LIVE: Matthews Effects Pedals Rundown (w/ Rick Matthews)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everybody it is wednesday march 31st i did have to look at my phone to know that thanks for joining us nick how you doing i'm doing good you doing good doing real good i've got my pet pastique la crum pasti la croix it's like pretty good french great lakes yeah that's what the genre of drink that is huh yeah addison how are you man i'm great i have a balls jar with water where'd you get a denim jacket i've never seen you wear a denim jacket i usually wear a black hoodie uh today it's a it gets a little cold in here it's very hot and cold in this room you come off like a totally different person in that jacket how do you feel about me you with it you seem a lot more into something that's good or bad know what it makes sense like it's a lot more like i could i could do that stuff i don't i don't know what i'm trying to say but what am i into i want anything that relates to that jacket okay okay i don't understand and then uh josh joshua joshua it's joshua yes joshua how are you man uh doing good i've been answering emails all day you made your debut on the show being seen you've been in here a lot um you did a spoken word thing and by popular demand you're back today you're only going to be here by popular demand yeah so um i don't know i honestly don't know what happened to me that day um something came over me what can i say what are you drinking there don't you apologize coffee just coffee like always well and the point of this episode is a good friend is in town rick how are you i'm good man it's good to be here this is rick matthews matthews effects we go way back yeah it's been it's been a couple years to the nether years um [Music] you came into town like 2014 yeah something like that today we're gonna dive into your dark sort of history past dark sorted history of your company which i'm a big fan of and um yeah on the agenda before we get there we have um we're going to give away the cosmonaut cosmic i got it correct this time uh so that's a pedal we're giving away a pedal we're gonna do ernie ball trivia time which is a box of any ernie ball string you want if you answered the question correctly we've given away hundreds of strings right so far thousands about maybe probably probably millions if you count all six it's too high if you count all six all six strings yeah you know this shirt it has uh so yeah we're gonna give that away kind of mid you know last quarter of the show we'll say um and we have a special giveaway and spoken word jam reading of this book my daddy has a hundred petals by billy cardigan um it is a wonderful book i'm really excited about this um yeah this is all camera angle show a few things look at this look there's there's a there's a bee yeah there's a really great rendering of a oh i think this is a chase bliss pedal maybe mostly because the color and all the knobs there's something just wonderfully like innocent innocent and horrifying and horrifying about the illustrations but like it it it's like it's a it's a vibe there's an entire bit about the sweetwater credit card and look here's a dl4 oh yeah so joshua are you pretty excited to do a spoken word jam of this later uh it's not um it's not a spoken word because like i didn't write anything it's not a poem really uh but i am really excited to read it are you excited to read this i'm over music i am excited to read this book over music all right i think let's let's do this yeah and let's jump into rick let's jump into your history here you're now part of [Music] it's a great stinger it's an honor yeah i like that tag so how many years have you been doing this oh man uh so the complicated answer is eight years but the real answer is seven years i'll explain i'll explain that so when i first started uh i started making like switches because i was coming from knowing nothing about how to make pedals or build anything i was just really passionate about guitar gear okay and so i got it in my head i was going to start a company and i made some mute switches uh 20 okay 21 22 somewhere right in there so i started making switches and and posted it on like local craigslist and stuff like that and sold zero that's encouraging just nothing and i was like obviously this isn't for me i can't make it in in this competitive market and uh and then i so i i stepped away from it for like eight months nine months or something like that and a company called byoc yeah moved to town which is an awesome diy company if you've ever heard of it i recommend them a ton when people hey i want to build pedals build a kit totally awesome yeah exactly so they're really awesome for that and i applied i got hired keith uh the owners super nice guy he he mentored me and taught me a lot about how to build pedals and you know all in the context of building these clones and stuff like that but he really gave me my start to start making my own uh and encouraged me to do my own thing too i even have on here if we get this on the overhead camera the first pedal the first effect pedal i ever made which was a byoc kit and uh you could just look at that hand paint job you know i mean but i know what it is right yeah it's a 250 it's a 250 you you could tell what it is and in 50 years what's on the side there i want to see on that oh it's so unique oh i it goes in there i i put the power symbol up here and then realized that this was that so i think i drove yeah i love that song through the arrow i love it so much i think this is supposed to mean in yeah and this is supposed to mean out exactly yeah yeah yeah absolutely and it's like the power is over there yeah it's groundbreaking right right this is people should be taking notes uh so you you one more thing yes just for the geographical minds where are you from so i'm up in washington state okay uh which everyone thinks when you say that you think of like seattle like evergreen no i'm on the desert side yeah which is more like california arizona super dry in a small town called uh richland okay which uh only claim to fame is the hanford nuclear site which is we made all the plutonium for world war ii a little tidbit you got any kind of hookups or anything huh you got any hookups for some plutonium well you know i can't really speak about that publicly but you know our deer glow stuff like that are you radioactive i might be concerned i mean i'm concerned it's it's what makes our pedals so special you know we just put a little that that's probably concerned about it band are you thinking of imagine dragons yeah radioactive yeah totally yeah so back to 250. yeah so 250. so that was just a little little tidbit uh yeah you know it feels like going back and looking at this stuff as i was looking through photos it really feels like looking through your high school yearbook and you're just kind of cringing at some of the things you did but it's it's it's so that's the first pedal you ever did that's it right that's the first effect pedal yeah yeah uh first time i put you could see that wiring job too i don't know how well that will come up it's beautiful i want to say this that looks better than my first pedal was it a kit though because i mean my first pedal was like if something on perf board and it didn't work it still doesn't work yeah i mean nick what you were a builder you were a builder you have you have a history of sorted history it no i know it's all right well yeah the the nice printed circuit definitely helps well i'll say tell you what that that wiring organization it looks better than my second pedal yeah you used to build you built you were a mini foot master i was a the mini foot manufacturing master for a good solid six how much black tape did you use in your career wrapping yeah so much black electrical tape that's a high standard oh yeah military spec oh i've definitely done that some people goop their circuit boards some people write wrap copious amounts of uh black electrical tape around them so that that's where you start yeah what's this keep going on the journey here yeah so i kind of so i asked keith if i could do my own thing um you know because i didn't want to step on his toes with his company he was super supportive i started making my own stuff and then so my first product i ever released this isn't the exact version i think we might have a photo um but uh i think yeah so it's called the ic oh sorry so this is these were the switches i made way back at the beginning that feels so familiar to my my soul yeah yeah where did you get them painted i painted them myself that's what i'm talking about in a oven that i bought and powder coated myself powder coated with a harbor freight powder gasket i krylonged stuff yeah so and it took a few tries to get that good of a feel so this was the