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alright guys today we're gonna learn how to ride a skatepark for beginners and what do you look what do you last that hole I can't I can't put what he showed me in the vlog because it's very inappropriate but it is funny ok anyway so we're gonna go over some basics on how to ride a skatepark and first thing you're gonna need to know on how to ride a skatepark is how to drop in so we're gonna get started with that okay so you're gonna find a quarter that's about like 4 feet high it's best to start out with if you don't have a quarter that's 4 feet high just find the next smallest thing you can see this one's about 4 feet pretty mellow you know good size it's good too because your sprocket won't hit on one of these they're that small so that's a good sign all right so Mike's gonna drop in for us and what you want to do is pick a side you feel more comfortable dropping in on and you want to roll from the side like how and there you go just like that so that was like the most basic way nothing you do is like pick your front wheel up and kind of just roll in and kind of give a little bit of a hop I guess some people if you're left before you kind of want to drop him this way that's not what is not what I really told them to do but okay definitely like pump when you go into pump you kinda just want to finding these in your arms like that like you're pumping a you know pump you know so they call it pumping just like that no I never realize it's probably well it's how seriously yeah I didn't think BMX veteran over here didn't even know so yeah that's like how you wanna do it on a small quarter like that when he gets a bigger quarters like that one you're gonna hop in and for that you kind of just gotta get really comfortable dropping on quarters like that but after you learn the four foot you can go to like a 5 foot like this one but if that's still too scary for you I mean that you could practice going it on steep banks may be like a roller like that one like in between the little quarters to go over metal roller but a four foot quarter is very ideal for learning how to drop in so the next thing I want to cover a skatepark etiquette basically what that means is like I guess like the rules of the skate park but like not really the rules it's kind of like the common courtesy kind of rules I guess you say yeah so rules yeah so for example like say if someone's in the halfpipe don't drop in or like see what I'm doing right now how I'm sitting on the quarter where people hair if those people that do not do that you will get hated on so bad because there's nobody yeah we're only do that cuz it's learning nobody here and I mean there's one skater but if if you wants to skate over here well well obviously we'll move but another thing I'd say is one of one-upping don't be that guy if you see someone or your homie trying a trick say they're trying to do a bar spin you just that guy who can already bar spin and isn't right in front of them that's like really rude and you know don't do that don't be that guy yeah if anything if you see your homie trying something that they can't do but you can do definitely give them tips another thing too you can go look at your skate park signs if they have some I'll show you guys ours we have a science this park etiquette it's like please wait your turn be respectful no marathon runs okay what do tour run basically is be patient and mentor your young riders see if you see like a homie doesn't know much you know give them a tip rest in a safe place while waiting don't stand in them oh yeah yeah do not do that do not drop in with the riders in the middle the run just went over that don't leave your children and supervise parents if you're watching this video I'm serious about this one do not do that because they will get hurt and it's just frustrating for everyone so don't do that pay attention to surroundings that's a good one actually because that can prevent you from getting seriously hurt and please apologize from the rider if you make a mistake and break one of the rules you know because a simple sorry can fix the whole situation but just be cool cuz it'll be a whole lot less awkward at the skatepark if you are and ya won't cause any altercations or anything like that also if there's like someone supervising the park you know if they're asking you to do something be nice to them unless that's Mike you don't have to be nice to Mike but like say if they're telling you wear your helmet because the park requires helmets wear your helmet because you know it just causes a lot of issues if you just go and it's just not it's not worth the time of arguing so just put your helmet on if they require one there next on the list is learning how to air quarter pipe we're here with teacher Mike I don't know to air right first time want to go straight up and down because you're not gonna you really don't know what you're doing yet you don't know how far to pull off or how fast to go at it kind of go out it as like a rainbow go across more and then as soon as you're so you start getting it better and better kind of go straight like make the