The Ultimate Klon Pedal Blindfold Challenge - 10 Pedals - £39 - £5000 Shootout!

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[Music] hey everybody welcome back to anderson's tv you may have seen one or two other videos like this as pete and i are getting their groove on with this blindfold challenge of different kinds of famous drive pedals or different kind of famous pedals just generally yeah but today yeah this is the one isn't it ting ting ting is the one i really don't want to get wrong because everybody's going to go the one that can't tell the real one from all the other ones so i'm going to win this ten thousand pounds my beautiful anderton's hoodie of doom is a selection of ten pedals today we've pushed the boat out normally we just do eight but we've done ten and we can do many more of that there must be many more and as you can see well maybe you can't see i don't know we have some pedals here and today we are blindfold shooting out the clone challenge we have nine contenders and one goat yes indeed one of these pedals here you can probably see on screen now but i'm not telling pete which one it is one of these pedals is an original gold clown that we've borrowed from uh paul who runs our guitar gallery um it's a non um centaur logo gold one serial number about 1500. it's the kind of pedal that will change hands on ebay for three to five thousand pounds and they've been going up crazy amounts over the last few years and i guess that's why it's so copied isn't it so across the range here we've got pedals here that uh as little as 40 quid and we've got a couple of pedals on here that are around about the 250 mark there's loads and loads and loads of blogs online about you know which one sounds better than the other ones but i don't think anyone's done this kind of video yet so pete doesn't know what order i've gotten plugged into i'm using i've had to double up on my loopers here so i've got a gig rig quartermaster going into a disaster area dpz uh dpc sorry uh so you've got eight pedals through here and a couple of pedals through here but all discretely sort of looped in so we're only gonna be hearing one pedal at a time we've i've just set everything at 12 o'clock on the knobs which is i think that's again with with clons everybody kind of you know talks about the secret sauce recipe that they have for their setting so i'm just going to put everything at 12 and then let pete's ears guide us he can have more or less volume more or less gain more or less tone and interestingly now every single pedal that we've got just has the same three knobs on it so we've basically got gain treble and output do they all have that gain treble and output uh actually a couple of them here just have tone but we'll just assume that tone a turning tone up adds treble but hey are you ready pete before we do that just like and subscribe this video and hit the notification bell so you have to say that every time and if you want to watch some other of these videos just click on the pop-up banner up here in the left hand side thank you very much but let's get started i'm so excited so as we always say youtube please collectively think of a number between 1 and 10 summon it into your brain transmit it to pete and pete in a yuri geller style please give me the first number that comes into your head three three it's always three is it okay it's always three in these videos here we go that's because my favorite number can we have a clean tom first i'm sorry quickly it's on yes [Music] yep number three is this one okay [Music] oh that's a lot of volume on that well everything's at 12. [Music] it sounds good slightly noisy i mean if i i'll i'll switch on and off if i go okay i'm switching on and off correct there's some noise there um if i put it in the of course too is it authentic noise it's an authentic noise if i put it in uh position let's say two i should add can i just sorry i just will add we're running every single pedal here off of a a nine volt supply as in you know like a mold except for the real one as uh the owner of that has said please can you just use the battery anything bad happens to it so yes that's fine i'm just letting you know that's that's the the dealio okay uh i really like that sound like that okay i thought that was really good what would you like me to do i always volume down it's like yeah it's that's the two things isn't it it's either you you like volume goes down gain goes up or the other way gain goes down volume goes up so here let's do the um volume down but gain i would say gain at three o'clock yeah i think that's the magic the magic well that's people don't use it as such they use this more as a boost thing but i think uh josh jss uh said that you need to kind of you need to crank that gain up to get the best out of the stuff within the pedal let's go so let's try that it almost becomes kind of too screaming but i really it's a test it's this if he wants the feedback because i think the clone kind of do that [Music] anyway that sounds really good but i think other way i'm going to go now volume up and gain down here we go [Music] do [Music] i think that sounds really good i think that's the way to do this test we'll do everything at 12 and then we'll just go again yeah and then you choose so i think that that doesn't need to do anything that the the tone level is fine on this rebel level at the moment now is fine for me okay so that's a good place so this guitar is nice as well by the way it's a 1959 costume shop gold sparkle matches