LIVE | Q&A w/ Girlfriend

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and then BOOM connected or streaming we're now live what's going on everybody it's been a minute since I've done a live stream so if you're watching this back on replay right now what is going on is showing up right here yeah this is my girlfriend Kayla she's gonna be a little guest today to help us out um I feel like rusty just because I haven't done this in a while so we got a man to our showing up all right what's up Amanda what's up Lydia what's up ghost it's finally happening I know she's so pretty I know she is very very pretty thank you what's up and what's up what's up what's up Ethan what's up to the Unity game that's this is nothing I'm getting started so I have no latch from a long time so just a little test to make sure that the audio and everything is okay we're a little bit off balance with the height here because you know I'm taller yeah well you have a higher chair than me your honor cute Oh what's up she's a lucky girl no I'm a lucky guy so anyways we're doing this live stream just for the heck of it because I am leaving for Bullock in two days and I literally don't know if I will be able to livestream for the next four months that I'm going can go channel after so basically yeah this could be the last lashing for a long time unless I maybe do one with my phone but this will be like a real Q&A thing so anyways how are you wearing your own merch oh yeah so first link in the description down below I believe I'm going to make the store live on Tuesday but if you do want a notification like an email notification that the store goes live the store URL and stuff is in there you can put your email in and you will get an email when the store goes live so ghost that's stupid but yeah so I did a little so I I did it like a little - our presale on the little merch store thing I went pretty well that was just like see and just make sure that every thing was working well see we got you know 118 people it's not bad you know see didn't do any big major announcing your anything what's up Andrew so we got Jack over here bringing this in with the first 199 super chat I'm joining the army instead of the Marines well you are a smart too man I'm just saying I'm just kidding brains still good but that is awesome I'm almost done with the RTC program that is gonna feel awesome hey Nathan's here me and Johnny are watching you right now that is cool hey Nathan see iTunes it's my brother oh I got to do this too I'm gonna make him a moderator who's the tallest I'm the tallest I'll tell you five six five six I don't know if he's actually five six I think she's maybe like five five are we allowed to talk on the bus to reception or to basic please answer me to jewellery for in zero zero zero zero zero yes you can talk on the buses you can talk on the buses pretty much at any time so when you're on the bus going to a reception you're still gonna be it's gonna be like civilian stuff like nothing's really gonna have happen or change yet and then even when you're going to basic training from reception you can still talk although that ride is going to be all of like two minutes no I always look forward to your streams we're gonna miss you I know I'm gonna miss you guys too it's gonna suck if I really don't get to actually live stream what's up amed Bullock Jun 92019 and basically you're gonna be going to Bullock whenever I leave is a boom you see any questions you all right alright so if you guys missed it I kind of introduced her at the beginning but her name is Kelly she is awesome I am extremely lucky to have her in my life she's just absolutely amazing I'm at the goat I can't argue with you there what's up Christopher chaos how you doing man jelly roll thank you I appreciate that you inspired me by literally having 142 people watching me and my girlfriend just sit here and talking Thank You Nathan I appreciate that Andrew D oh my gosh do you think you'll have time for YouTube videos that Bullock right now I've got some video scheduled out that I've said that I've already recorded in stuff that could last me a couple of weeks at Bullock but it would only be like two videos a week so just a heads up for all of you guys right now my goal right now is just to have a video upload on like Monday and Thursday whenever I'm gone so for the next four months like that's gonna be a thing cuz I'm assuming that I'm not gonna have as much time to upload as consistently and everything so that is my plan and right now I have some videos that will ask me at least like three weeks while I'm gone in case I can't actually make a video for those three weeks so I do still intend to post videos whenever I might Bullock the real question is can she handle a bag of Sour Patch Kids yes I think so right and one of my old videos I don't know if you've seen it was my ten thousand my ten thousand subscriber video I did like the ten thousand calorie challenge and one of the things that did was I ate a bunch of Sour Patch Kids but they were kind of like stale you like still sour patch kids like well they're like hard to chew yeah yeah and I just couldn't I just could not finish that that's kind of like a little funny epic fail on the ten thousand counter challenge I think I only got like 6,500 calories or something so anyways um must I repeat myself I don't know what you said she is not in the military um can I get a waiver for the push-ups no you can't really get a waiver to pass the PT test but you can get on a profile tour you don't have to do push-ups for the PT test so see it's super easy you're just sitting here looking all pretty you know she was just a little bit nervous to get on the stream a lot of it a lot of I'm like you got this is her first time guys on the channel and let me let me do this this is our first time on the channel unlike an actual like real big video like I mean she's been on my snapchat and Instagram and stuff but as far as the YouTube channel you know her name is Kelly y'all I eat more killer calories that in a day I'd like to uh I mean maybe in one day but consistently 6,500 calories how long does it take a morale waiver I have no clue to be honest thank you for your service sir thank you Dino I appreciate it how do they take photos at