's see Optimum 397 top of 80 miles yeah I tell you what 3 35 is totally fine there that's filed heavy level 211 climbing 2 4 request 350 Yankee jul what's hey F Yankee juli uh sorry somebody blocked you out jul again coming jul wait for the Yankee jul for juli yeah please say again the other guy blocked you yeah Climb by level two CL flight level 28 juli 2 check yeah with the amount of traffic we have today it becomes very easy for the other guys you know you hear luander you hear Juliet at the end so might be rather easy to mistake those call signs for that reason um might just want to play with it a little and uh listen very carefully to the frequencies you know if you are not 100% sure that a call is not for you just don't answer it the ATC is going to make the call again1 and if it was for somebody else they might still answer so for that reason if you're not 100% sure a call is for you just don't answer it and they will eventually get back to you all right our rate of climb is starting to drop a little bit and if we look at that the comparison between top of climb and top of descent that is very that is very close to one another so um that descent might look a little bit long though but we'll see about it but tell you what let's increase the clim frost a little bit here and then we'll see on what we're actually going to get with that in the A330 by the way we have both climb d as well and we would normally stick with our selected D rate for the climb until the rate of climb Falls to 500 ft a minute or less however on a short flight like the one we're doing right now I don't see much sense doing that for that reason I am simply um increasing the climb thrust a little bit so that we reach our top of climb a little bit earlier making it worth to actually climb to the higher level that's just tactical use of our climb D normally you would want to keep the highest D rate for as long as possible as it does enhance the um life of the engines all right so um Kyle Summers short to for that white body indeed it is um but L actually flew those in real life when they introduced the aircraft and needed to do the line training on it and say AR could you please explain how to taxi on link three and five between November 8 and 7 well basically just have a close look at the chart look where those links are and then you can use them to transition from one taxway to the other 4 7 1 13 4710 L Juliet Che man I called that frequency a lot in real life heavy level 275 climbing 280 3 jul set 3 checked all right and that's our clearance to cruise level so let's take the climb de rate out completely bringing us to the topper climb tiny bit earlier again like that all right in the meantime we can start looking into the arrival aers and start preparing for our approach into Hamburg so they do have an ages on frequency 124 deal 325 let's tune that in the number two 5 contact de 8555 8 listen to that somehow no looks like that is a little bit buggy right now I can't switch that on okay well I'll tell you what then we are going to return to 1 to 1.5 on here and we are just going to use the Tex stus what hell what did he just say well he's going to say it again that's what I meant earlier if you're unsure just um wait and they will call you all right so in the meantime we just continue with the arrival preparation so hok has information kilo at the moment expect ILS approach R 15 and transition level 70 so let's go ahead and fill all all of that stuff out as we go along so 70 the winds are in already okay wind 09 084 visibility 10 clouds few in 400 ft temperature 12 q& 9 ner [Music] 7 all right it's pre-selected and that's about it so let's dig out the navigraph charts to do the final preparations for the arrival somewhat annoying that it always asks me if a that a simulator flaton is detected like yeah I know that I've clicked it away two times already but maybe that's something they can um do a little bit of work on all right so minimum CLE speed about looked on the 4 jul there is no minimum clean about level 250 but uh we are flying standard speed 295 unable on the Juliet we can give you 280 minimum turn right speed 280 heading 0 5 Z but honestly if that guy is going 100 slower you should probably talk to him rather than to us that's incredible preceding guy is 100 knots slower like how what is he doing if we need to fly the entire flight like his request for 240 KN you know you don't fly that slow in a plane like this you don't do it I mean that is ridiculous a guy going 100 not slower like how can you do that I don't understand I mean even if you fly Mark 75 or so that's you know 30 knots less look the Julet out of Interest what aircraft type is it ahead of us interesting e either our real weather is totally messed up or there is something seriously wrong with the other guys ahead I want to check on that real quick let's have a look into the ofp and see what simbrief has for the upper level wins no look at that our winds are all right this is like 60 knots Tailwind so it's not Max the flight simulator messing this up it has to be incorrect real life WEA for the guy ahead of us or maybe he's just not using any real weather at all which is forbidden on vat by the way you must use real weather when you're flying in Batson you're not allowed to fly with anything else that's part of the code of conduct because as you can see right now if that guy is going 100 not slower there is absolutely no way we can cope with that with our aircraft the only way to cope with it is to fly zigzag for the entire rest of the route now which I don't get how we shall possibly do that I mean it's ridiculous and I mean latest on the approach you know when everyone is getting slow and that guy is getting even slower than the rest of us um that's going to mess everything over but well let's go ahead with our approach preparation um ATC has to salt that somehow I don't care how well I do care how because I'm not going to go into a hole because the guy is uh not obeying the code of conduct from Vin but well and just to be 100% sure we are not accidentally running time acceleration are we let's click that clock no that is running real time that is not accelerated it's not us that much I can say all right I got no idea how that is working now um I just don't know how can a guy be 100 kns slower we're doing Mark Point 81 even if the guy is going 70 he's not going to be 100 KN slower I have no idea how anyway let's continue with our approach preparations so we've got 10955 and 151 versus 1 15 on the chart well that's good enough for me really minimums 255 I believe for 787-9 yeah no we are 3146 in other so we are a category Delta aircraft then okay so minimum 265 left handing 020 look on for jul and I just checked our weather seems to be correct so I've got no idea how we are that much faster sorry 27 cont setting that minimum is still a little Annoying here let's see if we can somehow tune that in 265 slowly but steadily going the right direction here we go 265 okay let's see for the fuel 7.7 now so we're going to burn like 700 kilos makes it 176 5 we're going to do FP 30 Landing otherwise we are just going to be too quick for everybody else in the area and if we have a look at the chart then can see 3,700 M of Runway I don't think we have a landing performance calculator here no we don't that's great out okay that's really a Pity people just seem to care about take of config calculations but landing nobody seems to care about in any case we are probably going to need a little bit more Runway than um Alpha 6 over here so we'll probably go to Bravo five or something to the cage and then we'll see how we're going to get taxi I don't think there are too many stands capable of handling the 787 but um that's not going to be our problem that's going to be atc's problem so I believe it's actually only those couple ones up here so I do hope any of these is available otherwise yeah I don't know where to fit the airplane on otherwise maybe maybe they can put us uh straight across a couple of the cargo stands down here we'll see about it cont all right in any case Quick Check of our routing in here making sure that everything is correct so jul desc level 2 and confirm 280 knots roer so 250 level change speed 280 didn't I hit Level change might have hit VF accidentally didn't mean to do that here we go okay so noo between 110 and 4,000 is as expected hell identified then 428 Max 2 no at 220 contact women 4,000 42 ner 430 byebye 431 32 33 and so on now at the end we do make that turn to the final ourselves so it's not one of those Stars ending in a vector so that is correct in our box then it's going to be 455 uh 456 457 and from there we start the approach onto the ILS 15 457 and eventually to aot and that is 170 knots minimum they don't say we can't go faster we can go faster it's minimum of 170 knots okay Miss approach then straight at 3 125 frean 124 175 12 1 heavy level 32 0 descending 250 speed 280 heading 02 [Music] 0ev and expecting Rin turn jul Okay so they're changing our star so that we don't get into conflict with the slower aircraft ahead of us all right well that is a way to do it if it work looks elent solution I have to say they're probably going to be to Papa I believe for R 15 no to Delta let's quickly check those charts yeah to Delta seems to be it okay so we reprogram that arrival index arrive and for the star it's going to be R to Delta for an il15 execute that we'll just take AR on top already all right so um that is pretty much our routing corrected now okay so the routing now is via R 417 412 413 414 and so on into the down one and then back on the final with a missed approach as we have just discussed it climbing of 4,000 ft minimums on the arrival 265 for a c Delta aircraft and we have that very good so I suppose that's it not much more that we can actually do our discuss over here in that case recall disregarding the tail strike over there I don't believe it was one we just reached 7 and a 12° that shouldn't be a tail strike attitude for the aircraft but as we briefed earlier on station call y jul y jul d here you go direct to R and Elna available El and maybe we can go onto here as well descend descend now execute here we go tiny bit high on profile that is perfectly fine okay descent checklist recall checked Auto brakes two Landing data ver 3146 minimums Barrow 265 approach briefing complete descent checklist complete jul any speed restriction test beautiful 62 descending honestly comparing all those different 787s the dh9 is by far my favorite I believe the proportions of this aircraft are just perfectly in place the the 10 is just a bit too long the eight is a bit too short but the nine in my opinion is just perfect the really just about perfect the okay they're slowing they're slowing down all the guys over here to 230 knots already then I'm not going to ask about the speed even I'll just leave things as they are continue at my 280 why didn't go 281 by the way 280 I said that's uh probably the much easier way to go for us than if we ask now and then end up getting a speed restriction slowing us down left 62 61 Speed 2 70 left speed 270 left left all right so seat belts let's turn them on give the cing shw a little bit extra time here mang contact so a little shortcut somewhere down over here would be nice now but I suppose there is no reason even asking about it they'll probably have far too much traffic for that confir your minimum C speed negative we have 28 Z assigned okay to minimum speed and yeah we don't even have an indication for that above level 200 lift on the for in Juliet we can do it below level 200 you're perfect just so the boing isn't going to give you any of the characteristic speeds or of the maneuvering speeds as they are called in the Boe above level 200 because you're not allowed to extend the um flaps at this altitude so for that reason we just have to continue below level 200 before we even get an indication of what our minimum clean actually is so once we below Lev 200 then we can do it and then we can um look into it but interesting that he's asking I did report the speed to him when I called him on the initial call but well suppose we are just going to do that way jul do you need us to reach r at level 11 Z jul Lev Roger in that case we might be unable to give you the speed uh for but we'll see what we can do y perfect then give me your highest rate at 11 and then reduce to minimum and report to