A final for the books | Full Replay 25th Xtreme Verbier 2021

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so oh my goodness look at how steep that is it is incredible and absolutely terrifying that is one of the scariest venues in the world of sports it's time for the final leg of the freeride world tour and the 25th edition of the extreme this is the climax of competitive freewriting this is mental that is with so much exposure it's a huge backflip a renowned challenge feared among athletes a giant maze with no room for hesitation no room for mistakes 25 editions of unforgettable free ride moments continue [Music] this is extreme verbier 2021 hello good morning and welcome to the extreme verbier the fourth and final stop of the freeride world tour 2021 i'm adam gendel and i'm joined by snowboard free riding royalty a man who's not only won the overall freeride world tour three times he's also won here in vermeer a whopping four times mr xavier de la rue how are you i'm very good hello gandal hello everyone very happy to be here on a sunny day and without wind i know it's so good the wind is gone um first questions av what do you make of the trophy that's nice isn't it yeah it's a nice one you need to have a big space on your uh on your tv next to your tv but definitely quite dangerous definitely want it but dangerous with that point though but it's very very cool um so the 25th edition of the extreme verbier that's pretty incredible so much history here what do you think about when you hear the the word extreme verbiage well it usually puts a little cramp in my stomach because it kind of remembers all the time when i'm here in verb passing in front of that face yeah so the back deros has set the legend of three world competition for 25 years so back in the days he used to be pretty crazy to set up a contest there but uh like writers have shown that it's possible to write down this space and it has become the mecca of free riding like the biggest face the most exposed the most challenging the face which opens offers the most possibilities and um every year it's just amazing to see how much the evolution of free riding is being witnessed here yeah and it's it's you'd say it's still the one that puts the fear in a lot of the riders yeah it's definitely uh like a big big step up from all the other competitions in the world and uh yeah like it is definitely very steep very intimidating so it definitely does put the fear yeah i don't know if you can hear the choppers they're going up they're taking up the uh riders as we speak so we're we're going to be quite close to starting um the history of the sport we've got a few little moments iconic moments are there any that stand out in your mind well there are many moments like when i think back in the days imagine in the in the 90s like you would see uh uh yeah jerome ruby with the old school i love watching these old images and it used to be like really the the steep skiing generation kind of showing that it was possible to write down so it was a bit of a different mentality from today and yeah that's back in 95 i think that was that yeah early days they were almost jump turning back then weren't they yeah yeah they are like yeah it's kind of a mountaineering down the mountain in a way but still adding quite some jumps into the line but like yeah going really quite around yeah and then uh steve classen has been a huge huge part of the history bit of a bit of a godfather of this event isn't he yeah for sure he's been always really impressive bringing really a cool style a very good vibe as well to the whole scene and then like he started from the get-go to to bring in speed to bring in flow to bring some nice jumps even some tricks at the bottom yeah he's been really impressive to watch through throughout the years definitely there he goes look at that cliff back in the day beautiful still gnarly even today that is and then of course the skiers joined the tour yeah that was uh yeah around 2004-5 something like this they came in and they definitely showed that you could have a lot more speed and hit a lot bigger jumps and it's been a great inspiration for all snowboarders well i think we can see an iconic clip here of uh sebastian micho back back in 2006 doing an absolute whopper yeah i think that backflip will stay in my head for the rest of my life i watched it live and i think it's one of the biggest things i've been i've seen in skiing yeah so wait a minute it's coming it's like another a speciality from my friend uh said michelle look at that that launching it laid out beautiful smiling about it after and saying no it was easy is that what he said after yeah yeah yeah wow he's really chilled out he sounds pretty chilled um okay so i mean that's back in the day but what about today and what about your history of this event you've won here four times what's the standout memory for you uh well i've competed 15 times my first edition was in was in 2002 it was a bit of a crash i tumbled down the mountain for quite a bit and hit some rocks so it was a bit of a wake-up call but then i trained i put my head into it and then uh some of the best memories were maybe 2007 where i like started to really hit some big jumps and find my start and 2010 i think i hit my biggest line here on the back that's the one well i think we can see that run here this is pretty iconic as we saw seb that backflip kind of earned him the the the label of that cliff he was named after that cliff and it was the same for you on this run is that correct yeah exactly it's it's a cliff that's really up high on the back like on the lucas right in a pretty exposed space and uh yeah it was quite a commitment to get out there but uh but it felt right yeah the way you fly over that finish line in that video were you just like that was me i was on it that day everything went to plan did that feel incredible yeah it felt incredible and you know like today when i think about it like it feels really really scary like i don't think i would do it today but but you know like sometimes in your life you're in such confidence moment and and that was one of those moments it's just so nice to experience that when you know it's gonna work you know it's risky but you know you've got it yeah the most droppings you know you're at one with your boards yeah exactly like you're in your head like no one can prove you wrong in your head so you just go for it yeah it's great nice yeah you kind of want to be feeling that on a day like this um well we've got a very big day coming what a big morning for you four different disciplines first up the snowboard women i think we're going to see the graphics on screen now and you can see the rough timing snowboard women first followed by the ski women at roughly 9 a.m after that the snowboard men at 9 45 and then the ski men at 10 30. obviously those timings could change due to if mother nature stopping in and causing a problem or if we get a couple of crashes but let's hope that doesn't happen but just stay with us for the whole thing don't go anywhere you don't want to miss a single run do you zav no no no it's going to be a great show i had the chance to go up yesterday and the snow feels amazing we've been a bit scared with the with the wind coming up in the last few days it's been really scraping the back a lot but uh yeah yesterday it was like a really velvety kind of snow but we're going to talk about that lately we're going to see that in a little bit that was a nice tease those other like what you did there so a lot of these athletes have you know had a tough year as we all have but luckily we've got uh we've got a little video to show you what they've been up to during lockdown yo what up nils midnick here give me a little update on what my quarantine's been looking like my life in quarantine has been mostly about staying inside staying safe but it's not excuse to continue training [Music] here's a sneak peek of my brother hans getting radical [Music] trying to stay sane during quarantine by learning a new instrument too much of this waiting for the coffee to cook i'm really enjoying hangout with my kids [Music] well good to see they've all been keeping busy hey zav have you been in lockdown what you been doing well watching them i think they've gone all crazy yeah a little bit we've all gone crazy and it's nice to be up here in the mountains actually definitely so you didn't get into doing any baking or anything like that well i did yeah yeah a little bit i spent a lot of time with my daughter and yeah try to experience whatever i could but yeah switzerland has been pretty chilled like we we could go outside a bit so it's been great wonderful well luckily we all made it to verbier we're all here all the athletes are primed and ready to go let's show you where that is using our special graphics we're flying from space now look at this straight into switzerland south western corner [Music] one of the biggest ski areas in switzerland and of course let's discuss the star of the show sorry not use av the beck de ross that is the real iconic thing here isn't it oh yeah it is the the the milestone it's like that big face which has such an iconic position into the resort and which has set the legend yeah we should just say over the last few days a decision was made to move the whole event onto the petty back which is the right-hand side just behind us over there due to the snow conditions can you explain a little bit about why that decision was made though yeah it's been really tricky in the last few days there's been a lot of northeast wind which has been really scraping the face all the time so there was like quite a good snowfall which came like a week ago about and it was really light snow and it got really washed away so that gave really changing condition but it's a blessing because to be honest as a rider every year that i've been competing you know you could see here that every time you you'd be scoping at your line in the morning and it would be all in the shadow in the main back and then on the putty back you always have the sun you always have better snow so it's basically a better show guaranteed so i think a lot of riders are relieved and they're gonna give us some amazing stuff yeah well i think we can have a little uh look at a 3d animation of the petty back now if you can talk us through some of the uh some of the stats i mean that's the full back there yeah it's nice to see basically basically the overall stiffness uh stiffness of the whole back because basically it's a gradual concave uh like stiffness so it's very steep at the top and then it melts down to the bottom and the small back is about the same so it's a basically like a similar uh steepness so it's about 40 degrees average so it's same as the big back uh but it's got some ledges on the side which kind of cut a bit that feeling of void and and make it more free rideable in a way so it's about 405 meters vertical the top is at 3023 meters and uh yeah it's a great free-ride venue it's it's yeah it's good for quite a few options still there we're going to have still a very gnarly day with these guys aren't we yeah yeah we are like like this face offers really uh possibilities for different styles and i think like the left part of the face will will show us some really like big big big stuff i think a lot of the skiers men are gonna go in there i'm really expecting to see some of those huge doubles that i've been dreaming of for many years and then there's gonna be a lot of little features on the side but there is a tricky part on that face it's it's like kind of all the roller blinds that you could have on the right part of the face but uh well zavo i mean i'll stop you there before you get into it i mean animations are all well and good but we sent you up there yesterday with a couple of cameras didn't we to talk us through the run so let's have a look at that now all right so this is the main star from the patibeck so you can see the riders can slide here and go and choose their features but most of all you need to see the intimidating sight that you get from the top oh you'd see the bottom and i think this is the main thing of this space there are a lot of blind rollers and it's really difficult to find your way all right the snow is quite firm but really hard to actually quite grippy so these are all the features from the top all the jumps that you can do and basically we're gonna enter the main cooler of the face so this is a no fall zone above it so this is another part of the face which is completely of a blind roller and which tells you that basically it's really hard to find your way [Music] there are three zones in that face so there is like the main central cooler which is the classical core then the whole left side of the face which might be a bit more affected by the wind and then there is the right part of the face which is along the main break which is a bit more of an alpine face all right let's keep going so you can see this is a great we live there's gonna be some tricks there from here we can see like the mandatory cliffs that all the riders starting from start to are going to be heating [Music] so you can see the finish line down there now all the technical and exposed features are gone and from there on you can let go and go and hit the last features down [Music] there and this is it yeah you could see like all the wavy snow is usually the the healthy snow the pretty soft one as soon as it's not rough it's basically much more compact so the riders are gonna need to to read a bit the different conditions yeah well it looks like someone had fun yesterday zav yes is that good i got a free ride yeah how was the snow yeah it's great it was a very good uh like first impression a very good surprise because i got there you know i could see the the like you know there was a lot of wind you could see like that like spray from the top and i expected very changing conditions and it was really velvety like this kind of soft top snow it's a fast snow you know which uh you know allows you to play a lot with it which kind of takes away a lot of the surprises but which is really fun so i think uh yeah i think a lot of skiers and snowboarders are gonna be able to express themselves pretty well on there definitely there's there's a few comments that stood out to me there that might alarm a few of the views that the blind rollers you're talking about that i mean that sounds terrifying the last thing you want to do is go into something blind and get lost yeah yeah i think this is a bit the story of free riding but so you've got two starts on the face so the left start and the right start so the right start uh it's got a lot of those roller blades so a exactly like that the face is convex so you don't see where you're going to go so you've got that feeling of void which increases the feeling of of steepness yeah so that's really difficult to deal with because you don't see anywhere you're gonna go but that's just at the top and once you enter the main cooler then everything becomes way more concave so you it becomes gradually less and less steep and a lot easier so so you get a feeling that everything is going to get better the more you go and the other thing that kind of jumped out was the the no fall zone that i mean that's is exactly what it says isn't it you just do not want to be full there's a lot of consequences if you if you go down over some cliffs yeah it's like in every freeride face you've got some some zones where you're not allowed to to fall so you know that and you're gonna adjust your riding according so you're gonna take let's say 30 margin into your skiing to make sure that you're gonna stay on your feet okay but riders are used to to those they they're gonna be careful there and then they're gonna launch when it's time okay well they've been prepping hard that's for sure um you're probably wondering it's a contest how do you judge people down this this mountain i mean how do you decide who the best is well don't worry because we sent our roving reporter jenny jones off to meet head judge lolo bess and hopefully he can explain it all for you right now i'm here with lolo bess the head judge of the tour and he's going to take us through and explain a bit more about the judging lolo what are the five criteria for the judging so the first criteria would start with technique control line fluidity and side okay so starting with control so the control is a whole rider will be in control all the way from his run sometimes riders are over 100 percent and they're over the limit and that's lead to a loss of control and sometimes also of a technique which is the second judging criteria ah so technique so making sure they're carving rather than sliding is that is that a part of the technique exactly so especially in skiing you can see guys who are going to carve a lot better than some others and snowboarding you would see guys for example going on one edge rather than turning and just staying on one edge and doing some what we call side sleeping okay then the line crucial the line is very important that's where we are looking at what the guys have in mind is it something which is very technical or is it an easy line something that the guys have really worked where to go all the way is it something which is creative so this is something that we really like to watch out okay and fluidity comes into that fluidity so we are not timing the runs but obviously when taking into those criteria the fluidity has like the speed how fast the rider will go sometimes a rider will go very very fast but it will all depends on the place where it's riding so if they're stalling or hesitating going into a jump that that can affect their score exactly and we'll take down some points and then it links to the last criteria which is aaron style the one that most people are looking for because that's the thing which is really creative where guys can not only jump high but also put some tricks in it nice that's the showstoppers exactly but when they come in to land those as well are you also then looking for how clean that landing is completely so this is something really important whatever you're doing we need like a perfect landing and this will deduct any points if some guys like for example will do what we call a stage one which is a back seat or stage two which is like a back slap so soon you've touched your bomb or you're back into the snow will deduce some points out of your jump and so how is that criteria judged across the panel so it's actually an overall score that we all give in a go and then it's an average of all the score given by each judges thanks lolo's made it nice and clear for everyone watching well there they all are primed and ready they take this job very seriously so i'm not even going to bother them good luck guys do a good job remember your maths is very important today zav i mean tough tough to be a judge at this event yeah yeah they've got a big responsibility but they do a great great job i think over the years they've been exceptional yeah definitely well it is getting very close to our first competition the women's snowboarding wow what a tactical section and she cleared it perfectly the baked beer rose is the best stage of the world cup this is the definition of fluoride is it an advantage to go first this morning zav yeah i i think for in mine's position it could be an advantage but it's all it's it depends on your line basically sometimes you prefer to have someone which is going to be showing you a bit the quality of the snow again which is going to maybe point a bit the direction on some jumps that you want to take but we who could also make some holes into your landing so it's it's a bit of a choice okay um if you're watching on facebook right now this is the time to head over to red bull tv because that is where the action is going to continue before we get into the event we've got a quick recap on how the women's snowball season has gone down so far located in the heart of the pyrenees ordino arcalis andorra kicked off the first two stops of the 2021 freeride world tour coming into the season as the three-time world champion all eyes lay on marion gertie despite the difficult snow conditions on both competition days the french rider impressed the judges with her line choices which were packed with technical features and drops winning both events marion got her season off to the perfect start in phoeber and austria herte took the win again and made freeride world tour history as the first rider to win the overall title four times i was really relaxed on the top of the mountain really happy to be there and i know i'm fourteen's watching guys it's crazy u.s rider erica vikander and canadian rookie katie anderson currently share the second place in the rankings vikander making it onto the podium at all three stops while anderson secured a third and second place finish in andorra the fourth and final rider to qualify for the extreme vervier 2021 is austrian rider manuela mandel who struggled in the second competition in andorra but managed to play second at her home competition in february so marion haiti the queen of women snowboarding this year already free ride world tour champion yeah she's making history on that event she she's coming into verbiage with a perfect season only wins three wins and i think she's completely relaxed because she's got her fourth title in the pocket here so i think she is ready to show us a great show like she she's definitely the queen of um women's free writing at the moment yeah definitely she's i've spoken to her a couple of times and she just seems full of confidence at the moment i know you know her quite well is it a case of she'll be happy with this level of riding or she will she push it further do you think no i think she's you know she's a strong personality she's hard worker she's clever and she's progressing every year and i think her aim is not just to get the points to win i think she really wants to evolve to uh to progress every year and to push the level of women's free riding well here you go we've got some riding over right now yeah she's absolutely on fire at the moment and i guess the big question is yeah can she get her third win on the bet de ross as well today that would be a third win in a row which is quite huge as well yeah yeah she's definitely setting new standards for sure and yeah like she she looked in a great mood this morning and with that snow i think she will it will fit perfect for her riding well let's hope it all goes to plan for obviously there's other riders to look out for but marion is obviously the favorite today at the moment so i think it's nearly time to get going but if you're if you're wondering a bit more you want to know a bit more about free riding maybe like okay this all sounds good but i want to get in the mood a little bit more well i think we've got the video to show you which will do exactly that what is free riding this is free riding but this is free riding too it's as old as skiing itself and it doesn't matter how you look what equipment you use or where you are it doesn't matter how old you are and it really doesn't matter how good you are it's about letting go of your fear [Music] being an idiot with your friends and knowing when to stay indoors all you need is a slope snow and the imagination to draw a line [Music] this is free riding [Music] and really it's very simple if you're having fun you're doing it right i love that video always gets me in the mood right here i am commentary booth and i'm being joined by the man the voice of the freeride walter the oracle the man who knows everything about this sport mr derrick foose how are you blushing gandalf thanks i am so excited i'm levitating in my seat right now this face unbelievable we've got the best group of best group of riders on the planet gathered in the start gate so exciting to see what these athletes are gonna throw down on the face right now it's gonna be pretty special i wish i was levitating in my seat this seat's freezing uh yeah it's gonna be a pretty special day women's snowboarding coming up first marion haiti first to drop obviously she's had a banging season we've just been discussing it marion is the undisputed queen at the moment she is i mean she's just run the table this season essentially uh right now she wants another win on the back she's also really looking to complete a perfect season uh and that's so exciting and then big battle for second and third right now katie anderson erica vikander tied so a lot to play for can't forget manuela mandel she's the only rider in this start gate other than marion who actually has a championship title under her belt so a lot of talent stacked up there in the start gate i cannot wait to see these women start writing exactly i mean look at marion in the start gate she's dancing that's how good she's feeling confidence is very high as i've said he saw this morning and she's there she's definitely up for it so i think we're pretty good to go soon good luck marion well we've seen with marion when she has the title wrapped up we saw it before in 2019 when she has the title wrap before she comes here she rides loose because she knows she has nothing to lose and all she wants to do is show her maximum performance which i really expect that we're going to see from marion said it she's loose she's feeling great she's got a huge smile on her face um free ride is it runs