your eyes they're underpants definitely um hey okay next number please between one and ten number ten number ten yeah [Music] same noise kind of that little bit of a noise and it sounds really similar [Music] [Applause] want me to flip want me to flip between [Music] [Applause] that's definitely nice that's number one now okay and number ten again [Music] sounds good um try to it's not dry fat okay more drive less volume here we go yeah so three o'clock on the driver [Music] can you go to the first one that was number three and then put the same settings same settings okay hold on just a second this is gonna kill me again [Music] i'm dialing back the tone okay go back to the other one please okay [Music] i mean i don't remember clones having this much gain in them but i might be wrong because it's all been so confused i still prefer number three okay over number two let me give you the let me give you the reverse though so drive down volume up a little bit of number ten okay okay yeah i uh prefer at the moment number three and then number ten so we're putting we're putting it in this order so um i should learn right this is bound to change so we'll go along next time please number seven lucky number seven i'm sure which one this is okay here we are okay [Music] that's nice i like that [Music] okay see that's the thing that that clone pedals or clone clones or whatever has that they they they have got this compression in that that wants them to feed back you know [Music] [Music] i like that but my good lord compared to number three okay okay and number seven again [Music] it feels to me like seven is slightly more noisy but i'm not sure it's got a nice fat tone yeah it feels to me like seven and ten have been voiced with a little bit less brightness and a little bit more pushed in the you know lower mid range which is which is what's giving it a different tone to number three but okay and we might be able to you know again i'm leaving the the treble control untouched so so let's go let's go three and so this is the no just what i think now three ten seven in that order now so you think seven is the the least good or the yeah the least yeah so for now yeah all right let me just go through it so i'm just going to put go i'm going to put everything on that kind of stuff can you do it on on like one o'clock or something like that again on 1 30 1 30. it's very specific you know it's good okay okay so and we've got all the output very slightly you know probably at like 11 o'clock maybe half past 10 maybe quarter to 11. okay so three go [Music] yeah ten oh my god seven [Applause] go back to uh 10 please oh back to three this is completely wrong i'm completely upside down now uh it's super tough i would not want to call this is not a thing to call man because they are very good all of them i think are really good but i think actually number 10 needs to oh man i think number 10 needs to go up at play space one okay but i can't it's so difficult to call so we're now saying that 10-3-7 i've just literally scrabbled the wrong line out okay so we're going yeah ten three seven right well let's pick another number let's make it even more complicated ten is slightly noisier than the other two that's my only concern but then i think that might be a clone thing okay number five please number five here we go it just gets more more difficult [Music] okay and then three o'clock and again yeah oh that's a lot of i know i didn't it's almost like i should have done the volume first but it's almost like volume in the game [Music] try number 10 with the same kind of gain in it uh with the same uh okay same one okay oh i've got massive both on sorry sorry sorry no number 10 needs to go back down man number 10 needs to go back down and i think this one was number five needs to go this is what i'm saying it's just completely that's the wrong kind of gain i think i'm hearing the wrong kind of gain from what i'm for for so sorry i'm confused now so okay so five five which is the one we've just tried yeah in which number one okay five number one three so you're so ten bumping sorry back up again yeah and then and then ten seven so now number seven is that the last day [Music] it's okay so can i hear can i hear number five and number three with that with like so number five and number three you want to shoot out okay five wait what gain uh like about two o'clock about two o'clock not three a little bit less okay okay okay go [Music] okay that was number five number three [Music] i think five needs to go up to number one five is number one already oh okay okay okay i'll find them i'm i must admit i'm throwing this in here just because of whether the people oh number three is the only one at the moment to me that sounds different because it doesn't seem to have that kind of slightly lower midfield it's a bit nasally so but the other uh three so number seven number ten and number five to me are all sounding like nylon identical at the moment but okay uh right let's so just one we got number one now okay cokey here's number one [Music] bye oh that's really nice uh again on about two o'clock two sure like three minutes past two yeah three minutes two maybe four minutes and 32 seconds [Music] i really like this [Music] that just sounds really nice but so we're going back to number five which is your current okay first placer okay back into one if i do this this is number one right yeah okay there's no difference there is no difference there not so fast i can hear right in front of speaker but