REPLAY I FWT22 Ordino Arcalis, Andorra

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welcome welcome welcome [Music] my [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] you're so extreme bro look at that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome freeride family to stop number two of the free ride world tour or dino arcalis in andorra is our gracious host for this the second stop on our whirlwind tour around the world of free ride and what a magical spot it is we absolutely love coming here the riders love it we got a brand new face my name is derrick foose and i'm here with my co-host best friend and shred bud and a smoothie anna how are you feeling about this day i'm so excited we've got another brand new face here in andorra acculease and it's going to be a killer competition today unbelievable such a magic time here in andorra and we are going to kick things off right away with a bang with the ski men they are going to be the first athletes dropping on this brand new face so exciting so ski men kicking off all things being as they should at 11 a.m should take a little over an hour to knock them out then ski women snowboard men next and then we're going to wrap it up with a bang with the snowboard women at 1 40 p.m that's local time here in andorra so you can adjust your clocks accordingly to figure out your own timing for watching this bad boy so anna this face is brand new on the tour uh nobody's competed on it before we have a myriad of face selections of choices here in ordinary and we've come to a brand new one this time which is so exciting i just i think it kind of levels the playing field almost definitely like we've got some world tour veterans here today but they're on the same standings as our rookies and the face is fierce it's got some zones that are totally closed just to keep everyone safe but it's definitely got so many options for free ride enthusiasts so i'm hyped to see what they bring today yeah let's have a look a little deeper into into what kind of winning to get this thing ready to compete in the freeride world tour at the first stop it was probably slightly more freestyle orientated here we're aiming for a competition who should go in the way that like the the true big mountain riders are going stephan dan fanfar one of our main leading guide from the flyball tour has been here in a few days his role was to check the snow conditions and there's no stability um a brilliant venue that we have already used in the past unfortunately this year unless we have some precipitation which at the moment we are not sure to get it's going to be difficult to run an event on it and that's why we have already scoped another venue that would be spring conditions la bay is a true big mountain riding phase it's a 500 meter vertical drop mountains with massive features eddie vessel and mel olivier two of the best riders from the farewell tour will come over this afternoon they'll come earlier but it was really important for us to have the advice from the riders themselves they ask the what thing the riders so we are here to kind of represent the riders and to check this new condition so the face behind us is a new face for the tour it looks really good uh we just need to see and confirm if we have enough take-outs this is a massive face a lot of exposure on top and some nice features on the bottom for me it looks quite nice i think it's both big jumps and and smaller cliffs we can do and the snow looks quite nice pretty much as soon as we finish bakira buret the the organizers were on their way here to andorra figuring it out it's such a complicated process anna can you run us through what this face is all about yeah so the organization came straight here and we're looking at some of the old faithful faces that we've used in the past and they found this peak de la planas north of ordinarchilis and they decided that this had the free ride features that we needed so this face is a east southeast uh aspect so it's been catching the light since the sun came up this morning we've got some hard and fast conditions here so we're hoping that the snow will soften as the sun comes across it you can see there it says there's an average of 37 degrees but actually some of the face is as steep as 45 so it's in pretty serious terrain there's uh some huge rock features that are actually closed today in the center of the face so if you're coming from start two you need to stick to the kuwait and come past this impassable rock bluff but there's still a lot of features where the riders can bring their creativity bring some hard and fast big mountain style or they can bring those freestyle maneuvers that we've been seeing in bakira barrett and some of some of the writers have been picking out some pretty creative lines here and we're excited to see what they bring today yeah you know we're seeing every every one of these events this evolution uh and changing between the freestyle oriented riders and the free ride and this one i don't know to me it kind of feels like it's gonna play to both strengths what do you think about that definitely that there's a real wealth of different features and i'm i think that the writers are pretty excited well so the writers are putting on this show for all of you at home but they're also trying to line up with the judging criteria to to maximize the score obviously they want to win they want to do well in this phase so the the judging criteria some to some if you're new to this it can be a bit misty so maybe let's just dive in and see what actually the judges are looking for out of these riders on the face today [Music] hi my name is bertie denver i'm one of the freeride world tour judges we score riders from 0 to 100 when the rider leaves the gate he has a score of 50 and then the score goes up or down depending on what we see there are five judging criterion the number one criterion is the choice of line will judge whether the line was difficult or not and whether the athletes did the best out of his line choice then there's aaron's style how big is the jump how many are there were the tricks in the air was the rider in control in the air how were the landings so landings are part of the jump then there's fluidity we judges are here to decide whether the athlete was really fast or kind of slow compared to how exposed or how difficult it is to ski control here we'll judge whether the rider was in control at all times then there's technique for pros we don't really judge their technique but we might take off some points if they side slip in a place where another rider was taking turns the score like a temperature will go up and down so that we have a score in our heads when the rider crosses the finish line so one of the skiers that really understood the judging criteria well and worked at last event was olivia mcneill what did you think about her run derek well i mean olivia's been competing since she was a young kid she she gets it you know she knows what the judges want to see and you can see here i mean she was right away off a big air nice clean stuff the judges love that and then that turn anna wow so critical to make her next big ear and you can see kristo because she comes out of it so she really had beautiful skiing in between features as well and had some serious air time some of the biggest years was in the category that day yeah and the judges love that the combination of the control category and the technique category those two are just so intrinsically linked together if your technique is good the control will take care of itself kind of and olivia showed that and then also with the line selection that just showed you know fortune favors the bold absolutely so one of our rookies taking the win in her first stop not a rookie second year on tour but pretty fresh face yeah olivia definitely um she feels like a rookie because she only did two and she never completed one but we did have a chance to catch up with her and kind of pick her brain about what it feels like to to be here amongst her heroes and and to win the first stop i'm from canada i grew up in vancouver and i've been skiing whistler black home for my whole life i like to have big cliffs and i yeah i like to have big cliffs and i kind of like to hit flat landings i'm just really happy to be outside always this is my favorite place anywhere where there's a mountains and like open sky i'm always feeling great so my goal for this comps just to put down another run that i feel really happy with maybe find like one or two features that i'm like super excited about and hit those well ideally not think too much about the fact that i am leading currently because i don't want to don't want to stress out about it so anna we heard her just saying she's not even thinking about leading right now because to her that's such a trip as a competitor what does that mean how do you adjust your mind around a factor like that i think there is a big difference between skiing to win and skiing not to lose so i think she's right to put it out of her mind and concentrate on what she's doing as an athlete and really just keep her head in the game keep your head in the game there you go kids that's how you get it done well another young athlete who's been competing for ages who absolutely unlocked the mystery of the judging criteria was max palm we can see in his run it was just so packed full of features uh and mind-blowing moments of of shredding yeah he made history as he lines up the first landed double batflip on the freeride world tour ever so he was uh pretty elated about that to say um to say the least yeah and once again this absolute mastery of the combination of the gutsy line and then excellent technique the turn that he makes here after the double backflip to set up for the 360. without great technique that turn does not happen for sure and i know the judges were thrilled to see him pack in a bunch more features into his line because while they're here for the free ride history they need to see a complete line and not just a one-hit wonder which he definitely delivered for us absolutely and you can just see the elation on his whole body language max palm wild card one event wild card hoisting the trophy and earning himself a spot on the tour for the rest of the season that was just magic so the young bucks are really getting it done on the tour this year so far definitely all right so we did have a chance to catch up with max you know everybody's been talking about the double backflip but max is a he's a complete person you know there's more to him there's more behind the the goggle lenses so we we caught up with him and just kind of dug into what got him here um to this point because it's uh it's pretty impressive what max is doing these days [Music] [Applause] so max we're on the top of ordinarco is here and you found yourself going from wild card to the top of the ski men's field how are you feeling about all this it's pretty insane i haven't have time to proceed everything you realize it but it's just insane being here with all those insane riders that like all my idols and to be able able to compete against them is like wow tell me a little bit about your parents because it sounds like both of them are legends in the ski world my mom is a ski instructor and she has won three times there be the la merge in lagrave on telemark and my dad is a mountain guide who's traveling the world to find the best snow i guess and how much of that do you think has rubbed off on you you know that combination of those two things like your mum's just reckless sending us and and your dad's obviously a mountain guru how much of that have they passed on to you i think everything like i think that's why i always have wanted to ski and i have that passion and love for skiing because i've i've grown up in this area and yeah it's just insane and they're giving me so much help i'm so thankful for them thanks mom and dad yeah thanks mom and dad okay so how much of that alpine background uh for the north american viewers that's ski racing in chevalier are you adding now to your your free ride skiing how important is it yeah i think i think it's really important to have an alpine background because when like it really gives you the basis of skiing and like how to make a turn and everything and i think that really can show look when you look at christopher and everybody like they ski so good and leo and all those and i think that the alpine that really helped them so now you're here you've transitioned in one year from juniors to freeride world tour in in your mind has that been an easy transition or is it crazy to you it's really it's insane that's really insane yeah i'm so lucky yeah so thank you so much for your time it's been a pleasure to catch you i'm really looking forward to seeing what comes next for max palm thank you [Music] a mountain guide so this kid is the real deal he came out swinging straight from juniors in in my understanding he's the only person ever to hold the junior world championship title and be leading the freeride world tour at the same time that is absolutely outrageous and he's skiing under the swedish flag but actually has a bit of a french connection as you were saying in the interview earlier derek what did you learn about max yeah i didn't realize he he's never lived in sweden he grew up entirely in france he lived in uh in sercia valley as a kid uh even a bit before that in lagrave i mean it's kind of in that same valley and his mom was a three-time winner of the derby de la merge in la grav which i if you guys don't know what that is google it right now because it is ludicrous it's basically a top to bottom thousand person at the same time race down one of the gnarliest ski resorts i can't even call it a ski resort ski lift places in the world it's just unbelievable so kind of uh gives you a sense of where max's uh sending us comes from absolutely he's got a fierce mama very good and i think uh when he was talking about his line that he's putting together today obviously he's brought some real freestyle prowess to the first half of the free ride world tour but today do you think he's going to step into the gnar a little deeper uh yeah i mean chatting to him about line he did say he wanted to put down a slightly more pure free ride run um but then he just rattled off a laundry list of insane tricks that are going to go into his pure free ride run so i guess we'll we'll see about that uh but what is pure freeride anymore i mean it's just whatever you want it to be it's open to interpretation that's the best thing about freeride yeah exactly so we had a chance to catch up with a few other riders so we can check in on their thoughts of what's going on here the face check getting me excited feels like a spring comp out here i definitely see the line i want to do so just gonna visualize it a ton there's a few features i'm lining up get some freestyle in there really just keep it surfy i think that's the way to go and there's some slush so it's big it's a big face it's a long face it has a lot of features but you just need to find the features with takeoffs on them because the the snow is definitely melting it's looking really fun i quite like the venue it's quite long there's um some transitions you can match up i'm really looking forward to it i think i'm going to just try and keep it open and fluid don't want to trip over myself anywhere so that'll be my game plan as well as have a lot of fun looking forward to it and uh we'll see how it goes i think there's gonna be some crazy runs thrown down as per usual all right so we're on a brand new face here in ordinarchely's anna for for everybody the difficulty of choosing a line when you don't have a bit of history behind it how how hard is that definitely writers typically will use a lot of previous video footage to plan their take off see the landings see what sharks are there on a low snow year and so everyone's at the same disadvantage with a new face but if you look at it with the cup half full then uh you would think more that everyone's in a level playing field and it's a chance for them to show their skill uh it's so exciting to see how they're going to apply their their shred art to this brand new canvas we've got the top to bottom it's a massive face and i know somebody is going to put down something we never saw coming [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] all right a brand new face in ordinarch elise the riders are hyped on it you saw craig murray there i feel like the kiwis maybe some of the north americans are going to be in a great position because we ski slush all the time in the springtime they're pretty excited but really excited to see what they do here but we can't talk about what's coming here without looking at what went down before [Music] so [Music] wow that was huge precision and now a massive right three absolutely perfect precision [Music] [Music] another great run going for the flat spin there catching the grab beautifully executed three 360. nuking off that nose putting himself on top of this massive pillar that was huge it's a double clean the first double backflip in freeride [Music] a brand new stop on the freeride world tour and absolutely delivered a slam dunk of magic freeride competition such a great one i know we have another great one lined up here just burning with excitement right now for this competition it's going to be so much fun so take a look at where the ski men shook out uh it really to me was a story of the rookies jumping in max palm lit it up and took the w and ebell moga another rookie out of spain local shredder in second place craig murray rounding out the top three pretty exciting to see these young bucks kind of rising to the occasion absolutely in the mid pack we actually see some of our free ride world tour veterans in places where they're not totally used to being so i think reina bachrid will see him step up and step into the big time now on this face um other writers that felt that their um cliffs weren't quite awarded as mel who male olivier he said he's going to change up his technique for this event yeah mile definitely looking at looking at something i think slightly more judge savvy judges savvy than what we saw he went for the the mega huck last time i'm sure if he had stuck it clean the judges would have loved it but they do reward perfection only and that wasn't it there so dropping first here yeah we've got some fresh faces at the top of the start list there kevin nichols jamesa and cooper they all kind of need to make this one count they in order to make the cut they will need to make this event a sort of a top 10 score yeah those guys definitely looking for a keeper and then rolling into the back half i mean as you said a bunch of veterans here uh and and what we're seeing in is a bunch of different skill sets a bunch of different ski styles back to back craig murray and abell moga they finished second and third in the last one and then i like you expecting big things at arena today indeed at the end of the pack there we've got a swiss and a kiwi maxim and blake so i know that they're both excited and they've planned their runs to make a big splash today yeah rumblings from the swiss camp that maxine may be looking to pump a double off or something in here so i think once max palm broke the seal i think maybe we're going to see double backflips in every freeride competition now i don't know and if that's what happens well evolution yeah soviet getting a look at andrew pollard up there just finding the mental preparation riders are just going through their processes and interesting to see here this is a massive change so peak performance fun bet hopefully you guys have your bets in christopher turdell 55 percent of you think he's going to land on the podium ross tester 37 of you think he's going to land on the podium no surprise those were your two front runners last year but look at max pomp from a wild card from a junior to now 45 of you out there in peak performance fun bet world locking in max palm for a podium finish he's clearly impressed you guys as much as he's impressed us so that is fantastic yeah the peak performance fun bet it's a great way just to kind of check in with your friends to get involved and feel like you're actually part of the event um you know i don't uh advocate betting but a fun bed is fine i think and it's just so cool it's so hard i was scrolling through trying to pick my pick my winners and i was like well that person could win so you just kind of go with your heart and go with your gut and hope for the best right on we've had some news that we're expecting a forerunner on the face very soon and this is actually gonna like seal the fate of the competition we're all waiting with baited breath we're waiting for the snow to soften and be safe for riders to come down yeah so anna kind of you know you've stood in that start gate position in events like this where the snow is is essentially the thing that's going to make or break the day what are the riders going through up in the start right now that are waiting for this 400 to drop really depends on where you're from i'm from new zealand so when it was hard pack and i was standing in the start gate i was rubbing my hands together and thinking this is my time to shine but uh if you're used to knee deep bc powder maybe you wouldn't be feeling the same yeah so lots of different uh emotions probably rolling through the start area ski men are first category and those guys are already up at the start they had a a kind of an interesting combo for their route they had a quite a long hike to get to the finish area but then they got a heli bump up to the up to the start so you know they were like well we wanted to fly from the bottom or some of them wanted to hike the whole way um depending if you're from um from chamonix you know if leo he's like i want to hike the entire thing but yeah running through those emotions of like you're tired then you're hot then you're in a helicopter so you're excited and then you're on the top so you're scared and you're just there waiting to see the forerunner drop uh joaquin venna a local legend he lives here in andorra but he's an argentinian fella um an absolute slayer this guy skis so well i think for for this area we probably couldn't have picked a better forerunner to to kick things off and help us make the call of when we start yeah i'm looking forward to seeing what he thinks of the snow we're all here praying for the right amount of slush we don't want it to be too punchy but um just soft enough to make those landings a little easier on the knees so hopefully we get to check in with joaquin when he gets down to the finish yeah and it's quite a quite a time frame that we have to deal with you know we need the snow to be contestable from the first ski man to the last snowboard women across all four categories so it's it's definitely important that we make the call that we don't kick ski men off too early because you know and force those early runners to ski on ice but also you don't want to put the snowboard women into a position where they're skiing in isothermic goo so here he is argentinian legend walking vena they call him wacko around here really excited to see this guy kick things off for us and we're going to pay real close attention to what it sounds like when the skis hit the snow oh well it doesn't sound too icy he's uh heading down the ridge from start one and he's throwing up a little bit of snow so i think that that east southeast uh aspect that's been catching the sun since first flight has really paid off so i think this was a really good venue choice i think so too and i think it's a good sign as you said that we're seeing snow throw off of his skis so there we go the first feature uh joaquin actually getting into the air it's this is actually looking pretty uh pretty promising yeah it's looking homogenous it looks like he's trusting each turn as they come successfully so i'm thrilled to see this let's see what he says at the bottom there yeah absolutely and you gotta think that the riders that are that are stacked up at the top and then the other categories other than ski men who are still chilling in the finish area are going to be watching this and feeling probably a bit of relief that he's not going out and just sliding down the the uh the face on ice and look at he's leaving a track if there's one thing that you need for the snow to be contestable if you're not leaving a track behind you that's a bad sign absolutely we do not want to be sending those riders down on hard packed ice just look at this scene look at where we are in the world if you get a chance to come to ordinarch lease in andorra you have to jump on it such a magical spot and we've seen over the years this place just deliver some of the best moments in in the freeride world tour history so there we've got his line on the look is left of the face um winding through some some of the rocky features and yeah i think it looked reasonably homogeneous from from top to bottom yeah consistency is the name of the game had a chat to uh christopher earlier and he was super super keen on consistency fantastic four run hey how did the snow feel for you up there well the the conditions are good we have a spring condition the takeoff are really good the landing quite soft so i think that is we will have a a good show today oh fantastic and how was it getting uh from the start into into the main part of the venue through that tight little cool war no it's easy to recognize where you have to go the entrance is not hard so i imagine that the this rider they are going to get faster and stronger yeah they're pretty good all right so you you live in this area you've seen the snow evolved do you think in in this day this is the right day for the competition we're going to light it up here yeah for sure the staff was starting the day and i think that today we have the the show yeah yes for sure today is the day nice thanks so much waka great skiing out there there we have it the word from the bottom well that is fantastic news joaquin veina saying it is on he is happy uh i think that's gonna make everybody happy all the skiers up top one of the hardest things as as a competitor is that go no go go no go getting yourself ramped up to go um you know mentally what's that process like and what does it mean to go when we're supposed to go we call it the hurry up and wait so the organization obviously needs the riders to be on point they need them to be on time and ready to go but then inevitably we're dealing with mother nature here and we have to allow for waiting for a snow to soften so yeah it doesn't always go as to plan was it not the first plan anyway you plan for the plan to change plan to the plan for the other plan yeah plan b plan c talking to some of the riders especially on this face wondering if they're if they're going to be able to make the turn from one feature to the next and then they've got another plan and another layer of plans even below that depending on how the snow was and the grip ability and how things go and i think that's as a free rider i think that's such an important thing to understand that you need to do you know it flexibility is key absolutely and flexibility and resilience and just accepting that mother nature decides at the end of the day how are you going to go yeah so we're we're on basically we're on anna it's uh it's gonna go we're just kind of getting all the pieces in order we want to make sure that everybody's ready um and i think you know you can't really overstate the the process that these riders have to go through mentally physically and one of the writers that really kind of impressed on the first stop was maxim chable young swiss rider former junior world champion bang this kid has got it let's check in with him and he is dropping in now representing switzerland is on course way bigger than everyone else all day [Applause] [Music] definitely the goal is to become world champion in both sports and for that i'm gonna have to invest the same time into both sports for sure [Music] [Music] hey everyone my name is maxim shablow i'm a professional skier and kite surfer and i'll be a rookie on the freeride world tour 2022. [Music] still kind of primarily kite surfer but i'm trying to slowly shift more and more to like 50 skier 50 tighter well i learned to ski when i was almost two years old and i started around this region here just a bit everywhere we have a bunch of ski resorts here and started very young and still at it so it was definitely a privilege for me growing up here with the mountains in my backyard and the lake right in front of the house i mean in summer we could go kitesurf sometimes even after school in winter the nearest ski station is literally one minute away and yeah definitely growing up with both sports summer and winter is definitely the reason why now i'm so attached to doing both and i don't want to decide between either of them so the idea of competing in freeride skiing actually came end of the sea skiing season 2018 where i had done about two seasons where i was only kiting so then i realized that there was a junior freeride tour and i was like oh this could be something for me maybe i should try and enter and compete there [Music] i think the tour stop i'm most looking forward to is gonna be kicking horse in canada just for the fact that i never traveled with my skis [Music] this brand is for me like if i end up competing on the freeway so it's not enough to be world champion in one sport this guy's got title belts in two separate completely different sports just an unbelievable athlete this young kid so naturally talented and such a hit on his shoulders like he's a young guy 20 years old but i was so impressed that while he's got like crazy freestyle tricks on lock for the first contest he was really determined to plan a run that he thought was like relatively safe because he's bringing a real strategy to the first three stops of the world tour he's determined to make the cut to the fwt finals and he seems to be tracking yeah it's impressive to see a young athlete actually playing a little bit of a strategy uh game or position in at such a young age you know so many of these riders just come out of the gates swinging for the fences and he's like no i want to be in verbier and i'm not going to let a mistake derail that he said he was kind of aiming for anything in the top 10 before that event and he certainly locked that down certainly so he ended up in fifth place that's where he's sitting in our rankings at the moment and that's a really strong position to be in coming into the second stop remember they've just got three results to make the cut and it's the best two results so you can have one kind of throw away but um it's ideal to make them all count yeah if you can make them all count that's that's the uh that's the best case and he chatting to him i liked his philosophy he said i'm going to play it safe and then a little bit less safe in andorra and then i just want to go ham and kicking horse and i was like all right well i i will happily watch that it's pretty exciting because he's certainly like you said he's got a huge bag of tricks yeah definitely so we might see some of that here on the on the venue today it is um a serious big mountain venue as well so