first photo i ever posted on instagram uh which i feel so bad about now because it was just a nightmare it's a good font for that time it worked well on instagram it got people's attention this is when everyone faded their photos a bit yeah that was like the default like number one instagram filter uh no i felt i i made it up to the guy later on but he wanted a re-house and i was like oh yeah i could totally do that uh before i really knew how to do anything and so i basically just hacked up his pedal it was it did not work well and so and on top of that i put an acrylic top so it glowed through that was like my thing when i first started making petals uh it was this so this was my first product that i released which was called the ic buffer okay uh which was a play on words because it was a ic based buffer that's clever but then it was an acrylic top and it glowed that's cool oh there you go so that was cool that caught people's attention i came into instagram like right when instagram was like really cool for businesses small businesses and i was able to with like this and a couple things i did after get people's attention um which was super super awesome that's that's really the big difference from when i first started was instagram totally changed the game for me yeah it was pivotal we you know twitter instagram at the front yeah we're both in that timeline together of there's a lot of people who are they waited like four years after we all were on there yeah it's a big deal i just want to say too if you're watching some of you you're antsy you want to hear music we're going to get there we're gonna jam on all these we're gonna give stuff away but right now it's just story time story time let's be honest if you watch these lives you're here for the long haul right rick real quick um can you tell me why you keep saying the first you keep clarifying the first effects pedal um oh yeah did you do sewing machine the people wanted did you do sewing machine pedals like what other kind of pedals did you do no i just meant like that that previous year i had done the those switches you know bypass loopers and things yeah so like yeah so the stutter the mute switch uh so this was the first one that wasn't just basic you know with that stuff you're just dealing with like a switch and a jack and you're just running wires between them this actually had you know components ics it was an actual circuit yeah it was an actual circuit so where did you go from there so so that started taking off i built the um the next product was the pocket drive now you were making this when you first you were working on a delay i believe or something and you came up and hanged out wow josh you came up and hung out and you were playing like this is when my pedal collection was very small but but i had some stuff and you were playing it smaller yeah smaller this is the ad for that yeah yeah again font game for the period it was pretty strong you know and i had those hand stamps so i was hand stamping stuff notice the fading yeah i think that was wonderful what color was that led uh i think it was white it was either white or blue was it like so bright it was so bright i thought it was i had this weird concept that like like you you had like boss and these guys that use the diffused leds and i was like i'm gonna use the clear leds and they're gonna be so bright you're gonna want to keep your foot over the pedal the whole time you use it yeah nice and that was our thing early on i had a pedal builder uh call me uh when we did the original panther i don't even know that would have been before you came over 2012. and was concerned if the bright lights caused cancer there was apparently a rumor wow and i mean i don't know dude it might cause blindness yeah i wouldn't stare at them for too long i wouldn't either yeah so we launched that they probably don't cause cancer by the way i'll just clear that up just let's get that out of scientists but i'm pretty sure you're all good you feel safe does scientists clarify what causes cancer i mean either way they probably know more than i do okay moving along let's keep the timeline going yeah so we're going to jam for all of you you are sitting there someone's livid right now they haven't heard any music we're getting there yeah so we had that we came out you know like with a boost we were doing all these things with hand stamps uh as you can see there um and so we we went from there to starting to do stuff with actual printing and kind of growing the brand and everything i had the the unique experience where so i started the company and everything and uh so i kind of had to commit to the brand i feel like most business owners they get the choice of choosing to commit to the brand or should they go with like their day job or something like that but so like i got diagnosed with an autoimmune disease right and so like i couldn't have a normal day job so this like it worked out perfectly because matthew's effects was growing at the same time where i was having to leave my day job and so the brand grew from just me like being literally it's do or die i need to make this company work yeah i remember i remember talking to you and you were it was cool because you were fully immersed in it with no other choice yeah yeah which not that the situation was cool but right the circumstance of diving completely in i think that was different than a lot of pedal companies of smaller size companies where you're torn you're distracted yeah other stuff going on so i actually i do i'm past it now but i look back at it really thankfully even those like horrible five years i look back at it really thankful now because it it gave me the what i needed to try to make the brand work uh so then from there you know it started working um we started actually making sales we came up with the logo uh i started doing all the graphics myself and um the two triangles as an m is it's genius it it has a cool effect you know it has it's definitely a certain style and um so then we started printing on pedals and we were selling it like that yeah that is the photo we have of of you trying out shirts if you remember when i wore button-up shirts it's it's it's like a long forgotten moment in time special here we are yeah like two children i think that was the first time i met you that in person yeah wow that was the barn door that was the barn wall we called it that would have been 2014 yeah it would have had to have been right around there yeah both had that 2014 kind of long hair over you know what i mean kind of the bieber swoop let's look at that rick let's look at your bieber sweet oh man yeah that's a good pick i mean you got it too josh yours a little bit longer my yeah y'all have come a long way it's a it's a different era we've grown up a little bit yeah so you moved on to yeah so then we started printing we launched this pedal this was the conductor um which was really special because it's when i kind of started committing to this form factor of foot switches kind of this offset different than what everyone else was doing at the time for a two-switch pedal um just because i was really annoyed with you know with pedal i have big feet yeah and i constantly would hit the switch i didn't want to hit so there we were just trying to kind of uh resolve a problem with it i i love that about your line when everything out there you know there's this there's a standard way you put foot switches on um yeah on this enclosure a 125 b so if we go down to the pedalboard cam you know normally so like i guess 20 12 maybe 2011 no even earlier 2010 i had like the honeycomb deluxe so you do the two here it looks like chase bliss but this is way back i had the two-speed trim i had never even thought of this concept yeah which is cool you elevate this switch if you haven't seen his pedal so this one's lower this one's elevated and it is out of the way and so that's i've still never seen anyone do it and you stuck to it and that is a branding thing that's really cool yeah it kind of worked out for us even on our solo pedals we ended up keeping um the bypass switch just always where it's at so you always know with our our products which kind of like my design philosophy with stuff is like if i'm done to design something i i so many people do stuff well already i if i do something i want to in some way do it differently or look at it from a different perspective yeah so that's been super fun absolutely with the brand so from there we we actually were selling and making numbers enough that i was like okay i think this is a real business i should stop doing the graphics myself and i should pay somebody to do it so we re-rented the whole brand um that was like a year after we we first did uh started selling pedals um and we rebranded and probably the most important