🔴 Manchester Airport LIVE ✈️ SUPER Sunday

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[Music] throwing hundreds in a holy water just a backseat driver flying on the cover a nice suit and a family name says he'll make me a star if I just play the game that man doesn't know that I am bullet proo keep one foot on the sky and a foot on the road I'm not doing this to try to make a name I just like the way it feels honey the way it looks on me still got the fire when you try to be a f cuz I like the way it feels H that little r r r you blow I hear your secrets I know your PL ain't no way out without your blood on my a i Tau the demons how to scream your name they always say the best for the business man I'm not doing this to try to make a I just like the way it feels on me the way it looks on me still got the fire when you try to be a FL cuz I like the way it feels H that little r r r your let R your I'll use it for good Rush your blood I use it for [Music] good ladies and gentlemen hello welcome in to your Super Sunday show live on airliners live from Manchester Airport how are we doing folks great to have you with us this morning let's got some names in the chat welcoming some viewers it is absolutely Ely freezing freezing it's cold it's a bit chilly [Applause] [Music] freezing I'm not doing this to try to make her I just like the way it feels the way it looks on me still got the fire when you try to be a FL cuz I like the way it feels that little r r r Ro you I'll use it [Music] for I use it for girl I'm not doing this to try to make one I just like the way it feels on the way it looks on me still got the fire when you try to be a FL cuz I like the way it feels Sun that little rush [Music] rush [Music] very good morning guys welcome in Super Sunday show live from airliners live and it is all popping off ladies and gents as you can see an arrival on the way in twoe Dreamliner already pushing back on Matt cam kicking the show off in style Sunday's airliners live welcome in guys hope you're all doing well hope you're all having a great weekend so so far morning yeah nice good busy start to Today's Show Runway two three right in use today that'll be probably the majority of today's show if not all of course single Runway Ops for pretty much all the daylight hours on the Sundays these days and as you can see on the open count we have Mr Matt Smith catching the very first departure today how are you doing Matthew morning Martin morning Andy morning everybody happy Sunday happy Sunday mate welcome in looking good kicking things off in style at a cheeky dream ler love to see it beautiful and this fin just uh vacating the runway in front of us as well Plymouth Phil welcome to you Chester Mike mod Mike hope you're doing well Peter any Tom H Debbie Samantha uh sharing games Lee Davies fjb plenty of people tuning into to the stream this morning guys good morning [Applause] everybody I mean Manchester it's one degree out yes I would agree I would agree with onee bit chilly bit chilly but as you can see all the view new here on airliners live on your Sunday Morning Show bringing you the apron Cam and the main Runway view as [Music] well beautiful sky behind the aircraft as well setting the scene for this cold morning here in Manchester Mrs Aline is live really just kind of rubbing it in that she's still in bed nice thanks Jen so just what we want to here nice one for that yeah for that cheers Jen I'm just getting me old uh iPad out stand by folks King of the sky is now rolling 23 right at 8380 you want that one [Music] then [Music] what an awesome way to start the show today King of the sky is taking off heading back to Dubai Emirates flight 22 that is Alpha 6 Echo uniform golf on the registration gorgeous sky this morning look at that so pretty really looking nice it's uh definitely a chilly one but hopefully it's uh going to stay dry as you can see even downstairs here I'm wrapped up gloves on Brown's Up on the Roof wrapped up gloves on and uh Matt Smith has uh wrapped up sausage roll on he's got everything well you not to this weekend M boy um so obviously my car's been in this week so um I've been up to a great deal this week um obviously streamed on Monday hope everyone enjoyed the stream on Monday and whatnot had a lot of people asking where I was on Friday where the hell are you how come you're not live and stuff like that but you know yeah read the announcements and yeah yeah buzzing buzzing nice and busy and uh went to see me dad yesterday and then went out for a Stomp and did a bit of Photography yesterday afternoon and uh obviously streaming today so uh yeah nice and busy mate nice and busy I think everyone missed you on Friday I'm honest was a lot of people asking where you were and it's become a bit of a ritual now so tun mat show on Fridays people have uh people have added it to the weekly schedule aren't they it's a good thing yeah it's definitely hey and you were busy yesterday weren't you Andy oh very busy yesterday we'll we'll get into that I think at some point yes I I I uh was maybe jumping off a mountain yesterday well yes something I didn't think would be that that nerve-wracking but oh well well stay tuned everyone I'll talk all about it the only man in the world who thinks jumping off a mountain may not be nerve-wracking it's then you watch videos of it and you're like doesn't too bad and you get that it's like anything like a roller coaster but yeah uh Nick tuning in from a cloudy but warm lanzerotti going to walk to the front in a bit and watch some planes coming in nice one dude enjoy that get in therey hard Triple 7 next to the [Applause] part [Music] [Applause] [Music] beautiful Triple 7 departure heading back to Abu Dhabi in a slightly naked looking ety had I hope that's not here to stay cuz uh I'm not much of a fan of that one let us know in the chat if you give that a yay or a n did look a bit unusual didn't it it did yeah it was I don't mind that I think it Wass okay me all right yeah it's bit too white for me though I think it okay it's slightly it's still still topped by the uh the Retro scheme as well which we see occasionally on the Triple 7 yeah and I mean at had a pretty good at liveries yeah so I'd give it a a four out of 10 could do better wonder if they still have the the choose liveries as well you know the the 787 d10s and stuff yeah I've not seen them for a long time I know they don't really send the Dreamliners in anymore at Manchester sometimes they do occasionally but yeah last one I remember seeing was like Eco demonstrator little decal and that was about it yeah Mike welcome in great to see you and uh Carl Mr mod Carl saying happy 18th birthday um to your daughter Samantha so uh I must have missed that message but Samantha I hope your daughter has a very happy 18th birthday awesome thank you very much for tuning in yeah and well there's a lot of Middle Eastern carriers at Manchester these days and the the list seems to get longer and longer doesn't it and um I think we're at the limit now there's not really many missing obviously we used to have Pia they used to send the 787s and the triple sevs to Manchester as well but not sure when they'll be making a return there is a jetu waiting to depart off to paos 737800 I think we're see that on maam actually taxiing out we did yeah just at the beginning of the show we got a couple more three jet twos actually on the shift on the apron bad looks of it on uh the old mat cam but he's still following out that Triple 7 Eagle ey Smith at 8350 delery is the best oh honestly honestly it's it's really nice that's not been to Manchester beautiful it's not been to Manchester it's been to Dublin I'm not sure why it would go to Dublin before Manchester but yeah Andy thanks very much for tuning in from Yorkshire great to have you with us home of the best SE in the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] really pretty conditions this morning it's pretty much perfect I think for photography and videos here at the RV he got that lovely golden sky behind the planes and also uh not too sunny to the point where it gets in your eyes and whatnot yeah exactly but also doesn't warm you up very much so swings around the bus Elliot Spencer uh sending in uh some support to the stream with a 499 super chat so you want to say a happy 65th birthday to my dad Jeff uh he loves the show and keep up the amazing work Lads hey Jeff very happy 65 fth birthday from all of us here at airliners live hope you have a great day mate hope you bag yourself a 10 out of 10 dinner as well very happy birthday and thank you very much Elliot for your donation as well yeah cheers thanks for the support don't forget folks you can hit the like button as well it's another way to support the stream today nice free way to support the channel and maybe help more people get recommended the stream in the YouTube recommendations too a Transat 8321 Neo next to the part Long Range model of that extended fuel tanks can take this plane up to about 4 and a half th000 nautical miles on the Range easy enough to fly across the Atlantic [Music] transatlantic they're proba with the 1100g engines as well been causing some grief for some Airlines but not air transer by the looks of it I know some of the a220s have had a few issues with them one of the operators I know we don't really get much of Air Canada anymore at Manchester but we certainly used to get a lot of them but I think people just value the cheaper price of uh airr up yeah I guess when you got two companies flying to the same place from the same airport yeah price is going to be a bit PR is going to definitely win most people over there isn't it yeah apart from like you die hard sort of Aviation fans yeah your Henry tbes of the community [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] 24 years old that K m73 on the way back to Amsterdam they yeah they always look so clean didn't they they do you know another clean aircraft here on matam A320 on the push back Scandinavian I do love this view got uren coming in next as well bit of sad news about uren uh Air Services which I think me and Matt are very gutted about we bang on about this whole time uh uren Air Services are to sell their only their one and only Embraer e195 I think it is um yeah and there's only one of them in the fleet G gy I think the reges gr NSC and yeah they're getting rid of it which I guess it makes it makes no sense why they've got it unless stain all ATR Fleet yeah it'd make a lot more sense wouldn't it but we love that inra it looks so tidy seen it plenty of times here at Manchester as well bit of a shame but that's not happened yet it's not 100% confirmed but they have pretty much uh said that they are looking to get rid of it basically Helen thank you very much gifting an airliners Live membership to the community thank you very much for that really appreciate your support and uh beasty Lucian also gifting a membership thank you very much guys thanks I love that view of the Scandinavian get push back over at terminal one yeah it's cool isn't it we'll stick with that M cuz we'll probably see a bit of a smoky start at this uh this temperature in the morning no problem oh nice nidel saying air canar Summit only but rumor to be coming back in 2024 with Dreamliner nice a bit that what did he have last time it was a33 330s yeah Steven Ward welcome back 177 months of membership saying this stream just gets better thank you very much thanks good to him manate [Music] [Applause] oh very tidy Scandinavian has been pulled right forward the engines are starting so we'll keep an eye on that cuz if anyone remembers project 10 we can always keep our fingers cross for another yeah I think they use the leap 1A engines on them 320 NEOS Scandinavian Fleet yeah there it is on these colder days you do get Smoky engine starts next land uh British Airways in from London Heath thr on the old shuttle service and uh only 20 minutes into the stream and we are already over a, live viewers welcome in everybody toin is live on your Super Sunday that's crazy great to have you all with us don't forget to click the like button guys if you can it will uh share the feed around some more people yeah I hope you guys are enjoying a slightly early start as well I'll be honest the 630 alarm is definitely harder to get up to in the winter than it is the uh the summer Al yeah scraping the wind screen this morning oh yes what's the temperature there I'm not 100% sure I don't think we're brave enough to look yeah it's cold but it's cold yeah mat Juan saying nothing will ever beat the old m D 11 startups wow and I don't think nothing really beats the sound of these I especially when you give them a good a good [Music] rev no twitch today oh we put the wrong thing on I thought twitch shot was quiet today oh I'm wounded oh well let's go YouTube aren't they oh that's a shame sorry twitch crew i' I've done that by accident yeah it's still set to YouTube on the uh on the live [Music] feed Bo here Trail off the tail there of the anti ice [Music] little bit of green on the wings there you can see being so cold today they have uh some fluids applied to keep the ice from building up on the wings a lot of planes taxiing out at the moment nice and busy let me just check something here what's going on YouTube which one are we streaming to YouTube guys are you only getting 1080p on YouTube looks like I did send you a message but don't if you did you send it to Discord all right I've got a thingy chat open right you know what guys I'm going to fix it then can you stay there for a minute guys cuz um yeah we haven't got twitch and we're also in 108p so we've got the wrong profile set be does want second don't go anywhere [Music] screen yes looks like it's back [Music] [Applause] [Music] on easy jet A320 had he got to Belfast that's more like it I just looked at it it's like 7,000 on the uplo I was like why is it on 7,000 and no one's saying the pitch is terrible it's like that would be why there you go guys we are live on Twitch still only got 1080p you may need to come out of the stream and go back in I find it takes a bit of time to update usually when you change it um especially for those just joining I think they'll get 4k as an option okay we should be good welcome in twitch crew sorry guys got a Scandinavian jet coming in next this is from Copenhagen Mitsubishi crj900 Long Range hype for this is it a new scheme it's not it's in a classic scheme really nice looking playe though yeah it's smart isn't it yeah wouldn't mind flying on one of these if I'm honest we'll hop over to cop I've never been to Scandinavia I know Norway is good for um like seeing the northern lights and that I am wel she Kev twitch Prime 1 months there we go hey dropping a twitch Prime in the channel thank you mate hello welcome in twitch crew let's get some names in the chat if anybody's there say hello stop lurking time for the flare on this gliding it on to two three right easy beautifully done beautifully done Irish designated aircraft as well as per quite usual for the Scandinavian Fleet but is it as Irish as that aircraft on mat oh yeah Lingus rugby team special in STS go back with the crj and Doc Finley 32 months of Prime Membership on the twitch Channel what a long time thank you mate hey pouth Phil say it feels like I'm sat on the runway now with a 4K yeah yes get it cranked up folks got a wide body aircraft on Final Approach Singapore Airlines 8350 next to [Applause] land I think she's running a bit late yeah she's about an hour late coming into Manchester so we're fortunate enough to catch that [Music] [Applause] now let got a recording of This W there's a hype train on Twitch as well jfell thank you very much mate tier one for seven months nice thank you not a hype train on Twitch for a while folks let's see how we can do shall [Applause] [Music] we oh excited for this Landing yeah Singapore coming in from Singapore I believe she'll be onwards to Houston after this stopping him for a refuel at Manchester and a change of crew as well wonder what the temperatures like over in Houston bit warmer than [Music] this [Applause] silky smooth Landing from the Singapore and we're going to get a head on as well guys yes let's turn those mics up and enjoy this Martin Sterling returning for 17 months welcome back dude working on my new book while I watch oh nice [Applause] all [Music] all [Music] Simply Beautiful n Victor mik golf on the rge do love to see an a350 and there's no better view than a 350 head on guys that was [Music] great and the Jet two heading off to lanzerotti 21 think that's one of the newest editions I think gson f is the newest these days yeah we saw it I think the other week didn't we yeah that was gson e just a passing there take care Dave thanks for tuning in mate there is an Austrian Embraer E1 N5 heading off to Vienna just lining up on 23 right at the moment don't forget folks to hit that like button as well if you're watching on YouTube of course if you're watching on Twitch just get involved in the chat say hello let's see some names we'll read them out Mike Curtis is on the uh delayed ryion Air flight to alante uh so we'll keep an eye out for that going out nice well not so nice but yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] pretty long body on that umbrea yeah it's way out to Vienna big Welsh Andrews welcome in thanks for tuning in today why don't they put the engine manufacturers on the uh uh engines anymore uh I don't know I don't know if there's a reason for question I don't know Lyn Gator tuning in from California welcome in Lynn great to have you with us maybe they're not as proud as the engines anymore cuz they don't make as epic of a sound but I'd be proud of this engine the Pratt Whitney 1100 G's on the Swiss a220 head back to jurich [Applause] [Music] there she goes nice smooth take off there from the airb narrow body oh it was the one that took off before the Singapore okay all right well I'm glad they're on the way then yes one of the ba shuttles heading out as well that's [Music] loud Scandinavian on the roll back to Oslo [Applause] [Music] Swedish designated on that as well it's loud for a Neo that wasn't it yeah the spool up echoed across the Airfield lovely sound what we got next two be heading out uh to aspargos nice busy start to Today's Show hope you're all doing well guys if you are new to the channel feel free to get involved in the chat so we can give you a warm welcome in Rod saying I'm liking the new Banner in the top left corner nice awesome glad you like it mate I think it looks a lot cleaner doesn't it very subtle isn't it but it's it's smart let us know y or n guys if you prefer the new one I think we do it's all in one place and obviously it does uh it does a dapped from mat cam as you can see [Music] [Music] that [Music] [Music] that two departs we're going to switch over to mattam because here's that Singapore uh pulling on to stand now one of the best views you're going to see on your Super Sunday show that as Thomas we returns for 30 one months of business class membership so hope you're all wrapped up it's minus two in the shade up in the hills overlooking you it doesn't surprise me mate it's very very cold today beautiful Singapore a350 on the taxan yeah I seen someone in the chat actually before mentioned that it was uh 28 degrees Fahrenheit in Oklahoma at the moment and that's about the same as here to be honest that's what it is here thought it'd be a bit warmer over there need to remind my brain that 28° f is not nice yeah could you hear 28° oh yeah it's bling yes there's a r air rolling guys but I think we're going to sacrifice it to stick with this Singapore cuz we've got a bit of a head-on shot actually which I wasn't expecting [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning everybody for those just tuning in we're live on a Super Sunday show here on airliners live [Music] one and as mentioned in the chat the Black Friday sale that was due to end yesterday has been extended until the end of this weekend guys wow thank you to everybody who's placed orders so far it's been extremely busy um so as a thank you we have extended the sale until the end of the day today so if you want to get 25% off some of our best items in the store head over to airliners.net and it will automatically add 25% discount to the qualifying items there's only a couple of things that aren't included in that but the most part of the web shop has got 25% off guys so head over to shot plenty of people standing by waiting to get to work on the uh on the Singapore and there it is breaks on great job Matty Top Shot that mate mate battery change coming up in a second mate okay yeah go for it mate you're good okay mate thanks it's quick that isn't it how long have we' been live 20 we've been on for batteries are cold are they it's only it's only half a battery so oh right okay I was going to say 39 minutes that's a bit of a bit of a stress what have we got going on here there's a moisture on the WR way get monies with getting monies with these batteries yeah I think Matt Smith sounds like the most wrapped up human in the world that's the best way to go I think I'll be honest chat I've uh I've got the old hood up I've I've given in given in I look like a Scruff but I'm a bit warmer yeah Greg nice one mate thanks for tuning in and loving the head on shot as well of the 350 the ryion a vacates in from Poland in the British Airways shuttle service back to London Heath R should come screaming down the runway any minute now yeah hype for this a lot more power being used on these colder conditions and Scott welcome back for 22 months saying good morning just about to push back on LS 909 to F Ventura hopefully it's a bit warmer down there oh it really will be have a great time mate it's the best thing about winter holidays the the the difference in the [Music] temperature [Music] yeah heading back to London Heath thr British Airways I wonder if the uh A380 as well that's going to come in later is going to get the old uh anti I treatment we'll see bro asking if there's any beanies left in stock uh no not at the moment there are some coming in but they're not in stock at the minute mate Unfortunately they are very good keeping me nice and toasty today you need a hot Vim to I've got a coup of team mate I'm just trying to take me time with it because every Sunday I finished me cup tea about halfway through the show this Ryan there coming in from funchal madira company shot here double trouble and this 737 coming in from krov I wonder if places like that have got their Christmas markets up yet or is that more of like a December thing well me and Jen went for a walk around media City last weekend yeah and uh they had a Christmas Market on there outside the yeah wow was it big or not really I mean it's as much as you can fit in that little square there yeah few things well that's it like the Manchester City Center ones they're huge and they're too big I think I think the problem with the Manchester ones is it's just all about drinking now it used to be all about like nice little crafts and stores and stuff and now everywhere you go it's just full of bars and take away food and all that that's what I mean it's just [Music] kind 27 37 Max 8 shooting off there to DL Shake quite a long flight actually all the way down to Egypt 4 hours or so H Bradley good morning to you welcome in thanks for tuning in today hello got another km's coming in as well 737800 Papa Hotel Bravo xray kilo on the r i don't think it's going to get much warmer as well today cuz it's pretty overcast M here in the shade it's definitely feels a lot colder like the temperature could be like negatives but if the sun's out it's quite nice but when it's like today when it's cold and overcast it just feels really cold a bit of a breeze as [Applause] [Applause] well yeah I can't say I've ever been to I've not been to the Christmas markets for a little while I remember uh the last thing I got hyped over at the Christmas Market was when they're probably quite normal now but you know the York PUD in wraps that you can get oh yeah where it's like a big York PUD and then wrapped inside as a full roast dinner with gravy it's quite a nice combo very messy though one bite and it's just food everywhere is there anyone in the chat who's ever been to a Christmas Market and been impressed with it let's say cuz I've never been that impressed by them that's the thing like like you said they they focus a lot on just more like a night out it is a nice Vibe walking around with a would like um what I sometimes get like a Bailey and hot chocolate it's got a nice combo like a nice warm [Applause] drink thank you Plymouth Phil appreciate it and uh Simeon musket returning for four months of membership saying good morning everyone I'm very poorly today that's not good to here mate I hope you're feeling better soon oh man about that R blue airliner here and Carwin Davies returning for 11 months one month away from that tail badge mate saying good evening Martin and Andy from New Zealand I hope you're all well been a member for 11 months and it's great keep up the great work thank you very much Carwin yeah Tech Sparky saying Edinburgh Christmas Mark to the best that sound like a good vibe I'd love to be there in the Christmas markets when it snows that sounds like the the perfect like I'd be there with a camera just taking pictures of things like late in the evening don't usually