🔴 SUPER SUNDAY ✈️ Dual Location 🎥 Manchester Airport Live

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is [Music] for [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's sh wow what a start to the Super Sunday show three spectacular aircraft taxiing out to take off here at Manchester Airport 05 left operations look at that Greaser as well Scandinavian A320 Neo buttering Runway one wow look at this folks welcom in let's get some names in the chat as we start the flagship show of the week for us here on airliners live wow this is going to be a good one smash that like button as well if you're just entering the live chat Emirates 8380 first departure of the show wow something else super super super Sunday says Mel you're absolutely right absolutely right doesn't get much better than this does it here at Manchester treated by the fact that they're on reverse operations today oh my gosh getting photob bombed by a stunning aircraft J 2757 it's pretty windy today as well and it's cold it's bitter here goes the king of the Skies next to takeoff folks [Music] [Music] what a sight and what a sound the king of the Skies climbing out of man Chester airport crabbing to the right a very good morning everybody apologies for the slight late start today um we did think it'd be a bit longer but uh we had a slight issue with the logistic shall we say look at her or him the king angling the plane to the right to keep the aircraft on that Runway heading as he climbs out of Manchester Scandinavian Airlines A320 Neo just arrived as well honestly Paul saying great start to the show yes well what's coming in next oh my gosh a Virgin Atlantic [Music] A330 GB kiss just kissing the runway there that was so good Scandinavian A320 Neo as well this time in the new scheme on the taxi out wow she's so pretty we love this Livery I don't think this is one of the manchest based ones hard to see but I think it's Swedish designated Sierra echo on the registration never mind that got a rather peculiar looking etad lining up on the runway Triple 7 going be next to take off is it me or does that Livery look a little bit off yeah lots of heavy action this morning it's not Super Sunday for no reason and at some point folks you could see my stubbled face I've been growing the beard back this week but I think I'll let you guys decide whether to keep it as stubbly I don't want a beard again I think the stubble would be the maximum tolerance uh or you guys can vote on a clean shave I'm curious what you guys think stay tuned on [Applause] that [Applause] [Applause] could really see the power of them GE 0 engines scream reing out of Manchester Airport kicking up a spray and up she climbs out of echool Charlie Charlie delvery from wish morning uh Mr Russell ran there 7 37 8 200 look at them winglets she's just holding for something clean shave movember guys I mean that's not a bad shout it's funny how this whole shaving my face thing has fallen right at the start of November I definitely was proud of my mustache part of the beard before that was the hardest thing to shave off from a purely proud stance you know another aircraft on the rooll Austrian [Applause] A320 [Music] [Applause] pretty sky this morning as well with a really nice Sunrise as I left the house this morning there's that Virgin Atlantic heavy aircraft you on your own Andy no so okay yeah let me explain let me explain me here on the camera Matt is over on the um the car Park roof as per usual and Martin's downstairs however I think there's a slight issue with one of our servers or one of the servers that we're using um on the end of of or enoda basically that's stopping us from going live over there so Matt and Martin are just fixing that at the moment [Music] oh a bit of is that anti ice on the wings there that green green on the wings there green Wings it's that time of year guys isn't it for those watching from the UK it's gotten so cold so fast hasn't it yesterday was a proper wakeup call it was like less than 2° Celsius when I left the house Sam was saying when she started work yesterday she must have left the house at like half 6 in the morning she was telling me it was like 0.5° C [Applause] yikes [Applause] you know what is absolutely essential this time of year is the airliners live Beanie if you haven't got yours yet folks I think they're in stock they are so warm real Lifesaver oh there's jetu 75 on the roll bit of a story to tell about this one [Music] [Applause] Rolls-Royce power taking this beautiful classic Boeing airliner to the skies there allegedly folks this exact aircraft allegedly word on the street she will be the next to go from the jatu fleet and we here on the channel call This Plane the night wow look at that wow yo that's a cool shot we call that plane the uh most pretty of the jat 275s in our opinion opinions may vary of course so that' be real sad when she goes alpha alpha made her last ever commercial flight the other day taking her down from Manchester to I believe Malaga where then she came back to Manchester and now has has left us she's gone she's not coming back Pete saying good morning guys I'm liking your commentary Andy friendly and informative thanks Pete I would like to keep the stubble you like it yeah yeah it's uh yeah I I think stubble was always what I used to rock before I had a beard but obviously there's a bit of Maintenance that is required to keep said stubble but I also really like a clean shape I don't know it's definitely uh I guess subject to opinion nice landing by the ryion a there can really get a closeup view of the aircraft touching down here on zero five left they're going to be on this runway for the rest of the show today folks assuming the directions don't change of course but if we have a look at the wind sock I think if I'm looking at the forecast the winds will be this kind of general direction for the rest of the show um of course forecasts on set in stone as you probably know from airliners live rain starting in Liverpool saying well appreciate the heads up we do have uh waterproofing we can resort to should we need it but yeah the is live Beanie folks it's coming clutch they're actually water resistant as well and not waterproof of course but there's been a couple of times where I've been like Southside and it's rained and rained and rained and my head's come out completely dry it's really nice and your ears and keeps you nice and nice and cozy it's definitely a a nice thing to have in the Aral to Max about to chase her dreams at Cru altitude oh the wind man you guys can hear [Music] it I noticed with the Maxes they they really seem to pitch up a lot when they're rolling down the runway anyone else noticed that I think it's cuz the the nose wheel is slightly higher uh and that is one of the ways that they accommodated for the um the larger engines under the wings bit of a meeting going on over there airide yeah for anybody who's emailed about prizes claiming we're going to be shipping them out this week um we did the prize draw for the charity fundraiser the other day um in evening actually that's on the airliners live YouTube channel if you want to check if you've won a prize or not go on over and give that a watch I actually summed up all the winners at the end of The Stream So if you just skip to the end uh to see if your names on there we'll be concluding the uh the draw of that should we say by reaching out to people this week and posting the prizes as ly just put in the chat the nightbot command in total we raised 122757 61 for McMillan caner support an overwhelming amount of of uh fundraising going on there from you guys yeah so anyone waiting for their prizes to be posted or something like that we'll be sorting them probably tomorrow to be fair we just the last couple of days have been kind of just Gathering all the different addresses and stuff but do make sure you get in touch via email for that uh and it's up to you guys to claim the prizes cuz uh yeah it's just going to be there's a lot of prizes so to have them all in one place helps a lot [Music] oh what a lovely shot that is the Ryan a climbing really bster wow that is cold wow it's 1° where she is it really varies doesn't it across the country yesterday morning was definitely the coldest weave area it was about the same bster around here like uh my partner Sam she was out at like half 6 in the morning and it was bitterly [Applause] cold I'm recording all of this I love it when they're on z5s because you can really appreciate the landings and the takeoffs a lot more planes everywhere though right now even down to this view I love that look at that Max don't forget folks hit the like button as you uh join the stream I noticed the viewer numbers are climbing good morning everybody who's just woke up and who's been up since stupid o' it is Sunday after all can't be too hard on yourself that Virgin Atlantic still holding what on Earth I forgot that was there maybe she's had issues or maybe she's waiting for um one of the allotted gates to become available Terminal 2 can become a bit congested wow this is out early air transer 321 Neo long [Applause] ranged Canadian Airline airr up a transatlantic [Music] about to embark on a journey to Toronto that's loud Neil saying how's that with the dog at half six wow I think a lot of people with dogs have that routine don't they I think Matt's the same I've been up since silly o' clock as I have a six-month old baby saying OE wow yeah they could be a handful right fair play you can always tell when parents have a newborn because uh they look [Laughter] [Applause] exhausted [Applause] everyone saying blind you m that's early what time has she been up since oh not waking up early she's saying she's putting a Christmas tree up later yeah that is early isn't like it's meant to be like December right or something I don't know is there an official rule is it just an Unwritten rule can you even get Christmas trees yet oh J 737 using a lot of Runway there she rotates I'm a shadow of my former self St Ollie very poetic yeah yeah having having kids is hard right woke up at 8:00 a.m. so fed the dog and cats let them in the Garden Walk will be here shortly awesome Jane yeah it's pretty bitter at this time of year to be fair though I'm saying to Martin although it's really cold now like like let's be honest it doesn't really get much colder than this I know there was like a handful of days where it got really cold last year like I remember that one day where we were filming here at Manchester Airport and it was -10° C me and Martin with Filman um and then fair play to um neighboring live streamer Simon low anyone heard about him he does live streams over on the other side of the airport here at Manchester and he that was the day when he did a live stream where he started about 11 12 you know like midday kind of time and there was a fault with one of the aircraft it was a cath Pacific a350 had its um parking brake stuck on it got stuck on the taxi way it was really tramatic cuz a lot of planes that to you know kind of I know Captain Mark was flying that day use different entrances to the runways different Runway lengths and stuff and he I think he decided to stick around till it was rectified and it was way after the hours of Darkness that it actually went you know and the guy was there in -10° C I was in the chat like mate just go home like this is not this is not fun but fair play to him did a great [Music] [Applause] job cuz the chat the chat can be a real devil on the shoulder sometimes you know stay stay wait till it goes I want to see it [Applause] Go Lingus ATR 7 to2 in the classic colors lovely [Music] [Music] lovely view there e fa on the redge heading back to Dublin yeah Martin's gone back to [Applause] bed I jinxed it though cuz I put jeel location in the title and the gods the gremlin Gods went you know what he's a bit bit too big for his boots we'll give him a challenge mrs's live say we're getting a real tree soon awesome yeah we got a real tree last year and I'd definitely recommend the real trees over the the plastic ones I don't know why they're just a bit more satisfying and a bit more rich I guess I don't know last year was the first time I'd never got like a real tree and I thought they'd be like a pain you know like cleaning them up and all that wasn't too bad was all right I'll catch up on support now as well had so many planes to look at apologies I haven't had time to read out some of the messages do appreciate them massively though thank you for the support we'll catch this ATR going out and then we'll uh we'll uh have a little catch up session shall we tea and biscuits [Applause] [Music] yum there she goes back off to Dublin so we had first of all uh James kouan with a 14 months of first class wow James thank you so much appreciate that Robin Giles with the 16 months of premium economy saying great way to start the show guys 8380 7757 what a start and then Philip w war with the uh one airliners live gifted membership as well thank you Phillip really appreciate that it's only six weeks to Christmas you're welcome for the that's a gosh that doesn't seem that long away the thing about our household is you got um Sam's birthday at the end of November so it seems to be premature to be looking forward to Christmas at this point because you've got a big celebration coming up anyway so um hairs is at the end of this month 23rd November guys get in your calendars can someone remind me and when when when that comes around um then obviously then then it's kind of Christmasy vibes from then onwards for us which I think is a nice a nice date to to to partition 2 minute silent at 11 we are doing that yes uh I don't know if I mentioned that already Philip I don't think I did today is obviously Remembering Sunday which is a big um I guess you call a holiday here in the UK it's a day where we reflect about the people uh we lost who who passed for fighting for our freedoms uh we're instrumental in in what we take almost for granted for these These Days the freedoms that we enjoy um obviously the poppy is a big uh icon of that and there are poppies decorated all over the country uh as part of the celebrations um and what we do is we observe a 2 minutes 2 minute silence to reflect um and that is at 11: a.m. folks we'll be doing that here at uh on the live stream we do ask politely that you guys participate in that and I think I don't know if it's confirmed but they usually do something here at the airport for that there I remember in previous years they have held traffic um to pay respects so planes will kind of just hold by the side of the runway um but again I think it just depends on if that is possible with uh you know what what is happening pretty which ah sorry to hear that Mel I hope she has a a speedy recovery thought with her right now for Zach hospital that was where I was born believe or not true scaler on I think it it it used to be called phys Hospital right and it's now anry or some the other way around something like that got the big coat on today as well not taking any chances not letting the weather get the better of me it is bitterly cold just plug it wires and stuff this morning I didn't have my gloves on and man within 5 minutes my hands were hurting pain threshold from how cold it [Music] was Tango Charlie on the redge Thomas cook Vibes anybody can't believe it's been over four years now since Thomas Cook left us that's sad crazy I was actually one of the ones who had um a Thomas Cook holiday booked uh I can't remember when for but it was probably for like around that time of year and obviously they went into liquidation and um we were left with uh like over a grand in a spent on a Thomas Cal that we couldn't take you know there was no way around it so a long process of trying to get that money back followed cuz there was like no one to talk to about it right they had Banks had specific like uh systems in place to charge back the money that you spent specifically for [Applause] [Music] that but I love Thomas Cook it was such a good Airline like you know another Universe Maybe could have made it work different decisions and stuff right but who knows yeah Mr is live just putting in the chat that Martin and M are helping M cam set up um the Gremlins are around today um we use um the in code that we use to bring you guys a live stream that's the the bit of Hardware that takes the video feed and then discombobulates it and takes all the networks around and brings them all together and does all that magic well they have their own servers that are cloud-based and you have to broadcast to that cloud to then distribute to um other cameras and stuff that use the same encoder guess that's a very simple version of it well um that particular cloud is seems to be having issues today so um the thing about live streaming is you guys may have noticed just we seem to find these Gremlins and they're never the same Gremlins I keep popping up so we'll we'll have a gremlin like the sound isn't working or something the network isn't working and we'll spend a lot of time and a lot of energy fixing that and then something else will happen that's completely out of our control things like the network things like strange power issues that we're encountering things like this cloudbased stuff you know and that's kind of one of the downsides to the setup we have is because there's so much going on we have obviously M Cam and all the multic cams and the really complicated audio setup there's a lot