minimum spe Roger highest rate to level 110 and then we reduce minimum clean that's going to be something like 225 you're think okay if he wants that then we can give it to him let's have a little bit of party maximum rate we can absolutely do that let's see what that looks like 12° pitch down 9,000 ft a minute wow look at that look at that man all right I'll capture 100 ft above sorry 6000 above all right now in the alt capture we got to be careful with the speed because it now doesn't care about the speed anymore so we'll keep the speed breaker out but the rate should be reducing now anyway tell you what let's just take the autopilot out for a second and reduce that rate of descent so just quickly doing the reset over here hell enough vertical speed minus 1,000 don't forget to fly the level off okay reduce speed now 225 we set and autopilot okay well if that is what ATC wanted that is what ATC [Music] got so the trick with a descent like that is that you initiate it slowly and that you stop it slowly you could see how quickly the airplane was descending towards the target level that's why you eventually decided to disconnect the autopilot there and return the airplane to a lesser rate of descent the problem with those Boeing autopilots is once they are in altitude capture mode you can no longer go back to vertical speed or anything the likes so8 this was how we had to do it really um now when you fly a descent like that there is a common misconceptions among flight simmers that passengers would be scared or anything by the rate of descent that is not the case at all passengers don't know and don't notice the rate of descent what they do notice is your pitch attitude 10° NOS down I've done that on the 737 and nobody noticed 15 like we just had I have never done that but I think it would probably feel a little strange to some of them but they wouldn't be able to put that feeling into a context obviously when looking outside they would notice the Steep descent but they wouldn't really notice that you're going at 9,000 ft a minute or something so that is a common misconception among flight simmers that um you know that passengers would get scared because of a rate of descent or something unfortunately some acast programs and some third party flight analysis program in Flight simulation do actually complain about rate of descent but that is totally unjustified doesn't happen in real life just doesn't happen like that all right so we are about uh we're about down at 11 Z as they wished us to do J okay 19 51 six Walker 3 4 6 5 turn right heading 33 0 contact director 118205 turn right heading 33 heavy flat 110 in Bound speed 226 information Lima 11 146 contact director 118 that is not us8 25 for6 4000 098 so is he eventually going to answer us uh3 95 E M turn left heading to 7 Dred heavy level 110 in M RAR speed 226 information Lima jul flev heading present heading descent flight level 70 for y juli 7 checked idle heading hold flood level change speed altitude 4000 ft and let's change that to heading select here we go so seems a little bit busy over here just a little bit though so first of all 6261 identified uming 330 anding 33 down okay um what else can we do 100 coming on signs are on recall just the known problem over there and that is about it call right I'll just leave the routing in for now I have a feeling we're eventually going to be cleared back towards any of those way points so we'll have to see what they are going to do with us right in the meantime what we can do while we are waiting over here is we can start preparing the return flight already so we'll just about have to figure out a call time for that but it is eventually going to be something like L hanza six or so I believe 2 Break 5 November that's incredible interrupting the re with a break because giving a hand off oh God that's not how you do it but well ain't going to complain for as long as ain't going to complain for as long as we are getting uh our vectors into the direction we want to go that's 62 61 um proceed heading 300 for spacing so they do seem to have a little bit of problem with the separation over here but that's just that's just an observation left heading um all right we are just going to see about um how that's going to go we did take half an hour of extra fuel so um let's see how long that's going to take and ultimately we might be able to enjoy a lovely sunset over here while we are waiting for our final for our final vectors the only thing we got to take care of is that they don't Vector us you know into nowhere 100 just going to make carefully sure that we actually um stay somewhere close to the airport because that is how I saw things go south bound Fatam already for quite a couple of times but we'll see not going to we're just not going to do any right beautiful airplane beautiful St really beautiful isn't it okay then um that Sim is looking really really good I really enjoy it and super gry hi are you not confused if you fly in flights ands and a real life not at all it's not um it's not that bad and cream cheese um evening does it have cpdlc yet I don't think so and Lucas no my airline does not have 787s and Obama it's uh still a preview but I don't think it is too far from release that's a few things they need to sort out at the moment like for example the takeoff rotation so it does seem like the plane is a little bit um is kind kindor for you heading now SC 33 November um 33 what yo D he probably tried to coordinate on team speak or something and then accidentally um set that stuff on the frequency should all right so um yeah I wonder know where that heading is taking us might want to ask him love T are for yany Juliet how long in the setting so last uh um first of all the L handz for Yankee Juliet just making sure we don't get lost on the heading over here ler 4 Juliet four Yankee Juliet left heading 270 left 270 ler 4 Yankee Juliet that's kind of what I suspected we were flying outside his airspace slowly and before we get lost completely we might better just ask him for a second cuz as you can see now he's vectoring us back towards the approach area that is somewhat what I expected to happen over here all right that might become a little bit bumpy temperature plus 11 so we don't need anti eyes seat belts are on anyway already I'm keeping the FMS routing as it is at the moment because um well we might still get sent direct to any of those Delta hotel points over here and uh we just have to see what they're going to do with us and um we'll just have to see eventually what's going to happen with the approach but it is pretty busy at the moment if you just have a look on V you can really see the amount of traffic they have these they have uh today and that is a lot a lot and lot and lot now that is actually quite cool ever since Co the um traffic numbers on vatam went up so incredibly much um but yeah in about one minute Philip R as an airb pilot have you flown the Phoenix and do you think it is really close to real a concerning the realism well the systems are very good on the Phoenix however the flight Dynamics in my opinion are not um it's somewhat of a mixed solution certainly the very best Aus we have available in the Sim at the moment and in terms of systems it's really good but uh yeah the flat Dynamics could be better let's put it that way look for the 2 K8 205 all right look at that the guy flying out there like 40 miles or something that's quite a bit so let's just quickly determine how much fuel we actually have available for the delays so minimum is 4.8 for a diversion to hanova we have 7.6 right now so that means we've got like 1.8 tons to burn fuel usage is about 3 tons that means we have approximately half an hour so basically exactly what we planned back on the ground confir however that is minimum um diversion Fuel and if we divert exactly at 4.8 then we're going to land well pretty much with exactly final Reserve but I kind of like the heading on which we are proceeding over here probably going to go like this somehow on transmitters off the frequence for Juliet turn left heading one left heading 200 Ro four Juliet that's not us four Yankee jul turn left heading 100 left 100 confirm LIF four Yanke Juliet left 200 left 200 for Julia Echo mic right8 all right so we are going to fly a lovely transition ining to 5,000 98 e mic right heading 335 335 e 6261 still on the heading 300ir uh La 6261 contact 134 decimal 255 and barrier I should share my opinions on the Latin VFR planes well tell you honestly um for what they are they seem to be okay um I'll have a video on the Latin vfi A330 in a couple of days so I um opinions on that one but just don't expect you know if You' got the right expectations they are fine just like Captain him by the way I know that I'm going to get kicked for that um and but yeah uh we'll see I'll have a video on that in a few moment little bit busy trying to follow on on ATC at the moment but uh we'll get there um and yeah guys I never said that the Latin vfi airb was uh good in terms of an actual Airbus Just For What it's meant to be and ilas what do I think of the f lapas I flew them back in the day in p3d and I didn't like the textures on the cockpit but I made some new ones for it which were quite okay and the systems in the fs laps and the uh flight Dynamics were really good I really like them t five Lima xray greenow and simp Pleasers am I excited about the PMG efb coming soon yeah absolutely I mean I have the can't share it yet and J what is the add on with the battlef flly Dynamics um well for example the pmdg737 is quite a good flight Dynamics the um Leonardo MD80 is quite okay but the thing is there are no perfect flight Dynamics or so in the Sim however some can be done better and some can be done worse you know if you've got an airplane that has a fly by wire then you can really influence the way how the airplane handles you cannot do that when you have for example an aircraft that has conventional flight controls like a 737 that one is always going to abide the physics of the simulator but with a fly by wire there's a little bit more stuff you can do and you will see that in the PG Lo for in jul Speed 2 5 Z kns that's interesting why would he make me increase speed I mean there's an airplane going like there so just turn me in a bit earlier rather than increasing speed cuz that is eating through the fuel rather quickly I've very rarely seen ATC do that in real life but let's see about it I love take again and D Captain what do I think of V1 simulations I think he's a little childish at once you know when he constantly in all his live streams says something like not A330 you know he constantly tries to mock me somehow but um I just find that a bit childish from that he's doing a great job with his content so um the stuff he's doing on his channel is really good and he is a really good explainer so um that stuff he's doing very good the 226 then vexo how is the 787-9 compared to the ASO -10 or the Kuro 73 787-8 so the Kuro is um Yanke at this 5000 Yanke jul 5000 fend 5000 continue present heading 99 first 171 turn left heading 32 no cross Che passing 6,300 now checked so he's better going to go with the r turn any moment now otherwise we are hopelessly going to overshoot Conta right heading flight Lev and have I tried the to A320 yes I did and I really like it flight Dynamics yeah quite a bit better than the Phoenix to be honest but xplan is a different story in xplan you can do a lot of things a lot um y right 335 right heading 335 Left 4 in Juliet 226 turn right heading 0 60 oh man turning the heading buck that far is a is a pain in the simulator I'm turning my mouse wheel completely for a full stroller and gives me 4° a heading like that is annoying and there is no proper click spot here to turn it like a little bit quicker all right so we're getting into the D now 10 knots behind the next guy so probably that guy over there is going to be first in front of us he's turning final now that's quite early I'll just keep things as they are for now and then we'll see how we are going to proceed in the meantime approach checklist alus N8 approach check is complete okay um then Adrian will the 787-9 be available for the cross the pond that's a very good question I honestly can't answer it turn left heading 32 I honestly cannot answer that question but I do surely hope so they've got a little bit of stuff to do here like the rotation at the moment are um