snow till February in this country does it no maybe a bit more look in uh up in the Scot in Scotland what we got turning in then on approach here it looks like the Virgin Atlantic in from Bridgetown GV Ray A330 give me that Ray of of sunshine please it's mad how far you can see on the daylight today as well it's one of the best things I think it was um we were watching was it Simon Lowe's stream and we were like he was on 05 he was all the way at the end of the runway catching the arrivals oh yeah that's right yeah and it was just Crystal Clear like there was CU there was no temperature in the air it was just cold and usually you get a lot of heat Haze when the Sun hits the the surface of the runway and that kind of warms up a little bit and the kind of difference in temperature creates a bit of distortion but on days like today for example or you know most days these days it's just cold enough that there's no heat Distortion Lincoln Christmas markets that sounds very nice as well I love Lincoln it really grew on me in that City really really nice it's it's like York Vibes but we make a bit of a day out of it with link because we go there Sam's got this like particular Aviation shop she loves going to um and also we'll go to conningsby as well because it's like 20 25 minute drive from Lincoln Town Center RAF conningsby and if you go there during the week sort of Monday to Friday I know Friday it's like a half day usually um you'll see lots of Typhoon action usually it's not like a particular day where you have to go sometimes you can go and it's a bit quiet I remember once we went on a Friday morning when it was one of the half days and there was just like kind of like one wave of action and that was it for the rest of the day they came back in and that was it whereas I've been there on like a Thursday or a Wednesday where you're there from you know 9: in the morning or you know I think the Airfield opens at 9: or 10: in the morning sometimes 8 changes and um yeah you just see typhoons all day like yeah it can be hit and miss with military airports can't it some days you can go and it'll just be non stop all day yeah and then like you say sometimes you just have one wave and then they're out they've gone to find like maybe better weather or yeah you know uh higher cloud cover or whatever yeah we have that with Valley sometimes yeah I like I like um conningsby though because there's loads of places you can spot from it's not it's never like a sketchy Airfield to some some places you have to really you know push your look should we say I have to show you Round Valley cuz there's some Mega spots there for spatting yeah yes I need I think that's the only thing that lets Valley down though is obviously it's just it's just the Hawks really that you see unless you get like a special visitor in yeah which which are great to see but obviously if you want to really see anything sort of Front Line you need to be going to one of the others Y and welcome back Luke 23 months crew seat member saying good morning everyone thank you very much mate that's a long-term membership as well thank you very much cheers Luke worldest Virgin Atlantic a 330 but The Landing let's see [Applause] decent Landing soy touchdown wasn't it yeah just rolling past the exit there thought we were going to get lucky then another head on Miss Sunshine the name the only sunshine we're going to get by the looks of it yeah m one I think I'll give that a this mate £950 yikes you could probably like literally just get full ball ofile yeah on a sale you could definitely pick up a bottle of Bailey or you know the Ali version what is it B castle which is uh still really nice that's what I usually pick up we've got a bottle of it in our fridge now it's like is it time is it that time of year go on well we'll pick one up as with everything though it just they got so many flavors these days of these you know like like a pink one and a chocolate mint one and all sorts lots of orders flying through the website thank you very much guys we can see them all coming in make sure you go and have a look it's the last day of 25% off today and I think a lot of the stuff that's in stock is selling out quite quickly so head over and take a look if you've not done so already but thank you to everyone who's sending orders for you we can see them piling in [Applause] cheers there's the Virgin Atlantic A330 just landed here at Manchester Airport if you're watching on YouTube don't forget we're streaming in 4k which means uh Ultra HD high definition you can turn up the quality if you haven't already ready and enjoy P you know pin sharp Crystal Clear video quality really really good St Taylor saying I saw one of your Clips on an aviation compilation video yesterday of the Saudi but in a Landon yeah the uh if you saw how many times our content gets stolen you would not believe it yeah yeah it's it's funny cuz it's literally hundreds of times a week yeah it's funny how you can just recognize your own Clips as well just straight off the bat that when we watching in the office the other day yeah was it the a38 a38 yeah yeah yeah W this is O cuz I know like Mr Beast in like an podcast was saying how he's he really doesn't mind people you know using his content to put it nicely you know just downloading off a YouTube downloader and then just reuploading it and then you know CL you know just getting I think that works with him because his face is on it yeah whereas with me and your stuff yeah it's it's just PLS just a video off you know there's unless we were to put a logo on all our Clips which we don't really want to do yeah it's it's not really like working in the same way for us because we're not really getting any sort of passing viewers from it but to be honest it's got that many that we we just haven't got the time to to get them removed cuz you have each one you have to fill a little form out to get it removed and the person ends up getting a copyright strike or whatever but honestly I have not got the hours in the day to to deal with that yeah I know um Facebook has a good system and Twitter as well but Twitter one doesn't really work Twitter I know if you download someone's video and reupload it it will put a credit like a link to the original one that doesn't always work though I found it very rarely works but sometimes does and then uh Facebook has one because one one kind of problem is that it's one of our main Revenue sources is running adverts on videos just like on the live streams it kind of helps fund you know our livelihoods I guess and um a lot of these clips they'll have a little bit of revenue generated little tiny amount like you'll get millions of views and you'll get like a few quid we need to do a video on it actually we're looking to do it on the airliners Lounge how much money we make from these clips cuz it's interesting and U if people reupload them then they can put adverts on and it makes money themselves and it'll obviously detract from ours because people are watching them Clips instead of our own Clips when it's our own content and we don't get any share of that but on Facebook there's like a Content matching system and then what they do is they just run adver on that and just give you the money if your clip which is really smart very very very rare that Facebook does something that's that we we would say is very smart but credit where it's you yeah but obviously that's just the surface of it there's also a lot of problems that been explained on the airliners live YouTube channel if you want to go and have a watch yes yes yes great push back shot of that 330 mat as well looking awesome did have some anti ice on the tail did it I didn't quite see it did yeah there is one of two aircraft in ice one I think most of the aircraft that have been here obviously overnight have had a bit of a a bit of a spray de iing treatment you know if you see any of that going on feel free to grab it mate cuz uh it'll be the first time this year we'll uh we'll see that Mike saying you could always put a f airliners Live sign around the middle of the screen problem is though what does that do like nobody's going to read that and go oh I need to go and search for them and it doesn't I don't think people do that for the quality degradation that that causes you know having a big sticker on the front I'd rather just have a nice clean image yeah we've tried all [Music] that here's what it is [Applause] [Music] though EasyJet on the way out to Paris yeah nice take you can see the 330 now's got its Beacon flashing for the push back they've just completed the push back removing that bar and uh it will begin its taxi very soon and you can see the very faint color of green guys on the Leading Edge of the wing uh on the tail as well and uh that's the antice fluid that they spray on the aircraft and uh obviously the reason it's green is cuz it's very important for people to uh make sure that it's it's covered all the areas so it just makes it easier for the crew to see uh the the deicing crew that is to see where has been sprayed and where might have been missed and things like that so they just do it and there is actually different colors as well um for different formulas so I think there's an orange one as well uh I'm not sure if there's any other colors but no do definitely got green and uh green and orange and uh that just makes it nice and easy to see which is uh cool for us because as this aircraft rotates we'll likely see a uh bit of a puff of green coming over the wing which is which is quite cool jet two on the roll as uh M triple one subscribes with twitch Prime for 10 months thank you mate thank you I love jetsus in the really cold day they have that procedure where they do a long spool up like literally 10 seconds yeah to really warm them engins up of course jatsu there's that the green Wings there yeah course jetu quite notorious for really looking after them engines so taking care of them by giving them time to warm up on the colder conditions and yesterday ladies and gentlemen was Jenny Watts's 21st birthday hey hey journy happy birthday for yesterday oh you had a great day um beby hope you have a uh a great birthday weekend as well and it's always nice to see you guys down at uh down at the airport so thank you very much for uh being a long-term supporter of the channel as well and hope you had a very very happy birthday and uh welcome in to everyone if you are just tuning in it's the aliners live Super Sunday show I hope you all having a great weekend so far as you can see an awesome A330 has been push back on the apron there and uh I've just pressed the wrong button so you can all see that Brown These NS to the L there you go and um how how's that happened that because of that yeah okay I see um yeah but we've uh got plenty of Aviation action still to come up until about 1:00 usually 130 depends on the a38 mainly but we'll follow this one all the way out mat yeah I hope you had a great birthday jny 880 over the German Coast Roger yeah looking forward to seeing that arrive Liam Fletcher welcome in hope you're doing well it has a very good system Matthew it it does have a very good system it it's just time consuming it it it finds your content very very well the only thing YouTube doesn't have uh which may be quite nice cuz I know Facebook havit is is the revenue tracking so if someone has I don't know got loads and loads like millions of views on one of your videos then maybe um maybe they can track the revenue you like Facebook does might be cool but apart from that the actual Content ID system side of things is is really good Spencer Smith hello welcome to you destination du by Livery today as well awesome Nic Le hey no worries greig thank you mate great to have you with us on the old twitch channel the A330 from Virgin Atlantic on the taxi out oh is that the no that's the incoming one isn't it Matt actually I [Applause] believe yeah that's the one coming in from Bridgetown and Steve Barnes gifting a membership to the community thank you Steve appreciate that mate [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] sorry guys was just uh showing Andy something downstairs there fin air looks like it's ready to push back as [Applause] well Tony Rivers hello great to see you thanks for tuning in and Laro 42 tuning in from Munich welcome mate hope you're doing well you can really see the green tail of that jet 2 330 there that's very green isn't it yeah really green stands out a lot on the uh the air tankers Dean saying my wife's in bed currently poorly with the flu so decided to have a go at making a hearty cottage pie for us both wish was hey good luck Dean that's nice of you mate hope she's feeling better soon I know it's pretty gnarly isn't it the flute yeah I think everyone's kind of been under the weather lately haven't they alfha Juliet thanks for tuning in from Denmark hope you're doing well hello and uh Tony Parkinson wowow two years of membership with the channel Executive Club member as well our highest tier of membership on the channel thank you so much Tony saying two years time flies just like the planes it's been a blast watching the channel continue to grow thank you Tony it's great to have you with us mate two years Executive Club member as well what a legend hey look look at that in the chat who's this who's this brownie with a 36 months workie member hey thank you very much mate 36 months and Jillian returning for 18 months wow some really big commitments coming in 18 months already saying time certainly flies let's got them VIP emotes in the chat guys thank you very much everybody cheers Jill and Tony as well really appreciate it Legends [Music] [Applause] air front A320 just TouchDown for Paris Charles the goal Wayne saying I had the flu and it's left me deaf in one ear what yeah I've heard that can happen you know and it takes a little while to clear out cuz it gets all your sinuses and everything doesn't it yeah hope you get well soon dude [Applause] [Music] R you prefer Ry the cfm's AIO uh H that's a tough one is it yeah probably the I I'd agree yeah a little bit nicer sound bit bit louder as [Music] well yeah cfms are a bit bigger look a bit nicer I think but then the I are like classic aren't they it reminds me of the old airliners that the small noisy engines yeah like the uh you know cigar style engines yeah Jason Evans another big recommitment for 22 months saying a brilliant show as always guys thank you very much can we see the DI icing progress on mam that's a good uh question I've not seen anything yet although he is bringing us an awesome shot of this fin air that's just about to push back no iing yet but as soon as I see any I'll um I'll bring it into you guys nice yeah we don't have like a deing pad at Manchester I don't believe I think they just do it on stand um certainly for the A380 that we'll see later that probably will have some dice spot on it cuz I don't think it's going to get much warmer today and typically if it's below like a couple of degrees Celsius like 5 6° they typically uh take the safer option and the ice the plane it does uh take a while to do on the A380 though it's a big plane lots of uh di ice needed Joan C tuning in from Spain welcome to you hope you're doing well hello Sandra tuning in from North Yorkshire I bet it's cold up there yeah I bet it's really cold Ry as well welcome to you hope you're doing well mate Ryan 737 floating it down look how smooth these planes look like they're going on when the winds are calmer it's just easy isn't it just no inputs whatsoever just trim the aircraft let it come down little bit of a flare yeah easy love to see it easy peasy squeezy lemons bit different from when you were streaming on Friday a yeah just a little bit just a bit it was um mad that wasn't it yeah it was pretty pretty blustery good job on that though nice one good job yeah anybody in the chat tune in to that hope you all are enjoy Matt was you were there Wen you Matt in there just keeping an eye on the old uh channel in between work absolutely and Viv returning for 15 months of membership thank you very much Viv saying great camera work as usual guys really appreciate that thank you very very much and Chris basy another long-term recommitment 29 months just gets better every week even in 4K keep up the good work Lads wow thank you very much hands in now oh yeah hands tuning in from uh where did that message go alir Netherlands welcome to you hello take care SMA thanks very much for tuning in today and Robert Potter welcome to you Jamie Foy a full year of membership saying can't believe I've been a member for a year thanks guys amazing enjoy that red tail badge cheers Jamie Legend the red tail badge does look pretty pretty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] smart see two Ry a UK aircraft there one with the split simitar winglet retrofit taken off there the other one just on the ground that's just arrived with the um up swept Wing design that hasn't been retrofitted yet I assume all the Ryan UK planes will be getting that that new wing tip design fitted onto them Ryan a recently pledging like 200 million euros to get about 400 odd planes fitted with them wing tips it's going to save each playe about 1.5% uh on the old fuel burn overall spent about four or five three three or four years I'd say they'd have it all paid off that investment so to speak another lovely touchdown from the classic a321 for Turkish Airlines they've been sending in these a lot lately Captain Mark mentioned that when he was on Match show the other the other week not sure why they've been sending these more than the NEOS lately speculation about the uh the engine reliability with the pratton Whitney not sure about that one could just be operational Logistics reasons who knows and Lewis welcome in thanks very much for tuning in today tuning in from Adelaide Australia [Music] nice yeah really enjoying the action so far today though the the excitement's keeping us warm for sure on this icy Sunday morning at Manchester uren Air Services atr72 now rolling down the runway heading back to gery in the CH Channel Islands after their mental storm the other week gusts of like 80 knots or something ridiculous that's what I [Music] heard so yeah I mentioned that um yesterday we got up to something unusual um has anybody ever heard of zip World in Wales anybody heard of that let's get yay in the chat if you've heard of it or even if you've been to it just curious the only reason I knew about it was because a friend of mine works there yeah there's the IE engines on the Turkish Airlines 321 lovely [Applause] sound Ryan a UK coming in another ryion a UK UK lemur going from Belfast got a new route that I believe for ryion a from Manchester the jetsu A330 tank cise for lanzerotti is uh just waiting down the end at Juliet one it looks like they're going to hold it for a Lanza that's arriving in from Munich my daughter went in the summer a couple people saying yay in the chat what it is folks is I think I don't know if it's still the fastest but they claim it is the fastest zip line in the world and it HPS up at about 125 M hour and it's in North Wales and it was uh Sam's Grand birthday I think she watches the stream actually as well curious if she's watching today she did ask me and yeah we went there as a big group of us and you go all the way you get there there's a car park you're at the summit of this mountain and you're at the The Landing point of the zip line and you look up at the mountain and just a little speck in the sky in in in the the top there is where you start and it can't see anything it's that far away and the zip goes all the way down the mountain you know follows down the road sertie road and goes over this big lake as well and it is a big drop as well so I got that you know it's one of the things where you agree to and you're like that sounds like a lot of fun yeah go on then but you get there and you see the magnitude of it it's bigger than any roller coaster I've ever seen you know this drop is huge I'm like okay I'm not one to go on big roller coasters like things like the the Pepsi Maxes it still C you know the big one at Blackpool like that would spook me a fair bit you know this was massive and then you see people flying down it at like you know 100 odd miles an hour um it was a bit oh there she is joy in the chat oh that's that's other other n okay Joy oh sorry that is gr sorry yeah that that's GR in the chat Joy Simpson um but yes so anyway um yeah you get there and you're really really really starting to get a a bit I wouldn't say nervous but a bit you know hesitant should we say and what they do is they have this little one that you can go on First and the little one's only short it's like the length of the RVP but it's got the whole same setup where you lie down face first and there's nothing to hold on to by yourself by your own harness and you're just dangling above a huge drop and they do this on the little one as well and they really you know like counted down on the thing like three two one and yeah you go and the little one only goes slow but it kind of get you used to it basically and I'm glad they do that cuz then you go and on this isn't that bad actually it's quite fun and I remember the guy on the the little one going yeah this one's dead slow but the big one that's really fast so you have to be careful for that velocity I think that's what it's called yeah velocity it's the big the biggest one so yeah anyway a big a big group of us went then they take you up in this like uh truck basically you sit in the back of truck on like wooden benches and you go up this really bumpy Serpentine Road you're bouncing up and down and it's uh it's pretty wild it's a long drive up your bum gets very numb more leg room though than a Rion a I will say and they're like you better go to the toilet if you need to go before you go up there cuz it's a long way up and it's a long way down as well and I remember getting to the top and Sam says to me she goes I need to use the bathroom I'm like you know what you either got to take all your clobber off which you got like loads of harnesses on and you got this helmet and goggles and just loads of stuff dangling down off you or you could just take the ZIP down you you'll be down in like a minute and then go to the bathroom when you get to the bottom um anyway go to the top and after the first one though you do get really really hyped up for it like you're like you know what this is really fun so anyway long drive up there get to the top and uh yeah we did the full drop and when you're up there it it's yeah so high you can see like the sea You Can See For Miles it's a beautiful view um and yeah then you get you get like harnessed up into the uh cuz all it is there's a big wire and like a metal clamp thing with wheels on it that you attach to and that's it there's nothing really more to it you've obvious got like a very elaborate harness system on you that's you know there's a lot of extra points of failure and things on there but it's very simple it's just a wire and a thing with wheels on and yeah then you you lie down and and you're looking down and and all you see is just this drop you know and your head first and there's nothing like stopping you from just falling forward other than the the safety that's kind of holding you up at the time and yeah and then you drop kind of head first basically and go very very fast have you seen them ones that are like a bit too long where people get like stuck in the middle of them and stuff oh no what you never seen that no there videos online are like people going on this one and they literally like go down it's really really good and then they get towards the end and as they get towards the end I don't know if the Zip's too loose or whatever yeah but it um but they end up just hanging there for ages and they got to try and like like they pulling them in and stuff yeah yeah [Applause] [Applause] yeah wow that noise the green Tail as well love it there's a dreamline of Taxi out on matam and there's also a 330 from Virgin Atlantic Next To Arrive yes but one thing I was crazy about it you're going you're going so fast you can't hear anything I was screaming my head off at one point and I couldn't even hear what was coming out of my mouth because you're going 120 odd miles hour all you can hear is [Music] wind and and all we heard was and it's so much that like if you turn your head your head kind of gets like pushed to the side you know cuz the wind's so strong so you let try to keep all your body straight like a really streamline and then at the end the brakes so they they have to stop you from going you're still going like 100 odd miles hour and the first initial when it's hit hit that first caliper man the shock you get through your whole body like bang just like whoa and then uh yeah then you stop very quickly and it's it's actually quite you know not too bad but it's that original and how do they get you down you're really high up and they they they have this big like big pole thing you've got to grab onto and they kind of like pull you down slowly it's like you know motorized like slowly oh man it was so we were tempted to go again but it's quite a long process to get back up there yeah didn't really fancy that drive again Mike Manel glad you're enjoying it mate thanks for tuning in A330 in from [Applause] Orlando G UFO or GV UFO Virgin Atlantic ladies Stardust so I