product we launched everything really changed when we launched the astronomer version one basically yeah uh we went from this is kind of a hobby business uh to wow this could actually be something and so i rem i vividly remember launching it and like instantly i was like in la at the time or something not home and we launched it online and it just like immediately sold out it was like the biggest launch for us what year would that have been that would have been like 2015 probably late 2015 somewhere right there maybe early 2016. who did this original art uh so that was uh our guy alex moore okay uh and he did the logo too he did our rebranding um so he did yeah an awesome job uh helping us with the artwork okay also there's like the architect the architect yeah yeah the architect was kind of a staple for us that kind of grew throughout time did a couple different versions that's your centaur-esque yeah yeah yeah yeah the bunch of inspired by that yeah yeah we have let's just flip through some of these yes this was a brave journey um joshua you've done mods do you see this joshua talk about how hard that would be just look at it one more time real quick that's the hog two foot switches six knobs and then a big old big old honking lightning and you've modded thousands of pedals literally thousands yeah so just give your heartfelt take on how hard that is what i'm gonna say on a pedal that's about one and a half times the size of that i would often put my head into my hands and scream cry or other things yeah um all that to say very impressive uh the fact that you can fit all of that into such a small space is a testament of your genius thank you thank you yeah it uh it was a nightmare and which is why we discontinued nightmare said great words you kind of don't regret it do you i don't regret it because um for us more so than it making revenue was a great for the same thing like it got exposure for us and got people knowing who we are and so we just kept getting emails non-stop ever since we discontinued it of people wanting it so just recently i was bored and i was like why don't i torture myself more and i was like why don't instead of two settings i make it fully programmable with midi i saw this and uh and you've got we'll get into this later you've gotten into coding and yeah i've gotten super into coding lately wait this is a current thing you're working on yeah yeah i'll be launching it soon come on he's well the thing is like no one's modding anymore yeah we've stopped yeah most everyone's stopped and you're like it's just funny like no one's modding and you're going i'm going to take a nano pog and add like programmable yes that's it just sounds so insane so hey internet um just for all of you who are emailing us and asking about mods matt rick rick is your man well i'm hoping what i want to do is i'm documenting this process and i want to start doing uh some youtube youtube series where it's uh even if we only do like five or ten of them yeah it's like can we mod this and just that's crazy stuff let people tag along on like trying to mod do crazy mods and just do crazy stuff let's look at one more picture here stuff like this is super cool so uh yeah these are just great and you've got then you go over to the you know the v2 yeah let's jump into the current line yeah so you want to start with let's do the pedal cam yeah let's start with the whaler the whaler get a little gain going so the whaler who was the whaler what was he like he was this old man that was on the oregon coast beach that i ran into and he sold me a magical bag of transistors and he said that if you plant these in an enclosure you're going to make an awesome it's going to grow an awesome fuzz and and that that's that's how each of these is hand glass man i only got so many so many of those magic transistors left it's exciting yeah uh so yeah walk us through just typical do like the lone exam like you're at nam a million people are screaming and you're explaining to the audience all the time do you want me to test drums while you're trying to explain this to just get that full number oh yeah just i just want to crash non-stop just yeah totally reminds me of them yeah uh so the whaler is a fuzz you have basically your sustain control which is the amount of fuzz uh you have a squish which uh basically biases the transistors in an interesting way kind of changes the characteristic is this a two transistor three transistor okay uh how did you land on this it's been seven years ago yeah the version two we talked about this so long yeah it's four i think you ended up with four on the version two i added an extra uh an extra stage you needed more volume i remember we were yeah and you you made it super loud with the passive eq so it's got a passive eq um kind of like a big muff pie but it's a modded uh big muff pie tones yeah so you have a body control you can actually dial the mids in and out um yeah let's put a little goodie [Music] and so that was the thing is like for a fuzz i really wanted uh something that kept the articulation and was super dynamic it's hard to believe that a gibson is out of tune yeah right i was not expecting that at all [Music] so it can go from like super subtle [Music] super good on bass it's just like a really dynamic to the input uh oh it sounds really nice you mean you can plug a bass you can you can plug a fuzz into a bass and it somehow works did you know this nick i i've never it's just this is madison it's an enthusiastic secret it's blowing my mind back here i'm kind of mad that i don't have one right maybe you wanna do a jam let's do a jam before you jam yeah just so the internet knows we are doing questions um i'm gonna pick two two questions from the stream um and we want to keep them focused on matthew's effects pedals the the specific one that we're jamming on i love it i love having you in here man keeping it straight so as we as we are doing a jam on said whaler or chemist or whatever have your questions about said pedal i just like saying said yeah um and then yeah we'll do that we're not brought to you by look roy literally it's just what's in the fridge definitely not lacroix it's what's in the fridge hey please please don't slurp into the microphone just for all the tone junkies i'm just using my board it's under my feet you're not gonna get to see it because it doesn't matter don't forget to be here i'm muting my [Applause] mic [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so oh yeah i just got a text the killers want us to open on tour because come on come on just because of that song yeah what are we doing what are we doing making pedals i don't know i've always wondered let's go yeah so we'll see on tour with the killers apparently yeah it's awesome it's amazing what the internet does dreams do come true yep brandon flowers thank you dreams that's a great pedal what's the price on this uh so that one's 189 189 that's 10 cheaper than mine and it's great you can take that ten dollars and go buy yourself some lunch yeah you could buy some cases all across so that you have it in the fridge it's what's in the fridge you can buy a book about pedals you could probably buy an amazon pedal used yeah there's so many options or depending on what it is new yep imagine if amazon had a line of switches just like the switches you used to maybe like 4.99 yeah my gosh all right whaler what's next whaler uh we gotta get some questions like some questions yeah yes don't forget the people all right questions literally why i'm here no it is it is um asks what style of transistors are in are in the pedal so i'm using uh silicon transistors there you go i think that's silicon silicon um i like this one if you had if someone pointed a gun at your forehead and was like hey put another uh switch on this pedal on the wheel on the whaler what would it do [Music] um i think i'd go with octave add some octave in there that'd be super fun absolutely yeah pre the eq so you can still dial it in exactly how you want it to i think that's what i do do you have an inspiration for the name oh man it's got to be something like that what's bigger than a whale oh a shark whale a jumbo well a jumbo whale does it count as inspiration if you just made that up i'm not saying he did i think it counts inspiration is what we're inspired to say and if that's made up then that's since yeah that got out of control next up we have the gimmicks the chemist so the chemist is a kind of an interesting bird so you have two rows of controls and they're the exact same control but the control the rows are attached to this foot switch so when you're off when this led is off you're on the top row when it's on you're on the bottom row it's like a very organic way to have a preset that's like really accessible you don't have to do any