more to go wrong and although we we do tend to aim to buy the best and industry-leading stuff and stuff that we know is as reliable as money you can get without spending an absolute Fortune you're still going to have uh issues [Applause] Mike saying they went bust in the September my parents uh were due to fly back from coru with Thomas Cook the day the planes got grounded Wow Mike they came back with a Lithuanian Airline who were bringing people back for Thomas Cook Ray M so that was wasn't that called project Matterhorn where the kind of UK government assembled a lot of Charter Airlines basically airlines that had aircraft spare to repatriate a lot of the passengers that were stuck abroad as a result CU they had um I believe that was as a result of ATL protection which you sometimes may see on like travel commercials you know ATL protected um I think that was as a result of Thomas Cook being ATL insured I forgot what a stands for maybe some one in the chat could let us know ah you got maam online it looks like Martin just updated Us in the chat there you go good timing G to be fair it's been so busy on the main Camp I'm glad we've just been here chilling woo here we go right cooking on gas now good timing got M cam emotes in the chat here we go boys show's starting now guys yay Matthew hello hello yay there we go right can we got a yay everybody you sound a bit a bit muffled Matty but we can hear you we can hear you we can see you your feeds coming through all cooking on gas right going to have a brew five minutes and I'll be I'll be wi you number two engine start here on the two nice good timing to be fair here on Main C been nonstop so delightful what was the gremling this time it's nothing to do with us um they're having server issues yeah their supporters uh just said everything's just massively delayed and they're trying to fix the servers right so it's the server that controls basically I have a little portal guys where I can see our unit upstairs I can see the unit that Matt's got um and I can control them remotely and I can send server information I can change the bit rate on the fly if we're like struggling with networks and stuff I can basically just control everything on the unit but that server just uh isn't working today um it said to do it did it it didn't like even the unit upstairs Andy yeah it's how long have we been live now like an hour almost it's only just now recognized that that's streaming ah right so you can see just how big the delay is on on that um but yeah we've managed to we've managed to get it on so right throw some waterproof it on then while rain starting to rain yeah anyway but thank you very much for your patience guys um I love live streaming I love live streaming I keep telling myself over and over again and uh we get it working one way or the other but yeah it's completely out of our control today that to be honest um just a server server glitch no worries like I said we didn't really miss anything to be fair it was just uh no people were so hyped about that start so uh there may be like little gremlins here and there on mat cam guys but I think for the most part it's going to be uh it's going to be worth having today um I can see a little glitch here and there but listen at least it's on and it's working so uh I'm hyped I'm right and we can do the show we wanted to bring to you guys today well thank you very much for being patient on that and uh like I say apologies that I've kind of been missing for the hour but there is no point in me trying to present whilst trying to fix things cuz I just won't be concentrating so no worries um but yeah that Virgin Atlantic just pulling onto stand really nice uh to see just coming in from Bridgetown and uh Matt's also uh picked up the engine start on that to aircraft the max that's on its way out to uh sham Shake nice Smoky engine start on these cold mornings oh yeah I love it yeah love that well done to brownie for keeping the show going for the last hour or so I have to move my camera location just cuz the wind direction okay it'll be sheltered there okay you looking good you're looking fresh mate couple people saying I should keep the stubble as well in the chat yeah me and brownie are having a race guys we both shaved on the same day so we're trying to see you can grow a beard faster what do you think Andy or me who's winning yeah it's getting there it's definitely stubbled up now but there we go we'll do a pcture in picture there you go you can have a comparison one B guys right I am going to just quickly beb okay uh stand back yeah we'll uh stick on matam for now uh I did see an email or not an email sorry a message in the chat just asking about prizes and gift cards and stuff obviously just bear with us guys we only did the draw on Tuesday um and then we were streaming Wednesday um and we had a podcast guest in on Thursday so it's it's very very busy you will get the email um and we're back in the office in the morning so um just bear with us just be a little bit patient guys if you can cuz there's just so much going on um and then I drove down to London on Friday and got back yesterday evening so um we will get round to it do not panic um but yeah it is starting to rain we did expect this about 1:00 uh this afternoon but seems like it's arrived a little bit early but uh Martins has more gray in it listen Amy just because you CAU just because you put good food pictures in the Discord doesn't allow you to be cheeky in the chat me Mrs airliners live have been uh looking at all of the food pictures you've been putting in there it's been some quite nice diners have you seen those Matty yeah I've seen one or two of them yeah it's funny how nine posts out of 10 is Amy stff just all Amy oh the rain's coming down today chat you still on the upper level mat yeah I'm still up here me yeah it's uh starting to get pretty heavy get too bad though I will down a two tanker 330 pushing back oh nice yeah Brown's just snipped to the L I think so we'll stick with that M on the push back uh that's heading oh it's got no destination actually for me at the moment it's been last down it John yeah it's uh it's definitely uh definitely a bit wet I've got a tiny Gap in the window where the cables are coming through and the rain's still coming through even on there yeah I'm trying to shift all the gear out the way hope you're all having a great weekend so far I uh went down to London chat and uh met my uh baby niece for the first time y so that was uh that was good fun and me mom was down there as well so I got to see the family um and we uh yeah we had a good time actually drove down on the Friday um went around to my sisters spent the afternoon and the evening there got a cheeky nandos and uh and then uh went around for a brew in the morning then drove back but yeah coming back was a bit of a nightmare actually because it was supposed to take 3 hours 40 minutes and uh it took over 5 hours cuz there was a crash on the m6 so it was uh yeah a little bit a little bit longer coming back but it's quite an easy drive that actually cuz it's all Motorway isn't it so it's uh it's not too bad to be fair like you say as soon as you have a bit of a knock out a bump on that thing the after effects of having one bump onway it's strange is it the m6 cuz it's it it is always it it seems like one thing happens on There and Everywhere grinds to a ho doesn't it absolutely Yeah well yeah I'm not quite sure I thought that was that not the whole point of the um the toll road to sort that sort of stuff out yeah smart motorways and all that stuff cuz it did um it did put us on the toll road um but it said it was going to take yeah like 5 hours um but if we didn't use a to Road it would have took an extra 45 minutes on top of that so that was that was pretty crazy wasn't it it's going to waterproof up here me it yeah all right buddy mate Nando's yeah as far as you know what Darren I'll give you that maybe it is a posh KFC it's it's um yeah how would you describe Nando in the chat it's basically like see I don't want to say a chicken shop takeaway because you'll instantly think like kenty it's not like Kies it's actually proper chicken breast chicken F they've not got any sort of crispy coating on or anything like that Lori it is just like chicken breast and proper meat um and they do like burgers so the Burger we had basically had like a chicken fire in the burger and all that and it does like nice sauce and stuff just Google it Lori Google Nando and you'll see the pictures cuz I don't think my description really does it much Justice right it's getting a bit weather's getting a bit thingy up here I'm going to vacate downstairs you're going to go all right we're going to be it's going to be me and new chat for a moment while we wait for Matty boy to uh but there's nothing moving in front of us anyway actually it looks like oh wow we've had a Runway change we're on two threes now yeah we're on two threes chat so uh Gone is the 05 fun here and it looks like who's just arriving in Manchester there we are A330 from Orlando Virgin Atlantic just touching down browny has just ni to the L [Applause] though but uh as we've said earlier on guys we will be respecting the uh 2 minute silence at 11: so as always if you can spam the chat with uh airliners live hearts and things like that um just joining that two minute silence we'd really appreciate that and uh will of course just keep you up to date and let you know when that's happening that's going to be happening uh in 57 minutes guys so we always do do uh the silence on our shows so hopefully you guys will uh will join us um he can get no Matt signal is fine Tony Matt signal is fine it's the server that he's passing his signal through that was having the issues that's uh but that seems to have caught up now I think we're I think we're cooking on gas now but uh wow Matt got down there so fast he's uh look he's already down there and just getting his camera uh camera in position brownies arrived back as well and we'll uh yes we got control here we go cooking on gas only 60 uh 70 likes away from 600 so make sure you click that like button for us guys uh if you haven't done so already that's crazy thank you very much everybody yeah the cold weather just feels a lot colder now yeah I'll say saying to chat my windows open a tiny bit and this with the cables coming through and still the screen and the cables and everything are getting soaked oh yeah so I'm just trying to might have to come and NAB some blue roll off you in a minute and W it in Runway changed though that's cool yeah it changed over hasn't it 2 three now yeah I'll be honest I slightly disappointed in that yeah just slightly I was enjoying zero f not to worry yeah virin Atlantic a 330 taxi in the past Miss Sunshine yes please yeah more of that please Miss Sunshine the name on H there is a ATR coming in next next to land Logan air grease in the runway over there hey David thanks so much for tuning in mate hello looking forward some epic spray shots today though that'll make all this worth it cheers Jim glad you like it mate yeah we have uh pretty much sold out calendar now we got some held back in case things get lost in the post so there may be another 10 or so to add to the website but um got it pretty much sold out now guys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay [Applause] there's Logan a ATR coming in in the rain didn't expect this rain to come so early I think it meant to rain more around midday but I don't think this is going to stop for a while now it looks like complete contrast from the conditions yesterday although it was chilly yesterday today it was glorious we had wall to wall Sun all day we ended up going to the park and there was like a cafe at the park and did like tea and biscuits and all that sat in the sun arms out like the middle of summer it was only like 7 or 8° C but cuz the sun was out it was glorious [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay and some support to catch up on then uh we have Lee Williams returning for 29 months of business class membership saying great start to the Super Sunday show and it uh you're doing an awesome job thank you very much Lee as we will remember them as well absolutely I will be doing that at 11:00 uh Barry Wht a brand new business class VIP uh thank you very much Barry cheers for supporting the channel today mate really appreciate that uh Philip Curtis thank you very much for the5 donation coming in saying as both a veteran of uh Iraq and Afghanistan and lost many good friends along the way I massively appreciate the who huge level of respect shown by all says Philip in the chat thank you very much mate thanks for all you've done as well yeah and Helen Booker thank you very much for the 4 months of airliners Live membership and we should be uh we should be all caught up here yeah this a live Beanie coming in clutch today I think problem is the wind and the rain is coming Sideways from the front so it's uh mean lots of L wipes are going to be needed yeah and uh Matt was saying what were you saying mat about these easyy Jets Z cuz there's quite a lot of them is there shifting about on the apron think I might have lost him though yeah he's he was saying there's loads of easy Jets um on remote and stuff yeah and we can see one on toe here on uh on matam at the moment cheers Barry thank you very much mate cheers for bearing with us as well usually uh we're ready to go bang on but I know the start of the show we was a bit delayed but I appreciate you becoming a VIP yeah first time viewer amazing not messing around we do have two unique angles from around the airport as you can see here our main uh Runway View and we also have the 8 view with Matt cam Smith which I'll get back on the font [Music] and there's the EasyJet just being pulled on to stand now very odd isn't it Matt to see an EasyJet around this side of the airport yeah it's weird is it like I said there and I just overheard one of the two of I'm not exactly sure what's going on they one on the ground here we go jet 2 A330 on the main cam on the taxi out I think this is the only remaining air tanker in the fleet could be wrong though could be another one I know the uh the world to fly A3 30 is gone back already the rain is falling here at Manchester everything's getting drenched which is uh what we're used to about retreated I think yeah did you go uh down the level I've had to go down level yeah yeah smart it's kind of the Glorious thing about that spot isn't it we can kind of at least confirm that you and the equipment are not going to get completely drenched absolutely it's a bit of a contast southide is it yeah that's it yeah remember that stream that you did where it was a storm and uh it was just like the coldest wetest conditions ever yeah and uh you persevered through it another aircraft coming in on Final Approach as well catch that should be considerable amount of liquid on the runway now so hopefully a nice big spray from this arrival looks like a Boeing or is it no it's a it's an air buus love tanza coming in next I can't see radar or chat folks I apologize for that never as much spray from the Airbus planes the engins a little bit higher up saying that though the 8330 is a bit of a a sprayer should we say it is isn't it l are vacating and we got the Verge Atlantic A330 just waiting to get into the apron as well some really nice shots coming out on mat cam today but we'll stick with his left Anza for now as Buffalo tracker becomes a brand new business class VIP cheers Buffalo welcome in mate let's get some waves in the chat for Buffalo tracker Give You Bing Bong as [Applause] well yeah yesterday was beautiful wasn't it Tina really nice weather the whole day and the day before as well yeah I wish have made more use of it really yeah when we left my sisters last night it was like the want the cloud in the sky man there's so many stars out and everything nice yeah I do love that and as you can see there a twoy dream line have been pushed back as well first engine uh the number two engine rather has been started and uh we'll be keeping an eye out cuz they'll be starting the number one engine in a moment and uh this is what we love about Matt Camp the apron view here at the airport bringing you all uh the shots all around the apron and the runways on your Super Sunday show here from Manchester Airport if you are new uh please feel free to get involved in the chat and say hello cuz we'd love to welcome you in to the aliners live Community even if you know absolutely nothing nothing about planes guys uh please feel free to get involved because there really is nothing to worry about here we're all uh just a friendly bunch and to be honest we talk about food more than we do about planes so it really doesn't doesn't matter and uh Maly stodart cheers mate just gifted an airliners Live membership to uh mark thank you very much Maly Legend and uh Hayden thank you mate for the5 donation saying may God bless our amazing veterans and serving forces uh to whom so much is owed from Hayden in the chat absolutely mate thank you very much for supporting the channel as well that's very sweet thank you about 45 minutes guys until we observe the uh two minute silence here on the channel and UNM welcome back for 17 months of premium economy membership [Applause] bit of spray there but mostly idle reverse being used gol Romeo uniform kilo um kilo double case got some of the jet two air buses taxiing out at the moment