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we're going live three two one Hey got the first person already okay so what is going on everybody me and Kelly are gonna be doing ain't just hanging out cue a livestream thingamajigger and I guess we're just gonna wait a little bit longer for people to show up there we go we got some people coming Michael lead T dark mm exec Olsen Brutus the dog read some people James McDonald um Gavin how do you say that Roberti yeah Alex Castillo okay yeah they're coming in your wife is really pretty oh thank you thank you yeah so we got 83 people everything see how it says it right here 83 people I don't know why this isn't doing it but anyways let's go over to the livestream thing okay so what is going on everybody so like the title I think should be saying is we're digital life QA I've been having so many live streaming issues recently it is insane but yeah so you can ask us questions you can ask Kelly questions you can ask me questions you can ask our me questions you can ask all the above questions so Cynthia says oMG my favorite couple Thank You Cynthia good to have you in the stream howdy Matt and Kelly alright so um do you want to if you see anything you can just stop me from talking or whatever prod cama said is Matt a dad almost almost everybody alright so um I want to go ahead and answer this question if you join JROTC and artisan do you get an extra rank up as an officer from JROTC or is that just enlisted that is just enlisted doing art to see makes you an officer jrf see has no effect on your officer rank I believe house awesome questions up here before before I came for the comments let's see let's see let's see Benjamin Park says how'd you meet and how long it take for you two to get married we met on Facebook and we were married 11 months after we started dating mm-hmm yeah yeah we met on Facebook technically our families knew each other though which is kind of why we met on Facebook if that makes sense um thoughts on the pararescueman I haven't heard anything about anything so during all this whole coronavirus stuff like for the first a little bit you know I was watching the news and things like that but pretty much I've been not paying attention to news or anything that's really been going on in the news as of recently Alicia's for me so if anything's kind of really gone on the news I've just kind of been avoiding the news so how long does it take to become a green beret I believe from start to finish so the beginning of selection or maybe it's a begin of a string it's like two and a half years it's like once you get selected it's like a year and a half I think so I guess from basic training on would be two and a half years I think and it's also like an on average thing because they have different courses and if you fail of course you may restart another course so Cynthia's got a question for you Kelly how do you feel about delivery are you scared um not actually like having the baby but I don't know like that the healing up and everything I'm kind of nervous for that and that's pretty much it that's like really I'm scared about getting postpartum that's like my biggest concern is I don't want that I hear like horror stories about it okay um but yeah so first I always have to say this because people are always you know viewing in and out so not everybody he probably watched the stream right now knows but me and Kelly are having a baby she is 29 weeks pregnant right now and I always shared on Instagram and stuff you guys follow my Instagram but she is still running like a champ she's still killing it work we're either walking or running like everyday and whenever she runs I mean she's running like a 10-minute mile pace anyway like about how much more than you did before um 23 pounds so she weighs 23 pounds more than when she first got pregnant and she's running faster now than she was when she got pregnant so that's just absolutely amazing broadcast says how are you guys doing in the quarantine I mean I think I'm doing pretty good my life is mostly the same with the exception of going out to eat but yeah yeah I miss going out to eat yeah yeah I got the biggest thing that I missed leave a comment in the chat what do y'all miss the most about the whole point to think for me personally I just miss going to the gym like I have a little pull-up bar in like two dumbbells right so we can do some stuff here but I definitely miss going to the gym and having that hour hour and a half in the gym what I ever try Special Forces and try to become a green beret know if you guys saw my old videos the first time that I was going to enlist whenever I was 18 just about 19 I had a Special Forces contract but I ended up backing out of that not because of you guys can watch all those videos but I ended up kind of leaving um the idea behind of joining the military until I joined later on because back whenever I was you know 18 or so really the things I was really passionate about was joining the military but again you guys go back and watch those videos I decided not to do it um how do you think oh where did it go how do you think the virus will affect boot camp in all branches in military even after the virus is contained I'm not sure it's honestly gonna affect the military after the virus is contained the only thing that I can think of is oh we got a super-tight the thing popped up over here my thing is the alert is jacked up but it's okay but I think maybe the the barracks they may have some restrictions on the amount of people that could be in like a platoon or something and and kind of space people out in the barracks but it's kind of one of those things where I mean you kind of have to have a group of people together and if you guys didn't know like I've talked about in videos when you go to basic training you should expect to get sick because that happens for a lot of people like you're at the very least gonna get like a stuffy runny nose at the very least but a lot of people are gonna get sick in some sort of way because it's just people all over the world coming into a small confined space I'm not sure how much it's gonna affect after the virus is contained but we got out it's handily over here with the $2 super chat thank you for that hey Matt what are your thoughts on the army bands if you so yeah there's like a job in the military for everybody so if you're a musician if you kind of like that stuff but then you also would like to play for the army and then travel around a lot that would be an awesome gig for you obviously I got a video coming out I think I'm gonna upload it tomorrow about jobs that don't or what job see combat and you know that would be one of those jobs for you don't you just have a lot of fun travel around as a band and playing at basic training graduation is playing at different events and such so have you seen anything for you just what he said what does it take to become an Army Ranger where's the question how long does it take to be an Army Ranger so if you're talking about wrasse it's nine weeks I believe of training so technically that's how long it takes to get through the selection process but then after that again there's like an additional year or so of training that you're gonna be going through so it's still doing the zombie guys this right here that's the default alert I can't get this crap worked out I'm telling you I've tried so hard all the time on this and it's just it's just being a pain at least the recent chat thing up there is working but Caleb hey Matt what do you think of 19 kilo let me look at 19 kilo real quick I don't remember every MOS I forget a lot job duties of a 19 kilo m1 armor crewman rod powers okay so if you I mean I don't know anything specifics about the job but if the armored branch is something that entices you and you kind of like want to be around all those heavy