basic training like if are you wondering what photos are you talking about you talk about your little official basic training photos or you talk about the CAC photo or you're talking about just photos online um cuz like if you're talking about you know the normal photos that you're gonna have is like your basic training photo that's like it's like a school photo you go into a little room thing they put a little PC on you and they're like okay this is how you are and then boom you take a picture and then other than that there will be people going through our basic training and they're gonna have cameras and they'll be taking videos and taking pictures and stuff for your little thing man I had to set up another snapchat profile where you go okay Andrew I got you forgot my what info since you request okay got you well mmm I'll send you a message on something and then we will get that figured out hold on hold on a minute Luke what's going on Luke haven't seen you in a minute Matt and the lady pleasure to meet you hope is all as well and God bless we're doing good Thank You Luke for the ridiculous 20 hour super chat you're awesome Jonny was freaking out hearing you say hey what's up Johnny how you doing time all right so your average Joe to all of them like the pics with the flag and graduation pictures I have an anti anti a stigmatism can I pass MIPS I'm not a medical person I'm not even a hundred finisher really what in astigmatism is so that's not like the things like I like medical questions like if you ask your recruiter they'll be able to tell you or you know filling it out on your paper and Kelly nice to meet you we are a friendly Bunch see she was so worried she was just so worried it like y'all just be nice I don't like I know y'all gonna be nice and everything but she was worried because of YouTube comments and stuff can be mean Jose Campos can we get a how not to be an army boot video I'm not sure what you mean how how not to be an army boot like the slang term for a boot as in like that's I'm not understand sure where you're coming out with that let's see here Thanks he says hey - uh where did it go see it sky I come kind of scrolling up and down can you go to college after joining the army yes you can you can go to college during being in the army but you're you probably will be able to go full-time because that would just be like ridiculous a lot of stuff I am not airborne I would like to go to Airborne School this year no that would be nice Luke Matt if you claim the wonderful Kelly we we have her six just like we have yours that is awesome well apps teach y'all how to spell her name - because that's not how you spell our name how do you spell your name baby for them okay just y'all know it's ke l ee whenever you type it in the chat just so you know you know do I primarily get disqualified if I use to self-harm I want to join the army after college so self-harm is one of those things that yes I guess you could be but you should still if you're wanting to join trying to do things also if you have a bunch of scars from doing things like that then that could be an issue but if it was something that you did a very very long time ago and you don't have any scars or anything like that then that could be you know definitely ways around that heading down the MEPS this Thursday past my ass up today that is awesome Paul Kelly do you have any hobbies nope Thank You Anne Fred you don't have yes you do yes you do what are you what are some of your hobbies baby hanging out with me I don't think is a hobby but it's what I spend most my time doing I mean before we met you used to like read yeah yeah if you guys have been wondering why I haven't livestream in a while or it does many videos I just want to see what she would say it's really because like I was like sick for like almost an entire month from like December I won't say call January didn't talk at all it was ridiculous brand-new whiskey here that's awesome just got to Fort Drum Station was it Matt what do you mean last livestream potentially all right so I'm gonna reiterate this because I know not everybody watches literally the entire thing so I'm leaving for Bullock and literally like two days and I don't know if I'll be able to livestream there like so I have videos scheduled to upload and I'll be able to upload those as I'm gone Monday and Thursday is the goal so that's when you can expect videos but as far as live-streaming goes like the last time I was at Fort Gordon like the internet like I would not I will not if it's the same Internet company or whatever I like I won't be able to live stream right because the internet just sucks so maybe I could do something with my phone but I'm not gonna be able to really do like a sit-down livestream like this so that's what I mean by like last livestream potentially so I put that in the little title thing can you do a Q&A with Kelly yeah I'd like to it's just a matter if she wants to only you know she's got it she's got to get kind of worked into this whole YouTube video thing you know I'm sure they won't know more about you right right you don't want to know more about her I mean I think the last life for my date I said do I want to see me and Kelly Q&A and there was like a bajillion people who said yes Bullock basically been watching channel for about a month helped me make my decision to join up appreciate a keep up the good work thank you and Elle firearms what's the last three numbers home health credit card Oh zero zero zero have I tried the ACF too yet no I have not done it I would like to just kind of get to equipment and just try the ACF TPT test which if you guys that know is gonna be the new standard PT test in 2020 October 2020 so I'd like to just do it just to see you know with that like one minute break in between each event and just see how things are gonna be different that would be something kind of cooled you a video on without also I feel like I would need a an extra person to record me rather than just setting up a tripod that would just be too difficult to actually do it accurately for the test what is the best duty station do you think I honestly do not know because I haven't been to that meeting I'm going to Fort Gordon and I actually really do like Fort Gordon I think it's a