as well one here with the full holidays Livery gon be yeah that's on it way out to tenar and uh oh yeah couple of jetu air buses cuz we've also got the A330 lining up on 23 right yeah so the one behind Andy's off to ten Reef the one in front to F Ventura and the one on the runway is heading out to lanzerotti some pretty glorious locations and while that's lining up we'll just switch across cuz Matt's got the vir Atlantic A330 arriving on to stand guys I don't know what to pick here there's so much going on and uh Spence be a brand new business class member cheers Spence thank you mate welcome into VIP dude here we go 330 on the roll guys BOS K careful [Music] [Music] wow that was the departure and a half on it chat s of the nuts and Andy Richards thank you very much mate just gifted five airliners live VIPs to the community what a legend wow thank you cheers Andy okay CH I'm just going to put you on the main cam when this Virgin Atlantic Falls in I need to go and get some blue roll to C up this gear down here stum I think a lot of blue roll is going to be needed on today's show wiping lenses wiping cables keeping this show running for you folks persevering through the uh the rain and the cold wind but it's all worth it because in my opinion the rain shows and the snow shows they produce some of the best views you're going to get in aviation [Applause] just got to balance up the tripod a little bit stand by there you that should help hey and 1,700 viewers says Su in the channel thank you mate great to have you with us twitch crew welcome to you sorry twitch guys I've not been saying hello to you yet we've been fixing quite a few things and stuff but welcome in twitch crew hope you're all doing well I know we did have um some support right at the beginning of the show on Twitch it was Doc Finley returning for 31 months wow of Prime Membership on Twitch doc what an absolute Legend thank you mate I know Doc's been pretty uh busy and active on Discord as well do appreciate it yeah cheers to everyone who came over to Discord really appreciate it guys I know it's been a big change but I think everyone's starting to get used to it now and uh it's just so busy yeah so so busy British Airway shuttle service next to takeoff what's [Music] up [Music] gosh I do not know what to click guys I'm going to picture and picture this because we got the Iberia Express ATT tax in past there's the Dreamliner just being towed right in front of us on mat cam we got an easy jet arriving anybody uh want to come and do an extra camera here at the airport [Laughter] today such a good show welcome into the Super Sunday show guys this is what it's all about all the action all the cameras doesn't get much better than this and all you guys in the chat as well turn that quality up to 4K and appreciate the best views of Aviation you're going to get I switch to M that's too much of a good shot to miss guys look at this twoy dreamline of Pixie D being told on the apron let's get some mat camotes in the chat that's probably the best view of a Dreamliner you're going to get on this show look at that beautiful shot the EasyJet was just vacated in from [Applause] Amsterdam if you are enjoying Today's Show guys smash that like button for us it really helps a lot there's uh Amy staff Chef returns for 5 months of premium economy membership best streaming Channel on YouTube thank you very much a hope you're doing [Music] well Matt said he'll have three portions of Scouts if there's any go Amy yeah fair play to Amy though active she is on the Discord really appreciate that Amy we are uh keeping tabs on all the different rooms there let's get some 10 out of 10 in the chat as well for all the GR round crew today doing a mega job out in this terrible weather keeping the airport moving absolute Legends my uh my sister's uh partner is uh he works at Ground C Heath wow so he's loading baggage and stuff like that down at heo yeah was chatting to him about that while we were down there you see that the l l oh crazy London on the air bus there [Music] Turkish ac21 just arriving in on two3 right we have had a Runway [Music] change yeah I didn't expect that I mean it's pretty much a crosswind so I guess they favor the two threes when it's not super clear about which Runway they use it jatu a321 next to go one of the naked jatos semi nak Json C I think also the newest of the jet 2 a321 Neo fleet has also got the uh the same kind of level of decals on her I think they come from Airbus like this uh with the blue tail and a couple of little bits on them uh cuz there's a couple of photos of um the newer ones when they're getting built when they get tested at airb and stuff they they they're coming through looking like this yeah twitch cat we we can see you guys obviously we just need to wait for a break in the traffic so let's not get all twisted up in the twitch chat guys [Music] particular [Music] this [Music] but yes here in the UK um we uh remember this weekend uh everyone who's served uh for the country and also those who've lost their lives as well and uh we have it's called remembrance Sunday however there's a lot of things going on yesterday as well and um it's something that happens once a year guys so um that's why we're going to be doing the uh the two minute silence today it's just something we do in the UK yep every year Brian a next to go using two three rides for the departure and uh mm doctor thank you very much for the switch Prime Membership thank you very much dude cheers yeah Hayden we wish mate we [Music] wish so very cold out [Applause] here [Music] gear up there I have to hold my breath when the planes are going past so I can see the screen cuz my you know the the uh fog from breath is just getting in my face weird problems to have ridiculous uh will the airport be silent I mean the last couple of years they've they've held arrivals and departures for those two minutes but it's all down to sequencing I think I think they try to if they can but yep obviously I think not going to compromise safety or anything like that absolutely not no and uh amyan travel says I had my airliners live Beanie on today whilst walking the dog um and on Thursday I'll have my airliners live cap on in lanzerotti wow mate that is a life we have all angles covered here don't we shop. airliners live.com here we go the second jet 2 a321 T re on the way [Music] out slow [Music] rotation there she goes off to the reef Canary Islands off to get some honey run delicious got aircraft on Final Approach what is this looks like a wide body aircraft a30 in the old scheme nice this is going to be an epic arrival and Brian Clarks and brand new airliners live VIP thank you briyan cheers briyan that's a bing bong for you mate the rain is uh calmed down a little bit it's still raining it's brightening up a touch yeah you know it's cold when your airlin is live flask is uh even struggling to keep your Brew warm oh okay Simon yes so they'll probably do the same again mate yeah ever thought about doing an airliner life poppy badge um I think we'd have to work out how all the funds for that would go for charity really I wouldn't want to make money off off selling poppies really but uh no we've not we've not thought about those [Applause] idle reverse being used again playing comfortably stopping it's time for the rapid exit taxi way there to our right beautiful Q8 in the old liy what we'd call the the Retro scheme whether it's formerly known as that or not I'm not sure only 200 likes away from 1,000 guys that was quick thank you all smash that like button if you haven't already there's over a thousand people watching on YouTube and Isa tuning in from Florida Welcome to you thanks for tuning in thanks the next departure will be the jet 2 737 out to ler and that's followed by a twoy dream liner for Bridgetown lining up behind from Juliet 1 go [Music] to Beed [Music] by and as uh that aircraft part of Virgin Atlantic A330 is under toe on matam and we also have another stunning A330 taxiing past our position here just arrived in completing a 6our 40 minute flight Mikey D tuning in from LAX welcome M wow must be early in the morning for you or late at night whichever way you want to see it yeah thanks for tuning in though appreciate it love this plane really pretty classic winglets as well on the A330 200 series got some cers in the chat guys nine cappers through specific yeah we got n cers in the twitch chat that be great another heavy aircraft taken off at the moment Toth Toth dream ler seen them thri this week what in this Shakespeare is that yeah that was funny oh yeah cuz I I I had a email written where I said we stream three times weekly and grammar said no you're supposed to say Thrice weekly and Andy sent me a screenshot of what Gramm was uh recommending to him when he just said what in the Shakespeare is that yeah I told him that yes tomorrow folks there we go look at all those cappers in the twitch chat that's what I'm talking about boys is there more than nine that's you go they're all putting 9 each it's 9:30 a.m. in FLA FL that's not Fort Lauderdale cuz that's FLL isn't it f I'm not sure Steve Baker returning for 18 months of airliners live business class membership thank you very much mate oh my God I can't believe how good this a I've be is though M I need to start wearing mine not selling out just genuinely impress like in the Rain the cold my head's well warm it's nice and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] dry such a good show so far [Music] folks really hyped for the arrival of the king of the Skies as well should be in the next hour stay tuned for that [Applause] if I if I stand on the A380 stand will you catch me waving saying Mr Jingles uh I guess so when though f is Florida well like the state in general I guess that would make sense with the time zones I guess easy J in from Milan [Music] [Applause] [Music] and Florida is a hot State though a lot of people go there for like Disneyland and all that Disney World whatever they always got the two mixed up very humid right there from G next to land I will walk over now I guess you work air side then Mr Jingles don't get yourself in trouble Mr Jingles I know on your break C can you do that on your break if you work outside just go for a chill stand on one of the bit of the apron I guess how's he looking up there then mat he pretty busy isn't it yeah the apron's absolutely hammered me should be uh plenty of uh departur on the cards [Music] today how was your Friday show by the way M A it was great another great Friday show mate the support I'm getting on them shows is just unbelievable yeah really good and the weather played ball which is a huge benefit as you to well know when when the weather's decent like it makes you show half is easy so yeah it's fantastic I loved it yeah I watched pretty much the whole thing uh went back to the office did a bit of work and yeah really good so folks Matt is usually live as you probably know Fridays usually from about 11: would you say these days yeah think it was a bit earlier this time was it about quter to 11 you got live so let's have a look at this a38 stand then cuz apparently he stood there waiting for us okay bear in mind Mr Jingles there's like a 20 second delay so you'll see yourself 20 seconds it's got to be in maybe we don't zoom in too much why do I feel like he's going to get in trouble after all right I bet you all pan away pan back in like 10 seconds and he'll be waving Ryan there 737 coming in there let's try now I know it wasn't 10 seconds but can't miss this Mr Jingles give us away this could be just a random guy who's who's what a legend St 12 the King's [Music] throne jatsu 737 with no winglets looks kind of weird do love to see the uh people who work in the airport and join the shows as well yeah it's a it's a big uh big privilege for their channel that so what's the deal Mr Jingles are you do you work as like baggage handling dispatch what what do you do I guess you're on like a break or something right we're always curious to just know what's going on on the inside give us the scoop turn the Dr off as well cuz I want to look a bit sharper oh it is off okay tell you what blow smoke rings down here oh yeah I didn't bring I didn't bring mine today I should have I mean it's at the point where it's just cuz it's so wet yeah I wouldn't even appreciate it but um I went Costa this morning oh yeah they gave me a large I asked for a medium they uh hopped it up for free not complaining with a free large can you no can we pull if you pull ice you know ask nicely thank you very much [Music] th th th heading off to helinski hel that's good timing cuz uh Matt's feed has just gone into fin I'm just going to resend I'm just going to resend that uh oh wow I can actually remote control now so it looks like they fixed the servers nice yes and amazing I'm a flight dispatcher for original an original Airline okay right amazing thank you very much for checking out the channel then I guess terminal one as well yeah cuz when you're like boarding a flight you're always seeing this dispatchers like in and out of the jet Bridges and stuff they've got access to like get out onto air side onto the apron and stuff must be nice but I guess one one uh downside one the hard aspect of that kind of job is the the hours that you'll work you know cuz Manchester Airport's busy at like 6:00 a.m. so I assume you guys have got to be there way before that it's kind what ow Flo does as well he's there really early in the morning sometimes over at Liverpool airport and uh talking to Mr Flo let got some celebrations 10 out of 10 in the chat uh uh cuz Owen actually got like a a commendation at work didn't he like a certificate and everything for outstanding service at work for going above and beyond for customers and everything like that wow so uh well done mate and to be honest I'm not surprised he's a legend in he he's literally built for that kind of job in yeah so uh well done mate I uh I saw that on the old Discord I I I feel like he is someone who will end up in like some kind of management position at an airport like some kind of actual we'll be ringing Owen in a few years time going mate chance we can stream exactly yeah he'll be that guy yeah no someone as passionate as him and hardworking and he's he's pretty on it isn't he as well he doesn't mess around he's the same on the channel as well if you ask him to do something he'll do it yeah he'll never ask for anything back in return you [Music] know early start that I know when you think of 6: a.m. start it's like uh if you were to start streaming at like 6:00 a.m. like what aric did yesterday or day before I can't remember now and it was dark when he started and um yeah it was yesterday and he must have had to get there at like half 5 in the morning so you leaving your house at like 4:30 I don't know just you just think about it you're like wow that's actually really really early I uh tuned into a bit of show yesterday morning before we uh went round to abies yeah and uh yeah I love that guy's Channel such a good Channel and very similar sort of setup Community wise to us as well you know yeah keeping everything positive and friendly it's just a nice place to chill of course uh Momsy welcome in from Ghana [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello that R now out alante as we have a TAP Air Portugal in from Lisbon embrya 195 next to land but yeah yesterday morning the sun was out it's so rare to have a solid Sunrise oh I can't miss this out I've got a busy day I've got lots to do but uh went down to the airport in the morning caught the sunrise got there at like half 7 when the sun's just creeping over glorious like Golden Sky problem with Manchester these days is there's not a lot of heavy dep arches that time in the morning I was over on South Side filming iic was live hours before me as well I got there like half 7 started setting up and I only caught one heavy departure which was the Qatar a350 um really nice and then there was just a big break of like an hour of nothing not a single plane moved yeah so does anyone know what happened yesterday because I was kind of dipping in and out of rx's chat um and yeah they were saying that all the aircraft were holding and everything like that and I never really worked out exactly what had happened so just let us know in the chat if you know yeah strange I tuned in to his stream while I was there and I I stuck around cuz I I went you know I'll stick till the the EAD trip 7 goes out cuz that I just pushed back like well that's a good blast playing to catch and it sort of stood on the apron after the push back for 20 minutes before going back to the stand like well that's me done see you later I'm going let be my day off anyway so but I do enjoy it someone needs to type to Richard hod in the chat I think he's watching he's not watching live he needs to click the live button because he's talking about Nando and KFC which I think we spoke about about an hour and a half ago so he might be behind us in the chat there guys well a couple of nice aircraft on the way out Virgin Atlantic A330 which we saw head out earlier on that's just heading down to the end of the runway for Orlando and Woody Cantona tuning in from Dubai welcome in guys and my sister and niece K and Charlotte are on the big bird arriving back from Dubai in about 30 minutes think they're in for a shock with the weather yes I mean yeah mate if they've been in Dubai and all of a sudden they're