programming you can tell where everything is you know as you're activating it it's like a simple man's preset yeah a working man it's super yeah it's for the guy who just wants to throw it down and be able to do exactly what it wants to do so i'm working a 9 to 5. yeah i come home i'm dirty you know i gotta get clean you got grease all over you i got grease i got two two lines there knobs you can't you can't be dealing with the menu and programming i really can't i'm not even capable of it exactly i like that uh and so on top of that you can choose uh one of three algorithms per row okay so you have chorus phaser and octave that you can have in it um so yeah yeah let's let's hear these take a little listen tickle your ears [Music] that's some sultry chorus tones did you say salty salt salty sultry sultry it's salt and sultry combined it was a purposeful word combo because salty is that that's a nice vintagey like i have a c2 below yeah it's pretty similar sound yeah it's supposed to it's supposed to kind of do that do the other sounds so the other one i have dialed in i think it's phaser let's see so there's a second preset on there my understanding that right yeah so each row you can dial in like a different way oh cool [Music] and then you can jump dynamically between them okay that's cool cool yeah want to jam on the chemist let's jam on it [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so that was almost a little bit like if bon jovi was a grunge band would you get a text from this time oh yes multiples hold on who is this wait was it bon jovi no john cougar mellencamp oh okay so i heard hold on hey jay i hear you're on tour with the killers now i need an opening act for paris do your true friends call you jay no that's what's weird about this okay yeah and he said don't let me down you owe me talk to you later okay hugs and kisses were those abbreviations or did he ride out talk to you later yeah he was it i've never seen anyone do abbreviations i feel like he's a he's an abbreviation guy yeah yeah it's like i'm a chemist is that bon jovi i can't even remember what honesty i don't know the comments will tell us because there's going to be a bunch of people mad they don't have to i grew up on bon jovi it's bon jovi well bon jovi is great i just don't know a lot about it yeah i don't either it's it's before i cared about music that doesn't make it bad yeah next up next up are questions yeah next up are questions um john newquist asks can you set up both rows to the same effect with slightly different parameters like a slow phase and a fast phase you 100 can yeah uh so yeah a lot of people do it that way two different choruses two different phasers uh two different octave settings um and yeah you can choose that's the short answer so can you have an uh phaser and a chorus plane at the same time you can't yeah it is only one at a time and that's just the the dsp engine that's in it can only handle running one effect at a time stereo out a mono mono yeah uh you're getting a lot of love for the chemist so well done on that i'm glad you guys you guys like it it's really cool yeah i love these it's a good tool i love the color scheme as well oh man it's nice it's pop you don't see a lot of that going on in the pedal world look at that one more time that's that's nice yeah nothing boring about that i do want to note this is not a current update but yeah i love this pedal so much that we just used anywhere off the wall yeah cartography cartography yeah what's next uh let's see we did the whaler we did the chemist uh i guess the architect the architect let's do that one yeah so the architect is my take on a um mystical a 500 yeah yeah a mystical 500 000 pedal um and so like i early on in my career um we did just a flat clone of that pedal um yeah we just have a picture of that and that was like right when people were just starting to do that kind of like with being early on instagram like uh a lot of people it wasn't it wasn't in production at the time the ktr wasn't in production people really wanted this overdrive so we started making them and then once the ktr kind of came back into production i think i even honestly took a kind of a cue from you how you you felt uh once it was in production you didn't want to make it anymore and i like that i agreed with it and so i brought the architect version two uh i was i think i could be wrong but i think i was the first one in the industry to add a full active three-band eq viewer to that circuit so that was like i wanted to do i wanted that game structure but i wanted it to be my own i didn't want it to be just writing off of what um bill did yeah most the only mod at the time that was commercialized at all would have been there might have been someone splitting the dual gang into two games but no one had added eq um yeah it's really cool because the clone has such a as you turn the drive up it's such a mid-heavy thing that's what i like about it but a lot of people say i don't like that so well that's what was so like no brain uh like a no-brainer for me for doing an active 3-band was that's what people yeah that's what people hate or love about it so if you can adjust that then people who don't like that can like it and people who do can still like it so for the version 3 though that we have on here i added a boost channel that has two different uh clean boost circuits in it that you can switch on the side and then the overdrive also has three different clipping modes it has germanium diodes in it has silicon and it has no clipping is this 189 as well this one's 189 as well so you get like a lot of gain options let me do the math on this um so clon they've been going for 500 thousand yeah that seems where the market's at so if uh it's 499 thousand eight hundred and eleven dollars cheaper yeah that's a that's a deal it's pretty good i mean and let's just say the ridiculous unbelievably crazy price uh silver no horse clown the most bass clown tons of them they're actually selling for five grand yeah i don't know why or how and i just i long for the day that this is over um the so that's four thousand eight hundred and eleven dollars cheaper than that and you get options i have a buddy who runs one on his board and obviously before this year much more he's a touring guitarist and he's like i just i have it on there as a talking piece yeah people come up and want to talk to you about it i have a ktr like i love this sound of the clown that's my heavy drive sound and then i saw what they go for and i'm just like yeah can we stop yeah it's like i think that addison how much are they now the ktrs uh i've i've seen them as high as like a thousand dollars eleven hundred dollars but i think somewhere around eight or nine hundred bucks right is he in current production right now i'm still exhaling yes somewhat it's like limited drops it's random here and there so i've read yeah that's kind of all we're saying is this is a really good option that you may not have heard about yeah yeah let's check it out let's do that gotta turn my guitar on what key we want to be in [Applause] stewie [Music] you so [Music] hold on i have a text no that was your phone nick oh wait hold on who that's weird because i got a notification yeah that's so strange it's ben affleck he said he wants us to be in the next justice league movie we haven't talked to him in a couple which is weird because i don't see how the two things connect but i guess he says league that's like uh like that's like super spider-man and stuff no no no no oh that's dc get it straight yeah he said of columbia anyway he said ben affleck he was like hey he was like what up louxy uh you gotta you gotta get me some of those jams for the next dc movie that and that was it wow wow it was just just crazy more of those james and here's the thing right because this is a family atmosphere we're going to cut you in on some of the royalties you know you started the risk you know batman just needed a better like intro song yeah and obviously he felt it with that yeah you know yeah i think so so now we're getting it's kind of amazing opening for the killers we're gonna be are we harris we're gonna be in paris at rome same thing yeah and then we're also going to be making music for um batman yeah now so yeah question pretty cool i got it you remembered i did i'm a creature of a habit um what clipping diodes are using for that jam oh um are they sacred did you find them in a warehouse somewhere i had it set to the germanium diodes yeah which are um which are vintage russian ones um d9e so it was cool because i was that you're producing this with d9es in it yeah that's awesome yeah i didn't expect that know how many we have left at some point there's only so many of them what we're saying is getting way hot what's the same what are we saying