Live English class | May 15, 2018 | Canguro English

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hello and welcome to another live English class I'm Christian and this is kangaroo English before we start I just want to say a couple of things okay so yesterday in the Facebook group I made a very special announcement a very special announcement and you know the Facebook group like everything that I do the Facebook group is totally free and in the next 12 months you're going to see some some revolutionary things happening in that group so if you're not in the group you should be in the group I'd love to see you there so so check it out [Music] what else yeah basically if if you would if you if you believe in what's happening with with kangaroo English with this idea of free education and and can we focus on communication if you believe in that you then you can you can support it you can become my patron on patreon okay so the link for that is is also down below and or you can buy some kangaroo English merchandise I wear this every day the quality is incredible so yes so hello to all of the beautiful students in the group Adrianna Medina Tony Ward second summer Francesca Pro Chino Petra speed Cesar Martens Mohammed Alexander no wait ELISA no Alexander II gotta go Eileen Chang Cristina rebel Jos way force way lettuce Nabil Jalali roselia roselia article Marco yara mahmoud um katarzyna large Kousaka that's pretty good Alexei Alexei Takumi Rose whenever I do the Russian accent I feel like I have to be a little bit have to be a little bit sort of angry you know Alexei Alexei t good enough and Vladimir Bogdanoff Ryan Husain limas mingo Paulo feather feather in Austria hello feather Gosha yada hello from Russia I don't know your name I can't read Cyrillic I'm sorry Irina Irina the Honorable David yeah lots of lots of amazing lots of amazing students here from all over the world it's fantastic I mean even we have here nuclei refine or new newer newer from Syria from Syria it's amazing it's incredible and you know to have so many people from all over the world including countries like Syria with with terrible problems right now here trying to learn and trying to to to improve their lives you know that's why education has to be free so that it doesn't exclude anybody that's what I think okay I have some I have some word games to play with with all of you so but before I play the word games I'm going to take a couple of questions do do any of you have any any questions for me I'm just gonna take a take a few questions before I am before I start hello over all exams it's funny you should say that okay so now you know I'm a terrible artist okay okay wow that's really bad okay so I was I was trying to draw overalls overalls they are that it's clothes that you wear when you're working you know so you put them you put them on and you bring them up and they go and you put the arm in and then you button it up and then you can then you can work you know clothes for for like work like how like because they go over all they go over everything over your clothes in Spanish they confundus I don't know anyone overalls there's there's a quote from Isaac Newton and he said that in life in life opportunities are sometimes disguised opportunities are sometimes disguised in overalls and they are dressed up like work like hard work and I think I think it's true I think it's like you know if you if you think that that the opportunity to learn English is like ah I'll just you know I'll just pay I'll pay $19.99 for this course of our I'll learn English or I'll buy this this book and I'll learn English no you have to put on the overalls and do the really hard work really hard work and so you need to know that because if you if you don't have the right mentality if you think you can learn English in in 30 days or six months you'll fail you you'll give up and you'll fail 30 years okay that's what you need tell yourself 30 years and then you have the right mentality to to really learn English properly okay sorry I was talking instead of answering your questions bad teacher okay okay so question ah yes I'm in Spain I'm Australian but I live and I work in Spain hello Harry in Greece how can you how can you improve your listening Paolo wants to know how can you improve your listening here's the great thing about listening nobody can teach you listening I don't know who who is the best English teacher in the world or the most expensive English teacher in the world but you can go to see that person and you can pay that person but they cannot teach you listening listening is a skill you develop with practice okay I mean even native speakers who go from Australia to Scotland they have difficulty understanding not because they don't understand English because you know they're not accustomed to hearing the Scottish accent and it takes time and practice to get used to it no secrets like listening if you want to be better at listening to more listening simple but try to try to focus your listening on things that you understand okay so you can start with children's television programs and then work up that's the best way okay and peppa pig is great Peppa Pig is really funny I love them the pig okay let's see Philippe Philippe Navarro wants to know the difference between 2 and also and well oh and as well basically they they mean the same thing they mean they