Why You SHOULDNT Join The Army ft. Matt Ward

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all right everybody so I'm here with Matt war he is a big YouTube presence when it comes to military especially the army and I just wanted to welcome you guys to the podcast and here with me like I said is Matt bored so Matt war just do me a favor introduce yourself tell the crowd what you're all about all right thank you I'm a huge you know thing but yeah so right now I've been doing it YouTube as far as making a military related videos for about a year and a half but as far as my military experience so far I've been in for about three and a half years I first enlisted then made the transition in ROTC and then somewhere around there I thought that paint my little brothers are joining the military I should probably help them out and through that process of me wants to do that I basically ended up making some videos about it that kind of blew up and everything and so what I do now on the on YouTube is basically making videos trying to help people join and that's the whole gist of everything because you know I think if you join correctly if you get the right advice if you do all this the right way then you're gonna be kind of better off and life in general but then you know some people don't do that and they get unhappy or you know they're just they just kind of fall off or they don't like the military as a recruiter kind of screwed up and stuff so okay so that's actually a perfect segue and the question I was gonna ask you what is like so you tell you talk to a lot of people that are looking at enlisting like I did too I still do but the people that you talk to you what is like the what in your opinion what is one of the worst reasons to try to join the military I think one of the worst reasons to try to join the military is honestly the people that want to join to just go and kill people to go and kill terrorists things like that I think well that's kind of good you know like after 9/11 all this stuff having people to go until Terrace but at the end of the day the percentage of people in the military to do that it's gonna disappoint a whole lot of manful and i'll get messages from people nobody like yeah I joined that did this mos and I'm gonna infantry you know I I know somebody was infantry and there were sniper and they never got deployed you know and there's all these people who joined the infantry they do all this stuff and they want to go in they wanna kill terrorists and then they don't get to do that they get upset they get out they're like I'm screwed I'm harming all they do is make you do all this and it's just like you know there's there's so many different good things in the military so many different positive so many different cool things going on but joining just to kill people which is literally you know the reason that some people don't join a Deadite shoot guns and shoot things like that like that's fine but like you do get to shoot different weapons and everything outside I don't like seven different kinds of weapon systems since I've been in and I'm just in the reserves yeah so I can only imagine like my brother who's in the 82nd airborne he shot a whole bunch of different stuff joining him to shoot have fun like that that's cool the joint to kill yeah you know if you want to do that you're gonna have to get like Special Forces or something basically yeah it's almost like it's kind of like setting yourself up for failure or rather like it's sort of like I don't know if it's like mainstream now but a lot of people are always talking about the difference between motivation and the difference and difference between discipline yeah so people are always like oh I'm trying to get motivated to go to the gym how do I get motivated to start my business how do I get motivated to do this rather than being like motivated just have a genuine dream or goal in mind so like if you're gonna be joining military have your goal be that you trying to support your family you're trying to better your future you're trying to secure your career in the future rather than oh I'm just gonna go kill some bad guys because then what's gonna happen is when you go out you're gonna be like oh my god this sucks then you have no other reason yeah so I said what do you do from there so I think it's very important to have you you can always have like an A to Z plan and it's always important to have a to B to C to Z goals because sometimes the one thing isn't gonna work out like when I would so when I was going to college I was working opening shifts of Starbucks which you might use to be like oh you're just a little barista yeah no I was I was up at 3 a.m. and I got to work at 4 now it's open at 4:30 and then we would be working until like 10:30 and from 10:30 to to the afternoon I'll go to the gym and then from 1 to 9 p.m. I would go to school and that it repeated the next day so like it's really you need to find what your motivation is and at the time I was just like oh I just go to school because like that's what everybody does and then what happened was I've been living under a friend's roof for about six months and I was like you know I need to join the military and it wasn't because I wanted to go kill people does he exact opposite of one on what to do I'm a very passive person I'm not an aggressive person and so I was like okay what can I do in order to secure my future so I was like oh I'll join and I'll be a 68 Charlie because I scored really well and that was to be a nurse and obviously that didn't work out and the thing is I didn't have a back-up plan after that but only recently I started picking up what videography