LIVE: Overclocking AMD Ryzen 3 3100 Past 5GHz

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Did it work? Why is your hair majestic? How did you manage to get it up to 5GHz if it worked? Are you Overclock jesus

You're awesome

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/LargeTesticles9 📅︎︎ May 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

ehh.. wait an R3?

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Uh dude, this better be watchable later cause I wanna see all of this from the start

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

On ln hopefully

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/paypur 📅︎︎ May 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

I learned a lot of overclocking tips and tricks from these videos - Steve's the man.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/R32Kris 📅︎︎ May 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
work YouTube's changed its interface are we live it says you are alive okay all right let me know if you can see and hear everything YouTube completely overhauled its streaming interface and it's unintelligible so I think it's working but yeah bring me overclocking the r3 3100 today and the goal is to see if we can go past 5 gigahertz it should be ok it's live it's actually is it playing on your screen yeah okay cool I need to okay there does a show volume has muted on yours just so doesn't feed back into itself on the YouTube player window okay so yeah we're gonna be overclocking the 3100 and we're using liquid nitrogen to do it the goal is to just use this one because it's cheap and that'll make it more fun so we could do the 3300 X but honestly I really just want to do the 3100 because 100 bucks still says reading super chats yes that is because that's what we're going to do so you can send the first one if you want but I think I start roaming and here a second ago why not 3,300 X because I want to do the 3100 because it's the cheapest like 4 core 8 thread CPU and the 1600 is not really available so should be fun I'm going to kind of wait for chat to fill in let me tweet out that we are live now and we'll get going with it the stream today we're gonna be using an MSI x5 70 godlike for the motherboard which we've had good luck with so one of the problems with liquid nitrogen work is all the insulation that's needed and it's easier these days just use Vaseline all over the board that does mean that I try to stick to like basically one board for all the X OC stuff because it just gets so coated that it's gross to work with for normal reviews and we don't really want to mix and match if we can avoid it so yeah this is the godlike we've used it in the past for streams see we are alive with the 3100 XOC stream okay cool so that's out there and we got a couple super chats I need to find oh is that the button now oh it's telling me I can send a super chat no that's that's not what I'm looking for alright well we'll do this the old-fashioned way so we got one from Tom Kha Bullock who said first $5 thank you very much and then there was another one I think from Eska monster 20 DKK goats bless you okay well thank you I'm sure that's meaningful somewhere oh okay so yeah 3100 we already reviewed it it it did pretty well in the review and we owe a nice I found the new super chats interface and we've obviously already showed that the 3300 X versus the 3100 3300 axis it has an advantage because the CC X's are collapsed into one and it's 4 + 0 config instead of 2 + 2 was what you have on the 3100 we're using today but I guess the fun of this will be once the 3100 is at or past 5 gigahertz what happens how does it score and I've got some tables we can look at for the 7700 K at 5.1 and at stock so we'll do some comparisons as to how this fork or 8 thread part compares to the 77/100 fork or a thread part when they're both had about the same frequency of 5.1 gigahertz then for the Super chats I'm gonna be reading them on about a probably 30 to 60 minute delay depending on how busy it gets as we go through so let's see Joe's in here - it looks like no Joe is not verified Joey you need to get verified which i think means you need more subscribers so post more videos but Joe okay bearded hardware's in here Roman is going to be sad to see that I'm going to use some kin pen X paste instead of the with the ccac's difference make a difference in overclocking yes we showed that in yesterday's review of the 3300 X you can for the clock the clock differences so yeah I'm gonna be using the kpx paste because Roman needs to send me cryo not or I need to buy some more and he keeps telling me he'll send me some at every convention once or twice a year so then I don't buy any so he is this today and I'm just gonna do a full coverage on it the goal is just to cover the whole thing and try and get the spread even and that's our that is the 3100 okay cool just making sure it's a chip so yeah X 570 godlike for the board we have the best luck with this with memory overclocking back when it was new when this X 5 so many board was new and we've generally liked the working with the BIOS it's a messiah has gotten relatively clean with their BIOS implementation they're still not always great like some stuffs kind of confusing to work with but overall this one's been one of the easier ones to work with the X 570 master we've used in the past as well that's a gigabyte board and that one has has also done well for us but right now we have our non vasoline ones and use and the Vaseline one I'm not sure if it boots so for the fans I've got some some kind of ek Vardar fan right here and that's just gonna be for getting the liquid nitrogen vapor I guess then the nitrogen gas away from the system so we don't have condensation buildup and I'm going to cover everything in shop towel to also deal with that okay that's it needs a little more over here and then I'm just gonna move the ellentube pot around on it once we get it on there to spread everything out so the card is gonna be the gigabyte 20 atti extreme but I'm probably not gonna do any 3d benchmarks I don't think there's any on here so I'll probably just be doing the just Cinebench and we're gonna use our 15 because it's faster cuz it's on an 8 thread chip that's gonna take plenty lawns around especially we're running it all day and I have more data on it so I can compare to everything else that we've run through our 15 it's an older chip for a while it's on older ship but it's compared to an older chip that 7700 K so we need something that's got some more more data to it and then all some it doesn't take forever to run on a thread part no it's not too much then I'll paste you're supposed to put the thermal paste into the CPU socket bro yes I've seen that I've seen that jiff I think it was I don't know if that was an official gigabyte thin or like I know it's got gigabytes brand on it but I don't know if they made that image or not the famous throw pasted some socket image let's go with the let's go with the card first so the liquid nitrogen problem to be using is actually it's been lapped and that was done by Joe who was at least a second ago he was in chat bearded hardware and he he and I but mostly him we laughed that to smooth it out Joe is always big on trying to get like the smoothest serve as possible for contact so this is actually really flat now where when you I forget what it's called there's an effect but where you lift it off of another flat service there's like a suction to it so super flat that's a dare bauer beast pot and we're gonna be using that today for the liquid nitrogen container so let's get this down there oh I have we can show this too I have a thermocouple in there so let me pull up the stream so I can actually see what's happening okay cool yes that thermocouple is into the Allen teapot and it's just coated and paste so that's gonna give us our temperature reading once we actually get overclocking because the the CPU TDI reading and hardware in Poe can only read so low and it's not gonna be able to read below like one point seven degrees so that's gonna be our solution for that I need rubbing alcohol like everybody else on the planet right now okay all right cool I'm gonna run the wire this way just the the weight of Allen teapot should be enough for decent contact of this one we're not going to need tension really thread rip ribs helps have the mounting pressure it's such a big shape it helps or IIHS it helps align everything out but that should be good for us we can readjust if necessary something I actually need to ask Roman for is a an AM for adapter for the top of that Allen - pod there's a thermocouple reader okay what is Roman saying something rough okay fine I'll get to the other super chats let me read Romans first he sent a hundred euros and said please buy some proper thermal paste so shots fired at kingpin I guess and also with a hundred euros maybe I can afford one tube of cryo not all right thank you Roman I'll use that too actually I'll buy your own product with it and then between the taxes and the cut that I'm giving to youtube and to Amazon and the taxes you're paying to your government and the fees your pain definitely this was a worthwhile exchange for both of us okay let me get to the other ones in a second so I need to fill up this Dewar I also want to see what Roman said in response to all of that so this is our alan to do er i grab a rag it's gonna be loud for a second violet well it adjust this i'll try to talk it over for a second sorry okay cool so I'm just gonna fill that up that's a 30 liter Dewar it's mostly filled up already okay hey Rowan sent hearts and smiles all right advertising budget someone said yeah okay so while that's baleen I would get caught up on a couple super chats we should be able to hit five gigahertz today by the way I'm pretty confident in it we're doing 4.4 just with air so a liquid cooler cooled by non exotic coin and that was doing four four at one point three four three volts first set voltage we could probably bring it down but that's what we had time for the review and now we're gonna go up to like one point five five or so volts so we'll have plenty more room scaling from that and people are complaining about the noise yeah sorry ok so Sean five dollars said finally it's some normalcy in my life well I yes we've been wanting to get back to streaming for a while now and it's taken taken some time I'm glad we have some products coming out there so you'll have more normalcy once the Intel 10 series stuff comes out to you Malcolm Mason 279 Canadian thank you what a ps2 to USB adapter be as good as playing ps2 I mean you're converting so I would imagine there's some sort of loss there or latency but I don't I've never actually tested that and haven't really found it and he'd - so there should be some kind of latency I don't know how bad it would be ok that's an interest in interesting coincidence Andrew I super chat from Chen George's five dollars apparently you can get four point six gigahertz on air because of the CC CX design saw this from another youtuber this chip OC is really well for the 3000 for the 3100 yeah I mean it I maybe I don't know we couldn't do 4.6 on air so it's gonna depend on chip quality to some extent you have to remember that once you get down to these four points that sounds really high but I don't maybe I guess it depends on the voltage you're willing to push into it and what you determined to be a safe voltage and the chip quality chef quality is biggest one lower end CPU is like the Athlon 3000 GE as fun as it is to think about putting that under Allen - it's also going to hit a really hard silicon quality limit because Andy's taking their worse stuff and put it in those because it doesn't matter because it's a low-end CPU so yeah maybe but it's gonna depend on the quality of course NIMH int 3 200 I think rubles says he tried to have you tried to immerse the entire motherboard in liquid silicon no have not I've covered it in just Vaseline and that's about it so when Joe visited once he and I went to the pharmacy and bought this and that was not awkward at all and we've we've been using this for about a year now to just cover motherboards and it sucks to deal with because it's gross and it doesn't really come off that easily the ultrasonic cleaner we use only does so good of a job with it so there's it's it's probably the most like the easiest and most cost effective way to do things but there might be better ways Kyle my doctor said five dollars broke but still well thank you I I wish YouTube still did I don't think they do but I wish they still did they're free super chats for YouTube premium backers rocky $20 I'm gonna pause on this one and get back to this and then we'll get the rest rocky $20 just wanted to say hello and thanks for your help a few weeks back here's some government $1200 money I mean I'll gladly take the government's money for once so thank you appreciate it I'm not I'd have to look and see exactly what I helped you with but I'm glad that it was of assistance to you and we're gonna stop that right now because I think it's getting close to the top so I started making those sounds okay all right cool so we should be able to I guess I'll leave it here and we should be able to just get started with the Ellen too first thing I do is just make sure it boots so we haven't done that yet so yeah this is my my trick I learned from Patrick here is to just shove a screwdriver through one of the fans screw holes and get it to stand up on its own so I'm doing that I'm gonna pull the the gas away from the board and just shoot it over here some of it will spill over this side so to deal with that we're just gonna add a simple as a fast man hopefully it's not too loud I can swap it if it's annoying we're gonna add a just a shop towel there and I'm gonna add one over here since we're gonna be pulling the vapor right across or the the nitrogen gas rather right across the RAM so we don't want that to freeze up if we can avoid it and that should give us enough of a protective coat to deal with ministry okay how's your player window Andrew is it working nice Oh yep someone says I love that monitor have the same model that gigabyte monitors actually pretty nice I'll give them credit for that I do I hate this keyboard though I hooked it up last night I've never used it before and it's just - I know keyboard enthusiasts a lot of them like the tiny keyboards and it's cool all right it's kind of neat for travel but I am incapable of typing on this thing because it's way too small I'm sure Joe would complain constantly about how are you supposed to type on it with these massive hands as he always says so we're gonna reset by us I hope Joe is still in chat and ok give me advance BIOS please they reset BIOS and see if I do I have any profiles or any settings in here oh it's already reset ok cool so we're gonna do a baseline number just just Cinebench r15 we'll do a baseline and that'll tell us what we're working up from today keep in mind that this is not our exact review setup so I mean the Rams different I don't have XMP on right now either so Rams different the the board is different so numbers won't be comparable directly to the review numbers but we can still get some useful numbers that's actually very not full but doesn't make it easier to pour yes this Dewar holds about 30 litres one of the problems is you have to kind of equalize with a temperature inside so once you start filling it there's a lot of efficiency loss where you just use a ton of Allen to to try and get the temperature inside cold enough to hold that one too and to get enough volume to hold that okay another thing you'll notice too is that there is not a whole lot of cooling going on right now except for the Allen teapot but that's okay we can check the temperature in a second okay so CCP CPT die please there's my mouse so CPT die with nothing actually in that one two pi is currently 38 point four degrees and we're just gonna run Cinebench without even pouring anything in there I think well yeah we've lost video or we need to know actually I was playing cool so I hopefully a power button I think yeah that's good thanks touch buttons worried me for a sec I was like why is it crashing already okay is there an extra mousepad over there that you can grab me on the girls table I'm running over this giant they're all paste blob and it's not able to track through it and I'm hitting the power button again okay while Angie's is helping with a mousepad let me check no not AFF is is rumors of its demise were greatly exaggerated by me hitting the touch button under the monitor okay and even J why you got to be like that what we might switch mice okay all right this is a cruel joke by the seepage at my house yeah this mass is jumping everywhere okay I need a different Mouse hey Patrick can you get me an on EVGA Torx Mouse it's terrible okay all right let me get a message or something super chat got rockies Eska monster DKK 20 i was first ffs okay guys shimon i says thank you for 99 thank you for the streams and vids you guys put out just found out I have human malware so self-isolation sanity is cracking well I hope you are one of the cases where it's just like asymptomatic but stay stay healthy to the extent you can I guess I don't know I have another advice I wish I did but on the sanity side it sounds like at least from that limited message I have maybe it's not one of the worst cases so I wish your you well and that your health does better I'll get one more in a second let me get this running so we're gonna do a baseline run that actually fixed the problem it was the mouse that made me nervous for a second that we had some insane weird bug where it was not working already okay next one is from renato [ __ ] Giannini to $2 are I'm not sure that currencies once your expectation six ear hurts question mark no I'm not expecting six gigahertz out of out of a low-end CPU I've got hardware info running by the way so our score is gonna be lower than kind of reality but 60 degrees right now yeah I am expecting five and maybe higher five should for