the early bird gets the diode is that yeah yeah that's what we're saying yeah okay so i'm early and i have worms yes is the circuit is the boost circuit on the architect the same as having a clone on minimal gain settings um no so you have two options you can choose between a uh a silicon transistor boost uh similar to like an lpb1 and then you also have a mosfet option so you could it's very um similar to a super hard on that's super clever so you you can even run the architect kind of cleaner and and stack and gain stage and all types of combinations i'm sure people will also this is a question i also get a lot which is the boost is after the overdrive um just so i know there's people so you're telling me this is a mythical clone style circuit with real germanium old stock transistors yep two types of boosts for 189. i mean what more could you want i don't feel like i can say anything else it's amazing i've got there are and sorry nick sorry no i was just gonna say you say your thing and then i'll say there are enough people trying to get on your website right now that it's crashing oh so awesome so you know yeah i'll let you should uh yeah i probably should have warned my uh dev my web dev everybody needs a web dev yeah yeah uh yeah go ahead i was just gonna say i was gonna say i got this really weird back pain and i'm not sure what it is but i think it's ernie about trivia time oh i think it is nick that was good bro this is genuine smile right here thanks for making me smile guys welcome to ernie ball trivia time this is where we ask a question and we give away a whole entire package of your choice if you get the question right and you're first in our chat you get a whole pack of ernie ball strings so like everybody package would mean like a lot of streams an entire i think a box is 10 sets or 12 sets one one and as we said last week that's enough to last nick how long the rest of my life and it's enough to last me through the end of the month yep yep all right so here goes everybody ready you paying attention yeah all right here we go the question is what jhs and ernie ball artist joined the remaining members of the grateful dead to form a super group okay well you're entering that we're gonna go to hot topics hey everybody welcome to hot topics this is that part of the show where we talk about a hot the hottest topics from the hottest website the gear page it is not officially sponsored by the gear page whatsoever not at all at all we are a supporting member we yeah we are a supporting member um so there's there's a couple hot ones today um uh the biggest i want to hit this one just real quick just real fast okay what happens when you don't make the big time have you guys ever thought about that like what happens when you don't make the big time as our guest rick hey rick what happens when you don't make the big time you know uh that's a good question that i don't know man you you you make sound therefore you exist right so wow there's there's people out there making sounds that's deep and this is the big i think to answer we need to know what is the big time what classifies the big time yeah i would say given the context is it going on tour with the killers yes i think make yeah okay what happens if you don't make the big time and you're like a guitar player and you're like i didn't make the big time you answer emails for a pedal company there you go uh you do that you do live streams on wednesdays and you play parts casters that set around for two years because you couldn't get the neck pocket to work yeah all right moving on from the addison though what happened what do you i'm sorry the question addison listen the question is is what happens when you don't make the big time oh man uh you start a youtube channel retro anyone yeah oh that's like a double edged sword right there it is true he's big time uh and one one last thing i'll go around and let everybody answer this one who is the most underappreciated slash under known i don't think that i don't think is under known a word living guitar player so who is the most underappreciated living guitar player what do you think rick uh oh man joey budapest from oregon he's for east from washington yeah and uh you know super good no but nobody knows who he is no yeah joey budapest what about you josh phil keggie hands down oh yeah yeah i think so listen to phil keggie the song is time put on some headphones it's unbelievable like it is comparable to the way it feels to listen to like the stairway to heaven so like the magical thing where you're just like it transcends like the playing like you're just like geez this is like a fifth dimension thing it's not busy it's just like phrasing and he has all these amazing acoustic albums too phil keggie for me awesome um because we were talking about it yesterday and i think this is a really good one to throw out johnny buckland yeah he's not a shredder but his ability to write amazing guitar parts i mean they're a famous band but i don't feel like he's appreciated as as the great instrumentalist that he is i don't know yeah when you listen to parachutes russia but i mean amazing early coldplay records like no one's amazing it's the u2 thing where every part is so perfect yeah yeah and his guitar part i'm dealing with that big neck thing yeah his guitar parts are perfect that's amazing uh joshua do you care to answer this question or do you have any you have anything you got mad at me last time i asked you a question i am choosing right now to not be mad okay um thank you i don't know a lot of guitarists but uh is it me lauri basilio oh actually yeah i think she's really wonderful but i second phil kagey for sure yeah he's really he's really really wonderful can i change my answer yeah madison cunningham you you oh bro sorry i'm sorry it's okay i'll pick a different one madison is really good she's she is she's one of those guitar players where you watch her play and she plays in this asymmetrical type way that is you're just like huh how did what but it's amazing but uh also it's like if guitar playing is a shining light she's the light from five or six refracted mirrors yeah yeah wow it's it that's i'm gonna take a couple days unpacking that yeah yeah it's it's true yeah i do love that laurie and madison are starting to get a huge i would say huge momentum yeah that's exciting to me yeah so because addison stole mine i'll say uh juana molina her music is so weird and so similarly to i think madison takes a lot of uh she's very influenced by her but her guitar playing is so like off-kilter and wild and super loopy and her music is just so rad yeah so yeah okay cool well that's been that's been this episode of thanks for watching we have a winner over there on the strings you do um we do wait what's the answer yeah that's the most important i didn't you didn't even give me a chance oh sorry bro the winner the answer uh of the question what jhs and ernie ball artist joined the remaining members of the grateful dead to form a super group is john mayer hey and the winner is the texan tyler the texan tyler please email us at vlog if you're not the texan tyler do not email don't do it we'll be mean to you we've already said this will lose my for clarity's sake we pick the first person who hits our server yeah yeah hey joshua i'm sorry i interrupted you just don't do it again cool you guys just need some nerf guns oh picking back up here um rick how you feeling feeling good this is i feel enlightened the thing is these lives are a chance to sit back and take a breath and take in gear huh it's not so much about hassling with the gear it's like to be with the gear yeah because so much of my life is like hassling with gear the struggle fixing it archiving it researching this is like i'm just here with the gear you know here with the gear hey we should change the name of the show to here with the gear hey welcome to here with the gear on 129.9 the rock and need a lot a lot more sound effects yeah to go with that and i'll say this it's great having guests here it is so let's let's do these remaining three this next pedal we're gonna give away at the end of the jam we're gonna basically the first question that joshua picks will win and that honestly it's gonna be the one he likes the most um it's gonna be a good question so no dumb questions what's the next pedal so the next one we're going to talk about is the cosmonaut which uh shares the same topology uh as the chemist so you got the two rows you could jump between the two and then you have a delay which i have set for the top row and then we got some reverb going down on the bottom row the cosmonaut mainly focuses for the reverb it focuses on modulated reverb so you got some waveforms going on in there actually the winner of this is going to answer a question i'm