have the same meaning the only difference is where you can use the word ok so - you can only use at the end of a sentence I like pizza - but also and well are more flexible you can use them at the beginning at the end before the verb like I also like pizza also I like pizza I like pizza also it's totally flexible and as well as well to me feels more like a conjunction to use between sentences ok not so much like I as well like pizza I mean you could but it's more like he's a really nice man as and as well that other you see it feels more feels more like glue for sentences so that's the difference same meaning different places to use them Mostafa how can you study for your IELTS exam by working really hard by working really hard if you want a good score in IELTS it's a difficult exam okay they you know they're not stupid the people who make this exam they know they know how to test your vocabulary and your grandma and your speaking and listening they know so you have to work really hard and be realistic about your expectations okay you know I you know a lot of people you know the people who know me they know me but if you're new to this let me tell you that there are no secrets to learning a language okay like like because you know I'm here every day and and I teach students and I do the work I can't just sell people snake oil you know I can't say ah I've got the system 30 days with me 9999 and it's done no because I have to look at these people in the eye okay and we have to work together and it's really hard it's not easy to learn a language it's really really really really hard so you have to just expect to work really hard and be motivated and have patience and have fun the basic stuff works go and talk to people who are polyglots people who speak five or six or ten languages they're not they're not you know they know what it takes to learn a language they're not selling systems okay they're not they know that it's really hard and that it it takes time okay so if a professional needs time then you need time okay it's that simple and again like Haydar wants to know how to improve your writing you have to write more you know good writing is not just for people who are the good writing is not just difficult for foreign learners no like I'm a native speaker and my writing is is okay some native speakers have terrible writing terrible you know I wouldn't I wouldn't trust them to write a postcard you know and other native speakers are excellent writers because they practice they practice writing is a skill you have to do it do it do it do it okay I think that I've been talking too much again I'm sorry so is there any type of group so as I said at the beginning of this video I made a very special and exciting announcement in the Facebook group yesterday if you're not in the Facebook group you need to go there okay it's free and look at what's happening there okay it's that this is a revolution in the way that that people are learning languages okay so go into the Facebook group ends and look at what's happening and be part of it be part of that revolution so I can't stop talking like because now it's it's 14 minutes into the class and I haven't done anything fun I'm sorry my name is Christian and I'm from Australia yeah okay pictures okay I think it's an interesting question what you have here so okay you see this picture here okay this is a picture of New York now I bought this picture in Ikea because I needed something to fill this space so it means nothing to me this picture it's just a picture of New York now this one this this was is is a design by an artist from from London called Sanka and he is an incredible artist okay this this this is called a tessellation which means that the the chairs they join together infinitely you can create an infinite number of chairs by linking them together and I have this picture because the he designed this and also he designed my logo okay and you can see that the logo is is is it's incredible he's a genius because here is the kangaroo and here you can see you see there's a baby kangaroo here okay look because you know I said to him that you know I teach adults and children and everybody and he said you know that he said that he incorporated everything together he's a genius Keep Calm as a phrasal verb that's just that's just me being me being silly this well this has a long story this one this is about money and then I have let me show you so I have this is a poster about the different parts of speech nouns verbs adjectives it's from a company called pop chart lab it's a great poster quite funny but this is my favorite okay this is indo-european and Uralic language families so it shows all of the languages where they come from so here we have indo-european which is the that the base language which comes up into European and then up into the Romance languages and then we have Spanish and then we come and if we come up the Germanic one we come over here to English and I mean it's just beautiful like over here you have look indo-iranian which brings us to Bengali and Hindi and all do it's a great that poster I can't remember it's a very famous poster if you google language language tree poster you you'll find this I think it's beautiful okay this is what I dressed up I dressed up the 70s at a party I don't know why I have this ah I have this because it was it was given to me by