maybe he'll stick to that kind of train of thought but uh yeah looking forward to seeing it is it gonna come around max with the double clean we are back free ride world tour 2022 season is upon us big features oh another backlit no slowing down at all that was fast and this was huge the video judge loving it there's a punch of the center [Music] punch front is [Music] himself on top of this massive pillar [Music] [Music] landing [Music] [Applause] honestly it's hard to believe that that was the first event of the season because it was just fireworks from start to finish and we're building we're building from there so anna i think it can only go up absolutely and we have got word that ski men is kicking off in about one minute so we are all eyes on the face and ready for the fireworks to begin again yeah it's uh it's exciting and nerve-wracking and scary and fun and all the emotions just kind of come flooding out kevin nichols standing up there in the gate he's uh you know he's he's ready to go he had uh he had that really scary crash in the last event but he he did it doing something pretty awesome so i'm excited to see kev get a bit of a redemption run and just looking up this face you can see that whole big massive um cliff zone in the middle so that's all closed the riders have to you can see the start gate there riders have to move around to the rider's right side and then they can dip their toes into their run absolutely i'm really hoping everyone plays by the rules and stays out of those closed zones because they're very consequential so absolutely so look at this young buck kev nichols cook city montana he had one season on the freeride world tour before he did re-qualify into verbier sitting in 19th after that crash basically did a 360 snagged his tip under a rock and went tumbling over a bunch more rocks so not a comfortable start to the free ride world tour season for kev nichols but i love the way this guy rolls he's just got such a great attitude and if you're around him you're smiling a hundred percent of the time he's such a he's just such a great spirit but he is a lethal weapon on the slopes and he is going to kick our season sorry our competition off here in ordinary police and or free ride world tour stop number two is on here we go so he is working his way down the ridge again let's see what entrance he finds to get into the face he's getting a little caught up there maybe some of that snow is not as smooth as we thought yeah i mean as as joaquin said or joaquin said it's it's fine but you're not really shredding at that point so now kevin moving his way into the guts of his run nice little shifty air there he's moving back towards the look is left of the face lining up his next air yeah popping off this nugget finding transition there so kevin moving across into this wind lip there are so many options for features on this face and how difficult do you think it is going to be for the riders to find where they're going this is what i don't know because i've been not been up there but he's definitely lining something up here a massive backflip takes it not a particularly clean landing but he is skiing away from it yeah unfortunately not able to take that to his feet perfectly uh i mean we just can't overstate how difficult it is to just send a backflip off a cliff you've never even stood on top of before great sniper landing there he only had a one meter landing pad that he spotted it and caught it yeah that was so precise now kevin moving up onto the side angle action at the bottom above the tree and right off is there transition there there is we've been wondering that looking at it from a bunch of different angles and kevin it's so tough to be the guinea pig but he is the first man from top to bottom definitely a pretty significant control issue on that backflip but otherwise a strong start for kevin nichols i would also say that last year it looks like uh he got a little bit back seat so i'm not sure if that one is on for much bigger than he sent it so as you see here catching the grab and you can see in the video judge's estimation fluidity and control down so it looks like he was just actually a little bit sideways there yeah i got a little caught out on that flip that was a beautiful landing there well spotted all right so this is always the tricky point of any of any category the first rider really sets the bar and for the judges with with a pretty significant control issue there it's going to be tricky for them to know exactly where they want to score that but i definitely not a perfect run for kevin yeah they don't want to give themselves uh they don't want to paint themselves into a corner they've got to have room to move above and below that so we're probably going to have more control issues through the day and we're also going to have some flawless runs so they need to find the sweet spot for the score yeah so for sure kevin not going to be super stoked with that score but he looks like he it makes sense to him 47-6-7 for the first man of the day out of the gate kev nichols is going to take a spot in the hot seat but i have a feeling we're going to see some riders uh pushing him out of that indeed next up we've got julian james hampton out of new zealand the flying fijian and i'm very excited for this one he also needs to get a little redemption after a crash in baker barrett so i'm looking forward to seeing what he puts together for us today yeah so way up there on the top of this gigantic peak is jamesa hampton he's standing in the start gate he set out he set out pretty hot in the last event and then he had that big corked out 360 that looked like it was just going to be fire but wasn't able to quite put it down in the at the angle he needed to but james is kicking things off again the first kiwi we've got such a strong crew of kiwis on the freeride world tour and the kiwis free ride scene back in new zealand is just so good they just keep producing great riders like yourself and like jemessa hampton who is just about to kick out of the gate and get some redemption on this face yeah i think it's quarter past 11 p.m on sunday night in new zealand and all the fans will be crowding around the telly watching james so also heading in from start one finding a spicier entrance he is in some serious exposure right now but i'm sure he has scoped it out really well yeah this is serious business up here the judges definitely going to be looking for precise control and precise is exactly what jumesa delivered there that was incredible he put that down so delicately i would say that was epic and he is moving into the middle of the face lining up some more ears for the fans yeah so a lot of these features are are a little bit melted out on the upper section so the take-offs dead fall line aren't all on but you can see those kind of cross-court moves are lining up really well and that is a product of really good scoping from jumesa yeah this runs so far beautiful 360 and incredible landing jamissa hampton putting a run to his feet and i'm so happy to see it one of the hallmarks so far of this run is how precise his landing positions has been he's landed so close to the rock so many times and now coming into this lower one and just holding on to it jumessa hampton you can see that as you totally nailed it on the last one that is flatter than it looks from here so hopefully these guys have been doing their squats and uh and strengthening the legs great redemption run for james hampton for sure i'm stoked to see him get down in one piece and do a pretty sick run what did you think about that 360. well that i thought that was great and he definitely got some redemption now look at this you can't you can't really fully understand how close that was one foot looking like it was almost on the rock and finding so many features and then right here that was actually way flatter than i thought it was before jomessa went so really strong a really strong run for gemesta there great way to kick things off here in the ski men's category hi mom so he is tentatively waiting for his score there shouting out to all the homies in new zealand such nervous moments waiting around in the finish area for the scores to drop as you kind of just reflect on what you just did and the judge is having their say 79-6-7 strong score for jemesah hampton and as we said coming back from a disappointing finish in bakira barrett this is a great way to bring it back for the young kiwi rider really really excited to see him on the tour and doing his thing sliding into the hot seat there james nice one so we head back up to the top of this impressive and imposing face to a young canadian rider another one as you said who is looking for some redemption cooper bathgate not getting the run he wanted to do in bakira buret definitely not feeling like he put his best foot forward there and uh he's coming at this with a new mindset and really wanting to show his place on the freeride world tour showing everybody that he belongs and it's tough as a rider when you don't do the run you wanted to do and then you get to the bottom and your shoulders kind of slump and you're like oh that was not it and you're on tv and the heli's in your face and there's a lot of a lot of promotions rolling so hopefully for cooper bathgate we got another redemption run and he is on course i have faith that he's got this run on luck also heading into the sporty start zone there let's hope he's got some precision landing gear to put down yeah you can just see how rowdy it is in there it's so steep taking a similar angle to gemesta but just a little bit unstuck there unfortunately cooper kind of bouncing out of his landing uh you can see james's bomb hole there actually he picked up the rock with his right ski and cooper going a little bit more left and now you can see just absolutely disappointed as he's got to figure out how to get his pull i think he's just going to sidestep up there so not the start that cooper bathgate was looking for to kick this event off unfortunately just not able to hold on on that top air that area is so exposed it really is you've got to um scope your landing just perfectly and and also you know you've got exposure below you as well so you've got to have time to shut it down quickly so not a great start for cooper but we'll see if he um has some nice slushy turns on his way down the mountain yeah luckily one of our ski dudes there so let's actually take a look here and at what uh what caused this to go wrong he had a little safety grab but it was definitely he looked steady in the air it was more the landing that didn't come together for cooper yeah just wheeling out on his tails and then once you're up on the tails any little tiny bit of side angle is just going to tip you over and unfortunately cooper just not able to to pull back vertically out of that wheelie and ski away so you can just see by the body language there that he's absolutely devastated because that's two tough results in a row so cooper's gonna be in a tough spot going into kicking horse now yeah it's always a big decision to pull strap or not to pull strap because in terms of avalanche safety it can be better to not have any pull straps but in competition to lose your poles like that can that he could have potentially rode out and still you know he would have been docked for that backslap but he could have potentially continued taking a little air there into the main bit of the face yeah cooper just looking like he's kind of making his way down it's so hard to recover and if you know complete your full run and it looks like coops is kind of off it at this point knowing that a full stop like that and hike back up the the run is pretty much over so also doing the rest of the riders behind him in the field a favor by not leaving a bunch of bomb holes uh the rest of the way down what a gentleman so tell us what's uh your favorite part of cooper's skiing normally like obviously he is an incredible skier and we have not managed to see that so far in the on the tour yeah coops i mean he's a technically he's a great skier he's a wizard in the air he's got a whole bag of tricks unfortunately they're just not able to even get to the point where he could show any of that um and and that's tough that's tough for any athlete to take when you know you've kind of wound yourself up mentally you put yourself in the position that you're ready to go and then it goes wrong early uh yeah that's that's a tough one uh that's gonna be a tough one for cooper to swallow so 15 points for cooper bathgate unfortunately not what he was looking for here in ordino arcelis but we roll on with this event straight back up and this is going to be our first rider who's going to be dropping out of start two mile olivier you kind of called it uh earlier anna he had um pretty pretty much the biggest error on the face in the last event he did have a significant control issue on the landing um but for him he felt like maybe that wasn't the the move that the judges were looking for so he kind of went back to the drawing board rejigged his approach and mile olivier now is ready to drop in the first rider from start two so we're just waiting for mail to get the green light to drop in and he is ready for it so from start to we need to be heading down the cooler and avoiding this main monstrous rock bluff in the right center of the face lining up his first air nice and clean on that one for miles so now he's picking up a ton of speed kind of his signature he just goes fast and he goes huge and he's coming all the way across to hit this wind lift 360 into another cliff that was except oh and he is down in the landing oh just getting caught up there and it kicked him into a flat spin on the landing uh you know the skis need to be in the fall line in a landing like that i can't believe that feature link up yeah that was uh too quick to call really that was incredible so uh 360 the winlet with serious pace and then took as an air straight into the next feature looking forward to the replay on that one because it all happened too quick to call it was so fast that right footer to point him off it looked initially as if he was pointing in the wrong direction and then i realized i think we both realized at the same time no that's that's where he's going uh just at rocket speed so mile just collecting his gear uh you could see the skidoo kind of moving out let's take a look anna yeah a little control issue between the first feature and the second which is unsurprising because he had some serious speed going through there so that's disappointing for mel to have a no score and a mid-pack result from the first event yeah another rider who's now finding himself in a tough spot going into kicking horse he uh he was he i mean he's such an exciting rider to watch and watching that landing as soon as he landed he put his skis across the fall line but that force has to go somewhere and where it went unfortunately for the in that one was kicking him into uh uh unintentional flat spin which is not where you want to find yourself in the middle of your free ride world tour run no well unless it's in mid-air and then it's totes legit well the cowbells are going for mile olivier we've got some andorran fans who have made their way up the uh up the hike to get to this finish area this uh this competition face the peak de la planus de la planets is pretty pretty remote it is near the resort but i wouldn't really call it in the resort so for for any of these riders or sorry any of these fans to come up and check it out it's a pretty serious endeavor you know they got to commit to it i'm wildly impressed and bakira beret we had probably the biggest crowd and the loudest crab we've had for some time but here we've got the most committed the ones who are willing to work walk for an hour or so to make it here today yeah big ups to the fans who made the trek up here and definitely props for bringing the cowbells out because it means a lot to the riders to have people cheering you know we heard about that from from the riders in spain where they just they could feel the energy and and i mean nothing feels better than having a whole bunch of people there to support you and people are speaking of people there to support you as much as he is a hero in spain imar navarro is a hero here in andorra he is adored and he is ready to go ima navarro putting on a show for us that unfortunately didn't quite go his way in uh in bakira barrett but ideally we're gonna get to see the real imar navarro show here where he stays on his feet and stomps something mind-blowing the spanish rider the he's just a powerhouse you can see he's just patting himself down going through the process going through the uh the required cycle that he needs to to get his head space imar navarro dropping we know he's going straight into the heart of it so he is making his way through this high exposure entrance and taking in some speed riding out clean yeah kind of landing right in that path that uh that cooper pioneered but looking like the maybe the tails of his skis are a touch stiffer stomping there so this is vintage navarro he barely even bends his legs when he lands he's just so powerful in another big stomp incredible ripping his way through the center of the face he's already building up a lot of solid air time there yeah so line score is is a huge part of any rider's run now i'm are coming at full speed off the nose he's got a cone to clear he gets it imar navarro making the ground shake with that landing that was absolutely spectacular is he going to be able to get up for this fatty to flatty off the bottom actually taking a smart approach there not going too deep strong strong run for navarro he is pumped to have put that one to his feet and he seemed to take it all in his stride like those were some seriously big airs and some reasonably flat landings that he just ate up with those enormous quadriceps oh that is a fantastic run for imar navarro and you can see the the just adrenaline pumping and the the stoke just waving off him he's so happy to have put that down look at this absolutely no problem this is where he is the most at home beautiful top air there and coming into another i just i can't even believe that his legs barely bent there he's so strong and so balanced and this one too bang he leaves a hole in the ground but absolutely no problem stomping that seriously strong legs there a little back flap on that final one but i feel that he's made the best work of that final cliff what do you think i i agree and i think that one comes purely down to just his yeah there it is his raw strength 83 points and navarro puts himself into the hot seat imar navarro is going to be buzzing so will defense i can't wait to see the line for signatures later oh absolutely i mean as we said he was at home in bakira barrett but imar is a hero here in andorra as well for for years and years this was the closest thing to a home event for navarro so the fans just flock to him and you walk around or ski around the resort people are just hounding him and mobbing him for autographs and selfies and so for him to put down a run like that especially after that just insane uh stunt in the last event so really really happy to imar but there is no putting on the brakes in this event we're heading straight back up to the top to our reigning freeride world tour champion christopher turdell the smoothest man on skis this guy makes the impossible look easy and as as much as he is self-deprecating he's the champ he is the champ he's dropping in from start one into the spiciest sportiest entrance let's see where he takes it in there slightly different angle which he smoothly skis out of this is what i love about christopher turdell he sees the angles it's almost like he's he's looking at things through a different lens and he saw the way those two would connect and they connected so perfectly again just finding the ultimate transition there barely needing to to go into his legs at all and going for a big cross-court transfer against so smooth anna this is beautiful skiing here and he's got the big air underneath him here what's he up to making it into a double backflip incredible he has got some control issues in the landing but he holds it together and straight lines it out of the face back flip to butter to switch to back around to tucking christopher turdell back flipping the second step of a double there unbelievable i mean just the precision the the ability to do that the the fast twitch reflexes oh christopher turdell doing it on this face so exciting and another new line that we haven't seen i'm so happy to see you emma is that first air which he takes on more of it more of an angle there before ripping through the face with that cross-court air and super g turns and this last feature where he touches down on that pad just for a second and then pulls a big backy out the front and in the landing he backslaps and those tails like swing a little so he gets caught up and swings around almost the same landing issue that we saw with cooper bathgate there where once you're you're bent up on the tails having a really good time so the judge is definitely having an eye on that control issue out of the background hard to miss that one to be honest yeah to be fair usually so smooth but even the cat like reflexes of christopher tidal are not infallible not quite infallible so we head back you can see just how rowdy this start area is they've had to dig a bench in just so the riders have somewhere to hang out and put their skis on and then make their way in to the start pyramid for uh for the peak day atlantis here so right back into the start this guy is a former world tour champion isaac freeland lost last season to a knee injury put himself kind of back in the mix but he's definitely looking for a strong result he was 12 in bakira so looking to kick things off here with a bang it's isaac dropping into the gnar straight out of the gate seems like the ski men are going to track this out he is taking the more uh direct four-line approach yeah catching nice transition there and then you can see the way i was excused he's got that strong downhill leg that he just stands on putting himself into the same spot there's imar and a similar result isaac is another one who's just so physically strong he's able to stomp all kinds of stuff another cross-court air and then blinking together some nice slush turns there yeah isaac finding another one there and getting just around to the top of this multi-stage section going way cross-court on that one and finding a sniper transition that i didn't even see that was really really creative and cool from isaac freeland i love the way he skis i'm really a big fan of the the isaac spreeland school of freeride where it's kind of got that big mountain five but then the tricks are in there as well can he hold on on the bottom flat he does yeah he definitely gives himself a really stable base by that really wide stance which is quite helpful when you're trying to get over those really flat landings at the bottom of the face there yeah definitely you can you can see some of those bomb holes there they're a little deeper on some of the features than they are and the others and that's a product of plummeting out of the sky rather than connecting with the landing but isaac freeland he's got a smile on his face he's gonna be pleased with that so far and the tail tail catch somersaults in the finish area all smiles there for isaac so banking some big turns through the face this air goes a lot further sideways than a lot of the riders have taken it so yeah and i think that was a really smart play there for for isaac going cross hill like that because he did find transition definitely getting you can see his right ski kind of bending up that lower one is very very flat so judge is not loving aaron's style and technique as much as uh as line but his or sorry as his fluidity and his line score really high there he hit a ton of features and he hit all of them well and linking those features together is going to be the name of the game 73 even isaac freeland putting him into third place so far so isaac doing what he needed to do hopefully he's going to be able for his sake to hold on to somewhere near that spot as we move on but move on we must because we have a huge list of riders that all want to have uh have their say on this space and this next one he is the brother of our first athlete one of three sets of us siblings on the freeride world tour this year this is jack nichols jack finishing ninth with a great run and one of the moves of the day on the bachelorette face and now seeing if he can back it up he's got the wild sort of half is becoming his signature on the freeride world tour uh and i'm pretty excited to see where and if he's going to put it into this run so jack nickels straight out of the usa drop it in to the freeride world tour here we go the second nickelsbro on course let's see where he takes it most of the ski men are moving through into the spiciest entrance which is going to get bombed out something to be wary of for the riders deeper in the pack but he takes it just nicking maybe a little bit of tussock getting a little unsettled there but he's skiing on out with some speed yeah he looked like he got a little bit inside now kind of making his way through these ones picking up a bunch of speed to come at this wind lift where we saw things go haywire for mile similar trajectory and almost making a triple i'm not 100 sure if that was the exact plan that he had and now getting way over here into this into this extremely to airing into it whoa jack nickels sending this massive transfer over the entire lower section of the face whoa jack nichols is just turning up the heat he has got some serious cross-court ears on today and he's gonna hold it together on this flat bottom air just fine jack nichols made that bottom air look better than anybody else has i don't know i mean he's a tall guy he's got long legs they they do say a long leg is a strong leg so maybe the longer travel option on uh on that feature is the move but that was uh that was a breath-holding run for jack nichols there yeah i'm interested to see his line because it seemed to go zigzag across the face quite a lot yeah so as you said that you can see the pepper start it's one of the better spots of transition almost getting sat down there then flying off that and then into this transfer look how far he carried and to that was a serious back set but the strength of his legs just pulled right back onto his skis yeah as you said uh looking at the line tracker they're a little bit zig-zaggy but that's not going to affect fluidity if you are moving towards features all right so jack nichols taking over third spot with a 76-67 and some serious control issue in that in that run that just shows the strength of the run that he can still sit with such a high score after after those issues absolutely so there's our current standings there's a lot to fight for on the face today sitting at 83 as a top scorer yeah navarro holding it down to mesa hampton you know he dropped early but he has really truly shown a strong run and then jack nichols putting himself so far into third but nothing nothing is decided yet as we have so many talented riders still yet to go and this man not least among them he was in the battle with christopher turdell all last winter it came down to verbier to to take the title tridel took it but ross tester's got a chip on his shoulder today as things didn't go his way at the last event so i think we're gonna see some fireworks here yeah it is all to play for and after a crash and bakera barrett he's going to want to put one to his feet so ross opting for that lower entrance getting himself in avoiding that that one that's taken out a few other riders getting the grab there and now moving across back over to the rider's right side is ross tester huge becky there perfect landing this is the rust tester we know this is the ross tester we know he barely even flinched when he landed and then a double with the tweaked grab off the lower one this is exactly the rochester 360 into that exposure ross tester now on an absolute fire run where is he gonna go next oh he's lining up this double as well another big back flip and a great landing a little a little wheelie but much better than a rebirth russ tester will be stoked with that run and he's not done yet coming oh is he gonna do the flat clip at the bottom he did and holds it perfectly i feel like he pre-ollied that one from by the tree a hundred percent he did he took off so much further back than everyone else and i think that set his trajectory much better because he looked like he connected with that landing in a much smoother way than any of the other riders did well minus that little wheelie and as you said you know he didn't flip around to switch so that's the bar we've got so far ross tester lighting it up we knew he was coming in we knew he wanted to get it done so ross and imar are sharing a moment here in the finish area well look at the video judge i mean the control they love it his line fluidity iron style that 360 and his first backflip you could not land that better absolutely precision there and this backflip lands and then gets a little backseat would you call that a stage three well i'm gonna leave that to the judges what stage it was but look at that so direct packed with features packed with tricks definitely the wheelie there for ross but let's see we'll listen in oh the judges loved it ross tester back to his ross testorius ways with an 8967 so that's gonna be a bit of a a bit of a blow to imar as he's moving out of the hot seat but i have no doubt that he's gonna hold on up near the top and ross tester i think anna's safe to say he's back in the mix he is back in the game happy to see it so he had a crash in bakira barrett and is now bumping himself into the hot seat yeah really putting himself back into the conversation for that overall which is where he wants to be and we just head straight back up to the top to another one that i'm just on the edge of my seat for water gorak this guy in in bakira beret he said pretty much after the first feature he was making it up as he went and it i mean obviously you don't know that unless you know what he's planning on doing but his his technique his skill and his just raw aggression on the mountain carried him through and put him in a great spot at gorak coming sixth there let's see what he's got on this face i feel like it's this is going to suit his style perfectly yeah water is always bringing the heat and high exposure lines he's dropping into the lower entrance and making his way through so finding his first feature there wada gorak truly into it now and there are so many features stacking up in the fall line here it's really interesting to see the way the riders kind of interpret them another solid air there that he just smashed his way through now getting up on that wind lip he's behind the ridge so there are some really cool options back there it's kind of hard to track where they are from the bottom but just making his way down the spine as wada gorek i mean if if i know whatever he's looking for something to backflip off and i think he may have found it here anna here it goes oh nicely brought round i think he could