Testing UNUSUAL EDC Gear You Didn't Know Existed

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welcome back everybody my name is taylor martin this is the best mdc and today we're talking about unusual everyday carry gear so when i plan one of these budget videos that i do i'll spend a lot of time on amazon ebay a bunch of different websites just looking at gear gathering prices trying to gauge where i'm going to go with that budget and in doing so i end up coming across some pretty weird stuff it's not weird or unusual in a typical sense but in terms of everyday carry it is definitely unusual maybe off the beaten path something you haven't heard of or something you've seen but you've been a little afraid to pull the trigger on because it seems maybe a little too fringe for your needs or maybe a little gimmicky whatever that may be i found some of these things 10 items actually on amazon that are mostly everyday carry related and i bought them so they're here now and we're going to take a look at these 10 unusual everyday carry items with that said let's do the damn thing [Music] maybe i should have rinsed that out a little more when i washed this it kind of has a little uh little soapy taste to it yeah there's soap on the wow i just drink soap cool this is the first item and it looks pretty much like a typical bottle this is more of a generic one than a name brand i don't know of a name brand version of a bottle like this but this is called the stash it and for all intents and purposes it is a functioning bottle you can just put your water or whatever down in there and it functions but if you pick this up you might notice something is a little weird if it's not totally full or even if it is totally full the balance feels off and it's not as heavy as you would expect and that is because it is also a stash container so in the bottom you can put things inside here keys cash whatever you would need to carry with you inside this little container here and close it up and you're good to go and i would say like most people wouldn't think to check there the seam is hidden really well it'd be even better if they could have found a way to hide the seam here but if you pay close attention that's the thread so you can see this thing wasn't made exceptionally well that's the thread so it doesn't line up here so you couldn't hide that seam any better than they really did without spending more money to make this and this is a cheap product so they're not gonna they're not gonna do that but this is i think in theory a pretty cool product in the actual execution of it i think they could have done a little better uh this one is about 20 so it's not exceptionally expensive or anything but the weird thing is the weight distribution is off so it doesn't feel like a normal bottle and with it having that gap at the bottom it's a little tippy it doesn't doesn't sit quite as secure as a normal bottle and it's just not made super well and this pocket down here this little container at the bottom i thought it might be big enough to put a wallet in even just long ways it's not so i think it's very limited if if they were to make one like this in like a 32-ounce or 64-ounce bottle i think it would actually be a really good idea because you can still fit stuff in there and i think it would be more beneficial to do something like this where you've got just a normal bottle here and and this storage container in the bottom part of it i think it would make more sense to have the bottle extend down to the bottom and have the pocket in the middle so the what i'm saying is have the container that would keep your liquid come down to the bottom but you have a pocket in the middle that goes further up into the bottle so the weight distribution isn't off it doesn't get top heavy i don't know but if you are interested in one of these it is 22 and there are a lot of different versions of this so i think it's a cool product again execution could be better if if you guys know of one that's 32 ounces or 64 ounces let me know because i might be interested in owning one of those that would be really good if you're out hiking or something you can keep you can take your stuff with your keys and whatnot and keep them in the bottle and not have to have stuff in your pockets because typically having stuff in athletic pocket shorts sucks so something like this is is great but i think there could be a better version of it as you watch this video you're going to learn that there are i guess a few themes here one of them being stash containers or hidden pocket stuff this one is a belt and it functions as a normal belt it's just a nylon belt with a nylon buckle this is not metal so technically i think this one is like tsa friendly like you wouldn't have to remove this for tsa but even so this is just a normal belt you thread this through the clasp push it down easy quick release fast belt but on the inside you have this long zipper pocket and you can put cash and other valuables in there when you're traveling or just every day carry i've seen people put important things like little tools and stuff that you might need not very often something you don't need quick access to but something you'd like to have on you help maybe even toothpicks i think fowler who was a winner of the tv show alone and also has a youtube channel here i think he keeps slingshot shot inside his belt it's not this