sure be doable I think maybe higher would be nice I would like to do five one because that's what r77 hard K can do ok 989 that's about right with hardware info running for reference I did write down our earlier score without anything running was a thousand eight so that's about right for background tasks ok cool so that's our baseline with nothing going on no no memory X and P anything like that 100% stock just fresh boot BIOS and we're gonna reboot now into BIOS turn on the L on to mode and maybe some basic memory settings and get it going so we'll try we'll just bring up to four four first since that's what we did for the review and then go from there and I'll mention two if you grab something from the GN store today we do have well actually we've got these black and blue mouse pads in stock sadly they don't come with that they're all pasted to stain that's on this one you'll have to buy the thermal paste separately maybe from their Bower and and add your own thermal paste stain to your mat but that just makes it customizable it just means that you can make whatever drawings you want on it so you can grab those mats on the store on stored up gamers excess stuff yeah or you can grab the mod mats we are actually really low on sock thing we have 30 left of the mediums so we've got 30 mediums left that are shipping out every day at this point they're not on backorder anymore and then we've got enough of the large left for maybe another week or so but I'm not sure I kind of hope it lasts a little longer just because we just got them in but there's the medium this is the one we use on the set table pretty heavily when we do GPU tear downs it's got the video card diagram on it and we have a double silhouette on this one so you can place the screws on the front and the back and track it a little more easily but you can grab that on the store and I'll try to shout out some of the orders today when we get space in between the over clocks okay let's do some basic stuff so just settings and the overclocking except actually I want to go back up this is one of the problems that we kind of have with AMD BIOS is right now Andy provides so no sweet menu and then the motherboard makers do as well so we've got like three different places where all those C options are but this is we've got onto mode on here which is under the advanced CPU configuration we're gonna leave almost all the rest of this alone step package power up to max see the temperature to display we're not worried about its good and the overclocking one thing we're gonna have to do is bring down infinity fabric so I'm gonna have to set that to 1467 and that's because the once you start getting cold like minus 90 minus 100 it'll just black screen and if you bring down infinity fabric to a lower clock it'll hold so it's old information now you've probably heard it before if you watched some of these but that's why we we bring that down even though it would be better performance dead about higher we can't get the temperature down low enough to get a higher clocks if it's a higher infinity fabric so it's kind of a tricky situation especially if you're doing 3d but we are just doing rendering today okay I'm gonna try and use rise and master for this if we can it'll be a little faster so we're gonna leave most this stuff alone and just turn on the the higher you know current protection limits and stuff like that okay I think we can just go with this and hopefully do the rest and rise and master CLC States whatever that's worth spread-spectrum cool and quiet the rest of this doesn't really matter okay F time [Music] on a portmanteau and they're just to keep it at least within reason then we're gonna bring the temperature down maybe to like minus minus 10 or something like that just to test out the mount make sure it's good [Music] Paltz Oh No there's no f1 today actually want to turn on XM PA as well but I don't know that this profile is gonna run so we're gonna now that's F close see this is what I was talking about there's like three places for have clocks we're just gonna set it 1467 on both and that's the this just tells the 3200 to make sure there's no memory issue [Music] all right there's first poorer look at that fan that's like 2500 rpm is that noise tolerable or do I need to get a quieter fan they won't work as well though is the problem CMOS was not cleared why that thinks CMOS is getting cleared okay let's just set a profile Satnam stream save needs to get r-tx voice I would accept I don't trust because it's beta but I mean yeah I I agree it would actually be pretty useful in these scenarios one of the things that I am worried about with using r-tx voice in the future would be how it impacts some of the noises you might want in there like the pouring noise like you would lose some of that that noise I want to make so I don't know if I would use it or not it's at 10 degrees right now so we're just going to get it down to I need to check hardware info and see what the Delta is so we're gonna try and check how quality the mount is between the pot temperature and the CPU TDI temperature [Music] I'm sure people will comment on the power supply fan too at some point it's not spinning cos not under heavy enough load which is expected behavior for that power supply 1600 power supply I would be surprised that this thing goes over like four hundred five hundred watts today okay TDI is listed at let's drop in it's listed at eight point five degrees and our temperature probes at one degree that's actually a really good Delta they're pretty close to each other so I'm happy with that mount we're gonna pour some orange uh start bringing the temperature down and see if it's stable if it's not I might play around with some of the other settings in BIOS but it should be fine at least down to minus eighty sounds of overclocking someone says no please Alan two noises nice I like it too so yeah I think our TX voice would probably kill that sound the best solution would be a quieter fan but then then we're gonna get condensation faster and we'll have to break it down and on the stream faster so I try and compromise with this one okay a minus fourteen let's get rid of this and open up rising master if it'll cooperate today sometimes this thing takes forever to launch the PSE his name is Steve guys someone says alright fine oh yes see the fan is not spinning I know it's not spinning I said uh I need like me you have a knock to a knot case testing 140 mill you have one over there okay if you can grab one that's like maybe 1400 RPM or something a little quieter I think it's didn't want pum that power spot I'm curious on the answer to the question question someone says Akhilesh yo chat how much do you think Steve can get out of that 30 100 I am curious to see what Chad thinks as well okay so let's reset everything here we're just gonna set it to four four which is what I review did I've got the numbers written down from earlier too so we're just will do one point five five volts I guess to make it easy actually you know it let's let's just do like one point four since it's just the review numbers so one point four still plenty high we should be able to close that and actually get the clocks will know by validating with the score and we can see if this thing's at least working normally thank you wow that looks worse than normally knocked was made I don't know that this when people asked me October for a different color family this is what they had in mind this our redux 1200 rpm Redux so let's get this Wow get that out of there see if this one's quieter I'm still affected one thing I learned from a previous stream it didn't kill the fan but I learned not to angle it in a way where the L&T comes in from this side so I don't know how we had it set up exactly oh it was like no yeah that was yeah once we were using it like this I think I had a position here or here and some of the L&T vapor that was not going through the fan was coming around it and it would get into the hub and then the fan froze like literally just froze up but it did not die so that was good okay hopefully that is still effective it as a lot quieter which makes me suspicious let's test it wow that is at least pushing it away okay cool it's doing a little bit good enough go in the other direction but that's fine okay so 11:40 that was with 4.4 gigahertz so that's about what I would expect 11:40 let me get you some numbers from the 7700 K for reference so Steve the PSU is my favorite gamers Nexus character he really is the driving force of this project is this on an ex-wife 70 bored yes that means that supports m3 okay so 77 higher K at 5.1 for reference did like 11 10 points and this oh really if that looks a little am I looking at rate sheet stock oh here stock did 980 and we did about that already yes so 11 10 is in fact what we have logged here for the 5.1 so that was easy I kind of like that super chat ideal I'll get to it in a second let's get rise master open if it will cooperate sometimes again very slow but seems to be working today and we're gonna just do a let's just bring it up to like that's 44 25 okay so let's do like 46 is what someone said I was being achieved elsewhere and I'm gonna well it's just it I think we're gonna crash here but just for sake of trying it I'm going to set one point four volts see if it accepts at that time and 4600 on all cores and then we're just I mean we are definitely not under normal cooling conditions because it's minus 41 degrees right now but let's just go ahead and run it and see if it crashes instantly or not if it runs at 1.4 with this this LLC is pretty aggressive it's nothing but it's a flat line LLC so definitely not stock and at this temperature it's got an advantage versus if we ran it under a normal cooler but still be interesting to see what comes out so let's see if that works okay then we got some super chats also we had a store couple stores come through thank you I touched the best way to support us super chats another great way we're gonna get all the super chats today it just give me 30 to 60 minutes on them it did work and and then we'll get through them all okay so store order came through from Robert in Massachusetts who ordered a a GN black and blue mouse pad which is the one I'm using right there actually again without the thermal paste included sadly [Music] Brandon from Washington also purchased one of those mouse pads thank you then we had a medium mod map bought by Kay in Nevada thank you that brings us down to 29 of those left Jacob in California picked up a large mod mat thank you for that huge support to buy those especially since I ate the massive cost on the shipping for these it was insane and then Kris in Virginia picked up one as well thank you okay let's get another one of these in and I'll do super chats on the next pause while that's running don't bring this down a little lower so that was that I might actually want to try and run this a different frequency under our liquid color later but that was at four six and then we got - I'm just writing down the notes for later - 42 four six one point four and score was 11 87 okay so let's bring up Rhys and master again today I'm really happy with how this is running right now yesterday when I was doing some initial testing it was just it was taking like three minutes to open let's so let's try and stick to this lower voltage and see when it dies so that's four 7.14 I will definitely be kind of surprised if it lives but we'll give it a shot let's see next one is from Jackie Mansfield two dollars thank you this is my first live stream I've caught in time nice if we I thought it froze yeah we we didn't even announce it just kind of threw it together I knew I wanted to do one but it's a lot less stress to just kind of start when we're ready to start instead of setting the time so I was glad we were able to pull this one together for today I'm kind of shocked that ran let me open up a hardware info and see what it thinks the voltage is you get a multimeter out but I don't really want to try and get in there let's see SPI 12 right there let's put it under load it's a 12 44 I think is what that score was Wow CCD is actually reading to minus 6 that's kind of cool I don't know if that's accurate but I kind of doubt it is but I don't have any way to validate it Oh SOC with the gentlest of the wrong one ah CPU core voltage 1.3 94 okay yeah that's what it should be Wow all right well that's running very high it's only r15 is probably not stable for other stuff it's pretty cold not extremely cold but - 41 degrees right now on the the pot temperatures when I go off of 4.7 1.4 and we're on mode three I'll write that down to my three and then it was about it was 1129 that time so that was actually that's a low score that shouldn't be that low there's like twelve something before now I have hardware info of him that's why that shows you the impact of background software cool way better than I expected it's thirty one hundreds of abuse to actually awesome cloud forty I think that's the currency of India forty of that I'm sorry I don't know the names awesome cloud says how does it compare to a 9400 M you know that is one of the few CPUs we actually don't have we bought the 9100 F recently for that low NCP's roundup but I actually don't have the 9400 F because I'm gonna try one point four again because I mean I just I don't know it's we know how we feel about the 9600 K and that's better than the 90 400 F so it just wasn't really worth it wasn't worth the time to run another test each of those CPUs take something like no no some of them take like twelve hours to run through the whole suite so you start asking for a lot of time to add stuff so unfortunately did not run that one I'm gonna bring it down a little lower this time we're at minus 50 right now no problems at the moment so bring it down to maybe minus 70 or 80 and see if it stays alive like I said they'll kind of bug out and just black screen if it gets too cold for certain infinity fabric settings but I think we should be good there Adam Schumann senior good to see you back says where are the tater tots well unfortunately they're under quarantine I think but maybe once Jo comes back if fins are opened up you know I can go get some I do oh I'm some junior Nunez five dollars is gee I'm going to make videos comparing to a budget upcoming be 550 board plus budget 4000 Rison versus more expensive and discounted 3000 and owned be 450 board I think we should kind of be able to come to the conclusion based on the numbers we get from the CPU review and then it's just a value analysis at that point so yeah that that should be no problem I probably talked about that on the review once rising 4000 desktop comes out did I run it yet no okay we're at minus 74 so yeah that's that's a good point like I said we should be able to figure it out based on the numbers in the review and it eventually ships whenever that may be and and then we can talk about if it's which which is kind of a better pathway since there's limited upgrade paths on some of the boards this still alive I think it's at four eight nine one point four right now which is stupid but it is I mean it is really cold when we did our review it would not hold for 5 or above at 1/4 and that was on a two eighty millimeter liquid cooler so it's the cold that's doing all the work here something everybody monitor oh yeah wow yeah that's not expected I was thinking we were just gonna go for a high clock and stop there but we're actually going for as low a voltage as possible and as high o'clock as possible which is in some ways much more interesting so minus 70 I'll write that down my 70 when I was at 4:8 kind of want to warm it up and see what it'll hold 1.4 12 33 looks kind of low to me again so let's run that one more time I think it's not not an efficient overclock this is something Joe taught me to do step on Z so he's often he should be in chat probably still you're ended hardware so Joe taught me about transferring from a larger container to the smaller for a few reasons it helps with accuracy of the poor because I mean it's a smaller mouth so it's a little easier to make sure you don't pour it all over the motherboard and then also it helps with ice and water control so one of the problems we run into Joe and I have run into in the past is as you get ice buildup around the lip of the what are these called thermos the if it kind of sits for a while you don't refill it some of that will turn into water obviously warms up turns the water it goes into the thermos and now you're pouring water into your Allen teapot with the liquid nitrogen and now you have a water barrier at the bottom of the pot that's not going to evaporate because it's cold and so it just forms a barrier between your actual cooling unit and the copper so that's doing this helps control the ice 12:30 okay so I guess that is just gonna be the score that it is that is way beyond the 7700 k OC though let's bring it up I was thinking 1.5 5 volts by now actually let's do let's do an hour 20 right into I saw a few people asking for that so is it still overclocked properly 4,800 1.4 let's see if it survives our 20 because that's gonna be a longer test that in some ways should be more likely to make it die and I am kind of I'm kind of surprised it's not died already so let's just run that right -60 I'm gonna bring that down to minus 70 or so and that should get us down to that point let me check on the normal chat actually for a minute what's chat saying Chad says rip 77 heart K is it safe to breathe that thing for so long so this is nitrogen nitrogen is in most of the air that you breathe the difference is with liquid nitrogen and getting the off gassing like this you are potentially displacing oxygen in the air so the rule is if you work with liquid nitrogen work in a large open space if possible have ventilation don't work in like a small closet or something like that with without any fan or anything so in this instance we're in a large open room it's part of the office and we can turn the AC on or off or whatever to control ventilation so we're from where