Bishop Noel Jones - Sunday Morning Worship - January 24, 2021

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i want to go to micah chapter 7 and micah says woe is me for i am as when they have gathered summer fruits uh i'm trying to see where the light is [Music] thank you i'm very glad i'll take this one yeah good that's even better as the grape cleanings of the vintage there is no cluster to eat so my soul desireth the first ripe fruit the good man is perished out of the earth and there is none upright among men they all lie in wait for blood they hunt every man his brother with a net that they may do evil [Music] with both hands earnestly the prince asketh and the judge asked it for a reward and the great man he uttered his mischievous desire so they wrap it up the best of them is as a bride the most upright is sharper than the thorn hedge the day of thy watchmen the day of thy visitation cometh now shall be their perplexity trust ye not in a friend put ye not confidence in a guy keep the doors of thy mouth from her that life in thy bosom for the son dishonored the farm the daughter rises up against her mother the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law a man's enemies are the men of his own house therefore i will look unto the lord i will wait for the lord of my salvation my god will hear me i wanted you to look at somebody just for a few minutes don't look at him for a few minutes but i will talk a few words just tell them i know who to trust i know who to trust defined and i'm beginning to understand that the state of man unregenerated has not changed much from israel's behavior it's hard to find good people [Applause] the evil in the world has escalated to a proportion that none of us can handle without god no seriously speaking it's uh if we don't find ourselves as perpetrators we find ourselves as victims but there is always [Music] a clash haven't you found in your life yet [Music] that you come out of one situation and you you patch it up and sometimes you pray the patch holes and then you get into another situation almost immediately after sometimes it's two or three different situations and three or four different attitudes coming at you the same time when i understand trust defined generally from the hebrew and particularly when we talk hebrew here it means firmness or certainty the greeks took it a little further and they they said absolute certainty and the basic the etymological root the concept of trust is a baby in the arms of a strong parent [Music] the total lack of concern because little child is in the arms of a parent and is just satisfied and trusting when noel was a little boy i did something very foolish i put him between my legs like this and i tossed him up as high as i could get him [Music] and when i caught him the inertia the move was so so vicious until his little feet broke my lip instead of him he was real little you know but he he should have hollowed and and slid down and crawled away as fast as he could he wanted to go back up because his mind had no doubt because he wasn't introduced to anything called pain now had he fallen he would have been broken and psychologically something would have snapped because trust if it's absolute certainty then it is a place of comfort uh can i can i take it further to trust then is as the greek para didimai would be to give over or to deliver or completely entrust something to a person and that is i give you my life another greek concept is to give beforehand and that is i don't wait until you give me but i give you beforehand because i trust you what are the things that's so difficult and whenever you do construction one of the first things you do is make sure you have a lawyer [Music] because construction is litigated as much if not more than any other piece of business god bless my mother got here and the the reason for the litigation is that you have bought the materials and the contractor wants money up front and then you don't see him sometimes he takes your money and buying materials for another job [Music] but he wants you to give yours up front because you're seeking you have to trust we've got smart now so what we do is we let him work a while we don't we don't hire a contractor that you got to give money to upfront you hire one who's capable and then the bank goes down there and checks the work before they release the money because it's hard to find good people oh i can hoop anytime i promise if trust then is regarded as absolute certainty then the question becomes what happens when it's broken when somebody breaks your trust [Music] the second question is can it ever become absolute again now you know the trust is broken you have forgiven amen but did the forgiveness weld the trust again you can forgive and be around but still don't trust i i i have a wonderful piece of pipe and and i broke the pipe can the weld make that pie perfect again see the difficulty now you end up in a situation where because absolute certainty in your behavior and i trust you absolutely and then it's broken for the other definition to give beforehand so i've given beforehand with an expectation that it's coming back to me equally then i've been shattered because when i gave beforehand you totally ignored what i did and maybe didn't care and now i'm broken so i'm caught now in a situation where if there is forgiveness i've got to forgive two people i gotta forgive myself for having given