something they still need to work on apart from that it does seem to fly quite fine so let's quickly pre-select that frequency 118205 yeah apart from that it does seem to fly quite fine so I am rather confident jul direct call only8 is 205 for the full story of my life L 4 y jul l 171 turn left heading director heavy jul uh spe spe 200 for in jul all right flap one speed checked to the mik speed 170 or greater until 5 miles final and FL five speed check FL five so with an event as busy as this let's give him the um 200 knots exactly and let's not mess around with that t for Yan turn left heading two for and Michael will I have a video on the tfdi md11 um I don't know yet I didn't buy the pre-release 4 left 2 4 the Julia I didn't buy their collector's edition because I don't like to buy betas um so we'll have to see I don't think they're going to give me a copy to be honest um it weren't quite amused by my last video on their uh aircraft so I don't think I'm going to get a copy but we'll see about it certainly I'm not going to demand oneway desc 3,000 left heading 18 Z cle5 descent 3,000 okay heading one80 3,000 flight level change this is a why is it increasing thrust hello Auto thrust off pleas that was interesting why did it increase 1 17 juli flaps 10 all right well that was interesting why did it try to well it looked to me like it was trying to initiate a climb rather than a descent let's put that auto thrust back on hello you are supposed to descent my friend that's looking better what face is it in it's still face to intercept right d for Clear he messed up the final Vector so he's just sending us direct to the faf now okay that looks good though intercept heading looks all right now clear for the approach approach arm all right so one guy should be almost in front of us somewhere I can't really spot him there is one guy on the final well probably in the cloud the other that's ahead of us final speed the jul Final Approach speed 15 speed for 6 until gear down flaps 20 and flips 30 he might have noticed that we got a little bit too close to the preceding guy okay then Landing checklist Landing checklist complete okay come on a little bit too late now to catch that descend we'll just let it level off and um here we go speed alt that looks good enough to [Music] me November Tower to 6855 6855 oh man it's it always hurts it really hurts me to Fly level with a gears extended it really hurts me but I suppose we can't do anything about it now if he wants us on Final Approach speed he gets us on Final Approach speed I mean if you look at where the preceding aircraft is then you can easily see why we're doing it that guy is like 3 miles ahead of us now and he might even slow down a bit so yeah we are definitely going to end up um we're definitely going to end up very close behind him so we must hope that he is going to vacate the romway early otherwise things are going to turn southbound rather quickly and we might end up flying a go round indeed from this one and NM flyer Robin 787 or a350 a350 all the way pile of comfort all the way I should say and Canali send ATC fuel bill I might think about it I might think about it and Jook Scotland will I test the ladam VFR A330 900 soon I will okay glass Lo capture 4,000 ft set the heavy established hand off maybe okay while we're on the final let's prepare 2685 26 855 Lo the juli that's 6261 right heading 12 85 heavy5 okay so we're going to the either here I well I don't think we can make Alpha 6 so we are going to go somewhere down here Bravo four most likely then we'll have to go VI Zulu one and probably parking up here because to my knowledge that is the only um that is the only parkings where we could um place our 787 but we'll see about it for now let's worry about getting our airplane down onto the ground at all and then we're going to worry about um where we're going to park second so is getting very close there 2.5 is minimum he's at like 2.8 or something now but we can't slow down any further this is all we can do okay L three roll out flare armed and I tell you what I'm just going to turn on the tax light already which would normally be our reminder for the landing clearance because I do want to do a little bit of hand flying here so autopilot off let's see how the thing flies okay going stable through th and the pitch is really stable I like that I haven't touched the elevators at all yet it is in trim on speed checklist incomplete normal I doubt it we did the checklist it does on the speed break why did it do that all right that's better okay slightly low on profile most important thing when you're Landing a heavy aircraft is that you don't chase the Glide slope below 200 ft just fly down onto that Runway and don't try to chase it there is so much energy involved in the inertia of the plane if you if your rate of descent becomes too fast you are going to impact the wrun way for jul okay expect late clearance that means we can continue to the threshold but I think we are going to go around yep go around too late we're on the go the juli going around why isn't an idle thrust let's not do an Emirates okay positive climb Gear Up flat 20 stand by we flying an airplane you ever heard of aviate navigate communicate all right so that was very bad ATC all right so too bad that we can't hit that toga button down there now we got it okay I'll tell you what elav VAV autopilot okay that is better I have a feeling we are not in go around mode though so let's do that stuff ourselves up okay 1,000 to go flap [Music] five flaps [Music] one flops [Music] up look on the for ready copy 51 Z on the see you later hand 226 cont director 118 de 205 call sign only approach maintaining 4,000 rad hello turn left heading 4 5000 ft left 0 4 Z climb 5,000 ft left on the 4 in Juliet okay 0 4 Z and climbing 5,000 that's wasting fuel as hell now with so let's see how much do we have we've got 6.2 cont and we are burning we said about 3 tons um committing to Landing here in Hamburg is not an option if you ask me so we might just about have to consider a diversion let's ask him how much delay we can expect L 4 Yanke Juliet how many track miles can we expect for the new approach 4 Yankee Juliet I will turn you now into base fly heading left heading 32 33 Z and uh then you can expect intercept at about uh 15 miles very good left heading 330 expect intercepted 15 miles on the 4 feel okay after takeoff checklist that's interesting it didn't sequence but here we go after takeoff checklist after take of checklist complete okay so another ILS approach for Runway 15 let's just reinsert that here we go why is they taking that out again copy hello that's better okay so let's just extend the center line then Station 15 inbound here we go radar God why is it deleting that constantly thank you okay well we'll wait until we're a little bit further downwind and then we going to reinsert the um and then we are going to reinsert the arrival with the estimate that um with the estimate that ATC has given us I believe we can continue for the second approach without um without actually um needing to divert immediately but we'll keep an eye on the fuel we certainly keep an eye on it right 335 we but yeah um just a small thing there when we went around and ATC was asking us several times to follow his instructions like at 200 ft in the M approach while we were dropping our speed below the VRA you know ATC knows or should know not to do any radios at that point and when he doesn't get an answer from an aircraft at low altitude in a go around that should be a clear indication for ATC to shut up just saying that a little bit harsher here but him saying it three times you know it was and then even at first when I told him like yeah sorry we were busy flying um he said like yeah but listen to ATC you know that is just throwing out any priorities for let be 220 all right 225 will be will do as well I don't want the draag of the flaps I do agree I was a little bit har on ATC in the end but he really forced it I mean what else should I have said I was busy flying the plane at that moment and that always has priority so let's try to reinsert that route ci5 and 1 15 why is it always taking that route out we're like 7 miles from the center line it shouldn't sequence anything there8 205 for heavy thank all right two approaches for the PRI one we got to see the positive huh and we're going to get a very nice Sunset Landing all right in the meantime um I have a feeling we need to fly until we are a beam devot so that we can actually extend the center line here or we might just do things the easy way just do that and that that's going to work as well not the most elent solution but one that works all right cool so for the second approach we're going to do everything the same as we did on the first except that we're not going to do a go around this time and if we do we got to head off to the m appro uh to our alternate airport straight away I'm not going to fly third approach over here in case we have to go around again if that happens we'll be in hanova okay so then we can do our descent checklist so reset that please recall checked Auto breaks two Landing data V 3145 minutes bar 265 approach being completed descent check was complete and approach checklist as well altimeters no no n 8 approach checklist complete right all right so that should be about fine and heading nice so that guy was forgotten in the downwind overshot and ATC apparently forgot that he didn't get so following that guy over there again fuel is 5.8 now we said our diver fuel is 5 T I believe yeah 4.8 make that five so that's sufficient fuel to shoot the approach but not much more so in case we do go around we're going to go straight 2 and here we go second time going in 26 Tower 26 855 26 [Music] [Music] 855 sir Fox what is better or Horizon 787 well they're pretty similar but I believe the Kuro guys are actually on the team on the of the Horizon guys as well so basically both are going to work Yanke Julius turn left heading 18 def 3,000 left Z descend altitude 3,000 speed 200 clears approach rway 15 okay so that flaps one that and that part here as well level change flaps five turn right speed 200 looking good all right let's try another extend the center line see how that's going to work this time 1 15 here we go well is better than nothing let's call it that way okay so um couple of questions there in the chat in terms of are there any rules on how many approaches you can fly and stuff like that so the rules are basically that if the go is related to external circumstances then we need then we can fly a maximum of two go round or rather a maximum of two approaches after that we need to divert 4 J reducing Final Approach speed minimum fuel all right I just gave him that already spe right so minimum fuel call was a little bit early normally you would only do that before you run into normally you would only do that before you actually run into um the final Reserve fuel not before you run into the AL fuel however we have a rule that if we fall below 45 minutes of usable fuel which we are going into now then um yeah then we eventually have to do minimum fuel as well at least if there are threats at the destination and I see the traffic as a threat over here because they seem to have problems handling that yeah come on don't don't worry about that landing gear on the way all right approaches armed so that is getting quite close again because our Final Approach speed is rather high at 150 if that is an Abus ahead of us he might very well just be flying 130 knots and 20 kns difference at this distance might cause a go around we'll see so localizer capture R heading set not spe AR now here we go landing checklist Landing check is complete going 6 52 cancel poach clearance uh right heading 200 cancel cleance and Par on Verma if ATC asks to maintain a certain speed what is the plus or minus that we can maintain well technically speaking it's + 10 - 5 because that is the speed tolerance that we are allowed to um that we're allowed to have on the on the approach however normally if I have an auto thrust available that can fly precisely I would go plus 5 around the speed that ATC advises normally for example you know if he told us to fly 160 I would not I would not have extended the landing gear for that you know um I would have stayed in flap 20 in idle frust BL of capture just because that would have given us the better opportunity to um it would