through her blood and she's just ready to go ready to show us kind of her absolute maximum potential which i think for all of us and all of you guys at home is a pretty spectacular show i mean look talking is spectacular look at that there's elizabeth garrett's i'm doing some squats keeping warm getting the thighs ready they're unbelievable shots from these uh from these drones up there you can really see how steep it is a little bit of wind there you can see that that red bull flag flying a little yeah gentle breeze up top the riders staying warm staying active you got to keep the legs firing before you drop in it's one of my favorite part about these events is the places on the planet that it puts us these riders on that knife ridge at the top of the petite back it's absolutely spectacular you can see the mont blanc massif and chamonix in the background it's just an incredible sport there are very few sports in the world that put you into these environments where truly very few people get to stand yeah and you i mean you said earlier in the week you've done so many of these events now but this was the first time you saw the beck and it was a bit of a wow moment for you it's it's one of these things that everyone says you can't really understand it until you see it in person and of course in conversation when you're not in front of the back you go yeah yeah it's a mountain now i get it and then you come here and stand on the coal and look across it and it's it's mind-blowing that that is a competition face i mean it is truly a massive peak in a sea of massive peaks it's just it stands out on its own and for these riders to get to use it in competition is something that's really really special yeah definitely see marion there just having a little walk down and another little line check yeah i think this is one of the things that is maybe a little bit under understood in the free ride world is they don't get to go on the face before the event they choose their line from across the valley through binoculars they have to turn what it looks like face on into what it's going to look like looking down the slope and that is an incredibly difficult skill to master and for them they are they are the the gods of it they truly zav said it perfectly it's convex that means the slope rolls away from you you can't see the features when you're in the start gate all you can see is the finish line so that ability to pick the line and know exactly where they're going is so important and also so difficult and it's something that these riders deserve a huge amount of credit for yeah exactly i mean they do their homework don't they've seen them all week coming up every day and not only whipping out the binoculars and having a look but taking photos so many photos they can go and blow up when they get back to their hotel rooms and check exactly try and work out the scale of some of the drops and just work out this line and then i guess when they get in the start gate like marion is now it's just a case of trusting your memory and and and slightly going with your gut of believing that you you know that run absolutely you can see mario in there she's preparing herself she's a big advocate of meditation just closing down shutting out the outside world 100 focus on the task at hand which is the extreme verbier this is the 25th edition of this event it's unbelievable to look back i love those videos that we saw of classen and jerome ruby back in the day i mean this this event really has the status of the greatest free ride event on on the circuit on earth it's it's got so much history the pedigree here is just unparalleled look at that i mean look at how steep that is that's the shot and one thing you kind of look at how steep it is but you also look at the the finished gate how far away that looks as well it looks tiny from there but yeah you can bet that the nerves are jangling up there in the stargate all the snowboard women now not only do they have the the placements in the event and the placements for the season to play for but they are putting themselves out there on the peak on the mountain here to to show their sort of artistry on this canvas they're just ready to go and you can only imagine what it feels like to stand in that stargate right now in the extreme bourbon i really i just can't imagine it to be honest i'm nervous sitting here waiting the anticipation is agony we should mention as well we've got the two the two start gates so the one on the right that marion's in right now that's start number one and then uh further to the left is start to what's the real difference between the two would you say it's really about where you want to go on the face for the riders with they choose their line and and they're choosing based on their riding style what um appeals to them and all of those things so each one has its own merits and its own sort of downsides i guess if you want to say but really they're both extremely technical they're both difficult immediately out of the gate so really the the organizers have given them the option so that we don't have to see any big traverses for athletes to access a part of the face that they might want to get to uh we heard jenny talking to lolo earlier about um the judging criteria fluidity being a huge part of that and so for for the two star gates it gives them access directly in the fall line which is kind of the line that gravity would take if uh if you roll the ball down the down the slope which would be quite a show i think the ball would go real fast i think it would definitely it would pick up speed pretty fast uh so marion's still in the start gate waiting to go i mean what what do people do up there generally you know that all these characters they're all quite different characters just some of them like to go and find a quiet corner and just think about their run and others go and have a chat absolutely routine for these athletes is absolutely top of mind in this space they like to have the same routine in the start gate and even pre-start gate at every comp so it can allow them to come into that that headspace where they can perform at their maximum potential and their routines are vastly different across the field some of them want to chat some of them want to have time alone each of them has their own sort of process we talked about marion earlier she likes to meditate she likes to just completely get herself into that flow state where it's just pure performance 100 in the moment it's a really good job she can't hear us rattling on in her ears that might put her off a little bit i hope she's very zen oh okay so this is the uh the peak performance fun bet fan page favorite so people at home have been voting on this is that right there exactly these are percentages of you at home who voted for these riders to be on the podium marion airte getting close to perfect 98 of you put her on the podium erica vikander she has stood on every single podium this year no surprise to see her way up there and manuela mandel i i don't want to call her a dark horse because she is a tour champion uh she is on a return from injury season so this is manuela's uh kind of journey back into free ride but she is exactly where she wants to be she's on the petite back and she is really at home the bigger the face gets she's uh she's a kind of a mountaineer in her spare time and we are ready to go here we are here we go marilyn hey it's the age 29 season's on the tour six four-time world champion as of this year good luck marion i think that stat alone we can't say enough about it she has won the tour four times no other athlete in any category has ever done that marion airte the first rider on the back today and she is out of the gate and getting things started straight away catching the grab and going down uncharacteristic for marion there we are seeing possibly a door open for some of the other riders you never know you never know i mean she jumps up very quickly which will help but it was definitely it was a bit of a butt check there but she's back on her feet and uh and getting back into the run yeah marion known for aggressive riding and we saw that straight out of the gate into that air this is steep we saw from the drone angle and immediately now off the top of this now this line as she moves across she's going to be lining up the only way out of here is to air so mario and erty now coming out into the mandatory air and clean on her feet kendall looking good for the champ well held mariam i'll tell you what it was still you know she may have had that slight butt check at the top but after that it was still a really strong run a couple of drops in there one of the things that marion does really well is she packs her runs with features from top to bottom she never misses the opportunity to hit something every time she's in the air she looks so balanced over her board there's always a grab a tweak there's always something and she's kind of got that perfect blend of the big mountain chops but also the aaron style which is so critical in the judging categories yeah that second drop that she did it looked for a minute like she she could have gone over the front it looked a bit quite heavy landing but she you know the landing gear was super strong and she held on to it that's just uh solid legs isn't it yeah she's so strong marion truly is an athlete let's take a look back here kendall that was the first one yeah a little bit checked straight up in the cloud of snow trying to fool the judges yeah the judges don't blink they don't miss a thing you can see there in our criteria bars control is the only thing line score super high fluidity maybe a little bit lower aaron style that's what i was talking about her her line just packed and every time she's in the air it looks great they are gonna dock her on fluidity uh as we said the judges don't blink the binoculars don't have eyelids so marion uh she's not going to be over the moon with that run but we're seeing i think we're going to get an idea as we move through this field what we're looking at with snow conditions 70 points for marion ert so definitely leaving the door open a crack for some of the other women to have a go at that first place it definitely is open yeah i mean 17 it's still not a bad score but perhaps it's not the score she was looking to start the event with and like you say i mean the other girls in this event even though they can't win the overall it's still an incredible feat to win the extreme verbiage so they're going to be so up for this and if they've just seen that run what are they going to be thinking do they snowboard safe and try and stay on their feet and get a solid rundown or do they still need to go for it i don't think anybody's going safe today gendel it is the extreme verbiage everybody wants to win they want to win in that classic fashion and all of these women have earned their way here through the entire tour as we move back up to the top okay manuela mandel from austria age 32 seasons on the free road world tour four and in 2018 she was the overall free ride world tour champion like you said she's coming back from a bit of an injury yeah manuela was in a tough spot after andorra and um after the two stops we had in andorra she needed a strong result and she got it she did exactly what she needed to do with the second place there now manuela is on course and we're going to see if she can step into the crack of the door that marine left open she is absolutely at home in these big mountains the big technical features this is right up manuel's alley looks like she's got around a bit of a double here potentially i know going skiers left off there a bit more reserved than marion was at the top but you know as we said coming back from injury yeah and we have to give credit the top of this is so so steep snow conditions we've had a huge amount of wind over the week and in spots on the face it's really pressed the snow into a little bit of a crust and you can see in spots the board punches through the crust and in other spots it doesn't so that inconsistency um from a from a rider's perspective is going to lead to just a little bit of a a little bit of a more hesitant approach at the top until they start feeling their way into the run as we see manu doing now yeah she popped off a little air there kind of a bit of a cross-court skiers right looks like she's she's got looking pretty solid i'd say is she going to get another feature in there i think she needs to yeah i mean coming down into this mandatory so as as as they come into this section the only exit is to hit the air at the bottom so manuela is out of there now you can see her just shedding a bit of speed on the heel side edge as she moves now into the open section of the face going across a little bit is she's searching for a feature there are some features over here as she comes now oh no she's looking for the powder man well known for her powder hound ways as she's here she was teasing those things she thought she was heading for the cliff then she went no i'm just gonna gun it straight down this powder yeah it is hard to resist after you've been up in the steep technical sections to get to to resist the powder field at the bottom as zav said earlier it rolls away we've got the wind drift here manuela getting the grab and locking down that run so she's going to finish herself you can see on the graphic there fairly straight fairly fall line the judges don't like to see a lot of traversing so in terms of line score i think that's going to be a really strong run that is pretty direct isn't it and you know she had the odd air in there she had a couple of indie grabs i thought oh her arms are up she's stoked with it that's what you want to see yeah there's that shared experience amongst all these riders when you get to the finish line the euphoria of finishing a run especially at the extreme verbiage let's take a look back here at manuela's round so this top one yeah a little bit of a skiers left drop onto a heel edge so on the criteria there you can see control almost maxed out manuela not a hand down not a butt down all the way down that run she was 100 in control fluidity a little bit down and as we saw she was just moving down the face a little bit slower yes slightly on her heel edge a little bit so the fluidity will be affected a bit there but look at her stoked i mean is that relief as well she's made it made it down the back in one piece well done manuela well let's see is the score going to be enough to uh finally i can see that not marrying off the hot seat all right 58 okay 58.33 for manuela mandel so that's going to move her into second place that's one heavy hitting challenger down for marion two more to go still nervous moments for marion eric in the hot seat as the ladies catch up here that's okay yeah what i mean marion excuse me manuela's score was it was relatively low there why'd you think it was it was down i was expecting it to be a bit higher than that i think a product of a combination of the line score and the fluidity you know we saw in those judges bars um the marion the way she went was very difficult she hit that air right out of the gate manuela was riding out of the gate uh and and then she was able to add another feature on the way into the mandatory air that manuela didn't have so that's that's going to be huge okay so next up katie anderson from canada aged 25 a rookie this year so she's never ridden at the back to ross before what can we expect from katie katie is a product of the world cup border cross circuit she was on the canadian national team this is her first year on the freeride world tour but she likes to go fast and she's been talking all week about how she wants to just tear down this mountain we're seeing it already she's already into the first feature and we've barely had a chance to blink getting herself a face shot there definitely pockets of good snow on the face today yeah she's not afraid of speed showing showing the board across credentials here she came to compete for sure go on katie yeah katie rides out of fernie bc lots of big technical alpine terrain in the mountains down there and she is showing that she wants a piece of this this big big face katie now coming into the middle section she's going to find a couple more features the snow starts to improve here as katie you can see the control she's got over her board got a little bit bumped did not put a hand down 70 points is what she has to be katie definitely making a case for it she's making the case but i think she's gonna need some kind of drop or something slightly bigger to maybe up the air in style but she's definitely oh you know she's just enjoying it and wants to gun down the back to ross as fast as she can yeah i mean that's a huge part of it all of these riders are in this sport because of passion because they love to ride they love to snowboard they want to be in the mountains and we saw it with manuela now and we're seeing it again with katie that just kind of expression of joy quick method there and katie holding on definitely looks like the snow at the bottom part a little bit more challenging maybe a bit more pressed from the wind looks looks that wind lip at the bottom looks really fun actually i think we're gonna see a few people trying to get a little cheeky hit off that at the very end she's got a little melon grab off there hi katie waving to the camera she looks stoked absolutely stoked on that all right so as we saw katie up at the top immediately into that feature giving herself a big space shot line score kind of in the middle fluidity and control high aaron's style that one a little bit lower and that's going to be a product as you said gandalf of just a few less features down the face and that's something that we have to keep going back to the queen she has the ability to pack features into a run technique there kind of mid-ground for katie she got thrown around a couple times but she didn't lose bounce she's got the bunny there what's the bunny what's the bunny all about i don't know but i like it i don't know either maybe that's a has that been in her jacket the whole time maybe yes oh there you go 65.33 so still not enough to knock marion off the hot seat but second place for katie she'll still be stoked with that i'm sure i think like you say it's the fact that marion is so progressive you realize now how many hits she had in a run even with that mistake at the top and the fact that that was a at the top they probably didn't penalize her as much yeah there's definitely that's taken into account when when the riders are over exposure in difficult places the the leeway for a little bit of a control loss is a bit more but you know 70 is still not a maxed score so there is some play some space to play with for our last rider in the snowboard women's field and she is in the start gate look at this gorgeous scene up there absolutely spectacular setting for a free-range competition yes right last up in the women's competition for snowboarding erica vikander age 30. she's been on the tour for four seasons currently second place overall i mean she'll she'll see an opening here she could take this from marion so she'll be keen to give it everything i think erica vikander and katie anderson were tied for second coming into this event so whichever of them comes out on top is going to take the second place overall erica vikander in that technical section you can see even just with a few tracks the snow's starting to change now erica is a style guru she is always got to grab always got a tweak she likes to ride just for kind of the expression of it and she's going into a bit of an untapped zone here gandalf where's she off to erica getting quite tech back onto her heal edge traversing right i'm having a look at the face from uh with my own eyes to see where she is she's still kind of in the central section isn't she yeah popping off that wind drift now and erica moving out into the the guts of the face the center of it as you said there's still a few features underneath as erica makes her way down looking to find something here there's another little piece and she'll catch the side of that landing perfectly on the heel side so keeping things tight keeping things smooth definitely at this point in the day the ride is very focused on staying on their feet well definitely maybe in in her mind she's kind of thinking i want to guarantee that second place as opposed to going full full bore and trying to knock marion off the top spot yeah it's hard to know in in the rider's minds while they're mid-run are they thinking strategy or are they 100 focused on the moment if they're thinking strategy towards the overall or if they're just thinking strategy to finish my run here on the back at the extreme verbiage got our eye on the wind lip though little indie or you you do lose speed going into that you really have to carry so much speed if you want to get any real purchase off it don't you yeah not sure if you guys can tell uh at home but it is quite a big long flat section on the approach to that wind drift and then it does ramp up quite a bit and and the up will sap your speed so you could see that a little bit with a couple of the riders so far in the category well done erica stayed on her feet anyway there's the uh we should say that the graphics here are kind of a bit of a prediction of what what went down is that right exactly we have a video judge who's controlling the bars on our judging criteria graph that video judge is giving us this look at exactly what the judges are seeing thinking and feeling and then he's taking that and adding it into the bar so you can see the line there right from the top all the riders in the snowboard women's category opting for start number one i'll be interested to see as we move into the other categories if anybody chooses the other start let's giving a shout out to someone at home blown a kiss she looks happy relieved waiting on this score is marion gonna get knocked off that perch or not or has she done enough to win the grand slam all four events this season the perfect season anxious moments here as we see the score come in for erica vikander 61-6-7 not enough to knock marion off the top spot and there we have it so that's third for erica second for katie anderson and marion airte the undisputed queen of the free ride world tour and a look at her face relief joy euphoria just stacking up absolutely i mean she just she didn't go wild she just sat back in the seat as if to say i've done it maybe it's all just sunk in of how perfect that season has been you know not only winning all four events this season but her third win in a row on the ross that is that's historic on its own marian is going to have to attach a crown to her helmet that is an unbelievable feat so let's take a look here at the final results there you go first place in uh in the extreme verbiage mary and haiti katie anderson doing fantastically well in second place erica vikander third and manuela mandel in fourth the snowboard women kicking things off here on the pity back exciting times unbelievable before marion she wrapped up the title in feverbroon and she just put her foot down here to show everyone that she is going to be the queen of this sport for as long as she wants exactly i mean yeah what does she do now i think she has a little rest i think she's deserved a little rest after this season but no doubt the way she's uh she's feeling at the moment she'll be primed and ready to go for next season and and continue defending that title i'm sure the spectacular backdrop here behind us the mountains have received over a meter of snow in the last week and then as we said we've had some wins so some snow has moved around but just an incredible position okay i believe we can throw down to jenny jones on the finish line who's uh doing an interview with marion marion you are once again the vervier champion you came down that run you were the first and the petty back how was that for you i was really in stress uh it was not really easy and i'm tired about the end of the season already emotional today and also i was super happy to drop first but the snow conditions were totally different compared four days ago and i tried to manage it the top of my section was not really good i was disappointed about myself but on the middle i was really proud about what i made going fast and big and yeah you went so fast so big held onto it almost like you were surfing there this has been the perfect season for you you've won every event and you are once again you're now four times champion how does that feel is it sinking in oh we're getting tested started today sorry just uh i'm so stuck you know it's just my best season ever i win everything what's going through your mind oh she's actually speechless sorry take it in marion marion this is your moment to take it in there are some cheers sorry i'm emotional today ah marion i'm emotional watching that that's incredible are you crying yeah just cleaning the tears off my face yeah well there you go that's the free ride world tour final ranking of the women's snowball competition marion hayety way out in front there with katie anderson in second erica canda third manuela mandel in fourth wow what an event to start us off yeah it's good it's a great appetizer it's been uh really nice to see marion like definitely a big big step above the pack yeah she's been a bit disappointed about the the beginning of