Fall Series 4: Finance, Fall Outs, & Falling Into Sin

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amen helped me thank our awesome praise and worship team thank you guys [Applause] nice outstanding thank you all for your service which I'll do nice love it perfect everybody good man good to see y'all tell somebody I'm glad you made it to church today I think I'm gonna use it yeah let's pray father please speak to us through your word now please make this presentation life-giving and transforming and helpful we don't just want to be informed I pray Lord that you would transform us make us stronger better in Jesus name Amen this is part 4 of a series called fall and today I'm going to compress some of the information because our preaching schedule has changed and so I want to cover a couple of things around the word fall I want to talk today about falling on hard times financially anybody ever had that happen say right now right now right now mm-hmm let's talk about I want to talk about falling into sin probably won't get a lot of yelling on that one yeah no one talked about when you experience a fall out in a relationship fall out in a relationship and let's let's let's start with the financial part let's start with finances let's start with money when it comes to finances having a financial system is very important everybody say financial system what is your financial system your financial system is the methodology that you use for managing your money how do you manage the money that you have your resources and every single person has a financial system whether you're conscious of it or whether you wrote it down or not we all have a financial system the way in which we manage our resources and systems are important by way a financial system the quality of your financial system will determine whether or not you're prepared or vulnerable to financial hardship because every single person goes through financial hardship I don't care how much money you make you can make a million dollars an hour well you can make a thousand dollars a year it doesn't matter every single human being no matter how much net worth or income they have will always experience or periodically experience times where you have more more expenses than expected and sometimes you have less revenue than you expected and that gap is something that everybody experiences on every level and the way you manage it and how well you manage it is based on your system a financial system systems are everything systems matter in the world of sports you can look at some of the best teams in the world of sports and professional sports and you look at them and every year they matter every year they're right there at the end of you don't have to like the New England Patriots but you got to respect the system the system is so good that their quarterback can be suspended and the system works it works through injuries through through free agency through people getting suspended the system works you don't have to like the San Antonio Spurs their basketball brand of basketball may seem boring to you but you better respect the system they have a system that can take mediocre players and players who are ineffective on other teams and make them great on their team because of the system systems matter so it's true in your financial life your financial system matters what's the financial system you might say we're passing when I get paid when I get money whatever I earn I spend it that's the system that's your financial system you earn it you burned it you make it you spend it that's your finances if you make $100 you spend $100 if you make 300 dollars you spend $300 just got more stuff you can buy that's your financial system it doesn't it doesn't it now it won't protect you for from a famine a famine is a financial period where you have lack and everybody has periods of famine and so it doesn't prepare you for financial hardship but that's your system somebody else might say we're passing my system is when I get paid I use that money to pay bills first thing I do is I start paying bills I like to have a roof over my head and transportation and I like my lights to be on when I cut the switch on so you pay bills you get paid you pay bills that's your financial system by the way those two financial systems a person who gets paid and spends their money and the person who gets paid and pays their bills first and that's all they do those two financial systems will not protect you from financial hardship famine will eat you alive and you may be very good-hearted but it doesn't matter it's about the system here's the good news God has created a system that's famine proof here's how it works and from a financial standpoint the the proper way of handling finances is whenever you get income you're supposed to take the first 10% of your income and give it back to God Nate yeah you can yeah are you trying my money I don't care what you wear you give it you need to give it to somebody you shouldn't keep it it's called charity it's 100% tax deductible but what it shows is is that God you own all 100% of my money comes of you and this tithe is representative of my love and appreciation for you for the other 90% so I start with giving to God coz I want God in my money and everybody I notice wealthy is also benevolent and generous and philanthropic so it's hard to be prosperous when you're not generous so it starts with giving wealth starts forgiving the second thing you do is you take the second 10% of it and you save it you don't pay bills you save the second 10% and that becomes the you're storing of the feasts because you always feed your family you feed your family with your feast you don't prepare for a family when family comes you prepare for a family with your feast and you stow away part of your feast to feed the famine when it comes but if you have nothing stored up you have nothing to resist the famine here's Roland do I need five people up on the stage just five human beings that's all I need one two three four five you don't have to move now but you need to move now I don't care who you