belt that he uses but he has a belt like this and he puts slingshot ammo inside the belt i think we were we were in uh atlanta for blade show last year and we're just standing in a parking lot and he just reaches into his belt and pulls out ammo there are a lot of different uses for this but its main purpose is putting like cash and other valuables in there for when you're traveling so that you can have a wallet but then also have spare cash just for emergency purposes i think it's fine it's not the most comfortable belt i've ever worn but i've been wearing it this week and i kind of like it it's not bad this was actually also very affordable just 14 15 and it comes extra long and you cut it aside so i cut this to the size that i need but i think that's cool this one is made by eagle creek there again are a bunch of different versions of this this is one that i've been looking at for a long time the eagle creek one specifically but i think it's a pretty cool belt really great idea this could easily easily be an everyday belt but if you're traveling especially that could come in handy that little pocket there so the next up we have a carabiner and i've seen these a lot in recent months but before that i'd seen them maybe a few times here and there i've heard them mentioned but i didn't really know how they worked i mean i knew that you could hang stuff from the carabiner which is really cool but i think this is one of those products that you have to just get in your hands before you really realize the true potential of it at its core it's just a little carabiner it has a weight capacity of 60 pounds so it's great for hanging things but then you notice this little outer part here this twists and then pivots down and then you can hang this on things and clip like a backpack you can hang this over the edge of a door over a lot of different things just hang and clip something to it you i've seen people use these to hang over the edge of a hammock and clip their bags or shoes to their hammock it's just great for suspending things if you're going to the restroom and you have a backpack hang this over the door or over the hook and clip your back on there i mean it's got a million different uses i've seen people use them to hang bikes up lots of different uses and they come in different sizes this is the medium i believe but they have a small and extra small different sizes different colors and i think they're all great i'm probably going to purchase more of these because they have infinite uses they're really really handy but it's going to be something that this one in particular is going to stay on my everyday carry backpack but again this is called the hero clip and it's just 20 which may seem a little steep for a carabiner but i think something like this warrants that price it's got a lot of uses and it's not just a standard carabiner next up is more of a traditional everyday carry item this is an opinel opinel it's a number nine i thought it was a number eight when i purchased it it's a number nine so it's actually kind of a big knife but it's just a standard up and all knife you've got your collar lock i think they call it like a vibra lock but twist that and you can't close the knife it is a locking blade and then you can also lock it closed if you twist this when the knife is shut so as you can see it doesn't have the standard opinel blade shape it has a sheep's foot blade instead and then you have these two serrations here this one is a wire cutter this one is a wire stripper and then it has one more trick up its sleeve you see the bit storage and the handle that goes right there and you have a screwdriver just in your pocket with your knife i think it's a really cool tool it's not something i think i would put in my edc but it's definitely something that i would keep like in a truck and a center console in like a truck tool bag it's a really handy little knife and then that is actually magnetic retention on the bits there so they're not going to fall out either but this is made this handle is made i believe of g10 they just call it fiberglass reinforced handles but i'm pretty sure that's it's effectively g10 really sturdy knife and the other thing to note is this is the stainless steel it is not the carbon steel version of the albano and i think as far as i can find this is the only configuration so just keep that in mind if you're looking into one of these but this is the opinel number nine diy and that'll set you back about 30 another thing i get a lot of questions about on this channel i talk about pens all the time but i never really talk about mechanical pencils they are featured in some people's everyday carries that are submitted to the channel but i don't see a ton of them i don't hear a ton about them i don't use a mechanical pencil and this one popped up and i thought hey that's actually kind of cool and what it is it's more of a lead holder than a mechanical pencil it's not mechanical really you're not clicking to advance the lead it operates on a very similar premise to big idea designs ti arto edc in that you have a little collet here you twist to loosen and then you advance your lead with this little slider which is magnetic so if you lock this down this still moves around the lead does not and if you loosen it there's a little neodymium magnet on the inside that will advance the lead to a certain point and then you