did edit a video of me and Sam going down and said screaming can be heard um so if you folks want to watch it on today's stream give me a yay in the chat I'm curious we might play it at the end it's only like a minute long cuz the the actual zip is not a long zip yeah the full Members Only video guys is available of the whole Drive yeah all 36 minutes of it [Laughter] yes you imagine hey Miss wolves great to see you in thanks for tuning in uh yes it was Jal Bank in the background yeah yeah we got a great view of that here from the runway visitor Park that was really cool it wow it's really busy here right now though folks there's just planes everywhere there's two planes that I can see on Final Approach but a lot of that's probably down to the fact that there's more visibility I'm just not used to be able to see you know lately it's been very windy cold well cold of course [Applause] [Music] rainy okay folks yeah a couple people for yeah we we'll try play it later on in the Stream folks when there's a bit of a break it's only a minute long like I said a minute and a half I think don't know how I still have vocal cords that work after that [Applause] but just a couple of EasyJet aircraft Landing so we can stick with this 330 but number three three to land and the old scheme qate 330200 nice hype hype hype hype well she's going to wait I think for the easy to to vacate Rolls Royce Trent 700s look at them beasts and there's another 330 pushing back on that camp 330s for today guys if you enjoying the stream so far click that like button for us it really helps the channel a lot if you want to help cover the cost of today's stream hit the dollar symbol then click super chat or hit the dollar symbol then click gifted membership it all goes towards a bit of a list of repairs that are now building up here on the channel oh yes but the camera's been sent off hasn't it yeah I've sent the the camera off the one that's been going foggy I sent that off uh on Friday and uh the PC that we're using for the uh Super Sunday show is uh becoming to be slightly temperamental I'm currently uh being very clever in my switching because periodically cameras are turning themselves on and off and I'm losing signal here and there so yeah I'm doing my best to not let you guys see it but you may see a little black screen here and there guys if I get caught out take a b quick swigger [Applause] te ah [Applause] yes will this 330 start to move now there is a plane on the runway taking off should see some movement though of course there is an episode of the aviation podcast which is airliners Liv in studio Studio podcast featuring Virgin Atlantic 747 Captain Peter herberg great episode of that you can go and watch that on the airliners live YouTube channel along with a couple of other episodes such as Concord Julie who was the youngest ba cabin crew member ever and she's been there since the 1970s and still works there today worked on the Concord and the 747s as well and obviously Captain Mark as well on the the first every episode the pilot episode yeah we are in an awkward phase at the moment aren't we with regards to live streaming technology because we've been saying for a while that we've wanted to move away from like the PC side of things to try and um kind of what would you say like reduce the factors of things going wrong yep but a lot of the hardware switches that are out at the moment um are still 1080P and we're not quite sure why yeah but they've not caught up as of yet and the ones that are 4K are very expensive very expensive so we're waiting for hopefully some cheaper versions to come out but I think looking at how this capture card's been behaving the last two shows that's probably going to need replacing before the chance of moving away from the PC all together I think Chrissy thank you very much gifting and membership to the community oh thank you CHR thank you very much Chrissy that's G to he Beaton that's awesome thank you very much and Danny Taylor catching a bit of the Super Sunday show before we catch our coach back s airport then home hey hope you had a great time Danny yeah how's it been and what plan are you flying coming home now I remember you were on the the air tanker A330 we caught it on that Sunday show love uh lanzerotti though great place such a Vibe Q8 A330 200 series coming in next from Q8 City in their older Livery bit of a retro scheme love this uh love this delvery yeah I do great [Music] [Applause] London I think it's only on the 200 series of the a330s that they have that use this scheme but we sometimes get the A330 NEOS from them I think the 800 series and they have the new liveries on which again are really nice to be fair like they're both excellent liveries in their own right mhm which one's a very mod ones i' love to see this livon and Neo you know yeah that' be good with dead fresh looking blue and yeah that look really smart nine Kappa on the registration come on Twitch you know what to do hey Dad secret kitchen welcome in hope you're doing well we see this uh particular playing quite a lot of Manchester she frequents the airport quite often there's a Ryan a taking off we'll just catch that as [Music] [Applause] [Music] well but as she goes 737 800 Buzz aircraft to dream liner lined up ready to go behind out to Bridgetown nice should have enough time to follow this 330 pass though let's have a listen in chat [Music] just [Music] that was awesome beautiful departure they don't stop there folks cuz there's another 3:30 on the shift as well Virgin Atlantic on the taxi out and uh we also caught a 75 on the push back as well ooh nice is uh going to be another nice departure if we catch that today oh so Danny's flying back on the a33 again yo have a great flight how did you find it the 330 going out I'm yet to fly on one of them air tankers I did I did fly on the the world to fly A330 when that was a jatu this this summer but that was nice it was pretty pretty crowded but that's pretty standard for jetu that didn't have the jetu seats though so it was a bit more comfy more of like a long haul Style seat nice Smoky engine start on that 75 as well we got a Ryan Air on push as well it's all shifting around on the airport today M cam 2.0 but they're all wrapped up nice and toasty today everybody working on the ground but uh let's go some 10 out of 10 in the chat for this guy taking the 75 for a walk in his shorts wow the most committed Manchester ground op in the country I guess he's he's keeping active isn't he hey and a very good morning very early morning for Barbara sending in five airliners live gifted memberships to the community hey Barbara hope you're doing well morning as you can see we're a little bit more wrapped up than the last time you saw as barar all gloves on down here and uh brownie Up on the Roof there it is very very cold here at Manchester now we are rolling into our winter period and um it's great to have you with us though I know it's uh very very early nothing that we're not used to but uh as you can see there we are right pair of uses because both of them Lads have got shorts on WE to up our game but in my defense or in our defense we're not really active here are we no that's the problem thank you so much for the gifted memberships uh Barbara really appreciate that usually when I'm like filming on South side and stuff I'll just Pace up and down you know between the movements yeah keep keep myself moving but yes who saw the Moon last night the Moon the Moon I I know of the Moon did you see it last night though I think so but I didn't there was a big ring of like ice crystals around the Moon which made like this really weird looking like Halo wow that went around it absolutely crazy that's cool Matt got a mint picture of it nice that sounds like one for Tom and an to explain that one yeah if they're at the RVP today maybe they can give us a A Low Down hey cheers Nigel glad you're enjoying it mate Ry 30 heading out Colin Acton hello welcome to you hope you're enjoying the stream two aircraft lights we can see on the approach as well yeah love the the more extended visibility conditions like this beautiful shot Nate on that cam as well just uh taxiing in on the apron welcome into your Super Sunday show guys hope you enjoy join the stream it's like um Postman Postman wear shorts in the middle of winter don't they yeah CU they are just stomping around constantly on so I asked Steve cuz Steve's a task commentary guy yes and he always comes in in shorts and he says cuz he doesn't want to get his trouses muddy sure I'm like I get that but like get your legs muddy instead i' rather I'd rather get me tr's muddy and be warm than you know what I mean I'm sure there's probably more to it I think we have to get him on the podcast and get explanation for that just Bas the whole podcast what he's going on with your choic of loog yeah you must have a reason for it very elaborate matter that he's unlocked like I don't want to dis close out on the internet I'm like no that's fine mate but what is going on though how do you do it [Applause] British Airways A320 heading back to London he thr airports ba have been kind of frequenting um Manchester a bit more recently with the STS hanger as well I think a a couple of their aircraft that need maintenance uh maybe they don't have the space in their own maintenance facility and heow but they've been sending a fair few planes over to Manchester lately and so have Lingus have started sending planes over as well to STS really really good signs but they're nice and busy seems like a good business to be in really aircraft maintenance oh cheers Aviator Steve that's very kind of you Barbara says I sent PayPal the other day have you got it Martin uh no what we don't use uh I don't believe we've got a way of we put we only use PayPal for people who buy things barar off the website so I'm a bit cautious about yeah you maybe drop me an email about that one Barbara cuz I'm not aware of any way that you could have sent a donation via PayPal if that's what you mean yeah I want to make I want to make sure that's uh that's checked out Barbara yeah we also have um Kofi as well but that that's the best way to support let me yeah let me have a a quick look barberz that's worried me though uh Viv thank you so much gifting five memberships to the community thank you so much putting us on 14 new members on today's stream thank you very very much Viv wow thank you giting memberships really does help the channel a lot so thank you so much for that Dan that's a very good question I'll uh I'll answer that cuz I've got a bit of experience in that field oh that's not in the [Music] moment oh virgin at to a 330 rolling down 2 three [Applause] right wow awesome sound there I can see a jet 2757 taxi now yeah Danny Taylor saying the question is how do I dress to go home do I overheat now in my winter gear or freeze in the UK when we land that is such a a uh an issue when you're flying in the winter right in the colder months of the UK especially when you go to Canary Islands my tip I tend to wear joggers you like nice soft warm joggers that you know they're not going to get too hot when you're over there and a zip hoodie is always the best option cuz you can just real quick take it off put it on generally like an airliner live hoodie or something big it's a bit too heavy and bulky that it's going to just be a bit of a a burden when you're over there right so usually a zip hoodie as the as the go to for me and some joggers the end of the day you have to make sure you're comfy on the plane though cuz that's the most when you get to like Manchester and that yeah you'll probably spend like you know 10 15 minutes out in the cold maybe but you know for the four or so hours you'll be on the plane you want to be comfy then I find in a plane it can sometimes be really hard to get the temperature right sometimes the planes can be really cold and if you're there in shorts and t-shirt you're shivering sometimes it can be really warm I remember the when we went to Malaga earlier this year we were on um Tango Charlie the jet 2737 and it had no airon and we were on the same plane going there and back and when we were boarding at both times it was super warm like like almost like a greenhouse in there and that was in April so it wasn't even that warm in the UK but the plane does hold the heat quite a lot so you think I should take my fluffy leggings off oh do you remember them we used to have them fluffy ches didn't we we used to wear yeah I need to order some more of them I've just shrunk a lot since then either put weight on or get some new trousers what's a better option wait till Christmas morning Dian hope you're [Music] well ran a UK departing there then retrofitter split sear winglet looking very smart nicell and air though on an icy day rocking up from Ray Kik the blue stripe on the tail there have you got any advice Matt about traveling cloth wise do you have any like go-tos if you're going especially in the winter um yeah always take a hoodie all the time no matter how hot it is at your destination always take a hoodie Hood a good very diverse I even when as far as like like you say me just just just when you come back and stuff just a precaution mate you know yeah cuz I even went this far as to like looking for an airliners live zip hoodie we tried to get them ordered cuz they would have been so useful but they were just quite pricey and you know like for what it's worth I don't think many people would have bought them yeah I'm a big fan of zip hoodies cuz the actual exact brand that we use for the hoodies do a zip version as well but it's it's like more expensive it's like ends up being quite a lot of [Music] money Chris saying I flew back from uh LPA that's gr canara is isn't it U with jet two and it was like an oven in the front and my mom and sister were satting in the back row and it was freezing so weird to have the tempor varation in the front to the back that's interesting usually like the the cabin crew will be on top of that might have been an issue with the plane though you know like like I said when we had no uh airon in our plane so it did temperature was a bit strange J 75 seven next [Music] [Music] out that's s sounded awesome green wings and green Tail as well she climbs out of Manchester Airport airlin life snoods another one that we've considered as well yeah not a bad one got a SN on now myself it's keeping my chin nice and warm it makes a massive difference just like the beanie A Logan sorry Logan ATR over on um Terminal 3 at the moment just uh finalizing the boarding process now couple of crew looks like they're about to close the steps there at the back how much was a zip hoodie I can't remember Linda this was a while ago and obviously Everything's changed in prices these days so yeah it it just ended up being more than the actual hoodies you know and the actual hoodies are really good so you might as well just get them Andy Richards saying I'm on a jatu flight from Barcelona give me a wave when I land Lads um flight uh jetu flight 804 Landing in at around 20 past 1 can really recommend Barcelona as a great place to visit Andy we've said it many many times on the channel and yes I completely agree it is Barcelona's awesome what's it like at this time of year by the way was it was it particularly warm cuz when I went in I think it was September I went it was really hot like kind of uncomfortably hot to be walking around all day and luckily like the Hop On Hop Off buses that have the you know the big red ones with the open top and that they have airon on so they're quite a nice relief to just jump in one of them but thing about barer is if you go into like Parkway and all that it's quite uh hilly you know you got to walk up a lot of hills and stuff and obviously if you you've got you know carrying things with you and uh it's really hot and you're not really used to the heat cuzz you're from the UK it can be hard work cheers Joanna yeah um there's a lot of ideas with airliners live there's kind of two factors that we have to watch out for with merch it's uh well three I guess it's something that people will want to buy something that's good quality and something that's a reasonable price as well and if it doesn't meet them three factors then it's not really something that we can make work I'm afraid cuz I know like some content creators might do like cheap T-shirts that are like you know 10 quid or something but they'll usually not last very long you know the idea idea is when I buy clothing personally I kind of want it to last a fair bit I then I want to be warm I want it to be goodlook I want it to be not too expensive I went in December Barcelona was warm and Christmas markets were amazing wow December I just remember remember going to lanzerotti one December and it was like late December before Christmas and it was just lovely and warm lying on the beach mid 20s degrees Celsius and and having Christmas tunes playing it was just like such a nice M lanyards lanyards lanyards lanyards might make a comeback folks we've mentioned it before but right now no yeah not yet not yet um Barbara replied to your email you can just have a look at that for me yeah I want to make sure whatever link you've used is I'm aware of it because I'm not aware of it at the moment um cuz I'd rather if anyone does want just for kind of a community sort of shout out if anyone does ever want to send a oneoff donation and maybe we're offline or um I don't know if I don't know if if you want to do that use the Kofi links in the chat that's that's the best way to do it yep um don't send donations direct through PayPal if you can guys um we prefer that you use the Kofi links but as I say I'm not aware of a way you guys can use PayPal at the moment anyway so I'm just trying to track that down for Barbara cuz she emailed and did say she sent in a $100 donation so thank you very very much Barbara that's very kind of you but I want to try and track down where that's gone cuz that doesn't appear to have got to us so I want to I want to give you a hand with that so just double check your email I we get back to you after the stream thank you and uh as Barbara does that we've also got this ATR going to start pushing back soon as well um I'm not sure Lee I can't I've seen your message Mate I can't check it from here I'll have to check when I get home I'm just on the streaming PC so I've got nothing logged in or anything here I really do Hest see my of clothes that I have shrinking a wash the airers life hoodie is two years on don't says it all really really Joan thank you very much I think this particular hoodie is pushing two years now and it's still fine like still really good mam got another Dreamliner on the taxi out but uh one for you then Barbara the uh Logan ATR is uh also being pushed back great view up at the end of the uh the runway so we be seeing that depart very very soon nice um I seen also Danny saying when he get L on his live travel backpacks again it's another thing we've looked into but like like I said before too big as well to store that's another thing as well yeah storage but again it it's down to like how many people will buy him can we get him for a reasonable price will it be good quality oh see the engine start look at that Pete thank you very much for the 199 donation saying good morning you guys are the best start to my Sunday thank you very much mate that's awesome [Music] commentator going to be here the next hours [Music] exp mega shot there of the ATR on the push back amazing but we do have something special guys for the 1 million it's already arrived and we will tell you more as we get closer to the 1 million yeah it's crazy how we're going to some of the moderators cuz we have a a moderator group chat we've all been putting like bets in some of the mods have been saying might even be as early as Christmas yeah we've we've kind of given it another shove and um we've been really hammering the content and we've managed to get back over the 70,000 per month boost yeah that we've not had for a while and that's directly relating to us nearly how how many extra shorts would you say we doubled the amount of shorts we're putting out or we maybe just done it back an extra third or something yeah maybe it's um I think the quality like the they're doing better you know we're understanding it more you know like whereas you know this time last year we were probably putting out the same amount but we just didn't they weren't going as crazy you know yeah and tasa returning for 20 months of membership saying the big 20 keep it up guys thank you mate oh thank you and uh fast 800 a new subscriber from Australia uh a like delivery on the prop plane yes that's a Scottish uh Livery um and it's uh it's definitely a popular one here for us on the channel company called Logan air but welcome in from Australia fast 800 let's get some waves in the chat brand new viewer and subscriber in the community guys man saying why is the ATR not on a power back they just don't do that here at Manchester yeah that's something I really want to ask I don't know if it's due to like the space between the stands like maybe there's not enough space between them and the next aircraft or why it is could also be a noise abatement thing as well with like residents nearby and stuff possibly cuz it is loud we are getting a uh a natural answer to this from the at from the uh task commentary Team guys so stand by I can hear Andy getting uh getting a briefing getting a briefing whilst we wait for that Barbara you didn't have to do that we can sort the other one out Barb going in with the $100 donation wow ladies and gentlemen Barbara p Sterling probably one of the most generous viewers in the live Aviation community and unbelievable thank you Barbara saying uh if it's lost it's okay here is my support to bar we will track it down do not worry about that we will help you uh get that money back and uh says here's our support to you early morning for me so I need some more sleep hugs to all from Barbara yeah we really do appreciate you tuning in Barbara on what is a very early start for you uh we understand that uh thank you very very much and please uh keep in touch with me via email because we will sort that out and we'll we'll help you get to the bottom of that but thank you very very much supporting the channel today that will go a long way to helping us fix some of the issues we're having today thank you very much B yeah thank you appreciate it to dream lineup starting a takeoff roll off to monteo Bay bit of info coming in from the B the boys at uh the aviation Society just now as well just letting us know about why they don't power back I'll tell you that some official info from an ATC [Music] [Applause] guy that dream ler on the way out to Mono Bay amazing so it's um it's not about the noise it's more about just the hazard of them you know the props reversing and yeah you know um obviously space and things like that I did think it'd be a space thing yeah it's more the health and safety side of things but basically you know um because there have been incidents in the past um where people have been injured you know by these props and things like that so better safe than sorry really there are countries where they will take different approaches for example um but the layout of the airport and stuff and with Manchester Airport they have these kind of CER sa so to speak where there's not a lot of space where they've got to be a bit more careful um apparently they did trial it with flybe for a bit but I don't think it was uh much success should we say it wasn't really worth uh you know the tradeoff of safety Barry says I subscribed to you through patreon uh are you getting my subscription we absolutely are barry thank you very much guys uh there's honestly not many people left on patreon now um but I know we still do get some support through there so thank you very very much Barry um if you want to get access to the benefits and stuff Barry of using like the emotes in the chat feel free to move over to YouTube If You Wish um but either way yes we are receiving uh your support so thank you very much for that Amy saying the colors look unreal today honestly you should have seen it when we started the stream at like 9: sky was like golden really really nice still looks really good though jet Al to Athens on the roll next and then the Logan departure Ian saying how long are pilots allowed to fly for before they have to change crew well we've actually got a full video about that Ian for you mate if you want to watch that after the stream today we'll get a link in the chat for you all about that yeah it's on the airliners live channel YouTube [Music] absolute legend that is Captain Mark who's a good friend of ours he was on the stream the other week um not Friday just gone but the Friday before and I know a lot of you guys in the chat were tuned into that and what a good episode that was and Roy thank you so much mate gifting five Live membership to the stream wow thank you Roy thank you very very much that really helps the channel a lot mate great to see you in this morning as [Music] well real short take off there from the Logan a no space needed huge Runway man just not [Music] necessary she's off off and away already thank you all for spamming those gifty emotes and the hearts in the chat as well for all the support coming in today folks thank you everyone appreciate