the run but then the end of the run was uh well she's very very nice i mean i think that we can see her run i think it did show her character really she bounced straight up onto her feet and she still continued with a really progressive run a couple of decent sized drops and it was it was still pretty full-on wasn't it zav yeah she's very dedicated and she had a good flow like going over all the features and yeah there was a little bit of a butt check but then yeah she just like sometimes i think it's good to have a little mistake at the top because you're like okay uh i screwed up i need to nail it and this is definitely what happened there with marion like she definitely let go she had a lot more speed than the other girls and that section at the bottom is not very easy because there is a bit of a blind jump getting into that that triangle at the bottom into that cone and then that that last drop was very good as well yeah when you watch it back you really can see that the you know she was she was slightly a level above the other women today with all due respect to them but you know the drops were bigger and she was just a bit more direct yeah yeah she she had more flow she she's above on every aspect like compared to the other girls like she's definitely improved a lot also again since last year it's nice to see that progression and and i'm sure it will continue so i think there are many many more stunning years for marion to come yeah definitely and you know really nice to see that emotion come out in a way i mean that must have been built up for for quite a while since the last event and to finally do it and get it done and be told you're you've done it in such a perfect way it must have felt like such an overwhelming feeling for her yeah no one has ever ever gotten a perfect season like this like full wins like all the comps of the season that's really exceptional uh and her third win here on the back de ross is like yeah she's just rocking yeah she should nail the don't continue to push it because exactly we're loving it congratulations to marion you do well it's it's a fact to say you 100 deserve that win so congratulations to do okay okay let's have a little look at erika vikander's run as well we've got that to see what went on there third place just slightly behind katie what did you make of this runs out yeah some nice snowboarding like you could see there was some hesitations here and there uh like i think there's some confidence to be built like to hit those jumps at the bottom it's a shame uh she slowed down a bit too much getting into these features this is katie anderson now so she was second place yeah she's an exporter cross rider so exactly as you guys said on the commentary she she knows how to handle speed and stuff and she definitely was into it at the top and then i think she lost a bit of confidence towards the bottom of the run yeah and marion there at the end just seen another clip of her fantastic event overall to start us off on on the uh extreme verbiage today's have yeah yes it's a great day and i'm looking forward to seeing the rest well it's a good it's a good job you're excited because we are about to go into the ski women's event [Music] we're sitting ourselves perfectly up for this next year which she takes so so skiing the vector us is different from all the other faces on the world tour because you really have to trust the instincts and at the end of the day the back the rust chooses the winner okay um ski women what can we expect to see a bit differently from the snowboard women well i think the ski women have progressed a ton in the last few years and they definitely have great speed great flow they hit big jumps i think like their level is getting like a lot closer to the men okay perfect well let's see what's been going on in the women's ski season so far this year overcoming the tricky snow conditions in andorra swedish skier hedwig vessel kicked off her season with a huge backflip her fast and controlled run secured her victory first i was like okay i need to find something that motivates me and that i want to do and i saw that cliff and i was okay i think i could do it back up there hungry for a second win vessel took a fall right after dropping into the second competition nevertheless she remains at the top of the rankings having come second in fieberbrunn with her aggressive yet controlled style rookie juliette vilman earned two second place finishes in andorra and holds the second spot overall coming to switzerland currently in third place is polish rookie zuzana vitic who took her first ever win of the tour in fieberbrunn it was more way more sketchy than i thought and first place is just amazing 2019's vervier winner elizabeth garitsen currently holds fifth place in the overall rankings right behind us rookie tracy chubb okay well let's just remind ourselves of the current rankings in the ski women we've got hedwig vessel in first place juliette willman second and susanna vitik in third i mean hedwig the favorite perhaps you would you say that she could be yeah she could be but i've got a lot something i think uh elizabeth you know she's a local from here and i think that face really suits her style and she's got nothing to lose here because she's in fifth place so i think she could be definitely a big uh one to one yeah yeah she won back in in 2019 didn't she and she was on fire that day so if it's her day again you never know yeah yeah totally she's young very mature and she's quite experienced about this kind of conditions okay well um let's get into the ski women's competition coming up very soon we're gonna have a quick break and we'll get into that event very soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] five four three two one dropping gee women's field has been firing this year every single event all of the women going out of the gate hot and looking for wins every single one of them in this field today could win but i i have to agree with zav i think as the one winner past winner sorry two past winners of this event elizabeth garrison has got to be the favorite she lives here she knows this face and she knows how to win on this space but she's gonna have to wait for a couple of the other riders before she gets her chance to show her stuff yeah a little bit of dropping forth how much of an advantage is that going to be where do you think well how much of a difference do you think it makes the order of where these these women go today well i think in terms of strategy there's some definite advantage to dropping later you're gonna lose a little bit in in terms of the uh the tracks on the slope but you get to see what the others have done take a look at this head big vessel in the peak performance fun bet 96 percent of you think she's going to be on the podium elizabeth garretts and hard to bet against her when she has a title here on the extreme verbier and juliette willman she is in second place but it's very very close basically between juliet hedwig and zuzana any of them wins this event they win the title okay that's good to know that is good to know derek so it is yeah it's super tight isn't it yeah i mean all of these women have the capability of winning juliet likes the mountains big and fast she's got that ski racing background she came from europa cup she lives in chamonix so she is not afraid to get after it she's ready to get it done here on her face i like though she's decided not to go out with the start gate she's like no i'm coming out the right hand side she's coming in quite hot good bit of speed from the start traversing right but keeping her flow aggressive start for juliet as she's moving way out to the rider's right and the only way out of here is in the air so juliet with a strong start now you can see the snow is definitely workable now again this is another one of these what we call mandatory air the only way out of that section is to air and juliet executing perfectly so far and look at it going high there getting a little turn on that bank she's she's going pretty aggressively on this on the first one airing into that next mandatory section getting a little bit hung up over on the skiers left side but she is in and out of their back seat though juliet unfortunately coming unstuck sometimes you catch a little bit too much speed into the takeoff and get pushed onto your heels and that is unfortunate for juliet as there's no way once you're in the air you can recover that situation do you know that is so unlucky because it almost looked she yeah she went off that cliff completely in the back seat but it almost looked like she bounced up onto her feet and nearly managed to hold it for a minute yeah juliet now just making her way down looks like she's lost a pole and looking like she's maybe a little bit sore we're gonna have to check in with her at the bottom she's just looking to make her way off the face that was so incredibly aggressive high high speed and with that unfortunately does come a bit high consequence so juliet now just trying to make her way off the face under her own steam hopefully we're going to see her safe in the finish line soon yeah it looks like she's in a bit of pain maybe on that left knee i think she she kind of held that for a moment so let's uh really hope she's okay i mean at least you managed to ride a little bit so it doesn't look incredibly serious but you just never know with it within the injury so let's uh well is juliet the best and it's it's it's amazing what adrenaline can do for your body you take a fall like that and you just keep going you think you're fine and then as things start to wind down a little bit you start to realize oh maybe there actually is something wrong but she's back up and riding we're going to see juliet in to the finish area we've got the ski patrollers the doctors and the safety team on standby both on the face and in the finish area so juliet is going to get attention right away uh that is really unfortunate as she was right in the hunt for the title um with basically with a win she could secure it but julia now just looking like she's limping her way down looking pretty sore she does actually look sorry i mean when she stopped the first one she kind of bent over as if she she'd knock the wind out of herself a little bit as well so maybe like you said the adrenaline after the fall and she bounced up and initially tried to keep going um i think perhaps it's hitting her now the pain she's in so skiing looks like she's just skiing on one one foot there yeah right leg up in the air she's just trying to get herself down definitely we're gonna get the medical team on site to look into uh look after juliet and make sure she's okay that is heartbreaking for juliette willman as things were off to such a strong start on the petite back for her she's such a good skier one of the things to me that stands out about her skiing is just that perfect flawless technique she's always so balanced uh but this face this is the beck this is the extreme verbier and it is ruthless it does not bear mistakes yeah you're right it's unforgiving let's have a look at that run again julia i mean she did start so strong and almost to me i was like if she'd put that whole run down we would have perhaps seen a podium for her oh i think so absolutely so we're gonna take a look here she moved her way into this section this is where she's above the mandatory air and she got pushed across whether she was trying to find another feature but there you can see there's a little lip on that and it kicked her feet just out in front of her once your feet are in front of you and you're in the air there's nothing you can do you can't push against anything to recover that the rotational forces are in play and you're done and unfortunately landing back seat like that puts a ton of pressure on your knees so i'm really hoping that that's not a serious one for juliet but we're gonna get her the best care and and assess what's going on for juliette wilman the french rider so we saw in the replay there kendall the scores it was actually pretty high except for control yeah um obviously i don't think that's going to stand up we've got a stacked field here so okay there you go 30 points for julia willman okay so that that crash did cost her a little bit which is a shame it looked like she was trying to fit so much in it it felt like you couldn't really keep up with the obstacles she was traversing left and right and trying to drop off everything and unfortunately just yeah it maybe was just a little bit too much that last one yeah that was a stacked line full full full of features uh a ton of speed off that last one um that she turned into a double we didn't see any of the snowboard women get up high on top of that thing and double it that way but juliet pioneering a new line and unfortunately going down in the process okay well yeah let's hope she's okay i'm sure she's been checked over right now and will be carried down the mountain as safely as possible yeah so that bit of a serious note there there is consequence in this sport these riders are truly laying it on the line for the victory everybody wants a very an extreme verbiage title everybody wants to do it but to do it you really have to push hard and we saw juliette doing that so we're going to see what the rest of the ski women's field has in in store it's going to be interesting to kind of figure out what that fall has done to the mood at the top the other women everybody's got a plan but most of them uh especially you know being at this level they'll have plan b and plan c and plan d based on what's happening before them what the snow conditions look like and even some deviations in plan potential when they get into their runs yeah it looks like we've got someone on the on the face right now maybe going to retrieve juliet's pole i think she she lost it there so we might have a slight delay for a moment yeah they call those they call those guys and girls the ninjas or uh the ski dudes on the face if a rider if another rider leaves a piece of equipment on there's a stack of them at the top in the middle they're staged all the way along and so they can collect equipment for any rider that may have lost a piece of equipment so you don't want to leave a pole or a ski or something on the face when other riders are going um that would definitely not be not be safe for the other athletes so you could see the the um ski runner there just getting on the radio to get the exact coordinates of the pole so they can get that off and make sure it's safe for the rest of our ski women's field here yeah well done ski ninja good luck trying to find a pole on that though that could be uh quite difficult i hope someone's got an eye on it for you it's an interesting job when you sign up for that job as a volunteer position and you get so excited you get a helicopter ride to the to the top of the pity back and you're gonna get to hang out with all your freeride world tour heroes and then all of a sudden you get called on to put yourself into a position you know depending on where that pole ended up that we've definitely seen over the seasons on the freeride world tour some of these ski retrieval uh volunteers putting themselves in some wild spots to collect equipment yeah because a lot of the time the crashes will happen on a cliff and you'll suddenly see them teetering on the top of the cliff going to retrieve something and thinking how on earth am i meant to get in there and get that back but they do a fantastic job so thank you ski ninjas huge thanks to them having a look here just behind the back there us at the mountains the alps just stretching on forever across the horizon the entire mountain range benefited from this last storm we had all the way across the alps seeing instagram posts of people just skiing chesty powder going overhead kendall you and i got to share a couple of laughs here in the powder in vermeer what a what a time it was unbelievable i mean i've definitely been showing off on my instagram and sharing a few powder turns but i don't feel so bad because all of the athletes seem to be doing the same so yeah the conditions have been well were incredible a few days ago and and still are pretty good but it's just a shame that wind had to come in and change things slightly yeah yeah mother nature calls the shots in the mountains things change things are constantly evolving and we we definitely saw the prime example of that here where we had we had the back essentially looking like a caked alaskan face three days ago and then the wind kicked up a little bit and then the last two days over 100 kilometers per hour and cross loading or stripping depending on where you were on the face and pieces you know we chatted with lolo pieces of the face actually showing that saharan sand that blew through six weeks ago is back visible which tells you that six weeks worth of snow has been stripped off the face yeah it's definitely changed it and it is a shame for that to happen but we're still incredibly fortunate that the wind has dropped today there's not really a breath of wind today and uh we're still going to have a fantastic event 100 yeah historically maybe looking at the least windy extreme verbier competition that we've seen which is a fantastic thing for our riders for the show for the viewers and especially those on site here we don't have the spectator area definitely coveted safety top of mind this year um riders are all distanced at the base and at the top everyone's masked up taking that very seriously switzerland definitely doing a good job with the covet safety and really i think we have to give some credit to the fact that we are making these events happen this year things are difficult but the riders and the staff have been in a bubble the whole time we've done thousands literally thousands of tests across the entire freeride tour this year freeride world tour this year 100 negative so it's working uh and we are moving forward and it's just great for everyone at home for the riders just for the mental health to be able to be out here in the mountains and doing this sport and having it active and be engaged in it because it's yeah it's tough out there absolutely yeah the the guys behind the tour this year have been unbelievable with the with the covid safety and and making sure that there hasn't been any positive tests at all it's been incredible and considering the challenges of not only that but snow issues it's it's fantastic to see the event underway today yeah absolutely we're getting a look at start two there that's where juliet dropped out of we didn't see any of the snowboard women dropped out immediately difficult right out of the gate you're into that narrow cooler and the location in that notch in the mountains looks like a little little hobbit cave there no it's amazing the riders to hide out in and we see the rest of the riders you know the next group after this after ski women were the snowboard men so they're getting ferried up via helicopter which is uh has been fairly popular amongst the riders a great way to get up to the top of the mountain but we are ready to go here back in the staircase kendall okay susana v tech age 28 she is a rookie third overall at the moment from poland susanna she lives in switzerland she speaks french english polish fluently she is a rock star in the polish scene when whenever we go live the comment section just lights up with her polish fans she's just coming off her first win confidence all-time high and immediately into the technical section getting sat down there though oh no that's a shame she looked so up for it come on poland make it back she's back on her feet got another drop coming in little double perhaps no peeling left out of that come on susana so you can see snow conditions on the top part where the sun has hit the face definitely challenging for the skiers as susannah got kind of rattled you can see when the skis are flapping around like that that means that this can the snow surface underneath is just a little bit inconsistent coming into the shade now things should improve though snow quality wise yeah should get a little bit softer she's back on her feet let's see if she can pull out another little drop she spotted this one slight stop that might affect her fluidity a bit but stomps it nevertheless yeah catching the nose on that one and now susanna moving down the face as she's looking to line up another one out of the sun into the shade clean on that nice and susanna now out the bottom onto the apron we'll see if she makes her way over to that far skiers left wind drift definitely that one started to get some riders juices flowing when they were doing inspection time face check looks a little bit like she's heading for it keep your speed susanna because it gets sucked out of it maybe a few of the tracks might help yeah we pull back she got a little air there i think yeah so there you go the line so yeah traversing left immediately and almost a bit of an s yeah exactly right out of the right down the fall line out of the top and then just moving across catching that far riders right section big air at the bottom definitely some control issues in that run for susanna she's she's been a bit hot and cold this year she had a great run going earlier in the season in andorra and then just lost it at the bottom and then the big win in fever brewing that got her here and you could see their control definitely down she got sat down immediately at the top of her run and then the rest of it kind of mid-range i'd say susanna this one really nice she caught the down slope on that landing which removes the impact that's what the rider's looking for they don't want a big impact when they land yeah she caught the transition really nicely there she looks happy she's smiling and the most important thing she's down safely so first rider down safely in the women's ski competition so she will be in first place at the moment we're just waiting for that score to come in always anxious moments as you click your skis off and wait for the judges to tell you what they thought of your run you know susanna knows a little bit that that wasn't right to plan of course at the top going down judges now they have one of the hardest jobs in free rides i'd say second to the athletes for sure that have to have to throw it down on the back but suzanna vitek with a 63 so definitely down a little on the score i think the judges like the line there [Music] going to be a tough one to hold on to with those control issues though but she does take her spot in the hot seat for now there you go suzanna enjoy that sun in that hot seat because yeah 63 i can imagine we probably will see that getting beaten at some point but enjoy your time in the sun all right just getting word from the finish area juliette willman she has an injury to her right leg but she's fine enough that she's going to stick around and watch the rest of the event so that's really good news out of uh out of the finish area about julia going back up to the top now this is a big one fantastic news for from juliet there okay third up in the gate ariana tricomie 28 seasons on the tour seven and she is a previous freeride world tour champion three times three times and reigning to her champion she take took a bit of time off at the start of this year just to fully recover from an ankle injury but ariana has won here and she is getting straight away into it similar line that we saw susana take and now she's moving across to this other side ariana she's been missing from the tour this year a little bit we haven't seen as much of her as we would all like and back on the back and really showing so far a great mastery of this face yeah she looks like she's completely comfortable today tiny little double i don't know if that was meant to be a double but she made it look like uh easy work yeah doubling into that exposed section as we said the only way out of there is the air catching the bomb hole but ari's so balanced over her skis she just bounced right up and out of it very fast and fluid out of that section so ariana definitely making her case to stand on the top of the podium here in verbier as we're going to see her move across are we going to see the trademark from ariana tracomi 360s pretty much comp yes there it is stay up she got it we'll give her that i mean what well okay i'm going to ask you derek what are the judges going to make of that 360 could that cost them well you know you said it perfectly we'll give her that and it's easy to give her that from the commentary booth but there is gonna be a dock in control for that little butt touch it wasn't much probably a stage one they break it into stages stage one is butt stage two full back um and and it goes from there but ariana up at the top this is where to me the run really stacked the points up so technical and really fluid she did not slow down no hesitation off any of the features definitely a strong case here for ari to be standing on the podium at the end of the day definitely i spoke to her yesterday she kind of said because she's not really in the running for the overall she's got nothing to lose today and felt quite relaxed about just kind of going for it and and i think she did yeah i really like the approach she took to the mandatory exit air out of that section clean turns and then that one it you know it's so flat on the way in there that i think the riders underestimate how much the uphill