have done with a bit more speed into that but he held it together beautifully yeah perfectly executed there and a 360. so water oh but just getting pushed out of the fall line so tough to judge your rotation on an air you've never hit before and what agora going down on that 360. yeah almost like like his rotation was continuing after he landed his skis which is not what you want for a clean landing yeah i mean kind of as i was saying the the the rotation that you set on the takeoff is just what you have after you know there's no with physics there's no button to be yes you can't make it stop and if you've just slightly overset it even when you hit the ground you do that rotation doesn't just disappear and unfortunately for wadeck he did keep keep drifting around i'm sure we'll get a better look at it on the replay but gorak not gonna like that at all so let's take a look here he opens it up with that one and then gets right over onto his left foot coming into this backflip jump the the rotation there perfect and he found transition absolutely dead on and then of this 360 just not quite working out oh yeah over rotated and a little bit even on his tails there for water so unfortunately water gore gambling on uh on that line and it didn't quite work out with the three a bit of over rotation and he went down so he's got a sixth place to put it back on for bakira barrett so this might have to be his uh throwaway event for the season he's going to make the next one count in order to make the cut for the fwt finals unfortunately going down there but we go straight back up carl right now erickson another one of uh the ed lee named swedish mafia which i absolutely love these guys they ride together they scope together they often ski really similar lines i think they kind of pick out what they think is going to be the money line and then it just becomes an internal contest amongst the swedes to see who can do it the best and kyle ragner erickson has found himself on the top of that swedish pile a number of times and he's going to be looking to do that again in this run he's got backflip his flat spins are a thing of beauty 360s on log plus his skiing gorgeous carl is on course yeah i call him a real perfectionist kyle he's got a very smooth style and he is dropping into the top entrance calmly moving through that exposure taking that more cross-court approach to that top ear yeah remind you of anybody only one other guy hit it like that now carl though going dead fall line right into the heart of this thing massive and perfect perfect sniper landing there so carl in a slightly different path than we saw his good buddy christopher turdell but now over into the same zone above this exposure in the bottom are we going to see him on the double you called it they are taking the same line huge becky and perfect landing carl making it look easy that was absolutely perfect oh well carl regner erickson definitely making a claim to put himself in the conversation you can see as he passed over there where that upper take off where ross took off really well spotted from ross tester but perfectly executed there for carl and i think he's going to be pleased with that as top to bottom that was a very tidy run very tidy indeed that's how i would kind of typify his landing his style of skiing the execution from his uh first off of this tour was absolutely perfect all right so as you said carl the only other guy to take that angle same as christopher turdell and it looks like the landing's way smoother although i did think he might have got hung up on some rock and you called it earlier and that one's just gonna get worse and worse as we go the spice is real so bringing this back flip around with absolute surgical precision yeah and then i love these lines as you see everybody fall line fall line falling and then a big left footer hook over the uh the extra credit at the bottom but you got to do it you know you have to put those you have to put those features in if you want to build a line score and carl ragner erickson he knows how to build a line score he stood on many freeride world tour podiums he was on the podium in the overall last year and he wants to get back into that spot again he had a solid finish uh in bakira barrett with a fourth just uh you know the the the wooden metal one out of the medals 78 for carl regner erickson so that puts him into fourth spot currently so a strong finish but not going to be a podium for carl today all right well dramatic scenes up there at the start gate look at that how that thing's wired into the mountain to keep it on that precarious perch as we move on to our next rider current standings ross tester holding it down at the top 8967 and i mar navarro and the kiwi jamesa hampton rounding out the top three really interesting to see now you know a second-year kind of vet and then obviously imar is you couldn't be more veteran speaking of veterans this man seven seasons on the tour but 28 years old those numbers don't even make sense he's been here feels like forever he's still a young buck leo slammit champion's mindset he knows how to do it he does and i think he was dissatisfied with his run in the first off of this year's tour so i think he's excited to bring something a little different today in that top entrance he's taking the direct four line approach and just landing like landing it easily yeah looking really smooth if there's one thing that leo does is he takes his training seriously you follow him on instagram he's in the gym he's doing his uh he's doing his wind sprints cross court 360 over that winlet perfectly executed leo is a man who can do a 360 almost anywhere and i think you know we lost him to injury last year so some people have forgotten how good leo actually is look at this double and aligning it up bang perfectly executed again for leo schlemmer coming into this bottom section here he is taking the biggest section in a big backy landing it perfectly riding out oh come on leo slam it finding the highest section to take off we saw the other guys going into that as a double and he just took it right off the top ropes and now into this lower one hold on leo he does leo slim it just putting a stamp on this piece de la planus i'm so happy to see leo put down a proper leo slime at run because he definitely was as you said he was pretty frustrated he had that backflip in the last event that uh got all our hearts in our throats but that was a thing of beauty from from the shaman yard great stuff and i as i was looking back through some of his results i was surprised to see here's his ex here's his first ear taking it from four line perfectly stomped one thing to me that's a trademark of leo is his ability to land and then just get on that foot and start turning because he's balanced if you're not balanced that is not possible and then look at this incredible that key perfect absolutely perfect from so high and you can't tell from that angle but it's a slight negative take off so leo really having to punch his hips up and out to get that around but absolutely no problem for the mountain goat and he is pumped at the bottom whole and feeling i i have to assume probably feeling pretty good about that one well no banter there between ross and leo in the finish area just nervous moments while the judges get to work so you can see they're just taking those boxes all of the criteria are going to come into play better than i was expecting at least kind of hard to put yourself into it from the top it's so tricky yeah all right well for leo slammit so giving himself a shot at the podium with that run that's a solid solid keeper so far for leo definitely we heard him say that top entrance is tricky and i think it's going to get trickier as we get more skiers through i agree the traffic through there it more and more and more rocks exposed and of course the sun is on the face so that's not doing it any favors as soon as you get a rock exposed it starts to heat up and then the melting really just accelerates so this is a this is an interesting one a local wild card joanne aracil he lives right here he's a recently graduated junior qualifier rider um talking to the video judge danny fernell pratt who is uh who's working in the judge's tent this year for the first time instead of competing on the face he he said this man this young man is one to watch out for he's super smooth he's got a ton of style and he's andorran so of course those who made the hike up at the bottom are going to be behind this kid 100 looking forward to seeing a local take on the face maybe he's been here before maybe he knows it like the back of his hand he's dropping into the high spicy entrance taking the full line approach beautifully landed yeah handling that like a veteran so clearly this guy knows what he's up to taking the low point on that and landing just beyond the rock so again really precise definitely enjoying so far joanne out of seal's take on this face and a humongous backflip but way short and coming up on to the rocks joanne are seals sliding now oh that was a tough one for joanne yeah so we set that back off the window um we're just gonna wait for some ski dudes to get to him there's one very close by yeah we've got a collection eight ski dudes three patrollers a doctor at the top and the bottom as well as multiple mountain guides on the face so the the safety team is absolutely on point here and we're going to have we're going to have them down to joanne arcel immediately to check and make sure that he's doing all right that was a that was definitely a tough one just just quite short on the flip and then unfortunately getting uh getting bounced down the rest of the face so hopefully the young and doran rider is going to be all right as you can see the doctors and ski patrollers making their way down to check on him so the ski dudes are with him now checking in so the young andorian rider as as said by danny farnell pratt he is a local he knows his way around here uh also you got to kind of i guess recognize the headspace as we saw with max palm if you're an event wildcard you are putting you're you're in a position where you really want to you want to make a show of it you want to give yourself the best chance to stand out so definitely putting it all on the line uh as excuse me just let the heli go by there uh as as a rider really just wanting to kind of show your absolute best in front of the world when you get the opportunity to yeah i agree in some respects but in other respects maybe you can also have a good time because you potentially don't have the whole tour to play for what happened with max palm was reasonably unprecedented he had this very wild card a wild card for the baker barrett event and impressed everyone so much that um that he got wild carded onto the whole tour so i mean i guess every wild card going on from now now was gonna hope for that but um i don't know yeah i wonder that's a great point i i do wonder if if max has kind of almost changed the perception now for event wild cards is like well now you gotta win yeah i thought i was here for a good time but maybe it's all to play for so we saw the young endor and ryder going down up there we've got the medical team as we said multiple ski patrollers doctors and ski guides on the face who are all in position to help if we have injuries amongst the riders and see the uh the andorran pyrenees here as the backdrop to today's free ride world tour stop stop number two or dino arcades this place has been basically it feels like on tour forever i was just uh chatting to to um to nicholas hale woods the ceo of freeride world tour and he was telling me this the eighth year that we've been here within that time the freeride world tour has competed on six different faces in eight years i can't think of another resort that has six freeride world tour level venues within their within their boundaries for sure this is my first time here in andorra and i've certainly been absolutely gated as i look around the resort and i see the wealth of options that they have so it's been great to see it with my own eyes and i definitely am impressed so far with the face that they have chosen for today's event yeah definitely giving the riders the opportunity to to paint the canvas in the way they see fit the way they want to um and right now just waiting for news on uh on the young and doran freerider joanna arceel going down on a backflip attempt on the face we've got the medical team with him and checking in on him will keep you posted as information comes through but the medical team is the best in the business up here so they are giving him the best possible care that a rider can receive on the side of a mountain definitely if you're going to hurt yourself doing it here is a safe place and the writers have been you know very mindful of the takeoffs with while they're scoping lines some of them are back a little bit so they're making sure they pre-olly where they need to and find that transition yeah and and we keep talking about this or i keep talking about this because i'm just in awe of it but the ability of these riders to to scope a line on a face that they have never stood on that they have never skied on and then put down the runs that they do that transition from looking from you know whether it's from the bottom or the side and the ones that really do their homework and hit it from every angle they're willing to go for pretty long hikes to see it from different angles it's just such an incredible skill and i think the the maybe one of the more underrated skills we give so much credit to the riding skills of these athletes but but the the scoping skills just it's incredible and you've been through it a ton you know through the through the qualifiers like yeah i think it develops with time so i think you kind of layer it and you understand it more as you get to maturity as a free ride skier and i'm sure this local rider is a great scoper but it's also great to see from some of the veterans like rayna and leo and manu mandel also really does her homework she's always hiking up to funny places and planning her line in so much detail yeah it is truly it's it's i mean it's a skill that i'm in of and it's it's one that translates and i think it's why you see a lot of these freeride world tour athletes go on to really uh successful film careers because it's exactly the same skill required for filming ski and snowboard movies as it is for competing where you have to look at it and then you can't go stand on your on your takeoff because that's going to leave an ugly track on the on the face that you're trying to film and make look beautiful so it's it's something that they they practice a ton and it's been actually a really interesting transition especially in the region two north american side in the juniors when when the juniors come over for the free ride junior world championships it's for most of them the first time they've ever done visual inspection which is kind of wild to think of the european region one riders do it all the way through juniors and so they have that kind of skill unlock and so for the north americans for the region two kids to come and just give it a crack at what many of them feel is the the biggest event of their lives uh it's pretty it's pretty interesting pretty exciting and definitely something that you need to practice definitely and everything looks different from the top as well like you typically have a lot of convexities up there so some of the line below you is going to be hidden so the trick is to really use the full valley that's available to you so you'll be lining up a feature on the opposing side of the valley and think saying i'm going to turn left here air by this tree make sure i get that flat landing at the bottom well take notes kids and a smoothie is uh is taking you to school right now that's how you do it the the um landmarking one of the most critical things to to all of it and and we see it with our veterans and and maybe impressively with some of the rookies their ability to do that so good stuff out of the riders and definitely uh yeah as i said just a skill that i'm totally in awe of on top of their their riding skills i mean that is also just incredible i had the opportunity to go out yesterday rally around ordinarch lease with a huge policy of world tour riders and sometimes you forget because you have dinner with them and hang out and scope lines and stuff and then you ride with them and you're like oh right these are here is our endurance friend being seen too by the medical team he's sitting up and he's moving around and communicating with the team which is really encouraging yeah that's good to see i'm glad to see him sitting up and you can see he's talking with him and he's he's got his hand on his pole so definitely uh good to see young joanne aracil uh um responsive there and sitting up and in a position obviously that's a tough spot and that was a heavy heavy slam that he took coming up short while he was upside down on the back flip but as we said we've got we've got the best team that is possible to put together on the mountains a couple of doctors multiple ski patrollers plus the ski guides who are trained in an ultra high level of first aid so really good to see them taking care of young joanne and hopefully uh you know good to see him he's he's moving around which is as you said and that's super encouraging nice we're wishing all the best to him and probably his family are watching with their hearts and their mouths and we're thinking of you too so we'll be we'll be coming back to ski action but first obviously we have to take care of the riders uh as as they are so joanna arcel we're going to get the team with him and they're going to figure out what uh what that looks like to to get him out whether he's skiing out or whether they're going to get him out on a toboggan or something but happy to see him moving around on the face um it's a consequential sport this one and and i think sometimes it's important to recognize that that what these writers are doing sometimes it feels like i'm watching a cartoon or a video game that the things that they do but the precision and the level of skill and all that that they have is just so incredible that uh it almost sometimes you can you you can become desensitized to it to how you know how impressive and how kind of skilled they truly are absolutely so all right we're gonna check in the finish area with our current leader ross tester ross great to see you put down a more ross tester style run after snagging on the rocks in the last one um a lot going on in that run oh yeah yeah i just wanted to throw a few tricks and just really have fun with it and um usually if i do it that way it works happy to be in the seat here is it comfortable yeah yeah happy to be sitting in a nice warm seat not in the snow so ross i want to kind of chat about your run there were a couple things that stood out to me uh obviously you you chose to go the the low entrance into the into the zone you didn't go through that other high one that was getting chewed what kind of went into that for you um i had planned to throw a 360 through um through the rocks at the bottom of that chute but it turned out to be a lot smaller than i thought so i just opted for the straight air and decided i'd try and make up for it with the rest of my run yeah talk us through this one uh the backyard i had been planning to hit that and i was looking at it from the top and i thought maybe it wouldn't go but um i came into it and the lip was there so went for it nice juicy lip and then the 360 over the exposure really backing yourself on that and then tell us about this because the way you hit this was just so perfect almost looked like you were going to wheelie out of it but then pulled it off yeah the wheelie was funny it was almost like i was out of control but at no point i was feeling like i was out of control and it was an interesting take off too i almost went forward off of the rock going into it so i'm happy it worked out the way it did and tell me about the bottom ear ross that looked kind of flat but you just seemed to land it easy yeah i had some concerns about that one but um i figured it wasn't too big so definitely just four point stomp and you're all good from there well you probably haven't seen the earlier runners but you were the only one to take it from that setback takeoff and from our seats it looked like it was a much smoother landing than a lot of the other riders who took it right to the end yeah i think the trajectory may be lined up a little bit better rather than just plopping straight into the flat landing and have you got anything to say to all the friends and fam at home thank you for all the support looking forward to skiing with all the buddies back home and yeah thank you to all my sponsors vocal bca marker dalbello right too many to names thomas sports up shout out to all of them thank you guys thank you ross great to hear about your run and great to see it yeah well i i love to see the big grin on ross tester's face down there you know after the last one because it wasn't it wasn't a mistake that took him out he just got caught up on a takeoff with uh with some rock and if any of you guys follow him on social media the the tip of his ski looked like it had been bitten by a shark like a literal shark it was it was completely caved in uh so right into a rock with his tip or onto a rock with his tip which caught him up and then took him out really almost before it got going so just so excited to see ross tester kind of back to to what we grew to expect from him at the beginning of last year i think it was it was one of those ones where a lot of the region two riders and fans knew ross both from juniors and qualifiers but the region one writers had not heard of him didn't know what he had in his pocket and then out of the gate last year first event was like oh this guy's here to play who is this guy yeah an incredible rookie season for rusty tester in 2021 so stoked to see him back on that trajectory who have we got left in coming up in ski men uh well the next rider out of the gate is going to be abel moga the uh spanish rider who put himself on the podium he's brand new to the freeride world tour he was a local to bakura beret and he absolutely slayed his first run on the freeride world tour so let's take a look back at some of the highlights from that event hey siri skip this song you got this real quick [Music] questions [Music] skip have fun [Music] of gopro shots there from that last event is just it it keeps every time i see it i can't even believe what i saw there's a few moments cody bramwell's channel gap transfer whatever you want to call it where he kind of is just ticking his board you know he's just trying to stay balanced i've called it a triple shifty and he he didn't he didn't he didn't back that one um but i thought it was funny so it was worth it but so many of those moments and and uh marielle olivia is just gigantic sand at the bottom i watch it and i'm like what like it's such a such an insane collection of highlights and every one of them had one it's so cool that the uh you know all those riders have all those moments captured while they're riding definitely such an asset to the tour the gopro the humble gopro showing you the bird's eye view speaking of bird's eye view this guy holding it down in the hot seat ross tester right now with the high water mark in the ski men's field uh imar navarro sitting in second and jamissa hampton holding it down in third as you said at the beginning he needed some redemption and he certainly put himself into a good spot to earn that uh regardless of what happens in the rest of the field he's still in in a strong position so really happy to see all of that and and all these riders you know they're banned together as we we've said many times the freeride family is a family first and a competitor second absolutely they are competitors but co-competitors might be a nicer term because they certainly help each other pick their lines and try and scope takeoffs and landings so they keep each other safe you kind of need your friends out there in this these big mountains that's for sure yeah i mean they are they're briefly competitors while they're riding but the rest of the time i mean they're they're ski partners and and ski buddies and and the like you said the um the necessity of good partners in the mountains is just critical and the people that we have on the tour the riders are are the best i mean they're while they're obviously they're very experienced at free riding the the safety side that goes along with that the avalanche training and all that is just critical all right so we're just getting word that we're going to have another look at aimar navarro's run which to me was just so satisfying it just it was like a feel-good moment to see aymar navarro top to bottom so sandy hitting a couple big big airs and just stomping everything so clean aimer navarro putting himself in the podium conversation on course from start one and if we know ima we know he's going straight into the heart of it so he is making his way through this high exposure entrance and taking in some speed riding out clean yeah kind of landing right in that path that that cooper pioneered but looking like maybe the tails of his skis are a touch stiffer stomping there so this is vintage navarro he barely even bends his legs when he lands he's just so powerful in another big stomp incredible ripping his way through the center of the face he's already building up a lot of solid air time there yeah so line score is is a huge part of any rider's run now i'm are coming at full speed off the nose he's got a cone to clear he gets it imar navarro making the ground shake with that landing that was absolutely spectacular is he going to be able to get up for this fatty to flatty off the bottom actually taking a smart approach there not going too deep strong strong run for navarro he is pumped to have put that one to his feet and he seemed to take it all in his stride like those were some seriously big airs and some reasonably flat landings that he just ate up with those enormous quadriceps oh that is a fantastic run for imar navarro and you can see the the just adrenaline pumping and the the stoke just waving off him he's so happy to have put that down look at this absolutely no problem this is where he is the most at home well such an exciting run for imar navarro and and really redemption for him after bakira buret bakira what he what he attempted to put down there would have been a game changer but it is in you know the way these things work with riders uh at this caliber when you're trying to change the game it doesn't always go your way so we're we're excited to see imar put it out there and uh and put it on the line but definitely really happy to see him put down a banging run there you can see the riders are all just chilling kind of relaxing as we have this break while uh while the medical team sorts out the extraction of joanne are a seal he was up and moving and responsive so really good to see that maxime shablow he is as comfortable on the beach as he is in the mountains now we can see here live this is joanne aracil he's going to be long lined out on the stretcher and then the guides and and doctors having taken taken the best care of him so good to see well it's not good to see but we're happy to see him being taken care of and getting to medical attention as fast as possible as the young and doran rider our best wishes there you can see ross tester just sending him some positive vibes as as he makes his way into the medical helicopter and we'll get him to medical care asap and as soon as we know what's going on there with joanne we will share that with you um from the medical team and and everything you can see victor de la rue and the whole french team there kami armand they're just kind of waiting sitting on the beach down there as we enjoy the beautiful endurance sunshine it is an absolutely perfect day for a free ride competition here on the peak de les planes a brand new face on the freeride world tour veterans rookies nobody's got the advantage here and we saw anna in um in bakira buret on a new face the rookies were the ones that sean and i wonder if not having experience on a face takes away one of the veterans advantages that they typically have on this tour all right so this massive peak to this planet's face the backdrop for stop number two on the freeride world tour we come to andorra every year eight years in a row this is actually the 11th freeride world tour competition because we've had a couple of re-stages from other events that we've done here because there are so many faces on offer so many potential ways it can go so andorra i mean the people here are just absolutely glorious they're so gracious hosting the free ride tour year after year the skiers just mob the tour athletes when they're out on the slopes they love to see it and you know even the lifties everybody's just so happy to see see the the competition here and it's just it's absolutely lovely to be a part of it definitely we're feeling the warm welcome from the andorran crowd on our free skiing adventures around andorra or dino acclis we're just getting ready to get our andorran friend to some good medical care and of course then we're gonna have to reposition the doctors and the ski patrollers and the guides and get everybody back into uh into their spots for for the safety and security of the face and of the rest of the riders so definitely it you know it's it's a bit of a process and we we appreciate your patience and sticking through but we are we are looking to provide the best possible care for the athletes on the face today and so if it takes a minute to get everybody back into position and that's what we're going to do and we're going to make sure that all things are ready to go before we drop another athlete so these kinds of breaks i mean we see them in in free ride competition occasionally anna what does it do to an athlete's headspace if you're the next guy in the gate and then there's a long break like this whether it's for weather or it's for an injury like this um it's certainly got to play into or be a factor injury certainly the worst scenario for the writers at the top because obviously they're worried about their co-competitor first and foremost but they're also worrying about their own lines and whether where the person crashed is on their own line then does it mean that you know this feature doesn't go or if there's a rock in the landing or the takeoff so that definitely messes with you a lot if you're on a weather hold um that's typically because it's bad weather and it's very cold so it can be difficult to keep yourself an optimal optimal level of excitement because you want to be you want the nerves you want to be warm and you want to be excited and you don't want to be standing there and losing that excitement because that can give you the competitive edge yeah so bringing yourself up through your routine to be ready to go and then having to kind of almost redo the whole routine the re the the process yeah definitely a challenging uh on on the mental side of things to make that happen and to get yourself into a headspace after a long break as as you said whatever it's for but