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[Music] hey Jessa my I'm glad you made it to church today I'm breaking a couple of traditions today I didn't we're not doing the tribal moment I didn't do that I haven't done that all day and I'm actually doing a QA today so usually when we do Q&A we put mics in the aisle and I just let y'all come up and say whatever you have to say well you know that's risky and they come on you know I just stab somebody down our street should I go back Inc of it so you know just so we got a little more control over today we took y'all started emailing these questions and sending in questions so I'm gonna answer the questions that have been coming in through social media when it was posted that you could ask the question so some people took advantage of that anybody asked the question so that's what I'm gonna do today I'm gonna answer those questions before I answer the question some of you may know that I released a book over the weekend called sidechick ology why men and women cheat somebody my goal in the book is to help people understand how cheating happens like to not just give a pathology the cheating but also a pathway out of recovering if infidelity happened in a relationship I talk about my own failure it's a transparent book it's a helpful book it's funny but it's also serious it's written so that whether you a book reader are you a DD I put I put an infidelity story in there about two people so that all the ATD people could just stay with it through the through it all hey man this threat in there when I finished writing the book I also went to I am a black Christian man so I'm used to talking to people who believe what I believe and who listen to me and agree with me but I took the book to an environment in a context outside of my belief my team is not African American Christians they're people who don't believe what we believe and come from a different culture and I wanted them see is this true for everybody and it was amazing how people connected to the truth of the book and how it gave me balance to here with how a woman would read what I was writing how an unsaved white woman will read it how a person who doesn't believe what I believe how black woman were reading because I didn't just want it to be imbalanced my sort of book has a great balance to it for men and women for married people and single people and I hope you get it it's a great book you can pick it up in the lobby today they're selling it here hard copies and and soft covers I checked Amazon at before I came to church today and it was number 20 on downloads Kindle downloads under romance I'm grateful it it dropped down to 21 after the second service so amen so if you want just invest $8 I think 799 you can go to Amazon and download the Kindle version and just maybe a dollar I can see what happened if everybody do that you don't have to you know I appreciate it you know see how it does you know what I'm saying I appreciate that and I'm grateful grateful for my wife for her support and love she can pretty much get whatever she want I'm gonna be I'm spinning and tight now but you know she said on the podcast her love language is cash so download those books so I can make sure I can love her you know I'm saying let's pray father please speak to us even though this is a non sermonic format may you give us life and Direction out of these answers out of these questions and even if you don't give us something may you give us something that someone else needs that we can take out of here and share with others in Jesus name Amen first question we ready it's gonna come on the screen how do you know you have found the one God has picked for you well first of all I disagree that God has pics on my for you I think you pick you get to pick that whole thing about God has somebody's just for me that actually comes out of Greek mythology it was a writing by Plato called symposium and the concept and supposing supposing writing is that at one time all human beings were dual gender they were half man half woman and that something happened in the world and knows a dual gender people split in half and then the whole plight in life was to find my other half that's where that whole came from where's my soulmate that came out of Greek mythology is nothing biblical about it Bible says the two whole people become one two completely whole people not a half person walking around for the rest of me to show up that's why you yes that can cause marriages problems in marriage when you marry somebody is now whole you get to pick your wife you get to pick your husband you get to choose who you decide you going marry you you're not in a foreign country where most of the marriages are arranged you have a choice and the Bible says you just supposed to marry in the Lord that is the framework we supposed to get married so you should marry another believer but whether you marry a Republican or Democrat whether the person like skin and dark and that's all you you can't see there now if you need to say the Lord gave you their person to stay in a relationship then go and help yourself do it like that but a lot of the same people who say the Lord brought them together in the divorce in each other what I'm saying where's the Lord now and here's the deal because every relationship takes work even the first marriage we know the Lord brought them two together Adam what name what when she was when he woke up he was married God did all that and they had they had domestic violence in that in that family they brought the devil attack that family there is no marriage