is going to stop their speed and so you could see she had to throw that 360 really hard just to get it around and it was just slightly under rotated but she's such a wizard when it comes to 360 she's able to pull it out with just a tiny little blip in her run judge is loving it criteria bars absolutely pinned up against the top so ariana cheers to everyone at home well judging by that graphic she's consistent with the judges but let's find out what the overall score is going to be i think they let her off with that 360. it did look in the replay it was kind of a bit more of a hand drag than a fuller full butt check and you know it's just good to see a rotation in a room absolutely yeah well there you go first place 84.33 that's a strong score that is a big score for ariana tracomi she is the reigning tour champion and as we said she's been absent from the first two stops in andorra and then not the exact results she was hoping for in phoeber boone with a fourth but she is i think we can safely say back and here to play definitely i like the way she did the spinning glove celebration there that was fantastic and she's getting into that hot seat and she might be sat there for a while unless anyone can upset the apple cart well it's so hard to sit in that for a long time when you have the three riders that we still have on top this is the thing about the extreme verbier everyone who's qualified into this event has done it by consistently doing well on the tour so there's nobody that you're safe from until everyone's down and this is a big challenge to ari definitely elizabeth garretson 25 years old and even at 25 she's had five seasons on the tour and she won in 2019 let's see what she's got elizabeth immediately into a very serious part of this face going over into an untapped as of yet section and now up high on to this actually we did see juliet coming into the same section now elizabeth holding on she is in her bread and butter the only way out of here is to air and elizabeth straight into the fall line flying over juliet's bomb hole right back across totally in control right now elizabeth garriton looking strong on the back absolutely flying she looks like she wants it and her legs are on today there's no danger of falling on any of those drops and incredible speed so far yeah elizabeth now lining up here on this lower section you can see the one track coming across flying off perfect connection with the landing elizabeth garrison another really strong run you can tell that she's at home here yeah she lives in verbier she's so comfortable on this snow this face and this kind of terrain it just suits her to a t and elizabeth definitely throwing down the gauntlet there that was a sick run she's gotta be stoked with that it's yeah there's something almost about her body language when she drops in on the back that she's just like yep this is me i'm good i'm feeling strong that's what confidence looks like and elizabeth has it in spades on this face right out of the gate it's so steep there and she went into a section that there is zero margin for error judges criteria lighting up technique now critical as she moves across she's above exposure if she doesn't stand on the downhill ski she falls and that is not a place where you can fall and then huge off that bottom one so elizabeth flashing the run top to bottom you can see there's one little deviation in the line and that was only to line up for another feature super direct extremely technical judges i have a feeling are going to love that one are you going to call it derek is it going to be enough to knock ariana off the top spot i will never i will never put myself in that spot because i can only lose uh but i think they're gonna like that run we'll see how it ranks definitely doing what she needed to do ticking the butt taking the judge's boxes on the criteria putting that panel of judges to work is what we want to see we want to see clean runs make the judges work for it now they're just weighing up the criteria line score fluidity air and style obviously ari gets a big bump in aaron's style for the 360. but elizabeth hitting some big features along the way and with 100 commitment i guess and it to me it felt like elizabeth's run was faster overall here we go first place there you go garrettson 8.3 three well done look at the face maybe she's gonna win again and it'll be two in a row but who knows we've still got two more people in the start gate to go elizabeth one of the most humble riders on the tour you can see by the look of shock on her face every time she skis she never thinks it was good she never thinks it was enough she never thinks she she deserves it but she so clearly deserves it that run unbelievable so fast so fluid so strong and just overflowing with confidence which is a hard mindset to put yourself in on this face but she has done it the process she went through to get herself there now just relief yeah relax garrison sit there lean back you have got two more women that could potentially knock you off that seat but enjoy it while you've got it love to see the smile on an athlete's face in the finish after they've put down the plan okay tracy chubb from the states currently ranked in fourth dropping in tracy chubb she's the only north american rider left in the field at this point and she is getting right into the heart of it immediately over in this steep section this section paying off for some of the other riders so we'll see what tracy does already moving past the feature that juliette and elizabeth hit but tracy chubb she's been on the podium already a few times which is great for a rookie and really excited to see what her take is on this face look at that's a gnarly camera angle from that drone nicely put down there it was a solid landing from tracy traversing over to skiers left yeah now we're going to see tracy oh catching up in somebody else's track but managing to hold on to it do your sit-ups kids core strength and good balance got her out of that that was uh that i'm gonna call it so far in the ski women's field the save of the day yeah i think she just kept herself from going over the bars uh right now tracy now moving across to this feature that we've seen get some action right off the end looking like she got a little caught up a little stall wasn't there just on the take-off yeah the sharks are out there and you have to be very careful and by catching it slowed her down and she actually landed on the uphill side of the wind drift which stopped her feet but again core strength getting her through tracy managing to save what was starting to look to be a real scary situation but holding on to it and now in the sun the danger is behind her tracy just to finish her run off this when drift is she going to go she's got the speed i think she may have lost her speed a little there you go a little pop the camera man swung away yeah i looked tarty the flats on the approach to that one really does sack your speed and i think uh for for the athletes if they're coming across they feel like they're going fast enough and then it just gradually slopes upward and upward and you can feel the speed bleeding away so tracy there got away with it face not going down either time muscling her way through the classic little shake of the head of like well that was that was a close one but i'm i'm here yeah judges seeing the same thing we did control down not not below uh in the red zone but definitely a little bit down so tracy her first time on this face and you got to give credit for just shaking the nerves out and getting your first vector bus run out of the way you could see she landed on that rockwell the upside of the rock while taking the impact but managing to handle it and ride her way out of that so we're gonna get uh we're gonna get the judges take on it showing the sponsor skis right there they they love that they love that back home and in the uh in the factory when you when you show the logos everybody got to keep the keep the lights on as they say exactly exactly why not keep everyone happy let's find out what the judges make of that then and where she sits overall a couple of judges looking over each other's shoulder there wondering what each person's going for so i don't think with those control issues that we're going to see that run bother the score of elizabeth gerritsen but definitely going to rank her in somewhere and there's only one more rider up so depending on where they put tracy that's definitely gonna have an effect on her overall standing right now fourth spot for tracy with a 55-33 well done tracy good work she looks stoked anyway but it all comes down to the next one derrick hedley vessel i mean coming into this ranked number one perhaps the favorite today would you say but it's gonna be a tall order to knock elizabeth off that seat both elizabeth and ariana did exactly what they needed to do to put themselves in the mix hedwig vessel she is a favorite but you know zav said it earlier elizabeth also a big favorite on this face as she was at home and she certainly threw down the gauntlet to show that she wants another title on the back at the extreme verbier hedwig vessel has had a win or die attitude on the freeride world tour we've seen some of the most spectacular moments of the season come from her every season i mean she kicked it off at the beginning of the first competition in andorra with one of the biggest backflips of the day and the first athlete to do it out of any category completely changed the day yeah so you never know and then she finally took a piece of strategy when we were in fever room and put down a run that she needed to do rather than just going absolutely uh hellbent for the win so pretty interested to see what hedvig is going to do here she's got the title on the line if she wins here she can win but zuza with a bit of an issue juliet obviously with the crash so hedvig we're going to see she's going into the right away the very technical top part of this track little drop first drop main thing is stay on your feet get that one done and let's see what she's got next yeah is she gonna go all out and go for that win for the overall she's got to really well hedwig's showing that she has the ability to strategize but right now she is over a huge part of this face as she comes down into this feature above a massive set of cliffs now moving across you can see the slough just pouring down that gives you an indication of how steep this actually is it the snow doesn't stick at all it just rolls across hedvig no one's been over here yet cross-court air edvic vessel in a very interesting part of the face brand new to the ski women's field so far very technical line isn't it picking her way through through these rocks i mean she's got a good memory if that was her plan of where she was going to go yeah and now just blasting out the bottom full speed heavy vessel making the most of these nice snow conditions on the bottom of the face as she approaches the wind lip and decides nope wind lifts out it's not there yeah and i think that's a smart choice for hedwig there as as it's just so hard to hold the speed into there there's not a lot to be gained but you can certainly lose by going there if you don't have the speed for it or if things go wrong it's almost one of those things that catches the eye and they think yes i'm gonna have one last jump up there and then perhaps the speed just isn't there okay hedwig perhaps skiing quite sensibly would you say there was nothing huge with regards to air and style but pretty technical still very technical very very steep and difficult she put herself over a massive amount of exposure in there but as you said you know maybe in contrast with elizabeth's line the line score tight a tiny bit lower but i think the difficulty of that area is going to kind of stand out to the judges look at this it's so so so steep and as we've heard in our discussions it's extremely convex so knowing where you're going is super challenging in this section of the face yeah exactly that's slow you said it on the run you really could see how that was a lovely little gap actually i didn't notice that on the run into that little pocket that was a great run transferring across there catching the transition perfectly hedwig vessel coming from the mogul background she's an olympian so she doesn't really kind of feel the pressure or at least she doesn't show that she feels the pressure so now these two women just anxiously waiting to see what's going to happen with the scores the title is on the line the championship of the verbier extreme is on the line everybody waiting now to see what kind of judges or what kind of numbers the judges are going to throw out oh the tension hedwig giving a shout out to uh to elizabeth there hedwig in third 68.33 elizabeth garrison takes the title again at the extreme vermeer unbelievable feat for elizabeth garriton two wins out of the last two starts as the riders don't i don't think they actually know what's happened yet as they seem like they're just waiting to see what's going on but elizabeth taking it hedvig still on the podium and ariana looking like she's going to be in second unbelievable for these women such an exciting field and the level of the ski women's field has never been higher these women skiing so well right now well there you go the results of the event today the extreme verb elizabeth garrettson in first ariana tracomi with a fantastic result in second place hedvig vessel in third so going on the overall well we're i mean this is this is anxious moments we sit here on pins and needles the the mathematicians behind the scenes we are going to take a look here and see what that ended up doing we're going to see the overall results and see i think it was enough for hedwig they're working it out they've got the calculators out and here we go the overall oh no it's yeah we're all tall ranking it gerritsen it's taking it first place it's made that much of a difference with the win elizabeth garrett 20 points by 20 points when 15 000 points were on offer today elizabeth garrison jumping from fifth place to taking the overall title it was mathematically possible we knew it was there but for her to do that on this face at home look at her reaction i can't believe that oh yeah my max was off i thought that you did it it's unbelievable because i spoke to elizabeth at the start of the week and she kind of almost had said it was over in a way she didn't think there was a chance he could take the overall but you know it's happened and that is that is unbelievable when we ran the numbers we saw that it was possible but so many things had to fall into place we needed to see both juliet and susana off the podium hedwig needed to not win and elizabeth needed to win the the the spider web of permutations of that to make it happen were so complex and all elizabeth focused on was her run and if you take care of the run the title will take care of itself and never has that been more prevalent than right now as elizabeth garrison just went from fifth to first overall by possibly one of the smallest margins we've seen in an overall title scenario on the freeride world tour that was unbelievable such a spectacular day was it 20 points 20 points she won it by just that that was such a small margin but that is how champions okay let's go to jenny jones who's having an interview with elizabeth right now oh congratulations elizabeth you are the extreme verbiage champer but you are also the overall free ride world tour champion what is going through your mind right now [Music] i'm a bit baffled because i really bad at math and i didn't even know this was a possibility yeah you've jumped from fit yeah how about today the run take us through it uh iran was a bit scary like the snow was super changing and couple of times i was like ah i don't know if i can stick this but uh i kind of like talked to myself and was like oh come on like don't crash here it would be so lame this is your mountain yeah you look comfortable so i pushed through and landed the last one and just straight to the finish line i knew i had a good run i didn't know it was that good and uh but the title is just i have no words it's i really didn't expect it i i was sure hedwig had it and in a way i think she deserves it more than me today because uh she's put in so much work um and she is such a strong skier and she's evolving the sport a lot so uh it's very humble over here to say that hats off to her but you rode really well today in those you know tough conditions as well and uh this is the second time now you've won here in your home in your home resort how you feeling about that um it's funny because uh last the in 2019 when i won for the first time uh ever as everyone was saying is like no ski woman has won it twice that kind of straight away became my goal i was like i can do that so and you have and i have you actually have and uh i was just on a phone with my parents and they're already in tears i don't think they know that i'm world champ so someone should tell them okay are they here because i told them it was impossible for me to be on top of that ranking so okay massive congratulations thank you and well done thank you everyone and uh yeah congrats edwige i she's done such a good season thanks yeah bye guys zav you called it man you called it i mean i cannot believe elizabeth there's the rankings she won by 20 points it was such a a small margin and it looked really unlikely but she did it yeah i know like she couldn't believe it and i could not believe it like i i did not expect it at all that's amazing but you could see right out of the start like her mood her state of mind you could see straight away that she was in it for the fun she wanted it that was really beautiful to watch and i really admired her style all the way she was really in control you know and she didn't let herself go down you know with that snow that's not seem to be pretty tricky on some some of the girls but not for a little bit today yeah it's incredible you're absolutely right she just looked so on it like we said in the commentary the body language and she's you know it's a home resort she just looks completely in control and so relaxed and i think that was the difference in the end yeah and that dedication it's always nice to see you know it changes because you see the mood of the writers when they're riding and that's something that i love in free writing and you could see that she wanted it so much and she was having fun great job elisabeth yeah and this shock on her face the fact that mathematically it looks so unlikely that she could take the overall and when that came in she was completely gobsmacked wasn't she really yeah totally and yeah i wonder what happened on hedwig's uh run like like it looked like she was trying to to save you know her run to be conservative to to make sure she would have the title but yeah it didn't work out it must be a hard moment for her because she's been rocking the season yeah exactly she's had a fantastic season and it's yeah really unlucky for her to to miss out by by that smaller margin but that's that's how it works with the judging yeah it's the sport it's mathematical and that's how it is yeah yeah incredible what a fantastic event that was an absolute thriller to the end and uh well we can start getting even more excited because coming up very soon is the snowboard men oh we're gonna have a quick look at the uh the third place head vic this hedwig's run first yeah like you say zav it was slightly slightly more conservative yeah she missed all the the airs at the top i was very surprised because you know i'm used to seeing her throw some crazy stuff like especially this season she's been on fire and like those jumps are pretty straightforward at the top and like when she missed them i thought she had something huge at the bottom and here's elizabeth again that final run yeah you could see that control like she's in there she's on top of her skis you know she's not on the back seat like that's beautiful to watch i think fantastic well congratulations to elizabeth um incredible resort for her incredible run and now let's uh yeah let's get into the snowboard men's competition [Music] he's going straight he is and he's a big one and he's sticking it oh my god snowboarding the bechter also special because of the history for 25 years now people have been putting up savage lines down that thing okay well the snowboard men's competition the field at the moment is so strong isn't it zav yeah like we've waited for years and this year has been like really really good for men's snowboarding yeah there's been a lot of tricks a lot of different styles of riding a lot of commitment and that was really refreshing it's been amazing to watch yeah definitely well let's have a quick look at how the snowball men's competition has gone down so far this season the 2021 men's snowboard field was shaken up by two young guns blake muller and cody bramwell [Music] us rookie blake muller is currently leading the rankings after coming second in his debut run and winning the second competition in andorra although he got caught up in the crusty snow of bieber and austria he still managed to hold on to the golden bib i was just really hopeful but it's pretty insane that it came to life so i'm super excited but there's no time for complacency as two competitors are hot on muller's heels winning the opening event and taking force in fieberbrunn british rider cody bramwell currently holds third place in the rankings whilst in second is 2019's free ride world tour champion victor de la rue with an impressive win in phoebe i was like i just go and try for the canyon it feels good to finally put a run that i'm stoked about last year's tour champion niels minnick secured his golden ticket to verbier in fourth place alongside camille armor and sammy lubke who currently share fifth place in the overall rankings well there you go blake muller currently sitting in first place a rookie this season what season he's had yeah he's showing that the level of snowboarding is just coming up you know that young generation that has got the freestyle really dialed putting it putting it up into the mountains we've been waiting for that for many years and it's nice and you can see that that youth energy you know they want it they really want it that's so rocks all right yeah he's actually he came here a few years ago to watch his brother griffin compete in the ski competition on the beck and he's never ridden the bet today but talking about brothers zav there's another brother your brother your youngest brother sir i'm biased you are bothered yes you're too much for my brother but i'm super stoked and proud to see him yeah exactly well he's funny sitting in second place how do you think he could get on today yeah like he seems to be pretty good in his head he's had a tough beginning of the season with an injury so it took a long time for him to get into the game but uh i think he's got it under his feet so let's see but i think it's going to be a tight game because everyone can win the title pretty much and everyone has got really good skills and really good things under the sleeves so we're gonna have a good shot well the dog just joined us there zab hi dog yeah we're kind of live but thanks for coming stepping in hi see you later uh okay well yeah so victor i mean do you think this is gonna suit him this face there's a few more spots where maybe he can do some tricks yeah i think he's got those nice tricks but like it's funny over the years he's becoming more and more like a steep run kind of rider like so i think the bigger beck would have fitted him better but i think he's got something good under his sleeves okay well it's still very wide open this competition a lot of guys could take the win today so let's get into it we'll have a short break and we'll be back with the snowboard men's competition so women's competitions both done now we're into the the men's competition snowboarders first i'm pretty psyched for this one derrick oh the field is so stacked there's not a man on this start list that can't win today if things go their way we've got youth versus experience we've got young guns versus veterans all of them so strong in kind of both aspects freestyle and big mountain well there you go there's the current ranking blake muller as we said a rookie currently sitting in first place victor de la rue zab's younger brother in second cody bramwell from the uk in third nils mindy in fourth and camille armand in fifth and there's the start list cody up first nils sammy sammy luke's one here three times he could be one to watch and blake muller sitting in fourth so kind of midway down blake's gonna go so we'll get to check a few riders followed by victor de la rue and then cameo armond last stop yeah i think watching the ski women has just opened my eyes to how the 15 000 points for the win here can so significantly affect the overall ranking for for nils and cammy and you know who are a little bit further down if they take the win and things maybe don't go victor blake or cody's way there's still a mathematical chance now look at how many of you think that victor de la rue is going to be on the podium here 94 in the peak performance fun bet of the fans at home thinking we're going to see victor blake muller he's crawling his way up the ladder from an unknown rookie to win in a second early in the season and nils