cool base is pretty big it's got plenty of things to do on post and then there's things to do off post as well which I didn't really get to experience that much because when I went to AIT at Fort Gordon I went off post and like you could only be out for like a couple hours and whatnot so what is your favorite genre to read oh we got a couple more super chats in here Thank You Anne what is your favorite genre to read I read thrillers no male is is good being sick do you like Sakura I don't think I've ever really talked about the book she like because I do not like reading yeah but I like easy reads I don't like I don't want to like get into it and I don't know difficult to follow I like easy reading like easy sci-fi read okay and then we got Luke over here another five dollars super chat I gotta go out tea good seeing you again side note will love to see a Q&A with the amazing young lady where's I Thank You Luke I appreciate it I'm going to Fort Leonard Wood anything I should know I'm a 12 Bravo and only 17 I don't know why you have a little slash like frowny smug face for that only 17 I mean you're perfectly fine I'm gonna get that time and service in early um what does it say when you're leaving I just want to worry about your ages up too much again it's just like basic advice always give it just make sure you know you know the rank structure try to understand their soldiers Creed's and your general orders and stuff before you go those are like the big things and then like I've got videos on like the things that you definitely should know watch those watch my land navigation video those are I think some good things like if you haven't watched any other videos um those are some really good ones to watch I do have a video coming out soon on um being a leader at basic training so like if you were to watch that one then I think that those are some good general tips for you to to do so stay tuned for that video bro she's hot I know I can you shout out hunting with the boys shout out to hunting with the boys there you go Matt whoa Matt you don't need to be a gentleman and let the little killer sit a nice comfy chair instead of the stool he tried I tried yeah what is your opinion on the Army National Guard I think the Army National Guard is fine it's perfectly fine they have their purpose they're more they're like a state military but then they also are used for federal purposes right so I mean they're they're great so I don't have there's nothing negative about that how do I convince my parents to let me join you shouldn't convince them I mean if you're 18 then you can do it on your own you just need to you shouldn't convince them to let you join you should just convince them to be like okay with it and even if they're not okay with you joining because my parents and or whatever we're not really okay with me joining whenever I decided to join I kind of took a little bit of time for them to come around to the idea and I think that's the case with the majority of parents right the majority of parents are like oh no I don't want my kid to die and then you know and then they realize okay it's really not like that so just focus on the good things I did a livestream with my mom actually where we talked a lot about this you got my favorite youtuber Liam Cole thank you I appreciate it Kelly wants to be able to leave if need be and probably don't want to be in front of the camera well that was a thing babe you've already passed you know we've been live from with 20 minutes I told you it's just gonna go by and you're just doing so good just you know sitting there super easy 170 people no any pressure do you feel a little more relaxed now a little no it is just see how I was just telling I was like you know doing a whole life in thing I mean it's just us and then I was like it's like you're reading comments when like an Instagram post is just your yo you guys are like writing it right now so relax you're awesome I mean you are if this is super easy livestream use sitting here you know it's like what do you talk about people ask what I talk about whenever I do live streams and I just talk about whatever you guys ask about if that makes sense there's really no pressure doing that stuff um hey Matt thank you so much for all the help I really like the army so far dot that dot I just got back from empty in DC man um I think if you like it or like it now or whatever you'll be good to go also I want to take this time out to give a little shout out to the description where the link is app for the Matt Ward branch store that is going to if all goes planned go live on Tuesday so make sure you guys stay tuned for that also I didn't mention this before so I did like that that little free shipping thing for two hours just the other two get the other day if you guys missed that but for this little sale stuff from basically from now until the future or whatever so what will be good what will be one of the things for the store or whatever is yeah so $75 or more gets you free shipping and also $100 or more so if you do $100 on the little store I will send you personally one of these coins because I can't do it through that one company so check this out it's got my name and everything on it I've been wanting to do something with this for a while now and I decided that this is what I was actually going to do so if you're a total and everything is $100 these things are pretty expensive which is why that is what you're going to have to get to defend but I'm really kind of pumped about this so link is in the description if you want to sign up for the little email announcement on Tuesday whenever that goes live that would be greatly appreciated and we got a $1.99 strip which at whomps in here blabbering on I saw your snap she should get better at bowling yeah I did pretty good yesterday of bowling yeah um yeah I did pretty good yesterday I guys I don't know if you know if for those of you that know things about bowling like I was I feel like I got screwed over so much I got six pairs and two strikes which was ridiculous the only two frames that I didn't like close out the frame was the first and the last the first and the tenth frame I was like man Kelly what's your Instagram yeah um she's not gonna tell you her Instagram you just need