Electro-Harmonix (EHX) Rarest Pedals!

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on today's episode we're going to travel to massachusetts to my good friend daniel danger's private batcave layer of madness to my knowledge he has the largest collection of electro harmonix pedals in the world we're going to set down dig through a bunch that i've never played maybe learn about him it's going to be crazy he has a problem and it's a problem i really don't want to fix i want to i want to enable him so that's what this episode is all about let's get it going i'm here in southampton massachusetts east hampton is there a northampton yes is there a west there is we're in the hamptons is that correct no no not the hamptons anyway we're here in massachusetts this is my friend daniel danger we met through this book that we did where we showed our collections in rare petals i have a lot of electro harmonix petals but they're very like white bread they're like oh here's all the stuff that people know about and i thought it was cool and then i saw daniel's collection and he has stuff i'd never heard of and never seen in these prototypes and crazy things so how did you get here you have how many like this entire wall this room is like dedicated to this pretty much um i mean there's hundreds of electro harmonics pedals there's probably about north of 500 with everything else including like i have my main focus like harmonix there's a lot of maestro stuff and unibox stuff and random but electro harmonix is like my heart and soul you've been collecting 20-ish years yeah i forgot my first my first pedal probably 1999 and it was an i'm in a sound tank um the delay my favorite delay of all time and i forgot my first muff and like i said probably 2000 2001. and somewhere in there i had a i had a friend who's an older kid and he had a suitcase full of pedals and he had a bunch of electromagnetic stuff in there like a baseballs and a dr q i think it just instantly just clicked with me and i love the way things look the aesthetics everything they were just big noise legos and i just dove right in the fun thing about electro harmonics is that it just the tree never ends there's just variations in weirdness and things that shouldn't exist and you know that's all my favorite stuff they're the weirdest pedal line it's unbelievable to see like like i think i know something then i see another colorway or an inverted print or some random version that doesn't exist or a prototype this this experience being here has been completely bonkers i mean i'm 20 years into an obsessive obsessive collection like when i say that i think about electro harmonics every day i think about electro harmonics every day for 20 years and that's that's its own story but it's like even as early as three days ago i saw things i had never seen before yes and there's very few hobbies where you can be 20 years into something and go i've never seen that i've never seen that i've never seen that and that's just super fun it's just like it's a blast i mean like they let they let the designers in the 70s and 80s try really weird things and mike supported really weird visions and the result is some amazingly strange stuff so these are your favorites you pulled them out we're going to jam on them so why are these your favorites and what's first i think the things that are generally my favorite are the things that kind of are too weird to live failed as a product or just like do unexpected things so a lot of what's here are like this which is an almost unusable item but the sounds you get out of it you will never recreate again it is i've never seen this in person i've never played it so this will be interesting yes so there was probably only ever about 25 of these made and actually i think there's about 50 made but according to like uh the designers and people i've talked to the majority of them failed within like the first year or two they just weren't soldered right so very few have survived i've tracked down two of these i think they're the funnest thing to play with even if it's so impractical you could never use it for recording or anything it's just you sit there and have the fun of turning knobs and and just diving into it what year is this like 70s obviously uh early 80s early 80s yeah it's wacko all right i'll play this you're gonna play bass what are you gonna throw on the bass i'm going to play one of the very first big muffs ever built this is the perfect board this is on perf board the perform is in a different place than usual this was probably made on the very first day that mike was actually assembling these if mike actually you know if it was mike who actually did it but um this is the only one i've ever seen with that position on the board as well so they hadn't quite figured out how to know yeah so the board is horizontal the performance of horizontal in this and it made getting the case off because this is all like a lot of it's like point to point wired in here and just burns nesty so if you try to take the case off it's a very good chance you're going to clip something and pull it out so very quickly he adjusted it so it would go vertical but this is a horizontal one meaning it was basically he made a couple before he realized nuts to this and uh and changed it signed by bob meyer inside story though that's cool signed by bob meyer it's different than a triangle muff basically not just like you know it says fuzz instead of tone but like these knobs