certainly uh an injured um an injured competitor an injured friend or or co-competitor is is probably the worst case scenario for headspace because as you said it can play into so many factors um does my line work uh or just are you more scared uh so many so many things there that that can play into a writer's mindset absolutely see jacqueline pauler just finding her happy place up there as we uh as we wait out the break jacqueline one of the more i'd say happy just generally just happy vibe riders on on the tour uh if you're if you're if you're down go see jacqueline and she'll make you feel better she'll make you feel happy and stoke you out she's always got something uh something positive to say and pretty pretty hilarious too 99 of the time so definitely enjoying the uh the sibling vibe here on the region two riders and we've got the moellers blake and griffin jacqueline and andrew pollard and then the nichols brothers all here at the same time something in the water over there in north america we've had both the pipers tommenley and pifer on tour at the same time as well and shout out to cooper bathgate's twin brother jackson bathgate who's trying to make his way here uh yeah it's wild it seems like uh it seems like it's a bit of a family affair of the free ride over there free raid dynasties indeed i think it's a it's a thing all over the all over the planet and it really starts with what max palm said it's about rad moms and cool dads and uh teaching your kids the love of the mountains from an early age is how that kind of freeride family comes to be yeah definitely a big shout out to all the freeride parents out there who are watching either watching your own kids or watching your friends kids or just watching because this is something that you enjoy watching definitely it's uh it's a big part a huge part the parents you know especially on the junior side driving their kids to events taking off work making sure the kids have the right equipment and they've got the hand warmers and mittens and they're you know all bundled up and ready to go and then watching with your heart in your mouth as your kids just put it on the line um and uh and you know you have to do you have to trust in the skill and trust in the passion that the writers have so i'm sticking not on there oh [Music] all right well we've got a special guest here in the booth just to kind of keep us in the loop to what's going on nicholas hale woods the founder and ceo of the freeride world tour welcome nicholas all right so i just want to check in with you about where we're at uh with joanne and kind of the safety protocols and what we're what we're kind of going through where we're at okay so um very quickly after johan fell uh a doctor was with him um and i've just spoken to this doctor uh who told me that um johan uh felt unconscious for a couple of seconds and then came back to his conscience and he's got a some trauma um and will be airlifted to the to the hospital which is a five minute flight from here um for scans and further exams okay and so it was good to see we we could see on the camera angle that he was he was sitting up and he was responsive so good to see that he's he's conscious now and and able to communicate with the doctors yes perfect so i'd like to talk a little bit about the safety protocols that go into these events because it's it's uh it's pretty in-depth you know i i had the i had the the list here of the number of ski dudes and the doctors and the patrollers but kind of what goes into the planning for for the safety side of one of these freeride world tour competitions well the goal is to is to reach a an injured rider as fast as possible so the first two skiers you saw skiing now there were going to to johann were a doctor who works with the mountain security in chamonix that's his daily job he's a good skier and he is used to deal with serious accidents and and the guy with him is a mountain guide with the first response first aid education then after that we've got a helicopter another helicopter bringing gear if needed and then they stabilize an injured rider and they bring them bring him to the um to the nearest hospital so typically on that phase when we were scoping and thinking of the lines the main question in terms of rescue was where do we position the doctor and his assistant to reach an injured rider as soon as possible because those seconds can make a difference and the riders need to know and feel confident about our protocol and our in our system yeah absolutely and we saw the system in action there uh as you said the first the first responder was on to to join almost immediately and uh and it was good to see and then you know i just i love the combination of doctors ski patrollers ski guides it's kind of a really diverse uh set of skills and and everybody's going to be able to manage if they're the first on scene to kind of to give that give that aid as it's needed yes um with with the type of um skiing that these guys are doing we we can have serious accidents fortunately we don't have them often most of the runs are well prepared and and well delivered but this is a sport where serious accidents can happen and as an organizer we must be ready to to optimize rescue yeah absolutely and it seems like we're in a good position now we have to reposition the doctors and the patrollers and the guys and get the back into into where they were so that the the safety protocol can be reset um i i'd like to ask you about the selection of a new face of this this peak de la planus is is a new one when when you guys are are choosing the faces what are the things that you're looking for in terms of of optimizing that plan but also giving the riders the best shot at at exciting riding but also safe riding yeah it's a it's a sensitive mix of as you're saying um exciting exciting riding with multiple lines good features where they can have fun um and then sometimes we close non-full zones or features that are too big or too dangerous so this is the case on on this mountain very clearly and then the riders choose their lines according to what's open and and what's not and then there's also the whole avalanche aspect which is uh doesn't come in line this year on this phase as we are in spring snow and avalanche danger is is close to zero um but we also need to be able to to put the doctors and the whole rescue crew in positions where we feel comfortable they'll be able to to react fast so um there's multiple factors and we discuss and make the decision when we one have talked to the writers and profiberators board members came here a couple of days because we needed their their take on it and then we have lolo commissioner the judges also giving their um feeling and then we discuss it with the safety responsible so that when we have three green lights then we give a go right so those all those boxes need to be ticked for something to actually come into play as a as a free ride world tour venue and for those of you watching at home you may have wondered why that big pyramid start gate isn't up on the summit and i think that you spoke to that directly that gigantic cliff up there with the convex rollover that's just like an unacceptable risk for the riders to have to take in a competition run exactly um and there's a there's a usually a consensus on um where where a start gate should be placed and in which um areas should be should be closed um but as you said when it's a new venue you discover it and by definition you don't know it very well at first and um it's experience and and events that make us um more and more efficient yeah so it must be really stressful for you guys as you're coming into this you've seen it you've got the vision of it but then having to kind of find all of those factors and tick those boxes uh were there anything was there anything on this face that was more or less difficult than other venue selections clearly the fact that we are running the event in spring condition um makes it much more complex in terms of the snow texture because we need to wait for the snow to melt enough so that there is a good grip and it's fun to ride but not wait too much because then it could become too soft and and difficult to ride so how does the snow melt it melts depending on the solar effect on it so if there are clouds this affects the melting pace and then there's also the wind which is something which is super difficult to to predict for for weather forecasters so this is typically the two questions that have been in our regular two two times a day conversations with the the weather forecast to define the good day and um saturday yesterday could have been a day but there was too much wind and in the morning on this southeast phase the sun was a bit hidden behind some some clouds so their prediction was right for today it has melted and and the snow conditions are good and will remain good for a couple of hours because we need three and a half hours to run an event like this and we need to consider from the first gear to the last sure so it's um it's a it's an interesting uh equation that we have to to solve there yeah and solving that as you said across such a broad time span where it needs to be contestable for the first of the ski men but also still be good for the last of the snowboard women three and a half hours later it's definitely a pretty tight bracket to try to try to estimate or guesstimate i guess and then hope but yeah you talked a little bit about the wind we were skiing yesterday uh in the resort and it just it didn't soften at all so it feels like uh in hindsight good call not to run on saturday yeah it was it was pretty obvious and we defined um 11 o'clock this morning as a starting time um had the snow not melted enough we would have waited just like um surfing organizers wait when the tide is too low or um or too high or when the soil is is not there or when the wind is wrong um we we um are dealing with um nature and and we need to adapt uh and that's one of the beauties of our sport yeah it's it's actually it's quite fascinating to be in in in the scene here behind the scene and just seeing the level of flexibility required to to execute these events you know it's why we built a weather window why it's not just put on it will be on this saturday and you set the schedule in in september and stick to it and even sometimes the weather window if it's nine days is is not always favorable i mean nine days in the mountains can be just one storm cycle uh or one high pressure system that just never never delivers what what you need yes that's the also um the other aspect is obviously we we're dealing with a snowpack and with weather on on d-day and and even weather on the days prior to the to the event which um affects the snowpack so um i would say that i don't have the statistics dialed perfectly but i would say that nine times out of ten we manage to organize an event within that period but if it if we don't reach that level of of snow conditions and and weather and we are under the limit in terms of safety and of fun for the for the riders then we decide not to hold the event and then we try to run it at the next stop within the next stops window where if we have an occasion we run two events on two separate days so that happened probably five six times in the 25 past years of events organized so if knocking out one event in a weather window isn't hard enough when you you head off to the next event with one that didn't quite make it then you have to do two what does that do to to your stress levels oh we we are obviously have to deal with the stress level but um when you work in events organization it's either you like that stress or if you don't you should do another job you're in the wrong job and um and and last year for example here in in ordinarcalis we run two events in in the window because we couldn't go to japan and and it worked and that's one of the beauties of of this um of this area it's got many many different venues this is the sixth we're using in in eight years and that shows the variety of of uh this area yeah the terrain variety i mean that that stat when you told me that earlier just blew me away we've been here eight times six different competition faces all free ride world tour worthy and all so different from each other yeah the diversity and then as you said earlier 11 different competitions here in andorra so that kind of speaks to what you were talking about before where some some something didn't work out and then we had to restage something here and almost in in the scope of the freeride world tour it feels like this might be the best place to do that just because of that terrain variety yes and and that's one of the reasons why we decided to to um come to andorra and to uh ordinarchalis to um to run those events so um we've got now a better experience and um and uh that helps perfect well we're just waiting for the uh for the word that everybody is back into position who needs to be in position to get going again here for a freeride world tour stop number two in ordinarily all sending our best wishes to uh to young he's uh he's definitely in good hands headed off as you said a five-minute flight to the hospital so that's good news nicholas thank you so much for joining us and kind of getting us caught up with where we're at uh with uh with the safety protocols and what's going on specifically with uh with yuan thank you oh kill your sister great now thank you oh do they is something this okay so let's well we are halfway approximately through the ski men's field here in ordinarchilis in andorra uh joanne aracille has been taken airlifted to the hospital and they're going to run some tests on him and just make sure that all things are good with him but we are heading back up to the start gate to kick things back off again it got to be some nervous moments from the riders up top right now definitely but they're seasoned professionals and i think they're ready for it i'm excited to see abel morge back up his debut on tour with another absolute steamer yeah i mean you said it there they're seasoned veterans and then we go straight to a rookie but i feel like abel mogul abell moga is a bit of a veteran he's been competing since he was a junior i met him multiple times at the junior freeride world championships and every time he impressed me with his skiing and then he backed it up with his opening run on the freeride world tour at home in bakira barrett with a second and he's ready to do it again he is hyping up the crowd abell moga is on course dropping in to start one he is taking the high entry and through the exposure some more rocks peeking through there but he's cleaning it up and taking the more four line approach yeah good to see about that you can see him the way he landed this guy studies under the wing of aimar navarro and he's got a very similar ski style but he's he's a little bit taller but man abell moga so strong is he going to be able to make the step up so many riders wondered about that during inspection time and it was a big question mark well abell moga just answered it with authority the step up goes it does indeed and he is working his way down the ridge trying to find his next entry point over a little cliff he brings a wild leg back under his body and he is skiing out strong yeah as you said this is seasoned veteran skiing from a young rookie rider same big punt as admirer navarro getting a little big seat definitely a a slight back slap there that's a tricky one it's definitely not steep in that landing and ebbell uh even with those long legs not quite able to hold on the early takeoff that we saw from ross tester that one plays beautifully it's all about the early takeoff with that last hit and uh he is riding through it's great to see him put a sick run down yeah that one's gonna be good for everyone just to bring the vibe up and make sure that we all know that free riding is uh is still a viable thing and look at navarro he's so pumped for his young apprentice there's a lot of love there [Music] absolutely enormous gap there he really only just made it i think a little more speed would uh do well there and you can see that he caught a bottom of a rock there in that little feature that almost came unstuck but he had it yeah nice grab on that one definitely taking the landing hard and that early takeoff so that step up the elevation gain there is huge they go way up so so exciting to see that work out for a bell all right score coming in for abel moga 71-33 so definitely he not what he was hoping for you can see the body language definitely probably a little bit of a control issue there uh that they're gonna call for a bell uh but uh you know that's the way it works in judge sports sometimes absolutely and we're looking up to start too where we're having our first competitor of the day drop in from this side of the face as mentioned uh you've got to continue down the cooler and avoid this big monster in the middle of the face yeah that is closed and closed for good reason we don't want anybody getting tangled up in that thing so craig murray the kiwi we lost him on tour last year because of covet uh travel restrictions for for the kiwis it's very difficult for them to move around the world he came back he hadn't competed in over a year and he landed himself on the podium and it pretty much looked like vintage craig murray chatting to him he said he has a totally new mindset he's just doing this for fun he wants to have a good time with his friends competition is just one small piece of it and i love that mindset it's always good to see craig mary have a good time he's got the most beautiful turns and a lot of freestyle maneuvers to boot coming unstuck on that 360 over rotated a little bit but he's back on his feet and yeah putting himself back on his feet definitely a heart in the throat moment there is craig just a little bit off on his axis getting his feet under him you saw him able to put the feet back under him and continue the run as craig murray now carrying on with this run catching off the side of that one and just over the rocks so craig murray he had that he had that i'd say significant control issue but not letting him uh not letting himself really slow down look at that arc oh that is a thing of beauty he's taking some serious speed into this bottom feature and comes tumbling down back flipping that one i think that looks like he caught his tips we'll have to catch the replay so craig immediately up and moving he's just gonna have to uh either head back up i don't know how far uphill his um his ski is from him but craig looking a bit dejected after that you can see the snow is definitely getting pretty soft so it's quite forgiving uh which is lucky considering that needed some forgiveness for sure the field needs to remember that we've had a little you know good half an hour on hold and the snow conditions are changing which might mean that landings are a little punchier as a takeoffs so some of these takeoffs need a good pre-olly but you gotta be mindful of punching through that slush yeah so that's that's a tough one to swallow for craig murray as he had that issue up top and then went for one of the biggest moves of the day you can see where the bomb hole where imar navarro and abel moga landed let's take a look here at the replay over rotated there anna yeah i don't think he was going for the five i think it was over rotation big backflip and i mean he got his skis under his feet i'm not sure if he yeah i think i i was wrong that he was short i think that just the angle of the landing wasn't as steep as he was hoping for and coming out of the flip he was a little bit compressed and just not able to stand it up yeah there's a lot that needs to come together for a good backflip and today was not the day for craig murray's yeah not on that feature anyway but wow i mean you just look at the distance of the size craig is a full-grown adult man and he looks like an ant next to that cliff that he just backflipped off so props for uh perhaps for the effort and for the vision but not quite coming together on that one for craig murray so not going to be his day that'll be a no score so not backing up the podium for craig which does a few things first of all it's going to be a a bit of a drop in the rankings for him but that does crack open the door for some other riders to move around who are situated you know near or below that cut line absolutely so we've got three events in which to secure two good scores so that you can make it through the cut into the fwt finals he's getting a hug there from the flying fijian jamesa hampton and he's got a no score for craig murray today well back up we go to start number one and the next rider in the gate is going to have a bone to pick as he did not put down his dream run reina barkerad the mayor of stomptown one of the strongest men on the planet and coming up short on a backflip in the last event reina barker ed 39 years old and still mixing it up there's a 20-year age difference between him and max palm outrageous i wonder if we're going to see something more of a traditional big mountain lion from rayna today he's certainly kicking things off with the swedish entrance through the spicy gnar and he's looking speedy yeah going crossfall line there catching the transition exactly right now through this slightly sag takeoff oh run it short and landing on a rock unfortunately you can see the rocky exposed in that bomb hole he just didn't go far enough looks like he snapped his pole uh reina well known for four-point landings and if you put a four-pointer down on a rock well first of all i pity the rock but unfortunately his skis kind of came to a stop and that was it for rana barkhared oh that's a heartbreaker to see because that run was looking strong yeah heartbreaker on the heart-shaped cliff sometimes it doesn't pay to be the last person of the swedish mafia to take that line because your compatriots have uncovered a few rocks in the landings oh that's a tough one for ryan barker it's somewhere out there he just knocked we'll see if we can catch up with what he says so that was just textbook barker right there absolutely clean fluid onto the other foot and then right into that take off that rock and comes unstuck yeah just pushed him out of balance unfortunately you take more speed and commit and don't miss your takeoff there you have it too bad that was fun snow really bad it's pretty ripping sorry i bet it's pretty ripping yeah that would have been a lot of fun oh that's a bummer that's not a mistake i do very often you came up short is that i kept the rock like mid-air oh no and started going a little forward for a second like maybe but no that was like me and the last one just like yeah i might have it uh usually works out no i just came with a little different spot and like ah this one fine i just needed to be close to the side sorry yeah hey good one see if i get my pole back actually ah so the score dropping there for reina barker at 28 33 just fascinating listening to him and ross chatting there telling the tale you know as he said it's not a mistake he makes very often you don't see reyna barker at short things but unfortunately that one the consequence of shorting it was basically the end of his run absolutely but at least he had some very fun uh slush turns on his way down yeah you could see he was almost more bummed not to get to ski the rest of his line but we head straight back up a paul andrew pollard out of alta utah one of the smoothest men on the tour and holding the torch for drew tafki which is something that we all love to see andrew pollard on course this entrance is definitely getting rockier and rockier with each rider he's taking the swedish entrance through the gnar and riding out smoothly as a pole is known for lining up his next air beautiful little shifty grab there and looking really smooth coming into the heart and he takes it cross-court from the wind lip with a nice 360. absolute textbook apoll 360 and this is now textbook apoll skiing getting that transfer gap across these takeoffs that the ones that are are kind of across the hill off of wind drift 360 into that pocket at the lower section beautiful run for andrew pollard just top to bottom so crisp so clean now he's heading in on a slightly lower line but he's easily going to be able to stand on that left leg and of course he saw the setback takeoff a paul misses nothing gorgeous run for andrew pollard that was silky smooth i'm so happy for him to put that run together for the fans well he has many many fans the the alta crew love him you can see he's happy he's not a big claimer but andrew pollard definitely pleased with himself on that one the only non-swede to take the sweetest swedish entrance in the gnar and you knew if another guy was going to find it to be him because it's the smoothest way in by far absolutely you've got to find that transition absolutely perfect 360 there and then i love this one tweaking it out and he always finds the smooth way to land andrew does not like landing flat and then this angle of that 360 that is perfect checking his line there linking a lot of features i think we'll see a good air in style score yep and control is also right up there up there from that textbook execution give it to me he is willing it into being yeah this is super good i thought yeah that's a good feature did it look chloe yeah dude the transfer was so sick through the middle i was stoked on that i knew you'd like the little lip on the bottom in it too here we go scorpion putting himself into second and the absolutely elated that reaction just says it all so andrew and ross they're sharing a hug absolutely emotion uh emotional dump there for andrew pollard as we see him pushing navarro down into third leo slam it in fourth and jumessa hampton still holding on to that top five one of the few early runners to still be right in the mix here uh as we get into the sharp end of the stick on the men's ski field absolutely with how many riders have we got left we're getting really through the field now five riders left but this one is uh a fan favorite griffin moeller he's had some just devastating luck honestly he's one of the best riders to never win a free ride world tour competition and he's had some he's had some real tough luck losing skis hitting a rock right away in his run in uh in bakira i am backing griffin mohler for a strong run here this guy skis like an absolute champion and i love his style let's see it he is taking the lower entrance let's hope he's exercised all his bad luck taking a first little air there and looking to find something across to the skiers right yeah moving back cross court that one definitely taking some taking some some notice and into this big double griffin stepping over that lower section kind of missing the full double but catching the pepper and now heading into this one so so far so good griffin muller now trying to find control into this lower section will he take the lily pad or the big one a big three lands perfectly and is riding on out let's go griffin moeller coming across the bottom section into the extra credit definitely feeling the vibes as he goes into this changeable snow into past the early takeoff into the flat landing and griffin muller stomping a run with both skis on in the free ride world tour for what seems like a a a generation but i'm so happy to see griff through the finish line i have a feeling he's gonna be pretty pumped on that thrilled to see it he's got a big smile on his face all right so this one as we said he almost punched through i think we're starting to see the line with the soft snow or if you hit it too hard it's going to do some uh it's going to do some damage and then this 360 highlight reel move landing absolutely perfect oh and what a run i'm so thrilled for him and i had my fingers and toes crossed as he was coming into this final air but of course he had it yeah you can see really fall line with that big three six you see uh griffin just as you said all smiles he's so pleased to be at the bottom both skis on [Music] the boss in the hot seat i love it hey way to put one down good thanks jake and there we go 72-1-7 for griffin moeller so putting him in tonight still in the top ten and i think maybe more almost importantly than the score there for griff the fact that the curse is broken beautiful stuff yeah well i'm really pleased to see griff do that you know it's it's definitely it's no easy feat i'm wondering if that that 72 reflected a little bit of the uh of the forward bobble that he had when he hit that um that same air that we saw ross on but uh you know the judges have their criteria that they work with and for them it's just a matter of filling in the boxes and making sure that the uh that each set of criteria was ticked so you know that that ninth place you could sort of see griff's body language i think he thought well i got to the bottom so you got to give me a huge score the bonus but no we're just happy to see him make it down in one piece and it's great to get a run under your feet and i'm sure we will see him step it up in kicking horse yeah and just not to lose a ski in some dumb way and some you know weird thing happened to him it was just a series of of unfortunate events for griffin muller over the last bunch of freeride world tour events he he uh he he didn't re-qualify in his first uh in his first sorry he did he did re-qualify he did two years but then he got knocked off and he took a full lap of the qualifiers and then came back swinging and basically was was back in and everyone was so hyped to see griff back in in the freeride world tour family and now his younger brother blake is here as well on the snowboard men's side so great to see that family affair and i think it's it's one of the things that really stands out to me of the um of the the camaraderie on the freeride world tour is those riders when somebody gets knocked off it's devastating it's so hard the cut is the worst and then to see them fight their way back on it's just uh it's heartwarming yeah he's proven that he's ready to be here um do you know any details derek of the bad luck exorcism that he went through to get rid of the this curse i don't know if he was burning incense or burning skis or what he was doing but uh it seemed to work it definitely it worked and i'm so i'm so thankful for for anyone out there who is doing um pro griffin voodoo big props to you because he is back and putting down solid runs on the freeride world tour with both skis on and no rocks decided to attack him this time so all good if any of you guys were were fans back in griffin's first go-round on his last year he started making these videos on instagram where he would uh he would basically create a sniper and then the trigger pull and then he would cut to himself having a ski fly off or catching a rock and it was i mean i got to give him a huge amount of credit for the spirit he showed of you know he he was able to kind of find the humor in it but for all for everyone out there and i'm sure for him as well it was heartbreaking to see him go down like that so yeah so stoked for griff moeller nice checking in the finish area a paul andrew pollard do you have some nervous moments in the uh in the waiting area as you waited for the scores tell us about that run kind of what what went into the