Live PD: Trust Me, I'm Not Drunk (Season 3) | A&E

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- [inaudible] run it. We're going to stop this guy for his lane usage. That white line right there, he was just straddling, almost hit that truck right there. He's already rolled up past the stop sign there. He's out in the middle of the intersection now. - Is it just me or did he speed up? [sirens] [police radio chatter] Sorry, it's important. A little ding in the car. Hello? What are you driving like this for? Can you turn the truck keys off for me, sir, and those to me? Will you hand me those keys, please? The reason I'm stopping is you're swerving all over the lane lines back here. At the red light back there, you went all-- stop for a second. You went all the way into the middle of the intersection. And then following you back here, when I turn my lights on, you're speeding up, slowing down. You got a baby just running around in the back seat back here. He's not even buckled in. Are you his father? What's going on, man? Step out for me. Let me get you to step back here to the back of the vehicle for me, please, sir. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being you're completely stone-cold sober, waking up, ready to go to church, OK. 10 is you are passed out drunk in a ditch. Where would you put yourself on that scale? 1 being you're sober, 10 being you're extremely drunk, where would you put yourself on that scale? So where would you put yourself? OK, so where would you put yourself? Are you sober? You're sober? You really believe that? With the whole-heartedly? Well, no you can't. I can tell you this. Hey, I can tell you this. No, you can't and no, you won't. See the pen? Follow the pen with your eyes. Stare at the pen with your eyes. You're looking right into my eyes. You've got to follow the pen with your eyes. Follow back the other way. Follow it. Look at it. You're not looking at it. No, I don't trust you. Listen, hey. Hey. We're past that. You smell like beer. You're swaying. Hush. You got a baby in the car, enough said. We're done right there, OK. Spin around for me, sir. Relax. Sit down, I got you. Sit down, I got you. - I'm good. - Bend your knees and sit down. I'm going to sit you down or you can sit down. - I just want to stand up. - Well, I want you to sit down. - I don't want to sit down. - Sit down, come on. - I don't want to sit down. - Well, you're going to. - And I'm standing up. I'm standing up because I am not-- I am not. - Sit down. - I'm not drunk. I'm not drunk. - Stay down. - I am not. Man, I'm not. - You're going to stay down. - You're trying to make me drunk. - How would I make you drunk? - No, I am not drunk, man. - Get this guy out of here. What's going to go on right now is the child is going to be transported to the grandma's house. The driver is going to be taken to Tulsa County Jail and he's going to be charged with child endangerment, DUI, his lane changes, and any other traffic violations that we happen to see or come across during this process.
Channel: A&E
Views: 5,368,311
Rating: 4.8477783 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, live pd, cops, live cops, live cop show, police, law enforcement, ride along, ridealong, police car, police ridealong, live pd full episode, live pd clip, live pd season 3 episode 74, live pd s03 e74, live pd 3X74, live pd s3 e74, live pd episodes, live pd clips, live pd videos, live pd season 03, live pd season 3 episode, domestic disturbance, live pd chase, Trust Me, I'm Not Drunk, live pd traffic violation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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