Live English cooking class | Canguro English

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hello everybody and welcome to another live English class this this English class is a little bit different because today it's not really we're not playing games in cooking we're going to cook a Spanish omelette that's what we're going to do so if if you if you think that English people don't know how to cook you're right you're right but you know so not only to English people they have no idea how to cook but when they do cook they cook food from other countries like Spain yes so today this is a live cooking class yeah and we're going to cook a Spanish omelette so a Spanish omelette is the most famous and most I think most iconic food of Spain you can eat it for breakfast for lunch for dinner for a tapa you can eat it fresh or reheated it's now something something very important to know is that it's in English in English culture it's impossible to cook anything without having a drink so today Christian is going to be the sous chef and I'm gonna be the and medium sized potatoes with the skin on okay and they're clean I clean them already also you're going to need half an onion any type of onion this is like a sweet onion from Spain but any type of onion is good you're gonna need eggs here I've got six free-range free-range eggs from our neighbors chickens what does what does free-range mean free range means that the chickens roam free as says B range and they're you know they're just free Mediterranean gin Spanish gin no it's not it's not fish and chips we are making tortilla tortilla we're making teacher Spanish Spanish omelette yes my wife is a native speaker she is she's from where are you from I'm from Cambridgeshire my mum's from Cape my dad is from Cambridge and my mum is from La Coruna in Spain in Galicia yes I'm making so making a good Spanish omelette is in her veins in her blood definitely in my mother's blood this is a this is an English beer from from Wiltshire it's very bitter it's an IPA cheers Cheers okay so Alexander Alexander Wolfe says it your pain so we have we have val mia from brazil not from yes from from ku-ku-ku-ku Rita Meeta nor could it could eat Eva in Brazil we have Sandra Mourinho we have a local authority s exactly we have Sandra Igor Adriana I don't know if Miami is going to join us but our Ghosh's here as always dennis is here fatter under the yarn Lorenzo Rivera and Oh Rita Lenny Escobar he is here from I think Colombia tech designs Cattleya William Clayton Clayton from Brazil yes so let me talk about some of the some of the tall so so we have of course the potato and you need this to take the skin to take the skin off the potato and this is called a peeler so this is the really boring part I don't I don't participate in this in this part I just we have to we have to peelers why why do you need to peel the potatoes could you could you leave the skin on wouldn't fry as evenly if you kept the skin on so they cook more evenly if you take the skin off okay okay so there you go so it's a good idea to peel them so later on that we are also going to need this spectacular instrument this is called a with okay WH is K whisk okay Lenny is from Brazil not from Colombia and cloudier Morales says that I need to be a good husband and help you yes so now I think that the name of this think about the sound whisk I think it's onomatopoeia right so in the kitchen in general in in in in kitchens all over the world they use all of the French vocabulary for cooking so like the names of yes chef chef is a French word it means boss so you could be the chef of the kitchen or the chef of a of a business any type of chef in English chef is only for cooking but in French no and and all of the other jobs in the kitchen are French our French layers you have shifter party sous-chef and and of course you also the the names of the techniques like you have needs on place and you have and you have the cooking like you have a sous-vide machine which is a machine that cooks food yes so if you speak French you know all of the all of the vocabulary so yes yes amend that we're making Spanish omelette Marcos wants to know if you're ready because for me [Music] putting it on yet in the tortilla makes it just taste that little bit sweeter and I don't know I just enjoy the flavor of the onion in the tortilla I really like them so yeah so I'm guessing that a few of you who are watching have made tortillas before right so you guys don't have to give me some tips on what what your tips are for making the best tortilla nearly there Oh see I love eating tortilla but I really I don't enjoy making it because it's there's lots of steps involved you have to peel the potatoes chip the potatoes fry the potatoes fry the onion and then you have to whisk the eggs and there's lots of different steps my mom always says it's the easiest thing to prepare but in my opinion I don't think it's that easy really it's really just not that easy ok so we're nearly there now yeah I had to our our son is in bed and had to he was he was crying a little bit so I went I went to see him Marina marina from Argentina says as she puts carrot in her till to make it sweet I suppose and and Ramon says that he puts a leak I love leaks yes Lucas crying again here makes it's an interesting one but the problem for me with lids is they take a long time to cook down whereas onions cook you know you sweat off the onion and as you sweat off the onion it becomes very soft very quickly whereas if you cook a leak it takes that much longer to sweat sweat off in my opinion I don't know maybe you have a technique that I don't know about but yeah but you know the one of the most typical things here that people put in their tortillas is them little pieces of chewy firm because you know in Spain that they love the chorizo sausages it goes with everything Sarita tortilla Torito paella you name it you put your thumb in it so yeah so where are you guys have look what's fits in here ok cool top it with a little bit of okay so for this recipe I'm going to make quite a big big omelet because we like to have the leftovers in fact for me tortilla the next day tastes better than the day you make it I don't know why but for me it always tastes better the next day okay and I have a little swig of the drink of course alright so the