vehicles if you want to be around those tanks and stuff I mean I think it's a collage idea it's one of those jobs where you get to be around just a bunch of cool stuff honestly so I mean that's really all I have to say about I don't really know anything about the day-to-day life or any specifics about the job ended of itself so I'm gonna try and figure this out if you wanna um Devin mcloon Kelly what do you think about Matt being in the army I like it cuz he's in the reserves so I still get to see them all the time it's just one week in a month and I haven't had to deal with a pleasant annual training yet nope and I won't have to this year cuz he'll either get excused from it because our son being born or they won't have it because all this virus yeah they haven't officially announced my annual training being canceled for this summer but I am assuming that it is going to be so keep going cuz I'm I'm trying to figure some supper I'm Cynthia said you got to stop because it's growing up too far um how did y'all like today's service do you guys usually attend the Elevation Church it was good Pastor Steven never disappoints and yes we go to the Concord campus and we're getting a new building soon like two miles down the road um do you might ask you a question yeah PCC one's good you see uh we got Appalachia Nord with the $2 subtract Congrats mr. mrs. Ward the joy is only beginning I know we are both very very excited very very excited and it just showed a thing but I'm trying to just you know um this is just gonna get on my nerves if I don't figure this out any pets garrison McElwain no we don't have any people I have a dog but he lives with my parents because we cannot have pit bulls at the apartment so and he's he'll be five this year he's a big boy okay I think I fixed the alert box thing finally it shouldn't be a zombie on the alert box anymore I think I fixed it your hair looks nice did your barber cut cut your hair if you're talking about me my sister cuts my hair so Rachel shoutout to you she does a great job all the time every time I go to somewhere else to get my hair cut well I don't necessarily go with really high in places I go to like a great clips or something or sports clips they jack it up about every time so what's my favorite mr Reed I think it's let's see here I usually like the chili macaroni one but sometimes if you have that one over and over again it gives you kind of issues with going to the bathroom but as far as the taste of one that I would like to get its chili macaroni but if you're gonna try mark if I'm gonna have it multiple I'm not gonna have it like three times in the day not a good idea not a good idea I'm just saying Hemingway Matt please do Special Forces I'm not gonna do Special Forces like I said whenever I was wanting to do it whenever I was like 18 or so like I was single I really kind of just liked the idea of that now that I've got other passions and got a family and things like that I don't you know it's not gonna it's gonna require me to give up a lot of things that I don't want to give up if that makes sense Tommy slaves what's up I hope you guys were happy with your gifts from the baby registry yes we were we got all of that stuff in and just thank you so much thank you for the other ones of you out there that bought some stuff on the baby baby registry it's really really appreciated as you guys know first baby you got to get the most stuff for the first baby because after that you can reuse about everything but you know a person what's up a person I have a speech disability but I want to enlist can I still do it with my speech disability honestly I they might have some kind of rules for that but if it's not too bad I think you're gonna be fine people ask me kind of similar things where like if like for example English isn't their first language they joined they're like I can barely speak any English you know I think you'll be fine again you might be disqualified from doing certain jobs but I think for the most part if you're talking to me even if there's some issues there if I can get what you're saying then I think you're gonna be fine hey man I joined the army as a 13 J thank or that is awesome I'm sorry about Tessa Mouse but leaving for Army basic at Fort Jackson in less than a month thanks for your channel it's definitely helped me a lot Joe Steve Stevens thank you I appreciate it glad my stuff helped check to see if it works see if it works I think it's delayed a little bit abolition appalachian ORD i don't know how to say what your what your name is appalachian org what are your thoughts on allied trade specialist i'm not sure if i know much on that i could do a quick little searches to see if anything triggers anything my mind yeah 91 echo yes it actually did a better job of the of the alert it was delayed but it did a better job allied trades just the for those of you i don't know what an allied trade specialist is like myself an allied trade specialist is primarily responsible for supervising and performing the fabrication repair and modification of metallic and nonmetallic parts they operate lathes drill presses grinders and other machine shop equipment honestly just from reading in that description that just straight up sounds like a great job to have if you want a career after the military doing the military's job so there's a lot of skills that you're probably going to learning a lot of certifications on certain equipment that you're going to get that's going to help you after the fact so just my initial first impressions that's something that i give from that if you watch my video on the other day about how to pick a MOS if you guys didn't watch that basically what i'm covering in that is a website that kind of allows you to look at all the different certifications and trainings that you can do for specific MOS is and what civilian occupation civilian jobs you can get that are related to that one and so 91 echo I bet you could find some good stuff on there mom is on here what is my rank I am now officially a first lieutenant which means I got to update all of my uniforms which I was telling her about that so to update all of my uniforms and sewing on the new first lieutenant rank and stuff it's gonna be like a lot it seems like a hundred dollars probably because I'm gonna have to buy the ranks on you have to pay to Unsoeld the previous rank and then sew on the new one so it's gonna be four I have like six uniforms for patrol caps and I have to buy ranks and to pay to have all that sewn on I usually keep one velcro and the rest are sewn on I'm a captain tactical fisherman really I cannot wait until I'm a captain I cannot wait thoughts on airsoft love y'all's channel I think it's cool I actually just watched a video the other day about I think the title of it or something was does airsoft equate to real gun skills and basically they take this one guy from Japan who's like a professional airsoft guy but he's never shot natural real a real weapon before he's only shot airsoft and they tested him on some stuff and he was like super quick he picked up on it really well I got the very beginning initially he was just a little bit I guess rusty if that makes sense but ultimately he picked up the skills so as far as like gun skill airsoft weapons are essentially the same functionality a lot of times as the actual real weapon itself they make them very realistic so I'm not sure about what your strategies and stuff you may be using because military strategies some may apply to airsoft some but not all I mean you could you know a lot of times like I've seen things where it's like there's an airsoft battle or something there's an airsoft game going on or even in paintball you got one military guy in it and everybody expects the military guy to just do the best out of everybody but he just his sole military his he's the only