to know my Instagram and then you can you know maybe one day we'll telling you all her Instagram uh okay so I'm turning 18 this coming May then I need the other year need another in other years school to graduate in 2020 I'll be 19 pots were joined the Army National Guard nice what is an honor Marine I'm not really sure what an honor marine is I've never heard of that Matt what programming languages do you learn at 25 Bravo auntie or should you know going into it you are not going to learn any programming languages whatsoever no software development kind of things no real programming at 25 Bravo AIT what you are going to learn is you are going to learn and again you go out you watch my video on 25 Bravo you're going to learn about switches and routers and you're going to learn how to program those and program is not the same thing as like what you're talking about programming languages you're going to basically use the command prompt to type in some commands to say this IP address goes here this IP address goes here and you'll set up like a firewall for this thing and you'll set up certain different things but you're not going to learn any programming languages you're going to set up switches and routers and you can get telephones to communicate and things like that how'd y'all meet we're not gonna go into too much detail this technically we met when we were like 5 years old technically I mean yeah but I don't remember her and she doesn't remember me but technically we met warmer than cuz we went to the same church that my grandfather is a pastor at so we're like on the eventually we'll be on the hunt but we want pictures of it now because we're like there's bound to be pictures of us together when we were like little kids and I think that would just be like really cute I'm just saying what do you leave your phone charger with the phone or with the other stuff and base train thanks for serving I appreciate it sovereign it sovereign 8 so yeah so when you turn in your phones at basic training generally you're probably just gonna put it in a ziploc bag and you're gonna write your name on it or you're gonna write your roster number on it and yes you can put your phone charger in that so that you don't accidentally lose your phone charger some other way because I mean you could you could just leave your phone charger in your wall locker but you know if you get your wall Locker dumped out or something from a drill sergeant then I don't know for some reason you could lose it so I would just put your phone charger in the bank that you store away you don't need your phone charger because you don't have your phone so I'll just do that keep it together so yeah and try to make sure your phone is as charged as possible because you don't want it to be dead when you get it out so any chance of going active no not aside from just deployments and things like that because for me I've talked about it a bunch of times going actually active duty for me would provide no benefits for me so I always tell people like should you go active reserve it depends on your personal goals what you want out of life what you want to accomplish in the military and then that's your thing ghost ghost it's funny here iam with that $12 and 26 cents specifically super chat I am physically ill and I am tweaking very I have a tweaked vertebrae my civilian involves running and heavy objects and the equivalents of numerous of your defiant MOS is I am scared so you're saying that you're you have a tweaked vertebrae and you're kind of worried about different some job I'm not exactly sure what's your mean in there but I think for most things like if you don't do like a very much like heavy lifting job I think you're gonna be fine the only problem that could happen is ruck marching ruck marching is pretty hard on your back that's pretty hard on your back so I wish you the best but I don't really know much about medical things like that but everything else I think besides ruck march you can be good so definitely don't go infantry because if you do have forgive me rocking a lot um are the military band members around base like we just go and listen to them for fun I don't think so I have no clue really you know what they do a lot of times the only bands that I've ever seen are really like National Guard or reserve bands let's do it again just uh but yeah I don't know what is the chances of a girl becoming a ranger um um I would say maybe just as likely as a male becoming a ranger if the female is actually capable of doing it and you have a male that is actually capable of doing it and I would say that the chances are equal you can always go on short term mission around the world with the Guard and Reserve you know I did a few times yeah see I'm fine with deploying and everything I just going active duty is different because like for me it's like like very very very much so overly simplified this is very overly simplified if your active duty you deploy you do your job you do your thing you come home and you you do a bit you go on base somewhere and you're kind of you're working like a normal job but it's like military reserves and the guard is kind of like you deploy and then you kind of come back home and then just do your civilian job and do training so it's kind of like I said for me I'm perfectly fine with getting deployed but going after duty is something that I'm not I do not see in my future and I definitely think she sees that my future either so as their summer camp for kids who are curious about the military yes especially if you are in ROTC in hot JROTC in high school they do summer camps and things like that where it's like a week-long or maybe even two weeks I can't remember because all my little brothers have done this and you go to like Fort Bragg and they like treat you kind of like it's basic training so if there is like a JROTC program at your school or something like that I think that would be really cool because speaking with like you know my little brother and stuff who has gone to this and then gone to basic training it definitely will help you out a lot as far as kind of knowing what to expect with just like a short little one-week experience right Destinee Grove thank you for the 499 super chat what is your degree and I'm