beforehand an expectation that you would do me right and then i have to forgive you for having shattered my trust and now things become a little more difficult because will i ever be able to walk with you like we walked before without having a little birdie flying in the back of my head that says maybe just maybe huh [Music] it is critical here because the writer is really saying to us that you can have no confidence in the flesh is he he's saying to me that none of us as human beings literally have enough information to know who or what to trust and what has opened up to me is if ever if never before i have to do it now and that is in all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct oh god every one of us now in the choices of life from getting on an airplane to buying a car to buying a house to choosing an apartment getting in a relationship no thing that's major in your life a major minor too because he's not limited to the big things he said in all thy ways in all thy ways don't move without consulting me don't don't sign a check without consulting me don't don't take a job without consulting me in all thy ways you see the reason we're in this house is not because of one another the reason we're in this house is because of god and what god is saying if you're my child then let me direct you because you don't know where to go you don't know how to move you need my direction because i've got everything scoped out and when i start moving and taking folk out your life i gotta take some folk out your life so i can put some good ones in there [Applause] because you run into so much negative because you deal with so much pain emotionally and psychologically because the good man is gone and immediately we lower our expectation because once trust is broken expectation lessons we begin now to be very cynical and skeptical is a better word when we deal with people when we deal with people because we feel now like we're in a precarious precipitous sort of arena because i'm gonna take a chance i i'm taking a chance but i'm taking a chance i heard the word cautiously because when they threw me up they didn't catch me and so i approach my next job or my next investment or my next relationship i approach it with suspicion because of the previous pains i'm coming into this new thing with old memories oh god and sometimes it's extremely difficult to heal we talk about healing all the time but you heal with scars jacob wrestled with god and he tapped him in the socket and he ended up limping his name was changed from to israel but even though he was healed he was still limping see the situation now becomes that you lower expectation as a defense mechanism to keep from being hurt oh god but now because you lowered your expectation you end up getting what you feared the thing is now i come to the table and my expectation has been reduced but it comes across the table as suspicion should i do that again because i'm hurt and i'm defending myself and i'm anticipating that something can go off here just like it did before so what i do is i approach cautiously and suspiciously because i'm looking for the possibility of what could happen if i give first so over here now it comes over and my radar is picking up suspicion and i'm picking up a lack of trust so what i do is i say to myself well you don't trust me why should i trust you and so i lower in order to deal with what i feel and you lower in order to feel deal with what you have been through oh god help me now it gets even more difficult when everybody in the room has been through something [Applause] so i'm approaching you with fear and you approaching me with fear so we ain't got nothing jumping off over but fear over there and fear over here and i'm coming in defending me and you're coming in defending you when none of us have anything to defend because we don't know each other i wish you'd get it see here again only god can heal and only god can bring you to the place where you can get over what you've been through and that's the time you need to wait until you get over what you've been through before you try to go through something else i feel like so you walk up to the table and your expectations are up here and you say immediately here's where i am now if you can't climb this mountain then we can just walk away right now because if you're not going to be fair in business if you're not going to be fair on this job if you're not going to be fair in this relationship fair with these products fair then i don't need to deal with you i'd rather be right here by myself with peace and joy than to deal with another criminal i wish somebody give god some praise [Applause] can i go deeper before i go higher when you examine the issue of trust then you have to also deal with the issue of commitment because there's absolutely no way to commit to what you don't trust uh you'll go along for the ride but you're not going to release all of yourself because you don't trust and when you don't trust you have to control oh yes anybody who has trust issues have control issues because if i don't trust you then i've got to control you i got i'm talking to somebody maybe i'm talking to myself man i've gotta always keep you on lockdown and in business i've gotta have access to the books i've got to be able to check and many times i put somebody on you to watch you when i can't watch you myself because if i don't trust you you're not going out of town by