one in the military himself he's playing by himself or whatever but really our tactics unless you're talking about you know Delta Force or something you know we work as a team so unless you have like a team of people that are working on the same plan being in the military is gonna have oh just a little bit of an effect what are you looking at this one I'm thinking of joining the Air National Guard under the innovator so I understand that it isn't your branch but what is the worst part about working one weekend a month the worst part about working one week in a month I mean there's there's a couple bad parts about it the worst part is it's only one week in a month things would run more smoothly if it was more often I remember like a couple years ago they were talking about changing reserves to like two weekends in a month and I've talked about it before I actually thought that the reserves was one week a month I went through the entire enlistment process thinking I mean sworn and everything thinking that it was one week like a whole week like Sunday to Sunday or whatever and I still joined the reserves thinking that again that just shows you how little I knew even though researching all kinds of stuff but at the same time from the time I made the decision to join the Army Reserves I had like sworn in a week later so I didn't have I mean I researched but I knew what I wanted to do and I did that and I was okay with being one week a month but anyways the worst thing is this being one weekend a month is you have a lot of people who have key positions and key roles that are only on ground that are only at the unit one weekend a month and that means that for that weekend today are jam-packed they're damn busy and honestly this is kind of like my issue is I have a key role in a key position and I'm only there that one weekend we have calls and I can communicate with my NCOIC and and talk to people but in all reality my unit is in Houston Texas it's in Texas and I'm in North Carolina so again just thinks things will run a lot smoother in the military for the reserve side of things if it was more than one weekend but that's also a probe because it's just the one weekend you know so that's just that's my biggest complaint but there's really nothing you can do about it it's just you just have to accept it what's my MOS I'm a 25 alpha which is a signal officer we're how many pushups should you be able to do before you join the army so before whenever I enlisted if you could do zero push-ups then you can make it okay as long as you graduate from basic training then you're gonna be fine it now if you show up to basic training and you can do zero push-ups then they're gonna send you off and send you to a basically a training camp for a week two weeks three weeks until you can actually get in a little bit better shape and then come back to basic training so you're gonna be okay as far as gradual invasive training tomorrow what but you're more likely to get a delayed graduation date now if you go to basic training in really bad shape and the same thing goes for running but I would say personally if you if you can do 30 push-ups I think you're okay okay if you can do 30 push-ups I think you're okay if you're still like in the lower 20s or in the teens and stuff you definitely really need to be working on it and if you can do about 20 push-ups and I definitely think that you can increase that pretty quickly but I would say at least that 30 mark and you'll be okay but you always want to increase that so what are my thoughts on the Canadian Navy no offense to the Canadian Navy but I don't really have I've never really thought about it so yeah uh let's see here do you do any gaming do I do any gaming yeah I mean I may do a gaming livestream right after this live string Dana do you want to sit in with that one no you don't wanna yeah I mean I've been doing alright I've done one but I've done some of them before with my called do live streams so I do I play called you that's about it but so stay tuned for a ecology live stream possibly today and we got appalachian org with a tip dollar superjet thank you so much man I really appreciate it thank you so you said thank you thank you much thank you so much this last tip is for the baby Bank watch your quirks around the baby the mimicry is real elbow get caught digging for gold and it's all over here's to poking it up thank you I really really really really appreciate it and yeah we're really just everything about having Atlas here in the next less than 12 weeks we're 11 weeks away and that's like and that's like the max yeah so technically less than 11 weeks we are 10 weeks and 6 days but it becomes early then man we're so close we're so close I'm so I am so pumped all right so I what age did you decide to join the army this most recent time I was 21 and I left for basic training on my 22nd birthday but I technically joined when hours whenever I was 21 what's the difference between reserves and guard the biggest difference in the Army Reserves in the Army National Guard is the Army Reserves is like a federal entity right so it supports the army active duty and then you have the Army National Guard which is a state entity so it's controlled by the state by the governor it does go in support of federal missions it can still be deployed and stuff like that but with the National Guard you can be activated for state emergencies and things like that so as much a National Guard units are being activated right now I don't know of any reserves units are being activated but it they could be because this is a national emergency with the whole coded 19 thing well yeah that's just the biggest difference and so what comes with that is you got a military the reserves governed with their primary mission being the the nation's concerns and then you have the National Guard where they have a lot of nation and nationwide concerns but they also have statewide issues ice Isaac Nicholas with the $5 roof thank you so much thanks for the videos I ship in less than a month thirteen Fox they helped a lot so yeah that's just what that's what James is oh really yeah yeah so if you haven't watched James's videos already definitely go check that out for sure tire Lopez but not Lamborghini I shot I shine they force you to buy socks you don't use until AIT oh he's replying to somebody else how many pair okay so I I said sometimes I do that sometimes I read somebody's message that is a replied to somebody else's message in the comments so shout out to all of you though out there that are in the chat right now answering questions that I can't get to because I can't get to have a question unless I answer in like two seconds which I've been thinking about doing like a rapid-fire video where I go through like just 20 questions just boom boom boom boom boom boom yeah so I mean I would have to do like this rapid-fire so I'd have to do like real quick but that's the possibility so but he said how many pairs of socks should you bring to basic training the socks it doesn't matter just bring like two pairs of socks because they're gonna issue you socks and you have to wear those songs okay don't but again watch the videos that made way longer about what to bring and what to get things like that makes me buy I would say two good pairs of socks like two good high-quality wool pairs of socks they'll be like 15 20 dollars a pair but they will be so worth it and they will save your life I'm like for real anyways oh my I'm glad it's working alright so Jacob Bradford with the $5 superjet thank you so much you want to read this one hey Matt thanks thanks for all your videos learned a lot I leave for basic and may and will be a 46 what's s Ciara very excited good luck with your guys's baby Thank You Jacob thank you really appreciate it tactical fishermen gonna do army police yeah so he is a