have given us the better opportunity to um save6 85 26 855 on the jul that is expected okay so let's see how things are going to this time approach speed so tell you what let's disconnect the autopilot all right manual flight let's go ahead and enjoy that 787 a little bit because I do really enjoy hand flying this one um it's very stable in the air that sear U flight control law is actually keeping us very nicely on our path for as long as we stay on uh constant speed which Auto throttle is taken care of so for that reason with the auto throttle engaged the 787 flies almost like an Airbus as long as you trim it into speed but if it is trimmed on speed it flies quite similar to an airb not perfectly of course and any boing pilot is probably going you for it but I do really think so but right now my hands are completely off the control column you caning Zulu so the preed traffic is on the ground this time we should certainly not have any problems but let's see about it never say never not in Flight simulation I do see some flashing lights on the left of the runway there just on the edge I do hope that is not an aircraft about to line up cuz that might uh not necessarily work out the way it should jul Ro okay expect late clearance Yanke traffic about the VAC wind 1 5 North Runway 15 ech jul R5 clearand and Echo 4 is to the left or to the right and about where the first on the left the first high speed on the left probably unable to make that since we're heavy but we'll try our best then I'll next one on the highway the high speed Crossway three on flare flare man that was just about last time second okay so am I going to get reverses Here We Go reverse normal okay 60 kns we can make this one manual brakes cont 9 by9 for the apron work than you why am I even locating into this there are three aircraft waiting in front would have been so much nicer just to go to the intersection cuz this looks like there is quite some delay coming up there all right in any case we made it down monarch 60 1 win one to0 de I tell you honestly with these many aircraft I should have just continued to the uh Crossing and then just taken the um exit over there so a couple comments over here in terms of the landing itself um I was made aware prior to the landing from the I was made aware from the team prior to the um flight that the landing model itself might be a little bit messed up and I do actually have to sign on that um it felt like the moment we touched down there was just no inertia in the plane anymore you know um it just felt like we were simply um bouncing down on that Runway and then the nose came down like I don't know it didn't feel like there was any weight to the airplane but that is something that they said they are aware of and actually working on in terms of the flight model all right so in the mean time let's quickly clean up the plane all right we don't have an after landing checklist on this one so I do suppose we are going to um on the other side H to1 St 75 no delay the why does he give the clearance like that like on the other side contact ground and then no delay like if you want no delay then contact ground now you know but yeah I suppose that's just welcome to vsim and amm you keep asking that question I have answered it a few times already Yes I did try the toas I've got several videos on it um just have a look at those and cl hi there hi Emanuel here the slow A320 from and R just for the sake of clarity nearly the same win 60 knots tail A320 8C instructed to reduce to minimum which was about M 66 well that is um yeah ATC would never do that in real life never and Maxim moose when does this release to the public I don't know but hopefully not too far out it feels there are a few things in the flight model that they need to work on but apart from that it is all right so next one coming gu stuck over there UPS over there so everybody is stuck basically right now [Music] okay this is a problem all the heavy gates are occupied in front over there all the Heavies are occupied so they probably got to put us on the cargo apron there but even that is full so that's going to be interesting where they're going to park us [Music] but I suppose that will be for ATC to figure out we are just going to um continue for now and then see where they're going to put us we'll we'll find out we'll find out and then hopefully eventually make a way back somehow but yeah and Jord f as someone who's just finished his MCC and APS course in the 737 I really enjoy seeing you deal with the traffic and difficult ATC especially the little brief regarding the diversion yeah Jordie um that is exactly the thing that we are going to do um in a plane like that you know the most important thing is that we are always on top of things you've just finished your um MPS and APS course so basically you you know about multi-pilot flying now typ rating is probably going to be next then you know about flying the exact airplane and after that comes your line training and over there you're going to learn about the decision making and how to consider working in the actual environment you know and that is going to be probably the most the probably the hardest part of your training because that part is going to be all about um not only putting what you learned in the typewriting to practice but actually learning to go for the decision-making process like you've seen when we did the M approach we conducted the little review of the options and the fuel we have because if we had to shoot another missed approach then we our fuel would be straight down to the minimum diversion Fuel and then we don't have the time anymore to make a decision like that so the decision we made was really okay are we going to are we going to make our um approach or are we just going to go to the alternate straight away as you can see making the approach worked perfectly fine but um you know things can go the other way as well if we had to make another go around then we would have been in a quite a miserable situation to be honest um because then it would be a direct diversion and that is where VM ATC becomes especially interesting in real in real life if you're going around and you're on on minimum fuel then ATC is going to give you a direct through the Final Approach fix for the other airport on vaton however they typically aren't not that flexible so on vum those things can go southbound very quickly because they might try to Vector you around with 100 miles extra again Tower number two all right so that's the park and Bre off by the way another quick theory on taxiing uh heavy aircraft you can see our airplane is rolling nicely on idle thrust it is going very slowly but we don't have a Crossing clearance for the runway anyway so for that reason I can just let it roll over here in idle thrust without the need to insert any additional thrust that becomes quite relevant when you consider break energy and that if I added Thro to a bit faster now then I would need to use my brakes to get rid of all that energy again to stop in front of the runway clear for take off get okay that guy just got takeoff clearance let's turn the tax light off just in order not to uh confuse him that he knows that we will be stopping cuz I usually get rather nervous when I see somebody taxing up to the wrong way line up Runway behind take uh thir reporting just line up three all right so now comes the interesting question about where they are going to park us let's get out the taxi chart already cuz once we're sent to apron on the other side we will be crossing over here so we'll go over into Alpha 5 look for Yan J cross Runway 2 on the other side1 75 byby Cross Runway 2311 705 left on the jul by let's call apron straight away [Music] though jul cring an alpha 5 y hello okay we canate the r with the UPS in front the Julia just advis Tower we cannot locate the runway with the UPS in front of us um our plane is too long even if you go all the way up here we can't get off the wrong way negative we've got 65 M wingspan that is interesting I mean we can't go much further like I can get it up here but that's not going to be completely clear the wrong way if you can get the UPS to move like 20 M up front then we can get clear lift on the 4 juli the point holding short jul okay so Zulu is the crossing tax away so we got to stay on the wrongway here ready for push start up 1 are you able to so look at that the aircraft that line up behind seems to be gone already so did they make him depart while I was on the runway and now everything is stuck over here just everything seems to be stuck on and undefined yeah the UPS is blocked by the person on the runway who is blocked by me yeah I mean the UPS needs to go into here and that second taex way and I don't see why he cannot go in there I mean there's space over here there's space over there he needs to go into Alpha 3 but he doesn't answer on the radio he's just standing there and doesn't answer I know so UPS where are you he's not talking to ATC at all now so he's just blocking everything now and that A340 over there isn't in a good position either uh UPS heavy oh now he's talking but now we still can't get clear like there's a guy on the right there's the guy in front so they've basically blocked everything now that was uh well I suppose that stuff does happen and uh clap sparton I am using the what's it called again don't let me lie to you um the AIG model matching and so to can vaton boot people off when they are not cooperating yes they can but not for not answering for like a minute or so you know um that just happens okay the condo is clear so technically we could go to the right now and then taxi all around the apron 07 via Zulu 3 Zulu 5 Zulu 1 just confirm that gate is actually large enough for 65 M wingspan y be Roger yeah it's not gate s is not big enough for a Boeing 787 but I don't care I just don't care now um let's see what do they have there seven ala that should work so handling by Vach at least we got an easy explanation for the delays then all right those seven down there they say yeah I tell you what we're just going to give it a try and um that's it so we go all the way around Zulu three Zulu 5 Zulu 1 into gate number seven so yeah that was a little um complicated getting here but they eventually got us here I mean that just happen I've been V and controller myself for several years so I can totally see how that can happen at time I'm not even getting angry at him um he he solved the problem holding forway 2 three z z one orange line one and holding one so for us it's now about getting back to the apron and then we're going to get on to the next sector flying back to Frankfurt all right is that number seven over there that might actually be big enough but not with the other 787 on the other side there that is blocking it out anyway I don't care all I want now is to get to a gate that I can actually Park my airplane in and if that means we park a little bit behind the 78 over here and block it all the way then so be it yeah that's seven Bravo tell you what we're going to go into s Alpha because that is the only one that I see us fit into right now are we no no if we do s Alpha block the gate on our left I mean I tell you honestly either way this is blocked there is just not enough space over here for all these aircraft too many people flying Heavies at the moment moment including myself even if we clip the wings I don't care anymore as I said to you 5 minutes ago contact power8 oh boy that guy doesn't sound happy now about the UPS all right here we are yeah all right sorry my bad uh s over blue line and after over are we made it all right the parking break is set engine to shut down let's see that we can get the ground power here it is and engine one shutdown see no need to use an APU okay then very good shutdown checklist parking break set shutdown checklist complete and that is sector number one completed let's go ahead and prepare sector number two and in the meantime I'm just going to send the um ground a little private message here telling him hey good job 3 ready for all right so that stuff is done then let's go ahead and um get in for the next flight this one is going to be love times of for November echo on the return flight okay I did a little bit of um pre-flight work in the meantime so ouch that looks that doesn't look good and another heavy a Triple 7 over here lovely man okay that's really that's really nice all right then