i mean saying that i think number one uh is that has to go up in front of number five okay can i can i do a reverb right let's i'm just going to put more gain because you didn't really hear number one with more gain in it so now i'm going up to like quarter past three [Music] okay number five he's more spiky they sound different [Laughter] i don't know like if somebody's just pencil shot anyway no i think number five needs to go up in the first place you mean number one number one he's got numbers that's okay okay oh my god i can't remember this it's just too many man i've got it i've got it i've got it okay so you have now just to read it but now is a good time i think to do like uh like a recap from and i'm gonna set everything with your new sort of desired quarter past two tone seconds oh sorry excuse me hang on okay so this is what we're going with now in last place at the moment or or out of because we're at the halfway stage at last place number seven in second and last place is number ten [Music] i mean i can't tell the difference okay and then in third place at the moment is this one number three that sounds different yeah and then we have number five more gain up there yeah okay uh maybe maybe i've got this at half past two rather than quarter past two i apologize [Music] number one [Music] have a listen to that though you know it's got this fatness to it i said that it's probably not are you are you guys agreeing at the moment okay so you're happy with your you're happy with the order so i'm not i'm happy maybe i mean the two last ones could come up a bit because i think the what was number the third last so the number three number three no no not number three on the list of the yeah it was both it was number three is in third year at the moment that just sounds completely different from anything else which led me to believe that actually that is not that is not um anyway let's move on okay so you've got you've got you can go two four six in fact you've got some sort of aversion to even numbers don't take two done two okay oh that's good as well yummy [Music] should we should we do the quarter past two yeah okay we'll try to give it a bit more gain because it's more definitely got less gain than the other ah three o'clock again [Music] oh [Music] okay that's good as well isn't it [Music] okay is that the same amount of gain on i think i think number two has got a lot more gains but the number is in the same position okay can you go five o'clock gain or can you go like higher again on which one number one both of them okay we're going uh yeah five o'clock game [Music] okay so that was number one number two i'm just gonna admit as well one thing here is that i've actually not really played that many clones i've tried one once maybe twice what real clowns a real clown i've never ever plugged into a real clown yeah we had we had mix i've tried mixing i never tried that and then i did i've tried thorpe's one which both are silver and now this is the first gold one that i think i've tried i've never tried one okay let me just go back where we on now number uh two number two [Music] okay and one to the other one so this is one this is two because now i've backed it up like i've backed down to about seven here on the guitar and then here the difference and you go one apart from it being slightly out of tune i'm back other one before it's slightly more clear when you back it off i agree so that one needs to go on number one or is that number one that's number one already is so you're you're position two you'll decide i tell you what i'm gonna do position two needs to be in second place okay well i'm gonna give you your current third place and then you can kind of go right so is two gonna stay in two or is it gonna drop down so this is the current third place one current first play okay okay number five which is and number two i think five needs to go up yeah i was gonna say if i was splitting hairs i would put five above two yeah five needs to go above two for sure man okay so two is going in there right um holy smokes we'll do some sort of overall rundown you got number four are you yeah oh man it would be really helpful if some of these sounded terrible now wouldn't it here we go [Music] that's just nice and clear you know [Music] maybe not maybe more ganache because everything's at 12 o'clock and then swap over to number two number one okay so uh with [Music] i was just gonna swear um don't say that man don't say that maybe it is because no we haven't done what we haven't done is the uh tone controls and the we haven't touched tone because we haven't touched on that everything's been number 12 so far and i think that is a sign i know that on my ktr i would just put it at 12 so um but anyway which one is this four i'm going to put a little bit more gain in even though the other pedals have less [Music] got this fatness to it oh okay four he's got the fatness fatness but maybe slight too much treble on it can you back down the treble or the tone [Music] man i'm hearing there is that you back the treble down on number four a bit but if i put the treble back up i bet the two sound the blooming same do it again that's i even changed halfway through you didn't even notice the change go on yeah four is not fatter i i would agree is this four yes okay have a listen to the noise yeah go to the other one it's just more fatness on the noise go to uh number three oh there's just they all got slightly noise so where are you putting number four in the list then mr pete