I am it is safe for me to do this but you know I don't know if you do anything with Ellen too at home do a lot of research for us just to make sure you understand the safety side of it because there's a little bit to no hope for that answers your question so which rip series is this rip Intel that's a good one from leaf he is back he comments a lot I guess I guess that's what it is I guess that's what it would be with the 7700 KB and our target that we've already passed and like the first I don't know six minutes of actual overclocking I'm again actually surprised this is running so when I did pre testing I pre tested high voltage high clocks I didn't test at all maintaining a lower voltage in high clocks so this scoring scale is different by that's not comparable but I'll write it down so that was four eight we're gonna get an hour twenty score of about twenty eight ninety two I'm actually not too familiar with the are twenty scoring so if someone can find it for me I'll keep an eye on chat I think chat wants you to play with the torch I'll keep an eye on chat if you didn't go find someone 7700 cast a crown in our twenty that would be great I'm curious what the numbers are I don't have it in front of me yeah let me know I'll try and watch that just like if a couple VC someone post the score for a 7700 so I can see it when it Scrolls past so on said that people are disappointed I'm not playing with the torch and that's actually a good point so referring to the question about safety and breathing in too much nitrogen I think it's called narcosis if you breathe it in too much but one of the other things that Joe likes to show on camera is if you take a torch and you can light it then there's oxygen still his burning so that's another test you could do but I mean just make sure there's ventilation in a large space okay what's the chat say anything 4,800 I 9 okay 24 30 thank you 24 30 someone says for somebody 700 K stock 2450 alright so we've got a couple hours 24 30 2450 thank you so it looks like about mid 24 hundreds for our 2277 okay is that I'm assuming that stock and we're doing 28 92 on a 3100 at 4.8 gigahertz which is a little bit higher I guess than stock but all core assuming mcg was off so that's a that's a very efficient score actually for 3100 especially stock okay thank you for the clarification Joe he turned off the torch someone says yes I actually turn off the torch let's let's bring it up a little higher when I was doing overclocking with high cookie which we'll publish soon that was in in Taiwan when we were at gigabytes HQ in March it was funny the same thing happened with him as what happens with Joe and Joe is here to help me with overclocking where Joe picks up the torch and it doesn't light because I lock it for safety and hi cookie went and picked up the torch and tried to light it and he thought it was out of gas and he didn't know that there was a lock on it because Joe shut on the torch originally and he had never used the lock so too much too much safety it's a bad thing apparently okay it is not that was a serious lag I don't know if that's just the software being buggy or if it were on the edge of stability here but I tried to click on it if you times and it lagged like crazy so we're gonna see if it crashes it definitely didn't want to close that's not a good sign straight temperature we're at minus 70 I've been down to minus 90 now which is I guess not perfect for sense of scale it doesn't really tell us as much in an objective sense about how its scaling but I just I kind of just want to see how high cuz almost voltage regardless of the temperature okay let's just run this one again right - 91 any questions about working with this stuff or does everyone in our chat pretty much know by now so no a lot of you have seen this stuff before so you probably know where our people actually buy in for a 7700 K for that money I guess you're referencing someone else's comment yeah so I did see I saw Linus's title I actually don't completely disagree with him where he said even Intel's used CPS are not a good deal now the only thing I would maybe clarify with that title is I think it doesn't fully convey my being diplomatic enough I think he doesn't fully convey the fact that Intel used CPUs were almost never good value to begin with because older Xeon sir there's so many of them on the market they're low prices I wouldn't necessarily say that good prices but they're pretty low and sometimes you do actually get a good deal out of it but used K skews parts are such a ripoff almost universally like 4790k is for 200 bucks and 7700 K is probably like I think I saw one for 300 the other day when I looked so I don't know why used CPUs demand that kind of price but it's just always been a case for that old Intel stuff and I think maybe I have to do with people trying to keep systems alive they're willing to pay more but I'm not really sure might have to do with not wanting to replace your motherboard and so you're trying to just replace one part or upgrade inch or socket from 4690 to a 4790k which is what Patrick did or something similar to that so yeah that's I don't know that they were ever a good deal I guess is the point let's chat saying do you reduce the rooms humidity to reduce condensation actually no but we do have a it is currently 39% humidity in here right now from our sensor so we could but it's you do have a good point about condensation it's definitely huge problem but we don't reduce the temperature wouldn't really do enough 2949 points so it is actually scaling is that at 49 I think that was at 49 2949 I should run r15 so we get both of our numbers one point four zero four points something someone says this is cool oh so cool I missed the house yes it is minus 196 or 800 my 98 I think degrees how much Allen someone's I'm looking up for the L on to you questions does Allen to have a smell I actually used to think that it did because whenever we went to kingpins overclocking lab we have a video tour of it it's really cool you should definitely check it out because he's got that was when 10 works there too they had collectively the coolest lab that we've been in for any anything related to computer hardware other than the manufacturing facilities there was a different thing but I used to think that liquid nitrogen had a smell because whenever we went in there it did have a specific smell I can place it and it wasn't just kingpin it was actually the smell of the torch so burning whatever gas he may have been using for his torch that was the smell I was associating it with this is map gas but he probably is the same so that's actually what it was but no no it doesn't it's just uh smells the same as air I guess it I don't know if you can you can maybe say it smells cold I guess when it's like right near your face so that was 49 that's really good when I get a couple of the other if you have other questions about working with this let me know I'll check I saw there were a couple more higher I've already scrolled up for it is behaving a little bit laggy on the input so I'm not this is not like what I would call stable you definitely can't run this at 4.9 all core one point 4 volts normally like there's no way this works on a 280 CLC because the temperature is so low here and it is not very happy with trying to launch applications right now so it looks like it's about to crash I think let me check the other ones how fast does it dissipate well I guess it depends on how much temperature dealing with how much heat you're dealing with so power load of the CPU is going to affect how quickly its soaks and there's a couple stuff things you can do like you can glaze the inside of the ellentube pot where you like bring it down and then eventually you'll torch it and heat it up so you know I got the cable out of the way but it looked kind of like just go like that for a little bit and you can glaze it in a way that I don't know exactly the science behind it I need to read up on it but the fact is practically is that once you pour more Ellen 2 in there you'll hear like you'll hear like that noise where you hear it evaporating right away I guess it's because you've brought up the temperature of the walls or maybe you've increased the surface area with the crystallizing of what's in there how much for the science of it I need to ask someone but the effect is that it dissipates fast or it evaporates faster and brings on temperature faster so how fast does it dissipate depends on the temperature but when we're doing a thread ripper at the really high frequencies and voltages we did we were pulling like over a thousand watts you pour it in and it's gone like it evaporates instantly once it's running the test so this does not look stable because it was freaking out when I was trying to open it but it did launch so we're gonna run it I would not call this a stable overclock we'll see if it runs though that's the next one where do you get liquid nitrogen so you can buy it from welding suppliers that one comes from air gas they're a national chain that's pretty big butt welding suppliers are we could look it up to try and find sometimes they'll sell it to you just into the Dewar sometimes they sell you one of those that big 180 liter tank back there that's about it's a little under $200 it's about $1 per liter 12:59 okay is that higher than last time last time we did 12 33 at 4 8 so it is actually improved so it's not not a fake overclock sometimes you get those where the numbers look higher but it's not actually working that was that minus 81 not even that called cool this is super again I'm gonna check the Super chats next I wanted to check in on the normal chat for a little bit so thank you for your patience it's a lot to look at obviously but trying to get to everyone no I don't want to say actually this leave that open let's do know why isn't there an option to not quit okay let's get that back up and let's see if we can do five at one point four that would be stupid well the cpu be functional after this it should be we'll see but I haven't killed one yet you're more likely to kill motherboards I think in my experience working with Cho especially but more likely to kill boards or if you're Joe and you like take the CRC spray and you're holding the CPU in your hand and you just go like really hard you might catapult it onto the concrete and break a bunch of pins I'm not saying that happened but if you're Joe it might happen but from this we haven't killed the CPU yet I think we did a video with high cookie he's a pro overclocker works for gigabyte in their lab last year and he showed us a 3175 X that he had killed and the way he killed it was actually if you look on the bottle the CPU in the video you'll see it it's got burned-out pins on it so he just took it too high for the power for the voltage it was an engineering chip he didn't have any protections in place on the board or the bios or anything and so it eventually burned out so that can't happen but I think we'll be okay how long can you do this before you freeze the motherboards a really good question - there's these are good questions I'm just looking at the chat so I said I don't think I need liquid nitrogen OC is very stable how long can you do this before you freeze the motherboard well even with all the Vaseline and the paper towels and everything as this one of the reasons I pour every now and then even when I'm not running a task is to try and keep it cold because yeah okay so we're finally I think unless I hit the button with my hand again once it starts getting warm you have water runoff and the water won't just kill it right away normally okay all right so I hit it with my hand again the water will kill it right away typically I guess it's possible you got water buildup in the socket sometimes with like LGA stuff like Intel or thread Ripper but yeah I would say maybe like four hours at this humidity we've we've done pretty well we typically have to break it down around three or four hours so I just applied let's do our twenty this time I just applied a 5.0 so we're actually at five now which is what's in the title I think and there's at one point for this there's absolutely no reason this should pass it shouldn't be passing already but it has been so it's definitely freaking out like this system the OS isn't happy if you see like I click on stuff a minute the mouse will kind of freeze every now and then so it's definitely not happy with this voltage okay so those are all really good questions about how this is working is it expensive well the liquid nitrogen is not that expensive it's not like it's cheap but the expensive stuff relatively speaking is like the Ellen two pots they're not cheap I think the cheapest ones are two hundred something I think these are like five and then the the doers aren't cheap that was this is $600 right here so that's why if you want to run all the super chats go through its like the Dewar 600 bucks the Ellen 2 is $180 I've read every tank of that we get and the deliveries the cheapest thing the whole setup is this and even this is like $40 so not not cheap not as bad as liquid helium but not cheap we'll run see if it survives 501 point four and if it survives will try a single thread run if it doesn't then we'll increase the voltage so do you want to try and get like a shot into the ellentube pot maybe answer some of the questions about how quickly it evaporates so just assuming this thing survives and keeps running we can show you this button tape to protect your buttons from accidental presses it's actually a good idea do you need a light over it or is it okay okay without the lighter you want to light okay all right so I'm gonna do a pour in here you get OBS open so I know what's happening and that's the inside the Ellen teapot you can see a sari Andrea I'm gonna make you hold this for a minute but the there's a bunch of holes in there to increase the surface area it helps the L&T spread we're gonna do a poor while it's running Cinebench r20 give it a second for the smoke to go away and you'll see that there's not really any liquid in there it just pretty instantly evaporates let's do one more app or more and this time it's it's gone pretty fast we're at minus 101 right now but that's just because the the amount of power it's drawing I actually don't know what's blowing right now but power it's pulling while it's running a test if we end up getting a crash at some point I'll hook up something to read the power and then we can figure out what kind of power consumption we're looking at I think it's gonna pass I don't we need to increase the voltage and run this again to see if the score is valid so I'm actually not sure how valid that score is but it's the minus 100 or so was Chad sayin anything Steve needs RGB paper towels is it custom made block over the CPU sort of they definitely don't make a lot of those Ellen to pots that ones made by row into power and he that's a really good Alan teapot so that's probably why he's yelling at me to buy his thermal paste but ya know there I forget what the exact number was we talked about it in our bits power Rd or manufacturing tour talked about how long it takes to make one of them and I want to say they spent like I don't remember was like two hours for part of it and the whole thing was eight or something like that but it took basically a day to do was that an easy five gigahertz I would say that was a very easy five gigahertz but we need to see if it's valid five gigahertz so let me finish writing this down 1.4 still 5.0 that was stupid no let's run our 15 and then what we'll do is increase the voltage and run it again and see if the scores higher as if it's higher that might indicate that the it's not really working properly I don't know that I've seen that with with Cinebench I've definitely seen that with time spy where you think you have a good overclock on GPUs especially and actually it's running worse than stock happens a lot when you're doing memory overclocking because just throwing memory errors the whole time you can see is really not happy about opening stuff though so allons-y iPod is probably worth more than yeah the Allen to pot is definitely worth more than the CPU you could buy like five of those CPUs with that money Joe bearded hardware says how long does it take to ship an Allen to pot from Germany well good question Joe if your Allen teapot is coming from there Bower it takes anywhere between three weeks and 18 months somewhere in that range just typically how long it takes the trip from Germany I'm sure you know I'm sure one day Roman will learn how to how to use stuff box but for now that's about the shipping duration it's a good thing he's got a case cane and his his other business associates working with them they handled that stuff okay it's running now what are the differences between liquid nitrogen and liquid helium is one better than the other or does the liquid helium just cost more it definitely costs more I don't remember the exact pricing we wrote an article ages ago about it let me see if I can find it interesting excess liquid helium dollars no there you go 2017 I wrote an article about this gigabyte burns $20,000 of liquid helium to hit 7.5 gigahertz on the 77 40 X do they have a time it's ctrl-f hours day I'm thinking they did it in 1 ah here you go oh this from their Bower actually so this was 2017 and I wrote to give some perspective when we spoke with their Bower at the g.skill booth we learned that liquid helium cost him about $4 40 cents per second in his region and I wrote further with the use of liquid helium the team of overclockers were able to drop temperatures to minus 250 degrees Celsius and I said as opposed to ln2 liquid helium has a boiling point of around minus 269 degrees Celsius so it can take the temperatures lower than Allen - I think it probably the bigger thing is that it soaks faster like you get cold really fast but from what Joe and Roman I've told me working with liquid helium is a nightmare and not really that much better I guess there's probably scenarios where it's better but I think there's a point of