cool I tell you what um let's go ahead and grab that new Flight Plan and the first thing we're going to do is to grab the IFR clearance because I am 100% sure they are slotting these days so let's import that new flight here we go hammock to Frankfurt view the ofp and then let's call delivery straight away and grab our clearance it's going to be 12805 so 121 805 here we go and let's go ahead and call for clearance I'm for November Echo information November request clearance to frankurt [Music] e your has been Amed to Roger we can do that as well clear Frank FL level 230 EO 7 Bravo climb 5,000 squ 1,000 and we've got an e at on the [Applause] hour just in case you guys are slotting which I'm 100% sure you are inde we are 17 170 f for no Echo all right so our slot is secured with that uh or rather push back I am just going to leave that frequency for a second here all right so our clearance is received that's the most important thing here and our slot is secured now in real life if you slotting or rather in real life they are slotting all the time and what happens is they get the fly plan from ATC and as soon as the fly plan is received they put you in the clearance however things are going a little bit different on V Zim because people file their flight plans without thinking about the estimated off block times and when that happens they basically um call for clearance but only then ATC can put them in the cues for the slots and that obviously always ends up in the same way that you got to wait by the time that you request your IFR clearance now you can circumvent that by calling them early enough with the estimated off time obviously if you miss that one then you're going to get the latest slot that they possibly have available so when you call them you got to be sure that you're actually able to make your slot as well but we should be perfectly able to do that today so I suppose if we just go ahead and start with our pre-flight preparations now then we are going to be perfectly fine for a push back in 25 minutes okay then so route request please isn't that [Music] nice okay anything happening with our root request here it is root Uplink load and that's it ham to Frankfurt and we'll be Lanza for November Echo all right departure Runway 23 EO 7 golf we set sorry EO 7 they said all right and we're going to use that all right and for the arrival in Frankfurt I will plan the ILS Runway this probably going to be Yankee 23 right so I'll just go with that straight away it might as well become romway 25 left but let's see about it and see what they have on offer for us today also we quickly got to decide on our fuel before we continue with the rest of those setups so looking into this our altimate is stutgart that is about fine let's have a very quick look at into the weather to make sure that we have sufficient fuel with us but St guard is showing good and Frankfurt yeah a couple of gusts down the wrong way not going to be a problem for us so Frankfurt is good as well however I do expect the same kind of delays that we've just had over here in other words we're going to take half an hour of extra fuel once again once more I don't see justification to take more than half an hour because you know if you fly with so much fuel all the time of course you could just load it up to the max Landing weight but think of it that way if you do that um you might just about end up you know um you might just about end up burning so much extra fuel that the flight becomes totally uneconomical and overall it removes a little bit of the challenge as well doesn't it so the decision- making process in my opinion should be really part of all your um you know um the decision- making part is really an important part over there and it would would be really pity to not um include all of that so that said we are going to go um with half an hour extra which is 2,000 kilos and then we we are going to fly lower as well they said we are going to get flight level 230 final that means 7,000 ft lower so what I'm going to do looking over here flying 4,000 ft below we take an extra 200 kilos of fuel then we're probably going to get speed restrictions and everything so I tell you honestly let's take another ton extra for the lower cruising level so looking at this we've got 9.9 for the um 9.9 for the off block oh sorry for the take of fuel 400 kilos taxi let's round that up to 500 making 10.4 and then we're going to use additional 3 tons so 13.4 tons of fuel for our flight today I do think that sounds roundabout re reasonable all right so let's load this up new values uploaded fuel 13 500 again 100 more totally fine 13.5 does sound good to me okay cool then we can continue with our um setup so alternate and Reserve fuel combined is four .7 down there then zero fuel weight 16.9 like what we have here cruising level 230 s ATC amended doesn't mean that we can't ask for a higher level but we will not uh insert it straight away and probably going to be a 5,000 ft transition altitude over there as well perfect fix we can draw that around Hamburg at 25 mil and that should be about it okay very good so that's the FMS setup done then let's do a quick cockpit setup here but 7 787 is such an easy airplane fueling is finished so that goes on Logo light can go on as well and that's about it already as I mentioned such an easy airplane here what do we have there off that's the cargo heaters okay yeah we don't have any cargo that needs heating today anyway okay clim of 5,000 as ATC instructed departure Runway is 2 three so let's pre-select that course here we go and for the speed I'm going to turn that down to 100 for now and then we'll set that when we do our takeoff calculations okay that looks good clear out the minimum this is looking good squark 1,000 is what we have received already so we're going to keep that in other words we are pretty much done with our um pre-light work over here okay cool so let's see if we can reset the checklist somehow reset yeah here we go reset all very nice so if we now go on to the normal checklists it should start out straight in the pre-flight right I'm going to reset that go out of it again as we'll make use of that later again okay then so that stuff is done then let's go ahead with the um then let's go ahead with the rest of briefing in the meantime I see a couple comments in the uh chat down there so um s has been asking can can this plane do a full Autoland um yeah it can but I'm not sure if it is completely implemented in the simulation but tell you what when we're flying over to Frankfurt let's go ahead and attempt an auto land over there unless anybody from The Horizon simulations team now jumps in and tells you no we told you not to in case that does happen I need to apologize in atance because um I might not remember it straight away but doesn't matter we'll go ahead for that so Alexis how long will the fly time be we're looking at about 45 minutes plus whatever kind of delays we might be thrown into so we'll see about that so one more thing I want to do over here that is um display brightness let's turn that all the way down yeah that can go up but for the display brightness I'll just put it down a little bit because this is much too bright um in real life we would normally control those um you know in real life you just tune it to a way that feels good and comfortable to your eyes in the simulator that's a little bit more difficult but something like that should be about fine okay just where is the light switch for the um lower display unit that the one down here no where's that click spot gone hey my click spot is gone here it is yeah here it is again just a little bit hard to actually find that click spot seems like it is only on the top of the B of the bottom there but anyway this is fine now okay so apart from that um in the Triple 7 it's over here doesn't look like it is on the 78 so have that in here no where is that click spot to lower the brightness for the center display all stand panel flot that doesn't look like it neither does this okay that actually doesn't look like there is anything over here well otherwise we might just have to leave it that bright it would be a little pity but it's not going to kill us is it okay in the meantime copy FMC data and we might just about have to do some recalculations for the take of data so let's go in here and puff in it take off page two and if we just click on here really nice feature it's just going to upload the current wind making it somewhat easy to um figure all of that out so we've got that then let's go copy FMC data once again here we go and I do believe we can stick with everything else calculate looks about fine to me all right so that's most of our setup done then let's go ahead with the departure briefing threats for the departure well it's going to be quite busy so once again listening out to the call sign there's lots of Lu and flying over here our is for November EO so we got to we got to remember that now um going on from there our route check let's see what we got it's going to be hammock to Frankfurt and that's what we have in here well ham to Frankfurt lift on for noo and the routing is via EO 7 Bravo departure eventually leading towards EO even though that direct shouldn't be here so it should be EO 7 Bravo and then EO to the top but well um there after November 850 perod Tango 152 KX and out of KX we're going to have a stunard arrival which I apparently forgot to insert see that's the reason we do this stuff okay Al Yankee 25 right let's just stick with that and then KX for Alpha Arrival Delta Fox 426 transition insert okay one quick check [Music] again K G and from there car for Alpha yeah not perfect so that should be a little bit more cleaned up like it is on the Boeing 737 should work the same way but the rooting is basically what we want it to be so ground distance 298 versus 299 perfect 9. six remaining which should be plenty of fuel let's do wind Uplink though to be entirely um sure what we've got after the wind is Uplink okay load that on and then descend forecast load and finally climb forecast load here we go very good all right then so that's this um apart from that I don't see any specials so it's going to be Lefty take of Romy 2 three FL five noise batement procedure to and the speeds to be determined now emergencies exactly as briefed earlier we can go straight at 25 miles climbing 3,000 and that is going to keep us safe in terms of our taxi it's going to be a push back to the left hand side onto the center line let's see where we got that parking chart down here it is so push back onto the center line and then straight at Zulu one and we can take either of those intersections over here however in case they put us onto Alpha 3 there cannot be an airplane on Alpha 4 and in case they put us on Alpha 4 there cannot be an airplane Alpha 5 or Alpha 3 so in case they clear us towards Alpha 5 we got to make carefully sure that they don't plan to cross any aircraft over here otherwise we're going to end up in the very same situation that we had when we just taxied in all right so straight out most likely Alpha 1 I would say with our aircraft but we'll see about it our departure is the Eco 7 Bravo departure and we've got that on a chart 10-3 Delta from the 2 June of 2023 transition altitude 5,000 versus in the FMC 5,000 as well Speed Max 250 at or below level 100 not applicable in airspace Charlie but it is applicable by company minimas so we're going to keep that remain on T frequency until passing 2,000 and bra radar 134 2555 okay um for the rooting then it's going to be EO Bravo departure sta get to Delta hotel 100 Max 210 knots and that is in here then we continue straight to Delta hotel 116 left turn 163 and then southbound towards EO and that's it any questions no very good pre- flat checklist pre- flly checklist complete all right 10 minutes to run till our slot so let's start the Apu and maybe we can push a little bit earlier but let's see about it in the meantime though I am going to take a quick uh one minute break and then I'll be straight back with you just got to do a visual inspection there of the um Galley to make sure that everyone is working how they're supposed to all right in the meantime um IC Aviation I just saw your donation over there 249 D even basically means good evening which one do you like more the A330 or the 737 absolutely the A330 all right cool so 1 minute of a break and then I'll be