are doesn't really matter to me I haven't picked you out ahead of time this is no prank I see one person coming I see two people coming I see a third person coming I see a fourth person coming and I see a fifth person coming I see there we go that's five people oh yeah I just come up here on the stage stand beside each other no matter you pick where you stand I have nothing to do where you stand and that wonderful you good you can't regret being up here you up in now just get him a hand for having this courage cuz they have no idea what's about to go down for the purpose of this illustration all five of these people work for the same company they all started working at the same time for the same company they all make the same amount of money annually for the five years they've been with the same company they all hold the same position in the same company and they are of equal value to this company all five of these people five of these people started their jobs on the same day five years ago they been with the company for five years they do the same job and they all have made over a five-year period an average of $100,000 a year on this job five people I see you clapper five people who've made $500,000 over a five-year period they all make the same money same job same opportunity but they all have five different financial systems by which they manage their income and resources this person right here when she gets paid she spends what she makes she gets paid she spins she spins everything she makes this brother right here he gets paid and he pays his bills he gets paid he pays his bill neither of them save or give they don't do any that she spends it he pays bills with it this lady right here she gets paid and she tides she doesn't save she tides then she pays her bills this lady right here she doesn't tithe but when she gets paid she saves ten percent and then she pays her bills this lady right here when she gets paid she tithes then she saves then she pays her bills y'all got it five different financial systems let's see if you got it this person gets paid and does what spins it off this person gets paid and what pays the bills she gets paid and she what she ties this person gets paid and she was she saves this person gets paid and she was ties and saves then pays the bills in that order here's what happens five years into their job they started a job the same time they make the same money they've climbed the ladder it's equal for the purpose of this analogy five years in that company hits a crisis maybe because of his own financial management and all five of them are laid off on the same day and given two weeks severance that's a crisis and check this out how the crisis impacts them is all based on their system so you can't say all the world against me I'm heading right now everybody got a rough time you got to have a system that can manage a rough time because if you don't have a system that can manage a rough time you will always be at the mercy of a famine and you will always expect other people who are disciplined to keep bailing you out because you're too immature to put together a system that prepares you for a difficult time so now she spent all her money made a half a million dollars in five years and has nothing to show for it she hasn't given she hasn't saved any money so all she's got now is two weeks of severance which by the way she will not blow that not right now it's amazing how the crisis will change your behavior cuz the well ran dry now she's like I better hold on to this but the reality is if this if this crisis doesn't change her behavior she'll get a new job and take the same behaviors into the new job he's in a similar boat even though he's more responsible bill collectors love him because he don't like paying nobody late so every time he gets paid he pays his bills I don't know how she got away without paying bill she must live with her mother you lies you live with her mother he pays his bills but just like her has no net worth because he hasn't saved a dime neither of them give neither of them saved so all they have to show for $500,000 is two weeks of severance hmm she or another hand never saved a dime so she is just as broke as they are but the difference is she ties she has something happened to her like we said God I'm gonna give you first off the top I mean I have no I might shop I might blow money well but I'm gonna start with you now here's what has happened I cannot nullify the fact that it's immature and irresponsible to not have any savings but the blessing this owner life that comes with tithing is immeasurable because the windows of heaven are open over her life and there's some protection that comes with tithing that I can't even explain see one of the things that happened to her life maybe her wash machine lasted longer than it was supposed to maybe her car keeps on rolling when it ain't supposed to because God will do some stuff to people who put him first and don't even make sense she may have got a job the same day she lost her job because there's spiritual favor and does anybody know when I'm told there's spiritual blessing on her just because he died now she on the other hand doesn't tithe but she's saved 10 percent so $50,000 without interest is sitting in the bank because she's took 10% of everything she made so she can make it on she can go six months she can go six months and not have to worry and be stressed out the problem is she don't time so God's not in her money so she doesn't have the miraculous happen in her life but she can be sustained now she on the other hand has given a tenth of everything she's earned she's got the favor of God over her life she is famine proof cuz she's got the windows of heaven open over her life and she's got $50,000 and she's got two weeks severance so she's famine proof now this is not an exhaustive example of every financial situation in the world y'all know that but it is representative and the question is if you had to lineup up here who would you be behind oh no no no no no no no no no I'm talking to them y'all act like y'all where I put