diminishing returns and from what I understand it takes team of like three people they handle liquid helium the cost isn't saying the management's not as easy as this so yeah I think that's that should mostly cover the differences benefits marketing and then also I guess it gets cold faster I can go lower but you know you start hitting like cold bugs and stuff at some point so I don't know why this is still running let's do a let's bring the voltage up and see if the scores change because one thing I don't want to do is run all these thinking that it's a good overclock and actually the scores are like a thousand points lower than they should be or something I think they're accurate based on my numbers I got previously they look pretty accurate actually for our 15 at least but we're just gonna double-check super chats so we had one from Rocky $10 for shop towels thank you I we're actually getting kind of low and you don't really as a business plan to horde shop towels and rubbing alcohol because I can drive to like any store anywhere in the area and get it at a moment's notice but now there's not really any so I don't know if shop towels are still out of stock then I guess we'll have to just use not all the paper towels but there's also can become a problem so but I do appreciate the 10 bucks towards it I figured we spend like 30 dollars a year or something on shop towel it's not too bad where is it let's scroll me down have shop towels ask a monster 20 DKK why are famous youtubers not donating I'm assuming they're referring to Roman who ended up donating after that so you guilted them into a good job okay this this is launching very slowly now if you didn't notice let's just bring this up to like 1.5 instead of 1.4 and see what it does how it behaves so so far not great but I was already not great so much quieter without that DK fan - 74 so I'm gonna take it to - 90 that's what we don't want right there is all the snow that just exploded off the top that's why the whole board is coated in Vaseline so I just had a bunch of snow land over here but I coated all of it so it should prevent any shorts once it turns into water next one I see is from Singh servin friend SSF $5 a little something for gnu guys have helped me build a badass machine nice I mean that's definitely the goal so I'm glad it helps bearded Hardware $2 what's up slackers literally the only word in his vocabulary what's up Joe we catch up on these a little bit we're about an hour behind on the super chats so let me get up to maybe 30 minutes behind and then we'll look at some of the others ask him or oh here's one that was Roman's message and then Bob Flanders 777 yo dr. Steve I count your 666 with da da da always enjoy here content upgraded from 4790k to 3900 X that's a big jump Patrick are you you are on a 4790k at home I think that's what he's Lana yeah you're on a 4790 case though yeah what I would deal it it why'd you upgrade from 4690k do you think it was why'd you pay two hundred dollars is that after accounting for selling your 46 Oh okay that's actually really not bad 150 and then you sold one so that's actually not a bad upgrade path the torch this is why we lock yep Wow okay 1286 at five oh there's twelve seventy eight before at one point four so that is actually stable that difference is not meaningful Wow that's stupid good so let's try one point four at five one there barrel red jurors pewter hardware Roman where's my Helen teapots slacker KP FTW that's c'mon sturdy K 20 donate plox thank you mark Devi is $10 I just wanted to show my support much appreciated it seriously the super chats and the store are what makes these streams possible because that revenue doesn't work the same way so thank you for funding it and thank you to the let's see we've gotten 14 orders recently on the store on stored I cameras excess Nets thank you for that support mark Davey says your reviews have built my system and saved me from several bad purchases keep up what you do you're the best in the business like you good luck today I'd say the lock is very good today so I guess your your $10 message has influenced the results because it's gonna be like black screen right now because 5.0 at 1.4 is stupid efficient but yeah really glad to have saved you from bad purchases I I think you know other than the economic like personal wasting money downside of buying stuff that sucks I also just like to see the industry not continue making stuff that sucks so happy to help with that so we're gonna actually bring it back down I think I can push the core higher here but we're gonna bring it down to 1.4 first because it's still been working at this which is actually insane and we'll go it's a five point one if rising master wakes up it goes let's do five one this is I really wasn't expecting it to go this well if it stops working now I would still be pretty happy with the result and it probably will stop working so we're gonna need to increase the voltage at some point minus 90 otherwise we got like the magical chip Ryan two dollars Zen two-plus pointless speculation or viable rumor I don't know I would imagine that AMD has a 3400 or 3200 equivalent that will come out on the 500 series socket with not Zen + architecture I don't know if that would be called done 2 + or it will just be done - but finally died okay cool so that was really damn good run for this thing it didn't crash like how long is that an hour that's crazy nice okay so it lived on 1.4 all the way up until five point 1 gigahertz what was the oh yeah pointless speculation or viable rumor yeah I think that answers I think there will be a at least an APU on 500 series I just don't know I don't think it's gonna be as on three APU either because they haven't done that so I don't think it's completely pointless speculation how many IPC does it take for dare Bower to calculate shipping for Ellen to two bearded Hardware asks Ross Q I don't know is there power still here we need to ask him what's chat saying when will you test the fan tax P 600 s is not the old one I don't know we don't really go back for hardware once it's too old because we can't get a return on it the is a P 500 a or whatever it was from CES I do want to test that one and factor in chat says I got my stimulus check I'm ready for next week to hear about oh yeah that is next week to hear about the Nvidia 38 e TI we don't know I don't think that's what they would show off that's not only what they show off but there's going to be an Nvidia announcement next week for sure definitely got to contribute to Johnson's leather jacket fund I'm sure I'm sure he's actually I don't know does he still need to buy them if he's not hosting events in person right now do you think he's gonna buy any leather jacket for his YouTube seminar he's doing yeah there's that's for GTC so normally that's like super computing data center type of card but it will definitely be the predecessor to gaming and you know sometimes I have gaming stuff there who is is it Joe greetings from Estonia greetings let me check on this okay I think we're good so they kind of boot it did not like that crash I might pull a stick of memory and see if we can actually I can just reset the BIOS oh I think it's too cold there's boot issues if it's too cold sometimes on these rise and platforms so let's try this first now that doesn't work I'll pull by us coming loud for a second let me pull up like a super chat or something I can read while if this is going okay all right so rocky sent 50 dollars and said by some Ellen - and can we see snowflake stuff weeks not here it's not say she she wants to jump on like every table when anything's going on so it is not a safe environment for a cat if you know that wasn't obvious enough SIB live is 199 so those tater tots I guess that's still going oh yeah there you go there's our our snowflake stand in for one she can't make it to the set let's from a a patreon groove early patreon group including zdg zeta couple Oilers Jedi I think haha remyxx epsilon 50 a Norwegian is it crowns or kroner able to boot 3,600 at 4.7 gigahertz at 1.5 volts should I keep updating the voltage assuming sufficient cooling 4.7 is really good I'm gonna go with no because I don't really know the long-term impact of those higher voltages on I need to turn this thing off on a me your eyes and CP is but it's it's tough because all the stuff we see out there is either conjecture or it's anecdotal where people talk about degradation over time because they said it at one point four or something but you can't really just take that number and trust it as like this is when it degrades because we don't know what else happened or if they even did stuff correctly or BIOS got reset maybe the memory timings were bad and retrained whatever but at the same time I can't really make a firm recommendation on what voltage Terron for daily because I have to take those into account and I don't know if it's really safe for 24/7 so I can't make a recommendation on that 1.5 is pretty high 4.7 is really good clock though uh I dunno high cook he said he's comfortable with 1.5 for daily but he's also speaking as a pro overclocker who has plenty of access to stuff so okay well it booted back up let's get this open and see if we can do 5-1 I guess it was cold by the way that was the problem it was too cold try 5-1 at a higher voltage 1.5 this time did he call it down first so I'll take a minute to cool down next one a person $5 push two bolts kill the CPU know what sounds he tastes like also no bearded hardware 199 awkward walking and CVS with Steve and I need Vaseline yeah that was a that was what we bought was definitely a completely normal thing to do let's do one point five that's one point five five one point five apply okay five point one just see if it dies on our 15 right - 51 so I need to bring it down more it's got that really nice crackle right now that's soaking fast butan hardware also 199 thoughts going through - here's mine - mark here's our hardware 199 my keyboard is better I feel like it's like a haiku it's like a joke IQ hey Suz my May on I'm gonna go with sorry two dollars getting the static Matt oh the anti-static not four months of waiting yeah the chef I wish we could have got him faster - I'm glad you're gonna be able to get it though because they're in stock and shipping but meant the shipping delays relating to human malware were obviously profound we did finally get stuff in I paid an absurd amount to get it in quickly she's otherwise you're looking at 60 days on a boat okay let's run that and I grab some water what now for the last drink okay all right it's like couldn't talk my voice was dying Jonathan Davis $5 you should ask to borrow Linus's blowing Mehran I saw that thing when we visited and it's also insane also his chiller is like extremely dangerous and janky but fun to work with we use that in the I did a laptop overclock with them on an alienware what is it fifth area 51 mm or something the laptop and we used the chiller for it 1286 at five one 1.5 was stable that was about minus 90 that's 90 a 5.1 1.50 1281 Wow okay that is crazy let's get our 20 definitely need to keep this cold at this point cuz I don't want to have to break it down for condensation or anything okay cool actually yeah I need to get this little colder first to ever minus 76 right now I'm trying to keep it around minus 90 at the moment should be Aldi lower though freeze the hell out of that thermocouple wire though okay oh yeah said I was gonna run single core I need to do that so we should probably do that in our 15 so it doesn't take eight years to do next one Reaper hacks love the content man probably given you probably giving you one thousand watch hours by now but anyway why don't you use a streamable link you get most or all of the money Oh stream labs I'm not really exactly sure how all that works and I also I'm not sure that YouTube is okay with it so I would have to look into it more I've never really worked with stream labs toys are for boys I mean to be fair YouTube is hosting like hours of this so I don't feel too bad about giving those money so here for boy is 666 here's 666 and Canadians keep the evil out of Euro see if it crashes right now we know we know who it was big al 268 good to see you back five dollars noise of opening Alan to valve ultimate r-tx voice test yeah it's definitely not quiet it winds a lot like I think someone describes it as like an alien or a UFO noise once when we did this yeah that's that's about what we tell Mike to be a bachelor a little a little bit more in there next one a teep teep II lost five dollars based and Steve pilled I don't know what that means but thank you for the five dollars super nice John 50 SEK I need that mouse I have to blame my poor aim on something yeah referring to the evj Mouse I was using earlier 30 47 that's at minus eighty five so you write all that - 85 5.0 I already have that written down I just need the thirty forty seven so it is scaling pretty pretty linearly let's do a single it almost certainly doesn't have to be too cold for this so I did it on our 2001 that good and I'll be here all day if we do that let's do a single thread on our 15 okay our 15 is trying to boot actually I have a 77 100k score two at five point one for a single so we can do that blend inator as the blender logo as his avatar nice andrew approves I think button hater $20 Canadian grab yourself a beer hashtag blender FTW and it do you approve of this hashtag and just says yeah it's pretty good and she likes blender why does it matter $2 tip that even shave - talent to you yeah this thing I don't know I think it's got something in the sensor it's terrible just help it out a little bit this one's gonna be called maja alright it's the single core that should be enough for the rest of the stream probably see Joe is not here so I'm actually not filling it all the way because then it would be difficult to tip it and normally I make him do that okay it's running all right nice so we're at five point one I think one point five zero volts which is actually really good we were at 5.0 at one point four volts if you've just tuned in and that put us at twelve seventy eight points are fifteen let me get a reference for you so d700 five point one did eleven ten points are fifteen and a hundred megahertz faster and on the was that four-year-old three-year-old processor so be 700k stocked at a thousand seven let's see what's near so at five point one point four twelve seventy eight points are fifteen that puts us next to what that's about just for reference that's where the sixteen hundred AF stock is so this is what it's taken to get a sixteen hundred AF out of the thirty one hundred and you know a tile-based renderer so gaming is not quite the same because now you're looking more at frequency than threads the sixteen hundred AF still was definitely the best CPU anytime I can remember under a hundred dollars like not even in terms of value generationally nothing came close to that thing so they're still making them they're still pushing them to the channel I don't know if you'll be able to get one for eighty five dollars if you can beat the scalpers maybe but that CPU makes the 3100 look bad and the 3100 is really not bad and objective sense five point nine did I hear right now we have not done five point nine someone asking about the nothing like permanently damaging a CPU to gain six degrees improvement so first of all it doesn't actually permanently damage it we haven't killed any yet it doesn't really work that way and secondly it's more like like 200 degrees Celsius of improvement not six so it's a bit of a difference okay is this a goodbye this like all this now but the 3100 no also we're saying the 3300 ex is the one he should get $20 more significantly better yeah 1600 a half I know it's not really 85 anymore it's unfortunate it should be it's supposed to be but yeah boss Gates ethos on one point four to five volts I'm not sure to whom that's referring okay so why don't you try this with a where's power supply well because I don't want to kill the board and everything else attached to it 232 points for single single thread score let's look up some perspective here so what else does for perspective 1600 AF stock is at 155 for this batch versus 232 you just do a percent scale if those numbers don't really mean anything to you they don't mean a whole lot to me either because it's just a score so let's do percent scale that puts this as about 40 it's about 50% about forty nine point five percent faster than the 1600 AF and then if we do like 1600 AF at 4.2 it's single-threaded so it doesn't matter which rise in CPU it is if it's in the same generation so that says n+ CPU 4.2 is 177 so 232 - 177 would be 31 percent faster and what's comparable the 232 3900 X single is at 217 if I remember correctly that was like four point six or seven target or something and then 224 here we go 9700 K so in tile 9700 k5 point 1 gigahertz 1 point 4 volts was doing 225 points what voltage do I have this a train for frequency is it 51 think we're at 51 also might be at 52 now it'll be fair to the 97 okay it wasn't frozen it was under a liquid cooler but we'll compare him anyway do that a minute I see who else comes close to that I think that's the closest one that's the closest one we have logged 7700 K five point one was 223 so it's like the same as the nice okay not really had any improvement okay yeah so that's the comparison wait forever for this to launch a check on chat and stuff like that store purchases we got a couple n thank you like I said one of the best ways to support us is while the best way to support us is from the store because you get something in exchange and then if you would prefer you can also do super chats I'll try and shout some of the store orders out but can't do all of them obviously because of how much is going on right now so we got one from Nolan from Alberta who bought a keychain Gian keychain and one of the mod mats thank you I much appreciated one of the large mod mats still have enough of those for maybe another week or two we'll see media mod Matt sail to Luke in Ohio