next step I do all of the potato some people wash them I don't because I find that if the potato is wet it doesn't fry as well so it's best to have a very dry potato technique that they say they say in Spain that you take you take a little chop and then you pull it apart you don't cut it all the way and that helps to make the tortilla more flowery so it's like cut a little bit and then there you go guys pro tip from an English person about about how to chip your potatoes ok so something interesting right so these are called chips like potato chips right but in English a chip means a small piece of anything so for example you can have wood chips when you cut the wood you have little pieces of wood wood chips and if you if you if you I don't know break break a bottle you have well not chips of glass yeah you could have little little chips of glass on the on the kitchen floor yes like we have some you see this you see this you see how it has an imperfection we call this a chip because this little piece has been removed it is chipped pottery now this this this beautiful piece of pottery was actually made by a friend of ours who's a very talented guy he's just talented in all sorts of ways he makes he makes he makes pottery he takes photographs he he he does everything he's an amazing guy and let me tell you about so chip would be see page IP chip now we have an idiom in English which is this to have a chip on your shoulder now what does it mean if you have a chip on your shoulder okay you know you know in the cartoons when they have a little a little devil who's talking to the character going you know you have a little little mini devil okay saying bad things in the ear of the character well that is this right so when you have a chip on your shoulder it means that you you have this feeling of of a little something from your past something from your past like which is which which makes you feel bad right which which which gives you you know really bad feelings yeah so my wife's name is Georgina but she's gone to to see our son who's having some trouble sleeping tonight so let me do some more ok so Amanda says her mother-in-law puts a lot of oil until the cut the potatoes are covered and the onions until they are frightened and then she takes another pan to take the oil okay yes sir to have it to have a chip on your shoulders not a good thing right okay so let me let me show you some more vocabulary kitchen vocabulary okay now the the reason that I'm doing this today is because Pasquale told me that I should do a live cooking class yeah so this is because of Pasquale right jhc Chaplin says he wants to make hash browns with the potatoes oh my god I love hash brown if you should google hash browns if you don't know what hash browns are google them they are amazing my son he's four years old even though I have my call I have my hunting I don't I don't go hunting but this is my hunting hat basically in in general in in an English kitchen any sort of metal any metal thing that is that gets heated is called a pan so this is a pan and this is a pan they're both pans right right so but we have different words so this one with the lines okay it's called a griddle pan gr i DD le griddle and this is you know for giving you the really hot giving you the lines in yeah this is called a saucepan because you use it for making sauces because it holds a lot of liquid right a saucepan very good burn J very good and this would be called a frying pan because you fried things and also when Georgina is angry not really not really then we have the the pan that we we stole from from Asia of the wok look at that beautiful thing it's it's it's it's that has seen some actually look at this it's totally scratched it's a wok and this is designed for continuous movement very high heat and continuous movement this this this frying pan has a special coating right could be Teflon yeah probably Teflon and now what do we call this in English because the food doesn't stick we call it not nonstick very creative so to know it's a nonstick frying pan yeah that reminds me of one of my favorite jokes what's what's brown Georgina what's brown and sticky a stick sticky not like not like sticky but sticky like because it's like a stick because you know in English any edge any noun plus y is an adjective so I can say so if something has egg its eggy potato we only oniony like it's a really bad thing if you have oniony breath I mean best not good so this you know this is a real thing this isn't this isn't some fabricated you know reality TV this is real we're gonna eat this thing anyway so you're basically you're drying potatoes in a tea towel you know the thing you have in your kitchen to dry the dishes or you know to maybe clean up some some liquid this is called a tea towel because remember everything in English always relates to tea okay hang on we're just um we're just doing a very intense camera movement here okay what's happening now I think I think that we should win an Academy Award for the cinematography look at this so these things you know these things that you used to remove the liquid you know in Australia we call them strainers because the verb is to strain but in England you call them colander that's quite a posh word omarina from Argentina very nice so if you are just joining this live stream we are my beautiful wife my beautiful wife is making a Spanish omelette tortilla de patatas so so what can you explain what have you what have you just done okay so just look at the quantity potatoes check them all even even size and now all I'm doing I'm heating up quite a lot of olive oil now this is actually the intense on the ball but you can use any fact that you like I guess you know if you like coconut oil or olive oil vegetable oil sunflower oil we prefer olive oil because it's it's true it's cheap it in Spain and it and it's and it's quite delicious actually right so it's important that there are the same size oh yeah because then they cook more evenly and you don't get like hard bits or soft bits and so that's the size of what I like the size of I compared to my finger kind of size we don't know the size of things it's the size of the size of a bikini there's a bottle top and potato yeah but I think in other countries like Russia they have really really big bottles we have a phrase that we always