scoping of it um we're gonna be honest i fully copied trudell i saw tardelski that from the top and was like oh screw it i'm changing it like that looked like my stye and so sometimes you always got to trust it and trust what other people are doing and yeah yeah so i don't know if you could tell from up there but you were the only one to enter that upper section in that direction other than the swedes the swedish mafia had that one on lock and you uh managed to unlock their code they actually despite them sitting at their own table all the time at breakfast like they're actually pretty nice guys [Music] all right well apol really really pleased to see you put down that run smooth silky and stylish as always congratulations sitting in a great spot right now with only a few riders to go you thanks guys thanks brother so heading back up to the top we are looking for vale rainer of austria he will be dropping in and i think he's excited to blow off some steam on the face here i'm really excited to watch valencia he had a great run in uh in the last event and he kind of was another one like maxine shablow who decided to do for him a safety run it was still a pretty fantastic run landed him in 11th which in that field on that day was still a great result and especially for a rookie but when a guy like this says that was a safety run then the next time you better look out on course with valley rainer let's see what he's got dropping in from start one taking the lower entrance oh no sorry he is into the gnar we're taking the more direct route finding the transition and ripping out some turns lining up his next air this one definitely starting to see some play valley landing perfectly perfectly balanced coming into this heart-shaped one that took rain out big pre-pop and valley finding an absolutely perfect perfect transition to land on now getting cross hill on this one looking a little wild in the air checking up though using those skills to control his speed and momentum he's winding up the three here landing it a little backseat but riding out super strong he'll be stoked with that run yeah you can see a couple of bumps almost like waves in the snow and valley opting to skip the extra credit has he got something else in mind down here that we haven't seen it looks like he does nobody has even had a sniff of this feature at the bottom and valley nice and clean holding it on through that transition an abrupt transition into the flat sarana seems like all of these bottom features are relatively flat so requiring some extremely strong quads to pull it off yeah now i said into the flats but what i should have said is on to the lake that is a big frozen lake across just next to the uh next to the finish area so valley rainer getting really really techy in there but managing to stick it and i just love the way he makes those turns after it shows just such a mastery of his technique and the little adjustment in the air he's just adjusting his weight for a good landing not sure if the butt touched down you can see the the video judge knocking him on control a little bit that uh that bar not going quite as high as the other but on the replay definitely didn't look but i'm not a judge of course but didn't look like the butt touchdown so we'll see what the judges have to say i know they see far more than we do they're looking through the high-powered glass there so full faith in the judging panel yeah let's see what they think of it so we're just waiting there for the score for valley rainer to come in 75-3-3 so eighth position for the young austrian shredder peak performance rider he should be relatively pleased with that as he said he's on the slow burn the definitely looking to put himself into contention to make that cut well this this gets exciting right now this young man came absolutely swinging out of the gate i i described him as he's got a teenager's brain and a man's body which is a perfect combination for this sport 19 years old max palm from wild card junior champions current tour leader max palm the swedish frenchman dropping in here in ordinary course we'll see if he takes a french or swedish approach today working his way down the ridge to a lower entrance he's lining up a unique weight into the face a little air there and a much bigger one little wheelie hold on oh max not able to hold the speed you can just see the rapid rapid acceleration there from max bomb i wonder if that snow is on a slightly different aspect perhaps it hasn't caught as much of the sun so it could be a little hard and fast where he landed yeah max is up and walking around looks like he's pretty rattled after that was a that was a heavy tumble unfortunately not able to hold on to it i think you're right anna the snow on that side is a slightly different exposure let's see if we can kind of pin down what took him out there he looks a little backseat on landing and he just accelerates and catches a rock where that just really sends him yeah you could see he was trying to slow down trying to put his skis across the fall line but at that pace and then clipping a rock there was just no way and it does stay really steep you talked about this in the uh in the in the face preview there are well the well the average pitch is 37 degrees there are sections of this face that are much steeper than that and they say stay sustained for quite a distance and that was one of those spots where essentially any error was going to be punished so max palm not able to to back up with another win but certainly providing us with uh with a moment there on this face definitely quite out there but it's really going to disrupt our rankings to have both craig murray and max palm who are at the top of the rankings at the moment to have uh two little bobbles there so it'll be interesting to see who shakes to the top of the ranking after this event today yeah definitely anticipating a big shape up uh or shake up i should say a bell moga could really benefit from that um as he put down a solid run he wasn't overly happy with his score but still being on your feet when the two uh the two guys right around you aren't uh is definitely gonna have have uh a big effect on the rankings and a friend in the hot seat ross tester he had a fall in the first event so that's uh also gonna influence the rankings max palm is making his way down he looks healthy and happy just doing some soul turns down there in the sun yeah you're absolutely right there and uh ross was ranked 16th so he's going to be taking a huge jump up now this competition is not over but we only have maxim chablo and blake marshall left so worst ross can do here is third if both of those guys pass them but either of them are going to have to do something pretty special see max looking like he's kind of favoring his right leg there hope but he's smiling which is good to see after a pretty pretty aggressive tomahawk through luckily mostly snow happy to see that um hopefully the young swedish peak performance rider is going to be all good for the ross sharing the moment at the bottom that's good enough that's the rock agency yeah alright come back up the real flat one eh well dramatic moments here in the ski men's field as we fly our way back up the face to the young swiss rider he is a world champion at junior free ride he's a world champion at kite surfing he finished fifth in the first free ride world tour event maxine swiss rider ready to drop in and kick things off heading for the lower entrance and coming around into the face now lining up his first air with a 360 lens smooth cross court and is moving down the face with speed yeah with speed maxim chablo wasting no time and getting up over the step up maxi making it by a mile wow well abel moga made it by uh a hair maxim chablo almost overshot it now he's on the back side of the ridge so if you're on the front side of the face you can't see him but i am anticipating he is going to come back into sight with a bang big back flip to his feet incredible stuff from maxime holding on there now maxime into this long step down another clean landing as he moves across he's one of the first tracks we've seen come into this lower section uh maxime chablo above these finger shoots is he going to find something on the low section looks like he's lining up a huge 360. max team champo clean what a run from the young swiss rider he we said he took a conservative approach with the stat with the plan of building and did he ever he has built us up taking a really creative line way out on the look is left skiers right side of the face he found beautiful snow and amazing features to link together that was awesome work for maxine well the smile on his face says everything so yeah we saw him we we actually heard ross say he wanted to three that but then it would thought it was too small i wonder if the snow is running a little faster because maxime also went way further on this step up than abell did earlier he also just straight-lined it which really helps that is so true and then this big look how laid out he gets he has to put his hands up over his head to slow the rotation down and then this move into those finger shoots catching the safety grab too bang redirecting making sure he has the angle exactly right a completely brand new creative line from maxim shablow oh i would hate to be in the judge's seat right now yes wow first place for maxine he's gonna be stoked second contest ever on the freeride world tour and he's straight into the hot seat the judges absolutely loved what maxine put down there 92-3-3 that is a massive score there was a lot of chatter amongst the riders if going up on that ridge was going to pay off some of the people think the judges would like it others were like no i'm about it well maxine shablow just showed the eye that he has for line selection fits perfectly with what the judges enjoy watching and i'll say us too absolutely all right this is the last man in the ski men's field he's done a full reversal he was the first man in the ski men's field and the last event and now he's the last man standing kiwi blake marshall he started things off with a bang last time let's hope he can finish this category with a spectacular run i definitely always enjoy blake marshall skiing he's such a great guy and such a strong skier getting ready to kick out of the gate and start things off on his campaign here in ordinal arcelis the kiwi blake marshall blake's got a real trifecta of skills here he's an incredibly technical skier he's got the freestyle tricks he's got the mouse and the big mountain and i think this is a really great face for him three two all right well blake marshall bang in the polls getting the hype up and he is on course anna your countryman getting ready to get it done here yeah everyone will be staying up late to tear him on and he's taking the lower entrance into the face looking like he's working his way through the exposure there lighting up this in the cross-court direction which is seemingly the best way it goes yeah that one sets up nice for a left three blake marshall being a right thrower and pulling it around getting the tip drop there blake marshall into this wind lift now he is into the meat of his run so far so good for the kiwi shredder stomped landing and he's riding out into the middle of the face with some real speed with a big three cross court love to see blake marshall he's putting tracks in places that nobody else has we're 22 skiers in to this ski men's field and he's finding spots where nobody has another 360. blake marshall bang bang bang three threes in his run and still one more feature to come a lot of riders getting a little caught as they come across to this bottom ear and he's taking it perfectly stomped and railing it into the finish line yeah i think you're right there's there looks to be a texture change in the snow and i'm not sure if it's uh if it's a wind scouring or if there was an old avalanche deposit that just had a little bit of um a little bit of skiff of snow over it or it's maybe the least sun exposed section on the face but blake marshall pretty pleased with himself after that one wearing the silver fair and looking exhausted but he's put down a sick run with some real style there so right 360 there as he comes over perfect control another one that way so blake marshall with three 360s and coming out of that one again and then you can you can just see almost the joy as he kind of ollie's off his tails with just pure stoke blake marshall happy to have one in the bag there it's full survival mode so the judges are really deliberating over that one it was so scary okay [Music] oh so some nervous brother nervous moments here and the scores in for blake marshall 74-5 so another 10th place finish so backing up his 10th play finish with a 10th place finish blake marshall looking a little bit disappointed we'll see uh you know we can dig into the into the judges categories and see what it was that got them there but that is it for ski men have a look at this maxim shablow young swiss rider he's the champion as a junior he's the champion of kite boarding and now he's the champion of the ordinarkly stop of the free ride world tour ross tester coming firing back into form and then andrew pollard rounding out the podium absolutely back in the second page of rankings here we've got a couple of our veterans that are still struggling to put runs down and a couple of no scores few lost skis yeah both miele and and craig murray unfortunately not able to hold it down but we're gonna head down and chat with our winner maxime shablow young swiss shredder you said you had a plan you went from uh mellow run in the last one to full max on this one tell me how you feel right now i i don't have any words like i still i mean i don't know i just chose this line it looks it looks so cool to me all the takeoffs are perfect and uh i have no words right now i have absolutely no words max how did that big backflip feel how did this big back flip feel to you oh it was definitely scary uh when i was scoping the line i was thinking of double backing this one but then i saw like quite a lot of riders crashed and the snow conditions looked tricky so i was like okay just bring a solid rundown get another good result and kind of guarantee your your classification in the finals and all the features were a little bit bigger than i expected so yeah super stoked of it i think you've done exceptionally congratulations maxime well unreal run there from the young swiss rider maxim chablo putting it down and doing what needed to be done on this face such an impressive run from a young rider and what we're starting to see this year i think if we have a new face the experienced riders don't have the edge that they had so we're having a look now at our overall rankings maxime shablow jumping up from fifth to first and another rider huge jump a paul carl regner erickson doing that kind of sneaky swedish thing and sliding himself into third this is really getting exciting as we move through this free ride world tour season absolutely and the folks on this part of the rankings are going to need to step it up in kicking horse to secure their qualification to the free ride world tour finals so we can be sure that they're all going to bring the heat at the next event oh yeah they are for sure and for a lot of the riders on the uh on the bad side of that cut line are going to be hungry hungry hungry and hopefully kicking or is going to deliver some powder for us and uh and we're going to get the show that we have come to expect from that stop but right now it's all about ordinarchilis here in andorra and what a show the ski men just put on the snow conditions have gone nice and soft as we as you said east southeast face so we've had the sun just glowing on it all day uh and it's actually looking like it's it's it's running really well you know as long as you have your balance you've got your feet underneath you then you're kind of in a great position to to put yourself in i mean maxim shablow one of the last runners on the course put down the hot run of the day locked himself into first and just such an incredible achievement for the young swiss rider [Music] [Applause] [Music] well a spectacular show from the ski men's field and a smoothie highlights for you oh certainly the winning run from maxine such a unique line and great to see him make a real splash on tour oh he sure did and you can see we talked about it earlier today he was playing the strategy game a little bit in the first one and then this one he said he just wanted to kind of put a smart run together but i mean he overshot that step up by 20 meters and still managed to light it up but now we are moving on to ski women which is just as exciting [Music] elizabeth garrington getting things started with the bang and jaclyn with a huge punch front great way to kick things off up high on the face with a big air [Music] nice really smooth calculated smart skiing there from hedwig vessel it was just completely executed she's so hyped i love the enthusiasm from olivia [Music] well the ski women just put down an absolute hammer fest in the last er the first free ride world tour stop and i have the expectation that we're going to see the exact same thing today this field is absolutely stacked everyone in the field can win on any given day which is to me the greatest thing let's take a look here the rankings uh while firing right out of the gate olivia mcneil basically from i don't know if i can land a free ride world to a run to leading the freeride world tour over her hero hedwig vessel it's such a mind trip to drop into one of these events with somebody that to you is a is a legend and now you're leading them absolutely jessica hodder who definitely bring brought the heat to the first event but came unstuck so she'll be looking for redemption today on the face she's actually dropping in first and uh i have big expectations from her yeah i i absolutely love the way jess hodder skis she's got such a great attitude looking forward to that one so she is dropping in first and looking to put a run down to her feet and she's also got their current leader olivia mcneil hot on her heels dropping in third someone who i'm looking to see a bit more from today is lexi dupont she's a film skier and uh i think she's wanting to go bigger today yeah absolutely and then the last rider in the women's field elizabeth gerritsen reigning freeride world tour champion not able to hold it together in the last one so i feel that elizabeth sometimes skis the best when she's mad and she was not happy about that fall last time and you can see it hasn't changed your expectations at home 78 percent of you think that olivia elizabeth garrettson story is going to stand on the podium 87 backing hedwig vessel and then brand new into the ranks in the fun bet olivia mcneil 32 percent of you liked what she was selling last time and bet on her to come out on the podium peak performance fun bat keeping you in the game and amongst it with the free ride world tour who have you been betting on derek oh i i bet with my heart every time does that mean your country uh not always i just you know the people that i the people that i want to do well the people that i like as i said before uh it's i find it really difficult because i want to bet on at least six to 12 people for a podium on each side and so i end up just scrolling through scrolling through and then be like well every one of these people could win uh it's a struggle so hopefully you guys at home have a better system because to me it's just it's just um i don't even know what the system is i just pick one and hope for the best because i really truly i feel like i back all these riders i want them all to come first i my dream would be an equal tie for first a 22 way in the ski man or you know 12 ways and this is why you are not a judge derek yeah that's exactly right i could never i could never do it uh and and that's why i enjoy this one because i just get to talk about them you see there headwick vessel she was in the battle of a lifetime last year with elizabeth garriton they kind of each went win crash win crash um and then shook it out in verbier at the finals and so you know she's she's probably been eyeballing this face for the last few days just looking for that magic backflip spot it's it's truly is her trademark obviously her skiing is fantastic but the backflip has become the thing that she's known for and almost is like looking to find one and then build the rest of the run around it yeah what i thought was really strong from hedwig is that she'd actually planned a becky for her for the first stop of the tour this year but as she came up to it she saw the lip of the feature wasn't right so she made that split second decision and which really uh you know held her run together because if the feature is not right then it's not safe to backflip it so i really like that um approach to free ride skiing yeah i do too and it shows a maturity in the decision making and what hedvik came out of that with was a second place finish which is super strong and definitely a keeper in this field where if you throw the backflip anyway that you're unsure of and then you end up crashing where you don't even have a result and coming away with a second place out of the first event is definitely a strong position to be in as what we've seen over the years is hedbig builds momentum builds momentum through the season so definitely looking forward to seeing if she's found one on this one or if she's going to put the pure free right now yeah because we've got to remember these kids want to make it all the way to the free ride world tour finals and roughly half the field is going through about six of these 11 riders will make it so you don't want to throw it away uh just because you're really determined to do a backflip where it's not good to do a backy that's absolutely right and you know speaking of that cut line i mean we've got some heavy hitters on the bad side of it both jacqueline pollard and jess harter who are former event winners um jess will be dropping first as you said so big things there i'm really excited you can see here she's ranked 11th that's not where jess hotter wants to be sitting in the overall ranking now i see her much closer to the top and i'm excited to see her put down a run to her feet today yeah i'm really excited for that too and then just this whole women's ski start list every one of them has been performing at such a high level and just just over and over and over again putting on a show at every stop and it's it's uh i mean first of all it's fantastic to watch as a spectator and also i just love to see all of the women pushing themselves and and finding that finding that level of skiing collectively uh so jess hotter she's gonna be the first one out the gate you can see she is feeling the vibe she's vibing hard and jess skis best when she is feeling loose lucy goosey gets it done for jess hotter and we're going to see her on course now kicking off the women's field she's making her way down to the lower entrance coming through the chute there let's see what she's got lined up for us at the top of her run cross-court air taking some speed into this next feature yeah this one saw a lot of play on the ski men's field and for good reason it has nice transition and it's one of the few hits that has snow right up to the edge so just finding the wind lip on that one and then moving through the crux between those two features skiing well skiing fast skiing fluid jess hotter definitely not keen to make that same mistake that she made there another cross court jess is able to find these transitions haven't seen her hit a flat landing yet which is great because there are a lot of them out there now coming into this bottom feature just sending it off the end holding it together in the landing and coming out hot like a hotter yeah she was hot getting hotter as she's coming way way high and actually finding a turn in the extra credit air i do think the snow may be speeding up now jess hotter creeping off the end holding it together jess hotter she is pumped you can see the body language hands so stoked and we are too in the commentary booth as jess hotter coming across the line what a great way to kick off ski women [Music] i am stoked for her look at that big smile she has to make this result count to make the cut and i really feel that she did let's see the replay crosscourt air beautiful skiing yeah moving back across and then this lower one this is a heart pounder as she goes we saw that one play a lot in the ski man and she was so close to that rock but managing to pull through let's see if we can hear her and the judges dropping a 76 even for jess harder getting a hug from the other kiwis claire mcgregor and craig murray loving it down there so great way to start ski women this this field has just absolutely been firing and every one of them can win on any given day we head back to the top you can see the dramatic backdrop of the andorran pyrenees as this start gate is just perched up there on the side of a mountain in the gate young californian rider lily bradley she's a rookie on tour had a decently strong start with a seventh in the last one she went back up the next day and re-skied her comp run in a way that she wanted to be proud of which i just thought was such a cool move and lily bradley on course right now working way down the ridge i really love the way she skis it's so playful and poppy so looking to see her bring that into the big mountains here yeah lily finds shifties even in between turns she's just always adding style and there you see it again she has absolutely just oozing the steez it's almost oh big pre-olly and getting it to her feet lily finding that setback takeoff great looking run so far from lily bradley loving this lining up something pretty chunky here and she takes it a little to the side with the shifty and it's just looking like she's having a great time skiing yeah that little waterfall one of the few spots on that feature that actually has snow up to the edge and taking this one off the nose lily bradley in the fall line just absolutely matching up her direction with the slope angle this is looking strong now lily bradley getting on to this spine that we saw get some play from the men a big shifty stomped clean so far so good for the young american rider this is looking absolutely fantastic she's bringing a lot of style to this line i'm really enjoying the way she's approaching the mountain aaron's style is a category and the judges love that it shows mastery of control onto the extra credit popper getting the edge of it not quite going as far but i think from a strategy point of view that's really smart because the farther you go on that one the worse the landing gets lily bradley she is through the finish line as you said almost every single feature had some element of style a little tweak a little shifty something on everyone i like that this is where i'm wondering what the judges will make of it because she brought a bit more style than jess but jess probably put a bit more pace so we're gonna see how that shakes out in the scoring but they are both stoked for each other so you can see her kicking her run off there with the shifty uh all was good and then right off that early takeoff she definitely got a bit back seat in the air and managed to ride out on the tails and then this one tweaking it out always stylish lily bradley she's got an eye for style and i really like the style that she eyed up on that one so we're gonna see what the judges had to uh had to say about it but strong run there for lily there's a little bit of snow on the bottom of her skis which makes me think it might be getting a little sticky out there [Music] you can hear so many of the riders are just gassed in the finish line definitely high up in the in the it was definitely today we're getting a little bit of a conditions update from uh from the women in the finish area you got it you're waiting on this ready oh is it that yeah well the ladies playing with it there second for lily bradley with a 73 so i think that's a little control issue there wheeling out on the landing the judges as we've said they miss nothing they watch through high-powered binoculars they know what's going on up on the face well look at this peak the peak de les planes is absolutely delivering for us in ordinal arc we head back up to the top and another exciting rider here she was a rookie then she was injured then she's an event winner now she's wearing the golden bib the whistler freeride club alumni olivia mcneil one season on the tour one win under her belt and she's on course anna i'm excited to see where she takes us today on a journey no doubt she's coming into the lower entrance from start one and making quick work of it looking confident on our skis yeah kind of matching the turns pretty much every rider going the same path through there it seems like the only path if you want to actually put a feature in and then live moving back over oh and skipping that one she's going to go off the lower bench and move cross court there landing nice and clean and moving all the way out to the rider's right side getting up and over this slamming into that wind lift that some of the other riders stepped up onto and over she's taking us out into the lookers left skiers right at the venue and she's got a long jump here just making that to the end of that feature and getting back on her feet that was a that was a long jump that was a long jump there and olivia having to go deep deep into her strength well to pull out of that one definitely the judges are going to hit that hard as she was down for a while she wasn't dragging her back but she was she was low and holding on but she still has more to come as olivia moving across into an as yet untracked section and just pitching off the corner of that one i think maybe playing it slightly safer after that big kind of squash ride out that she had on that huge air and now coming into the extra credit shutting it down actually almost coming to a stop there and olivia oh big back slap and uh not a full ball but definitely not clean on that one kind of a strange angle she took lily had that one i thought kind of dialed and olivia went a little more left there and it didn't quite work out the same way yeah i think the some of the women are coming up with not quite enough speed for that feature like it's very flat and i think you feel that as you arrive at the feature and think oh there's not as much transition as i thought they would be here yeah it seemed so this one was definitely oh that is a huge air and you can see now she's just fighting fighting fighting trying to stand back up rushing off the corner this one got that one nice and clean and then you can see the the uh video judge big knock on control for olivia mcneill so as we saw in ski men we also saw in ski women where last event's winner not able to put down the same level of sort of mastery as they did on the first one like a whole bar of it it's all year 54-0 for olivia mcneill two pretty significant control issues on that run so liv not able to put down the dreamline there but hopefully we'll see her come back swinging in kicking horse as she's still in a pretty solid position with uh with the first place under her belt but we roll right back