Live Rescue: Most Viewed Moments of 2020 | 45-MINUTE MARATHON | A&E

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so looks like we have a nine-year-old male  who was on a dirt bike when they hit a wall   uh something to get some bleeding from  the mouth uh right now we got reduced   coat too so maybe less of a critical  call but we'll get them checked out what's up how's it going he was uh  in the front of a motorcycle with   this other young lady instead of putting his  hands on the actual the front of the bike he   actually gassed it okay they were sitting on  the corner from the corner they actually crossed   across the street and hit the wall okay no loss  of consciousness he's got scrapes on his hands   knees you see some little bit of scrapes on his  face healthy kid not taking any meds no allergies   he's got a little gashes on his lips but his teeth  are all intact cool that's really um how's it   going bud yeah we're gonna sit right here it's way  up high okay there we go all right all right you   got dad's coming with you what are you wearing  how's it going i will have this in the airway are you the oldest it hit a wall going about it  sounds like low speeds not wearing any helmets   it sounds like instead of grabbing the brake you  grab the throttle in a pit in the wall he's got   some facial abrasions no loss of consciousness  so he's doing pretty good all things considered   any like dizziness blurred vision anything like  that no and you remember the whole thing yeah okay   all right and your head's just hurting all  right here nothing here nothing back here   still there's still nothing here okay good he  was probably going about 10 to 15 miles an hour   that's that would be our guess when we saw uh  good thing is he said he remembers the whole   thing didn't get knocked out there's no neck pain  there's no back pain of course he has a headache   but you can see where there's still some swelling  on his on his forehead and his lip but i know it's   scary accidents happen but yeah things are looking  pretty good right now these vitals are phenomenal   so that's good it's just a scary one right now  you comfortable buddy yeah you want a blanket no   i should have more stickers to give you but  i'm out so you play soccer you ride dirt bikes   you're a superhero what else you do uh i i uh  i like basketball yeah who's your favorite team   the kings all right so louie we're  gonna be pulling up in just a minute   kind of like what i told you before you  know we're gonna go in and we're gonna tell   the nurses and the doctors what happened and  i'll take care of you might do some x-rays um   and they're just gonna get you all all good okay  awesome we are here hey you know what this is   no it's basically water so when he opens the  door just squirt him squirt it oh he's spring   shot first i thought he was gonna get capped all right we're responding to a report of  somebody who got a fish hook stuck in their   finger and passed out they're back up currently  and talking now looks like it's going to be a   19 year old male there's a couple different  techniques where you can use string to pull it out   but it all depends on how deep it's in  his finger we'll see when we get there so we should be arriving on scene in just a second  all right that looks like it's going to be then see the barbs the barber's in my phone we'll catch you if you do but we're just going  to cut the bait so you're not having to hold   the whole thing is there any way you can numb this  or make me go to sleep i do not want to feel this can you bend this yeah there you go  oh god you're all right bub all right   hold on you all right bud no you feel sick talk to me ma'am that's what he's saying are you wanting to go to  the hospital to get that cut out i don't want to   get it off i mean the only the only other option  is pulling it out and it's going to it's going   to hurt man because that barb's going to pull  a hunk of meat out cause if y'all snatch them it would hurt you want to go to the hospital  i don't want to but i'ma have to okay he had uh what we call a spinnerbait for  fishing uh for catching bass stuck in his finger   i was in pretty deep past the barb so  what we did we went ahead and cut the   a lot of the bait off so he didn't  have to support the whole bait   and uh the only options were to either yank  it out which is there's a barb on that hook   it's gonna pull a chunk of meat out with  it and with no anesthetics to to numb it   he chose to go to the hospital and go ahead  and have it numb to where they can cut it out four-year-old male swallowed a double a battery perfect let's see here knock knock  hi hi bud can we come in   are you mom grandmother grandmother are  you taking care of him today yes okay   mom's at work right you feel okay do you have  anything that hurts do you have any owies   no okay good what happened did you swallow  something yeah what'd you swallow yes   do you swallow