can see it doesn't advance any further than that so this is more of a lead holder than a mechanical pencil they call it a mechanical pencil i would call it a lead holder that's what i learned in drafting class anyway this is really good if you if you sketch you can use this this is a two millimeter lead insert refills and then once that's locked down this little magnet just kind of slides around what you get in the box you also get a sharpener here so you can sharpen the lid and this which if you take this off you can remove this collar i guess is what we're going to call it and put this one on and this one is a an anti-roll so it's it's got flat spots on it so it won't roll away whereas this one is perfectly round and can roll this one will not you also get 12 additional two millimeter lead refills and then you also get this little cheap felt pencil slip which is it is really cheap it's a piece of crap but the pencil itself is actually cool it also spins so it's got a little bit of a fidget factor to it i guess i think it's a cool idea execution's well and they're only about 15 so this one is the wsd mechanical pencil like i said it's more of a lead holder if you are a drafting student or somebody who sketches or something this might be better suited for you but i think it's really kind of a neat idea so i'd seen this in my searches on amazon it is uh i would say proposed to be almost like an alternative to uh olight's s1r baton 2 or something it's around the same size but this is the imalent ld10 flashlight and i was very skeptical from the very very beginning of this thing i have taken it out of here and used it some and there's a reason i put it back in the box this thing is it's not great it's not something i would recommend and i'm glad i discovered this so you guys didn't have to so this is the usb charger that came with it it immediately broke as soon as i got it out of the box so this thing is going back to amazon but this is your magnetic recharging and as you can see these two contacts have to touch here so uh the magnets don't line up properly it just does not stay on here if it if anything bumps it whatsoever i mean just tiniest little bump it's not actually charging and it's not that i'm putting it on there backwards it doesn't go that way it goes this way and it's just a really really really bad design for the charging cable so it does have magnetic recharging it's just really garbage honestly and it took me a while to figure out how to use this light because i mean you look at it like where's the button that is your mode button that's your power button i don't even remember how to use it the interface on it is really straight there we go what okay so there we go so click to turn on hold changes your modes and you do have this little lcd display here this says 10 lumens that's your low mode and you have 150 lumens 500 800 and 1200 i think you have to double press yeah to get to 1200 um but it's the tiniest little button it sucks there's not much about this that i'm like super jazzed on the only cool thing is that it comes with this diffuser which is really helpful especially if you want to use a light like this for for you know taking photos or something it's very handy but other than that this thing is not great i wouldn't say it's the worst flashlight ever it's only about 30 dollars so it's not super expensive it is significantly cheaper than the oled s1 or baton 2 and it is technically brighter but you don't have a really good button here the interface is a little wonky the lcd here is also a little wonky and you don't have any kind of clip option whatsoever and it technically has a magnetic tail but not strong enough to do anything with that magnetism is actually just coming from the side here which again this magnetic recharging is kind of awful so uh i would not recommend this light at all i don't think it's a good light i don't think it's a good way to spend your money i would save up for an olight or get a different flashlight altogether i think there are many many better options maybe at 30 the option is a little more scarce but this is not the one i would recommend so i heard about keyboard a lot they come up in recommendations people have recommended them to me a lot and i think they have good ideas and i loved the idea of this which is a flashlight with a multi-tool and when it comes to something like this there's it's more of a jack-of-all-trades master of none right so this multi-tool is all right it's like one of the generic inserts you get with a key organizer it's not anything uh special it has a few little hex drivers here a bottle opener this is like a package opener you can probably use it to cut some string get a little flat head and you have a phillips and maybe that could also operate as a pry tool but it's not like exceptional by any means it's just something that it'll get you by right in a pinch this is just a shard of metal that you can use for different things it has a little pocket clip and then on this side you have a flashlight which i'm gonna be honest this flashlight is probably one of the worst ones i've held or used in a very long time it's not good i think it's good for like if you had this on your keys because keyboard makes key organizers you know shine it and find the keyhole but other than that it's not so great the the cool part is that it has this little lantern mode which in a