okay I came together they won't require work it's gonna have to work so I you know if you need to believe God handpicks of mine for you then you go with that but I'm saying you really are responsible for who you marry and you just supposed to very well you're supposed to be married well if people don't marry they're not married right they don't do marriage the right way all right so if you hate do you need to light on me too to film it okay that's cool if you need it appreciate it here's the next question this was a book somebody wrote me here we go I truly enjoyed you yesterday at First Baptist Church Glenn and I came up for prayer for my marriage and now I don't know how to move forward without being stupid so my situation is my husband and I have been separated for over two years we have two children son five a daughter - I currently live with my mother with the kids due to his financial irresponsibility is it wrong of me to want him to make the first move and arrange some form of counseling I just want to see that he is willing to do what it takes to put the marriage back together or should I just make things happen and ask him to at least show up I love him dearly and I see his really going through a difficult time possibly even depression I care for him so much but I don't want to lose myself again the things I did in my 20s like take care of him I don't want to do it I don't want to do it at almost 40 we have been together for 18 years since I was 19 and married for six years all your help is greatly appreciated so here's what here's what I would do I would first of all ask him if he's willing to go to counseling and then I was set it up and see if he shows up and not just shows up does he follow through on what the counselor says because it's more you know a lot of people just throw counseling away they say you know we went to can we try counseling you go to counseling for one hours 168 hours and every week if you go to counseling and you go back to your normal behavior at the counselor that was your fault you counseling is meant to impact the other 167 hours not a place you for and you and you talk about what you're gonna do but you go back to the same old stuff so does he follow through with the councillors directives and advice hopefully will if he doesn't show up for council him and he doesn't do what the counselor says and I hate to say you're running out of options you're running out of options here's the next question Brian from Woodbridge at 10 o'clock service whereas too late that's from 10 o'clock it's gone because he was in with Briggs at 10 o'clock he can't see this now how do you go to the next one Brian from Woodbridge how do you how do you recognize I mean I don't want to answer a question for one person who's not here how do you recognize what a relationship is going through a growing pain versus doing when it's time to walk away so I'm assuming that's a dating relationship okay the purse is here they give me feedback I would tell you something you're not gonna believe believe it or not you're gonna think I'm minimizing this but if you're having sex and you take sex out of the relationship and I mean all of it not just intercourse out of course freaky stuff no cuz people stop having intercourse but they'd still be playing with each other and feeling on each other and humping each other and all that stuff and date but they say between swinged having sex when you take all that out of relationship that's the dating relationship you'd be surprised at how much clarity you get first of all any dude who was just there for that he will slowly start fading on the scene he was like you trying to reach me like you know my so my phone was I look at my phone because he wasn't committed to you he was committed to that or he will step up to the plate because he really wants to be in relation with you you I know y'all y'all think it can't be that simple I'm telling you fornication sexual and sexual engagement when you're a Christian in relationship makes it so cloudy it clouds it because it creates a marital context and when you're a Christian it brings in shame and guilt and hiding it clouds the relationship you can't sing clear so you don't know are we just hitting the rough spot or is this is this the end of the road I'm telling you until the relationship is period you can't see clear I'm telling you what I know and a lot of people are dest the problem and once you shut that down watch what happens watch how clear you it's like being sober when you're not high people who stop getting high so I'll drink for mine they can't they can't even they're shocked at how creative they become and how clear their thinking and how the ideas flow in the same thing happens when you give up sexual sin it's a clarifier yeah I knew this was going to be real quiet today and all this just people just living let's go to the next question what are examples yeah people ain't playing with these young same thing what are examples of a man who is emotionally intelligent emotionally vulnerable and emotionally empathetic background written by 32 year old wife of seven years whose husband emotionally cheated three years ago and now I want a divorce because I do not feel he knows or has the skills to show any of the above at this time which I guess is emotional vulnerability emotional empathy and emotional intelligence I don't think he can do that at this time and now I'm emotionally exhausted and have no more patience to wait for him to show emotional growth I've tried church pastor Marshalls conference marriage counseling for the last two