wanting to become a software developer and want to know if 25 Bravo will help my degree is in computer science and yes I'm a software developer on the civilian side will 25 Bravo help yes it will as far as you get especially as far as giving your degree 20-car Bravo like I mentioned before you're not going to be learning any like programming right but you are going to learn about computer security and things like and you're going to be taking classes on that in college and so like when you learn about networking and things like that being a 25 Bravo beforehand is definitely going to help you out a lot like I was a 25 I went 25 brava auntie and everything went back to school took some classes like there was like two classes that if I would have known I could have easily tested out of in college because of the 25 Bravo training why is it the last livestream because it could potentially be the last livestream because I'm about to leave for Bullock and I don't know if I'm going to really have the internet speed or the capabilities or whatever to livestream so that's the case so I'm just not sure if I'll be able to live stream I have a last room in a while but again I don't know if I'll be able asking for another one 186 people can we get this to like 200 people no you don't think we get it to 9 people I think all you guys watching right now should first like the video and then also stick around so we can get this 200 people because you know um best advice for ruck marches how you pack your ruck is extremely important and then also making a ruck as tight as possible is also extremely important so packing your ruck and is important making the weight distributed and then making it are tight I would kind of like to do a video and this is like a it's a little tip that's going to help you out a lot and that is literally your the rucksack that's on the frame how to raise it up because a lot of people don't really know how to do that they just get the rucksack and they throw it on and it's just sagging a lot and how to actually adjust the rucksack to be higher up when your back that is definitely a noteworthy video that we could do 191 you guys just hold on just don't click off of the video until you get to 200 we got her Hyrum with a 12 26 super chat again however I was clocked running two miles in 13 or four that is freaking awesome but you know you gotta get those four seconds faster I'm just telling I'm wearing boots jeans and a t-shirt okay well that's really good then if you did a 1304 with boots and jeans with a 200 meter deficit competing with the National Guard unit and 3.1 miles and SEC you something New Jersey dressed the same that is freakin awesome if you can do that you like when you got a basic training you're definitely gonna be doing like an 11 something - Mel and you were saying you had something hurt with your back like you're gonna be fine I mean if you can do that especially with the boots and stuff you are good to go great couple eight seven seven seven seven seven I appreciate that I've never done the Norwegian foot March what does it feel like having Donald Trump as your dad I don't know almost a gold face just few weeks away that is awesome juggernaut and then we got um wisdom wisdom over here with $100 MX whatever currency that is I don't know what currency that is but all Mexican citizen I guess and that's what it is I'm a US Mexican citizen most of the life was in Mexico I want to join but I have no contact reference in the USA except for family members can I use my Mexican contacts as references that is a question that I have no clue the answer to like I'm just not sure on that like definitely you're just gonna have to contact a US recruiter and then talk to them about that because I have no clue if you have to have American citizen references on your thing so I do not know that for sure but that is something that you could definitely find out with the phone call or whatever or a visit to a recruiters office so can you do a video on ranks please addy Madre I have done a video on the ranks before there's there's a couple of videos on the ranks the ranking systems so you can watch mine Christopher Kaos there was another youtuber he was on here when we first got on the stream I know he has some videos explaining the ranks and everything so you can definitely check that out it's it's not too bad right so once you actually memorize it I mean I guess it could be a little bit overwhelming at first like if you don't know like Sergeant Staff Sergeant all that stuff but it's not too bad at all ghost I don't follow hardly anybody I mean I've never followed a follower back if that makes sense so a lot of people ask me like follow me back on Instagram or snapchat or whatever like pretty much the only people that I follow are like very very very close friends or family Matt do you and Kelly have a bed about 200 people on the last gym no we don't it's just you know it'd be nice to hit 200 which we went back down 183 you guys didn't stick around it was like 10 people who left John yeah all right well people who didn't enroll in the GI Bill at first have another chance to re-enlist in it no you don't so when you're at reception and there I'm trying remember specifically because this was like four years ago now but when you're at reception there is going to be a piece of paper when you're going through all this process and it's going to be asking you which if you want to sign it for the GI Bill or the post 9-11 right at that point in time if you do not sign up for that Montgomery GI Bill you can't go back to do that if you sign for the post 9/11 so at that point in time no you can't right so if you deny it on your basically initial contract you can't do like oh hey I want that money now you can't do that who said something's I missed it oh yeah and I was John some I every wanted me to tell you they are watching ya Nathan was on here earlier I thought I saw John's name there's a lot of comments that went up well we were 36 minutes in are you proud of yourself yeah you proud of yourself how much long do you want to go alright she's saying we're gonna get off the live stream so [Laughter] Kelly is so pretty she is very pretty and thank you respond her name correct thank you uh you can change the put the