ATEM Mini Audio from RODECaster Pro

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right welcome to our sound for video session oh it's not a sound for video session my mistake sorry about that i'm used to doing my live streams for the sound for video session on my other channel but today we're doing something a little different here i have received a million questions it feels like on connecting up the rode caster pro to the a10 mini and let's take a look at that so that's what you're hearing right now i'm working with the shure sm7b and that is coming in through the road caster pro and so my question for you out in the audience there is how does it sound to you so go ahead and let us know in the chat over here and hopefully um we'll get you as a community we'll work some of these things out so the road caster pro is not really made to be a mixer for uh feeding a line level output to another device like the a10 mini pro to be completely fair to it it has monitor outputs and if you turn them all the way to max those should be line level if if i had to guess i think they're actually consumer line level and i'm feeding out of the two monitor outputs on the back through a cable and i'm actually going to put the link to the cable after the show here it has two quarter inch ts connectors on one end and then it has a 3.5 millimeter trs connector on the other end it was just an amazon cable i think it was it was definitely less than twenty dollars if i remember it was more like ten so we'll put the link for that down below um so this is exactly what we're seeing let's go ahead and show you the road caster pro here so i have a couple things so i'm just coming in here on channel number one you can see i have my fader down to five um one two three four the fifth line i am told by rode i just recently contacted them and said hey where's unity on this turns out it's line five would have been nice for them to kind of mark that but in any case that is unity so we're not adding or subtracting any um overall levels here when we're at five if i come in here to the settings let's see oh you also notice i'm using the suresm7b so i have it set to a dynamic microphone i have the level set to max which happens to be 55 and then the only other thing i'm doing here on audio processing is i have the compressor set and you can see the results here so mainly that's just going to catch things if i laugh for example you can see it attenuated some there and hopefully that didn't clip according to my meters here it did not clip so hopefully it didn't hurt your ears um and that's basically it everything else is turned off and that's what we're doing so the important thing here i think for a lot of people to remember or to understand if you didn't know this already is that when you're interconnecting devices like the road caster and an a10 mini and this is actually the original atem mini here we have two inputs here 3.5 millimeter inputs they mark them as mic inputs but they can actually be also switched to line level inputs so coming out of the road caster pro the monitor outputs are line level it's important to understand the distinction between those microphone level is a much weaker signal line level is a much stronger signal and so what we have to do is i've attached that the the cable out of the monitor outputs on the road caster you can just barely i don't know if you can even see them at all they're just coming out of the monitor outputs here and those are going into the production a10 mini which is not the one you're seeing here into the mic one input and then on the control software we have mic one set to line level because again we're getting a line level output here so that's the most important thing i'm curious in the comments here what you guys think in terms of how it sounds i'm hearing a little bit of hiss but i'm but i'm monitoring right here and i think really what that's about is again the sure sm7b is a microphone that requires a ton of gain so often when i'm using this with another device like a mix pre or with my universal apollo audio universal audio apollo interface i'll set the game to somewhere closer to 60 maybe 61. so we're pushing a little harder here so i'm getting 55 decibels of gain on the mic through the rode caster pro and then in the compressor i'm actually adding some additional gain which i assume is digital gain and if i come in here to the audio processing here and take a look at it um let me show you the compressor we're doing 7 db of additional makeup gain here so that's where i think we're picking up a little bit of that hiss i don't know if you guys are hearing it on your end but that's what i'm hearing on this end so my producer over here is is nodding her head that yes she's hearing a bit of it too so um i think that's really uh more of a limitation of the amount of gain that the road caster pro provides so that's that's kind of the basic here that's that's how we are feeding this audio here so let's go ahead and take questions here yeah so some of you are definitely confirming there is a hiss again that's going to be this microphone let me get another microphone out here real quick and see if we get those same results give me just one moment i'm going to go ahead and swing this other mic out here we've got a kind of a tight setup but we'll make this work i'm going to reach behind and grab another cable one moment all right so we've come into channel number two here we're gonna game this one up this one's a condenser all right we're gonna talk into this one here let's go maybe 20 30 checking one two three okay now i've switched over to the other microphone let's go ahead and show that to you here so i'm now using this microphone right here which is the earthworks sr314 it's a condenser microphone and if we come back into here i can show you it does have phantom power on so this one obviously doesn't need nearly as much gain and we do need phantom power and then if