the rainbow I guess close in and just go straight up and sitting out more what's a good quarter to try I learned it on like a five so it was a good one for the rainbow but that one's good for straight up and down yeah the higher the quarter bless you have to do on a small accordion to pull back more to see how he's like traveling more this one you don't have to pull out as much because it's straighter up and down more vertical right when you play your back wheel coming off the coping is that's when you really want to like pull back more and you're kind of like doing a manual up the quarter I guess in a way when you're going up it's like no another thing is if it's a steep recorder you don't have to pull up or pull out as hard as you would normally on a smaller recorder usually a steep recorder has some over vert to it and if you pull off a little bit too hard what's gonna happen is you're gonna land flat and ya not want to do that okay casing for Casey sometimes sometimes you can't get out of it casings when your back wheel hangs up on the coping and you'll end like disaster the best thing you can do is kind of like stiffen up your legs I guess I would say because I tend to do it a lot because of my little psi yeah that's another thing too you want to have a good amount of psi if you're under par chances are you you're running like 60 plus I run 25 or so but what you're gonna want to do if you're ever in that situation and you case do not lean forward you're just gonna go over your bars what you want to do is put your butt over your seat and kind of straighten your arms as if you were to be I don't know if you're just jumping straight like that but yeah stay over have your butt over and kind of straighten your arms so you have all that way in the back and you kind of just roll back in rather than having your weight forward when you case and you go OTB it's gonna save you a lot yeah going over the bars is not fun if I have any more it sucks you want to give us an example of a little case on this quarter I can do it on the big record so he's gonna show you how your legs and arms should be when you case landing flat - the same thing you kind of want to just like go on a land like you kind of want to lean back a little bit because if you're going to nosedive you could go over the bars and that sucks so I try to like lean back if you can yeah yeah regardless is gonna suck a Jelani flat but even like you're gonna lay in front our first song if you lean back again you're gonna hear back tires in a hit you won't go forward and go over the bars I guess blah yeah so maybe try wearing some pads the first time when you're learning it cuz you know it's it's it's alright to be protected you know how I pad sometimes Mike doesn't wear pads he's he's pro but uh yeah the nice thing about learning some skate park tricks is uh I recommend trying to fly out to learn your tricks because it's a really easy way to learn stuff you don't have to hop and you have a little bit more time I guess so some tricks are good for learning fly out some you kind of want to try hop I guess because I don't know this guy you could explain it better oh I like you fly out tricks just crap just because I mean but I learned till it's fly out um it helped but my reasoning for learning a lot of tricks plot is say I learned it in my front yard and I can only hop like what peg hide off the ground which is like what but maybe and I can do it perfect on that high of a air I come to the skate park and I try it fly out I'm gonna have double triple that air time and I'm gonna land it for sure so just it gets you more comfortable learning certain things flat like I said yeah obviously I'm not gonna flat with flat my first time trying it just depends on the trick I guess I know Tanner's gonna say something about this at some point or another Tanner is watching he always watches you do a bunny hop trick you have to focus on the bunny hop and then the the fall down it's like not that much time like to fit a trick in so when you a fly out you know the what about the hop you just get air automatically you float so you kinda have more time and it's just like less less stressful than a hop barspin sometimes people look like learning them hop folks I feel more comfortable it's just what you're most comfortable with and to fly out what you want to do is if you're like a halfpipe like this it's probably the best thing to do because you'll get like enough speed for sure they're both even height and all you do is just drop in and you kind of just like pull up and push out like that there you go it's easy as that if you to learn something fly out I would definitely make sure you have dropping in dialed because if you don't really know how to drop in if you're not going to know how to pump some people like to pedal at the bottom of the corner I've done it some times but if you don't know how to drop in it's gonna be really difficult to try to pop out and even do a trick see if you don't know how to drop in you can you'll you can drop in but you're not gonna have that speed to come out and you might get stuck on the corner and fall back in so make sure your dialed