Finding Your Purpose | Sunday Service | NBFC 2021

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graham rising we are so glad that you joined us today just wanted to let you know that we have social media ambassadors live during our streaming services that are there to answer any questions you may have if they don't know the answer they know someone who does so we've got you covered if this is your first time worshiping with newbie drop a thumbs up down below the oldest guard the new has come family welcome to a new beginning [Music] hey everybody my name is mark masiaki and welcome to newbie online before services begin we want to take the time to tell you welcome and show you what kind of church we are new beginnings fails to church is a ministry that's been built on principles driven by the word of god our belief is laid out in scripture that therefore if anyone is in christ they are a new creation the old is gone the new has come second corinthians 5 17. we are place where those who are lost troubled and broken can find strength and healing for their soul our environment is one where everyone can feel the love and warmth of god through the pastor membership and his holy spirit we are people who honor god and meet the needs of his people with the highest level of excellence integrity and respect we also believe that god is going to say something unique to you today that may be through worship fellowship or the sermon so we want to take this moment to welcome you to new beginnings fellowship church the place where the lord is worshiped and his people are changed [Music] it's sunday many will ask get ready to go to church what online church do i attend live stream the service at home watch it later or skip it all together many options emerged in 2020 thanks to a global pandemic it's been over 18 months what did you miss most for some of us we missed being able to walk into church when we were feeling anxious or scared sitting in silence during worship or before service even began we always feel god's presence in sacred spaces while others they miss their kids being in children's church we miss corporate worship voices singing next to us the powerful sounds of psalms of judah choir hugs from the newbie family members who may not know our struggle but has the compassion to hug us tight until all the tears are dry yeah we missed a lot but now it's time for the return sunday september 12 2021 return to our new normal with dr james anthony jackson lady tara jackson and the newbie fellowship church our service times are now 9 00 a.m and 11 a.m children's church will be open if you're feeling unwell have a fever cough or shortness of breath we encourage you to join us virtually masks are also encouraged are you ready for the return [Music] do [Music] may your struggles keep you up near the cross and may you trust sure that you need god and may your bottles in the way they should may your bad days prove that god is [Music] keep you near the cross and may your troubles show that you need god and may your battle [Music] days gone may your whole life prove that god [Music] do [Music] and may your bad [Music] may your heart life may your bad days prove that god is good [Music] hey family have you been in your prayer and devotion time in we know how important prayer is join pastor jackson on monday and friday at 7 00 am via facebook so you can get your monday and friday motivation and start your day off right we cannot wait to see you family no matter your circumstance we understand grief recovery is a painful process we want you to know that we're in the fight with you our grief share classes will begin october 12th and will conclude on january 4th classes are held on tuesday evenings from seven to nine pm the cost is just fifteen dollars register at you are you are the great i am [Music] you are you are the greatest [Music] [Music] uh [Music] come on [Music] i [Music] i is [Music] [Music] i have everything [Music] whatever i need whatever [Music] [Applause] just get that in your spirit [Music] [Music] the great i am [Music] come on all together let's raise it up great i am that i am [Music] [Applause] i need you to be [Music] [Music] [Music] you are you oh [Music] you're a lawyer in the courtroom [Music] thursday [Music] [Applause] oh my god it's whatever whatever you need whatever you need i am [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] are you a new member at newbie are you interested in exploring your gifts and talents and getting involved in the ministry then join us for our new members class every second and fourth saturday of the month from 9 30 a.m to 12 via zoom register online at we cannot wait to meet you lord has made and we ought to rejoice and to be glad in it listen my heart is so uh filled with joy today to be with my brother my big brother in the ministry dr james anthony jackson and i hope wherever you are you're giving praise and honor to god for your man of god he's my big brother and i just have so much love and appreciation for both he and lady tara and their family they're so precious to i know the new beginnings fellowship church and i want you to know they are such a blessing to the wiggins household and the new horizons church and whenever he asked me to come and to be able to minister to the great people of god here at new beginnings fellowship church it's a red letter day for me even though i can't see your faces i'm used to seeing smiling faces many people that i know but they've got me looking into the camera so i know you can see me and i can see you in the spirit of god and my assignment is today to preach the word of god so i'm gonna get right into my assignment today the word there is a word from the lord in the gospel according to matthew matthew chapter 5 matthew chapter 5 and verse 13 through verse 16. matthew chapter 5 verse 13 through verse 16. let's pray father in jesus name we love you and we honor you and bless you and praise you god we glorify you this day god we ask now that you would anoint us to be able to preach the gospel of jesus christ i pray you would anoint our ears to hear what the spirit has to say to the church god your word let it be a lamp and to our feet and a light into our pathway and god i pray that at the end someone would be saved someone else will be filled with your holy spirit somebody else would be delivered and yet still somebody else set free