y'all y'all messing this up see what I'm telling you is if you're down here you're not famine proof you're living financially reckless and you'd be surprised how many of us have made millions of dollars in our life and don't have a portion of that to show for it you ought to be moving in this direction if your life financially is not moving in this direction then that's your fault you can you can't expect other people fixable y'all can be seated listen you that's that's being financially that's having a financial system look at somebody near you say what's your financial system do that for me what's your financial system what's your system what's your sister you look hard you look I'll I'm looking at you what's your system and let me ask you this is it famine proof asking for action person is your financial system famine proof grinding Jani had the guts - see when you're fiscally responsible you have to pray you have to anticipate pending cost if you got children or grandchildren they're going to go to school and to go to college you're going to suffer from our tuition one day yeah you'll get there later so you got a plan for that like they're gonna get older when are you gonna start planning and preparing for that bill education their plans you can get in there's a 529 plan just for college savings there are systems in across the United States of America my daughter just got one for her daughter where you can actually start paying tuition now and the tuition costs is frozen and whatever it because our granddaughter to go to college down so that 18 years from now when she actually goes we don't have to pay what it is then that's being smart with money because that's a bill that's coming you understand what are you gonna do about graduation what are you gonna do about vacation he's gonna roll that's a cost you have to see see see see you have to have a financial system that not just prepares you for famine but prepares you for your future what are you gonna do about weddings and and and and birthdays and holidays and and your parents getting older and they're needing care and if they don't have long-term health care and they haven't taken it that's gonna be on you have you have you have you considered these things financially somebody say financial system what's your financial system let me let me let me skip and talk about let me talk about falling out of relationship with somebody falling out we have a falling out with somebody how do you how do you write this down write this down when you when a relationship experiences an injury that relational injury is an opportunity for us to see the quality of the relationship see a lot of us focus on what happened but we don't focus on what happened what what happened revealed what am i saying I'm saying if you can have something small sever your relationship then relationship wasn't that deep is strong to start with if we if we talk if we beefin over something petty then what the petty beef has revealed is we weren't as tight as I thought we were so we can be this tight for years and went to high school together and go back like Jerry curls and activator but yet with some we're some small thing happened now we beefin then we weren't as close as we thought we were I have up here I have up here some scissors right and I have this string so so I can take these scissors and cut this string just like that sever it imagine this is a relationship this string representing relationship and I can I can have one incident that severs it now this is a rope I can go with these same scissors and try to do that to the rope and it has very little effect on it in fact I would have I would hurt my finger my thumb all day trying to dig into this same scissors same external pressure same attack that severed this hit this and this stayed intact yo mister the issue is not what came against the relationship the issue is what did it reveal about the quality of the relationship the problem is we got superficial relationships that's why anything can sever it how did it happen how are you are you serious something see let me get y'all some Bible because I don't say I mean it came he open the Bible here you go hey let's compare Judas and Jesus with Peter in Jesus Judas Jesus Peter Jesus Judas and Peter both had a similar experience with Jesus and what I want you to see is their reaction to what Jesus did to them reveal the quality of each of their relationship with Jesus in mark chapter 14 there's a scene where Jesus is at somebody's house he's at somebody's house and while he's in there having dinner a woman walks him takes an alabaster box and breaks it and all of the perfume rich perfume is poured out on his feet in worship his staff in verse 4 of Mark chapter 14 start complaining about it and said we could have took that perfume and sold it and gave the money to the poor and check this out so Jesus responds and says to his staff no y'all leave her alone she did the right thing the poor your head with you always you won't always have me with you she's doing this to honor me in my burial and he says as long as the gospel is preached her story will be told and then watch what happens in verse 10 I mark chapter 14 it says then Judas Iscariot one hundred twelve disciples went to the leading priests to arrange to portray Jesus to them right after Jesus rebuked him and his staff the other leaders about their attitude about this woman's worship over that money he got rebuked by Jesus and he was so upset that he went to some chief religious leaders and said how much was y'all paid me to set him up so y'all can kill him one breach took a dead fire nobody else amongst the disciples went off like that Judas went over the top is that is that because of what happened or because of the relationship let me prove it to you it's got to be the relationship Peter in Matthew chapter 16 verse 21 Jesus is telling his disciples what's going to happen and he says listen I'm gonna be betrayed I'm gonna get arrested I'm gonna get killed and the third day I'm a raised from the dead Peter pulls Jesus aside and says Lord it ain't going down