i come over into the processing i don't have anything on right now so i could probably gain up even more let's maybe go 35 checking one two three and it looks like we're peaking about minus six maybe a little bit more so and people are saying this is gone so that's good news so what i what we can say from this based on these these little experiments here that hiss is largely due to the the amount of gain that the sure sm7b needs and the roadcaster pro it's able to provide oops sorry about the plosive there it's able to provide most of what is needed but not enough to to completely eliminate that hiss so there's uh there's a little lesson learned for us so um again i'll put the link or the yeah the link for that uh cable down below just so you can see that now some other people i saw in the chat were talking about um getting some ground maybe a ground loop type of thing or a hum and i think the thing you'll want to check is number one you'll want to make sure that your cables are good so test various cables so here for example we had a comment here i'm getting similar setup i have a similar setup get line noise when i'm feeding audio out from the road caster pro to the mini i'm thinking it's some sort of ground loop issue that could possibly be you can buy mic level or line level isolators and let me see i think i have one here in my little chaos drawer of cables i don't have one at the ready to show you i don't want to waste your time looking for that so it's possible that using one of those isolators it's basically just a transformer and you would plug the 3.5 millimeter end into that and that should help eliminate some any buzz or hum or anything of that nature so in theory if it is in fact a ground loop so there are lots of potential things it can be also make sure that your audio outputs coming from the road caster are not crossing or as far away from any power lines as possible and what i would recommend is it actually um well definitely don't run your line outs parallel to any power cables that's almost a sure bet for introducing some sort of buzz over the cable itself now remember this is actually an unbalanced connection here so you don't want to use a super long cable either that's another thing that will be important now generally you would have the road caster very close to the atem in most circumstances that i can think of so that shouldn't be a big issue in a lot of cases so let's kind of just we're just going to make this official here and we're going to save your ears and i'm going to stick with this microphone for now um all right let's go ahead and take a look and see what other questions would a cloud lifter give the boost needed for the sm7b so you don't need to use as much gain yes a cloud lifter or a fet head would do that there are also some other third party uh what typically people are now calling mic activators so yeah one of those would definitely help and i think probably get around that his issue most likely so good question all right let's see what else we've got over here in the chat if you do have a question if you could just put at curtis judd and then your question after that will make it a little easier for us to kind of find these here um let's see here just popping in to say hi how would you compare this to something like the mixpre 2 series from tommy it looks like hey tommy it's good to hear from you um well the advantage of something that the nice thing about the road caster pro and i think a reason that a lot of people try to use this as the front end for something like the a10 mini is that it has these uh processing capabilities so it has a compressor it has a de-esser which actually i think we i'm feeling like we need a little bit of de-essing right now actually so i'm actually going to go turn that on if i can um in any case um so it has the compressor in particular i think is a really important one and a really useful one especially when you're live streaming and the reason for that is that you basically get one well there's als there's whatever youtube does in terms of processing but the nice thing about being able to use a compressor yourself is you can optimize the loudness of your your outgoing stream without hopefully without youtube interfering too much so that's the nicest thing now on the mixpre you do have a limiter but you don't have a compressor and you also don't have a de-esser you don't have the big bottom if you're into that and you don't have the there's a oral what's it called an oral exciter of some sort trying to remember what it's called though affects we've got big bottom and we've got aural exciter so uh those are the things that you have on the mix or sorry the road caster pro that you're not going to have on the mix pre so it's a it's a little bit of a trade-off the the preamps of course are much cleaner and can supply a fair bit more gain on the mix pre so that's the nice thing about the mix pre from that standpoint if i had to choose one it's tough again because you know again the road caster wasn't really made for this purpose in terms of its outputs but it is super nice to have that compressor so if i didn't have a compressor i guess in the atem control software um i would choose the road caster pro if i did which i do i probably would go with the mix pre would be my first choice but again a mix pre is a bit more expensive than a road caster so it's a it's a big trade off so all right let's move on to the next question here where do you switch the mic level to line level in the atem um if you go into the atem software control in the lower left hand corner there's a gear click on that i don't have the ability to show the screencast this right now i'll walk you through it so you're in the atem control software you click on the gear in the lower left hand corner that opens up the settings you click on the audio tab and then you click on the general sub tab and then down there on the analog audio inputs you have a