straight back for our departure and for the next [Music] sector all right I'm straight back and Bella in the comments no the stream isn't Frozen I've simply uh taken a small break like I said before I um left so we're back in the cockpit let's go ahead and call up GSX so that they start preparing the aircraft for the push back and then we'll just about have to see what is going to happen next it's 53 now um suppose we can call delivery and put in a ready message maybe they can move our slot forward a little bit otherwise our TT is on the hour it should work as well but maybe best thing is to wait for GSX to um connect their push back tuck at first but I see they're working down there that's probably all we can ask for is it right let's call up delivery tell them we're ready and in the meantime just make sure that my headset is actually working cuz it sometimes turns itself off but that looks all right to me now okay cool I suppose we're going to give it a try H delivery for echoo we are fully ready already um can we already get startup clearance ech doesn't look like you can I'm sorry Roger so confirm it stays on the hour probably but maybe moment Roger that's not a problem we are monitoring your frequency okay so they're doing their best in order to get us the clearance we might have to wait for about 5 more minutes until we actually get it so in the meantime let's go ahead with our perform perance so zero fuel weight should be about 16.9 GSX not quite yet okay 16.9 is that correct let's do a very quick check in the weight and balance tab yeah 16.9 actually is correct very good okay we don't have takeoff performance in here yet so let's just go copy FMC data once again um so hurg 23 no intersection dry wind temperature q& is good zero fuel weight good takeoff weight good CG good all right let's just calculate that once more and here we go send output so take off data and we're going to accept that CG looks good to me 52 Bravo here we go okay and they're heading 2 to eight so small thing for you guys to notice over here um you will notice that the reference speeds calculated from the FMC and the speeds calculated from the efb takeoff calculator may not always be the same that is exactly the same in real life and the efb will always have priority over the FMC speeds however if there is a major difference in the speeds then that is reason enough for you to cross check the all the data you've got in here so make sure for example that the weight is correct like 175 4.4 and then you look in here okay 174.72 you can see over here the difference in V2 is just one knot if that is the case you might also use the FMC speed if the difference is more than one knot then the speeds from the op are always the master speeds and that is the case here with a V1 and with a VR so for that reason we are using the speeds from the um performance calculator and not the speeds from the uh FMC the reason why there are differences is mostly because the performance calculators in the um airplanes FMC are a little bit more basic than what an efb has available the primary reason for that is that you've got a lot more um start approv one 75 all right here we go then let's get clearance heavy request push yes no May maybe anyway we've got startup clearance so let's go ahead and configure the [Music] plane okay apron writes in the chat all stations stand by so probably he's just uh I don't know baby here is um talking to another controller coordinating with them okay B St checklist passenger signs on mCP v252 heading 228 altitude 5,000 take of speeds V1 138 V 143 v252 CDU pre-light completed tax in take up briefing completed before start check list complet reest push back okay standby traffic behind fair enough then we've got to wait a little bit and Robin Hunker how does the cockpit of the 737 uh sorry how does the cockpit of the 330 Mell compared to a 737 well um the 73s I flew were a little bit newer and you can certainly notice that okay let's have a quick look where that aircraft behind us actually is oh lovely Condor you are not supposed to be here my friend you are certainly not supposed to be here Koka MOA I've heard that the rotation is better if you add another unit of trim maybe that's worth a try let's give it a try so that's going to be 4.5 units then uh let's see how that is going to work out all right um so should be ready push back in a moment and then hopefully it's on the hour now that is the original eobt we requested but I figure it's just waiting for the guys over there and once they are passed we are going to get our clearance not too many aircraft holding there at the moment so we might encounter a little bit less delay now than we did earlier up ground 82 to5 on stand 52 shutting down that is a call you do absolutely not need to make you don't need to tell ATC when you're shutting down your engines I mean what else shall you do after you have arrived on a [Music] stand so let's see I suppose we're waiting for that guy but not 100% sure and can someone get that condo away from us please okay that guy has been clear on Zulu 3 not clear of us I'll wait until that guy standing behind us is clear then I'm going to ask him again he might have forgotten us but we'll see about it we simply have to see about it um push from one more guy coming here might want to ask him how long the delay is actually going to be because I have a feeling that guy in the back there isn't really doing anything so we might or might not have to wait for him how long until the expected push back time can't say that really that doesn't sound good I mean that guy is gone so why can't we just push that guy's clear now that guy is gone now so why can't we push what are we waiting for bra ahead I don't want to ask him again but it seems like he has a plan e on the for November Echo push back approve facing north all right so that's going to be with a nose to the left hand side so park and breakes released and then we're going to delay the engine start until we are clear the gate and don't expect any GSX disconnection delay if you know what I mean with that all right so moving that was quite quite right I have to say ultimately 5 minutes delay past our original eobt that is absolutely acceptable for a busy event like this one is okay then so we are getting clear of the gate area just delaying that engine start a little bit longer it's lots of heavy aircraft here isn't it like the um trip 7 on the left the 767 on the right then we saw that A380 we saw the two a340s it's really nice to see that heavy aircraft are getting a little bit more attention in the simulator and that not everything is either a 737 or an A320 as nice as those aircraft r a little bit more diversity is actually something very very nice I do have hopes that with the upcoming md11 and with the Triple 7 and everything like that the um fleets we see on the networks are going to diversify a little bit more it is certainly about time again okay starting engines certainly I do believe flight simulator 2024 is going to become quite exciting when we've got the um trip 7 the 747 the md11 and the a300 with a bit of luck somebody is going to do an A330 as well I do hope so a high fidelity A3 30 I mean not the um lowlevel stuff that we have already which is nice for what it is but only for what it is yeah we already par break is set sounds good and the Aeronautics Fanboy yeah Aerosoft is making A330 but to be totally honest I'm not expecting too much of it um I'm just not expecting too much of it all right we'll clear that tail strike thing away then um um flight control track pull up P down neutral pull left P right neutral and the rers full left full right neutral before taxi checklist anti o auto recall checked flight controls checked Dr equipment clear Apu off before taxi checklist complete and of course the Triple 7 is pushing straight in front of us oh he's gone for nov Echo request taxi are for no e request Taxi can I was really hoping you would give me taxi now in case the tri 7 locks back on so that we could at least go in front of him because now if the trip 7 locks back on then that's another 2 minutes of delay which I certainly don't hope there to be cuz I don't like waiting at the very end of the apron you know this is what I mean um anybody who wants to push over here would get in front of us now and that I absolutely want to avoid especially because the only aircraft that I can see is up there I mean just make us taxi up there he's pushing into here doesn't or isn't he so that seems a little bit uncoordinated once again wiam coasters does the Horizon 789 have a cabin I don't think so and Bella when is the Phoenix V2 due again well next update supposed to be for this month right so that guy should have stayed clear the taxi away so what are we waiting for why are we waiting I don't get it what is ATC [Music] doing no no no no no Ah that's better no the British is back God damn it oh my it's disconnecting from the Y controls again open microphone my friends ready for come on guys do something this is annoying 3 3 2 94 ready for taxi one so am I getting taxi now for November Echo EAD waiting for taxi since 5 minutes yeah but the British that blcks on gets it straight away yeah yeah so the British is gone again why don't we get taxi hell unbelievable what are they doing and there he is man come on guys stand Zulu right straight at and at the end to the right the three over to Tower 121 correction 126 855 please wait one handle okay take off briefing then it's going to be left to take off R 2ul Zulu Al left SE takeoff two three flips five noise abatement two takeoff uh speeds 138 143 152 Straight Ahead at a th000 no at 2,000 we contact departure and that is mostly it um let's see what else do we have I don't think anything in particular except that the weather is getting really bad over here so we might have to consider a take off alternate in case anything happens might not be able to come back to Hamburg but instead continue on TOS um what's it called Hanover or bramman preferably definitely hanova over bramman okay so here we're sitting waiting again any questions on the briefing before take off checklist before takeoff checklist complete take theing point and here we are standing again it's uh it's unbelievable Al St ahead oh no they are reclearing for departures of Runway 33 no no no no no no that brings up zurc vibes okay information Pap that brings up Z vibes come on guys you can do better than that yes they are reclearing any Tower hi Emy for your flying hours do you count block time as well in real life uh yeah block is exactly what you um block time is what you lock and also two data and and Crimson ghost at least this lets you appreciate real ATC when you go back to work yep that's it all right let's see um let's see if they are going to give us the rec clearance or if we are going to be the last R 23 I could really imagine both I mean we are still in a position where we can go where we can swing out to the left and attack the over to Runway 33 we can do that so the speed Bo just got transferred to the Tower I think before I'm going straight and commit for rway 23 um I might just about ask ATC what we're going to do but man visibility is really becoming bad now look at that the visibility is really going down we might be going into Lis procedures here soon ready for a push and start so break is off let's just quickly ask him if we shall proceed to the holding Point L on are for November Echo shall we continue to Alpha 3 or can we expect a Rec clearance Roger Alpha 3 on the Echo and we're ready anytime 26855 Echo by heavy ready not 100% sure we fit behind that probably don't fit behind the 767 over there but let's have a quick look on the other side bra let's see if we can see the wing tips here no we can't okay but that should be fine I think let's see it from the outside yeah it's fine just about but it's fine look at that look at the wing tip that's really just a meter or so well okay it is a bit more it's like 5 m not perfect but all right all right right we are about as far forward as we can go the taxi light is always a good signal to the other Pilots if you intend to move or not so the L hand over there that's got the taxi light on basically indicates he's about to line up to anybody else but looks like he actually is well now he's stopping again um wow didn't expect that I certainly didn't absolutely not expect that [Music] yet so he's actually pulling us