and we believe victory now in the name of your son jesus christ we pray amen amen matthew chapter 5 and verse 13 i have the new king james version of god's word in front of me here's what the word of the lord says it says you are the salt of the earth but if the salt loses its flavor how shall it be seasoned it is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men you are the light of the world a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lampstand and it gives light to all who are in the house let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven verse 13 again says you are the salt of the earth verse 14 says you are the light of the world i want to talk about finding your purpose amen finding your purpose when god created each one of us he created us in his image he created us in his likeness he made you just the way he wanted you to be you're tall enough you're short enough you're wide enough thin enough dark enough light enough smart enough old enough young enough you have been made exactly the way god wants you to be made and the reason he made you the way he made you and he birth you when he birthed you as he has a purpose and a plan for each and every one of us and i believe one of the tricks of the enemy i believe one of the tricks of the devil is to keep us from finding our purpose to keep us groping along in the dark trying to figure out what it is we are here on earth for many times we end up looking to other people's expectations to try to figure out what our purposes in life ought to be sometimes we follow other people's advice or other people's leadership only to discover that we're frustrated in the areas that we are working in mostly because we may not be working in the purpose that god has called us to work in but i know the devil is alive god knows the plans that he has for us he knows what he wants to accomplish in your life and through your life it is our responsibility to find out what is it that god placed me here on earth for and i believe that's what jesus is trying to help his disciples understand early on in his earthly ministry when we meet jesus and his disciples here in matthew chapter 5 matthew chapter 5 opens up and the bible says that jesus uh seeing the multitude went up on a mountain and when he was seated his disciples came to him watch this jesus now has a multitude of people who are following him and the bible says he climbs up to a mountain he goes up on a mountainside and when he is seated his disciples came to him not everybody followed jesus up that mountain the text seems to suggest that there were just the disciples who came and followed him to this elevated place and can i tell you today that if you and i are going to find our purpose in god it starts with following the lord jesus christ i don't know who i'm preaching to today but god told me that you would be listening and tuning in when i tell you this that the first purpose that god has for you is to be a follower of his son jesus christ jesus said it this way no man woman boy or girl comes to the father except by me jesus said i am the way i am the truth and i am the life that if you want to find your purpose if you want to find your destiny it starts with a real rich and refreshing relationship with the lord jesus christ because when you get connected by faith to the lord when your sins are forgiven when when your eternal destiny is secure in the death burial in the resurrection of jesus then you start on a pathway to finding your purpose in god the bible says these disciples they follow jesus up this mountain and jesus is seated at the mountaintop and the disciples are at his feet and i love this because then jesus begins to open up his mouth and he starts talking about all of the ways in which they are going to be blessed and when you read the first part of matthew chapter 5 it just keep saying blessed blessed blessed blessed blessed because what god wants you to know is that when you follow his son jesus christ and you start living a life that is disciplined and a learner of him your life is going to end up in one blessed state after another and as jesus concludes the list of blessings in matthew chapter 5 then he starts talking about purpose because he wants us to understand that when we begin to live out our purpose in him blessings begin to flow am i preaching to somebody today that that's your testimony you can say pastor wiggins that's my testimony when i started following the lord and started listening to his word and started following his leadership it was just one blessing after another that every day i wake up it's a blessing coming my way i'm just filled with blessings that's why when we come into the sanctuary that's why when we come in to the place of worship that's why when we wake up in our own homes we are opening up our mouths and we can agree with the psalmist and say i will bless the lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth why because i found out when i started following after the lord the blessings began to flow in my life and jesus wants us to understand that when we live life on purpose we are living a blessing filled life and watch what he says our purposes are now let me say this up front i'm not going to be able to tell you what major you ought to major in in school if you're in school i can't necessarily tell you today what career path you ought to choose i can't necessarily spell out for you today what job you ought to take i can't necessarily tell you what business to start or what direction to go in with regard to your career but what i want to tell you is no matter what you major in or what career path you choose or what job you take or what business you start if it does not allow you to fulfill the purpose that god has for you you might be in the wrong field but if what you are doing allows you to fulfill these purposes i'm going to share with you you are in line with what god wants you to do and here's what he says in the text he says you are the salt of the earth but if the salt loses its flavor how shall it be seasoned it is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men he tells the disciples he tells you and i today that our purpose is to number one be the salt of the earth now when jesus was saying this the disciples in the first century would understand very clearly what he was talking about in the illustration that he was using when