it what you cooking today I saw your roast dinner was looking 10 out of 10 the other week in the uh rate my scran section on the Discord nice thanks for getting involved in there hey speaking of scran I had uh something a bit unusual for me yesterday oh yeah we ordered in oh and we got pizza did you with a capital P nice from Domino's with a capital D was really really nice I'm not had Domino since gosh you made a money well I think Domino's is one of them where the the prices are extortion it like man it's so expensive but you have to get one of the deals really deal which brings it back down to like normal price normal price yeah like 50% off you that's amazing but then even with that that's just normal price what you'd expect yeah um but yeah without if you didn't have that man oh my gosh it could get so expensive I do I don't mind the cheeky Domino's every now and again if I know I've got a week or so off it's good like yeah it's not bad so you know when I did the stream the other day yeah I didn't think I was working the next day right so I slammed to cargo Town pizzas in for me lunch the day before yeah and I woke up I was like yeah this is not the day for me to go streaming and and then I looked at the winds I was like right I'm just going to have to go yeah have to go just do it see what happens yeah if we don't go you don't know problem was I was going that was the isue A330 pushing back as well as Barbara givs another five memberships to the community putting us to 24 new VIPs on today's stream thank you Barbara appreciate that wow and uh Camy Hudson uh returning for 38 months of membership saying another great month with aliners live thank you so much guys just coming 24 new members on today's stream wow absolute Legends welcome all John ston hello welcome to you enjoying the great pitches as usual cheers mate Mr ping you good morning you sir Domino I remember when Papa John's used to be like the the best one but they've gone downhill they've PA John used to be the best it used to be the best but they've had a lot of issues that company and they kind of cut corners and it's not the same as it used to be you know but fair play Domino's was decent like no it is good it's nice Jen enjoys on as well but wasn't like amazing but it was solid it was good like yeah definitely not worth the Mad price it was meant to be but we're um starting to get quite strict me and Jen on the old saving at the minute nice yeah cuz we're kind of half keeping our fingers cross it next year like house prices and stuff or at least the interest comes down yeah yeah yeah cuz we're still not on the property ladder um we're still renting yeah but obviously neither of us are getting any younger are we so at some point you got to make that jump an you but it's not easy right now is it it's a bit too scary at the minute I'll be honest yeah like what is it like 6% or something on mortgages yeah something working like that a lot so I'm kind of hoping next year that settles down a bit but yeah we definitely can't afford to even afford to deposit on a place at those sort of interest rates unfortunately I like Pizza Hut nowaday I don't think we have one round ours there's one um near stretford I think yeah I think you can order in from that one but I've not I've not been to a Pizza Hut in years mate yeah we just never eat in anymore I think again it's like like you just trying to save a bit of money yeah cuz it gets so pricey renting is the way to go if you don't have children yeah that's the problem though you want to have that set up you know cuz the problem is with renting mate is um sorry guys if this looks a bit framy the the capture card is pretty much broken I think all right um I'm just going to see if this clears up folks basically the capture card that we use to bring all of the cameras into the live stream is on the way out and it keeps dropping the cameras and then every so often it goes quite framy like this so apolog uh it should clear up in a moment just keep it still for a sec uh Zack Phillips a brand new premium economy member thank you so so much mate welcome to VIP welcome yeah but the thing is with renting is the price of rent is going up and up and up as well because obviously the mortgages are going up so yeah it's at some point it's just like it gets silly you know what I mean it gets a bit silly if it was just me by myself I wouldn't be too worried but yeah like I said I'm kids you don't want the life of like renting for them cuz you might end up having to move cuz the rent might go up and stuff at least with like a mortgage I know they have the potential to go up but it's not as unstable as renting I don't even I don't even think it's just a kids thing like me and Jen don't have kids but we just want to have something of our own that we can decorate what we like all sorts of things you know like you just got more you can do what you like with your own house car yourself and the idea of like maybe paying off the morgage as well one day would be yeah but I'm more bothered about just having something that you can call your own you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah like now if I want to do anything in the house you got to send an email you know wait for permission and all this I only want to paint the wall you know what I mean Miss wolves a full year of membership thank you so much welcome back red tail badge wow absolutely fantastic thank you very much for the 12 months of membership nice thank you so much much yeah I know a lot of people have like inheritance and you know like properties's passed down but I've never been yeah I've never had anything like that been rented since I was 18 say 330 is been push back on the apron awesome the cats are your kids yeah yeah they caus enough trouble to be [Laughter] really busy at Manchester today though I'll tell you that it's not really not really stopped not had a chance to show you guys the video yet stay tuned for that find out what me and Sam got up to yesterday and me screaming my head off and uh apologies I think I missed Audrey brion's 12 month o recommitment to the channel That was back about 45 minutes ago Audrey I'm very sorry about that so in a year already love being part of this community with a red tail badge thank you very much ory Legend thank you AUD thank you Terry as well for pointing that out mate oh congratulations Audy that's awesome [Music] I think what we should have done when we were like 5 years old and six years old instead of playing with cars and that we should have been buying the house if I'm honest well so everyone used to say oh just live with your parents for as long as you can and this at the other right and uh one of my mates did that and obviously he bought his own house wow yeah whereas I moved out I didn't move out early early but I did move out and um obviously now me and Jenna kind of Trapped in the old rent cycle you know not really having yeah enough to save up for a decent deposit but it's just just we're in a nice house don't get me wrong like we're very lucky like we can afford to rent quite a nice place but like I say it' just be nice you know just to just have something of your own and your own outdoor space and Jen can like decorate how she wants and that we'll get it sorted at some point but yeah either way that kind of brings me back around so yeah it's just on a bit of a Savor at the minute so things like takeaways and stuff yeah we're just trying to cut back on that bster returning for two months of membership saying the best two months ever great Channel always positive great presenters mods and chat and awesome here to many more new members you deserve it thank you so much B we're really really happy to have you with us and um yeah I'll uh I think the rest goes without saying bester but thank you very very much for supporting the channel for two months great to have you with us really quick taxi from this R Michael Crow returning member premium economy thank you very very much mate and what has happened here what has happened here Matt gisa dropping 10 gifted memberships into the stream what a legend 10 gifted memberships Max thank you mate what a legend putting us to 36 new members on today's stream thank you so much guys appreciate that thank you that's very kind Mega bong another Mega bong support coming into the stream thank you everyone and Mr pingu's just dropped five as well what is going on today thank you Mr Pingu dropping five memberships to the community putting us to 39 brand new VIPs and good mate Seb 13 months of membership just got an email about a gifted membership popping back in to say thank you cheers SE Legend mate thank you guys thanks for all that little uh flurry of support coming in that's incredible see Edinburgh Aviation saying thank you so much for gifting me a membership as well enjoy him guys get in from abine ATR 72 yeah just touching down on two three right there props wow Mr Pingu again just dropping another five gifties thank you so much mate wow a legend thank you very kind you guys are awesome thank you everyone what a [Applause] gent 46 New VIPs on the [Music] stream thank you so much guys [Applause] maybe we swapped the uh the gifty emot to a Santa holding a present emote for December what do you think CH y or no yeah yeah yeah I'm going to do it I don't care if you all [Music] put then props looking awesome in 4k sounding awesome as well wow 75 s's been pushed back as well folks another screaming departure coming up on 23 right yes Ryan a rolling on the main Runway heading out to [Music] Belfast right UK Lema L and Tom and an gifting five memberships to the community thank you Toman what is going on absolutely crazy thank you Tom appreciate it you guys at the RVP today 51 new VIPs on the stream we've not had as much support as this for a while guys thank you very much everybody lots of love coming into the channel today appreciate it welcome to everyone tuning in on Twitch as well guys hope you're all doing well where at 380 these days as well let's have a look on radar it was over Germany earlier on um so it wasn't too far away yeah I see it just over the English Channel at the moment and it's actually the Dubai Expo special today no it is I think Lee give us a heads up on that one earlier on amazing I'm so hyped we're going to have to watch walk that all the way in I [Music] think lovely takeoff there from the 737 800 jet two not using a lot of Runway as p as they usually do it's going to be a 100 day no mate no no no I don't think have we ever had I think we had 100 day in live history I think yeah I think that was when somebody dropped 50 50 yeah so that was already half halfway there yeah that was great I think apart from that it's been uh I think highest has been about 70 80 something like that which is incredible I'm another in of Cafe hey keeping warm there aren you yeah that's the best place to be question is you sat on one of the tables or did you get your camping chairs out in there cheers Wayne glad you're enjoying the stream mate thank you very much yeah it's so cold that uh even just having fingerless gloves my fingers are like bright red it's like that cold Paul Barnett saying first time watching welcome in Paul let's get some waves in the chat brand new viewer Paul in the community guys and uh Paul are uh saying best Channel and Community we definitely agree with you there mate in the community side of things thank you very much cheers Thomas just saying that the A380 is about 35 minutes away sweet Roger dodger but if you are just tuning in to Alina's live for the first time a very warm welcome you have to excuse our appearance cuz it's very cold but my name is Martin hope you're doing well great to see you I'm down there pressing the buttons running the microphones switching cameras and keeping in touch with you guys brownie there he is up on the roof he looks like he's going to take all your pocket money and uh over on the apron cam so that sorry that's looking after like this main view here which you can see maybe give us a quick pan Andy before this 330 comes up um Zoom all the way out and we're here at the runway visitor Park in the aviation Society commentary Tower so you can see the whole Runway perfect view and then uh Matt if you want to do the same mate that's the best place in the whole RVP the cafe and uh here's Matt Smith's view he's on the apron cam we're bringing in a remote feed from Matt and uh he's watching all the push backs all the ground Ops everything like that bringing us a really unique view as well so we've got a full setup around the airport guys trying bring you the very best views and uh there it is on the old mat cam Smith on the apron cam absolutely love that and uh that's our apron cam or mat cam as we like to call it so you guys shouldn't miss a thing and as you see as we switch to this one we can see the 330 Neo from a Lingus lining up with the leftand and Neo on the did I say 330 neon yes it's not the 330 from Lingus lining up and the L hand and Neo on the taxi Allison gifting five memberships to the community 56 new VIPs in the Stream is this going to be a record day chat it's certainly heading that way thank you very very much Al Thomas SL good morning to you turn the volume off for this beautiful H it's all public places all public right I need something to loot so I'm going to leave you on Main C I need to move the bik yeah hope you're enjoying the Super Sunday show folks so far today good very very good morning to you folks I hope you're all nice and warm on this very chilly Sunday morning here in Manchester it's getting to some really cold temperatures now this time of year I had to replace the battery on my car last night cuz uh I think it was on the way out and then uh literally the cold got to it last night and then I tried to start it up and nothing it it tried for like two seconds I just gotone so yeah to quickly toss a new battery in there and it's nice and uh sharp now straight back on it the chat's going so fast today hello everybody how are we all feeling today we all having a good time got the jetsu 757 with the green Wings how do you think about that folks you're going to see a lot of spray from them wings as the plane rolls down the runway to take off all that the I fluid is going to fly off in style but first of all we got this Ryan Air 737 coming in next quality is looking so crisp saying suie honestly I strongly agree especially when the planes are around about this location cool atmospheric temperature meaning that the picture super clear so it should be with us it's estimating at [Music] 114 [Applause] stay tuned CU I did mention it earlier in the show but yesterday myself and my partner Sam rode on the fastest zip line in the world apparently about 125 mph it can go something like that crazy and uh I did not have a good time I'm joking I did but I was screaming my head off on that thing goes down the side of a mountain in North Wales and um we made a video of it it's only a short video like a minute minute and a half but uh we've got the video ready to play on the stream today so you guys earlier on voted to watch it so we're going to play it later on in the show maybe in an hour or so so stay tuned for that love tanza a 320 Neo really really nice looking play in this better be filming me next Monday saying Susie what's going on Susie give us the [Applause] lowdown [Music] give was all the info yeah I think the uh yeah the the car was trying to start um but there there was not enough power in a battery and all the everything on the dashboard was flickering on and off in in sequence you know it's obviously like a power [Music] issue and then a new battery just very quickly rectified that found that to be uh a nice easy fix and she's on our way again Ryan s737 8200 they call them multies reg that's uh and molter molter a rather very photogenic looking plane we would say bear back my fridge needs my help is that the new way of saying it [Music] Paul thank you for the info qar a 351,000 alpha 7 Alpha Oscar Delta du at [Music] [Applause] 1225 and then goes on to say that it will park on T2 East Pier One for maam amazing thank you for the heads up Paul it's very kind rollsroyce power taking the jetu 757 out of Manchester W what's been going on since I've been gone a it's all popped off and we caught up no you you going to William and eveve Aviation returning for 14 months of airliners Live membership thank you so much guys hope you're doing well long-term recommitment to the channel Suzie B dropping five airliners live gifted memberships to the community putting us to 61 new VIPs in the channel today thank you very very much and Roy with the 757 donation in loving memory of Sue Lawson gone but never forgotten absolutely mate thank you so much for the 757 departure remembering our good friend Sue thank you very very much Emirates about 30 minutes out awesome we've also got this hinan on the taxi out as well which we'll be seeing very shortly yeah ooh a Sun Express touching down this is what we want to see on a daylight today give me some of that is one of Turkish [Music] operators quite often send the Maxes sort Express to to to Manchester but this time just the NGS call [Music] 737800 yeah thank you all for the support in the chat it's really really appreciated especially on these especially on these shows where we we do go above and beyond on the production and have the multi cameras we not really spoke about that today we just it's just a pushing back right in front of us on nice it's just a uh a regular feature here on the channel but there is a lot of work that goes into keeping it all work up and [Applause] running hey hopefully they got it sorted Barry this time mate fingers crossed for you both [Music] absolutely hey drop away from the flight that there look at him hand out the window like a boss man wait is he is he just realized how cold it is oh wow let's see how quick he shots that yeah you know what I mean you know what it's a bit chilly though [Laughter] anymore Legend giving us a wave from the flight was s out head but uh definitely a lot chillier here than where they left I assume get your jacket on you know what he's saying now I mean that be the last time I W to them in [Music] here cheers philli Stevens saying loving the remote Camp thank you mate I did notice as well let me have a look at zoom in here uh whereabouts I'm look f f f how busy the mountain is plenty of people over on the South Side W which is mad because obviously Runway two closed and they're still making the effort to get over there and watch some planes but the RVP Mound also very busy today as well like fair play the Brave and the cold weather today wow nice Smokey start on that Singapore as well nice Matt Smith pulling out all the goods today really is isn't [Music] he he's at his steak b he's very quiet sounds like he's still eating it oh is he muted that' be why I want eating a state bait no why'd you go for have you done a Greg's run today going to bacon B this morning did you bacon B cappuccino ni roll for when I finished waiting for you lot to pick me up all started mate all start all ready to go he knows second engine start on the singap there oh yeah look at that SMY I tried to uh I tried to be quite good this morning um I uh got myself bacon and rolls I was like right I'm going to make me on bacon bacon rolls bring him with me to the RVP and when my alarm went off at 6:30 no no I'm all right I'm all right so I uh I stopped on the way and got myself sausage on you just had all the good intentions and uh I was too tiited to so what so what did did you just have like a long wake up procedure do it's just like you need I'm one of them people I'm very slow to wake up so I'm very quiet in the morning I don't really say too much don't ask me anything complicated I just need to wake up and if I wake up fast I'm really grouchy yeah you know if like you wake up all of a sudden I'm not a happppy bunny me so I was like do I just give myself sort of 10 15 minutes to just come around or do I just ye out a bed in the cold and make myself a bacon sandwich I thought yeah I'm going to take the 15 minutes yeah so yeah the uh saving for house guys is going very very well day one failed already we got uh I'm I'm getting really into bacon Bacon's great though cuz it's so quick to make as well like it's not it's just quick quick quick 5 minutes what do you do just a quick you you do a bit of that and then you that then if you really got you give it I can't see you but sounds great you'll see in about 30 seconds on your pH sounds Bob on you can hear the passion the energy what energy and Matt thank you mate you've already gifted 10 memberships and you just sent in a € 22 donation saying love your stream and loving everything that flies mate what an incredible amount of support you sent in today thank you very much you're always grumpy yeah that's what Jen says Susie what a good question what's that plane I think she's talking about the uh I don't know what it's called theand is live playe is it the Mal malth malth yeah A330 I'm yet to see that taking off you know MTH Arrow MTH Arrow it's a nice looking plane though it's actually not here for maintenance it's it's actually doing flights so we might see it today if we're looking flight control J he's doing Cru CHS for um Cruise CHS for P I think something nice Bing in the air fry y on there Matt's took his balava off you can hear he's crystal clear now undressing we pulling his trousers I think my mic was trapped um I think my mic was trapped under Miss snood oh yeah it sounded like it yeah like talking like you got a steak bake in your mouth or if it was that oh she come with a uh a warning them some them State bakes it is my birthday tomorrow says Harrison my mom loves your streams can you please say hi to her we certainly can welcome to Harrison's mom and uh have a great day tomorrow mate hi Mom thank you very much for tuning in but the air fryer do do you get a bit of a crisp on the air fryer a bit crispy the air fryer is um is a really really good little addition to the family I'm going to with you it's um it's good you got to just be careful with the air fry because you can overdo stuff very easily in it is my thing um but no it's definitely definitely good yeah would recommend Audrey saying you should try the walls ready cooked sausages and you just was them in the microwave for two minutes I think I used to use to have like the skinless ones in that yeah you have to be careful with sausages CU a lot of them don't have much sausage in them like some of them could be like 40% pork and it's like what's the other 60% then just random nay yeah random NES NES and uh other various animals that's M dreamies but they are nice though you can't you can't dispute that mhm I dis must Adit I'm not a fan of um what them sausages that everyone used to eat and they come out like square square you remember the square sausages no Square sausages sounds weird like you got to know someone knows in the chat [Applause] maybe made by Lego or something [Music] no mega blocks [Music] General in [Music] the [Music] [Applause] of easy Jets touching down as well here at Manchester Airport what what ni say wow ah and a wave as well cheers fellas you mean waffles right got L sausages l or sausage slice oh I've never had them like did you buy them in the supermarket Richmond sausages Richmond sa how about them Richmond sausages can't say they've ever been Square whenever I get them out the packet they're like flat on both sides people are saying Lawes I've never heard of them La I don't even know why why I'm even talking about this I've completely forgotten the point I was going to make so I think it was air fryers was that's no idea mate to be honest sausages welcome to Al's live sausages Square sausages yeah get yours now speaking of sausages has a h and a33 300 series explain why to me after this speaking [Music] ofes wa that climb she shot [Music] upes live sounds like an only fans Channel yeah that's not not let's not go down that one guys I think that name's taken to be honest think so definitely not a PG channel that one want to step on someone's toes sausages I'm have to look at these la la la I don't know how you pronounce that guys sounds cool I did when I went to Edinburgh last to try a um a deep fried Mars Bar oh yeah yeah that was weird it just it just tasted like um it was very similar imagine like a crispy pancake with a with a a melted marar in the middle just wrapped up on that right was just yeah tast I'm quite partial to a bit of battered sausage I'll be honest I I don't mind the battered sausages I did that myself I put it in the in the r my SC thing cuz I I normally do my own deep fried chicken at home and I threw some bacon in there oh my God it came out so good deep fried bacon deep fron you know remember a week a month ago chat when this guy was like all on the health train and now it's got to Winter and he's on deep fried bacon oh it was so good it was so good cuz usually with deep fried chicken the flavor is like in the batter usually or skim whatever you call it but this was like you get through that and there's more flavor gosh don't don't no just only only do it if you really want to guys yeah it does not recommend for a healthy LIF and Tim Jackson what a legend gifting and membership to the channel putting us on 62 new VIPs chat 62 we've not had a number that high for quite a long time thank you very much