ahead of the others I do appreciate that I do really appreciate that while we do it quick one more look at the departure chart to confirm the departure frequency 1 3 4255 okay 1 3 I've done better line in the take okay stabilized take off thr take thrust set 80 knots checked so let's see how the rotation is going to work out this time the plane is a little bit prone to tail strike at the moment as the takeoff law needs a little bit refinement but let's see V1 rotate yeah that was a tail strike again even though 7 and a half de seems a bit early to me but anyway positive climb gear up nice by the way how you could see the taxi light go off as I retracted the um Ling gear right then LF VF and autopilot so 2 one0 knots restriction means we got to keep flaps one for a little while and flaps one speed checked flaps one checklist incomplete normal I dis agree with you my friend checklist override thank you and passing 2,000 call Departure correction for November Echo heavy 2600 climbing 5,000 climb flight Lev 100 look on the phone of am all right so 210 not restrictions just for the next way point thereafter we can continue acceleration and I've just come back to climb 2D rate over here you could see our vertical speed was approaching 5,000 ft a minute and that is definitely not something that we absolutely need to fly all right set stunard stunard cross check passing 58 now checked so there's been a couple questions earlier if this airplane has a weather radar the answer is it has the standard a Soo weather radar now I don't like to call that a weather radar because it really isn't one but it you know it has that 5000 oh I don't like it for that reason I'll stay on the train display over [Music] here November Echo contact3 byebye 3 ner 25 2 3 decimal ner 25 ech heavy level 79 climbing 100 Levels available today uh unfortunately not Roger okay 2 all right so 230 is indeed going to be final that's unfortunate but if that's all we're going to get then that's all we're going to get half the takeoff checklist off the takeoff checklist complete so with that tail strike on the takeoff um I discussed it in a little bit more depth on our earlier sector flying here rather than um flying back basically the plane at the moment has a buck that can cause the um that can cause the nose to really shoot up when you pull just a little bit on the rotation and that makes it almost impossible to avoid tail strikes at the moment in the addon that is something that they're still actively working on so that is going to be fixed before the official release in about 2 weeks time and um well I do I do expect that they are going to get that one ironed out in the meantime though as I briefed on our departure Frankfurt we are going to ignore the effects of the tail strike because otherwise the plane would simply turn out unflyable for us and AVM 7.5 de shouldn't be tail strike the dash9 has a 9.7 de pitch attitude for tail strike all right yeah I guess I do believe that and Aeronautics Fanboy no worries I didn't leak the release date um somebody from the team said it earlier in the comments under the stream so that is just where I picked that one up on and when if somebody of the Horizon team can say it then I can do as well my opinion at least um so no it didn't slip out um somebody of the Horizon team said it in the comments at least I do believe that guy was of the Horizon team I'm not 100% sure so I'm not going to repeat that date but I do believe that is what they're targeting however keep in mind that may just be what they are targeting at the moment that is not necess neily what is going to happen if something happens that might delay the release then so be it I'd much rather have them produce a good add-on than producing you know um something that's delivered exactly on schedule hopefully not to the extent of a certain electronic flight back but most certainly um if it takes a week or so longer then um totally fine okay so let's have a quick look into here arrival at quar past I think that's quite a realistic arrival time so we'll probably be on the stand by half past something around that area okay so um nicely climbing again using climb D rate number two because that is producing sufficient rate of climb while keeping the engine nice and cool 5 30° EGT is certainly much nicer for the engine than um like 600 or whatever we would get if we went to full climb rating now the echo rad 128 76 128 760 the no Echo choose R from 4 no heavy level 189 climbing 230 thir Natsu on the pH Echo okay Natsu here it is and that is looking good enough available oh enough 3,000 go approaching so 2,000 to go vertical speeds tell you what there doesn't seem to be any traffic ahead so let's go ahead and accelerate this a little forv Echo any speed free speed F of all right then let's do 340 knots we are running late enough by now okay so that looks quite okay now so perfect quick look outside let's a look at how that looks in the dark did you see on the ground in Hamburg how we've had all those 3D lights that were reflecting in the fog that looked really impressive if you ask me okay it looks like we're leveling off yep we are okay then I'll just quickly go in here and cruising speed let's change this 340 execute VF Okay cool so let's see top of descent Beyond KX well I don't believe that but KX shouldn't be flight level 110 or above it should should be at flight level 110 so let's change that real quick here we go and that gives us a new top descend like 120 M out and so TOA thank you very much for the 20 Canadian dollar donation that's really appreciated for all your exper advice and tieless effort thank you very much so TOA thank you very much that's really appreciated p n when you flew the 737 would you follow the optimum flight level from the FMC well things were a little bit more um complicated than that so I do suggest that you have a look at my tutorial on how we pick our cruising level I did a detailed tutorial on that where I explained all the stuff and I can really recommend you to have a look into that um there's a lot of stuff going into that too much to actually explain on this flight right let's see that guy is below us that guy is below us and descending very good so there's really a little bit too much going into it um to explain it all on this live stream especially since this one is dedicated to the 787 now what's important here on the 78 is the following um you can see we've got our Optimum and we've got a maximum here to the left we've got the io step climb size and I would normally change that to 2,000 ft and not keep the standard IO stuff however we are so close to the TD we probably don't get any step climb calculated here now what the real plane has over here is the recommended flight level that one is unfortunately not simulated it seems that one is gray out now the recommended flight level would be a little bit different to the optimum the optimum only takes in account things like for example the temperature and or the current temperature the current growth weight and the uh current air speed however the recommended flight level would actually take the wind into account as well that is something that you will see in action on the pmdg 7 um when you're uplinking wind wind data you always get it for several flat levels let's do that once more real quick let's get the latest winds and then I'm going to show you what I mean right can we clear that somehow thank you all right wind data load so here we go here we've got wind data now as you can see there are several different flight levels included in the this and based on the Wind data and the temperatures that we've got for all the different levels the airplane would now calculate the recommended flight level which is really the most economical level you can fly Optimum is the aerodynamic Optimum recommended is the economic Optimum and the recommended is actually um what we would follow if we had that feature in the 737 now we do have it on the A330 the A330 is Optimum level would do exact exactly that as well so that is how you can um do that stuff in in the abas the abas Has It by default and AVM does my cruise tutorial involve why many long flights involve climbs Midway through the flight um I think it does but I think I've actually done a separate tutorial on step climbs which I can recommend you as well and Myon D hi Emanuel did you pre-order the tfdi md11 no I didn't um I don't like to purchase something where I'm not sure when I'm going to get it and in what shape it's going to be then and so on so I'm not a fan to pay for beta testing so I didn't pre-order the tfd imd1 and then uan hi nice to see you first of all uh what is my opinion of the aircraft so far so my first opinion is it is beautiful looking obviously but most importantly it just is a 787-9 it's the most popular version of it um the quality of the add-on itself seems quite similar to the Kuro 787 and indeed Kuro has worked on this one as well together with the Horizon team so that's basically um yeah that's really it like if you like the Kuro 787-8 you're going to like the Horizon 787-9 and in my opinion both of them are better than the 787-10 that as Soo made themselves but I suppose that is somewhat self-explanatory and not very hard to achieve but let me put things in a different way um how do I like flying this how do I like what's going on how do I like um everything that's evolving around this airplane I honestly got to tell you that this is an airplane that as long as you only want to fly standard operating procedure that you can absolutely use in a similar way to your favorite study level aircraft obviously this doesn't um this isn't study level it is simplified in many reasons but it has a lot of the stuff that other add-ons don't have and it has most of the stuff that you would be using on a normal flight and that's the most important thing overall isn't it like you can do your normal A to B flight following Sops and of course it is simplified but I honestly tell you for what the majority of flight sumers are going to use this is just about perfect really is it really is all right talk about just about perfect uh except for dialing in that minimum that is a little annoying really come on no hey Minima do what I tell you to do here we go 570 that's what we wanted okay very good so that stuff's in now let's go ahead and um have a very quick look in the for arrival aers they have information Romeo and expect an independent parallel isas Yankee 25 r or isas 25 left with the radar vectors GLS on request do not mistake Mike for 25 Center when performing visual approach transition level 70 wind 1 170 at6 temperature 14 q& 1 02 Trent noake all right so that's one2 let's go ahead and put that thing in here we go one2 is selected then for The Descent tell you what let's do8 340 we want to stay fast for as long as possible like so and then 250 below 100 and then we can delete the um speed on transition over there perfect forecast page transition level 70 interesting 70 should absolutely be an acceptable entry but okay and then destination is going to be Frankfurt let's draw a 25 mile ring for MSA Wess around the airport but that's really all okay Auto breaks one or probably Auto breaks two and then we'll see whatever exit we can catch with that last thing for us to do over here 7.9 on arrival 10.4 right now that's quite a lot of fuel um but yeah at the speed we are flying right now look at that fuel flow it's 7.2 tons per hour that is a lot so that 3 tons burning that 3 ton burn that we have in here actually does seem logical all right so 3.4 tons to come off the landing weight is going to be um 66.4 but I tell you what let's take 167 just so that we're a little bit um on the safe side flips 3042 knots looks good and I think that's all we need for the approach preparation all right then descent checklist recall checked Auto brakes to Ling data V 30 142 Min Barrow 570 approach briefing completed descent checklist complete and that's it all right very good so with that I do believe that all our preparation are completed as they should be and that is it so standing by for The Descent over here and debak is in the comments I wish there was a key binding for the minimum dial frustrates the living daylight off from me yeah totally understand that um totally understand that and debarkers hot for landing please okay here you go by the way look at that this is our default seating position in here and look