he said that they are the salt of the earth it would conjure up the idea of a person who is cooking a meal and when they wanted to add some flavor to that meal the person who was cooking would take salt that was already in the house and they would sprinkle the salt on the food or into the meal to draw the flavor out of the food or out of the meal so that when folks tasted it it wouldn't taste bland but it would taste flavorful they would understand that the purpose of salt was to bring out the flavor in the thing in which it was placed in watch what jesus was saying to the people of god and saying to us today he was saying that our purpose is to bring out the flavor that god intends for us to bring out in the people that he connects us to i like that he tells us that the reason he's created you the way he's created you and made you in the image and likeness that he's placed you in himself and created you uniquely for you is that you should flavor every situation that you should go into hallelujah to the lamb god knows that there's something special about you that can bring out something special in the people you come in contact with i'm preaching to somebody today and and you are on a job or you are in a classroom situation or you in a family situation and the people around you just don't have a good flavor about them you know what i'm talking about i'm not talking about anybody in particular but you know who in specific in your life that this pertains to that they just don't come off right there's just something about them that is not right down right some might say dis tasteful and you're trying to figure out god why do you have me around all of these distasteful people and it might be because god says i put you there to give flavor to the situation and the people that you are in that sometimes the reason god has us around people that are distasteful is he wants us to put something in their lives he's put us in their life to add flavor to their life so that they're not as distasteful as they are right now i don't know who i'm talking to today but god told me to tell you he's got you placed right where he wants you to be because he wants you to add flavor to your family he wants you to add flavor on your job he wants you to add flavor to your school he wants you to add flavor to your friends and the associates and the people that you come around because that's what salt does but here's the warning if salt loses its flavor or its ability to add flavor jesus said it is good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled up under the foot of other people watch this jesus was pressing a point here he says you have two choices you either are flavoring the people's lives that i put you in or you can lose your ability to flavor and then you end up under other people's feet and living a life that is beneath where i intended for you to live i wish i had some time to press this point but let me say it this way that the only way salt can lose its flavor is if it becomes here it is diluted now i wasn't really good in in chemistry wasn't my main subject but but i do know that that salt is made up of two different compounds and and when they'll sodium and hydrochloric come together they form salt but if you add something to it it will dilute the salt and it'll lose its ability to flavor the thing that it is placed in you and i have to be careful saints that when god puts us in a situation that the situation doesn't end up diluting who we are in god let me say that again sometimes when god puts us in situations we have to be careful that we don't let the situation dilute us before we add flavor to the situation have you been there that you know you're a christian and you know you're a lover of jesus you know you got the word in you the holy spirit in you you're a member of the new beginnings fellowship church pastor jackson is your pastor you've been taught the word of god and and yet you feel the tug of the world pulling you out of what you know to be right into something you know to be wrong that's the enemy trying to dilute your witness or when people start talking crazy about this or that and you know you've got a word from the lord that'll speak right to it and the enemy is trying to tell you to be quiet don't say anything don't rock the boat he's trying to dilute your testimony but the devil is a lot if you are filled with the holy spirit if you got the word of god living in you if you got jesus christ as your lord and savior you got a strong pastor and a strong church you don't let anybody or any situation dilute your testimony if god has placed you in that situation he's placed you there for a reason he's placed you there on purpose and the purpose is for you to flavor the situation that you are in but if you get diluted if i get diluted then jesus said we are good for nothing but to be thrown out into the street and trampled up under the feet of men god did not intend for us he did not create you he did not create me he did not bring us into this world in order for us to live a defeated life you know what defeated means right in in the first century when they would have a wrestling match or or some sort of a physical contest when the loser lost and the winner won the loser would be on the ground in a submissive position and the winner would have his foot on top of the loser he would be defeated the loser would be up under the foot of the winter and that meant they were subject to whatever the winner wanted to do they were defeated come here saints god has not called us to live defeated life no he says that you and i are more than conquerors through him that loved us he says that we are more than conquerors through the lord jesus christ he has won the victory over sin and death and hell and the grave and as his children we are victorious in him god says i don't want you living a defeated life i don't want you living up under your circumstances but i want you to be an overcomer in the lord jesus christ and it starts with having a life that is lived on purpose as salt that flavors other people's lives can i challenge you today to to write down some names of people that god has connected you to and you're going to make it your business for the next 30 days to fulfill your purpose as salt in their life pastor wiggins how can i do that well you can endeavor number one to to send them a word of encouragement every time