very dark room that could be beneficial but i mean it's not a bulb led it is it is like a little led down in there but it's just there's no lens it's just raw led and you can see the fringe here this is like a yellow fringe and then a very blue beam it's not focused it's it's just kind of a bare led inside there that just kind of emits light just at random and it's it's not great at all the cool thing about what keyboard does though is that all of these tools are modular there's a little tab that you push down in there and then you can slide the clip off and then you can also separate the multi-tool and the flashlight you can add a knife they have a bunch of different multi-tools and stuff that you can add to these and you can make it thicker thinner whatever and they also make key organizers but the thing is that most of their stuff is is kind of like a jack of all trades master of none sort of situation where it's it's fine it's okay it's not exceptional and then in the case of this flashlight it's kind of laughable like it will it light up in a dark room yeah but for what you're paying for something like this it's not really great the only thing that i can see myself using this for is like if i'm traveling there's no knife on this this is tsa friendly i can take this with me on a plane and and it will work for opening packages that's one of the things like when i'm traveling opening packages or opening products or whatever when i am traveling it's tough to do without a knife sometimes so this would still open those packages while not having to travel with a knife yeah i mean it's fine it's about 35 definitely not something that i would uh lust after but i think it it's fine the next two items kind of go together but not really only sort of this one we'll start with is the therm pro vault lighter armor and basically it's like a zippo replacement so you can take your insert out of your zippo and put it in this and it's waterproof and you know it's gonna keep your your lighter fluid from evaporating as fast and it's just you know a replacement for a zippo case that's really all this is it's got a little tactical vibe to it and a little clip here so you could attach it to a molle attachment or something but yeah that is the pro vaults from therm it's 30 and it is spring loaded so it does have a little fidget factor to it i guess but it doesn't have that clink that you're used to with a zippo the reason i picked this up was not necessarily to include it in this video because i'm sure a lot of people know about these therm pro vault lighter armor things the idea is that you could basically just not have a zippo right you this is the the insert i had in there but i also picked up this which is a spark from power practical and it is an arc lighter for a zippo so this fits inside a standard zippo case and it functions you have to give it a few seconds after you put it in that's what she said and you have a an arc lighter or a plasma lighter pretty cool little refill zippo actually makes their own versions of these arc lighters and also butane refills now the the reason i chose the spark over the first party zippo is that the zippo is actually flat so the the plasma or arc part the probes here are flat and they're actually kind of recessed inside and this one they're out and angled so that you have a little more reach so the problem with these little plasma or arc lighters is that they're they don't have a lot of range you have to get right up on whatever you're trying to light and this one just gives you a little more accessibility to those probes but my my plan was to get that and put it inside this therm and looks like it fits just fine but when you flip this up and try to close it won't close it is just a hair too big you can get it to close and then it's just going to kind of pop open i didn't touch it it just popped open on its own um so if i push this give it a second it's going to open on its own so not all of the zippo inserts fit the therm that's one thing i wanted to talk about but the other your thunderbird which i have had in this zippo for a long time the thunderbird fits just fine right so some of them do fit just fine unfortunately this spark does not and i don't think the zippo replacement ones fit in this either so that's also the butane from zippo and the arc lighter from zippo they don't fit those official zippo inserts do not fit in the therm what i do like about this spark though is that it's battery operated so that you can recharge it using usb and it's good for 300 lights at about 10 seconds each so 3000 seconds i don't know how many minutes or hours that is but that's a lot of lights with this and i think if i'm taking something camping i can i can keep something like this with me rather than having to worry about running out of butane or lighter fluid but this is the spark refill for a zippo it's going to set you back about 14 and once again this is the therm and it's just like a little armor for a zippo refill so it doesn't go over your case it just takes the refill this will set you back about 30. now the last one is not just a bic lighter the last product is actually a lighter bro uh you may or may not have heard of these i think they're probably pretty niche but also a pretty cool idea so let's get this out of here i might might need my knife i definitely need a knife so once you get it open take it out slide your