like that I can't have them coming at you like that I got you we're gonna let that happen you know what Jesus says he says get behind me Satan you're not worried about the things of God you worry about the things that concern man Jesus rebuked Peter and Saint called him Satan and yet Peter although he denied Jesus he didn't deny Jesus because of his relationship he denied him because he was scared Peter proved his allegiance to Jesus in chapter 17 verse 1 at the Mount of Transfiguration Peter says when Jesus transfigured before him Peter says Lord let us stay here forever let's build three Tabernacles one for you one for Moses one Elijah it was Peter who when they came to arrest Jesus who pulled out his sword and cut a soldier's ear over so you're not touching Jesus it was Peter in Acts chapter 2 when the day of Pentecost was come who was leading the church and leading thousands of Christ it was Peter who says I'd be grateful to be beaten for Jesus it was Peter who was crucified upside down because he didn't feel worthy to be crucified like his Savior it was Peter who stuck with Jesus through it all even though Jesus had rebuked him so check this up Judas gets rebuked by Jesus and he says how much will y'all pay me to kill him to get him killed by y'all Peter gets rebuked by Jesus and gets called Satan by Jesus and Peters ride-or-die for life where Jesus I'm telling you it ain't what happens what happens is a revelation of the depth of the relationship so you gotta figure out when people leave you for petty stuff you got to realize where you were with me to start with what every relationship see some relationships happen therein suddenly but but but but the process was overtime so so even though relationships can be strengthened over time they could also be weakened over time like some people are after at their wit's in and they're on their last leg because there's been so much pain and so much disappointment and so much it's like a boxer when boxers fight every now and then an analyst will say I think he's ready to go in other words in Reverse he's taking so much punishment that it's just a matter of time before he's ready to go he's gonna get knocked out and some of you have been in a relationship where you taken so much punishment emotionally physically verbally and all that it's just a matter of time before you ready to go and here's what you have to understand any relationship that is experienced injury and pain needs three things to recover three things to recover one is there must be an acknowledgement number two there must be an apology and number three there must be Amendment's acknowledgement apology amendments what must be an acknowledgement for relationship to be healed or relationship to be mend it is because you can't fix what you don't face some of us are dealing with pain in a relationship somebody's hurting you in a relationship and you won't even open your mouth you won't even say it you won't say it out loud but inwardly you're growing more and more bitter and resentful that can't be healed if it's not exposed things don't heal when they're covered so you got to open it up and hopefully when you open it up the injurer who caused the pain will take responsibility I'm so sorry I did let me say some always apologize when you hurt somebody even if it was unintentional I'm sorry that I did that I'm sorry that I caused you that pain I didn't mean it but I'm sorry that I caused you that pain now here's the key amendments amendments is it means there's gonna be a change and when people decide on whether or not they're gonna make amendments in a relationship it's always a revelation as to how much they value you or the relationship do that's critical when it comes down to amendments it's a it's a matter of value do I value you enough or the relationship not to change because if a person says I'm so sorry about that I will never do that again cuz it hurts you just because it hurts you I will never do that again and they mean it that means they value you in a relationship but if a person says you know I'm really sorry that I hurt you but that's just that's that's who I am I'm not about to change for nobody I'm sorry to hurt you but if I had to do it again I'd do it the same way let me tell you what that person just showed you what they just revealed to you is your optional you don't like it you can leave weaned on their level I'm not about to make that kind of sacrifice to keep a close relationship with you who a must have hit some and you got it when people reveal that to you don't be going somewhere and cry if you're gonna cry get the crowd and to get yourself together cause you can't miss this moment because what they're saying is what they're saying is is either your request is unreasonable it's unreasonable and it may be maybe what you're expecting them to do is absolutely unreasonable or what they're saying to you is we ain't like that ain't like that with you I ain't gonna do that you mean like we and we ain't got that kind of relationship well I'm gonna make that kind of sacrifice and change who I am for you so what you got to do in that moment is you got to say okay where am I being unrealistic am I expecting too much from this person if so let it go if you're saying no no this is non-negotiable for me I'm not go ahead I'd rather be alone than to deal with that kind of pain in a relationship I rather be alone but you gotta let it go or let them go let people go it's gonna be all right you gonna be all right lettuce II said people come and they go that's just the way that it is the way that it goes and everything is everything it's gonna be all right yeah it's gonna be all right you gotta let people go you got to give people when people want to go here's write this down write this down stop holding on the people who've let you go you got a crazy you look hold on to somebody that's that's that's trying to give that's done with you and you act like you can't live without them the devil is a lie you can't you shall live without them you will live better you have to hit order to go back and play a whole Destiny's