going to get out in it was what was it 3° when we arrived earli Andy did you say just yeah about that it was just freezing wasn't it it's actually warmed up a bit now I can't see my breath anymore so that's good fing just [Music] about cheers Jingles thanks very much for saying hello mate as well I appreciate it yeah that was cool hope you have a great day and if you are in charge of that 38 about 115 130 be perfect mate yeah if you do know anything cuz I've heard um rumors that it delays the departure on purpose but then wasn't it Wednesday show where we waited and waited and waited like half an hour and then they started offloading bags yeah like a no it's going to be ages now I read it was an alarm going off in ATC says Michael right something like that yeah would have made sense yeah a lot of I I I looked on radar and I could see the arrivals were all in like holding patterns and nothing was departing the etti had obviously went back to stand I was like mate this this is not the day to be here and it was the one really glorious day that I could film in a morning in s o disco on Twitch just saying yeah he's sing into the gry mist of the UK after a sunny holiday is the worst I can imagine proper welcome back to the UK I think it'd be worse the other way around though if you were leaving the UK in a heat wave that so rare you like spent all this money on a week away and I could have just stayed here [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] yeah it was like the time when I went to Croatia couple of years ago like two years ago and I was watching you guys stream from new RVP and it was warmer here than it was there and I I almost expect a really stinky time to go cuz it was like overcast and for the whole week and it was not that warm there was like one day where it got above 30 the rest were like low 20s yeah when are you going on holiday again so I'm looking forward to I don't know nothing booked yet km on the taxi out there on M Camp I tend not to go away in the middle of summer these days just cuz uh you know you got the school holidays gets price here um and then like in the UK you might get lucky and get a heat heat wave they call it not next year no all last year all the year before yeah another jetsu Neo on the way out next I loveing loving ma cam today it's looking really sharp actually on the old feed it's on one network as well by the way is it it's doing that thing again where the IP was kicking it off oh nice that was fault number two they're both on uh Dons as well aren't they yeah I need to look at that nice keep them together in one fair play I said to uh I said to Andy chat I said I need two weeks now where I'm just going to just sort things and catch up and you know just those jobs that have just been building up and we've been so busy haven't we for like the last few weeks yeah that uh now we've got the charity show complete and everything like that I just want a couple of weeks to just get stuff sorted hot chocolate time my dad's got hot chocolate on the go oh very nice and Debbie thanks very much for the 13 months of Premium economy [Music] membership it was fuel supply problems yesterday says Reese all right interesting why would they put the arrivals on hold then [Music] yeah they got rectified fairly quickly though within like an hour they were all back in full swing the atad didn't go for like another two hours though was a good job I dipped on that there's the tap embria just pulling onto [Music] stun yeah 10 minutes till we'll uh do that um 2 minute silence folks so whatever is happening on the Airfield we will uh put a pause to that yeah as we do every year and if we can uh respect that on the channel in the chat if you want to put some hearts in the chat or if you don't want to type into the chat at all whatever you wish guys but we'll be uh we'll be muting the stream for for those two minutes coming up in about 9 minutes time so just bear that in [Music] mind Singapore 350 just pushing back as well amazing cheers Christopher glad to have you mate thanks very much [Applause] [Music] dude little bit of a longer taxy now that they're on two three right as well so that Singapore might not go until after the two minutes silence not yet Dad no I was I was fixing server things last night until half1 welcome home can you listen to ATC while streaming or not no sadly not not in this country it's a a law hey gram Hill returning for 31 months of airliners Live membership thank you very much uh gram crew seat member as well says morning guys awesome stream as always and many thanks to you and all the mods thank you gram glad to have you with us mate Pegasus Neo touching [Music] down one of the many Turkish Roots here at Manchester plenty of airlines flying from here to to [Music] Turkey he and cheers for gifting a membership as well gr appreciate that minute Silence of what it's uh in respect of uh remember in Sunday which is a tradition here in the United Kingdom to have a uh moment of silence to reflect on uh those who have fallen in uh the Armed Forces over the years you may notice the the poppy icons as well and I guess maybe for those who are viewing uh from overseas maybe you didn't know about it weren't aware of that tradition that we have in the UK maybe you're just learning about it today something we do every year yeah in November yeah I think in the US you have Veterans Day I think I think it's like kind of similar not 100% sure what it is in the US Singapore's been pushed back there on matam just disconnecting the push back truck now I'll be uh taxiing out very shortly that's heading out to uh [Music] Singapore and Joan thank you very much for gifting an airliners Live membership thank you very much Joan kind of you thank you if you are enjoying Today's show if you can click that like button for us guys it really helps the channel a lot yeah we call it remembrance Sunday [Music] [Music] and diew well fishing thank you very much for using your Twitch Prime on the channel mate really appreciate that thank you very much bluest thing you'll see in the sky today by the looks of it the km 737 mate imagine yesterday yesterday would have been such a nice day to stream yeah like I said I we went to a cafe that like outdoor seating oh yeah sat in the sun it was just weird cuz it was only like 8° see but when you're in the sun you can get your arms out and it's just so nice MH sat there for like an hour soaking in their R literally wasn't a cloud in the sky about tou down is today's rotation fromel right endless I didn't know that in the USA memorial date is when we remember are Fallen Veterans Day is for those that have and are serving great yeah that makes two different yeah days that's cool I 75 just touching and that new col involves billboard titles but each of theft tals [Music] [Applause] has awesome to see an Iceland Air 757 obviously the the 75 is becoming a bit of a a bit of a Dying Breed overall although man here at Manchester we've only had one retire in the last sort of few years and that was the other day beautiful sound [Applause] rollsroyce RB 211s on the engines great catch they actually sent the uh 767 in the other week that was nice on it yeah and a really really really buttery Landing as well we need a 757 Max yeah we do Michael B I think Boeing needs a 757 Max I think that alleviate a lot of their problems that they're having right now if only I think if we were to see the demise of Boeing in the coming years I think that would be the biggest reason CU that kind of stems out to a lot of the problems they're having now but they have problems elsewhere of course the the Triple 7 X's you know not without issues and they've got the uh two aircraft down the end of the runway um there isn't anything on approach it looks like they they're holding traffic already I think which is uh which is nice as we are about 50 seconds away folks so again if you're not from the UK in about 30 seconds time roughly guys we will be uh muting the stream for 2 minutes where we remember uh all those who've served for our country and those who've lost their lives as well and uh we'd ask that you just respect that and uh if you want to put some hearts in the chat or uh just take a couple of minutes away from the stream folks uh cuz in about 20 seconds time we'll be uh we'll be observing that here on the channel yeah it looks like they are holding traffic now a couple of people asking what they're going to do how it work I think they will keep keep the safety elements things keep things rolling but they will try to hold traffic where possible yeah in respect all right guys here we go thank you everyone appreciate you all getting involved in that as well thank you guys cheers all yeah they did hold um this twoe departure very very kind and appreciated towards the staff here at Manchester Airport doing that as well you can see bang on that arrivals out so yeah big shout out to Manchester Airport as well as they always do holding the traffic cheers guys in the chat as well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] for 2737 rotating there just as a Singapore Airlines a350 Begins the taxi onto Main Camp there the Singapore a350 on the way out should be a nice loud departure today guys with the uh with the weather usually they give it the beans when there's a bit of a wet Runway yeah that's going to be good how's it looking up there then mat boy so um just got another two dream line push back here mate so um and I think imminently I think the high n's going to get pushed back very soon as well so should be too long for that couple of nice heavy departures more heavy departures on the way guys nice one mate looking forward to it y glad to have Matt here live dual location cameras in effect on the Super Sunday show it's a big a show of the year of the year of the month of the month of the week but obviously we do more shows than this Henry is looking to do a live show tomorrow um that'll be from about 4:00 p.m. uh UK time which is the equivalent of 8:00 a.m. Vancouver time and then obviously fezza over on the simulate channel from about 6:00 p.m. scheduled UK time FL Sim show and off goes the ATR to the aisle of [Music] man and as you can see a beautiful lineup of tals there on matam as well what a great view seeing all the heavy aircraft on stand there that's like s of the blue roll it was wasn't it and we just passed a th likes as well thank you everyone cheers and cheers twitch crew as well for getting involved in the uh two minute silence there as well Legends thank you what's your plans for the rest of the day boys try and get warm and dry would be nice yeah I think uh I'm going to just try and have a few hours chill I think this afternoon yeah it's been a busy uh busy couple of days so yeah we're just going to chill I think we've said we're going to uh we're going to order in tonight just have a chill me and Jen and ordering some nice food nice ready to uh smash it tomorrow busy day ahead tomorrow as well busy week actually I think I'm going to go and collect the child from a mom and uh then tire her out I guess I don't know it's hard this time of year cuz it's rain and cold you feel a bit bad leaving kids in the house I don't I've never been to someone to just give them a tablet and be like yeah just just do things like you got to make an effort to get him out and get him active and all that got so much energy wish I had that much energy things I could do with that Tom and an just gifted five airliners live memberships thank you guys Legends also popped over and asked if we watched anything earlier on as well thank you very much guys appreciate it cheers sound like Nando night no we had Nando on Friday mate I can't have another Nando but I um so practically geek was telling us all about VR right and ended up getting one of them VR headsets cuz he was sending us pictures of how good it was and everything and um I told my mom that had got one and she was so excited mate she was I couldn't believe it oh you're going to bring it with you down to AB I was like well I won't planning on it but go on then like if you want and I brought it down and she put it on she was laughing her off it's funny we were uh yeah she's doing all sorts Travis um Abby's partner even had to go on that roller coaster as well Andy it didn't really bother him oh yeah he was all right but yeah it was uh that was funny that was funny going to have to have to get Dad on the old ping pong when he comes around hey I put my sister on that ping pong she's mint at that you know I can't believe it nice I I was awful at that you you either have it or you don't yeah she just literally she tried how does it work I she did it couple shot right that was it then she was just off she was just battering everybody on there what's going on here St by you got any oh I'm going yeah that that VR is crazy the roller coaster one is wild for me it was the height aspect of it like you go up the chain the up the roller coaster get to the top and then you look over the edge and that like really does anyone else get that when they're on Heights they feel their feet going like cold you know like all all the blood flow comes from out of your feet or whatever it is and it really like clams you up I got that sensation but then when it went down the the roller coaster it was just fun it wasn't that scary for me but I could see how that could be like motion sickness [Music] Central I used to get that sensation pretty bad when flying on airliners you know when your first rotate you look out the window you're like who that's actually really high but these days it's the opposite I just get hyped about the how high we are Emirate 8380 next to land nice we've also had the high push back on mat cam as well and Sasha sending in A10 donation to The Stream thank you so much Sasha really appreciate that and thanks again to Tom and an for the five gifted memberships uh Jay the chatter welcome to you two months returning member saying wow again I love this community this is my third gifted membership thanks this time to Tom and an and thank you to Andy and Martin for the two minute silence as well absolutely excellent and uh Barbara great to see you in the chat as well hope you're doing well this uh this weekend and here it is the king of the Skies Next To Arrive rocket wolf great to see you on Twitch hope you're doing well mate and Jen's uh Jen's really enjoying beat saber as well she's been playing that oh mate that's a good game that that's a really good one it's hard it's good yeah it's like a workout in it [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] and [Applause] stun in arrival yeah Runway has been significantly dried up there and as that arrives Matt's got the twoe Dreamliner on the way out guys so another heavy departure coming up on the show if you do love your Aviation stick with the airliners live Super Sunday show we got loads still to come jeel view here we have the apron cam which is ran by our good friend Matt and then we also have another camera here which is our main Runway view guys a unique feature of the airliners live Super Sunday shows so if you really want to see everything that's going on around the airport make sure you tuned into airliners live on Sundays and uh we'll be doing our best to bring you all the angles uh myself Martin down here pushing the buttons operating the microphones bringing you the very best views I can and uh brownie Up on the Roof operating the camera up there for you guys as well looking fresh in his aline's live Beanie looking cold head's nice and warm at least but yeah those uh those gloves you got Andy those those these things they huge mate the ones we got the other week yeah they're weird though cuz the length isn't actually that long like I it's just the they're quite baggy the baggy yeah that's right France on the road that's Paris and Singapore be following that out next a mega departure it's going to be [Music] good so if you got planed this afternoon uh Matty boy anything in the works oh he's gone he's gone home he's gone home chat Gregs Greg's and chill Singapore Airlines starting a takeoff roll already wow that was [Music] quick [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a fairly distinct tale that's just photob bot does at 8380 barber saying it looks pretty cold oh it is yesterday was colder yesterday was about 2° CSUS not sure what that is in Fahrenheit uh today bit warmer but it it doesn't feel that much warmer today M just grabbing us an absolutely insane shot of the uh Singapore as it passed the ATC Tower and somebody in the tower stood up as well wow going to have to try and get a screen grab of that I think nice give that a clip twitch crew if you can epic yes yeah just seen that on the replay amazing who's at a festive bait yet not yet not yet no I'm going to uh quickly nip ludos I'll leave it on Main cam for a moment no worries I I used to like the um I don't really eat them anymore more but I used to eat a lot of the sort of meal deals from different places and I used to be a bit partial to the old when they put cranberry sauce on a sandwich like a turkey and cranberry sauce sandwich that's kind of 10 out of 10 can you put heaters in the tower uh yes and no Barbara they don't make a huge difference um especially for us outside just getting well we're still pretty drenched from earlier cuz the first hour or so of the live show it did rain quite heavy so um just part of the part of the job though is it not complaining we uh