wasn't all this stuff and I was like maybe I should do this full-time maitland so I failed the last test and they were like well what do you want to do you want to get out or do you want to go be a truck driver and I was like I'm gonna I'm gonna get out and I'm gonna chase this and the thing is you have to put yourself in 100% and when I originally joined the army I was a hundred percent I was like the most hooah let's go go army type person you'd me I ended up graduating and like the top percentage of my class and that's the next question I was gonna ask you about basic training and it's just you need to find a way that you're going to rather than be motivated be genuinely intrinsically motivated with and disciplined to carry out that goal if that makes any sense yeah something that's really important especially when it comes to signing up for the military what's a minimum contract like three I believe it honestly there used to be like two-year contract or something I believe right now the minimum is three for those curious if you want to go in the reserves it's like only three or six okay the reason being is if you do a three-year contract in the reserves of the guard you're not gonna get as many benefits plus being three years in the reserves like it's not that bad not that yeah if you joined three years reserves and you just absolutely hate it it's okay you'll get it by the end you know or you could do six years then most people I think end up doing something like a four year contract but I'll believe if you get lucky just three years as a minimum okay yeah I know that when I was noticing I thought it was just gonna be a four year olds or whatever and then admits they were like alright it's a six-year contract no like know what they were like yeah you're at school for like two years so why would it be only happy before I was like that makes perfect sense and at the time I was like what's another two years who cares okay so do you think what which people do you think should enlist as reserves and which people do you think should enlist as active duty so people like myself that have more than one kind of passion right so whenever I first was straight out of high school I wanted to get active duty long source where I talked about my channel my dad basically talked me out of it couple years ago down the line I really just find out that I love computer programming or little software development and then I'm like well I still want to join the army my grandfather told me about the reserves and I was like she I can do both I was like I can be a programmer and do things in the army and get deployed every now and then and do the whole weekend drill thing annual training all that stuff I was like I can do both right so people who want to do both or do I have to passions like they have they're like being torn right they want to really go join the military I'm passionate or they want to serve their country or whatever but they have something else pulling them whether that's family or a job or some passion those are the kind of people that should join like the reserves or the guard but not that people that join active duty are the people who like don't have anything else to do because that's definitely not the case but the people that join the reserves I know that you know if you are being torn because for me like if I were to go to active duty I wouldn't be as happy because I won't be able to do like my creative passion and my like already know programming and stuff like that so I think that's the kind of people if you have two passions that are just tearing you and you want to do active but then like you got you still got reserves or you still got guard there you can still get deployed every couple of years just like active duty gets deployed so you can kind of in my opinion sound like the best of both worlds okay so what you're saying is I should have done Reserves like you could have you would be a pretty good example for doing reserves because the videography that is like your passion right now I don't know how much star he was your passion I know you said you're super cool you're joining like the reserves were being really cool if if that's something you wanted to do because then you can just do your whole weekend thing get deployed every three or four years if that's something you wanted to do but you know in your situation you would have to do a different in Weston exactly the one that you do which which is why it's like you know for me I literally went into the recruiters office and was like I wanted 20 prabha if I'm gonna get that I'm not joining and that's what I tell people right the MOS wasn't there I came back later it was available so like you don't want to join something that's so committing to your life like the Army is if it's not like the thing that you want exactly and I think that's actually something super important that I think we should talk about is that you don't have to be nice to the to the recruiter and by nice I mean you don't have to let them push you around or let them choose or dick it's your life yeah you can choose and dictate where you go like you just said you walked in and said these these are my demands make it happen please I added the please be probably done but that's the thing cuz when I first went I was always trying to be nice and of course I was always on time I was very I was already like pretty disciplined and that was only because of my upbringing but when it came to actually speaking with the recruiter I was like hey I want to at least have a medic or job like that's it and a lot of people I feel will just go and they'll be like I want to join the army that is exactly