midnight nils came back from below the cut last year to win two comps in fever brune in one day and take the overall title he is the reigning free ride world tour snowboard men's champion he's down a little bit in the rankings but we saw it with elizabeth it is possible okay cody brumwell dropping in from the uk 26 years old had a fantastic season so far he likes he likes to go for it put it that way doesn't he derek cody totally changed his mindset this year from trying to qualify to trying to win and he went right out of the gate in the first comp of the year with a win doing exactly that and now we see him shooting for that again so technical so difficult he is above exposure here and the only way out is to drop off this air as he goes fall line right to his feet cody bramwell instantly onto his toe edge cutting across looking for another high drop he's got a little cheeky indie grab on one of the higher drops so you can you can see that little hesitation as he sets up for the back three there above the cliff zone that is an incredibly exposed and scary section to do a 360 into and look at him in and out of that section before you could blink with a three in unreal for cody bramwell yeah what a location to do a 360. you've got to get that right haven't you if anything goes wrong he's tumbling over some rocks there so oh there's the bucky there's the packy i wondered if he'd fit it in and he kept his speed for the wind lip at the bottom and did a beautiful laid out one cody big backflip at the bottom 360 into the exposed area with the mandatory air at the bottom cody bramwell just put his foot on the gas if he wins today he takes the title and he has done his part now all he can do is wait for the other riders but he is frothing so steep here at the top no room for error at all as cody bramwell backing himself now i thought he was a little hesitating here but he threw immediately into that three and then straight away kendall right into this air no margin for error on that run at all yeah the takeoff on that on that backside three looks quite difficult there's the battery if the crowds were here today they would have loved that but uh well done cody that was fantastic that was a that was just for us wasn't it it's just for everyone watching at home so cody unlocking the secret to carrying speed across the flats there as he made the backflip and an 89-6-7 for cody bramwell well everyone on the top of the back right now just got put on notice i was gonna say that's a high score for the first run i would get comfortable cody because you might be there for a while you never know do you incredible way to start the snowboard men's division and we go straight back up to the top this is your reigning snowboard men's champion nils midnight two wins in one day last year he has the full bag of tricks he's a great big mountain rider he's really strong at freestyle and he loves to go fast i absolutely love watching this guy ride i love his style he's got a fantastic bag of tricks but he does them with such style can spin every direction you can on a snowboard but let's see what's he going to do on the petty back today so getting across into this upper zone moving down you have to kind of pop into that shoot you can't see it from that angle nil is getting a little bit washed out on the heelside edge though as he comes now into this air so he's going from three melon oh over the nose on lucky nails that is such a scary place to fall is just taking the one roll and bouncing back up so hearts in our throats there for a second for nils midnight so loss of control there for sure but what a spot to do that unbelievable yeah i mean and he looked like he got a little cheeky grab in there and he was just slightly over the front and it and the snow looked quite heavy enough to punch him over the nose wasn't it definitely a bit unforgiving if you land a little bit front foot heavy the nose goes down and gets under the snow it's going to stop your feet and it effectively it acts like a tripwire and you go over nils you know he got control right away back but unfortunately for him the judges they'd never blink they saw that and and everyone saw that because that was a terrifying place like you said if you know someone further down in the ranking like nils who's in fourth there's a backside three melon that was beautiful love that nils so these riders definitely found the secret to carrying speed across the flats into the wind drift possibly a couple tracks in there making it a little bit easier for them to carry the speed across so neil's going to come in and you can see he's smiling see if we can i think i think that backside three melon just felt beautiful and he was like do you know what that was all worth it let's see is this the front three yeah there you go just so it just kind of snagged the nose didn't he yeah that's really unfortunate and you can see on the judging bars control down for nails and then having to air out of that section as we get out into the open face now nils's focus is holding speed for the wind lift as he did that was perfect he landed right over his board balance excellent execution perfect but neil's minute definitely going to be docked for that fall up high yeah it's a shame but it's like you said derek yeah as i was saying he's fourth second place 59.67 but he had to go for it with a bigger trick higher up if he was going to knock cody off the top spot you've kind of got to risk it haven't you well that's it when the first rider out of the gate puts a run down like that the the level just goes up and up the temperature of the thermometer it goes right up to the top and every rider knows okay it's got to be plan a plus if i want to knock cody off that hot seat so every one of these guys they're just going to throw caution to the wind they're going to do everything they can to get the win on the back today because the title is on the line at the extreme verbiage exciting moments here at the start gate it is it just goes to show that you know these these boys came to play today they want this don't they and this man is definitely one to watch he's won here three times before sammy lucky from the us 31 years old nine seasons on the tour overall champion 2016 17 and 18 and he knows what you need to do to win on the petty beck i'm sure well his last four starts he has three firsts in a second on this face so you'd be crazy to bet against sammy he's had a bit of a struggle this year just some falls and some tricky snow getting caught up but right out of the gate sammy lucky looking strong and making the case for himself to stand on the podium here in vermeer today nice little indie grab at the top solidly getting that grab as well so the judges will appreciate that where's he gonna head next though what has he got up his sleeve yeah it's very steep here and the sun definitely starting to have a bit of an effect on the snow sammy catching that wind draft and threeing out of that section we've seen people air into it but sammy finding a brand new take on that feature with a three judges are gonna love that they'll definitely like it he's still pretty high up the face when he did that backside three didn't get the grab on it which i'm sure he would have liked to have done but still more important that he that he landed it really now sammy coming into a series of features he's put himself onto something serious sammy now pointing it off the nose little heel side oh yes off the double and even another mini feature at the bottom pinned out the bottom maximum throttle right to the floor sammy loopkey looking strong there that was so so demanding if you didn't catch that exactly right oh disaster and sammy with a 360 at the bottom yes i clapped myself in i got so excited with that front three so we saw a bat where you saw an indy grabber back three a front three and that cheeky little double line in the middle that had a bit of everything i'd say sami luke he's stacking up the features stacking up the air style points definitely ramping up the difficulty in terms of just technical section of the face i guess the i mean there's the cheeky indie little squeak on that solid nice and high up on the face into that backside 360. put that down as well then this was the bit where he slightly paused little sketch there but landed cleanly yeah i think that move of just putting the heel side edge down to shed a bit of speed was the difference for him between landing that and not as if he left it in the fall line and flew straight off the end of that i think he would miss the transition go a little too far so definitely sammy luke he experienced playing into the run there really solid i think the judges are gonna like that but we leave it up to them can't speculate in the commentators booth because 100 of the time i'll be prove wrong i think he could claim that almost a little surf lay back on the middle of that double he was just killing speed wasn't he slash turn get the niagara falls of slough going over the second air and pad your landing out a little bit anxious moments now for sammy as he waits to see what the judges thought of it and catching up with blake or sorry with cody in the hot seat as the two of them just kind of exchanging stories of how their how their runs went where they went and how the snow felt how was it scary how was it scary there you go a bit like tight loose yeah i am not calling this one at all it's way too close but never count out sammy in this resort second place 76.33 it's not enough to knock cody off that top spot wow i mean could he be there for the duration who knows it's going to take something pretty special isn't it there well that's one big challenge fended off for cody bramwell in sami luki a three wins and a second of the last four starts for sammy so that's a big sigh of relief for cody bramwell to have that one out of the way but this one is exciting blake moeller if if snowboarding was the earth blake moeller would be the burning magma core of it it burns inside him he loves it he rides with so much passion and just in it for the fun you love watching him because every time it looks so exciting he does look like he's just having fun i mean even though we jumped up the start guy just popped a little ollie getting the legs ready come on blake let's see what you got so straight away into it picking up some speed now just keeping things controlled it's so steep up at the top and there's not another track in this section where blake is going i can't wait to see what he's got lined up it's a nice little air that was a decent pop off that where's he gonna get a trick and it seems like you've got to get your tricks in on this face now here you go there's a track he might be looking at here now blake coming across into this section 360 into the exposure unreal what a spot to do it and now blake airing out getting the tweak shifty pinned in the fall line now throttle wide open for blake so 316 into that section so scary so gnarly as there's zero room for error and across to the wind drift what's blake got lined up for us cheeky little indie grab little floaty almost a backside shifty there but i mean everything he landed was perfect wasn't it there was no hands on the on the ground there was a backside three the first drop was nice still not sure whether it's in enough i don't know i'm definitely not gonna try and guess yeah it looked like the lip on that final wind drift had a little bit of a funny kick that he didn't expect watching blake approach that kind of expecting something wild um and i wonder if the kick just kind of threw him off and he thought better not to chuck something over the backside three i mean it's quite a steep part of the uh course to land on again quite a high risk area a little waggle in the air there so didn't quite get the grab that he wanted but still yeah i think blake just got thrown a little bit off by that lip but the three into the exposed section with the mandatory air out so committed for blake love to see it love to see him just putting his expression on the mountain this is their canvas and riding is their paint they do everything they can whatever they feel and it's so interesting to see the lines that stick out to the different riders in terms of where they actually want to go what they're attracted to on the face absolutely i mean his line and the graphic there was looked pretty direct but let's see 89.67 still to beat from cody i mean cody's line really had it all didn't it it had it had the freestyle it had the gnarly steep sections and then the huge backflip at the bottom it was stacked with features stacked with aaron style the judges loved it even the first rider of the day it's rare to see such a high score second place there you go blake muller 82 it's not enough to knock cody off again a little fist pump and cody sits tight look at him look how stupid he's like yeah i'm still here this is this is pretty surreal so that's another big challenger to the throne fended off by cody bramwell but there is no room to breathe because the next man out of the gate is possibly the biggest challenge to take cody off the hot seat victor de la rue we heard it from zav victor is kind of switching from pure freestyle to the big mountain you know he's he's he's always in the big lines kind of mountaineering around this is gonna suit him and i think he likes it coming hot off a win in february as well so confidence will be high for victor yeah definitely a challenger for this but he's going to have to go full throttle if he's going to knock cody off the top spot go on victor let's see it the season's been building fourth then third then first can he hold that momentum as he comes in here right out of the gate into a serious section doubling off it and perfectly clean victor right over his board now just needing to control the speed he doesn't need to shut it down he just needs to put himself in control so he can access his next feature which is three there's the three hold it victor he does and he's straight into another drop absolutely gunning it well the commitment there 360 into the exposure and immediately off the ground again to air out of that section there is no other way out of there i can't give that enough credit now victor just flying down into the finish line that was intense wow it really was i mean when he landed that back three he was kind of just like well i'm not gonna try and check speed i'm just going straight off the next drop that double at the top as well how much of the jersey's gonna like that they're gonna love that overexposure right out of the gate into something serious into a big big section of the face with a big double and as you said the the three into the pocket there's no way he could slow that down and he knows that that's experience speaking so he just kept it pointed down and didn't try to do anything funny didn't try to push himself out of bounds that was incredible that take off on the three it was almost like a and that olly ollie came so fast he was thinking quick down that run wasn't he yeah cat like for victor de la rue so putting the judges to work this is going to be a very very anxious time for cody bramwell because if victor takes this whoa 92.67 victor get in the hot seat big hug with cody unbelievable uh you know i've got to say i did love that run and i can see why the judges did too derek so committed so many features every single one of them incredibly consequential victor de la rue just put his stamp on the pity back he knew exactly where he was going there was zero balance issues line deviations nothing flawless run from top to bottom that was an incredible display of snowboarding for victor i think that's what you want to see at the extreme verbiage and the judges want to see it was the fact you you land and you you're going you just want to get that face the whole run felt fast but there is one more man left camille armand age 28 season's on the tour four and he's the only one that could potentially knock victor out of that hot seat yeah camille had a couple strong seasons on the tour and then was off doing other projects and was a wild card onto the tour this year and definitely validated that wild card by being here known for gigantic backflips off cliffs i love watching kemi armond ride he's such a strong athlete such a strong guy and he's so solid and balanced so as we see now over the exposure only way out of here is in the air oh that was nice keeping his speed absolutely flying camille hold it dude oh slightly sketched out on that toe edge that's a shame i love to see he took a slightly different path different trajectory off that upper air and found himself a clean landing oh the back flip oh no camille oh my goodness sorry derek i jumped i got so excited there jump straight over you this backflip came from nowhere just not quite able to hold it in the crust there for coming armand i said he was known for it he's he's shown that he loves it and another one there and that one clean to his feet a redemption flip at the bottom of the face for camille ramon absolutely he was like guys see i can land them see that's fine but the first one was absolutely huge it looked like he kind of it was a bit of a pre-takeoff on that clip as well but wow absolutely loving that a lot of respect for the guys at the bottom that's victor what a committed committed place so let's have a look kamir mon entering this again so steep so difficult and then nice and clean as he makes his way down i love the way he took this over the bomb holes out to the right a clean landing after so many riders have been through there that's what you dream of as a competitive free rider and then that you can see it was an early takeoff and then he just if you put enough impact on the snow there where it's kind of flat you do break through the crust and unfortunately camille going down in that punch crust but the rest of the run spectacular had us on the edge of our seats you've got to say if you'd have landed that back flip in that position going at that speed he would have been a contender for the podium for sure i'd say absolutely yeah camille armand he is known for going full throttle he doesn't want to come forth he wants to win and he puts down his best on every single run he drops into on the freeride world tour and this was no different a huge backflip at the top and then the redemption flip at the bottom now the two buddies these guys are travel companions they ride together all the time good to see them catching up and you know camille is stoked for victor as he is sitting in the hot seat there you go camille sits in fifth place 60.33 which means your extreme vervier snowball men's winner is victor de la rue and doesn't he deserve it derek you've got to say he sure does that was spectacular and you said it the force of people knees victor shouting out that homies back where he is from incredible incredible run from victor edging out cody bramwell and blake moeller so really interested to see what that does to the math semiluci ending up in fourth tammy armond and nils mindyk both with significant control issues on the face today in fifth and sixth absolutely i'm definitely not even going to try and do the math this time to work out the full rankings but we'll have that on screen for you very soon but that was a fantastic men's competition absolutely loved it but i think just seeing victor just not putting on the brakes at all is just exactly what you want to see that is what the the extreme verbiage is all about isn't it it really is that was the exact thing that you want to see on this face and time and time again runs like that are successful in verbier on the back on the pity back we call it petite because it's smaller than the bechte ross but it is not small by any stretch of the imagination it's still a massive face it's so steep and for victor to go out that aggressively that hot is just so impressive absolutely wow the adrenaline was pumping on that one i mean cody set the bar didn't he with the first run that he came out firing with that backflip at the bottom oh my goodness yeah that was exciting and it was exactly what we expected to see fireworks from the snowboard men's field every single man in that startlist could could have won but victor was the one who put the puzzle pieces together he played the game and he knew exactly where he's going and he did not release the throttle from top to bottom which is really at this stage and in this field the way to get it done absolutely you kind of see where camille kind of lost his edge a bit chattering when he was on that toe edge and maybe victor didn't get any of that because he was just going going straight down the fall line pretty much yeah i mean there is a way to keep the forces from bouncing you around and that's just to not let the build up by not turning if you keep your board in the fall line you reduce the forces but it has the uh you know the addition of while you're not building up forces you are increasing your speed accelerating the whole way down and the pitch relentless kendall let's take a look at what happened with the overall there you go your world champion of three ride world tour snowboard men is victor de la rue oh it popped off the screen a bit quick there can we have that back that was very fast but there you go there's our winner didn't even get to the second and third but i believe we might be going to an interview with jenny fairly soon victor looks pretty happy on that hot seat though doesn't he he's not going anywhere he is happy so excited he did what he needed to do bumped himself into the top spot and he is our new free ride world tour world champion there's the microphone coming into the side of shot that means jenny's primed and ready victor's getting his watch on making himself at home okay let's head over to jenny for the interview victor congratulations you're the extreme vervier champion right now you came into that run like a rocket how was that feeling going through the double that double cliff that you took oh yeah the double cliff was uh really scary peppery and steeper and i took so much speed afterwards and i just had time to do two turns and my next feature was already there and i thought i would have way much more time to get it uh yeah and just so that i'm stoked on on riding fast and doing that three and yeah getting to the streets and yeah making a good score yeah and i thought yeah i feel like you know it's the petty back but you're still as excited to ride down that yeah definitely well i was at petite back and looking i was on the summit and i was looking at the line i was supposed to do on the other one and i was like whoo maybe good thing we're riding on the small one it's like a big one is really like a monster thing and yeah but like a ninja coming down there you had the freestyle you had the airs you had the cliffs you had the whole thing basically what extreme verbier is all about how are you feeling now about being the champ and the overall freeride world champion i definitely didn't expect that but i was just trying to just focus on my run and not care about what was happening around and yeah my run happened way too fast but i just made it so i'm really happy enjoy being the winner congratulations jenny well zav you're gonna hear about that over dinner for many years to come your little brother did it oh yeah there's a party lining up i couldn't help myself shouting in the tv room out there watching him i bet but you know he thoroughly deserved it what a run no i'm so proud like the way he rode that's so insane because yeah he took so much speed let it go kept kept the flow you know i really loved that there was really no hesitation moments and and that's like something that uh yeah he's improved a lot on yeah and you could see that yeah his skills are becoming really broad right now and yeah i was really scared i knew he was gonna hit that double and you see the the speed he had and with that snow to shut it down it took him almost till the next feature and he still managed to throw that three which was uh really good and not easy he put a little hand down there but kept the flow and and it's all about keeping that flow especially in snowboarding you can't traverse that much otherwise it really cuts the kind of the rhythm of your line yeah exactly and as we said in the commentary that's that's the extreme verb for you that's what you want to see don't you just want to see guns blazing straight down yeah exactly there's the space for it so why not use it and uh yeah it's been done brilliantly there well there's the overall standing victor in first place blake muller in second and cody bramwell from the uk in third in the overall what a fantastic season for cody as well yeah like the young guns are bringing a really good fresh air into immense snowboarding like they've got their tricks really dialed and you can tell that they need a tiny bit of experience on more alpine terrain like here but they will get it by next year and i can't wait already for the next additions absolutely and blake is rookie season fantastic result him second overall well done blake okay we're moving on to the final event it is the ski men getting creative with the transfer airs with a massive flip back to ross is so special because it's so long and so steep so it's the closest you can come to flying in good snow you just flow down that mountain okay ski men coming up but what can we expect to see from them how may it be slightly