Live: KINGPIN 2080 Ti Overclocking No Power Limit, Ft. Bearded HW

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okay we should be live waiting for YouTube to say the events started it has started so we should be live like always let me know in the chat if the audio in the video seems good and then we'll start going we're gonna be overclocking the kingpin 20 atti today 10 from EVGA is already in chat talking trash saying Andy is easy to overclock our txt I equals not so easy why did did he actually or did Vince yeah 10 did you actually tenzin chat like I know what this car can do on Ellen 2 because someone else told him hey so we're back this is Joseph on Z from bearded hardware once again let me tweet out the ladies yeah so the tweet out the link and all this talking about Tim here are just allergic to his balls just allergic we are alive with bones alarm king pen 20 atti alright so its tweeted so today we are overclocking the KP 28 e TI it's supposed to be among the best 28 ET eyes it's definitely the sexiest one and it's also no power limit so we have the X OC BIOS on there so we go full power that's so for once there's an Nvidia card with no power limitation finally that was our biggest problem with all of them ever okay so he looks like a giant old baby someone says about you I'm assuming am I wearing a diaper you know hey sure no coming will you sign that mouse pads again if we buy during the stream wasn't planning to you for this one if there's like insane demands then we might do it but Jo's got to get on a plane at the end of the stream so we got to be careful on time but anyway so as previously this one will go for a couple hours using liquid nitrogen to overclock so we've got to 180 liter tank so we're kinda chat fill in for a little bit before we really get going and the best way to support this type of stream because it does cost money to get these to get that guy out here on a plane I'm never a cheap date and spend a couple days doing this stuff you want to support the streams you can either do super chat during the stream and we'll read it we run about a thirty minutes to one hour delay I'm reading them we will read all of them up to a point pretty late I'll cut it off so super chats are great way to support or if you go to store that gamers Nexus dotnet you can pick up a shirt like this one which is the blue print shirt and then we also have the large and the medium mod mats back in stock so these consistently sell out they are finally fully back in stock and we I think we have enough large for this stream but we are running low and large but I did order a lot of the mediums in the large this time so those aren't stored on camera taxes dotnet if you want to support and then we got two super chats Tod bands $2.00 thank you very much for the first super chat of the stream said hey guys good luck with the overclock and justin clifton $2 good morning GM good morning justin is a fun afternoon now oh that's my morning don't feels like morning to be honest yeah someone in chat says teaching my ferret to liquid nitrogen cool my GPU at the stream Wow I'm doing the same thing with deep just fame nice so Ellen teapot this is the icon got to be careful with it because it's like a perfect mount now yeah we think yeah so it was better than the other one that's for sure yeah so this is the icon pot that Vince that kingpin gave me when we visited Taiwan about a month and a half ago and we've got the kingpin card on there we have the VRM is still on there and so the heatsink both of you are and of course we cut the VR I walk actually we're just it's it's just a GPU I didn't have a viewer room yeah so we have the via i'm heatsink on both sides three power connectors and then i've installed the xoc BIOS from tins website tin has been in chat a little bit he's ex devs if you see and chat he was I don't know what the exact accurate title is for him but I think we call him mad scientist behind the kingpin part yeah I think he has a website called ex Davis calm yes just go and check it out that's where all the goodies for a bunch of overclocking kingpin stuff yeah there's a summer really good oversea guides there too we had a lot of other nerdy stuff yeah so if you're interested in that he's he's in check feel free to bother him so that he stops bothering us yeah please bother him as much as possible where the CPU will walk through this just while chat continues to fill in so CP you've got a three sixty millimeter radiator this is just a thermal take flow radiator is just easy to install and then uh ninety nine eight exe I think we're at four point eight gigahertz yeah so it's it's not push super hard but it's pushed pretty far for liquid and memory is at a 4000 mega Hertz and timings we just did like fifteen or something yeah because on the Trident II Royals go home uh try NZ royal silver and gold and I've linked all those parts in the description Eva GX to night night in dark for the motherboards and there's two power supplies to this one I'm sure there is it on the bottom here so this is the corsair ii x 1600 i this one is powering only the GPU and it sounded different it's on a standalone circuit and then that one is the EVGA 1600 watt t2 and that's powering only the rest of the system the motherboard cpu and that's on its own circuit so they are isolated that way we don't trip a breaker or something Tim said they have a fan in the front of the garden tin said what have a fan in the front of the card no it's a put one in front of it yeah it's not not down this one's fine well deal with it 10 didn't have any issues we don't know I'm assuming he means like during the during the overclocking or something I need the setup for star citizen sources and he says kingpin is asleep all right so he's slacking that's why chat starting to fill in we've got Co more super chats and will support some Allen to after this Kyle Glasgow five dollars no message thank you very much Kyle for the five bucks Johnny nimble five dollars Canadian you got to show off the international audience now yeh cooking with Ellen to round three looking cooking is a great date idea even if the date isn't cheap well Jarrell I thought oh my gosh scream next time yeah that we should actually do that yeah that's good you could do it period of two dollars break it break what the card the card I gas sure need more than two dollars for that yeah for real Timothy McDonald I don't what does it cost eighteen hundred is out of that card costs big Phil I think that was at sixteen that I ten can practice and chat or someone who ain't gonna use the Internet I think it's sixteen to eighteen hundred somewhere there Timothy McDonald two dollars can't wait to see what you get out of the K P twenty atti yes us two three more to read for now Kyle's glands get a $5 question I have an older king pain pain PE 18 K in pain 780ti with a messed up power connector what is the best way to unbend the pins sorry for the puns bend the pins on the power connector I'm not even sure what that means I thought that I've ever bent pins on like a 6-pin connector oh you probably maybe pulled it out like maybe you can yeah if you like you can on sock it on by accident they pull it out by the cable I have to see it to be honest unbend the pins I mean bend it back yeah maybe just like literally see a picture yeah tweet a picture at us at gamers Nexus chor darkest George $10 thank you have you considered disabled inspector b2 and related mitigations it makes quite a big difference performance yeah so we've run I usually do it but I'm not sure on this one if we did it I don't know I think that updated windows last night so oh yeah when we played on the Internet to grab all the utilities MZ utter and $5 off topic but do either of you play a musical instrument nope but I can sing you wanna stay in silver and gold for us try and see frightened deer oil I do not presently in any good capacity I kind of scare you it's a shame for you static albatross $10 so how about them Lakers I'll take the 10 bucks thank you I'm assuming that's the supports reference okay so chat is starting to feel right 1800 now that's picking up a vent 800 is that way but the odds are top it's at 99 I was looking at right here and then build Zoids join chat as well I guess actually hardcore overclock in tier 10 is here cool well let's let's get started I guess so today our benchmark of choice is primarily going to be x by extreme I don't know if we even have portroyal on here but we'll run TSE and then like I said CPUs just at 4.8 all core we have memory at 4000 mega Hertz and we didn't try very hard for the memory or the CPU the focus is entirely GPU today what we were in am like plus 1600 yeah well I mean I mean the system memory no system memory yeah but we will be focusing on the kingpin memory because that's actually someone significant so Joe you've got the RT x classified tool here that the classified software precision software you're gonna walk through the software solutions is it easy to see on the screen it will be in a second oh I need to mention the I'll get it after this so yeah let's Andrew zoomed in on it you're good you good this is on a delay yeah yeah so you have a couple different things in the RT x classified controller you can download this from if you go to X steps calm and you search for the kingpin 20 ATT I like he has a full guide on basically I how to do they on the kingpin card so you download it basically install it you'll see that you have to uncheck it you have basically all the book pretty much everything you need you don't need an Eevee bar everything you need you can just basically control through software so it's nice not have needing to have the UV buff so the N VDD this is a basically GPU voltage so for now well we're doing what's do a full stock run to what's just cold go back to default in yeah so we're gonna run to end up running stock but which is basically like a problem the voltage voltage today just at the auto for now but it should end up in the ten eighty millivolt now if we want to change it all we have to do is just uncheck auto hit nvd to where we want to go I'm just gonna reset it to the fall and then FB VDD is actually mint voltage so you can change that and then PEX voltage it was kind of like a almost like a peal of PLL on the old one it's kind of like an IMC voltage and then you have frequency and then the 1.8 via volt rail and then you also can control the load line and then the big one is the OCP I was I was running to that issue when I was pre testing it just on air just with the stock liquid cooler so just overclock in it eventually as you increase the voltage you'll hit yeah OCP and so you do have to disable that yeah so that's the big one I mean you can't really do anything without that so yeah so that's over current protection yep and that's what protects the GPU and it thinks there's too much current but that is not a concern of ours day because that's intentional I do have to quickly mention the advertisement for the stream so we've got gigabytes actually decided to run their monitor for this one because people kept asking about what it was three in the stream yesterday so it's the ARS ad 27 QD monitor it's a 27-inch 1440p 144 Hertz freesync gaming monitor one millisecond response time and I've got a link to that in the description below if you are interested in it and it has everyone's favorite RGB LEDs so pretty so clearly if you have a setup like this one and you want to show off to the camera then this is what you buy so that is the adverse situation show up Billy gray and chat so does anyone from EVGA and chat and the answer is yes 10 X tabs is from EVGA yeah Vince is sleeping yeah and and the best part of all of this is that 10 and kingpin already know what this GPU can do which we discovered because 110 told us and - yeah - when I just assembled the card the other day we saw some blue Kington pasted on there yeah which does not come stock yep so they pre tested it you feel pressure yeah we found out we knew what their other yeah trying to be sneaky yeah okay so what's first Phil Phil smelling - and then do a stock run full stock run kind of Joe to reply to Elmo's messages don't even know what that's about but yeah okay yeah let's fill up - mom - all right so first run will be complete stock you went to milk I don't know if you want I guess you might hurt yourself I got it's kind of [ __ ] up this is kind of full so this is a some reason yesterday 30 litres and we've got over 180 liters or with in the tanks to my left side so we are good to go for the full day and some that hurt a little bit this time come on speed up Steve there you go cool down that card meds will fill up a couple of those yeah just cool down in the car cuz we're running out of about 43 right now just been sitting there make sure it's right I'm so good all right so I guess I'll go over some of these if you were in the stream yesterday you're gonna hear a little bit of repeat information right now but I'll make it quick Oh someone says well is this the one with the screw and that they're all pad that you open up have they lab I don't know if it's that one specifically it'd be funny if it was that would be funny yeah that'd be funny if the screws still in there did you know but what did you not look at this no I mean it might be on the beer I'm heatsink right now Oh be short in it so that was actually tens card ten reassemble that and ten is in chat ten also is he still in cat did we beat him up Bertie it was it was one of the two main people working on this card yeah and left a screw and a thorough hat what here you assembled it that's all good whoops it shows that even even the people designing the cards well they're so tiny yeah they're kind of ridiculous you if you drop one and then try to find it they're screwed on a ridiculous man they should like include more smoothly like an ex trust ya there's always extras when I take no apart oh yeah so Ellen - we call that professional yeah that's right when Yin you know you don't need them all so you just leave them house right all right yes have to admit the Carta isn't very pretty I love this I love the heat SIG's all right so are we gonna do a stock run oh that's right yeah let's just get a little cold we'll do a default make sure you want me enable that would just go completely stop yeah I don't know if the default load line as I thought it says level zero yeah I don't think that is resetting properly but we'll leave it I mean it could reboot if you want Serena's your default run in the meantime if you want to support the stream definitely pick up one of the large or medium mod match the medium has a GPU teardown design on it and also has basically the anatomy of a GPU label on the math if you want to know where the VRM components are things like that the large one is 4 feet by 2 feet in freedom units and you're gonna have to convert that for me sorry that one is also back in stock and no problems with telling to not at all actually you ready no we're gonna run that first one this is gonna be a default run just to kind of see what the score goes are we doing a full benchmark on this yeah the way through yeah full devote then we can see what our improvement is when we run it high so this surprise Tim's not saying we're chicken clocking right now cuz technically I don't think it is chicken Clutton when you're at default 10 or someone said use gloves guys should we do this again briefly we did this yesterday right as well so all right let's do it briefly this stuff doesn't really one you just don't let it soak no don't let it so there's an effect Leidenfrost effect you can look up if you want to learn more about why that happens but it's it's minus 1 or 96 degrees Celsius it basically evaporates as soon as it hits something anything anything yeah and the whole trick is not the soap yes view we we saw this again it's repeat information if you saw yesterday but we'll get it through quickly you pour it in your sock or down your pant leg you're gonna be hurting a lot so don't do that you still have to soak like you'd have to like pick up big and pour it on right and like let it stick to your leg yeah then you're in some trouble but these are the gloves that are rated for use with it you could use like if you used leather workman's gloves or just wear like smack these are a bit difficult to work with on this stuff and I feel like the risk is actually higher from using it than not yeah it's like I don't awkward I I can barely fit my hand maybe they made like a nice like thin one you know yeah actually I can't even get my hand out of there yeah spill so that's how accidents happen you try to be safe yeah so now the gloves are not something we're worried about yeah we usually use the gloves for like when we're actually pouring to the lower door because then the hose gets basically really really really cold I think he measured it yesterday was what - 17 yeah so - yeah it was close to minus 98 Oh - 90 so yeah this transfer hose it freezes over and it's actually it freezes over to the point that as it gets colder and you get all the ice on it you'll start hearing it cracking like yeah you'll hear the ice crack as it freezes it's pretty cool so this one when it freezes you you do not grab it with your bare hands no because you will get burns that's what the glove is for and blisters yeah glove or I mean I just use this piece of cardboard yeah so we are being technically somewhat safe sorta yeah sort of but you gotta also imagine I've been using liquid nitrogen affectionately for 10 years that's the century - yeah yeah decade now yes a long time I think we're not gonna make a video that was like all doctored up good like the wig white cuz yeah like yeah we should have done it actually get the safety glasses I'm a little bit like how do I see yeah it'd be kind of fun what about eyes man just be careful well it doesn't really bounce off like it don't it's kind of difficult to get in your eye don't pour it in your eyes yeah alright so is this still the first pass this is right yep I'm still going all right cool kind of a long mitch mark so we are let's see I don't where's our notes from yesterday only open those up prep notes so what we're doing right now is a baseline now Nvidia cards are extremely cold since like their temperature sensitive so as you drive down the temperature the clock will go up naturally without even doing anything which means that this isn't the stock number you would get if you ran it with the liquid cooler on it will have a separate review of the KP card with the stock cooler on it but our frequency will be higher by nature of being zero point six degrees Celsius right now but it still giving us baseline so yeah I'll see what that is TS or TSX running time is my extreme extreme we wanted to kind of take the CPU out of the equation yeah so we're gonna do the extreme versions extreme versions are usually more GPU centric so yeah yeah I came too late for the stream yesterday if I buy a mod mat will you sign it like yesterday we're not currently doing anything like that like I said if I see a ton of demand I'll open it up or something but today it's just it's I think we well so we did a over sign we over signed the mousepads the the black and blue mousepad specifically we over signed by like 30 I think so if you buy the black and blue mousepad during the stream today there's a chance you'll get one of the signed ones but there's no guarantee at this point it's just we we signed extra by accident so if you order in the stream will ship it out if we have it still if someone else hasn't beaten you to it but I can tell you that as of right now we do still have at least like over 20 of them that are still signed by both of us yeah so if you if you buy one with a lot of signing yesterday yeah actually we can you want to show some of the pile right there there's so yeah if you want to buy I want to be as the black and blue mousepad we weren't planning on signing again today because Jo's got to catch a flight but like I said we signed about 30 too many of these so if you we don't have any orders of these at least last that checks a few minutes ago today so if you buy one today you'll get one of those and then we over signed the white and blue by like seven so there's less chance you get one of those but they're also less popular so if you want to pick one up they are still there and we can ship them out to you but we're not signing anymore once those are done otherwise the mats are in stock you have a cherry pick 20 atti question mark well we think maybe it's a sum or at least pretest at twenty atti someone asked if we have a cherry picked one I don't know if it's I'm not sure if Nick's totally Jade but yeah but it's protecting I think most of the ones that you buy are actually bend from the factory so even if you buy one you have a good chance to have a good card that's my understanding as well yeah so what's our our baseline is let's let me take a note of this a que flat all the way but we really want to concentrate on is the graphics Wars yeah what'd I miss seven five seven seven 48.1 one and 44.4 eight so baseline for gravity soars if you want to the points is 75 77 we'll keep an eye on that as we go all right so what do we do next overclocking yeah right not to go up to where we left off so let's do uh yeah so work up there you have to start there let's oh I know I have to start up there otherwise good cause this here you want to start there yeah alright I think we still have more in it there's more I think we start like that was easy we start up here somewhere okay we'll start there yeah okay so we're gonna start a start over clock in it start pulling down anyway okay so Joe's gonna start pouring talent to you putting the temperature down where are you what's your target right now on it down I'm gonna do about - Andre will start at that last - under we did yesterday ok I think is that round - 70 - 80 I have to torch the pot right and what that does is it basically helps the metals soak in the liquid nitrogen more so you can actually control the temperature much easier so I just have to bring it down to minus 70 where about - 15 now so it's gonna take a little bit yeah since we're so hot we have pretty much positive 5 and then we let's see we got some super chat some comments so is I'm just reading some some messages in chat let's do this one so we got a super chat in from ridiculous Prime $10 lovely the livestream and keep up the awesome work well thank you for watching them my question similar to Titan r-tx do you think the next-gen of nvidia cards could come with higher capacity vram chips depends on one the next-gen is and what the memory technology as i guess HBM is where you start seeing some pretty high capacity but i have no idea right now next-gen is not even on my radar Arcturian is still pretty new so yeah i'm not sure when we're gonna see in something yeah I try not to speculate on that stuff cuz and take that with a grain of salt I really don't know yes how much to break a piece of paper $10 chef Martin Parker I'm not sure no break a piece of paper what happens if you poor Alan to on paper is just evaporate right probably I don't think nothing I don't think it's gonna like freeze or anything SPER the PWR find out I Steve have you cosplay us Jon Snow now when Johnson was first appeared in Game of Thrones I did get that constantly my hair was a little bit shorter too so I did I did get that quite regularly funny we could do uh was it coldness the guys that uh I can't think of it right now I just remember on the wall or we just do the I mean you could be Thor Avengers is popular right now and look at what is it it's the raccoon that's right Hudson Vince is like