a battery yeah okay your belly  doesn't hurt do you have a hard time breathing   a little bit okay all right buddy well  we're gonna check you out real fast okay   how long ago did he uh swallow  the battery would you say okay see if we can't find it okay these are called  my ears goes right in here and i get to hear   things and i'm gonna listen to your back  okay you just take some deep breaths let   me see how big you can breathe in breathe in big  and deep yes you take a deep breath there you go okay you did such a good job grandma so right  now his lungs sound good he's got 100 oxygen   in his blood his pulse rate's right where it  needs to be you can see he's not any sort of   distress anything like that so it's not in his  respiratory system which is good so um we'll get   on the phone though we can call poison control  they can give us a little bit better direction   on uh what they would like to do we'll run him  down he's not in any sort of distress um his   respirations were good his lungs sound good it's  definitely not in his airway which is our main   concern so a little bit of a peace of mind for  grandma here we also contacted poison control just   to get a little bit more of a direction um they  you know have certain protocols that they go about   poison control say anything uh yeah they talked  to the physician uh with poison control they   were just worried about the battery like turning  sideways in the stomach not being able to pass   uh so they were recommended that he transported  so they could scope it and see if he could their main concern is if it turns  sideways and doesn't pass it could leak   the internal acids from the battery so they want them to be transported to  the hospital where again they'll be able   to scope him and visualize that battery and  see if maybe they need to extract it or if it   seems like it's in a good position to let nature  do its course we'll let him go and pass it thanks   guys have a good night take care buddy feel better  okay you're gonna be okay can i get a thumbs up   there it is i like it pal good job buddy so we  are going to a uh accidental bb gun shooting   for a 40's black female with facial injury it  may seem kind of benign compared to getting   shot by a rifle or a handgun but while the bbs are  incredibly small they still have potential to be   uh fatal it says lethal on the box i feel  like that should be a pretty good indicator come on down dear uh what happened need some more traction on those  flippers yeah don't don't we all   you're good and you just notice the one  underneath your left eye there all right when it hits my eye okay i thought i hit my  eyeball right no it's just underneath your   left eye yeah that's what this and exactly where  all the bloods from just that yeah can you feel   the bb underneath your skin um no okay so we  got a 46 year old female she was on the levee   with her boyfriend it sounds like some kids were  riding by on their bikes and actually shot her in   the face with a bb gun so it looks like she's  got one small caliber from a bb underneath her   left eye her vision's intact she doesn't have any  other complaints a very small amount of blood so   we're gonna check our bottles right now and then  run her down to uc davis so here's where we're at   all your vital signs is coming back normal your  heart rate's a little fast but with everything   that's happened i'm not worried about it your  blood pressure is also high you have a history   of high blood pressure and again with your  administration just taking a baby to the face   not worried about it so everything we can do is  coming back normal you've got good vision is which   is great um i didn't feel the bb anywhere around  your eye which is also great so at this point   we're basically just going to give you a ride down  to the the trauma center uc davis get that bb out   because if it's just floating around in your face  i don't want it to move around and then eventually   get into your eye or behind your eye and then  give you vision problems down the road okay   yeah so the kids were just riding  behind bikes and started shooting   at you and your boyfriend or what  happened with the lady that was there yeah caught you right underneath the eye  you got lucky yeah like a solid inch away   from it you're riding the eyeball i know i  i i see it hit me in the eye yeah my face that was it yeah yeah mine mine  definitely goes the worst place uh   worst case scenario first so i would have thought  the same thing as far as the pain in your face on   a scale of one to ten ten being the worst  pain you've ever had how bad does it hurt   okay and you have pain anywhere else  or just now the left side of your face and your feelings yeah i'm if i got shot in the  face by some kids my feelings would be heard too we're responding to a two-car motor vehicle  accident rp disconnected no additional information   looks like pd is on scene oh yeah that's pretty  