operate a little bit differently it sounds a little bit differently it's a it's a very very fun little guy all right let's jam um where where's the drums at in the box in the box in the box in the box in the box follow me in the box [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey we should name our band that jam was pretty solid we think trucker speed chucker speed [Music] yeah wait i'm getting a phone call hello made your label that's a lot ten million dollar contract are you ready for that yeah we're pretty busy we have a like a youtube thing that monetizes all right bye also i don't want to be a corporate sellout what's up next what do you got my one of my next choices is the deluxe octave multiplexer with sensitivity knob sensitivity what's sensitivity sensitivity it's like sensitivity but it's more sensitive but yeah because it's less letters this is basically as far as i'm concerned like 70s like sabbath rock in a box it doesn't track well it sounds strange i like it has this weird like weird sub-harmonic thing that like just kind of sounds like weird like angry dinosaurs and a strange fuzz circuit built into it i love this pedal it just sounds like nothing else i want to say i don't want to say it sounds good it just sounds like nothing else and that's usually what i want in a pedal this is it's just a blast to play what do i have here you have a mogwai muff mag these were made uh between 50 and 100 depending on who you ask i think it's a little i think it's a hundred they were given to record executives to promote the release of mogwai's album rock action in the early 2000s they almost entirely went to record executives many of which didn't play music so they just got thrown in basements and such every once in a while one will pop up and someone's estate sale or whatever as someone didn't pay their uh you know storage locker fee um i don't have this pedal at home i've kind of wanted this pedal i don't have it [Music] i just have to have that and you also have the box you want to hold that say out of the box he has the box he has the box oh we've got to show the pedal it has a little bit of that like unobtainium vibe to it where people are convinced it sounds better because it's rare it is just a normal early 2000s 50 dollar big muff there is nothing different about it but you get these people on forums like no it's got more high gain like nope that's they just printed a new thing on there but mogwai was what you know a favorite band of mine for since you know the late 90s and when this existed it was like the merging of two great interests of mine and i had to have it and it took me a long time to find one this also says rock and action which for ehx is like it just doesn't they never do that yeah they didn't do clever you know clever knob names but um you would think they would the designs are largely very like mechanical and like clean and then the sounds are just insanity um yeah it's just you know it's a pedal that's by one of my favorite bands and it's one of my favorite pale companies and it's all my favorite things combined and it's in the fun box um let's do it let's jam [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so what's next what are we doing what are you going to play i'm going to play a softek electric mistress prototype it was never released there are i think six or seven of these made you can only know how many you know exist you can never really know how many production samples were made we do know that a lot of electromonics prototypes ended up in trash it is a fact that we now know in current existence five six seven of these may be they're all a little bit different the casings are all a little bit different um and this is mine and i found it at a a shop in new york they didn't know what it was it was on my birthday so it was a very special gift to me so this is mike has lost the trademark he's started this new sensor softec thing and he's seeing the vintage stuff selling so he's thinking reissuing so he's done the muff by now and he's like let's do the mysteries what in this line you have like baseballs and small stone those are pretty common the big weapon this the big mop from the small stone i see tons of those yeah they're out there are baseballs i think they did a very small run of them uh you know maybe 50 100 um and then he said there's only a handful of these because they never actually got out there i'm going to do another pedal i've never played oh flinger flinger flinger what is a flinger you should see the flanger i caught this the weekend 16 foot yacht man i like a broiled flinder i like lemon on my flavor can you descale my flanger i've never played this can't find well they pop up and the price is so bad there's one right now i think i just refused to pay that much it is the um the the like you when you go to like a like a cowboy bar and they have the mechanical bowl of of in there this is the mechanical bowl of petals if you can ride this thing kudos to you there are very few people can pull it off so nell's climb nells klein does it beautifully there's a couple other people i've seen do it it's just one of those things you have to just sit down and you dive into it and then whatever happens happens i've had tons of like late night fun like when my daughter was born and i was just like up all night i was just in the basement like literally just putting loops and just kind of go like having the zen garden of just moving things around so 16 second digital delay