Child song say I'm a survivor send a gift you thought I couldn't live without you but I'm living thought I couldn't see without your perfect vision I'm a survivor I'm not gonna give you gotta had a gift a goodbye with people goodbye arrivederci sayonara Aloha adios peace and blessings hasta luego may God bless you while we're asking one from another give people to build addiction and send them on their way that's what you got to do let them go keep it moving people come and they go people come and they go some people come and they grow you keep wanting people to still have a relationship with you that they don't have the bandwidth to have anymore they don't have that if they've grown they have too many responsibilities now to stay on the phone with you for two hours while you're watching the show together so you mad at them cuz they grew that's your fault let them go hmm see see see let me let me chase about the quality relationship see a lot of relationships don't have fun Vicky and I've been together 29 years I met her when I was 2 yeah 29 years and it hasn't always been good it's great now but it always been good I was just thinking last night we were we were in the bed and I said something I said someone's making fun of something she did and we were cracking up it was funny it was that funny we were both laughing I usually can make her laugh but I had myself laughing at this we was just cry but gut-wrenching laughing and it was poking fun at her butt but it wasn't condescending or harmful then we couldn't always do that there was a time when that was that would have been dangerous for our relationship because it was too fragile to handle joning and laying around like that but earlier tonight she had made fun of me she now I'm gonna give you our confession I didn't want to come to church today it's not why I was so late for this service but I just anyone coming home and the reason why I didn't want to come to church today it's cuz last night all the way up - yeah all - tonight I didn't have a message I didn't know what I was gonna talk about and it was stressful it's stressful to know that there's gonna be several thousand people coming and you all know what you're gonna talk about it that's really it's a very unnerving moment and so that was part of the problem but the other problem was on Thursday I went jogging now but then here's the deal I don't go jogging but I saw I saw an old cat or Instagram and he was out say he ran five miles and said hang on let him run five miles and I'm gonna run fine so I left my house I told Vicki I'm gonna go running go for a run man I was out there I was barely moving I could tell my gait wasn't right you know it's just I'm but the pain didn't kick in - the next day the first part of pain was I was telling my brother Laurent I said man it hurts up in here like it was I was trying to figure out if it was an exercise and then then the pain went into my Achilles so my right Achilles was so sore last night I couldn't I could barely put weight on it and this is all from that run that I went on by the way when I woke up this morning the pain was gone I think it was warfare he's like just just gone but anyway so so last night she was like you know we gonna whip race tomorrow schedule I don't know if I'm gonna go to any service tomorrow I'm hurtin I was tied physically I was hurting emotionally I was tired spiritually I was tired mentally any Lea you can think of I had I'd had all of the LEAs line up and so she's looking at me looking all pitiful and I got a back massager or anything and so she came back she said suck it up Keith suck it up suck it up you just can't walk around suck it up Keith shake it up keep Tuesday saying you call the preach you ain't gonna skip church this is your assignment you got to get it together yes there's a you saying suck it up so it was funny but it was it was real so I went in the kitchen and I say hey even tell me to suck it up game been to church in two weeks come on suck it up and she said I was just thinking the same thing like that now I shared that with y'all because some of us are in relationships where you can't joke with each other that's scary when you can't have fun but we've invested so much in each other we can joke with each other without it being harmful and hurtful and it being sober we used to cuz if we any harmful thing anything that was said we'd be in isolation and loneliness and depression how many understand what I'm talking about if you heard you say something because you don't trust that they really care and I'm saying it's hurting your relationship that you haven't worked on it enough but y'all can just have fun with each other and not be so defensive here's how you do it you see now I'm talking about avoiding a relationship family the way you avoid relationship famine is is you build a relationship with offense so many of us are playing defense in our leisure let me now say this I won't do that won't do that want a brown one a brown no offense means you run the score up with praise you run up the score with appreciation you run up the score with love and value in each other so that watch this when an attack comes on your relationship it doesn't put you in deficit you got so much stored up in your love account that you can handle a few withdrawals without you being in the red like some of y'all got one withdrawal on your account you like we're done it's over because you have made any love deposits all right yeah you having no fun yeah let me tell you any relationship that does the work can work I'm saying it again any relationship who does the work can work let me close with this piece on sin the Bible has much to say about falling in the sin I want to focus on one verse and one concept about it proverbs 24:16 says this it says a righteous person falls seven times and they rise again but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes now really the the B part verse really means that the wicked don't get back up I don't know if you can give me the NLT in that it may be too late but the wicked fall and they don't recover the righteous fall