choice for microphone or line for each of the inputs so that's where you switch to line level so thanks for the question all right why not or yeah why not use the built-in processing on the atem uh and and actually um you beat me to it so yeah i probably would so if i was using a mix pre for example or any other mixer that didn't have the processing then i might use it on the atem control software instead so different ways to solve the same problem i believe that they're both doing them in the digital domain so there's no from that that's an assumption i don't know for sure on how the road caster pro is doing it but my sense is that it's compressor is a digital compressor so it's actually after the audio has been converted from analog to digital so the atem is doing the same thing so probably about the same result okay thanks for the super chat there appreciate that next up if your video capture software can capture audio separately wouldn't you get better audio atem can adjust frames for being out of sync if the video capture software can capture audio separately wouldn't you be wouldn't you get better audio i'm not sure i follow that one 100 percent um [Music] yeah i'm not sure i follow the question so uh are you talking about your encoding software like obs or ecam live or vmix or whatever you're running on your computer or are you talking about the atem software control so i'm not sure if you could just clarify that we'll we'll take another shot at that there all right we're looking through here for more questions um let's what about tommy's comment it's not comment not a question [Laughter] well you don't have a big bottom or an oral exciter if you're into that that's a little nod to um to queen i guess the big bottom part at least [Laughter] all right let's go to the comment from mac tech solutions here if your video capture oh we already looked at this one um so yeah incidentally by the way i am i have applied the offset in the a10 mini this is the first time i've used that so my camera here is a canon c200 that's coming out hdmi into the a10 mini and then my audio of course is going through the road caster pro which probably has a bit of its own latency because it's doing that processing and then that's coming analog into the atem mini pro we applied after doing some testing where we actually recorded the output so we used the hdmi output of the a10 mini pro and recorded that to an atomos recorder i then brought that into my computer and the way we recorded what we recorded is just me clapping and so we brought that into the computer to see how far out of sync the clap was with the sound that we were getting and where we ended up was four frames so i had to slow the audio down by four frames in essence and that gets it back into sync with the camera so that is a really nice feature here on the a10 mini pro a big question that's come up a lot too is why why don't we have a monitoring port on the or monitoring jack on the a10 mini pro i don't i don't i don't speak for blackmagic so let me just be clear about that um jason thanks for the super chat i appreciate that um but for whatever reason they did not do that i think if they as long as they keep the same form factor and now they're on their third iteration third iteration of the same form factor with the a10 mini pro iso um i don't think there's going to be any room in there for a headphone jack and i think that they're massively pushing the you know the thermal envelope at this point like the amount of stuff the atem mini pro iso is going to be doing when you're recording isolated video and audio to an external drive is to me it's amazing that they've been able to cram all that in there and on my a10 mini and my a10 mini pro i've never heard the fan come on except for when i do a firmware update so it's almost like it just kind of resets and it does you know the fan comes on i've never experienced that when i'm live streaming and i'm wondering if now when you have the um you know the iso if you're going to start to get some more fan noise which would be a little disappointing to be honest because you don't want as any any noise in your recording environment is is potentially a problem so all right sir judd [Laughter] why haven't you tested the go xlr do you think it's a toy compared to the road greetings and love from a very warm copenhagen um no i don't think it's a toy the limitation that i have is that it's control software last time i checked which was about a month ago was windows only and so i i'm working with a mac here so that's the main reason i haven't tested the go xlr does not appear to be a toy in any fashion to me it appears to be a really very capable piece of audio gear it's made by a company called tc electronic if i'm not mistaken or is it is it tc electronic i don't remember who makes it but the company that makes it has a history they're not it's not a flash in the pan they're not brand new so it's it is a good piece of audio gear unfortunately i don't have a windows computer so it's not a fit for me it'd be great if they could also release the software for mac as well because that's where a lot of the the control is done in the app itself so all right thanks for that question sorry if you have already covered this isn't there a delay when using the mini jack and the atem mini if so how do you sync it for live streaming um we did cover that but let me just say again so the a10 mini and the mini pro and the mini pro iso now have an audio delay feature so you can get it back in sync and so we kind of ran through how i went about doing that just a few minutes ago but in essence what you do is you record use something to record you could do it either on your encoding software like if you're using obs or in my case i connected an atomos recorder to the hdmi output on the a10 mini i recorded a clap several claps and then i brought that recording into the computer into a video editing app and i was able to