good yeah somebody was moving oh the sherwood   what the sherwood doing here lt 204 is on scene   moderate damage report follow  who's your screen driver hey what's up man what's up buddy how are you  man good man so i just was coming from resource   okay pulled up on the scene so vehicle heading  southbound didn't stop struck in here okay driver   self-extricated okay the opposite side perfect  okay he's really just complaining i'm gonna go   check the guy down there and uh chest pain okay  okay cool and now he's out walking around okay   thanks for stopping man appreciate it how you  doing partner my chest is sore yeah and i got some   scuffs up just on my arms yeah all that's from  that that airbag that's going to get you and it's   going to feel a little bit worse as the day goes  on um obviously you're up you're walking around   any numbness or tingling down into your legs  and your back your neck anywhere no physically   i'm flying okay i just want to make sure the  story's straight that guy went through a red light   and i understand but for us we're getting ready  yeah we want to make sure medically speaking that   there's nothing that's going to stop you from  going on about your day you know what i mean   my neck is different i think i'll be all right  okay do you feel the need to go to the hospital   no okay let us check your vitals and stuff like  that okay just make sure everything's working okay   it just came out of the turnover there  so i hadn't really picked up much speed   and then this car comes flying through the  stop sign and the police officer says that   he went around people and just steered into me  all the airbags deployed and it could have been   a lot worse he's no4 okay um doesn't want us  i never said that do you want us to check you   out how about if we get a set of idols for you  and stuff like that sounded right right ahead   all right perfect you remember all the accident  i was just driving trying some guy hit me okay   probably a good idea to take you into  the hospital and get you checked out   all right what well because we don't know if you  have any internal injuries okay we don't know   what's going on you got pretty good damage to the  car and the thing is that's still fine here's the   thing partner i can smell alcohol right now okay  and what that does is that covers any potential   injuries 99 on blood sugar you understand so your  body doesn't quite feel things the way it should   uh when you're under the influence of something so  we don't want to make a mistake and miss something   does that make sense sure okay good no pain  anywhere i'm gonna take a look here at your chest   you're wearing your seat belt yes sir does that  cause pain no okay how about over here pain   all right where were you coming from i was  coming from some store and going home what store   it helps me understand if you're  alert aware of what's going on bud okay all right partner what i'm going to do is  i'm going to have you stand up we're going to   have you move over onto that gurney okay easy  easy all right now i would disagree with that   almost have a seat partner  turn around sit good perfect right now i'm just looking for anything that  might point to some evidence of what happened   uh we got a pretty large pile of used fireball  individual shooters there a dozen or so and then   there's a bottle up here in the front so as  it is now uh looks like alcohol played a role   but we'll leave that up to pd 40 year  old male he just finished out a seizure   he's in the parking lot probation he's  a probation client that turned with ptsd oh they're oh he's pointing a gun a play gun all  right his finger got here he's going like this   has a history of seizures okay um i won't touch him until he responds that was his  normal process he's like what season this state   how long does it take to get out what's  his reaction it can be 20 minutes or so this is all leftovers from when he was  in iraq when he was over in the war   okay okay he'd been in some pretty horrific  accidents exactly his friends my name is   back here and the rest of the guy's  body is over there i'm a friendly okay   that this is a friend okay so we'll just come back  to the shade okay thank you zach he's our friend does he come out slowly or does  he just kind of come out of it   no he slowly works his way out of it what do  you see normally in it when he starts to come   out of it he'll start looking around like he's  confused okay the ao is clear trust me okay   that's been searched okay the ao is clear i  just need you to get some cover in the shade   okay can you do that for me i'm here i'm  a friendly zach i'm here to help you okay   okay the ao is clear just move back to  the shade so we can get you some help okay   okay let's move back to the shape  yeah there's a curve step up step up   there you go it's mom it's mom stay  here with us here stay here in the shade   come back here in the shade you come