years prayer talking to him separating for a whole year and then moving back together and so question is what do I do first of all those things that the person wants emotional intelligence emotional vulnerability and emotional empathy those are not marriage non-negotiables those are preferences and you're asking for a life from a man because men and women are terribly different in that space listen to me you want a man of heavy emotional intelligence emotional vulnerability and what's the third one and emotional empathy when his emotional world has not been alive since he was a kid any man that was raised in an emotionally unsafe environment or an emotionally unhealthy environment was taught from the time he was little not to express emotions unless it was anger or he's hungry only that you can be as a kid a boy as you're growing up you could be hungry and you could be mad but you can't be hurt because as soon as you hurt you cry and if you cry somebody who is dysfunctional or say stop crying like a little girl with my little man that so you six years old and you learn we'd be making from who does that you ever seen a girl go she falls apart girls fall apart grown women fall apart women will cry if a woman was crying right here right now women would get around her and be crying and don't even know why she crying be like I don't know what's wrong we'll find out later if any man in here breaks down his daughter crying will remove them loose things worry come on dog come on we got to get him out the room this is this is a catastrophe man let's let's take them in the back you got to do that in the back Joe this is your emotional region this is where your soul is contained somewhere between you're wasting your shoulders once this area is closed where you're not able to feel anything but a grand hunger but you're not able to express paint you lose connection with it it's like a foreign space women are integrated they are completely connected to their soul body and if they feel stuff in their body they feel it in your soul when they're not feeling well or they don't feel like putting on makeup their hair doesn't feel all it's all integrated with a woman she is totally integrated we're not like that at all most men we only feel from our neck up and our waist down that's the disconnect a man is not horny necessarily that's why that's why we we go after what we see without without the feeling that's why man could be sexual without a feeling but that's why a woman wants to feel close to a man to open up to him to receive her well Amanda never feel close because he's not necessarily connected in here anyway so how do you expect a man to open up a place that's been closed for decades it's gonna take a long time to open this back up and I'm telling you I noticed the fact I've said this in this church before I said again the man operates from this head to this one that's that's what he's operating from so much so that if this if his lower head is not working he'll put a pail in this one to make it work and there are men who can't get erections that will commit suicide I know it I know somebody who did it they're men if they got to get surgery to stop cancer from eating up their body if it takes away their impotence if it takes away their potency they would rather have the cancer they don't ask the doctor can I still do that do you live anything that powerful is that some powerful stuff right there so how do you expect them to be emotionally intelligent emotionally vulnerable and emotionally empathic when this area shut down you have to take time now I'm not saying it's hopeless but here's what can kill it if you ever get a man connected to this part of his being and he starts exploring and talking from this space if you want to shut him down don't you if he ever opens up don't you ever crush him if he ever opens up and says what he's feeling and you say that stupid you will not hear him talk for 20 years yeah you you you let him let him crack a bra let him let him peek put a block you know you have blinds on a window let him open up one them blinds and you look in and judge him you will never hear from him again on that level so are you ready for that are you ready to let him open up to into his place of vulnerability that's like walking on it's like going into a world that he's never been in before that's just not how men it's not all men some men are healthy enough they've been in a rise where they could feel what I'm telling you that's not normal for a man so understand that that's asking a lot of somebody and if you're gonna help him to be emotionally aware you got to create an emotional safety around him where he can't open up where you invite him to open up and it's safe to open up and even his brokenness can come out without whoo is that too deep let's move on to the next question the next story I'm a 40 plus year old woman who has never been married and no children I have a very active life I'm not a homebody to include but not limited to exercise traveling community center I attended the event yesterday at F BCG you asked marry women who raised their hands although it was a packed house only about 25% of American women were married my question is why is it so challenging for women to meet men who are looking for a wife we women attend all sorts of seminars conferences and hear sermons and teach us to do's and adults but we find ourselves still single and it's time begins to pass us by we missed the season of childbearing due to no fault of our home just because we have been keeping the faith to meet someone who is looking for the