member so basically there's some other perks that he can have but basically so we got this icon right here members will have a specific icon showing how long they've been a member and then if David posts again I can read his messages a lot easier easier and I can if you become a member of the channel I can read your I'm more likely to read the question let's see here how often did you see people cry a basic still Bobby one-on-one so a lot of people cry on the first phone call home I'm not that person usually is like people missing their girlfriends and wives and families and things like that that's usually what is it isn't usually people crying from it sucking but one of the reasons they're crying is because it sucks so bad at the first little bit of the basic training they like all for free I miss home so there'll be a lot of people that cry the first phone call that they have home but other than that I don't think anybody cried from like a drill sergeant yelling to Adam or anything like that so what are the PFT standards for the Army Rangers I don't know off the top of my head what they are but I do believe that they have the additional five mile run in under 40 minutes so which is an eight minute per mile pace you should be able to do that especially if you're in the Rangers do to do NIC or Treat when they listen I don't know why this isn't working over here this should be working there's all kinds of issues I'm telling ya so it's a little annoying but whatever anyways NIC retreat if I'm doing a split option for the army and we're not in the best shape and worst case scenario we fail a PT test does that affect my graduation so I mean just make sure I understand this if you don't split options you're not the best shape worst-case scenario you fill up PT tests is that affects your graduation so again if you fail your PT test you're a CFT which is what you're going to be doing now if you fail those all you have to do is just pass one of them you just gotta pass one okay preferably at least your last one you don't want to pass the first one and then failed the last when that wouldn't make too much sense but you see how David sing a trainer that's green remember yeah I just scrolled past it but anyway it says green right there it's got that thing but yeah so yes it'll affect your graduation date if continually failed because you'll get recycled it's probably something I don't really talk about all that much and that is getting recycled because it shouldn't happen to you it shouldn't it usually just happens to people who get injured and then they miss a certain a long period of base frame they miss a whole bunch of training events that are that are critical and they get recycled and so basically that means that they leave their basic training company that they're with right now and they go back to a different basic training company who was farther back in the cycle okay so if they're on like the eighth week of basic training and they get injured and they can't do anything the last two weeks well they'll probably just gonna stay with that company for a little while and then whenever the rear company kind of gets to that point they're gonna recycle back to that company and then kind of finish out basic training with them so if you fail a PT test if you haven't passed anything you're you'll get some retests but odds are you'll probably get recycled I think if you get recycled two times that's that's the most you can get recycled after that they they don't kick you out but they like you have to leave and then I think you have to wait like six months to come back how much do a first lieutenant make a lot okay so how much is a first lieutenant make you can look up all the different pay scales the pay grades the rank the years and service things like that that's just an easily Google Bowl thing so it could range from roughly four thousand two hundred to five thousand two hundred is I think the range for a first lieutenant and it just depends on how many years of service you have time and service mm-hmm all right let's see here hey Matt like the video quick question can i play college football and still duke or being artists ii keep making vlogs Johnny I try to do them they're just a little different they're a little bit more time-consuming I kind of have to dedicate the period as day anyways I'm gonna keep doing them but anyways yes you can still do college sports and even just be in the reserves or something like that ROTC but the thing is is if you have contracted with ROTC then honestly the ROTC is going to take precedence over your over football but you should I mean people are people and you're gonna be able to talk to them and you may be like hey I can't make it to the lab this weekend because we have like a football game or something they'll be like okay you'll just have to make it up another time same thing with classes but there's gonna be really key events and summer trainings that you have to go to they're going like a month long or something and you you have to go to those so you can definitely do both at the same time it is just going to require some communication on your end with your ROTC PMS and your football coach should I do are to say yes if you wanna be an officer I bet you can answer some of these I got it does anybody like these Lacroix drinks I got some the other day and I was like all right well I'm gonna try them because I was looking at their stock or whatever and I was like okay well if I were to invest in this stock I got at least like the drink and I've gotten a little bit used to about definitely don't think it's my favorite any advice Robert any advice for Bullock yeah it depends on your goals honestly if you want to have a life then don't get one of the s the staff positions the platoon leader positions that cycle so watch my video on Bullock but the platoon leader positions that are going to cycle platoon leader platoon sergeant those will cycle and there'll be a lot less time-consuming but if you want to get more points and if you want to if you want to be that number one person then you're gonna have to go for one of the staff positions or the commander positions as far as like student-led positions so that's number one if you want to have some if you want to have a life at Bullock because the staff positions are definitely time consuming especially depending on the ones that you get that's it other than that from my bullet to other people's Bullock is you're gonna be fine I wouldn't stress about anything and wasn't stressed about the FTX is Owen stressed about the tests or anything I think you'll be fine and it'll honestly be a fun good experience for sure do you know this one is ROTC in high school yes roj are ITC's in high school and then ROTC is in college okay yeah so if you guys didn't hear that JROTC is high school ROTC is college okay so if you finish Junior ROTC in high school like what I have talked about earlier that gives you a little bit of just like the military mindset a little bit if you wanted to join and then it also depending on if you do enough of it you can also join the military at a higher rank as far as the enlisted side but and then you can get like a scholarship to do ROTC in college but ROTC in college is where if you finish that then you become an officer so Travis Gould said what is a good as that score um it's not a question for me to I mean answer right so a good as the absolute more well a passing score for the army I think is 31 so you have to have at least a 31 to pass so think of it this way if you guys did not know if you didn't know the ASVAB the score that you get on the outside it's not like oh I got a 31 I got a 31 out of a hundred which means I missed 69 percent of the questions that's not how it works a 31 means that it's like a percentile thing of it's a percentile of people taking the test so 31 on