Listening to Qur'an with My German Non-Muslim Mum for the First Time

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What does that mean? "As-salamu 'alaykum" means "Peace be unto you" Oh, that sounds nice! Everyone should say that... in every language! I know you googled a lot about it when I converted to Islam. Did you ever listen to Qur'an before? A had a look at a few things before, but not much. Only short videos. In those they were talking, but also sometimes you didn't see anyone... ... but they were showing nice pictures of nature and stuff. That was very nice, too. Okay, I would say let's just start listening! I am getting goosebumps somehow! *more goosebumps* Gosh what's this?! I am getting goosebumps over and over. I also get those with this recitation. This sentence I didn't catch. This sentence is saying God created everything with a specific balance and measurements (justice). And so humans should also always measure in a fair way (e.g. when trading). So it means to always be just and ... ... truthful especially. Exactly. *more goosebumps* Keeps repeating, right? Especially this part keeps repeating very often. Can we pause for a second? What does this word here ("Jinn") mean? Invisible beings, as it says here in the German translation. We believe that apart from humans there are invisible beings too. And these are called Jinn. Maybe you can compare it a bit to how people believe in ghosts. But they are a bit different. Which bodies of water are meant here? Should I rather say "stop" before asking? No no, it's okay. In Qur'an often things are explained metaphorical and they don't always literally mean what is written. However, there are interpretations. And for those bodies of water one interpretation is that it could mean freshwater and salt water. Even though they often mix, there's always freshwater to drink left and salt water in the oceans. Which could be why it says "they meet, but there's a barrier they do not cross". And it could also mean other opposing things and situations Yes, yes, that's true. Not only water types, but for example sweet and sour... or spicy and... Like contrasts or opposites in general. Yes that could be. It keeps saying "you both" here (in the German translation). What does it mean? This is also a matter of interpretation. In the English translation it is not written somehow. I got the German translation from multiple sources. There are different interpretations again what "you both" means here. One view is that it could be addressing humans and jinn like that. That these two are being addressed. But there is also the view that it is simply addressing both men and women this way. (This verse) keeps going on for quite some time? He sometimes repeats some parts. Oh this doesn't sound very nice. This one and the next verse talk about the last day. So basically the end of the world. End of the world?! I didn't know that muslims believe in the end of the world. Yes, yes. It is very similar to Christianity actually. The foundation of what we believe in. And part of that is that we believe the world will end someday, too. Everything has to have an end, obviously! It can't keep going and going and going. But many people in history claimed to know the world will end on a specific date Yes sure, but the Qur'an doesn't say now in 2020 the world will end. But one day when the time has come it will end. And others claimed to know exactly when it would happen, but actually nothing happened. Yeah right. Nobody in the world knows when it will happen. And it is also stressed in the Qur'an that nobody can know. Not even the prophets know it. Oh I see. I would have thought that your God also says... then on that date... No. There is no specific deadline saying "you have this much time left". It only says it will definitely happen one day. Just like everything vanishes, the world itself will vanish too one day. Could be as simple as an asteroid hitting earth. Yes I was just about to ask how could it happen. It is also not mentioned exactly how it will happen, only that it will be a very scary day. But that is obvious. I always find it not so nice, that it wants to try and scare people like this. But it is simply the truth, no? It is the same as telling people "You are going to die." You can say that. It's true. It is just an objective fact. Right... and... It's about what you make of it. Right, right, exactly. That's true. Continue? I think the next verse is also about this, and how the sky will look on the last day. So did I understand it correctly: It is said the world will end, but not how, right? Exactly. But how come it says the sky will look red (like a rose)? He can't know that either, no? God knows it! God knows it, obviously. God is the only one who knows it exactly. When the world will vanish? Exactly. A little while ago you said nobody knows! But God obviously knows everything. But God wouldn't say it. Yes right. That's the point. God doesn't tell, so for your whole life you have to... ... act in a good way. Why aren't they asked about their sins? Aren't sins the worst thing? ... on the day of judgement, which exists in Christianity too. ... on the day of judgement, which exists in Christianity too. The sins of the people will be evident. Which means they don't even have to confess to them. God knows it all. God knows it. And the people themselves will remember