Live PD: Literally Drinking and Driving (Season 4) | A&E

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- So we just received a report from a concerned citizen about a vehicle that left an apartment complex with a possibly intoxicated driver. Dispatch just updated that the RP has located the vehicle parked at a local market here on North Main Street. It appears that the driver's passed out inside the vehicle. Center, two Frank two in the area. Vehicle's in the parking lot, looks like the driver's still sitting in the driver's seat. So he's passed out with a beer in his hand. So-- and we'll cite him for parking in a handicapped spot. [beep] You're the one who called? - Yeah. - We have your phone number in the CAD. I'll give you a call a little bit later. Did you see him driving? - Yes, yes. - Yes, we did. - Yeah, we did. We were pulling up to some apartments. And he was-- to a friend's house. And he actually seen him, like, I mean, he couldn't walk. - Yeah. - He was stumbling. And he even kind of was focusing with one eye. - OK. - So we called the cops. - OK. - Or we called you guys. And then we kind of followed to see more or less where he was going. 'Cause I was just afraid for-- - How was his driving when you were following? - You know what? He looked bad-- - OK. - --really bad. - OK. - OK. - So what I'm going to do is I'm going to use your statement-- - Yeah. - --in order to do the DUI investigation, OK? - OK. Yeah, I'm glad [inaudible]. - Because you saw him drive away with it? - Yeah. So [inaudible]. - OK, all right. OK, thank you. What's up, chief? - Got it? - Yeah, I-- I was just waiting for cover, because he's-- he's zonked out. - OK, [inaudible]. - Yeah. OK. So-- - I got ya covered. - We got RP said they saw him stumble to his car-- - OK. - --drive out of the apartment complex. And they located him here. We pulled up. He's just like this. So-- - Yeah. - Yeah. [beep] Senor. Senor. Hola. - [speaking spanish] - [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish] - No? - No. - Step out. - [speaking spanish] - Come here. Come on. - [speaking spanish] - [speaking spanish] - Step out. - [speaking spanish] - Come on. - [speaking spanish] OK, he's gonna come out himself, he says. - All right. - [speaking spanish] - [speaking spanish] - No, no. [speaking spanish] - No, no. - Senor. - [speaking spanish] - Huh? - [speaking spanish] - [speaking spanish] - [speaking spanish] - We got one detained for DUI. Stepping out, you could tell he was very unsteady on his feet. There was a strong odor of alcohol coming from his breath and person. And it was apparent that he was highly intoxicated. He stated he wants to give us a breath test. We'll find out just how much alcohol he has on board. Ready? [beep] - [speaking spanish] - Good job. - Just [inaudible]. - Yup. [beep] - Volume [inaudible]? - Yeah. You need 210 liters. - Yeah. - Yup? Good. So after doing both breath tests, his first breath test was a 0.21. His second was a 0.20. So he's almost three times the legal limit.
Channel: A&E
Views: 8,684,999
Rating: 4.8198996 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, live pd, cops, live cop show, police, law enforcement, ride along, ridealong, live pd full episode, live pd clip, live pd season 4 episodes, live pd season 04, watch live pd season 4 clips, live pd season04 episode13, live pd season4 episode13, live pd s4 e13, live pd s04 e13, live pd 4X13, Drinking and Driving, In-studio host, Dan Abrams, Tom Morris Jr, officer responds, drunk driving, concerned citizen, beer
Id: PJqe4wHNm7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 24sec (264 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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