what so many people do I want to join the army and the recruiters have like this list of different emotions that they need to feel because you have to meet their quota of different LSE's yeah which nothing is recruiters I guess they have a job to do to recruit like if they didn't so I mean some people are gonna get suckered into MLS is that they don't want that it's just kind of a matter of fact so don't let that be you you know so yeah don't walk into the recruiter like I wanna do in the army walkin me like hey I want to join in one of these sort of possibly few in West's that you're interested yeah there's this fantastic resource that I don't know if you guys heard about I've been using it for a while it's called Google and you can pretty much find anything you want on there literally anything everything that I've learned for videography audio for film Google you just Google and YouTube you can find anything and that's why that's why Matt's here that's why I'm here we're on YouTube we're on Google we're on everything and it's you could need to go into that situation understanding what you want and the thing is I actually had an NCO telling me this an NCO means noncommissioned officer and it was during my process of getting out and they told me they were like private boy what you need to do is use the army as much as the army will and has used you and that was already said and what that means is you have to understand like you can accelerate your career through the military you can really reap a lot of benefits from the military and a lot of people will be like oh that's not right they're like u s-- literally signed away your soul the least they can do is take care of you for the rest of your life yeah I talk about not that you know I've talked about you shouldn't join the military to kill or you shouldn't do all this stuff but like I also think that you shouldn't join the military without being ok with the possibility of like actually being in a firefight actually giving up your life so no matter what MOS somebody joins the military in I respect him because either they signed really then that dotted line that contract saying that you know that you could end up dying at the end of this job so you have people and I'll tell people people tell me get the most out of the military that you possibly can't get the most out of the process because people have given it all you know sir for you to for somebody to like now I'm scared I don't want to do that I'm not gonna take advantage of the government or well you're not really even taking the major coverage there's all these there's all these options out there for you you know take them exactly and like I don't really understand the what you said about they don't want to take advantage of the government in my opinion the government takes huge it's ahead of us but we're not gonna get into that if you ever bring up toll roads around me I swear to god I can't stand toll roads I don't understand why they exist we already have two axes that go to roads why are there toll roads one thanks that I just learned yesterday so the other day I was driving through the tolls here mm-hmm but I was in my uniform okay like weird you're gonna see your cap so you don't have to pay the toll what I was like hold up I sure am I can't and then yesterday I'm not in my uniform and I'll ask the lady at the toll booth outside hey I was just through here with my own mic with in my uniform the other day I was like do I just have to show you my kak and not pay the toll she's like yeah so that's a little positive so from that I kind of thought of this this video that I don't know if we'll be out whenever this podcast and stuff comes out but I was like you know I should kind of do something showing or displaying all the different kind of cool benefits that you get so not paying tolls at least at least as far as I know here in Texas is pretty cool that is pretty cool and like a lot of people I've noticed the Texas is now like the hub for people to start moving everyone from California is just moving to Austin because Austin is just a humid California and they have a river in the middle of the city so like I love Austin I'm actually moving there in January but it's like it's such a hub it's California like I can't describe it in any other way than all the people from California or realizing that la is overpriced and super crowded and polluted and it's not that great so they're all moving to Austin because Austin's is honestly just a higher class downtown LA and it's pretty nice there but um I totally forgot where I was going with that I'm driven through Austin a few times and it seems pretty cool it's similar to me so Charlotte if you guys didn't know I'm from Charlotte and Charlotte is really cool looks like where's Charlotte I'm not good with geography North Carolina snow they are literally the cool thing about Charlotte's on the border of like North and South Carolina so like the Carolina Panthers a NFL team is the Carolina so North and South Carolina since Charlotte it's like right on the border okay um yes I'm from there Charlotte is like a growing city so all the the stuff is basically new and I would kind of say it's kind of like Austin in a way the traffic is bad I've been to Oslo my god whites mean there's certain roads and Charlotte I repeat that but I won't compare to that so Charlotte is a nice city austenite I think it's nice it's been there a few times so but like Houston San Antonio mm-hm they don't compare to this and what's really funny is there's a lot of YouTube presence in Austin or in Texas actually like I think every big either military or Fitness youtuber is in Texas there's a lot