is dropping in before you start doing flats okay so flying out of a quarter like this is pretty good if you're gonna fly out of a quarter like say this steep you want to push more when you get to the top because otherwise if you just try to fly out how you fill out right here you might case your back wheel and go back in yeah it's like a 7 foot just going fast sometimes you got to add a little pedal in you know don't be afraid to go fast realize to the dropping in segment was a little bit just half-ass yeah so we're gonna go in-depth right now I thought about - when you drop in you want your feet level like this you don't want them ever like that so what can happen we drop in computer like that say you're not expecting that and you hit there's a chance you can go over your bars there's a chance you won't but you always want to keep your feet level because if the depending on the side sprocket usually a majority of people - five just come stop advice now we have your B levels obviously stroll in but if you have your foot down something like this I do not suggest do this just for fun yeah that is that is terrifying and it could be a lot worse you have no clue what you're doing yeah you can definitely a buck if you do if you don't know what you're doing also dropping in if you're just learning it like I showed you with my favorite even chances are you gonna have a 25 to 4 like the 90s roll in so kind of give that a good practice learning how to drop in go slow I do not suggest going more than like three or four pedals towards the corner straight like that so it can happen is you can still out and you can fall once you get comfortable dropping it enough and you feel confident in it that's when you can learn going in at an angle and I suggest learning how to go in at an angle on a curve like over there because when you drop in and you go out of angle it's gonna kind of automatically turn your body straight and that's the whole notion of dropping in at angles going in and then turning straight so that's kind of the same motion as going like this saying I would start going straight get that dialed maybe hit a corner learn how to go like that get that motion and then finally out of angle and straight now another thing too is dropping and you have be really confident trust yourself and trust your tires and trust you know what you're doing just follow these tips and just be confident when you drop in because if you get nervous you could fall and hurt yourself so always be hunting confident riding BMX that you're gonna land and do what you want to do next thing is he'll miss you're gonna want to have a certified helmet I mean it really has to be certified but it's very very recommended like his is certified mine is not certified in California New Jersey but just make sure at least you have like you know padding in the helmet a hard shell and a chinstrap tightened because it's not gonna work if it's not tight yeah it's looser than two fingers then you shouldn't wear it trust me yeah the less brain injuries you have in the beginning is longer you can ride your bike in the end exactly see he is a certified so I recommend getting like you know a POC or a bell or anything s-1 anything it's like certified bringing over one last thing before we close out this video and that's psi on your tires for right Park yeah usually if you write Paul right you want to have nothing less than like 60/40 I'd say 40 yeah he runs about 25 30 yeah you don't want to do that with the park if you run I run about I want to say 50 but I deleted my tire so I was riding straight this weekend with these homeboys if you ride park with anything less than what he was saying 40 what's gonna happen is when you try pumping your tires are gonna soak into the ramp and basically you're gonna be hitting rim to the concrete you're not going to get any trash you're not gonna get any speed it's just going to slow you down you're gonna be pedaling so remember that and if you do end up casing a quarter you will fill the rim to the maximum like you will feel that but that's gonna do it for this video guys hope you enjoyed if you did be sure to drop a like comment share subscribe if you're new to the channel I'm the be Mexican these are my hombres and we film videos every single day if you are that's Mike G sick sick sick on Instagram or Espinoza high-scorer Espinoza with the za I'm not enough with it what the za not an SI b yeah but if you guys were new like i said you know go check out some other videos if you enjoyed those subscribe and if you really enjoy each other posted vacations on so you'll miss a video but yeah we're always out here so see you guys tomorrow later
Channel: The bmxican
Views: 518,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beginner bmx, how to drop in bmx, dropping in bmx, how to air a quarter bmx, how to air bmx, how to jump a bike, how to get air on a bmx bike, bmx tutorial, how to ride a skatepark, skatepark tutorial bmx, how to ride a skatepark bmx, beginner bmx tutorial, beginner bmx tricks
Id: phnwl-uRyYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2018
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