sorry continue there's a question for this we prepared go ahead oh there we go so this is a dual reverb delay yeah that's nice [Music] yeah that's that sound yeah i think we got some what do we have on the bottom so your verb style what you said is like a hall or a plate um so each algorithm is slightly different um i think this one's more of like a chamber verb see how crazy we can get it yeah it gets squirrely on the end that's really nice or just really subtle yeah okay and then you have a delay so digital delay now what's really cool what's really like obviously i love the reverbs on this but what's really fun to do is to set these rows very similar and jump between two different delay times okay so let's see [Music] so if you know what you're playing you can set the time signatures yeah to match what you're playing and get some really cool effects that's cool i have a question yeah when when you're designing this stuff i know a lot of times josh has designed stuff to solve a tone puzzle right for himself so what when you're approaching the stuff it was were any of these like maybe even specifically this one was there something in your head on the front end like i've always wanted to do this thing or were you just like i just or was it very like utilitarian like i just delay reverbs cool let's do it or was there like what's the story behind like the design yeah so i mean before the cosmonaut we had already launched the astronomer which was it which is still like our number one pedal um and so from there i wanted to kind of take that feature set and like what what else could we do so from the astronomer we launched the chemist and we launched the cosmonaut and yeah the cosmonaut was kind of utilitarian in that sense of like okay so if the astronomer is shimmer and octave reverbs what would be the sister to that okay modulated reverbs but at the same time i was like okay well i don't want to do an exact same thing as the astronomer so what else can we do so we added in a delay also and honestly the whole jumping effect thing i just didn't even realize until like that's we had just designed it and started using it uh and so like in like whenever you do a guitar show that's like the number one once you show people they love playing yeah yeah yeah ever that's really cool yeah that's cool sweet let's ask the question the question the first correct answer to this question that addison's gonna ask i guess addison yeah yep we'll win all right this actual pedal from the board by the way yep we're gonna mail it out probably tomorrow josh will sign it and rickle sign over my sign here's the question question is what was the first compact battle with both reverb and delay in one bonus points if you know the year but you don't have to know the year all right take this away what key you want to do uh g stitchy and this is your friendly reminder to mute your mics [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Laughter] so [Music] sometimes you gotta let a jam simmer gotta let it simmer a little bit like a crock-pot jam all right let's give this cosmonaut away to to the answer of the question we asked the question what was the first compact pedal with both reverb and delaying one the answer is the boss rv 3 made in 1994 and the winner is okay so about this name um i'm not sure if it's spanish it kind of looks spanish and i'm feeling really insecure but the winner is brian bojorquez [Applause] if you are brian please email us at vlog you just want a pedal you did the cosmonaut we'll ship it out this next is one of my favorites that you've done this is your most underrated thing ever right here this next pedal the cartographer yeah absolutely yeah it was kind of it was definitely a sleeper unfortunately we've since discontinued it but recently i dug it out and was playing with it and yeah totally totally realized how fun it is um kind of ruined the whole vibe here by tossing it under the board but i just really wanted to talk about it i think it's awesome yeah it's super cool so it's basically a soft clipping overdrive which is to think like a tube screamer kind of feel and then you have a parametric eq on it so you can boost or cut any of the frequencies uh on here and i'm totally it's been a little while so i'm totally spacing the actual technical frequency range um but it's pretty wide i mean it's pretty much your whole guitar spectrum um and so this pedal is super inspired by the pearl od5 which i saw you do have and you have the box yeah i do uh which is a fantastic line of puzzles yeah i love that so much uh so it's super inspired by that and um and yeah so uh let's take a listen to it it's wild because when you start boosting things at a peak like this yeah you can do some crazy sounds i think also what what guitarists are are discovering i feel like compared to like pro audio guys who already know this is sometimes cutting you know is so powerful we're so used to i feel like uh boosting it's like when you hear the big beefy chewy guitar tone in your bedroom when you go play with a band that sounds like hot garbage yeah yeah amen or when you hear bass and it needs the low cut out of it to sound right yeah yeah how about you you could strum me strum [Music] so i had this on my board for a year or so and i just used it like this [Music] so there's a classic pedal frank zappa used called the systack systec overdrive yeah and it it it's the only thing i've ever heard similar to this so you ever even heard of that no i have it's not no one's heard of it yeah um but this is that thing if you have heard of that this does it so yeah these are probably hard to find though uh yeah the p it's one of those things that like uh the people who have them love them yeah and so you don't see them for sale very often yeah i will never get rid of this definitely it's super cool why did you discontinue that did you mention that already i i didn't you know it was it was one of those things where um other pedals were uh were performing better yeah and so at the time being a small company we just looked at like yeah you know we wanted to launch new stuff at the time so we had to make room and so we cut some stuff back that made sense uh which is a bummer but maybe we'll have to do like a limited run or something bring it bring it back for a little while we want to jam on this or you want to move to the astronomer and jam i'm down for for whatever i don't want to do anything what we have time for oh we have time we got time let's take our time let's do a cartographer jim um yeah go for it yeah e let's do it in e so [Music] so so so [Music] do so so so that that jam was kind of like dawson's creek like a no what do you think it was no that reminded me of like a mid to late 90s disney movie move movie that moved me hey um it's like in the spirit of the cartographer we have been looking for an island with a secret to youth um and as it's peaking over the horizon that's the song that begins to play because we know we're about to make the discovery we don't know the trouble that's coming yet so it's all happy news at the moment it's all happy we're like cool runnings oh huh yeah hey which one you guys couldn't figure out the second note of the progression of during that yeah which one of you guys at the beginning couldn't which someone was playing it wrong probably the drums it was me i was playing it was me i'm making a joke oh it was addison oh a little self-deprecating humor trying my best all right this is uh this is the astronomer yeah actually questions oh do we get any questions uh we got one let's see if they're on reverb while you're doing that from mike and he asks what's the overdrive structure um so yeah so it's um it's very akin to like a tube screamer soft clipping um so you have your input buffer you got your first gain stage which does the soft clipping and then it hits the parametric eq actually no i think i'm totally remembering that wrong i think the i think another really cool thing about the cartographer is the parametric eq is actually pre the gain and what's really cool about that is when you're boosting and cutting that actually changes the characteristic of the overdrive so when you're boosting your you can actually get more gain those frequencies that you push you'll have more gain um yeah it's been a little while since there are two on reverb let's fix that there's a new one there's a new one new old stuff hold on who's selling this who's selling this does this not work it's gonna be gone by the time you click on it refresh the page this is inside of your stream it's already frozen let's refresh okay i'm going to follow the search i'm not logged in on here that's fine whatever there's two go get them let's let's sit here in real time and see just keep refreshing come on all right we're gonna sit here until