put our layers on we're used to it we're weathered [Music] Northerners and uh it's fun as well cuz I yeah as much as I'm definitely a summer person I prefer the hot weathers I would happily live in a country or part of the world that is warm year round but for Aviation I do get a little bit bored in the sunshine because it's there's no real like dramatic weather to add to the the aviation action you know I love the spray I love the snow the windy conditions they could be so entertaining and you know we love a a good live show so but we do try and make an effort to get a little uh winter get away to get some sunshine usually we'll make a couple of days break to um like the Canary Islands where during the winter it's like in the 20s degre C a couple of years ago I went just before Christmas I think it was like the 21st of December when I flew back and listening to Christmas tunes on the beach [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh and it can be seriously cheap to fly to the Canary Islands from Manchester in the winter um I remember that trip in particular uh I flew with Ryan a and it was about 11 each way for the flights 4 hours each way like who would say no to that I guess the only downside is it's 4 hours on a r air which is not not super one cheers for clipping that departure twitch crew cheers and uh as that two dream liner lines up we also have the linga sa330 on the taxi out as well awesome lots of heavy departures coming up oh nice yeah it's gon F on the taxi out as well the newest of the jetsu Neo Fleet [Applause] [Applause] take [Music] [Applause] off beautiful colors in the sky there yeah Tom and and I know what you mean yeah cuz they like a metal mug aren't they so they're actually quite cold on the outside and on the inside it's red up yeah I think that's a good thing though cuz it means the heat's not escaping is it exactly yeah that's what jender said in the chat yeah wow it's all systems go here guys really busy air report today right now touching down from B and uh Matt's keeping an eye on a two Dreamliner which is waiting just for the tub to uh attach Hey Barry good to see you [Music] mate and bevst offing to the lurkers to do a Sunday dinner Bev you're our kind of viewer listen you know where the the bster there's a there's a thing on our Discord where you can post a picture of your dinner as well so head in there feel free to put some pitches in we'd love to see it wood he saying that's at least three jet two Neo only half painted do we know why not 100% would he but I think it's just down to maybe I think issues with the supplier who did the paint workor but um jet two just seem to be using the planes a lot so they don't seem to be in a rush to get that paintwork done maybe similar to how Tui have like sort of subpar paint works on the Dreamliners these days yeah uh it's just like they just need the planes and they they have to go out of service for a little while when when they get painted so uh Nick Barton thanks for the 13 months of membership returning to the channel uh saying morning all great showers ever looking at this weather is making me look forward to our trip to land Roti on the 23rd nice hope you have a great time guys [Applause] [Music] enjoy and Roy thank you so much mate for gifting a membership to the Community today really appreciate it Roy thank you very much cheers # poost the roast that is a good hashtag that isn't it yeah honestly all them banging Sunday dinners in Discord I'm not doing a Sunday dinner today we're ordering in today unless Jen changes of mind Hey rocket wolf great to see you on the YouTube channel mate just slipping into the YouTube seats to make room for the twitch seat hope you're well rocket wolf great to see you mate thanks for tuning in today not as much Wing bounce on the max as you can see usually on the 737 800s the wings are wing tips are bouncing a bit at that part of the taxi weight what's going on with that 75 Max it's obviously not going to go anywhere is it it just looks like they're going to do a uh test of some sort yeah yeah it look like they might be carrying out a test of some sort because like the uh the anti Hazard beacons around what not but the front like the main like um FL deck door still open so yeah okay not sure not going anyway I don't think but I think this two is imminent now this two closest to the I think push back any second now give us one more shot of that 75 when you can cuz I didn't send that to the viewers um but I'll show you guys looks like some sort of uh test going to be taking place on the 75s ah Lan there ATR beac on there nice there you go yeah front door open they got crew outside yeah there'll be something I would guess some sort of onand engine test or something like that I don't know we'll see but um as you can see something going on there Logan air just vacated in front of us from aine hey Lee great to see you mate thanks for tuning in take care J Jen's got a heart set on ordering him so yeah no roasting ourl today [Music] guys but something they did have Andy which we don't have um because when I said to Abby like do you want me to buy us some food and we'll cook it at yours or do you want me to just order in for everybody or whatever and to y i just order in on delivery they had Miller and Carter on delivery there what can you imagine that is so fancy that's the most fancy delivery I think I've ever that would ruin it that how on Earth would that [Applause] work isn't the whole point of like a steakhouse they cook it and just give it straight to you so it's like still like nice and just Fresh Off The Grill how does it work on delivery like just a damp lukew steak the thing is though we we order from Balia sometimes yeah and um that arrives fine you just give it a quick 30 seconds and it's it's so good all right I've not order I order calamari mate and you would think that would travel really bad yeah but it doesn't it arrives great I don't know what it is but whenever I used to order cuz I used to order once in a blue moon but and it'd always be like the worst experience ever like it'd be late they couldn't find a property they'd have issues they forget things we don't have issues that often with them at all I wonder why was it just me like I don't know maybe uh lee Parkinson it's in our VIP section that mate so you just need to VI be a VIP on our YouTube channel and then uh you link your YouTube channel to your Discord and then you'll get access to the vi IP rooms mate it's just in there easy yet touching down now got them uh beautiful sharklets on the wing tips it's easy that in from janther lovely shot I've just got a shot also of the Logan there from earlier pulling on to stand at terminal three got two heavy aircraft down there waiting to depart Lingus and Hing a330s single engine prop U taxi as well on the prop lineer pulling onto the uh the gate there very nice double wave from the crew and the easy jet as well absolute Legends nice very very cool yeah it's nice to see is it and this is what we're waiting for on Matt cam guys this uh twoy Dreamliner as we can see guys in the flight deck ready to go and uh that will be pushing back momentarily so I can see that on my screen as like a little preview so you won't miss it guys as soon as that starts moving we'll bring you uh we'll bring you that shot quick battery change all right buddy but in the meantime we got the highin and 330 about to roll let me know when you've done that just in case that doesn't pull back through yeah not much in the way for props for you Barbara at the moment we'll keep an eye open for you though of course and thanks for tuning in again today [Music] okay [Music] [Music] roaring departure that was epic going all the way to China Merc and great to see you thanks for tuning in on Twitch and we got Matt cam back following that high and out for us as on the main Runway ready to follow it out is a Air Lingus A330 don't forget to hit that like button folks if you haven't already if you watch it on YouTube of course and if you're enjoying the show today you can always send in a little tip by hitting the dollar symbol then clicking uh Super Chat which helps cover the costs of uh this large setup that we put out on show for you folks weekend week out on your Sundays help cover the costs of uh mat cam of course and his his uh his Greg's addiction does that make us enable us potentially makes we enableing M yeah yeah it's just fuel isn't it so yeah definitely here we go CF6 engines on the [Music] A330 and gmax 71 twitch Prime brand new thank you very much mate [Music] set awesome what an incredible departure that was the ground was rumbling as per usual for that [Music] aircraft taken A340 Lee I mind an A340 something a bit different thanks again for the twitch Prime mate if you want to help us hit the goal twitch crew we'd really appreciate it check those twitch primes if there's anyone who gift us in the chat feel free to uh help us hit that sub goal on Twitch and Sam donison returning for 10 months business class member uh thank you mate saying great stream today guys super happy as my calendar came yesterday hope you enjoyed the beers I got you all they did not last very long Sam they uh they really didn't but thank you very much for those mate it's very kind of you to do that I know uh Mr Matt Smith had his uh his couple of uh Western they they made a disappearance from the uh the tower so he obviously took them home how long did they last M just that day last the day just that day yeah I ordered uh I ordered three on the shop but I'm going to try and uh just have two this week but you never know you never know Neil Ma's got a large pan of bolog Source on the go in lur Lounge nice one Neil Joanna's got a gingerbread latte from Costa yo okay stepping it up a bit that sounds nice yeah they got a few like festive flavors at them coffee places haven't they yeah thank you very much for tuning in today guys hope you are enjoying the stream if you are smash that like button for us really does help the channel out especially weather like it is today give us a like guys let's get as many people in here as possible let us know in the chat how many people are watching as well and if you are new please feel free to get involved in the chat we'd love to welcome you in uh my name is Martin we got Andy up there as well and uh we'd love to welcome you to the community guys so please feel free to get involved and we've got Matt operating the apron cam which he's seeing something cuz he's whizzing over there oh there it is okay it's the uh it's the yo Wings in the STS hanger oh nice the 330 M yeah that was the one that came in and it had the uh brussel's designation I don't know if it still does um I think it was being used by russels Airlines Oscar Oscar yeah so obviously I think youro Wings they're usually German R I think so yeah that's kind of cool to see yeah I think SDS have been great addition to the airport with all the different aircraft you're really quiet Matt just check your microphone just say you can really see the scale of the factory there you can yeah yeah it's it's so cool to see uh STS at Manchester like I say it's bringing in all different aircraft I think you could just see this the tail of the tie hiding C you m I'm not sure what's uh what's going on with that one but it's been here a while but it's cool to see cheers rocket wolf thank you mate and coffee flight a brand new VIP member as well thank you very much uh coffee flight that Bing bongs for you mate thank you yeah and our mods are doing a fantastic job as well that'd be nice wouldn't it it does look very shiny doesn't it very clean later Lingus atr72 touching down two three right yeah huge shout out to all the mons behind the scenes and uh without going into too much detail you're just going to have to trust me guys if you can spam the chat the 10 out of 10 for Richard P H he's been very helpful over the last few days so big shout out to Richard P thank you mate this airplane will be coming in from Dublin a Lingus Regional Emerald Airlines they known [Music] us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Iberia Express heading back to Madrid [Music] 8320 still gently raining here at Manchester as as well it's kind of not stopped completely for the whole show DJ Carl saying there's another storm hitting the Northwest tomorrow yeah we are keeping an eye on that Carl yeah looking at like the winds and stuff it looks like it's going to be quite windy all day tomorrow here at Manchester was tempted to come down and film but the rain looks pretty heavy and the problem is here at Manchester when the rain gets really heavy it destroys the visibility so you can't really see much yeah we keep an eye on it though yeah it does kind of negate the uh the idea of streaming or filming and uh Steve said we actually watched our playing take off whilst we were on it two weeks ago your feed's about 10 seconds behind um a great show guys thank you very much Steve yeah that's just while YouTube processes the feed and stuff mate um but I'm really glad you managed to look back and see your departure and thanks very much for tuning in as well great to have you all with us an A320 Neo just touching down under easy jet and we got the TAP Air Portugal embria pushing back on Mt cam as well Ronaldo welcome to you thanks for tuning in all the way from Brazil nice [Music] who is anaka in the chat how was your flight yesterday yes see you put that in the Discord Duncan saying there's more rain on the way from the island man guys yeah thanks for the heads up all they want winds coming from the south at the moment so I don't know it looks quite clear in the direction the wind's coming from that's kind of where the wind is blowing great fans chiming up on that easy jet there yeah in from uh Paris you can hear that got fans in the uh the breakes around the brakes cool them down if uh they get a little bit too hot no worries Chris thank you so much for tuning in mate let's have another look at this uh Air Portugal as it starts its engines and gets ready to taxi out another awesome uh view from Matt Camp no worries loric speak soon and thanks so much for your help today as well thank you yo Wings on the way out to dorf early [Music] rotation they are nice colors on that plane Hey listen not a Daft question all David um so um the pilot so obviously you guys all know you got two things with an airbush you've got a stick to the side of you that they use to control the plane uh when it's in the air or when it's getting ready to uh take off and uh on boeings they've they've got the Yoke the typical Yol which you all know but just off to the left usually uh on the side wall of the aircraft there's something called a tiller which basically it twists like this so you if you're looking at it on the wall it would twist like this and they use that to control the nose wheel of the aircraft and that only really works um up to a certain speed and there'll usually be some sort of nose wheel steering lock and stuff that would be initiated for push back and stuff like that but it's called a tiller if you want to quickly Google that you'll probably see a picture of it and like I say if I'm the pilot it's just off to the side of me on the wall and you just twist it for right and then pull it back for left and there you go it's called a tiller going have a quick look mate yes that's that's how they control the the steering is it on the ground that's the nose wheel steering so that'll control the uh the front wheel of the the aircraft or in in things like the a80 and stuff like that they have some element of steering I think in the some of the main Carriage Wheels as well uh Barbara's on uh Barbara's on the car park Barbara Matt is on the car park I'm sure you're nice and warm somewhere Matt's up on the main carp which is a few you can see if you just zoom out a sec Matt it'll take a few seconds to filter through to me here in the studio bar you'll be able to see where Matt is filming from today there you go he's got a view of all the apron there and we can see everything that's being loaded up or push back or anything like that it's all on there like on a narrow Bo kind of if kind of if you kind of imagine that Carol um except the thing that you're using it's not behind him it's actually it's actually on the wall yeah but I believe when they are going above a certain speed they can be controlled by the the foot pedals right so yeah above a certain speed there's enough air passing past the uh the rudder of the aircraft that it gives it enough authority to turn the aircraft anyway so uh yeah I think it's like 60 knots or something like that maybe a bit maybe a bit less than that what a smooth touchdown that was from the easy jet have we landed yet passengers probably wondering Liam Oscar on the redge of the A320 Neo buttery smooth [Music] Landing Jo saying Martin your knowledge is top draw oh it's just flights in thousands of hours in flights I'm just pulling up a picture for you guys so you can you can see it got this easy chat past us yeah then break funds as well here we go so there it is guys so you can see it's just to the left of the Yol so it's that thing uh so you hold it and you twist it to the right for right and you twist it to the left for Left so it's just on the wall next to the uh next to the Y there guys nice A little handle it's interesting and then obviously uh with uh the rudder steering and what would be the steering of the uh landing gear as a result