in  the shade we'll let the medics check you out yeah this is what you did last time are you  all right man let's go in the shade hit his head   all right one two three nice work man come sit  with us can you welcome right off the gurney   we had a gentleman who had a seizure which is a  stress-related seizure he has a history of ptsd   he's coming into the probation office here  so he has these seizures while he's under a   tremendous amount of stress also reacting as  if he was in combat in in iraq where he was   where he experienced some ptsd events with  these patients we don't run them to very often   seizure patients we do but not with the ptsd  related so it's very unique and what we like   to do is take it very slow keep the patient  calm because we don't know how they're going   to react we're able to talk to him now he's  now alert and oriented and now we're going   to just follow up with him at the hospital  due to the fact he may have bumped his head going to a call on the ski resort up here it's  the local area we go to all the time looks like   in our notes all the information we have right  now is a 18 year old male he's alert but he does   have some kind of head injury and we'll see what  further information we have when we get there 325 copy all right guys this is dustin he's got a right  shoulder um dislocation probably you definitely   gotta get your hospital if you have some issues  with your shoulder so are you able to move your   arm at all um can't like or does it hurt too much  if you try and lift it yeah if i try and lift   it up definitely dislocated where are you from  up in california okay do you have family here   with you uh yeah i got my uncle my cousin hurt bro  did you lose consciousness did you hit your head   i mean i wouldn't say lose conscious but  definitely in between the fall before i fell i   like shut my eyes i wouldn't call that a blackout  though okay so you know i kind of closed my eyes   you remember everything though for the most part  you think i definitely remember everything okay all right we're gonna take  this off i've got you okay   so let's take the board off yeah all right  do me a favor slowly turn your head to the   left towards me can i try and take your jacket  off in the sun yeah better look at some stuff all right there we go you want to get this  off too i think you can if not we can cut it   it's us if it's still uncomfortable honestly i  don't want to risk like just cut these okay go   ahead and lay back okay we'll set you up a little  bit and cut that off all way hopefully well   definitely keeping this though for a good time  there you go all right scale zero to ten how   bad is your pain right now uh like i want  to say six five minutes okay all right i'm a little swollen in here yeah it was hard to  say if it's a fracture for sure but there's a   little bit of swelling and some issues there  you definitely need an x-ray at least just to   confirm you are wanting to go with my ambulance  it's up to you i can sit in the car like i can   stand and walk but this is just i don't know like  safety that's always an option if you'd rather   get in a vehicle with your family and have them  take you that way you're closer to home and go   to the hospital by your house yeah i mean outside  that i wait like having like pressure maybe like i   like it's you need to go to the hospital i'll  tell you that for sure you need to go today like you or like the other guy said the speed  patrol i shouldn't have said it's your last run   and i said it was my last runner here that is one  big thing i'm going to stick with i went a little   bit real quick i used to ride motocross and if  it happens it happens sometimes it's meant to be   but if you do five six runs and you sound good  one more time and just feel like it that's the   sign you're tired you don't really have energy  to get the full motion like you normally do   because if we did that we're always telling  injuring something and it's not worth it's   better to be safe so he did kind of get shook it  up a little bit he did not hit his head enough   to lose consciousness he was able to remember  the entire event and he possibly dislocated his   shoulder it appeared to be a little more swollen  than obviously the left side and recommends he   needed to go to the hospital but he's 18. he was  very good alert oriented answered all questions   and he wanted to go to hostel with family since  he lives out of the area saying multiple vehicles   one vehicle on top of another one unknown  if anybody's trapped this could be good   okay guys be careful on the freeway  that there's a lot of damage up there   jake you want to check these first  couple yeah i'll go check the far one she's still in there upgrade this to a major mad  and give us a tactical channel copy see that too sir were you  in this vehicle was it just you   are you injured at all yes sir no okay they're not hello ma'am were you the only one  