which will bring us down to I think 28 and inventory for medium Matt's a bit more portable size on those mess up we were at 51 ok so right down to 32 51 two three two one tea okay cool let's go for fifty two and 1.5 volts is it gonna die it looks not happy yeah just stop that pour right there so we don't make it too cold so it doesn't come back then we'll go with a higher voltage we'll try one point five five okay whatever all right is the mouse too close is the EVGA mouse greeting me or some other way I think it's coming back on nope okay so we need a higher voltage just do one point five five mark from Germany picked up an anti-static mod Matt signed thank you very much we'll get those autographs and sent out as soon as possible I think I'm signing more on Monday and then a logo key chain and a teardown crystal that is a big order thank you very much mark from Germany just launched rise and Master again I think it's gonna reset so it might take a minute we got an order just got an order in from Roger and Wisconsin grabbed one of the teal logo tear down shirts and all of the mod mats awesome Thank You Roger much appreciated on the orders guys and the super chats I need to get back to obviously okay so it's reset itself 251 1.5 let's go back up to 52 and then let's do one point five five and just see if maybe it doesn't freak out as much on desktop think we're gonna be about the limit here five point two is really high yeah I don't know about that five point two is really high for the CPU it's probably a low been CPU so weird that we throw in five one with good scores and see if we can do five - I want to push for it should be able to hit it maybe needs to be colder I'll let it get into windows and bring the temperature down Alexander from Helsinki nice grab the medium mod Matt signed I don't see a lot of orders from hell thank you we do get some though ok tell ya why does it matter tip that in talents here for the eg I saw that Eric $5 I have my jean mousepad and GM large mod Matt just got here today nice awesome a lot of snow via the support email if you need anything setting those up but mousepad should be straightforward mod matt should be good to go if you got everything on the box with it okay so we're gonna do 1.55 except I'm gonna try I don't know if Fry's masters bugging it out but I guess I could always go through BIOS palm with BIOS is it's a little slower and one of the issues we've learned with rising overclocking is booting at a higher voltage like one point five five and up can sometimes be really problematic so it's interesting because say hence it won't be applied interesting because with the with rise and master you limited unfortunately to one point five five volts it does not actually at my there might be an override let me see in settings it's an override histogram advanced advanced okay I'm not sure what that is I said like a maximum voltage knot on this version if there is one okay so I think we're limited to one point five five but there might be a workaround that I'm not aware of it's definitely possible well let's just set one five five which it already is and then I'll do 52 I'm gonna bring the temperature down first so we'll bring it down it's currently minus 70 I'm gonna let's go a lot colder this time let's see if we can do like minus 150 let's drop the big chunk of ice on the chipset and it's gone should be a water so either too cold from that poor or too much water try it again before any kind of rebuild Troi Borg how does the CPU compared to the 3770k does it outperform it or about the same don't have a 3770k unfortunately I had to offer one recently we need to follow up on that I can tell you how it performs relative to like let's do the ones surrounding that well if you're asking overclock think it's a different story but do we have we have the 4000 series coming up in a video probably the next week or so that you'll be able to see the scoring for the 4000 series like 4790k but just I have Cinebench open in front of me right now this is not really a great towel for games but see 4790k was like hundred eighty single thread that'll extrapolate a little bit to games and then 30 100 was Wow 180 single thread so in that aspect they're the same if you want some more numbers though on the gaming we have 10 years of Intel that video has a everything surrounding the 3770k so 26 plus it overclocked 47 I think plus overclock and you can kind of look at roughly where like the 1600 AF is and non pile based render performance and you'd get the same the same same let's see if we can get this thing back alive I need to bring the temperature up right now I think just too cold so it's not happy booting that's God trying to repair see if I can get super chats open about county productions $10 thank you love me some gamers in excess oh love me some Cara's Nexus thank you best tech journalism on the net proud to be a patreon supporter thank you for being a patreon supporter PS started bother you with discord messages every now and then I can't control myself notes sometimes no problem I just might not see it for a while I've got a lot of notifications on there so I'm really slow to getting to them try to go through and clear it every now and then but it's a lot there's a lot of messages so I apologize if I don't respond is it kind of boot I keep thinking there's like a fire because of the gigabyte extreme it's got these like crazy LEDs on the tip of the fan blade and they flicker like a rave I don't know if you can see it from the camera perspective you're at but if we turn the monitor off they've stopped spinning now but they flash like like the gta5 police lights when you turn the game on they flash like that so I keep thinking that it's something like there's a cloth on fire or something okay maybe I need to check and make sure I probably need to check on the Allen TM oh and maybe we're ready booted so if this works cool if not I'll go into BIOS and see if there's some stuff we can do okay let's wait on applying this for a second bring the temperature down again try it again andreas Thompson 20 DKK thank you get started TX voice would do wonders with that fan yeah the UK one previously probably we tested it with the 3000 or whatever rpm knocks a fan and it works great the 10 series we had weird bugs with it doesn't seem like everyone can replicate but some people can so it's still basically an alpha once it's kind of out of alpha status I might actually try using it for streams where we don't want to you know if we don't have Alan to noise we're concerned about it'd be nice just to get rid of some of that fan noise but yeah okay so it doesn't like the cold so what we're gonna do is pull the SSD get into BIOS and see if there's some L&T settings I can do how's Chad doing amazing so see yeah I can do that what else is chat saying 4790k Kahane yeah it's a good CPUs though I think it's time to SOC we're at yeah five point one successfully so far okay why aunty mode on on oh wait I already have a profile for this let's just do that stream okay that should take care of the Advanced Settings tab yes and then let's do SRC let's get the boot voltage a little higher 1.4 and then let's do SRC on point 3 v d DG should already be overridden somewhere else in this profile but we'll do it twice since Andy has so many of the same settings everywhere 1175 1150 1175 let's go up to the this is what I'm talking about again just if you missed it earlier but and the overclocking is gonna have like half the same options it's not always clear which one overwrite to which I need be DDG override 11 to 11 50 1150 okay trying to keep an eye on chat to people talking about 4670 k mother part needs easiness something out of retail that sounds about right it is definitely not something I would recommend coupling with a $100 EP you see if it'll boot it's that - 84 my BT cold Alicia O'Brien in chat says can you please do a review on the when the message stops so I'm gonna go with maybe what is the best performing thermal paste I'm willing to pay whatever their Bauer has got some pasty like the Satya so for like extreme cold definitely definitely cryo not and kpx are the two for extreme cold the thing you care about an extreme cold they don't care elsewhere is at what point it cracks or how much the paste will crack so when you're working out sometimes you'll hear an actual pop when the pace like cracks under the extreme cold and at that point you want to basically heat it back up with a blowtorch and sort of reflow like melt the paste but as for a non extreme pace the extreme pastes aren't necessarily the best performers for normal above ambient cooling so thermal Grizzly's a long-term sponsor of ours obviously but they make hydronaut and cryo not that are both good arctic mx4 is probably one of the more affordable common ones that's widespread it's perfectly fine we use it all the time also for the most part the only things I really try to avoid is they're extremely cheap paste that's like turns parts green we have some of that or the really liquidy paste and because the and then there's also like the electrically conductive paste I really like to work with it it's it performs well but as a concern of shorting stuff out and when you work when you like replace stuff as much as I do that risk gets a lot higher I think it's too cold so I probably need to heat it up and see if all of our settings actually are gonna help us out here hope they are let's get this heated definitely too cold for booting something that rising is really picky about originally when this stuff came out we couldn't get it to boot below minus 15 which was terrible but at the Ellen 2 modes they've added have made that a lot better okay minus 40 should be good so recap while I'm trying to get this stable again so far we've had a really good run with the CPU I was not at all expecting the performance we got we got a one point four volts all the way up to 5.0 gigahertz that was that - a hundred degrees it's not it's not even my final form I can go colder than that but that's really good that's actually kind of crazy because we were doing like one point three four three that four point four all core on a liquid cooler so really good scoring there points wise that's 1278 r15 there's about three thousand thirteen points are twenty and then we had five point one going at 1.5 volts and that one was at 1280 one r15 there was at thirty forty seven for our twenty if you want to look up other scores you can vote on my hardware hardware bot and compare them and then one threaded single threaded it to two hundred thirty two points so that should get everyone kind of up to speed on where we are with the scoring this is a thirty one hundred and that is the dual CCX 2+2 approach rather than the four plus zero single CCX of the 3300 X which is a better CPU and is the one you should by freaking about one of the two but we wanted to work with this one just because it was the cheapest one and that makes it fun for different reasons I think it might be maybe recovering it's weird when a diagnosis the PC it never says you poured liquid nitrogen all over the board and now there's condensation everywhere I don't I don't know why Microsoft hasn't added that and it would be really helpful if they could do it they're just out of touch they don't know what the user base wants anymore okay trying to catch up on the chat what is the pink they're all pea stew Roman uses when he streams I think that's cryo not extreme I'm not 100% sure we don't have it I'm pretty sure it's cryo not extreme which is not out yet it's publicly known though he is trying to get that finalised and that'll be their next product that they'll sell after cryo not obviously I've been actually asked know if he's gonna solve both one of these days the profit should be disabled okay I'm Way behind on super chats I'm trying to keep an eye on like chat and super chats disable proc hot set and rise and Master do I need to get a BIOS disable Chop flop why don't you use the Auris extreme the orders extreme is fine but this already has this already has Vaseline all over it there it is quick to disable okay manual mode I'm not really sure if that's gonna fix our problem but we'll try it considering we're cold but I guess if it bugs out at cold then sure let's let's bring this down actually that's not being that down 41 okay I'm just gonna work now disable okay why I guess okay let's bring this back up to stoop so 500 are on just to see if we can get it all working again you are 15 or something shorter temperatures currently - 37 Joe says what's shaking what'd I miss Joe I think you've misspelled slacking it's okay it happens to the best of us so currently Joe when you're at best I did was 5.1 1.5 volts we doubt up to 5.0 1 point 4 volts which is really good and now I'm trying to just restate wise at 5.0 I've disabled the proc hot processor hot I guess and chat is really cheap bastardizing the name of that the sable crock-pot the sable proc hot disable hot pocket always wears rely on chat to take a helpful useful message and distort it into something I don't understand how do you ever do you do that in your ass dreams I haven't actually messed with the pocket setting before I already did I got it guys I got it's off enabled it's a single prop button someone said okay I think I got that one Bob Flanders will you sign the mousepad if I buy I'm not doing that today sorry we are so backed up right now and I'm I still need to sign a bunch of mod mats so me evaporating really fast that's nice a little colder Joe that's not helpful at all Joe said damn autocorrect I like hot pocket stator field that's not that doesn't help me I'm supposed to do with that information who eats hot pockets filled with the tater tots and Sam okay - 96 let's see if it goes this is that 5.0 so he would stepped it down a little bit Chad is actually insane why eat pork chop went over clock is clap-clap disabled from Borderlands can't use the mod bed as a mousepad I mean you can but it's a gritty surface and the it'll create drag it's not something we market it for EE don't advertise it as a mousepad if you like resistance on the mouse then I guess I go for it but we use them as mouse pads on our test benches but I mean if you want like a smoother surface to work on definitely just get a mouse pad you always put the mouse pad on top of them on that 1284 that's at 5.0 that's about what we were getting more or less it's actually better than our 5.1 score by three points so there was some something going on there so let's kill this and try again at 5-1 see if we can it looks like it's maybe restabilized so that's cool rocked the pork chop hot pocket op hot rock hot okay hey chats lost its mind let's do the only inviting people eat tater tots on their hot pockets Dave says hi Stephen GN team are they tear down toolkits growing back also the GN blueprint shirt and large is currently sold out thank you for notifying me I actually just placed an order for the blue print shirts about a week ago so this should be getting made this week or weekend maybe and then uh the toolkits yes finally yeah we had a hell of a time getting an order in again because of like the all the human malware shipping delays all the factories are making masks and medical gear now so we're pretty low on the priorities list and have minimal leverage but they finally found a break in their schedule where they can get back to the stuff they were making before and the toolkits are in production we don't have an exact ETA on them yet but it's looking like a couple months out at this point so they are getting made so that's good news okay let's run this again at 5:1 see if it's maybe working better now Lola brick will you do a custom mod using that car rated hitter as a side penalties I always forget about that this is just sitting here yeah this is a more a3 this is my water cool I think I called it I said it's like a car radiator or I might have put car radiator in the title it technically is not a car radiator they did customize it but it's basically like the size of a very large you know something you would probably find in a vehicle so it's close but they didn't customize it apparently I don't know to what extent well I do it as a side panel I hate don't have a plan to but I know that Roman at Gamescom 2018 there bauer had a case that he was he prototype that had this as part of the case as I think as a side panel there are if we did a video on it but I also know I don't think it came to market but it was a fun project to look at and I would love to do something with it but I could also understand that it will probably not make a ton of money cuz I don't think a lot of he'll buy those Morris bent down to minus 100 and see if it's alive that's right 5.1 right now that is really nice the speed of evaporation on this is insane at the moment KC Threadgill at this point should I wait for the 38 e TIR invest in water cooling and RT X 2018 on super very hard to find compatible cooler for my model water cooling is not a cheap investment but I also don't know when the 38 Ti is going to come out or what it will cost so unfortunately I have really no idea in any way that's like officially helpful I let you know what I personally think I don't know personally speaking I don't suspect a 38 e TI is immediately around the corner but I could be completely wrong typically just based on trend that is a better score than before we did some changes in BIOS so that that's why part of that I think I increased I think I turned on memory up to 3200 but anyways let me write that down they'll finish answering that 13:11 that's a - a hundred and five point one one point five zero I think I'll check that in a minute so typically and video does an 84 1080 20 80 and then it's the TI later I don't know they're gonna follow that trend I suspect they will just because I guess if I'd rationalize my thought process beyond the history it would be that until AMD has something which can beat whatever Nvidia is like 30 80 is I don't know that Nvidia would launch a 30 80 TI it seems like they kind of sit on it and sell as many that they