Live Rescue: Top 7 Highway Heroes | A&E

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Engine 207 copies, thanks. Do you guys want to cruise down to Mod? Oh. Hey, anybody see that vehicle that took off? No. Gosh-dangit. We got a visible assault over here. Stir PD. For Dobson and Southern, we have a physical assault going on in the street. Patient is in a physical fight. Are they actually fighting? Yeah, she just got her ass kicked. - She's bleeding. - Thanks, I'll give them a call. We did not. We saw the end. Are you OK? She got knocked down. Can I get this-- do you have something that I can like-- Let's have a seat, hun. Yeah, we do. Have a seat. We'll sit on the bench, OK? I just need something. What happened? I was in a car accident. I can help her make calls if she needs to call and contact somebody. Yeah, you got it. If you can-- OK. I was in a car accident. The person was like, well, give me some money and I will-- like I won't call the police. Those people that just did that? Yeah, so i was like, OK, well, here's $30. Like that's all they requested. So I was like, here's $30. Do you recall what kind of vehicle it was? I don't. Did you happen to see the vehicle? Grey truck? OK. Hi. Hi. We were just-- got canceled on a call, saw this lady getting beat up by-- I guess there was a small car accident and the people said, give us any money you have and we won't report it. She went to give him money and they grabbed her phone and wallet and then beat her. Oh. We just saw that part and they took off. Did you get any look at the car? We did not catch the vehicle. I was past all of it and looked back. It took off. They did take her phone, so with any luck they can track the phone. But chaos. Sorry, we just pulled upon this and literally did a U-turn. It's a personal situation with PD now that other people here called in. We were lucky we were able to treat her medically. She appears to be OK, physically. Just has a cut lip and some elevated vitals, but she does not want to go to the hospital, and that's it. It's in PD's hands now to have a-- do some investigating. We're seeing multiple vehicles, one vehicle on top of another one. Unknown if anybody's trapped. Well, this could be good. OK, guys. Be careful on the freeway. Oh, that-- there's a lot of damage up there. Dick, you want to check these first couple? Yeah. I'll go check the far one. She's still in there? Engine 207, 211. (ON RADIO) Engine 211. Upgrade this to a major mad and give us a tactical channel. (ON RADIO) CVAC 2. Copy, CVAC 2. Sir, were you in this vehicle? Was it just you? Are you injured at all? - Yes, sir. No. I'm not. Hello, ma'am. Were you the only one in this vehicle? Are you injured? Neck hurts? OK. Try to hold your neck as still as you can. We'll be right with you, OK? I'm going to cut this airbag out of the way, buddy, so I can talk to you, OK? We're going to do that-- what we're going to do, so you know, we're going to use some tools and we're going to cut that side of the car and we're going to move you out on a board, all right? Where are you hurting? OK. Did you lose any consciousness? OK. All right, all right. Hey, what are we doing, boys? What do we need cut? I just need to cut that hinge right there. Now you want to take him-- are you taking him backboard or are you just-- Yeah, let's do it backboard. So we'll just slide it over here and-- when you're ready. Backboard. Wait. We got one. All right. Somebody take these [inaudible]. All right, here you go. Just lay back and let us do it. Lay back. Lay back. Hands across your chest. You guys got the gurney? Yeah. All right, buddy, here we go. Ready? One, two, three. Yeah, overall, driver of the red vehicle is pretty lucky. Another foot of impingement from that rear vehicle and it would have been a much more sustained extrication. A lot of the injuries probably would've been much more severe. Probably wouldn't have been talking us when we cut him out. I saw brake lights here so I swerved over and I went into the other lane, hit my brakes a little. I didn't have time, I wasn't paying attention enough, I didn't have time to frickin' stop. So we need another backboard over here. We're going to readjust. We got legs. Right here. Coming down. We got the patient extricated. Ladder 201 extricated them out of this vehicle here that had the pickup on top of it. The young lady here in front was complaining of lower back pain. Both are going to go to a local trauma center, be there in just a couple of minutes. But both were conscious, alert, moving all extremities, so. 10, 15 years ago this probably would have been a fatality. But with all the safety devices that they're coming out with vehicles now, with airbags, side airbags, curtain airbags, even just the way the cars are built. They were very fortunate they weren't hurt worse, but a lot of it had to do with the construction of the new vehicles. Who has a-- they're out with an intoxicated man-- We're the fire