rocket racoon rocky raccoon yeah paintin yes yes we got one to five or one three for the office or for the voltage yeah one three just checking yeah so we're gonna use a 1/3 on the GPU voltage then we're gonna go dry two one five on the memory voltage and then on the text about one point one one three and we've gone to level zero for load line which is gonna be the about the flattest we can get it for voltage and OCP is now off so now over current concerns so that's done now I'm at minus 50 or so you don't want to do that obviously on ambient temp so I'm cold right yeah so uh per tens X steps guide the maximum voltage that he kind of I guess recommends is one point three volts under the stock cooler and beyond that it does it looks like this probably not needed them yeah yeah well so without the xoc BIOS and the testing I was doing you're really not gonna increase the voltage much because you just start pulling away from the power limit and there is a parallel it's 360 watts or something like that you put the xoc BIOS on there and then this one's got yeah I'm waiting it's immortal put that xse BIOS on there and then you have no power limit at which point you can start increasing the voltage increase stability without pulling power away from before but you do still have concerns of heat and AB lifespan so Alan to helps us mitigate this next one all right David J bar three dollars what are you guys running for personal rigs you want to start Joe I have a 18 cord basically pretty much similar this but an on KP part so um I think I'm using that x2 99 OC formula okay yeah I think I do you run it overclocked to your personal system um a little bit there's a slight overclock yeah a few months and then I'd 20 ATP I just a reference car I'm actually right in the middle of upgrading it to just I had it all kind of ghetto fighters so I'm basically going through it probably when I go home and end up doing a full hard-line K I got a bunch of good news for it so I need out got a bunch of like nvme drives and all sorts of good stuff I am running I don't really use my home system so like I'm always here so the office I have I don't remember what it is it's say do you remember it's an X 99 motherboard and the CPU is honestly I can't even remember I think it's a I think it's an 8 core hyper threaded so it's like 16 this time you turn it on that's this one that's on every day it really is but I mean it's only using two channels for the memory because it's like that's I didn't want to pull ddr4 away from test systems so I just put C channel 2 sticks in there sad at home I've got an FX 83-70 that's under clocked and under bolted because the motherboard the vrm runs like a hundred days I know so how I under bolted it yeah yeah we're gonna end up torching the POC about minus 72 I'll do the - like 50 that's gonna be allowed on the like yeah yeah so this is torching the ellentube pot which yeah what happens is if you don't torch the pot when the heat basically builds up on the pot you won't be able to control it as easy so by torching it it kind of allows you to allows the middle to soak in the liquid nitrogen quicker so you can just like pork and keep it and kind of keep it more added a certain temperature instead of trying to fight the temperature all the time yeah so true as one of the most important tricks he showed me yesterday to has the big one without that one I don't think you would have gotten nearly as far no yeah it's what most people don't realize that you have to do and it depends on the part I don't think Roman spots you need to do it right on these pots but it was it's nice because you can actually depending on how much you torch the pot you can get your own controlled feel with it right okay I like to do it about 10 15 degrees and then it just gives me a nice I could put it on put it on you'll see when I'm about to run a benchmark where I'll just reach through - 65 ish and still going down yeah we're gonna do about mice we can try and get a shot yeah I said all the bolts and everything already and I'm gonna actually I want to set the clocks so which one did you want to start out on let's let's go conservative to start so what are you you're a one point three volts right now yeah Alan fine I can drop it down if you want yeah let's come up to like I'm thinking honestly I think we start like a 150 offset or something I'm gonna work up from there yes make sure I said I okay so we went back them one two five will do just do we'll start with 1600 so memory let's start with 1500 just so we can see some of the scallion differences so memory is mostly going to impact gt2 and time spike extreme and then the chorus like a 150 I guess just look over you and we should run gpu-z during this one just to door during the next one like the the frequency all right guess the on-screen display works it's red 21 25 mm and gpu-z the only thing is I don't know if OCD I see our OS do misty yeah we'll try it see what happens if it doesn't work well y'all attend he's in chat tell him to fix it I'm gonna pull down to about - I'm good okay sir - seventy right now or goes deeper they're going down another 30 degrees you don't really need it for these clocks but no we are very conservatively clocked right now but we were very wrong no it's not gonna be them I don't want to get too cold because you can have some issues with memory there's probably getting wet so we got John braaap 499 says hey man just walks out ziti roast and when you said at least you didn't create the 680 X I laughed my ass off good stuff man so the context there Corsair has a case called the 680 ax that we didn't particularly like and bad [ __ ] not well yeah of course sir that had a a rep who wasn't representing a company but who was at the roast former boss of lioness and he he deigns mantle I think we talked about how how our contents puts him to sleep or something which is fine yeah he I think I just shouted back at least I didn't make the six ATX well it is a roast right this road is that the one of this yeah that's pretty uh pretty good back and forth so what happened there crashed yeah I wasn't looking actually enter so when I went over I was kind of more managing the bots all right usually what I like to do is like go for the last box that I know of but he's making me not do it so I blame Steve if you if the card doesn't behave as much as we want it to yeah just saying it looks like we got couple orders and I'll shot a couple of these out we had one from Alan who picked up the the black and blue mousepad so like I said we're not signing them today but we do as of right now still have a few that we over signed and I think we've got I don't have an exact kind of oh okay I'll keep an eye on it but we have at least like 15 left that are over signed remastered a so if you do order a black and blue shortly it looks like we've already sold through a few of them we have some left to order one shortly it'll be signed by both of us then we're not signing them again after that we had an order from David from Michigan he picked up a mousepad as well and we got an order from hey Suz from Spain who picked up a mousepad thank you for the support on all that of course the story and the super chats for the best way to help us pay for the expense that is liquid-nitrogen overclocking and we do as I said have the mod mats back in stock and shipping that's here so hey don't let go if D didn't like the Asti No get on that ten oops time to fix it so on screen display not likes man we should have named this ripped in red Ted I see you've got any twitter twitter anything so we are running the kingpin 20 atti and our base number for the score was 75 77 points for GPU and this should be around 20 to 65 okay so on the core itself because that's where we were kind of for the frequency every frequency sir for the frequency we should yeah I guess we should note that too so typically 20 ATT is run between like 1800 megahertz and 19 something maybe when it's kind of a higher-end stock stock clock model you start overclocking at a lot of the 28 guys we have overclocked I'm just stocked by a stock cooling they stopped in the range of 20 50 megahertz to maybe 21 15 maybe but typically I think we see it stopped around 2050 so and this is already at around 2200 Plus megahertz yeah and this is our first I think the official was 22 65 when we tested yesterday yeah I'd have to run in window mode so we should do that at some point just to show gpu-z when we bump it up the gal DGP okay and then the I guess I'll know it as well the GPU temperature reading then GPZ is not functional these temperatures right now once you start going well between minus 40 I think that might be the cutoff point if I remember correctly I think it's around minus 40 yeah where it can signal or just basically can't read doesn't know it's an internal sensor just doesn't isn't able to we got a question from LOM 25 PLN thank you any plans for EU store it takes one dollar to ship a t-shirts from the UK or Germany to Poland but our shipping is more expensive than that well we are we are not in the UK or Germany ahaha so it is more expensive also we're not like new Agri Amazon so our shipping isn't subsidized and yeah it's much more difficult not even yeah to even ship out of the countries a lot of very difficult yeah finding our shipping is pretty pretty good for what for our size but you got to figure like some like Amazon a lot of the time their partner lose the partners lose money or a borderline losing money shipments and we can't afford to do that because we're not Amazon so I'm sorry I would do the best we can for shipping price but uh that is that is what we pay is better than I'd say most though for international scattered venture 7590 thank you can you tell Joe to reply to all more text messages you saw that one earlier figure that out later I guess echo Thomas $5 are you still signing mousepad oh we got that one already while you're doing that real quick goods on CP you know nobody - dies what CPU is that this is the ninety nine eighty actually you don't me to poor at all no it's fine okay oh we're in CPU test right now so it's the ninety nine eighty XE it's four point eight gigahertz and I don't I think voltage is maybe one point two seven or something like that for core one point nine five V sand and we're just using this three sixty radiator to cool a CPU so it's actually very simple setup the point was just get something easy he's no CLC for the CPU so we control it easily and then Ellen - for the GPU that looks like the CPU bench will pass which is good cuz we set up that a lot funny I think I just got drunk text no it's not no more so yeah the scatter bencher one and then we got that's funny coal miner denying so happy we're getting on to testing just got my kingpin and get me ready for water ties in well that's awesome I did water testing out already with the stock cooler and it was honestly pretty fun to work with so 4:20 atti is in general I always end up just disappointed and overclocking a lot of them because you're so limited by power no and you will get limited by this eventually they do have a power limit stock but on ax tabs you can pull the xoc bonus if you want it and push it a bit more you can remove the power limit yeah I just be careful don't put everything into the ll on to BIOS because if you put it on the L into BIOS and run it on water you have no temp protection so you want to run it into the middle bios that's the OCC bio C yep because a temp protection on our water is very important because if it overheats if you don't have ten protection and you have actually killed the car also there's a big note be careful with voltages - yeah I order don't ya tens guide officially I think does give a number of not recommending not going higher than one point three yeah I highly recommend you read it read it read it yeah and read it in like maybe a couple times because there's a lot of information there so just to be careful because it's an expensive card you don't want to kill it but it is a lot of fun to overclock that especially oh no I'm do yes so you got a score you know one take a note yes Sarah what was our offset for this one fifty yep one fifty and then 1500 mm yes 8922 for total score which you don't care too much about but that is a minor point improvement yeah but they 85 62 yeah it's so much less that was annoying form on the graphic score 50 408 that's a lot actually and 50 51 for gt2 so GT 1dc 2dc 2 tends to be more memory focused and GT one's more core focused versus memory our improvement and I guess we'll run GPZ for one of these so we can see the frequency driver do you want me to do this one and I'll just bump it yeah let's do that how much you want to bump encore we're at 150 so you want to do like just 175 or something so the improvement in score was about 13% from that a very low effort overclock and we'll do is well have gpu-z open and we'll run it in windowed mode yeah and then we can keep an eye on the GB frequency memory clocks 20 125 megahertz hmm I want to get it too cold there's a lot of Vaseline on the card as it is now that's why we're using it's basically all the way back almost to the power connectors because we actually put the heat sinks back on just to make sure because I noticed when you start getting really cold the heat sinks will start getting some ice on them and stuff so you want to make sure you protect it all right as much as possible so GPU GPUs these open try to see if we have house normal chat going I'm checking over on chat ex devs 10 so size up is key temperature but you can't measure it easily that is definitely true we have a thermocouple in the LNT pot in the bottom of the pot we have one of his there Mel couplers 2 which are actually really on point yeah kingpin I really only use them they're kind of a pain because they're so thick but they're really accurate I mean I swear by them the I guess the biggest thing to is how well they detect a cold so yeah we use thermocouples that are really really small they're extremely skinny and the point is we put them on like stock coin between the mosfet and external pads you want it to be skinny but for something like this the hours I don't think are I don't think they can detect quite as well yeah these are just I mean they're yeah you can't put in on anything tiny yeah impossible to do but they're good for Alan teapots yeah they're very good for Alan to buzz Chad says we're doing very well well I'm glad you selected dark 99 light 99 as your official spokesman for a hall of the chat I do have by the way some of the stuff linked below just on Amazon or wherever so like the these stanley cups we Israel into our I like them a lot and then you just buy any thermos for the one Joe's pouring out of if you wanted to get into this and also the kingpin icon Alan teapot a links in the description if anyone is really serious about it who wants to to pick that up but yeah then I mean the the new parts cut up for the newer cards - I mean for the old cards - but if I think the old one I don't know if it comes with I don't even know if he has any more of the old ones but or now I didn't look on this site but the icon is there is a nice part if you wanted something cheaper though the kingpin pasted over there the the blue paste blue goo that we use on the video card and on this I swear I have some hidden my beard from yesterday I could have sworn like a bunch went in and you take a shower and just all this blue yeah that's kind of weird kind of awkward on a whole new level [Laughter] kiss where as 20 to 80 on the cord running 20 20 to 80 okay no 22 in here 20 to 80 megahertz right now someone complain about the background noise I mean you know we've got loud fans running and then we're pouring Alan too so it's not gonna be like studio levels of quiet sorry yeah it's kind of difficult to work with we can keep our keep our voices up a bit and that'll probably help apparently Linus is streaming water pulling a mouse or something right now but we're doing should we yell into a mouse mouse I don't see there stream maybe it's on Twitch or something whatever well I looked for it sorry guys uh hey Steve were the white and blue mouse pads signed in black yes on the white part in the top right corner away from where you're going to be using the mouse which one can pin here no no no the one L Moore says scatter bencher that one's a little drunky I don't see it now oh I see yeah okay I see okay cool so I too much base hood joke yeah get it I don't either and it's my voice that's your voice super chats so got one from Silver husk Oh two dollars how different taxes what is the CPU for today it is a 99 ATF see scattered venture Elmore says the main reason you overclock higher with helium is because it's funnier with the higher pitched voice that's a good answer for every time someone says helium yeah cuz we get that comment quite a bit yeah so scores we got a score in 84 43 for the GPU score what is that 175 and 1,500 yeah so 84 43 it's actually lower that is actually lower but that's because big guys we're running in Windows we're running windowed with gpu-z open yes not really well actually I won't log that one because yeah let's not log it but our frequency was 20 to 80 megahertz that's the part we care about just to give people an idea where it was yeah I would just bump up to another one yes so 20 to 80 on a 20 atti is actually very far from where we're gonna end up today but much higher than he'll get on every 20 atti typically TARDIS getting frozen tell that big guy to start actual overclocking that's for max devs yeah I know blame Steve should we do the suite should we address the comment that we were talking about this morning the from liquid nitrogen overclocking is pointless what's the point oh my goodness so there was a comment about we'll talk about this more at Computex do I think if I might plan but I think it's a good idea yeah briefly though there's kind of like what's the point of volunteer overclocking you can't play games with it and I think the response to that is what's the point of playing games it has the same point it's fun when you play games you were actually and I don't mean to make you feel bad but this is how I feel too you are actually achieving nothing so Enriquez playing games are fun and this is just overclocking for fun we are we too are functionally doing nothing about your society right now so to answer your question it's the same thing it's the same thing yeah I love that comment yeah get that chicken run it someone says get that chicken running she can throw in some chicken clock in frozen beard hair is the best hair so we got a couple more orders thank you for the store orders as always they help significantly with streams so the mousepads you got a blue and white and a graft logo shirt thank you for that order from Dale and the UK we got a see Philip and Austria picked up a mod Matt thank you for picking one of those up it's a large bottom at the 4 foot by 2 foot mat with the ESD grounding strap and connection to actual ground and a lightweight Raglan hoodie which is our two-tone hoodie got another one from Kevin in Norway just like yesterday all over the world that's always really really cool to see that yeah so Kevin in Norway picked up a blue and black mouse pad and then cobalt blue beer glass from us I think there is actually a good amount of interest there's there's good amount of interested more signs mouse pads do you want to try and I'm gonna try and sign them before you go to the airport do more today Jerry why not okay I have to be careful about not overselling what we have but we have a limited amount of stock here before Jolie is but I'm so okay I'll keep an eye on the inventory and actually I'll just set the end that's right now to make sure we don't sell beyond what we can sustain today but I guess there's enough interest here I didn't think that many people would care but if you want to pick up a mouse pad again the adjust the blue and black I only really have blue and black I have like 50 extra white and blue here so you order it will sign it but only up until 50 blue and black I've got a bit more of so I have like 300 and 120 of them or something so we should be good so you pick one of those up we'll both sign it at the end of the stream and ship it out to you I did not know there was that much interest in him so he loves mousepads bro they were very popular yesterday I just figured I figured on people watching us they'd be watching today but it might be a different crowd my hands gonna hate Jim oh yeah that could be taken a lot of different ways now that will be clipped out of context later and they'll regret saying it awkward so let me adjust the inventory here to make sure we're good to go and if you do pick up a mousepad we'll go ahead and sign it thank you for the continued interest in those but we are that should be that puts us well within stock so all right yeah so if you pick up a mousepad especially black and blue we will sign them today all right times pi is running yeah it's about to finish up front and cpu test CPU test right now what's your offsets I jumped it up 25 from the last one which one so we round the core 200 offset now free enough 25 megahertz hi Josh oh I'll find it in a second we should talk about memory - you want to talk about a why memory overclocking that's important on this of it I guess well it's the type of modules that are on the card the Samsung modules are way more are way better than the originals they also help on the own too - are we blowing last time oh yeah from the previous score their abs core was a 150 offset 1500 as previous when I logged you're a t56 now we're at 200 and that's increased not it's perfect okay cool now it's a windowed mode cool so you want to keep track of what it is yes I take a note of that so this was a plus 200 offset yep 1500 memory everything else the same and then 1944 which is a bit of an increase not much 86 95 54 84 84 and then 51:36 51:36 I always got a concentration concentrate on the frames yes the framerate actually is a very important here to keep track of because as Joe chicken cluck ensure was exploring yesterday well the big thing I guess was trying to make sure what we're doing is affecting the right thing yeah so for memory overclocking you were just running GT to back to back right yeah gt2 seems to be much harder that's where the issues were coming through so right if I ran gt2 I could run GT one pretty easily so I was just testing to kind of make it quicker yeah instead of messing around with GT one no he's passing in the gt2 failing I must have just run GG too so it's kind of what I was doing so what was what are we doing now - one - 25 let me update this text mousepads bought during stream will be signed okay so that's up to hit it thank you again for expressing the interest like I said I wasn't going to continue that today but we'll go ahead and do it cuz it'll work a lot of people who wanted to make sure they get one so before Jo flies out we will sign more of them okay what's chat saying can the mod match function as a good mousepad it we don't advertise it as a mouse but it's not it's got a really grippy surface which is meant for just like holding screws they and you drop a screw in it basically stays in place which is really nice but it is super grippy clearly we're using the mouse on it and it's like you can find but we I wouldn't say buy it for that purpose and I want to buy one of our mouse pads that's signed by us and put that on top of the mama hat but yeah the I guess dealt with trouble yeah I guess if you want to use it as a mousepad basically expect some rolling resistance so if you like those like aluminum rough mouse pads then you