Montgomery GI Bill to the post 9-11 yeah that's all trying you can change from Montgomery to the post 9/11 but you can't go from 9/11 to the Montgomery what's your favorite thing about the army I've talked about this before my favorite thing about the army is being in the army talk about it explained it in depth but that is my favorite thing about it see Anne thinks you're awesome for doing this thanks Ann Ann's awesome she gave me that um the the SEAL training thing over there you see that yeah you know this thing right here mm-hmm by the way Kelly gave me this awesome looking tank you want to show him it is such a cool thing cuz I asked for something for Christmas that could possibly go on my wall look at this it's like a tank made out of bullets it's so sweet I think it's awesome she said thoughtful his asthma a big deal I can run I can't run for too long well if you can't run for too long that's probably a problem so it could be so like it's like I've talked about in the video before about asthma if you were diagnosed with it after the age of thirteen then you cannot join so would you do a Q&A with Cal gaat yeah me and Kyle got we already did we did a video together recently I did a podcast with them so you could search his his podcast and then I'm the first episode on that the video that we did together is gonna go on his channel so that should be up at some point in time I have no clue but it should be up at some point in time no she does not live with me how did you get such a girl I have no clue I don't know why I'd seriously I'm just like I feel like I I don't know I know I feel like it's pretty self-explanatory uh heroes everywhere can you do a video with JT suits yeah do a video with him I do a video with any other military youtuber [Laughter] so we're not talking about we're just laughing it questions is allergy a problem it depends on the allergy it depends on the injury Mayson heart with the five dollar shootout I'm joined the National Guard and I want to do it full-time instead of the one weekend a month do you know anything I could do yeah you could go I don't know what it's called for for the National Guard but in the Army Reserves it's called AGR I don't know if it's actually called AGR in the National Guard but yes you can join the reserves and still be full-time and you can also join the National Guard and still be full-time and get paid and do stuff like active duty does how old is she she is actually a seven months older than me I'm the baby in this relationship you just like so cute looking at you in the thing yeah that this is now and then that's how yeah this is live now now they don't look at my question I'm telling you Kelly has more than ten fingers it's called a gr and they reserve in the guard as well okay is water wet we had this debate on Instagram you know my stance if you want to know is if water is wet and you want to know my stance on that then head over to my Instagram Matt how is MEPs MEPs is a pain in the butt is that's how MIPS is like it's just it's boring it's a long day it's just going from thing to thing to thing is medical paperwork whatever it's kind of boring Kelly I'm older by several years and married to an active duty Army Staff Sergeant you go girl Memphis is game now maps are just is very boring Ranger versus Green Berets if you're asking which one is better I would say Green Berets aka Special Forces but Rangers are also very very skilled what they're doing can I enlist with facial scars yes what you're falling for it Valen what what are your civilian career goals software developer this whole YouTube thing has kind of changed my life right now so that's kind of like my career goals from like a couple years ago to now is like completely it's like a lot of shifted but as far as like doing something with software development for the rest of my life is something huge having some kind of software company would be awesome so being basically running my own company that is a software company is like the end goal for me so whether YouTube helps take me to that by meeting people or something that could be a possibility but that's what I want to do how long is Maps it is just all day it's just one day but it's like all day it's from like I don't I don't remember the time but it's like from 4:30 in the morning until you swear in and then that's like the end of the day that's like the last thing you do is you swearing and then you take pictures then you take pictures with your family for family decides to come what ghosts don't ask super questions what degree did you get from college I got a computer science degree mat live on post live on post or off post if it were up to me I would live off post but it depends on the post because sometimes the living on post could be a lot nicer than living off post so it just depends on the post that you're going to and then yeah that's kind of basically what it depends on my girlfriend's going I'm Army Reserves and I'm proud of her that is awesome that you were supportive of her and what she's wanting to do well being a vegetarian be a problem at basic training there should always be some vegetarian alternative for whenever you need should be should be yeah my in reserve I'm in reserves should I go active what's your opinion you could probably rewind it about 20 minutes so and I've talked about it it just depends on what your goals are and stuff so I'm not gonna be able to answer that for you some of the the questions and and I remember when me and Kyle got got together we talked about this some of the questions that you guys ask is like we can't really answer because you ask you know should we join this branch or this branch or should we do this in molestor this and where should we go active or reserve and like that's all you're really asking like we can't make that decision for you right like we you've got completely different goals and stuff in life than us you've lived a completely different life than us so we can't make that huge decision it's like hey who should I marry you know should I marry the army or should I marry the Marines you know like it's a life decision and we can't make that for you go up a little bit go up my friend's dad was a Marine he asked if he will get more respect from it yeah I would say so