at how perfectly the Hut is aligned look at that the heart is perfectly centered in the screen now not getting off on either side very good job at that they placed the default Viewpoint really nicely in here that's certainly an improvement over the um 787-10 and a soos's default Viewpoint this one's much better much better normally I don't like to fly with a headup display too much but um I suppose we're going to um have it over there and vson Pilot is asking will it be free yes and Mark 1141 is the wear and tier part of the 789 or with a different texture mod um I'm not 100% sure on how the 7879 is actually working there but I do believe that they have um I do believe that they have um or that they use the stunard cockpit textures of the 787 and I have replaced those with the poly storm textures payware for like 15 bucks or so from SIM market and soon hopefully on the marketplace and uh those are probably what you see in here because they do remind me very much of the poly storm textures so I guess they are defaulting to the stunard textures and then since I've replaced those with the poly storm that is probably what I'm getting here no e level one n z early let's just do vertical speed minus a th000 like so leaving Cruise level let's turn on the seat belt sign who knows on the last flight it was it was pretty good that we turned it on early so let's see about this one it's pretty quiet over here right now but for November Echo heavy level 224 desending n z Inu 127 725 left in the front of trip that was a shots dayy level 2 descending 270 Echo and here the delays go again 2 that's like 70 KN slower oh well ain't going to complain so 270 why is that an invalid entry well that should absolutely be a valid entry my friend does it demand me to put a mark number in front that is not how it should work okay that's a buck there you should be able to enter just a speed without a mark number all right let's do level change so so that the plane slows down a little bit quicker there was a rather slow reduction we saw there and um I can tell you straight away from the A330 that speed reduction takes a lot of time on Modern heavy aircraft because there's a lot of energy involved and they are very aerodynamic but you know sometimes we might as well just help it a bit especially when ATC tells us to speed normally they should be able to anticipate it but on vum that doesn't always happen so for that reason I'm just going level change over here instead of letting the speed bleed off slowly we might as well add to bleed up a little bit quicker all right and banan do and uan maybe try SL 270 suppose I could give that a try it's just about return to vertical speed mode over here let's see Slash 280 how's that going to work oh yeah that works okay well I suppose on the flat level 110 set 110 checked all right should be level around about at KX so if I just keep the th000 Ft a minute that means we're going to be level just in front of KX fine as well now I could go ahead and manipulate the vertical speed so that we really get a constant way going down but tell you honestly um that is what we did in my old airline that was a lot of work we put into it and what's the difference really you might fly level for a couple miles it's going to to take a couple kilos more of fuel but ultimately what are you going to win of it you know not too much all right um Mart has been K split fall arrival okay direct to KX and K for Alpha arrival is what we've gotten the Box already so I suppose this guy over here is in front of us and he's probably the reason why we needed to reduce our speed even though I'm wondering if we just kept the speed up high we might have been able to overtake him and um become number one in front of him but we'll see about it I suppose we'll just see about it all right a m is asking in the chat without the hot display is there an easier way to see if you're on a 3° pitch than on the PFD well you can't tell the exact pitch just by looking outside the airplane but you can somewhat tell the um you know you start to develop the feeling for it and ultimately what I would normally do is I look at the PFD in order to determine my pitch easy as that however you know in order to maintain your pitch you might as well just look outside the airplane so getting or taking on a new pitch is something that you would normally do VI the displays ultimately you are flying um ultimately you are flying IFR after all but you know thereafter if you can see something outside then you can always just look outside in order to maintain it but a good panel scan would imply that every couple of seconds you would just look down at the um PFD anyway and you would use that to cross check the altitude or the attitude at which which you are flying and November Alpha thank you very much for a 10 donation best Saturday evening entertainment thank you very much November Alpha I appreciate to hear that and sa is asking how is the vena climb or descent rate well it the climb rate honestly simply depends on the uh speed and the thrust that you're using and it is exactly as I would expect it you know at the low weights at which we are flying over here if I'm going full blast obviously I'm getting 6,000 ft a minute that is absolutely expected and realistic with the um with the Descent rate well I kind of wish ATC would actually let us fly one but doesn't look like it so for that reason I do suppose we are eventually um not going to find out but from what I can see you know um looking at the speed at which the ven path is coming in over there seeing that we descend at 1,000 ft a minute already things look decent to me I don't know how they simulated the v in here but the top of descent the location and everything looked pretty decent so I am quite happy with those um obviously couldn't actually get to try it and couldn't actually get to fly a v of descent because ATC had other plans for us just like in real life by the way it barely happens that you actually do a CDA in a Frankfurt or that you use VF at all usually it's just vertical speeds given by our traffic control normally they just tell you descend to flight level so and so 2,000 ft a minute 1,500 ft a minute sometimes 3,000 ft a minute um and that is how you do the descendance into Frankfurt um it's realistic guys it's realistic you wouldn't um in real life you wouldn't fly in real life you typically wouldn't fly VF descend on you know arrival in Frank andon what's the normal rate of descent you have in the A330 well in the 330 um normally between 1 and 2,000 ft a minute um the plane really is a glider so a 250 knots idle thrust it gives you 1,000 ft a minute a little bit up higher you can get like 2,000 ft a minute but anything more and you really need to fly fast to build up some drag but normal speed 300 knots something the like 12 8 arrival 805 thank you byebye and 12 8 120m 805 the call truth heavy level 144 sending 110 in KX information Romeo Yan to and we have two 7 why did I even say anything 260 Mich okay fr always the same huh you you want to help him and it turns out against you but if that guy's going 290 there shouldn't be uh shouldn't be any problem at all but it's fine we're doing good as we are and then schlim has been asking do you prefer a side stick over a yoke I feel like using a yoke to fly is more fun it gives you more control but I've never flown aircraft beside a glider so it's not for me to judge well honestly um whether you use a stick or whether you use the yog makes pretty much no difference at all um flying an A330 feels just about the same like flying a glider and I think you will agree that in the glider you have perfect control over the plane right and it's the same in the A330 um P personally I prefer flying the side stick because it means that there is a lot more space in front of me in the cockpit so you can eventually move your legs a little bit around and you might be a ble to lie down in a more comfortable position in that seat and stuff like that and yeah as much as uh flight zers do like to talk about real flying or not real flying um I honestly tell you in the the Comfort ultimately becomes the overriding uh the Comfort ultimately becomes the overriding concern for you if you're flying commercially for the very simple reason that yes flying as nice as it is it really makes not much of a difference if you have a side sticker If you have a Yol if you fly a complete fly by wire plane like an abas or if you fly you know um a boing 737 ultimately it's flying and whether you point a Boeing somewhere with a Yol or whether you point an ABA somewhere with a side stick to me it makes no difference at all 1,000 to go and Richard is this Acra better to fly than the default 787 in the Sim well I tend to say it's quite similar um it's a 787 after all um yeah quite similar I tend to say and then El Moto hello Captain I had an accident right 2 100 Echo right heading 210 FL 100 heading select 1,000 to go so we're like 5 miles from this guy and um confirm and he gave us the Yankee approach so we might yeah we have that very good and8 okay but then we need to change in minimums it's actually 260 and not 270 I was mentally on the other Runway so let's see where that vectoring is eventually going to take us um we'll have to find out but it doesn't sound very busy at the moment so it might as well just become a straight in approach which I would somewhat appreciate after all the traffic we had over in Hamburg this might just uh if this becomes a nice and easy flight level 8 Z is that going to be straight in very nice thanks okay so it is going to be straight in in that case tell you what interesting I click Erase here we go that's better right let's do Delta Fox [Music] 430 no no no no no don't freeze up my friend don't freeze up it has frozen come on recover please don't crash I just wanted to tidy up my flight plan yeah that looks like the simulator has frozen over here come on my friend you can do better Microsoft flight simulator you can absolutely do better but look at that no it's frozen L for November Echo looks like the simulator froze over here can we stay locked in for a bit or do you want us to lock off for November Echo yeah you just disappeared on my radar screen confir you can you're still connected at least I can talk to you yeah but uh I guess it's going to disconnect me any moment then anyway so I do suppose the simulator has crashed so thank you very much for the very nice ATC and I suppose I here next time yeah thanks very much for flying and I'm very sorry what happened because you just disappeared in a moment to talk to me so I wasn't sure if you're just uh you just got kicked out so have a very pleasant evening and a good start in the week cheers YouTube see M all right I suppose that's it guys that simulator is not going to recover if it hasn't by now then it isn't going to um then it isn't going to do either well I suppose that's all we can do over here so I do apologize for that guys um next time different aircraft I do hope it's not going to happen again and uh Ty do I think it froze due to the mod um I don't think so because after Sim update 13 when I did my first flight on the 787 the thing crashed as well so ever since it worked on three separate flights but yeah I I guess it's just something with that Sim update 13 and the 787 that's caused some problems for me so it's probably something on the local system but uh not 100% sure in any case I don't see that this is recovering anymore so thank you very much for watching guys wish you a nice evening and if I'm going to the horizen Zim Discord then I can see that there are a couple other live streams going on for example Captain Canada should be live with the um 787 at the moment maybe head over there maybe um you can catch something nice over there he's flying from um what's you what's you flying um antalia to Amsterdam so that certainly sounds interesting as well and he does seem to be on his way so I suppose if you want to see some more of the 787 then do head over to Captain Canada and over there you can catch the 787 inlight currently at level 400 so see you I see you all again on the next one in the meantime enjoy your weekends and and then I see you all around bye-bye
Channel: A330 Driver | 737NG Driver
Views: 50,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 41sec (14321 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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