might be fine with it which one you're eating let's go 2,400 won 3-1 hundred guys we already noted it's not like we haven't read it before what is he saying he now he wants us to go to 2,400 okay so he's kind of like he's come on right all the way tin just wants to go to bed is what do you want yeah well yeah it's like 2:00 a.m. are we have a whole stream to run just do everything and then say we're done yeah we already went over this ten come out here distress dream this is the best Joe knows how to build suspense I've been waiting on part two of his overclocking videos for us though so true that's actually really good that is awesome what now that's true I'm actually gonna be working on that next week so speaking of Joe's overclocking videos so I do have Joe linked in the description below for bearded hardware and you should subscribe to him if you have not already he is his link down in the description or you can if you want to support Joe while you're supporting so you can pick up our our mouse pads on stored I can't access dotnet I'll try and shout your name out there in the stream no guarantees on that but we will be signing them after the interest surge will be signing up today and then Joe has this shirt on bearded hardware calm if you want to support Joe man you got that you got that a marketing game on point I had tre I need a hat need a hat yeah that's my next thing oh I get the sweatshirt done but one thing at a time is the Hat can I have a beard on it yeah that's why I'm just gonna have the real owner will be flipped upside down or is having sideway a kid I feel some more talent here and the beards not included by the way no but you should include like you know what you need to do is get a really big sponsorship with like Dollar Shave Club tell them tell them you'll shave your beard for like a middle yeah like a million dollars I'm not sure you want to see that there's a whole lot of awkward there's a reason why I haven't you and I'll probably never shave it get that that babyface overclocking yeah I died drop at least like 15 years oh yeah come on much more can be annoyed Ken significantly I would imagine Joe's overclocking is as good as my timing for shipping Steve this is timing for what is shipping stuff to you Roman oh yeah I would say that yes it's in chat let's rip Roman where is he there Bowers inch either one say hi to there Mary he's on YouTube as well they should check my go google dr acht a you ER there Bower and oft being 8 just to be clear there he said yeah jos overclocking as good as my time there shipping stuff to steve think we're going on three months three months yeah three months what is he sending you something magical uh one carbo not oh is that what you're waiting for just personally make even he's been so in it by hands together see that's worse than my part two or they over card man just saying Rowan's roman school guy will hopefully a sea rowing at Computex in the next couple weeks actually will all be in taiwan you're gonna be there to hopefully nylon yeah I'll be at copy decks yeah so I'll be at the G skill booth for the overclocking competition one of the judges that's right this guy judging yeah I'll actually be covering a bunch of the the contest so on my channel during Computex you'll see a bunch of overclocking hardcore and me judging and messing around yeah which I love to do I'm planning to come film some videos with the extreme overclockers so you'll see you'll see Roman on our channel again unfortunately yeah so I'm sure I'll start you ready yeah listen 90 135 for total score yes what is our frequency right now 25 more now 225 1591 30 was trying to piss tannin off 87 93 55 54 to do 187 all right cool all right let's chicken cluck some more so that is just to kind of make sure people appreciate this you know we're approaching 20 300 megahertz at this point without really any effort yeah not much temp either about my it's 50 yeah 60 yeah and I'll point out again that saw whirs and cracks is that past minus 40 so yeah I don't really look at that yes 4 minus 56 right now and where you where you bringing it down to when you're actually running what's your target same thing yeah it's just around the same thing okay we're not pushing it too hard I'm gonna probably start increasing I don't want the car to get too cold right cuz then we'll have a bunch of issues usually I start off much higher but that wouldn't be fun on the stream so yeah it's the anticipation in the stream that makes you watch the whole thing so just say pleasure you almost you get to see me fail get to see you fail yeah that's all Roman wants to see oh of course and cherry now oh yeah they save I think is Rowan talking about their whole taste right now I saw him say just these 10 grams per application and you're good mmm I mean we do it well I guess if you're the business of selling their whole horse better yeah just advertise it more just use more oh nice pace and chat so as gamers axis is dangerous bought a t-rex pot last night and I'm trying to be sensible and not go crazy an order of 20 atti kbe that's right not to yeah try not to order the kpe but you know it's a good starting point if you haven't done Alan to your overclocking before this is my first time doing Alan gpo and I'm not even doing anything it's yeah that's for sure if it's your first time we're talk about this yesterday you you might want to maybe get one of your old video cards you're not using anymore or buy a used one on eBay or something yeah I'm not sure you want to break your overclocking virginity I like me brand new cage and then ya know I would first work with something else I would still buy the campaign cart cuz it is a badass cart but yeah I'm not sure I'd I'd be very careful I because it is possible to kill it I mean you do something wrong or you get it you don't insulate right and card goes poof and yeah me BJ is not gonna be responsible for it no so actually do you know what the you know that ten password protects the xoc bios you know he sets the password - oh no it's so I installed the xoc BIOS on here so that we could do this with no power limit and it comes in a password password detective director or whatever file format and the password is I promise not to RMA this card or something really good ten Zoe's created basically basically a signed agreement at that point and basically if you gonna put this on air you're screwed yeah yeah what is the keyboard in the middle someone wants to know about your case was my keyboard I've had this thing for like eleven years something like that it's an IBM stink pad it's basically just a ps2 keyboard I don't even use the mouse it just it's just functional for just for overclocking doesn't change it and stuff it's very portable - yeah I can throw it in the backpack and it's not an issue it's not like oh look it's just a convenient thing I brought it Taiwan like hundreds of times seems like yeah like we said previously well when you're bringing stuff to Taiwan it's quite difficult I mean I always load up - I always bring up too much stuff well you got a-you got the balance to make sure you have enough clothes for being in a really high humidity place for over a week I'm used to that because we're either Florida very similar actually yeah I think they're like the same spot on the equator what does Roman saying Romans talking so and he says we actually decided to replace cryo not completely instead so it will stay the same name we'll have better performance some are already out in the wild all by end of 2019 yeah I think that he has a new face - oh cool I look forward to getting it and maybe like 20 25 or something when Rowan can get around the ship in the next package I was probably gonna be more like 20-30 yeah Rowan and Chet uh let's see super chats get some of those oh yeah like I say I got to get Roman on camera for uh for Computex too so we'll try and find something cool at his booth to show off start off the video and one of three potential languages like we always do see if I can throw off maybe start with Stefan you're giving him hints now yeah I don't want to lead yeah you can't give him too much info cuz you know you're gonna try to prepare that's right he's gonna study as German make sure he remembers it reply to me v gates they're Bower Boston box to avoid who's our last one we read Dan Pellegrino $11 I recognize that name love the stream I scared for the MS I shot glass that's why I recognize the name I keep at it guys we need good XOC content like this well thank you for watching and glad that you got the shot glasses we had a massage sent us and everyone else shot glasses for a holiday thing and it was like I didn't get one I'm just kidding it's like I don't I don't really want these but I don't want to throw them out there someone can use own they're kind of cool I can so we sent them out to someone in our patreon this court awesome Roman says ha ha ha ha oh gosh he's doing freaking out here 10 is where is mr. banana my boss is telling me my V chord I know buddy I don't well I thought it was dim for sick hey Steve do you know do you know whether a von murdered - after that joke during the roast I'm concerned he's been replaced I think they were fine after that it wasn't it was a little difficult to watch particularly Yvonne and - take these down real quick yes 91 86 for the total score what's our 250 offset 1500 memory any 186 250 250 offset okay and 88 51 55 83 55-27 so just to give point of reference let's get a close-up on those scores if you don't mind - Andrew behind the camera and then our original baseline no overclocking just cold which doesn't fluence the score was that 75 77 for the total GPU score so 88 51 versus that is an improvement thus far about 17 percent and then gt2 alone we're at fifty five point two seven FDS verse is our original score baseline at forty four point four eight and that improvement is about twenty five twenty four percent then finally gt1 we're core intends to 55.8 3 FPS move to from forty eight point one one eight three forty eight point one one so that is an improvement about sixteen percent so we're gonna jump to 275 275 i would like to get another gpu-z shot at some point maybe on the next bump to show that yeah three notes in well yeah we could do it now ten says I'm waiting I he says I am all waiting for twenty four hundred megahertz all up all of the towels all the temp yeah we did what way well I'm not gonna say but I knew that was gonna happen with him just saying all right so what do we have for super chats I'm trying to keep up better today than yesterday I'm doing okay so far you had a tough time yesterday Oh yesterday was a lot of super chance to keep up with brutal we should go over it let's go over after I get a couple of these let's go over the test bench the bench components again and share some of that off now that it's frosty so we got unexpected at 1440p five dollars five euros thank you very much for the support for paying for some of our Alan TOS weekend oh that is the OC keyboard from Joe now it's getting really serious that is right that's right when that comes out Rene Rene $2 so much backseat OSHA here Oh in the chat yeah I don't even know if that was on the Cho enjoy your OC streams thank you scatter bencher $30 well if you didn't Hardware be at G skills copy tax booth without a doubt and judging and judging the competition as well and people it's not just people that you judge now I'll be doing some benching to with you VGA to nice job on EVGA day on EVGA day so it should be fun 10/10 wouldn't come out and do it you'd better be there actually I don't know act I think you will be there yeah ok 10 appear at the booth send me an email then let me know if you're gonna be at Computex at all otherwise will come see you guys in the OC lab or something I'm still waiting for my invite 10 Joe in our bag over the camera bag good luck with that thanks maybe a big camera bag twisted hardware $2.00 Steve snaps fingers - I don't feel so good Joe kalasa 5 guys saw a bid from a big youtuber Jane not sure he said card salt by AMD and NVIDIA our bend and usually perform better is this true there's no real what was it what was the question our cards sold by Andy and Nvidia Bend I can tell you with absolute certainty that that is not true with the ante cards and it is probably minimally true with Nvidia cards well I wouldn't they've been I mean still have to check each GPU be pretty selective select yeah yeah I wouldn't say Bend I know say for instance like the kingpin cars I I'm pretty sure they're going through GPUs to make sure it's a high quality enough for the card yes because it is a it's a killer card I mean that's not the only good thing about the car you don't put a garbage GPU yeah why would you want to buy all that money for a good GPU and it be a crappy g1 ebj to is spending a lot of money like for the PCB of the vrm and all that's yeah yeah yeah why wiping it down but like Nvidia and AMD reference directly no not that is not really true actually we have a video coming up on that hopefully before Computex I mean you're like two more before I move on to fill in some Allen to you for Joe NZ Odin what is the madrina sponsored roast of Steve going to happen probably never because we don't have the shell skills of Linus to somehow figure out how to turn the word roast into an advertisement just for coffee that's pretty pretty good skills paul dodd my god forget signing can I get a strand I'm Steve's hair or Joe's beard if I buy a hot Matt also why didn't Steve sing when Joe did because we don't yeah nobody some things in life just should not be done Alan to it so we're at 23 85 for the frequency yep so we're almost twenty four hundred megahertz can you can you make sure we torture 10 as much as possible and get like what should I do like $23.99 I will definitely do them just to have fun we could do it yeah so 2385 for the frequency so far is me damn high again the these cards 28 et eyes that is without any special bios or anything typically stopped at around 2050 maybe sort of towards 2100 so we are much higher than lead to the yeah you won't see that on water ever no no definitely not if not you're doing something wrong yeah its software's bug it just doesn't work so we got a store order from Emily and New Hampshire picks up a mousepad thank you got an order from Jeff in British Columbia picked up a mousepad as well oh you read another one and an order from David and Philadelphia picked up a black and blue mousepad thank you like I said well sign those up until we run out of them today I have set the stock so that we can't sell more than we can sign so once it's out of stock and you know that we're out it's just it won't be restocked until Joe goes home and then they won't be signed after that but it looks like we do have a enough of them left for this stream hopefully yeah I'm gonna look good right now there's probably no reason to take this score down so okay what would you run for this one just GPZ yeah I ran the jacuzzi just to make sure that we're doing it because it's gonna be lower rose obviously so how do we mess with and more than usual well while you figure that out let me go over the bench components over here sure so let's show off the KP card as best we can it's kind of buried under stuff but Alan teapot up here is frosted over right now and we've got blue shops how actually what chef I've actually linked list in the description because I figured why not if you want to pick up blue shop towel to boots blue shop towels like is like the hardcore overclocked towel yeah they're amazing like you could do a lot with them this is actually I know put down the blue shop that's right that's right there's a lot you gonna do with them the server's got the KP card with the the VR and heatsink still on it they're actually pretty cool to the touch right now and the fan is not spinning because it doesn't need to the whole card is really cold what do we add a readout for temperature on there about - 95-98 I started pulling it down a little bit more cos we're starting to pick up on clocks right and the thermocouple so it's coming in back here you can't really see it from that angle but it's the thermocouples going in under the Allen to pot like that it ends up right behind the GPU which is back here and actually you can see where the GPU is by looking at where the big rectangle of frost is yeah I'm the fact of the card so that's roughly where the GPU is I said I tried to set 14 but we read it round it up we're at 2,400 2,400 yeah I'm not you hear this though and just actually do a real run though so the rest of the bench I've just thrown a titi flow 360 on here because it was easy and I needed a 360 to get a basic 4.8 gigahertz overclock Lanai 98 Exe I'll take credit for this one so Joe has been doing all the GPU stuff here today I did set that over o'clock last night and we've got memory at 4000 megahertz CPU the mash is that I think I stopped at 3200 for now and so we're pretty happy with that CPU base overclocked with just water try to unseat Royals for the memory over talks pretty well x2 night I dark for the board and then two power supplies so this might interest some of you yeah we always do one power supply her so she under carded in the extreme car yes so this 1600 watt corsair power supply is only for the GPU and that's plugged into its own circuit 20 amp circuits so we're not going to trip that and then the CPU 99 ATX II is is certainly a power hog on its own as plugs into a 1600 watt EVGA power supply also plugs into its own circuit and then to get them to work together it's buried back there but actually it's right here this we just plugged in a jumper I mean you could do this with a paperclip it's basically what this is but it's just a jumper and it bridges the two pins so it's a green pin and then a ground a black pin you bridge those two and the power supply will start when you have the power button and Joe I guess the trick here is you want the GP power supply on first first yeah otherwise that it's just not gonna I don't know if there's an issue there shouldn't be an issue with in this setup I know with older cars there was some issue if you didn't do that you could blow something but you obviously you can't compute into the operating system if the card is not on right and it will it will do some when it's reading in the BIOS to try to detect the card it won't read it so you need to make sure you do the Jeep first and then the motherboard second right right Andrew you got in any scratching on the mic from Joe's beard okay cool I saw it hitting the mics just making sure so then the rest of the setup I guess is all just the L&T stuff and it's not too bad really we have three of these I think they are 16 I don't remember how many Adam that's more than 16 ounces I don't know how many no there were definitely more than 16 then we have a 30 liter Dewar over here to 180s time I'd be like 32 or something no to 180 liter hands do not microwave really how would we put one of these in a microwave do that so it warms Allen two of them it's throw one two and then throw it all in the microwave I'll be a great video so the Spartans been slowly leaking we talked about this yesterday but again Allen two cylinders there to some extent supposed to leak because they're pressurized smell explode if they don't there's too high pressure but this one's damaged and the inner container constantly shifts yeah I got mad before and I had done it did that yeah that's right I threw it not really like I said like I said in the prison video yeah not really yeah and then uh the best ones almost empty I think the other one is completely all those we're in good shape for today and I might have some extra to do another one of these after Joe leaves so be all on my own Joe would be fun I'll be watching then you can be in chat oh I'll be critiquing you given me yeah talking trial be the tin let's have a chat to Bauer what is someone says no enthusiast uses AMD junks lmao okay so that mentality is so bad like cuz people do that on both both of the the components you get like the AMD fans who do the same thing I'm a performance fan we just so I guess like to say no enthusiast uses Andy you've got build Zoid in the chat who like does a lotta AMD xoc we just did a.m. - yes we just today a.m. the rise on the extreme overclocking yesterday you know Joe I think it's time to admit that we're not enthusiasts no where are we then posers probably actually just like just like Roman just like Roman he's a big poser now doesn't bench anymore there's a bench anymore raking and all of that all that thermal grisly throw that's funny driving his GTR sometimes in the woods sometimes correctly we all been there they're very clean says dishwasher born with dishwashers someone I guess they're talking to chat about how to clean these you know we should mention that too so we've got the video card under a lot of Vaseline for insulation purposes yeah there's a lot of us we know to make sure there's no no none of the water from the LNT pot drips down on short stuff should note that score yeah let's do that real quickly what is our one what's our offset I would just put it's basically 289 I was trying to get okay $23.99 59 it'll round yeah so I'm just gonna go to 300 now 90 to 69 I'll do 325 just what were the score is 90 to 69 total although ones are just throwing me down Joe 89 70-56 49 and 5305 our gt2 went down that time how much them to FPS - yeah ooh it could be a bad sign sometimes when you get too cold or you're benching too long usually what we want to try to do as bench it as quickly as possible but we can't do that on street sorry a lot of the times the memory can start getting flaky with all the cold it just basically just water build-up and right so their power is still in chat if you don't know their bearings go subscribe to the subscribe to the XO see guys on YouTube it's a good community that's been growing so there Bauer's got a channel actually hardcore overclocking has a channel he does some of the PCB analysis on our channel Joe's got a channel bearded hardware and we'll be posting that what's your next video playing apex yeah the part to the motherboard not the game apex yeah yeah I'm the motherboard yeah yeah the overclocking guy we're gonna go over CPU clocking and then memory clocking nice so so if you want some is it gonna be like tutorial style or just explanation of what the settings are probably a little bit of both just kind of show you and then explain how and kind of just give you a tips on what you need to do did in memory quality right cuz most people if I tell you okay you can do this this and this you don't know how to do it so yeah you just also an introduction to Mary clucking in general of what you need to do like I won't give you too much info but yeah it'll be good I've talked to a couple bunch of guys I'm like yeah what how would you explain it how would you think cuz I don't want to make it too couple memories memory I think is pretty hard to that's that seems like kind of the last barrier where people well the problem is is you can go way too in-depth and then you kind of lose a person yeah I think of you started talking like tertiary time yeah it starts reading a guy that I see tertiary too much pure like yeah I don't wanna watch that alright the whole point is to try to make it fun and interesting and which is very difficult to yeah I know pretty much every youtuber protect yours tried to examine every and it's just not that good it's not easy though like it's more of an overclockers perspective of like kind of how do you overclock like we get into starting today yeah we did a memory timings for primary and secondary I think video with animations and that