the a5 means that you did better than 30 percent of the people who took the ASVAB okay so you kind of just have to figure out like okay I'm a pretty smart person I should be able to do like a 70 or something so if I can score better than 70 percent of people taking the ASVAB and I feel good about myself but for you honestly if you get a high nup as well that qualifies you for the job that you want I think that's good anything other than that is just for your own personal satisfaction of wanting to do good on the the ASVAB so but I think I've narrowed it down at one point before I said I think if you do more than a 60 I would consider that a good score because you did pretty far above over half the people better than half the people that took that as oh is it too late to commission as an officer I'm about to graduate with a degree in nutrition I'm currently an efore in the National Guard but want to be infantry platoon leader inactive any suggestions so if you well you could be you could do OCS or you could also get another degree if you wanted to get like a master's degree or something like that you could do ROTC so that's always a consideration but the answer is no it is not too late for you to commissioned that's definitely for sure and you can always again just like anything else if you do OCS and you want to do infantry you're gonna get branched active duty if you want to if you qualify for that if you place high enough on the oml for that so there's definitely still chance for you to be an infantry officer if you want to alright so um any questions for Kelly y'all yeah she's been kind of just sitting here don't ask too much honor questions it's okay Sebastian Ziegler with the 499 super jet hold on just a minute hey Matt tips on leaving younger siblings when choosing active or reserves Congrats on baby Atlas shooting 431 Bravo thank you first of all tips on leaving younger siblings are you so are you like a parent figure for them where you are kind of parent them parenting them other than that I'm not exactly sure what you mean by leaving your siblings do you know you know I guess I mean if you're a close family I think I mean I think you'll be fine I think even if your siblings your family members are not wanted to you to join whenever you get done with your graduation they're going to be super excited and happy for you so I'm not sure if I have any tips for that I'm sorry about that but how many months pregnant are you 29 weeks she is 29 weeks as of yesterday okay so you're gonna have all right Kelly Kelly's leaving say bye uh not not too much longer show them the belly shown the belly turn sideways there we go look at this belly look at all right here we go just I really need you answer this question what never mind okay so just when's the baby's due date it is July the 4th July 4th planning on more than see they're asking you they're asking you a bunch of questions now I said they're asking you a bunch of questions now you missed it she said I can answer him uh planning on more kids yeah yeah how many 4s your five-ish call us somebody said call of duty time in my beat Call of Duty time we've been live streaming for a hot 46 minutes yeah alright do I eat ramen do you play sports extreme sports do I do I eat ramen noodles I guess we have some but I never really eat them David I am enlisting as a combat medic and as far as AIT medic wise I'm a slow book learner but more fast on hands-on learner is it easier at AIT since you don't have the distractions as civilian TV or computer so you can have your computer at AIT but as far as being a combat medic it is it's gonna be a difficult course for you to take those me a lot of book knowledge for you to do but there is also that hands-on stuff so I think if you consider yourself a slow learner as far as like reading books and doing all that stuff I think that you'll be okay that's just me saying that I haven't gone through the training personally myself but just make sure they're gonna give you everything that you need to be successful they're gonna give you all the extra time that you need if you need extra tutoring if you need anything at all like you have everything at your disposal in AIT to pass if you want to do it so just make sure you take all those opportunities if you need them Matt how can I have a long-distance relationship it says touch bracelet but I'm thinking they said relationship at basic training yes you can do it I think I basic trained technically almost every relationship is a long-distance relationship it just depends on you know like y'all's relationship at the time you know if you're doing what if whatever you're doing if your significant other is okay with you doing that then I think you're fine but if you're leaving face of training and your significant other is like I'm gonna leave you if you join the army then that's probably not a good thing if you're not married then do what you want to do if you are married then I tell people to strongly take into consideration what your significant other has for say on that because since you're married you're a family so it's a family decision it's not necessary personal decision for yourself so that's just my two cents on that and so I mean that kind of goes back to people asking me if I want to go special forces early in the stream that's not a decision just for myself I won't have to talk to Kelly about it and I already know that she wouldn't want me to do that so there's just there wouldn't be no point in ruining the relationship over going special forces is Air Assault considered special forces no it is not really hope I don't die during basic training been working out to get prepared for it you're gonna be you'll be fine if you are training if you have a couple of months of you know head time or whatever and you actually put in the work then you're gonna be fine just you know during this crazy period right now where the gyms are closed make sure you're running make sure you're doing push-ups make sure you're doing planks make sure um if you don't have them those like door pull up are things that I have you know I would suggest getting one of those and then practicing doing the knee tucks things like that I'll only join the army if there's a war that's interesting so if you think about it if you only join the army when there's a war then probably what would happen as you join let's say for example you were doing infantry let's say you join you go infantry and then right after you get done with training you go out and you get deployed fresh out of training ok listen up also if you were to join right now as an infantry soldier then you get years of experience and then we go to war well you got years of experience nails in for the shoulders so I've I got you got pretty good odds there I have three kids was still thinking about joining the reserves yeah so I leave the family aspect of things is great for the reserves you know you're gonna be gone for that period of time when you have basic and AIT and then you're gonna be gone for annual training which is really no big deal I mean it's like a business trip if you think about it that way if you have just like a normal job and you go on a business trip for two weeks or three weeks or whatever that's just that I mean you're it'll it'll be ok you won't really notice it that much in the relationship in my opinion and it'll be in it's it's a good thing in a sense like for example when I go to my weekend drills in Texas you know Kelly's here she goes and hanging out with the friends and things like that it just gives you like a weekend for your wife or whatever to kind of do something without you to kind of I don't know have some of her girlfriends come over or something like that just my personal opinion and then obviously if you get deployed then that's gonna be a period of time but again deployments are