Q&A | 40+ Military Instagram Questions!

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what is going on everybody so today is gonna be a cool video that I have never done before and it's gonna be like a lightning round Q&A in a sense and so I asked y'all on Instagram to ask me a bunch of questions so I can answer them all in one video and here we go I've got at least a hundred 140 questions that are like this and so I'm gonna just read them all very quickly gonna answer them as quickly as possible not gonna go into because some of the stuff I can't tell I've already done detailed videos on it so you know feel free to search first question do you have to pay for insurance life insurance car insurance is etc in the military and the answer is yes and no if you are active duty you do not have to pay for your health insurance and also you get other insurances for cheaper so your car insurance and things like that life insurance you get a discounted rate in the military in general if your activity health insurance is free other insurances are discounted if you're in the reserves or the guard then health insurance is heavily discounted and then the same rule applies for the others easy way to get promotion points there's different ways that you can do this obviously go into school getting college credits that's actually a way to get some promotion points going to boards winning boards getting different awards so if you want to get different ribbons and things like that each one of those is gonna have two promotion points associated with it and then going to different schools that's also gonna get some promotion points for you and then really the next thing is getting a certificate of achievement which is like five promotion points I believe all of these are gonna take some time you can't really just rack it up real quick so there's really not an easy easy way but there's pretty straightforward ways like if you want to do some online college stuff like that that is gonna help you out if you want to do some military courses that are online that is also gonna be another thing that you use some promotion points and I actually made a video on that website the army cool website go to army cool look at dream West and then you can figure out how to get some promotion points when I start answering these a little bit quicker but can you rank up from e1 in basic training yes you can rank up from e1 to e2 you can go from e2 to e3 at big strangle which you cannot get promoted to e4 at basic training so even if you're the best soldier in the world you're not gonna do that is it better to be feared or loved as a leader I would definitely say it's better to be loved can someone who tore their ACL make a full recovery with no problems be an infantryman I'd say that's just up to how serious the injury was and no doctors things like that so that's at the medical waste when it was my graduation from basic training it did my family have to pay for tickets no they did not what is the best job to get in the army after you graduate OCS so OCS is the officer candidates corsola now you're an officer and I think you know 25 alpha was the best but that's really another one of those questions that I can't really answer but it's really just gonna come down to whether or not you like the combat in Miles's or maybe like engineering or you like tech stuff or you like planning so there's a whole bunch of different things like that so depend on what you want there should be a branch that pretty much aligns with that next question how hard is it to make your bed with them yelling at you I'm assuming they're talking about the drill sergeant yelling at you at basic training and it's not difficult because that doesn't really happen they're not really like yelling at you when you make your bed you wake up in the morning and you make your bed before you go downstairs to the first formation before PT in the morning so there's really nobody yelling at you it's just you make it as quickly as possible so that you're there at the hit time so you don't get yelled at after that well the army accept people who have drunk done drugs before even if it's not in their body and yep I mean if you go to Mass or something you have drugs in your system that's definitely a no-go well a lot of people you're gonna have to get a waiver for that so you can join but you're gonna have to get away should I wait till after I finish college to join the army or quit college in join the army so whichever one works for you so for me personally I've been three years of college before actually the army reserves and then I went I missed a semester of school because my basic training and he was about eight months so I missed this semester and then I joined ROTC after the fact and did a couple more years of school and finished down so you can kind of do an anywhere in between in my opinion I would do military first so that you get at least something to pay for school unless you got some crazy scholarship for something like that and that's not really a big deal you got like a full ride scholarship then you know graduate college do OCS that's a fastest way to become an officer if you aren't getting college paid for then I would suggest going and doing at least Army Reserve or National Guard and then going to college and getting at least partial but it really depends on your financial situation and how much college and want paid off if that's something that you really want to do who gets deployed more reserves or National Guard it depends on the unit so me and my personal units that I've been in have not been deployed already at the time that I've been there my current unit is a lot more close to being eligible - the poison