you think about them just send them a scripture a text message that says hey this is what the word of the lord has to say to you today or you can just if you don't want to be that bold about it you can just when you think about them add them to your prayer list and begin to pray that god would move in their life and open doors and make ways for them and make a difference in their life or you can do just a random act of kindness that when you see somebody that may be struggling or dealing with something that you have the ability and the means to handle for them just take care of it with no fanfare no advertisement you're not putting it out on facebook or social media you're just adding flavor to the lives of the people that god puts in contact with you and can i share one last thing as i transition to the next piece of this is that when you are salt sometimes you have to go through some shaky situations because i hear what somebody is saying pastor i've been trying to flavor other people's lives i've been trying to do the things you said to do but but it seems like my life is in a shaky situation that's because salt sometimes has to go through a shaky situation what do you mean well just go to your kitchen table just go to your dining room table go into your kitchen and grab the salt shaker and that if you're going to get the salt out of the salt shaker what you have to do is sometimes take that salt shaker and if it's on my it was one that was on my mother's table table she had one where you had to turn it over and you had to shake it in order to get it out of the salt shaker because salt is no good to the food unless it can get out of the salt shaker and the only way to get it out of the salt shaker is the owner has to turn the salt upside down and begin to shake some things up in order to get it into the position where it can fulfill its purpose i'm preaching to somebody right there and i just helped you because you've been trying to figure out why has my life gotten turned upside down pastor all through this pandemic why have i been going through some shaky situations i want to tell you don't worry god is still in control he's just grabbed a hold of your situation turned it upside down but it's really right side up begun to shake that situation why because he's trying to get you out of your comfort zone so he can put you in a place where you can fulfill your purpose you ought to give god praise and thank him for all of my shaky situations because in the shaking it pushed me into what i needed to get into in my life being turned upside down i ended up in some places i never would have ended up but thanks be to god that he knew what he was doing when he shook me up and turned me upside down if it had not been for god shaken i wouldn't be preaching right now if it hadn't been for god turning me upside down and pouring me out of corporate america i wouldn't be pastoring the new horizons church i wouldn't know james anthony jackson i wouldn't be preaching to you right now but when i look back on it it was because god turned some stuff upside down and shook me out that i'm preaching right now don't you despise the day of small beginnings when god begins to pour you out he's getting ready to put you in place to fulfill your purpose here it is number two and i'm out of your way number one no matter what job career major you're doing god wants you in that job career major ever endeavor ministry work he wants you to be the salt of the earth but then i like this pastor jackson because he says you are also the light of the world verse 14. you are the light of the world a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lampstand and it gives light to all who are in the house let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven he says not only are we salt but then he turns around and he uses another illustration that talks about illumination he says we are the light of the world that in other words the reason there is so much darkness in the world is because there's an absence of light that's what darkness is darkness is simply an absence of light but when light shows up in a dark situation the light causes the darkness to flee so that when god created you and made you in his image and he gave you his likeness and he gave you all the gifts talents and abilities that he's given you when he puts you in a situation he oftentimes will place us in dark situations in order for us to illuminate what has not but heretofore not been illuminated god sends us into certain places so that we can shine our light so that other people can see the way that they can go have you ever walked into a room in darkness and and you think you know where you're going i i do this all the time and it's embarrassing that i share this with you but but there are times when when i'm in my own house i'm in a place where i should be comfortable i should know where everything is and and i get up in the middle of the night to go do something and rather than turn on the light in my arrogance and in my over confident self i say i can get there from here without reaching over and turning on the light i know it's the stupidest thing i do it all the time but i keep thinking it's my house i know where everything is i know where the rooms are i can get from this place to that place without turning on the light and it never fails i started walking a few steps in the bedroom and then i stubbed my toe on something and i i almost cussed because when you hit your toe it's just almost it's like the cuss meter on on the body it's almost i think that's where cussing comes from right from the toe and i hit it but lady camille asleep so i cover my mouth but rather than turn the light on after hitting my toe one time i say i can still make it so here i am limping and then instead of turning the light on i missed the coffee table and i hit my knee and so now i'm at i'm at the point where i can't let it i got to let it out and so i go ow and then lady camille said what are you doing i'm like nothing just go back to sleep go back to sleep she said turn the light on i got it i got it so now then stub my toe hit my knee and i still won't turn the light on i keep walking down the hallway and y'all may not understand this but i got four kids and we've raised them right but they just don't understand you don't put stuff in the hallway at night so there i am walking in the darkness