count how many frames off the audio was from the video then you go back into the a10 mini software and under the analog input you can apply a frame delay and so i applied a four frame delay here which got us back in sync between our canon c200 and the audio coming from our road caster pro so definitely have some options there nice nice set of features hi how can we sync av on a10 mini if we send the audio from the road caster directly to a10 mini and is there enough latency settings for that yes um it depends on your camera more than anything because it's the camera that generally introduces more latency than audio gear so it depends on how slow the output the hdmi output on your camera is so in my case here with the canon c200 and the road caster i found that you can apply i i needed a delay of four frames and you get a range of up to eight frames so we're only using half of its capacity so the way you would go about testing that again is just fire up your a10 mini connect your audio to the audio input of the a10 mini connect your camera to the a10 mini and record that use obs use ecamm live use vmix use whatever you use then take that video clip into your video editing app and most video editing apps you can use the right arrow to go forward one frame at a time so go to the point where you hear the clap and then count by pressing the forward arrow or the right arrow how many times you have to press that right arrow will tell you until you actually see the clap that's how many frames you need to apply as an offset in the atem software control so hopefully that helps there is there a significant sound quality benefit outputting from the roadcaster pro or mixpre into your c200 compared to just putting it through the onboard xlrs ignoring any effects benefits well it depends on the microphone if you're using a dynamic microphone yeah you'd be pushing the canon c200 preamps pretty hard and so i think then you would probably start to hear a little more hiss if you weren't using something like a mix pre road caster as we just saw earlier is a different story it it you'd probably need a fet head or a cloud lifter to really drive the sm-7b with the road caster to get a really clean signal so that's my take there so if you have a good dynamic microphone like a shotgun microphone or even something like this then i think you could very easily run it directly to the camera if you didn't really need any effects beforehand and if you're using the atem software control you may not need any other effects so good question great stream how would you connect an external mic with phantom power with the atem and road caster with a stream cheers from warm germany um so i think that would be exactly like what we're doing here so this microphone requires phantom power it's running into my road caster pro here and i've got that in the second channel here and you can see here let's come back we have phantom power turned on and then from the a10 or sorry from the road caster we're using the monitor output at full volume on the outputs right here the quarter quarter inch outputs on the back and i'm going to as i said before i'll put the link for this particular cable in the description after the stream here this cable then runs into the a10 mini pro you set the a10 mini pro to line level for that particular input in the software control and then you're basically set to go so you might need to apply a little bit more gain in fact that's one other thing i should mention here so here's another place where we're adding gain in this signal chain and i could probably pull it back now so in the atem software control i've set the gain to zero on the microphone or the line level input that's coming from the road caster you can see i got quieter there and now let me bump it back up to plus six now there we are back up on plus six so you can see that's another thing i had to do what that tells me is most likely the line level outputs coming out of the road caster pro are what would be considered consumer line level so it's not it's not quite as strong a signal as typical professional line level but it does work and this is what these are the results you can expect here so hopefully that answers your question oh thanks for another super chat there from jason i'm trying to do what you've done i'm using the universal audio lineouts into the atem mini audio is not coming through okay jason the the trick with the universal audio is that um you have to use the console the universal audio console app and in the console app you have to tell the apollo i'm assuming using apollo or one of the other i think they're all apollo universe universal audio interfaces are all apollo i think anyway um you you have to tell it you have to set it up the console app so that it will send audio you tell it what you want to send via the line outputs and so what i do is in the console app underneath the microphone that you're trying to send to the atem you'll want to bump up the q output to unity or zero and then over on the right hand side on the console app for the uh let me just pull it up and see what it says here actually it won't come up because i don't have it turned on right now there's an output button when you press the output button then you'll tell it to send the q mix to output number one and then that will send the audio over to the item mini so hopefully that helps there i know that console app is kind of a nightmare it's a little intimidating and it seems like it they made it a little bit more complex than it needed to be but once you get that sorted out you should be able to to get the audio over into the a10 mini you can set the a10 mini to line level and in that case you won't need to bump up the gain in the a10 software control because it's true professional line level so all right one second all right that's a nice thing about the road casters you do have a mute button so if you need to cough that's a good one all right camille