up to the top she is a former event winner she is related to one of the podium finishers in the ski men the sister this is jacqueline pollard she you can see vibing similar to jess hotter they have such a similar style i think in skiing and in life in just the way they approach the freeride world tour jacqueline pollard out about to utah she is on course here in andorra jackie paul out always bringing the good vibes to the tour and she is coming through the bottom entrance from start one taking it easy through the exposure there's quite a few rocks ready to catch you there so she's making quick work of it a little side air there yeah jaclyn making her way down into this section that we saw again get a ton of play from all from the ski men and coming up well short on that one landing on the rocks and then just driving forward you can see not happy about that that one needed a certain amount of speed and jacqueline did not have the pace to clear those rocks yeah i needed to bring a little a little more heat into that feature some of the takeoffs here you can see they've receded back from the cliff so you need to pre-olly and bring a lot of speed to clear these rocks that are sticking out yeah we'll catch a look here she kind of slowed down oh yeah and you can see her whole ski flex as it landed on that rocket you said it exactly right anna those rocks are sticking out further than you think and the takeoff is kind of set back so jacqueline unfortunately losing her skis that's going to be a no score another rider going in a tough spot now is she had the same result in the last event in bakira barrett so that's a heartbreaker for jacqueline pollard as she is a proven event winner in the free ride world tour but two in a row where it just hasn't gone her way and going over the front on that one she's a proven event winner though and kicking horse which is the stop that we're heading to next so i'm expecting big things from jacqueline paula that is an excellent point and jacqueline sometimes skis the best after things haven't got her way so hopefully she's going to be able to reset her head after after a couple of tough tough finishes and put it down and kicking horse and uh and keep keep yourself in the mix here as that was a tough one just just well short and i wonder if snow conditions coming into play as we you know we heard lily say it was pretty funky um hopefully you know things are things are still all good for the ski women and the categories we have to come i have a feeling it's going to be if the softer and slushier it gets the better it's going to get for our snowboard categories so i think they're going to be fine as as things soften throughout the day but that's a heartbreaker for jacqueline let's hope she gets some soul turns and some of the good vibes back as she makes her way down the venue for a big hug from jess hodder for sure a big hug from just hotter these two are kind of almost like soul sisters on the tour they have like i said they just have such a similar similar vibe and and the way they the way they are with people is really similar and it's just kind of lovely to be around so hopefully big hug from jess but definitely you could see in the body language after after that jacqueline was furious uh as as similar to reina barker had earlier uncharacteristic mistake you know it's it's not the way if you see if you see jacqueline crash it's usually over sending um and and that one was a bit a bit out of character but result same so a no score for jaclyn pollard today and we will be looking to see her shake to the top for kicking horse thumbs up from her yeah glad to see she's okay that's uh that's two pretty tough slams in a row that she's taken um in the last two events so i'm glad to see that she's up and skiing and able to at least throw a hug to jess hotter and back up we go so we're uh that's two kind of tough ones in a row on the ski women's field from some pretty heavy hitters so kind of cracking open the door here for some of these other riders susanna vitek polish rider living in switzerland she had a podium result in the first event of the year and you know she wants to back that up i was watching around the resort yesterday and was like whoa she was going for it and that i think bodes well for what we're going to see on this run i think all the riders were so stoked to have one more day of shredding around ordina acalis before the event day and uh let's hope it pays off in their riding today yeah absolutely good times out there shredding with the freeride world tour family zuzan oh almost getting caught on that rock that was a weird angle that she kind of came at it and then once she was committed to it she sort of had to pick her foot up and just hope for the best so zuza off this one a little short as well but able to hold on can she continue holding on oh she does up and over that wind rip what a save there from susana vitec so we're needing a little bit more speed for that top feature is catching a few riders i think it looks slightly intimidating with those rocks sticking out yeah i was just going to ask you that when you have that that knowledge that that takeoff is a bit set back it's pretty scary to commit to the pace you need absolutely but it's what is required yeah not as scary as landing on rocks that's for sure see if she takes it off the biggest chunk of this cliff lands nicely and rides out strong solid solid for his designer v-tick but definitely a bit of an issue pulling uh again a little bit short on that upper one so she's going into the extra credit air with a couple of stomps and one small controller she looking like a little bit low she's going to go down to this lower tongue where lily bradley and olivia mcneil went and catching it beautifully that is a that's a great illustration of how that cliff wants to be hit definitely so the judges will be comparing and contrasting the uh the runs of jess and susannah because they took a few similar errors and i think jess might have had a little more speed so we'll see what the judges make of it here's the top where she gets a little caught up on some rocks but holds it together just i think she'll be docked on control for that also tail taps that feature her tails dragged the entire way down that face that angle does not lie and then you saw it took her it took her about half the the width of the venue to get the control back but i'm glad she did because then she was able to come into that one and stomp it clean so that was a run of contrast there for design of ethic 60.67 for zuzana be take the polish rider dropping into third spot so far big hugs there from jess hotter wow well things are really starting to shake out in the ski women's field we've seen a couple of heavy hitters go down we saw zuzia put down uh a bit of everything some brilliance and some pretty pretty scary moments as she tail dragged all the way down that rock but we go straight back up juliette willman the french gremlin as her friends call her i love that she told me it was okay to say it so if you're out there and you know her as bremlin juliet willman on course i am so excited to see julia ski today she brought so much heat to the first stop and was awarded the chocolate medal but i just thought it was such great features and great skiing so i'm sure we'll see more of her alpine racing turns today and some serious air time as she comes into the bottom entrance from start one and looking solid yeah she's on the normal track there that everyone's taken right off the end of that i have a feeling that juliette's skiing technique is going to really pay off for her today as controlling speed and she comes off here oh another one on the same feature you could see the tails flex i really hope juliet is okay bouncing down after that landing just well well short you could see that extra turn and i sort of had my heart in my mouth hoping that it wasn't going to be what i kind of knew it was going to be but that one you're you're dead on anna that needs way more speed than these women are taking into it yeah if someone has a direct line to the top can you please call and tell everyone to send it oh that was rough for juliet i'm glad to see her up and tapping her head and waving her arms that's the the universal free ride sign for i'm mostly okay but probably pretty angry and bummed let's have a look at this so you can see skis tap tap tap and then she gets kicked way forward that feature kind of reminds me of a late season new zealand line there's some alpine grass poking through there some rocks and it really takes a special kind of skier just to ride your tails out of that one so you know anna maybe that's why jess hart are sitting in the hot seat right now because that that's right up her alley i've seen her lay some we call it tussock yeah the tastic line classic lines i've seen her lace a few tussock lily pads in her time so juliette willman getting herself all organized and ready to ride down the mountain but you can be assured that's not the last we have heard from her so we're seeing the fan base here is not just ski fans fabio cuatro he is the 2021 moto gp world champion they're just getting ready to kick off testing in i think in malaysia for the next season but he's he's based here in andorra and extremely famous in and out of the motorsports world that man is quick on a bike and great to see him out here just celebrating all things free ride world tour with the family on the side on the slope side today so juliet making her way off the face really unfortunate that's that's that's tough to see a bunch of riders go down on the same feature and for the same reason yeah that's tough i hope they have got the message to the top that you need a bit of uh air under your feet to clear that one yeah and and sometimes it's hard you know you said it before anna but you put in that extra turn because you get a little bit nervous because you can't see the edge and then the second you pop you regret those extra turns because you can see it you do that quick mental math and you're like oh i'm landing there and i do not want to be landing there but it is uh it's happening and hopefully the rest of the riders are going to take a bit more pace or they've got some different lines planned but we head right back up to the top firing riders this is great this face is huge but the runs are so fast because it's so fall line it's so pitched so steep that each run is really not taking very long and so we're just firing through the field and we're heading back up another young switch swiss rider uh well it says seville blanching but that looks like it's lexie uh in the gate so i'm not 100 sure what's going on there uh but might have had a quick change in the stock gate yeah lexi dupont in the start gate uh we'll figure out what's going on there and keep you updated um i know the judges will know who it is so uh if we're if we're running a bit out of order we'll be sweet [Music] all right well it looks like we just kind of missed the top section of sabile blenzel's run as she's coming in here chipping off that air not sure what happened on the cameras hopefully you guys caught it but sabile blanchone looking like she's about three quarters of the way through her run heading down now to this bulky section and sending it right off the nose can't she hold it she can seville blancho riding out of verbier absolutely stomped that lower feature so strong great to see sabile uh kind of backing up her her last result really exciting as she comes into this last feature holding it down and taking all the travel absolutely spectacular run for seville we didn't see the whole thing but those last couple of features were really solid from seville and i'm so stoked for her in her rookie year to be making a splash oh she's waving across the line giving herself some props hopefully uh looking like she's got a smile on her face and a big hug for jess in the finish area well catching that and the video judge definitely liking what they saw line fluidity high control aaron style catching nice transition there and definitely going deep into the travel of the legs all these riders are so strong they train like crazy so seville blanjon moving into third with a 65-3-3 putting herself in the conversation for the podium wow so that's exciting sevilla blanchard i really uh curious to see what what went down at the top of the run but loving the bottom section and jess hotter holding off another challenge to the hot seat yes looking good for new zealand right now yeah absolutely and lily bradley still holding down that second position and uh still a couple more riders to go a couple more big challenges to the hot seat so you pointed this one out and uh lexi dupont up in the start gate now she's a film rider she knows how to do that visual inspection she was a little bit disappointed after the first run because she felt like she just didn't quite send hard enough but she was feeling her way into the freeride world tour as is how you have to do it and you don't actually know what the the cards that the rest of the field are holding until they all drop in and i think lexi was like oh this is what we're doing okay great so i expect to see a little bit more of that for lexi dupont on this run yeah i think she's gonna bite off a bigger chunk for us today and i'm looking forward to seeing it she's making her way down the ridge yeah nice strong turns lexi coming from that ski racing background and then competing on the free skiing world tour back in the day but as she said it's been a while since she stood in a competition stargate so looking good there catching the grab moving all the way across she's uh staying away from or maybe she's heading back to the heartbreaker she's gonna need to step on the gas if she wants to clear those rocks she does finally breaking the curse of the heartbreak cliff and getting just a little tangled up there big control issue for lexi but she did bring in the speed she needed for that top ear so i'm stoked with that one let's see what she makes to the bottom of the venue yeah moving cross court catching that wind lip and the transition just seamless there back onto the slope so right now things looking good for lexi dupont as she comes in to the lower section of this gets across and right off the nose solid landing riding out strong so she definitely brought a bit more air time for us today lexi i think that's going to be a great story she is not done yet she is coming across to this bottom feature yeah super high on that one coming in on the upper takeoff going down and stomping it lexie dupont wow well that was a great way to finish and you know she listened she heard what the judges said after her last run they said we want more and she said fine you want more i got more here it is that was it she took that bottom feature bigger up bigger than any of the rest of this ski woman's field i think you just have to look at where the bomb holes are the rest of the ski women were much more left she had to take a ton of speed to get over there and lexi dupont showing that she knows so a bit of a hit on fluidity there as she did pretty much come to a stop in the in that middle section but then making up for it the line score definitely pushing out the top of the rest of those bars so alexi dupont she had a few big like way bigger features and stomping you can tell she's been hitting the gym got the stomping legs on today and look at this one bang really solid run there from lexi looking strong in a four line line score there how did you you got like the strongest lies well lexi dupont putting herself into fourth place which is a significant improvement from the eighth place finish she had last time so definitely a run to be proud of there as lexi dupont took the judge's considerations into uh into her heart and put it on basically put it on display in that run and that was definitely a much stronger run from lexi dupont but we go straight back up this woman finished second in the last competition she went has won multiple events across and was in the battle uh for the overall title last year head mcvessel riding out of norway always a threat for the podium for the win and for a highlight moment on any competition face dropping in from start one she's skiing smoothly down the ridge trying to find the entrance coming in where the rest of the ski woman's field have also entered navigating the little salt and pepper rocks yeah that entrance is getting chewed up and you can see hedwig vessel making short work of it off that one adding features all the way down she knows exactly what the judges want to see and so she's going to put a line together that they like getting the side of that one and then over into the wind drift hedwig vessel now coming into the heart cliff looks like she's got something lined up beside the heart cliff oh a different angle on that ice ball oh the stump wow had big vessel just taking every trip to the gym there and putting it to use as that was an incredible that was a that was an earth shaker that one and she is not done head big vessel right off the end of that one too wow massive air stomped clean four point landing and she is heading over for the extra credit super flat clip at the bottom there flying across there getting up nice and high had been getting almost even a little face shot and going off a totally different angle that looks like a much better landing where hedvig went than the uh than the nose it might be a touch smaller but i would take smaller with transition than bigger to flat to knee to the base after the stomp that she just did oh well that was a run from the head big vessel very very interested to see what the judges do with that because she had some big dogs in that room absolutely so they'll be comparing and contrasting the air time and stomp between her and just hold her in the hot seat that was a stomp yeah you can see the heavy head and this one full speed she landed so much further down than most of those bomb holes and uh and she just again needed to use every ounce of strength that she had this is a great run and you know what i love about this is this was big mountain riding there wasn't a backflip in it and yet still spectacular absolutely solid yeah that was difficult my legs are burning yeah we'll see too many squats yesterday in the gym maybe too many squats yesterday well the judge is dropping a 69-3-3 on that one good enough for third place for hedwig vessel so the strength of jess hodder's run is really starting to shine 69-3-3 on that one for hedvig uh interesting yeah fantastic for jess hodder who her heater of a run is still holding on to first place and we've got two competitors left to go so she's just guaranteed a podium [Music] lily bradley is going to hold on to that second spot young rookie really kind of coming back from her first run on the freeride world tour that she didn't love but we switched straight back up to the top aged 36 seasons on the free ride world tour this is her second and she has been all over the podium tracy getting ready to drop in to kick things off she was fifth last time she wants to step that up and get herself on the box she certainly does hopping down the little winlet there and working her way down the ridge to the entrance into the face she's taking a slightly different approach here and staying more over towards the ridgeline on the looker's left i'm looking to line up some features there for us a little hop there yeah and now coming into the meat of it so just kind of an alternate entrance as she comes across and we'll see where she's aiming for is she going to catch that wind draft into the heart cliff does she have the pace she does not another heartbreaker in oh tracy catching some rock there and grabbing on sliding down this one ah that is rough there for tracy chubb as she bounced over a rock and then came to rest on that rock hopefully she's all right there that looked like a tough place to stop she is moving as we wish our best there for tracy chubb kind of stuck hung up on that rock face another one anna going down by just going short on that upper section that one is just breaking dreams you know rider after rider that's so so unfortunate yeah that's really tough i hope that she washed enough speed as she came and hit those rocks that it didn't harm her in any way she is moving um it looks like she's just trying to extract herself from the rocks there yeah doing a little bit of self-assessment i think that was a head tap there again the the universal sign that uh that you're okay mostly i mean that she's certainly not in an okay spot um but glad to see that she's moving around and i'm sure extremely disappointed in the way that went as as all the riders who have gone down on that feature are so tracey's gonna try to have or have to try to dig herself out of that spot which looks pretty precarious the ski dudes i've got some equipment for her there some poles oh yeah she's up and out that's good to see so she managed to get herself unstuck i think it was more that she was just kind of caught up on the rocks than that she was actually uh injured but i'm sure after watching that that tracy is not going to be feeling 100 as that definitely looked like it wasn't a comfortable way to fall definitely she's holding her arm a little bit so i hope that that is okay as she makes her way gently down the venue well it's rare that you see one feature take out so many riders in a row in such a strong field and that one just seems to have i'm i'm curious to hear what you think hannah do you think they underestimated the angle of it like how far out you actually had to go yeah i think i think it would be a combination of underestimating how long it was and potentially not getting that full 3d feel of how much those rocks were sticking out so i think we might have to dub that one the the woe man eater okay i can get behind that well i'm glad to see that tracy is skiing her way down the venue that was that was a frightening way to fall definitely bouncing to a stop on the rocks uh could not have been comfortable as you said she's holding her poles in one arm and definitely favoring what looks like her right arm there so hopefully she's gonna she's gonna get to the bottom and see ski patrol or the doctor that we have in the finish area and uh and assess that um but best wishes to tracy is that was that was a tough one yeah that was hard to watch see if she has some stories for jess as she pulls in definitely yeah she's not looking like she's uh feeling great oh that was a bow and a big smile what an absolute legend tracy job let's just wait till i get it well she doesn't want to talk about it she says she's okay so we're going to respect that she's okay no speculation here no we head back up to the top tracy chubb so that was a tough one for her there is one rider left in the ski women's field and she is a doozy swiss rider riding out of verbier she is the world champion raining right now and she's got a chip on her shoulder after crashing she said she was doing some uh some carving work on peace with mode best back in verbier and then after she crashed on a turn uh mode texted her and said what ha what was that like i thought i thought i taught you uh so elizabeth definitely looking to live up to modbus high standards and and live up to her high standards she has extremely high standards for herself and she holds herself to a very high bar uh which is i think appreciated by all the other riders and also a huge part of what makes her so much fun to watch when she drops in because it's always explosive but she has a smoothness to her that's uh that's just it makes it a pleasure for the eyes to watch elizabeth garrison ski absolutely i love the style that she brings to the mountain too it's slightly different to the lily bradley style but she's got the smoothest threes and she's really been working on her grabs and just general freestyle maneuvers yeah i mean that's the cool thing about style is it is just whatever you decide it is your style is your style and elizabeth style is what it is and always looks good when she's doing it so we're about 30 seconds away from dropping the reigning world champion you can see the uh the camera crew gathering around there in anticipation of something awesome as we are as well elizabeth garrison so taking a look at our current standings right now lily bradley jess hotter head big vessel story that was totally out of order jess lilly hedwig that is your top three and then sibil blanchard and lexi dupont looking good both of them making significant moves up the leaderboard relative to where they were last time so that's pretty exciting all right here we go now this is her fifth season on the freeride world tour that doesn't even make sense to me she's she seems like she's been here forever but also she's super young uh she's just one of those um ageless characters indeed she's got a good hit on her shoulders and some style to bring to the face today so i'm stoked to see what she skis what her line is she is making her way down the ridge and into the traditional ski woman entrance yeah so this is getting pretty beat up and you can see elizabeth just pinning it out of there that's actually a really good tactic just not to waste any time messing around in the rocky zone coming back into here now is she gonna have to speed that's how you hit that cliff elizabeth garrettson putting on a clinic and then going for the big slash turn above here transferring back into this section all the way across it's kind of an s been there for elizabeth garrettson making uh making full use of the face absolutely so stoked to see her fly over those rocks that have eaten up so many of the fields so far pulling a little shifty there bringing that elizabeth garrettson style always always stylish now coming all the way across we haven't seen too many riders over here and not many riders honestly since maxim chable over in this section of the face so cool for for elizabeth to be opening up another section another big stomp and elizabeth gerritsen going into what i'm gonna call the swiss zone because only uh one swiss rider so far has gone through here and it worked out pretty well for him yeah let's see what she can find you can see the snow is a little variable but she finds some good slushy snow and a huge stomp there that you straight lines out of that was sick oh no messing around in the swiss zone for elizabeth garrettson top to bottom packed with features super stylish and really exciting run to watch i love that looker's left zone at the bottom the swiss zone really paying off and you can see if you look at the tracks she landed it with the exact same trajectory in the exact same spot as mexico so those two maybe they were scoping together but sure did work out for elizabeth i think they might have been in cahoots so here is that top ear that ate up so much the woman's field and she just airs sails over it a beautiful turn there for more best yeah modbus will be proud of her student her tutelage paying off there and then look at this lower air boosting all the way down bang and then full control as she rides out so definitely using up the acreage on the face every little inch of land is being put to use as she went way across and now we just anxiously wait for the scores deliberations right oops i'm on tv well some tense moments here as the judges decide what they want to do with that elizabeth pointing out her her verbier logo loving the local shred mountain peak performance rider had a great run there and as we see her pushing into second place elizabeth garrison with a 74-6 which means we have got jess harder still in the hot seat i'm so stoked for her i've been so stoked for elizabeth both of these women needed to get a result today and they brought it well what a way to finish off ski women we knew elizabeth was going to come out swinging let's take a look at what happened here jess harter locking down the win from double ski jackson landing on rox last time to a win elizabeth garrettson another one with a crash and lily bradley brand new on the tour second event and she finds herself on the podium head of vessel and sibile blanching rounding out the top five well as we have come to expect a magic show from the ski women again and really some tough moments out there for some of the riders definitely that top middle feature the woman eater has eaten up a lot of the women's field it's got some rock sticking out from it and you can't quite appreciate from looking from the bottom of the hill that it really needs a bit more speed in the air so we're going to go to the finish line with jess hodder jess hodder congratulations how are you feeling pretty good mate pretty good how um talk us through your run what was the highlight uh i think the highlight was staying on my feet uh after that second to last air there um definitely got pretty close to the rocks on like on the run out and um jaclyn had made a point of saying at the top just don't look at the rocks and i yeah definitely that went through my mind at the time so just happy to ski out of it to be honest you gotta look for your exit well that was an incredible run i'm so happy for you congratulations thanks so much shout out to mom and dad yes scott the mom and dad shout out in there really happy to see that jess hotter beaming absolutely beaming at the bottom so let's see what this did to the overall interesting head big vessel with a fourth place finish here jumps into that golden bib olivia mcneill dropping down by one and jess hotter jumping from last to f to third wow and elizabeth garrison also taking a big step up so big shake up in the women's rankings a huge shake-up and we also had a tie there between susana and i think lexi well all to play for when we head out to canada after this event but the ski women's field fireworks we're used to it now i mean we're not used to it but we expect it and we saw it again and and what an incredible show from the women there so so exciting here on the peak de las planus in ordino arcelis everybody so far all skiing is complete and now we go to snowboarding the snowboarders are ready they've been patiently waiting their turn throughout this day but we are ready to see a show from snowboard men and then snowboard women [Music] [Music] oh [Music] all right so we are here in ordinarco elise we've had three two categories bring the heat so far and now we are turning to snowboard men so we've got a stacked lineup for you today we've got ex-world champs we've got rookies here and we've got some writers who threw down in the last event michael moore from the usa was so stoked to put down a run and take away the win and bakera barrett let's check out what happened at the last event hey everybody [Applause] he's still stoked to be here he is just just drinking in the moment snowboarding to him is just like an artistic expression [Music] [Applause] the big five unfortunately not able to hold on [Music] [Music] mike lamont again just just what i said was so technical and so precise [Music] oh the snowboard men's field is firing i'm so excited to see those guys throw down on this face if everyone is so talented you can see their last event winner michael mon just calmly sitting finding his zen place getting ready to do it so here we are michael mann went from off the tour to leading the tour in one year camille this guy he's