third place third place if this is on me just i could i just it's like having some a dice and then just going fine okay so you haven't got let me see what have we not done yet we've got number six now yeah eight six and number no that's it nine oh my god six six eight two nine nine please nine holy smokes nine possible [Music] and this just sounds good as well [Music] i mean that is good as well do you want to try the the 230 challenge yes please okay you can see i enjoy playing these pedals because it it gives me that slight good all of them that's a bit more noise level now you want to compare that to another noise level here we go okay can you hear that yeah i can [Music] i'm wondering that's the real one because it's it's got like almost like they say it needs to lift you know need a ground lift yeah but you know what it sounds flipping great that sounds [Music] [Music] okay i mean that sounds good as well i would i'll put that a number three or four place okay okay so let's just just compare it to number one please okay number one number one okay back to nine nine [Music] oh um could you put gain on that one on like three o'clock on nine at nine yeah we didn't do 2 30 already so i mean i can pump it up to three this is all right and compare that to sorry i've got both on then uh 10 needs to go uh nine needs to go up up and up and before that's my favorite one so far thank you so sorry i'm coming so nine needs to now be number one on the list okay i think but you know what i've got absolutely no clue about any of this stuff who knows rightly smoke i mean there's a whole another there's a whole nother tech sergeant there's a whole another test for clones it's a boost as a booster into an amp that's gaming that's a whole that's a whole nother video it's a whole another video yeah okay uh and then six six oh that's a bit underwhelming but when i say that just a really fun [Music] there's not much fatness in that one let me just keep playing [Music] fairness you had the gain i need to do the gain at three at three o'clock [Music] did you turn the volume up behind yeah and that's not clonie not clonie um for me should we compare that to your current favorites yeah number nine okay uh [Music] okay [Music] this is more spiky as well it's got sort of a different drive on the top but man so where are we i mean i you know i would say and this they all sound if you dial them in they all sound so similar and i know i'll probably i'm going to go through i know it's fine i'm going through it so you've got one last pedal to go which is number eight eight okay uh and everything's at 12 at the moment [Music] that sounds good doesn't it okay you want to go gain up a little bit i like that and compare that to number nine yeah [Music] i'm back [Music] oh i think that that's better than number nine uh that's better number eight it's better than number nine oh man okay let's do this so that goes up on first first place but i need to just have you need to run through this i run through all of them now okay are you are we generally agreed that your kind of three o'clock gain setting is your preferred i think a little bit less than a little bit less than three so and not two not three somewhere in between right let me just set this is probably the worst one i've done yet this is the worst all the pedals with the gain slightly under three and then we'll i'll take you through in your uh number four was the least gainey of them all but okay but if i put it at number it is what it is isn't it it might be the real clone then exactly that's what i'm just saying um okay so now people i think if i've written this down right this is the one pete thinks is in 10th place it's slightly noisy as well isn't it [Music] okay and then i think this is in ninth place [Music] okay coming in at eighth place [Music] i think that one needs to be not the last you think listening to the game now is that the game for me my opinion it doesn't sound it sounds too uh sorry so you're put you're downgrading number 10 to last place are you yeah so the one we just had needs to go way back okay pete let's do the ten down to one run down okay okay okay so i think you guys correct me if i'm wrong here i think number ten is this one okay okay okay we think number nine is this one number eight be this one number seven i believe is this one [Music] yeah then i think it's this one so what is it sixth place oh that sounds good man and then fifth place i almost went into chuck berry though yeah okay and then fourth place i think is this he's got too much gain perhaps i don't know okay bronze position in the shootout is this one [Music] that sounds good silver middle those two sounded safe [Music] okay and gold medal i mean i could be i'm completely wrong probably it is so difficult to tell there's so many newt the way that they the the nuances in the sound and the drive and the i don't think we've done a shootout yet where all ten pedals sound so similar i think the the the the one that sort of because i don't associate clones with lots of gain you know to the point of distortion where maybe some of them seems about that three o'clock that magic whatever it kind of becomes a little bit distorted but maybe that's because i haven't used them enough as i said i'm not really the big clone user but i like like a nice clone i mean i got it all wrong didn't i uh is there such a thing i mean i i totally forgot at the beginning of this video if you've not seen any of the other challenge videos obviously the idea is pete has to