yourself if i don't trust you you're not going across town by yourself and you can't really commit yourself totally to what you don't believe in let me let me take a little further uh you can't commit yourself to what you doubt so if you're around it has to be another reason for being around than for trust and commitment you may just be around for the car you just may be around for the house but if the car in the house wasn't there you wouldn't be there because you can't commit yourself to what you don't trust oh god i feel something heavy in here i i'll take the trinkets but i don't trust you i'll take the trinkets but i'm not committed to you i'll take the trinkets if i have some measure of control it's interesting thing though that god now puts us in a place where nobody can put confidence in the flesh it's not always that somebody is out to get you sometimes they just don't have the strength let me work this just a little bit more to show you that the commitment i asked the question as i was working this thing out did the hebrew boys have any doubts and the question is who were they committed to now lord have mercy to trust in god is not so easy because i've gone over with you many times that these boys saw their armies defeated king humiliated his sons decapitated temple desecrated utensils uh contaminated the boys names were changed from hananiah michelle and azariah to shadrach meshach and abednego from holy jehovahistic elohistic names to babylonian pagan names and then they were castrated now i have talked to people who are having difficult times in life and they tell me that they are having faith problems and many of us have gone through some things and because of what we went through we even stopped coming to church because we had a difficulties family breakup kids going crazy and as a mother dies father dies at an early age we've been abandoned and and we have doubt about god now i have not seen the armies defeated and all of the stuff the hebrew boys went through but the question is what were they committed to and then what did they trust well they could not have been committed to deliverance and they weren't committed to nebuchadnezzar they weren't committed to anybody but god because if you can be caught in a situation where everything has gone downhill in your life and you can look a man in the face and say we're not careful to answer you concerning this matter but the god we serve is able and he will but if not i wish somebody talked to me here you see faith and commitment and trust to trust you i have to have faith in you and in order to commit to you i have to have trust and faith in who you are and god knows the only one that we can have any real faith in and trusting is god i don't trust you to be good to me i trust god to make you [Applause] i feel a breakthrough coming we don't have a little church pat don't get stay too far it is a critical piece here because it is a matter of living a life on a day-to-day basis with some peace because unless i have confidence and trust in god the persistence changes of my life come so rapidly that i'm always going through some kind of change and in order for me to have any kind of peace i have to have some settlement i'm learning that greatness is in inhabit that there has to be a certain habit i can't uh it's in simplicity i just can't go from one thing to the other my mind going crazy and what i've discovered now is that i have to have confidence that there is someone around who will hold things together and the only one i know who can hold this world together is god himself you you get on a plane now and you can't get on a plane with confidence in a pilot you can't get on a plane with confidence in avionics you can't get on a plane with confidence in the mechanics of the plane and you can't get on a plane confident about who is on the plane you can only get on that plane if you have trust in the god because you know god is the one that's looking at circumstances and god is controlling the situation you can't move without confidence in god because the good man is gone out of the earth uh can i preach like i feel it give somebody high five and said don't do anything without god uh michael now prophesied doing a has his reign and it was a very bad time if you look at second king 17 you will find that it was a very bad time the people were deceived and when micah began to speak in three and five he said that saith the lord concerning the prophets that make my people er that bite with their teeth and cry peace he that put it not into their mouths they even before prepare war against him unquote the people were so confused that they began to do human sacrifice that's why the lord said through micah will the lord be pleased with thousands of rams or with ten thousand rivers of oil shall i give my firstborn for my transgression the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul and the response from god is he showeth thee o man what is good and what dot the lord require of thee but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly before thy god it had come to the place where you couldn't go anywhere and somebody not connive against you ah oh god i i might as well just preach it to that uh you couldn't go anywhere where there was something that was not affecting you where the devil using people to hurt you constantly and consistently and the devil operates in people people make places good and people make