he's checkers are wreckers he's the backflip man he's going to do it somewhere and it's going to be awesome and then cody bramwell rounding out the top three whose game is it anybody's game so first up today we have the world champion victor delarue i think he is dissatisfied with his fifth place from bakira barrett so he's looking to jump up on the podium for this one we also have matthieu martino of canada so we're looking to see a bit more from him today i'm looking to see what he's got for us and cody bramwell who was really in contention for the title last year yeah he sure was and he was in contention for the win at the last event with that giant gap that he sent uh and just had a bit of a butt check i mean it's a testament to to to the line that could hold third with uh with a big control issue so 85 percent of you loving what victor de la rue is selling out there 65 and 64 respectively for blake muller and cody bramwell and the peak performance fun bet fan favorites so those are the three men who were all together in the hunt for the overall last year and it came down to verbier basically the one who finished highest was going to take it and they are the three that you bet on absolutely blake muller he has he's got to make this one count he didn't have such a great run and bakera barrett so he'll be looking for redemption on the face today yeah that's exactly right blake muller i mean he has just he oozes style he finds he's finds landings where there aren't any and he put tricks in places that tricks really shouldn't go so i'm looking forward to seeing him back in the mix and back at the at the pointy end of the stick in the snowboard men's field but speaking of the pointy end of the stick the man with two titles under his belt is in the start gate he's i mean he is a human highlight reel he is spectacular in all things he's such a seasoned veteran in the mountains but he also has such a strong freestyle element to his riding and he goes so fast every time victor de la rue is on course for snowboard men dropping into stop one he looks like he can't wait to get amongst it cruising down the ridge line there trying to find his entrance yeah i'm curious to see now that this has been kind of beat up how the snowboarders are going to handle it i feel like it's going to be pretty pretty relatively smooth for them and victor certainly making short work of it now we can't forget that these are the best riders in the world so just because it looks easy for them uh doesn't mean it's not difficult so let's not take anything away from these guys but victor now getting into the heart of his run taking some serious air across there which you need to in order to survive it and he has smashed it reverting a half cab half cap back so victor adding that freestyle element and you're so right he landed that so clean and now into the wind drift with the big front three and a grab so victor de la ruby's bringing all the elements the steeps the gnar and the tricks this is i mean the judges eat this stuff up and so do we while we're watching now there's big one at the bottom we saw a fair bit of play on this with the 180 victor de la rue skipping out now flying across here switch yeah i mean that was a really steezy little one there some serious air time you kind of almost acid dropped it off skipped the extra credit at the end and it was just flying into the finish oh that was great and i think it's a good call i'm not sure uh on maybe on the tow side engine it'd be easy to get but that thing's so sidehill and we saw a lot of the skiers getting really rattled going across there that extra credit hit may not play as as heavy in the snowboard field we'll see if we get any takers but victor not into it so the right speed there and and you can see him pop off his tail i really like to see victor just putting all that in look at this just so stylish hannah that was great a little tail tap on the rock the judges love those little additions 87-3-3 for a first run wow well the judge is absolutely loving it i was just gonna say they love those little additions because it shows you're in complete control and control is one of the most important categories in in these competitions and that type of thing those little those little uh chili peppers on top of the run seasoning yeah the seasoning exactly they love it well victor de la route kicking things off with a bang here and we go right back up to the top the riders are coming hot and heavy manuel diaz slash diaz the chilean rider last night in the riders lounge we were watching pipeline uh from the wsl watching the pipe masters and he was saying he just wants to make his riding feel like he's riding a big barrel at pipe so i can't wait to see what that means on this face if he can get in the green room out here in andorra i'll be wildly impressed so bringing snowboarders coming into this entrance it's pretty tough work he's taking a bit of an alternative further towards the ridge making his way through yeah kind of getting out on this almost airy balcony and then finding a nice ribbon alley of snow you can see it's definitely slushy but for the snowboarders this is probably feeling pretty good under the board i hope at least it feels good because they're making it look pretty good so manuel diaz now making looking for his first feature finding it here going for a huge method transfer oh that was spectacular that looked so steezy and he's still bringing some real speed through the face big front three there so manuel diaz now bring we knew he had this bag of tricks in his pocket and now he's just in the big open section and he's got another roller air coming up tweaking it out finding transition and absolutely flying can he hold it no oh it's such an abrupt transition from that side slope into the bottom of the valley where the lake and uh unfortunately just i i guess from kind of direction selection that was not the one as he couldn't hold on to that transition yes deep to flat he took a lot of speed out and the aspect of that snow mean that you just accelerate across this really hard pack ice and just hitting that transition close to the lake could not hold it so that's unfortunate to see but it was a wildly entertaining run oh it was going so well he had all those freestyle elements love this one the big method that is this skiers favorite snowboard trick i love to see it and then just hooting across here with the huge front three catching the grab putting it down looking like he was in absolute control and then this one where he just gets on the gas and there's no way he can hold it into that into that compression and i think he i think he knew when he was on that hard snow i've just got to ride this out but unfortunately that rough transition just caught him yeah that was tough so 51 6 7 for slash diaz manuel diaz chilean rider not going to be uh exactly what he was looking for but he's all smiles he's such a positive guy really really like the energy that he's brought to the freeride world tour as a chilean wild card really uh yeah pumped to see him and one of these days he's going to put down his dream run and we're going to love it so we're heading back up another french rider another big podium threat kami armand in the last event he seemed to kind of unlock what he needed to do to find the balance between the huge sands but actually sticking runs and he did it and he found himself in second place cami armand now on course here in andorra see if he can find the sweet spot with the good take-offs and landings and some space for some slushy turns working his way through into the lower entrance from start one yeah we'll see if he picks up this little feature that we saw victor go zooming by no opting out i think this we're sort of seeing some of the differences between the features that attract the snowboarders and the features that attract the skiers every skier hit that one cammy wanted nothing to do with it but no skier hit that the backflip signature and on his feet cami armand definitely putting a stamp on this run oh this snowboard men's field is starting to heat up sue physique from kemi i'm on lining up another little cross court air there as he makes some slushy turns down and finds his next feature will he do the lily pad or take it off the nose of the big cliff it's the big one and another big backflip manuals over here cami armand wheeling over that last rock off a backflip that he stomped perfectly that was a heart in the throat moment neither of us could even figure out a word to say wow well uh cami armand definitely gonna be a threat to victor's spot there so the question is if you hit a rock in the landing but you hold it together is it a control issue i guess not let's see yeah so let's have a look here this back flip so that one clean and then arcing across getting into the wind drift area the judge line or scoring video judge loving what they see and then as you said right across into this flip now let's see is this a control issue wheelie no tail drag i don't think so i mean the video judge puts control way up so yeah together when you hit a rock and you're finished that's great 82 3 3 so not quite able to push victor so that really speaks to the strength of victor victor de la rue's run there camille in second i think maybe they i mean the video judge is not a scoring judge that's kind of for our reference but maybe there was they felt a bit of a control issue there uh we'll we'll never know or we will know after when we chat to the judges but wow camille so snowboard men really heating up and it's not cooling off anytime soon as we head back to the spectacular airy start at the top of this peak to michael mohn he's wearing the golden bib he went from cut from the tour to winning the qualifiers to back on tour to leading the tour what a roller coaster for michael mohn and he said he really listened to what the judges had to say he's changed his uh his um his approach a little bit but he hasn't changed his attitude which is just be a great guy and good things will happen to you nicest guy on tour for sure i'm looking forward to seeing him back up his epic run today i feel like there are plenty of opportunities for him to do some some michael morning on this one there's a lot of opportunity to get really techy which he loves tons of wind lips for the for the freestyle stuff but he just he thrives in the steeps with that with that ultimate sort of board handling skill that he's got so really looking forward to see let's see if he bites off a piece of this upper one no i think that's not a snowboarder error i think it was uh the skiers only we've done a survey and we've decided it's a skiers here but here is his first air which he takes to his feet super clean riding out to the look is right for a 360 there super smooth big backside three so michael mont backing up his uh his claim last time of adding the elements that as you said the the the spices that the judges want to see but also keeping it techy oh look at that surfy slash turn you love to see it michael mann definitely putting on a clinic out there right now absolutely coming into the big mama here watching some speed and bringing a little grab in there and riding out really clean yeah nice to see getting the grab adding that little bit extra style he's going to come up on this wall that's a tricky one on your heel side i think a wise choice not to try to catch out to that uh skier extra credit but finding an extra credit of his own they're kind of wheely hopping into the finish area so dead clean for michael finding the elements that the judge is like interesting i i'm unsure where that's going to stack up between between victor and kami and and michael there i mean chemise was so exciting but he did have a significant control issue michael yeah and victor let's check out that tail grab there solid so massive massive bar on the technique side which is absolutely on brand for michael mohn and i think the judges are going to like this fairly direct approach some big errors he had that nice 360. score already dropping 68 for michael montz so putting him into third place currently but we are nowhere near done with this snowboard men's field i forgot already i think the frenchies brought a little bit more of that freestyle element to their runs today and definitely went real big okay well we head straight back up to the start french rider ludo guillotia he's been on tour he's got a fourth place under his belt already looking like he wants to uh he wants to kind of knock it out he's 36 he's done four seasons on the freeride world tour and uh he's had a few steps back through the qualifiers but he keeps popping up so clearly the the cream of the field in the qualifiers and hoping to be the cream of the field here on the freeride world yeah let's see it it's bringing quite a bit of speed down here into his entrance so he's bringing an aggressive approach to the face today as he makes his way through that tight spot and we'll see him skip the skier's air yeah why would you why would you so ludo as you said aggressive i really like his approach you know a lot of the french riders kind of share that and i like this one too heading over into this section where he can knock a couple of uh of line sections together and start really building that house of line score along the way so he's taking a different approach by building his line score with a few close together smaller cliffs so we'll see how that compares to the bigger ones yeah getting this one back cross court coming in nice and clean again for ludo seeming like he's got yeah as you said he's got a lot of features all packed super close together uh the judge is often just throwing points and now getting way up high on this thing into that sun shade line and clean again so really strong run for ludo guillotine the the the level in snowboard men right now like there's just so many runs so far that are looking good and he is heading out on his toe side to add this final piece he gets off it and he is clean the first snowboarder into that air we wondered if anybody wanted anything to do with it no one else did but ludo certainly made it look like it was worth going over there sure that was definitely a good addition to his line score we'll see uh i think he might have had the most number of ears today but maybe not the biggest so we'll see how that shakes out with the judges yeah definitely putting the line score together we go back we have a look this top one definitely looking good nice and clean you can see the snow kind of holding up soft as uh as we were hoping it would starting to ball up a little bit and then that one really clean loving how he got on that heel side and just carved his way out of it no panic to make a turn quickly now that double up uh yeah ludo see what he has to say to victor all right so they're putting him just behind michael mann with a six i think that was just behind michael mom with a 64. so ludo guillotine into fourth place right now uh interesting as we see victor holding that top spot there we go there's our full rankings victor de la rue on the 87 kemi armond with a wild run heart stopping but so fun to watch and then michael mann on 68 so that's your top three but still three more riders to go with a ton of experience and talent up there matchy martineau the rookie from kicking horse 32 years old he's been around he loves to ride powder but they definitely get some slushy days in the spring and kicking horse we're looking to see more of machi's riding style today he had a solid run in bakira barrett and i think he wants to take off a bigger chunk today so i'm looking forward to seeing what he puts together yeah he mentioned to me that he was he was in a similar position to some of the skiers that we talked about earlier trying to feel out what this judging criteria actually looks like and the way they reward he is going to the skiers there catching just a little bit of the top of it but looking like it was more a directional thing to get over to his next feature now is matthew martineau gonna go for this middle section of the the woe man killer big ollie it worked for victor and it worked for matthieu as he just checks a couple uh a couple bounces on the heel side but not going down at all so so far so good for matthew beautiful three there and he rides out clean that was definitely a killer feature to bump up his score yeah big 360 there now matcha martino is going to be looking to continue building on that stepping off that when he's showing he's in control good to see he's lining up into this section how's this going to play out is he going to go off the diving board that's seen so much action looks like he's heading over that way might be doing the lily pad side of it making it into a little double ah the swedish double works perfectly for matthew martinho the kicking horse local showing that he can be versatile and find fine lines anywhere but he i feel like he's gonna be a big threat when we get to the ozone face of kicking horse but that was a solid run for the the canadian rider there really exciting he is stoked as he makes his way into the finish line let's check out this first air skims his way over has a little trouble controlling but pulls it all together with this beautiful 360. she takes to his feet such a stomp he's really centered over his board there yeah and then this double again really really strong in the and you can see the snow is pretty soft he left a pretty big bomb hole so a small uh a small hit it looks like on control there from the video judge we'll see if we've got some more speed oh yeah this is super fun where's the score the battery from here looks huge they're very clear yeah not for real super fun the snow at the end of the show is super scary i thought i would just eat it so all eyes on the judge's tent as they deliberate and they tick the boxes of the criteria victor de la rue looking extremely at home in the hot seat right now looking very comfortable he's probably spent more time there than the rest of the field combined at the moment absolutely he's been in it sliding into third place with 68.33 martinez so putting himself in contention for the podium but that is not going to be an easy spot none of these are going to be easy spots to hold with the two remaining men in the snowboard men's field blake sorry yeah blake muller and cody bramwell cody is the man in the gate the british swede the swedish brit he's uh lives in greece he's a bit of an international man of mystery traveling the world filming his his behind the scenes of the freeride world tour webisode series cody brownwell in the hunt for the overall last year looking to get in the hunt again he's sitting second or sorry third overall at the moment so you're gonna be able to looks like he's got a bit of binding trouble there one thing you really want to do before you drop into a free ride world tour run is do up your bindings so that's a real bummer for cody hopefully he can make his way through the run and not be too rattled yeah it definitely looked like he was kind of shaking his head by that so off right off the end of that one with the grab so it's not just for skiers that air great to see cody bramwell finding finding his rhythm after yeah as you said uh just maybe maybe forgetting to do up his binding not sure we'll have to check in with him after but now kind of back to that signature cody brownwell style looking strong packing the features in nice little grab there and he is riding out with some speed into the center of the face lining up this wind lip for a big becky which he stopped that was sick yes cody bramwell just putting on a clinic there he was worried about becoming known as the backflip guy but so far being the backflip guy is looking like a great thing to be as nobody else even considered flipping that thing and cody brownwell getting way up on here on the heel side can he hold on he's opting to go for this one that actually has transition and stomping it cody hands out looking great wow well that was a strong strong run and really different that's one thing and i love about this space is the diversity of line options i think that's such a strong a strong position to be in where two people can do totally different things and both be contentious to do well victor loves it yeah fresh approach to a fresh face but i don't think that cody is so stoked i think he's a little rattled from the binding issue that he had up top [Music] so i think he said that his boot broke uh so there it's possible that where the judges are starting to judge was actually below where he was look at that backflip the precision required just backing himself and bang perfectly stomped onto the heel side and arcing out of there so cody bramwell just putting on a highlight reel third spot there for cody 78-6-7 a solid finish great run for the british the swedish brit the swedish brit yeah there's definitely worse things to be known as rather than the backflip guy i would say oh absolutely so things are heating up and there's only one guy left and this guy last year was just every run you were on the edge of your seat to see what he was going to do he was on par for on point for a strong finish in the last event and then got squashed by the cat road at the bottom blake moeller dropping in last man standing in the snowboard men's field i am excited for this and i think as the third highest score on the peak performance fun bit you guys are excited to see it too so he's making his way down the ridge finding the entrance which is pretty cut up right now but he's moving on through it's a bit more difficult to navigate that kind of bumpy difficult snow on one edge so power to the whole snowboard field for that taking the skier's air with a nice little tweaked grab there yeah just picking up that toe side turn after controlling himself and now kind of lining up this feature just just checking the angle he wants to get a big back three with the grab stomp clean so blake muller back to his ways getting in surfy turn underneath this cliff nice to see this working for blake so far you could kind of see he was lining something up by the way he approached it and now coming cross hill where is he going to go front three stomped again so blake muller now he's spun both ways looking really solid as he comes into this bottom feature and we'll see which way he takes it is it going to be the diving board of the double the diving board and a big becky so smooth and he's riding out with pace oh he laid that out like an olympic diver that was just so casual which is to me one of the hallmarks of blake moeller's style he is the casual ninja he makes it look easy but when you watch it back you're like how could even anyone do that that was magic front three back three massive backflip off the diving board blake muller well when you're last you gotta put it down and look at the you can see relief stoke he's just so happy to put it down you know what he wanted he just want like you're so excited they're both so hyped here's his top ear nice little grab there air in style absolutely threw the roof this back three with the grab and the tweak just maxing out the style meter as is blake's trademark and then this boom just dodging those big rocks in the landing and riding out really strong so aaron's style is way up control is way up this is going to be a good score first a second i guess no i don't know bro yo camille went real well no yeah sick but a bit of a hand drag okay you're pretty solid you heard shout out to everybody love you all mom dad thanks for getting up all you guys well blake putting the judges panel to work there you heard victor and blake chatting and definitely watching that gave some more credence to cami armand and did did we see a control issue a hand drag victor saw it for sure called it out there so we're waiting to see what the score is blake is really anxiously waiting i had to turn it off backy from the top looks so crazy they're having a yarn inside here we go 89 33 for blake muller he goes from last to first event to event unbelievable and even victor is pumped on that everybody loved that run and hugs all around for the snowboard men's field oh what a way to finish the category with a run like that 100 i loved that he just looks like he's having such an incredibly fun time out on the face there what's fun to ride is usually going to score well with the judges right yeah it's so true it's something that we we talk about so much with the kids when we're coaching them if it looks fun it's fun to watch and then you know it's going to be fun to score so 89 33 87 33 82 33 that's your one two three usa blake moeller and then france france back to back cody bramwell matthew martino rounding out the top five last event winner michael bond pushing him just outside the top five let's go for an interview down with blake in the finish line blake how are the vibes down there it's vibey down here we're all having a good ass time that's great congrats on your run what was your favorite bit um my favorite bit was probably the front three in the middle because it was just the chillest part of it and it just felt nice to chill blake punting that huge backflip off the bottom feature we saw that uh we what it just looked like the the most fun thing ever when you were upside down what were you thinking about just chilling upside down hoping to not land on the rock basically and i came mad close but like i don't know you can't see anything from the top so i was following camille's line off it trying to what i could see from the top and yeah well kami actually did a rock ride out of that so i'm not sure if he was a guy to follow but you really pulled it off out there and it looked so fun to ride thank you so much all right blake glad to see you back on the top step of the box stoke to see you in the mix here free ride world tour blake moeller number one in the snowboard men's category let's go that way yeah that way heading off to the winner's circle blake muller all right well that's another another category down and let's take a look at what that did so kamiyama in third actually jumps him way up the rankings into first place gonna be taking the golden bib off michael mohn victor de la rue jumping way up as is blake muller so big shake up there on the snowboard mint you know every time we have an event things just go and the re-rack on the rankings but really impressive for kamiyah mom backing two stomped runs in a row absolutely and cody bramwell the other favorite is in fifth position so he's so far good for the cat that let's uh check out what happens last time [Music] now [Music] that's great should we drop that as soon as we come back [Music] so [Music] oh well the snowboard men's field just put on a clinic out there and right to the last drop it was so exciting to see we've got some updated information about uh young and doran freerider joanne erasile's condition he has a head injury but did not require stitches life is not in danger he's doing well he's at the hospital he's being checked out so glad to hear that you know where he's going to be all right he's going to come through this uh because that was a scary moment for for the young adoring rider um really happy to hear and all the free ride world tour best wishes to joanne [Music] and clean so claire mcgregor wow here we go lighting one up landing perfectly riding out smooth tracking down a turn wow so that drop was above a ton of exposure that was a much more confident looking run that is tiffany's first run she has put together two nice airs there that she puts to her feet with a beautiful turn she's kicking up snow this is my yeah this is a fantastic run so far [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well the snowboard women's still up at the top of the peak de le planas they are ready to drop in and put on their show battling it out we saw erica vikander take her first win ever on the freeride world tour after five years on the tour and she was so so hyped to do it really excited to see now having a look at our overall ranking similar to the overall uh finish positions from the last event actually exactly the same erika vikander in the number one spot event wildcard turn tour wildcard nuria castanbaron in second tif pariton she's a rookie on tour but man she put a stamp on it and did not ride like a rookie absolutely and further down the field we've got a couple of riders that are going to need to step it up today to make the cut to the fwt finals and i know they're excited to do so a lot of hype on this face today yeah people are psyched on this and as we as we kind of move through the start list we can see who's dropping first here so we've got neria castanbaran as you mentioned she had a wild card to the last event only but she landed in second place and impressed the judges so wildcarded herself onto the rest of the tour then we've got our leader erica vikander who's looking to back it up again today and you said earlier you know there's a couple riders i i'd say i put katie anderson manuela mandel and claire mcgregor in this boat they need to get it done today so let's take a look the the public the peak performance fun bet fan favorites public loving erica vikander giving 88 of you think she's going to be on the podium and then you can't rule out former world champion manuela mandel you just can't and then katie anderson she had a rough go on the last one she went into an area that she thought was going to score well and then it just didn't have the features she hoped it did so i'm uh i'm i got my eyes peeled on katie hoping she's gonna come back swinging let's see it and i'm expecting big things from claire mcgregor who is starting in sixth position today yeah claire mcgregor she was uh she was definitely the victim of a serious control issue and the judges hammered it on her run in the last event which they are want to do sometimes they want to see perfection so we'll see how it goes for her today i know that one of her highlights is going big similar to this young lady nuria spanish rider getting ready to drop in in andorra and snowboard women is on let's see it nuria she this is her home mountain and she's got a home crowd here who are cheering her on and she's making her way to the entrance just moving down the ridge carefully it's pretty cut out the last category of the day so they've got their work cut out for them yeah freeride world tour tends to shuffle the categories event by event so everybody at least one event is going to have to run last and this was snowboard women's turn and definitely as you said things pretty chewed up but i feel like again snowboards are probably better equipped to handle the snow conditions that we've got right now if it's still as soft as i think it might be hard to tell from uh from our position but hopefully we're going to see a great show from here nuria making her way in between these features and now popping off this one little rock tap it's landing on her feet having a bit of control issue as it ran out though so she's gonna try and build her score back up with a bunch more ears yeah i like that you mentioned that anna because it it brings it reminds me of the way i heard one of the judges talking about oh a big one there for nuria but bouncing off the rock so i interrupted myself uh talking about the way you can you can consider the score like a thermometer and it