different from the snowboard competition well i think they're gonna be uh like charging as they always do yeah they always they're they're beasts and there are a lot of them and they're all really really talented and really hungry definitely they are hungry today well before we get into the event let's see how the men's skiing has gone down so far this season free ride world tour icons like renee barker and christopher turtle had to be on their guard this season as the rookies came in hot making his debut in andorra u.s rider ross tester unleashed a deep bag of tricks to claim the podium's top spot tester came up short on a backflip during his second competition day in andorra but he managed to repeat his debut success with another win in fieberbrunn this secured him first place in the overall rankings i don't like wearing the golden bib because i think it's bad luck i'm stoked to get on the back i've always wanted to ski it another rookie to keep tabs on is french rider mael olivier who currently occupies fourth place in the overall rankings with a second and fourth place finish in andorra but the consistency and experience of previous champs is not to be underestimated after turtle struggled in the first competition of the season he delivered his solid and controlled riding style in the following two events and made it onto the podium at both the same applies to rennie barker who took third place in the second compnandora and undeterred by the crusty snow conditions in beaverburn he took second place currently the two veterans share the second spot in the overall rankings with mael olivier andrew pollard and carl regner erickson hot on their heels so ross tesla in his rookie year sitting at top of the ranking let's have a look at that ross closely followed by renee barcarey and christopher turtle in joint second a very big season for for ross yeah it's pretty impressive what he's been bringing in there but yeah once again it's a different story always on the back with a more alpine terrain and it's gonna be nice to see a bit like the battle between the rookies and the older generation like see what's the difference yeah absolutely yeah because ross you know he's quite new school he's got a few tricks up his sleeve whereas the swedes renae and christopher sitting right behind him renee especially is a he's a charger isn't he yeah they both are chargers machines really experienced and uh this is ross on screen right now you can see some of what he's been up to in the season you can see very technical big tricks yeah like like there's a level right now which i never imagined would come onto the tour like this is uh yeah you can't not just ski down anymore exactly it is completely wide open you never know where this event can go and you know as abba said the winner takes it all so the swedes will definitely know that anyone could take it today yeah they've got the experience and i would say the rookies they've got the freshness and they're going to bring something else so i think it's going to be really interesting and once again the beck deros is going to show where are we at with the level of free riding i can tell you're getting excited about this one it's gonna be good isn't it oh yeah yeah i know it's gonna be big it will it will well the ski men's competition is coming up very quickly but before that we've got a little video of how sometimes it doesn't quite go to plan featuring carl renyer erickson here we go first time i was back on skis after the crash was actually back here in ora i had two weeks off because my my body was so sore felt like i was like 85 years old after that crash i couldn't walk or anything i was so sore my whole body the crash didn't change my confidence in skiing i know i can ski down victoros but it made me look different at competitive skiing i think and what skiing i should do when competing like what line choices i make yeah my main goal for for this season is to actually ride what i want to ride because i didn't feel like last year i tried to to ski the winning line you know but this winter i want to ski the way i want to ski or like try to find the most fun line that fits my skiing i feel more confident this winter actually i'm really excited [Applause] [Music] well good to see cole back and didn't get too injured on that one it's a horrific crash isn't it that was unbelievable carl definitely he said it there he was rattled after that i mean anyone would be said he was so sore felt like he'd been hit by a truck uh but really excited to see carl he's been he's been skiing really well this year and and i like that approach that he just mentioned what he said he's choosing lines that suit his style that he wants to ski rather than trying to choose something that just fits the judge's criteria exactly i mean obviously you don't want to push it you've got to push yourself a little but when you're riding something like this it can go horribly wrong very quickly can't it yeah exactly so taking a look at where we are sitting right now it is tight tight tight at the top of the leaderboard very much so ross tester sitting in first place in his rookie year christopher turdell in second and renee barbara joint second male olivia in fourth andrew pollard and well there you go yeah so moving on down there it's anybody's game basically ross he needs to finish on the podium today to secure the title beyond that it gets a lot more complicated so let the riders do their runs and let the math take care of itself this is our start order for the extreme verbiage today absolutely you could see there the the three swedes looking quite far down the pack and ross tests that even further in twelfth so he's going to be right at the end of the end of the day basically dropping last i think today is possibly a huge advantage for ross because he's gonna know exactly what he needs to do he needs to finish in the top three to lock it in but if christopher and reina don't have great runs then he knows it doesn't have to be quite as as crazy but we heard you and xavier chatting before about what it's going to be i think we're going to see a lot of runs in the sort of frame that we saw victor go that absolutely full throttle with tricks but really no slowing down you know carrying speed the entire way from top to bottom as every single man on this start list wants to win the extreme verbier title is one of the biggest things you can win the trophy you know everybody wants that on their mantelpiece so they're certainly going to go out firing to get it it's kind of the equivalent of winning wimbledon in tennis isn't it if you win wimbledon you're famous in tennis forever same with this if you win this once you're a legend you are a legend and speaking of legends we've got two established ones and one in the making christopher turdell 82 percent of you voted to see him on the podium rena barker ed you can't count him out he's got three titles on this face he knows what to do and how to make it happen and then the young rookie ross tester california kid out of the free ski team he well it's possible it's definitely possible and ross has shown that he's got such a broad scope of skills that i feel good about him riding on this face i think he's going to show us what he's got well there we go skier number one kiwi blake marshall aged 26 second season on the tour this guy can charge connie he kicked off the season on the podium in in andorra he knows how to do it he's from a ski instructing background his technique flawless he's always good but he's got such a deep bag of freestyle tricks i can't wait to see him put those two things together here on the back today imagine him being your ski instructor keep up with me kids no thanks all right here we go blake what do you got for us little drop taking it right into the section at the top fast fluid and smooth adding a little shifty now into the guts of the face right into the heart moving across carrying a lot of speed blake marshall staying balanced and looking to find his next feature if we're going to see him add a piece of his deep freestyle bag maybe he's looking for that hit let's see oh maybe this is the one winding up what i mean derek what was that like some kind of 720 court seven for blake right off the top so incredible for blake marshall i did not expect to see that in that feature i think it looked like he was putting his hands on his head he didn't know what happened either that was unbelievable what a way to start the ski man off i love it when people land something and their arms kind of come up to their sides if to say oh oh i'm riding away what happened and it almost looked like the takeoff was not quite perfect but he still stomped it yeah we'll get another look at blake's run so winding up and just pitching so definitely a significant back slap there for blake judges they're they're gonna see it they notice everything um just absolutely throwing it down there and really showing i think a taste of what we're gonna see today that was so sick that kind of came from nowhere for me i've gotta admit well uh absolutely put it down and it's the first 7 20 of the day yeah he just said it was a bio he thinks when the writers don't even know exactly what they did but unbelievable getting the rotation around just a bit of a back slap so the judge is now going to have their have their time to think about it uh blake marshall kicking the ski man off with a bang we knew we were going to see fireworks today from this field yeah and i wonder if he's going to follow in cody brownwell's footsteps from the snowball men and put in a really high score and get that hot seat for a while because i mean there wasn't too much wrong with that run was there no little bit of a blip there on on the landing on that on that bio seven but uh blake marshall really in the difficult section so 77 the judge is giving themselves some room you know easier for them to throw out an 89 at the start of the snowboard men's field when you only have five guys we have 12 men dropping in this field so the judges don't want to paint themselves into a corner with their scores and put it too high too early if what they see from now on doesn't match that then that becomes the top score of the day but wow blake marshall really just getting us going with a bang so exciting to see him do that and i'd love to see him smiling in the finish area what a start that was absolutely fantastic next up though leo slemit from france an absolute legend on the freeride world tour champion in 2017 desperately wants to win here he has been very vocal leo has missed the entire competitive season to an arm injury but he came back just for this we're going to see this is a serious threat on any day and on the back you cannot underestimate how good leo slam it is he's ridiculously good and he's gonna go for it he's got nothing to lose today he's not playing for an overall ranking like you said so he just wants that title but he's gonna have to go big if he wants it getting up high here as he moves above a ton of exposure leo slammit putting himself right into the heart of this face where is he going there's no room for air on this section leo like a mountain goat just cat light through and right off the nose in the sun oh what's a line what a line that is derrick wow well leos lemon laying claim right now wanting to win with a massive backup oh hold it no oh leo oh my goodness it was there it was on a knife edge wasn't it oh leo slemit coming so close to putting down what could have been the winning run on the pizzi back to ross today that was incredible you can always count on leo to go into the absolute most gnarly part of the face and then do something mind-bending just having him going across above all that exposure looks like he's holding his knee i hope leo's all right definitely he's just just just back from the arm injury holding his leg there he put it all on the line for the win there that was unbelievable from leo's limit i can't believe it well we you know we said at the top he was just here for this title and he knew he had to do something special and he certainly did it was just so unfortunate that he couldn't hold that landing on the backflip absolutely massive looks like he's slightly winded himself or took a few knocks but hopefully he's okay all right let's have a look at this so line score and air in style right up against the ceiling he went into the most difficult most exposed part of the face and then just sent it look he hits that sun patch and straight off the nose oh it looks like he's flat landing he did look quite heavy on that landing but someone else would have stopped he went no i'm still going for my massive backflip oh a little bit flat landing there as well by the looks of it and just couldn't hold it yeah i think you're right i heard a couple riders talking about that looker's left side of the face as having some nice options but the landings all looked a little too flat 58-33 so leo limping his way off the podium i really hope he's okay that was that was spectacular fireworks right now in the ski men's category this is what we signed up for and this is what we're getting didn't we just i'm so stoked with the first two runs it just goes to show there's no holding back on the petty back oh okay next up we have got austrian tao kriebek a23 a wild card on the tour yeah so unfortunately we lost our reigning tour champion and the ski men's side isaac freeland injured in austria and had to uh had to make his way home but tau cryback benefiting from that as he was the one man on the downside of the cut so he got the wild card and tau cryback he's got so much freestyle in his game and i'm really interested to see where he's going to plant it here or does he go pure big mountain into this double similar to victor just catching the side of the second one tau karbak now picking up speed in his run he is picking up speed let's see if he can hold it there's a 360. put that down beautifully cheeky 360 cross court up above the exposure now moving into this section he's above a lot of a lot of rock he's going to find his way into this section through a little double and puts himself above this big nose yes and holds it holding on tau cryback just by his fingernails to that run just managing to stay on his feet and now speeding across towards the wind lift let's see if tao is going to get enough yes catching the tail grab there on the shifty definitely playing it smart as tal kreiback has been one of the one of the men who has done the most great runs that have ended at heartbreak right at the end so you hate to see somebody do that and tal playing it smart there off the wind lift just keeping it together oh wow cryback he looked like a man relieved there what a run though fantastic started off he looked really confident for a wild card he sure did yeah really technical with those jump turns approaching the air the 360 across and then he put himself right into the heart of it here above all this exposure step stepping into it and then straight off the nose over all that rock that's definitely going to count as a back slap for the judges you could see him get laid down there kind of bouncing out the arm going out they notice those things the details the fine details that's what the judges are looking for because they have to break this down especially with those slo-mo replays but let's uh hope he gets a decent score for that met his mom and dad this week they're staying in my hotel lovely people and uh they actually told me a little fact that he was born in senegal in africa lived his first year there so that was a good fact first uh african-born rider down the back perhaps 66 points for tom cryback dropping him into second spot behind blake marshall blake holding on another challenge there a couple of big ones out but are knocked out but still so much talent up here at the top of the black hey mom and dad there you go hopefully there i don't know what time it is in new zealand right now i think it's the evening they'll probably be watching okay next up then aymar navarro now this guy he he doesn't hold back does he imar navarro is a wild man we we've seen it everywhere we go he goes full throttle he will find the biggest thing on the face with the narrowest margin for error and fly at full speed into it he only has one speed and imar navarro on course now on the back we're gonna see where he ends up i can't wait to see him unleash on this face do not take your eyes off the screen for this had an absolutely incredible running fever run and was unlucky when he lost a ski we perhaps would have taken the win there but looks like he's checking out something big but when he lets go he's gonna fly right off the biggest part into a huge double for tomorrow pinned and catching another piece at the bottom his run blink and you miss it the biggest double on the face the biggest place you could go and sending it absolutely to the moon look how happy he is absolutely going wild pumping the fists that was fantastic and it must just feel so good after being so lucky in february to put that run down yes you celebrate my friend we are in an era where freestyle is almost mandatory in the freeride world tour but navarro a throwback to pure big mountain freeride abs look at the fluidity you couldn't be more fluid huge to huge to straight line and then this last little section just floating over it imar navarro it's what we knew we were gonna see what we all had our fingers crossed for the classic navarro that was magnificent look at that look at that follow cam a bit the drone can't keep up with him yes i love that that was absolutely fantastic that is what the extreme verbiage is all about again look at that line across across across and then straight down yeah imar navarro 8633 moving into first place unreal run and navarro taking the hot seat i think out there especially in the in in spain and andorra everybody rooting for this guy it's the first time can you believe that he's been on the bechte ross in the extreme verbiage well imagine i think that was why maybe that emotion came out of him because he must have wanted to do that for years to ride here and show what he can do and he just did it and just blew everyone away unbelievable okay mile oliver next from france currently fourth overall 27 years old a rookie this year what can you expect from my album olivia we've been calling the veteran rookie he's an extremely experienced rider he lost a couple years to injury he had a big head injury he took the time to come back and he it was worth it as he was holding the golden bib early on in the season such a strong skier look how fast he's going already into the run miele always going big and he's got such a great spirit he's happy he's smiling now up high into this exposed section you can see imar's track there that just looks like a stripe olivier clean so far holding on and looking like oh just punching into that wind drift mile olivier going from a hundred to zero in one meter he's okay arms are up though it was almost like if it looked like he'd lost his bearings for a moment and wasn't quite sure about charging and keeping going as fast as he could and hit the brakes and it was all over but he's okay that's the main thing yeah and it it is it's quite ruthless on this face if you put your skis across the fall line with that speed well of course you're gonna go the direction that you pointed your skis and in that moment the direction of skis were pointed to there was that wind lip there and there was nothing he could do he was into it before he could blink things come at you so quickly when you're going that fast absolutely he's smiling though he's happy there's always got to be that little bit of relief when you make it down unscathed so let's take a look you can see him he takes off landon getting sat down a little bit now this is where he's accelerating more than he wanted to he put his skis across the face and and that's it's one of the things we work on with the juniors when we're coaching if you're out of balance and you try to make a turn it's not going to work you have to wait in the fall line you have to put yourself in navarro town wait in the fall line and let your balance come back and then move but it is so against instinct to do that because you're like i need to slow down right now exactly he was just in the back seat a little bit too much couldn't get control again and there and the judges will have noticed but still a fine run miele fifth place 47.33 so mile not going to be in contention for the extreme verbiage title today but he's leaving the podium or he's leaving the finish area with a smile on his face and a big props to imar navarro is everybody kind of low-key rooting for navarro to put down one of his classic runs and he certainly did that so having a look at the backdrop here verbier just coming out and showing it's best for us here the extreme variability back up to the top and this is another one i'm really excited about kendall exactly true uh drew tabke an absolute legend on the tour 13 seasons this guy's been around he's like part of the furniture isn't he and he's absolutely beloved by everyone on the tour yeah uncle drew he's been such a mentor to some of the north american riders he's always got a different take on the face and he just loves to make his creative sort of statement he's a bit of an artist really on the mountain you're going a bit of a ski has left a bit of a different line here running some fresh turns if there's one thing you can count on from drew it's a different take on the face he's got always the creative moves cross-court variations transfers coming down out down into this mandatory section but from the different angle and now picking up speed drew tapke moving cross hill and getting in above the exposure floating it out he loves that lofty move and finding two where other people only had one tabking now straight off the nose and just yes avoiding the bomb hole drew tapki keeping us on our toes true that was a fantastic run so floaty with some of those airs he was almost lifting his arms giving it a bit of a spread eagle going over is he hitting the wall there's the backing massive huge back flip from tapki you could see he was just trying to carry speed holding that edge and picking up speed it's really hard to tell from at home but it's so flat on the approach to that but tap key managing to keep the speed up by just a nice clean edge and then laying down the tap key backflip you love to see it so smooth like you said lofty he always just hangs in the air for a little longer than you think he's going to got more hang time than michael jordan that guy it's fantastic and that backflip what a crowd pleaser yes tabas here we go just popped a little bit early and just floated into that transition yeah and again finding two heirs into that exposed zone where everyone else only had one catching a couple turns to control himself finding the right spot to land in and then drew tabke just hitting the gas wide open look at this massive lofty backflip as he rides out guaranteed with a massive grin on his face so so far the veterans really putting it down on the extreme verbiage today yeah for sure and i think you're right about drew when he said it was he's creative it felt creative that line it just looked like he was just having fun and just kind of popping off a few different little obstacles but will he be amar navarro 86.33 still to be getting into that hot seat those runs couldn't have been more different drew moving cross hill cross hill pop pop boing boing playful fun navarro put himself into position and then hit the rocket boosters and pretty much the afterburner through the finish line one second later they were so different this is where it's so difficult to be a judge when the runs are completely different in character you just have to hit the criteria line score fluidity control technique all of those things and just see which one stacks up on top but both of those runs to me were absolute magic on the back today yeah for sure and yeah like you said in totally different ways but equally as special i've got a lot of time for drew's backflip though yes tabas that was sweet let's see i mean taking a while for the scores to come in you know when it takes a while that the judges are really deliberating they're they're matching the criteria up run to run to see which one is going to come out here we go second place 80.33 still a fantastic score for drew imar's big mountain mastery holding strong drew tabke definitely a solid claim there for second place and you can see the camaraderie amongst the riders everybody's stoked to see imar put it down drew tabke happy he's he's pumped for his buddy also for himself because he did his his plan and and drew tap he's stoked to be out here on any given day absolutely he absolutely loved that what a way to uh to finish the day for tabbers okay next up andrew pollard from the states age 26. got a fantastic mullet this man third season on the tour andrew pollard the air appearance to drew's title as most creative man on the face riding out out to utah definitely missing his sister jacqueline on the tour this year she's been a title threat every year she's out injured so jacqueline we miss you out here andrew similar to what we've seen but so fast and smooth as he comes into the mandatory air really really solid so far for andrew pollard where's he going up there you're right it's his creative line into the sun