places bad uh you can live in a heart in a shack with the right person and have a lot of fun you can be in a mansion with the wrong person and try to live on the rooftop i feel like shouting up here you can go to a job that does not pay very well and still enjoy going you can go to another job that pays a lot of money and you don't even want to go how many mornings have you awakened and didn't even feel like putting on your clothes and yet still you had a job that was producing a whole lot of money you see the wonderful thing about god is he operates in simplicity and he does not complicate things and got you trying to figure him out every minute because jesus christ is the same yesterday today and forever he does not switch his moods oh god you can approach him no matter what time of day or night and he will respond the same way because he does not put you through this institution as changes what he does is he's constant and consistent if you praise him today he'll receive it today if you're glorifying tomorrow it's the same thing if you wait three weeks and give him some more praise he'll respond the same way and that's why the devil hasn't defeated us yet because no matter who and what he throws at us we find a little time to praise and what we say is like job the lord giveth and the lord taketh blessed be the name of the lord ah i'm almost there it's critical because he does not want us simply to give him a lot of lip service what he's saying to you and i is i don't need 10 000 rams or 10 000 rivers of oil and i don't want you to give your firstborn to anybody you don't have to go to human sacrifice oh god i feel like shouting the demand that god puts on me is his yoke is easy and his burdens are light and the devil wants to put on me the way of the transdresser is hard you see the church should be a place where you can find some good people oh god i i feel like shouting now the church should be a place where you can trust people and you can give the normalness of your life you can live and walk in this place and just be happy because you don't feel like anybody sitting here waiting to cut your throat because the house of god should be a place where people can serve one another help one another lift one another give praise to each other and enjoy one another this is the last place you want to walk in and have haters everybody in here ought to be glad for what god is doing in your life i feel it here i feel i feel the end i'm close to the end it's a critical thing because what the writer does is he picks out some categories he opens by saying i can't even get any fruit the first fruit is gone they said i look to the summer where the fruit should be and the gleanings of the vintage should be great i should have things flowing everywhere but i i'm going hungry because the good man is perish from the earth the psalmist looked at it and he said help lord for the godly man ceases for the faithful fail among the children of men he is saying i'm searching through solomon said i looked through a thousand and i could only find one man he could only find one out of a thousand he said i looked through the same number of women and i couldn't find one now i will propose to you that maybe he was a little backslidden over in ecclesiastes and uh the writers say he was slipping in ecclesiastes so uh i will put that to you maybe you'll maybe that'll ease the pressure and i won't have to call security but can you imagine then out of 2000 there is only one person that's good out of 2 000. uh now solomon had the means in order to be able to test a thousand women and have a thousand men you and i don't have the means so we can only go to god because god is the one the one who has the resources to give your spirit the discernment of what you are about to get yourself in and if you're a child of god you can't trust your own understanding because you can't lean to your understanding can i talk to someone you got yourself in a mess before because you lean to your own understanding and you thought you had it made before because you leaned to your own understanding and when you lean to your own understanding you only end up with a lot of pain but when you go to god and he directs your path sometimes you wonder why he moved some things out of your life that you thought would be the best blessing you would ever have because god wasn't looking at the now he was looking down the road at the thin and he knew that what looked good now was going to hurt you later because everything that's good to you is not good for you and i feel like having just a little church he says the good man is gone out of the earth and the next thing you've got to find is that there is violence is rampant that's the next point he made i hope i'm going with this thing right yes he says they lay in wait for blood oh god i feel like preaching but you know sometimes people get close to you not because they care about you some people get close to you because of what you have or what they think they can get and after they use it up then they're gone to the next person i feel like shouting oh can i get some help from somebody i know the thing is deep and a little bit rough but give somebody a high five and said i've been through that oh yeah i've been through that i've been through that with somebody just scoped you out because of what you had or scoped you out because of the way you look and after they get finished with you they leave