everybody wow thank you if you enjoying today's stream and you want to help us smash that record hit the dollar symbol then click gifted memberships it all goes towards supporting the channel thank you very much everybody covering the cost of the streams lingers touching down from Dublin I flew uh easyjet's shortest flight yesterday in the SIM from uh Belfast to uh Island man oh wow how how long is that um about 20 minutes and you FL flew at 7,000 ft wow and uh I did a go around in the Island Man actually because I landed too late that is a short Runway that did that double your journey time did it that is a short [Music] Runway so if anyone is on valant search for airliners live if you want to add me as a friend on there and you'll see the go around I did yesterday on the latest [Applause] flight I like how people in the chat still talking about Square sausages it's the new thing guys car thank you man turn it up volume up here we go let's get them copy Mes in the chat John Gilbert gifting the membership thank you mate 63 cheers [Applause] John [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that sounds nuts that loud enough for your chat yeah I just about heard it microphone can't go anywh than that that was awesome but sounded good yeah more of [Music] that this is like a perfect day for plane spotting like yeah not much wind so it's nice we can really enjoy the sounds it's nice and cold so it's really clear in the air it's not too bright and sunny don't ask Matt to do sausage Camp he's got his trousers on today guys it's too cold for him not to have his trousers on he's not pulled his trousers up yet yeah and Terry Edward just mentioning that the uh discount on merch we got a Black Black Friday weekend sale going on that was meant to just end on Friday but we decided to extend it 25% off all in stock items on the airliners live store folks go and check it out I believe the discount gets added when you put it in the checkout right [Applause] oh Rocket wolf okay with the 20 gifted twitch memberships in the channel 20 gifted Subs you madad rocket wolf on Twitch absolutely popping off and uh widows XP with the bits thank you so so much mate thank you very much for supporting the channel and Freddy with a twitch Prime Membership you absolute madlads on Twitch cheers rocket wolf Legend thank you very much guys wow 20 gifted Subs I know rock wolf is a huge supporter of uh the channel for a long time thank you very much guys absolutely tons of support coming in 63 new members on the YouTube stream as well wow oh here we go bit of di ice in action can't see it all but there you go guys you can see a bit of it going on on the EasyJet there decent H [Applause] yeah at least CAU something yeah and the r vacating in from uh pza posted a la on sausage in the Discord nice one you and yeah we'll have a look for that mate yeah I'm excited that's cool seeing the de though on the on the pad though yeah I'm going to switch back to that cuz there's a bit going on here that's really cool literally really cool mam based over at terminal one apron Terminal 2 as well you can see that as well really really cool stuff though today we're loving it zoch a321 routing back to Istanbul classic classic play wow King of the sky shouldn't be too far out now we have a look he just over ducking field so it'll be making a a left hand turn onto the is to 3,000 ft so yeah he's making the turn now sweet it's next to land mate so nothing in front of it cool keep an eye out be nice to see it nice and far away probably well now to be honest there you go the skies just turning on to Final Approach now I'll take a swig of my te still nice and warm the airliners live travel Cup by the way airliners doli oh nice guy just popped in the guy he's visiting up from gwick just saying how good the RVP is oh loving the commentary really enjoying it nice are there going to be any more logo t-shirts yeah you can pre-order things once the sale is finished this afternoon we've turned off pre-orders just for the sale at the moment but uh you'll be able to pre-order your size um as I say uh once we finish the Black Friday sale Richard Turner say di see in H I was going to say helinski Helsinki is something to be hold you have Lanes of trucks just at the end of the runway yeah man I think the the airports where they really need deing on a serious level have like dedicated pads and dedicated lanes and stuff and I think they have dedicated areas here as well but as seem to see a lot of it going on on stand maybe it's just one of them things where if it's really icy and it's getting backed up I don't know yeah yeah yeah we are crossing our fingers for another snow stream as well we had we had a really good one last winter seeing all the snow Ops hey maybe with the maam as well might see an extra layer to it this time see yeah that'd be crazy wouldn't it yeah see the apron and all that all snowed up you'll be able to take cover on the uh lower deck as well oh [Music] yeah is yeah that' be really good I'm hyped I hope I hope that happens he thr has dedicated areas all right okay can't say I've ever seen like a he thr live stream or anything when it's uh snowy that would be really cool though Singapore rolling with the uh the A380 following closely behind Matt cam picking that 8080 up for us perfectly in pitch in pitcher not missing a thing here on your Super Sunday show smash that like button [Music] [Music] folks no time wasted as the king of the Skies is about to land just about stop the recording in time started again King otes in special Livery as well destination Dubai it's known as these days just tweaked a few settings on the camera as well and I've noticed it's the colors are really popping a lot more now hope you guys enjoy that all rise for the king of the [Music] Skies [Applause] for [Applause] [Music] so colorful so so [Music] colorful destination Dubai special on the A380 the most colorful plane in the skies looking absolutely awesome arriving into Manchester Airport on your Super Sunday show here on airliners live if you love that guys smash that like button for us thank you all for tuning in it's always spectacular seeing that plane at Manchester over 2,800 live viewers watching today welcome everybody stick with us here on airliners live because there's plenty more to come recently just had the Dubai air show over there in the United Arab Emirates really really cool scenes coming from there including one of my favorite planes The Profit Hunter Andrea uh E2 jet with the owl Livery it's so [Music] cool but also Emirates showcasing their new livery on the a380s and the triple 7s as well as Aus light aircraft as well thought that was quite cool I think there was a bizjet as well I can't remember what it was though really can't remember just hiding behind the trees now we got a playe Final Approach as well coming in Gordon just asked me what a livery means SEL or a liary the jet jelly from them engines kicking off a bit of heat as the king of the Skies taxis back past us going to have an awesome view of special super heavy Chris says thanks guys my Irish stew that I spent ages cooking I don't want it anymore I just want pizza and a sausage b sometimes you can't go wrong with the simple stuff [Music] don't forget to get the quality turned up to 4K as well if you're watching on YouTube really make the most of that crystal clear [Music] image get yourself down to the RVP as well if you haven't been before or you're thinking about it these are the kind of views that you get open them blinds captain of the emirat A380 there taking the king in to terminal one and the wave as well how friendly must be weird being that uh that lady having your your picture on the side of a [Music] plane and the 380 saying there's a little uh something walkie hidden in there somewhere yes looks like the pogp have been demoted for today saying Allison yeah it's not the pogp day to shine Square sausages are the new thing apparently are you on a battery spot [Music] my or a uh a GRE swap he's ding back change up yeah now you're all good mate just making sure it's not my end just putting all those layers back on by the sounds of it how cool is that King of the Skies special though I'm back good luck welcome back David on Twitch loving the stream as well I just take a quick Swig again M Kyle the chat enjoying the stream nice one mate Kyle the chat and uh the Aviation Place 199 donation saying love your vids and streams airliners live thank you very much great to have you with us glad you're enjoying them appreciate it lot of Aviation action going on I can see two more planes on Final Approach into Manchester at the moment we shall uh catch the arrival of the King on St 12 First don't forget to hit the like button as well if you're watching on YouTube that helps us out massively not sure what how many likes we're on now maybe someone can give us an update so what that breeze is is very cold it's a bitter bitter [Applause] Breeze excited to get back in my car at the end of this and get warm yeah heat is on full blast I think is the uh the prescription melt your eyes yeah and 1 2 3 4 thank you mate continuing that gifted membership train putting us to 64 New VIPs on our YouTube channel thank you very much mate if you're enjoying the Today's Show you want to help C across to the stream you can hit the dollar symbol then click gifted memberships as we push towards well it's been a record number of brand new VIPs on the stream thank you guys yeah it's been an amazing day so far hope you guys are enjoying [Applause] it 1.6k likes awesome ah we could hit 2K I think it's doable ran now on the way out to Dublin as a jet 2 a321 Neo gets pushed back on the print with Matt camp and uh gaffa Rob thank you very much twitch Prime for 14 months on the channel what a legend thanks for using your Twitch Prime don't forget twitch grou if you want to support the channel check those twitch primes we'll become one of our VIPs on Twitch mod as well on that Brussels arrival are you seeing it framy on the stream mods is it just my preview trying to isolate that issue [Music] there remember to go back and check that as well Andy Brussels aines arrival yeah it is a bit framy I can see the I'm watching The Stream back yeah it's coming and going mate I think that capture card's just died honestly yeah Carl Crawford returning for 17 months of business class membership thank you mate that's a long time Carl cheers for all you do on the mods as well mate appreciate it and bro gifting a membership to the community as well 64 new VIPs now on today's stream thank you very much mate cheers all appreciate it is a touch for Amy sorry guys the the capture card's broken I think it's uh it's been on the way out for a little while Ryan a now rolling down the runway looks like a is that a Max A200 sounds like it as [Music] well if it's not the network it's something else I know it's just we're quite unlucky aren't we we just s to be fair it's been running for a couple of years this capture card and it [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah Ryan Air 8200 departing there sounding great and then the Brussels A320 in the classic scheme as well bit of a Dying Breed this [Music] liy not as spotty as the uh the new scheme you get free shortbread on Logan Aro heard I think so yeah Linda I believe so if there's a reason to fly that's it here for the shortbread and Terry gifting a membership mod Terry thank you very much mate putting us to 65 new VIPs what a crazy number chat thank you [Applause] [Music] there's a weird color of a a panel there on the Brussels easy jet just coming in though we'll catch [Applause] that A320 Neo not seen many of these from Easy yet today love it Hotel lemur on the redge one in from Copenhagen as the Iceland a 73 lines [Music] up triple sorry the Qatar Airways flight today is an a 351,000 currently over Northampton hey another Mega arrival coming up in the next 20 minutes or so folks don't go [Music] anywhere A380 now beginning the turning around process all people arriving on on the stand to greet the king of the skies and get the plane ready to go a lot of cargo will be offloaded and Luggage catering will be recycled and passengers disembarked yeah a real flurry of activity around the 380 once it pulls on to stand 12 everybody doing their bit let's get the aircraft turn around as quick as possible got an ATR heading out over there but first of all got the E jet touching down on two3 right here at Manchester Airport yeah loopy saying in the chat let's go for the big 2,000 on the likes on YouTube yes please [Applause] for [Music] Matt can't really see the Emirates guys from where he is unfortunately on stand it's blocked by one of the buildings KT welcome in to you thanks for tuning in today welcome yeah we got a lot really good view of uh the king from here at the RVP though he and Lee Davies thank you mate sending in a two Super Chat to the channel a little something for my neighbor Matt cam says me Davies cheers [Music] mate [Applause] [Music] Iceland Air 737 Max 8 heading back to rikic and Tony C 13 months of membership saying keep up the good work longtime support of the channel thank you very much 13 months when's the 38 departing it's due out about 10 past 1 um but it'll usually be about 130 something like that sorry it was a Max n that I just had to point out to me was it yeah apologies folks Chester Mike in on the on the ball in the chat as well as always Logan ATR just rotating there nice and early on the runway [Music] namey staff nurse with an incredible 9.99 donation coming into the stream saying thanks for braving that cold may your hands be warm and your sausages be square yes love that you know what you can have two Bing bongs for that thank you very much love that can we uh can we pin that message at the top of the chat yeah yeah go uh let's let's pin that how about chat I can't why can't I do it on my own channel hello is it cuz it's a I wonder if it's cuz it's a Super Chat Super Chat could you put that in a message Amy Amy put that in a message um we may start a new thing on the Super Sunday show called and I'm going to steal this directly from Dr disrespect quote of the day quote of the day I think we used to do that that wins so far quote of the day yeah I like that take care Roy thank you so much for all of your uh support today Roy and thanks for watching as well it's great to have you with us mate hopefully see you again soon Roy the likes of the Tas that's a good one though love that she is funny AB she's always in the Discord posting uh hair scrs questionable scrs sometimes I know the other week she just had a vape for a lunch which I'm also I didn't I didn't give you a thumbs up for that one I'm afraid or or a pot noodle sometimes yeah pot Noodle and a d of coke some fuel in that though I tell you that Brea you can see uh the the the cargo ramp at the back of the king of the Skies there that's offloading the passengers luggage you got the big pallets of uh cargo as well Freight pallets that come off as well and that's quite a big deal here at Manchester just for Emirates there you go she's put it in the uh in the chat now we haven't got a pin message yet so there you go it's there for you I think it's a case of also with this capture card just ordering a new one and uh I added a bit extra and look that sounds like a scam to me she's she's added extra in the quote look oh I'm not disagreeing with that I'm not disagreeing but listen you know what I mean she saw an opport un and she thought she'd uh put a bit extra in as William Wilson becomes a brand new airliners live VIP let's get some VIP emotes some waves in the chat for will becoming member number 67 of today's stream a huge amount of support coming into the stream today oh my god oh Lord what try make just like way mate what do you say to that what do you say to that mats going in with the 50 gifted memberships on the channel ladies and gents what a crazy crazy amount of support wow mate thank you wow all I can say from all of us mate that is a huge amount of support and it really does help the channel immensely M you will not believe how much that helps us thank you so so much with the 50 airliners live gifted memberships putting us to9 brand new VIPs it's going up it's just not stopping I I know look at the chat's just like gift it gift itft wow mate that's incredible didn't he gift some earlier like 20 before he gifted before yeah I think it was like 20 OD was it gifted before we've only ever had one 50 bomb in the Channel's history that's the [Applause] [Music] second right chat listen listen everybody now Bing Bong right everybody who's got a square sausage I want you to give it to Matts everyone all your Square sausages to mats please in the chat don't be keeping any in your pockets he deserves all of them thank you very much B wow what is going on today that's incredible matx thank you again mate and thank you to everybody who's supported the channel today what is going on 117 new members on the Stream wow order a capture card then oh yeah absolutely what is going on here you see them over there you see all them gifty just flying into the arena look at this view we got banging in yeah Mega can't wait for the 38 that colorful as well is it love it fire uh trucks repositioning here on the ground they always have to be uh occupying the nearest fire station to whatever runways are in use so right now of course Runway 2 not in use so they are very useful to be positioned here on the the north side um fire station it's actually located I think more towards the base of the tower you do have a good view of it when you're taxing past an aircraft I think it's behind this engine runup bay area you can see it also from South Side as well qar 350 passing through Derby nice so that's not far away either oo I wonder if I see that on like approach that' be nice Saudia is also at the top of a Final Approach or on the base leg rather mat again thank you mate thank you dude yeah I appreciate that I can't believe that that was mental in it I had to double look at that yeah you when think you saw 50 you go Stephany five then you look at it yeah gosh 117 is that a record mods people 117 people said that in the chat earlier that it's a record I think it is that's got to be a record right oh wow I just accidentally revealed this audio there look at that wow what a let's got a full zoom on that I think gear coming down already in the turn look gear coming down quick wow nice and early it's not even on Final Approach yet yeah course that's probably to slow the plane down a bit potentially lose a bit of altitude or just it it be probably one or two things it' either be to slow it down for Speed um what altitude is it at it's uh yeah it's it's under the Glide path so yeah it probably just be a little bit fast I would have thought yeah it's cool just helps it slow down 787 dream liner coming in although it's only doing 160 not you'd usually expect 160 to four usually so yeah not quite sure maybe just wanted to get configured nice and early that's epic love seeing that and yeah the a350 as well this is going to be an awesome end to Today's show folks on your Super Sunday show we still live live check hello mod saying we're offline oh Terry saying we're okay okay good seems to be Cher mik had me worried then yeah I don't any reason to to [Music] doubt and G Magpie from the roof what an absolute Legend dropping a Kofi donation and uh and they say yeah thanks for showing me on the roof is a little something for you with a kofy donation thank you very much yeah wow that's top that cool coming in remote microphone from The Magpie thank you very much their mics were a good investment weren't they yeah it's mad the range as well they can fly anywhere around the RVP we still pick them up yeah good that y on in the chat folks should have bought a capture card bird mics I know yeah spent all the money on mag mics thank you very much for the Cofe donation you have is behind that that one previous records was uh about 100 in a day says Larry yeah I thought it was it about that's crazy wow we've only really recently really been keeping tabs on it you know just to to see how many we actually get in a stream oh Lori oh Lori Lori Lori with the 10 airliners live gifted membership she wants to push that record as far away as possible from us ever achieving that again with a 10 gifted membership 127 brand new VIPs wow that's insane look at Matt with seagull just blocking the uh locking this s look oh dear thank you so so much Lori incredible amount of support 10 gifted [Music] memberships is the magpie on Twitter yeah tweeting away thank you everybody so much we do rely on your support guys we we keep everything for free on airliners live content wise we really don't want to restrict it from anybody but I'll be honest some months we do uh do get a little bit worried but not today you guys have really supported the channel a lot we do rely on your support and it's shows like today that really allow us to keep doing what we're doing and keep it free for everybody which is really what we want to do um and it we always have done here on airliners live so thank you very very much for your support yeah thank you again Lori for that appreciate it hope you had a good Thanksgiving as well yes we had our pumpkin pie last night is as a a mini homage I guess great job Matt tracking that [Music] mate [Music] wow amazing love how I can see so much detail on the engine cowl in there crazy is it absolutely not Michael be no no we never charge for our live streams yeah we're loving it we're loving how it is now yeah no absolutely not mate and Barry b well there's only one of them in the chat with with the five gifted memberships coming into the stream 131 new memberships coming in from the main man Barry what a legend thank you very much what a guy guys I'm I need to go for a we enjoy this but no chaos while I'm gone cuz I can't press me Buttons bye one sec Birds everywhere getting away of these shots don't worry guys I've got show from me now he's got all the Buns this one the microphone just about picking up G Crow there what a great view of the Saudia Dreamliner I think the catar 350 should be visual now but I'm really enjoying this view I love that kind of UV protection they have on the front windows there which gives it that lovely sort of colored texture to it polarized I think is the I'm looking for really nice playe I'm I I'm still yet to see the new Saudia Livery you know I've still not seen it in person it's been to Manchester a fair few times now yesterday was it yesterday yeah yesterday it was beautiful as well just every day that I'm not here I bet it's old news for a lot of people about it's just uh in again reminds me when the when Emirates had the the new livery we didn't see it for ages months have a nice wide view there shall we yeah yeah the Livery it does grow on you a little bit Saudia Dreamliner it's not it's a bit uninspired isn't it I guess but the new scheme which is around rro scheme is very beautiful and I hope more Airlines do similar new uh new liveries Qatar Airways a350 turning on to Final Approach now as we were setting up today actually this morning we seen one of the 350s go out and uh we didn't know what it was until we heard it and it just sounded nasty and I was like that's got to be an E350 don't know what airline it is but surely with that [Music] growl oh is G Crow out now where's he gone I don't know is like pH On's yeah he's FL off he's just fling off thank you very much for off a job Bob 199 that's me off that thank you very much for 199 donation saying congrats on beating the record guys we couldn't do it without you guys thank you so much everybody what a crazy amount of support coming into the stream today thank you so much guys thanks again Abigail for your very generous donation distorted the uh the air going up to the guar at the moment M I've got it on M cam I'll bring it in nice through there for now I'll follow this Ryan a that's on the runway yeah a lot of people seem to love the new sour liery yeah I do as well I was just saying I've yet to see it still in person that's right yeah diverted didn't it when you wanted it yeah I'm so hyped to get a good video of that that's gorgeous for me like maybe catching it on 0 five right arriving would be pretty oh yeah pretty pretty something else or maybe even on two left a Kofi donation earlier don't oh is that that would have been the uh yeah I read that one ear yeah thank you very much guys was the the bird who sent that in yeah everybody said think you had FS use feet that's why yeah can we get to 2,000 likes asking bro I think that's possible you know folks everyone in the chat now hit the like button it shoot up check your devices ACC aut asking um does anyone know if anyone adds the airliners live Tower in Microsoft flight simulator uh scenery it's coming soon apparently I need to speak to them actually yes so that's makos Sim right uh makos Sim are looking to include does in their uh new Manchester scenery yeah and you can get that I think that's just in the Microsoft Flight Sim Marketplace isn't it forget anything else we've done guys that will be the highlight of uh airliners live for me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah y we're going to get Matt cam Smith Up on the Roof as well so it's going to be uh it's going to be great oh got the mod right include Gregs in there is that going