when they're going above a certain speed as Martin said they would use the foot pedals exactly like controls the rudder the tail of the aircraft because there's enough air passing past it that it can give it enough authority to turn um there's a British Airways on approach if you want to take a second Andy because we're going to stick with this uh this dream liner that's just started being pushed back on mat Camp nice yeah take a quick moment yeah the 330 has been pushed out of the hanger yeah you can see a orange and yellow vehicle which is on the second rway this is one of our operations Department Vehicles the guys who are responsible for the safe operation of man airport 247 AC looking at the instrumentation and of course any issues with theed control P be obviously serious that may result in maintenance to deal with whatever the issue is love this view to dream liner being pushed back on Matt count soon to be departing here from Manchester Airport you enjoying the show click that like button for as guys we'd appreciate it yeah race it's uh yeah I don't think getting into flight Sim stuff is is something we'll be able to do mate uh on push back does the truck do the steering of the aircraft so what happens is um on the push back truck it actually lifts the nose wheel up off the ground um and the release the steering lock on it so what happens is the the tug is turning the wheel essentially um cuz the wheels actually lifted up off the ground so as the tug turns you can see the aircraft turns with it so they're lining that aircraft up and the thing is obviously everything's backwards you got to remember so you're going to turn left and that's going to push tail right on the aircraft but um yeah as I say it lifts the front nose Gear Up and the tug then becomes like the nose gear if you just stick with this map and we'll just stick on this sort of angle and we may be able to see um the nose wheel get lowered back down again um it's only very slight though they may have already done it it is very very slight but it's just lifted up enough so that it's not on the ground and if you can imagine the sheer amount of power in there and you can see yeah they've already released that back on the ground and that just moves away now and the guy on the ground just messing around there is um just releasing uh removing the gear pins and that's uh that's what they use to allow the uh the tug there to um lift that lift that wheel up and turn it if they don't remove those guys they actually won't be able to retract the landing gear on takeoff so it's really really important so what you'll see is not only has this gentleman here told the the guys upstairs with the audio interface that he's got that he's removed the gear pins he'll actually show the gear pins to the flight deck as well before the taxi because it's really really important cuz as I say you won't be able to uh lift that Gear Up and stow it away if those gear pins are still in he's just disconnected his audio cable that long cable he's holding so he could speak to the flight deck and as you see he's got the gear pins in his hand with a big red flag on there and he's going to show that to the flight deck there you go give him a wave and that's them off really interesting to see and again 10 out 10 job done by the ground crew at Manchester Airport absolutely love to see it and uh yeah these guys are awesome out in all weathers keeping the Airfield moving now what you'll see next is a flight control check so we can see all of the uh control surfaces going all the way left all the way right uh they've just done the tail so we'll keep an eye on it you'll see it over the wing next because the pilot and the co-pilot both do this and that's just checking all of the control surfaces are free and moving as they should do and uh once that's been done that's a checklist item so they'll then begin a taxi out to the uh to the runway and on the taxi out they'll also do a break check as well to make sure the braks of the aircraft are working correctly so there's quite a few things that they check on every single flight and there's the uh I'm not sure I thought I just saw the right wing go again there but maybe not the will do another flight control check though in a moment and Owen thank you very much mate gifting a membership to the community T mate thank you very much [Music] o [Music] over [Music] unun [Music] and there we go two Dre now taxiing out another a heavy departure coming up really cool we've seen the full push back and start up of that aircraft from Stand and the Brussels airlin is just arriving in [Applause] [Music] A320 and one thing you might not know guys you would see this if we were streaming from Southside a little bit more but that knows wheel on the A320 not only does it turn left and right but it can also Flex on its axis as well so when it's doing a really tight turn you'll actually see one of those two wheels lift up and it's flexing round as it does a very very tight turn uh you won't usually see it here um from the RVP but over on Southside you definitely [Music] do and off goes another aircraft that we saw push back on mat cam but I'm going switch over to mat cam because there's the 330 it's been taken out at the SCS hanger and uh as you can see the uh engine calin's open there so there'll be uh checking something with those I would imagine at some point soon hey up Paulie how you doing mate nice to see you dude Carlos says I've only just got in me wife had me gardening hey Carlos I guess you don't have the rain that uh that we have then mate cheers Simon glad you're enjoying it mate cool to see Ryan a lined up on the runway though next to depart out to Dublin and cheers Joe Robinson um just appreciating the audio description of what's going on because he's actually registered blind as well so that's uh that's really cool mate that you're able to get a little bit of insight there I think we would struggle to do that on uh on all movements but I'm glad you uh I really am glad you enjoyed that that push back there and thanks very much for tuning in as well yeah I think so Linda I think so um maybe it's still uploading John there was a bug on Android with Discord uploading content yesterday which I know they're fixing so maybe it's still part of that or maybe the video's still uploading I'm not sure [Music] mate [Music] hey Wayne great to see you mate tuning in from Blackpool very wet there as well I think we've all got it today haven't we mate Tony that auto correct my auto correct never lets me swear either the amount of times I've said ducking is must think is one of my favorite words mine's the uh the opposite sometimes I'll say duck and it'll go did you mean this Al yours is trying to get you to SAR is it maybe it says a lot about my my habits thing is I I I don't swear much though like if I do swear it's people like whoa I think uh that clip there with the twoy push back there could literally stand alone as his own little video there that if we highlight that yeah potentially cuz that was uh pretty cool see it all unfold and then maybe if we catch the the takeoff as well and tsy thank you very much for tuning in from Germany welcome in 1.2k likes on the stream if you are enjoying it click that thumbs up for us folks let us know how many viewers are in the channel at the moment as well easy jet just arriving in from nce it's pouring down in Swansea and uh wigy tuning in from lurkers Lounge in Western Australia hey wigy nice hello oh wow smokey engine start there on this uh STS just flicked across to that quickly they may switch to the other one m now I think if they're going to start both of them up we had a taxi light flash from the EasyJet there as well as she vacated [Music] nice the leftand are arriving in from Frankfurt and uh Peter welcome in mate thanks for tuning in great to have you with us today hello if you are new in the chat feel free to let us know so we can formerly welcome you to this awesome Community nice smokey engine start M want it on that SCS then yeah yeah on the Euro I think you're going to start the other keeping our fingers crossed the moart the cat on Twitch tuning in thank you very much from a German watching in the US nice Audrey tuning in from Glasgow and uh HDA a new viewer welcome into you hey Sasha doing very well Sasha I uh went down to London on Friday night to go and uh meet my baby niece which was great so had a day away down there got back yesterday evening and then uh right back into the swing of it today there's two Dreamliner on the rooll heading out to [Music] [Music] Bridgetown [Music] there she goes from push back to takeoff amazing all courau here on the a live Super Sunday show another aircraft on approach here looks like a a Boeing 737 next to L yeah Ryan Air from Copenhagen Max aircraft as well [Music] fion we're all jealous watching from Sunny Cyprus ah F lovely Island and Malcolm tuning in for northern France a rainf free day there nice one dude make the most of it and Gavin watching with Sam and joh in an equally wet standad welcome guys wind has just picked up a lot nice and smooth from the Ryan Air though no stress [Applause] [Music] it's pretty glorious that [Music] [Applause] [Music] arrival and JS thank you very much for gifting and Live membership really appreciate that thank you very much and Rocket wolf yes it did mate thank you so much that was an incredible amount of support for the channel mate we do um use Kofi we recommend Kofi for any donations on the channel because we receive 100% of the donations on Kofi so links for that are in the chat but um any any support that comes into the channel is is incredible so thank you very much everybody and a little bit coming through Now with uh coffee flight a brand new VIP gifting an airliners Live membership going to Michael B thank you so much for that really appreciate that and uh gram Hill gifting another airliners Live membership thank you gram it's a bing bong for you as well mate and Rocky wolf thank you again mate thank you so much for that I know it was a little while ago but yeah it's uh it's a huge amount of support so thank you dude and Holly gifting an airliners Live membership as well thank you everyone what's going on here everybody getting involved in some gifted memberships thank you very much Holly cheers everyone uh John Mark tuning in from Nigeria that's awesome thanks so much for tuning in bet a bit warmer over there yeah must be I was chatting to Amo and they're just going into their summer now all right so it's uh starting to get warm over there now yeah busy guy amri going to all sorts of conventions and all sorts yeah he's really putting a grind in to be fair yeah I know he's had a rough few months with his stream I think it's uh he's looking to switch a few things up just to try and sort of build the following again and stuff yeah I think what happened was Counter Strike the new Counter Strike launched and it was just not as good as everyone kind of hoped and that was like his main game so it did hit his stream a little bit but he's adapted and he's done some really good stuff and he's playing some different games and getting the viewers back in so fair play to him cuz it's uh must be a bit worrying when all of a sudden your main content is kind of taken away from you by a rushed release but they are doing good work to to try and fix it as well which is awesome you have to always dabble with like switching things up as a live streamer I think we do the same same here even if it's just changing the titles the thumbnails time of day that we stream yeah and then what we do offline as well is where we're really experimenting with the podcasts and the obviously the the crew room streams and the aliners lounge and simulate I think if this is your livelihood you can't just settle for what works at the moment you've always got to be adapted and changing and yeah and I think that's kind of what he's doing as well just trying different things a it watch you that um John Gilbert thank you very much for gifting an airliners Live membership as well thank you John really appreciate that mate but yeah I think uh you've always just got to not have all your eggs in one basket I think and that's that's what he's done as well he's he's branched out in different areas and they smashing it is m is that camera still off or no no you it just came back I think all right okay it just wanted a break I think yeah up in my face too good looking for me I need a break Saudia 15 minutes out nice oh is it in the new scheme I'm not going to look I don't think it will be but let me know chat I don't think we've ever seen it on a stream yet no I've never even seen it in person Turkish has been pushed back on the apron as well the a321 on Matt Camp sweet it's another nice departure coming up how long are you live for today until 1:30 today yeah we are going to be wrapping at 1:30 today folks yeah roughly another hour and a half I'm going to uh head back and try and relax this afternoon before a busy week tomorrow yeah obviously we've been uh we've been traveling for the last couple of days so I want to go and have a little bit of a chill before tomorrow hopefully the 380 is on time today we'll keep our fingers crossed yeah for anybody who's not subscribed to the airliners Lounge it's our other YouTube channel with me and Martin doing pre-recorded stuff so there's like a lot of educational and uh videos explaining things about Aviation um the most recent video is um an easy group review where I went to easy coffee which is a coffee shop that owned by easy jet people uh easy Hotel easy cleaning I reviewed all these different brands and uh the results were quite shocking so go and check that out after the stream if you haven't already but also have a look at the other videos we got there because they're actually really good and uh we've got more videos coming out very very soon as well um beasty thank you very much for sending in a 2 donation to The Stream really appreciate that thanks beasty hope you're having a good uh Sunday beasty appreciate the support right now just touching down from Prague cheers Carlos I uh I don't even want to see the list of emails we've got to start tomorrow [Music] nice spit of spray there them super low engines on the 737800 the NG series they call them I'm not sure exactly Michael but I I would say within a mile or so as a field well is it a question about saying what is finals yeah would that not be the last leg of the approach and then short finals would be within a mile I don't know I mean it it varies doesn't it I mean yeah yeah I'm not 100% sure obviously short final is like you're really talking couple hundred feet well I probably say below a th000 feet really yeah but the yeah I don't know I I don't know yeah Paul's got a new air fryer nice now you're cooking now Paul this is this is it mate your life just changed forever cooking on gas oh wait oh hold on unless it's a really old one yeah what are you cooking Paul what you got cooking I was about cooking something me sorry was I live then was this was this thing on lanzerotti karaoke Vibes saying how was the baby niece she was so funny Sasha really funny I'm I don't know I'm always like I don't know what to expect but then you get there and she's just laughing her head off all the time that's so cute and we were like I I picked up and she's got to the age now where she's stretching her legs and stuff she can't obviously support herself on her legs yet but she's stretching out she's trying to push against your legs and stuff so I was like bouncing and she was like jumping and stuff and she was just laughing it was so funny that's cute take care wly Carol thanks for tuning in what's that in Celsius mes out you can see the uh the engines are on there on the Euro Wings because the water on the ground is is Rippling away o there's a nice shot of the rer as well that's just arrived in Robin mate we went for a double one as well you know it makes sense yeah Mike saying what happens when it's heavy rain um with the roof hatch um so if it was really heavy and it was for a long period of time it would be c a problem thing about today is right not a lot of it is getting into the hatch because it's coming in from an angle and it's usually like that in Manchester like most days when it rains there is a bit of wind and usually it does mean the angle means that cuz I'm standing here a lot of it's hitting me um and a lot of it's just kind of going over if that makes sense and not a lot of it gets in and it's at the point where even today where it's just it's still raining now for example I'm just using a bit of blue roll and stuff just to keep the the ground dry below me not a big issue but there have been times where it's rain so heavy that we need to just close this and it's kind of it is what it is really yeah we just put the stream on hold for a couple of minutes and cuz we do have the commentary team upstairs as well but they've got a um like a nice heater up there like a nice wall mounted heater so obviously it is a bit chilly with the roof hatch open but fair play to them all um working with us to give us this awesome streaming location and just whack that heater on full blast AR they yeah roasty toasty that yeah yeah my legs kind of feel that but top the top [Music] off got the thermals on today though they're doing a good [Music] job Danny Taylor hello welcome in mate afternoon Danny what did I miss we've had a few nicey parch it's been a quite