you on a heap all broken and disturbed because people will use you and not give anything back they will not risk support there is no reciprocity excuse me no mutuality and that's why the writer said they just wait for blood some people when they see you on the mountaintop they're just sitting there waiting for you to fall some people just want to talk about you negatively after you have risen to a certain height but i'm so glad if you have no haters you ain't doing nothing but when god begins to elevate you to the next level look out for haters but give him praise because the haters didn't put you up and the haters can't bring you i feel like having little church i feel like giving god some praise he said the violence is everywhere that they connive evil you know it's one thing for evil just to show up but when you sit down and plan the evil can i talk to the saints in here don't sit down and fret yourself over evildoers don't sit around and connive to hurt anybody because somebody hurt you don't try to get back at anybody because i heard the lord say vengeance is mine and i will repay so don't get in god's way because i heard the writer say the day of their visitation cometh i don't have to whoop upon anybody because god told me i wish i had a voice to pray for them that despitefully use you you give god a word for them i feel i feel something wonderful in here can you imagine where you have arisen to where somebody's done you're wrong and you roll out of your bed on your knees and instead of saying lord get them you say lord bless them because i'm in a place where i've elevated above being evil for evil folk if you want to be evil to me that's your business but the god i serve will keep me and take care of you so i don't have to call him out because he's already watching and i heard him when he said if you hurt the least one of these you might as well tie a melting around your neck and fall into the utmost part of the sea i don't care if nobody else is evil and good then i just want to be what god would have me to be can i get ready to close he takes us a little higher and he said even the leaders are no good because they seek bribes so when you go to take care of your business looking for justice they end up polluting justice for money sake the best are hypocrites they'll smile in your face and stab you in the back look just like a rosebud i feel like preaching in here give somebody a high five and said neighbor can i count on you neighbor will you pray for me neighbor will you help me through neighbor wheel jesus said your hypocrites for your life onto white it's a pokers which appear beautiful but inside a dead man's bones and corruption i don't know how you can make it if you're looking at outward appearance because the devil wears javonshi the double whale bruno maglies the devil gets his hair cut and the devil wears bruione suits the devil ain't telling you i'm getting ready to wreck your life the devil comes with promises comes with scopes telling you all kinds of stuff then all of a sudden the robes go off the suit goes off and you're looking at the sure enough oh i feel like preaching here give somebody a high five and said i was shocked when the devil came out and now i know i'm going to god don't show me the pulpit show me the spirit i feel like preaching don't let me listen to the words let me hear the spirit give me discernment lord i need to know what i'm dealing with because i got one life to live shake somebody's hand and say neighbor i'm excited about your future because if you get this message today you'll go to another level give somebody high five and say neighbor this is my breakthrough message i trust in the lord trust in the lord one writer said i would lift up mine eyes to the heels from whence commit my help my help [Music] coming from the lord i will wait patiently on the lawn for he heard my cry he brought me out of a horrible pit he'd put my feet on a rock to stay and establish my going give some money high five for the second to the last time and said neighbor i heard him say upon this rock i'll build my church and the gates of hell shall not [Music] prevail against me god we trust give somebody high five for the last time and said neighbor i know who to trust i know who to bring me out i know who to lift me up i know who make a way when i'm time no way i know who'll open my eyes when i went in blind i know his name and i call his name when i am in trouble i'll call his name jen jesus jesus bring me out jesus make a way jesus watch my back goodness mercy follow me all the days of my life i know get some money high five for the next service and said neighbor with all i've been through i know who the trust his name is [Music] [Music] i know who to trust i know who to trust you can't trust the doctor today cause all you want is money give your drugs that you don't even need but i know who to call on when i'm on the way to the doctor's office i said geez [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] i'm closing i know you're going home and put some barbecue together i know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i i've been in church [Music] all my life now the church has not been in me all my life and i'm finding that to be successful in anything you've got to have resources and you got to use them the greatest resource that we have is the almighty god [Applause] [Music] tired of emotion the greatest resource it's gone and