department, OK, man? We just got called out to check you out, so. Have you have a little-- And so you guys got out here. Look at me. Is anything bothering you right now, medically? The fact that I don't know what the [muted] is going on is-- oh, medically. No. OK. Well, I know you're drunk, man, but we don't want you to get hit by a car. Does it matter? Well, yeah, because we're going to try to figure out how to get you home. It literally does not matter. Your job is not-- your job-- what are you doing? I don't know-- I don't know what I did. What did I do? You can sign our form and we're going to leave you alone. Because you know who you are, right? And all this form is, is saying that you don't want to go the hospital with us. All right? I'm not doing this. I'm not doing that. I'm not signing anything. I literally-- By signing that, it means that we all go away. You're a cool guy. You're a cool guy. You're-- you're more irritating. Hi, Doctor Gabbon. This is Chris on Engine 207. He is intoxicated. OK. We'll bring him in. We'll be there in about 15 minutes or so. We still got to call him in, so. OK? Thank you. In Arizona we don't have a public intoxication law. And so the officers aren't allowed to, you know, take people in for being intoxicated. They have to have broken a trespassing law or something like that. And so a lot of times we get stuck in the middle. If we can't get a hold of a family member or somebody that can take responsibility for him, then we have to take him to the hospital. Because they're a danger to-- you know, walking into traffic and getting hurt. I talked to our doctor. I told him you were out here and that you didn't want our help. The emergency room doctor. Oh, the ER doctor. Yep. Well, you can tell him that, because we're going to go see him. Yep. You and me. Why can I not like be here? Because you wouldn't sign. Oh. And you were stumbling around, so the doctor would now like to see you. OK? When do I get out? As soon as the doctor says you're fine. Come on, man, I'll help you up. No? Have a seat, man. Sit down, buddy. Sit back. There you go. Now lean that way. Lean that way. There you go. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Fortunately, he was OK with going in, so that was kind of best case scenario. And he's protected now, too. We'll be in lanes two, three, four, Val Vista off ramp, access from Greenfield. Red Honda SUV hits a tree. Don't even know where there's a tree on the freeway. Right. And two, three, four. Lanes two, three, four, that doesn't make sense. We'll be Val Vista off ramp. Engine 205 alarm. (ON RADIO) Engine 205. So as we approach the Val Vista off ramp, 60 westbound, there is a huge backup on the actual freeway. Are we sure this is up off of-- coming up off of the freeway? (ON RADIO) Form to Engine 205, that is affirmative. It is going to be on the freeway per GPS. On the freeway, OK. Copy, OK. On the freeway, thank you. Oh, yeah. There's a tree in the middle of the road. You see that green tree up there? - Yep. - Oh, yeah. So this is very unique. We have a car that hit a tree that-- from where the tree came, no one knows. Perhaps out of a truck? But there's a tree in the middle of the freeway. So where's our car? I don't know. Over there, it looks like. Yeah, let's pull it off. You good, Beth? We're good? OK. Yeah, good idea. Perfect. All right, why don't we just block this? You're not hurt? What happened? It swerved over and the guy-- the lady said behind me I came over. She said that I looked like I fell asleep. I didn't fall asleep. Went over, hit the edge there. Came up the side and came back down. Who said you fell asleep? That lady that pulled over. How about we check you out? These are old injuries from an accident. I said-- like I said, these are just scrapes and bruises. I'm absolutely fine. All right. All right. You know, you have an accident on the freeway, but it doesn't typically involve a tree. So when we got to it, we weren't really sure what we were dealing with. Turns out the kid hit the tree coming down off the off ramp and brought the tree all the way down into the middle of the freeway. So it was a very unique situation. He says that some lady stopped. Says that it looked like he fell asleep or passed out or something happened, and somehow managed to drive up the embankment, hit that tree. Obviously saw this huge tree was in the middle of the-- what, the two and three lanes? We drug it off to the side, obviously. Did you notice this-- So where did you hit the tree at? I hit the tree coming up here. She said I hit the embankment and rolled up. He doesn't have any injuries other than those left hand abrasions. Really, to be quite honest with you, he's very lucky. Had he not been wearing a seatbelt, I think there's a pretty good chance he could have been ejected from the vehicle. You know, the bottom line is, if you do this job long enough, you're going to see just about everything there is to see. And