put these in price order so he's not trying to guess which brand is which pedal or anything like that just purely and simply which sounds the most expensive down to the least expensive yeah and that's all individual that's that's uh that it's up to you i mean this is individualization guitar uh offender strat into a victory uh db40 which is a single channel very clean sounding kind of almost american sounding amplifier i know i know that sound so that's why we use that amp you know and we've obviously stayed within a relatively narrow um you know set of settings because otherwise if we were trying to do all of them across 10 pedals would be like a 15 hour long video i mean i'm not entirely sure that it was i think ultimately all you can really have is your favorite isn't it rather yeah no absolutely so should we do the reveal i mean so if you played along and you switched off your screen to go through this and you've been making notes as well now you can turn your screen back on now and let's see uh let's see what's happened so in tenth place with the pedal that pete thought was the cheapest one of all and the least kind of you know sexy clown sounding was the actual clock no it wasn't um it was the electro harmonic soul food which is our second uh most inexpensive pedal okay so the sec the second it's got too much driving ultimate dearest one yeah super super popular pedal yeah um i'm happy with that one okay in ninth place was the tone city bad horse which so in fairness what pete has done successfully is eliminate the two cheapest pedals which is the tone city at 40 pounds and the soul food at about 70 pounds as his two least favorite so i'm you know hey there's some you know clearly it's all good next so the next one surprised me a little bit purely and simply because i know in blogs that i've read this one always comes out really really strongly so the next is the ryra clone okay uh clone club right clunk club and that will be one of the dearer ones so i think that's about 200 pounds yes about 200 pounds comes in different colors but the circuit inside is always the same so don't worry about if you you know the color on the ryro one just is aesthetic they're all the same circuit inside so that was that one so next uh on my list i apologize if i've cocked this up already i've got the j rocket archer okay now there are two versions of the archer there is a silver and a gold and they are tonally slightly different so this is the gold one apologies that the one we seem to have here has got a chip out of the the yeah volume knob that was the one that throughout the whole thing i thought consistently sounded like it was didn't have the fatness of the other ones that remember right in the beginning there was one that seemed to be yeah i remember that not worse but just voiced slightly yeah but the sound was good in it you know what i mean so it doesn't it might lose anyway okay cliff is it something like that next next number two which was the mxr sugar drive there which to be fair you know did well it's it's reasonably affordable the sugar drives about 130 pounds i think whereas sugar drive 130 pounds yep uh then was number four which was the mjolnir from mythos and that was the one that sounded like it that was the one that had let seem to have noticeably less gain in it interesting that's 200 pounds um now we are into the top four so then we had the centura all right uh who's that by i've confused serious seriatone that's right now we've used pete's one no that's not a one-off is it but no no no no no no peter purple one anderson's have got some limited edition purple ones but you normally buy this in either gold or silver and again it doesn't matter what color you buy it's all the same circuit inside there's a lot swapping down and then the pink was the that is the dearest one unless of course you include the clown in there which will be the directions that's 240 pounds as you can see it's the one that visually has gone for the the total copy third place the clone is still in the running by the way so i'm just saying third place the way huge conspiracy theory that's funny because that was uh just from deus ex yeah favorite uh indeed so that's fair very very well so well done george and the team at way huge oh no okay so there are two pedals left pete one is the real deal and one is the one plus thumpness tumnus say that probably and we didn't even have the timeless deluxe which had the timeless mini um which actually is the same it's basically the the bigger thumbnails has got a little bit more eq control on it but the mini is essentially the same three knobs as the now i must admit i thought when you started talking about the background noise you were gonna get this because absolutely the clon whether it's because it's run on a battery i would love to put a power supply in this and see if it does something different but it's a four thousand pound pedal that doesn't belong to me yeah so that and was that right then what's that one but i put that in second place it's so hard to know whether or not what you're doing there is the pedal or the fact that it's running on a battery as opposed to a nine volt supply i i will never know but yes that's the deal you put the actual gold clone in second place and the winner with sales presumably about to go through the roof for this pedal you put the uh the womplet thumbnail right you're welcome brian play fair play wow that's amazing i've got to be honest with you guys it's um i did not expect that i must admit i did