how often have we bypassed the resource now my music department is our musical resource so i need anything musical why bypass amen why should i bypass their gifts their knowledge of music their contacts their network if i want to bring somebody to this house i'm going to check with them and they may say something like no that ain't the one yes this is the one and it's only a phone call and i'll have him here and that's that so now why should you go into business when the creator of the principles of business is in your heart it would seem like before you made a move you'd go to the resource and he'll tell you it's less than a phone call away because while you're on the way he already prepared them for you coming and though 40 50 60 other people are there you end up walking out with the prize because you checked your resource and your resource controls everything that happens in the world so why should you be broke with a resource like that this year breakout breakthrough we're going to deal with the resource and he has already invited us he said just acknowledge me because i'm the only one you can trust the only one you can trust so as i close for the second time you don't trust your pastor to be good you trust god to keep him good [Applause] now that takes the stress amen you don't trust your mate to be faithful you trust god to keep your mate faith i feel like shouting here because he's the only one you can trust to keep anybody faithful because you sure can't keep somebody faithful only god can keep somebody faithful you trust god to love you through them amen [Applause] take one person by both hands even me [Music] even me even me [Music] on me raise that tone up [Music] fall on me i wanted to lead you in the prayer father you told us whatever we bind on earth you bind in heaven [Music] bind low self esteem bind out bind procrastination and laziness based on a lack of faith find negative thinking find it right now find every spirit of conspiracy every spirit of revenge that has crept into our lives find it right now just find it and make it totally ineffective bind worry now i bind worry and bind fear [Music] in the name of jesus now lord you said but we loose on earth you loose in heaven i lose joy and i lose happiness this year as a breakthrough of happiness i lose peace i lose financial prosperity yes lord i lose i lose nice things ah i lose fresh anointing and vision i i lose discernment in my brother i loose discernment in my sister and i claim it right now in the name of jesus oh i lose relationships that are healthy good relationships marriage and all kinds of wonderful things i lose it right now i lose good health oh from the crown of the head to the soul of the feet i lose opportunities and doors opening i i lose them right now and i claim it done i lose great ministry in this church healings in this church great preachers in this church i loose the ministerial department to grow to the next level and i lose it right now everything that functions in here i lose the victory and i claim it in the name of jesus and if you believe it loose hands give god the praise give him the glory he's worthy i know who to trust i know who to trust i know who to trust my god my god my god wasn't that an exciting word from my bishop i pray that you were enriched renewed and refreshed my god it made me think of hebrews 4 and 2 that the gospel was preached to me and to them but they did not profit from the word because they did not mix it with their faith this is where your faith meets the role is when you hear with the preached word from the gospel what are you getting ready to do with it now so i encourage you to mix it with your faith and go ahead and see the fruit of god's word manifested in your life i also want to encourage you too if that if you need prayer go ahead and call in on the prayer line because we have ministers trained and equipped and ready to go ahead and meet you at the point of your need because we believe to touch and agree we can also touch and agree by faith so i want you to go ahead and call in if you still have things harvesting are you just making a new move in life and you want somebody to agree with you whatever the case is we are ready to pray for your need i also too want to remind you of our service time we go on air every sunday morning at 10 a.m and also wednesdays at 12 noon so i'm telling you don't allow us to make a poor connection but what a core connection because that's what we're doing we're trying to strengthen our core the core of our inner man through this virtual experience so i cannot wait to see uh the testimonies in the comments please go ahead and put things into the chat as well because we love to go over there and pray even if you have some things that you want to put inside of the chat for us to pray for we will go through and pray for them as well you can also email us too uh we have also our prayer uh email as well that if you want to go ahead and put things in the email chat for us to pray for we'll pray for those as well so i can't wait to see you guys next sunday i love you guys i'll be praying that god keeps you until the appointed time grace and peace [Music] you
Channel: Official Bishop Noel Jones
Views: 35,459
Rating: 4.8469658 out of 5
Id: 2sUZO5667jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 45sec (3645 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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