was really good but even that you know we had to cut it after secondary and split everything off into a separate video yeah you get too complicated so that's why I'm gonna try to dumb it down and just give you the basics that you need to go shouldn't be hard to dumb it down I'll remember that sure he'll remember for copy fax no trust me I've seen Joe throw Ellen to that people oh I've been known to do that a bunch okay swish you down your shirt Hey the back counter from John for the UK become a mousepad thank you like it said we will ever seen the interest originally in this stream will sign what we have and I have set the stock to equal the amount of pads mouse pads we have here to sign so if they're out of stock then that's it we'll sign everything up until that point so Joe and I will get those before another end of the day no my hands gonna hate you Jer bear says no he's just talking someone else okay talking to Richie Cece in chat dude good fella he is too good for us ha interactive boring man not really [Laughter] Paul died free oh I got that one already bazinga X $5 how a lot of you own the war between you and Paul me after his video well I will see him at Computex and then you won't see him again next one Johnny Austin Norwegian kroner fifty I think I'll buy a sign mod mat and mousepad right now on stream if you promise to grow beard at rest of the year Steve I think you should I'm not gonna do funny if it's annoying as is it's not dairy M two dollars best way to get Tim off of a throne paste off of the mod match fries with Ellen - question mark we have some on this map bottom not that frizzy that's gonna no I just see that seemed to work pretty well yeah I was kind of impressed it's over here I'll grab it right so Joe is doing this I I'm not going to so first of all a quick note I don't know officially if this will cause any damage to the pant but we don't think of those if you wipe it off right away KPS pace is gone yeah I had some issues on mine so I was like you know what seriously I use it for paste on motherboards and you yeah well I mean memory slots and everything I was like where come on man that's it a pretty good job it actually does work pretty well I do have to I'll do some more testing and we'll talk about it in a video at some point so the official answer is don't use it yet until we test right because the that actually has been a common question of how to clean the mod mat because people get thrown paste on it better than that everything else all right what's your score 93 13 original total score was 8,000 won for point of reference so quite a bit improved and 89 87 for GPU originally we were 75 77 do you do that percent difference math on that 56 91 52 89 so we have gone down on the memory score yeah the gt2 is probably because of I think we need to push the clocks up to 1600 okay let's do it I am what was your office at this time uh help test cos I get over I think the cold is starting to affect the memory it does that it actually does it with less with Samsung memory so we have Samsung memory on these cars which is like a huge come on Senate fit box better oh yeah we better even on air so we got we're at 325 so you want to go - we're gonna go to 350 next yes where's that can you bring that up real quick I just want my beer so yeah so we're gonna go up to 1600 memory this time yeah you're 50 I like 1,600 it seemed to work much better yesterday you're limiting me Steve yes yeah you're limiting me I get you some lnto while you're being dramatic I learned from watching Roman man Rowan's just taking a beating today feel bad for him so much fun to mess with him he likes to mess with us too I think I do have is it in the description I do though Rowan can't be too mad they have cryo not link in the description so if you want some of the high-end thermal paste that I used for our overclocks you can click the thermal grizzly cry or not link in the description and the bonus is you support Roman at the same time because he's gonna need a lot of cryo not after all these burns were giving him today you put the crowd out of here so we're at minus 105 now was it plus 400 minus 105 and what was the plus 400 oh nice okay come on math Steve math from what the previous offset I don't know what our frequency was previously so if you do full of wonder yeah you know what the frequency was last time I didn't check we'll do it on the next one I'll do a quick run with Jacuzzi on the back I'm gonna do that gt1 does I'm gonna shut tent tent up and chat he says these chicken Clockers which is my new favorite word these chicken Clockers are missing the airflow around the card so just for you ten I'll hook up a fan from one of your competitors careful though too much movement yeah that is true is there a fat screwdriver over there there was then I moved it over there yeah can't have that for the string girl okay so we're adding a maglev 120 fan and this is just gonna help exhausts that on two for one right into my face and when you take it off yesterday Oh cuz we were put in take a buccal I was singing a photo yeah thumbnail photos yes we had that yesterday and then Steve had to ruin it in are you happy ten he's always happy because he's picking on that just subscribe to bearded hardware someone says we he says it's going the wrong direction well I was trying to exhaust though until do we know do we not care about it exhausting at this time you've got to push air into the card well I'm not sure why we would really would say it if you feel these these are so it's all cold right yeah that's like I don't think I'm worried about air flow on the well maybe it's to keep the water off is that what it is maybe curious why she was running fine last night he says no wrong fan direction oh poor ten it's so much fun chicken o'clock why not turkey o'clock duck clock or Goose club why not dodo clubs chicken clucks are over I agree and what is the total power consumption not sure actually we should have hooked up uh because II will tell you I don't know how accurate yeah but I'd rather do it from the powers of wall well if we shut down we can do that but yeah I wouldn't do that because then the card will get really cold so ten actual question for you do you know if GPU ZZZ power consumption reader is accurate under the setup if it is well just open that up to get the power and because I kinda want to check the clocks anyway yeah we can go over it and see ten says I'll suffer tomorrow and Vince watches this we'll do a recap to you we'll have a stream recap later with all the end results how much were your two tanks with Ellen - and where were they from so the Ellen - after I get up getting discounts that were significant and it was just cuz they overcharged me originally each one was $177 before like the delivery and the taxes so together they came out to $440 originally it's from air gas originally they wanted to charge me an 880 and magically out of nowhere it was cut in half because I think they realized the co SPSS so yeah 170 bucks for one of them and your local welding supply company can get them to you if you want a cheaper if you don't want to go like this if you don't need this much you can get a Dewar like that one over there 30 liters and that is even gotta be used for like 400 bucks maybe that was brand new for 600 you buy me just clean them out first and then you can bring that to your welding supply company and ask them to just fill that and that'll be much cheaper and it'll last you like all day depending on the temperature you're dealing with has 10 commented power consumption at 2.4 gigahertz oh nice he's just giving us the numbers yeah that's even better so 10 says GPZ is not accurate at this point yeah I figured as much yeah and he says power consumption at 2.4 gigahertz r-tx KPG is about a thousand watts what no my last buck was 350 so he says it's about a thousand watts of the card and the 99 a DXE at 4.8 will be about 500 watts so we're doing about 1500 watts between the two which is good that we have two separate power supplies on two separate circuits eat anymore no I think I'm good for him it's from that chicken clock that I'm forced to do so Steve's fault we can start picking it out I only read some of the super chess it's just all and I was complaining I'm not reading them we don't have oh the page just refresh it more than I thought how many read through like I'll spend maybe the next minute or two doing these that's rigged in two dollars YouTube gave me a free super chart okay well bestie is well thank you very much will will absolutely take the money from YouTube I still have to look into the free super chats from YouTube I didn't yeah someone mentioned that yesterday yeah I didn't know they did that but hey I mean if you have YouTube premium and you get free super chats not complain by all means go with the house hi Jesse Mackenzie if I've died does tort I was a good one for you job does torching the pot compensate for any contraction that would cause a loose seating or does it not contract enough to affect anything no it's not it's we torch really to basically just to control the puppet er that's kind of the short some of it right so the thing is you gotta be careful also on how much you torch because you also build up ice okay yeah turning it into water yeah and then that goes into the pot and then actually causes problems between fortunately it's a bit easier to empty this than those CPU pots yeah hold the cards pull the card heat it up real quick turn it upside down yep yeah we're starting to have issues now so while you yeah some of that I'll take a couple more these super chats and Andrew now actually that might be it Andrew if you want to train the camera on what Joe's doing I'll read through these and they can keep an eye on the settings he's applying yeah I'm just raising the volts to 1.3 we're at one point two five so Theo and earthy Olander said one dollar no message thank you Tim donate one dollar no message and thank you and Thursday two dollars thank you scatter badger 75 about Taiwan dollars is Joey using the Elmore Labs EVC to 4x OC I think the answer is no today am I using it ever or yeah you know I I need to talk to about getting one though biking with Panda $2 nice hair did you get it from cable mod boomer host you got me boom roast the better than Linus's Revis not me Charlie lion equals king bank loan question mark crispy I don't I don't know if you're the coal keeper sorry sorry crispin driver Schroeder what I did I did you see a 5,000 megahertz memory support for Rison 3000 I did not see that and I'm trying not to read the rumors on it yeah you can't remember there's a lot of rumors yeah I remember what at CES everybody was talking about that and then it was I mean it wasn't that much of a disappointment but it was kind of like well that's the problem is people get all heights on the rumors and then the company isn't aligned there yes to the rumors yeah obviously so people get disappointed because they built themselves up or something that wasn't ready to happen yet and like I I have I will say that I've seen a lot of in the last time where the issues yeah I'm gonna have to eat up the corner okay I've seen a lot of incorrect numbers about rising 3,000 last few days so I guess keep that in mind yeah we're gonna basically kill it okay so your gun you want to actually try I'm gonna heat up first to see you okay yeah what I'm gonna do is heat up the the card is very cold I'm gonna try to go to minus 50 right now okay then try to see if it's a based issue or something the card it just people might kill your mic for a second thanks very much I'd say your mics off for a second all right so JW Dickie 10 $5 bottle mousepad still want to be neat we will work on it once it's getting colder again I put that on hold because it turned into summer art except 20 guys what temp is the most important with Allen to pot temp or dye temp and where is the pot and we're in the pot is the temp the most accurate for what you're trying to measure so I'll let Joe take that as soon as he's done I will come back to that one Roy cause it's key 2.2 dollars loves the roast of MTV funny as hell thank you very much and then it burns when Internet Protocol it burns when I pee my gosh thank you are you going to have an overclocking session for the razor toaster if if I can I'll do it don't forget your mic Joe there is a question for you when you're ready here what was again can you read it up again all right exam $20.00 what temperature is the mo there's two what temperature is the most important Allen to the pot not for the Dido well the dye temp is basically it will stop reading it like minus 40 so you really need the bottom so you want to be concerned more with the pot tip at that point and then this one the same person and we're in the pot is the temp the most accurate from what well it's usually right behind the dye so like or not right behind so you can figure there's a little like I don't know if it's a plate or we want to call it it's drilling the right into right behind it so it's pretty accurate I know on the icon that you basically shove it through and it's like right behind right in the middle that yeah GPU yeah and I guess let's talk about Delta temperature Delta second tier regarding like how you can kind of talk your paste is it going bad I guess well usually like the minus 40 if this was to be any positive time that would be a problem with base right so like you see how it's minus 40 if I were to run and they should we see that go to minus 30 or whatever we know there's a problem if I'm at minus 70 on the actual thought attempt right so see and that's like a bad match or bad Alan - or something yeah it could be a bunch of different things scatter bencher 30 Taiwan dollars I work so that Jo almost beats Lincoln PC Congrats that was a while ago though I saw that one was Johnny Olsen Norwegian twenty skipped my super cats challenge Steve I I've been reading them all Johnny Olsen oh no I read it but huh yeah that's the one I read earlier and said no I'm not gonna grow up beard free here sorry come on wise door for advice store for 99 times thank you a fluffy $5 Gian pants when no current plans GML into pants that's all we need Oh too bad we get a chin liquid-nitrogen overclocking tracksuit summer you can wear it to Vegas and I'll fit right in didn't make that up Yeah right in the casinos its bonus see see if I thought as Joe knows how to build suspense now we got that one pop G funny it's a nice love the channel good luck hope you break a record or - Thank You Forrest boom $10 can the I got that one to the mob Matt function as a good mousepad like we said not advertised as a mousepad can be used as one but it is not a smooth service by design it's it's a grippy surface so keep that in mind you might want a mouse pad on top of it I if minnow five dollars you guys already ripped J single card score no oops it fell out with that hey we should save the spot anyway running wanna say one I think I saved something you should really be uploading it from your your account though although I don't know if that's possible if I'm like if I'm the three mark license holder on that uh I think if I save it I can still upload it even my own hell it down to your own yeah I could pull it up my own and do a manual okay so that seemed to work to get it back David Anderson 399 is Emma side B 450 gave me Pro carbon okay for mild OC build Zoid in chat they're actually hardcore overclock it would be a good person to ask that question I'd I am NOT I don't have like all the specs memorize for the be 450 board sorry we do I'll say this we do have a video from build Zoid on our channel from around December I think that was like best and the motherboard your best AMD motherboards for overclocking something like that so you can check that video and see what he lists in there and then those are the good ones a couple more here fan 2040 are - no I think your hashtag Roman dunsky sorry Roman Baths mascara 5 dollars on the good hardware hat you should put the beard portion of the logo on the grand on a brim like so that's the front part again yeah that's kind of weird now then nobody would see it what's the point Matthew I really am I getting trolled pasture everything you want a mod Matt but I'm waiting on the Paul's at full review yes well tell him that we are also waiting on the Serie history of you Timothy reads to dies judge harshly beard man thank you for the live or see today's talking about your judging flow see competition yeah it's my favorite I love doing it to be honest he'll X Hound X 13 299 what do you think respectively refer aizen's we are not speculating on them I can tell you one thing for certain I know I confront this months and months ago like a CES there will be a 12 or there will be a 16 or we don't know when they're coming out we don't know if they're coming out at launch or later and then there'll be an eight-core I'm not going to speculate further than that because those are the things I I know to be true at least as of CES Scott any $5 how do you know if there's any BIOS not for the gigabyte a horas 1080i mine is on and UK water cooling block and I've got plus 80 megahertz plus 5 DN I read I don't know if the top of my head but Joe what's like a good for him to check for a custom BIOS overclocked mat or something yeah look like that and I used to be pretty good so maybe check overclock dotnet yeah see if there's one on there I don't know gigabyte allows it too much I mean it's kind of I mean you got to be careful trying to put another BIOS on your guard 4G yes cuz you I mean I've done it many times you got to know what you're doing a lot of times you'll drop memory clocks and they ain't got a mod memory or something to build it up as possible if you end it yeah it's possible to fry it too yeah so you never know what it's gonna do you gotta take it at your own risk so let's talk about why you just transferred from one of the smaller cans doing it to another one the smaller can because it basically builds so much frost on the other one and it starts getting cold so basically it's kind of like how the when we use that thing it just gets really cold at the top and you'll get little burns and stuff if you keep doing it right it also does start turning into water too yeah that's the other thing instead of wiping it off I just switched out to another one frozen let me do two more of these before we get back into it well no you're gonna have to take a score down okay let's do that first so we're taking a score down what's your clock currently I get that plus 400 possible right still let me Emily do a trick no it wasn't at 400 on that one that was actually I think 375 got it 94 95 so that is a bit of an appoint improvement 9188 and then finally got a gt2 back nice a little bit so you're at 375 still and okay 375 will go 400 now okay let me look at the rest of the scores 94 mm 590 188 gt1 5808 that's a big improvement 58 4.15 so again point of reference we are now 10 FPS higher almost exactly from our baseline run with no overclock supplied just cold and 10 FPS and times by extreme is ole is a lot of F yes oh yes that's a that's a big score jump I just do the math on that really quickly so in score number 91 88 versus the baseline of 75 75 sorry 75 77 21% total increase and the memory increase is 22% pretty damn big increase nothing wrong with that huh that's pretty damn good good job Joe I'm glad I was here to supervise it so you don't get hurt prolong it we kept on that earlier yeah I hope tens still mad about the fan direction oh man so builds wide said 210 tell Vince to make a reaction video of watching the stream yes please kingpin reaction video should upload it to Archie tell him time to do it and then send it to us and we'll upload it and then it'll get a lot of use Pro overclocker King Penn reacts to chicken clucking chicken clucking it's kind of funnier like anytime I hear chicken clucking and when tis went in actually says it is the way he says it makes it that much better yeah so you've been there yeah he has that like the ten accent yeah it's so much fun like it's so funny so every time I hear that I always think of that hey I'm saying it it's pretty funny so he had a ten saying you know ten was giving us crap waiting for twenty four hundred megahertz now it's 2,500 now it wants 2,500 yeah this is typical ten so I usually bench with ten on the G scale stay hot during the EVGA day and this is pretty much what he does to me though were you doing that last year I've seen you on the side yeah okay oh that's like four or five years yeah that's what I was doing so I don't think Vince was Benton he was doing the robot was that row o'clock yeah yeah so he was doing the Robo clocker and then I was doing all the manual [ __ ] yeah Robo Cocker I guess if you haven't seen our video on that just take it take a note to watch it later or something cuz we did a video with Vince last year yeah you'll see me in the background like yeah doing a bunch of stuff you see the beard and that's when Vince was I don't remember what he was at seven point something gigahertz maybe no no no because he said it was a wasn't it I was just sitting on 88 Oh was it yeah it's underrated even a single card I think it was it okay I can be I think they here is an axis can I'm pretty sure was a Titan be on the dark hey I think you're right on Titan the I didn't remember what the CP was oh you're right 5.7 okay yeah some reason I thought was a lower core cop CP you know it was a 5.7 which on an 18 core was he's damn good yeah that's pretty up there and that was with the Titan because I think it says back 79 have a cold bug shouldn't some chips do 10 have mercy I have to do work tomorrow parentheses today can't record eight hours of Vince's reaction why not well Joe's gonna have a plane to get on at some point today so yeah won't be that long we still got some time though sandy E has a cold bug at minus eighty to minus twenty depending on the CPU builds oh it says okay what other we've got a couple store orders thank you for setting those in so we got one from Jonathan in Virginia not too far from here picks up the mousepad and the blueprint shirts thank you for picking that up we got one big order from Ryanair from the Netherlands thank you for picking up the mousepad the anniversary logo shirt the chalkboard shirt and then the blueprint shirt much appreciated that's a big support for the stream thank you very much live stream Vince's reaction already first score yes what is the score I'm waiting for - haha they have plus 400 now yeah I think it's 400 and that's 1695 51 that is an improvement from 94 95 earlier when here's make sure that knee to 50/50 8.3 if it's four times six seven mmm everything is up it's pretty good improvement yeah is there like a cheap Alan to pot you know is there like a like kind of a no-name knockoff one or something and looked round on Aliexpress GPU bar and finally or CPU just thinking like the problem if you want to get into Ellen to dirt cheap I guess no check eBay for used ones yeah to be honest your best just like trying to find like old ones like maybe like a venom the kingpin venom that was a good pot that's probably cheap if we can find it like secondhand I wouldn't really try to do a cheap bottom no coolants made when it was epic fail mm-hmm it was really bad the ek1 is kind of not relevant anymore I mean in it doesn't fit any family yeah you won't have any mounts the mounts because it's very like you need to buy modules for it and yeah so it's kind of pointless yeah basically just look for maybe some old kingpin ones or maybe devourer had a older one before the before the beast I before there's a beast and there was another one I can't