in this vehicle are you injured   neck hurts okay try to hold your neck as  still as you can we'll be right with you okay i'm gonna cut this airbag out of the  way buddy so i can talk to you okay   we're going to do that what we're going to do so  you know we're going to use some tools and we're   going to cut that side of the car and we're  going to move you out on the board all right   where are you hurting yeah okay did  you lose any consciousness i don't know   okay all right all right okay you  might start getting some spring hey what are we doing boys what do  we need to cut that hint right there   now you want to take him are you  thinking backwards yeah let's take   let's do the backboard so we'll just  slide it over here and when you're ready we got one all right all  right somebody take c-spine   all right there you go just lay back let it  stay back lay back yes you guys got the garnier yeah overall driver of the red vehicle is pretty  lucky another foot of impingement from that   rear vehicle and it would have been much more  sustained extrication uh a lot of the injuries   probably would have been much more severe probably  wouldn't have been talking us when we cut them out   i saw brake lights here so i swerved over and  uh i went into the other lane hit my brakes   a little i didn't have time i wasn't paying  attention enough i didn't have time to freaking   to stop so we need another backboard over here we can readjust he got legs we got the the patient extricated ladder drill one  extricated them out of the this vehicle here that   had the pickup on top of it the young lady here  in front was complaining of uh lower back pain   both are going to go to a local trauma center  be there in just a couple minutes but both were   conscious alert moving all extremities so 10 15  years ago this probably would have been a fatality   uh but with all the safety uh devices that they're  coming out with vehicles now with airbags side   airbags curtain airbags uh even just the way  the cars are built they were very fortunate   they weren't hurt worse but a lot of it had to  do with the construction of the new vehicles so we got this badge to a motor vehicle accident   outside of that that's all we know at this point  so uh skanker the road it's on is a pretty busy   road during rush hour so uh yeah there's no  telling what we'll have until we get there yeah it looks like uh this suv hit the  back of this bus looks like he took a   pretty good smack truck 13 is on the scene  two vehicle accident checking for injuries passenger on the van and he's going to  need the oh to get out that way right right   the bus wouldn't move huh i mean stuck on there is he out or what's going on   oh did you yeah oh real so what it looks like  is driver obviously hit the back of the bus but   uh he's got pinpoint pupils which is a sign  of the opiate overdose so that's one of our   suspicions right now we need to get him against  a narcan see if it'll bring him around right here right now we're breathing for  him the stats are coming back up   uh to smear we can get him to  wake up from uh a possible opiate but from the looks of it it  doesn't look like he hit his brakes   so uh he may have been out before he even hit the  back of this bus there he goes hey relax all right   you're in a vehicle accident uh  you gave us quite a square buck put your hands put your hands together  hold your own hands fold them together   just like that we're gonna help  you get out through the back door   all right on both sides all right we're good  so what we had when we pulled up on the scene   we've seen a uh suv running the back of this bus  up here uh we don't know what circumstance for   sure but uh at pinpoint people's he didn't see  the bus so we don't know if you maybe have uh   overdosed or passed out prior to  hitting the bus just go straight back there you go but uh once we got him out when the  medic unit got here we freed the cars off each   other and we're able to move them both because  it's a pretty main uh thoroughfare here with   especially with rush hour traffic so  we got them both off to the side and   got the road open back up and uh hopefully that  guy will be all right if it'll go forward yeah   put it because this is the main road no don't  go around the block go cut through there there's so we got a call for a 20-year-old male who fell  uh looks like he's gonna be inside this store here   we don't really have a lot of  information besides that but   we're gonna go in here and see what's going  on looks like he was doing some ladder work hey see this here open one  of your eyes stand up for me all right let's have a seat right there it  sounds like we got a male patient he was   actually working on this mechanism here to open  the door uh one of the parts came out hit him in   the eye there he's got a pretty good laceration  on his nose sounds like it knocked him back and   he actually got knocked out so we're going