say use your noggin so what I normally do right I take one and I put it in the oil and if I get a nice beautiful sizzle then I'll just chuck it all in right sizzle sizzle you can hear that the word sounds like the action sizzles you can see look you can see the potato is going crazy right now isn't that moving around the bubbles good yeah so you don't burn yourself because this is bloomin hot okay I'm just gonna tip another good thing with the clock you could just tip it anything good okay so with a spatula what I like to do I get my spatula yeah and I just flatten it all into the oil so it's all covered completely covered in olive oil or whatever fat you're using you know and now okay chop the onion let's let's go back to the let's go back to the to the workstation that the principal workstation for those of you who are just joining we're making a Spanish omelet the most traditional and classic and famous Spanish food I'm drinking I'm drinking a British British beer it's an IPA is an Indian Pale Ale I just I just found it in the supermarket I'm super happy because I like this style of beer it's very bitter so it's great with food food right now but thank you Bon Appetit to you as well Lutzer was asking where's your where's your apron well it's it's it's really interesting that you mentioned that because I actually have the best apron in the world let me let me show you do you do you like my apron Am I am i beautiful am i it's a it's a great thing I especially like the combination of the lingerie with the hunting hat I think it's really I think it's a great combination yes let's whisk some eggs so that now is your opportunity to show your skill at cracking the eggs yeah normally what you do before you make that is you get the eggs out of the fridge so they get up to room temperature okay so six okay six eggs it's a six egg omelet and see this this is one difference between a supermarket egg and an egg from from okay so we we live in the country okay so this is this is outside where we live see with you here in the country right we have no telephone lines no sewerage no water you know so so we live you know in the country and so the the the eggs right it's it's difficult to see on this video right but they are so the color is so bright they're so intensely and they taste delicious okay I'm the sous chef how much salt you know you know when you were children or maybe adults I don't and you and you do this to somebody you you you know you their skin you take this skin this is called to pinch so a pinch is the quantity the quantity of something that you can hold in your fingers so you can have a pinch of salt or a pinch of cinnamon a pinch of anything a pinch of skin so you said what one picture a good a good pinch of salt right a good you know other other languages in the world have different words for for like the quantities of things and did did you know George in Arabic they have a word for the quantity of water that you can hold in your hands like this it's like a pH is like I think I'm not sure but I think the word is a quarter of something I think I could offer of water is the amount of water yeah but it's like saying how much did you drink I drank a quart of water or like a pinch of or in Hindi it's called a chutki for liquids we don't normally use this no ok so Lazlo's is saying what about the onion when do you okay well you know it's very important Wow it looks good because the problem is is getting very dark because basically we restored an old farmhouse and some of our lights we haven't had them fitted well we haven't finalized yet we've got the light bulbs in place we don't have the light fittings so it's a little bit dark over here Christian's just bringing over lamps so we may be a bit creepy though a bit like horror film Pedro Belmont my man Pedro is quite often in in the live classes also Jose Hernandez sending his blessings Thiago wants to know if you're Australian no I'm not Australian no I'd met Christian in Australia when I was travelling when I was so young such a baby I went travelling for a year and I met Christian and then we went back three years later and we lived there for three years yeah so no I'm not funny but I made me up on a little bit of an accent because I live with with him yeah because I've traveled didn't round Australia maybe yeah like I I have my my British sort of part of my accent from her and she has her Australian Lorenzo Lorenzo says he puts bacon in his tortilla cycling one one one thing that I've noticed is that some people are very sort of protective of the Spanish omelette like they ask you um they ask you to do you put some do you put onion in fact a common um a common a common breakfast food here is when the tortilla is finished you you cut the tortilla in half and put ham and cheese in the middle it's like tortilla sandwich I've just I just realized that okay so if you watch if you watch my my my live classes at the school then you know that there's a little crab at the top well here we have bear in the kitchen we have a little lobster yeah that was listen um so how do you know okay take technical question how do you know when they're they're ready how do you know when they cook well this is the problem and this is the main reason why people don't like to use olive oil because olive oil doesn't make things go Brown because it's very cure okay but some people like to put another bus in in the in the oil and then you know because the potato goes Brown and it has a lovely golden brown about it for for for today's tortilla it's not gonna go Brown because we haven't put any butter in some we have someone in here who wants to know what's the name of this thing this is called um either fish slice well I think it's called a fish slice a spatula is flat this is actually an icy knife to ice a cake but but it's similar to a spatula right well for me I would call that a spatula no I fish slice I'm not sure I know I mean I'm not saying that it's not a fish slice but for me it's also spatula ladle and and you can use this okay so imagine imagine if you are imagine if you're you're talking about emotions right emotions and you can say he was he was labeling on the emotions you know labeling on one second one second um max says they're using lots of olive oil like this is extremely expensive not in Spain because olive oil