with magna storage oh another pedal i've never seen for the sake of discussion this is the pedal that predates this this is the two second digital delay but it doesn't have a lot of the same features as this one what year this is like early 80s as well yeah so this is one thing i know about this from an interview i did with mike is this tech it was crazy no one had done this and when he goes bankrupt he ends up needing to sell the tech and akai about it so you see like the little phase of the loopers and yeah is that a box so he sells this tech and that's where we see like the head fade like those delays head rush head rush yeah but this is revolutionary we'll buckle up [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that was the most chaotic and insane jam i've been involved in today that's what's fun about it it's just it's just weird and you have to just accept it and ride the weirdness and ride the snake you know yeah it's like i'm not a bull rider and i can't hold on for a full eight seconds but i held on well i decided um we needed more plunger in our lives so i used more flanger i'm gonna play because i've never played a real one attack decay you've seen the reissue on the show a bit but it has presets and stuff it's different it's a completely different presets are exhausting it's gonna be the og whatever that is because i never played it you keep saying it's different i've never played this it's fun it's never happened do you have a ba here what year is this 70s i mean i don't know because it's like you know they made it for a little while so i'm not i don't entirely know to be honest it's weird because there's no mid late 80s i don't want to do your l but what would they have done i don't know i mean they kind of got into these big rack units i kind of got into like non-guitar effects they got into a lot of like weird promotional items and like like like novelty things um like this and earlier i played slide with this thing which is just an led tube that you like wave in the club it's like a dance accessory all right i'm gonna simulate some tape delay with distortion i'm gonna flinch and flinge all day long [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that was the killer jam i i just got another call from a record label turned them down again how much did they offer it's only 10 million that said the other guy offered 20. honorable mentions we could do this for hours this whole i mean the whole collection is honorable mentions that's the issue and there's so much there's so much weirdness everywhere i can tell you the things that i'm the most that excite me the most the solid state reverb once again it's kind of a product it's like a production uh prototype like they made some to see what it would look like in a final thing never never came out i think this is actually one of the last things that was i think this basically got killed in the cut off this is like a desert island pedal for me and that i don't say that just because it's like impossible literally impossible to find it sounds beautiful to me it's exactly what i want and like a weird janky you know digital reverb i spent i don't know a decade plus trying to find this like not not the pedal just the box there's a photo of this box that showed up on effects database um and i would i've never seen that where did what is that well i've never seen it is it a store display what is it and so i was like obsessing over this and i could never find another one like i never can find another picture of it never mind you know the actual box nothing for 15 now 10 a decade plus and then somewhat recently it just showed up at a at a seattle guitar shop and it was the box no with the pedal i think whoever sold it just found a really clean ram set and put it in here and was like new old stock when this arrived and i looked at it i realized that the the box was the one from the photo that i've been looking at for all this time so is this the only box because mike doesn't have one there can't be any of these left yeah we like messaged mike he's like yeah i remember this we made a few um it has really funny text in the back you can play chords with the big muff all electro harmonics units are compatible and modular use a screaming bird with a big muff for those piercing high highs that make the teeny boppers quiver it's just i don't know it just makes me warm and happy there needs to be an even bigger grander he has the box for this one he has the box this was a recent find that you were with me when i found it and we're having to withhold a lot of oh my god we're having to withhold so much this was found in literal trash we dug through trash together for a day yeah we did and this was found in trash because we once i realized that cool things in in these amazing things were in the trash we had to go through all the trash all of it and this is the first thing i found in the trash so why is this special it's a train so yeah it's a triangle it is a it's like oh triangle case there's no circuit that's not cool yeah no but it is cool um because this font here appears on no other big muffs this was made for this advertisement i think this little text wouldn't have shown up in an ad this small so they made one with bigger text that could be read in the ad that's my theory anyways don't know i've been seeing this one picture because they they took one photo and they used it for a couple different ads i've been seeing this photo for 20 years now and i just