won't turn on the light stub my toes stub my knee trip over something start stumbling down the hallway now i've woken up the whole house why because i thought i could make it in a dark situation without turning on the light pastor why'd you tell me that story because the reality saints is that's how some people live life they live it arrogantly thinking that they know what they are doing but they are really walking in darkness they've gotten so comfortable in their life and their lifestyles that they think they can make it without the light of god's word they think they can make it without the light of god's holy spirit they think they can make it without the illumination that comes from the church of jesus christ and they like i am are walking around stumbling and fumbling and tripping in the dark and even when people like my wife say why don't you turn the light on out of their arrogance and conceit they continue to walk in darkness but god loves them so much that he will send you and me into their lives as a source of light to illuminate the path that they are on and that's why sometimes they want to reject you and they don't want to have anything to do with you because they love darkness rather than light but god says when you are a light he said i have placed you i love this in the house and i have put you on a lampstand he says as a light all you have to do is stay in your position if you're around anybody just say stay in your position just stay right where you are that's what a light has to do it doesn't have to move around in the house it just sits right there in the position that it's in and just shines its light into the four corners of the room because when you are a light you don't have to argue that you're a light you don't have to argue that you're on a lampstand you don't have to argue your purpose all you have to do is like they said in the song i'ma let my little light shine just shine shine shine right where you are god has positioned you and placed you where you are to fulfill your purpose and all you've got to do is let the power of the holy spirit and the power of the love of god shine in your life so that other people can see god's good works i'm finished when i tell you this he said that it's like being a lamp stand in a house but it's it's also like being thank you holy spirit a city that is set on a hillside and in the first century when when people would settle in certain areas they would they would gather together in what was called villages or if it was bigger it was called a city and when it was a city everybody would come together and at night they would leave their lamps in their windows or they would leave their lamps on outside of their homes and so when they would come together as a city or a village all of the lights would be shining in the darkness and they would be on a hillside so that when travelers in the dark were traveling trying to find a safe place they could see the safe place off from a distance because everybody had come together and their lights were shining together and a city set on a hill cannot be hidden can i tell you how proud i am of my big brother pastor james jackson and you here at the new beginnings fellowship church y'all have been in this city for some 17 going on 18 years and here on the east side of indianapolis hundreds even thousands of people now around the world are able to see what life looks like when a pastor and people come together and let their lights shine together they are like a city that is set on a hill i remember one of the times when you guys had just moved into your building and and pastor jackson was bringing me over here to to look at the facility and to pray and to praise god and thank god for what god had done through the new beginnings fellowship church and as we were coming down 21st street i could see off in a distance the ministry the facility the the wonderful thing that god had done on the corner 21st and german church and as i was looking my eyes were big and my heart was pounding and i was i was feeling some pride in my in my heart for my brother and what god had done and he was sitting over in the other seat and and he looked at me and i looked at him and all he could say was that's crazy ain't it that was the only way he could describe it but he described what i was also looking at it was a church it was a ministry it was like a city that had been set on a corner that could not be hidden because when god does something he does it so great so glad grand that when people see what he's doing in your life and in the life of your church and your community he says he'll shine it's so bright that people go that's crazy ain't it and you'll say no that's just the glory of god working in our lives let me close with this last story when we were in the school uh we started out over at norfolk northview middle school we'll be 15 years old here in a couple of weeks and and we celebrate what god is doing as a church plant of eastern star we're 15 years old and but we started in northview middle school when we started northview middle school um we also started on am 1310 we pulled some resources together and got on the radio and we were able to preach the gospel on the radio and i remember uh one day i was just feeling discouraged i was feeling down we had been in the school for a couple of years and and and the ministry was was flourished and it was doing well but but i just didn't i didn't have a good sunday didn't have a good week and and i was discouraged and and somebody wrote us a letter and my admin gave me the letter put it on my desk and when i opened up the letter it just brightened up my day and there was a person i forget what part of the country they were from but they weren't from indianapolis but they wrote us a letter and they said pastor wiggins i want to thank you and thank god for your ministry he says because i was flying over indianapolis on my way home from a business trip he says as i was flying over indianapolis i was going through something and and i needed to hear a word from the lord and he said i was able to tune in to a.m 1310 at 10 30 and that was the time that our radio program came on and he said and i heard your word and i heard you preaching the gospel i heard you sharing the love of jesus christ over the radio airways and he said and i listened to it for those few minutes that we were going over