bic lighter in snaps in really cool concept i don't i think it's kind of a niche item especially now fewer people are probably carrying bics around but on one side you have a set of scissors on the other side you have a little knife a little knife that says super sharp that ain't super sharp but i guess you could sharpen it it also says this right here on the very end is a little flat head and then i think there's one more tool i'm not sure where it is so hard to see so they say this is a phillips screwdriver as well as a little poker i guess for smoking and i would say they're not these tools are not quite like swiss army knife quality but for the price i think this thing is pretty pretty neat because you can kind of keep everything in a small little package gotta get it out of the fans airstream anything that can condense multiple things into one little package i think is usually i think acceptable in my eyes so even though i don't carry a lighter having something that can put tools on your lighter without adding a ton of bulk is a good idea again these tools aren't the most robust or stout or even the highest quality but i think for 15 bucks you're getting some decent stuff and and adding some functionality to something that if you do carry a lighter just adding a little bit of functionality to it maybe not something for me but for some of you out there i know that some of you still carry bic lighters or a lighter in general it's a it's a cool idea maybe it could be refined a little more but it's also not super expensive at just 15 so of all the stuff i talked about here today uh about half of them i would actually buy myself i don't to be full disclosure i don't really use a pencil a whole lot but if i did i would i would consider carrying something like this because it is it's pretty robust it's got some some fidget factor to it but i i like the idea of a lead holder this hero clip this is going on my bag and staying there and i am going to order some more of these because i i really like the idea of this hero clip this right here i'm not a huge opinel fan or opinel whichever one you want to say i'm not a massive fan of their stuff i think they make good stuff especially for the price this one's a little more expensive but this one packs a lot into one little product without really skimping on anything you're not sacrificing anything for this you're not the grip's still fine it feels good in the hand you don't have to worry about anything it's just great design simple idea with a really great execution and then these two little zippo items so your therm and your uh arc lighter insert i have a thunderbird in here so this one's butane uh all of these things i think are great honestly that the therm is a little tactical but i think it's also got a purpose this one is going to go in the truck bag that i keep in my truck replacing this little brass one because i think it just makes a little more sense and this one's actually been in my pocket for a few days i enjoy i think there's a lot of gimmick and novelty to the arc lighter but there's also some practicality to it in just how much you can use this thing without needing to charge it also i don't want to forget the belts the belt is one that i'm actually looking forward to keeping and using so these six products i think of all these 10 that i picked are actually good and probably worth the money the one that i wish were better is this stash bottle so if i can find a 32 ounce or 64 ounce version similar to this but with better build i'd buy it all day yeah i think that's that's a pretty good success rate out of the items that i picked up i thought that most of them were going to be junk and a lot of them turned out to be actually really good that is going to do it for this video if you found it helpful and you enjoyed it be sure to hit that thumbs up button down below and subscribe to see more stuff like this in the future and hit that notification bell so you're notified when i upload new videos if you want to support what i'm doing here hit the link down below anything you saw in this video as well as stuff i typically carry it's all going to be linked down below they are typically affiliate links so if you purchase anything using those links i will get a little bit of a kickback you can also support what i'm doing here by going to patreon.com forward slash best mvdc or carrycommission.com that's my store where you can buy merchant gear directly from me you can also go to carrie.best to get to the same place be sure to follow us around the web you can find us in most places at best mdc there's also a facebook group it's linked down below as well as a discord server but with that said and until next time carry on
Channel: Best Damn EDC [Taylor Martin]
Views: 375,003
Rating: 4.7526007 out of 5
Keywords: EDC, everyday carry, edc weekly, edc gear, edc knife, edc keys, pocket dump, HEROCLIP, Eagle Creek, Money Belt, Opinel No.9 DIY, Stash-It, Mechanical Pencil, Thyrm ProVault, Power Practical Sparkr, Zippo Insert, LighterBro, Imalent LD10, Keyport, EDC 2020, Das Offene Meer, Grimsmo Saga, Okluma DC0, Marathon TSAR, Nick Mankey Designs, Hook Strap, Pena X-Series Clip, Fix Blade, EDC TOOL KIT, Backpack, Tool Kits, Emergency Gear, Unusual EDC, weird edc, budget edc gear
Id: LS7BXPCy-0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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