naturally assumed i would never in a million years see this so when i found it in a pile of trash my instinct was i grabbed it and i ran outside and just paced around my truck for a little bit whole saw you disappear and you just came back later yes i don't want to say it's the first triangle big muff case but it's something it's something really special to me anyways i've never seen i know first of all until you explain it to me i've seen this ad but i've never caught the font change it's so nerdy because it's not even a pedal but for the aesthetic like designer in me i was just unbelievably thrilled that like hey i found it and it was me that found it and b that it's safe you know like because this this would have been gone but that's another story so i think finally the clock works clockworks is a polyrhythmic control voltage generator um and basically there was a line of these units of which there was a space drum the sonic boomer the crash pad the rolling thunder the panic button you know clap track the sequencer this entire cabinet is filled with these kind of synth and sampler and drum units and this was the brain for them so you could take the drum machine that has a clock out and you'd run the clock out into the in out and then you could send these signals to the individual drum units to trigger them and then run everything into a mini mixer which there's like a half dozen over there and you'd have this giant tabletop set up where it's just like space disco this is kind of one of those things that just kind of represents a really just like fun hunt it was just you know yeah i had to find it in some weird you know eastern european country and it's just it's just so fun like it's another one of those things that fits into the electro harmonix vibe that weirder is better everything about the era is just unbelievably fun so all right let's do a record time i hold in my hands ex crime dog x daniel made this record it's a little hard to talk about your own stuff but i'm just going to start off saying it's crazy it's really good and when you first sent me one i thought this would be cute so crime dog i grew up with prime dog in elementary school he was telling us how to not live crime dog don't do drugs explain bark today in elementary school they would send this cassette to elementary schools as part of the dare program where mcgruff would sing songs about uh anti-bullying and no drugs and no alcohol and don't you know like drugs that elementary school kids don't even have access to like speed it's like don't do speed eighth you know sixth grader yeah and they would send a puppet to teachers and the idea was that the the teacher would like sing the mcgruff songs off the cassette all the songs were kind of bangers like they were just like weirdly good and they all had the segment in them there was always a part of every song where mcgruff would talk to the kids and you'd have like a lecture to them while music played in the background and what that reminded me of is like 80s straight edge drug-free like you know east coast west coast hardcore where there would always be like a preachy part of the song during the breakdown like the heavy breakdown would be like don't disrespect your friends blah blah and it just reminded me of that so i had the seriously dumb idea to cover all the mcgruff the crime dog songs as 80 stray judge hardcore yes make your body last i'm glad i'm me marijuana don't try it alcohol don't be a dope and inhalants don't do them cracking cocaine so the covers are all like you know like gorilla biscuits knock off and and minor threat and but with all with mcgruff and i just did it for fun and it's way better than it should be as far as i'm concerned like it surprises me yeah it's just kind of a just a fun i was spinning it in the shop one day and people kept coming in like this is really good it's it's so stupid so endlessly proud of it you have some copies you're going to figure out how many yeah we'll have a link i guess if you want to there's not a ton left because we did it we did like a pretty sh run of like 300 or something like that but you can download it yeah it's on bandcamp yeah x crime dog x this is what i do with my time thanks for watching this thanks daniel for thanks diving into this crazy madness also uh in this building here where your studio is healey guitars trevor healey these are amazing um check those out band lab you can download the stems to these jams you're giving people the stems and you can jam with us how do you feel about that because we're not part of the system buckle up buckle up buttercup i mean i don't know what else to say give a shameless plug real quick instagram your tiny media empire uh i work under the name daniel danger i'm the easiest person in the world to find on on the internet tiny media empire which is my company on instagram and twitter and all those things but daniel danger you will find me i make art make screen prints they're over there they're amazing check them out uh that's it you know we could sit here for a lot longer rambling but we're done so like it or don't subscribe or don't hit the bell thing or don't if you have [Music] [Applause] [Music] choices [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] right
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 111,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer
Id: yG2CSXRN8i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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