someone buys one of these we're not moving on pedal pledge drive here's the deal pedal pledge drive wow you can get a brand new i'm on i'm on here now too this is great people go buy these come on those that's cheap it's a really cool pedal because there is not an option like this out there i'm secretly just trying to talk right into reassuring you rick how do you get your graphics are you screen printing etching like what are you doing yeah so these are uv printed uh also it's worth noting phillip yes he's peel who oh yeah yeah yeah peel creative he's lives here and has done my stuff for years and years does he live in this area yeah so i met him i was stamping pedals and he moved in across the street and that's how he got into pelt like he did everything for me he's been doing our graphics for like a couple of years now i've never met him in person he jumped like he robert keeley texted me one day man yeah you know something to you yeah he did the wampler terraform yeah he's yeah it's funny because he just like he's fully immersed in pedal land now yeah he did a great job on these yeah no for the terraform i was i was the one who recommended him that's like you gotta check him out he's doing fantastic work so if you need any artwork done uh check out his stuff because he'll create yeah i need to like text them and be like have these sold yet uh no but oh uh they are now in people's carts so they're about to sell they're about sale i just yeah get with it people uh one of them's gone all right good boom okay now let's uh the last one yeah let's go to astronomer we have that was it that was yeah on the uh okay no we got the astronomer so by now you guys should be pretty familiar with the uh the knob layout same thing um you have two rows that you can jump between uh with this foot switch and then you have three different algorithms that you can choose from the side let me see if i can't reach this one that handles in a great spot so this one is a hall shimmer this is the original algorithm that was in the version one uh and so at the time for me like i really liked shimmer but i wanted a shimmer that wasn't i didn't want it to feel stale i didn't want to be too sharp um and i wanted it to be really reactive to how you play so as you hear with this it's not an instant thing it like blooms in as you play [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's very supportive of what you're playing rather than being like uh the attention grabber you know the thing that steals kind of the attention from what you're playing but you can go pretty thick with it [Applause] that's cool it's almost like the astronomer does spacey sounds yeah like it sounds like stars [Music] yeah so it does that it does that really well uh and then you have two other algorithms one is another shimmer and then one is a uh like a pre-octave reverb so you can get this kind of let's see if [Applause] [Music] you can do some some cool stuff with but is especially cool when you're doing swells it works really well for that kind of gives you that organ overtone that's cool yeah okay let's do a let's do a jam we'll do two questions on this and then we're we have a very special um spoken song interpretation of this book and we're gonna give this away at the end my daddy has a hundred pedals all right yeah let's really take this to mood town let's slow it way down [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] i feel like we just bought a zoo or something like like the movie like a jonesy reference maybe like a yancy and he'd be like [Music] love it all right what are we what our questions the astronomer this is so fun to just chill yeah let's say that again i feel so relaxed being with the gear you know putting the gear at my pace yeah i love it okay we've got any questions over there question boy uh he's not talking with old blood noise this morning um somehow i copied every single comment from you from youtube onto this doc so uh questions there were a lot of questions about the shimmer what are your options can you remove shimmer um can you chain i think there was one asking about changing the octave on the shimmer that doesn't make any sense to me but maybe it does to you yeah so uh so basically your three controls are you have a mix that can go from 100 dry to 100 wet your glow control is controls the amount of the extra effects so like on the the main one i was using there the uh the glow controls the amount of shimmer and then your travel is your feedback um so you can't really change the octave in a in a true shimmer um technically because what the way shimmer works is you basically have uh your rever your reverb feedback loop right it keeps going in this loop and so you have a octave kick up in that loop and so what happens is every time that feeds back it kicks up an octave and then it feeds back and it kicks up another octave but you have both those so basically you're getting this full spectrum of all these different octaves happening at the same time the one reverb that we do have that has that pre-octave so the octave effect happens before it hits the reverb so you don't have that shimmer effect is just a set you know one octave up from your guitar signal what kind of dsp are you using and who developed your algorithms yes so we developed the algorithms in-house uh so i worked uh really closely with a dsp designer uh and helped with kind of the coding uh at the time where we made this he was way better equipped at coding for it than i was but we we basically spent a bunch of time going through sound samples and and working it to get it exactly how my ear wanted it uh and then for these three the uh the engine that we're using is fv1 um at the time that was like it's it still is such an awesome dsp uh engine to get running on especially if you've never done dsp before um so that's where we're at with these pedals although our new pedals uh were we've changed over to stm chips uh so all of our dsp stuff will be running through there we have some really cool full stereo stuff coming with you know features out there jumped off the diving board like head first into coding lane i've gone in there a little extreme and crazy with it yeah i've i've in the last two years i've learned four different coding languages so since these since these things are completely yeah control that which is awesome yeah so which from a designer standpoint you know even if even if i never code a product it's so important from a designer standpoint standpoint to know at least a little bit about it because it's hard for you to innovate and push push technology if you don't know where the edge is you know what i mean like now knowing uh way more about coding dsp and coding just features into pedals um i can i can push stuff as far as we can push them i mean look at chase bliss with chase blister right like he he pushed stuff features so far um and because he he knows how to code and he knows how to how to push those products three rapid fire questions off the top of the dome would you use it on drums yes or no uh the astronomer yes yes would you use it on base yes or no yes astrology or astronomy uh astronomy that was good yeah wow you won nothing i won nothing i got to hang out though that's the that's the real prize this is cool so check the board out one more time here yeah just go check out matthewsfx website obviously there's all kinds of stuff on reverb does better have sold by now or i'm shutting the whole show down and you have this little ditty coming out soon yeah so people have been looking forward to this 2020 wreaked havoc on supply chain and stuff it was a rough year we'll cry a little tear for this but it's coming yeah it's coming very very soon it's a midi controller compact that you completely designed correct yeah yeah i completely coded this i coded this like four times uh from scratch to completion um in three different languages that's cool well what we're going to do right now is um i'm going to lead the band in a meditative reading of my daddy my daddy my daddy is like has montaxi has 100 petals josh is true shirley temple it's i'm either alberto billy called again if you want to see me perform more uh pedals to musicals on youtube nick as well um honestly nick it feels good to be an actor it really does and you know sometimes i lay my head down at night and i think what would i do if i wasn't an actor and i don't have to ask that question because i am one yeah so let's look at this um we're gonna go through this my daddy has 100 petals amazing illustration i want to read the back daddy's petal collection is massive and his young son is curious to find out why he has so many billy cardigan host of youtube's effects and pedals arena corner great channel takes young readers and old it doesn't say that just paraphrasing on a vivid