is cheap yeah like I think for example this this this container this container of olive oil is one liter of olive oil is three three euros so I mean it's more expensive than than vegetable oil or some sunflowers quite cheap yeah but for Christian to taste so tell me if it's cooked it should be all soft through the way through the middle okay yes sir the outsides a little bit crispy a little bit and the center is very soft yeah and the onions will the onions about you been in there for maybe let me see if I can get some close-up on this let me um let me switch swivel the camera around okay here we go okay there we go it's not deep frying it's just gibbering you know it's not like deep frying just yeah maybe 700 600 miles of oil yeah and I'm going to use this slotted spoon they go so it's a spoon with slots do use this just to get rid of the excess oil because we don't want a very greasy tortilla nobody likes that so you're putting you're putting this onion and the potato into the egg into make a little pile okay I don't have to dirty all my dishes cuz I don't want to cook the egg yet just slide it down the side it calls as it drops and then doesn't cook the egg so believe it or not we've been cooking for 40 minutes now no way yeah very slow yes so how long do you think it would take to make a Spanish omelet quickly so it's not if you want a big in in in Hindi there's an idiom for cook when cooking takes too much time it's beatable ki ki ki ki ki true oh my god Indian food is like impossible to cook I think the only the only people that can cook Indian food are Indian B yes that's not racist that's just because you know that's because you know you have there's a lot of cultural information right I think you have to you have to see I think to cook good Indian food you need to be born in India and watch your grandmother cook the food and then you know then what's your mum cook it and then it's like it's not even a recipe it's like an emotion it's like a feeling I think because I remember I remember once I tried to cook like like an Indian dish with a goat and it was it was a funny story so I was living in Australia now when you're in Australia it's not very common to eat goat it's not so I had to drive to this specialist butcher to buy the goat and it was like I don't know like 30 kilometers I drove to the butcher and it was really expensive my phone not charging it says I have a low battery that's not good I can't just switch phones is to remove this oil because obviously we don't need all this yes I've got my summer dress on okay [Music] [Music] here we go okay sorry I think it's important to note the texture of that so this is the mix it's nice it's good some people like me and liquid in the middle so how is that is it okay so the elastic band now this is like the horror movie lighting that's so weird okay okay this is basically this is the way I cook it slow I don't like I don't like to cook eggs quickly I think yeah I think ah well this is actually question.what what is the difference between an Italian adapter and this for toxins go in the oven do you fry them on the bottom and then you finish them in the oven so Jack Hickey said that the most important part of this process is for me to get out of the kitchen and just let you cook I think you're right jack I think that I am you start to see the egg start to cook all around the edge and that's when you know you're gonna start loosing it from the bottom this is given a little shake shake to make sure it's not sticking and square plate but that's because my round special tortilla flipper thing was it called a flip it broke recently so it's still not ready and also they're very they're actually very heavy plates look it says extra strong these things are like seriously heavy you know that you know if you were like a Greek if you're a Greek person and you tried to to break these plates you wouldn't be able to do it the Fiesta the Greek party would be okay wait we need a little drumroll here this is sick we got a bird bottom nevermind just the middle just got a it just in English we say it caught yeah yeah it caught it I'm actually surprised at how quickly that cooked like I mean that was only in the pen for a very short time and it caught I do a thick a thicker one and so then it would take much longer on both sides yeah everyone is super impressed by clipping I'm super impressed everyone was super impressed by that I think the net the next cooking class should be Christian making pancakes he's a legend at making pancakes let me tell you my pancake technique so what I do is I go to the supermarket and I buy this i buy this mix and then i put water with this mix and then i make pancakes that's my that's my secret don't tell anyone you know I don't I don't want to say anything bad against my mum but she's the worst she's the worst cook on the planet so you know like you know like when when people tell stories about like their mom's lasagna oh my God my mom's lasagna is the best but I have nothing that my mom cooked that was good I have no good memories okay it was just you know what what's to remember I don't know yeah yeah see look at this Rodrigo saying no way all mums cook well no no it's my mum my mum hates cry use I use the plate that I flipped and I just pop it back on it's perfect let's get a close-up at this bad boy finally Alex Ross said that his mum doesn't cook well either finally thank you Alex yes one tip though when you make today you don't eat it when it's freshly off of the heat you have to let it sit for a bit how long maybe for 10 minutes and then eat it tastes always taste better boy ok well I think I think that that is that is that guys yeah now it's now now it's time for to clean the kitchen and and eat the tortilla and and have more beer thank you all very much for watching I hope that you enjoyed this tortilla class thank you guys are having your dinner - yes lots of love to you all and all I'll see you again really soon
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 31,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live English class, live cooking class, how to cook Spanish omelette
Id: dBNC9uFosL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 10sec (3190 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 16 2018
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