can go up or down your run goes hot it goes cooler and and having a bobble like that it cools things off but you can build it back up as you go down you can you can bring the heat exactly and that's going to be what nuri is going to hope to do here another little rock tap and unfortunately punching through the slush at this lower section i think anna you really need to be balanced over the board to uh to be able to ride out of some of these features yeah i think nuri has seen the sharp end of some of these exposed cliffs that have set back takeoffs she's had quite a few control issues and just a little slam there in that transition as you said it's pretty hard to ride hillside in at speed and get that little wind feature in the bottom of the valley there but she's running out she's fine but with quite a few control issues there so let's see what the video judge makes of it what do you think derek well i would never speculate on scores because uh every time i do i'm entirely wrong but you said it perfectly there were there were a bunch of control issues on that one and uh and definitely the uh the face having having a bit of a its day there uh instead of it being nuri's day the rock tap on that one was was really cool and she was able to ride out of it and then slowed down but got bounced bounced on that one and you could see the rock push her feet right out from under her yeah i would say not enough pre-olly on some of these airs and uh i mean this is her home mountain but i'm not sure you'd have a home advantage because we're a little far from the resort yeah absolutely she she knows that wasn't what she what she wanted to see but three times all right well judge is dropping a 39 on that so nuria custom you can see in the body language that was not the run she wanted to put down on her freeride world tour uh second lap around here as she earned the tour wild card after being on the podium in spain but we head back up to the top snowboard women's category just getting started and this is a heavy hitter in the gate erica vikander she came out swinging in the first event brand new mindset and a whole new style and it brought her into the golden bib erica vikander pushing out of the gate hoping for a repeat i'm excited to see her back it up on the face today she's a very smooth rider who has an eye for perfection and really just lands everything she tease up typically yeah smooth operator and i was talking earlier about that uh that new outlook what she said is she just wanted to fill the fill the run with more features she's always so smooth and styling but you know some if there was one thing that was kind of missing from a lot of her runs it was the the stacked up features you know air in style air and style air after air after air and line score as well you know to build that up so uh it definitely worked out the first time we'll see this one i think could be a little trickier to do that because so many of the takeoffs as you said are just melted out and uh and bare rock on the uphill side which requires quite a lot of speed and priori so all right little half cap there hopping to switch and then popping back so she's uh she's trying to find the air and style in these features going reverting to switch and then back to uh right back to riding her regular way now out in the kind of the guts of the face and look into looking to find that feature stack there's another one catching the grab there on that crosshail wind lip air taking another air there but stacking up a few smaller air seems to be her strategy today yeah and i am curious at the end of the field here if that's maybe a pretty smart strategy because the snow is changing we're getting later into the afternoon you've seen those shadows starting to get long and now a big wind drift punch from erica as she comes over this this is going to be tricky for her to move down this we saw this take out manuel diaz can she connect with the transition she does ah tense moment there but erica managed it long kind of board slide uh and then managing to to to put it together so yeah as those shadows grow and uh do you think we're going to see the snow kind of rapidly firm back up definitely and this aspect here behind that bottom flatter air it hasn't seen the sun the way the rest of the face has so i think it was hard to start with and then it's getting harder as it gets colder yeah so control iron style you know we saw we saw the grab there we saw the half cap to then reverting back around or sorry the 180 to half cap and and yeah like you said a bunch of smaller features but all with control and a lot of features which i think as we see the shadows grows we see the snow stiffen up i think that that might be a solid recipe was 60.33 there for erica vikander as you heard uh a little a little bit of input from nuria castell as she has something to say so it looks like the conditions are tough uh as erica definitely looking pretty gassed and nuria having a super tough time so definitely this is gonna put the snowboard women to work the way the conditions are on the face right now at the end of the day so we move right back up canadian out of fernie katie anderson katie stormed onto the freeride world tour last year and was right in contention for the title uh actually no she wasn't in contention for the title marion had it wrapped up i apologize but in second overall at the end of the season and katie anderson now looking to get things going and if there's a competitor that's used to hard charging on tough surfaces it would be her with her background and board across maybe she's used to some hard and fast snow she's moving quite quickly through the section compared to her uh friends and snowboard women and taking a little air there so a strong start from katie anderson yeah that's going to get the thermometer moving in the right direction as katie anderson she's going to be looking to add a bunch of features getting to grab there so the one thing that katie anderson had missing last time was features she went into a cool war which was super cool washing out on her on her heel side there but right back up and picking it up so katie anderson giving us a little scare there but all good for the ferny rider moving through the center of the face she's lining up hopefully some more little ears for us oh yeah catching cross court on that one finding transition oh but going for a little tumble just looks like your board dug in and then right into a somersault it looks like the slush there is super deep almost quite inconsistent between the aspects as you said anna that the one side has seen uh shadow all day but then that side's just been cooking and that looked really soft there yeah getting a little bit more unpredictable this snow so riders are gonna have to take that into account having some more control issues the snowboard woman's field has been handed a hospital pass dropping last at the end of the day so hopefully they can hold it together and put down some solid runs yeah that's tough for katie anderson snow conditions and then and then moving across onto the other aspect and then having the exact opposite effect a bit of a weird wind crust there but you know the same result the nose goes under and your feet are out from under you before you can blink so katie anderson was looking to to kind of back up last season's big show and unfortunately that's two in a row for her that have not really gone to plan so we'll see where it lands her because as as you said i mean the the whole category right now is in tough with the way the snow conditions are changing here at the end of the day um so there's no guarantee that even with multiple control issues she may not come out in a you know at least a keeper finish but uh there are some very very strong riders up top still who are going to be looking to lay down uh lay down some some real clean runs 333 there for katie anderson so it's just kind of a a damage limitation catching a hug there for america vikander erica knows what it's like to have a run not go her way it's tough and these you know we say it all day long but these competitors they're they're friends and uh they know exactly what it feels like but we roll on back up to the top manuela mandel austrian rider manu to her friends fourth season on the tours 33 years old she in 2018 first overall and then we uh you know we haven't seen her back in that overall mix recently but she has been coming back from injury and this is her first season back in full health so excited to see manuela ride here for sure in the first event of the freeride world tour this year she got deep into the gnar so i think she's no stranger to those big mountain venues and i think there's been you could play well for her today yeah i agree she she likes it steep and techy and often really really sending you know she's definitely no uh she's not afraid to get after it in the mountains so you can see her getting uh heel side and then on to the toe side so full control as she is going to find her way off of this feature catching a nice little air and manuela now getting into her run into the guts of her run it's it's nice to see i always kind of breathe a sigh of relief once the riders come out of that section because it's just so technical and difficult and it's in the shade now some real exposure not a great place to fall so she's lining up a pretty big ear here but having a butt check on landing yeah that was a tough one you could see her kind of bounce up and out of the slush and uh you know we are seeing we are seeing the snow conditions kind of evolving as we go now manuela making her way over to the lookers right side of this corner cliff and off that ice ball stomped so manu now starting to come into her form into her rhythm and looking to build that thermometer back up another little cliff there to build a line score and bring the heat yeah not done with her face yet she's got another couple of little bubble cliffs there nice yeah so really happy to see what but manuela going kind of a similar similar strategy to erica vikander packing packing the whole run with features and stomp there again so that's how you bring the thermometer back up to temperature she did have a butt check but she had a bunch of features most of them were in that medium to large size range and everything after that butt check was perfectly stomped right over her board really happy to see that from manuela for sure i think some of her ears were the biggest we've seen in the categories so far today so we'll see how the control of the rest of the field shakes out but i think that's going to be looking pretty strong yeah i agree uh with that anna she's happy yeah happy and bummed you know she knew it was it was coming together good and then she did have that one significant control issue we'll see what the judges thought of it i mean i feel like the line score is going to be solid there we'll see about control ah well there it is so big bump on control that some decent air style and a good line i'm cooked really really cooked but hi everyone well even with the control issue the line score stood up and the judges loved it manuela mandel putting herself into the hot seat so erica playing the strategy but manuela playing the send game and it pays off there for the austrian rider really exciting for her she's she's had a a vacation from the podium recently and i think it's going to feel really validating for her to be back on the box and looking at uh at the rest of the start list whatever happens with tiffany parote and claire mcgregor manuela is going to be on the podium but we cannot take a break because we go back up to the top french rider tiffany beretin she's 33 years old she's a rookie on the freeride world tour she was so dominant on the qualifiers last year and she's already got a podium to her name she's on course now anna great start for her in the freeride world tour 2022. she's been riding a lot in vyabia in switzerland in those big mountains so i think she's no stranger to big mountain consequences and yeah she's going straight into that lower entrance and start one making quick work of it yeah i think that's a smart option here for for the riders that entrance the other one catching nice little transition there and then again you know one thing that's been impressing me with these riders is the ability to get back on point on their heel side when things are getting so rattly underneath them and then right off the nose of this one tiffany having a similar bounce there that that one looks like it's a little bit tough i'm not sure if it's the snow or it's just really flat but she's got more on the books for us today lining up another air there oh nice and clean and you know holding the fall line there sometimes putting a quick turn in and dumping your speed is not the answer even when your gut tells you you should throw it across tiffany periton that was a veteran move right there just holding on to the fall line except the speed and then managing to stay balanced because you didn't try to throw it sideways so it looks like she's lining up this big bottom feature on the lilly pad swedish side of it and she is taking it off the nose so clean oh yeah tiffany periton right off the nose and perfectly stomped so again that was a veteran run she again similar to manuela mandel she had she had one significant control issue kind of bouncing out of her landing onto uh onto her butt but the rest of the run really really strong and a burly line that she just chewed off yeah i think that the difference there is that she brought a little more speed to the day whereas manu mandel stacked up a few more smaller cliffs in her so she might see some differences there in the line score so it's either going to be speed or building that line score and both of them are important categories in the judging criteria so we'll we'll see here what got her yeah she just got the board sideways she couldn't kind of hold it and a very similar video judge profile to what we saw from manuel amanda but a little more fluidity i would say well look at that i mean that show that tells you the story right there the way she hit that bottom air and then just came nuking along the the apron holding the fall line young free riders that's how you do it don't panic don't try to ditch all your speed in one go tiffany periton putting on a clinic on how to stay balanced so i'll listen in okay our ski women's winner elizabeth garrison coming out to congratulate her so the judge is absolutely loving what these women are doing they're pushing the line score and those little control bubbles you know that maybe they're not hammering them as hard but that that's kind of ah i love to see it and i love that run from tiffany especially as i said just riding in the fall line showing that kind of mastery of the technique epic stuff from tiff she'll be so thrilled with her debut on the freeride world tour yeah i mean she's guaranteed to be on the podium so that's two stops two podiums for tiffany periton great way to kick off a free ride world tour career but we do have another rider still to come she's from new zealand but she lives in verbier claire mcgregor she had a good run going in the last one with a big big air again a little bit of a butt check but she's been pushing the limits of of the snowboard women especially in line selection and i have no doubt we're going to see it again here in ordinarchilis she is dropping in from start two and making her way down the gully into the thick of it trying to find her first ear it's really cool to see her take a unique line well one thing that's already standing out here for claire is how fast she's going she's unfortunately just bouncing off the heel side there small control issue for claire but then catching off that yeah really making short work of his face so far but trying to lace some turns together i think this is one of the steeper parts of the face she's lighting up a big air stomping it and turning nicely into the middle of the face there yeah claire operating on the on the sunny side of the road here the riders riders left lookers right side making her way again just holding holding the pace she keeping her foot on the gas as she comes down into this lower section if anything maybe i could say sliding on that heelside edge a bit more often than lacing turns but now coming into the big dog the biggest ear the diving board and she takes a tumble that is sad to see for claire she really needs to make today count so it's really a bummer to see her take a tumble in that spot but if if we can add a i guess something happy to that she went down swinging that was a big big air for claire and like i said she's been pushing the lines and continues to the only snowboard woman in that section kind of wheeling out of it but wow so claire mcgregor not able to put it all together but really pushing the line a couple big errors and high speed up top snowboard women keeping it hot here definitely taking on some of the biggest features of the day so claire crossing the line you can tell just by [Applause] uh you love that that that is the freeride family in a nutshell right there they are hyped to see her take on those bigger features so there's her top ear and you can see that it's just so fast up there she was having trouble controlling her speed and just not a perfectly centered landing put her over the falls yeah so you can see that she's got a beer great consolation prize okay some bubbly there for claire hey tiff you're legit you're legion hold on why don't you no i'm right that was bummer so claire putting herself into sixth position there 29-3-3 for claire mcgregor yeah that's my favorite which means and uh that tiffany barton the rookie on the tour lighting it up with the wind ah the look on her face says it all this snowboarder is a happy happy snowboarder you would be so stoked and her vrba teammate elizabeth gerritsen is offering her congratulations so here's the results from the day we've got teef in the first place manu mandel in second and we've got erica vikander in third position there we've got a few deeper in the field that need to [Music] get some good scores in kicking horse to hold on to their position on the on the world tour but right now we're going to cross to the finish line and have a chat with tiffany congratulations on an amazing run thank you and uh thank you so much how was it how was that huge air you took yeah it was so cool i i was yeah at the top i was like pretty bad because i crashed a bit i put my butt a little bunch yeah and so after that i was like i have to to go bigger so yeah that's it how was the snow it seems like it might may have been changing through the day a lot yeah it's a spring snow yeah it was very good a little punchy but you handled it so well congratulations on an amazing debut on tour thank you so much anna see you ciao [Applause] so tiffany perhaps absolutely thrilled with two podiums in her first two events let's check out the rankings so we still have erica vikander at the top there with two solid results followed by oh she's tied actually with tiffany in first place and then manu mandel our previous world tour champion is in third so we've got three women making it through the cut [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what a contest welcome to the booth lolo best how was the day for you and the judges see i feel like you had the toughest job of all yeah that was pretty tough i guess the scheming category as usual was really really impressive um what was impressive out of everything i guess it was the snow conditions the way those riders managed to just handle those type of conditions was crazy let's take a look at the snowboard women's run they've just center on this face had some control issues what did you what did you like from tiffany's run well i think what made the difference for us in the aid of the judges it was just the way she really wanted to go for it and uh for sure she had little issue um we talked about the snow conditions it was super tough but uh yeah i think the bottom run um the bottom line and jump that she did was uh was definitely the biggest of all and uh and she stick it perfectly so yeah that was the way we wanted to reward um [Music] great riding yeah nice and i think the snow has been changing through the day so that's her major control issue but also the person in second place manu mandu manu mandel had the same control issue so in the end did you see that she had bigger airs that were stomped cleaner than manu and a little more speed yeah i think we've just seen the the probably the best air of tiffany that was in the middle of the face an area where it was pretty steep and we really wanted to see someone like from this normal woman category to just like show some technique as she did i think she's a big mountain rider and she's properly shown in this type of condition the way she's normally used to ride an absolute pro i love that stamp yeah so manuel manuela also like really good runs at the bottom but i think on the top she was probably way more conservative and that's why uh she's just been bumped to the second place sure and uh with snowboard men what were some of your highlights there oh snowboard man highlights i don't know pretty much everyone at home we saw a lot of freestyle maneuvers in there yeah i loved it i think uh i would go probably for a cameo backflip landing on a rock sliding on it and uh it was kind of a nearly jump of this rock it was at one point i wondered if he planned it that was pretty crazy yeah that rock ride was outrageous let's have a look at that looks like that that's black mauler yeah are we watching it blake i know someone um let's face it this kid is uh he's a good freestyler and he proves in conditions a year ago actually here in honduras that he was handling it perfectly so the winning run from blake muller it was pretty show-stopping right yeah i think what we wanted to reward there it was uh it did two 360 one front 360 one batch 360 and then went for a big back flip at the end it's actually a first back 360 and then he went front side three sick and he had an absolute steamer run and bakira as well but then came unstuck on that cat track so it's so great to see him put down an incredible run yeah we know that he has the potential to win the world tour and it was just all about life would he be able to beat viktor's run victor had a really really good run the thing is i think is 180 to 180 at the really top did not pay off as much as you would maybe expecting or wish it but uh yeah we really like the floor and that he played just that right on and i was also thrilled to see the ski women category my own compatriot from new zealand jess hodder bringing in absolute heater and landing in first position what did you think about her run well i think her run was crazy and really really good uh it's so tough and the ski woman category this year when you look at every single athletes are just amazing skiers and uh yeah i was really looking forward to see those girls on and uh what was fun about that is the fact that jess went first and she actually showed the entire field that yeah if you wanted to go with a good score you had to push it and that's exactly what she did she nearly hold it but i think probably due to azu uh the habit of the snow conditions you have back in home in new zealand you mean head high powder i would say difficult snow conditions and uh yeah she showed her skill there holding it all the way to the bottom and uh yeah putting some good hairs too so that was that was definitely the best one here yeah the best yeah holds it together as she hits the rock on the exit and as you say training in those kiwi conditions um can makes for a really strong skier yeah so happy for jess i mean she was so close to lander her like super nice transfer in backyard and she hauled it here so it was really good win um still want to talk about probably headlight vessel with two great like stomp and elizabeth garrison as well and then we can see the newcomers with lily bradley which is on the podium and it just sticks like also a really good run so yeah tough underscore woman woman coming out with absolute hammers so we're going to turn now to ski men we had a young rookie maxime chablo from switzerland really take us on a journey out on the skiers right now tell me what you thought about his line yeah well so do you know i said chessy character living at the start first for the ski woman category showing everyone what was it all about maxim shablow left the start on the last play and it was all about okay he knew exactly how the snow conditions were what was good scored and not scored and then suddenly from that place you went into the abel muga transfer and just killed it it went so far away more than everyone else but rather than sticking to the line of apple and going small on uh on this entrance then he went to this big nose and i was so impressed with with this backflip which was from far i would say the biggest of all yeah blind take off you're gonna scope that so perfectly to find your sweet spot for landing yeah i think there's the creativity as well that we engage and we really like if you look at that like the way he went all the way to the left i think that was really nice and uh yeah look at that last 360. i think it was such a complete rhyme a winner for us definitely yeah absolutely it blew me away thank you so much for giving us a little breakdown on the runs of the day it's been great to get the judge's perspective but now we're going to cut down to the finish line for the flower ceremony okay looking forward to see that thank you anna [Music] [Applause] all right we are ready to kick our flower ceremony off here congratulations to all the riders throwing it down on this face and a huge thanks to all the fans making the trek up here we're gonna start things off with our ski men's category today [Applause] absolutely lighting it up locking down the bronze medal let's hear it for andrew pollard [Applause] and in second place with a run that held up almost all the way to the end give it up for rose tester [Applause] [Music] complicated complicated all right and then rolling on it's his first year on the tour his second stop and his first gold medal the swizz rider maxime chables [Applause] [Music] that's fine just hanging off the gopro [Music] [Applause] all right ladies and gentlemen get your hands together for the ski man [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] showers well done gentlemen an absolutely spectacular show out there on the face today [Applause] all right [Music] [Music] and we are moving on to our ski women's category another rookie putting down a podium run let's hear it for lilly bradley [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes lily [Applause] and coming back swinging after a tough one on the first stop to land herself in the silver medal position elizabeth goergen [Applause] [Music] oh yeah and that means there's only one left in the ski women's category she dropped first and she stayed first give it up to jessica harder [Applause] such a sick show from the ski women out there today strong riding all day long and jess hotter and elizabeth garretson both coming back swinging from tough starts to be standing on the box trophy over the head let's hear it for the ski women [Applause] great job out there today and the champagne is coming you're gonna have to ditch that trophy or you're gonna be taking a shower there jess an enormous trophy an enormous bottle of champagne lily bradley's first free ride world tour podium [Music] [Applause] [Music] there we go bottles are pops oh that was that was very sportsmanlike nobody got it in the face [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh moving right along into the snowboard men's category which was absolutely firing today third place with the bronze medal and two stomped runs in a row for comey a moon [Music] [Applause] [Music] they travel together they ride together and now they're standing on the podium together the silver medalist victor de la rue [Music] [Applause] [Applause] we need some construction help here on the podium yeah there we go there we go the podium is back in position just in time the last man on the mountain in the snowboard category and he put down a heater another one from last to first give it up for blake muller [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh yeah looking i didn't know your head was that big victor all right one more time for the snowboard man [Music] what a show out here on the face today all three of these guys absolutely lit it up and making a tough day for the judges [Music] oh blake's a little bit behind [Applause] delicious [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right and we are moving on to the snowboard women category riding at the end of the day as the shadows started growing continuing her run of landing herself on the podium in the bronze medal position erica vikander [Music] [Applause] [Music] tough footing out there on the podium walk in second place and a big welcome back to the podium to manuela [Applause] [Music] yes manu and she may be a rookie on tour but today's run was a veteran move give it up for your winner tiffany [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh it's getting slippery up there these metals are going real good all right ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for the snowboard [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fantastic riding out there looks like tough conditions at the end you guys made short work of it stiffening up at the end of the day is oh yeah enduring champagne showers [Music] for the shred doggers [Music] ugh [Music] [Applause] all right we are rolling out our current series leaders we've had some shake-ups in all categories so first we're bringing out our new golden bib holder in the ski men maxim chablos [Music] yeah come on that's right all right and on the ski women's side moving into the golden big head big vessel [Applause] [Music] and grabbing the golden bib for snowboard men it's none other than kami ammon [Music] and the story developing in this next category is just getting interestinger and interestinger we have a dead tie two golden bib holders and snowboard women erica weikender and tiffany peretto [Applause] [Applause] [Music] your current series leaders oh it's all coming apart it's a good thing you're good at snowboarding because the walking is tough [Music] [Music] so there we have it absolute hammers have been brought down on a brand new face an ordinary archaelis but we're not done yet our next stop goes off between the 12th and 17th of february in kicking horse golden bc so thanks so much for watching and we look forward to catching you all there [Music] [Music] this [Music] so [Music] [Music] mix [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Freeride World Tour
Views: 78,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Freeride World Tour, freeride, freeriding, freeski, skiing, ski, snowboard, snowboarding, FWT, powder, snow, Backcountry, mountains, outdoor, Verbier, Valais, Switzerland, Suisse, Xtreme, Finale, Finals, FWT20, DROPIN, FWT21
Id: _g21Hr1TN60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 315min 55sec (18955 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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