to be a copyright thing holding the Gregs the Gregs let's get a recording of This shall we beautiful bird touching down [Applause] [Applause] that was a very very nice landing oh sorry guys it's a bit framy sorry it's doing that on my cam isn't it as well no it's not okay like it [Music] was you switch to M and recycle your camera see if that fixes it yeah I got a recording of that as wellar a 351,000 with a beautiful Landing I've got a recording of that too touching down right where the camera likes to see it oh no bro that's not good I need a new Airline his live C oh nightmare what's happened and the wife smashed his Len his live cup or broke the handle rather Lor Lori put crowns for [Music] divorce oh nightmare which one is it you've got mate which design is there any in stock I'm not not the logo ones I don't think yeah I say get get one in the Black Friday weekend sale but the VIP mugs are in stock I think ooh even better Danny Taylor thank you mate also gifting and membership put putting us to 133 new VIPs on today's show where is that going to end today guys just place your bets in the chat about where you think that's going to stop because that is ridiculous even just 33 is like a lot of new members but like if we had 33 new members every stream that would be like incredible yeah exactly yeah beautiful Qatar Airways a350 1000 it's gorgeous is it yeah need to get a nice wide shot look at that the princess of the Skies [Music] though very beautiful that is very nice just like a slightly different taxi than usual like a left turn there that's not standard that's similar to the A380 and John Gilbert thank you so much M gifting a membership to the community as well going to Joe cran there you go Joe enjoy that gifted membership mate don't worry at all as long as you're enjoying the show mate that's all that matters and enjoy that gifted membership you've now got access to all of the channel emotes thanks to John and Mike L returning business class member welcome in Mike what a legend thanks for supporting the stream today dude and anaka also gifting a membership as well on the stream putting us to 136 new VIPs on today's show amazing guys Matt you seen that thing on the left hand side that spiral slide I would definitely love to have a go on that mate spiral slide oh yeah yeah this every time I see it I'm like this number here this one yeah that's it that's we need to get on that every time I see that I'm like that looks like fun to me yeah right from the top there we you'd ever go on that chat y or no I would definitely give it yes whoh let's let's send an email can we slide down here in a Santa suit for Christmas please oh thank you very much Manchester airort sort it out there you go and it's A380 on stand hoping to See's going to pull right on stand here as well right the side of me here I think we'll follow it in on uh on your cam then dude someone mentioned that on on earlier on he put the watch stand they going to go on it'll be right in your view amazing and look at that as the uh crate slides through [Applause] the Lori M with 10 gifted memberships 146 new members in the channel do anyone not a VIP yet yeah there there anyone in the chat who's not oh my gosh Lori thank you so much that's Mega literally Mega thank you so much thank you Lori what a crazy show what a crazy show skin is live hearts in the chat for all the support coming in today guys this is this is ridiculous thank you everybody Joe put in the chat if I ever get lucky and win big on the lottery I promise to give to few membership so that's quite listen mate as long as you click the like button that's all that matters Joe thank you for being with us mate thanks for watching exactly son Express pushing back on mat cam as well here we go I love that shot Andrew Bo's still waiting he says he's dodged 146 gifties there's a few there are a few people in the chat we want VIPs yet by all means Lor stop man stop it with the five gied membership what are you doing thank you so much five gifted memberships that's very kind thank you Lor 151 oh wow look at the C that on stream with the the tail tail full deflection there on the flight control check I didn't no so I'm on Ma I'm watching this Kari yeah it's all right that's much better to be fair but kind of cool and Audrey also dropping a gifty as well 152 might see it again now thank you Audrey sorry thank you guys here it comes now I think no not yet just look at that shot there Sun Express with the guitar as well what a great shot loving it it's just too much to look at folks sorry about that right mods stop it now Chester M with a five listen mods you already do enough for the channel I'm getting on no you're not I am thank you very much much guys don't M don't do that and Sam thank you very much for the five mate thank you dude give it a oh he's funny M I am she just does it anyway be also dropping A Gifted membership mate you know when you just don't know what can I can someone look up thank you in the thank you very much Fiona gifting and membership Sam with the five Chester M with a five Audrey gifting Lori with the five 163 are you guys actually trying to push the 200 like a lot of people saying that in the chat BR no no this few people say you know what's going to happen is it's going to be something crazy and we'll never ever hit it again Matt yeah that's true I'm leaving on I'm not picking you up I'm leaving you on the car gifting a membership you're on the naughty step he thank you dude and Carl Carl gifting one as well mods behave yourself chill out mods that's what our mods are like aren't they my dad's just popped in what's going on here what if I missed oh nothing just only 165 gifted memberships it's a good job he doesn't need having a stretch oh he just missed it on your on Main cam or on Main cam he was like stretching just get a few steps in nice engine start on a Sun Express Joanna gifting a membership thank you Joanna and Liam Fletcher also gifting a VIP membership 167 new VIPs to the community welcome into your airliners live Super Sunday show and what a Super Sunday it is guys yeah thank you I can hear a a very loud don't you tell me what to do you're not my mom I hear a very loud why is it why is that ATR come from there usually they come from terminal three I think could be wrong let's see uh sergy it's a um it's an a350 1000 Airbus it's beautiful it's uh relatively uh well qar usually uh send the triple um so um yeah for us to get the 351,000 is a real nice bonus mate yeah they've only recently started sending them I said it on the last stream it was quite coincidental how they did that as virgin stopped sending their a350s to Manchester yeah so we kind of lost one gained one which is which was fantastic Amy staff nurse gifting a membership thank you so so much thank you Amy and big David with the five gifted me thank you David and Allison immediately following with the five as well thank thank you all thank thank you and Dave also dropping a membership as well unbelievable thank you guys thank you very very much 179 new VIPs on today's stream wow what yeah what's he got there he's definitely got a chip yeah where has he got that from nice Chip he's off he's off skis two three right departure on the chip one Q8 I think is lining up to the part nice just waiting for the uh the G Crow to get out the way let's turn the volume off for this and Caroline welcome back business cast member saying great stream guys thank you the chat is just [Applause] nice [Music] [Music] amazing sound that was loud they produce the goods the A332 200s really do produce the goods yeah Joanna say the chat is just red presents it is it's just ridic you guys are just crazy we did say that we might make the red presents like Christmas up the Christmas some up for for December yeah I think that's a good idea then Linda's just also dropped the gifted membership thank you very much Linda putting us to 1008 gifted airliners live I did that I didn't really do that with much effort did I do you want to have a go I don't want to be wind up the people go down y the microphone what thank you guys my darts look like a VI smashing the table your P right we have the another blurry prop going out next oh nice it's that Logan a ATR heading back home yeah 2,000 likes would be nice though folks I I would ask nicely for that well we're on 1955 yes so we not far away at all is that noise it's loud it yeah it very loud is it what even is no idea we'll find out sounds like a bus yeah Logan Logan [Applause] [Music] next Andrew Sherwood with the 20 bomb 20 gifted memberships coming in from Andrew fill the chat want the chat filled to the top with hearts ladies and gentlemen 20 gifted memberships coming in from Andrew Sherwood what an incredible amount of support guys today thank you so much and Neil gifting a membership as well absolute Legend Neil thank you mate 200 and2 gifted memberships in today's stream a record on the channel you guys are insane really is a record isn't it well it's Way Beyond the the record Double the record yeah well we're not breaking up for a while that's it thank you everyone yeah honestly guys listen we can't say thank you enough we really can't it's incredible and thanks to everyone who's just watching as well because without you guys we wouldn't be able to do this for a living and like I say we've said from the very beginning everything on airline is life is going to be open to everybody the whole Community gets all the live streams we're not going to charge for them it's not going to be members only not going to do free view everyone gets everything and your support guys just allows that to happen so thank you everybody honestly really I mean it thank you very very much incredible support [Music] today ran a greasing it down [Music] Copenhagen [Applause] had a fair few planes coming and going to Copenhagen today Scandinavian and Ryan a quite a popular rout surprisingly what's going on in Copenhagen that I don't know about don't go anywhere folks because after this in a few minutes time the Virg Atlantic A330 was pushed back on come there it is yes Sun Express taking a really late intersection by the way we just catch that on Main camp that oh wow okay nice I'm going to record this Reinhard welcome to you that's super late for [Music] Lely that nicely PCH that wasn't it yeah hey Mr Bing Bong himself Paul Davies returning gifting an airliners Live membership hey how are you well Paul nice to see you mate yeah thanks for that dude appreciate it let's flick over to Matt Cam and have a look what's going on over here then with this Virgin Atlantic A330 that's been pushed back 2,000 likes has just been smashed as well folks hey thank you all what an incredible show it's been great it thanks again everybody what an awesome show today and like the aviation's been incredible today as well nice and busy honestly yeah plenty of Heavies it's been really really good I'm loving the addition of the a350 like I said from Kar that just makes the shows just extra extra special yeah obviously the 380 with Dubai uh destination Dubai special as well really yeah and yeah just been so busy drop us an email car I'll email it over to you mate just use the contact form on the website Carl uh Zito thank you very much for returning uh membership airliners Live membership welcome in Zito thank you dude and Fiona returning for 4 months saying just love the show guys awesome work thank you for your honor yeah it's been an incredible show today thank you everyone still got the video to show you guys as well I know of uh what me and Sam got up to yesterday and it involves me screaming my head off so uh we'll play that there you know what there's just a there's just one hourz we got time to play it while this virgin taxi is out so here we go guys as a celebration for smashing through 200 gifted memberships is Mr Brown Bill screaming his head offy going on the fastest as zip line in the world yesterday with Sam so enjoy it's a lot more steep in it rer buy me a drink first hello I'm On's oh there's a big drop in front of me why can't we do something like going out for a meal suspense is killing me here we go oh babe I'm the jump Master let's go okay thank you run W oh my God it's oh my God break break break break hello I got it who oh my God that is so loud oh man that is funny that how do I have any vocal cords left after that is funny that oh gosh oh mate that was fast though J B sample all the funny fa oh that was cuz what was happing is like there's so much wind in your face that like pulling faces is like it feels weird cuz it just catches like your chain and all sorts yeah that was hilarious wasn't it oh that was really funny I was a bit cuz it's just the fact that you like you head first and all you can see is like a sheer drop that goes right down a mountain and uh it's a bit ner rcking let I'm honest so that was zip World in Wales folks we decided to go yesterday as part of uh like a birthday celebration Sam's Gran's birthday who's quite an adrenaline junkie she loves say I love how Sam's Gran was the one who asked to go that's incredible apparently she loves all Towers like they'll go and then she'll just go on Oblivion over and over again like fair play yes who in the chat would do that folks would you do that in the chat I'd do that would you do that yeah I'd do that wa you should airliners live trip Gordon thank you very much gifting an airliners Live membership to the community putting us to 2 four brand new VIPs on today's show would you give that a go M i' definitely have a go that mate no problem maybe we need to do an airliners live trip yeah too it is like over so quick though but yeah you know but it is fun it's like something you have to do in life just London controller arriving in from Iceland I see what you did there great to see you on the Stream Carol saying nay oh okay some people are not doing it there's a few people in our group who didn't who didn't do it to be fair we should add the interstellar docking sound shat to it well I originally had to sit with um the Apex Legends yeah jump Master song but obviously it changed it cuz the stream copyright and stuff Tom and saying nay oh come on guys it is very when you get there the most nerve-wracking part is though when you arrive on the the site at the car park and you see the start point and it's like big mountain just at the top there's a little like building tiny you can't it's so far away you can't even make out like if there's people around there you can just about see the cars driving up there that's the start point and it goes all the way down to where your stood and how fast did you say you go on it apparently 125 mph apparently no up up to V1 you go pretty quick rotate V1 but the maddest thing is it was the noise like all you couldn't hear me screaming in that right I couldn't hear that all I could hear was you know like everything I said there was just inaudible to me like am I am I being loud right now can people hear me I love how you both got GoPro up as well I know that was you could pay I think it was 18 quid um per person to do record it I was like you know what I'm not that sounds hilarious just for a little laugh yeah yeah yeah no definitely but most of us did it as well so what we're going to do is I'm going to get everyone's footage together and do like a big super edit of everyone nice be cool so yeah if you do go folks get that extra it's only 18 quid and it it does add a yeah a nice hilarious e extra to it and David thank you so much mate very generously upgrading your membership to becoming one of our business class VIPs enjoy that discount on merchandise David and thanks again for all your support today not sponsored by them or anything but to be fair like it was really good like I would recommend it does look like good fun though me and Jen saw one of them in Scotland I'm sure there's one in uh Glen Co somewhere really yeah but yeah in terms of like cuz cuz what throws me off is you know roller coasters that really nauseating the sink feeling yeah that's what proper puts me off big roller coasters but this didn't have that at all you shouldn't do because you you're staying the same height aren't you to the thing you're just going down on the zip so yeah it's positive G as well cuz you lead you your forwards yeah you shouldn't if you were backwards I guess you'd be feeling it but yeah that's why I love um Anon Towers there's Nemesis yeah and that has positive 4.5 G or something which is nuts because it's positive G it's not that if it was negative G oh my God that would be horrible V Atlantic lining up next to go another screamer out to Bridgetown nice you know it was scarier though in cyan Park in ten you know the Tower of Power the one that goes vertically down yeah that's the one I went up and came back down I didn't do it yeah you know what put me off that I didn't do about that was you go through the small tunnel at the bottom yeah and I looked at it and I thought even though it's not physically possible I was like I'm going to smash my head on it I genuinely thought I was going to smash my head you like sit up by mistaken and I was one of them it was so embarrassing I started walking down the stairs and everyone's like oh yeah look he's not doing it so I forgot me me flipflops I'm coming back in a minute just never to be seen again where did he go you see me running out the par I did like the wave pill the wave P yeah there's some really good [Music] ones oh my life that was screamer departure wow [Music] bananas there you go chest Mike put a link in the chat yeah it's called velocity I think that particular zip I did they have like three Zips there though ranging in different sizes when you do the big one I think you get to go on the little one first like warm up and make sure you're you're okay with it and the little ones uh a lot of fun but it's over in like 2 seconds you think they'd have like one of them ski slope style things to get you up to the top yeah it it's just like a truck that drives up and it takes ages and it goes how long does it take like 15 minutes they say but it felt like a lot longer you know cuz it's yeah cuz you're waiting to do it I think that's the worst thing for me is waiting yes yes if I was just like yo come on let's go boom done it but it's driving up to the top waiting I definitely need a Wii by the time I got to the top you have like an induction then you got to get suited up you got to get your helmet on you got to get all your goggles and everything fitted properly and you get weighed as well cuz you have like a counter balance system there a lot of steps and then you have the little one but like I said then you do the little one you go hang on this is actually really fun wow look at this as well Egypt there a321 Neo one of our fa new additions beautiful aircraft coming into land spiky saying that I did the same as Martin I came back down the stairs that was like I've got to go back and just do that but that again it was because I had too much time to wait cuz there was a queue going the whole way up yeah thinking about it too much you just thinking about it too much very pretty playe Egypt a a321 Neo but to be honest like Tower Power at timean Park I don't think it was that good like it wasn't that fun it was just like intense and then it's just over and then you've got loads of water up your nose and your mouth and and you know it's just but what happened to me was right there was hardly any que there was like maybe like five or six people so I stomped all the way to the top and it's a long walk up in it and I was out of breath I was like trying to catch my breath right okay join the queue and then there's like six people in front of me and all six of them went oh mate do you want to go on next I was like yeah go on so I just get ushered to the front immediately there I'm still trying to catch my breath and the GU doing the induction like fold your legs fold your arms and all this and then I'm just going and I didn't really have time to appreciate the the drop you know like how cuz when you're up there and when you got time you you got your brain's like analyzing how tall it is and how much it's going to how much it's going to suck right whereas I didn't have that I just got thrown straight on and died down maybe I would have dipped if I had more time genuinely think I would have cuz yeah when you look over the top of that man it's it's scary isn't it yeah it's just it's a she a drop but it wasn't the drop again that got me it was the hole at the end that got think [Music] you it was so intense though like just it takes you like a good 10 minutes just like come back to earth after that Terry saying it was like a spit firefight I bet that would have been incredible the noise the uh that's something I have to do Sam Sam's mentioned it a few times but at um in Amsterdam I think it's at lead or it might be Amsterdam skipo you can be a passenger on a DC3 there's still a commercial DC3 flight you can fly on I'd love to do that cuz it's just the the tail dragger experience you like a tail dragger airliner must feel weird that when you're taking off or Landon say new [Music] I can't quite put my finger on it but that is beautiful such a good looking aircraft yeah I can't work out why it's just like really nicely coordinated on the paint sche mattam Smith got Lingus A330 being tugged onto stand as well as philli returns for 11 months of membership saying what an unbelievable amount of support on today's stream plenty of heavy partes also airliners live Perfection personified P person how do you pronounce that personified personified new word for me great work Lads thank you very much Philip transavia retro 737 700 love seeing this [Music] these jets are screaming loudly for us yes we'll switch back to this Lingus being pulled on to stand with the guitar 351k in the background yes yeah I I'd love that Spitfire flight I I'm not a fan of like these planes doing like aerobatics and stuff but if it was just like a nice leder fight oh my M I'd throw up if it was in a Spitfire you know what I mean that' be an honor though I threw up in a Spitfire [Music] yourid [Music] [Applause] [Music] che's AV Matt appreciate it saying love the lies love the lives as always thank you very much mate what a crazy show guys thank you for for all the support that's coming today everybody it's been amazing hasn't it absolutely crazy of course we had the earlier start today as well folks so don't don't forget that on Sundays we typically start about 9:00 a.m. these days it's pretty much as early as we can on uh yeah on here at the RVP and Matt thanks again for the 50 bomb mate on top of your other support as well very rare thing to see on the channel thank you so much dude for 3,000 can I you can ride in a Lancaster bomber only there's only one of two flying that's the one in Canada amazing yeah that would be awesome I think just being in like a tail Drager prop you know old classic thing would be pretty nuts I once threw up in a brand new Mercedes yikes was that doing there aerobatics Phil saying he's loving the jewel cam action as well thank you Phil I'm keeping an eye on it egy there cuz we'll have to let this EasyJet go cuz this yeah noce stress this uh egyp TI is pulling on to stand on M come here nice really appreciate the beauty it's got some 10 out of 10 this Egypt Air beautiful aircraft a21 Neo yeah I love it so happy that they've started using that plane It's like got another world from the seven three sevens pretty cold day here at Manchester as well out in the elements and wrapped up war of [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] course [Music] [Music] and the chase series thank you very much for using your Twitch Prime on the channel mate absolute Legend CH the Mike putting in the chat that this aircraft is brand new the uh Egypt there 321 Neo what's the red and white playe in the background of matam would that be the malth it will be I think yeah yeah malth Aro A330 which I think we yet to see that parting on the show have we yet no I'd love to to see that oh I think Matt caught it Matt I think you caught it on your show didn't you depart yeah I think I caught it on the um with Captain one of the Friday shows yeah yeah I think so yeah that was 23 left though that was so yeah yeah I do think it comes in very early so um right chance of catching it pretty slim goes out late as well yeah but like the Ethiopian that isn't it you'll you know it's usually quite early doors when that comes in and in the hours of darkness when that goes out these days Ryan a 73 on Main cam just touchdown I haven't seen much uh green Wing action in the last few hours so I think uh the DI Ops may have calmed down a bit might have chilled out so to speak so looking very busy on the 88 definitely not going to be out in 10 minutes yeah I always forget it's meant to go out then isn't it m 10 past one there is no way the catering seems to have finished so everything else seems to still be a goat they can pack everything away pretty quick and get it all moving but it's usually about half past the hour so another half an hour till that goes out we'll expect there's a bizjet rolling on the runway [Music] super early rotation there from the bisj hey Rob welcome in mate thanks for tuning in welcome welcome Super Sunday here on airliners live broadcasting in 4k with a multicamera setup the best of Aviation here at Manchester Airport [Applause] Cassie saying