to  get him over the hospital and get him fixed up we're working on the automatic door yes sir take  a big old piece of metal off and swung a hitch   or the door popped open so i was taking out the  screw that that hose you know that thing that   opens the door yeah yeah so i was taking off  the screw i didn't know that thing was gonna   have pressure because i'm replacing the hole oh  okay it broke so i'm replacing the whole thing   and i didn't know that's gonna have pressure once  the screw came up that thing just came in front   of my face can you open this eye for me just as  much as you can i need to see if your eye got hit that's oh i can see you can see out of it yeah that's pretty much i thought those piercings  in your whip at first were something from the   from the door that scared the hell  out of me at first yeah i was like   yeah it does look like you got some stuff in  there and maybe it got scratched by it too okay how's your guys's big thing uh pretty good  pretty good not as exciting as yours though uh   how long you've been working on doors uh i'm  the the manager of origin well what we can do   since you're not really wanting to open up that  left eye anyways is we can wrap it up okay and   we'll just kind of put that wrap over top of  that eye too since you're not opening it up   yes sir that way you don't got to keep holding  that i think sir and you can just kind of relax you did a pretty good number on yourself man you  know yeah and it did look like you scratched that   eye too so that eye's probably can you lift your  head up a little bit for me there we go perfect thanks for cleaning me up yeah i try you  want me throw this little t-shirt rag out   uh yeah please uh we found the gentleman sitting  in a stool he had a three or four centimeter   laceration across his nose that kind of went  into his eye um it didn't look like there was   much of a cut to his eye more of maybe a corneal  abrasion or just some debris in the eye um but his   eye did look really irritated and inflamed so  we went ahead and put a bandage on the on the   nose and then also kind of wrapped that eye up to  prevent him from opening it up and looking around about a two-year-old locked in a hyundai   eating sunscreen the things they will eat is  it banana boat hopefully something coconutty   should be a right-hand turn right here oh yeah  he's down there we probably park right here dana what's going on he's still locked  in there he still got the bottle   she's thinking he's having fun with sunblock and if anything it'll just upset his stomach  and that they're going to call back in   an hour to see how he's doing okay he  said just keep an eye on his behavior a little bit and a half about half of it the other  fireman said now my back window is to be protected and so he's acting like you normally should  and things like that he said stuck always stuck he knows ten words and one of them is stuck all  right all right yeah thank you thank you thank you   so we got information saying that he was eating  the actual sunblock hasn't been much of it at all   yeah he ate about half of that too he's moving  around he's really active which is always a   good thing to see because he's not unconscious  doesn't look like he's starting to fall asleep   or looking drowsy so it gives us a better  suspicion as to okay he may be all right all   right and he's acting normal yeah he's actually  normal so can you get a high five he's a fireman   okay that works too can i high-five  you show them your fire truck   if for any reason it becomes more than just an  upset stomach just give us a call back all right   thank you so much i almost had a heart attack  because i thought it was poisonous so i thought   he was laughing yeah that's the same usually  it's something like that it gets absorbed in   the skin and into the body a little bit so you'll  be high they saved your life they saved your life   thank you he was eating some of his sunblock which  that's not something that we normally ask for them   to eat or but kids are going to be kids sometime  he's ready to go and he's our future firefighter you look great ultimately he's doing good we  already made sure poison control was called   because that's another concern as long as  nothing else is going on you know let him   stay with mommy and let him go about his day  thank you so much for coming so fast thank you we're on scene for alarm out of high  school nothing visible we're investigating oh yeah we walked in we got a heavy smell of  reefer over here so we're investigating oh somebody making a blunt or something yeah using  the rapper um how can we tell which was the smoke   detector that set it off that's a good it's  crazy how it went off for even for just that fire dispatches in five six you  check with digitizer for reset   please i know there's alarms in the dressing room yeah it was definitely felt like  it was more up here in the front so we're just trying to find