scoping out another little drop into that slight little buck on the hardish land in there but he's still flowing andrew signature smooth riding packing featured a feature to feature and finding a kind of different link most of the guys went into that really exposed section where you had to air out but andrew going across and then still motoring with a huge 360 across clean landing he's going to bug me later for saying that was huge it was a 360. but andrew pollard clean and smooth to the bottom nice clean run for andrew pollard and he is through the gate this has got to be one of the biggest moments of relief for any free ride athlete to be in the finish area back to ross your run's done the fear is over and the season's done you can just kind of let that stress slide off absolutely it must be an incredible come down quite a lovely little line from the drone there uh popping into that gully he had quite a few hits didn't he it was packed with with a variety that run he did yeah and he's kind of known for that he just packs the features together when they're when they're compressed like that you really have to lean on the technique and then the 360 at the bottom nice and clean smoothing on his feet hands up done relief andrew pollard gonna have a smile on his face as he looks to his his mentor there drew tabke these two guys have so much in common in the way they interpret the face and kind of just their overall take on skiing always smooth always fluid and really fun to watch yeah they absolutely they just love it they are the biggest ski fans absolutely loving it and they're going to be absolutely stoked for their runs today so just waiting for andrew's score to come in here it comes third place 78.67 so podium position at the moment for andrew and we're about halfway through the running order so still a ways to go yet yeah we say podium position but with this many talented skiers at the top there is nothing nothing decided yet here is our current standings right now as we said there you go aymar navarro in first three taps in second andrew pollo pollard third blake marshall and tau coming up in fourth and fifth after that so we're going into our first swede of the day next carl renyer erickson the guy we saw earlier taking that horrific crash but he's back in verbier to make amends yeah the swedes are stacked up back to back to back often they scope together they ride together they spend a lot of time together and we see similar lines from them hard to say if we will today carl definitely looking to put his own stamp on this getting high up out of the start and looking to start things off right away with a little airplane turn into that shoot off the drop kyle right now erickson he's got the tricks he he can apply it kind of anywhere which makes him really exciting rider to watch yeah definitely would you say he's the most freestyle orientated of the swedes 100 yeah he's the youngest of them turdell and uh and with a flat three to his feet he's been claiming or promising all year to do that and he finally brings it out when it matters erickson a huge flat three at the top and then another clean drop there super smooth for the young swede and a redemption run on the bechter ross as the last time he was here when we started from the top he had that crazy crazy crash took him a while to shake it off but man that's got to feel good the flat 3 in an early interview with the peak performance fun bet he said if you vote for me i'll do a flat three oh really did he make that match and he delivered there it is so carl delivering on a promise and imar navarro has been an unofficial oh look at that with the japan grab so clean and the stop absolutely bang on so karl ragner erickson that combo of big mountain speed and freestyle this is this is a strong strong run for carl and you gotta think he's gonna be happy and the other members of team sweden that are stacked up there at the top are gonna be looking down stoked for their buddy that flat three as well the way he took off it it didn't look huge at first but he just kept dropping didn't it was bigger than bigger than you thought yeah that's the thing about the back is is if you put yourself off an air that goes up it's going to drop away but it's not enough to knock anymore off the seat second place though 83 what was this 83 or 80. but still the judge is still favouring aymar i'mar navarro sitting pretty in the hot seat one more challenger down for him but we've got a few big ones here christopher turdell the next man in the gate he's won the tour but he has not won in verbier where's the bride made never the bride in vervier i think a lot of people would love to see christopher take the title here absolutely lovely guy fantastic skier and definitely got potential to take it so good luck christopher let's see what he's got sitting in a tie at the second place position with his good friend irena barcaret similar entrance we saw to carl often like we said these guys skiing fairly similar zones similar lines look how steep this is just littered with rocks and boulders so clean so smooth it's turdell's trademark he makes it look smooth when it's not smooth he does he just go it's got that kind of almost floating on the snow kind of look to him hasn't he always kind of light feet now we haven't seen anybody in here christopher turdell crossbow so clean there for turdell wow so smooth so clean and finding something we haven't seen anyone else here turdell wow that was an incredible run now he's going to make his way over to the extra credit wind lip and see what he can throw there you go what a landing spot he's he kind of landed in between two rocks yeah he zigzag skiers uh skiers left and then cut instantly back and transitions straight into that sweet spot of the landing he's over the moon with that and so he should be [Music] and the first thing he does is give it a more props for his run that says it all doesn't it you you see his legs barely flex when he lands he always finds the down sloping transition to take the impact out of it and cross-court the imagery there of the sloth just pouring over the cliff as he's in the air look at this so clean so smooth the backflip at the bottom christopher turdell definitely doing what he needs to do but the story when he comes down and sees navarro in the hot seat and he just is so excited oh he's there though christopher taking first place 90.67 it was enough i think the the judges must have just loved that line it had a bit of everything and the back flip for good measure at the bottom just did enough to get himself into the hot seat so congratulations christopher but don't get too comfortable because it's your fellow swede coming up next that could quite easily knock you off that spot that is a huge score for christopher turdell as we said the airs were huge big big exposure so the commitment to your success has to be 100 and christopher just backing himself across the board there and doing what needs to be done but you said it here this man he's kind of the mentor to those last two that have dropped rennet barclay he's won here multiple times what is he gonna have in store for us here you go 38 years old so experienced 13 seasons on the tour if you get chance go to the uh the freeride world tour website and check out his run from free boom because it was absolutely unbelievable so maybe you can bring a bit of that flavor to the petty back let's see miranda barker head going across to this skiers right side in that exposed cooler there's only one way out of here and then she's going to add a couple one above it now renny picking up speed going up high on this and getting over into the zone where we saw leo slimeko huge huge exposure underneath as he points it right off the nose and into navarro town brandon parker is that pretty much the same line exactly the same line as we saw i'm our navarro ski so clean so smooth so big possibly even making it look a bit more controlled even than navarro do you want to flip at the bottom hold on ready oh my goodness no rainer my heart just broke in half wow granny barker head on the extra credit backflip just dumping it down after a mind-blowing run finding the same zone as imar and then my heart just sank that would have been the difference surely it could have been the difference between getting him in that hot seat if he'd have just put that back flip down oh hugs from the crew as everybody is just in disbelief navarro just shaking his head as he thought he had it and then to see renee to the same line but with a backflip at the bottom how clean did he land they're so strong the mayor of stone town absolutely what went wrong he just overcooked it a little bit a tiny bit he was just a little bit back and then up on the tails of his skis and unfortunately he kind of ran out of tails of his skis to ride on as he got further and further and further back and ended up putting his back down uh in in the big wheelie renee parker head that was an incredible run so so committed so fast everything you expect from rennet except the fall we don't see that very often oh my goodness that was when he did the baffling i was like oh that's that could be the game changer here yeah absolutely and renee for sure you know he's such a humble uh such a humble guy he's gonna be shaking his head that that when he went down it was on probably the smallest feature in his run at low speed and almost like uh yeah heartbreaking heartbreaking to see it end down there with with a huge control issue for rennet barcrad but what a show that line the two of them must have scoped that together because that was just bonkers yeah and you could just see the way they all they all gathered around rainey and gave him a hug luckily if you're wondering they are all in a bubble for uh covid safety wise so everyone's had tests and that it is completely safe so they do get a little bit exciting over the hug but do not worry it's all uh within their bubble and the emotions running high after watching one of your best friends just put down the run of the day almost maybe who knows how the judges would have seen it but one of the runs of my day and then fall at the bottom it's just it's heartbreaking but it is the sport and this is where they put themselves on the line and they know there's risk they know there's consequence and even with the move like that obviously ren is fine but the consequence there was in his result oh seventh which is still a pretty strong result with a crash 7233 just gives you a sense of the strength of that run when he can be in that in the low 70s even with the fault it just makes you realize the the fine margin of error i mean just that backflip it could have been completely different it could have been a podium place or even a first place for renee but well done for an incredible run that certainly got us off our seats didn't it derek absolutely absolutely the excitement just building and building and building in the ski men's field and it is not slowing down because this guy is a serious challenge for christopher spot in the hot seat yes waderk gorak he's won here before in 2019 he can absolutely fly down a mountain he looks pretty psyched there stomping his feet and he's on course him and reyna the only man in the field with uh extreme verbiage victories under their belt he is known for humongous backflips kind of that pure big mountain style but adding the double there water gorek now picking up speed as he gets control gets on that left ski and heads over into this lower section where we may see a 360. i did not see that coming from the backflip master well wada gorak proving that he is not a one-trick pony and continuing to make his way down things are looking strange still coming it is there you called it the backflip master and he landed it absolutely perfectly big three and a huge backflip that looked like such an awkward place to do a backflip and i wouldn't back anyone to do it but gorak and he has not done another huge one at the bottom dead clean you can see him stall it out there and just push his feet back underneath him to finish the flip and bring it in clean two flips and a 360 as well as the big drop at the top that's going to be a challenger what egg is stuff they love it look at the psychness is that a word psychonus i don't know but he's absolutely pumped right now absolutely doubling down on the backflip he's stoked i mean i really can't call this anymore i don't know what the judges will make of that so the double at the top catching that left footer and then moving across here into a 360. something i really honestly didn't think we'd see from water gorak you saw his ski get caught up there in a track and then this flip bang right to bolts absolutely perfectly over his skis and then the extra credit flip at the bottom definitely i don't know what the judges are going to do with that that was so packed possibly line score a little bit lower than the difficult zones we saw imar and christopher go into but so packed with tricks and features ah the 360 as well i mean he's going he's doing that into quite a track landing now as well so you've got to take that into consideration of uh how how important it is to when you stomp something that high up it's it's quite a risky area to be bossing out of 360. well that's exactly right and the judges recognize those things when you are taking risk over exposure or in areas where a mistake would be catastrophic 88 points in second place second place but it's still not enough to knock christopher off the top spot fantastic run though he's got to be stoked with that he did everything he came to do well juan at gorak he's got a title and now the worst he can do is still be on the podium in third because there's only one man left at the top of the mountain and that man is in the golden bib he's the rookie at a valley his junior coach carrie is here he's been helping him out he kind of is following the path of a couple other young americans and and really following in george rodney's footsteps is coming right out of the u.s from a freestyle or sorry ski racing background building the skills in junior freeride and then coming to the tour as a rookie and standing on top ross tester wow dictates the tour absolutely he's got to go for it a lot of pressure on this man's shoulders good luck ross so clean drop at the top we saw christopher and carl use that same entry feature and now coming across ross tester off here over the rock nice and clean he's got such a gorgeous mix of perfect technique and freestyle i feel like he is him and isaac feeling the future of free ride so getting a little bit of a straight air there definitely that's probably not what ross was hoping for as he is such a freestyle oriented rider yeah he would have needed a trick there would have been hoping for a trick but maybe he can make amends a little bit further down and step it up a little bit massive backflip that's huge a huge backflip for ross tester that was gigantic and so clean on the landing here you see now the technique that he shows super clean riding he's gonna head over to the extra credit winlip and ross tester definitely making a case for it the big shifty so this is where things are gonna get so interesting kendall he needed to finish on the podium to secure the title okay christopher needed to win and have ross off the podium to secure the title i don't know if that was enough given what we saw from wadeck and imar and so many other riders and yeah it's spinning right now i'd say ross's ross's back flip was cleaner and maybe bigger than onex one but what it had the three so i don't know if it's going to bump him into second place over him very hard to call i'm not even gonna try at the moment so we see ross this big air at the top he started his line really strong you can see in the judges criteria technique pin line score possibly a little bit lower but this backflip was huge absolutely huge he exploded in out of the bomb hole in powder turdell loves it getting it a gentleman's applaud from christopher at the bottom the judges have the whole season in their hands right now this is tense moments for ross for christopher he's grinning ear to ear i mean whatever happens this young rookie has showed that he is a contender for overall titles for a year to come to be first year on the tour and be battling it out with christopher turdell a guy you probably had posters of on his wall it's just such an incredible path that this young man has traveled is it finally gonna be christopher's day on the back as well that'd be absolutely fantastic for him well he has wanted it so badly for so long and look at that look how chill he looks he's just like it does he takes it all in yeah he's happy he's smiling he's having a great time out here with his friends on the back in verbier on a gorgeous day kendall what i don't know i mean you could say that's a front with him that he's just trying to look cool but he is actually that chilled out isn't he he's pretty relaxed yeah i mean as far as professional free riders go he's got to be one of the mellowest of all until he pushes out of the start gate and he is he is really the jekyll and hyde there he turns into a completely different uh animal when he pushes out of the gate so judges really taking their time with this really i was about to say it's like they're building the tension with this one it's like watching the x factor or something wow come on put us out of our misery we want to know well you know they want to get it right so they're going gonna go they're gonna check and recheck every single detail every error every landing every feature for line score technique fluidity i mean ross's technique absolutely flawless but christopher's is too how do you put judge these two runs against each other i'm glad that's not my job today oh my me too me i would never want that job but they take it very seriously they want to get this right it's obviously important so judges take your time but not that long because we really want to know oh exciting times at the extreme verbier this is the 25th edition 25 times we've sat here and watched this show go down and year after year after year it never fails to disappoint it never disappoints exactly yeah you're right there you're right never disappoints the show you get on this mountain it seems to bring out the best in the ride 100 you when you say show you're exactly right because you know it's been the the ultimate show today hasn't it everyone's kind of stepped it up that level it's the one time it's live on you know on red bull tv and they want to put down their best runs so it's a big day for all of these athletes and i think they've all stepped up every single category all day long has just put it down and made us so proud to be involved to be part of the sport of freeride to see where it's come from over the years and where it has developed to now and where it's going i mean the future of this sport is so bright athletes like ross you know rookies that are coming in and immediately contending for titles it's so exciting to see to imagine where this is going to end up and still to have rainer like being that close at you know 38 years old absolutely flying down that mountain and uh it's just too close to call this well these two guys their hearts are beating i know mine is mine elevated so exciting so nervous anxious my palms are sweating i can only imagine what it feels like to be in that he looks fine yeah he's armed arm up on the chair totally chilled but inside he must be bursting to know like we all are come on judges well they're chatting they're taking their time they're going to get it right lola best there the commissioner just going through making sure that all the details are perfect you gotta dot your eyes and cross your tees when everything is on the line for the title for the extreme verbiage championship for all of it these two guys man they are really you've got to say as well the judging has been pretty spot on today i think they've it's been very hard event to call and i think they've got it i think they've got it really really right today you truly couldn't ask for a better group of people to have sitting in the judges panel fourth place ross wow okay 85.67 which means christopher turdell is your extreme verbier champion 2021. congratulations christopher how that affects the overall well we're gonna wait and see they're gonna run the math behind the scenes our production team we've got the best people to do it but christopher turdell the first time he has won the extreme verbier it's been a huge huge goal of his a life goal if you will and so for him to have wrapped that up that is an incredible feat and he did it in classic turdell style absolutely fantastic he deserves it i would definitely say there's the results of the event christopher turdell in first world gorek in second and aymar navarro with that sterling run in third place ross tessa the leader going into this competition in fourth so we're still waiting for the overall ranking to see who's going to be crowned world champion once the points are all added up i'm so pleased to see imar navarro on the podium in verbier that's something that he has been wanting he's wanted to come here for so long and it just had the stars having a line but this year putting it down here we go there it is world champion christopher turdell congratulations the man from sweden did it ross second place fantastic performance for him and third overall carl rainier erickson derek carl jumping way up the rankings and so sweden u.s sweden your top three watakara with another big step up in fourth overall wow unbelievable i think we can go down to the finish line and jenny jones who's with chris i just want to come and overall at least the team's congratulations you are the vervier extreme champion how long have you been waiting for this moment i know you ever since 2018 this has been my dream like i've been coming back to ski with all the friends on the tour and to have the best winters possible and the main goal competitions wise has always been to win on the back and now we're doing the petite pack so now i had to come back and do the big one again but is this true i won the comp end overall you have 100 won the overall freeride world tour wow how does that feel i don't know what to say i i didn't even aim to do that i just wanted to do a good result in this comp and i i don't know how that map worked out but that's unbelievable wow you said you had a dream about this last night yeah and i mean i i'm i'm doing uh tv episodes about trying to qualify to verb here and there was like super stressful all winter and now to come here uh it's unbelievable uh just i can't believe it's true you had such a super smooth line you you know you looked so technical great features off the cliffs and everything did you enjoy the run you know it's it's always when you look from it from the spectator's view you think you have so much time to hit features and do turns and all kinds of stuff and when you're in the run everything just comes so fast at you so it's hardly time to think you just try to remember what you memorized about turns and yeah i wanted to do a line with a little bit of freestyle tricks and big mountain skiing on the steep parts so super happy to be here it's unbelievable you really did your skiing was incredible i can see you shaking there i don't know what to say you need to take it all in this is it you've done it yeah thanks unbelievable and with this crew here yeah i got my girlfriend my brother is here too and oh it's unbelievable yeah and how do you think the rest of the swedish crew are gonna feel about this unbelievable i guess they're super happy for me i didn't see reyna's run would probably be up at the top too if he has landed his back flipped i was so sick to see him and i mr i think i'm are sincere today to see they do that huge double there that was just unbelievable i knew where they were going there but i did hardly think it was possible and how does it feel to have all that pressure now just lift off your shoulders and you have to start competing in freeride to to even come close to i can't just describe it it's you're so nervous i think i slept four or five hours this night and could barely eat breakfast and you're just trying to keep all your energy and focus on your run and to get in to that finnish arc with a landed run it's it's it's i can't describe it it's amazing a massive congratulations to you chris sucks thank you thanks guys okay well amazing result from christopher that was absolutely fantastic what did you make of that event zav well i think it was going to be big and it was big right like i really liked that there was a three really different styles on the podium like i mars double was super super impressive really it set the tone and and then christopher's run like so light on his feet in such an exposed zone was super super impressive really nice and gore also rocked yeah yeah amar's eight miles run was kind of well it kind of let yeah let's have a little oh we're gonna have a look at christopher turdell's the winning run now i mean fantastic to see him take the win yeah and especially like the zone where he went it's like uh yeah it's really a a big rollover and uh yeah it's been really impressive to see to see him go in that zone like you could see his confidence at the top like really yeah as the commentating as you guys said like you cannot see his keys moving he's just like swallowing