rainy show today though Danny mate yeah there's not been I mean we had the Q8 in the Retro earlier which was really nice uh the start of the show was so good just the first half an hour was just nonstop and they were on 05s to start the show as well they're on two threes now it was like second we hit go live there was an A380 in front of us ety had triple there was a jet 275 taxi and out it was bananas Michael B says when this channel H 10 million subscribers 10 million okay and this Sunday's show is on live TV right you could pay for a purpose built Studio I mean I don't even I don't think we'll ever hit 10 million I don't think I don't think it that's possible I mean you never know but i' I'd be very very surprised we'll take we'll take one and we'll just ignore it after that yeah it's going to be weird when you hit the one because you kind of then just feel like you're just going to start again then don't you yeah it's hard to visualize [Music] it the heck what's with that Beacon oh yeah just un solid never seen that before what the heck look at that Beacon Light it's good for photography that Beacon shot cheating look at that Beacon light's just permanently on I've never seen that before strange uh fault with the aircraft I guess maybe I don't think that's a thing they can do manually no I was just thinking that I don't think you can you can set it to red or white but I don't think it's ever um I don't think you can set it to be solid yeah I know a question for John that one yeah you can't on the air bus but maybe the Boe has a way but it's possible it's probably just a fault the rain's picking up again and yep the wind oh this is nice this I'll just I'll just be quiet for a bit folks as I just took myself away from the ele two aircraft on the taxi out on the apron for lanzerotti just picked up on uh on m fog light yeah literally it's not something you usually see o what's that is that the S here next in is it in the new no don't think so the blue roll just attacked us again all right yeah the blue roll I've jammed in the window is absolutely [Music] s let's get a recording of This shall we really spamming the SD card today Z saying in before someone reports a UFO sighting because they've seen that solid dot moving across the sky at Mac point8 swear down know this red [Applause] [Music] light oh wow this rain's really picked up it's pretty nasty yeah Saudia in the classic Livery here and um that might become a bit of a Dying Breed as they continue to grow The Fleets of aircraft that are in the new scheme the new retro scheme I guess however you describe that you see that Beacon Light on the top the red flashing light on the top of the body there that's how it's supposed to be just blinking on and off and an Collision light about 6 and a half hours it took this Saudia to arrive in Turkish Airlines on the roll [Music] yeah here's that Saudia dreamy yeah Michael B I must admit um today obviously after traveling back from London yesterday and I was I was working last night on some website stuff until about half1 I'm not going to lie to you guys I did struggle with the 645 alarm this morning I'll be very honest with you guys but once you get here and stuff you kind of just settle into the show then but yeah it's uh definitely sometimes a little bit tricky what do you mean hurt dog don't know what you mean bro bro not a terrible looking liary but liary Livery M jump on the I know the cold is getting to me maybe that's that's excuse hey I heard you pronounced it correctly on Friday M what's going on yeah what I might have pronounced it correctly once but I did pronounce it like wrong about eight times for every one time I say it right there's about eight times I say it wrong yeah absolutely but listen it's your own style mate you just got to you just got to take your own style if I want to say liary I'll say library all right exactly don't apologize I don't think the Q8 330 is too long now chaps nice another nice heavy departure on the way I think yeah we can see that on your uh on your cam there mate it' be a nice departure coming up hopefully it's heavy heaves today and uh Dan s returning for 20 months of business class membership saying now watching an actual 4K nice nice one Dan thank you mate Amy saying have you ever turned your alarms off subconsciously in your sleep wow that sounds terrifying no no I've never done that no but that it's like some really cruel sleepwalking that you're doing you go and turn all the alarm h i don't even um I don't even utilizing alarm anymore I've been getting up so early all like most of me adult life now I bother setting alarm I think today was is usually the only day where I do that because I've have the cuz I do wake up early anyway like hour was awake before the alarm this morning I just have this fear that when I don't set an alarm will be the one time I accidentally sleeping and then and then it's just chaos but yeah Sam Sam gets up I think at 6:00 a.m. every day these days well for you know work and stuff yeah and as a result like I just get up and I'm like do I go back to sleep for half an hour or do I just stay up I can't once I'm awake I'm awake yeah on if I do fall asleep and then wake up again then it's like that's hard mode that that's that's difficult oh Amy that sounds awful turning your alarm off thing is though like I think it's probably possible to wake up turn your alarm off but be in such a sleepy days that you're not really aware of what you've just done like just just turn it off whatever just go back to sleep and then wake up 4 hours later just completely not even on this planet anymore yeah I've done it once I think in my working career that I can think of yeah and um I was I think five or six days in to 14 15 hour days on this job and I had to be there for um I think I had to be there for like 7:30 in the morning to turn everything on yeah but you weren't leaving until like 1:2 in the morning yes so it was and you've done that all week and uh anyway my phone rang at 10 to8 in the morning yeah and I didn't look at the time just said um what time are you in and I was like oh just half 7even the usual time like it's 10: to 8 mate oh right God I was like I just jumped in me clothes ran downstairs and the thing was it was like they were opening the doors at 8 and it was a big convention and as you walked in you had all the music and everything for all the props and it was me who went around and turned all that on and uh I got there just in time for him to open the doors and uh yeah that was a bit of a that was a bit of a shock cuz I kind of woke up I was like why are you waking me up like you know I was working late last night I just I know I set my alarm so I must have turned it off but I obviously I don't remember it's confusing in the summer sometimes as well when you wake up and you know you meant be up early and you look outside it's like daylight already and it's sunny yeah you're like oh my what time is it panic and you look and you're like oh it's 5:00 a.m. what like what yeah I'm weird I think on the days where I don't set an alarm I wake up early yeah and on the days where I need to be up early I feel like I could sleep forever yeah yeah that's really weird they're the days where you need to sleep [Music] yeah loads of spray on the runway today loving it guar five minutes out saying Chris then it's followed by the Egypt Air yo hype Nation yeah loopy those were the days mate I don't miss them buddy don't miss them at all I remember we used to do events and you were rigging it all week Monday to Friday and work and then you'd get there at like 300 p.m. on the Saturday and you'd leave at like 10: to 7:00 in the morning on the Sunday and that was that was hell absolute hell but I guess the longer ago it was you just call it an experience and just move on with you [Applause] like there's a rain vacates in front of us just arrived in from pza we've also got the sound just pulling on to stand on the apron on matam [Applause] Smith martial saying it's 37° in some states in Brazil wow keep that to yourself [Music] martio ATR 72 climbing out of Manchester it's heading back to Dublin and here we go guys this is quite a nice view on mat cam because this has replaced the marshallers it's a uh self talking system that they use in a lot of airports now called safe Dock and it um knows your aircraft and it tells you how far away the aircraft is from the parking position whether it's left of the line right of the line as you can see on this side here it's right on the line it's showing them it's getting closer it starts flashing there to say you're nearly there and it actually tells you in meters how far away you are as well and then eventually it'll flash stop and the guys will know that there you go it's change to stop and they'll just put The Brak and there it is safe dock in action and uh that tells it basically negates the use of people using the big paddles anymore and uh as you can see there they were right on the line so it was just telling them to keep coming forward but it will tell you to go left or right as well if you are one side or the other there Nice Shot there might boy that's me yeah Alex I uh probably wouldn't give it a go today mate it's not the best of weathers today cheers you glad you're enjoying the show thanks for tuning in yeah thank you very much folks and it's uh just got a little bit quiet here on the apron however we do have a Iceland Air 757 lined up ready to go back one thing that would be really cool this winter though is with Mark cambian over there will he see like all the anti- I Ops going on like the DI ice I wonder that' be interesting wouldn't it I remember that used so I don't see why not that used to add like a massive delay to the A380 didn't it cuz they used to but they did it on stand on the 380 didn't they yeah but the problem is they have to wait till all the doors and everything's closed yeah Jeet Bridge disconnected and then start uh applying the uh the anti ice and it's yeah big plane to do that and you only have the one kind of uh arm doing it at once so they do one side other side it's cool to see though yeah probably won't be too much longer till we start to see it with these temperatures now well this morning um we did see some of the planes go off with green Wings yeah Dad's secret kitchen uh returning for 15 months saying sorry guys I didn't make the fourth round of Master Chef but I'm not giving up I'll reapply next year and I will be doing an airliners live lamb roast on TV wow mate that's going to be class and uh hey well done for giving it a go as well mate I uh I certainly wouldn't be brave enough to to do something like that so well done mate that's awesome I think it got replaced Barry for some some other things [Music] mate yeah I'm not sure rich I think it is down to airport rules and regs really just to why atrs pushed back by themselves in some airports and not others definitely be something to [Music] [Applause] research the Iceland 757 heading back to somewhere probably even colder than here that was a lot of power being used it was looks like got a wide body about to touch now yes it's aqar triple One World special as well uh edel Berto if you can type in English in the chat please you have been timed out a few times if you can use English please in the chat just so we can answer your [Applause] messages stunning stunning arrival yeah Richard they've um closed some um hotels and stuff haven't know because of the volcano stuff that may be happening in Iceland soon and uh thong thank you very much for becoming a brand new premium economy member on the channel thank you very much for that cheers I've seen a jet stream push back on his own power well I think a lot of aircraft can do it but um with the sort of larger jet engines like a triple or like an A320 or whatever they would have the risk of ingesting things on the ground that could cause damage to the engines but also the noise is just so loud so they tend not to do that around the apron another ATR departing from Logan out to Nuki little bit of a bumpy flight today I would imagine for those on [Music] board this guar triple in the one world G arrived in from a 7h hour 10minute flight from do 16year old Triple 7 it's quite nice that scheme yeah it's good is it tail looks a bit odd just how it's almost like it's just been plunked on there we did see the 350 didn't we this morning yeah which was nice theyve Evacuate the whole town now Robin wow didn't know that yeah so I guess they're pretty sure that it's about to happen then that's Wild Mark saying Eastern Airways j41 used to power back at leads off stand very noisy oh it's interesting isn't it I wonder what regulations are around that cuz obviously we usually see the atrs being pushed back here at Manchester do they still have jet streak in EAS we've seen him a few times at Manchester but not for a long time though maybe they're just too small to use for this airport there's one in flyy colors as well W there remember that no I've have not seen that yeah I managed to got a picture of it h like classic like the purple oh egyp there RB 21 nice very pretty playing [Music] SE definitely a lot better looking than the 73 I think yeah this is really pretty love that a 321 Neil from Egypt there one of our newer carriers in and out of Manchester usually operating the 737 which do prefer in the chat Egypt a 737 or the a321 Neo which we've been seeing more of recently these only started this route this year flight directly from Cairo it's obviously fairly successful if they've already have to up the capacity of the flight from a 737 to a 321 hey 321 yeah it's definitely isn't it sunny back [Music] to yeah really nice up nice uh shades of blue as well I think they really pop even in weather like today yeah just looks really smart and that mask design as well yeah add in a little elegant [Music] twitch [Music] I'm surprised the camera could focus on that rain then on the lens M that's some serious macro stuff right there nice shot of the Qatar triple pulling on to stand as well on Matt Camp I'll uh picturing this Egypt there as it goes past as well folks getting in The Best of Both Worlds here just slotting in next to the Virgin Atlantic [Music] a330s don't forget to hit that like button as well if you're watching on YouTube helps us out a lot should have the Emirates A380 taking off in the next hour so definitely wait around for that as we do enter the last hour of the live show for today yeah it's nice isn't it uh rocket wolf I do like this scheme yeah Egypt Air there's actually an Egypt Air on the calendar as well for those who managed to to get one a very last minute addition to the uh to the calendar I think I went out and grabbed that picture about a week before uh we sent them off for print on South side with Mrs aliners life and easy jet rolling now for Amsterdam followed out by another easy jet for Milan few easy Jets starting to move on the apron [Music] for as you can see plenty of uh Freight waiting to be loaded onto the Emirates 380 and still quite a bit of uh ground handling around the aircraft as well yeah I think that's due out in about half an hour's time so whether that'll actually happen on time or that we'll see this Wings is on the shift again keeping an eye on that outside STS but hope you're all enjoying the stream today guys in uh not the best of we if you can click that like button on the channel we'd really appreciate it how did the Run do last week yeah we don't really see the end of that but um over on the South Side obviously on Sunday now um they use a single Runway operations till about 400 p.m. and they had a like a run charity Fun Run on the other Runway during the live show on Sunday it's pretty cool absolutely Leed it down with rain when it started it's cool to see though a lot of people seem to be participating in [Music] [Applause] [Music] that a 320 just touchdown on 23 right I love that shot of the Egypt Air Taxi in on mam all the rain puddles on the [Music] ground thanks very much good job Dali you as well thank you very much for tuning in we really appreciate [Music] it real wet cold day at Manchester today yoro Wings being put back in to the STS hanger looks like they've uh done what they needed to do on those engines we'll bring it back in to complete whatever it is they're going to be doing next awesome to see STS at Manchester we've seen some interesting aircraft since they've been here so big shout out to those guys yeah it seems to be predominantly like widebody planes taken in here at Manchester it's cool isn't it the last one that we caught was that DHL Tri 7 going into to Manchester we saw that leaving didn't we last time we were here as well not on the show but when we when we were uh out doing speed tests and stuff yeah you're right yeah yeah it was a nice catch so weird seeing a DHL Triple 7 at Manchester just so odd like just looked so out of place wow M I don't know what it is about that shot today but it's just cutting through isn't it all that Reflections on the ground the wet ground that looks crazy as it benefits the uh that wet weather don't it like Andy said before yeah it does it really does I know I've seen rumors that um the jet 2757 alpha alpha that's obviously now retired from commercial service from jet 2 there's a lot of rumors that she's going to go on to be a cargo bird for DHL but people so nice maybe one day we'll see her back at Manchester who knows awesome shot this egyp there pulling on to stand