can of the other cards and just kind of accumulate the best silicon for a 30 80 TI and then launch that when AMD thinks that has something to beat there 30 80 so that would be how I'd rationalize it but I have no idea if that's gonna be accurate so should you upgrade or should you go water cooling is there a middle ground can you just keep using the card as is not upgrade it with water cooling and then by 38 later that's probably what I would do because I'm not sure how the resale value is on something once you put a block on it a lot of people probably just want an air cooler rise masters taking really long to launch but it's looking good so far Steve left rainbow Mont rainbow vomit on that monitor well I can't see it so that's fine I just saw hardware numbers then I can try that in a minute too yes okay I don't have the MSI tool unfortunately hardware numbers I I don't like rise master but I don't have the right that I'm a site tool and then I have issues booting once say he's biased increase the voltage but let's see how far we can go with this still cuz we were almost at 52 earlier so let's just try this first then we'll try those suggestions okay so is that minus 95 right now should be sufficient to just click run and see if it's all gonna live no Alan to you let's see the chance Jonathan Davis $5 I want Steve to use the 11,000 rpm blow immature on fan no nobody wants that nobody wants to hear that I don't want to ask Linus to ship it to me either it'd be an interesting customs form though what is it that's a blowing mechon what's that it's a blow immature on what more do you need to know how you live oh wow okay scores the same but is it live that's five point two stig Eric Bakkerud I'm a real time slacker they say they're dumb tech ten dies new ripped jgn rivalry coming up now maybe with our TX 3000 oh yeah I got confused cuz they said if our if it launches I was like it didn't launch the Niners think horizon 3000 oh yeah I'd like to do more I it'd be fun to do one on like a budget I'd have to ask him about what we would how we'd set that up like last extreme version just to maybe it be something that like viewers could check their own hardware against if we do something that's less insane then like do all tight and arty X's and all that stuff but no no immediate official plan I do want to respond to his old score - I recently put the Titan Rd axis back underwater so we can essentially go back that route okay alright let's see jo-ann chat PLL 2.3 now called back okay can't do 1.77 I don't think it'll boot where we have SOC I think I put at one point three let's just do one four and instead of the one five I know but he ll I don't ever mess with all we have here enough yeah his hardware numbers in the chat still so PLL 2.3 he says SS e 1.5 but we'll leave it 1.4 for now shouldn't have any cold like and then the other recommendation was not using rising master but I don't have that Messiah total right now so please rise master did he hit 5 gigahertz yeah we hit 5 1 and technically I think just did 5 - what we rammer wheezing it's a G skill 4000 megahertz kit ok we're just gonna go with Y 3107 3300 X just because I wanted to if it's cheaper I don't really have had a problem with 1.55 yet but ok if we could not like backspace it that'd be great I'll do like 6 volts that seems good please keyboard thank you can't use this thing but I needed a smaller key word I need Jota brain his back okay yes we disabled Brock hot why no power measure I guess I can just do I think we'll just take it at the wall be easier actually let me grab these mmm now these are fine so shut down do power measurement I guess so people are asking for power consumption I'll just take that I don't have it like all the way up to this point though so it's not going to mean a ton other than a lot of voltage and a lot of frequencies a lot of power but I guess that's still kind of fun to see okay power n so this will give us a power reading for the CPU all right James Harvey just bought a large mod Mac keep up with a good work thank you what's the Vaseline for it is to prevent condensation from like water build-up from actually getting on the board on the electronics and shorting them so just provides a film to prevent contact I forgot that I left that there though scammers access ship to Canada yes we ship worldwide ok let that boot for a minute computers and hardware's people get over 5 gigahertz easily that was at 421 yeah we did beat that let me read a whole bunch of these I guess for a minute and get caught up Dave the fan doesn't spin until Steve they know the power supply gets hot Kevin wise probably live Steve do you know when the X by Sony tomahawk will be released they told me they were hoping for may I think is what originally but that may I don't know if that's changed boom five dollars just bought a mouse pads release my 10 year old Dell XPS metal mouse but I have one of those I have a game branded one actually from that I want from some gaming thing I know exactly the model you're talking about though is there anything cool or different about OC nandai 750 725 C we are still exploring that yes there are cool and different things we'll need to do a full content piece on it the easier am is pretty interesting shake capo 199 is this the cool in the PS 5 is gonna use I don't know I don't think so SP LCD 103 $10 no message thank you hi hi Jackson H you have 400 oh I have 400 HUF bucks thank you what is each gift Hungarian okay that makes sense thank you Robert male $10 tell lioness to make short circuit t-shirts he'll get the reference okay I'll trust you or he'll just make them and not ask anything he'll be like yeah that's a great idea Harry Morris $10 thanks for the awesome media mod Matt my mom bought me one for my birthday and surprisingly came sooner than expected with all the human malware issues well a happy birthday and I'm glad you're liking it I certainly like working with them but I'm biased and uh yeah thanks thanks for picking one up bearded hardware $1.99 giving my tots joeís just god I just got to come back up to do some overclocking and once we can get tater to us cuz he's made that a thin and now that's all I hear where we cut up a good amount here I have I should probably read another page of the user so Andrew rough car tonight thank you why not 3,300 X yeah I've know I've answered that by now but I guess I'll just do it again so because I wanted to use a 3100 it was that simple Ford power five two eight eight $20 my r9 3900 ax refuses to go below one point four one point four nine volts even one idle any quick tips you can throw at me well idle that voltage I don't think you really need to be scared about one I'm not sure if the software is fully accurate into it's not really doing anything so no not really evoke re-build Zoid might be able to talk more about that evocati productions $10 better than risin master is the internal issues tool yeah I know I don't have it can set V course ECX to desired frequency in Windows 10 and it's instant oh contend and discord if you want yes please send it in discord I will use that next dream I asked Thomas I dunno but I think I asked when they were already on their weekend break unfortunately oh shoot I set the voltage independently of the frequency so I'm gonna have to set a lower voltage in this but um ya know that would be great I could definitely use a better tool than this let's try five three I'm thinking it's not gonna like that yeah so I guess we'll probably boot some BIOS set the frequency there and the voltage there and see how it goes see if it can boot at the higher voltages I do want to get a power number though which would just mean writing a lower frequency I guess okay ratio on steer 53 this keyboard makes me feel like I've never used a keyboard before it's just small why does it matter good thing I just upgraded from a 70 someone hurricane hammered ex DJ arc force $5 like you are sewing 3,700 X or 10 700 or just stick with my 8700 what do you think and 87 hardcase still really good so that's what you have I mean I unless you feel a need like your software is not really getting work done fast enough then I would just stick with it but 10 some 100 I have no idea I haven't tested it so I can't really speak to that right now okay starting to slow down on the venture now we're also going to be dealing with compensation soon so let me try and get through as many of these as I can in case it does not further overclock we're at the point in the stream where it just starts to it takes more and more effort to get anything out of it because it always happens where it's like really fast at the front end buta hardware makes me want to bend a bunch of these chips why why on earth would you want to do that I guess I cheap say you buy a lot of them born toward 20 I just got nine forty on our 15 with a 4790k at 4.9 gigahertz it's good perspective so this was doing that four point nine about twelve sixty points in our 15 four perspective I think we're actually our 15 let it go I think we're actually getting we are much more caught up than we we're that's good eat it up LoJack gaming do you think the 3100 2x would be better for video encoding over the 2600 X 3100 I guess you mean or do I just spend the cash and buy a 30 zone headaches we have the answer to that check our review of the 30 300 X we have Adobe premier benchmarks in there with rendering we have blender benchmarks with rendering for a tile-based renderer so it's gonna depend application application to some extent but assuming they're all optimized similarly they should scale somewhat similarly at least within an architecture so we do have numbers for that that should help you get the answer let's go buy us actually like to see if it boots period harder when Steve orders there on CRC chips end up dead no that was not my fault Mike Farina oh my gosh do you know of a tactical reason other than BIOS chip size that Xen three wouldn't be compatible with actually 70 racks for 70 BIOS chip size is a real reason I think people have completely lost the plot on it and gone way overboard and saying with this you can already kind of tell this where board vendors had to drop support for some of the CPUs with time to add support present to so it's a real reason and not everyone has 32 megabyte BIOS so and then yes there's other reasons to like RMA support would be a major headache you start dealing with some boards are prepared for these upgrade pathways and some aren't so how do you deal with that scenario but the BIOS chip size is a real issue though especially cuz all the motherboard viruses are all different sizes because they all have different flashy graphics in them so they have to make cuts kiya China $5 is there ever a worry about losing power delivery due to cold temperatures on the motherboard I don't think so I think just losing stability or the ability to boot at all is more of the problem because it shouldn't be too cold anymore so I guess what I need to do is reset BIOS get a couple power readings and probably call it there at 5 - or was it 5-3 it's 5 2 jarick Jacobson you just needed more soldiers there was a funny video it's on a dare Barrett's channel if you didn't see it and this is his a 10th gen coverage Chris I want to OC my 3200 vengeance RGB kit with 3,700 acts do you think it can make it to 4600 plus you should make a video about extreme MOC I'm not an expert there at all but builds or it has a whole series on memory overclocking I'd probably be great for you because he doesn't leave any detail out so you can get like the whole start to finish a 3,200 to 4600 is quite the jump I would not go into it expecting that unless you destroy the timings keep in mind that frequency is not everything you have to bring the timings like worse than them as he pushed those frequencies so there's a chance you end up in a worse scenario in performance then with the lower frequency I think this is going to be a bias to reset at this point which is going to be a pan that only should not be too cold so probably doesn't like that multiplier I said let's just pull pull BIOS pull the CMOS battery for a second so just pulling the CMOS battery then we'll plug it back in and start over with with a couple power measurements play call there you don't carry production and sent the acescc xoc tool Thank You Pepe I think five dollars Canadian thank you 20:26 for life never 650b never twenty-nine years I wish I could have talked to 26 years on mountain bikes but can't get a damn frame and my frame 426 is cracked so I end up with a 650 B but I definitely agree that I'm not going to Twentynine energy saying if I send you some ghost chili pork cracklings can you see if the Ellen 2 makes them less spicy I'm not going to test it but Andrew do you like that that kind of stuff no not Ellen turn your food just goes chili pork cracklings I'm not positive what that is to be honest I'm not really a food person I think the answer is no we won't poor Ellen 2 on them and I don't know that I want to eat ghost peppers or whatever anyway I need a tool for this that's too fat just gonna restock at the CMOS 20:32 why why do we have to shove these down between things I was sorry I'm completely focused trying to get this pin back in and in between a heat sink and the audio panel I guess I think the video card out Oh okay smells like map gas don't know where this is such a pan okay let's do this properly a little bit of water on there it's not too bad though really wanted motherboard manufacturer it's not hide the CMOS battery so this thing's under like a whole plastic shroud to begin with that I remove it for this reason I know there's a limited amount of space but still eventually we will have a battery in the motherboard top there we go okay nice hardest thing so far oh yeah by us would be great Lego freak says what is the rise in 3,100 score compared to the 4350 I home yeah I actually don't have a 4350 that was one of the ones I skipped that was when I was basically only had CPUs if I bought them for personally he's not even for review so yeah I don't unfortunately don't have one you'd have to look up a 4350 you could compare it if you want stock it was we got about a thousand eight or so a thousand 18 nice it did boot good okay that's what we want that's a reset everything now but yeah I don't actually know the scores of the old like bulldoze our stuff I only have I think I'll have the 8,000 Street stuff and I think it's all piledriver or whatever whatever their naming was so okay I want to leave the we're just gonna get power numbers so we're gonna leave most this stuff alone technically we didn't have to increase SOC earlier for stability with with like 5.0 in 5.1 so I'm going to try and leave that alone if I can get away with it just because it will influence the power and we'll just do it the way we're we're doing earlier and just try and get some power numbers out of this and I need to bring the temperature down so that it doesn't start turning into water which -2° it's going to do very soon okay LaSalle rhymes thank you for all the stuff and info you've been helping me build an x5 70 build nice XY somebody's expensive but good amount of the boards are really nice red-winged blackbird rip J hello on a chilly May Day okay snakejuice spies tell Roman to send my wife and 11 many Roman send snakejuice his wife and Noel haven't many night Raven for me risin master OC was stable at a higher clock lower voltage than bio settings not sure if it was valid but the app is so damn broke and I understood it before checking yeah that sounds about right it looks like we're actually gonna be bootable now so that's nice that's exciting we get a power number finally trying to catch up on these so we can close out I put a stop on the super chat so as of 6 10 p.m. on the clock on this screen anyway I'm not gonna read anymore after 6:10 so let me update OBS here just so that it doesn't say that I'm reading them that way we can catch up and try and get through the rest of them and get a couple power numbers or something in there ok good cool Kittles $10 for snowflakes cat food keep up the awesome content thank you she does have expensive tastes she'll turn her nose up at a lot of things let's open this up get back to one of our settings that was working earlier it will probably it let's do like four point nine at one point four and just get whatever that number looks like hence it won't be applied okay okay Ben that sounds like - a hundred or something so let's do a four nine then I want the lower voltage to see what that is first apply get some more of that too so we're at minus 40 Paul the bigger one down in how if you quit on me best of luck I thought the ceiling would have been about 5.2 yeah you're right that's about where it was with the settings I'm using I'm sure other guys push that higher but I don't it gets to do this except once every couple months so I'm very happy with the 5.2 that we're seeing that's a hell of a lot better than I thought we'd see it especially the voltages we were seeing so yeah thank you next time Joe comes in maybe we can push it higher Tom debating on the pronunciation Mick Mikal Thwaites $5.00 kill the good work impartial reporting is essential thank you that's they're all we try to fill San Ophir can't wait for the Seaport I do see streams that I hope are upcoming they are for sure bill joy team super excited about the new OSI features yeah I need to talk to him about some of those one of the other overclockers was telling me that z4 90 has been the easiest platform he's ever worked with so I'm definitely looking forward to trying it out for XOC anyone just for on air and liquid I'm thinking is proc up before chat freaks out okay so let's just run this and get power and [Music] okay all right multi-core this is a current so it's like five point six amps it sounds what that Suns not right no I must have what I have to have wired if I grab the ground cable that would explain that I don't believe you not really a reason it should be wrong both going in right yeah both in sixty watts I guess that voltage is kind of left most our power scores right