gonna be you know every four years five years or so so it's not gonna be too big of deal when you're talking about the grand scheme of things in your life in my opinion that's why I said I think somebody and asked a question or something a while back or no it was the last life from that did they were want to know kind of thoughtful generally enjoy military and if you join even if you don't really like it this is just my mindset even if you don't really like it if it's a bad idea or whatever for those like four years or so of your life you're gonna get a lifetime of benefits from that so even if it's bad decision the worst thing that can happen is have a lifetime of good things that essentially could happen to you did you do what do you recommend for basic training to not have an injury and if you have it how to prevent it so one of the biggest injuries is having blisters on your feet and having just torn up shredded feet and so I just said early in the stream make sure you get at least two good pairs of good wool socks and that will help with that a lot get moleskin mo e mo le skin that's gonna be really beneficial you know if you wanted to bring something with you to bass string you can do that they should let you have it if not then it's totally you know okay but yeah so I mean that's probably the biggest injury other than that honestly like it kind of sounds stupid but when you're on ruck marches and it's like dark I'm talking like it's super dark you're on a ruck march and you're right behind somebody try not to be like freaking this far behind them have just a little bit of space there's actually a distance that you should be for ruck march so you should know the distance that you should be behind the person in front of you and one of the reasons for that as far as being more tactical and things like that but if you're right up on somebody the reason that you shouldn't be on that is because an Andrea that a lot of people get on and sleep to be seriously honest is on ruck marches people just freaking roll their ankles they step in a pothole they step on the side of the road and they just roll their ankle they twist their ankle they sprain their ankle they do something and then they fall and now they're hurt and now they can't walk and rut for the next couple of weeks and now they get recycled and so those are like the two big things like most a lot of people are going to get blisters so I just told you how to prevent that and then one of the next most common things is during ruck marches people getting hurt I'd say probably the next biggest thing honestly and all this is really simple stuff but just drinking water and not being dehydrated and becoming a heat casualty that's another big thing so make sure you're drinking water scat J with a 999 super tack 25th ID let's go thank you man I really appreciate it so I'm assuming you're in uh 25th I'm assuming oh that's funny just read another thing Matt do ten push-ups or I'm unsubscribing well if you're gonna unsubscribe that easily then no I've done plenty of push-ups and videos for you to be subscribed if that is your requirement tell me more about an SMP I'm an auntie at Fort Gordon 94 Fox trying to do ROTC okay so um for those of you I don't know sp so simultaneous membership program that is an ROTC in college okay basically what that means so simultaneous membership so what are you simultaneously a member of okay so you're simultaneous simultaneously a member of RTC and a like reserve unit so what you're gonna do and I mean it's really simple don't overthink it but it's just really really simple so if you're unlisted right now if you're even at e1 private you'll say you enlist you're an e1 then you go to college you do RTC and you contract and you go and the SMP program basically you are going to have the exact same life same thing same same thing okay you are going to do ROTC go to class do all that stuff you're a cadet and then that one week in a month you're going to go to those drills and at those drills in 781 private you are going to be a cadet okay that is a rank in the military I made a video on it if you look up in Army Regulations it is an actual rank in the military okay so you go to your reserve unit you are a cadet okay you're not an e-1 what you get paid as though your pay is an e5 pay so you get paid as an e5 but your rank is a cadet and essentially what you should be doing there so if you are hanging out with the enlisted soldiers right now as an illicit soldier when you're in the simultaneous membership program in your cadet you should be shadowing the officers there so you should be hanging out with officers you shouldn't be really hanging I mean you can hang out with the the enlisted soldiers or whatever but essentially you should be learning from the officers you should be getting tasked with a few small things here and there that are like officer like jobs you may want to do like a they may have you be like a PowerPoint or something and do some kind of presentation but that's really it you have the same life you do RVC you go to your drills you get paid as an e5 and you shadow officers so you don't have your enlisted MOS anymore I think you said you're like a 92 Fox so that's gone you're not going to do that job you are going to pretend to be an officer if that makes sense cadets aren't officers they're like they're almost kind of like warrant officers in a sense kind of they're not really specialized in anything but yeah so it's just okay so mm-hmm [Music] let's see how hard would it be to be basic to go to basic training as a 33 year old I don't think too hard I'm in you know it'll depend on your physical fitness but I don't think things will be too bad I've talked about that with my with a previous video join the military in older age I think people are gonna treat you pretty similarly because when you have a shaved head and everybody is kind of like an equal up here 33 or 27 they're not gonna care all right so it's just got all depend on you so I think you're gonna be fine and we got Fred over here with the 1999 super chat thank you so much hey got it thanks man I totally forgot about the challenge coin really cool thanks again glad the challenge coin made it to you I really appreciate all the support obviously that year you're giving me in this channel with the merch that you got which is how he got the challenge coin if you guys didn't know and that to chat is just amazing thank you so much I really appreciate it any thoughts on hazing so there are some traditions and stuff in the military that are kin that used to be traditions that are now considered hazing some of them I think are stupid others I'm like okay well what in the world I don't think that's really dumb technically the biggest thing that people always think about that is outlawed now is like the blood wings and stuff that you get and it is when you get infantry graduate from Airborne School there's actually a bunch of different things or you can get blood wings and where they do it and that's basically when you put the pin like right here and basically what they do is they pound it into your chest and I mean it's about that thick and it draws blood I mean it stabs you basically and one of the reason that that's stupid is because a lot of times those things get infected and people get injured or potentially die I guess from that so I love than that hazing people are so how do I put this as a youtuber putting this out on the internet for forever people I feel like sometimes people forget that the military is the military the military is not the regular world I don't understand how people don't understand that like when you join the military it's not it's not like the civilian world it's just not it's different okay it's like a whole different world but people think that they should be the same and that the military should have