in somewhere yeah because I've already started working with like six just in Austin I've worked as any in Houston yet so like that's crazy I don't know why they're all here and I mean like I think it's just sheer luck that I ended up coming to San Antonio after training I don't know it's super weird because I was thinking about it one day and she's like what are the odds because you know the youtuber Travis yeah Travis just randomly moved to Austin it's like what are the odds and then Nick was also here so like that was just super cool but um going back to the to the basic training and military because that's I feel like we should stay on that topic but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be opposed to us rambling off somewhere else with basic training everyone always talks about basic training that's like the number one fad topic when it comes to Google searches youTube searches and everyone's always trying to figure out how can they get past basic training when in reality is like that's not even so the number one thing that I always tell that is my advice everyone always asked me I'm like I don't even in the army anymore it everyone's like how do i how do I get in how do I pass basic training it's like cool so the only thing that I found very important was doing exactly what you are told to the T if they say that they want you to step with your left foot and then turn right blah blah blah and and do this and clean the toilets a certain way like you just do it just do that and you'll never be in trouble well you will because you'll never be right but I mean well because they'll always be that one guy yes and I had I had like five of those guys in my platoon oh my god even guys most of them were females but the guys that I had in my I had one guy that didn't shower one guy that didn't shower and in brescia Steve always left his locker unlocked which fun fun story from my very first day of actual basic training not counting reception in reception was a cakewalk all we did was sit in our dorms all day or not dorms the barracks where'd you get a c4 exhale yeah for chill super cold I was just I can't deal with this no I can't I can't deal with the cold cuz I'm a little Cali boy and the coldest that was ever like 40 degrees in the morning and then it like five minutes later was 60 and then it would fight like 10 minutes later would be 70 and it'd be fine and so that was like legitimately traumatizing for me the rest of army stuff I was fine waking up super early the only thing that I hated was the cold I couldn't handle the cold yeah I've heard before it still is a lot my little brother Wynton auntie there it was kind of during the winter that's like the worst place to go because they had to use supposed to have some freedoms like cool you have some freedoms but now you're in Oklahoma yeah just terrible on family day and and a graduation day we had nothing to do we just want got food and then we just stayed at their hotel cuz I was like if there's nothing to do we looked on Google as' nothing there's no over you have these taxis yeah it was terrible yep so what is some advice you have for people that are looking to enlist and go into basic training yeah so basic training is super simple like you said you just do what they tell you to do like a there's two parts to base train there was a physical aspect and the mental aspect number one the physical physical aspect is super simple you got the standards out there you can just google them if you can meet the PT requirements you know you're probably going to be fine when it comes to other things they're drill starts with me smoking you they're gonna making you do you like air squats and things like that which are gonna be easier for somebody who's got a 300 RPG score rather than smart I've got 100 on the PT score so going basic training in physical shapers best physically as physically capable or whatever everybody yeah as physical repair as you can that's gonna be great and then you got the mental a strain which you can only kind of prepare for one of the ways you can prepare for it is in a way watching my videos just to kind of get an understanding of what's going to happen I like the shameless plug it's okay it's good that's what's the Sailor but when you get there it's just obeying what they say right they're gonna give you all these super simple tasks they're gonna have all these things that seems stupid and you're like why do I have to do this and you're gonna have some people that will deviate them but I kind of have to do this or I won't do this small thing that's the drill sergeants had to do they might not find out but then they will and that's when you get into trouble that's when you know that you got that one guy who thinks that he can do something different and get away with it and then the entire platoon gets in trouble now you can get through basic training I've got a video on the only way to fail basic training that's to quit yeah if you don't quit if you if you go to basic training in the worst shape possible just that minimum standard to go you know if you push it if you push it really hard you're gonna end up past a big strain physically mentally you're just gonna pass the only people that really fail are the people that quit so if you keep that in mind and you just go in the best shape possible go knowing them it's kind of stuck some people are gonna kind of screw you over and they're not gonna pay attention to each other but it's kind of like one of those things where you're a piece of the puzzle and the more people that have a mindset like you it's like let's all do this the easier basic train is going to go and then at the end