same thing any insight would be appreciated sincerely single and tired [Music] so I'm gonna say it is I don't think it's the woman's fault I think we have a problem with men who we have to have more men who are raised to grow up to be fathers and husbands we don't have that anymore girls grow up wanting to be mothers grow up wanting to be wives they grow up one-and-a-half families guys don't necessarily guys want to have kids so they could see another version of themselves walking around but they don't want the commitment and responsibility of being with a woman there anybody to hold them accountable here am I making the baby but they don't want the responsibility of being a family man men that's and that's not y'all's fault man just don't want to choose to be faithful to one woman they want to have flings with multiple women that's not y'all's fault well we had to do in America we got to make marriage great again make marriage great again that's what we need to do make people want to grow up to be married I think some of it is systemic when you go back in history you look at the injustice that we as people of color have experienced when black men were separated from their families in slavery and tortured and not allowed to connect with their families and even now in sensors that that in order to get a government assistance you can't have a man living in the house with you I mean it's almost systemically setup for a man to be disconnected but I'm saying it's no excuse if any man be in Christ he's a new creature old things are passed away all things become new I'm saying we got to make it cool to be a man who's a husband and a father I said in the earlier service we need men who want to cover a woman I want to cover you I want to be there for you I you got to be moisture than uncovering one woman than getting under the covers with a lot of them because that becomes the goal for men how many women can I hit how many women on my hit list how many women cannot just how many area codes can I cover you know say saying but we got to make being family men I challenge every man listening to me that's not married be a family man be a father even if it ain't your own children we need fathers and husbands and men who are standing on the post and the hot in the neighborhood who are committed to one woman and one household in one family stop being selfish it's just men's you're selfish they don't want to give up their freedom they don't want to give it the attention again from a lot of women and they looking for the perfect women woman when ain't even the perfect man make a commitment man marry somebody be committed and be faithful make marriage great again made ethical we don't just reach into my own self I don't think we we I don't even know if I made being a father and a husband the goal for my son's it just wasn't even on my mind I think I tried to model it but I'm saying that should be the goal we're not raised in man we raised a man to be and be industrious to be employed to start business define your purpose and all that do you find out your why but what about being husbands and fathers we need that now and I think if there was a movement in the black community that men wanted to be husbands and wanted to be fathers and wanted to be family man and that was one of the goals instead of one to be cool and want to be a player and want to be like all uncles we had multiple girlfriends and we had men who wanted that I think a lot more women will be getting married you can't marry until a man steps up and he's ready to do it and I'm speaking to men here I don't care if you're mad you selfish some of you now America is you selfish you'd rather be single you like being single because you the prom king cuz any black man that's halfway decent looking who's got a job you're a commodity and you know the ladies wants you you know you got three or four women and be winking at you you got women in the church smile at you when they pass the offering basket everywhere you go so what what about being a father and a husband in a world and ease it that's what's up that's what's up I said that's what's up yeah you know I'm saying why can't we step up to that step up to that be a man because just because you're a man chronologically doesn't mean you're a man emotionally in in maturation a lot of men are still boys that's why they'd rather be boy friends that's been a whole chapter talk about this they want to be boyfriend's a boyfriend there's between a man and a real man wants a wife that's what he's looking for he's looking for a wife not a girlfriend looking for a wife and when he finds you you should be a wife in your own mind a boy is looking to be a friend of a girl so he can get but he wants marital benefits but he was a boyfriend level commitment boys play games that's why they call them players and the better you play the game the more girls you have that's why they play video games they're immature so so now but but you ladies are actually helping it because you give him you treat him like he's your husband so you live with him you cook for him you wash his clothes you're having his babies you're having sex with him so he's playing xbox you playing house now you play house and play house you got to act like your wife I'm the wife you the husband that's it both of y'all need to grow up and step up and be who you supposed to be stop playing games yeah I love y'all oh yeah what you want me to get on an organ and say well rainy alright my Jesus went to Calvary huh yes he did yes he did he did he did go to Calvary and we still a here playing I