remember their Romans in chat he can you can let us know what is old or maybe just look for used ones it's probably the better bit or if you're on a budget right so what I mean the kitchen ones aren't really that so it says what about the GN Cockrum oh you know that's a good point hardware numbers will give him a big shout out hardware numbers has a I think they currently in Cinebench score for AMD 2200 X and thanks chip man hey yeah ours and also I would 10 says we had the iron iron Ellen teapot also hardware numbers has a video I away I'm gonna see what happened he has a video where he took our copper mule mug and so we filled these with Allen C Joe and I last he took our car from you like which is actual copper it's not like the stainless steel that's just painted so it's actual car it's got nickel plated lining not currently on the store sorry where we don't have an immediate restock date at this time but um took this mounted it to the I think it was like a rise in APU or something and filled it with that one too and it did really well I was surprised yeah I probably wouldn't ride it on a big trip though no yeah there's a reason there's an apiary yeah like that's the thing you use with those is mounting pressure contact oh yeah it's not built yeah there's no surface area buffer I guess you can say alright but for a low TDP it was okay as a joke video you should watch this video that hardware numbers for that one yeah do it again try any DEP heat it up yeah we turn this off so Joe is going to torch the pot we're at minus 105 right now and I think are you bringing it down to minus 50 so bring it down to minus 50 and this will help him through some of the stability in a bit yeah really I should just break it down I think it happened again so yes it does Mike mics off but he said if it happens again then we'll break down the pot and fix it up and then keep going after that ten minutes to do so that's not bad but right now we're just torching it and then we will we will keep going after that all right next one so we got some super chance to do it while Joe's torching the ellentube pot over there Martin Darlington $5 thank you Scott adventure is Joey using an open bench table as his benching platform I catch that on your behalf I use foam so Joe uses foam we actually showed it that open bench table yeah Thor right 199 will the order I placed last night be signed if it was during the stream yes but we weren't saying we were signing stuff after the stream because the problem is I don't I don't want to like ship out of mouse pad someone bought after the stream and then they get it and it's signed and they like what is why are you giving me this why should I sign this uh-huh I don't know who these people are I'll talk when our distributor team is back in town on Friday I'll I'll talk to them and see how many orders there were between the streams if it's not too many and we have the inventory it seems like they were intended like people wanted them to be signed then we can do it but I also don't want to ship a bunch of signed mousepads people who didn't like so typically I cut it off after the stream because if someone waits through the streams they're like I want to buy one because it looks cool but I don't want it to be signed then I don't want to send them aside one so but you know what Thor right if you send an email to support at gamers Nexus net that will help us if you want it to be assigned one just say like hey I bought it between the two streams I just wanted to specify that I would like one of the signed ones if they are still available and then we'll send one to you if we still have them wish we should I think as of right now we should be good but just on that email all right next one admire Fiesta Guild $10 can we have a live rise in 3000 over-talking event for the same hour the NDA runs out we have done things like that for previous releases so I'll probably try for that we'll have a review up the same hour that the NDA runs out we're not I'm not under an NDA for right now and then we'll do a stream probably later in that day that's typically what we do is we give the review like six hour buffer that people can watch it then we'll do stream DJ ghost proxy we go ghost proxy five dollars building them my first VR PC any recommendations for good LGA 1151 air cooler that will be sitting on an i5 and i7 the Anaka and hu 14s is pretty good Gator roll tonight why I installed Windows 10 fresh install had windows 7 my CPU and GPU used 100% when any single game is running now and 170 is 35% max on the advise CPU and GPU 100% it sounds like it's background task or something it's eating cycles that's not know at all make sure your drivers are all installed properly Gabriel see you in two dollars the t-rex should fit on the 2990 WX to do that we will consider thread refer overclocking at some point how's this going good is back again but Ivan I don't know how gt2 will go you turn your mic back on is it on yeah okay so that's just for people who are tuning and more recently let's explain why you torch the pot I guess and well it just stops running so it seems when I go back down to minus 50 I don't know if it's the paste or if it's the memory that gets too cold after a period of time I mean we've been running a while usually I go to these clocks right away so that way it's running it keeps it hot and doesn't go but it's kind of boring on a live stream right we're trying to make it more intrigue a I'm gonna have to just drop him okay yeah question and chat will you accept debit cards in the future we already do on the story he's just a type it in it should work fine yeah I'm gonna have to torch it all the way so what voltage are you at 4 1 3 1 3 oh yeah oh I know this runs this way yeah you meet it already yeah all right so I will fill some vias for Joe a while he's doing that actually let me take one of the super chats before I go do that so that hot pan on the rad is annoying me yes sorry I just threw whatever on there so we got one yeah I got one from Frankie tricky one dolly Thank You Gabriel seaman $10 29.92 WX onto livestream with the leftover while Joe's gonna be taking this t-rex pot back with them at night fire 37 $5 tech Jesus best Jesus Camaro 4.99 love the channel keep up the good work thank you very much I just sub the bearded hardware as well awesome thank you bps customs sign I owe you $5.00 I'm frustrated that Steve has better hair than me and Joe crushes my beard game might drive down there to cause a ruckus yes we want to I've been talking with Brian from BBS customs because he has far more patience and ability than I do for building nice-looking systems so after Computex sometime indeterminate period where we're gonna try and work together and have Brian do a like a pretty nice system build in our case labs case that we have like maybe maybe open-loop set up and then we'll have do like 79 and at least one video card in there so that'll be pretty fun but no no current date on that yet although if you don't know BPS customs he's on youtube as well and i saw him during the China trip that Andrew and I did recently so I'm just spilling liquid nitrogen for Joe right now and that noise you hear at the end of the pore is because it's starting to hit the floor evaporates immediately so most of you in the stream have seen this at this point but in case anyone's just tuning in Ellen - and this and these containers are used to fill this one Joe dumps it in - Alan - pot it's a bit noisy right now because he's torching the pot give us a minute the noise will go down and if you missed it earlier and yesterday stream and let's do a shot of this again so let's target right here so just because it looks pretty cool this is what happens with Alan - when it touches basically any surface it's just instantly evaporate it's pretty cool so just nitrogen you do have to be a little careful with this stuff if you're in a closed space for example then it's it'll start of placing the oxygen in the room so if you ever work with this be very aware of your ventilation we're in a really big room with AC and use the torch if it doesn't light there's no oxygen yeah waiting that's a key indicator so those are the safety measures and then it if you're curious it doesn't really doesn't really burn like stain a little tiny bit but just don't let it soak we talked about all that already but just in case anyone is getting ideas and wants to do this stuff how's that going good I just got to blow it up and Myka's on yeah that's right you're good at this man getting you could get in the hand of the microphone management I'm learning no thanks to you do you want to walk them through what you're doing while I fill this yeah what I'm gonna do is basically heat it up basically the cards wet so they stop function and sometimes so we need to basically heat it up and get it back to normal so it's dry so I'm gonna go and use a hairdryer so it's really loud so I'm gonna go in the other room and turn mic and I'll be back in a couple minutes boy you're gonna use the yeah the one we discovered the amazing one so not the not the heat gun right the actual hand dryer so sometimes people ask about how things have changed since we've gotten an office and I wanna this is the best way so Joe discovered while here that the you know I can in an office bathroom where you have or any industrial bathroom you have like the wall-mounted hand dryer he has discovered that that is the absolutely most amazing way to dry out components because he goes out there dries it out in the hand dryer and then it's like it's completely dry and good to go again for overclock you know I'm not under a minute and it's pretty amazing so Joe will be right back he is drying that off oh yeah good point someone says time to plug in a power meter I'll wait for him to come back and make sure in chat you remind me before he turns it on a plugin actually unplug the power splice of that we have something to remind us to plug in a power meter very good point so we'll just monitor the GPU I'll probably do it on a kilowatt to keep it easy so it was 10 says if it's possible it would be cool to show folks how the KPE card is prepped let's do that one Joe's back well I'm because it's not mounted now we can just kind of show it off on a table and show you what it what it looks like for the prep where's the Vaseline there's a lot of it on there all right super chats so we have Paul the bearded one five dollars got on the stream late today guys wondered if you would advise the kingpin card even if I'm not considering using Allen - so you know being fully honest here it is not a card you should buy for just like normal use because it is really expensive I know that EVGA probably doesn't disagree with me on this you know it's it's not built for just like plug it in and let it go you can do that and it is technically higher frequency I think we were running out like 20 40 megahertz which is typically what and over clocked 20 ATT I have another model run just out of the box so like it is faster it's just frankly it's it's not worth the performance increase if you're just gonna use it like that so if you're using it like we are today then it's it's worth it cuz man it goes it's pre prepped for you you don't have to do any hard mods that's the real value of something like a KP card is it's all done for you so all you have to do is get like back so see BIOS and start playing around with it or you know if you don't use that so even if you're not doing L on to and you're gonna do overclocking with the stock liquid cooler I found that to be pretty fun as well just be aware that until you put the XYZ BIOS on there you'll become power limited so you do have to be willing to do a little bit amount of have to be willing to do a little bit amount of work of a like flash the BIOS and you know do some real overclocking on it if you just want like the best which some people do then I guess you can buy it the values not there for that use case but the value is there for what we're doing today or even one step down you do like water cooling overclocking and I will give you full details on all that in our more official review after I finish the rest of the testing but I will say stock the performance numbers and games like sniper or far cry 5 or whatever we're typically higher equal to fully overclocked 20 atti of like a reference or like an ACCI ultra even designed so like it is better it's just you know you have to weigh the value depending on what your use cases Shh who's next my cloud or $2.00 your gt2 is 52-27 when it was 55:27 okay we will check that whenever we get to it scatter bench though we actually saw that earlier it's got about your Taiwan $30.00 it's not reading super chat hashtag tech to this add SEK 50 how about merge with chicken o'clock or on it well we'll get 10 involved in license it from Steam fryer $1.00 Thank You moose six six six seven $1.99 free super giant take my money thank you very much and I'm just gonna run through these while Joe is finishing off drying that that card out a quick note we do run like a thirty to one hour 30 minutes one hour delay on the Super chats but I'm only 30 minutes behind right now so marina lines from 2:30 which is actual that Steve fryer $1 thank you Peter Trender $2 for you super chat thank you that is really cool that YouTube does that again wasn't where until recently Christian $2 watching this from work hashtag kingpin o P Joe Ritchie oniy one died lollipop dancer 199 I'd buy it for a G on chicken o'clock or t-shirt Hector X 1 dollar 1 X $1 Davio's stai nursin SEK $10 thank you no messages on those hugh janus $2 thank you Andrew a rough roof car $5 notice 3dmark is out of date is there an advantage to keeping it up to date you might get some of them the like updated system info maybe some new benchmarks like Port Royal I don't think is on e right now and then for validation purposes sometimes it is important as well that was chat going while we're waiting on Joe what's chat saying just talking about your own overclocks it looks like so let's see I have no nice paul the be everyone says thanks very much steve told me everything I wanted to know I think I might bite for it so it looks like Paul the buter one might be buying a kindergarten so Joe when you're back over here I have two things we got to do one is we should show the KP card in its current state before plugging it back in to walk through how you have crapped it sure 10 ones I have that I have to prep it Oh a bit more anyway okay cool and then the other one is I unplugged the power supply and I'm gonna go grab a young unmute your mic sound meter now good evening yeah I'm gonna go grab a just a kilowatt meter yeah yeah this is the time to do it go in there and entertain a chat for me I guess I'll show off what you're doing all right let me move some stuff around so you can see it now all right so I just blew it all off is that something really bad yeah of course it is saying thanks you want to work on that frame the card was soaked I mean usually I just bench right away at minus 100 and then go right to about I think 25 50 25 60 but that's not fun to show on the stream all right so you can see how it's prepped now it's just basically a lot of Vaseline all the Vaseline is kind of leaked off from the heat from the blow-dryer so add it back I'm gonna plug in the just a kilowatt meter here yeah just uh on a thing and then we'll keep track of it when we're running not gonna fast this thing up pretty well all the Vasque pretty much came off so we need to lube it up real good and I'm just coming up with all sorts of good ones right now I bet you the chats blowing up you know there's nothing weird about going to Walgreens buy buy a big tube of Vaseline buy three cans of Red Bull and a soup of a tub of Vaseline wow that just really does sound awkward doing that just looks like we were buying the red bowl to cover up for the Vaseline yeah oh this is a completely normal purchase it's nothing weird here you mean you don't leave that all the time not too frequently only when you're here oh it's kind of true though like staffs everywhere so this thing is coated yeah it's definitely coated multiple times haha John Norris in the normal chat can we get a it's done ski for all times hey hey yeah done skiing ski season right so that's the back part I also want to get under where the memory modules are enough you can see in here underneath here every bunch of paper towels but obviously it will leak out after a while so I need to lose that up real good yes we got memory down there yeah I think those are probably the memory modules that go and you probably ask 10 cuz he's probably in all scientific on it but is there anything that you avoid getting it on pins I guess PCIe pins well when you put the face down I don't want it on the I mean you say he doesn't to be honest most people say that's a problem but I haven't really seen that much of a problem with Vaseline here you definitely don't want it in obviously uh to get in where the GPU is but we're already mounted so yeah I mean it's gonna eventually go in there anyway I mean behind the VGA but I don't think it really causes any issue I mean if Vince uses Vaseline all the time so there's not really that much of an issue between that someone says what has GPU teardown item number 11 on your media mod net let me see which one is number 11 ain't on one second I'll answer your question that bass yeah is it exactly the same I don't know if we changed anything I was just gonna show no it didn't today so there's a new medium I gotta put everything back brand-new what has item number 11 what GPU Oh 11 is just an electrolytic capacitor so basically everything let me show we've got a lot of stuff on the table so here is you see that okay Andrew here's the mod Matt yeah sir item 11 and you did that that design that graphic for the the video card the PCB you can buy this on store that gamers Nexus done that they are in stock item 11 is just some caps like the big fat cylindrical kept capacitors and those Ron Allah everything so I think we kind of loosely modeled after like the larger costume PCBs and a lot of the time you'll see those over there I guess I can hold this up later okay to roll it up right now all right so we're almost there I just got to plug in the power you did the kilowatt meter on it what's that did you do something finally now you're all good over there yeah I just got a plug in on the power it's kind of a pain in make sure you but all that from the right power supply though yeah I know I know that yesterday I was real nervous about it 10:10 says you're missing the strategic screw on memory chip to improve memory clocked by plus 50 megahertz memory screw yeah like the one that ten installs on us don't have and if anyone's missing that joke check out our cane pin card 20 atti teardown it was done an EVGA Zach's OC lab and I opened it up I was like there's just screw it here and then then started giving 10 a hard time for yes I played about hey well Tendo is slacking yeah well I just like that they they both say that they fixed the other person's stuff oh yeah when you hang out with them it's quite a quite interesting yeah if they're fun yeah they act like an old married couple just saying so that's not inaccurate someone says um what is the max temp of the Vaseline I guess is the question max time I don't know that there's really I don't really know I mean I guess it can freeze but right it's the revolt point if we're having the Vaseline is to basically have a barrier layer from having water go on to everything right but the problem is is it also kind of leaks off to if it's hot so by heating up the pot you kind of drain off it it drained it off on certain components so you're gonna have to reapply right right and then when I heat it up and dry it off I also kind of blow off the Vaseline so you gotta reapply so you need to use the heat gun on that to heat it up at all or like reflow the vas you just gonna let it run no I was gonna let it run okay yeah up the pot heat it up to about minus or plus 35 so the heat from that and it just flow it back so nice and Plus kind of movie in a hurry get back on it power readings enabled yes thank you chat I did plug in a power meter thank you for putting that out we we plugged one end I'll be able to read the power during this next one it's rude alright so thank you for reminding me that it's sneak in here so you are preparing to boot I guess yeah nice all ready to go good I hear that veer out there yeah it's the V arm Finn's going against the paper towel just taking it you know making sure we keep track of the good Matt inventory all right cool so then we're back and your back nice power meter power meter power meter I got it guys good kid hey Steve D do you have the power meter sorry and just short of that Steve where's the power meter Dave Caillou cats your ninja loved reading that name 327 here is my survey money thank you Kenneth 7 365 love you guys have a great stream thank you very much we are to Florida I earn five dollars I have an old 560 TI I believe it is that I have no more use for it I send it to you to do whatever you want with it we have actually two 562 guys from reader already that we're working with I don't know promises that will put it to use if you're like trying to get rid of it anyway and you don't want to put into electronics recycling then we have a P o box listed in our what was that video uh which video are you talking about Steve yeah we did a video recently on the readers components they sent in thought it was pure box on channel you can search for it but no guarantee we'll work with it let's see Stephen Kyle Bert's $5 loving accountant keep it up thank you how's that going good just pulling down again so I basically took a blow dryer and totally got any water that was on it even inside the pot because that would also affect how we clock this time our deltas are pretty nice right now we got oh yeah anywhere between three or four degrees you go so it's like a timing yeah it's definitely delayed yes software so we read in like four degrees software and about zero on the reader the meter yeah and we're gonna lose the software soon once it gets too cold yeah it's kind of normal but yeah a good indication like if you lose like any type of pace right the temperature you can he do that two dollars difference is between a 20 80 TI and RDX Titan on Allen's here well I mean if everything else is equal then the Titan RDX should I perform it if there are a hundred percent equal yeah but sometimes the memory is of limitation so if you have a lot more memory it's more stressful on the GPU that's true so that it's not always necessarily true yeah because usually the Ti is always a cut down version right yeah well I can tell you from for chilled water with like an on XOC card the Titan RT X does our perform it yeah that but once you get intel on - especially if you're working with like a KP card then yeah there's no competition this I don't even keep up because there's so much you have to do that tie in yeah I mean if you maybe took a Titan and put it on the KP PCB right yeah if you like power modeling yes and maybe yeah yeah but even the power mod it's the piece the PCB design on the Cape is what makes it special right it's not just it's all the components used it's also then trying to they're giving you an Ellen to overclocking card right off the bat so you don't have to do all the major things to try to come back and you used to do that stuff yeah I used to do it before Pascal well I did I did a Pascal card to keep our it right yeah it's just a pain it's not the same as what is a people talk about a zombie I'd put it in there basically it's cutting power