my previous unit because they have to basically pass a test in order to be okayed to go and actually deploy so it depends on the unit it doesn't really depend on the branch now so Guard or reserves but I would say the National Guard probably does a little bit more stuff because they have the state responsibilities as well so they're probably gonna be doing stuff in the state so if you want to get activated more the National Guard probably would be the route to go but those aren't necessarily deployments how can you start a business in the Army online the same way that you could do really anything else if you have like a normal job and you want to start all my business issues the same thing you're gonna have to just put in the time and effort after work to get that done you know if you're deployed and you're not in a good area where you can actually use the internet consistently things like that that's just gonna be difficult to do but I mean you can be overseas and start businesses I mean that happens all the time there's other military youtubers that have done that probably one of the most common questions ever that anybody in the military gets is what do you do on a day to day basis so the day to day basis is not really the same it just depends on what the mission is going on so if you're active duty you're gonna be doing some kind of training more than likely depending on what your MOS is and maybe y'all beginning ready for a field training exercise that's going to be coming up if you're prepping for deployment there's gonna be other things that you got to do if you just got back from deployment there's gonna be some other things that you have to do there's just a lot of different things you're gonna be doing and then you know this question is an MOS specific so depending on your MOS there's a whole range of different things of what your day to day life is gonna be like next question does the army have a fire department yes they do how do MOS bonuses work PS you should make a video so I'm doing video on this so your bonus is when you enlist are going to be based on your MOS I'm in West's are gonna have bonuses and some of them aren't and that's really gonna change all the time that's just gonna be changing all the time because the Army's gonna have different standards different requirements that they're gonna have to meet for Manning those different mos s and if they really need up a bunch of a bunch of a certain MOS they're gonna throw a little bit of bonus money at that MOS if they don't need a whole bunch of that MOS and they're probably not gonna have any kind of bonus for that MOS so that's kind of how that's going to work it's a job that the army is in need of they're gonna have that that bonus and then also how much about you qualify for will depend on essentially your credentials in your assets for so you have a whole bunch of civilian experience and you have a crazy high as of skort that's gonna open the door for you to get like the maximum bonus available how long is basic training about ten weeks do I suffer from PTSD at all no I don't haven't done anything to where that would even require you know that do I do you get to stay in do I get a say in where you get placed after basic training no you do not you're not gonna say at all in your first duty station and it you only really time you really gonna say is reenlist army officer versus Navy officer not sure what we're comparing this essentially army versus Navy so whatever branching want there's not going to be much of a difference you're gonna make a little planning like officers ooh you're gonna be leading different groups of people depending a lot officer rank you are so that's just a the job and a sense is the same it just in the one branch one way can you go active after doing AIT and the reserves yes you can you can go active technically during AIT my roommate at AIT went through the whole process of being switched to active duty I think I Tegel is a whole big process and it took some time luckily we had a really long AAI team we have the time to do that but there's a lot of hoops that you got dropped there what happens if you have shin splints at basic training well you probably should go to City Hall you might get a waiver to actually not do any running or things like that running a rucking or and they'll probably give you some shoes to wear instead of your boots that will happen if people have shin splint problems we're going to count like problems what they'll do is you go to sit call they'll give you a waiver and they'll basically tell you in that waiver that you should wear shoes soft shoes and wear those instead of your boots and then you're not allowed to run or walk for a period of time hopefully it's not crazy you know a crazy injury that's gonna get you out of a lot of you know training that you're gonna miss but you know ultimately a lot of people are gonna get shin splints it's just if it's really bad you want to go sit home so I'm gonna try and power through this freaking dog barking in the background I really hope y'all can't hear it too much but question is sign of the 25 Robert which was my MOS is there a way I can prepare for AIT I would say the best way prepare for 25 Bravo is kind of brushing up on the a+ certification stuff so people look up eight plus certification then if you kind of learn that that's gonna be like the first five weeks at least of your twenty five Bravo school AIT it's gonna let you start off with kind of a better baseline a better foundation for all the different stuff they're going to next question what happens if you see an officer while you're not in uniform or they're not in uniform and really if it's like in your a specific unit you