challenge every man here to step up to the plate step up to the plate this ain't Africa pick one make a decision make a choice stand in line like you're at a restaurant no man should I get it I get the grill or fry whether I wanted extra cheese or two meat lovers you don't know you want a big sister maybe of sister but here's the thing because they all giving you some you can't make a decision all the ladies need to go on a corporate sex fast Oh pastor justice gangster yeah what y'all want me to tell you the truth for you when we play that's how we get here it ain't your fault you and your voices a shame it's a shame we're raising I got a granddaughter three years old beautiful it's a shame if we don't turn this thing around she won't have somebody it's trying to be a husband it's another dude wanna be a boy all his life gonna be a boy all his life you're gonna be a boy all your life yeah I ain't scared of you know Mike ain't beat you showing skater you know let's go let's go - next question is it true oh I have several you skip one I thought the next one was is it true is it true that men need is not next I'll just go what you got you gonna come back to I have several people interested in starting or writing a book club a club well starting a book writing club as I ensure is that possible oh I don't know you tapped if you go to Landover talk to pastor page your pastor Marshall about how that would work you can do that anything is possible I mean it's they date they handle that tell you what steps you gotta take what's the next one how do you how do you remain Curt and courage how do you how do you remain encouraged to continue to practice celibacy in a world that tells you every day to do the opposite first of all I ain't even fake like I know what it's it's gotta be difficult to be single and celibate today it's just gotta be it's just too much going on it's just going in the opposite direction but I say this you have to know your why you have to know your standard has got to be greater than society's norm but that's another reason why Christian men got to step up because I'm saying how you're able to be how you're able to be sexually pure and single for all these years that's what I'm saying they're not they're not I know it y'all ain't sexually pure either playing with yourself are you playing with somebody else that ain't pure how do you live like that like like how do you get to do that like that's a violation and you if you don't listen if you don't get that straight it's hurting what what God can be using you to do I know you great by yourself one can chase a thousand but two can chase ten thousand you you so that's why I don't understand why are people single so long anyway when the rules are you not supposed to have sex if you're not if you're not married how y'all doing that you have the sex everybody knows me I'm in my 50s now I have to be married this ain't no I have to be married no no vibe die first then I don't know my wife may be able to go without being read if she dies first I can't be if we say something if Vicky dies and two years later I'm still singing I'm gonna tell you right now I'm sinning that's I'm already innocent then don't even look at me and wonder two years how y'all going two years no you can't be playing with that this time I oh no this is the right one oh it was y'all be playing with each other I know make a decision and didn't work on building the merge merge we got to make marriage great again how about that marriage is a great thing do it do it right whoo I get all the way over there next question what you going to all right is it true that men need value respect from their spouse more than they need love more than they value look I recently watched a Myles Munroe video where he preaches on Ephesians 5:33 by the way 5533 says see that every man loves his wife and see that every man woman reverences or respects to her husband that's what the verse says so she says he basically says husbands don't require love my future husband says that he relates to not needing love more than he needs respect the LL Cool J get it wrong so I don't know what LL Cool J says what what what do you say I need love so so so I'll say this I would agree with your future husband respect is paramount for man because even though we might be masculine our egos are fragile if you talk to a man funny like how you talk if you give you me you talk to us wrong way it's just like oh why you incoming me like that Shawn like it's just something about us we can't handle that so respect is paramount and then what happens is when a man doesn't feel respected he doesn't want to love his wife but when a wife doesn't feel love she don't want to respect her husband it creates a vicious cycle where both people are neglecting what the other person needs and so I think respect is important but I don't disagree with LL Cool J I think we won't bow I think we want to be loved too so but respect is very important what's the next one good morning looking for info for singles group forgot the real title how do these questions what's the title for the singles group all right we don't I don't know I don't know call the church office I don't know half the stuff they're going around here what's the next one see this is DP up I get stuff like this all the time I get emails and people that are eternal and they got scriptures in them and they're going on and they deep and oh man how pass about my fiance has lost his mother and father just few years ago due to medical issues but I can't seem to convince him to go to the doctor for just a general