on mat Camp if you want to take a break Andy will'll follow this all the way in yeah and uh just turning right now on stand [Music] 26 yeah the reflections looking really good there on the uh on the apron if you ever wondered if airplanes have wind wipers well now you [Music] know and there it is Egypt arriving in from Cairo completing a 5 and 1 half hour flight pulling on to stand but uh instant action again with the Virgin Atlantic A330 pushing back so another heavy departure coming up ah is it Lee it's delayed already is it okay fair enough em is delayed already till 2 so yeah we'll uh we'll give that a Miss today guys not surprising why does she supposed to got the cargo oh we have got this Virgin Atlantic 330 that's been pushed back though we're just removing the chocks as well yeah it's pretty miserable today folks weatherwise hope you're enjoying it though it's made some really nice spray action on the runway which is we love to see and to Fair maam is so sharp today great job by operating that camera as always that Egypt Airpor understand then man that that was something else look good didn't it yeah I just watching it on my [Applause] phone obviously all the support raised on Today's Show goes to cover the costs of the Dual location cameras as you can imagine there's quite a lot of costs involved networking and just all the hardware and cloudbased um servers that are needed for running two different cameras and then obviously the people as well big team effort to put on a production like this yeah it is our goal to bring you the very best live show we can do within our skills and we're uh going to keep pushing the boundaries of that as much as we can as well we really want to be known for sort of bringing you guys something that's unique and looks good sounds good so for you guys at home are enjoying it and I think uh we say it a lot but I think mattam has added a huge amount of positivity to the channel definitely I love getting home and watching the streams back just being able to see everything that's going on and what's coming out and everything like that it's just great and it is good to highlight the the great work being done on the ground as well by the crew as this transavia arrives in it's been nice to see this over the last couple of weeks we've also got a QA 330 pushing back as well guys be a mega end to the stream the Virgin 330 in the Q you could definitely pick worst aircraft to finish on I think y beautiful how that vacates let's have a look at this Q8 330 shall we oh no that's the that's the video delay there for you folks never mind never mind I'm not going to I'm not going to say anything here cuz if I say oh no go back and then we'll get all confused there we there we go there is about a five or sixc delay between uh Matt feed reaching me here at the RVP there it is getting ready to go they'll disconnect the push back truck and I'll be on the way out very shortly cheers Paul enjoy mate thanks for tuning in today dude the Virg Atlantics on the taxi as well let's give you guys a shot of this transavia yeah and that kind of like retro scheme seen plenty of this on the live shows Matt say knew someone who who's flown on this right yeah M yeah I make back on the Delta connec [Music] on wow [Music] nice yeah they do Linda yeah they they love it absolutely love it [Music] quite a short Stumpy 73 the 700 it looks extra Stumpy with that Livery I don't know why yeah just makes it look tiny wonder if it's the uh colors around the front maybe yeah basically doing flights on behalf of KM it's just strange how they keep sending that exact one to Manchester not sure why but we'll take it touching down next to Max by locks of it yikes he's uh it's a bit of a bump from here maybe it was a bit of an illusion squeaky breaks yeah I think it came in a bit fast but did level out a little bit at the endend there nice winglet there on the 737 Max 8 or as they seem to label it there just a 7378 it's quite a common abbreviation for the plane maybe the the name Max isn't very uh reputable these days although lot a lot of airlines not don't shy away from that like Tui with their Max eight I think shying away from it like it doesn't help rebuild the confidence you know I think I think you have to be up front about it and yeah just let people get their own confidence back in it yeah cuz Ryan a still don't call them Maxes they'll call them 82 200s but I mean they're not wrong but they uh recently have had news headlines as uh Michael O their CEO saying that he's going to start to cancel Max orders CU he's having so many delays with them and again is that a bluff is he just saying that to kind of put pressure on Boeing to deliver their aircraft a bit quicker but a lot of his max play deliveries have been delayed just seems very common with with Boeing these days is delays and delays yeah Simon saying Matt show on Friday was awesome one man in his camera and keeping up with the tech and chat support very chilled out stream with a load of great catches so well done Matty boy yes yeah I'm I thank you very much I love the variety shows yeah nice hey tan thanks for tuning in hope you well uh Virgin Atlantic 8330 will be the uh penultimate departure on today's show and that's followed out by the qate 330 which we'll finish on today yeah hope you're all uh having a great weekend so far let us know in the chat what you got planned for this afternoon any of you guys have got anything going on or if you got any special te's on the go now's that time get it in the chat chat and make sure if you're not part of it already guys join the airliners live Community Hub on Discord where you can get involved in the whole community and the uh Community sectioned out into different rooms where you can post all your different interests in there and uh chat to your fellow community members as well uh Maly stod no I didn't catch that mate but thank you very very much for gifting that membership and saying how many new me members are we on let me have a look for you today good question thank you Maly it's always appreciated goes a long way of course gifting a membership not just for the channel but for the individual getting that membership absolutely and we are on 29 new members on today's show wow so if you have enjoyed the stream and you'd like to support us before we finish up today you can click the dollar symbol and click gifted membership and that get some new VIPs into the community and it supports the channel helps cover the cost as well but thank you to everyone who's supported the stream today we really appreciate it roast beef and York put in Anthony I would go nuts for that today [Music] mate nice JS hope you had a great time mate there's that transavia on mat cam as well looking great I'm tempted to have something a bit a bit I wouldn't say cheaty but a bit like bit na it today I know I just don't know what though like I'll have think I'm sure I'll get it in Discord folks feel it like a curry that would be nice mate do you why don't you order from that one that I get it from I'll send you the link maybe yeah I love I think rocket wolf thank you mate cheers for tuning in today it's 11:00 p.m. in down underhood so I'm going to go and get horizontal he says well thank you mate cheers for getting involved today great to see you as well appreciate you mate and Linda helping the channel today by gifting a membership thank you very much Linda putting us to 30 new VIPs on today's show awesome EasyJet on the roll out to Belfast thank you Linda saying that's 30 now [Music] [Applause] [Music] awesome [Music] yeah thanks Linda appreciate it and Ronnie middlehurst also gifting an airliners Live membership to the community thank you so much Ronnie hope you're well today thanks for tuning in as well Kevin says uh tell just had homemade cette potato and cheddar cheese soup for dinner tell you what there some Posh in is going on in our community is't there getting inspired I remember with um I used to be on that hello fresh you don't off get some like nice sounding meals it's expensive though is it that it is expensive yeah the good thing about it though like the one good thing was the portions were nice sizes yeah and you just got everything didn't you that you needed and you didn't have to mess about yeah whereas you know you go to the shop and sometimes it might go you might need flower or something so you end up be find a big bag of flour and you're like I a need like this much yeah yeah um Stevens having sausage cashal with white crusty bread that's a good shot that mate and uh bread baking says mad Nomad it's nothing better than the smell of uh freshly baked bread iser that is a lovely smell how long does it take you guys to pack up after the stream well on the Super Sunday shows it takes a bit longer because obviously we got a bit more equipment on a day like today we need to dry everything out and then I need to go and pick Matt up as well from his location so it's about 45 minutes once we actually finish the stream that we actually get on our way home usually yeah and then sometimes we'll be hanging out with the community after I assume not many people will be about today but often there's like a queue outside of people want photos and hanging out yeah I don't think there'll be many people today in this weather someone's got who said that where's it gone it's just gone off my screen Suzy there we go Pie and with lots of gravy that's a good shout as well Maly what I've never heard of that we subscribe to oddbox who send out wonky Veg it's really changed how it eat as there's always something great in there like is that like a kind of to prevent food waste they sending out kind of a lot of the supermarkets just won't accept a carrot unless it's shaped like a carrot you know what I mean is that what that odd box is I wonder let us know Maly cuz that's pretty [Music] [Music] smart awesome stuff when I used to use um food banks um back in lockdown obviously I was kind of struggling MoneyWise and stuff you just have to get so creative because you just get the most random selections of food like and just have to really like design strange meals but it actually got you taking outside the box and trying new things and that's another good thing about these like subscription boxes like hellofresh um is that like you kind of get to try different things cuz it's very easy just to make the same thing over and over again at home like I can make this it's quick it's easy I I can make it good one thing that I used to get with uh hresh that slapped was um sausage casserole and it was like with like a a sweet kind of onion chutney oh wow nice you know what it's good for sweet onion Chutney is um uh Jad makes it corn beef hash you put a little bit of sweet onion in it and oh mate it slaps yeah a winter dish that is it yeah and um oh what's the really thick pasta tag lelli I think it's called like used to make that with it's basically um like like a spag ball dish but with tagl Telly and it was like thick really like comfort food um spaghetti basically really really nice nice I think it was or parad Deli I think it was called the really thick one I can't remember yeah parad Deli tlell I think is the the smaller one but we've just got all the viewers proper hungry there haven't we I know you got me hungry never mind I I've not I've not had breakfast yet I picked up a sandwich on the way and let it go cold fixing things so it's just it's not it anymore that's up there with when your Brew goes cold I know I finished me brew a long time ago I need to bring two airliners live FL with [Music] me hello fresh sponsor another Channel I watch so maybe you should get in touch yeah potentially yeah po I've seen that they do they do like sponsorships and stuff and it is something we are looking into for the future if it was something we were using then it'd be better to work with um but I'm not using at the moment no I'm not so but I have done though in the past it is uh it is quite good I think it's just expensive I think that's the main issue I had with it yeah yeah and it was a little bit of fa like there was a lot of like CU for me like cooking like a big meal like that is kind of one in a while thing like usually I just go with an an easy thing yeah but to do it like every night was a bit much Peter H you've got to be you've got to be having left mate that can't be true I do not believe it that's true pictures in the VIP lounge or it didn't happen what he said kippers and custard oh oh no mate you're got to be winding me up that's weird get out [Laughter] you got to be winding me up listen I mean if you like it mate great but I cannot imagine in in what planet you found out that was that was nice I mean I know we're all open and honest here on this channel but that that's you've had that secret for a long time aren't you mate hey cheers Simon thank you mate great to have you with us today made your smile he's got he's on the wind up in he feet a lot yeah ganucci what's that again Noy it's like um it's like a potato style pasta yeah I've yeah I've had that before now I think that was a hellofresh thing was it I've never I think I've had it once I've never really tried it never really tried it yeah oh really Tony I've not seen that salmon Crush new potatoes with lots of butter and Chito in them J you know how many times I've had that exact dinner that is a Gods dinner sounds it here we go final departure for today folks if you've enjoyed the stream smash that like button here we [Music] go [Music] absolutely Mega sound I don't think anyone heard the task commentary then over that that was loud yeah that was really loud a racket and there it goes ladies and gents we're going to wrap it there I think today yeah why not thank you so much for tuning in it has been Relentless rain for the guys on the camera today so big UPS to them and uh thank you all for tuning in I'm so to the Super Sunday show we'll get Matt come on for a quick wave as well as this Turkish arrives into to Manchester Matt spinning the camera around we can we can see him up to something has Matt still up the top top layer or has he gone down I think he went down a layer yeah he's following the uh a Lingus 330 at the moment which I think is his one more plane thank you Matt well done mate just C this back just cure this P just stand for everyone and then uh sounds good but thank you so much for tuning in don't forget guys Henry will be live tomorrow at 400 p.m. and then John fezer will be taking over at 6 over on the simulate channel so plenty of action for you to come tomorrow and uh of course we'll be back on Wednesday for the midweek show as well so make sure you tune in to that and a beautiful shot of the Lingus arriving onto stand to wrap up the [Music] stream and if you've not joined the airliners live Discord already make sure you head over links will be in the chat and if you are struggling to get on with that drop a message to one of our moderators we'll be able to help you out get you set up and uh we have now closed the Facebook group guys so um if you want to get involved in the community make sure you head over to the brand new community Hub which is over on our Discord server and thanks everyone tuning in on Twitch as well today appreciate you all hanging out with us Matt's committed he he wants he wants to see this all the way to stand there you go why not all the way up guys all the way up why not the beautiful aircraft she'll be doing a flight over to JFK after we finish the show today I love that shot with all the Heavies lined up on Terminal too yeah it's great is it and here he is I think we're going to get a wave off MADD by now he's coming guys stand by there he is Manny Boy Smith 10 out of 10 got Matt cam otes in the chat well done Matty mate get yourself packed up son and uh from the roof Mr Brownie giving you a wave as well well done mate horrible day today and from down here in the studio fixing literally everything today thank you so much for tuning in as usual hope you've all enjoyed the stream and uh we will see you all in tomorrow's shows guys take it easy for see [Music] you like the way it feels H the way it looks on me still got the fire when you try to be a FL cuz I like the way it feels on that little ride r r your and R your blood I'll use it for good R your blood I use it for hundreds in a holy water just a backseat driver flying on the cover different faces but they're always the same say they'll make you a star if you'll just sign your name but that man doesn't know that we are bulletproof keep one fo on the sky and a fo on the [Music] roof I'm not doing this to try to make I just like the way it feels H the way it looks on still got the fire when you TR to be a cuz [Music] I
Channel: Airliners Live
Views: 45,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manchester airport, manchester airport live, manchester airport plane spotting, manchester airport live stream, manchester airport live cam, manchester airport take off, manchester airport live webcam, manchester airport live a380, manchester airport 2023, live planespotting, planespotting, planespotting live, planespotting lax, planespotting heathrow, heathrow airport live, aviation, manchester airport live today, lax live, lax airport live, live airport, plane, london heathrow
Id: hIi6J-3tBI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 235min 35sec (14135 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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