should really treat them the same way you don't need to be saluting them or anything if they're not in uniform that's just not what you need to do but if you're both in uniform obviously you should be saluting them but if you're not if you're just kind of seeing people out in the civilian life you kind of just treat them with the respect you don't necessarily have to stand to a detention or stay in that parade rest when you're in your civilian clothes that's just like military clothes related so the military pay for emergency leave the answer is yes so if you are going to it if you don't have your leave day so you have to go on that emergency leave basically you're just using leave that you don't have to if you're active duty you're always going to be getting paid like every day there's no like day off where you like take time off and you don't get paid for that day that's just not how that works you just get leave days and you can take to leave and if you have to go in emergency and you don't have leave day saved up then you're just gonna like use those and then you're gonna have to basically earn them back and then get back to your leader what's my rank first lieutenant how do you manage to stay strong on God in military I think I could just comes down to your personal beliefs going into it if you're kind of easily swayed then that may be a thing you might want to make sure you're reading your Bible and stuff from your basic training but the military is not going to ruin people a lot of people like for me for example I don't curse I'm also a Christian and a lot of people you know we're worried about me being basically turned evil and turned bad and you know I'm gonna go through you know basic training and AIT and then I was gonna come out and I was me cursing and getting you know tattoos which a lot of people Christians and stuff like don't like people getting tattoos and all that stuff and that's just not the case so you just gotta stay true to yourself and who you are and I think the military in that environment is gonna be can we fine so it really just depends on who you associate yourself with in the military what does the event will be terminated mean for push-ups and sit-ups I'm maybe assuming you maybe read the regulations but they say terminated for that APFT or the ACF t coming up that basically just means that your attempt at that event is over its terminated and you're gonna have to wait a little bit and retry again and if you retry again and you get terminated if you screw up too bad if you don't do the proper form then you basically fail that event somebody's asking me what unit I'm an I'm not going to say that I'm just the only thing I'm really told y'all is I'm Civil Affairs this is a good question if you are a few seconds off just a few seconds off of your two-mile run do you fail basic training so yes you do unless you're like one second off and you're greater wants to give that to you technically they shouldn't do that and I would say in most cases if you're like two three seconds too late along that run then you're just gonna retest the AP of T or a CFD that's going on which one you're doing right now I think they delayed a few a CFT things at this point in time because of the whole buyer situation but if you do fill it by a couple seconds you're not gonna fail basic training they may push you through but more than like that things will just retest retirement benefits for the Army Reserve so the biggest retirement benefit difference from active duty to reserves and naps on the guard is in the reserves and guard you don't get your retirement pay until you're 60 so you have to be 60 before you can start pulling that and if your active duty and you do 20 years and it's all 20 years have to be an active duty then you'll get your retirement right away but if you're not in your reserves regard you get that at age 60 and also it's based off the points so essentially for the reserves and guards the more days of active duty service you have the more you're gonna get paid at retirement not this is the same baseline across the board think of it as just the more days you have the more time you're gonna get and then if you want to do more stuff to get extra retirement pay then you can get those awards you can get ribbons you can go to schools and things like that and those are gonna give you points towards your retirement so more points the more you get paid but again when you're 60 what kind of food do you eat a basic training is basically the same as all army defect food if you want to look up army defect food you can literally just google it it's not too complicated army or military food in my opinion I've never been to like an Air Force defect people talk about the Air Force food all the time but as far as army specific food I think you'll find things that are good that you actually like and enjoy it'll be rare in my opinion I judge things based off of what I actually go out and pay for this and for most things I would say no but there are a few things every now and again that you could pay for but I'd say the food for the most part is pretty good what kind of food is is it it's all kinds everything pretty much whatever you can think of next question is ROTC worth it for the army that is totally up to you if you want to be an officer yes it's definitely worth it and it kind of goes back to an old question that talked about before and that is going to or join the military before after Varian college it really kind of depends on when and how you want to pay for college so if you want to do RG seem and you know you don't want to go through college and pay for it yourself you want to get an RTC scholarship yeah that's totally worth it if you