thanks for the super chat appreciate that as well we're just looking through here to see if we have any other questions to go just taking a look here nothing at the moment uh jason said uh that worked plus one on the console app crazy bad thank you okay excellent so good news uh thanks for that jason glad to hear that that sorted it out so that console app i spent um fairly recently i actually spent probably two or three hours trying to figure out the mind-bending thing that that thing it's just crazy what it does anyway so glad i got glad we got that sorted out all right um we have i just wanted to kind of give a guess a preview of what we got coming in up in the next little bit here um we have tomorrow coming a review of a very affordable shotgun microphone the takstar sgc 600 it's a 30 camera top shotgun microphone um i have been accused of only covering expensive gear on my channel so um i can no longer be accused of that and so what we're going to do is that that one will come out tomorrow and then going forward we're also going to start probably doing a few more um live streams well we'll do kind of light reviews or more more demonstrations or overviews i would say so for example one thing that a lot of people have asked about is the godox sl150 i reviewed the 120 quite some time ago um but i i i can't i don't have enough time to do reviews on all that stuff but i can do a live stream live stream is a little bit more straightforward because i have a very excellent producer here that can help manage the live stream and if i do just a little bit of research ahead of time a little bit of testing so for example with the godox sl150 i can do the photometrics testing beforehand so using my sakonik c800 get all of that have all of that ready to show you guys and just kind of talk about my experience with it that's probably what we'll be doing is is probably more live stream reviews of the less expensive gear but then more produced uh reviews of the higher end gear and and kind of the mid you know prosumer level gear it's not going to be a hard and fast rule we'll go back and forth on both of them but there will be some other things coming up here so okay let's go back to repair repair guy dk um booth junkie and julian krause are the best ever sound guys on youtube thank you for being you thank you very much all right is there a benefit from using the rode audio path over the c200 inputs other than the higher channel count well there there are the effects and i think that's the biggest thing really on the road caster versus the c200 now if you're using an a10 mini well then you have most of those effects not all of them do we have all of them well you don't have the big bottom or the oral exciter but you do have the compressor you've got a noise gate if you want to use that and um you've got to look you know you've got a eq and actually you don't have eq on the road caster not exactly you have kind of more focused i mean the oral exciter is probably kind of like an eq the big bottom is probably like an eq but you don't have a dedicated parametric equalizer on there so i think those are probably the biggest benefits is having those processors um and also having physical controls that actually is a big thing as well having physical controls on a very easy to use um you know kind of mixing style physical interface is pretty nice as well so those are some of the benefits there but you know there's nothing wrong with going straight to the c200 inputs have you used have you ever used the behringer x18 for streaming before looks quite a powerful audio mixer that one i haven't um i would love to and i think a lot of the the newer behringer the digital mixers are actually really impressive the things you can do with them the routability is really impressive and flexible and they look pretty nice so some pretty cool stuff there we'll take a look when we can any thoughts of riven mic for acoustic instruments and the mix pre-2 one second i want to show you something pretty excited about this what we have in here in front of me road was very kind and sent uh let's see let's get that focused that is the ntr that is the ribbon microphone from rode and we will be taking a look at that in the next few days here we're going to look at it primarily from a voice over standpoint but as i have two musicians in the family we will also be putting it to use and seeing how it does with instruments as well specifically in our case we'll be looking at a violin and trumpet right okay we might do some key yeah we do have uh piano and uh keyboard as well so in any case yeah we left only the the the really interesting thing about ribbon microphones is that um at least the ntr and kind of the traditional ribbon format is has a different polar pattern it's actually a figure of eight polar pattern so it picks up on the front and it picks up equally on the back and so the thinking there is that you probably need to be working in a room that has some relatively good acoustical properties because you are also intentionally picking up the room as well so now there are some ribbon microphones that have different polar patterns usually they'll have two different ribbons and they'll kind of created you know either a super cardioid polar pattern or something that just picks up mainly on the front so there are different options out there depending on the ribbon microphone you use but the more traditional ones like this one here the ntr picks up on both the front and the back so really excited about this one it sounds in my opinion in my initial tests on vocals or just dialogue sounds dreamy uh the downside is that you're you're not going to use that in an untreated room with good results because it's going to be picking up everything on the back as well so all right taking a look here all right for the budget conscious can you use a go vocal or similar xlr to 3.5 millimeter gain block with trrs mic adapter to feed the atem um