like if somebody Marines are more hardcore and stuff so like if a Marine switches over to another branch it's like all that one guy was a Marine so and that's kind of the extent of that in a way right Dante Paul with $5 okay how difficult do you think it would be to get an ADHD waiver if you've been prescribed with your meds through TRICARE after the age of 13 I'm pretty sure from the research and stuff that I've done like you cannot be like currently taking medication at the time of joining what 288 see like a DFC is kind of like okay but you can't be currently taking any medication am i subscribed to PD by yes I have guaranteed been subscribed PewDiePie it longer than every single one of you guys because I used to know him I helped his channel get started when he had like 300 subscribers and I had to like a thousand I had about a thousand eleven hundred subscribers so that was a long long time ago so yeah I've been around I've talked to Peter pine a long long time ago probably doesn't remember because it was a long time ago on skype and stuff but uh yeah so of course I've been subscribed PewDiePie since he had like 300 subscribers and now he's got like 90 million or however much it is ridiculous that's one of those that's one was weird things I always keep in mind now that you never freaking know who you're gonna meet like you never know like one day you could just be skyping this person and then three years later to the biggest person on YouTube like you know it's just like whoa this is crazy because if you guys didn't know especially if you watched my old 100,000 scar video I used to make Call of Duty videos PewDiePie used to make cause of YouTube videos but he played on PC and whatever then he got into the whole scary stuff and so we were wanting to do collabs but called Duty videos and scary videos did not mesh as like the same kind of content so fun fact do that test your blood for THC at maps I don't have a clue what they test your blood for they tested for all kinds of things but I do not know specifically what they tested for but are you sub to t-series no what's your ASVAB score watch my video and ask time whatever Nam's kidding I got a 91 don't ask me what I did to study for it because I did not study that's one of the difficult things that I talk about that people asking about like you know what did I do to study for the ASVAB and whatnot my recruiter specifically told me not to study he was like you don't he's like don't waste your time Lee he's like you're gonna do fine from the practice tests I did so I just never studied for it I kind of went into it blind and just did it so Joshua Corbin with the $5 ship Jack hey man I started a YouTube channel for gaming and military what do I need to focus on to help my channel grow that is a good question the first thing that you need to focus on is just be consistent uploading videos yeah I in my opinion if you want to grow on YouTube 3 videos a week is the thing to do especially if you're a smaller channel because you want to have people constantly coming back because a lot of people that are watching YouTube like this might be you like you watch all these bigger youtubers and then maybe maybe you find one that you like that's a smaller channel but then they don't upload for a while then you can't just forget about them because they're just a smaller Channel you have been watching them for that long so you need to kind of do that consistent content the other thing that you need to do which is literally like the method behind the madness for my entire channel is being searchable on youtube right so you don't need to just put some random title in your video that nobody in there in the world would ever search right like you need to put things that people are going to want to search right so with my channel I'm at least lucky enough that when I ride join the military I was searching for a whole bunch of questions so literally the title of a bunch of my is like the question that I wanted to ask which people type into YouTube so that's how I suggest doing that being consistent at least three videos a week and then being searchable right harith l 499 both of you look adorable together all the best by the way I leave for basic tomorrow good frickin luck thank you so much for all the videos and support that is awesome have fun at reception just saying I always love it whenever you guys say hey I'm going for two basic training you know today tomorrow whatever is always kind of cool at least for me you know maybe one day I'll see you guys down the road because I do meet people you know I want to meet a lot of people at Fort Gordon now so if you're at Fort Gordon any time soon we might run into each other she pretty you lucky I am very lucky hey Matt and Kelly a hello from France Wow all our videos continues to like that continuous videos like that so I appreciate that France why are you watching all the way from France interested in joining the best military in the United States or the entire world not the United States of America but the best military in the world how come this might be the last livestream I just got here what's up Savage patch Matt so I'm going to bollock in a couple of days I don't know if I'm gonna be able to livestream gonna have possibly bad internet and that is why and again you guys check out the link in the description for the store you know if you want to check out this you know t-shirt or this hoodie by the way I do want to explain this because you know I haven't uploaded video this shirt it says original gangster that's the hundred thousand subscribers shirt that is going to be just being sold for like two weeks or so two weeks after I go live on the store which is going to be Tuesday so after that you're never gonna get to have like a hundred thousand strapper og Original Gangster shirt or hoodie or whatever or else I at that are kind of like those limited-edition things so if you want to be if you want to really prove that you are around before 100,000 subscribers or really now at 100,000 subscribers that is how you do it because I don't intend on stopping this whole YouTube thing anytime soon so you know when we get to like a couple hundred thousand that would be ridiculous just so you know I mean I think I mean I think