indianapolis and when i got home i promised god that i would send you a message to tell you how much that sermon impacted my life and i wanted to tell you god used your ministry in your church that day to encourage me along my way now watch this he was 35 000 feet in the air we were in a little school little middle school gym preaching as hard as we could and i didn't think i was making a difference only to discover there was a person i probably won't meet until i get to heaven who happened to be flying over the city that day who heard a word from the middle school through the airways and it helped them get to their destination what am i trying to tell you i'm trying to tell you that when you live life on purpose sometimes you won't know the impact that you are making because it'll be at a whole nother level than you ever imagined you were making it that day when i was preaching at northview i thought i was just preaching to the few hundred people that were in the sanctuary that day but little did i know that god has a way of elevating you and elevating his word to a whole nother level to impact people that you never thought about you keep on praying you keep on studying you keep on sharing you keep on loving you keep on serving you don't know how god will use you as the salt of the earth and the light of the world father in jesus name thank you for jesus christ and his ministry thank you for his sermon on the mount that day that told us that we are already blessed thank you that is his disciples followers of him that he leads us into our purpose as salt and light god thank you for the new beginnings fellowship church under the leadership the pastor and the staff and the ministries here at the church that they have been salt in our lives and flavoring us and bringing out the flavor that you've given to us thank you that you've used this church to be like a city that is set on a hill whose light cannot be hidden thank you for this media ministry this ability to come into homes around the country and around even the world god to share the glorious gospel of jesus christ and i pray god as ministry goes forward today somebody heard your word and will glorify our father who's in heaven i pray even more god that somebody would give their life to jesus christ for the forgiveness of their sins pray somebody would come back to church reconnect with the fellowship of the saints i pray somebody today would live their life on purpose and we believe victory now in jesus name we pray a man god bless you be victorious my brothers and my sisters at this moment we want to take this time and participate in what we call holy communion as we remember the sacrifice that our lord made the love that he displayed by giving of himself for you and for me so right where you are it doesn't matter you're at your home go and get you a piece of bread go ahead get your piece of bread go get your something of the vine go ahead and get it if it's juice well i don't care whatever it is we're going to remember god says just as long as when you do it you remember me go ahead and get it we're going to remember what the lord has done the word of god says for i received from the lord what i also passed on to you the lord jesus on the night he was betrayed he took bread gave thanks he broke it and said this is my body which is for you do this in remembrance of me in the same way after supper he took the cup saying this cup is a new covenant in my blood do this whenever you drink it in remembrance of me for whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the lord's death until he comes father i ask you right now in jesus name please take this bread this cup out of any secular thought sanctify this moment and let it be a holy reminder of just how much you love and how much you care for us in jesus name we pray amen the bread that symbolized the body of our lord and our savior that was broken that was beaten that was mutilated for you and for me he did it because he loved us just that much let us eat together [Music] and the cup that symbolized blood that was shed for you and for me the word of god makes very clear that without the shedding of blood there would be no remission of sin he did it because he loved us just that much let us drink together [Music] hallelujah jesus [Music] hallelujah jesus came and did it just for me just for me [Music] just for me [Music] jesus came and did it just for me [Music] family i pray that you were blessed by that word now i have two questions to ask you as you heard the word today what part spoke to you the most better yet what's god saying to you second what are you going to do about it this is a call to action this is you doing something in response to the word given if you've never given your life to christ maybe that's the one response god so desires from you today that said we invite you today to do something about that right where you are if you would pray with me dear lord i need you oh god i humbly call out to you i am tired of doing things my way help me to start doing things your way god i invite you into my life to be my lord and my savior feel the emptiness in me with your holy spirit and make me whole lord help me to trust you help me to love you to live life for you to forgive my sins as i forgive those who sinned against me today god i say yes yes to your will yes to your way and yes to your grace god yes to your mercy and yes to your peace now and forevermore it's in the name of jesus we do pray amen tell you what if you prayed that prayer and you'd like to be connected to a family of believers just text your name and email to 317-661-1531 we would love for you to be a part of our church family and if you would like to support our ministry you can do so online at or through giblify or text to give otherwise that's it for today's service thank you for joining us today and sharing part of your weekend with us here at the place where the lord is worshiped and his people are changed have a blessed week [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: NewB Indy
Views: 508
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: church, New Beginnings, Lord, Jesus, God, Indianapolis, Indiana, James Anthony Jackson, NewB Indy
Id: gtJz8jhQ3d8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 24sec (3384 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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