that they are flying Cruise passengers to the Caribbean and back yeah I've heard that like I said I've not seen them actually flying yet uh Linda yes if you're play placeing an order over the next few days they'll uh they should be with you by Christmas absolutely thank you very much thank you how many gifts are we up to now we are on 204 gifted members on today's stream oh he's yet uh oh decided against it yeah vacating the runway which will probably make way for the next arrival anyway for some reason the A320 over there's just lined up maybe they weren't ready yeah lined up to depart and then decided to vacate the [Music] runway oh it's got a tech issue according to the guys on the commentary Tower sounds like they got the scanner on I think yeah left hands are pushing back on mat Camp that's made way for an arrival anyway Maro welcome in thanks for tuning in hello I'm Rob lhr good afternoon to you s yeah that easy Jet's probably going to go back to stand some s they'll po put them up on the taxi way to try and troubleshoot maybe get in touch with technical support but sometimes they'll just take him back to the stand to get looked up depending on what the fault [Music] [Applause] is ring from Venice lovely destination venes another rer about to depart out to P behind just see that EasyJet taxiing at the moment he doing what you did on the uh tower of power back down the stairs now the rers like are we back in a minute guys using a stand at T3 there interesting probably just going to get some technical support out to them um probably the passengers May disembark they could use the buses to get them back to T1 um but I think odds are I'll probably just get troubleshooted often they'll just pH technical support and try and resolve the issue before it flies Matt haatt hello good afternoon to you thank you very much for tuning in and uh admil 47 tuning in from Central Florida Welcome hello hope it's a bit warmer over there for you folks it's freezing here in Manchester we're all wrapped up nice and warm [Applause] though switch it off and on again well a lot of the pro procedure will be that oh you pay $9.99 a month for Facebook's premium support easy Jets premium support an actual [Laughter] human yeah hopefully that gets resolved passengers will be on their way soon ooh Lingus just touched down in the new scheme one in from the from Dublin really like the new colors on the a320s see them occasionally obviously they'll usually use the earlish regional Fleet so the atrs on this route Ian Duncan welcome to you tuning in from Nova Scotia minus two currently at the moment we weren't far off you D Ian earlier on yeah I think it was it was like one degree or yeah something when we arrived thank you very much for tuning him if you are enjoying theas live Super Sunday show get involved in the chat we'd love to welcome you in guys love to give you a very warm welcome to the community thanks to everyone who's hung out with us today been really good fun and uh well done to mat as well with uh awesome views of the apron all afternoon as well my pleasure mate my pleasure and uh John Hughes uh saying huge hello from us as well to elwin um he's currently waiting with me nice one Johnny welcome guys yeah and the uh rugby special in at STS so it looks like Lingus have started to take advantage of STS as well yeah I think this a really good addition hasn't it to the airport yeah I think this is air Ling's first aircraft they've had in Manchester for maintenance and uh it's good because it's a new Airline using STS and hopefully that continues yeah we've loved seeing all the different carriers coming into STS really really cool it does remind me of like the air Livery days when you used to get really random movements coming in but SDS has been just as good for the plain spot in community as anything else recently Maurice welcome in thanks for tuning in his spoilers are still out he can't hear me though he's he's DEA Sor that was a good one farz welcome in tuning in from West York enjoying the quality thank you Brussels 8320 heading back to Brussels Belgium left hand and Neo on the taxi out as well nice oh and a beautiful shot of that Brussels Through the Windows of the tower here at Manchester very cool let get on 10 out of 10 live hearts in the chat for everyone at doing a fantastic job keeping the traffic moving day and day out at Manchester oh they're really good there really really good should see them when they they've had a bit of a backlog you know yeah it's awesome they can shift planes at some speed right now touching down from Vienna and Graham Hill continuing on I thought we were done with the five gifted memberships to the community thank you so much mate absolutely incredible support five airliners live gifted memberships putting us to 209 brand new members on today's show Cheers Graham that's very kind of you really appreciate it there's a little bit more left in the support the Ryan touching down MTI designation on that 737800 let's have a look at the 8380 this is uh scheduled to depart round about now in the next uh minute or so but something tells me it's it's not quite there no just I don't know just I just get the feeling hey missed a big ining bong himself rounding it up to 210 gifted memberships on today's stream what a crazy number guys thank you very much everybody 210 that's on radar that easy jet no it's not on radar anymore this easy jet went to depart Manchester earlier just couple of moments ago lined up on the runway and then vacated taxed back to this looks like a remote and a terminal three ain't done until I say so says Paul thank you mate thank you very very [Applause] much a bridge still attached yet yeah I think both were I was just seeing if they were going to disembark this e yet but I I suspect they're going to try and resolve whatever technical fault it has yeah without disembarking passengers might be possible they've probably just put the easy there cuz it's out of the way huge welcome into the stream to uh Nana Brenda Erin and Callum all tuning in the show today thank you guys 1340 on the 380 there's the Egypt a on stand it's not very reliable the sort of times you get on Flight Radar 24 I find with the A380 departure just goes when it goes yeah think the best way is just to keep an eye on it if you got access to listening to the radios here maybe listen to Manchester delivery you might hear them applying for a slot cheers Steve yeah you can always watch these streams back as well of course and don't forget guys feza will be live tomorrow but he's trying something new this week he's going to be doing a slightly longer flight um but one flight on his stream and he's going to do a second stream on Thursday um so he's going to do two shows this week one on Monday and one on Thursday and he's doing the river visual approaching uh the A310 tomorrow which is going to be well worth tuning into to everyone you like that play so make sure you tune in yeah it's uh it's going to be a good one on our brand new channel simulate links are in the chat Go and show John some love guys tomorrow at 600 p.m. and then live again on Thursday as well so an extra show in your airliners live schedule this week I'm excited for that I've had like a long weekend this this weekend it's night it' be nice to be back in the office cuz obviously I wasn't there on Thursday and you uh pulled out that epic stream as well when I was off nice one yeah it's good fun though yeah it was Sam's birthday on Thursday so we uh got up to all sorts we had a really busy day we're really into our rock climbing at the moment we did that on the Thursday we went out for a meal as well really nice day yeah I agree Marice it's very elegant isn't it the Egypt Livery it just suits it really well mate yeah cuz they originally they originally sent the seven three sevens and we were a bit it's nice but it's not not all that and then just one day they sent the 321 Neo and wow it just caught everyone by surprise yeah really really nice looking plane they do have bigger planes as well they could send and I don't know if anyone seen news announced that the DU by air show they've just placed order for a bunch of a350s as well oh wow imagine if we got one of them here exactly yeah a350 in the Egypt liiv oh yeah yeah yeah wow it's going to look good though isn't it let's get them o emotes in the chat for that literally o o o to be but I think I know they've got triple Sevens at the moment they might have a330s I think 300 series I think but yeah the three 350s would look pretty nuts but it seems like they needed bigger capacity you know going from the 73 to the 321 Neo so maybe uh things are looking up for Egypt there mancher [Applause] oh yeah thank you for all the birthday messages as well for Sam I seen a lot coming in on social medias and comments on the [Music] [Applause] Thursday whiskey Papa on the redge of this easy jet A320 one thing that Sam did get for a birthday that I got her was uh a new Xbox the Xbox series X which is like I think the top of the range these days or the most recent one whatever you want to call it and the best thing about it is you can play Microsoft flight simulator on it it's actually really good it's actually decent I thought it would have been like a I don't know not very good with controller in that but no it's good fun and to my understanding there's a lot of like controllers you can get like um you know like that what they called the captain pack x Xbox edition um from thrustmaster like all that works with Xbox these days so she went and downloaded the um the UK World update where it's got Barton Aerodrome on there um and doing flights in and out of there into a workplace did a flight yesterday over to over North Wales man Microsoft flight simulator is so fun so yeah we're going to try and do some little group flights I guess because I've got on my laptop as well mate how nice is that so ladyes just knocked on the door yeah going to say hello Janet Janet re one of our uh one of our viewers yeah yeah I just give her a massive hug cuz she said your sister's just had a baby Ane so I said yeah CU yeah is I've made this for you knitted uh knitted blanket for a how nice is that wow got me in the fields that thank you very much Janet that's very very kind of you thanks for that 10 out of 10 that's loveely I got it sent down so she'll be buzzing with that that's very kind that's awesome what nice thing to do thank you very much everybody has been a a gift giving it what what a mega Community we've got that's awesome that Turkish Airlines again sending the classic a321s what's going on I've not seen a Neo from them for a while I I'm not complaining mate yeah yeah I'm loving them and Morris gifting five memberships to the community as well put us to 215 members today wow I'm I'm overwhelming today it's it's tough isn't it thank you everybody tough in the nice way oh where is this going m is that I've lost shot that's not is that that's not is that the faulty easy jet um not sure no yeah I forgot forgot oh that one's just arrived I think I think yeah whisker Pap has just arrived hasn't it yeah the one that's just gone Tech going to pull up and stand right in front of me this one yeah I've got it I'm watching it mate I think the one that's gone TCH still over by T3 yeah it is I can I think it's is it moving I think it's moving actually I'm going to P around and Cat up that's it I think yeah I think the one that went T is now taxing out to the start of the runway oh okay so yeah that was that was good ended up just being a Default easy jet [Music] hold yeah this has been a really good show quite a long show as well actually but it's flown by really [Music] has cuz when you told me that um I think you said like oh the 380 doesn't look like it's ready to go yeah I was like wait what it's 1:00 already I know it's crazy isn't it easy jet lined up on the runway for Amsterdam as well this to uh see whsy papa p on to stand on mat Camp yeah only on your airliners live Super Sunday show guys hope you're still enjoying M cam it's probably one of our favorite new additions to the stream this year so definitely brings you a unique angle alongside the regular shop where do you want me to part this easy jack oh just next to all the tra tractors on the right please there we go the one up when Tech is now rolling two three right hey Alex good to see you mate hello hope you're doing [Music] wellar pinging oh [Applause] really wait that's just showed up on the yeah still nowhere near me still loading you all right I was going to say that would have been quick can't trust flight radar no can't trust radar books that's a different story bit of an inspection going on there on the uh Taxi looking at that yeah I got a little bit of a zoom in I think yeah got too far what's doing oh now not seeing that yeah looks like he's uh checking the taxi way out maybe just making sure it's uh up to an adequate standard yeah thank you for all the support today though folks I know there's been an unbelievable amount of uh support sent into the channel today uh we mention again though that anyone who's looking to buy some airliners live merchandise if you're looking to get a Christmas gift uh ordered or you just want to get your hand on some airliners live Swagger go on over to our website airliners dolive and there's actually a Black Friday uh weekend sale on at the moment and it finishes today and it's 25% off all items on the St store b a few um and uh it's all the items that are in stock so if there's any like coasters or key Rings or trolley coins uh loads of items on there pin badges the likes uh go and check them out 25% off yeah plenty of t-shirts in stock as well if you want to bag yourself a nice with a a is live knitted wet yeah yeah yeah definitely recommend the hoodies cuz I'm I'm wearing mine at the moment and you can't see but impeccably warm and a t-shirt it's a really good quality too and he lasts a long time as people have mentioned in the chat and it supports the channel as well Helen thank you very much for the 2 Super Chat coming into the stream as well Helen thank you very very much for your very kind support to the channel today yeah the transponders on pinging on radar the keep an eye on it if it's nowhere near obviously Matty's got eyes on it yeah there is a challenge at 350 still loading the loading all the catering and stuff there so oh yeah I can see that yeah fair play there has a bis jet on Final short final nice andj this guys that's followed by an easy jet a 320 from Lisbon the flying bull Oscar x-ray really nice looking uh bizjet this t tea tastes better at a VIP mug by the way I agree I'm getting a little bit packish though folks probably get some food when I get back home yay Janet I hope you're having a great time on your trip down to the RVP Martin did give you a shout out just before on the stream said Thank you he's very very Greatful for the little gift hope you're wrapp it up warm yourself though of course the cafe I'm sure is nice and warm in there and they'll be I know Tom and an are in there but there's probably other fans of airliners live so just look out for the anyone who's wearing some of our merch go say hello and hang out all very [Music] [Applause] [Music] friendly you want a falcon yeah we don't see many Falcons these days at Manchester some of them some of them bis Jets though the tri jets are stunning [Music] breathtaken do you send merge the France now yes we do I think I'm pretty sure that um you can order merchandise the front through the website and it will just work you don't need to inquire about it as you used to same for a lot of countries in Europe and also in North America maybe Australia things like that feel free to check it out [Applause] yeah very nice little uh bis jet there just have to give it a bit of attention cuz it's a little bit rare at Manchester a little [Applause] bit wow and Bob is still going chat five gifted memberships wow putting us to 220 220 brand new VIPs in the community can we get some walk badges in the chat for the 220 thank you so much everyone yeah it's got them Wes in the chat cheers you guys are insane thank you everybody awesome don't want to go home though I'm having too much fun I know it's getting towards the end of the show now folks though and I've had a bonus I've uh just got in me bag oh yeah and found um some gingerbread men that I bought the other day from Gregs that I forgot about very festive everything's got I got one more do you want one brownie I'm good thank you though I think I'll make a scrun when I get home yeah there's all the Wes in the chat y 220 that's a nice number to around it on and uh judge in the chat saying come on boy get a wave give him a big wave I think he's looking at the roof there he is where is he right in front of us give him a wave oh yeah there he is get on on the I'm sure he won't M there he is nice one thank you the RVP enjoying it they don't look too cold do they having a great time on the camera I seen um Janet popped up in the chat as you were away by the way just saying uh that she's finally made it down to the RVP yeah very very kind yeah perfect thank you J will you get any more 2024 calendars I think that's it now is it I think so mate unless we have like a massive a riot a protest outside the office should we make a poll see you still needs one yeah I am yeah it's just hard to gauge in it like like with the lanard lanard being a good example couple of planes moving around here at Manchester still we're going to wait it out till the A380 goes course we're approaching the 5 hour mark uh four and a half hours we on on the live show today think this will probably pass through five hours there you go polls in the chat guys please only click yes if you're 100% certain that you would buy one because we have to order stock in so please don't click yes if you've got no intention of uh of ordering one cuz then we'd just be ordering them for no reason but um let us know though cuz if there's enough of you we'll we'll get some more ordered in yeah we did order a lot and we did sell out obviously uh within what like two weeks maybe something like that so maybe there are people who missed out and really wants them they are really nice calendars though and uh granny just saying how do I get a membership I'm very new to this so either you're lucky enough to receive one um via the gifteds make sure you've clicked the opin message or if you want to purchase your own subscription to the channel hit the little dollar symbol um just next to the chat window and click join and uh that's how you become one of our uh supporting members our VIPs of the channel just like Alex has done returning for eight months of membership saying grateful to be a part of this community and a peace to all from Alex as well great to see you mate and uh glad to see you so tuning into the stream as well thank you dude Adam the extra video resolution on YouTube for is great awesome yeah we're streaming in 4K resolution today we're still up in an hour in about 4K if it actually makes a big difference and like we we've got into the technicalities last stream but there is benefits to going down to 1080p but yeah I mean people seem to really enjoy it yeah it's definitely gives you that resolution boost doesn't it yeah it's nice and five rings promotions thank you very much for for tuning in on the twitch Channel as [Applause] [Music] [Music] well yeah Sharon we got more of them arriving next week so just keep now on the website next week sh yeah the beanies are great and Brian REM uh returning for three months of membership thank you very much M say next call is a six-month badge love you guys by far my favorite Aviation Channel that's awesome thank you very very much the beanies are definitely the product that I recommend the most right now on the on the channel 86 votes 47% yes so you can do quick maths on that you know what when I've completed it we'll take a screenshot we'll end the vote in the next minute guys so click your it's getting closer to 50/50 now so yeah probably get another 30 on order or something could we yeah that's not a bad idea and also be remind there's a lot of people who aren't tuned in at the moment to regular and stuff like that EasyJet taxiing out now on the way to hagard one of the longest routes and uh Ryan Air just about to touch down in for Milan yeah I think haard is is the longest that they operate from Manchester anyway I'm not sure about in the whole network course you were saying their shortest flight is uh what Belfast to is man that's it yeah that is mega short Manchester to Belfast is pretty short as well in fact they do Manchester to Island man as well easy jet do okay Dad if you're still in the chat I'm going to end the poll I'll do the quick maths on that 94 votes 45% saying yes you can quick maths that and Peter Saunders a brand new VIP member welcome in Peter joining us on a crazy show 221 new members on the stream today welcome aboard mate thank you well it's really appreciated by us Barry loving to be on dog walks yeah it's just good in any sort of crispy weather isn't it mate even in the rain as well it's water [Applause] resistant [Music] another Ry a touching down let's have a A380 update shall we see how the king of the Skies is looking that's looking prison it is you know what else is looking come on vir Atlantic 330 on the taxi out on Matt Camp mate not stopping today what a great show yeah this is just non-stop action be a very nice end to the show if this uh oh this 380 departs soon yeah it's about 40 people after him at the minute and uh yeah we'll uh open the calendars up to pre-order for a week for those people then close it and order them okay yeah I thought that yeah it's not a bad shout yeah let's do that then let's do that yeah cool uh me I can do that now actually I guess that means if if no one buys him there it's at the end of the [Music] world [Music] 737 2787 from one [Music] is okay folks calendars are available on the website to pre-order if you have missed out on a calendar you've got one week to place a pre-order and then we will uh get them ordered with our supplier so uh if you head to airliners dolive you can grab yourself a calendar if you've missed out on those and as I say we'll get those ordered in and shipped out to you in the next couple of [Music] weeks Garder saying for me 440 ends up looking just as good as 4K and his gentler on the bandwidth yeah so 1440 isn't an option for us at the minute but they are adding it so that's something we may kind of compromise on um it's coming but to be honest I mean it's been been really stable today I mean yeah we'll see we'll see I mean I kind of just quite like having really cool good picture but we'll see yeah uh mods if you want to share the link there available now if uh you guys are free to put a link in a there we go no it's done to just vacating in from Malaga and the ver Atlantic to New York ta out as well as we start to come towards the end of our show today hope you all enjoyed it beanis will be back in stock next week so keep an eye on the website Cassie next week yeah definitely Ryan Air 737 Max 8200 rolling on 23 right the departure it's left to Milan [Applause] [Music] and the aircraft already touching down as well but might be a bit photo bombed by the Virgin A330 beautiful play right in from Prague just touching down on the [Music] runway kissing the top of two three right [Applause] [Applause] there excuse me how's he looking up there mat well done today mate it's been a long shift today a it yeah mate it's been a bit a long one on it still pretty oh he's gone what we need to know low signal low signal hello hello can you hear me now low signal hello left on a cliffer there what you say the uh side say [Music] just saying the um the just getting refueled I don't think the Saudi is too I don't think the Saudi is too too long um and I think the Qatar yeah there's still plenty of uh stuff going on around the kar I can't see that any time no worries better Wing bounce there on the boing 737 the boing [Music] still non-stop action here at Manchester Airport what a great show today yeah thank you everybody it's been so busy I think it was like Wednesday or Sunday last week where we were kind of concerned we were like why is Manchester so quiet but that was when they had that T2 evacuation didn't they was it Wednesday Maan no it it's uh it wouldn't don't worry about yeah it's fine King of the sky is going to be pushing back soon by the looks of it yeah jaet Bridge still attached to the [Music] A380 yeah Paul has only been 1757 although you know yeah saying we to schedu I think yeah that's the main thing but I I remember last winter they were still getting utilized quite a lot it's mainly them Canary Islands routes where they're still really busy this time of year but I guess there's just less demand overall right so there's probably more 7 37s 321s as well being used yeah remember in the summer there's times when you'll you'll just get you know 75 after 75 MH like three or four in a row sometimes it's crazy yeah great job by the guys here at the RVP uh the Tas gents providing the commentary to the park you guys probably heard a lot of information being relayed about where the planes are going and some facts and figures about the aircraft thes themselves info about the park and Manchester airport it's really nice addition to the RVP that they've had in the last few [Music] [Applause] years