checkup I'm sure he might be having some anxiety but it's better to know now than later also his sister was diagnosed with liver cancer last week and I can tell he is broken in his loss all faith he is mentioned he will now make a doctor's appointment but now I'm still dealing with an even harder task and that's getting him to come to church I've been a member of this church for three years and my life has changed drastically and all I can do is remind him that this thing is bigger than him how can I get him to come to church without the feeling of pressure so I'm gonna say some pray pray pray pray to God was wrong if your life has changed drastically he knows it and if if a relationship with God is impacted that then then that should be of interest to him but I think prayer is important because it's just as important to talk to God about people than it is to talk to people about God like you can actually tell God please move in this person's life and I'm glad he's going to the doctor but my real suggestion to you is to pray you can invite them but pray don't press them don't press them next question I've been married for 23 years my husband still goes to the club talks to female friends on the phone we've had mini you see that all boat bouts of infidelity I know it's crazy that I haven't divorced them what should I do with this so whenever you're in a relationship like that four things have got to happen first would be first of all he has to there has to be an admission of guilt then there has to be an apology for wrongdoing then there has to be an accountability for future behavior and then they have to be amendments that prove that he's changed we give them to you again the first means must be an admission of guilt anybody that's still acting like they did wrong will continue to do it they line would you tell no man you know ready man but nothing going we just friend anybody that's not gonna come clean is not gonna live clean it must be first an admission of guilt secondly there must be an apology for the wrong done I am sorry for the pain you ever watched two kids they fighting over toys right and you try to get them to play together and if there's something happened and both of them are crying you shall make them apologize listen to kids carefully you say Sam sides Raekwon watch the kid then say sorry they'll never say I'm listened to a grown-up who can't apologize I'm means responsibility sorry just I'm sorry I happened to you sorry because you told me I'm sorry they're grown people they can't even do that won't take responsibility if he doesn't do that and here step 3 accountability for future behavior what does that mean now we you must have we must have if we had to put a tracking device on you we must have access to all you see y'all act like all right if I gotta search through their phone then I'll need to be rid of well are you are you thinking that anything a person has done they are capable of doing it again and the phone always tells everything the phone will show up everything will show up in the phone eventually on the laptop in the email on a diem all that stuff needs to be open the passcodes need to be giving up there needs to be accountability can I see I need to know where you are anybody who's messed up let me tell you why I man won't do those things see I'm giving you a list to make it work let me tell you why our man is not gonna do the internet because there are no consequences to his behavior the only consequences you mad but you ain't going away it's been 23 years you ain't going away so I even do is crying a plane and crime fuss you might even throw some but you ain't going nowhere but if you're serious and there's a consequence if there's a loss he could have there has to be let me tell you something people change when there's enough mistake they don't want to lose well they heard enough they want they need to change or they've learned enough they're able to change but they don't even get to the learning until they've hurt and they don't get to the hurt to the person they're hurting makes it makes it makes them pay and the way you got to make somebody pay who's been unfaithful to you they got to know they're gonna lose you do it again you're gonna lose me in fact you gonna lose me if you don't make these adjustments because amendments have to be done because new behavior has to create new memories for you because everybody's memory is in place to protect them from hurtful people your memory will remind you this is a person you cannot trust so they've got to overwhelm your mind with new memories of faithfulness over years to prove that they're trustworthy that's the only way that works and I'm saying I don't even like giving an answer to somebody who's not gonna do it that's the only way that could be read anybody she just said many acts of infidelity or something like that 23 years I've been with this person really that's the only thing gonna change and admission y'all got it an admission of guilt and apology for wrongdoing accountability for future behavior you don't have a right to have any privacy where are you where are you right now FaceTime me [Music] when a man will answer FaceTime what is that say to you you can't afford to not be accountable you set all that up oh I feel like I'm talking to people to hear hey you should see your faces it really you should smile through it just my ability just I've been where you are I know what it's like but I also know what it's like to lose my phone and not even be looking forward don't care my wife found my phone now there was a time that I would make