and they get back up seven times the race I'm sorry I'm sorry watch it the race is fall seven times and rise back up again the wicked fall and don't recover so really the verse most people don't read the B part of verse really diverse thank you one disasters enough to overthrow the weakened really diverse is a contrast in comparison between wicked people and righteous people now here's what we all have in common we all saw don't you think because you save you a no fault if you're right if you're that righteous you think you haven't failed that thought is a fail you ought to rebuke yourself just I rebuke me the fact that you see the rewrite is so important because we think when a righteous person fall their hypocrite let me tell you what it really means but a righteous person fall it means they're not God because only God is impeccable and only God is incapable of falling as a matter of fact first Corinthians 10:12 says you got to be careful about being so presumptuous as you won't think you've all the Bible says let everybody thinks they're standing firm take heed lest they fall I ain't got no discrepancies about my capacity to fall as a matter of fact that make me hypocritical it makes me human that what what brings about the sincerity of a fall how you can know how a person is sincere not in the passage is not whether or not they fall is do they recover how they recover when the righteous fall they can fall seven times or means they fall over and over and over again or they fall completely but it means they always recover the reason why the righteous keep getting back up is because when the righteous fall we feel it so bad we feel so bad about what we did that we're broken by the failure we're humbled by the failure and we confess the failure and God restores us the wicked on the other hand here's an indication if you fall and don't feel bad about it you ain't saved some Romans your salvation because ever since I've been saying every time I said I am convicted and conflicted how many known as ever that is a miserable feeling when you I got the same flesh as everybody else want to do the same thing there my ass dude I do it they do it and you can sleep good all night I do it and up walking the flow so what I'm saying is that is an indication of why you keep getting back up because the shame and then guilt and brokenness that I've let God down that I blown the assignment is what is what causes us to get back up again because God restores us but if I'm wicked and I fall I don't feel the need to get back up cuz I don't think I did nothing wrong and here's what I want to tell you always always always confess your sin to God never stop confessing your something I don't get how much you do it just keep confessing it because some of you are thinking that God is tired of your sin well I'm telling you your theology is bad and your math is bad because you can never out send his love and you can never out send His grace and you cannot never out send His mercy God's mercy is everlasting your sin is a moment most of us are righteous people most of the time we have sinful events you think God is gonna condemn you for an event something that you periodically do as you let him down he loves you and some of you will stop serving God you stop ministering you stop with you you didn't hit your slipping design land over and you kind of hiding in the bushes because you fell in the simp and you think you're not worthy anymore I want to tell you you weren't worthy before you said you thought you were worthy but the same God who picked you knowing what you were going to do when you did it there's the same God who loves you now in fact you're better now cuz you're broken over what you did then when you thought you had it all together so every time you sin say Lord I'm sorry well if you cuss in the cars it's a skill me Lord must alone you know we don't know how to say it right we propose say excuse me thy skill me Lord you just got to go for God all day little skinny Lois kill me Lois in the dares kill me Lord I know that ain't in Bible but it's good you think he won't take any skill me you you know why I know god I use it he'll take ask you me Lord cuz there was a man on the cross next to Jesus the man didn't know the Bible wasn't remember nobody's Church never prayed the sinner's prayer didn't know the Romans Road didn't read the four spiritual laws never did the ABC Prayer he didn't say I accept the fact that I'm a sinner I believe Jesus died for my sins I commit my life to me all he said was Lord remember me we skew me Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom and Jesus said this day you have been excused this day you're gonna with me into paradise you're excused you up there trying to be fancy with it you better Isaac's kill me Lord my bad Jesus I did it again I'm sorry because the Bible says if we confess our sins he's faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all right that's a promise he'll keep so then just practice that I know y'all real bougie people ain't gonna do it but just if you can't just say excuse me Lord my bad all day don't you let stuff go keep a short account with God keep the slate clean and then say excuse me to people to Paul says in acts 24:16 I always want to have a clear conscience before God and man I'm sorry Lord I'm sorry sir I'm sorry ma'am my fault just live like that stop being so defensive like you got it all together you just as messed up with everybody just say excuse me I'm gonna say skill me to y'all now excuse me case I offended somebody let's pray father thank you for this truth may a true
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 3,216
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: finance, money, relationships, fasting, God, Jesus, Love, marriage, sin, Christian, Church, Zion Church, Pastor Battle, Pastor Keith Battle, Keith Battle, income, making money, saving money, fall series 4
Id: q9_23h8ik2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 59sec (2519 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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