not hear enough of a tonal difference across any of these pedals no either a justify spending five grand or half a million dollars if you want to buy josh from jhs is one uh which i think by the way we all know is a joke that he's set trying to get home unless somebody wants to buy it in which case and he says i'll come and deliver it myself somebody might do yeah i mean can i just have number one and two again please well i i don't want the real clown with the thumbnail now i do not yes let's do this video now that we know yeah sorry number nine is the clone let's actually see which one sounds the most similar listen already yeah as i said it needs a ground lift and because the other ones have got power to them they will automatically be um the power supplies that we're using are isolated power supply which means it takes away the hum so that's so wanted to see what this sounds like with a power supply [Music] okay and the thomas uh sorry yeah [Music] [Music] i must admit they do sound no you see i think the clone was super fat so i want to go with a couple of the ones that i thought sounded fatter like maybe these three here's here's the real clon [Music] and here's another one see i think that's close that is that's really close and as i said they're all bloody close and here's another one yeah that's got a different top end has it okay [Music] let's just try back to this number seven again it's different a little bit more sizzle on the actual pond isn't it let me try this one [Applause] [Music] i mean is it just lee if you buy any of these pedals you will be happy with them here's 5 000 pounds okay [Music] here's 40 pounds this is what i'm saying i mean honestly at the end of the day at the end of the day yes i understand why this klondike has got this whole thing about it and it is a great pedal but it's more an investment thing now isn't it for people i mean it's i think i think the minute they started trading for more than six or seven hundred pounds which was about 2014 yeah was it six years or something like that the minute it went above that everything became about people just buying those because they knew that you know in another year or two's time it'll just go up and up and up and up i mean we it's an interesting when you read about the guy that writes these he's so um down about the fact that you know this pedal that he designed you know to be reasonably affordable now changes hand for so much money he's almost kind of i think i'm not going to quote him exactly but basically he's going i'm just never going to bother inventing another pedal because as fast as i do someone just rips it off so what's the problem we didn't put this in the lid because we don't sell it but that's what it says on the top there you kick you look at that uh kindly remember this is the clone ktr which is the most recent is it bill finnegan the guy's name yeah the most recent one yeah kindly remember the ridiculous hype that offends so many is not of my making there's wise words there yeah so yeah we could have thrown the the ktr in there but i want i wanted to throw in nine alternatives that you could actually buy brand new yeah and obviously ktr and the klon you have to just go on i mean i had one of these not even that long ago i think i bought one of these used from another member of staff about two years ago for 200 quid i didn't use it very often so i sold it to another member of staff for 200 quid and whilst i was on ebay uh researching clone prices last week these are now seven or eight hundred quid on ebay yeah reverb as well which was whatever your i was looking to get one choices i got one from canada way back so that one there but there we are ladies and gentlemen that was probably the worst one i every time you got close i was like please no don't run so at least it's at least we get to a point where uh it's number one or two but it was funny i could pick out the noise there hopefully this video has helped you make a an informed decision i mean do you need to uh sell a kidney and just take the plunge on a clone or or or can somewhere between those there sort of 40 pounds and 250 pounds excuse me it's making me burp too much diet coke can you find something that fits the bill so well done to all of our participants today well done mr pete uh i'm sorry that was a next to impossible challenge that one i don't know i think there's too many 10 is too many pedals man i can't i can't keep up with it in my ear it does become more about once you get to 10 pedals it does become more about what are the top two or three and everything else it's just some random order isn't it but hey that's it there we go thank you very much for watching everybody uh please like and subscribe as pete said and we shall see you in another video soon bye wow well well done you got second place man you
Channel: Andertons Music Co
Views: 563,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: klon pedal, Klon pedal shootout, overdrive pedal shootout, overdrive pedals, klon, most expensive guitar pedal, is the klon worth it?, Klon overdrive pedal, drive pedals, guitar pedals, Andertons, Andertons TV, Andertons Music, cheap vs expensive pedals, The Captain, Danish Pete, Fender, Stratocaster, fender strat, Klon clone, Klon vs, blindfold challenge, Wampler Tumnus, Electro Harmonix Soul Food, Ceriatone Centura
Id: 8tjQXTMfxYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 13sec (3073 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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