sure it was always facedown locked and all that but when you don't have anything to hide I don't care what you go through my phone and find that that's why I saw my ass grunting what are you doing somebody keep going through your stuff and they keep saying you did something so what if ain't nothing they just wasting time they need that people want that people want two things they want to catch you they want to catch you doing wrong or they want to catch you doing right I gotta catch you though I either need facts that you need still raunchy or I need facts that you righteous but I can't just be neutral I need the data who did some good stuff right here I know this ain't your regular sermon but you asking good question let me move on next question y'all good eye I got 27 more questions as he's got three when do you know when it's time to walk away from a long-term relationship or marriage I would say three things if there's abuse adultery abandonment and and you know what those things need to be consistent like this person abandons you and they just they just are not there they just won't come back this person abuses you or this person was verbally abusive or something and you talk to them about it and they corrected it they didn't do it anymore or they were on across the line and they repented and changed those relationships can survive but I'm talking about somebody who is a repeat offender if it's regular I think those are reasons to in long term relationships that's my pain look one more two more how do you break soul ties from someone in the past when you prayed to break the souls out hey so at last night at our Saturday night service I dealt with soul ties extensively so just go to our website go to Zion for washing and watch the Saturday night service I talked about soul ties on there that's good I don't cuz I don't want to keep going soul ties let me go to this last one Wow people texted me in service today again like this let's go okay regarding the situation with Dan Gatsby and B Smith where Dan is publicly flaunting a relationship with his live-in girlfriend while his wife suffers from Alzheimer's so I heard about that is he flaunting it okay well wait wait I don't know is he flaunting it was he being open and honest about it she's flaunting ahead I notice isn't she funny that helpful on it yeah I really don't know a lot about it wait if a married couple has a discussion before or at the start of their marriage on this and agree that the spouse can be free to date other people without seeking a divorce if their own mental or physical capacity has diminished is this biblically acceptable or is it still deemed as a result Sheree see when I walk into when I got to do this first of all let me just say I don't know the specifics about the situation I wouldn't want to be in that situation I wouldn't want to have dementia and I wouldn't want my spouse to have it that's a tough situation because people really forget who you are that's a real tough they forget where they are and all that stuff that babies on the run amen that means the service is coming to an end he brought to come up here and take my mic but that's a girl do you have some more cute which one both so watch this when first of all I just can say you I would never do that I can bring another person in the house like that and they're living with me and my spouse taking him take care of my spouse I just I just don't think it's right I definitely don't think it's biblical but see there's some things there's some things did don't even have a Bible verse form like life gets so complicated like where's that in the Bible like what are you doing that situation but I just think I don't think he should handle it that way personally but I don't know enough about the situation but why why are you asking me amen because you're taking questions all right we're ready to go let's where Pastor James Amen this is this is vest Sunday best Sunday amen we amen praise the Lord brother give it up for the man the myth the master and and aunt and since a lot of brothers who consider me to be their pastor are gonna step up to the plate and be husbands fathers you're gonna be getting a lot of calls cuz this is the man that can get you through the premarital classes one should be coming up in the spring do one in the fall yes indeed amen get on up in the class so you can be prepared for marriage it's called prepared right I'm ready oh there's one prepared - we do that - but my man we talked about you today let's give it up a pastor I'll sing you pastor yeah you know it's it's such a blessing like I said when our earlier services you know so often as pastors we have something we feel like God wants to share with people and we're trying to take people someplace and sometimes we overlook where people are and so today was good because you got a chance to ask you a question so we can address where you are right now and we think for pastor battle doing that so let's give it one more time fasting you pass it pass a key battle
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 3,837
Rating: 4.8723402 out of 5
Keywords: Side Chickology, Pastor Battle, Keith Battle, Zion Church, love, Jesus, Devon Franklin, Relationships, Marriage, Christian, Christian Church, Sermon, God, The Wait, Q&A, infidelity, why men and women cheat, cheating on your spouse, how to recover from infidelity, staying married, healthy marriage
Id: 9Qtqy7VXlZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 15sec (2775 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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