the same rules as the civilian world which it should the military has a whole different job and it's just it's just different so some hazing stuff like I said is just like I just don't understand why it's it's stupid others I do but I mean some things are real bad but some people think hazing like drill sergeants can't make privates at basic training do a whole bunch of push-ups and do excessive exercising because that can be considered hazing and I'm like and I don't get it I don't get it I really don't I don't get that part but anyways I think I said that without getting in potentially too much trouble I think somebody said if you get paid to do RTC actually the answer is yes you get a stipend from RTC depending on what MMS year you are so if you if you contract as a freshman you're gonna get $300 a month if you contract it and then instantly what happens is your sophomore year that gets raised to $350 a month you're not I think I'm saying it wrong your senior year is 500 hours a month your junior year is 450 your sophomore year is 400 and your iseman year would be 300 months 350 gosh I'm just getting my math all screwed up but essentially yeah you get paid a little bit that is supposed to be used for uniforms are DC expenses so you're gonna spend a little bit of that every month or on different occasions and stuff so they're giving you that money so you can spend that on military purposes but if you have things that are left over then you can spend that on whatever you need just make sure you don't blow all that and then whenever you need to pay for something for our to see you don't have money do I have junk pain no well was that my question because that wasn't my question not sure did I answer something wrong or something mm-hmm I may have interested that I don't know what job did I do in the reserves I'm still in the reserves my enlisted MOS was 24 Bravo which is information technology specialist and my officer MOS is signal officer so as an enlisted soldier I was in a transportation unit now I'm in a civil affairs unit so it's like total - totally completely different things how much money did you get after basic training not that much it kind of really just depends on obviously your rank and how much depends on how much you made before so if you were like if you're an eighteen year old and you go to basic training it's your first time having like a real job and you graduate from basic training with like you know three four or five thousand dollars in your bank account you might be like holy crap I just wanted so much money but then you have other people that may go and they've had a job with a making like three thousand months and then they get out and they have about that same amount of money and it's just like okay that's about the same so it really kind of just depends on the rank so if you want to know how much you're going to make add basic training they take a little bit of expenses out but you can look up the paich art for the rank that you're gonna go in at and calculate your pay taxes are gonna be taken out things like that are going to be taken out but you can kind of get a rough idea thoughts on 10th Mountain Division I haven't really heard all that many great things about the 10th Mountain Division so a lot of people don't like it I guess because the location things like that but I mean I've never you know done any work with them I just know you know a lot of people kind of make fun of it but at the same time again like I said before this is the military people make fun of everything in the military so not sure you ever gonna get new merch yeah I've worked on some stuff so I can't talk about much right now but yes the answer is yes what branch would I recommend for becoming a fighter pilot going to test pilot school Air Force Army I'm not sure it kind of depends on what you want to fly I'm not sure exactly I'm not a I'm not a pilot myself I don't know the names of all the different aircrafts but it kind of you might want to just figure out what you want to fly and then go for the branch that's gonna give you the best opportunity and you can kind of figure that out from a better source than myself who hasn't done anything with the aviation side of the military Timothy what is that my little brother is in the chat by the way Tim I need to make you a moderator hold up hold up chat there we go okay add moderator okay there we go I gotta make all my siblings moderators I don't know if there's any moderators right now I have an idea just there we go Fred leave a comment your moderator now it's Benjamin Park yet my brothers in town show us some mini basketball skills there's one in the bank where did I put the basketball let's see if I can make it all right if I make this then y'all have to donate or buy something for Atlas on the baby registry if I make this can y'all see it can't really see it too much all right here we go I made it so it's a done deal link is in the description to Alice's baby registry I'm gonna let C watch this back on replay am I gonna become a general no I do not want to become a general that is way too far off just saw my my reaction it's a it's that much delayed if you want know how much to delay to this but yeah sorry I've talked about this before but if you become an officer if you want to make it past lieutenant colonel okay so if you want to make it past lieutenant colonel then you have to do a lot of extra stuff and you really have to dedicate your career to try and becoming a colonel and trying to become a everybody says good shot you got to really dedicate your career to doing that so we want new merch I'm working on it okay so like I said I am I have I've got some designs that I've done that I haven't published yet but like I said I am NOT doing my normal job as much anymore so I had a period where I was working extra from a normal civilian job and now I got a little more time to dedicate to YouTube so there's gonna be a lot of other things coming in the future I'm making a military Trent YouTube channel about Rubik's Cube is going to be called military speed kiver really don't know if that's a joke because of my Rubik's Cube that I have in the background I got my 5x5 over there I I know how to do a 3x3 and not do a 4x4 Rubik's Cube I've got a 5x5 I had one before a long time ago but it broke this one is a is the normal brand one I haven't learned how to solve a 5x5 rubik's cube yet but you know go white socks yes how does transitioning from enlisted to officer work depends on your situation if you want to transition then you're gonna have to do OCS or the green to gold program and i've got videos on what i don't really have one dedicated to OCS so i take that back got a video on the green gold program if you want to do OCS then essentially you're gonna have to become an NCO before you can submit in a packet to do OCS and then if you do the federal OCS it's like twelve weeks and then boom you are an officer so Jackson Wilson with the $2 super Chad thank you tips for a 17 you're all going to basic in two months first of all congrats going basic training you're 17 oh man so it kind of depends are you a independent seventeen-year-old or are you a little bit worried about leaving home right now but overall something that is true in my opinion and some other people's opinions is for the seventeen-year-old don't give people the excuse to kind of put you off because you're acting immature or something like that so just don't be immature if that makes sense right so just be um be your best self okay that's that and don't worry too much about your age don't bring it up don't do anything the drills are just me ask at some point in time you know how old is somebody and obviously you'll have to they may make a big charade out of you being 17 or something but you'll be fine I won't worry about it same thing about join the military if