the smoke  detector that went off so we can have it reset   yes they're blinking green right  there's one right there too   i can't see that setting that off though  that one's red so were they up back here then thank you yeah but this one  right here that went off   yeah there's your cigarillo there you go  that's the empty that's where they were smoking   i can't believe kids would do anything  like that do you guys have a camera system   they're in recording recording picked us now  with the record you could hear was talking   so we found out the source of our  smell they uh did smoke some marijuana   all right we're definitely on pizza  tonight oh hey it is medic 10. hi medicare   so it came in as an alarm investigated  found no fire at all we got the alarm reset   it's more funny now you know what  those high school kids do these days there it is right there it's put ripping lights on go go go go yeah we definitely got a fire here we got visible  smoke we're going to a confirmed structure fire   we got visible smoke it's a second alarm i'm not  sure what it is it's definitely a two and a half   story look great go right up here get up right  up right on the sidewalk over here good stop stop let's go watch that vinyl two so far one and two i got multiple  others i'll advise you as soon as i can   any burns or just jump injuries two jump  injuries two jump injuries maybe a third that's gas so it's a propane tank all  right yeah right now rescue two of all   companies are conducting a primary search uh  there was some victims pulled out earlier so   right now we're trying to complete that and  make sure everybody's out of the building   uh before we go into any further operations as  well so it's a pretty aggressive offensive attack heavy fire on all floors and when it got  here four people jumping i have a serious   injury traumatic injuries it's a real real  cold day here so things are freezing up too   you can see that white smoke up there that's  because it's really cold um not because we're   getting water on it it flashed over to some of the  guys right now so we'll we're going to see what we   can do to make some headway on it pretty intense  but that's what we do so let's pray for the people   why we're up in a third floor doing a primary  search the player ended up flashing over on us   that's where all the uh smoking superheated  gases hit the optimal temperature and then it   all uh just ignites so it's a big fireball push  us down the stairs lit up right over our heads   right now we're doing an exterior operation  darkening down some of the fire so we can   go back in and mop up it's out now all right  all right everybody all right yeah we're good   primary searches on all floors are  negative at this time uh we're in   the processor overhaul trying to open up find  all the hot spots so we don't come back for a   rekindle fire investigators on scene he'll do his  investigation and determine what the cause was oh we gotta run outside overdose all right hey what's up get this heartbeat away all right one two three engine 24 calling fire alarm what was that on the company special overdose  at the firehouse 5245 natural bridge civilian we were awoken to a knock on our  firehouse door a car pulled up and an   individual inside the car had overdosed on  heroin or what we now know is i believe fentanyl we're breathing for him right now he was making  noise like he was trying to gas for earth upside down long did he take that how long  did he take how long ago yeah like no longer five minutes hasn't been five yeah they weren't this bad  there we go let me go let him go   let's figure it out he doesn't know where he's at   hey that oxygen will flow up oh i'm sorry i'm  sorry you're good man you're good just ain't gonna what's up most calls we have already had our dispatcher  assess what's going on we get a bit of information   we have a time for response and  we're kind of uh ready for it   uh but the other thing is that we are we are  based in a community and people seek our help   no matter where we are and tonight they knew  where the firehouse was and i'm glad they knew   where the firehouse was because he was definitely  unconscious that needed some medical attention hey guys i'm matt eisemann  from live rescue subscribe to a   e for more videos and catch  full episodes on
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, live rescue, cops, live firefighters, live firefighter show, live EMT, Live EMT Show, live Paramedics, live paramedics show, law enforcement, ride along, ridealong, fire, fire truck, fire engine, ladder, rescue, live, save lives, emergency, 911, a&e live rescue, live pd, live rescue tv show, one hour marathon, Most Viewed Moments of 2020, Viewed Moments, live rescue clips, live rescue fire, paramedics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 45sec (2925 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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