i'm not familiar with that particular one but yeah you should be able to um i don't know about the i don't know if the trrs adapter is capable of feeding us just a stereo 3.5 millimeter as well so if it's adaptable a trs is typically going to be made for also going into a phone so that's one thing to keep in mind there you'll have to just check check on that particular one to see if it if it can go to a regular trs connection as well that would be the main thing but yeah otherwise you should be able to do that no problem okay taking a look here to see what else we've got uh there's one there from jason see that there at the bottom there we go okay next challenge monitoring the mix out of the atem mini thank you i couldn't have done my job without um without that since the lockdown so monitoring the a10 mini so yeah we did i did start to talk about that a little bit so there is no uh headphone jack on the a10 mini so what do you do so what i do and it's mostly for my producer what i'm listening to here is actually the road caster my producer is listening to a feed um on the a10 mini it comes out there's an hdmi output that's going to a little monitor we have down here in front of me and she has headphones jacked into that hit that monitor that's what she's listening to and that's how she monitors the problem is it's almost impossible to do that if you're doing the show yourself if you're the person speaking because there is so much latency in most cases that it will drive you crazy and so what i did before we had emma producing here is that i would just have my headphones on at the start for the first few seconds just to make sure everything's good and then i'd come back periodically and check to make sure the audio was still good so unfortunately that's that's the best solution i've come up with yet there may be other things you can do if you're feeding the atems stream into your computer some people have set up things like audio hijack on mac and i think there's some other applications that are similar on windows where you're essentially hijacking the audio stream from an app within your computer and sending that to your headphones so that's another option the problem with that is again there's going to be latency so no perfect solution but that's what i'm doing currently all right do you still need cam link to connect your camera or can you use the a10 mini pro um you shouldn't need a cam link so a cam link if i'm not mistaken is a capture card no the a10 mini pro is a capture card and a switcher all in one so you shouldn't need both of them so good news three hundred dollars will get on the the atom mini will get you a capture card and a switcher all in one uh so you basically need a quarter inch to eighth inch trs cable or adapter sort of um i'm actually taking the monitor outputs there's a left and a right on the road caster pro and then there's a single trs input on the a10 mini so i have a cable that's two quarter inch ts connectors on one side and a 3.5 millimeter trs on the other again i'll put the link for this cable in the description right after the live stream here so you can see the exact one that i'm using at least all right i think we got everything we needed um thanks everybody so much for joining us i hope you can join us again in the future as we do more things again got tomorrow morning 10 o'clock u.s mountain daylight time we have a new video going out on the sound or sorry the techstar sgc 600 shotgun microphone 30 camera top shotgun microphone that i'll be curious to see if you guys think it sounds as good as the rode videomic ntg and the deity d3 pro so we have audio tests and there are audio samples in there for myself um emma's in there and my wife danny is in there as well so you can get a variety of samples from different voices and see how it sounds and next week we also have some other good stuff coming up we have oh let me show you one other thing this is cool too let's see some of you may have heard the announcement here zoom put out a new pod track p4 this is a this is kind of it's like a very mini version of the road caster with not all the features it does have four inputs four headphone jacks um and evidently can supply up to 70 db of gain which should be plenty for a sure sm7b so we'll be doing some tests with that to see how it sounds um this comes in at 200 u.s um that's incredibly cheap for what it can purportedly do but we're putting that to the test and you should see a review on that here pretty soon and what else do we have coming up what else do we have coming up sound course oh well yes um i should mention we do have a course coming up uh new over at my uh school at we are putting together a new course on how to do live stream sound with the a10 mini pro and the a10 mini and the a10 mini iso any of the a10 minis um so we're going to we're going to focus entirely on the audio features of the a10 mini series and kind of talk about how you can optimize your audio use different devices we'll probably talk about the road caster but we'll also talk about other devices as well and i'm all about the processing capabilities of the a-10 mini so that'll be coming up here in the next little big bit as well all right i think that'll do it for this week thanks everybody for check checking in excuse me i'm getting so excited i'm choking on my words um we will be back with you again tomorrow morning and then again we're hoping to do more live streams where we do kind of these light reviews so thanks for coming by talk to you again soon so [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Curtis Judd
Views: 35,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RODECaster, RODECaster Pro, ATEM, ATEM Mini, ATEM Mini Pro, ATEM Mini Pro ISO, Audio, Sound, Cable, Connect
Id: 3yhwLUtyCOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 25sec (2845 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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