today was a very unique call. We're responding to a motor vehicle accident on the freeway. It's on the off ramp from the 101 to 60. Engine 207, [inaudible]. (ON RADIO) Engine 207, go ahead. Start me a rescue, please. One second, guys. Be real careful here, guys. I'm going to pinch everybody over a little bit. Yeah. I'll be up there in a second. I'm going to throw some cones. Slow down. Gosh dang. We're on the off ramp, so the traffic is crazy. He's gotten it swelling into his eyes. It's increasing. Both were in the vehicle, both were wearing their seatbelt. He's OK? It seems like it. I haven't gotten [inaudible]. I'm going to put a collar on and I'm going to left your head. Let me do the work. Hey, Nate. He wasn't restrained. That seatbelt's loose. He wasn't restrained? No. Looks like it hit the barrier over there and then bounced over here. We got heavy damage to the vehicle. The driver's injuries were minor, but it sounds like he was wearing his seatbelt. The passenger, on the other hand, had a little more serious injuries. He was not restrained when the accident happened. We're taking him as a level one to a local trauma center. The driver of the vehicle, we're gong to take to the same trauma center, so they can be together. Oh, we just had another wreck right behind us. Holy-- wow. Whoa. You can see what kind of speed they're coming around that corner. Did she say she was OK? She popped right out of the car and told the cop [inaudible]. The scary thing on these calls is the traffic out here. We've got people drive around here 60 miles per hour. We've got a scene set up. We use our truck to block and we use cones to kind of keep people away from our scene, but we gotta be super careful. These are the most dangerous calls we go on in this career. So we're responding to a traffic collision. They just reported that they do have a-- people trapped. And they have two major injuries. We got one person over here, full arrest. And then we'll see if there are any other people trapped. Just by looking at it, looks like it wasn't necessarily a head-on collision. Maybe a sideswipe, where maybe a vehicle was turning in front of another vehicle. So in this vehicle here we have one person trapped. We have a firefighter in there caring for the patient. And then these other two firefighters here will start using what we call the Jaws of Life to free the patient from the vehicle. We're trying to get him out of there as quick as we can. We have what we call the golden hour, from the time of the accident that's occurred, to get this person to a trauma center. Cool. Unfortunately, his legs are pinned inside the vehicle. So what they're going to try to do next is make some relief cuts on the floor so they can start moving that, pretty much the engine compartment, away from his legs. We're pretty close on the golden hour. Unfortunately, one patient on arrival was pronounced dead. We had one patient, traumatic full arrest, transported to a local hospital, and a patient that we just extricated from the vehicle will be transported via helicopter in critical condition. We're heading to vehicle accident, minivan into center divide and then off the roadway. Per Sheriff's, one person unconscious. Solo occupant in the driver's seat right now. Bleeding from the head a little bit. Do we have anyone else in the car? No, no one else in the car. Solo vehicle only. Solo? All right, so right now we've got a solo vehicle. One occupant. We've got to cut him out of these bushes here so we can further assess. Yeah, Jonah's inside. Jonah's inside? OK. OK, we're going to get some IV stuff and we're going to start our assessment in there and start giving him IV fluids. Just need blood sugar checked. OK. Yep. Here you go, bud. Want to take this right here? Yeah, have Tone take this. We'll just come out straight. Right here, Tone. [chainsaw] Is he responding to you at all? - No. - Nice and easy. Slow, slow, slow. Yeah. So right now we're going to go [inaudible] UC Davis. Patient is unconscious, so we're going to get some IVs and get him going. One vehicle was driving erratically, hit the center divide, and ended up on the side of the road in a bunch of berry bushes. So we had to extricate him by making access with a chainsaw. We were able to extricate him get him to our local trauma facility.
Channel: A&E
Views: 1,514,034
Rating: 4.8903151 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, live rescue, live firefighters, live firefighter show, live EMT, Live EMT Show, live Paramedics, live paramedics show, law enforcement, ride along, ridealong, fire, fire truck, fire engine, ladder, rescue, live, save lives, emergency, 911, cops, a&e full episodes, live rescue compilation, Top 7 Highway Heroes, top 7 highway rescues, highway rescues, top highway rescues, watch live rescue, watch live rescue best of
Id: ae34XkBoEJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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