yeah that's right Roy but we were looking at reducing our data um what's the word we we're trying to not rely so heavily on data to get you guys a feed because every time it drops out we struggle to give you a 4K feed so we were wondering whether dropping down to 1440p on the inest and that gives you 1440p and 1080 at a high bit rate yeah and but to be honest we kind of leaning towards just stay with 4K anyway mate yeah Tony a brand new airliners live VIP Tony mayor thank you very much mate W that's incredible brand new VIP You're Number 222 all the twos in the chat brand new members 222 brand new members what a crazy how are we going to we're never going to top that no yeah we have to write that down maybe one day in the future never going to to right yeah that is a insane number of new VIPs yeah we uh really really really thankful guys thank you so much for all your help today make sure you all head on over to our Discord server as well if you are a new VIP if you've been gifted a membership or if you just signed up today you can get VIP stat on a Discord Group which is like our social media where we all hang out together it's got chat rooms on there you can put posts on there you can even hang out with voice chat in groups really really good community over on our Discord so go and get yourself signed up brand new community Hub forers live and if you're not a VIP you can still get [Music] involved here goes the Virgin [Music] A330 [Music] [Music] [Applause] and [Music] I don't think anyone can hear the commentary over over that 330 that was I would have pick that time to start absolutely screaming out planes are so loud today as you can see from the wind sock it's uh not very windy today it is cold though bit more power on the engines to extract as much thrust from the uh cold atmosphere matam just following that out nicely for us as well as it nose is down to uh start picking up some speed rued to climb thrust NOS down thumbs up a38 really not looking far away yeah some of you guys it will depend on your internet as to whether you can watching 4K or not but uh that's why I guess YouTube transcodes it on your side so that you can watching whatever resolution you can mam no worries thank you very much for tuning in today mate great to have you with us okay a lot of people wanted calendars because my phone's going to Rattle itself off the stand in a minute I not used Discord before how do I find you so just download the app Phil and and then uh click the link that the mods are putting in the chat to join once you've got the app installed and that should um that should let you join and then there's tons of tutorials and stuff for you to follow as well Christina loving the uh 4K it's so crispy Mac ju saying just ordered another calendar as a gift for my plane spotting buddy he REM remembers airliners life for the Martin and Charlie days oh that's awesome nice one thanks for that yo what a guy that is a throwback good few years ago it is hello everyone from Sand batch Services saying B hello hey welcome hello hello what you doing there then the m6 is it I think if I remember rightly I think I've been there before stopped in for a spooky donut or thanks again rocket wolf for your 20 on Twitch as well mate yeah Absol Legend support in the twitch Channel today don't forget twitch crew check if you've got a twitch Prime available it gives you a free membership to the channel it's been such a insane show today 27 37 Max 8 heading off to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] banel what's Charlie up to these days he's in full-time work now he's uh he's doing really well for himself actually so yeah I do catch up with him every now and again he did that big tour of the of America America yeah went to like all swords places in Canada and the US and all sorts yeah just waiting on this last departure I think last special departure especially with it being a special Livery the destination Dubai Greg it's not stopping chat with the five gifted memberships coming into the stream 227 brand new VIPs on today's Channel thank you very very much guys absolute Legends and Helen thank you for the one pound donation coming into the stream as well and looking 20 USA with a twitch Prime for 16 months thank you very very much cheers guys incredible support zah welcome to you thanks for tuning in thank you welcome in and Rocket wolf say my pleasure Matt Andy and Martin all the love for you guys and what you do for us thank you very much mate and uh is that Noel uh thank you very much tuning in from uh South California wow to I bet it's lovely over there at the moment yeah that's a a long time zone away from us I do know that a lot of people over in the US do like to wake up and tune into these shows and I know it's quite a good time for you we during the summer months we do uh evening shows as well here in the UK which take us on until about half 7 in the evening 7:30 we've been streaming for that long that you're going dark what I know Sun's Sun's be well Sun the whatever is behind me I could turn the exposure off a little bit the it's already on plus one a little bit more perect but the light sour is behind me should we say yeah trucks still in on the 380 and the Jet Bridge still attached not sure what's going on here chat yeah we'll give it a a little bit longer I think I I do have a child care to attend to after this just messaged them saying I'm still here I'm still here waiting for this thing to go but also getting a bit hungry as well James tuning in from Thailand welcome to you it's now said for 1415 it was 1435 before doesn't look like there's really any reason for it it's that J Bridge isn't it when when that moves that's going to be going to be it but this is where we need uh we need Mark yeah Mark anyone anyone got mark on night in shining armor announcement please mark if you can report to the chat that's Mark to the chat thank you I bet you're someone's messaging him now o you needed easy jet just about to touchdown in from uh Sophia let's catch that then shall we yeah thank you for all the calendar orders folks we'll definitely get some more ordered however many pre-orders we [Music] have [Music] I was saying earlier though like the next big milestone on the channel is the 1 million subscribers of course on YouTube that will of course unlock a gold plack apparently that gets sent to you by YouTube that's going to get hung up on the wall in the office just like we got the silver play button from 100,000 subscribers that we got [Music] awarded um we just don't know when we're going to hit it though I mean it seems sped up a little bit recently Lori lorri M thinks it's going to be around Christmas time she seems pretty confident in that I think it's going to be I originally said March all of a sudden that does not seem that realistic legit Fe even January is really realistic at this point I'd love to do it before the task fa but yeah that would be cool I think that's uh optimistic yeah even just doable now I think it's yeah we'll see I'd love to like time it to happen at the tasir no way prob B screen yeah M ar oh God that would be something else we need Mr the jingles yeah that's a good point yeah well Mr Jingles does um I think he said he works for DHL so they don't they don't handle the A380 but he's near there so he kind of scout it out a little bit checks it out make sure it's uh see what's going on but even he doesn't know fully why oh here we go there's there's movement now oh yeah looks like they'll be yeah they're getting in position so maybe that Jet Bridge is going to move and then they'll be Shifting the uh the chocks by the looks of it each getting to a wheel I think there's a 737 in the engine test Bay as well jet two that's what you can hear in the background full spin [Music] cycle got them whites daily setting full temperature there you go Jet Bridge retracting he here we go guys finally departure for today's show what an incredible show thank you to everybody if you've tuned in you've hit that like button got involved in the chat and of course to everybody who sent some support in as well today it's definitely been a record-breaking stream for us here on airliners live and that'll go a long way to supporting our Channel costs so thank you very much to everybody for getting involved today hope you've all enjoyed this uh feature length stream here on the channel yeah Ma one saying end of January for the 1 mil yeah that's that's pretty reasonable how long have we been live for that's the question just shy 5 hours now started about 9 didn't we yeah it's almost two now so yeah be well over 5 hours when we wrap up you can see why we usually wrap around about now though folks cuz Manchester Airport does get a bit quiet and uh we don't like dragging it out longer than it needs to be I like the action to be quite compact here on the shows and obviously we're waiting a little bit longer for the king of the Skies but it's well worth it especially with it being a special and with you folks uh really enjoying the show today as well there is an a Lingus a 3 3 20 heading back to Dublin lining up on the runway we'll catch that take it off in a moment I can see the uh push back truck there see it's moving now there you go but they get this thing moving quick don't they they do when when it's [Music] ready he's happy see celebration could not have oh that was [Music] funny great stuff it's c that uh C that push back there you go there's the shot G Crow watching on best view in the house see you there indeed the a38 800 heading back to Dubai that'll be uh pushed back and then pulled forward so uh we'll lose sight of it for moment but it will uh come back into shot very shortly just noticed that the late flight emirat flight 20 was cancelled maybe there's a delay to catch some folks rushing there maybe I really don't know why cuz this is like a it it's not usually this late but it is almost always late yeah so there's obviously something that's causing it consistently but it's usually about half an hour late is the average today it's closer to an [Music] hour Dragon Matt's good to to wrap up then with it being the last departure or is he already yeah he's I mean obviously I can't go and get him until we're finished anyway there's no rush let him sit inside for a bit I guess it's up to you mat V yeah if you want to warm up I'll Stick Around catch the 380 going out and then I'll pack it pack up okay sounds good appreciate it thank you m it's been a really good show I'm I'm so excited to get home and watch it back doing it again he's happy with the thought he's going to throw up or something that would have been hilarious not a fan of that plane oh no they've sent the destination Dubai in again right now greasing it down it's been some really good Landings today what's the final tally on new VIPs as it stands 227 wow crazy record breaking show on the channel thank you everybody Remember When back in the day remember when we used to do highlights of like really good streams yeah obviously they took a an eternity to edit them and then no one really watched them but just finishing that push back process on the king of the Skies F you're on the taxi out as well and Granny's saying I've enjoyed my first ever attempt on your channel I'll be back awesome thank you very much welcome to the community as well thank you so much if you are new anybody in the chat let us know it's always interesting to to hear and that does not include Lee Davies or Matt Smith but your M was reaching for his phone then he was hey I I'm new it's kind of a Mist falling over the airport yeah it's the visibility is dropping a little bit Yeah 737 from jet 2 number four waiting here number four waiting on remote here not sure what four yeah not sure M that's they do attend to more than just fire uh related issues Tech issues they they do tend to like U some medical issues as well that may come in on the on the planes I know oh he's gone now G is that enough fed up waiting for this plane here Chen great to see you in the chat how dare you Andy hey every time I do I do no I do pick up on these [Music] things transavia retro on Taxi out e jet in from Amsterdam just about to touchdown yeah very popular route this I think they've uh was either EasyJet or km have committed to even more daily flights with up to eight times daily I think it was easy jet uh in the new year is a very popular Route manire 3 joining fire 4 on the remote as well okay maybe they are waiting to is that on T1 or T2 or just a remote stand interesting see what happens there no lights on though yeah might just waiting to cross the runway maybe I was going to say they could just be positioning back over you never know yeah about two hours left till Runway 2 opens but I mean they were they were at Runway 2 when we started you know like they could cheers Team D glad you're enjoying the stream lost you there m okay they've also got the fire training facility over on the South Side as well looks like the Emirate a380s completed the push back procedure just going to be uh awaiting taxi clearance now before taking a king of the sky to the start of two three right and a huge thanks to Aviation fan Ned for sending an extremely generous 25 Kofi donation a saying I've been watching on and off from the Boston us area especially the Super Sunday morning it's high time I help support your work especially on this record-breaking show with so many new members cheers from Aviation fan Ned let's get some 10 out of 10 in the chat what an awesome message and thank you very very much for supporting the channel on the Kofi page thank you 10 out of 10 another airplane arriving J 27 37 [Applause] transavia is lining up on the runway as well doing a flight on behalf of KM heading back to Amsterdam skall in this kind of retro scheme thingy we like it it's also taking quite a late intersection like we seen from the Sun Express Boeing airliner before fez's in the chat oh wow this this show's got everything and what a show he's missed I know yeah what a show it's been honestly [Music] folks let's catch this departure shall we emirat 838 is now taxiing [Music] and it looks like Mr matam Smith has spotted our sponsored by LA flights one last plane you can say what that is guys just getting ready to taxi now on the apron to follow out the king of the Skies to wrap up today's show if you don't follow LA flights make sure you head over on YouTube and uh give them a follow yeah Legends Peter and Joshua are doing a great job over in la love them [Music] guys can I go get dressed yet is that like part of your routine is alive get rested go do something yeah we're dragging out a lot of people's routines here going on for a later show even jens's messaged me and said where are you you've usually rang me by now I said oh we're still here waiting for the free8 yeah I can see them Oshkosh engines as well on the Move does look like they're repositioning uh Runway is pretty clear there is an easy yet might be a plane on the runway I'm not entirely sure easy jet in the background there waiting to enter the active departure Runway 2 three right these aircraft are uh on the taxi sorry these um fire trucks get that in the thumbnail yes change the [Music] title crazy events happens 6 hours in s dream ler push back engines started nice beacon on right now out to [Music] Berlin [Music] yeah they're definitely uh crossing the runway the uh fire engines Sharon's uh having a PJ day get a note on the door Sharon nobody in today I'm in me PJs that's it can't beat a good PJ day in the uh in the winter yeah of a duve day that's kind of like my go-to you know after a stream I like go on home make a brew lie down on the sofa Jen's got like um a few blankets and that get that one have a nice me see you in an hour crossing the room way now fire crew keeping busy they are surprisingly busy these guys not just repositioning and doing training and a lot of fire related roles responsibilities around the Airfield and airport terminals looking for gamer ladies saying that uh in Canada with the snow in Winnipeg it's uh- 16 with a wind chill ofus 90 oh my Lord yikes that's yeah that's not fun all of a sudden I feel like I'm in Barbados here Dean saying hello from muscle Bay South Africa Dean did you tune in last stream were we talking about the uh the BR some GIF in a membership it don't stop 228 eight brand new VIPs on today's show you guys are insane s thank you very much 228 thank you Tina very kind message just hope you guys are enjoying the streams lovely beautiful Emir A380 down at the start of the runway going to be taken off soon don't think it'll be Next Movement the next will probably be the arrival of the aircraft that's on Final Approach this Saia knows he the one last playing Runner just starting his tax now there we go on the Move now why not CH why not why not Out start pinging up now wait for the guitar start pinging up that's going to be yeah that's it I mean there's another A380 in in 5 hours so should we should we just wait for that might as well got on might as well Sam Taylor returning for 15 months saying good afternoon everyone hope you're all well thank you very much Sam very well thank you mate cheers dude thanks for the support and thanks again Sam for the gifted membership yeah the Emir a 380 down there yeah just waiting for the EasyJet in from Venice then it'll be next to depart cut across quickly to the Sai as it makes the right turn to uh head off yeah we are testing the limit of Matt setup today battery wise seeing as all your soul late can you bring me home a nice lunch listen you're supposed to be saving us you know what I mean I know yeah no jam and sace can't yourself lucky bread and butter you know they allow water as well yeah Corporation pop easy j a 320 touching down there with the sharklets charlie delta on the r [Applause] CD pictures have been crystal clear today I said it earlier on these conditions have been really nice for videos and photos here at the runway visitor Park yeah make sure you get yourselves down guys and show your support an awesome Loc location here at Manchester Airport one of the best in the the country if not the world spotting locations yeah there's not many like it is there and a big shout out to the aviation society as well for working with airliners life to bring you this awesome streaming location and there it is lining up on the runway em A380 destination Dubai special next to depart Runway two three right at Manchester on your Super Sunday show and master Danny a brand new VIP to the channel thank you very much mate for supporting the channel member number [Music] 229 [Music] [Applause] no [Music] sh and lxa tuning in from Atlanta oh wow welcome to you sweet we have a flight direct to Atlanta from here with Virgin Atlantic NBA just arriving in A320 Neil ooh nice don't s send these very often anymore these 321 nice to see is it yeah it's arguably one of the best looking British Airways aircraft of their Fleet today just how much the delivery suits this airf frame looks really [Applause] [Music] [Applause] smart coming in from London heo Airport [Music] flash of the lights and [Music] wave class real class yeah really smart looking playe Neo Sierra NEOS on the rge obviously British designation one of many flights from Manchester to London heathow per day from a terminal three here at uh M the gentleman just knocking on there just absolutely flabbergasted with the uh the speed the 80 takes off at asking how much it weighed and what the takeoff speed was can't believe and uh Robin gifting a membership putting us to 200 30 brand new members on today's show thank you very much for tuning in and thanks for supporting the Channel with a gifted membership what a legend thank you lots of support for the Super Sunday show today goes the long way of course we have the multilocation multi camera setup multi microphones yeah you everything you should see the uh the back cave that Martin setting all the different screens and yeah there's a lot going on lots of buttons Lans are in a Star Line special it's an a 319 as well yeah nice catch very [Applause] nice that's smart there is a Saudia Dreamliner going to take off soon here on Runway two three right just the one runway in use during the Super Sunday shows it's one of the best things about [Applause] it oh yeah well yeah Lee uh ba used to have a base here at Manchester as well and I think a base today would would do all right for BA but I think they're just trying to can't me um what's the word I compl sliit my mind sorry I was talking to I guess compile all the operations into um into one base you can tell we've been going on late today cuz Tom and an have just knocked on and said he needs to go always always here saying hello to us they got somewhere to be this afternoon a it's like sorry boys we usually say hello to you when you're done but we got to go yeah we'll wrap on this uh this audio guys um it's been an incredible show today thank you so much to everybody who's got involved and supported the channel and uh yeah it's really been one for the history books this one I think thank you everybody Ry a rolling out to [Music] Paris left A320 taxi imp P pass in front of us from Frankfurt from the Star Alliance special yes there's an easy J A320 Neo heading off to analia that's currently lined up on the runway to theart and then what will'll take take off after that is a Saudia Dreamliner consolidate yeah that kind of works as a word yeah that's probably a better word than what I was thinking to be fair nice one uh play with [Music] Phil even got the mag pies in on a donations I feel like that was uh that may have been jail responsible for that she likes her Kofi donations yeah Mrs [Applause] [Music] k i I like how Amy's messages are still there at the top may your hands be warm and your sausages Square that's amazing love how we've got an enrio viewer in the twitch Channel as well what a legend hello here we go guys final departure for today then you sure I'm happy with this one being the last yeah I think so don't forget to hit the like button if you haven't already on the way out I'm sure all if you already have we'll be back live here at Manchester Airport Wednesday morning 11: a.m. UK [Music] [Music] time [Music] [Applause] there goes your La flight sponsored one more plane on what's been an incred Super Sunday show gosh wow chat wow wow wow what a show what a show thank you so much to everybody who supported the channel today finishing up today on 230 brand new members on the stream what an incredible incredible amount of support and we also had a 20 drop on Twitch as well from rocket wolf uh absolute Legend Mt Smith get yourself on the camera son let's say hello to to you as well doing an absolutely incredible job Ro on to brownie up on the camera as well bringing all the pictures to you from the main Runway and there's Mr Matt Smith absolutely smashing It Up on the carart Roof Matt cam an exclusive feature on your airliners live Super Sunday Show Ladies and Gentlemen cheers everyone what a show what a show don't forget folks the super uh the Black Friday Weekend Deal is still going on on the airliners live website airliners live go and check it out everything that's in stock is 25% off for the rest of today it ends today though folks so get it uh ordered now and also calendars there's one last batch of pre-orders that you can do on the calendar so go and get your orders in today as well but um yeah amazing show awesome awesome stuff really enjoyed it absolutely fantastic ladies and gents thank you all for tuning in on what's been an awesome show we've been Ali is live you've been fantastic twitch crew we're sending you over to our good friend Emil on reg you want for some good Positive Vibes if you love your reggae music Go and show Reggae ill some love guys take [Music] care that little r r r your blow let R your blood I'll use it for good [Music] your blood I use it for good throwing hundreds in the holy water just backseat driver flying on the cover different faces but they always the same say they'll make you a star if you'll just sign your name but that man doesn't know that we are bulletproof keep one foot on the sky and on the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] roof I'm not doing this to try to make I just like the way it feels on it the way it looks on me you got the fire when you try to be a FL cuz I like the way it feels H that little r r r Ro I'll use it for there R blood I use it for go I'm not doing this to try to make a name I just like the way it feels I the way it looks on me still got the fire when you try to be a FL cuz I like the way it feels that little r r [Music] r [Music] oh
Channel: Airliners Live
Views: 54,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manchester airport, manchester airport live, manchester airport plane spotting, manchester airport live stream, manchester airport live cam, manchester airport take off, manchester airport live webcam, manchester airport live a380, manchester airport 2023, live planespotting, planespotting, planespotting live, planespotting lax, planespotting heathrow, heathrow airport live, aviation, manchester airport live today, lax live, lax airport live, live airport, plane, london heathrow
Id: tsAYgfAnOTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 326min 26sec (19586 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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