so the score is definitely validating hmm where were our power numbers power test and just open up a spreadsheet 3,100 3,100 stock was fifty point four and four point four gigahertz one point three six eight get voltage was 71 so either I do have I don't actually have don't actually have ddr4 really set either for whatever I guess the voltage is not as high on that either let's see package power Oh that looks like it's a I mean there's no reason that a physical Hardware current clamp should be wrong other than like user error and it is connected correctly I did that twice for that reason so I guess it is just that low I guess power leak introduction from the cold temperature and and then also not running the memory at a higher voltage like we did for the review because we were running a memory actually tuned for the gaming and stuff like that so I guess that's right that's stupid though let's see how is uh like five one yeah that is the correct power number okay cool let me catch up on the rest of these got that one stompy robots watching intently on an FX 8350 that's similar to what I use my system can't say it's the best CPU I've used but it works nicolai capita I have a certain 700 K 1070 32 gigabytes 3000 CL 15 where do I go from here only gave me nan 1440 hey thoughts on upgrading hmm 77 hard K when it's overclocked is still like a chart top or well not always but I guess depends on the game for the more thread intensive games it starting to fall behind but I would say overclocked it you feel confident doing that or use it as a learning platform and then upgrade the GPU you've probably still got some room in that 7700 K and that would maybe stretch you through to the tennis series if you want to stick on Intel or you could evaluate and see if you want to go AMD at that point K roellig some coffee for you thank you Peter the hardware trick question Roman blue screens Theodore buck or why don't you do any benchmarks for audio production well like most questions that start with why don't you it's not really as simple as us just like clicking the audio production benchmark executable we'd have to figure out what we were doing we don't do audio production so it's not a task earlier with that means we'd have to familiarize ourselves with it to produce a meaningful number so we try not to do things unless we actually understand it in terms of producing data so that's why we don't do it Isaac Smith what would this chip do on chilled water well based on the numbers earlier at minus 41 I was at 4.8 gigahertz so I mean that's pit below chilled water but even still it seems like it would I would think it would do like four seven four eight no problem Mike Farina speaking of bad buys my first build was inefficient it was a GTX 780 ones hair by 840 Evo 46 70k Maximus on the Maximus that is which was two times the cost of the CPU ax 1200 which cost me the same as the CPU and a case that was all $200 oh you got a lot of stuff you can pull forward to future builds at least okay back up to 51 trying to get through the super chat so we can start closing this out Joseph well mod might be signed to purchase during the stream there no there's a separate like signed mod mat drop-down if you want one you can click on that in order that one but we're not doing like extra signing because of the stream for this one-shot ski well Andy go for the gaming title with this next release I don't know I mean Xen 3 at that point is what you're talking about and it's also gonna have ten threes in between it's not one gonna get closer but there seems to be like some GPU or driver overhead to that limits am the in some of the games a little bit more so I'm gonna go with probably the ten 900k will still be in the lead but that lead might be mitigated to a point where it really doesn't matter a whole lot we'll see I click apply already let's go back up to one point five five or one one point let's see one point five three okay and we'll get a power number on this one that should be a lot higher in theory it's not cold enough oh okay yes it's just gonna gonna have to see if it lives so I saw it coming [Music] okay that looks let's run it again 7.2 amps on that one by the way so current clamps not super eligible through all the smoke but 7.2 is the number on that multiply that by 12 and you get your powers it's still 77271 it's actually really low that's just silly after you finish benching the next Intel CPU releases how many Intel SKUs do you think will top your game benchmark charts until you finally get an AMD top performance CPU 1215 ah I mean if you like get rid of those OC results then maybe like 97 9 to 9 10 9 10 7 ignoring like a EDT I would say probably like 4 then once you have that overclocked numbers then it's it's a lot bigger 87 sup there still a lot of cases 1306 that was 5-1 ok let's just go for broke on the last ones I guess they're awful copter one died thank you Bob Flanders is that the Excelsior I want the Constitution class on the back over there I think that's the NCC 1701 B but I'm not sure when McCallister love your content recently built a new system and GN review is really help thank you as a particle physicist I appreciate all those charts and the proper axis labels my workbench is now supporting a mod Matt well thank you for buying one as a particle physicist you are way beyond my level of understanding a lot of the stuff that you do obviously but I can't say that I've run times by extreme physics and that has particles in it so I think think I know I think I understand your job now based on my experience with x pipe dream physics i I don't know what you use in particle physics I would assume you probably some kind of CFD software or simulation software I don't know I'm curious if that's CPU or GPU intensive these days and a lot of that stuff can go on CUDA now but I'm not sure how optimized it is Ren's ear $10 thank you Travis Durand $10 are you interested in LGA 775 XOC I have a box of parts including a nice motherboard that likes unto her worthy grave I mean home o worthy home they said if you want to set it to a grave it might be jel would be the best bet I've never done 775 xoc I've barely done ecstasy in general so my experience is pretty limited obviously but I'm not interested in it right now I don't know what I would do with it it's not as easy to overclock the older stuff but maybe that's something I can ask Jo about and see if you wants to like come up here sometime and couple that in for like a like a legacy stream come on wake up I got a good download that tool from evocati [Applause] okay fly at 77 right now so looks like 5.2 is probably gonna be our max today but we'll see DCAM 65 thanks for being far away best PC hardware channel on YouTube I don't know about that but I appreciate it I just wanted to ask do you think in evj CLC 280 would be enough for 3900 X yes no problem at all for sure those fans are kind of loud though that's the 140 the fans you'd get with 140 definitely a lot better than the other 360 so you have that going for you I'm the 280 I think about 280 CLC is the best one in terms of price performance and noise that EVGA makes the 360 is like you got a tune that thing and it sucks otherwise it's way too loud but 280 is good alright cool dad - guys do you think my 3730 can't 4.5 bottlenecks FC semi-hard xt the one cpu i don't have well hi i'm not sure i guess it would depend on the title if you're playing at higher resolutions you always have the advantage of probably not like if you're playing at 14:40 4k this is still alive at minus 1 130 now it's good I'm gonna try fan downs like minus 1 30 or 40 and see if it lives okay let's go still going Randhir $5.00 forgot my message this is a good time for big jumps by daily from an FX 8350 at four point four to five all core to a 3,800 X at 4.45 all core nicely done that is a massive jump especially since now you have real course instead of the class-action lawsuit or the 8000 series so that is a huge jump and I like that you're running it on the same frequency presumably all these years later if you bought that eight 8000 series new that's a that's a lot of years on that frequency but that architecture clock tire and was also significantly worse than every way so big upgrade Wow okay sweet so it's alive this house 13 22 1.55 - 140 it is working again reminder we cut off the super chat so don't send anymore I won't read them because we're gonna have to get through these at some point Cara - John $2 Steve if please never stop doing what you do I do not plan to stop so your your two dollars will go towards continuing to not stop thank you for the support Baker Campbell sound others hey Steve just want to tell you thanks for the charity recommendations especially eaten project yeah they've been doing a lot lately I think the Mego group is working with them now also that 5.0 at 1.4 beat my expectations by a Canadian effing mile like wTF is that I agree 5.0 at one point for a to be fair really cold but that was crazy like rise and match was buying us all the time we need four super chance haha parody if Raja Pantheon says following your channel from last year planets about 3,300 X from 53 I think there's a oh I 535 70 K graphics this year is it possible to ship a mod matte from your factory shipping from us is from us is expensive now well we have to ship it from here so yeah I know I like shipping shipping to India from here is definitely not cheap but that's unfortunate as the best we can do right now because we're not like you know an Amazon size or something so we don't get the discounts the tearing on shipping is completely insane to get discounts you have to do so much more volume than us that I don't know that we'll ever do it so sorry that's the best I can do on the shipping whatever is on the site it is a like a six pound 20 something inch long large object though so it's not cheap to ship Robert Irwin at least it wasn't scented Vaseline I guess when I went and bought it with Jill yes yes at least it wasn't that so was that five point three I was running that let's try like five point three five not three to five five point three five zero okay we're at minus 130 so let's bring it down to a 150 definitely works better to an extent when it's colder all right run so we've gotten up to five point three now we're trying to five point three five because I'm suspicious about the end notice that - 152 degrees next one Rob hey I got yours Vocaloid posts have you ever tested their own paste on purpose or accidentally Oh taste it I misread that so you say yes I have tested it probably accidentally wow it's still working man nice yeah I'm gonna go with yes probably accidentally but I don't recommend it it's probably not good for you 5350 sweet one point five five and it did increase the score I don't know how a fish on that score is but it went up let's just go ahead and run art hwanhee while we're at it kind of pushing my luck on that but let's do it anyway do our twenty get a score for that one so it is actually back in action going up again necomimi Neko Mimi no message but thank you one knife knife photography five dollars modern I got me 200 extra FPS thanks that's unexpected also I could pay for all costs associated with having the ShamWow guy - a mod Mac commercial does that include the liability cost of hiring the ShamWow guy he's not sure that I want to be associated with that and rule I win fifty a are see how much would we need to donate for you to shave all your hair off literally not possible Allah hey I'm five dollars do we know anything out rise in 4,000 now we don't know anything official Verizon 4,000 other than the that there's a laptop version that's already out but I know that's not what you're asking about okay wow that was extremely delayed minus 142 let's go see if it can do it we're at fifty three fifty on a thirty one hundred one hundred dollar CPU for core eight thread and it has been actually scallion beat the 7200 K a long last time ago that was very far from where this is spotted tango $10 just loud to my 5820k using your guide with bearded hard work nice that was mostly him yelling at me to buy better sandpaper had some pitting from liquid metal and my god six degree - reduction idle and quartic or deltas are super tight now thank you nice yeah high six degrees reduction is a pretty large drop for just laughing so that's you must have done a really good job on flattening out for sure and poor decor Delta's you're definitely looking at the right place that's typically the biggest place you'll see the difference is bringing down like the core that was the farthest away from getting to the cooler so that is that is good to see Chad LeMans sure this has been asked do you play games ever just benchmark them I don't get a whole lot of time to play them anymore I used to play games like 40 hours a week a long time ago but these days when I do play games it's typically the genre mostly grew up on which is RTS so play a lot of city builders real time strategy I like the Total War series a lot I played apex legends for a little bit but that's that's pretty much it okay so we're gonna get a score out of this 5350 30 to 13 points does that scale that is actually 200 points higher than our last score which is that five point one so 32:13 throw that down let's see if we can do five point four or maybe five five four five go one give your Hertz higher that's really good scoring on this thing the wall CCX sucks yeah I know we kind of like wrote the book on that before you guys even knew that was the configuration I'm aware Garrett Nichols what's the highest frequency you've been able to get out of any rise in ships on Alan T so far I think five point five I want to say was on threader per CPU or a 3950 X I think was five point five John Bryant cheap gaming laptop that can run at 1080p ultra you're asking around Britain sorry I don't pay any attention to laptops at all but I mean like a twenty sixty two twenty seventy class card twenty like twenty seventy mobile should probably fine for that not sure about models though is that tango is there a reason to upgrade it to a twenty eighty rather than a 1080 if I don't care about ray tracing well twenty eight he's a lot better than a 1080 but if you mean a 1080i and he don't care about ray Tracy and then there's not huge reason if if the 1080i is cheaper our review would give you some info on that but it's aged a bit since ray tracing is a lot more relevant now than it was then they didn't have any games out when we reviewed the 2080 5450 let's bring back down 2-1 51.55 volts still [Music] Spencer Levin's at what speed do you think you'll see diminishing returns it looks like we started to see that around 5 1 or 2 just quickly glance in can't do it maybe Joseph AVI pro se will proc hot it'll stop the BCS temp yep got that thank you a drum had a drone milk $5 just wanted to thank you and your team for all that you do you help me pull the great system thank you especially for the people 180 view yeah people 100 a was definitely the best case we worked with in 2019 for sure I wish they actually had it in stock though it's been terribly hard to just like even see it seems like I don't know if they're sold out if they're just not making enough Mavic what do you think is the safe voltage for a normal all core overclock on rising 3,000 people are now saying 1.27 5 volts is unsafe which seems crazy I don't know people say all kinds of stuff regarding overclocking it's based on one CPU then you don't really know how that person used it so I don't want to like I don't really want to say what I think because I don't want people to take that number and then get mad when I say I think it's this but I'm not sure if their CPU degraded so I'm not gonna commit to an answer and I know that's annoying but I have thoughts on it I think that 1.27 5 is probably a little aggressively low but I'm not sure about the high end so it didn't like that what was our temperature when he died on 45 it seemed okay I like - 155 so colder I guess is the answer if we want to push that 54 55.5 would be kind of crazy clock we're almost there these super chats duvall ski any chance of making a mod mat size mousepad well we have something coming out soon that's not quite as big as the large 4x2 mod mat but we do have a mouse mat coming out very soon that you should keep an eye out for facial impediment and tell there's no message thank you Lola brick $2.00 how much our secret 7700 K get with a nun a chi 12 a cooler that is really specific you're more asking about like the CPU at that point but I don't know like for something four eight four nine four eight feels more comfortable than me heat this up like minus 50 and we'll try for 450 500 then we'll call it their legend FF love you reviews what's the best alternative to the liquid freezer - I was thinking about the 360 of the 280 think about the 360 but not sure it would work with my p 408 I don't think it will but I'm not sure the p300 definitely not but good alternatives would be the EK AIO which i haven't posted the review yet i don't know how good it is internally yet but i do know that the thermals are pretty comparable to arctic solution so e Kao might be one to consider crack connect 62 is good it's not as good but it's definitely one of the better ones cam sucks like really hate the software it's garbage just gotta get up to minus 50 right - 70 right now read age what's your most fun undervolt in experience under hope I got my 3500 EU - 3 point 3 gigahertz 1015 millivolts I'm looking forward to the you should be careful at that I don't know about the you but just as a note with Rison it's possible to undervolt it but actually the scores are really bad so it'll look like it's stable but it's it's running much worse we did a video on it I think if you search like under Bolton horizon you would find it that said I have the most fun under volting Vega I think probably Vega 56 there was actually a really big game performance from doing it there we're trying 450 500 mega mega volts 50 500 megahertz is what we're trying for it's chat saying he needs to move the GPU and I farther away slot