vivid journey through the grown-up hobby of collecting guitar pedals so joshua i'm gonna almost start a little thing here yeah hit us with that youtube channel one more time so people can uh yeah it's uh effects and pedals arena corner all right they have some really great demos that are extremely useful for you effects and pedals arena corner um i'm gonna start us off um and uh i want this to be very meditative josh you think you can find like a spot down inside your soul oh okay so let's perfect the jam first let me see i think we're gonna go e minor we want it to be sad huh cool so let's let's do like the so e minor a minor seven so all right hold on so we'll go [Music] and then c a little bit of hope d some dreams so e minor e minor you can play along if you're at home a minor seven e minor a minor seven c d let's take it [Music] my daddy has a hundred petals for chester my daddy has never been a rock star but he still loves to play the guitar every night he goes down in the den he plucks on the strings and does sick vans [Music] my dad likes his guitars a lot but not as much as the petals he bought some are yellow some are blue and pink and red and orange too some are big and some are small he's got enough to build a wall some are vintage some are new i tried to ask him what they do this one it buzzes just like a bee this one is on loveless by mvv this one i saw on j master's board this is the wawa that jimmy adored [Music] what's this one here that says delay that makes the sound repeat for days can you tell me what this one does it's a dual boast and a gated fuzz here's a black one that says the rat can you tell me why you have that dave grohl has one on his board i got it cheap in a craigslist what's that 13 pin plug right there that's to make midi connections my dear to sync my delay with an external sequence through the send and return of my line 6 helix why do you need to have such a big rig when you don't even seem to do any gigs i need to ensure i have a good tone even if i'm just playing at home my dad has pedals from here to there for each that he has he keeps us spared to pay for all this must be hard not with my sweetwater credit card they finance each purchase for 48 months if i'm lacking in funds that pays for the brunt so i can buy presents for you and your brother and valentine's chocolates and flowers for your mother when i grow up i hope to be like my father but as for the petals i don't want to bother if i find myself needing [Laughter] about the author philly cardigan is the host of the youtube program effects and pedals arena corner he loves guitars guitar pedals and cool music in 2018 he went into a sleep apnea induced coma but awoke from the coma and devoted his life to children's literature billy lives with his mom sarah cardigan and his brother so so so so so my daddy has a hundred pedals that's the sound of every pedal on my board on i don't know if this image right here this one this image i don't know when the last time you read kierkegaard or jean-paul but um it's been a while i feel like this image really captures the angst of a man who's given up his dreams of making it big is that what we were saying earlier yeah and decided to get a full-time job to care for his family i love that there's an alyssus right here i'm pretty sure that that is all this uh channel was meant to be from the beginning of time was this moment i'm not sure if there's anything else to do i also am positive there will never be a better presentation of this book yeah it's true yeah you can hang your hat on that and wet your whistle because chris hit us with that youtube channel one more time so we can get this guy some love because this was this is available amazing it's on amazon it's everywhere that we'll put a link in the description effects and pedals arena corner billy cardigan he apparently wears a cardigan as well in the pictures i saw yeah how are we giving this one away oh yeah that's a great question here's the deal i'm i'm a generous person i have three of these let's give two away wow okay and right now um yeah they're 15 bucks a piece so plus it's a gift yeah we'll ship it 20 bucks we're giving away forty dollars right here let's go yeah i don't want to brag but that's a lot of money so how are we let's decide right now nick wait i mean how do we give two of these away i think that we ask a question really quick and the question that we should ask is first two answers to the first two answers to this question get your fingers all hot and ready the question is something that someone will think of here okay stalling this is wonderful for time let's ask a jhs centric question josh let's ask a question about jhs history let's do it i have a better question okay i have a better idea a better question than the one we don't have without showing the cover again what color are the two petals that he's holding in his hands in the illustration oh that's good there we go here we go in real time we don't need music we're gonna let this happen you call that when you see it here's the one okay okay uh in the meantime rick yeah your pedals are they true bypass or buffered yeah right they are true bypass soft touch too yeah but uh yeah so actually sorry so the architect and the whaler are true bypass the astronomer cosmonaut chemist are buffered by bass because you're gonna have tails you have tails yeah you can change the mode so okay our first winner of the first book is albino a l b i and zero e whoa congratulations if you have kids read it to them if you don't have kids read it to yourself and the second is hold on i have to describe exciting we've given away so much stuff today it's a feature yes episode [Music] the second winner is oh lord uh sir rick vlog s-i-e-r-e no s-i-r-e-r-i-c-v-l-o-g i'm gonna copy those so that you can see yeah if you won those he'll let you know and uh email vlog we'll ship them out tomorrow they're brand new they came in today i'm keeping a copy for myself because in 100 years this will be worth tons of money yeah um and you need to know that that's it for today rick that's it thanks for coming on thanks for having me guys i hope you've enjoyed this nonsense and just hanging out you know it's a family of failure we're just here to hang out with the gear just to talk about the stories hey rick uh my name is joshua we actually i haven't spoken to you before i sat down in this chair so i just wanted to formally introduce myself my name is joshua i work here at jhs pedals i'm mostly interested in wondering who this guy was in the corner yeah just hanging out i wasn't sure if you were invited if you were part of it i wasn't yeah check out the um everything's on there you know sometimes you need something to watch you ever prowl around on netflix and there's nothing to watch yeah come over here tons of stuff you haven't seen if you need music to listen to every record we've ever recommended for record time is on here for better or worse you'll kind of know what music i like and what nick likes um and then we have the patreon page where i do uh kind of long form college think of it like a really nice community college class on pedal history yeah it's me saying it from a camera laying out like super detailed history of certain events uh we have quite a few people how many patrons do we have right now oh probably uh just over 800 i think close to 900 maybe somewhere and so basically it's five bucks right now we're about to restructure it it helps us uh pay for a lot of travel we do archiving history getting a lot of stories we have a lot of stuff we're working on that just takes time and it'll come out eventually but yeah if you love pedal history and you want to support the cause of not letting it be lost then go do that um that's it for today i mean this was this was a power packed episode again i assume eu check that out are those pedals gone on reverb because i'm gonna lose it if they're not so here's the thing there was actually some okay one of them still available but there was multiples of another so there are a few still oh i see what's happening there was some stock of there's some dealer you haven't heard from in 12 years and they're like rick what's up that pedal you don't make anymore i need i need 20. and you'll be like sorry you missed out and that's where you have supreme power in that moment and you reign over that dealer and you say sorry bro too bad all right thanks for watching have a wonderful wednesday just tell everybody you love them and play guitar i guess you
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 43,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer
Id: rDSe5QYZvgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 35sec (6215 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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