of the day as long as you don't quit you're gonna pass and then after basic training that's what people don't really focus on because people are people are worried about failing basic you don't need to be worried about feeling basic as much as you're AIT really right because there are plenty of AI Keys out there that have pretty high failure rates or 68 charlie 60% yeah 60% favorite I mean my MOS wasn't that much it was like 15% but still like 15% I mean that's I'm pretty sure more than the people that actually fail basic training than other people who can answer that basic train I don't consider that failing you got injured you can't control that you twisted your ankle and broke your ankle I have a quick quick little tangent I had a friend named Alex or Hartley and when she was in basic training she fractured her hip in like two places and then it eventually led to her fracturing her femur and they were all micro fractures but it kept her there for a year yeah a year and it was constant rehab it was constant PT it was constant rehabilitation I know that's just the same word but whatever it was a lie they would do they would do rehab and PT twice a day and then whenever they weren't working out or eating they would be working on rehab and they would stretch and they would do all this it was grueling for her and I would have contact with her every now and then because she was a good friend of mine and it just it seemed terrible so anyway yeah if you can get stuck at basic training yeah that is one of the tricky things like sitcom going to sit call it oh my god you're kind of like have to judge how bad is your injury like is it bad enough to go to City Hall and come back and actually still passivation training or is it too bad to where you go and you're going to get kicked out or you're going to get recycled or whatever so sick calls like a weird thing like yeah if you go and it's not bad enough then everybody looks at you like what the heck but if you go and it's actually an injury you might get recycled and then you're gonna get stuck get basic exactly cuz it's that's one of those well I think one of the most valuable pieces of information that I got from basic training was whenever someone would say drill sergeant I need to go to sick all day is a life limb or eyesight yeah and that's so valuable for light just for general health I mean if it's not life limb or eyesight which are all very valuable things to have like you can continue on obviously if you're legitimately like sacred yeah if you this is advice for anybody who's going to base training if you make it to like the last couple of weeks of basic training you have an injury really think like can I stick this out and maybe hopefully not making injury too much worse but basically just stick it out into link AIT exactly getting stuck in an T it's not gonna be as bad I was gonna say so a story about me not wanting to go to sick hall was we were about to do the 8k March but it was to the tower that you rappel down and climb in the giant obstacle course huh Eagle Tower for us it was a different name but yeah it was like Rockwell Tower don't quote me not at all but so we went to that and the night before I'd gotten food poisoning and so I was throwing up other things were happening I was in a lot of pain and like it was bad and I was like I don't want to go to sick hall because I don't want to get held back or I don't want to miss this because this is a graduation requirement so I was like I'm just gonna stick it through so every five minutes I was running to the outhouse so I throw up or do other things and then I had to rappel down the tower which was about four stories high three stories high it was to me it was 100 stories high I'm terrified of heights and the drill sergeants were just throwing people off like do your best anyway that was that was rough that was probably one of the most scary situations I was in not because I was like oh I'm gonna die but because I had food poisoning and I was like this is rough so we're gonna go ahead and wrap it up here guys so Matt really quick before we sign off I wanted to tell the people where they can find you how they can find you and the kind of information that you bring to them okay so the main place that you guys can find me is on YouTube that's where I kind of started this whole thing all you got to do is type in Matt Ward Matt to T's W ard and then on Instagram and snapchat I'll do that that's Ward m89 on both of those socials on there it's not so much of me pushing military stuff it's kinda just me sharing my life with you guys but on YouTube I'm basically I'm breaking down the whole enlistment process so my account you can find everything from literally day-to-day what I did at basic training to how I felt there having other people's experiences different mo s's different topics of you know the whole beginning process of the military because I think that's super important if you get it right if you start off on the right foot then you know it's to be a little bit easier later on last that's kind of where I'm trying to help this whole army generation start off on the right foot so if you're interested I have your interest in joining the military my channel is not too good place to start off alright Matt that sounds good thank you so much for being on the podcast and I look forward to seeing where your channel goes thanks
Channel: Robby Boyd
Views: 13,150
Rating: 4.927835 out of 5
Keywords: Robby, boyd, matt, Ward, should you join, army, airforce, military, enlist, basic training, 68C, 25B
Id: 5eL0WumcvLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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