to like the GPU and putting your own card on there so that way you can control everything that goes to the GPU the problem with it now is it it's very complicated because Nvidia locks it down so much so before Pascal they didn't lock it down as much right so now they do so they make it much more difficult so I kind of got out of that zone of doing that right yeah well you're fighting a losing battle yeah so it came down to it and I you know what I had a lot of fun doing that - it was kind of my what I used to do all the time yeah so see see five dollars I wonder if torching helps learn the Delta between the inside surface of the pot and the bottom so the L&T vaps quicker clean quicker that's kind of I think the answer is yes good but you don't want to do it too much because then you do if you do too much water then you're kind of creating in an adverse effect whereas the water then turns into ice and then it becomes a barrier between the ln2 and the actual pot itself a little bit is good so that way basically I don't know it's like soups up the pot to be able to suck the other right so Matt Hill one dollar heck tricks one dollar thank you okay I'm gonna turn off again a good torture rule okay Brubaker ten dollars will you be reviewing the Gigabyte a horas monitor that you're using on the stream but looking at buying it but waiting on a good amount of reviews on it before pulling the trigger on it we don't presently review monitors - no unfortunately I won't be reviewing it I sort of know how to do the the monitor visa if we ever had the manpower what we just don't right now Jimmy cakes one dollar and then again thank you like 44 hair beard and Allen - what else to do Anthony Jackson two dollars best 4-h ativ - in Corsair 760 t rear or bottom I would do rear with that minimal amount of information if you know if I guys you guys just beat kingpins and herb our single cards for really well we're not done yet I don't know how much Vince does TSE no I don't think eight benches at all he does a lot of Port Royal these days so but we'll take it though Raoh lose fifteen 1600 yeah we're gonna go pretty much right up we're really about 450 yesterday yesterday work today today we left off at 400 and yesterday 450 yeah we'll do for 50 years or 50 yeah going for a bigger overclocking well the trick is the card is not dry so it's actually better to do it now to do it now right off the bat we'll get this running much much quicker your voltages 1.34 NBA and 1.5 for FP v GD yep so you have GPU volts and then memory Vox 1.13 thumb is moving its 1.11 3 yes one point one three heads there so at minus 15 I have written down one point one three that maybe was one one three was it one one two yeah it's one one three okay yeah well we know what our load mine was messed up from last time load line should be level zero no it's actually should be ten now zero is the flat load line now it's the opportunity I don't think so I'm pretty sure it was it I'm pretty sure it's level zero who I was running in level 10 yesterday's no okay someone told me that I didn't actually verify it sure tins gonna verify it in chat I'm sure how soon is that the late catches up oh yeah without a doubt I'm pretty sure it should be zero if you're at ten yesterday then you can probably drop here voltage a bit let's see what more usually depends on the GPU I've seen some where I had the opposite where I wanted to flow up hmm like that and it would actually give me because I could only set a certain amount of voltage so I needed of changing the load line so it would go up so the initial set would go and write a so but that was the back of the 1980 DS Ryanair over to looking forward to the mousepad three shirts and the fan through static wrist strap well thank you for purchasing them Gary T just bought a GN mousepad a co-op blue beer glass and a medium crystal statute awesome thank you for the support awesome it's ten answer now ten says vote for 2500 chicken o'clock - 100 C 1 point 4 volts you don't even need I don't notice I keep fighting them yeah this is what I do at a copy takes oh well 10 will give you a massive troop so I think level zero is what we want yeah but I was running it last time yeah so I want to just make sure okay if I know something's running then I'm gonna keep it the same it was just weird because it's at the level zero by itself last time all right yeah while it's yeah the defaults doesn't seem to affect the load line when you click default it just leaves it wherever it was which is tins fault it's always gentle okay so just one hundred there hey so how how store doing lots orders on the store thank you I shot a few out can't get them all due to the volume but Igor from Springfield picks up a mob bat thank you and an extra wrist strap well definitely enjoy the mod Matt my favorite thing to do is still that's you how to do a video in the pool we should do the hotel yeah that would have been amazing bands from ever returning probably right I'm gonna thought these no tanners for Joe cuz I just wanted the mop that I did there you go fresh out of the pressure yeah me refresh see that's fine yeah I'm on any date out three what are you doing over there I'm just going for a bigger run you going for twenty five hundred you pass twenty five hundred megahertz I I just went right for 450 450 offset yeah memory 1600 yeah it's not like enough let's change the load line I could have sworn it with that ten yesterday but I think I was at zero I saw that time I just wonder it was it if it did that by mistake when I do it yeah sure cuz I never I never came I might have changed it I don't know if you weren't looking could have been alright I gotta fill this maybe that's what it is you change it on me I think a lot of us if I saw a little town I'd probably change it to zero yeah it's probably what it is them just to be honest was bitching awhile for it a while with it so this will be the first time we're doing this today I'm just gonna fill the Dewar out we have a 180 I'll take some super shots in a moment to decision desert Brno shout out for buying a mat feels bad man and there's your shoutout thank you for buying one like there's a lot of volume so doing my best to keep up super chance I'll do all of them at least adds up now by the end of the stream but no I got it something's wrong up having trouble with stability yeah it's not running he's gonna reboot well you got time I'll fill this and yeah show it off to stream so for those of you who weren't tuned in yesterday there's a transfer hose these cost upwards of $400 depend on length of the transfer hose and this is an Allen to cylinder 180 liters it is mostly empty if not fully empty not still leaking so and then we have another one behind me that is completely full and I guess I'll have to try and find something to do with this in the next week before we leave for Computex because otherwise there's no point happy that so that one's still fall the trick here is to so doers mostly empty got a hold onto the transfer hose it's gonna start with like an alien noise has chat said yesterday sorry and you hold the hose at first in pieces like a pressure kickback so there's a mackey interface yeah so doesn't smack in the face and which i've almost a devon and i'm this joe i think the tank will start making a squealing noise when it's empty yeah will be like a really nasty wine yeah so we're not empty yet and that's the ln2 filling up so that's the gas that comes off of it it's a liquid going into it and I can show you some temperatures too this is just a thermocouple reader we use here the room temperature is currently 22 degrees for what it's worth humidity is 46% and then the just like that started to off-gassing right here let's get really close to it let's get like let's get right there it's right at the top of the cap so the thermocouple you have a good shot of that and here thermocouple is currently - 179 degrees Celsius which is just about where Alan - is minus 196 it's probably it doesn't read that look I think it while I love them thermal discipler though this should have a range of minus 200 I think some of them say they do but they really don't kind of well I just I don't know it is nearly touching the middle of the transfer hose and in the container so it'll be close to those temperatures let's get it on the transfer hose little bug out of some point what's going on yeah we're at minus 7 170 up here and then just like right here is pretty cold I mean you would you wouldn't feel too good holding there forever so that's minus zero oh now it's bugging out because that end of it frosted over since it's but now it's gonna be it was going between yeah like zero and a hundred and minus 100 because then froze over we lost accuracy there it's definitely cold it's called there's the coulomb and tendrils we get I had to tighten this yesterday because I realized last night that it was like him it was leaking yeah but yeah you don't want to touch this when it's on it at all it's cold and it will burn you yeah it's like licking a frozen like telephone pole or something not a good idea still got some left kick it up a little bit [Music] just filling the Dewar with liquid nitrogen Joe what's it look like for you know it's running now 400 400 is like it didn't like the logo in it okay where I didn t really what do you have it at then Wow okay what's V for about 1 3 we're not beaker but you know what I mean I don't know I think it may be the paste is done because remember yesterday I to be peg fitted and we're running basically almost 2200 right over that yeah so not having that same luck on this it's such a Hot Chip and like I mean if you look at the diet kind of ridiculous yeah it is a large sigh on outside temperature and it beats up the pace you got to figure out how hot it's going then these type of clocks because we're I think we're at about 2,500 a yeah what are the asked about a big tank where's yeah I think question is that the one big tank yes that's the first one so I'm gonna torch it mark them Haven you'd like think we're gettin approaching empty on this one I hear you hear that rattling you're my exhaust Joe says I'm telling you that tanks broken sorry we're doing a lot of things with a lot of noise right now I'm gonna step over here so Joe is torching the pot and then I'm pulling an Allen to a doer thirty liter doer with liquid nitrogen the noise will go down momentarily but that does take a little bit to fill the check chat let's see if they make it cooler the air will freeze someone says yes there are special gloves made for Allen - we do have them actually there's one right there on the table but we don't use them because it makes it hard to handle the the containers and it's just frankly not really necessary questions okay cool I'm back yeah someone says greetings from German Germany what there'll be Suu is we are using the kpx nice today Nia sir blue throne paste he sells it on Kingdom cooling yeah it's fairly new to you just picked this up water a couple a couple weeks ago when you're in Taiwan yeah yeah aap paste is pretty new did they didn't bother you over it like when you were checking in with paste cuz I've heard that and do that I remember he sent me some and like customs kind of freaked out no but one time I did have I did have its own from ASA tech bring us like probably 2 pounds if they're all based oh yeah and he he carried it on and it was from China and not to China at the airport in China they yeah they took they took some of it they took a lighter and they tried to light it even to explode which seems like a kind of dangerous way to say let's test it like right in front of us to see if it explodes yeah it's like a that doesn't sound like a really good idea freaking stuff over there trying to make sure it wasn't a plastic explosive yeah but just they're all placed in front of you yeah although they would have blown up and yes not a funny but not I should I - yeah all right now if this doesn't work don't get just break it down and we paste it ok fen check 87 is the sine pod not really $20 purchased FYI well thank you for purchasing it yes it is because I have to drive a combined one hour to and from where they distribute prom and then we have to go through and sign them all but it does it is a big support obviously Paul Ripper $2 what is the oldest in teller MVC view that you have overclocked Joe dole this one yeah or maybe the first one here like the P fours actually no I that fits like it back in uh you wouldn't the [ __ ] 286 is where you can do like the jumper overclocked 286s oh yeah those were like the first computer yeah the pace is done nice I'm gonna have to break it down again okay yeah I just got a redo paste we did paste it's kind of at that point where it's not coming back and I know what this card runs it so alright alright so we're pull up onto over here laughs lean on the sides yeah Axios gave me an order number and said signs please we don't have a way to just like sign by request or personalized so if it's a mod mat and you paid for the signed one it will be signed if it's a mousepad bought during the stream it will be signed so you not have to worry about that if it's like a shirt or something that we don't do that have you thought about doing phase change cooling I have thought about it I have done chilled school and I'd like to do more of that but one I swear almost at the bottom here of these super chats but now it happens on phase change let me catch up on the super chance we're almost at the very bottom of these it burns when Internet Protocol burns when I pee question any for question for you or Joe and he plans to give a tutorial on stripping Windows 10 for better scores but that'd be better for you to do than me so yeah so Joe might do that on bearded hardware on youtube if you check him out subscribe to his links below Sam tqc 1 2 3 $2 free money for you let's go thank you Mary is hagglunds and a Norwegian 22 you guys look like a sleep cover fans great work oh I'll take it I've also gotten Eddie Vedder I've gotten that one too you mat are $1.00 matter are $1 again thank you Daniel Bachmann $2 is long hair and a beard is long hair and a beard required for extreme overclocking no Joe says now it's very that's very inclusive of you Joe - to not have a trying to play nice not pull the ladder up after you ha ha Joshua Bell $5 my reference IAT IMAX is out at 56 degrees south and sorry about the noise guys he'll stop soon yeah okay 14:58 megahertz core anyways get a little further on air 980ti isn't as temperature sensitive as pascal and taurine so that's not gonna help as it will help but not as much maybe a custom bios if you can find one that has a higher power target or something like that Johnny D 499 GM Store donation on its way thank you happy to support the efforts of Captain overclocked keep it follows more content thank you very much llama PA welcome Hill and ten can you put Titan r-tx GPUs on this PCB like desolder and recent I mean if you got some crazy VGA skills probably but I don't think the PCB would handle it like you'd have to have some custom BIOS yeah the video locks down the bias so much that I mean wouldn't be trivial guys like tin and kink and Kington could probably definitely do it right Steven Len $2.00 can you make a video on loop order with two radiators so might want to get this - cuz I'm gonna take it all apart cool so let's get close I know what the card runs and it's not running it so that time it that means paste is done what's your your goal today for frequency uh 2600 M I mean we're at yesterday we ran almost 2,600 no problem yeah we're close I did it before and then I shut down the system so that what we were prepped for it right but obviously we sat there for a long time chicken clucking yeah and that's really never good you should really kind of go to the clocks last clocks you were to really get a score cuz the car gets cold when you're not running and that's it just typically how they go yeah so the again for point of reference 2,600 megahertz that doesn't necessarily mean a lot to you the overclocked 28 et eyes like the XE ultra or the raft designed they typically fall in the range of 20 50 maybe 21 15 megahertz max so 2600 is is massive probably most so how do you feel about the paste this is good but for summer I you could tell it's very hard cuz look how big that Dyess it's monstrous I mean it did if you look I like the older cars they were like so tiny alright so I it's probably just needs to be reapplied so I know I did it yesterday and as soon as I reapplied it I was like BAM back to 2600 again or almost 2,600 we got a message from jacob at EVGA saying how's it going good can't complain well Jacob I'm not gonna reply to your text hopefully you're watching the stream there's your answer should be watching the stream right let me read these last few super chats it's always nice to get caught up on those reading we don't have too many here I need to steal these for me do it they should spray can you make a video on loop order oh I was gonna answer that so loop order um yeah if if you're doing like GPU overclocking I would say hit the GPU first it's gonna be a lot more thermally sensitive than a CPU CPU if it's not like 90 Plus then it really doesn't doesn't behave too differently under a normal overclocking like non extreme scenario so I'd say hit the GPU FERS to take advantage of the thermal dependence on dependency by the clock and get a boost there ex devs combo this was really here thirty thousand dollars vote for 2500 chicken o'clock - my heart to you I'm fighting for votes yeah I would actually do it 1.3 yesterday so 1.4 I probably should go at 1.4 after we're done when I get that yeah gathering pace today IRA piston do we have enough kpx yeah yeah the big tub is plenty so how's the buy more phone yeah you know these pace guys man I'm doing the wrong business I need to get into pace business yeah for real cuz like well that's what that's what you do and you're a retired overclocker oh that's true you can't bench anymore yeah you're getting too old your knees don't really hold up and or devourer he's old quarterback you just start making paste instead I know I'm gonna have them thermal grizzly and kpx both available the funny part would be just the name I think we were talking about that a little bit yours leprechaun the leprechaun or something yeah Viking I don't know make it red and tall like Viking would ya if I can blot there no I don't know I didn't send them that in like the like custom of these so yeah there's customs really good what is this we like computer pits liquidy a thread and that's called Viking blood the Viking blood but you guys want for me Tobias fritto 549 thank you I sent EVGA an email because the kingpin 1080i I bought from another guy is coil whining very loud what are you guys thinking EJ will replay or D do I think they will I've heard them before of some there was I think a small issue with coil on but I don't know you're gonna ask EVGA we're not really Erica I'm one dollar here come one dollar thank you Chris Goodman $4.99 wanting to build a game server what would be the best setup for this the game is an arc and will be a dedicated server any thoughts I haven't made game servers in a really long time but I did use to make them I it's cool I hate giving a masters like this but it depends it depends on the game I don't know how the arc server I'm gonna be right back I'm gonna go use a little girl okay so I'll be back all right I don't know how thee yeah I'll come back how the arc server behaves but maybe run it on a computer you already have and get some friends in there and then load up like task manager or hardware info or something and monitor the load level on each of the components and then you can sort of start deciding how much does he care about frequency versus core count versus GPU I would imagine it's pretty much all CPU on these things so it depends entirely on the game my best advice is get current computer tells her on the server have your friends join it and then monitor the usage from there and then figure figure out the rest so Joe is going to clean off the KP card one more time and try repay stting it again and then hopefully we can hit the 2600 megahertz that he wants to hit Kevin Hardesty 199 thank you classic mini DIY $1 thank you and again $5 thank you are you guys still in NC I run a channel down in Charlotte and love your content yes we are in NC Matt are are $5 would there be any benefits to using a pad instead of paste since the paste seems to freeze and crack it would be worse unfortunately New Age Newton I'll stop there new hey it's $5 be honest Joe you only went to get away from the love bugs Adams Schumann's senior $5.00 I need a chicken clock sure it's $5 bribe for cat treats to make it happen well thank you for the support and continued interest in that I'm gonna check out normal chat how's that going what is the spray good question what camera is used for the stream by ex devs as well so the spray is we're not like sponsored by them or anything but CRC it's just a contact cleaner I bought that from Lowe's you can get it at any local hardware store so that just blast the hell out of the paste and cleans it off pretty quickly and efficiently and then ex devs asked what cameras used for the stream and we are using a UX 180 for the stream and Andrew mans that the whole time so it keeps a bit more active it's a lot of work come blows out okay cool good sounds good so yeah UX 180 and then we're using wireless labs for the rest let's see if the veeram heat sinks are hot to the touch should I be worried not necessarily hot to the touch versus like too hot for the vrm or different things human sixty degrees Celsius hot to the touch but a lot of MOSFETs can take 125 150 degree Celsius do you want to be that hot but they can take it so if it's hot to the touch that might be between 50 and 70 degrees Celsius depending on your your personal kind of like thermal sensitivity and that's not really bad but you know you start getting into the 90s it doesn't feel great it can take it but you know it's always better to be a bit cooler I'm just taking the normal chats right now any thoughts on tinkering with some stuff like FPGAs no I have no experience with that all right what does the best thrown place to use on GPS while doing this we are currently using kingpins kpx paste Roman Deborah also makes some extreme cooling pace like cryo not and I'm sure there's other stuff out there but those are the only two we ever use yeah those are the main ones crying out in kpx loose tea is like gelid or Gilad yeah we want to say it Gellert extreme him car should be hot enough then it's pretty much float already what was the spray being used I answered that one adjust a CRC yeah that stuff's amazing we used to call it a magic spray because like if you have paste in the socket you can just spray it out you don't have to try to use a toothpick or anything like that which I kind of laugh at when I see what you people try it like yeah if you want to try it that's up to you what's the baby oh she make sure get any Vaseline off there oh man these handles are froze you having trouble over there Steve you need me to help yeah yeah a helping hand always having trouble with it's all right I'm here for you and it's kind of impressed with the dye on this thing a massive yes that's like serious there's a lot school and I think that's the issue I might have to replace paste after a couple benches cuz yesterday when we did this as soon as we fired it up member I was running about 25 60 right off the bat then I broke it down that way we had something good for the stream right would obviously be chicken coop well I'll take take your time on getting