every single bump and then just getting in there in that blind spot without stopping and just i love the little thing he didn't excuse to just get the direction uh into his jump that was um yeah it was a metal skin a slight little turn wasn't it into that pocket and landing perfectly between those two rocks it's just a little bit of precision and like you say he's just got that real kind of light technique of making it look so easy yeah kind of a little like almost like a jump into like setting his direction that was yeah really really impressive absolutely fantastic and he was so stoked when he first got down and he had to kind of wait out in the hot seat for a while but luckily no one knocked him off yeah because like with the skiers uh like it's always really a big battle and until the end you never know what's going to happen absolutely absolutely well what a day in general i mean what was well yeah i mean ross tester as well he came so close to taking the overall title what about his run today just wasn't quite enough yeah you could see that yeah he started well but then in the middle like he probably he probably missed something about robin like from what he wanted to do missed a trick at the at the start didn't he kind of just straight at that spot where a few people were doing three sixes on that yeah section exactly and i think that put him off a little bit and that was definitely not enough uh to knock off christopher tullo like the level is so high that you're not allowed to to have any any time in your line which is going to be a bit like flaky you have to be 100 from the top to the bottom absolutely unlucky that i mean still a sterling season for him he's got to be stoked either way and i think any of the skiers who i mean that there's the backflip again yeah absolutely put that down beautifully that was one of the tricks of the day for me yeah yeah there was a like leo tried it before like in a majestic way didn't stomp it but ross stomped it like really like big up to ross absolutely that was fantastic well yeah a fantastic event we're still waiting for uh derek is heading his way down to the podium so we're going to wait for them to set up the podium then we'll go down for the prize giving but what a day in general i mean let's go back and it feels like a long time ago the women's snowboarding that was a while back wasn't it when marion took the win true a lot of uh heavy moments i've had my adrenaline go through my body the whole day so yeah yeah yeah we're done it's time to celebrate to watch all these podiums and uh yeah celebrate the victory with all these guys exactly and i mean the ski women after after marion uh marion's win elizabeth garrettson as well how how stoked would she be winning in verbier in a home resort that run was still pretty spectacular yeah it was super spectacular it was so great to see some good skiing like and i like to me what stands out from watching her is the difference of seeing the way she controlled her skis to the other girls like she was really on it she had a like you could see that really good skin technique pays off yeah we can see her run again actually and very similar to her running in 2019 just focused and she never looked in doubt to to fall or make a mistake really it was absolutely just gung-ho skiing from her yeah and that way she dropped in like yeah get into that section really nicely no hesitation you can see it there she's pointing the line and then from there on it's just game on absolutely such a sick run she is used to all these rocks here you know like all this kind of terrain and yeah it has to make a huge difference because yeah like it's quite tough for north american athletes especially to come here and to be used to such rocky terrains like such alpine conditions yeah i think she's been absolutely loving the conditions as well i've been following her on instagram this week she's been skiing every day and hiking and finding cliffs to drop and you know has had a big week of skiing and what a what a good climax to the week yeah and it shows that yeah skiing is all about having fun and the more you have fun the more great things come out of it i think it's nice when you see those athletes not get caught up into just the game of just thinking of winning but they just love their sport they just have their passion thrilled their level and then that's what happened there absolutely all the way yeah and let's have a little chat about your little brother who definitely stepped up and made you proud today victor taking the win uh today and the petty back let's see his run again yeah i didn't know how it would like what it would make of that snow and uh like i thought i would see a lot more hesitation like in uh in that top section especially because that bubble is super tricky like even the skiers didn't nail it any bigger and like it's been great the way he's been just keeping his flow instead of trying to break too quickly and like there like he lost me i i don't know how he could manage that 360 and not jump in the exit that was super clean you know it's super important for snowboarders to kind of keep a direct line and like keep the flow because we don't like snowboarders don't have as much the possibility to traverse right and left to go and get features and i think that was a very good shot good choice which paid off really well yeah i think i think that was the difference in the end he decided to to kind of just commit to the the fall line and the speed of the bec and the steepness of that face really yeah but you saw we discussed earlier how you know like you could have two riders doing the same line and like the intensity and the personality and the mood that they put in it like gives so much personality to their lines and and i think that's what you could see in victor's line you know he was just slaying it and like when you see that commitment it makes all the difference absolutely how how stoked is he gonna be do you think tonight did he did he really believe in himself is he is he is he that competitive he wanted it that bad or was he just gonna see what happened today and do his best no i think yeah i think he just wanted to be proud about his line and just uh do something that yeah like would stand up for him stand out for him and and that's what he did and i don't know if you've ever parted with victor he just goes mental so i'm not planning to party with him if that's the case no i haven't but uh well i'm sure he'll want to tonight but not that there's a party i'm afraid it'll be straight back to our rooms socially distance of course but when he can i'm sure he will party one way or another one way or another all right let's talk again about marion haiti her season doing well the perfect season four wins out of four that is so special isn't it well it's historical like marion made history today and she made it in a brilliant way you know it was not a cheeky win it was a proper win so i think she can be really proud and she's worked hard to to get there and and she's really done it absolutely we see her run was like definitely way way way above the rest of the field so it's been uh yeah really nice to see that and yeah i think that in the next few years marion is going to keep on improving as well and just taking snowboarding to that space where you know we've been all waiting for him yeah by no means is she done with snowboarding is she she wants to keep stepping it up for sure yeah yeah and she's got great margins to do so she's got all the personality and everything that it takes to to do that yeah i'm very very proud of her yeah and again historic the first the one first woman i believe to take three wins on the back in a row so that's pretty historic as well she's you know putting putting records down everywhere yeah yeah yeah like yeah yeah fantastic for marion so we're still waiting for the uh the podium to be set up derek's flying down there as we speak to get in position oh there's a few shots look there's a few bottles of champagne kicking around derrick down there he's giving us a wave i think we might be able to go live to him helicopters are still flying around all right riders free ride fans and family a huge thanks to all the freeride world tour partners to verbier for hosting us on this magical day and for all of you athletes for just throwing it down for all of us we're gonna start off today with the competition results from the snowboard women's category in third place today let's hear it for erica verkender [Applause] [Music] all right and in the silver medal position from ferdibc katie anderson and rounding out the perfect season first time it's happened on the freeride world tour mario all right fam let's hear it for the podium at the extreme verbier the snowboard women one two and three [Music] [Applause] yeah i know it's time for a shower a nice delicious refreshing champagne shower i don't know how marion's going to carry that trophy down the mountain she's going to have to snowball down with that zav i think she's used to it now she'll be already has a great trick for it probably yeah i'm sure it's not going to stop her the champagne's out yeah this week congratulations to the winners the top three of the snowy women's competitions don't go anywhere because we are moving right on to the overall world title and in third place on the freeride world tour this year erica mike oh she can just stay perfectly there on the third position well done erica very consistent all season i think it's really interesting this year second place over on her first season has the other stops so it has really changed a lot the result at the end for the world title i think that's great because you're a free ride world tour you know we have the thrill all the way yeah mayan yes marianne another trophy to carry down congratulations what a worthy winner absolutely incredible snowboarding all season long and fully deserved if one champagne shower is good then two champagne showers is better absolutely [Music] tour champions there's definitely something in sport when you see a winner get emotional makes them so much more endearing instantly and you feel so much more stoked for them so marion what a fantastic day for you and uh congratulations that's incredible here's a couple of slow motions of marion once again [Applause] [Music] all right i think derek is primed and ready for the next podium i believe it's the ski women's silver medal today out of italy with the classic re3 ariana tricomi [Music] great to see ariana having a good day today oh yeah like she's had a really tough winter like she's had a really bad accent like she's been witnessing a bad avalanche accident and i think that has been pretty tough for her her skiing is so beautiful and our winner today on the back from right here in vermeer elizabeth [Applause] yes garrettson very much deserved 100 percent azav yeah yeah yeah like we forecasted it and it happened like just perfectly really exactly exactly fantastic local legend a lot of people in verbier will be very happy to see that result all right come on garrettson you can do it lift it up there you go elizabeth ariana jacoby and hedwig vessel [Music] it's nice to see elizabeth being there right now because like a few years back she was just in that group from the juniors in here in vermeer from the junior at walter club and she was just charging she was just being like one of those little rookies and like to see her here today is like pretty special absolutely i mean she's still you she's been on the tour for i think five seasons now but she's still only 25 years old it's still still pretty young yeah pretty young but like super mature in her skiing in her way to deal with the mountains like she's yeah she's been in a in between really great hands here in derby and she's taking it with pride yeah absolutely we've got to give a shout out to hedwig vessel as well who was so unlucky to come that close to becoming world champion herself only 20 points in it which it's going to be heartbreaking for her because she's had such an amazing season so you've got to say congratulations to her as well yeah for sure like because being in that like uh yellow sit uh like just before this event is always such a tough position you've got so much pressure on yourself and especially with this new system with more points counting for the verb your finals must have been really hard and and it didn't work out for like that little must be really tough to digest but yeah she's made women skiing really proud all season long though yeah and everybody will remember that 100 and and i think she'll be back more determined than ever next season to go one better and i'm sure she can absolutely do that so we're just waiting for the overall results of the rankings glorious third place out of poland nice to see a new nation on the podium like yeah it's great absolutely zuzana had a fantastic result in february at the last event which managed to get her here and she'll be absolutely on the planet position for the overall riding out of norway head big vessel [Music] there we go congratulations hedwig fantastic season and she still looks stoked and your free ride world tour champion once again from right here in vermeer elizabeth [Applause] yes elizabeth she still doesn't believe it right i think you're right i mean that going back to all the lines and the and the runs we've seen today i think one of the moments of the day was her reaction to winning it was i just got goosebumps thinking about it actually it was so emotional of her dawning on her face that she's the champion yeah she almost wanted to give it straight away to hedwig like that's so honorable from her yeah yeah absolutely an incredible winner just to show how much she knew hedvig was uh was so close and that would have been very disappointing to have it taken from under her nose but the results don't lie and that is the score so elizabeth you should enjoy this win you are the freeride world tour ski women's champion congratulations shake that champers [Music] your ski women's champion for 2021 on the free ride world tour congratulations ladies once again here's a run absolutely on it completely focused not a doubt in her mind really standing above her her keys like really keeping perfect control like beautiful yeah fantastic well done elizabeth okay we're just waiting for the snowboard men's podium to be set up we'll be back down to see derek for that again victor's big moment i know i know i should be down there throwing champagne on him i know man no don't you leave me you got a job to do first you can you can big him up live on tv don't worry about that but uh yeah how stoked is he gonna be right now well he's gonna be thrilled because yeah after that tough beginning of season you know like he he has kind of given up a bit on the on the title for today's competition in third place give it up for blake muller [Music] [Music] and taking the number two spot in the snowboard men's division today cody bramwell [Music] [Applause] cody bramrall from the uk the first i believe the first person from the uk to get on the podium at the extreme verbiage so that's pretty historic though of course excuse me i'm sorry how could i forget sash sorry sash uh but there you go victor your overall you're sorry your extreme verbiage champion absolutely with a flying run today you're a proud brother yes brother it's speechless yeah i can tell i'm looking forward to hug him he's still got a ways to go to catch you up though you've done it four times he's done it once so yeah yeah trophy over there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah i've been super happy to see him evolve throughout the years like you know because he was like a pure like car freestyle rider moved into backcountry and then into the bigger mountains i took him climbing years ago and like he was just like yeah i like it but he was not really [Music] okay well we just wait for the podium of the overall there's the results of today okay so we're gonna do the overall podium results of the snowboard men's soon victor again taking the win so i mean yeah fantastic day for him so you think you've he's still got a few more years and he could potentially catch you up your size have yeah i think he might very well do and he will deserve that fully like yeah i think i really want to give up like give a big up to all these guys in snowboarding these years like this podium like yeah blake cody victor they they took snowboarding to to another level on the world tour and it's been really really beautiful to watch the free ride world tour in third place overall cody bramwell this and in second place overall in his rookie season on the tour blake muller blake muller rookie season taking second overall what an achievement that is yeah it's like super impressive at that age he's coming there and he's just showing like some mad skills with a masterful performance on the back today your free ride world champion victor de la rue yes victor congratulations get back up there you've got another heavy trophy to lift absolutely stoked yes congratulations to all the men this year the snowboard men's category like you said it's been so strong so much versatility yeah and very often here on the back there us there's a big difference between the skiers and snowboarders but i think the snow here was like quite in favor for the snowboarders you didn't have that problem of getting the edge caught up like which you could see on some of the skiers absolutely there we go with the champers in victor's face i'm sure oh yeah congrats victor that's just a nice little preview for tonight [Applause] incredible incredible work oh how's the emotions i know what how's the whole family gonna feel watching this where are they watching it uh well there is uh like my brother his wife and my wife they're like down and the rest of the family is back home yeah and yeah i think i was so nervous so i can't even imagine how they were my mom always like thinks we're crazy yeah i'm sure well i'm not surprised you are pretty crazy you boys she's a bit used to it but yeah like she surely must be proud now well she can be relieved now you can relax and uh yeah your boys are safe and one of them's a free ride world tour champion so you can celebrate today as well fantastic work from victor okay i think we're going down to the men's extreme verbier results of the ski men [Music] head's too big for the metal in second place today second place today with a silver medal always at home on the back give it up for water with that huge backflip today getting him second on the podium that was pretty special congratulations to him and the man finally getting the monkey off his back his first extreme v8 wouldn't give it up for christopher turtle christopher it has been a long road for him to get his first win on the bechter ross he looks absolutely stoked zab yeah every year he's been really right there really close to it and never made it and yeah i think he must be it must be quite a relief for him after all these years absolutely he had quite a lot of long weight congratulations christopher unbelievable result and again we are we'll hold fire for the overall presentation for the overall ranking of the ski men give it up for the ski man next screen [Applause] it's baby incredible to see with the with the level of commitment how little mistakes they were from the skiers yeah you could see their runs are like really fully committed and any mistake would end up into a massive and like they've all been really like on their feet really clean and they're sending some huge actions and really making it all the way so that's uh i think that's a great sign of progression absolutely yeah the level of the skiing was it was so hot you got to give props to the judges really that was you could tell in the the final decision there was a lot of time spent making sure that was right but i i definitely think the judges pretty much got it right today yeah yeah totally it's like such a hard job because especially like those three wins were so different imr with this huge double was so impressive there was a huge wow factor but probably a bit less features than the other lines and then uh like uh vadak had like with this 360 his two backflips had a super like a lot of tricks going on in his line like quite freestyly and then i think uh christopher had the perfect combination with uh like his entry into that like section where no one has been which is fully blind and where he just went totally flawless no slow fool or whatever flowy with a huge jump up the range today up to third place overall carl right now erickson [Applause] carl renner ericsson getting a third place i mean he was quite far down the rankings at first but he had a fantastic run today and i think he'll be stoked with third overall yeah and also well deserved that that swedish posse is uh still ripping yeah it was the same back in the the world days the rookie out of the usa give it up for rose duster ross tester second place overall like derek said rookie absolutely incredible performance this season well deserved he will be over the moon with that and your 2021 free ride world tour champion in ski men christopher turtle yes christopher overall champion like we said he'll be absolutely over the moon and well deserved very stoked for him yeah special moment that he's been working hard for for a long time [Music] well good things come to those who wait he has been chasing the win on the bechter ross for many a year and he got it today and along with it he became world champion so not a bad day on the mountain for christopher really yep he showed everyone how it's done [Music] [Applause] okay we'll just look at the overall standing one more time on the graphics in a moment all those guys enjoy their champers christopher turdell first place ross tester in second carl rainier erickson in third and wodeking fourth with that fantastic backflip getting him up the ranking slightly what an end to the season unbelievable and that concludes our podium zav that's that's the i mean that's the day isn't it job done that's the day and that's the season i think uh like always it's a great way to end the season here in verbier and it's been uh like really impressive that freya world tour managed to hold on all these events like despite the conditions this despite that little bug that goes around absolutely all the restrictions so like yeah big big up for them for keeping the sports alive yeah yeah they've had a lot of uh highlights a lot of obstacles this year to get the tour going so congratulations to them for a fantastic year okay we still got another podium i believe to come so we're waiting for that one but the end of the day competition wise those guys are going to be pretty stoked aren't they today oh yeah yeah yeah it's been a it's been a great day i think so i think so maybe we can have a few more quick highlights oh one here we go one more podium our gathering of champions we're going to begin with our snowboard women's champion mary and erty so now we've got all the champions okay yes this is bring up our ski women's champion elizabeth [Applause] podium of champs marion haiti already there garrettson joining her continuing the all champions podium snowboard men victor de la rue victor he's gonna charge his way up there i'm sure [Music] and our ski man's champion christopher turtle and finally christopher capping off the four champions and four worthy champions you've got to say yeah that's a good match we've got here one more time let's hear it for the champions of the world free ride world tour 2021 unbelievable day fantastic winners what can you say about that they've got some massive trophies to carry down the hill so good luck with that guys but i'm sure adrenaline will get them down there i know they've fully earned a little bit of a break because that's been a long goal tour and a an exhausting one but they must be absolutely stoked with the win yeah totally and now they can start their filming season with a big pride like now the next few months are always the ones that are super important like for pro riders to make their uh like all their footage it's always the best conditions and it seems to uh to me that either in north america or europe there are some great conditions to be filming so i think uh hopefully they're gonna make some great footage to make us all dream and inspire us i'm sure they will i'm sure they will well that is all we've got time for from me and zav and everyone else in verbier thank you for watching today it's been an absolutely fantastic event and we will see you next time goodbye [Music] me it's behind [Music] my name us [Music] [Music] nice my name is [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Red Bull Snow
Views: 100,100
Rating: 4.8204336 out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, red bull snow, wintersports, red bull winter, extreme sports, Kristofer Turdell, Arianna Tricomi, Victor De Le Rue, Marion Haerty, Elisabeth Gerritzen, Hedvig Wessel, freeride world tour, fwt, freeride, snowboarding, skiing, freeride skiing, replay, backcountry, fwt2021, freeride world tour recap, freeride world tour live, Verbier Freeride World Tour 2021, Verbier Freeride, Verbier Winner, Verbier Finals, fwt verbier, fwt 2021, verbier 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 58sec (13318 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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