a hundred thousand is just like mind blowing like you think about it Matt is GD enough to join yes you can join the army I don't know the other branches might have different things because other branches have different requirements so but to join the army for the ASVAB score I believe it's 31 if you have a high school diploma but if you only have a GED I think you have to score like a 50 or a 51 or something like that so you have to just do better on the ASVAB if you only have a GED but you can still 100% still join what what do you laugh mm-hmm what is usually the attitude of women in the army do they have to work harder to prove themselves I would say the absolute women is just dependent upon the woman the female themselves right and then the attitude of men towards women is the same thing it just depends on the person I made a video talking about women in the Army or whatever and I would say maybe just a little bit you know females they just have to prove that they can whatever tools to some males but for the most part I don't think it's really much of a difference anymore for the majority of people in the military do you know any super noticeable difference between the Army and the Air National Guard I do not know much about the Air National Guard so the difference is I would say is there's different branches you know you got ones the army ones the Air Force so what now did I miss did I miss there we go Hyrum did I miss this there is not like me with the $10 which I'm reading this right now I almost missed it they're not like me with my cornball expletive imitation army PFT uniform and goofy Hebrew writing I'm 43 I was PMD queued across the board over 20 years ago but I'm calm and confident about running an entire Corps fewer are you the one that was just saying that uh did I miss it let me see here can you still yeah you're yeah you did the super chat that you could run the 1304 I mean if you are 43 and you can run 1304 that is ridiculous we can offer your students almost an hour what don't you know music okay hold on I feel like I miss another super champ this one Jack man mural the 119 a script I'm going to be an Army Ranger that is awesome make sure your PT is being maxed out before you go to base train just a piece of advice why did I join the army I've got a video on it I believe is reception like maps yeah I'd say reception is a little bit like maps did she just call you yeah um just tell her like you know I'll call you back in like two minutes or so my dad is getting out of the army as an e 9 serve for 30 years that is ridiculous 30 years what what level was he at was he like a battalion sergeant major brigade sergeant major yeah that's right I'm still watching Elliot yeah I've been you know reading your comments like a program when are you going to rest I'm never going to rest the ballistic bear there's your shoutout I've always had photos of your commissioning ceremony I was there before 100k if you have a zip up I might get one though yeah I need to I'm wanting to I have this but I don't have any in a zip-up format right I wouldn't want to do a different sign because I didn't want to just cut this down the middle all right this is gonna be the last super chat the last thing that I'm going to read before I just say bye to everybody for a little while Destinee Grove do you think women should have the same PD standards as men for combat roles yes I do and yes that will be the standard whenever the ACF T comes out women and men will have the same standard as well as age that is the thing I think is really stupid and I've talked about that like the CFT score standard suck you can watch that whole video of me saying that just really dumb I think one local thing that could happen maybe from this whole YouTube thing if the army would consult me I could like talk to all of you they were like hey army the whole age neutral thing is not the greatest idea in the world so but if you didn't know so the Army's gonna have this new standard for the PT test and it's gender-neutral which is fine but it's also age neutral so the standard for a 17 year old male is the same as like a 50 year old female yeah so that's where I'm just like I feel like that should be the same cuz whenever you're in the military for so long you have different roles even if you're the same MOS you know maybe that should go off a rank or something like that but you know anyways that is it we literally are gonna have made it to an hour by the time I finish closing this out store is in description if you want to pick up the American soldier swords gonna go live on Tuesday I'm going to announce that also on Tuesday but if you want to sign up for little email thing to get whenever good does go officially light be sure to do that if you want to get one of these coins right here that is one of my little challenge coins I was looking for a nice way to give these things away and then if you if you get much of stuff valued over $100 then you would get one of those I will send it to you myself so that will be literally personally shipped from me and you might get a little thank-you note in there as well so that's gonna be I think pretty cool but yeah everybody tell Kelly bye I'm looking forward to talking to you guys again I'm looking forward to doing some videos again going to Bullock gonna upload a little bit less frequently but I do still continue to plan to upload so Matt squared what's up well so alright so quick story I could tell you off string but me and satisficer I play call of duty livestream together you know we were just weird as dominating on Call of Duty laughter I mean he's really good at call duty she is a cutie peace out everybody say bye [Music]
Channel: Matt Ward
Views: 10,357
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Keywords: Matt Ward, Matthew Ward, Army, Army vlogs, army live stream, army questions and answers, matt Ward live, ACFT, Army acft, new army pt test, army pt test, new ACFT, acft vs apft, army, army questions, military questions, matt ward, military q&a, army q&a, matt ward live, matt ward girlfriend
Id: Xhhw5iXrLxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 31sec (3631 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 10 2019
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