it back up and we'll make this one of the last attempts hopefully yeah if it works now I should be fine this time this is a good opportunity to talk in more detail about the setup for this stuff if you did want to try it at home so obviously there's some safety things safety of the hardware making sure you don't kill it say to yourself with liquid nitrogen handling but and we've talked about that in the past although obviously read up on it make sure you understand any risks I don't wanna make it sound like it's too bad but I also don't you know don't want people to be careless safety of the hardware though a lot of it is going to be insulation making sure you're like Vaseline yeah you need that so you can use a couple different things people use sometimes conformal coating liquid electrical tape I used to use electrical liquid electrical tape all the time but trying to get that stuff off is kind of like I don't know impossible I mean it's not very easy to do it works pretty well it could cause some heating issues too sometimes but it's just an absolute pain like if you never want to use the card for anything else again that's kind of what you do but if you ever want to resell stuff or you're right want to use it in your daily after you're kind of done benching it I'd recommend Vaseline the the trick with it is just really cleaning it which can be a pain because Vaseline is a little bit annoying right right someone says $2,000 a camera is cheap I would agree with you the UX 180 was like 4 grand when I bought it though and then we also have an a7 r3 with the you know they need a lot of room though yeah that's kind of the pain yeah for overclocking yeah I mean yeah a 7r3 with a $2,200 lens has been what we used for the factory tours Oh people ask how what power where we at we never never really got to reading it oh yeah we got a table read yeah it just was instantly not stable so we had to go back and someone says could you just use plastidip instead it's the same thing as it wants to like liquid electrical tape it's still a pain to get it number one it's a pain to apply depending on what you're applying to on a GPU it's just a pain to take off a lot of the times you might rip off a component when you're trying to get it off uh-huh it depends on how thick you apply it but it's also kind of a pain to apply because it pretty much when you're spraying it or you're playing it it kind of goes everywhere right so I mean you can use it it's very similar to it but it okay again if you don't mind wasting your graphic card and never one though do anything with it I mean 10 says post the score beat the VIN bow has been Bo Vince my chest yeah it says post the score using that name for like ever we got our make sure you take that score home and upload it we're gonna beat that score hopefully it up why I've saved one for me okay hopefully it applies your to it if you uploaded from home I don't want credit for that I'll take credit for the CPU overclock yes I have I am will having a higher score after this one I knew this is good of help I see yeah just gotta make sure it's nice about right because what was it what's the high score on there let's see someone posted or 3d mark Hall of Fame cuz yesterday I think we have a documentation over time spy extreme single card and well keep in mind too that we could plug in the 31 75 X processor we really wanted to go ham yeah but it does help in TSE though oh yeah well yeah you're talking to make major course and then you're also talking about uh what the heck is it I can't the memory of it yeah but the offset what is that the AVX AVX eeeh yeah so the current leading score is 10,000 521 points I'm gonna be bent and our current highest 95 51 yeah where I'm like fifth place then yes but they're also all on liquid nitrogen the cpu yeah there are TX oh no that has to be well is that a bug John on the second one was the CS empty yes n7 I'll check in a second number 1 is a 0 at 30 that's why ya 3175 addicts on the first drop yes we have but yeah yeah display of a Bertha's you pick your score though let's see let's see graphics core yeah graphics core a single card I mean word we can still definitely push it more what we have now hidden Pinhas 19th year so I'm thinking he doesn't really bench now he doesn't [ __ ] talk to my body you what does he do you know what he likes these days I know you like sport no Royal yeah I think that's the big one for him okay back to normal nice let's go okay this is Bishop you have what we do every every time you GPU bench that's why it's such a pain because if you have an issue with your CPU and I meant then all of a sudden you got to break down everything yeah say you have an issue with your CPU and your GPU is good you could get a break everything down heat it up again and basically make sure it's good start over yeah it's a little tedious sometimes but if you love doing it it's quite enjoyable when do we need to your flight 759 is when it leaves yeah so we need to leave here at like 6:00 yeah that's when we have it if you are resigning stuff but we do have to sign Matt mousepads so it's almost 4:00 it'll take us maybe after days an indication maybe 30 minutes to sign the amount of orders we have right now so you probably want to try and stop in about an hour that's fine I want to get a good run first yeah can't go out like that so we're gonna get another run going that shouldn't take long now tin says you can run portroyal events around with us every 980 x e yeah the problem is we don't have it on this OS right I don't think so yeah I think your key was weird it might be it might need to be installed or something yeah any questions I'll see you perchance so we got a couple - Joe $5 my 6600 KS 4.8 on air but V course days have 1.45 even went down clocking at idle T 100 megahertz B course at the Otto and BIOS motherboard is an ACC 170 game and why because it's set to auto and yeah my thesis I would actually set it to like a manual voltage and tested which one you want so you could probably go much lower yeah for sure we had a guy that actually was saying that yesterday and he said thank you because they you did the same exact thing yeah and we dropped it down anyway I think it from like 1.4 to like 1.2 yes yes so we've seen that on some boards in the past where you know there's a board we'll run it like 1.4 and then you manually do it you're stable at like like 1.19 yeah Auto is like kind of like suggested which probably shouldn't be but and it's it's like a lazy pin for the manufacturers to if they just blast the voltage auto it'll it'll be stable yeah I think there's a variance right right of depending on what GP or CPU like the lottery you get yeah Christoph camel Meier give $5 thanks for these streams they inspired me to get some old hardware to bench on harbor bots really there you go love hearing that that's awesome yeah saving for a now on to pot now if I can stop buying boards and that'll be cool and oh it sounds quite an addiction that's for sure yeah I love seeing that kind of message they slacker men named swagger and I was like someone you'd be friends with is he stealing my thunder $1 thank you see see $5 Linus plans to test a loop order because he doesn't believe it matters apparently you asked him about it I didn't ask him about it on the water clean video I told him loop so okay few things does loop order matter in quotes matter is like a big question mark of what does that mean if your definition of matter is that the other than like things like scientific matter read actually that definition of does it matter is the clock higher on the GPU the answer objectively is yes if it's Pascal or Torian or anything else that's frequency thermal relationship so yes like it's look at our any of our reviews of the cards we have the nosy stepping chart I know the temperature in there and often in the first two rows I ran a full stock and it's got a lower temperature because that hasn't run yet then the second run is the same like settings or maybe the third or fourth same settings as the previous or the higher temperature has been running so it got hotter and the frequency goes down why does it go down because they are thermal dependent so it doesn't matter so yes if you hit a GPU first in the loop and you've got like 500 watts going through that card because overclocked pretty high or something that were Fort Lee and I'll be more reasonable maybe 400 watts that's going to be a big difference versus if it hits the CPU maybe a 500 watt X 299 CPU no like we're running here and then it hits the GPU that water's warm now so if you're 5 degrees 10 degrees higher on the GPU that does impact the clocks now it does it matter like does it impact the frame rate well not too much maybe max 1 to 3 FPS something like that so it depends on how you define that phrasing but for a competitive overclocking like we were sort of doing there several OOP separate loops yeah because it matters it doesn't matter yeah a couple did different degrees they did I mean on a different cards - yeah and it could make a big difference yeah I mean like was it 980ti I don't understand that like - is fairly well informed on this I don't know how he doesn't because that's right during the laptop fate he was like I don't believe you that the GPS is responds to thermal Z it's it's thought that means when you add liquid nitrogen don't respond yeah right like that's number one demonstration but it was 3.0 is where that was entered anyway yeah that's my Iran top there holes it does someone says loop order does not matter a rad placement matters okay we're not talking about like where it goes in the case I'm talking like on an open-air bench so that's not even the consideration here yeah pump speed is important obviously but the the point is not really loop order the point is thermal depend I think chats getting like a thinking this is too much right loop order it's about how much the frequency responds to thermals that's my point because that's that's the discussion I had with Linus where he didn't believe me that the frequency does actually change quite a bit with the temperature it's not about loop order there it's about the temperature impacts we're like we needed like some type of disclaimer yeah what the hell we're talking about yeah see it's not a not a pump order or a loop order thing as much as it is thermal frequency interaction questions all right we're getting there about minus 50 again to Jo two dollars also on latest BIOS written with the most settings definitely I don't over youth guarding the 6600 K I mean that five dollars support Gianna and the over guard guy Thank You AJ the tech one dot moving frag twenty dots have you considered lapping the GPU died I saw their marelok in the TP died for a better result well Joanne answer that real quick yes they usually scuff it up yes I do that if you noticed like you'll see numbers on it on the die they kind of I usually smooth them out so you got to be very careful obviously you don't want to ruin a very expensive GPU right usually I scuff it up a little bit and lap it a little bit not too crazy just so that so it's flat completely because you even we saw yesterday when we mounted the the GPU onto the PI it actually transferred the numbers onto the pot yeah so like I like the imprinted imprinted it onto the pot so you can tell it doing that and actually laughing a little bit it will help to be honest right right alright so sixty yeah so we're about to do a run yeah yeah I'm gonna go up to one point four volts are you stay at one point no I'm stay at one okay I know it runs this so okay i just want to i gotta torch the pot again uh AJ the tech Oh got that one thank you um any other question yes oh exhale exhale Dexter team 49 J tested loop order and it does not matter once again we're talking about the GPU temperature not quite as much about the loop order also I can definitely make the loop order matter if I wanted to like you run a long enough loop or something you know with a weak enough pomp it it starts having there's too many variables there's a lot of variables you can't just to say that it no yeah like at some point you can make it matter for sure and also depends on maybe what Walker using yeah and like there's a lot of what pump you're using we were using a yeah excuse like a weak pump or something and that uh but again that's that's not the point yeah just like on Nvidia the GPU frequency will be higher if the temperature is lower yeah you baby your OC room will be lower if you write depending on what you do now this has nothing to do with loot border right now I talk like you could have a loop that's only the GPU and if the loop is higher is hotter for whatever reason maybe you're running at a higher ambient temperature then that's the frequency will be lower that's just how it behaves that was really the question not the loop order let's see next one dark wolf ten dollars best hour see guide for an eighty seven hundred K on the ARS elite mother would I don't know I've thought my head but overclock dotnet has some pretty good guides on their forums these are always figuring yeah there's not too much to do on the gigabyte stuff you can just sit make sure you set LLC and voltage there's your there's your OC guide yeah usually I I want to say they had the top one that they have is extreme and then they have a turbo usually on the 8700 you want to set the turbo on air and water and then for the load line I forget it might have a different name in there each manufacturer has a different one and I float from board different boards all the time right but it said that and then you just set up your multiplier in kashin that's pretty much it and what's your chip needs what voltage it is U is based upon what it needs yeah yeah so let's get this clock going home [Music] ten says he's taking a nap before work [Music] oh yeah it's four yeah I'm there he says bearded hardware thanks for the stream good luck with chicken clock in done stay ha ha ha no it should be better no of course he's gonna leave it I guarantee you we like have a great clock oh yeah everybody's not gonna believe it so I think we are we are approaching the end for hopefully this overclocking if it goes well on that one Paul you've got your voltages set yeah you want to go higher no okay Gil Durnin yesterday level 10 ll see you okay with that yeah so based upon yesterday when I poke down and I did paste I know that this works okay all right it should work the problem is is something we we actually win that's why Tim was basically kind of busting us the whole time okay because that's really how you shouldn't run so you really should go right - yeah that's right aways in this architecture because of how hot that GPU is right right you guys made me paranoid about using my AI oh I was already scared about using you shouldn't really need to be scared of using an AI Oh like they don't I know they're like the most simplest water cooling yeah I love working with CLC is because it's like it's the fat it's faster to mount than an air don't worry about filling the lube yeah three different things I was actually fighting that when I was pre testing for our AMD so ah I'm like I could use the arrow or I can set up this hole because I have a lot of water yeah of course I'm supposed to do some videos on some stuff and I'm like should I set up this or should it and I'm like which one's easier right your mics on someone's asking no no it's yeah let me know Andrew if you noticed that yeah well I probably heard it off yours we probably heard it through man yeah now you don't need to be worried about it closely flick be cool or just on a per model basis sometimes there are issues like the H 115 I plan I'm se the white version specifically had an issue where the coolant was leaking before it got to the customer in which case hopefully you didn't have a leak in your system it just ran too hot yeah and that should be something you notice immediately but that was like a specific issue with with that production run the NR max1 has some issues with the water they're using interaction with the chemicals they're using where it can create some gunk and that's like a specific cooler model issue the ASA tech ones or the a tech made ones they're all reasonably safe to use failure rates pretty low on those ffs poke - no I want to see your name on the port royal benchmark well they will start submitting one at some point why does the GPU have a minimum temperature so why do you stop at like - whatever you're stopping at - 130 for example my is 100 um well the the thing is is I don't want to get it too cold too quick cuz you'll see like how we failed before when it gets too cold all of a sudden bad things start happening like the memory maybe bug out or right like there's water that goes in underneath a chip and just starts causing crazy issues so you kind of want to maintain temperature and only go with cold as you need it right so we really don't know that max we know what we were doing yesterday so I don't want to I know at minus 100 that I can do plus 400 or plus 450 on this GPU so it's basically just to make sure that the car doesn't get too cold to be able to write it doesn't ruin our benching basic right cuz you already saw like ruined yes last matching because we took two up so and it seems to be a paste paste thing too I was nervous about areas also there are some horror stories online exploding and destroying systems I've never heard of a CLC that's a first for me to like exploding explode is a little bit hyperbolic I think well I guess maybe like if you had a fitting pop yeah they would amuse plastic and stuff me yeah we could maybe I've never personally seen it and I've had a lot of I just I don't know that the word explode is really good yeah it's not like a it shouldn't be a pressure buildup if that's happening is there's a big problem well I know isn't there um if you use different types of metals and you don't have a perfect thing isn't there a way that they can bill prep yeah yeah well so yeah pressure will build obviously by heating up the liquid but isn't there like if you have an aluminum versus copper and then you don't have anything for corrosion treatment yeah isn't there something that can cause so pressure it's not really as much of an issue as just like getting a bunch of gunk from all the corrosion and then like I thought there was a block manufacturer that put out like a notice on it if you're going to use something yeah there are maybe it was a specific cooling right there was actually there was one of those yeah that's where I'm getting it might have been to ek who published that I don't remember who published the coolant notice yeah so yeah we saw we just read 400 no problem why is he not wearing gloves I mean we've we've done this already but let's just yeah sure ow [Laughter] that would be way evaporates like instantly yeah yeah so I know a we've we've done this but let me just I'll go through it quickly again dangers a balance you would include like the tanks need to have a pressure release so it needs to let some air out so it doesn't like build up too much pressure and explode but you know we just kind of trust that these are made properly and they do we can hear it leaking like the whole time yeah so it's got a pressure release that's probably the one benefit of it leaking there was no of it you know it's a yeah yeah and there is a PSI valve on it like a meter so you can look at if you're really concerned but not not too much of an issue if you if the company's well we're also using low pressure tanks yes high pressure tanks so that's also another benefit of using low pressure it's gonna be way less pressure yeah I'm scared of because the more high pressure obviously the more dangerous and then again soaking is the concern so you soak it into your clothes that'll hurt you close your head you cup your hands that'll hurt and then other than that I guess oxygen don't do it in a really small room with no air flow yeah and we always have a we have our little indicator yep does the torch light yes or no if it does not light there's no oxygen and ventilate the room or leave it all right there was a good score I think 95 11 was that better than any one we had before see this is why I like so on a non cold card so like an initial card this is what makes it you could tell we were in 95 51 previously yeah total score yeah total worth yeah 9550 one that was plus four hundred and sixteen hundred okay maybe I'm lying then alright so we're gonna actually run it again I'm gonna go right to 450 I'm sure were kind of like near the ended and then I'm gonna start pushing it a little bit more and more the will jump to like 1.4 after this one cuz I know 450 ran at this fun right so there's no reason to chicken clock it up no I say we just go for go for it at this point yeah this is the time to go for it this is kind of what I was waiting for normal chat question what a copper IHS cool well with liquid nitrogen well the problem yeah yeah go ahead well to run all the piping so you know much of a pain it is to just do like normal water cooling like you how much it is the loop and stuff yeah it'd be a lot harder with liquid nitrogen and a lot more expensive if you look at the Robo Walker yeah instead there's to be honest people it's gonna be so expensive to set up it's possible but it can also be dangerous because if you have a lot of pressure build-up so you'd have to have one of these things and then have it hooked up to morning you return to write in a return well or another's had there's another guy that actually made another system that was really an automatic one my buddy Brian but uh he had one that would didn't need a return system doesn't work yeah Robo clogger was basically closed-loop liquid nitrogen it's pretty cool but it was very difficult to you know for events to kind of make and maintain just go right the moon for it's basically a CLC for Allen's you though yeah it's a little difficult did you see how hard it was like put together I was not trivial who's that - oh okay that's way how's that - my 15 we're gonna raise it to one before what were you for that - I was at my standard okay Seanie be colder yeah it just needs to be out - one good thing we've been chicken clucking all day yeah a little bit of cold scale the 1.4 should help though you're going through these faster now though that's good yeah it's cuz we're you're pushing more so like the higher you push the clocks the more on - you're gonna go through right see super chats we got Vegeta kicker nor weed in $20 do a pro fist thank you squirrel these $20 Joe your beard is as boss as Steve's hair thanks Barsky that's two I like to read the rest your name that's two two dice pour one for all of the dead GPUs we should recap that so all my dead GPUs Dalian that GPU home okay now we got that one now sixteen vs Cir schoolboy to the highest why does yeah we always got that one minimum temperature Kyle Glasgow two dollars favorite me ghost rapper I don't know what that means is it core offset I don't know what that means I'm sorry Ziggy two dollars Frank are five live's overclocking my to KP 2080 eyes and so 980 excellent idea nice jumped back number 28 and the times my extreme Hall of Fame where's your 3125 axe it is not out right now we wanted to keep it simple you know we're getting to know the GPU right yeah focus on one thing at a time yeah usually what I do is write like I'll do I'll run a couple sessions like this to kind of get to know that youth you cuz if you're gonna manage like a big system like the 28 core you need to know that you do before you do anything so what is your you're a lot more active right now than earlier on this pouring so what is what