don't mind paying for school then really the fast way for you to go through school the easiest would just be paying for school going through school and then doing OCS how old can you be and still be in the military so if you're talking about joining the military I believe it's 35 and talking about still being in the military you know you can be in for 30 years or so 30-plus years some generals are in for like 35 40 years a lot of people will end up joining the reserves and they'll be in the reserves for a long time I'm not sure there's actually like a limit there's a technical limit so if you look up different MOS or different pay grades each pay grade has a certain period of time where you have to get promoted within this number of years of being that pay grade or else you get kicked out sometimes they buy buy that and sometimes they don't does the army use outside contractors for strength and conditioning ever I would say yes if you're talking about like PT stuff they actually might have some essentially at personal trainers people just kind of training the unit or something or send people to do some kind of little event with some personal trainers in a sense if that's what you're talking about but the army the military uses contractors for basically everything and most of the time they're basically former military contractors so they're basically people who are retiring military now they just work with the military how long our Army Reserve contracts what happens if an MOS is unavailable so Army Reserve contract or three years or six years I would suggest honestly going with the six years just because with the reserves this is what the reserves because of the benefits that you get you do not get a lot of the benefits by doing it three-year contracts in the Army Reserve and because of the way the Army Reserves is the way it is six years it's not really that big of a deal in my opinion and you get a lot of benefits for doing it if your MOS is not available in the Army Reserves you're gonna have a hard time you're basically gonna have to move because the way it works in the reserves in the guard is you're gonna be traveling to the unit wherever you're at each month and if there's not a unit around you that actually needs your MOS then you're gonna have to wait a long time and hope that one of them comes up or your MOS may not even be available in like anywhere around where you're and I'm talking like states what is it like being in the military and would you recommend joining to anybody I think what it's like being the military is being a part of a bigger than yourself organization where you get to do some cool stuff there's a lot of like I said organization and if you like that kind of stuff if you like that structured lifestyle if you like the thought of the military and things like that then it's definitely a positive it's definitely something that I I would at least recommend that you look into but I don't think at the same time that's for everybody so I'm not gonna say hey everybody look in the military it's only if you like are already interested in it that you look into it if that make sense how can you become a guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier it's a good question and I'm not really sure aside from just if the opportunity comes up you can volunteer for it or I mean reservists and National Guard is aren't gonna be doing this I believe I believe I don't really know that for a fact but I believe you have to be active duty so if your active duty and you want to ask around ask people ask recruiters ask your retention officer there's a lot of different things that you can do you can just contact I don't know what unit is that does that but you contact them and ask them but I I don't personally know so anyone with a peanut allergy joined the Army and if so should they hide it no he's just definitely not hide it you should definitely hide any kind of allergies especially if they're like serious like that's definitely something you should do you should let them know you should get something on your dog tag potentially so like some people that are allergic to penicillin you get that on your dog tags and so it helps people know if they ever have to give you a shot or something in your unconscious that they know not to give you that so definitely let the military know what your allergies are whenever you doing whenever you join it don't try to hide that part of basic training you can't prepare for yourself the mental aspect of it so one of the hard things about basic training is the mental stress just being in that environment where you're separated from the world you can't really do that I mean less you want to isolate yourself but at the same time you're just isolating yourself in their reason because you don't have all that crazy stress so it's the sense of being isolated from the civilian world and also the stress of the drill sergeants and having to perform well and having to not screw up so you don't screw over the rest of your platoons there's a little bit of stress there and that's something that you kind of can't prepare for and that's why I say getting there it's one of the reasons when I say getting the best physical shape as possible and you go to base training because then you don't have to deal with the physical stress you just have to deal with the mental stress probably shouldn't a couple more because this video is going on way too long I'm not gonna get to get to all the questions that I got but I want to tell my family that I'm in the army but I'm not sure how to any advice yes just number one be honest with them don't try to hide it literally punch some people will sign up go through the whole process and