by one of my students well mr. bean I mean because mr. bean is a genius okay okay so this is just one just just okay I think I know that you all have lots of questions and that's you know I want to answer all your questions but today we're going to have fun that's it sorry because remember you can you can always ask me questions in the Facebook group and I answer them but today I want to have some fun so what we're going to do is we're going to do a vocabulary game okay so now the key word the key word is let me just let me just the key word for today is down so I'm going to draw draw things on the on the board pictures and all of these pictures relate to a word with town and I hope that you can guess the the words from from my terrible drawing let's see okay here we go this is going to be good fun are you ready [Music] today so does anybody know what this expression is okay this is an English idiom with town and this red red red paint does anybody has anybody encountered this this idiom in English Oh Seuss antipode ah very nice and Alex la Panda and also cow Silver's dreamy very good it is this is the idiom to paint the town red Alex LaPenta said he cheated because he's a native Alex come on but listen Alex if you're interested in in in helping in the Facebook group send me a message okay please it'd be great to have you okay so now I can't remember the the origin of this I remember that it's something to do with with what in the Western like Cowboys Cowboys painting towns red but basically it means to go out and have a great time to go out and go crazy to have to have a big fiesta and and to enjoy yourself so it's like um imagine that I'm putting on I'm putting on my tuxedo putting on my tuxedo and my wife says where are we going tonight I say we're going to paint the town red which means we're kind of just you know spend a lot of money and go just do just do crazy things yeah so if listen if there are any native speakers watching this if you want to be part of a language revolution that that helps people from all over the world who maybe don't have access to education then then message me okay talk to me I want to hear from you okay okay the next one can video games give you vocabulary yes video games are great for vocabulary especially bad vocabulary like swearing after five minutes on an international server you will know the dirtiest words in 10 languages it is it looks like pac-man but pac-man is a ghost so and yeah this one was this one was quite easy it's um a ghost town ghost town and just just note that that that English we stole this we stole the gh from the Italians yeah because we we needed that that sound that goo because if I put this for example this this pronunciation is more like sure dude like you're like a J so we use the GH the gh combination is like good it's a different sound right so what is a ghost town a ghost town is a town that's been abandoned right like if you go to Chernobyl where there was the terrible nuclear accident it's abandoned there's no people and you can use it to as an as a as a as a a metaphor you know the the faint the famous song my heart is a ghost town my heart is a ghost town Perth is a ghost town sometimes it can be I agree I agree but Rodrigo is right the public service is a ghost town where are they all they're not working they're not doing anything what the hell so yeah it's true that there are there is tourism in Chernobyl now which is amazing right so what's the difference it's an interesting question what what's the difference between a town and a city [Music] unbelievably believe it or not there is a technical definition for town and city like a town is up to 150,000 inhabitants and then it's a city so the technical definition is related to the size of the population but that's not normally true okay because people don't you know know the population it's it's more of a feeling you know a sit the city's big you know a city has buses and maybe a metro and traffic and skyscraper that's a city a town is smaller low buildings more quiet you know not so much traffic and then you have a village I live in a village where there's only me and my family are cows real cows I'm not talking about when my wife is angry in the morning really actually okay okay now this this is maybe a bit more a bit more difficult ooh this one has layers it's like an onion it's so complex there's so many layers to this picture so yes Issa it's okay okay okay the which which are I which animal I'll maybe this one actually there we go is that better no then yes they're good they're horses they're horses but I [Music] figured that if I continue to make strange noises you'll just understand we have a good guess a horse power town leaner the silver says our big horse and those small horses oh people are so close people are so close let me tell you okay it is a one-horse town very good that's our SEP separate separate separates so a one-horse town is a small town so this is related to two Cowboys okay now if the town had a lot of horses then it was a big place you know because in the past horses were the equivalent of cars if you have a lot of cars it's a big town one car is town so a one-horse town is you know a small town normally it's pejorative it's negative it's like ah I can't I can't get a good pizza in this one-horse town normally it's negative right oh man you don't like a there's nowhere