Live PD: The Longest Walk (Season 3) | A&E

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- I'm trying to catch up to this cars that seems like they're maybe trying to get away from us. So they went by us, and they were speeding a little bit. And then after they went by us, they sped up and were speeding even more. And now they're-- they've made a U-turn in front of us once we turned around. That's an unsafe lane change right there, jumping across a [inaudible]. So I'll stop them, figure out what's going on. He's definitely following that pick-up way too close. Failing staying in a single lane, we're racking up all sorts of moving violations. I'm gonna go ahead and stop him. [beeping] [knocking] - How you doing? You have your driver's license, proof of insurance on you? - [inaudible] - Where are you coming from tonight? - OK, have you been drinking tonight? - Yeah. All right, go step out of the vehicle for me. All right, how much have you had to drink tonight? - Just a little. - Huh? - A little. - Just a little? - Yes. - It smells like a little more than a little, kinda smells like a lot. You're driving like it was a lot, too. - Yeah. - OK. Put your feet together, toes together, arms down at your side. OK, now I want you to take the heel of your right foot and put it to the toe of your left foot just like that. OK. So whenever I tell you to begin, you're going to look down at your feet. Count your steps out loud. Leave your arms down to your side. Touch feel to toe and take nine heel to toe steps along an imaginary straight line coming out from the toe of your right foot, all right? It's going to look just like this, one-- no, I didn't tell you to start yet. Get back. Get back in the starting position for me. All right, you may begin. Watch your feet. Where we going? Sir? Stop. Where are we going? - [inaudible] - I told you to only take nine steps and then turn around to go back the other way. - Oh. - Yeah. OK. We can go ahead and call that good. - OK. - Now, stand there for me. Face me. We just got done booking him into the Tulsa County jail. He submitted to the state's breath test. And it showed his BAC to be 0.24, which is three times the legal limit. So he got booked in on driving under the influence. He'll have to go to-- go to court and go through the Department of Public Safety to get his driver's license back.
Channel: A&E
Views: 1,897,330
Rating: 4.8960075 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, live pd, live cops, live cop show, police, law enforcement, ride along, ridealong, police ridealong, live pd full episode, live pd clip, live pd season 3 episode 92, live pd s03 e92, live pd 3X92, live pd s3 e92, live pd episodes, live pd clips, live pd videos, live pd season 03, live pd season 3 episode, live pd 03X92, ive pd full episodes season 3, live pd season 3, livd pd season 3 clips, The Longest Walk
Id: UsBlX4G8ndw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 49sec (229 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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