like hey mom dad I'm leaving for basic training tomorrow and I'm not gonna see y'all for several months don't do that just just don't do that just make sure you frame it most parents are worried that your kids were gonna die that's not gonna happen I mean technically there's a possibility but just make sure your frame it like it's not gonna happen especially if you're not doing a combat MOS then just you know I think I've got some videos on that and how likely you are to die just share that video with them and I think that will help how long in basic training does it take you to get used to all the stress you kind of get used to the environment so I would say after a week after a week of basically not reception because that's just different but a basic training I don't say after a week you kind of start getting used to it you start falling into your team you start falling into understanding which drill sergeants are gonna be yelling natura all the time you kind of you kinda just get used to that but I would say after a week you're you know it's kind of just like the new normal when I happens if you strain your muscles in basic training so kind of the same thing I said before about getting shin splints you're gonna go to sick call if it's severe enough they're going to get waiver we're gonna be written out of training and hopefully it's not severe enough where you're gonna miss too much training or you'll get recycled back and essentially stay at basic training a couple weeks longer do you have to shave every day if you barely grow facial hair yes you do especially at base training you if you get the AIT some people try to get away with it but I definitely would not try to get away with it at basic training because drill sergeants are gonna come up to you and they're gonna be checking you they're gonna be looking at you they're gonna look real close I mean if you just shaved you shouldn't be seeing any hair anywhere right I mean you shouldn't you shouldn't see anything at all so don't be like oh I just shaved just shave everyday if you don't really grow facial hair it's gonna be easiest coming quick it's not gonna be painful just real quick one of the most important documents that you need to take to basic training your recruiters should be telling you this stuff just make sure if you want to get your bah on stuff so make sure you get your like lease agreement your mortgage and stuff like that I'm not sure if you have to bring you like your birth certificate and stuff but again talk with your recruiter I don't remember the exact paperwork that you need but you do definitely need to bring some stuff and that should all be in your packet when you leave so you should have that in like a little packet thing when you leave to go to basic training because a reception you're going to be doing all that in processing and so you want to make sure that you have all that stuff when you get to boot camp and they issue your uniform PT clothes can you keep them yeah all the like the uniforms and stuff that you get you know they say anything that touches your skin you get to keep like as forever like it's your personal personal stuff so when new uniforms come out and you'll get new uniforms and you'll keep the old ones and so if you stay in the military for a long time you're gonna kill a whole bunch of different uniforms there's a lot of great questions that I'm not gonna be able to get to in this video but the last one that I'm going to do is what am I looking for in a new private so if I have I'm s sick so if I have a new private coming to my unit what am I looking for honestly for me the biggest thing I'm looking for is are they willing to help so if we have some things that we have to get done as an Essex section if I ask you to go and do something just be willing to work be willing to help and that's going to go a long ways personally I'm gonna look for myself at how motivated you are right so if you're motivated to do PT for motivated to help people if you're at formation and sup on time so kind of like what I did about impressing your first duty station like that but flippin traverse where I'm actually looking for that because being an officer it's kind of what I'm talking about I'm like you know hey well what I'm looking for whatever I see a new private in my unit so it sucks I didn't make it to all the videos I had absolutely no clue how this video was going to go because I've never done anything like this long this many questions in one little video for little video but I hope you guys do what I hope you guys learn something if you did hit that like one that'd be awesome and check out some more of my videos hit that subscribe button that would be even better a lot of the questions that I covered in this video I have done videos on before and cover them before so if you are curious about any specific questions make sure you just kind of like YouTube that question put in Matt Ward and that will probably come up hopefully fingers crossed yeah hit the like button subscribe notification bell ball my Instagram and snapchat if you haven't already and I'll see y'all later
Channel: Matt Ward
Views: 8,645
Rating: 4.9710145 out of 5
Keywords: Matt Ward, Matthew Ward, go army, Army Vlogs, army college, Army Recruiter, Army, Military Education, Army Education, Army Reserves, So you decided to join the army, What is the army like, What is basic Training like, What is AIT like, What is red phase like, Red phase, Army Training, Military College, Army Basic Training, Army BCT, Army BCT Red Phase, Army Failures, Failing Basic Training, Basic, Training, army ed, Va Loan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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