is your temperature target just between 1.8 130 I don't want to go too cold I'm just kind of hover in here it seems to like it so I'm at 4 plus 450 which is probably like 25 60 right am I at 1 point 4 volts sure try not to get too cold right now yeah I want to keep it hot that that's the key like you saw that we were like chicken pocket yeah and then we're really long in between sessions and that what that does is it actually makes the carb much colder yeah and that's when you start getting issues you kind of want to be a little bit quicker with GPU vention with liquid nitrogen so usually what I'll do is I'll find out like a [ __ ] that I'm used to and next time I benched I'm gonna go right to that as soon as I start right and that way like you don't keep on chicken clucking that's where I kind of the term comes from yeah that makes sense well of course that's not the best thing this dream right you need some anticipation all right kind of like my part to the apex video just saying Ziggy if I thought it'd be worth its deal it might seem even polish my IHS well it depends on the cpu if it's uh like in 87 okay and yeah it's worth it leftie live liquid metal you get a lot higher with that 100k to but it's a lot more work it's so much more working and there's a bit more risk involved yeah it's not as easy as the 8700 K or the 7700 K or the 60 Sony yeah anything that's soldered is just it starts on wind territory where it's not worth it for China the average use yeah and then also with the 9900 K since it's soldered I think that the IHS gets a little bit more warped so you you might as well laugh at - right to be honest like you could probably just get away with lapping it and it would be better yeah yeah cuz I had a my one of my chips I would do about 5 2 or 15 and then I lapped it and then I could do 5 3 or 15 so it was really off - so when sanding so you can tell yeah but there's a big benefit but of course you're gonna lose your warranty so but really nice that you get always this paint it paint it silver and then write on it with a sharpie or a good like stamp it with your signature yeah too soon just saying too soon all right so this was a good run archivo you want to write down for you yes I'll save this one to you oh well that's that's a little fall careful yeah 96 on there that's a nice score 9600 is a high score what do you have plus 496 27 in it 9450 I think at 1600 mem okay 450 what are the give me the FPS numbers well done one sec let me just sit at the 475 moving now yeah so it's 59 21 and then 54 54 ATS I got it okay go get some that's not real an improvement for both of them yeah but you see how easy it is to go like up now this is before so if you keep on chicken clucking ah so you're not really getting the real benefits all right it might take a couple sessions when you're first going to learn what the GPU likes and then you just go right to it you don't have to like worry about it you just go right down yeah so I'm gonna go back up and then start it - 125 isch yeah yes shish Baha truck guy attended missed the stream yesterday late for this one don't forget his mother's day loved with her host of lion so thank you for tuning in Christopher Shaffer $2 can you say hi to my wife Megan hi Megan hi Megan happy Mother's Day yeah your mother all right Kyle class five guys her come over at GN I can't I'm overclocking her I'm going to use dynex their own pace GN cronut is an affordable high quality when it cuts off okay okay Jason Morris two dollars thank you so you're holding this is I feel like we're really moving now yeah that's why I didn't we kept on busting yeah but it was kind of fun to do that the power meter people are freaking actually this is a good time to check the power meter cuz we're at are we a gt1 right now yeah 602 is 610 watts turn it down now 612 watts 611 I'll keep an eye on it for gt2 yeah I'll tell you when GT dude well you'll see this spike because it will drop it and then it will go in yeah I'm gonna be like a big initial - so we're like over 600 basically well we're at 550 now so lower intensity part of the benchmark yeah GT ones about to come to close all right done now we're gonna go do okay GG - so now RINO 90 watts right now yeah I mean the drop quacks all right it's about the start okay about the kickoff now we kicked off so GT - Wow 670 watts yeah somebody watch more than TQ one that's why I was running GT - yeah you could tell GT 2 is the the main part of the benchmark 646 hundred so we're between six hundred and sixty seventy depending on the intensity no we failed I just saw off to a hundred yeah that's usually when you know all right so what are we at so we did 475 let's keep that maybe adjustable to do a little bit more everyone's happy that they got the power read off team wattmeter assemble we're gonna try like change the load by okay yeah cuz I meant one for yeah I was gonna say I want to see one for and like level zero or level one I kind of want to see I almost want to just run gt2 okay it'll be fast yeah I just that way because we're not messing around no they don't click I can't stand what it does that it's good to have you be there see ya it's called that a couple of times when I'm the spotter well it's done that to me Li that's annoying the trick is to click out of the window for it builds I'd taught me that one click out of the window and then click back in who has time for that yeah this might be good if you want to check the full volts ok or we're wattage let's see probably going a little bit too cold though what are you - 130 yeah now filled damn well was that 653 before it failed no I'm in heat up a little bit I wonder if that's an issue you rent - like 115 yesterday I thought yeah but we're also higher now yeah that did not like that at all that almost seems like that was actually a load line if you why aren't you saving your scores I I don't think we really care right now now this is not real scores usually if I benched yourself in CPU full-bore yeah after you get to know the GPU then that's when you match them up what clocks are we running at do you know where where we are for Jack we're at plus 475 which is over Carly almost 2,600 almost 2,600 I heard something yeah yeah she was filled so 1609 and before 475 let me try this actually I'm gonna put the load line back down and just lower the temp back down to easier or harder well it's harder if it's at actually was at 10 yeah to the time then yeah because we read out one-thirty Sam Dean hey guys let's donate to people who are doing nothing but for an Alan to in a can gee thanks yeah yeah okay I don't know you're still what people don't really like okay thanks for watching you've got us I mean it's like I don't you can apply that to anything yeah keep donating to people just playing games entertaining millions of people go have fun gaming yeah right it's amazing like especially with all the big gaming channels you have nowadays yeah no not even didn't run no I think it might be shot try a couple things I'm you should invite a Sam Dean out to your OC competition tell him to pay his way there and you can see how easy it is to pour out onto it into account that's all you do right pretty much you just pour onto you into a cab need to reboot it's not happy it might need to be heated up a bit the problem is is that CPU test is so long that basically gets so cold during that fear it drops talks through about 300 yeah GPU dropped yeah I stopped attacking yeah totally out there twenty six hundred megahertz about twenty six on earth okay well that's pretty damn good yeah do we find 10:10 says tell Big Boi to drop the memory clocks might be worth trying I guess from 1600 maybe I'm 15 16 15 14 back to 15 yeah just to get a higher core for now it could be too much stress yeah not a good not a bad thoughts on said she's done ski well said so he got reading chats someone says I'll donate to see you got you shave live Joe there's that Thomas ever geez done there Pinot devote Fogle apparently I don't know that is that focal or Fogel focal is that from was that super bad it's a last name Fogle and it means bird and German really thinks is from from memory I think so from my four to five years of German I take let's see now I gotta look it up there's otherwise your Omer will give me give me crap you got to think of oh yeah yeah bird it's German for bird yes that's interesting learn something new every day set the power on the driver to max performance for myself oh yeah it is okay where did that cool when can we see fan LA two dollars when can we see RGB mod Mads day after never yeah yeah no current like Lance sure we could mod one that to have to see if it not about to Oh pnow is big bird from Sesame Street I didn't know that I know I know I don't know what what does that mean what does that mean I have no idea you sounded so surprised like you had an epiphany moment well because you had a let us go bogel wasn't the names here okay peanut is okay that was part of the name is a full bodied character the Dutch co-production obsessed I was reading Oh the Dutch version Pino is a large blue bird that represents the psychological age of a 40 year old okay well I guess that's they just ruined big bird for me haha we are also the full bodied version having psychological age of four-year-olds do this alright turn it up heat up did you drop the memory clock yeah okay so we gotta figure out where we're calling at some point probably dude yeah I'm gonna drop it to minus 50 and then bring it back again and see what it does get a stable around in there yeah I think the CPU bar this thing between that just waiting for there I mean in 450 was running like a can right hey someone says when one minute ruins your childhood all right so we got a couple super chats I'll read through okay we got CC that's $5 Thank You Pat plants $5 bottom out spat great stream guys thank you very much for thanks shada we're gonna have that's what we're gonna have to make sure we have enough time for those but I think we'll be good shoots ajar Bowl $10 late to the party but wanted to give you a bump for the great content thank you very much for the sport Damian Basnet $3 howdy howdy hi and Peter the fun Brown Stewart's $5 thank you it's so easy a robo Parker can do it Nick best to $1 thumb law $2 when can we see our GBM Hodnett so I got that one Jacob Parrish $10 Thank You Nick bass $5 Isis Regent you Joe I see your RAM as Mark that's best what frequency and timing does it reach well those wins so basically there's four modules in there and there are two different kits ones a gold Kate and ones a silver kids so I took the two best out of the kit out of each dual-channel Kate and I wouldn't say they're my best memory but they're they're really good memory the newer rgv ones so I think they did about which is IMC limited the one chip that I have on the 9900 K is kind of crappy so it would do with like 48 about 4,800 yeah CL 14 13 13 nice it does really nice that is very good yeah you'll see them in the apex part 2 video okay cause we'll be like the headline I think it's like yeah it's pretty pretty high on memory yeah right there I'm actually I am see with it no yes yeah they probably do actually higher that moments probably 5k Cody lankford $5 I want to build an old setup off of ebay so I can do some overclocking that is a great idea good idea would you guys recommend an m3 setup or an LGA 1150 which do you think would be more fun 1150 Berlin 1150 I guess the alternative is like FX for you yeah but your own only for frequency so your no performance right ov I don't know I guess you're gonna learn cold on it but I don't know I would my preference would probably be the 1150 yeah that's just cuz you're an Intel shill Joe no it's just those chips were just so much fun to be honest that it was a good a good time yeah to play baja truck guy five guys I think it's dead Steve gotta eight six four five dollars just bottomed out bad cheers thank you alright so let's hope this holds this time what are your settings Oh 475 okay it's the same it's just memories drop but 475 encore it looks like it just beats up on pace cuz I just heat it up usually that's a pace kit Vince told me that they loves to beat up pace so right so this is not out of the ordinary we used to have to do this quite a bit actually if it gets too cold and that's what if you leave it way too cold the paste and the bond between just doesn't work that much so by doing the torch it actually kind of melts the paste and warms it up so that way it's better interaction or just there so soaks yeah it bonds I bet if we to be honest I bet if we sanded the pot down and put a scuff on it and probably better I think that might be it with the plating right cuz to be honest all my pots are pretty much lap I'm gonna check the wattage before that run ends well it's only gt2 but yeah 568 right now 570 and this is the lower yeah it's that low lower right of the bench 600 yeah usually any that one where you saw the peak was a certain section yeah I know that section 641 right there that was a nice gt2 so it passed yeah but it's just easy to look at Cole do try it for a run now yeah I was at 5503 that was a big a big gt2 we're gonna end up running the whole thing to get that we would get a squat okay well you can't get a score doing customers any more of this no I think we have to I think it'd probably be plenty for now yeah we'll see it depends our part run so we're starting to approach for 75 it has to be about 26 I think we can check before we break it down approaching well you could tell it like that if you add do some math I know you don't like math there Steve tennis to lunch at nice yeah how did you take your nap yeah I died again I'm fighting this one huh know what I say now no I tried trying to try and keep up with chat it's hard to keep on chat he says four hours before time for work man can't you just go on whenever you want it's going I mean Vince is the kingpins the only one in there who's gonna know if tins not there just uh telling the cover for you you're doing work right now that's right that's high that's busting our balls media a lot of work Media Relations actually you should ask ten if he's gonna be or is he gonna be back computation yeah yeah I asked earlier I didn't see the answer ten if you're there X tabs in chat for extra EVGA when are you are you going to be at Computex underneath any days C open a door in windows they don't pass out no looks like you'll need some oxygen no we need some sleep I think yeah we've been going for like the a couple business be the third day straight yes it's and yesterday we were pushing it I don't know if you added it up yesterday be there about 16 hours yeah by the time we want we were done and I mean oxygen is in the room so you see we are fired shei by the new logitech wireless mouse I have no idea I don't pay attention the new Logitech phone yeah so we're just at high events is kingpin in here they just see ex devs no he said birds chirping because it's uh morning twenty five thirty megahertz no it's not twenty five dirty okay so we'll check on that later cuz our boos clock was higher right to forego a lower temp and he says he will be at Computex oh that's good so that means I get to pick on you the whole time sorry we'll remember that we got to do some videos over oh yeah I'll go get okay go find 10 to 4 video really fun I need dunsky again we'll do one more heat up but then after that you wanna get it yeah sure yeah so we'll do one more run we should figure out what frequency we're out for the next one though yeah we can ten is doing customer support him and chat apparently overclocking support hunt standby yeah axe devs in chat show him so show some love he's one of the guys who worked on building this card the kingpin twenty atti a couple hours ago you recorded her on GT score he never went down it was fifty to twenty seven okay thanks not 55-27 fifty-two I don't have a 52-27 anywhere in this log but oh I see a 55-27 eyes thank you slash eyes cool thank you I corrected that in our log we're gonna keep that I'll just do a full run just make sure it didn't drop the driver what's the clock at we'll check as soon as we get it running we know the opposite I'd like to know the art now drop lardo it was at 475 so let's do was it uh that card is dunsky bro too temperamental yeah well the $20 autograph we're off I mean it's sharpie so eventually it depends on what you do it well I mean it'll stay there just don't don't like use your mouse so we're signing the top row actually first of all the autograph doesn't cost any money for the mouse pads it's it's the same price you pay for the mousepad so it does not cost anything we're just doing it for watching the stream it will not rub off don't use your mouse on that part of the mousepad that's for the mod mat same thing it's Sharpie like it's it's gonna stay there just don't don't wash that part of the pad with alcohol or something that would you know kill Sharpie Haley fine it'll stay there my fingers hurt from crossing my fingers oh that's a burn from ghost fish and chat hmm 10 did the real word he can't even just put his name on it that's I want to be clear that those are not my words I was just reading them from so Huff's man it's brutal that's savagery [Laughter] see we got this super chat Mukunda $2 fine with the toy his mother OBS reconnection successful okay let's see if we're still girls dead is it still going I think are we done I don't know refreshing my log that's the right account are we alive still is the question it looks like we are okay child saying we are still here did it drop stream is alive again how long did it cut out we're gonna play around here I'm just gonna go with that kind of super cool hey Cerie bad looks for just a second okay well all right cool well sorry about the jump but I'm glad it's immediately back that's good but I was looking at the system to see the OBS cut out and notice did a job yeah just for like someone says like 0.5 seconds so we're good who's gonna do kind of a well thank you trying to pace just so what is this our last attempt here like whatever I think though and their card is just not fun yeah it's done so let's can we explain that for people like why at some point they just stopped cooperating it's not dead that's clear no no no it's not dead it's just uh there's a lot of you gotta figure we're going cold so much that there's so much kind you can look on the card now you might want to point down to this you'll see like all the cold on the back you got to figure that's all around the GPU all on the memory I mean we're at well I just did this for kind of just to see but we're at minus 146 Celsius but I you could tell how cold it's getting around the core and basically sometimes they just stop functioning just kind of how it is it's basically what happens when you liquid nitrogen stuff yeah everything gets super cold and then it just stops responding these are the times when you break down to protect the hardware to protect the hardware you don't want to keep running it like this otherwise it's gonna you're gonna kill hardware that's how you kill hardware so as a pro overclocker I'm basically gonna kill it and say we're done ski yeah kill it as in stop we're hit not yeah we don't we don't want to hurt the car right you have to use it for other things but yes that was still fun would we get the final clock was so the final classy if I can get 450 offset no fortunately of course 75 was it yeah okay so we were so 450 475 shouldn't put us at up like just shy of 26 just almost 26s Oh which we were at about like 25 80 or something yeah well we really should have done is basically right from the beginning yeah that would have been a fun stream yeah his basically go right from where we left off which would have been for 50 and then 1600 on them right - 115 with a 1 3 and then just start from there right we've literally been benching this card for 4 hours 4 hours so it probably just needs a break it needs some sleep yeah yeah yeah it's just how it what happens you need to kill it I just never touch a running system someone said yeah you can touch your system yeah yeah too funny all right so yeah it's fine yes we just shy of 26 hundred megahertz can't really be mad at that for not yeah yeah for live I know if we spend a little bit more time on it and kind of actually really instead to me rush drying it and like really yeah heating everything up going through reef lowing all this stuff or all the Vaseline and going through and trying to not kind of rushing it because we're doing it live alright that was like no no no don't do that don't do that you work on texting no I don't know the question all right cool are they running right now okay now 980 XC 18 core so yeah we're pretty happy with the we're gonna ended up for streaming and all that stuff I guess at this point well well you know we'll close out break it down sign a bunch of Matt's then Joe's going to the airport yep and then I'll see you again and a few weeks at Computex in Taiwan yeah that should be fun actually Computex is gonna be a blast and like I said up I'll be doing Oh Steve will be there too will be providing content yes on the G scale competition and it's one of the hardest competitions there there is and I'm one of the judges so it's for $10,000 cash so these guys are working their butts off and we don't make it easy for them yeah though I'm gonna be providing a lot of content on it cuz that's gonna be my job mostly there so I don't know stay tuned and thanks for watching us yesthank you're watching super Chester were like I think there's only okay there are three and I'm not gonna get any more so Luke packs in two dollars you guys are giving me the Ellen to bug FX 8350 ran too hot that's actually a fun chip you can hit pretty high clocks I mean you can hit seven I mean I'm good chips you can hit a girl that's just cpu-z that's just clocking wise not x-ray they can be fun I've done a couple of them Ryan Smith $2 thank you for not uttering the words toxic because I was in response to something earlier Patrick G $5 enjoyed the street the past couple days I ordered one of the last remaining house pass today I appreciate you guys are signing it well thank you for doing that I think we really are just about out of those yes I have like so the black and blue is actually we have zero left for the the single skew also we're gonna cut it off here it's it's too late if you order a mass but now it will die behind ya but if you ordered one earlier you're good to go maybe I'll cut it off at like 442 which is one minute from now so we're gonna get to signing those thank you for watching subscribe for more we back to normal review content shortly I'll have the Kingdom card tested under like stock air and water settings so I'll be fine and then we have some other GP content before copy texts you know there's a lot of stuff to see subscribe to bearded hardware to check his Computex coverage and thanks for watching we'll see you all next time lady
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 293,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamersnexus, gamers nexus, computer hardware, kingpin 2080 ti overclocking, 2080 ti overclocking, remove 2080 ti power limit, remove nvidia power limit, evga rtx 2080 ti kingpin, evga rtx 2080 ti kingpin review, 2080 ti kingpin review, 2080 ti kingpin benchmark, 2080 ti kingpin worth it, 2080 ti kingpin overclocking, liquid nitrogen overclocking, nvidia rtx 2080 ti overclocking guide, bearded hardware, remove turing power limit
Id: i5X9UiZEWqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 223min 39sec (13419 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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