says Joe helps with cold I believe it but we're just gonna do this and then stop I just want to get through these super chats and exe if gamers access did a scratch build for looks what would it look like complete blackout no Ellie's energy is saying do you think Intel deserves an F with Andy providing compelling alternatives at every price point also woe to you Oh earth and sea yes referencing the iron maiden reference I have in the last one deserves an F with Andy providing compiling all terms every price point no I don't think they deserve an F like if we're grading I'm like a school because they still do have things are better in like Photoshop for example gaming as an example so the ten series for sure needs to needs to be serious if Intel can't get it back together with ten series they're gonna be in trouble for a while okay that's annoying 5450 I was almost stable at one point five five a nope shouldn't have done that without cooling it down I guess okay let's get through the rest of these then probably it's out there recommend another I'll recap the scores at the end here for people to skip ahead later PB Volta recommended motherboard for a 1700 to upgrade to three thousand well I would say B 450 tomahawk but you're not gonna be able to do then three then so that complicates things I don't really like the idea of telling you to buy a five seventy board because they're so damn expensive and be by 50 is not going to be out till June I bet there's gonna be stock issues once it is out so I mean if you don't care about Zen three then I guess p450 tomahawks still really good if not then a cheaper X 570 board we have a video by builds wide if you search the channel for best and for motherboards or best rise in motherboards it'll get two videos she's the most recent one I think it's from December and there's a whole list in the description check that out and then you can find the what we think in terms of pricing for the XY 7d cheaper boards overall CPU upgrade recommended for if at the a 20k gaming and compiling if you do more compiling than gaming that would change the recommendation but let me pull up our chromium tests at least so within like the 500 our price class the 3900 X stock was finishing our compiled in 65 minutes and the 9900 K stock was finishing 105 minutes quite the advantage there on a and these 5.1 gigahertz 99er k was 88 minutes if you do a lot more code work and you're trying to spend about $500 my first of all wait for the 10 series not that far let's see how that does but otherwise I would say if you're doing more code work than maybe and it's similar to our chromium benchmark and maybe the 3900 X if you're trying to spend about 500 and then if you do more gaming I guess not yeah okay depends how much if you're making money off of it I'd probably favor the compile work let's just do this is the last attempt here I'm not gonna click apply this time actually you know I should do is bring it down and apply and then go here and disable okay and then we can bring it back up all right wishbone big navvy will challenge the 1080 TIR 2080 eye or higher I don't know people I always feel so bad about not being able to like answer those questions but I don't actually know that much about the new hardware like I learned about it maybe two weeks before you guys do especially when it comes to performance so unfortunately I don't have an answer to that I don't really try to speculate it about it because I'm just making stuff up at that point so there's more chance we'll be useless than anything metal Jackson rr3 hi my 37-hundred ex doesn't go past 3.5 gigahertz any advice 0.5 like the AMD 3700 I think my advice is to RMA that CPU that sounds like something is wrong or maybe try like a different bios or if you have a local store that sells stuff maybe you can just buy a board and bring it back if that doesn't fix the problem but that sounds like like a defect somewhere shaky Shing EE how to expand nvme slots hyper m2 card work with XO Sony AC Stas tough I only have one on the motherboard if I want more nvme drives yeah you get like the gigabyte PCIe extension or expansion card I don't know the name of it but if you started for gigabyte and VI me PCIe card you'll probably find it did I set for five I think I think it typed in the wrong number let's see Catherine disable F the eternal dreamers to 199 to buy a hot pocket I don't know if I want the 199 if that's what I have to spend it I'm sorry to say have my tater tots with it Baha truck guy $5 tater tots there you go all right how are you heading somewhere a bit harder 199 you hit the limit so when he sent this at 5:40 we had not hit the limit we have probably now it's actually doing 50 350 megahertz was my last clock so 5 point almost 5 point 4 gigahertz that is really a lot higher than I expected one point five five volts pretty happy with that David powers pulled the trigger on a mod Matt a few days ago finally I tinker with my BS on a proper surface thank you for picking it up that is the goal of it to one not damage the table and to just kind of make it easier to work with everything so glad you're liking it so far turkey giblet for 99 thoughts on the Lian Li tu 150 would you review it is that the new one or the old one I do know that though that's the 20 1901 okay it's small I think I don't know I'm not the biggest fan of that series but it is small the original tu was actually pretty sweet the one that was that had a handle on it and was shaped like I don't know it's probably like a foot by a foot or something but I've not worked with the t-150 I saw it at trade shows and that was about it okay that's last attempt them and I'll just read the super chats if that dies 150 - 155 - 160 okay see if extra cold gets it through - 170 that's probably little too much mm-hmm go okay 13 90 - I don't know what frequency we're 1392 1.5 5 minus 180 it's amazing that they're still actually progress this late in the stream I'll take it it ran I don't know what frequency I ran someone tell me I think it was fifty four fifty or was it fifty five hunt I think was 54 fifty so I won't tell me what I was running there if I could scrub back and the let's see so I know I miss adjusted it the first time - like 40 for some theta that I fixed it oh is that it just check in the DVR stream thing okay yeah so I miss applied at first forty four fifty I redid it okay there it is fifty four fifty yeah thank you that is really good man sweet so I just needed more cold as minus 180 degrees is where it kept plunging like as soon as the load stops what I should have done was stuck the torch in there because the temperature kept plunging as soon as the power stopped on the CPU so I went down to like minus 190 and then just shut off so I think I could have kept it alive but we're gonna cap it there I'm really happy with that result so we're people I'm gonna read the rest of super chats reduce some all the other shoutouts but for people who are kind of jumping later in the stream or if you just joined recently let me recap the scoring for you we had a stock run four points and you can just do percent scaling to get an idea for this but a thousand eight ish points for stock and then we ran at 4.4 gigahertz and it was about 11 13 points for CBR 15 we that was that only a minus 20 degrees so actually - yeah - 20 degrees Celsius we had to run up - 42 degrees stylus he's at 4.6 gigahertz all core and that was 1 point 4 volts this is where it started looking really good I wasn't expecting it to work that well and that was 11 87 points went on to actually still - 41 4.7 gigahertz all core one point 4 volts 12 42 points - 74 point eight one point four folds and then it was 12 33 then I added CBR 20 so if you care about that that was 28 92 at that point we'll do a recap video with all this - 81 degrees was 4.9 gigahertz 1.4 that was 29:48 it looks like for CBR 20 and 1260 points for our 15 so there's pretty good scaling all the way up we eventually did the max that we could on 1.4 that was minus 100 degrees 5 gigahertz 1 point 4 volts really really good the gate voltage and SPI 12 was one point three nine four that was twelve eighty one so we've stopped scaling at this point lost efficiency that was a also a three thousand thirteen point score for our 20 and then we did a power drop 5450 - I didn't have a run-in but it should have been pretty similar so we were like power draws like seven to eight for the amperage multiplied by 12 let's see we did five point one - 100 degrees 1.5 volts that was 13 11 r15 eventually hit 50 350 - 152 degrees Celsius one point five five volts 1364 15 32 13 for our 20 and this one - one eighty fifty four fifty one point five five and thirteen ninety two so that's I'm really really impressed with the CPU okay let me read the rest of super chats here so shoot ilaria says that radiator + fan array would look great behind some tempered glass no no that's not how you use it but you should be a case product manager I think course there's actually hiring one with host right now haha just send them that they'll hire you right away mag 1988 hiya Steve can you recommend a water block for a ZOTAC 2080 super amp no I don't have the PCB layout in my head sorry I'll tell you like I don't know specifically for that but I'll tell you at least that we've worked with a lot of water cool ones the company lately and I've been pretty impressed with their quality overall there was like an oxidation issue with one of them but overall I've really like the quality on this evil cloudy productions if Steve had this one involves you Andrew if Steve is tech Jesus then Andrew is ocular Moses if I give my compliments to the cameraman definitely the best at blender ever he says thank you hardware numbers I got yours earlier as the recommendation bearded hardware should try down to 160 well that's what we did and it worked so good recommendation an hour ago staff to have what is your preferred mechanical keyboard no preference I don't really care that much like as far as keyboards go brown switches are quieter I don't like the louder switches anywhere it's too too much with all the typing we do Sean grant off subject but on the subject of mountain bikes have you considered putting a 66 cc motor on a mountain bike no BA I have an e bike that I've shown on the secondary channel on the GN Steve channel if you want to look at that I'm not considered putting a 66 cc motor on a mountain bike though John Brian have a have a 1070 have a 1070 looking for a reason to upgrade GPU it's a generation old I guess if you're looking for a reason I don't know if you're not happy with the performance then I guess there's plenty of reasons you can find but I that's not enough for me to provide help I'm sorry d4 RK 51 z 3 3 2 ln sounds so satisfying when you pour it from the thermos to the thermos speaking of pouring here's some dollars to have beer on me well thanks for the $5 d4 RK v 1 d 3 3 2 yeah it's a L&T makes pretty cool noise i that's why i don't wanna use our TX voice of it metal Jackson do I get yours yes I didn't the sickness 1234 which CPU is this Sony 980 XE no but I'm glad someone remembers that me we're almost through these finally took took me a long time Eric Lawrence what would you use for many I TX build today like chase I don't know ok so I like Silverstone's Mini ITX cases I like the SG I think it was the 13 the Sugo 13 I think it's old now but they were 14 also I really like that one because it was pretty high airflow it's not that large it's definitely larger than super Mini ITX cases you can get but I liked it a lot because it's good performance falen peak L $10 long time fan shut up and take my money I don't feel like I can really say thanks or anything to that because then I wouldn't be following the order but thank you part number is after - 100 - 120 Ray's SOC 21.5 we did end up going to one point four on that F clock should hold 1500 plus full pot if you have a cold boot lower F o'clock I'm checking where to find PLL on a nama sideboard yeah I'll I'll try the PLL next time we did raise SOC to one put four and then I put fifty four fifty megahertz which I'm pretty happy with I'm sure we could do more though but definitely I think bringing down the temperature so hardware numbers are saying 121 110 120 I think bring down the temperature helped a lot Hellcats I second the short circuit shirt request I guess I'll message him Courtney's a what current-voltage are you on did you not leave it at one point five five we did end up leaving it at 155 almost the last these I can see the bottom of the sheet now thank you for all the support does thank you also for being patient getting through all them man's LT acts 20:20 cancellation thoughts good question I talked to finest about this when we were in Taiwan and said like hey word on the street about Computex is that it's gonna be postponed and I said you know that if this is we didn't this was early March so we didn't really know what was happening at that point I said of this is kind of cleared up by the time LT X is there might be a good opportunity for you to host on the product launches that we're going to be at Computex and it sound like that was kind of lining up but then obviously things got worse so I mean my thoughts are they probably made the correct move because can you imagine the like first of all people are going to be afraid to travel people and media would be afraid to travel and then imagine like the PR side of things to where it's like you just got you just took out every tech content creator everyone just like sick for weeks so definitely the right move I think they they might be considering an online thing but I'm not sure what the status of that is I'd be happy to be involved though if they do it I shouldn't know he said that they do want to come back for 2021 so it's just for well you know as long as human malware's are concerned anyway a person what voltage will instantly kill chip with Ellen - I know for older CPUs for 19 they were than 32 nanos I'm not sure I mean like I don't know how maybe - I'm not really sure it's not something I I actively try to do so Brandi boy $5 I was technically at 611 but I'll try and get the last of these man there's still a lot of messages I tried to set a cutoff at 610 but still people kept sending stuff in so I appreciate it I'll try to read them within reason thank you for providing content to us during this rough time game on everybody indeed that was a really good overclocking session Reggie Reggie not oh my gosh thank you you know messages' Alex safe voltage for ten nine 20 X and a lot of info out there I'm at four point nine one point two eight with exotic cooling right now how did we pay champs ab exotic cooling opens the door a lot because now you're talking about maintaining lower temperatures so met I guess tag me in the patreon discord with what that means with what exotic cooling means to you shady nut or actually maybe tag bill joy - I guess shady 9 7 3 4 - thanks STP revisit video still rocking like 4690k 4.7 that's a really good clock for that it's interesting to see how it does compared to the newer chips yeah I really like doing the revisits also it's it gives you perspective that this stuff age is actually pretty well all the time okay I'm gonna cut it I said 6/10 I think some people probably came in after that but I'm gonna cut it and I admit it here Cory Albert awesome stream don't OC much anymore but proud of my old 4.1 a Pentium 4 1.6 gigahertz I got 2 3.0 back in the day that I have never ever clocked the p4 VC gesture you're way better at this than that guy with a bigger beard I disagree with you for multiple reasons one of which is he will probably hurt me if I agree with you Chris can enjoy maybe this will help you buy some gloves I don't want to use them for this actually mediocre overclocking just woke up there's an OC stream going on sweet GB convinced to play a match of MTG at something like LTX I don't think I've played magic probably in like 8 maybe maybe 7 years I was super into it for a while I played him standard around the Avastin era and hated that set but it's been a while maybe add something like LT axe if there's actually time but it's a magic game is not quick to play I'll tell you I'm not playing EDH though everyone used to play it x-x-x callous ogre Lord join the bald gein gein gein no Eric Lacasse for forward compatibility which chipset is better for the money x57 here b5 visi well forward compatibility it sounds like they're both about the same so be 550 if you're looking for the money can how all right let me skim I've answered pretty much all these questions which CPU would use as part of a cost-effective er build they're all mostly fine thirty-six hundred maybe he's your favorite late-night TV host of all time I don't think I really have one lately they've been annoying me because they don't have to follow the same YouTube rules we do with disclosure of advertisements so I guess that's cool Axios Steve check your discord PM's something Iron Maiden II I will do that okay all the rest of these are like why are you using a 3100 and I've answered that so and then a bunch of messages from zeg alright cool so yeah recap then is 54 50 is what we did I'm really happy with that it's better than I expected so thank you for joining me we really appreciate you making the stream fun and contributing also those of you who contributed like some of those suggestions like disabling proc hot or a crock-pot or Tater Tot or whatever else you were calling it in the chat and I have to figure out how to end a stream in the new interface okay I found it thanks for watching we'll try and do a recap for this shortly check back for that subscribe for more as always go to store doc here in seconds down at the help site directly and like I said check back for the recap we'll see you all next time
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 409,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Adgsh0EvUZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 3sec (11943 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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