Survival Uses of Potassium Permanganate

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gasps today we're gonna take a look at potassium permanganate this is a potassium salt that is used in a lot of different industries been around since 1650 and in 1857 Henry Bowman conde found some disinfectant properties in this material which is still being used today now we're going to take a look at three specific survival uses and while this is really a very versatile item you need to be careful when using potassium permanganate but in an shtf situation this can really come in handy all right guys we have four glasses of water and we're going to I'm going to show you just using this as the clear sample we're gonna go with water purification we're gonna go with wound treatment and antiseptic then we're gonna go with a signaling which to me is very limited but it is a possibility now we have this really small spoon and I mean it is tiny I think I got this in the makeup department at one of the local drugstores because you need a very small amount now there are a couple of things to consider about potassium permanganate this is actually the chemical compound kmno4 this is eight ounces you get different sizes this is 98.3% pure and it's reagent grade which means this is used for scientific testing so as it says industrial and scientific here on the side it says strong oxidizer causes burns so again guys you want to be careful with this so you know just like when you breathe it in with the fire start and you got to be very careful and there's just a little bit of information you can go to loud wolf website and they have a lot of safety data there go ahead open it up this is a small little granular I'm gonna go ahead and get a little bit out just for you to take a look at but you can see it's very tiny little granule 'its and you want to use very little in fact you're only to use fifty milligrams for treating water you can see right here we have a very little amount I mean this is small you'd rather go small than to put too much in here because again guys this can cause a lot of problems if you use too much we're gonna go ahead and dump in just a little bit we have you can see it immediately starts to turn the water pink and one thing that's very important is to make sure that all the granulates are dissolved but it's just a little bit of a light color now that little bit made it this color so this is probably on the maximum that you want to do one thing about potassium permanganate is that it is odorless and it has just a little bit of a sweet taste to it but again I would make sure that all of the all of it is dissolved before you use it we're gonna let it set for just a little bit and guys you can see here outdoors this kind of changes things a little bit it does have just a very light pink to it no odor whatsoever it does give a little bit of a sweet taste to it it's almost impersonate a ninny kind of organic material this time we're using a little bit more and this is going to be for wound treatment 300 milligrams for one liter of water again guys you want to make sure that this is completely dissolved before you use it this can stain your skin I think one of the things they say is to use vitamin C or absorb ik acid to be able to you know if you get it on your skin so this is about the color you would use for an antiseptic this is the color you'd use for water purification maybe even a little bit lighter municipal water treatment facilities use this to get rid of iron and hydrogen sulfide which has that kind of a rotten egg smell to the water and this is what they use next we're gonna go with the signaling try to get a whole spoonful this time and guys this is a little bitty spoon all right here you can see the real dark color again this would be very limited I mean if you're gonna use this for some kind of signaling but even this color is so unnatural you could probably make an SOS or something like that with using this and it would at least draw some attention guys I'm not a doctor I'm not a scientist this is just demonstration on how this reacts with water and so to give you just a general idea again I would probably go a little bit lighter with this and you saw how much I put in it wasn't much but 50 milligrams per liter is what you need and guys this is 227 grams so you've got quite a bit of capability with this little bottle I think this was eight dollars for a 2-pack but you can look on eBay or Amazon and you can get it there but do remember that if you put this on your skin it can stain your skin one thing too that the antiseptic does it really treats fungal infections which is really big especially with athlete's foot different kind of infections topical you know even some kind of skin infection or skin rashes this will definitely help but do not put this color on your body because this can be somewhat caustic while potassium permanganate is not flammable in itself you can mix it with glycerin or brake fluid or antifreeze anything that you can that has glycerin in it so we're going to do is is pour out our potassium permanganate I'm going to create a small little cavity here so the fluid doesn't just go everywhere I'm just gonna pour a little bit of the brake fluid then we're just gonna mix it up we'll get this out of the way as you can see this really causes a pretty incredible fire you still have the hot coals that you can use and they got a little bit out of hand that was fine let's do that again one of the things about the fire-starting is that you have something that you can like without any kind of friction you're not having to strike a firesteel you're not having to light a lighter if you don't have those things you know you can get your antifreeze out of your vehicle brake fluid and be able to use it so it kind of gives you a backup for fire starting now guys I'm not a scientist or nor a doctor but this has been used since 1857 for medical uses and water treatment so it definitely has a long track record but you definitely need to be careful again do your research before you use this especially in larger doses but guys really with the uses that this has especially again in a grid down shtf situation this could be really invaluable but it just gives you another tool for your toolbox of survival guys if you're serious about prepping and survival check out survival dispatch insider one of the top resources on the web using many of the names that are world-renowned in the survival prepping community we upload one exclusive video there week I'll have a link down below in the description check it out be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic
Channel: Survival Dispatch
Views: 146,686
Rating: 4.8970785 out of 5
Keywords: potassium permanganate, water purification, potassium permanganate uses, survival fire, potassium permanganate uses for skin, potassium permanganate and glycerin, potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate and sugar, potassium permanganate in water, potassium permanganate experiments, survival dispatch insider, bug out bag, get home bag, survival dispatch, bug out bag essentials, survival kit in a can
Id: fvfmNVKxBfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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