for me to to to to buy a 65 inch LED television in this one-horse town okay that was a weird example I'm sorry about that exact strange okay next one okay okay look at this this this is the best walk does anybody know what this is leaning into silver I can't find a good English teacher in this one-horse town no not super town oh she got it she got it or he uh are now Rivera I'm not a Rivera very good this yeah maybe that's not a good that that this is this is Superman this is Superman and this is the the Cape its cape town cape town cape town is in the in South Africa Cape Town I know you're right he's very thin Superman should have more muscles right is that how you draw muscles okay Wow now now he looks now he looks weird like he looks like some type of I don't know like it's got medical problems okay so Cape Town so it's really interesting right Cape is not the same as this right Kate comes from Latin which is cabin right Cabo means the end the finish the the Cabo the Cabo right so if you look at if you look at the map you know you have the the Cape of Good Hope the Cape because it's the end of the of the land the end of the planet there's there's a place here in where I live called cobble the wound the end of the world because the Romans the Romans thought that that when they arrived at the coast they thought well that's it guys no more planet planets finished we can go back now we've explored everything yeah I imagine this mentality right it's so Wow Wow just some interesting you know what is what is that meant to be sorry it's because I'm not sure does anybody know what this is okay so it's a bomb yes it's a bomb ah Mike saw Mike saw very nice my man okay so exactly so this is a bomb right but what is the sound of like if you read if you read a comic if you read a comic and there's like Superman and he's like you know and it says you know what's the sound are very good guys very good boom boom is the sound so you could say I was walking down the street and I heard a boom or you can you can use it as an adjective you can say he has a mean voice booming voice like Morgan Freeman has a booming voice Morgan Freeman is the voice of God so the what is the word the word is boomtown and this is positive it's it's not a town that's exploding in a bad way it's not exploding with bombs it's exploding in a good way it's exploding with money it's exploding with famous people it's exploding with with success okay so like for example here where I live in Galicia in this town in chantara this is a boom town for English for learning English is a boom town if you say it in New York you'll get arrested it's true don't don't go to the airport in fact don't go to America and talk about bombs at all it's a bad idea hello Guillermo yes sir New York Los Angeles London are boomtowns very true is it Tiago says it looks like a birthday cake well okay okay this is this is this is very difficult very difficult especially with my drawing there's anybody know what that is any ideas okay good it is a cup it is a cup it is a cup now in in British English there is another word which is a synonym for cup it's a synonym for cup does anybody know and it's not so much it's not really a synonym for cup it's a synonym for the material the material of the cup so what what is the name of what is the material of other other other cup Oh cow cow she nailed it she's a little bit and Eduardo as well of course it is Chinatown Chinatown because we in in English the the the porcelain we call it China because originally it came from China and we do this a lot in English in a lot of languages like a turkey for example in English people thought that it was from Turkey it's not from Turkey but people thought it was from Turkey so they called it a turkey in French a turkey is called didn't which means from India but a turkey is not from India ether so both English and French made a mistake you know we may we may we we we we call lots of things names of places right like China Turkey okay let's let's change the subject let's do a different one let's do okay this is this is how can i how can I describe this this is to learn the names of the people of different countries so let's let's do let's do a little test a little test what what do you call people from Canada people from Canada Canadian very good Canadians okay that was easy okay foreign do you know do you know what the does anybody know what the slang word is for for a Canadian does anybody know what what Americans call Canadians who very good frederico they call them Canucks and there are lots of others some of them are polite and others not so polite but Kanak is more you know a little bit more you know okay more difficult what do you call what do you call a person from Turkey from Turkey does anybody know what do you call a person from Turkey Oh Robert Chevy a very nice Turkish very good Turkish and interestingly I don't I don't know if you know this but you can use ish to mean approximately Christian what what are you saying to me what do you mean ish means approximately what the hell okay let me give you an example right imagine if I don't know how old you are I'm like I don't know I think she's 30 ish which means I think she's approximately 30 she's 30 years and I can use it for for other things I can use it for colors like what color is this well it's like greenish which means you know approximately