all sins they ever commited in their lives. Many people... shortly before they die, they suddenly want to... Yes yes that's true. But it is also legitimate in a way. If you repent from your heart for your sins, then the time doesn't matter. In the moment you die? Or it has to be a long time before that you have to think "Oh why did I do this sin"? It doesn't have to be that long before. It has to come from your heart. You have to actually mean it. That's the important thing. Then it also wouldn't matter if it is just two minutes before you die. Also very metaphorical. It probably is supposed to make you a bit scared. So that you think about it, definitely. Is this a name again like "Jinn"? "Jahannam" is the Arabic name for Hell basically. Oh I see! And I think in the next verse it will talk about what's going on there. And this probably means people who didn't believe in hell and commited many sins will be very desparate. If it will really be like that in hell. About the scalding water and so forth... That would kill you anyway. So you basically have to endure it? You would be resurrected again and then... You have to endure it. Exactly. This is talking about the dwellers, who... ? A little while ago it was about hell. And these two gardens which were mentioned are in paradise. And it's explained here what will happen there. There will be many nice fruits and people who live there will lie on couches. It will be very comfortable. So yes, that's what the current part is about. Oh, difficult sentence... *reading the German translation* "Partner creatures"? (German translation is a bit different here) But not the partner you had in this life? These also... It probably means you get what you desire. I think it doesn't mean exactly the things given as examples. Let's say you were lonely your whole life and wished for a partner. In paradise you will surely get a partner. You get whatever you wish for. Does Tamu understand everything he is reciting? No... What language is this? This is Arabic. Also the written text in the top is the original Arabic. She understands a few words, and I understand, too. But understanding the whole recitation just by listening - I don't and Tamu also doesn't. *pointing out a typo* It said there "If these things are promised to you" Is it definitely promised, or not always? All the things are promised to the people who believe and who do good deeds. So if you're a good person, you will also only get good things in the afterlife. I am just wondering, why would you need these things there? How do you mean? Why do I need pearls and nice things? Like I said, it probably isn't meant literally. Oh yes right, I know, it means... You get the things you desire. It doesn't mean pearls exactly, but... Things you would like to have and which are of value for you. And it just uses pearls as an example, because pearls are valuable. Exactly. *mum staring at tamu, because she looks emotional* Tamu doesn't look sad, or does she? Nah... Two more gardens... This might also be seen figuratively. I read that it means... Before it was talked about two gardens Now two more gardens. It maybe simply means there are infinitely many gardens in paradise. In some places he goes so deep with his voice, that I get goosebumps. Yeah that's true. Do you get goosebumps, too? This is referring to the dead people? I mean... The ones who are sheltered in pavilions? Yes I think those are the dwellers of paradise. And they will be sitting in beautiful pavilions with their partners. Again very metaphorical, like... That you have a nice place to live. Have a nice place to live and can be together. Keep living (in the afterlife) Oh I see. This sentence is supposed to be stressed again and again, no? It's being said the most. Yes yes, definitely. Right, that's it. How did it sound to you and what would you say about it? It definitely sounded alien to me a bit, but that's obvious... Arabic... Arabic... Arabic especially and... And I didn't know anything like it before. Well in churches and stuff they sing too, but... That's kind of different, right? Very different yes. And it would feel much different too, if it was in German, probably. Instead of listening and reading the translation. And um... These voices are very nice. And I guess they are selected for this, no? Is it a profession? Yes a profession, too. For example those who lead prayer in Makkah or Madinah. When they pray in a big mosque, it is mostly the same person leading prayer. And they recite very beautifully, too. And what I wanted to say before is, even though it is a very beautiful and a good thing... It sounds kind of sad somehow. Oh, you mean the way it is recited... Yes it sounds sad to me a bit. He is using a specific style of recitation. There are many different styles. Many different people who do it in different ways. Some of them even start to cry in specific places while reciting and even praying. Because of the meaning of what they are reciting. I see. For somebody who believes in it so strongly, it is surely a very beautiful thing, right? I looked and you and you had laugh already!
Channel: Tamu & Waju
Views: 625,118
Rating: 4.9551663 out of 5
Keywords: quran, koran
Id: enlaXURgbKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 32sec (2012 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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