you're 18 same thing I think age the military is one of those things where your age doesn't matter too much I mean some people will always make fun of you whatever for example I did ROTC older then the normal age of doing artsy because I enlisted first and I had done some college and stuff and my whole career story or whatever but like whenever I went to Bullock you know they were you know cracking a few small jokes because I'm like a little bit older than people whenever my ROTC and I'm at advanced camp they got a few jokes or whatever because I'm like a little bit older but I'm really not that old I mean I'm like technically yeah I'm loose I'm less than a month away from me in 27 oh my goodness honestly they didn't realize it was that dang close this whole Cove e19 situation really snuck up my birthday on me but yeah I think age isn't too big of a deal Israeli military fun I think it is some parts suck some parts are fun PFC the s how will a IT work for reservist switching to active duty it'll work the exact same my roommate in AIT was in the reserves but while he was at AIT he switched taxi duty nothing changed with the exception of the fact that he was working with my platoon sergeant and stuff just making sure that everything was getting settled for him switching to active duty while he was at AIT so we didn't know you could do that but you got a really you can't just you can't just be like oh I want to switch that duty and then it happen you gotta actually put in some effort for making it happy you got to coordinate with your reserve unit make sure you get released from that unit you gotta you just got to do a lot but it can be done so my my nightbot apparently isn't stopping spamming messages I'm not going to answer your spamming messages just my nightbot supposed to be fixing that but anyways can I go to basic training before going to RTC yes a lot of people actually do basic training and they do split ups and then they join ROTC and then they don't have to go to AIT so that is an option for you if you want to get this this much of a taste of what the enlisted like life is like before becoming an officer you can enlist and do split option then do basic training and then contract and ROTC after that and then you never actually have to do any acting so but I also think it is a good idea for you to do AIT especially if you pick an MOS that is in the field of the branch that you want to branch as an officer can't die on hearing two dollar super tech can I ask you a personal military question well it depends on how personally you're gonna get with that military question but yeah go ahead oh I guess I'm gonna have to adjust my spam messaging thingamajigger Donald Trump where is your brother he is still in chat I think I don't know Tim where'd you go alright Zion I'm waiting for your message I don't see it mmm-hmm Matt my man how is your family Daniel Daniel my family is great me and my wife are doing great Atlas is doing great I've never seen your life seem to get so much BAM Fred yeah I know it is kind of crazy but you are a moderator now so you can help me out with that situation but I guess the the night mod isn't doing it to job Zion where'd you where'd you send it at okay Zions question I'm gonna read it and then I may say it on the last room okay so okay so basically you you've got a few issues that you've dealt with Zion in your life that are kind of like red flags for the military so they're you you definitely gotta disclose all of that stuff if you've ever seriously deal with depression not just you know as a kid saying you were depressed but if it's like a serious thing like you went to therapy for it or whatever you kind of have to disclose that because the military takes that seriously because of the suicide rate in the military because a lot of times if somebody joins the military they have a history with depression and then some bad stuff happens in the military they have any really high likelihood of doing something bad to themselves okay so depending on your specific situation in which you're gonna have to get figured out with your recruiter possibly get waivers things like that you could be okay but depending on how bad it is no issues for four years isn't really that long a time especially if you're like 18 years old or something 19 years old but the younger that this stuff happened to you now you're 17 years old so I guess that stuff happened whenever you are younger much younger so that could be a good sign so I think you might be okay with that with that being the case because that stuff happened to you when you were you know not an adult yet just all right so what time is it 9:30 I may do a gaming stream tonight or tomorrow or the next thing not sure sergeant snook I don't hate you that's totally fine I may do a called view stream and I'm thinking of doing one playing with you guys so playing with subscribers so you guys can whenever I do the live stream without playing call of duty you guys can send invites and I can invite you to my lobby and stuff like that we can play possibly do like quads in fort in warzone or we could do whatever else we could do the whole tournament on gunfight things like that I think that would be a lot of fun so one last question before I get off the shrimp Josh from Memphis cod this isn't the last question I'm basically gonna check in with the wife see how everything's going if she just wants to chill or whatever then we may be going to bed because she's got to get up early but let's see all right Jada Valentin last question if your contract is up and you want to relist what you have to go back to basic training the answer is no if you get out of the military and even if it's like a year after getting out of the military and you want to join backup you can realistic back to base training there is a certain period of time that can go by I don't know why I honestly don't know the exact answer but I think it's like six years if it's been more than six years then you have to go back to basic training I don't know that first certain but also the other thing that will take into effect is if you want to switch branches you can't switch for example to the Air Force to the army and not go to basic training you have to go to basic training same thing if you want to at the Air Force Marines I believe Navy I believe if you switch from the Navy or the Air Force to the Marines or the army you have to go to base training again but if you flip-flop it the other way you don't have to go to basic training and the pretty much the only reason for that is because of the combat training that you get in the Marines and the army and whereas you don't get that combat training equivalent in the Navy or the Air Force so I believe that's the truth but you should definitely check me up on that anyways that is gonna be it for this livestream thank you guys so much for coming out like I said I got more time dedicated putting towards YouTube now that I'm working my civilian job back to my normal schedule not doing more so that's some good news as far as YouTube is concerned might be doing a game of stream tonight might be doing it in the next couple of days stay tuned for that and my videos this week the ones that I'm coming out especially for those of you if you are new to thinking of joining the military or even if you just enlisted so if you're watching this you're not in the military the video that I'm gonna put out next is probably a good little thing to think about so make sure you stay tuned for that thank you all again coming out for the stream I'm gonna see y'all later
Channel: Matt Ward
Views: 6,592
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Id: lT00GLQVm6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 44sec (4964 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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