green and obviously people from Turkey people from Turkey are like well they're Turkish okay okay now more difficult what do you call people from the beautiful country of Nepal Nepal hmm Nepali no Nepali no that's the adjective very good they're not in their Politan no that'sthat's place they are called Nepalese the police you know actually actually I'm not you know now that I don't now that I think about it I'm not a hundred percent sure best teacher ever like I think in my mind that's Nepalese but maybe it is Nepali probably but I think maybe Nepali is the adjective you need to Google this I don't know I'm sorry bad teacher now for my beautiful drawing skills are you ready these are citizens of countries this one is easy any ideas does anybody have any idea what this is good Oh give me give me a moment you guys are too funny seriously Oh given of course this is a this is a cigar a cigar a cigar the words the words in Spanish for cigar can be a problem okay because you have this is called a poodle because it's pure it's pure tobacco poodle but if you say pororo which sometimes I say by accident because I forget if it's poodle that means a cigarette of marijuana and then if you say plural then that means leak which is a vegetable something can be confusing you have to be careful so yes there is a Cuban a Cuban cigar do you like the llama beautiful Cuban cigar very nice okay this one's more more abstract more abstract what country is that now if any of you are interested in fashion it ooh Scotland oh okay I see where you're going it looks like the fabric of Scotland but no okay the fabric of Scotland is called tartan tartan is the traditional Scottish fabric to make skills right but in general in general the fabric with this with this what is it called if I have a shirt with [Music] what's it called does anybody know is anybody here ah come seriously how did you guess that I cannot believe it see Frau a man that's amazing okay let me explain let me explain so if we have only in one direction its stripes stripes stripes are just in one direction does anybody have any good one direction jokes okay but if it's like this if it's like little squares they're called checks check so of course it it means that the the citizen is check people who are check check what is that one let me just oh okay that's it that's the whole thing what's the difference between Czech and plaid [Music] I think plaid is a slight difference I think plaid is a category of Czech come on Frederico that was so fast Frederico that's amazing of course this is a pole and a pole is a person from Poland you can also call them a Pollock but I think now Pollock has developed you know it feels a bit sort of I don't know maybe negative associations maybe I'm not sure so pole is you know Paul is the good thing to say [Applause] okay that's that's pretty good come on that's that's amazing that is super easy see I told you it was a good drawer it's a Kiwi yeah it's a Kiwi it's some Kiwis are people from New Zealand so you can call them New Zealanders or you can call them Kiwis and also they have they have an animal a bird called the Kiwi so big it's a big bird right quite sort of round rotund along well I mean more a little more or less so and and honestly I'm not sure about the relationship between the bird and the fruit and the the names like which which one came first the bird or the fruit and Kiwis like what I don't know why I need to google it okay well okay this is this is this is good this one I'm telling mom hey now the Italian model they don't smile very good so so this is called a tie okay this is a tie and the name of people from Thailand is time and the verb to tie a tie is tie so if you have a tie from Thailand that you're tying you can tie the tie tie and if your name is Thai which is a common name I could say tie the tie tie tie let's sound that sounds weird okay we we have time for only one more for only one more and this is for me this is the best one okay it's quite abstract quite abstract but I don't know if you can guess what's happening I don't know okay yes sir the person exactly they're winning they're running and they're winning but what is the are amazing who was first who is first one digger once of course this is the finish right the finish of the race and a person from Finland is finished with two N's so finish I'm sure that there are lots of jokes about people from Finland and dishwashing detergent someone has to make a joke about that about putting some Finnish in the dish okay I've got a joke what do you do with what do you do with someone from Finland when they're really dirty you put the Finnish in the dishwasher I'm really sorry I just it's Tuesday and you know I just yeah but so this is guys I have to I have to go because I have to teach a class soon but thank you all so much for joining in I had a great time today and I'll try and do another live class tomorrow if not Thursday or Friday Hungary Hungary I should do hungry um okay guys so lots of love and I'll see you on Facebook on Instagram or I'll see you everywhere very soon bye
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 17,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Live English class
Id: u1k2sJSggOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 23sec (3383 seconds)
Published: Tue May 15 2018
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